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Chemistry Paper 2 TZ2 HL Markscheme

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May 2016


Higher level

Paper 2

17 pages
–2– M16/4/CHEMI/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

This markscheme is confidential and for the exclusive use

of examiners in this examination session.

It is the property of the International Baccalaureate and

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without the authorization of the IB Assessment Centre.
–3– M16/4/CHEMI/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Subject Details: Chemistry HL Paper 2 Markscheme

Mark Allocation

Candidates are required to answer ALL questions. Maximum total = [95 marks].

1. Each row in the “Question” column relates to the smallest subpart of the question.

2. The maximum mark for each question subpart is indicated in the “Total” column.

3. Each marking point in the “Answers” column is shown by means of a tick () at the end of the marking point.

4. A question subpart may have more marking points than the total allows. This will be indicated by “max” written after the mark in the “Total” column.
The related rubric, if necessary, will be outlined in the “Notes” column.

5. An alternative word is indicated in the “Answers” column by a slash (/). Either word can be accepted.

6. An alternative answer is indicated in the “Answers” column by “OR”. Either answer can be accepted.

7. An alternative markscheme is indicated in the “Answers” column under heading ALTERNATIVE 1 etc. Either alternative can be accepted.

8. Words inside chevrons « » in the “Answers” column are not necessary to gain the mark.

9. Words that are underlined are essential for the mark.

10. The order of marking points does not have to be as in the “Answers” column, unless stated otherwise in the “Notes” column.

11. If the candidate’s answer has the same “meaning” or can be clearly interpreted as being of equivalent significance, detail and validity as that in the
“Answers” column then award the mark. Where this point is considered to be particularly relevant in a question it is emphasized by OWTTE (or words
to that effect) in the “Notes” column.

12. Remember that many candidates are writing in a second language. Effective communication is more important than grammatical accuracy.

13. Occasionally, a part of a question may require an answer that is required for subsequent marking points. If an error is made in the first marking point
then it should be penalized. However, if the incorrect answer is used correctly in subsequent marking points then follow through marks should be
awarded. When marking, indicate this by adding ECF (error carried forward) on the script.
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14. Do not penalize candidates for errors in units or significant figures, unless it is specifically referred to in the “Notes” column.

15. If a question specifically asks for the name of a substance, do not award a mark for a correct formula unless directed otherwise in the “Notes” column.
Similarly, if the formula is specifically asked for, do not award a mark for a correct name unless directed otherwise in the “Notes” column.

16. If a question asks for an equation for a reaction, a balanced symbol equation is usually expected. Do not award a mark for a word equation or an
unbalanced equation unless directed otherwise in the “Notes” column.

17. Ignore missing or incorrect state symbols in an equation unless directed otherwise in the “Notes” column.
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Question Answers Notes Total

1. a i Accept structures using dots and/or crosses
H P H to indicate bonds and/or lone pair.
H 
1. a ii sp  Do not allow ECF from a (i). 1
1. a iii Lewis base AND has a lone pair of electrons «to donate»  1
1. a iv non-polar AND P and H have the same electronegativity  Accept “similar electronegativities”.
Accept “polar” if there is a reference to a
small difference in electronegativity and apply
ECF in 1 a (v).
1. a v PH3 has London «dispersion» forces  Accept van der Waals’ forces, dispersion
forces and instantaneous dipole – induced
NH3 forms H-bonds  dipole forces.
Accept “dipole-dipole forces” as molecule is
H-bonds are stronger polar.
OR H-bonds in NH3 (only) must be mentioned to
London forces are weaker  2 max
score [2].
Do not award M2 or M3 if:
• implies covalent bond is the H-bond
• implies covalent bonds break.

Accept “dipole-dipole forces are weaker”.

1. a vi Weak: only partially dissociated/ionized «in dilute aqueous solution»  Accept reaction with water is reversible/an
Brønsted–Lowry base: an acceptor of protons/H+/hydrogen ions  Accept “water is partially dissociated «by the 2
weak base»”.
Accept “not fully” for “partially”.
1. b i P4 is a molecule «comprising 4P atoms» AND 4P is four/separate «P» Accept “4 P is 4 mol of P” for ‘AND’
atoms statements.
OR 1
P4 represents «4P» atoms bonded together AND 4P represents «4»
separate/non-bonded «P» atoms 
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Question Answers Notes Total

1. b ii can act as both a «Brønsted–Lowry» acid and a «Brønsted–Lowry» base Accept “reacts with both acids and bases”.
can accept and/or donate a hydrogen ion/proton/H+  2

HPO22– AND H3PO2 

1. b iii P4 : 0  Accept Roman numerals notations.
Do not accept 1 or 1+ for H2PO2−. 2
H2PO2– : +1 
1. b iv oxygen gained, so could be oxidation  Award [1 max] for M1 and M2 if candidate
displays knowledge of at least two of these
hydrogen gained, so could be reduction definitions but does not apply them to the
OR reaction.
negative charge «on product/H2PO2−»/gain of electrons, so could be
reduction  Do not award M3 for “oxidation number
oxidation number increases so must be oxidation 
1. c i 2.478 Accept answers using Ar (P) = 31.
« » = 0.02000 «mol»  1
4 × 30.97
1. c ii 100
n (NaOH) = «0.1000 × 5.00 =» 0.500 «mol» AND P4/phosphorus is Accept n(H2O) = = 5.50 AND P4 is limiting 1
reagent. 18
limiting reagent 
1. c iii amount in excess «= 0.500 - (3 × 0.02000)» = 0.440 «mol»  1
3 3
1. c iv «22.7 × 1000 × 0.02000» = 454 «cm »  Accept «22.4 × 1000 × 0.02000 =» 448 «cm ».
Accept methods employing pV = nRT, with p as
either 100 (454 cm3) or 101.3 kPa (448 cm3).
Do not accept answers in dm3.
1. d i 750 × 1.00
temperature rise « = » = 3750 «°C/K»  Do not accept −3750. 1
0.2000 × 1.00

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Question Answers Notes Total

1. d ii 43.6 Accept other methods where the working is
n (P) «= » = 1.41 «mol»  shown.
Accept answer using Ar (P) = 31 (which gives
100 − 43.6 the same ratios).
n (O) «= » = 3.53 «mol»  3
n (O) 3.53
« = = 2.50 so empirical formula is» P2O5 
n (P) 1.41
1. d iii 285 Accept “process” of dividing 285 by empirical
« = 2.00 , so molecular formula = 2 × P2O5 =» P4O10  mass (answer to d (ii)) even if final formula 1
not possible.
1. d iv P4O10 (s) + 6H2O (l) → 4H3PO4 (aq)  Accept P4O10 (s) + 2H2O (l) → 4HPO3 (aq)
(initial reaction)
Accept P2O5 (s) + 3H2O (l) → 2H3PO4 (aq)
Accept equations for P4O6/P2O3 if given in
d (iii).
Accept any ionized form of the acids as the
Accept equilibrium sign in equation.
1. d v phosphorus not commonly found in fuels Accept “phosphorus oxides are solids so are
OR not easily distributed in the atmosphere”.
no common pathways for phosphorus oxides to enter the air Accept “low levels of phosphorus oxide in the
OR air”.
amount of phosphorus-containing organic matter undergoing anaerobic Do not accept “H3PO4 is a weak acid”.
decomposition is small 
1. d vi Pre-combustion:
remove sulfur/S/sulfur containing compounds 
Post-combustion: Accept “lime injection fluidised bed
remove it/SO2 by neutralization/reaction with alkali/base  combustion” for either, but not both.
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Question Answers Notes Total

2. a i [COCl 2 ]
«K c =»  1
[CO] [Cl 2 ]

2. a ii T «= 600 + 273» = 873K 

∆G Ö = −8.31 × 873 × ln (0.200)

OR 3
∆G Ö = « + » 11676 «J»  Accept 11.5 to 12.0.
Award final mark only if correct sig fig.
∆G Ö = « + » 11.7 «kJ»  Award [3] for correct final answer.
2. a iii ∆H Ö = −220.1 − (−110.5) Award [2] for correct final answer.
∆H Ö = −109.6 «kJ»  Award [1] for −330.6, or +109.6 «kJ».
2. a iv ∆G Ö = −109.6 − (298 × ∆S Ö) = + 11.7 «kJ»  Award [2] for correct final answer.
Award [2] for −470 «JK−1» (result from given values).
(11.7 + 109.6) × 103 Do not penalize wrong value for T if already done in
∆S « = − » = −407 «J K−1»  2
298 (a)(ii).
Award [1 max] for −0.407 «kJ K−1».
Award [1 max] for −138.9 «J K−1».
2. b i primary  1
2. b ii ALTERNATIVE 1: Accept any reactive metal with any strong non-
«heat with» tin/Sn AND hydrochloric acid/HCl  oxidizing acid.
aqueous alkali/OH– (aq)  Accept specific equations having correct reactants.
Do not accept LiAlH4 or NaBH4. 2
ALTERNATIVE 2: Accept Pt or Pd catalyst.
hydrogen/H2 
nickel/Ni «catalyst»  Accept equations having correct reactants.

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Question Answers Notes Total

2. b iii + −
HNO3 + 2H2SO4  NO2 + 2HSO4 + H3O  + +
Accept: HNO3 + H2SO4  NO2 + HSO4 + H2O −

Accept HNO3 + H2SO4  H2NO3+ + HSO4− .

Accept a single arrow instead of an
equilibrium sign.
Accept equivalent two step reactions in 1
which sulfuric acid first behaves as a strong
acid and protonates the nitric acid, before
behaving as a dehydrating agent removing
water from it.
2. b iv Accept mechanism with corresponding
Kekulé structures.
Do not accept a circle in M2 or M3.
NO2 Accept first arrow starting either inside the
NO2 circle or on the circle.

M2 may be awarded from correct diagram for

+ + H+ M4: Accept C6H5NO2 + H2SO4 if HSO4− used
H in M3.
curly arrow going from benzene ring to N of +NO2/NO2+ 

carbocation with correct formula and positive charge on ring 

curly arrow going from C–H bond to benzene ring of cation 

formation of organic product nitrobenzene AND H+ 

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Question Answers Notes Total

2. c i Name: ethane-1,2-diol  Accept ethan-1,2-diol / 1,2-ethanediol.
Class: alcohol«s»  Do not penalize minor errors with hyphens
and commas. 2
Accept “dialcohols”.
Do not accept “diol” for Class.
2. c ii two AND two hydrogen environments in the molecule
OR 1
two AND both CH2 and OH present 
2. c iii +
CH2OH  Accept CH3O+.
Accept [•CH2OH] + and [•CH3O] +.
Do not accept answers in which the charge is
2. c iv oxygen-hydrogen «bond»/O–H «in hydroxyl»  Accept −OH. 1
2. d [O H − ] 2 Accept other approaches to the calculation.
Kb ≈ 1 0 −9 .1 3 / 7.413 × 10−10 
= Award [4] for correct final answer.
[C 6 H 5 N H 2 ]
Accept any answer from 8.4 to 8.5.
[OH− ] = 0.0100 × 10−9.13 = 2.72 × 10 −6 

1× 10−14 4
[H+ ] = = 3.67 × 10 −9
2.72 × 10−6
pOH = 5.57 

pH = −log [H+] = 8.44 

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3. a i 2NO (g) + 2H2 (g) → N2 (g) + 2H2O (g)  Accept equilibrium sign. 1
3. a ii rate = k [NO]2 [H2]  1
3. a iii test the effect «on the reaction rate» of varying each concentration Remember to refer back to a (ii) for ECF.
test the effect of varying [NO] «on rate», whilst keeping [H2] constant AND
test effect of varying [H2] «on rate», whilst keeping [NO] constant 

rate proportional to [NO]2 3

doubling [NO] quadruples rate 

rate proportional to [H2] If only one species in rate expression,

OR third mark can be awarded for zero order
doubling [H2] doubles rate  discussion.
3. a iv no AND different mechanisms could give the same rate expression
no AND mechanisms can only be disproved
OR 1
no AND just suggest it is consistent with the mechanism given
no AND does not give information about what occurs after RDS 
3. a v change of pressure «at constant volume and temperature» with time Accept other methods where rate can be
OR monitored with time. 1
change of volume «at constant pressure and temperature» with time 

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Question Answers Notes Total

3. b i Accept other clear ways of indicating energy/
enthalpy changes.
Activation energy / Ea / 63 «kJ»
Reactant/product lines do not need to be
Reactants labelled.
Energy Enthalpy of
reaction / ∆H
/ −664 «kJ»

Progress of reaction
products lower than reactants AND enthalpy of reaction correctly marked
and labelled with name or value 

activation energy correctly marked and labelled with name or value 

3. b ii Accept curve that is not labelled if it can be
differentiated from the initial curve.



Products 1

Progress of reaction

lower dotted curve, between same reactants and products levels,

labelled “Catalysed” 

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Question Answers Notes Total

3. b iii Accept curve that is not labelled.

Probability of this energy

Do not penalize if curve doesn’t appear to go
Thigher through origin or crosses x-axis.

Ea Energy
second curve at a higher temperature is correctly drawn (maximum lower
and to right of original) 
3. b iv greater proportion of molecules have E ≥ Ea or E > Ea Accept more molecules have energy greater
OR than Ea.
greater area under curve to the right of the Ea 
Do not accept just particles have greater
greater frequency of collisions «between molecules» kinetic energy.
OR Accept “chance/probability/likelihood” instead
more collisions per unit time/second  of “frequency”.
Do not accept just “more collisions”.

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Question Answers Notes Total

σ-bond from N to N AND from N to O 

π-bond from N to N 

delocalized π-bond/π-electrons «extending over the oxygen and both

nitrogens» 
both have 2 σ-bonds «from N to N and from N to O» AND π-bond from N
to N 

one structure has second π-bond from N to N and the other has π-bond
from N to O  Award [1 max] if candidate has identified
both/either structure having 2 σ-bonds and
delocalized π-bond/π-electrons  2 π-bonds.
3. c ii more than one possible position for a multiple/π-/pi- bond  Accept “more than one possible Lewis
Accept reference to delocalisation if M3 not 1
awarded in c (i).
Accept reference to fractional bond orders.
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4. a i same charge AND same/similar ionic radius  1

4. a ii enthalpy of hydration «= -1483 + 2 (-359)» = -2201 «kJ mol-1»  Award [2] for correct final answer.
enthalpy of solution «= 2170 - 2201» = -31 «kJ mol-1»  Award [1 max] for +31 «kJ mol-1». 2
Award [1 max] for ±4371.
4. a iii hydrochloric acid shifts equilibrium to left Accept “hydrochloric acid reacts with «basic»
OR chloride” OR “hydrochloric acid suppresses 1
hydrochloric acid prevents the basic chloride forming/precipitating  salt hydrolysis”.
4. b i E Ö «= 0.34 - 0.15» = 0.19 «V» 
Accept -18335 «J» or -18 «kJ» as equation 2
∆G «= - nFE = -2 × 96500 × 0.19» = -36670 / -37000 «J» / - 37 «kJ» 
À not specified.
4. b ii yes AND ∆G Ö is negative Do not accept reference to anti-clockwise
OR rule.
yes AND E Ö for the cell is positive
yes AND Sn2+ (aq) is a stronger reducing agent than V3+ (aq)
OR 1
yes AND E Ö for Sn4+ (aq) is more negative than E Ö for VO2+ (aq)
yes AND VO2+ (aq) is a stronger oxidizing agent than Sn4+ (aq)
yes AND E À for VO2+ (aq) is more positive than E À for Sn4+ (aq) 
4. c 1s22s22p63s23p63d34s2
1s22s22p63s23p64s23d3  2

incomplete d «sub-» level/orbital/shell «in its compounds/ions» 

4. d i give/donate a lone/non-bonding electron pair  Accept “through the formation of a dative/
coordinate bond”.
Accept “by acting as Lewis bases”.
Do not accept “act as ligands”.

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Question Answers Notes Total

4. d ii «more chlorido ligands» smaller energy gap between split d-orbitals Accept “chloride ions/chlorides” for “chlorido
OR ligands”.
Cl- is lower than H2O in spectrochemical series
OR Do not accept answers in terms of change of
Cl- is a weaker ligand/has lower charge density  frequency. 2

the absorption will move to longer wavelengths

the absorption wavelength will increase 
4. e i First: 4s AND Second: 4s AND Third: 3d AND Fourth: 3d  Do not apply ECF from (c). 1
4. e ii «in the same sub-shell and a» decrease in electron-electron repulsion Do not accept “greater nuclear charge/
OR effective nuclear charge”.
«in the same sub-shell and» as more electrons removed, the pull of of the Accept “removing electron from ion with
nucleus/positive ions holds the remaining electrons more tightly  increasing charge”. 1
Accept “increase in attraction between
nucleus and outer electrons «as e-
4. e iii electron 5 is lost from the 3d orbital Award [1 max] (for M1/M2) (ECF) if candidate
OR recognises electrons 5 and 6 are from
electron 5 is lost from the valence shell  different levels.

electron 6 is lost from a 3p orbital

electron 6 is lost from a «complete» inner shell 
3p orbital/complete inner shell experiences a much larger effective nuclear
3p orbital/complete inner shell is less well shielded
3p orbital/complete inner shell is nearer the nucleus 
4. e iv 28  1
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5. a i «structural/functional» isomer«s»  1
5. a ii Test: Accept other correct reagents, such as
«react with» bromine/Br2 «in the dark» manganate(VII) or iodine solutions, and
OR descriptions of the corresponding changes
«react with» bromine water/Br2 (aq) «in the dark»  observed.
A: from yellow/orange/brown to colourless AND B: colour remains/slowly Accept “decolourized” for A and “not
decolourized  decolourized/unchanged” for B.
Do not accept “clear/transparent” instead of
5. b compound A would absorb at 1620–1680 «cm−1»  Accept any value in range 1620 – 1680 cm−1. 1
5. c Signal 1/2 2/1 Accept 0.9 to 2.0 for the first signal as the
C=C affects the CH3 shift (actually 1.7).
Chemical shift / ppm 0.9 – 1.0 AND 4.5 – 6.0 

Splitting pattern singlet AND singlet  Accept “none/no splitting” for both splitting 2

Award [1 max] for the correct deduction (both

shift and splitting) of signal 1 or 2.

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