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Report Based On Online Study of Central Investigation Bureau (CIB)

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Report based on online study of Central Investigation Bureau (CIB)

Tangal, Kathmandu, Nepal

Report based on online study submitted as the requirement of the partial fulfillment of the B.A.

third year Industrial and Organizational psychology.

"PSY 314"

Submitted to:

Department of Psychology

Submitted by:

Ronisha Pokharel


Industrial and Organizational psychology focuses on both industrial facet and organizational

facet, here, the study is focused on exploring the job analysis, job description, personnel

selection, personnel training, job environment and stress related to job towards workers as a

whole. As per the requirement of psychology bachelor of arts third year course, we did an online

report on Central Investigation Bureau (CBI). This report helps us to understand more about the

I-O psychology and its relation with CBI. It help to know the problems into behavior of people at

work to to determine the condition in which an individual feels motivated and is willing to work

whole -heartedly to maximize the productivity. I/O psychologists are professionals who apply

their knowledge of psychology to the workplace. In the case of law enforcement agencies, I/O

psychologists generally help select, train, evaluate, and motivate law enforcement personnel. The

I/O psychologist's role in police selection includes a job analysis and the identification of the

knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics needed to perform the job tasks.

Keywords: Job analysis, job description, personnel selection and appraisal, Central Investigation

Bureau (CBI)


This field visit report is prepared as completion of practice section of industrial organizational

Psychology of Bachelor of Arts, Year III. This report consists the overall description of the

Central Investigation Bureau (CIB). This report is purely based on the information provided by

their official website.

I would like to express deep gratitude to the department of psychology of Texas International

Collage. I would like to thank especially to my respected teacher Mr. Prabhash Raut for his

continuous effort to prepare this report and the motivation he used to provide each and every

time during my report preparation and help in any way he could.

My acknowledgement will remain incomplete without thanking my friend Sabina Dhakal. She

helped me in every way she could and shared her precious time with me to make my field report

best in all the way she could.


Table of content



Table of content……………………………………………………………………………….iv

1. Introduction of I-O psychology 1

1.1. Objectives of I-O psychology 3

1.2. Scope of I-O psychology 5

2. Objectives 6

3. Background 7

4. Evaluation 10

4.1. Personal recruitment and selection 10

4.2. Motivation in the work place 12

4.3. Job analysis 12

4.4. Work stress 13

4.5. Training and training evaluation


4.6. Remuneration and compensation


4.7. Job satisfaction and commitment


4.8. Leadership


4.9. Communication


4.10. Physical condition of work place 17

5. Discussion and conclusion 20

6. References 21


Introduction to I-O psychology

The term Industrial Psychology stands for the psychology applied to industry. It deals with the

aptitude, attitude and interests of the people at work. The term 'Industrial Psychology' is a

combination of two words—'Industrial' and 'Psychology'. 'Industrial' we mean that part of social

life whose function is to provide civilized man with the material goals that his condition of life

demands. The other word 'Psychology" in etymological sense, may be defined as the science of

minds, i.e., accurate and systematic knowledge of the mind what it does. Thus, Industrial

Psychology is the systematic study of the state of mind of the people at work so that several

industrial problems may be solved without much difficulty. It studies how the social, industrial,

economic, political and other factors affect the state of mind of the people at work.

According to Riggio, R. E, 2002, "I-O psychology is the branch of psychology that is

concerned with the study of behavior in work setting and the supplication of psychology

principles to change work behavior"

Industrial and Organizational Psychology covers broad area of our life so it is known by

different names: It is also known as:

 I-O Psychology: Because it is the legitimate short form of Industrial and Organizational


 Work Psychology: Because it focuses on work setting.


 Consumer Psychology: Because it protects consumer rights and ensures consumer


 Personnel Psychology: Because it focuses on the wellbeing of employees.

 Occupational Psychology: Because it focuses on the different occupations in job setting.

 Talent Assessment: It is called talent assessment because it ensures talented employees

for the job setting through psychological testing.

I-O psychology is the scientific study of job setting. Job satisfaction is to be found

positively correlated with life satisfaction and it also affects life expectancy. So, we should select

job compatible with our interests, skills and personality. Therefore, the knowledge and skills of

I=O psychology is essential for our wellbeing.

According to Cormic and Tiffin. 1979, "Industrial Psychology is concerned with the

study of human behavior in those aspects of life that are related to the production, distribution

and use of the goods and services in our civilization".

Industrial and Organizational psychology is the scientific study to working and the

application of that science to work place issues facing individuals, teams, and organizations. The

scientific method is applied to investigate issues of critical relevance to individuals, businesses

and society (SIOP).

I-O psychology is relatively young field. Its formal beginning was started during world

war first. It was established as an independent discipline in the early years of the 20th century

with the establishment of modern industries and organizations. The important phases of the

development of I-O psychology can be categorized as below:

Emerging Phase:

 The major contributors were Walter Scott, Hugo Munsterberg and James Mckeen


World War First Phase:

 The army alpha and army beta tests were developed.

 Hawthorne studies explored the importance of Psycho-Social factors in job setting.

World War Second Phase:

 Army general classification test and assessment center were developed.

 Engineering psychology was developed.

Post War and Modern Phase:

 Position analysis test BARS and MSQ were developed.

 I-O psychology enrolled as the division 14 of APA.

 Personnel psychology was developed and SIOP established.

I-O psychology is the study of the workplace environment, organizations, and their

employees. The specialty of Industrial and organizational psychology is characterized by the

scientific study of human behavior in organizations and the work place. The specialty focuses on

deriving principles of individuals, group and organizational behavior and applying this

knowledge to the solution of problems at work.

1.1. Important objective of Industrial and Organizational psychology

The main aim of Industrial Psychology is to study the human behavior and to suggest various

ways and means lo improve the efficiency of workers in industries. The important objectives

of industrial psychology are as under:


 Selection of proper man: By the use of systematic depth interviews and psychological

tests such as intelligence, aptitude, skills, abilities and interest tests, the personnel

characteristics of the persons are measured and proper man is selected for and placed

on the job.

 Proper distribution of work: Another aim of industrial psychology is the proper

distribution of work, according to the ability and aptitude of the employees so that

they feel themselves satisfied and the employer may also get higher production at

minimum cost.

 Minimizing the wastage of human force: Industrial psychology aims at minimizing

the wastage of human power due to fatigue, illness, accidents etc. It studies several

psychological factors causing fatigue or accidents and suggests measures for

preventing the accidents or minimizing fatigue. The techniques of motivation and

morale are used for this purpose.

 Promoting labor welfare: Industrial Psychology promotes labor welfare through job

satisfaction, increase in labor efficiency, health and incentive provisions.

 Improvement in human relations: The main aim of Industrial Psychology is to

improve the human relations in industry. It is believed that if the individual employee

is taken care of problems of motivation, productivity will be automatically settled.

Human relation may be described as the relations or contracts among individuals in

an organization and the group behavior that emerges from these relationships and

Industrial Psychology has made significant contribution to the sphere of industrial

management by developing concepts and techniques of leadership, supervision, and

communication and employee participation in management.


 Improvement in Industrial Relations: Industrial Psychology studies the attitude of

employers and employees and offers suggestion to improve the labor relations in

industries. It assumes that all individuals differ from each other in degree though not

in kind and, therefore, different measures are adopted in solving the problems like

bringing promotions, transfers etc. relating to each individual.

 Maximum production: The chief aim of an organization is to get the best results from

the available resources. Industrial Psychology helps in achieving the target. The

production is automatically increased if proper selection is made; the work is

distributed properly; industrial relations are improved and human relations are


1.2. Scope of Industrial and organizational Psychology

Industrial psychology is concerned with the entire spectrum of human behaviour. Industrial

psychology is practiced by all the managers when they are making any sort of contact with

the people. The scope of industrial psychology is the same as that of personnel management,

that is, the entire process of management is dealings with people at work. There are three

important areas in which industrial psychology cuts across:

 Human Relations: Human relations may be defined as the relations among individuals

in organizations and the group behavior that emerges from these relations.

Understanding human relations is an important part of industrial psychology. This

would help in developing concepts and techniques of effective leadership,

communication, supervision, motivation, etc.

 Individual Differences: Industrial psychology is based on the assumption that every

person is different from every other. As a consequence, every person should be


selected, trained and treated on the basis of the kind of person he is. Modern

managers realize the need to know the persons for their effective selection and

placement. Understanding of the behavior of the subordinates is equally important for

providing them effective supervision. It may be noted that people differ in many ways

including in their physical characteristics, in knowledge, in aptitudes, in interests, in

temperament and in character. There may be many possible combinations of these

characteristics. A manager has to visualize all possible combinations of these

characteristics in order to manage people effectively and efficiently.

 Human Engineering: Human engineering is the study of man machine system in order

to have the design of machines and equipment intelligently based on the capabilities

and limitations of users' behavior. The main purpose of human engineering (or

ergonomics) is to assist in designing and operating man machine environmental

system which will ensure physical and mental case to the human beings. Man has

always tried to design machines and equipment he uses in such a manner that he can

use them more effectively and with minimum effort on his part. This part of industrial

psychology also includes the work environment as a source to stimulate the

employees, to contribute to the achievement of organizational objectives. Equipment

design, pacing of work, hours of work and providing working conditions should be

based on human considerations. These will lead to improve productivity and job


2. Objectives

To study Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) according to psychological perspective.


3. Background information

Criminal Investigation must be revised time and again on a regular basis as it’s a dynamic

process. With the development in society and advancement in technology, the use of advanced

technology in committing different forms of crime also has changed as a regular process. In this

regard, the field of crime investigation is becoming more challenging because of the increase in

crime pattern of criminals and the speedy expansion of criminal networks. In analyzing crime

cases over the past few years, crime has increased numerically and various complications have

been added to the investigation of crime.

Utilizing the resources and manpower available Nepal Police has successfully carried out

the responsibility of crime investigation till now. However, in a changing perspective, some of

the weaknesses and disruptions in the Investigation System have affected the investigating

capabilities of the entire organization. Facing the challenges and complexities seen in the field of

crime prevention and investigation, it have been much more important to build a powerful means

of conserving and utilizing police professionalism, excellence and energy.

In line with the prevailing belief, the nature and methods of crime investigation should be

refined, modified and made dynamic along with the changing perspective. The existing

investigative forms, mechanisms and systems of the Nepal Police should also be modified in

accordance with the rules of change. New thinking and style in Crime Investigation can only be

established by exploring and utilizing the vast potential for professional excellence.

The concept of Central Investigation Bureau has been emerged in Nepal Police on the

basis of high evaluation of the belief that the old style and mechanism should be modernized and

highly scientific.

Against this backdrop, under Article 4 (1) of the directive principles, policies and

obligations of Part-1 of the Constitution of Nepal (1), the main objective of the State is to

maintain justice, fundamental rights and human rights values and justice. The preamble of Police

Act 1 states that "Nepal Police Force has been formed as it is necessary for Nepal Police to

maintain crime and make it a viable means of preventing and detecting crime".

Even in the policies and programs of the Government of Nepal, strengthening the security

mechanism to control crime, anarchy and impunity is clearly mentioned, making the security

personnel accountable, fair, professional and efficient.

The objectives of Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) are as bellows:

 To solve the shortcomings and challenges of crime investigation sector and to manage

them scientifically. 

 To establish a Police Investigative System and mechanism in line with changing

perspectives and feelings of the general public. 

 To develop the professional competence of Nepal Police and use the energy as per the

changing environment. 

 Organize and integrate efforts to discourage and control crime and criminal tendencies. 

 To comply with the rules of development and conversion of investigative activism of the

Nepal Police. 

 To develop a sophisticated and scientific method of investigation of crime of Nepal

Police as per international norms to fulfill the commitments and assumptions of the

Government committed in the constitution, Police Act, Government policies and


 To maintain easy coordination in crime control with other countries in relation to crime

prevention, crime detection. 

 To regularize and manage the effectiveness of the police service by specializing and

commercializing the police service. 

 To implement the basic concepts of legal state practically by discouraging and controlling

crime and criminal activity. 

 To create an environment that protects and promotes the fundamental rights of citizens

guaranteed by the constitution of Nepal. 

Central Investigation Bureau believe in three mottos they are credibility, impartiality,

Bravery. It is mainly focused to organize and integrate efforts to discourage and control crime

and criminal tendencies and also compile with the rules of development and conversion of

investigative activism of the Nepal Police. To develop a sophisticated and scientific method of

investigation of crime of Nepal Police as per international norms to fulfill the commitments and

assumptions of the Government committed in the constitution, Police Act, Government policies

and programs. Central Investigation Bureau maintain mutual coordination in crime and also

control with other countries in relation to crime prevention, crime detection. It regularizes and

manage the effectiveness of the police service by specializing and commercializing the police

service. It also implements the basic concepts of legal state practically by discouraging and

controlling crime and criminal activity. Moreover, to create an environment that protects and

promotes the fundamental rights of citizens guaranteed by the constitution of Nepal. 


4. Evaluation 

Basic Completion Review and Evaluation. The desirable but often missing feature of

government systems is a basic completion review and ex-post evaluation of finished projects.

Basic completion review should apply to all projects in a systematic way. It comprises an

examination by a responsible agency or line ministry sometime after project completion of

whether the project was finished within the original (and amended) budget and time frame, and

whether the outputs were delivered as specified. As a supplement to this basic element, a

supreme audit institution should periodically conduct a compliance audit of a sample of

investment projects.  Those finished ex post project evaluate and focus on the comparison of the

project’s outputs and outcomes with the established objectives in the project design. It is usually

carried out two to three years or more after project completion on a highly selective basis. Good

practice suggests that the project design should build in the evaluation criteria and that learning

from such ex-post evaluations is used to improve future project design and implementation. This

include these things should as a “must have” feature in order to underline the need for

governments, even in a basic way, to ensure that there is some learning and feedback from

projects and cases that will create a positive dynamic for improvement over time 

4.1. Personnel recruitment and selection

A major function of I–O psychologists is to design recruitment processes and personnel-

selection systems. Personnel recruitment is the systematic process of hiring and promoting

personnel. It includes developing job announcements, placing ads, defining key qualifications for

applicants, and screening out unqualified applicants. Personnel-selection systems employ

evidence-based practices to determine the most qualified candidates for a job. Common selection

tools include ability tests, knowledge tests, personality tests, structured interviews, the systematic

collection of biographical data, and work samples.

Recruitment and Selection process is defined as the process through which the best

individuals are selected among a pool of applicants for particular positions of job. Mostly

managers consider the selection process as one of their critical decision functions in the

organization. In the selection process, the managers actually try to match the knowledge, skills &

abilities of the applicants with the requirements of the jobs. There is no single selection process

that can be considered as the standard one for all the organizations. Rather the steps & procedure

of selection process vary from organization to organization. Looking at CBI on the basis of

psychology, there was no industrial psychologist who look over all the requirement that are need

during the selection process. But the experienced worker used for the personnel selection

process. Recruitment decision are the most important aspect of effective personnel selection

process. Due to the poor economic growth and also pace of industrialization job opportunities are

very limited in every field. The concerned ministry should request recruitment for specified

vacancies. Advertisement in ‘Gorkhapatra’ is the main means of recruitment of Public Service

Commission with job description and specification of the vacant seat. 

Public Service Commission select the candidate in several steps.  

 Application Form Evaluation 

 Pre- Test and Selection Test 

 Group Testing 

 Hiring Decisions 

 Medical Examination 

 Letter of Appointment and placement 


4.2. Motivation in the work

The term motivation refers an internal driving force which determines the activity of

living beings. It can be defined as inspiring factors within individual. Motivation energizes us to

exhibit some behavior. Work motivation is the psychological process that ensures employees

direction, intensity and persistence of efforts toward attaining the goals within industry and

organization. Motivation is a person's internal disposition to be concerned with an approach

positive incentives and avoid negative incentives. While motivation can often be used as a tool to

help predict behavior, it varies greatly among individuals and must often be combined with

ability and environmental factors to actually influence behavior and performance. Because of

motivation's role in influencing workplace behavior and performance, it is key for organizations

to understand and to structure the work environment to encourage productive behaviors and

discourage those that are unproductive. Inspecting Central Bureau Investigation, the theory of

motivation is applied where it comes with need of every employee. Where they are divided into

higher order needs and lower order need. Where they are categorized with the post. Talking

about the higher order need it comes social esteem and self-actualization needs are higher order

needs that are satisfied internally through responsibilities, authority, autonomy, recognition,

group work. In the case of lower order need physiological and safety need are lower needs that re

satisfied externally through increasing salary bonus, job security better working condition. 

4.3. Job analysis

Job analysis is one of the most important functions of I-O psychologist in the job setting.

A job analysis is a systematic exploration of the activities within a job which provides clear

picture about the job. It is the scientific systematic study of the job content and context to

describe the nature of job and specifies the job requirements with its relative worth of each job

with organization. Many I-O psychologist prefer the term "work analysis" instead of job

analysis. The major purpose of job analysis is to provide the clear picture about the three

components like description, specification and evaluation of a job. The scientific job analysis

program is essential for understanding the modern job setting.

Systematic job analysis helps I-O psychologist to understand the job and it provides ideas

for the further planning in the job setting which determines employee wellbeing and

organizational betterment. Through job analysis I-O psychologist identify the possible physical

and psychological hazards in job setting and develop appropriate mechanisms to deal with such

hazards. Employee selection and placement in job setting without adequate job analysis result

dysfunctional consequences.

4.4. Work stress

The term stress can defined as a condition of psychological and physiological imbalance

and overwhelming resulting from the discrepancy between the current and desired state of an

individual. Work stress is the result of an interaction between an employee and the work

environment in which an employee perceives that the work situation to be dangerous and

overwhelming to his or her physical and psychological wellbeing. Work stress is a condition in

which an employee perceives and feels uneasy, anxiety, irritation, boredom, etc. in job setting.

Stress isn’t always bad. A little bit of stress can help you stay focused, energetic, and able

to meet new challenges in the workplace. It’s what keeps you on your toes during a presentation

or alert to prevent accidents or costly mistakes. But in today’s hectic world, the workplace too

often seems like an emotional roller coaster. Long hours, tight deadlines, and ever-increasing

demands can leave you feeling worried, drained, and overwhelmed. And when stress exceeds

your ability to cope, it stops being helpful and starts causing damage to your mind and body as

well as to your job satisfaction.

4.5. Training and training evaluation

Training is concerned with developing knowledge, skills, attitudes and useful

competences of employees to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness in the job. It is reliable

tool for career development of employees. It involves teaching and learning. The psychological

aspects of trainer and trainee affects training program. The modern concept of training program

including trainer, trainee, training material, training method and the environment of training

venue. A personnel training is a planned organizational efforts to help employees to develop

their careers. Training is the systematic acquisition of skills, concepts, or attitudes that results in

improved performance in another environment. Most people hired for a job are not already

versed in all the tasks required to perform the job effectively. Evidence indicates that training is

effective and that these training expenditures are paying off in terms of higher net sales and gross

profitability per employee. Watching over the CBI attitude over trainings, it says the basic

trainings that are required for the job are mandatory before enrolling into the job. Besides, it

checks who is ready and eligible. 

4.6 Remuneration and compensation

Compensation is the human resource management function that deals with every

type of reward individuals receive in exchange for performing organizational task. The

basic purpose of compensation management is to establish and maintain an equitable

wage and salary structure. It is concerned with the financial aspects of needs, motivation

and rewards. Managers, therefore, analyze and interpret the needs of their employees so

that rewards can be individually designed to satisfy these needs. Consideration for which

labor is exchanged is called compensation. Compensation is what employees receive in

exchange for their work. It is a particular kind of price, that is, the price of labor. As any

other price, remuneration is set at the point where demand curve for labor crosses the

supply curve of labor.

4.7 Job satisfaction and commitment

Job satisfaction is the attitude of employees toward their job. Job satisfaction is a positive

emotional state like joy, happiness or love resulting from the evaluation of one's job life. Job

satisfaction is a dependent variable. Job satisfaction relates to the total relationship between an

individual and the employer for which he is paid. Satisfaction means the simple feeling of

attainment of any goal or objective. Job dissatisfaction brings an absence of motivation at work.

Job satisfaction is also important in everyday life. Organizations have significant effects on the

people who work for them and some of those effects are reflected in how people feel about their

work. This makes job satisfaction an issue of substantial importance for both employers and


A satisfied employee is always important for an organization as he/she aims to deliver the

best of their capability. Every employee wants a strong career growth and work life balance at

workplace. If an employee feels happy with their company & work, they look to give back to the

company with all their efforts. Importance of job satisfaction can be seen from two perspectives

i.e. from employee and employer perspective.


4.8 Leadership 

I-O psychology, leadership can be defined as a process of influencing others to agree on a

shared purpose, and to work towards shared objectives. A distinction should be made between

leadership and management. Managers process administrative tasks and organize work

environments. Although leaders may be required to undertake managerial duties as well, leaders

typically focus on inspiring followers and creating a shared organizational culture and values.

Managers deal with complexity, while leaders deal with initiating and adapting to change.

Managers undertake the tasks of planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing, controlling and

problem solving. In contrast, leaders undertake the tasks of setting a direction or vision, aligning

people to shared goals, communicating, and motivating the followers. Focusing on CBI, it was

seen that there wasn't autocratic leadership applied. The democratic leadership was practiced and

the workers were free to keep their views on common issues and the views was also taken

positively by the seniors. 

 4.9 Communication: 

 Communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of ideas,

feelings, intentions, attitudes, expectations, perceptions or commands, as by speech, gestures,

writings, behavior and possibly by other means such as electromagnetic, chemical or physical

phenomena. It is the meaningful exchange of information between two or more participants

(machines, organisms or their parts). Communication requires a sender, a message, a medium

and a recipient, although the receiver does not have to be present or aware of the sender's intent

to communicate at the time of communication, thus communication can occur across vast

distances in time and space. Communication requires that the communicating parties share an

area of communicative commonality. The communication process is complete once the receiver

understands the sender's message.

 Formal & Informal Communication: Formal communication involves utilizing the

formal communication channels of an organization. Formal communication can move

vertically in an organization. Information is collected and flows up to the top levels of

management for review and decision making, while orders flow down from the top to the

place where it will be implemented. For example, employees may be given a presentation

from the human resources department on new policies and procedures. Informal

communications communication between employees outside the formal communication


 The Grapevine:  

One type of informal communication is called 'the grapevine.' The grapevine is an

informational communication channel that goes in every direction -up, down and

sideways. Management does not control it, and it is very difficult for management to stop

it. Instead, messages are spread by employees sharing information on an informal basis,

such as during breaks. It is often a source of rumors moves very quickly. The base of

communication in CBI is formal communication. Either it is from "top to bottom" or

"bottom to top" for official purpose. The bureaucrats as well as participative system is

used for communication in written and oral way. The serious matters must be supplied

using formal communication or else it is used informal in CBI.

4.10 Physical Condition of Work Setting

In industries there must be a suitable physical condition where the employees work

because the physical condition of work influences the health condition of the works and also

affect the productivity if the industry. Physical condition of work is also associated with the

safety of workers in the industry. The physical conditions of the workplace and physical

demands of the job. These conditions include things like lighting, the size of the space in which a

worker must perform her job, exposure to potential toxins, allergens, nuclear or biological

hazards, and what kind of physical strain (i.e., heavy lifting, a worker can expect to undergo. 

Interpersonal Relationships: All jobs require some type of contact with others, but the nature

and frequency of this contact varies from job to job. Work conditions in this category may

include working with customers, making "cold calls" by telephone or in-person, working with

people who are hostile or potentially dangerous, regular public speaking, answering phones or

responding to email. 

Structural Job Characteristics: Structural characteristics are defined by job performance

expectations, such as job scheduling, the consequences of making a mistake, latitude of

independent decision making, and whether the job is largely unstructured or requires a lot of

repetitious tasks. 

Labor Conditions and Compliance Issues 

Federal, state and local laws govern working conditions. Some of these laws include: 

Health and safety standards: Federal law requires employers to provide a safe working

environment and to provide workers with protection against hazards, such as eye protection,

gloves and decontamination facilities. 

Workplace rules: Many states have laws that restrict work hours or require employers to

provide paid breaks to employees. 

Enforcement of workplace contracts: An employer may provide workers with specific

accommodations or work conditions that are specified in an employment contract. These


agreements are usually binding and employers should expect to be held to contract terms that

define work hours, physical work conditions and expectations regarding work responsibilities

and tasks. 

Failure to comply with workplace condition laws and regulations can result in fines, lawsuits

from injured or disgruntled employees and bad publicity. Understanding your responsibilities,

and exceeding them, can protect your business against legal trouble. 

Work Conditions and Productivity 

Work conditions can have a significant impact on morale and productivity. In addition, healthy

work conditions also protect the well-being of employees, reducing the chances of workplace

injuries along with resulting financial liabilities and the need to take time off. Small business

owners who invest in workplace improvements and cultivate a positive culture are often

rewarded by better employee performance and higher earnings. 


Discussion and conclusion

The term Industrial Psychology stands for the psychology applied to industry. It deals with the

aptitude, attitude and interests of the people at work. The term 'Industrial Psychology' is a

combination of two words 'Industrial' and 'Psychology'. 'Industrial' we mean that part of social

life whose function is to provide civilized man with the material goals that his condition of life

demands. The other word 'Psychology" in etymological sense, may be defined as the science of

minds, i.e., accurate and systematic knowledge of the mind what it does. Thus, Industrial

Psychology is the systematic study of the state of mind of the people at work so that several

industrial problems may be solved without much difficulty. It studies how the social, industrial,

economic, political and other factors affect the state of mind of the people at work. Here, in this

online report we studied about the industry as a content of course in I-O Psychology.

Understanding the CBI in psychological perspective has been quite a challenging task for the

starters. Secondary resources were quite useful to understand the organization and its settings.

However, even going to the fullest, this conclusion might be the adequate one. Utilizing I/O

psychology in the recruiting, hiring, and classification process is a necessary component towards

achieving and maintaining the organization’s goals. Implementing I/O principles in a company’s

recruitment and hiring practices can greatly improve the chances of acquiring the best

individuals for a position. Screening tools such as personality and ability assessment tests are

particularly useful. Industrial and Organizational (I-O) psychology is a subfield of psychology

that studies people, their behavior (performance of tasks) in a working environment, and

the settings in which people work and function, in order to gain a better understanding of

behavior and how it can be influenced, changed, and enhanced to benefit the employees and the

organizations. The fundamental goals of I-O psychology are (1) to understand the behavior


(performance of tasks) of people in a work setting; how people can become effective, satisfied,

fulfilled, and rewarded; and how these outcomes can be maintained, and (2) to study how the

organization can be sustained and developed and applying psychological principles, theory,

research, and interventions in order to design and implement practical solutions to solve

organizational challenges. .

References 2021. What do you mean by "Industrial Psychology" ?. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 6 March 2021]. 2021. Industrial and organizational psychology. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 6 March 2021].

Shrestha, S., 2021. General Notice. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 6 March 2021].

Mishra, K., 2020. Industrial and Organizational psychology. 2nd ed. Kathmandu Nepal: Asmita Books.

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