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Cambridge International Examinations: 0610/42 Biology

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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

BIOLOGY 0610/42

Paper 4 Theory (Extended) May/June 2016

1 hour 15 minutes

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

No Additional Materials are required.


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The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

The syllabus is approved for use in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as a Cambridge International Level 1/Level 2 Certificate.

This document consists of 18 printed pages and 2 blank pages.

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1 All mammals have a double circulatory system. Fig. 1.1 shows part of the human double circulatory

right lung left lung


N muscular wall
of heart

right kidney left kidney


Fig. 1.1

(a) Name the muscular wall that separates the left and right sides of the human heart.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) (i) Describe what is meant by the term double circulation.

This means that the blood passes through the heart two times for a
complete circuit. First to the lungs then to the whole body.

................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) State one advantage of a double circulation.

It prevents the mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.



................................................................................................................................ [1]

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(c) Table 1.1 describes some of the structures of the human circulatory system shown in Fig.1.1.

Complete the table.

One row has been done for you.

Table 1.1
description name of structure letter on Fig. 1.1

heart chamber with the Left ventricle

thickest muscular wall C

blood vessel that carries

oxygenated blood to the heart Pulmonary Vein K

blood vessel that carries

oxygenated blood away from the heart
Aorta P

blood vessel that carries blood away

from the kidneys Renal Vein M

blood vessel with the largest vena cava N



(d) Describe how blood is transported from the vena cava to the lungs. You may use the letters
on Fig. 1.1 in your description.

Deoxygenated blood coming from the body flows into the right atrium from

the vena cava. The blood is then pushed through the tricuspid valve into the
right ventricle. Then the walls of the ventricle contract and the blood is pushed into the
pulmonary artery through the semi-lunar valve which prevents backflow
of the blood. Then the pulmonary artery takes it to the lungs.




........................................................................................................................................... [4]

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(e) (i) Doctors recommend that a healthy diet can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Give one other lifestyle improvement patients can make that can reduce the risk of
coronary heart disease.

By doing more exercise.


................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) Sometimes surgery is required to treat coronary heart disease.

Describe one named example of surgery that can treat coronary heart disease.

By placing a mesh tube in the artery so it widens the artery and

makes blood flow easier.



................................................................................................................................ [2]

[Total: 14]

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2 Fig. 2.1 is an electron micrograph showing the bacteria, Vibrio cholerae.

Fig. 2.1

(a) (i) Bacteria are prokaryotes.

State two distinguishing features of all prokaryotes.

1 .............................................................................................................................
Loop of DNA
2 .............................................................................................................................


(ii) The bacteria shown in Fig. 2.1 each have a flagellum.

Suggest the function of the flagellum in bacteria.

Flagellum is used for movement.



................................................................................................................................ [1]

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(b) V. cholerae is the pathogen that causes cholera. Vaccination is used to control the spread of
cholera during an outbreak.

Explain how vaccination can control the spread of diseases.

Vaccinations inject a dead or harmless pathogen. The pathogens have antigens
that trigger an immune response by lymphocytes which produce antibodies.
Memory cells are produced and those give long-term immunity.






........................................................................................................................................... [4]

(c) Many years ago scientists discovered that V. cholerae secretes a toxin. Fig. 2.2 shows the
results of an experiment to measure the flow of chloride ions out of human cells with and
without the toxin.




8 with toxin
flow of chloride
ions / arbitrary without toxin
units 6

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
time / s
Fig. 2.2

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(i) Calculate the difference in flow of chloride ions between the cells with the toxin and the
cells without the toxin at 50 seconds.

Show your working and state the units in your answer.

12 au - 0.4au = 11.6 au

11.6 au
................................................. [2]

(ii) Use the data in Fig. 2.2 to describe the effect of the toxin on the flow of chloride ions
out of the cells.

It shows a rapid increase and hits the peak at 50 seconds. Then

it gradually decreases in the next 100 seconds. From 150 to 250, the
flow of chloride ions fluctuate.




................................................................................................................................ [3]

(iii) Chloride ions cannot move out of cells by simple diffusion.

Suggest and describe how chloride ions could move out of cells.

Chloride ions move out of the cell by the process of active transport
with proteins gates. They use energy from respiration to move against
the concentration gradient.




................................................................................................................................ [3]

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(d) The loss of chloride ions from cells causes diarrhoea and dehydration in patients with cholera.

(i) State which organ in the alimentary canal is affected by the cholera toxin.

Small Intestine
................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) Describe the treatment for cholera.

Oral rehydration treatment. It is made up of sugar and salt ions and

it is drank to replace the lost water.



................................................................................................................................ [2]

[Total: 18]

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3 Anthocyanin is a red pigment found in carnation flowers. Some carnation plants have a gene for
making anthocyanin.

(a) (i) A flower grower bred red carnations.

Describe how growers selectively breed plants.







................................................................................................................................ [3]

(ii) Explain the disadvantages of using sexual reproduction to breed red carnations.

Two parents are required and variation will occur





................................................................................................................................ [2]

(b) Meiosis is necessary for sexual reproduction of carnation plants.

Define the term meiosis.

Meiosis is division of cells in which chromosome number is halved thus

turning it into a haploid.



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(c) Carnation plants show co-dominance for the anthocyanin gene. There are two alleles:
• F – allele for anthocyanin pigment (red flowers)
• F – allele for no anthocyanin pigment (white flowers)

(i) State the genotype of a carnation plant that is heterozygous for this gene.

................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) Describe the phenotype of a heterozygous carnation plant for this gene.
Heterozygous carnation plant have pink flowers.

................................................................................................................................ [1]

(iii) The breeder crossed a F F carnation plant with a F F carnation plant. Predict, using
a genetic diagram, the proportion of pure breeding carnation plants in the offspring.

parental genotypes FAFN × FAFA

gametes FA
........... FN
+ FA
........... FA

Punnett square FA FN



offspring genotypes .............................................................................................
red , pink
offspring phenotypes ...........................................................................................
proportion of pure breeding carnation plants .......................................................


[Total: 13]

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4 Some students investigated osmosis in raw potato sticks.

(a) Define the term osmosis.

Osmosis is the movement of water down the water potential gradient from high
to low water potential through a partially permeable membrane.





........................................................................................................................................... [3]

(b) The students measured the mass of four of the potato sticks using an electronic balance.

Fig. 4.1 shows an electronic balance.

Fig. 4.1

The students left each potato stick in one of four different liquids for 5 hours:

• distilled water
• 0.1 mol per dm sodium chloride solution
• 0.5 mol per dm sodium chloride solution
• 1.0 mol per dm sodium chloride solution.

After 5 hours they measured the mass again and calculated the change in mass.

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(i) Predict which of the liquids would cause the largest decrease in mass of a potato stick.
1.0 mol per dm3 sodium chloride solution
................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) The students dried the potato sticks with paper towels before putting them on the
electronic balance.

Suggest why.
To remove excess water so readings can be accurate and reading can
be only of the potato sticks.

................................................................................................................................ [1]

(c) After the experiment the students noticed that the potato stick with the lowest mass was soft
and floppy.

Explain why the potato stick had become soft and floppy.
It was soft and floppy because it lost all its water by osmosis down the
water potential gradient. That caused the cells to become plasmolysed and losing
turgor pressure.




........................................................................................................................................... [3]

(d) The students followed the same experimental procedure with boiled potato sticks and found
no overall change in mass in any of the solutions.

Suggest why the mass of the boiled potato sticks remained the same.
As proteins were denatures and the cell membrane was damaged so
no osmosis could occur.



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 10]

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5 Hormones are secreted by glands or made artificially by drug companies.

(a) (i) Name the gland that secretes testosterone.

................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) State why testosterone can improve sporting performance.



................................................................................................................................ [1]

(iii) Describe the role of progesterone in the menstrual cycle.

it maintains the uterus lining and inhibits other harmones like FSH


................................................................................................................................ [1]

(iv) Synthetic progesterone is found in oral contraceptives.

Name one other hormone often found in oral contraceptives.

................................................................................................................................ [1]

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Water entering two sewage works, A and B, was tested for the presence of four hormones.

The testing was repeated on water that left the sewage works to flow into lake A and lake B.

The results of the tests on the water samples are shown in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1
hormone concentration of hormones at sewage works / ng per dm


before sewage after sewage before sewage after sewage

treatment treatment treatment treatment
including ozone including chlorine
and chlorine alone

oestrogen not measurable not measurable 0.1 not measurable

synthetic 8.5 8.0 4.5 4.6


natural 2.5 2.8 2.4 2.7


testosterone 15.6 3.7 2.7 3.1

(b) Explain which water sample was most polluted with hormones before sewage treatment. Use
data from Table 5.1 to support your answer.
Water sample A was most polluted as it had the most concentration of
harmones. All harmones have high concentration except oestrogen.
In Water sample A , testosterone is 15.6 ng per dm3 while water sample B
testosterone is at 2.7 ng per dm3.



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(c) One reason for treating sewage is to reduce the concentration of hormones in the environment.

(i) Chlorine was used in the sewage treatment of both lakes.

Describe the effect that chlorine had on the hormone concentrations in the water. Use
data from Table 5.1 to support your answer.

Lake A: It decreased the concentration of testosterone and synthetic

progesterone while increasing the concentration of natural

Lake B: It decreased the concentration of oestrogen only and all
................................................................................................................................ [2]
other harmone concentration increased.

(ii) State the main purpose of chlorine in sewage treatment.

To kill pathogens and make it clean for human use.



................................................................................................................................ [1]

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(d) Describe the negative consequences of letting untreated sewage flow into lake ecosystems.
Eutrophication takes place. This causes algae to grow and block sunlight
for aquatic plants thus killing them. This causes decomposers to start working
and they use aerobic respiration for energy. This causes an oxygen debt
thus killing aquatic animals. This further causes distruption in food chains.

Untreated sewage can also cause bioaccumulation.







........................................................................................................................................... [6]

[Total: 16]

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6 Fig. 6.1 shows the changes in glucose concentration of the blood.

high blood B
concentration A

set level

low blood

Fig. 6.1

(a) Name the process that maintains blood glucose concentration within set limits.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) (i) Name the hormone that would be secreted in response to the increasing blood glucose
concentration at A in Fig. 6.1.

................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) Name an organ that is responsible for the decrease in blood glucose concentration
after B in Fig. 6.1.

................................................................................................................................ [1]

(iii) Name the compound that is converted to glucose at C in Fig. 6.1.

................................................................................................................................ [1]

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(c) Describe the symptoms and treatment of Type 1 diabetes.

- Fatigue
- Weight Loss
- Thirst


Intake of insulin by injection and taking regular blood glucose tests.



........................................................................................................................................... [5]

[Total: 9]

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