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Detailed Daily Lesson Log in English: Objectives

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Detailed Daily Lesson Log in English


Pre-Service teacher: CRYSTAL FRIDAY A. LUDO Learning Area: English
Date: MARCH 14, 2018 Quarter: Fourth
Section: KIND

OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the day and connected to the
curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary
procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons,
exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing
content knowledge and competencies. These are using Formative
Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of
content and competencies and enable children to find significance
and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be
derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of; pre-colonial
Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various
reading styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of
English and the features of speech; and correct subject-verb

B. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by showing appreciation for the
literature of the past; comprehending text using appropriate
reading styles; participating in conversations using context-
dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly and
using the prosodic features of speech effectively in various
situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives EN7V-IVg-3.11

Identify words or expressions used in a selection that show
varying shades of meaning.
Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture,
history, environment, or other factors.

At the end of one hour session, at least 80% proficiency

level of the students are expected to:

 identify figures of speech that show

 perform differentiated tasks related to the topic;
 share the value of accepting the contradictory
things in life.

I. CONTENT: Springboard/Topic: The Bread of Salt by NVM Gonzales

Vocabulary Focus Oxymoron
Values Integration Developing the sense of appreciation of one’s differences in
life to obtain happiness and understanding.
Detailed Daily Lesson Log in English

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Page 25 (Grade 7 English)
2. Learners material Pages 49-56
Pages (K12 Learner’s Package-Grade 7 English)

3. Textbook pages
Additional materials for learning
resource (LR) portal 02/summary-of-bread-of-salt-by-nvm.html

Other learning resources and Visual aids, Felt-tip-pen, strips of paper,

materials pictures, laptop, projector
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Best morning everyone! Best morning Ma’am
III. PROCEDURE May I request the assigned group to lead the Crystal!
preliminaries. Yes, Ma’am!
Preliminaries  The assigned
group will lead the
preliminaries. This
includes the following:
 Prayer (the
initiator leads the
In the name of the
Father… Amen.
 Checking of
 Energizer
 Recapitulation
 Setting of norms

…and now that we

Thank you, everyone! You have finally have set our
mastered the setting of preliminaries. preliminaries. Let us
give the floor to
Now, let us check your assignments class. Ma’am Crystal.)
Exchange your papers to your seatmate.

For our AWAD, everybody please read…

(Students will follow
as instructed)

(The students read the

word as well as its
meaning and the
Detailed Daily Lesson Log in English

- to compare (two
people or things) to
show how they are
Thank you students! Let’s give everyone an Her black dress and
OPPA clap. the white background
contrast sharply.

(The students clap

their hands)
Thank you class! Now, the assigned group
A. Reviewing previous lesson have already made a recap regarding the
or presenting the new discussion we made last meeting. So far, do None so far, Ma’am.
lesson you have any more questions?
Okay, today we will have a new lesson. To
start with, let us first have an activity. Do you Yes, Ma’am.
want an activity?
As you can see, your nametags have different
colors and that would be your group color. I
want Group Green to stay at the right side, (The students listen to
Group Pink at the center and Group Orange at the instruction)
the left side. The first group who can form a Yes, Ma’am.
circle will be given automatically five points.
Are my instructions clear? (The students follow as
Okay you may now proceed silently to your instructed)
Okay Group A got it first and will be given a
heart-shape which is equivalent for 5 points.
Our game is called “Eat and pair it” I will ask
one representative for each group. Every (The students listen to
representative will be given a cookie to eat, the the instruction)
first one to finish eating the cookie will have a
chance to answer. The representative will Yes, ma’am.
choose the best word that is opposite to the Answers:
word presented. And he/she will place the word FUNNY
beside its opposite. Every group will have a CROWD
chance to steal if the answer is wrong. UGLY
Are you all ready? NEWS
Okay, let’s start. BABY
SERIOUSLY ____________ (Students will clap
SMALL ____________ their hands)
PRETTY ____________
OLD ____________
BIG ____________
Okay, Group B got the highest score in this
activity. Let us give them 5 claps.
Detailed Daily Lesson Log in English

Now, Do you want more activities? With the

B. Establishing a purpose for same group, I will be giving you a pair of
the lesson scissors and a paper. All you have to do is to
cut a shape that I will mention. The first group
who can cut a shape will be given a chance to
answer. I will be posting sentences on the (Students listen to the
board and all you have to do is to fill in a pair instruction)
of opposite words that we have encountered Yes, Ma’am!
earlier to the blank space in the sentences.
Choose the best pair of words that will be Answers:
suited to the sentences. 1. seriously funny
2. pretty ugly
Are my instructions clear? 3. old news
4. big baby
Okay, let’s start. Cut me a shape of circle… 5. run slowly
heart… (the students clap their
1. The comedian was ______________. hands)
2. His new girlfriend really is ___________.
3. The gossip is _____________.
4. Stop being a ____________.
5. Be careful in the playground, ___________.

This time, the leading group is the Group C.

Let’s give them 5 claps.
C. Presenting Okay, thank you class. Now, you may take (The students follow as
examples/instances of the your seat. instructed)
new lesson (Students raising their
What can you say about our activities? The activities are fun.
(Students raising their
Okay, Student 1, please stand. The words are opposite
to each other.

Yes! The activities are fun. How about the

words we encountered in our activities?

Exactly! The pair of words are opposite to each


Anyway, we will know more about that later.

D. Discussing new concepts Before we move on, I want you to read first our At the end of one hour
and practising new skills objectives for today. session, at least 80%
*1 proficiency level of the
Okay, please everybody read. students are expected
Detailed Daily Lesson Log in English

 identify figures
of speech that
show contrast

 perform
tasks related to
the topic;

 share the value

Thank you class! Can you promise me that we of contrasting
will be able to meet these objectives at the end things in life.
of the session?

Based on our objectives class, what do you Yes, Ma’am.

think is our topic for today?

Yes, we are going to discuss on oxymoron, as Oxymoron, Ma’am!

one of the figures of speech. But before that, let
us first read the story, titled “The Bread of
Salt” by NVM Gonzales. Are you familiar with

Well, since the story is new to you. We are No, Ma’am. We are
going to read the summary of the story for you not familiar with it yet.
to know it. I will give you a copy of the
summary and you will read it for only 3
minutes and after that we will discuss the story.
(Students listen to the
Am I clear? teacher)

Now you may start.

Yes, Ma’am.
(After 3 minutes)
(Students start
Time is up. Now, I will be throwing questions reading)
to each group. Okay, let’s start.

Are you ready?

So class, have you experience having a crush to

Yes, Ma’am.
Yes, Ma’am.
Who can share their experience about their
(Students raising their
Detailed Daily Lesson Log in English

Very good! Group Green.

From the story, what is the name of the girl?

Group Pink, I want you to answer.
Aida Ma’am.
Can you describe her?
Yes, Ma’am. Aida is
the niece of an old
Very good!

Now for Group Orange, can you describe the

young boy in the story? Yes, Ma’am. The
young boy in the story
is determined to get
what he wants. He did
Yes, you’re right! everything to please
Don’t you know class that the young boy in the
story really admired Aida. Because that girl is
beautiful and decent. That is why the young
boy did everything for Aida to notice him. He
joined a private band and one of his reasons for
joining is to save money and buy a brooch for
Aida. But also it is his dream to be a violinist
even if his aunt disagrees with it. See? he is
really trying hard to do everything for Aida.

Until one night, when the band was performing

the boy did something embarrassing that Aida (The students listen to
saw. the teacher)

Do you know what is it, class?

(The students listen to
Okay, who can guess what the boy did that the teacher)
make him embarrassed in front of Aida?
No, Ma’am.

The thing that made

the boy embarrassed
was that he ate a lot of
food thinking that he
Yes, very good! Do you know what Aida told was with his co-
him? Do you have any idea? Yes Student 4? musicians but
eventually, Aida saw
Aida told him that if he
Detailed Daily Lesson Log in English

could wait for the

visitors to leave she
would pack a food for
Yes, that’s right! him. And the young
boy walked in shame.
How would you feel if your crush will say
something like that to you?
We feel ashamed too,
E. Discussing new concepts Okay, Thank you class! This time, let us go
and practising new skills back to our first activity. What is the term used It’s oxymoron ma’am.
*2 to call figures of speech that uses two
contradictory terms?

Okay, it’s oxymoron. So let’s find out the (Students will read the
definition of oxymoron. Let us all read its definition and the
meaning. examples)

Oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines

two contradictory terms.

Oxymoronic expression appears to be

idiomatic or at times to bring you more or to
disparage it use and make an idea nonsensical.

Examples: (Students listen to the

Student teacher
Beautiful disaster
Small crowd
Awfully good, Ma’am.
Heavy diet
Open secret
Honest thief
No choice
(Students raising their
Least favourite
Let’s underline the oxymoronic expression
Terribly pleased,
present in every statement that I will post.
Okay, Let’s start

Yes, Ma’am. Act

1. Would there anything be more awfully good naturally.
than given chance of conversation with Aida.

In this example, what do you think is the

oxymoronic expression present in this Alone together Ma’am.
Detailed Daily Lesson Log in English

Yes, very good! So, awfully good is an

oxymoronic expression.
(Students follow as
How about in this statement… instructed)

2. He was terribly pleased upon knowing that

he was invited to the party.

Yes Student 5.

Yes, you’re right. Now, take a look at this


3. It was difficult for him to act naturally

before the girl he admires; he was not confident
if he would say the right things. Can you give
the oxymoronic expression used in this

4. The character-narrator cannot avoid thinking

of a moment with Aida to be alone together
would be a dream come true.

What is the oxymoronic expression used in this


Very good! Now class, I want each group to

ask question about our topic for today. Group
Green will ask question to the Group Pink and
they will answer it. Group Pink will ask
question to the Group Orange and they will
answer it. And Group Orangee will ask a
question for Group Green and they will answer

Thank you class, this time let us have another

F. Developing mastery (leads Each group will be given different tasks to
to Formative Assessment accomplish. I will only give 4 minutes for the (Students listen to the
3) preparation of your presentation and after that instruction)
we will have the presentation. Yes, Ma’am.

Are my instructions clear?

Your presentation will be rated with the

following criteria
Detailed Daily Lesson Log in English

(The teacher show the criteria in the

PowerPoint presentation)

For the Unspoken Words (Poem) (Hugot Line)

Content 15
Relevance 10
Teamwork 10 (The students begin to
Grammar 15 plan their
Total: 50 presentation)

For the RAP (song)

Creativity/Feelings 15
Teamwork 10
Content 10
Artistry/Enactment 15
Total: 50

Okay, your 4 minutes starts now… (Students follow as

Tasks: instructed)
Group 1: Present a RAP song using
oxymoronic expressions. (The students begin
Group 2: Make a hugot line using the words their presentation)
Group 3: Compose a short poem with rhyming (The students clap
words using oxymoronic expressions. their hands)
(After 4 minutes)
Time is up, arrange your chairs, go back to
your proper seats and let’s start the
presentation. The first group to present will be
the Group Green followed by the Group Pink
and last will be the Group Blue.

Thank you everyone for the wonderful

presentation! Let’s give ourselves a WOW
MAGIC clap.
G. Finding practical Class, do you believe that there are also (The students listen to
application concepts and contradictory terms in life like the oxymoron? the teacher)
skills in daily living What do you think is the importance of those The contradictory
contradictory terms in life? terms in life plays a
very important role in
our lives because they
Very good! Another idea class? serve as our direction
for living Ma’am.
Contradictory things in
life are important
Okay class, thank you. So, just like oxymoron, Ma’am for it gives as a
there are also contradictory things that happen lesson in life and it is
Detailed Daily Lesson Log in English

in our lives. These two contradictory things an instrument used by

represent the good and the evil. We, as human God.
being should accept the reality that God allows
evil to tempt man, to test, direct and make
realizations that no matter how the evil works
still the good always prevail. It also pictures
reality in life that we cannot please everybody
that no matter how good we are to them but
still there are those who are always opposing
our stand and opinions. Therefore, we should
accept everything in life the contradictions, the
trials, the problems we have to fight for it, to Yes, Ma’am.
achieve happiness. For acceptance is the key
for happiness.
Do you understand?
H. Making generalizations Now class, what is an oxymoron again? Oxymoron shows
and abstractions about the contrast Ma’am. It is a
lesson figures of speech that
combines two opposite
None so far, Ma’am.
Very good! Now any more questions about our

Thank you! This time, let us have a quiz.

I. Evaluating learning Directions: Read the questions carefully and

encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a type of figures of speech that uses two Answers key:

contradictory words.
a. Hyperbole 1. C
b. Litotes 2. B
c. Oxymoron 3. D
d. Personification 4. C
2. The character was at even odds on how he 5. B
would handle the secret that was shared to him;
so, he cautioned himself when Aida talked to
him. Among the underlined words, which is an
oxymoronic expression?
a. aida talked
b. even odds
c. he cautioned
d. the secret
3. It is an expression appears to be idiomatic
or at times to bring you more or to disparage.
a. Hyperbolic
b. Ironic
c. Litotes
Detailed Daily Lesson Log in English

d. Oxymoronic
4. The character-narrator cannot decide what
to pick from the buffet table –with all the
miserable abundance of all the dishes he never
imagined before. Which is an oxymoronic
a. buffet table
b. character-narrator
c. miserable abundance
d. to pick
5. After the humiliating experience that the
character-narrator experienced, it is most
certain that a loving hate atmosphere with Aida
would happen unless they will move on to
maturity. Which is an oxymoronic expression?
a. humiliating experience
b. loving hate
c. to maturity
d. with aida
J. Additional activities for For students who got 4 above, write a
application or remediation paragraph using at least 5 oxymoronic
expressions. Use ½ crosswise.
For students who got 3 below, copy and
underline the oxymoronic expressions used in
the sentences. Use ¼ sheet of paper. Pass it
next meeting.

1. They couldn’t wait to get out alone

2. I’m on a heavy diet until my wedding
3. Parting is such sweet sorrow.
4. Her singing was enough to raise
the living dead.
5. There is a real love hate relationship
developing between the two of them.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
additional activities for
Detailed Daily Lesson Log in English

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Checked or observed:


Cooperating Teacher IS-English

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