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Scientometric Trends and Knowledge Maps of Global Health Systems Research

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Yao et al.

Health Research Policy and Systems 2014, 12:26

RESEARCH Open Access

Scientometric trends and knowledge maps of

global health systems research
Qiang Yao1†, Kai Chen1†, Lan Yao1, Peng-hui Lyu2†, Tian-an Yang3, Fei Luo1, Shan-quan Chen1, Lu-yang He1
and Zhi-yong Liu1*

Background: In the last few decades, health systems research (HSR) has garnered much attention with a rapid
increase in the related literature. This study aims to review and evaluate the global progress in HSR and assess the
current quantitative trends.
Methods: Based on data from the Web of Science database, scientometric methods and knowledge visualization
techniques were applied to evaluate global scientific production and develop trends of HSR from 1900 to 2012.
Results: HSR has increased rapidly over the past 20 years. Currently, there are 28,787 research articles published in
3,674 journals that are listed in 140 Web of Science subject categories. The research in this field has mainly focused
on public, environmental and occupational health (6,178, 21.46%), health care sciences and services (5,840, 20.29%),
and general and internal medicine (3,783, 13.14%). The top 10 journals had published 2,969 (10.31%) articles and
received 5,229 local citations and 40,271 global citations. The top 20 authors together contributed 628 papers, which
accounted for a 2.18% share in the cumulative worldwide publications. The most productive author was McKee, from
the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, with 48 articles. In addition, USA and American institutions ranked
the first in health system research productivity, with high citation times, followed by the UK and Canada.
Conclusions: HSR is an interdisciplinary area. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries
showed they are the leading nations in HSR. Meanwhile, American and Canadian institutions and the World Health
Organization play a dominant role in the production, collaboration, and citation of high quality articles. Moreover,
health policy and analysis research, health systems and sub-systems research, healthcare and services research, health,
epidemiology and economics of communicable and non-communicable diseases, primary care research, health
economics and health costs, and pharmacy of hospital have been identified as the mainstream topics in HSR fields.
These findings will provide evidence of the current status and trends in HSR all over the world, as well as clues to the
impact of this popular topic; thus, helping scientific researchers and policy makers understand the panorama of HSR
and predict the dynamic directions of research.
Keywords: Global trend, Health systems research, Knowledge mapping, Scientometric, Web of Science

Background the MDGs has moved the health systems topic to the
With the approach of 2015, many countries intend to center stage, especially in low- and middle-income coun-
hasten their efforts towards meeting the Millennium tries [1,2]. The poor state of health systems in most
Development Goals (MDGs), and meanwhile they have parts of the developing world is considered one of the
already began discussing the post-MDGs health roadmap greatest barriers for the MDGs to be met, even in some
[1]. In recent years, evidence about the progress towards high-income countries such as the US, which has a large
percentage of the population without any access to
* Correspondence: health care due to the inequitable arrangements of social

Equal contributors protection. The importance of health systems as part of
School of Medicine and Health Management, Tongji Medical College,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430030,
the global health agenda and in terms of the World Health
China Organization’s (WHO) response is being reflected in the
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2014 Yao et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain
Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article,
unless otherwise stated.
Yao et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2014, 12:26 Page 2 of 20

11th General Programme of Work (2006–2015) and the and elements – are also critical to the overall health sys-
Medium-term Strategic Plan (2008–2013). Good health tems performance [7,9]. As such, health systems may be
systems not only play a critical important role in improv- understood through the arrangement and interaction of
ing health, but are widely recognized as being vital their parts, and how they enable the system to achieve the
elements in the social fabric of every society. They are not purpose for which it was designed [5,8].
only critical for the treatment and prevention of ill-health, The current surge in activities and researches around
but are the central strategies in addressing health inequity health systems is encouraging. Funding has increased in
and wider social injustice [3]. Well-functioning health recent years [10,11] with organizations strengthening
systems facilitate the achievement of good health with the health systems such as the Global Alliance for Vaccines
efficient use of the available resources. This is achieved by and Immunizations and the Global Fund to fight AIDS,
critically increasing the effective responses to the develop- tuberculosis, malaria, and other such diseases. Meanwhile,
ing public health emergencies by addressing the burden of new initiatives have been launched to address some of the
diseases, ill health, and poverty as a result of communic- bottlenecks to scale up essential health interventions and
able and non-communicable diseases and cancers. Effective strengthen some components of health systems [11-13],
health systems enable the responsiveness towards legitim- such as the Implementation Research Platform, the Task-
izing the expectations of citizens and fairness of financing. force on Innovative International Financing for Health
By helping in producing effective good health, health sys- Systems, the Evidence-Informed Policy Network, the
tems can also contribute to economic growth [4]. Canadian-Funded Catalytic Initiative, the Norwegian
Health systems have existed in some form for over 100 Government Support to the Results-Based Financing
years, when individuals and eventually governments be- Initiative, the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS
came interested in organizing health systems to protect Relief, and Providing for Health, which is supported by
their population’s health and treat their diseases [5]. How- Germany and France. Furthermore, several health systems
ever, the concept of health systems is defined in various partnerships have recently emerged, including the Alliance
ways [4]. Generally, health systems can be defined by what for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR), the
they seek to do and achieve, or as the elements by which Global Health Workforce Alliance, the Health Metrics
they are comprised. On the one hand, the WHO defined Network, and the International Health Partnership, among
health systems as “all organizations, people and actions others. In particular, the establishment of the AHPSR in
whose primary intent is to promote, restore or maintain 1999, as a partnership hosted by the WHO, marked an im-
health” [6]. This definition includes the efforts to address portant milestone in the field of health systems [14]. It not
the determinants of health along the direct activities to only legitimized health systems research (HSR) by demon-
improve health. Health systems are therefore more than strating strong commitment and investment of human and
the pyramid of publicly owned facilities that deliver per- financial resources by the WHO and global funding
sonal health services. On the other hand, definitions of agencies, but it also provided a platform for international
health systems have been based mainly on the utility of partnership and collaboration and created an identity for
achieving health outcomes [7]. The WHO’s building this growing field.
blocks approach is the most popular classification and is Recent studies also have called for intensified invest-
widely accepted and used by researchers and decision ment, methods development, and capacity building in
makers. They conceptualize health systems in the func- the assessment and research that accompanies health
tional or instrumental terms of its constituent “hardware” – systems investment, ultimately strengthening the imple-
service delivery, health workforce, information, medical mentation processes. AHPSR have published the Role
products, vaccines and technologies, financing, leadership, and Promise of Policy and Systems Research [15], Sound
and governance [5,7]. Therefore, the WHO’s building Choices: Enhancing Capacity for Evidence Informed
blocks definition is used herein. Although these building Health Policy [16], Systems Thinking for Health Systems
blocks help to clarify the essential functions of health sys- Strengthening [17], and most recently HPSR: A Methodology
tems, the efforts to address health systems should recognize Reader [9] in order to strengthen health systems. PLoS
the interdependence of each part. The building blocks alone Medicine commissioned three articles on the state-of-
do not constitute a system any more than a pile of bricks the-art in HSR [7,18,19]. Three Policy Forum articles
constituting a functioning building [8]. It is the multiple re- that were authored by a diverse group of global health
lationships and interactions among the blocks – how one academics had critically examined the current chal-
affects and influences the others and in turn gets affected lenges of the field and set out what is needed to build
by them – that convert these blocks into a system [9]. The up the capacity in HSR to support the local policy develop-
“software” – by which we mean the ideas and interests, ment and health systems strengthening, especially in low-
values and norms, and affinities and power that guide ac- and middle-income countries. In addition, during the past
tions and underpin the relationships among system actors decade, a series of conferences and task forces on health
Yao et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2014, 12:26 Page 3 of 20

research, such as the International Conference on Health and iii) present the research foci about international HSR
Research for Development, Bangkok, 2000, and ministerial from multiple angles. Moreover, citation data were used as
meetings in Mexico City in 2004 and Bamako in 2008, a scientometric tool to indicate the intellectual impact of
had a strong focus on practical and operational questions, the research outputs.
which was frequently framed as HSR. The First Global
Symposium on HSR, held in Montreux, Switzerland, in Methods
November 2010 was the most recent of a succession of Data sources
conferences and task force deliberations that have spun As a strictly selected abstract database, Web of Science
off a series of debates about the nature of the field and the (WoS), including Science Citation Index Expanded, Social
future directions it should take [7]. The most prominent Sciences Citation Index, and Arts and Humanities
ones were the launch of the 2010 WHO’s Research for Citation Index, has long been recognized as the most
Health Strategy, the Organization of Global Symposia on authoritative scientific and technical literature indexing
Health Systems Research in Montreux, Switzerland, and tool providing data on the most important areas in science
in Beijing, China, and the establishment of a society of and technology research, especially about medicine. Fur-
health systems researchers known as Global Health thermore, the WoS database includes the world’s most im-
Systems. Now, with the launch of the Strategy on HSR on portant journals in relation to healthcare science, health
1 November 2012, the WHO is helping to institutionalize policy, and systems research. The majority of high quality
HSR and facilitate evidence-informed decision-making. articles on healthcare science research are indexed by WoS.
However, support currently focuses on disease-specific In addition, as a citation database, WoS provides enough
funding for the control of diseases such as HIV/AIDS, search fields, such as keywords, country, organization, au-
tuberculosis, and malaria. Yet, it is increasingly recognized thor, and references, which are all very important for litera-
that only limited and short-term gains can be made un- ture analysis, especially for scientometric analysis [24,25].
less the broader health systems infrastructure is Therefore, we conducted a systematic search through the
strengthened along large scale interventions that have WoS database. The search strategy has been built on previ-
been introduced [2,20]. ous literature reviews with similar objectives [10,13,26-28],
Overall, high level meetings and community level with further refinements and iterative testing of individual
advocacy groups have highlighted the challenges that lie search terms. The six building blocks of health systems, as
ahead: the post-MDGs global health agenda, burgeoning defined by the WHO, were used to define the scope of this
non-communicable diseases, achieving universal health search (details of search terms and the search strategy are
coverage, and strengthening fragile health systems in available in Additional file 1). Literatures were included if
low- and middle-income countries [21]. Therefore, the they met the following criteria: for the purpose of this
consensus on the importance of strong health systems is study, HSR included the system-level research directly tar-
welcomed. However, because of the importance and high geting one or more of the six health system building blocks
growth rate of HSR both in theory and practice, there and their sub-components as defined by the WHO. A total
have been few attempts or efforts to map global health of 35,819 publications were identified from 1900 to 2012.
systems research that is related in context. Without clar- The retrieved papers were downloaded from WoS as text
ity on future directions, focus, and energy this could all files and were converted to a database using the Thomson
dissipate and the global health decision makers could be Data Analyzer, which was also used to clean and analyze
at a crossroads. Meanwhile, the process of developing an data. Papers originating from England, Scotland, Northern
HSR study begins with identifying the topic of focus – Ireland, and Wales were grouped under the United
the issue or problem you want to investigate – and the Kingdom heading, while those from Hong Kong, Macao,
related questions. Thus, it is important to identify com- and Taiwan were categorized each independently and are
mon trends faced by all health systems, which ultimately not included under the China heading.
allow us to spell out suggestions for reform and change.
The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the global Methodologies
progress and quantitatively assess the current research Following the best international practices, ‘evaluative
trends on HSR. A comprehensive scientometric analysis scientometrics’ was selected for this study. Scientometrics
and substantial discussion of research progress in HSR is a method by which the state of science and technology
were provided so that specific attempts were employed in can be observed through the overall production of scien-
order to i) summarize significant publication patterns in tific literature at a given level of specialization. This tool
HSR with basic statistics as well as advanced analysis, ii) provides an approach for situating a country in relation to
evaluate research performance from multiple perspectives the world, an institution in relation to a country, and indi-
such as year of publication, subject category, journals, vidual scientists in relation to their peers. Scientometric
countries/regions, and institutes as well as authors [22,23], indicators are equally suitable for macro-analysis (e.g., a
Yao et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2014, 12:26 Page 4 of 20

given country’s share in global output of scientific litera- information retrieval, and bioinformatics [37,38]. Know-
ture over a given period) and micro-studies (e.g., a speci- ledge mapping technology was also referred to as
fied institute’s role in producing articles in a particular visualization technology, which includes data gathering,
field or specialty of science) [25]. In this paper, the distri- survey, exploring, discovery, conversation, disagreement,
bution of document types, language, year of publication, gap analysis, education, and synthesis. It aims to track the
subjects, journals, countries, institutions, authors, highly loss and acquisition of information and knowledge, per-
multiple cited papers, high frequency keywords, and clus- sonal and group competencies and proficiencies, show
ter analysis, as well as collaboration of the subjects, coun- knowledge flows, appreciate the influence of intellectual
tries, institutions, and authors were thoroughly examined. capital due to staff loss, and assist with team selection and
The total local citation score (TLCS) and the total global technology matching. Knowledge mapping can not only
citation score (TGCS) were also calculated in this paper. externalize networks of cognitive relationships and renders
TLCS is the number of times a set of papers included in a them in graphic form, but could also describe a newly
collection that has been cited by other papers within the evolving interdisciplinary area of science [39]. In this study,
collection. TGCS is the number of times a set of papers co-author, co-word, and cluster analysis methods were used
included in a collection has been cited in the WoS. The to analyze the collaboration among several research organi-
average global citation score (AGCS) is the mean value of zations through visualization or knowledge mapping tech-
TGCS, which also indicates the average citation times of nology [40,41].
articles in HSR areas. TLCS and TGCS have been the key
indicators capable of evaluating the relevance of each Results and discussion
research paper in our sample. Meanwhile, an approach Document types
considering the average citation per year was also used There were 35,819 total HSR-related papers in the Science
(TLCS/t and TGCS/t). TLCS/t is the total local citation Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index,
score per year from the time the research papers’ publica- and Arts and Humanities Citation Index databases used
tion to the end of the sample period, and TGCS/t is the for this study, distributed over 17 different document
total global citation score per year from the research types [42]. There were 28,787 research articles comprising
papers’ publication to the end of the sample period [29]. 80.37% of the total productions, followed by reviews
In addition, the impact factor and H-index are also used (2,555; 7.13%), proceedings papers (2,121; 5.92%), editorial
to assess the quality of journals. Finally, Thomson Data material (2,031; 5.67%), meeting abstracts (1,054; 2.94%),
Analyzer [30], HistCite [31], and VOSviewer [32] software letters (531; 1.48%), book reviews (454; 1.27%), and news
were employed to analyze the publications for knowledge items (224; 0.63%). Other document types with fewer
mapping. papers were omitted. Following the conventions used in
The term ‘co-author’ is used to denote the appearance of other scientometric studies, further analysis of articles was
multiple writers simultaneously in one paper, and also restricted, which were peer-reviewed and represent
reflects the collaboration of different institutes, regions, or original scientific development. Publications of all other
countries [33,34]. The higher the strength of these co- types were thus removed from the analysis of this article.
authorships, the closer the relationship among them. Col-
laboration between countries was determined by the author Global publication trends
description, where the term ‘independent’ was assigned if The publication trends in annual papers in HSR from
no collaboration was present. ‘Co-words’ refers to the 1981 to 2012 are shown in Figure 1, indicating that the
phenomenon that two or more keywords occur simultan- developing process of HSR could be divided into three
eously in one article or one field, where the number of stages in accordance with the growth pattern of literature.
times being cited is called the frequency or strength of co- The first stage is the infancy period from 1900 to 1990,
words [35]. ‘Cluster analysis’ is a collective term covering a the second stage is the slow development period from
wide variety of techniques for delineating natural groups or 1991 to 2000, and the third stage is the rapid growth
clusters in data sets [36]. It aims to group a set of objects in period from 2001 to 2012. During the past decades, WoS
such a way that objects in the same group (called a cluster) papers on HSR that were produced in the 1980s were far
are more similar (in some sense or another) to each other less than 100 and mounted up to more than 4,000 in
than to those in other groups (other clusters). During the 2012. Meanwhile, WoS articles on HSR exceeded 3,000
process, many algorithms and software were used. This papers in 2012. It can be seen from Figure 1 that not many
study is based on the relationship between countries, insti- researchers paid attention to the few HSR papers published
tutions, authors, and keywords through a certain algorithm before 1990, and few proceedings reported the progress of
to find the core groups among them by VOSviewer the related work. After 2001, the WoS annual number of
software. It has recently been used in many fields, including publications has grown exponentially, indicating that
machine learning, pattern recognition, image analysis, research has recently garnered more attention (Figure 1).
Yao et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2014, 12:26 Page 5 of 20

Figure 1 Health systems research-related publications in WoS (1981 to 2012).

Subject categories of publication on nursing, pharmacology and pharmacy, and surgery.

Based on the classification of subject categories in the Moreover, psychology, biomedical social sciences, and
Journal Citation Report of WoS, the publication output business and economics also played important roles,
data of HSR during the last century was distributed in where investigators have studied factors and interventions
140 subject categories. The top 10 productive subject that influence the health of populations. In addition,
categories are shown in Table 1. Table 1 also indicates that research in the above men-
HSR was mainly located in the fields of public, environ- tioned fields began relatively early. HSR in the subjects of
mental and occupational health, health care sciences and environmental and occupational health and general in-
services, and general internal medicine as shown in ternal medicine had occupied a dominant position in the
Table 1. Meanwhile, more and more studies have focused earlier stages, while in the past two decades the study of

Table 1 Top 10 productive subject categories on health systems research

No. SCI Subject category 1900–1990 % 1991–2000 % 2001–2012 % 1900–2012 %
1 Public, Environmental & Occupational Health 157 24.34 1,139 20.24 4,882 21.68 6,178 21.46
2 Health Care Sciences & Services 90 13.95 1,267 22.51 4,483 19.91 5,840 20.29
3 General & Internal Medicine 153 23.72 882 15.67 2,748 12.21 3,783 13.14
4 Psychiatry 54 8.37 420 7.46 1,193 5.30 1,667 5.79
5 Nursing 9 1.40 261 4.64 1,275 5.66 1,545 5.37
6 Pharmacology & Pharmacy 22 3.41 284 5.05 957 4.25 1,263 4.39
7 Psychology 36 5.58 294 5.22 687 3.05 1,017 3.53
8 Biomedical Social Sciences 55 8.53 295 5.24 656 2.91 1,006 3.49
9 Surgery 2 0.31 147 2.61 783 3.48 932 3.24
10 Business & Economics 45 6.98 163 2.90 644 2.86 852 2.96
Total 623 96.59 5,152 91.54 18,308 81.32 24,083 83.66
Yao et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2014, 12:26 Page 6 of 20

health care sciences and services has gradually exceeded There was a high concentration on HSR publications in
that of general internal medicine. Finally, the number of these top journals, where approximately one third of the
scientific articles per category has exhibited a trend of articles are found in the top 60 most productive journals,
rapid growth during the last decade, which indicates that a phenomenon that follows Bradford’s law [43] and is con-
HSR is in a rapid development stage and subsequently sistent with observations in other fields.
needs more efforts (Table 1). Major publication outlets of HSR include Social Science
To represent the relationship more synthetically be- & Medicine, Health Policy, and Health Affairs. Health
tween categories, the subjects’ categories co-occurrence Affairs ranked first both in quantity and quality with the
network was drawn and visualized in Figure 2. Figure 2 highest TLCS, TLCS/t, TGCS, TGCS/t, AGCS, impact
shows that, in the scientific network map of HSR, these factor, and H-index, followed by Social Science &
subjects are clustered into five subject category groups Medicine. Moreover, Health Policy ranked third both in
and shown with different colors. It suggests that HSR is TLCS and TGCS, while Health Policy and Planning had a
an interdisciplinary area and includes medicine (such as relative high TLCS/t and TGCS/t. In addition, Medical
general and internal medicine, surgery, nursing, cardiovas- Care has a high AGCS and impact factor, which reflects
cular system and cardiology, infectious diseases, oncology, the high quality of articles published in it. Since Social Sci-
and other diseases), public-environmental and occupa- ence & Medicine, Health Policy, Health Affairs, and Med-
tional health, health care sciences and services, pharma- ical Care published health systems-related papers in the
cology and pharmacy, economics, sociology (biomedical early stages, they constitute the most important journals
social sciences, social issues, social work, medical ethics, during the development process of HSR (Table 2).
government and law, public administration), information
science and technology (medical informatics, computer
science, engineering, information science and library Countries of publication and collaboration
science), and psychology (psychiatry, neurosciences, and The publication indicators for the 20 most productive
neurology). Since health economics is a central discipline countries/territories in HSR are presented in Table 3. Of
of HSR, the analyses most centrally falling within HSR these 20 productive countries/territories, 11 were from
include works that focus on financing (Figure 2). Europe, 3 from North America, 3 from Asia, 1 from South
America, 1 from Oceania, and 1 from Africa. Meanwhile,
Core journals of publication 16 of these countries are members of the Organization for
Thomson Reuters’ WoS covers research published in Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), while
more than 12,000 scientific journals and conference pro- the others are ‘emerging economies’ (such as Brazil, China,
ceedings, and is presently one of the most extensive and India). Thus, we hypothesize that the economic devel-
sources of research and development outputs. HSR output opment and scientific investment has contributed much to
was published in 3,674 journals, where the top 10 journals the distribution, where all the entire major industrialized
with more than 200 articles are displayed in Table 2. countries (G7 countries: USA, UK, Germany, Canada,
These top 10, or 0.27% out of the 3,674 journals, had pub- Italy, France, and Japan) are among the countries within
lished 2,969 or 10.31% of the total 28,787 articles and the OECD list. The pattern of publication domination by
received 5,229 local citations and 40,271 global citations. OECD countries, especially the G7 countries, took place in

Figure 2 Subjects categories co-occurrence map on health systems research.
Yao et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2014, 12:26
Table 2 Top 10 most productive journals on health systems research
No. Journal 1900–1990 % 1991–2000 % 2001–2012 % 1900–2012 % TLCS TLCS/t TGCS TGCS/t AGCS IF h-index
1 Social Science & Medicine 32 4.96 169 3.00 293 1.30 494 1.72 1196 125.40 8498 891.24 17.20 2.733 41
2 Health Policy 11 1.71 110 1.95 304 1.35 425 1.48 930 98.63 4169 498.33 9.81 1.550 26
3 Health Affairs 4 0.62 111 1.97 290 1.29 405 1.41 1302 157.44 9034 1163.22 22.31 4.641 45
4 BMC Health Services Research — — — — 331 1.47 332 1.15 0 0.00 1796 398.64 5.41 1.773 18
5 American Journal of Health- — — 87 1.55 181 0.80 268 0.93 226 31.02 1551 219.67 5.79 1.984 18
System Pharmacy
6 Medical Care 6 0.93 56 1.00 158 0.70 220 0.76 456 51.17 4744 513.83 21.56 3.227 34
7 Academic Medicine — — 80 1.42 131 0.58 211 0.73 219 23.48 2952 330.01 13.99 3.292 29
8 Psychiatric Services — — 59 1.05 148 0.66 207 0.72 385 44.77 4012 443.42 19.38 2.013 33
9 BMC Public Health — — — — 204 0.91 204 0.71 0 0.00 1124 257.93 5.51 2.076 18
10 Health Policy and — — 52 0.92 151 0.67 203 0.71 515 103.10 2391 352.32 11.78 3.056 25
11 Total 53 8.22 724 12.86 2191 9.73 2969 10.31 5229 635.01 40271 5068.61 13.56 — —
TLCS, Total local citation score, which is the number of times cited by other papers in the local collection; TLCS/t, average value of TLCS in a year; TGCS, Total global citation score, which is the citation frequency based
on the full WoS count at the time the data was downloaded; TGCS/t, average value of TGCS in a year; AGCS, average citation frequency of an article; IF, impact factor of journals (2012); h-index, h value of journals
on HSR.

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Table 3 Top 20 most productive countries/territories during 1900-2012

No. Country 1900–1990 % 1991–2000 % 2001–2012 % 1990–2012 % TLCS TGCS AGCS
1 USA 274 42.48 2,536 45.06 8,996 39.96 11,806 41.01 13,047 188,365 15.96
2 UK 22 3.41 368 6.54 2,048 9.10 2,438 8.47 3,046 37,543 15.40
3 Canada 34 5.27 447 7.94 1,946 8.64 2,427 8.43 1,979 29,031 11.96
4 Germany 3 0.47 226 4.02 1,412 6.27 1,641 5.70 624 11,891 7.25
5 Australia 11 1.71 166 2.95 1,244 5.53 1,421 4.94 923 15,040 10.58
6 Brazil 2 0.31 50 0.89 1,266 5.62 1,318 4.58 680 4,833 3.67
7 Spain 3 0.47 104 1.85 805 3.58 912 3.17 349 6,544 7.18
8 Switzerland 16 2.48 62 1.10 629 2.79 707 2.46 1,020 10,904 15.42
9 France 2 0.31 118 2.10 563 2.50 683 2.37 345 6,031 8.83
10 Netherlands 11 1.71 111 1.97 556 2.47 678 2.36 491 8,066 11.90
11 Italy 1 0.16 80 1.42 557 2.47 638 2.22 287 6,842 10.72
12 Sweden 5 0.78 110 1.95 519 2.31 634 2.20 467 8,967 14.14
13 South Africa 11 1.71 51 0.91 416 1.85 468 1.63 707 5,616 12.00
14 China 0 0.00 24 0.43 381 1.69 405 1.41 304 3,339 8.24
15 Denmark 4 0.62 60 1.07 296 1.31 360 1.25 312 5,354 14.87
16 India 3 0.47 21 0.37 315 1.40 339 1.18 295 3,187 9.40
17 Belgium 1 0.16 55 0.98 286 1.27 335 1.16 273 3,764 11.24
18 Mexico 0 0.00 51 0.91 225 1.00 280 0.97 376 2,722 9.72
19 Israel 4 0.62 48 0.85 221 0.98 276 0.96 212 2,255 8.17
20 Norway 1 0.16 39 0.69 235 1.04 275 0.96 216 2,936 10.68
21 Total 408 63.26 4,727 83.99 22,916 101.79 28,041 97.41 25,953 363,230 13.95
TLCS, Total local citation score, which is the number of times cited by other papers in the local collection; TGCS, Total global citation score, which is the citation
frequency based on the full WoS count at the time the data was downloaded; AGCS, Average citation frequency of an article.

most scientific fields [44], which reflects the high economic with similar properties tend to cooperate in the form of
activity and academic level of these countries [45]. small groups of collaborators, which were clustered
USA ranked the first in HSR productivity among all into four major of countries/territories: the African and
countries, with the highest number of articles. The UK the Americas group (red), European group (green),
published the second highest ratio of articles, followed Asian and Pacific group (purple), and Canada (yellow),
by Canada, Germany, Australia, and Brazil, while the each of which usually has several core countries/terri-
number of publications for other countries was all tories. For example, Australia, China, and Japan are in
below 1,000. Table 3 shows information about the the core position of the Asian and Pacific group, and
TLCS, TGCS, and AGCS of research articles from the Germany and Netherlands are in the core position of
top 20 countries in the global field of HSR. We can ob- the European group. Moreover, apart from the African
serve that USA had the highest TLCS and TGCS, and the Americas group, the US and UK positions are
followed by the UK and Canada in turn. The US, globally centralized in HSR and can also be observed by
Switzerland, and the UK were the front ranking coun- their pivotal role in the national collaboration networks
tries in AGCS, showing their superiority in HSR. as seen in Figure 3. USA and the UK cooperate fre-
Denmark and Sweden ranked 15th and 12th in issuing quently with other countries/regions and stand in the
number of articles, respectively, and were the top five core position of the entire network, receiving in return
in AVGS, which indicates the high average quality of mutual benefits from their knowledge transfer among
these articles. Brazil ranked 6th in issued volumes with health systems researchers. Other nations, such as
the lowest AGCS, which might indicate considerable Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Portugal, and South Korea, are in
problems with the quality of Brazilian issued articles, the peripheral layer. These countries/territories have
and the same was the case with Germany and Spain less cooperation with other countries/regions, and they
(Table 3). are in the outermost layer of the entire cooperation
When analyzing the collaboration patterns of the 50 network. As a result, the top two productive countries
most productive countries/territories with VOSviewer have carried out most of the international collabora-
in Figure 3, it was found that some countries/territories tions with other countries in the HSR field (Figure 3).
Yao et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2014, 12:26 Page 9 of 20

Figure 3 National/territorial collaboration network of the 50 most productive countries.

Institutes of publication and collaboration economies’ (such as University of São Paulo) also ap-
The contributions of different institutes are assessed pear in the productive groups, which reflects that HSR
herein by the institutes’ affiliations and with at least has attracted global attention (Table 4).
one author in the published papers. The top 25 insti- As in the case with countries/territories, institutions are
tutes with over 200 papers are ranked by their pub- considered as central participators in institutional collabo-
lished articles. From Table 4, we find that Harvard rations’ networks. When analyzing the collaboration pat-
University performed well, and was the most powerful terns of the 50 most productive institutions with VOS
institution in HSR. Harvard University has published viewer (Figure 4), we found that three major clusters of in-
768 articles, i.e., ranking first, followed by University stitutions were generated. The largest cluster was made up
of Toronto, University of Washington, University of of two American institutes’ groups: Harvard University,
Michigan, UCSF, and UCLA. Harvard University was UCSF, UCLA, University of Michigan, and University of
the highest ranking in TLCS and TGCS with more Washington were at the core position of the sub-clusters,
than one thousand citations, followed by WHO, UCSF, respectively. Canadian institutions constituted a similar
and UCLA. Moreover, the WHO has the highest cluster, and University of Toronto was the core institution
AVGS, followed by UCLA, Center for Disease Control, of this group. In contrast, the third cluster was made up of
and UCSF. Harvard University is considered the lead- institutions form different countries (such as the UK,
ing institute in paper quantity, while WHO is the lead- Australia, Sweden, Brazil) and organizations (such as the
ing institution in article quality. In addition, according WHO). The WHO plays the bridge in increasing the col-
to Table 4, 16 institutions are from USA and 3 were laboration among these countries and institutions. Thus,
Canadian, 1 from the UK, 1 Australian, 1 Brazilian, the American and Canadian institutions and the WHO are
and 1 Swedish. WHO ranked seventh in the world and in the core status of the correspondent clusters (Figure 4).
also played an important role in HSR reflecting the
overall strength of North American and European in- Authors of publications and collaborations
stitutions in this field. International organizations Consistently with observations in other fields, a small
such as the WHO and institutions in the ‘emerging group of productive authors contributed to a significant
Yao et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2014, 12:26 Page 10 of 20

Table 4 Top 25 most productive institutions during 1900–2012

No. Institution 1900–1990 % 1991–2000 % 2001–2012 % 1900–2012 % TLCS TGCS AGCS
1 Harvard Univ 17 2.64 120 2.13 631 2.80 768 2.67 1,735 18,732 24.39
2 Univ Toronto 2 0.31 89 1.58 464 2.06 555 1.93 503 7,362 13.26
3 Univ Washington 8 1.24 72 1.28 398 1.77 478 1.66 602 9,677 20.24
4 Univ Michigan 7 1.09 65 1.15 396 1.76 468 1.63 684 9,781 20.90
5 Univ Calif San Francisco 7 1.09 82 1.46 349 1.55 438 1.52 770 11,175 25.51
6 Univ Calif Los Angeles 8 1.24 95 1.69 313 1.39 416 1.45 718 11,168 26.85
7 WHO 3 0.47 43 0.76 285 1.27 331 1.15 1,121 9,141 27.62
8 Univ N Carolina 8 1.24 68 1.21 248 1.10 320 1.11 259 4,303 13.45
9 Johns Hopkins Univ 8 1.24 64 1.14 247 1.10 319 1.11 689 8,105 25.41
10 Columbia Univ 8 1.24 28 0.50 257 1.14 289 1.00 425 5,884 20.36
11 Univ Penn 2 0.31 54 0.96 232 1.03 288 1.00 392 5,069 17.60
12 Ctr Dis Control & Prevent 0 0.00 46 0.82 235 1.04 281 0.98 465 7,431 26.44
13 Stanford Univ 5 0.78 55 0.98 218 0.97 278 0.97 408 6,584 23.68
14 Yale Univ 6 0.93 38 0.68 221 0.98 265 0.92 306 5,009 18.90
15 Boston Univ 6 0.93 30 0.53 222 0.99 258 0.90 375 6,230 24.15
16 Duke Univ 0 0.00 35 0.62 222 0.99 258 0.90 274 4,858 18.83
17 McMaster Univ 3 0.47 53 0.94 205 0.91 255 0.89 260 3,351 13.14
18 Univ Sao Paulo 0 0.00 47 0.84 237 1.05 253 0.88 101 975 3.85
19 Univ British Columbia 4 0.62 47 0.84 216 0.96 248 0.86 181 3,325 13.41
20 Sch Hyg & Trop Med 1 0.16 25 0.44 236 1.05 244 0.85 637 4,571 18.73
21 Minist Hlth 1 0.16 43 0.76 194 0.86 237 0.82 400 2,977 12.56
22 Univ Pittsburgh 1 0.16 35 0.62 197 0.88 233 0.81 242 5,263 22.59
23 Univ Sydney 1 0.16 25 0.44 198 0.88 223 0.77 153 2,633 11.81
24 McGill Univ 2 0.31 28 0.50 178 0.79 208 0.72 127 2,897 13.93
25 Karolinska Inst 1 0.16 25 0.44 179 0.80 204 0.71 165 2,345 11.50
26 Total 116 17.98 1,370 24.34 7,114 31.60 8,516 29.58 12,453 164,858 19.36
TLCS, Total local citation score, which is the number of times cited by other papers in the local collection; TGCS, Total global citation score, which is the citation
frequency based on the full WoS count at the time the data was downloaded; AGCS, Average citation frequency of an article.

share of publications in HSR. For example, the top 200 by Frenk J, McKee M, and Piette JD. Moreover, in the
or 0.25% of authors had produced 3,195 or 11.10% of AGCS, which is sorted in descending order, Murray CJL
the total health systems articles. The 20 most productive ranked first, followed by Piette JD, Miller DR, Starfield B,
authors identified in the area of HSR and the over 20 Davis K, and Chopra M. Considering the fact that older
published papers are listed in Table 5. These 20 authors articles are likely to have more citations, we also calcu-
together contributed to the publication of 628 papers, i.e., lated the TLCS/t and TGCS/t of every author (Table 5).
an average of 31.40 papers per author, which accounted There was a high proportion of American researchers (17
for a 2.18% share in the cumulative worldwide publication out of 23) in the top 20 list, which suggests that there are
output during the period 1900–2012. The most product- many active researchers conducting health systems studies
ive authors in HSR were McKee M with 48 articles, in the USA, a country with high health expenditures
followed by Valenstein M, McCarthy JF, Christensen RD, (Table 5).
Henry E, and Tanner M. Considering the quality/impact We also analyzed the collaboration patterns of the 50
of papers, these 20 most productive authors have received most productive authors with VOSviewer, and the collab-
a total of 13,918 citations for the 628 papers they have oration map is presented in Figure 5. We noticed that sev-
published with an average of 22.16 citations per article. eral authors tended to cooperate with a small group of
Murray CJL’s 26 works had 1,407 global citations score, collaborators, generating five major clusters of authors,
followed by Piette JD, Miller DR, Davis K, Starfield B, and each usually had one or two core authors. Others were
Frenk J. With regards to the local citations score, Murray singles in the productive authorship collaboration net-
CJL had the highest local citations score of 248, followed work. According to the social network analysis, it proved
Yao et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2014, 12:26 Page 11 of 20

that the research collaboration in HSR is not tight. The which also exhibited its predominance. In addition, among
component analysis found that five research groups can the top 11 cited papers, USA contributed to 7 and
be regarded as the backbone in this field. Therefore, Switzerland 3 articles, respectively, and Brazil, a developing
researchers in HSR should strengthen their collaboration country and an ‘emerging economy’, held 1. The WHO
to improve the development and academic level of this published 3 articles and ranked first among all institutions,
field (Figure 5). which reflects its dominant position in the HSR (Table 6).

Citation of research papers Keywords and co-words analysis

The total citation count obtained from the WoS database To locate the most popular research topics and their
shows that the total time that a particular article was cited trends, the distribution of authors’ keywords and keywords-
by other research work is listed in this database. The num- plus was investigated. As for author keywords analysis, they
ber of citations does not necessarily indicate the quality of offer information about research trends from the view of
a paper, but it is a measure of its impact and/or visibility researchers, and they have proved to be important in moni-
in this field. The top 11 most frequent cited articles that toring the development of science [46]. Keywords-plus sup-
were selected (LCS ≥48 times) from 1900 to 2012 are plies additional search terms extracted from articles’ titles
listed in Table 6. The most frequent cited article was ‘The cited by authors in their bibliographies and footnotes [47].
De Facto US Mental and Addictive Disorders Service Therefore, the topic of papers can be obtained from the au-
System’. ‘Epidemiologic Catchment Area Prospective 1- thors’ keywords and keywords-plus by cluster analysis.
Year Prevalence Rates of Disorders and Services’ written in Hence, we performed keyword analysis to gain insights
1993 by Regier DA from the National Institutes of Health about HSR trends and frontiers.
of USA, has been cited 1,183 times since being published
in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry, which vastly Distribution of author keywords
exceeds the citation of other articles. Meanwhile, Evans T Examination of author keywords in this study period revealed
from the WHO had the highest contribution (No. 10 and that, altogether, 29,480 author keywords were used, among
11) of articles among the 11 most frequently cited articles, which 21,658 (73.47%) keywords appeared only once, and

Figure 4 Institutional collaboration network of the 50 most central institutions in health systems research.
Yao et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2014, 12:26 Page 12 of 20

Figure 5 Author collaboration network of the 50 most central institutions in health systems research.

3,188 (10.81%) keywords appeared twice. The high percent- Group 1 (red) includes health policy and analysis re-
age of only once author’s keywords probably indicated to the search such as policy design and implementation [48-50],
lack of continuity in research and a wide disparity in research challenges of health policy and health technology [51,52],
focus. Another reason was that these keywords might not be health care system reforms and performance monitoring
standard or widely accepted by researchers. Author keywords [53-56] (i.e., China), metropolitan and regional health
appearing in articles that refer to HSR were calculated, and planning [57], priority setting and agendas [58,59], policy
the top 60 author keywords were used and clustered with of financial access and equity [48]. New health policies
VOSviewer from 1900 to 2012 (Figure 6). The top three most represent the efforts in introducing deliberate and pur-
frequently used keywords were ‘health policy’, ‘epidemiology’, poseful changes within health systems. Ideas and concepts’
and ‘health care’, which was highly accorded with the research analysis are related to such policy and are important parts
trend as we know. The 60 author keywords were divided into of HSR. When seeking support for better policy imple-
four groups, and represent the hot research areas of HSR. mentation, it is critical that we understand the factors that
Yao et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2014, 12:26 Page 13 of 20

Table 5 Top 20 most productive authors during 1900–2012

No. Author Institute Recs % TLCS TLCS/t TGCS TGCS/t AGCS
1 McKee M Univ London London Sch Hyg & Trop Med 48 0.17 162 23.40 690 116.13 14.38
2 Valenstein M Univ Michigan; SMITREC, Ann Arbor Ctr Clin Management Res, 38 0.13 94 20.11 554 111.20 14.58
Dept Vet Affairs
3 McCarthy JF Univ Michigan; SMITREC, Ann Arbor Ctr Clin Management Res, 36 0.13 97 20.76 619 118.99 17.19
Dept Vet Affairs
4 Christensen RD Department of Women and Newborns, Intermountain Healthcare; 33 0.11 79 19.94 429 98.46 13.00
Ogden McKay-Dee Hospital Center
5 Henry E Institute for Health Care Delivery Research, Intermountain 31 0.11 78 19.19 431 100.71 13.90
6 Tanner M Univ BaselSwiss, Tropical and Public Health Institute 31 0.11 32 4.12 564 99.33 18.19
7 Piette JD Univ Michigan; Vet Affairs Ann Arbor Ctr Clin Management 29 0.10 158 18.23 1,353 157.71 46.66
Res & D, Ctr Excellence
8 Rosenheck RA Yale Univ; VA New England Mental Illness Res Educ & Clin Ctr 29 0.10 81 8.52 615 66.21 21.21
9 Blow FC Univ Michigan; SMITREC, Ann Arbor Ctr Clin Management Res, 28 0.10 76 16.91 557 99.20 19.89
Dept Vet Affairs
10 Frenk J Harvard Univ, Sch Publ Hlth 27 0.09 245 25.97 710 92.37 26.30
11 Braithwaite J Univ New S Wales, Fac Med, Australian Inst Hlth Innovat, Ctr Clin 26 0.09 23 5.62 174 45.03 6.69
Governance Res
12 Davis K Commonwealth Fund, Res & Evaluat 26 0.09 135 16.72 833 95.37 32.04
13 Murray CJL Univ Washington, Inst Hlth Metr & Evaluat, Dept Global Hlth 26 0.09 248 39.51 1,407 306.76 54.12
14 Miller DR Boston Univ, Sch Publ Hlth; Edith Nourse Rogers Mem Vet Adm 24 0.08 129 12.58 1,058 120.73 44.08
Hosp, Ctr Hlth Qual Outcomes & Econ Res
15 Alexander JA Univ Michigan, Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Hlth Management & Policy 23 0.08 34 3.48 191 25.61 8.30
16 Shortell SM Univ Calif Berkeley, Sch Publ Hlth 23 0.08 104 7.65 596 51.72 25.91
17 Klazinga NS Univ Amsterdam, Acad Med Ctr, Dept Publ Hlth; Org Econ Co 22 0.08 29 3.67 237 32.63 10.77
operat & Dev
18 McIntyre D Univ Cape Town, Fac Hlth Sci, Dept Publ Hlth & Family Med, Hlth 22 0.08 78 21.08 263 62.61 11.95
Econ Unit
19 Starfield B Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Hlth Policy & 22 0.08 147 15.10 720 75.52 32.73
20 Armstrong K Univ Penn, Abramson Canc Ctr 21 0.07 76 10.84 448 59.01 21.33
20 Chopra M Univ Western Cape; MRC, Hlth Syst Res Unit 21 0.07 134 26.40 656 124.79 31.24
20 Lee A Chinese Univ Hong Kong, Sch Publ Hlth & Primary Care, Sch Publ 21 0.07 81 6.42 602 51.14 28.67
Hlth, Prince Wales Hosp
20 Zivin K SMITREC, Ann Arbor Ctr Clin Management Res, Dept Vet Affairs 21 0.07 53 12.45 211 52.32 10.05
21 Total 628 2.18 2,373 358.67 13,918 2,163.55 22.16
Recs, Number of articles; %, Percentage of articles; TLCS, Total local citation score, which is the number of times cited by other papers in the local collection; TLCS/
t, Average value of TLCS in a year; TGCS, Total global citation score, which is the citation frequency based on the full WoS count at the time the data was
downloaded; TGCS/t, Average value of TGCS in a year.

influence the policy outcomes. Through understanding and mental health systems [72-74]. Healthcare and ser-
the nature of the policy and the processes of policy vices research (i.e., Brazil) include accessibility, equality
changes we could gain new insights that help to explain and efficiency of healthcare [75,76], primary healthcare
how health systems actors and the relationships of and mental healthcare [49,73,74,77-79], managed care
power and trust among them influence health systems and integrated care [80-82], healthcare innovation
performance. Health systems and sub-systems research [83,84], health care delivery models [85,86], responsive-
includes health systems frameworks [60,61], health sys- ness to health services [53,87], influencing demand for
tems management [62,63], health systems strengthening care [88,89], financial question of healthcare [48,90].
[13,17,21], health systems evaluation [48,64], accessibil- Health includes health measurement and evaluation
ity, equality and efficiency of health systems [65-67], [91,92], health promotion [93], health accessibility and
primary care system [68], public health systems [69-71], equality [94-96].
Yao et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2014, 12:26 Page 14 of 20

Table 6 Top 11 most cited health systems research papers

No. Title Authors Journal Year Times cited (LCS/ Institute Country
GCS/GCS/t) (first)
1 Satisfaction with health systems in Blendon RJ, Leitman R, Morrison I, Health 1990 48/132/5.74 Harvard USA
ten nations Donelan K Affairs University
2 The de facto US mental and Regier DA, Narrow WE, Rae DS, Archives of 1993 57/1183/59.15 National USA
addictive disorders service system. Manderscheid RW, Locke BZ, general Institutes of
Epidemiologic catchment area Goodwin FK psychiatry Health
prospective 1-year prevalence
rates of disorders and services
3 Correction: The deteriorating Woolhandler S, Himmelstein DU The New 1994 50/242/11.00 National USA
administrative efficiency of the England Library of
United States health care system journal of Medicine
4 A framework for assessing the Murray CJ, Frenk J Bulletin of 2000 59/129/9.92 World Health Switzerland
performance of health systems the World Organization
5 Race and trust in the health care Boulware LE, Cooper LA, Ratner LE, Public 2003 51/225/22.50 Johns Hopkins USA
system LaVeist TA, Powe NR Health University
6 Effect of the transformation of the Jha AK, Perlin JB, Kizer KW, Dudley The New 2003 84/332/33.20 Veterans USA
Veterans Affairs Health Care RA England Health
System on the quality of care journal of Administration
7 The contribution of primary care Macinko J, Starfield B, Shi L Health 2003 49/168/16.80 National Brazil
systems to health outcomes services School of
within Organization for Economic research Public Health
Cooperation and Development
(OECD) countries, 1970–1998
8 Household catastrophic health Xu K, Evans DB, Kawabata K, Lancet 2003 51/281/28.10 World Health Switzerland
expenditure: a multi-country Zeramdini R, Klavus J, Murray CJ Organization
9 Comparison of quality of care for Asch SM, McGlynn EA, Hogan MM, Annals of 2004 48/247/27.44 University of USA
patients in the Veterans Health Hayward RA, Shekelle P, internal California, Los
Administration and patients in a Rubenstein L, Keesey J, Adams J, medicine Angeles
national sample Kerr EA
10 Human resources for health: Chen L, Evans T, Anand S, Boufford Lancet 2004 66/289/32.11 Harvard USA
overcoming the crisis JI, Brown H, Chowdhury M, Cueto University
M, Dare L, Dussault G, Elzinga G,
Fee E, Habte D, Hanvoravongchai
P, Jacobs M, Kurowski C, Michael S,
Pablos-Mendez A, Sewankambo N,
Solimano G, Stilwell B, de Waal A,
Wibulpolprasert S
11 Overcoming health-systems con- Travis P, Bennett S, Haines A, Pang Lancet 2004 72/221/24.56 World Health Switzerland
straints to achieve the Millennium T, Bhutta Z, Hyder AA, Pielemeier Organization
Development Goals NR, Mills A, Evans T

Group 2 (green) includes epidemiology and economics to health systems and health [68], primary care reform
of communicable diseases, such as HIV, tuberculosis, and evaluation, family medicine [107,108], health literacy
and malaria, and non-communicable diseases, such as [67,109,110], chronic disease management [111], and in-
hypertension, diabetes, cancer, obesity, global diseases tegrated care.
[4,21,97], especially in elderly and children, and develop- Group 4 (blue) includes health economics and health
ing countries. costs, health expenditure control [112,113], health eco-
Group 3 (yellow) includes primary care research, train- nomic evaluation [114,115], costs of disease and care, eco-
ing and education [98-100], quality of care [101,102], nomic burden of disease [4,58]. Pharmacy of hospital
quality improvement [103], patient safety improvement includes pharmacy practice in hospital [116,117], pharmacy
and management [104], primary care expenditure [105], residency in hospital [118,119], pharmacy practice model
general practitioner [106], contribution of primary care [120,121], monitor of health-system pharmacy [122,123],
Yao et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2014, 12:26 Page 15 of 20

Figure 6 Co-words cluster map of author keywords.

and access, quality, and safety of medicines [124]. These higher ranking of these keywords. They represented the re-
four groups contain eight topics, which are the major hot- search emphasis of HSR (Figure 7).
spots in all HSR topics and are thus considered to be the
basic academic trends as shown in Figure 6. Conclusions
In this study, we have provided a supplemental evalu-
ation of the status of HSR. Our analysis confirms that
Distribution of keywords-plus papers in HSR have increased rapidly during the last 20
As supplies of author keywords, we also examined the co- years, and most notably in the last 8 years. In total, there
occurrence relationships among the top 60 high frequency were 28,787 research articles published in 3,674 journals
keywords-plus and the co-word networks were visualized listed in 140 SCI subject categories. Research in the
using VOSviewer (Figure 7). With the analysis of keywords- fields of HSR have mainly focused on public, environ-
plus, again, the top three most frequently used keywords- mental and occupational health, health care sciences and
plus were ‘care’, ‘United States’, and ‘mortality’. The similar- services, and general and internal medicine. All output
ities between author keywords and keywords-plus could be has been concentrated in several journals such as Social
listed. Similarly to the map of author keywords, ‘policy’, Science and Medicine, Health Policy, Health Affairs, and
‘system’, ‘health’, ‘care’, ‘health care’, ‘services’, ‘epidemiology’, BMC Health Services Research. Hence, these journals
‘prevention’, ‘risk factors’, ‘mortality’, ‘children’, ‘adults’, ‘insur- are the core journals and play important roles during
ance’, ‘primary care’, ‘education’, ‘quality of life’, ‘access’, ‘cost- the knowledge dissemination and exchange in HSR.
effectiveness’, ‘costs’, ‘developing-countries’, and ‘medicine’ The HSR output is distributed unevenly by countries,
also appeared in the top 60 most frequently used keywords institutes, and authors. OECD countries, especially the G7
(Figure 6). ‘Meta-analysis’ and ‘randomized controlled trial’ countries, have published the majority of articles. In
were not in the map of top author keywords, but also had addition, USA, UK, and Canada stand in the core of inter-
significant roles in the map. That means these analytical national collaborative networks. Thus, they promote the
methods were frequently used in HSR. Moreover, ‘disorders’ creation, transmission, and sharing of knowledge in HSR
and ‘schizophrenia’ show that mental health research was fields. China, a developing country, also plays an import-
also a hot topic in recent years. In addition, research inter- ant role in the country’s collaborative network category.
ests that are related to the USA received relatively more at- Furthermore, American and Canadian institutions, and
tention. Finally, there were clearly increasing research the WHO have made great advances in paper research
interests in ‘efficacy’ as well as in topics related to ‘commu- production, citation, and cooperation, along with the over-
nity’, ‘physicians’, and ‘women’ judging by the relatively all great strengths and good development prospects.
Yao et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2014, 12:26 Page 16 of 20

Meanwhile, the most frequently cited articles come from within HSR, including work that focuses on financing.
the USA and Switzerland, during which American-au Its current hotspots center on health policy and analysis
thored papers had contributed the most to this field. Brazil, research, health systems and sub-systems research,
a developing country and as an emerging economy, also healthcare and services research, epidemiology/econom-
held one. The WHO published three articles and ranked ics of communicable and non-communicable global
first among all institutions, reflecting its dominant position diseases, primary care research, health economics and
in the HSR. McKee M, from the London School of Hygiene health costs, pharmacy of hospital, and health (such as
& Tropical Medicine published the most articles. However, health measurement and evaluation, health promotion,
most of the productive authors are from American insti- health accessibility and equality). Meanwhile, the main
tutes, such as University of Michigan. Finally, it could be topics found from the analysis of keywords-plus are in
concluded that the USA and its universities and academic accordance with authors’ keywords analysis results. Fur-
institutions play a dominant role in the production, collab- ther, ‘meta-analysis’, ‘randomized controlled-trial’, ‘disor-
oration, citation, and high quality of articles. ders’, ‘schizophrenia’, ‘United States’ ‘physicians’, and
HSR is an interdisciplinary area and includes medicine, ‘women’, which were not in the top author keywords
public-environmental and occupational health, health map, but also had significant roles in the keywords-plus
care sciences and services, pharmacology and pharmacy, map. Hence, these topics are also hot topics in HSR.
economics, sociology, information science and technol- Furthermore, from the perspective of citation, most re-
ogy, and psychology. Whilst health economics is a cen- searchers that have studied health systems have concen-
tral discipline of HSR, the analyses most centrally fell trated on the topics of health outcomes (i.e., health

Figure 7 Co-words cluster map of keywords plus.

Yao et al. Health Research Policy and Systems 2014, 12:26 Page 17 of 20

outcomes measurement), responsiveness to health systems Abbreviations

(i.e., trust and satisfaction), leadership and governance AGCS: average global citation score; AHPSR: Alliance for Health Policy and
Systems Research; HSR: Health Systems Research; MDGs: Millennium
(i.e., priority setting, performance monitoring and ac- Development Goals; OECD: Organization for Economic Co-operation and
countability arrangements), health financing and health Development; TGCS: total global citation score; TLCS: total local citation
expenditure (i.e., catastrophic health expenditure, and pro- score; WHO: World Health Organization’s; WoS: Web of Science.

tected from financial catastrophe), health services and

Competing interests
quality of care (i.e., access, quality, safety, and continuity), The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
health performance assessment (i.e., framework), health
information systems (i.e., electronic medical record), and Authors’ contributions
health workforce. In addition, more and more attention LY initiated and designed the study, she also obtained the funding. QY, PHL
has been paid to the developing countries, especially the and ZYL were involved in the data collection and analysis. QY participated in
the study design, collected the data, and conducted the data analysis and
‘emerging economies’ (such as Brazil and China). the writing of the manuscript. PHL contributed to the design and analysis of
These findings will provide evidence of the current sta- the data and prepared the manuscript. ZYL contributed to the data analysis
tus and trends in HSR all over the world, as well as clues and revision of the manuscript. KC, FL, SQC, LYH and TAY edited the paper.
All authors were involved in the interpretation of data and have read and
to the impact of this popular topic, thus helping scientific given final approval of this paper.
researchers understand the panorama of HSR, and predict
the dynamic directions of research. Therefore, based on Acknowledgements
these findings, policy makers could understand the status Sincere thanks go to the assistance of the Centre for Health Statistics
and positions of their countries or institutions, and the di- Information, Ministry of Health, People’s Republic of China. The authors are
also grateful to Chris Scarf, Bobai Nathan D, Li-xiang Li, Gang Yao, and Gerard
rections of HSR all over the world. Thus, they could spell Joseph White for their helpful discussions and suggestions. The authors
out suggestions for HSR or reform directions. For ex- would also like to thank anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments.
ample, they could develop post-MDG global health
agendas, set health systems priorities areas, strengthen fra- Funding
This work was supported by the Centre for Health Statistics Information,
gile blocks of health systems, and learn successful lessons Ministry of Health, People’s Republic of China.
from abroad to achieve universal health coverage. Mean-
while, the process of developing an HSR study begins with Author details
School of Medicine and Health Management, Tongji Medical College,
identifying the topic of focus – the issue or problem you Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430030,
want to investigate – and the related questions. Hence, China. 2Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University,
with the help of these findings, researchers could select Wuhan, Hubei 430072, China. 3Department of Medical Informatics, Biometry
and Epidemiology, University of Munich, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
their research directions or topics, cooperative institutions München, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz München 180539, Germany.
and partners, and even choose academic achievements’
platform exchange. In addition, because HSR is defined by Received: 5 January 2014 Accepted: 7 May 2014
Published: 5 June 2014
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