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Design and Construction of An Ultra Small Hydro Power Generator

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JOHN JOSEPH (15/39236U/2)





MARCH, 2021

The low power generation in Nigeria had hindered her economic growth and
industrialisation. The nation had carried out various reform to ameliorate the electric power crisis
but all to no avail. The electric power crisis has made so many industries to relocate to more
environmental friendly nations. Furthermore, the terrible state of the nation’s basic infrastructure
such as water supply, health care system and petroleum product distribution are all symptom of
an economy that is insalubrious because of the nations’ incapability to meet electric power
demand. The subject of power generation in Nigeria is interesting, vital and worthy of
investigation. Some researchers have investigated the root causes of low power generation in
Nigeria and they came up with diverse factors responsible for the lingering electric power crisis.
In this research, a review of previous papers in the literature on factors responsible for the low
power generation in Nigeria is performed. From the survey, an all-inclusive factors affecting
power generation in Nigeria are presented and discussed. On the basis of the number of authors
that cited the individual factor, the whole factors are ranked and categorised. Finally, in this
paper, general solutions are proffered to minimise /eliminate the major challenges confronting
power generation in Nigeria. The research findings revealed that the major challenges
confronting power generation in Nigeria are factors such as poor plant maintenance,
aged/obsolete equipment and gas pipe line vandalism and that these challenges can be
minimised/eliminated through structured maintenance methodology and adequate funding among


Energy has been in great demand for human development in years and has remained a
source of primary and secondary requirement for advanced development.
Moving water is a powerful source of energy that is harnessed to provide clean, fast, and flexible
electricity generation. Hydropower is currently the largest source of renewable electricity
worldwide and represents a reliable and domestic resource that can power millions of Nigerian
homes and businesses. Hydroelectric energy has been used in the United States since the 1880s
and currently produces 6%–7% of the nation’s total electricity.1 DOE estimates that the United
States possesses significant additional hydroelectric generating capacity at existing dams and
manmade waterways, and at new, undeveloped low-impact sites.
The Water Power Program helps industry harness this renewable, emissions-free resource to
generate environmentally sustainable and cost-effective electricity. Through support for public,
private, and nonprofit efforts, the Water Power Program promotes the development,
demonstration, and deployment of advanced hydropower devices and pumped storage
hydropower applications. These technologies help capture energy stored by diversionary
structures, increase the efficiency of hydroelectric generation, and use excess grid energy to
replenish storage reserves for use during periods of peak electricity demand. In addition, the
Water Power Program works to assess the potential extractable energy from domestic water
resources to assist industry and government in planning for our nation’s energy future.
Hydro power plants can be classified based on their installed electrical generating capacity.
Typical categories and associated capacities are: large hydro (>10 MW), small hydro (<10 MW),
mini-hydro (<1 MW), micro-hydro (<100 kW), and pico-hydro (<5 kW) [18]. It is estimated that
about 10% of global hydro power is generated from power plants with less than 10MW of
capacity. Micro-hydro plants often utilize the natural flow of water in a run-of-river (ROR)

The low power generation in Nigeria had hindered her economic growth and industrialization.
The nation had carried out various reforms to ameliorate the electric power crisis but all to no
avail. The electric power crisis has made so many industries to relocate to more environmental
friendly nations. Furthermore, the terrible state of the nation’s basic infrastructure such as water
supply, health care system and petroleum product distribution are all symptom of an economy
that is insalubrious because of the nations’ incapability to meet electric power demand. The
subject of power generation in Nigeria is interesting, vital and worthy of investigation.


The aim of the project is to design and construct an ultra-small hydro power generator for rural
electrification system.
The objectives of this project are:
I. Design , and analysis of \ small hydro turbine rural electric power
II. To construct an ultra-small hydo power generator
III. Select the proper materials for To construct an ultra-small hydo power generator
IV. To develop a sustainable, environmentally friendly alternative Renewable energy
production (Contribute green environment /environmental friendly). e


Moving water is a powerful source of energy that is harnessed to provide clean, fast, and flexible
electricity generation. Hydropower is currently the largest source of renewable electricity
worldwide and represents a reliable and domestic resource that can power millions of Nigerian
homes and businesses. Embarking on this project can help most especially rural areas get access
to electricity which can improve the economy of Nigeria. This project can help utilize the energy
from running waters especially in rural areas where they needed most.
Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa with population over 155 million people, and the
majority of citizens are living below the $1 dollar per day poverty level. Only 40% of Nigerians
is connected to the national electricity grid. The connected population faces power problems
60% of the time.
Energy crisis has crippled the national sector, which claimed it needed 2000 MW (e) to run in
2009, and the MAN (Manufacturer’s association of Nigeria) says it spends more than N 1.8
billion(US $11,340 million) weekly in the running and maintenance of power generations.

The significance of this study to provide a small hydro power generator which is relatively
cheap, efficient and provides a clean and renewable source of energy. This will provide power if
adopted and thereby improve the economy of Nigeria.


The scope of this study is to construct a small hydro power generator to provide electricity to
small communities to power their home. This can also be helpful to local farmers to provide
electric fences.


Hydroelectricity is a widely used form of alternative energy, providing more than 19% of the
world’s electric power consumption from both large and small hydro power plants. Brazil, the
United States, Canada and Norway generate large quant ities of electric power from very large
hydroelectric facilities. On the other hand, there are numerous regions of the world that have a
huge number of small hydro power plants in service. For example, in China, more than 19,000
MW of electric power is generated from 43,000 small hydro power plants.
There is no common definition of the term “small hydro power plant” which, depending on local
interpretations can range from a few kilowatts to 50 megawatts or more of electric power output.
Internationally, “small” hydro power plants usually range in size from 1 MW to 50 MW. Projects
in the 100 kW to 1 MW range are usually referred to as “mini” hydro plants, and projects under
100 kW in size are referred to as “micro” hydro power plants. However, installed capacity is not
always a proper indicator of the project size. For instance, a 20 MW, low-head “small” hydro
power plant is not small since low-head hydro facilities usually need and use larger volumes of
water, and need larger hydro turbines in comparison to high-head facilitie



The electric generator converts the mechanical energy of the turbine into electrical energy. The
two major components of the generator are the rotor and the stator. The rotor is the rotating
assembly to which the mechanical torque of the turbine shaft is applied. By magnetizing or
“exciting” the rotor, a voltage is induced in the stationary component, the stator. The principal
control mechanism of the generator is the exciter-regulator which sets and stabilizes the output
voltage. The speed of the generator is determined by the turbine selection, except when geared
with a speed increaser. In general, for a fixed value of power, a decrease in speed will increase
the physical size and cost of the generator.
The location and orientation of the generator is influenced by factors such as turbine type and
turbine orientation. For example, the generator for a bulb type turbine is located within the bulb
itself. A horizontal generator is usually required for small turbine e.g. tube turbine and a vertical
shaft generator with a thrust bearing is appropriate for vertical turbine installations.
Conventional cooling on a generator is accomplished by passing air through the stator and rotor
coils. Fan blades on the rotating rotor assist in the air flow. For larger generator (above 5 MVA
capacity) and depending on the temperature rise limitations of the winding insulation of the
machine, the cooling is assisted by passing air through surface air coolers, which have circulated
water as the cooling medium.
Large Generators interconnected with the grid should meet grid standards issued by Central
Electricity Authority (CEA) (relevant extracts are enclosed as annexure-1).

Hydro Generators Early Designs

2.1.1 Large Hydro

Large salient pole hydro generators specified for installation up to 1970 were constrained by
following considerations.
Insulation Systems for Stator and Rotor was Class B insulation with organic binding material
which permitted lower temperature rises.
Material for rotor rim punching etc. required limiting the diameter of the rotor so as to permit
operation at runaway speed.
Bearing arrangements: Top thrust and guide bearing supported on heavy brackets, capable of
supporting total generator weight was provided with a bottom guide bearing to all hydro
generators including slow speed large generator which constitutes majority of large hydro
generators. This resulted in high cost of machine and building.
Shaft mounted excitation systems were slow and unable to meet the requirements of quick
response required from large generators feeding large modern grid systems.
Stability requirements for long distance transmission lines required to feed distant load
centre/grids was achieved by manipulating reactance’s, excitation response ratio and flywheel
effect. This resulted in larges size of the machine.
Grids were small and there was no stringent requirement for voltage and frequency variation.

2.1.2 Small Hydro

Small hydro were a typically installed to feed remote areas and worked in isolated mode. The
hydro turbines (slow speed) were directly coupled to high cost slow speed generators. Hydro
stations were manually operated. The development of load was very poor. The small hydro
became highly uneconomical to operate because of low load factors, high installation cost and
very high running cost.
2.1.3 Types of Generators and Configuration (Vertical or Horizontal)

Vertical shaft generators are generally used. There are two types of vertical shaft hydro
generators distinguished by bearing arrangements.
Umbrella type generators: These generators have combined bottom thrust and guide bearings and
confined to low operating speeds (up to 200 rpm) are the least expensive generator design. In
semi umbrella type generators a top guide bearing is added. Umbrella/Semi Umbrella design is
being increasingly used for slow speed vertical generator.
Conventional generators: Prior to introduction of umbrella and semi umbrella designs
conventional design comprised of top-mounted thrust and guide bearing supported on heavy
brackets, capable of supporting total weight of generator. All thrust bearing supported brackets
take care the weight of generator rotating parts. Turbine rotation parts and axial component of
water thrust acting on turbine runner. A bottom guide bearing combined with turbine shaft is
usually provided. This conventional design is used for high speeds (up to 1000 rpm) generators.
Some medium size low flow turbine and tube turbine generators are horizontal shaft. Direct
driven bulb turbine generators are also horizontal shaft generators located in the bulb. Pelton
turbine coupled generators are mostly horizontal shaft.
2.1.4 Capacity and Rating

kW Rating: kW capacity is fixed by turbine rated output. In a variable head power plant the
turbine output may vary depending upon available head. In general the generator is rated for
turbine output at rated head. In peaking power plant higher generator kW rating could be
specified to take care of possible higher turbine output. Economic analysis is required for this
purpose as the cost will increase and generator capacity remains unutilized when heads are low.
The kilowatt rating of the generator should be compatible with the kW rating of the turbine. The
most common turbine types are Francis, fixed blade propeller, and adjustable blade propeller
(Kaplan). Each turbine type has different operating characteristics and imposes a different set of
generator design criteria to correctly match the generator to the turbine. For any turbine type,
however, the generator should have sufficient continuous capacity to handle the maximum kW
available from the turbine at 100-percent gate without the generator exceeding its rated
nameplate temperature rise. In determining generator capacity, any possible future changes to the
project, such as raising the forebay (draw down) level and increasing turbine output capability,
should be considered.
kVA Rating and power factor: kVA and power factor is fixed by consideration of interconnected
transmission system and location of the power plant with respect to load centre. These
requirements include a consideration of the anticipated load, the electrical location of the plant
relative to the power system load centers, the transmission lines, substations, and distribution
facilities involved. A load flow study for different operating condition would indicate operating
power factor, which could be specified.
( Turbine output ∈ MW )∗( generator efficiency )
Generator MVA=
Generator power factor

2.1.5 Electrical Characteristics

Electrical Characteristics e.g. voltage, short circuit ratio, reactance, line charging capacity etc.
must conform to the interconnected transmission system. Large water wheel generators are
custom designed to match hydraulic turbine prime over. Deviation from normal generator design
parameters to meet system stability needs can have a significant effect on cost. The system
stability and other needs can be met by modern static excitation high response systems and it is a
practice to specify normal characteristics for generators and achieve stability requirements if any
by adjusting excitation system parameter (ceiling voltage/exciter response). Generator
Terminal Voltage
Generator terminal voltage should be as high as economically feasible. Standard voltage of 11
kV or higher is generally specified for hydro generator.
2.1.6 Turbines

A turbine  is a rotary mechanical device that extracts energy from a fluid flow and converts it
into useful work. The work produced by a turbine can be used for generating electrical power
when combined with a generator.  A turbine is a turbo-machine with at least one moving part
called a rotor assembly, which is a shaft or drum with blades attached. Moving fluid acts on the
blades so that they move and impart rotational energy to the rotor. Early turbine examples
are windmills and waterwheels.

Gas, steam, and water turbines have a casing around the blades that contains and controls the
working fluid. Credit for invention of the steam turbine is given both to Anglo-Irish engineer Sir
Charles Parsons (1854–1931) for invention of the reaction turbine, and to Swedish
engineer Gustaf de Laval (1845–1913) for invention of the impulse turbine. Modern steam
turbines frequently employ both reaction and impulse in the same unit, typically varying
the degree of reaction and impulse from the blade root to its periphery. Hero of
Alexandria demonstrated the turbine principle in an aeolipile in the first century AD
and Vitruvius mentioned them around 70 BC.

The word "turbine" was coined in 1822 by the French mining engineer Claude Burdin from the
Greek τύρβη, tyrbē, meaning "vortex" or "whirling", in a memo, "Des turbines hydrauliques ou
machines rotatoires à grande vitesse", which he submitted to the Académie royale des sciences in
Paris. Benoit Fourneyron, a former student of Claude Burdin, built the first practical water

2.1.7 The Archimedes screw turbines

The screw turbine or Archimedean turbine is a water turbine which uses the principle of

the Archimedean screw to convert the potential energy of water on an upstream level into work.
It may be compared to the water wheel. The turbine consists of a rotor in the shape of an
Archimedean screw which rotates in a semicircular trough. Water flows into the turbine and its
weight presses down onto the blades of the turbine, which in turn forces the turbine to turn.
Water flows freely off the end of the turbine into the river. The upper end of the screw is
connected to a generator through a gearbox.

Archimedes Screws Turbines (ASTs) are a new form of small hydroelectric power plant that can
be applied even in low head sites. ASTs offer a clean and renewable source of energy and are
safer for wildlife and especially fish than other hydro generation options. As with other energy
solutions, ASTs are not a global solution for all situations. However, in terms of sustainable
development, ASTs can offer many economic, social, and environmental advantages that make
them an important option for providing sustainable hydropower development. Archimedes
screws can operate in low water heads (less than about 5 m) and a range of flow rates with
practical efficiencies of 60% to 80% and can generate up to 355 kW of power. ASTs increase the
number of suitable sites where it is possible to develop sustainable hydropower, including in
undeveloped, hard to access regions and small communities. At many low head sites, ASTs may
be more cost-effective, with lower installation and operating costs than alternative hydropower
systems. An AST may also reduce the disturbance of natural sedimentation and erosion
processes and have smaller impacts on fish and other fauna. ASTs can often be retrofit to existing
unpowered dams or weirs, providing new hydropower capacity for very little marginal
environmental impact.
The Archimedes screw is considered to be one of the earliest hydraulic machines. It is composed
of a helical array of simple blades that are wrapped around a central cylinder, like a woodscrew.
This screw is supported within a surrounding fixed trough. There is small gap between the trough
and screw that allows the screw to rotate freely while allowing only a small amount of water to
leak past the blade edges. It is believed that the Archimedes screw was invented by Archimedes
of Syracuse (circa 287-212 BCE), the Greek physicist, mathematician, and inventor [23].
However, there is evidence suggesting the invention and use of the screw technology may date
back to over three centuries before Archimedes under the reign of King Sennacherib (704-681
BCE) in the 7th century BCE in the Assyrian Empire. Archimedes
screws can be also used to produce power if they are driven by flowing fluid insteadof lifting
fluid. Water transiting the screw from high to low elevation generates a torque on the helical
plane surfaces, causing the screw to rotate. This mechanical rotation can be used to produce
electricity  by attaching a generator. In this way, the AST is a variation of the ancient
Archimedes screw  pump. However, ASTs have only been in use since the 1990s. ASTs offer a
clean and renewable  source of energy and can be safer than other types of hydroelectric 
turbines for wildlife and especially  fish. The first AST was installed in the 1990s. Since
then, several hundred ASTs have been 
installed to generate electricity. Almost all of these havebeen built in Europe.


In This Chapter We Are Going To Carry Out Analysis On The Small Hydropower Components.
Design Analysis Is Based On Net Head And Design Flow Obtained Earlier On In Previous
Chapter. The
Analysis Is Done Using Some Empirical Formulae From Reference Materials Cited Under

Hence, The Net Head = 54.5 M And Design Discharge = 21m3/S

3.1 Design Of Electromechanical Equipment

3.1.1 Determination Of Power Output

P=G*Q*H* O * ρW
P = Power Developed
G = Gravitational Acceleration
Q = Design Flow Rate
H = Head
O = Overall Efficiency
ρW= Density Of Water
In Our Case;
Turbine Efficiency, T= 0.94
Transmission Efficiency, M= 0.98 (Belt Type)
Generator Efficiency, G = 0.97 (Synchronous Generator)
O= T* M * G
O= 0.94 * 0.97 * 0.98
O= 0.89
Thus, Power Developed By Generator Is Given By;
P=G*Q*H* O * ρW
P = 9.81 * 21 * 54.5 * 0.89 * 1000
P = 9,992,515 W
P = 9.992MW
P ‰ˆ 10 MW

3.2 Design of Archimedes Screws

The Archimedes screw itself is a central component in an Archimedes Screw Hydropower Plant.
These are:[label=,labelsep=0mm]
Di: Inner diameter
DO: Outer diameter
L: Total length of the screw
β: Inclination Angle of the Screw
N: Number of helical planed surfaces
S: Screw pitch (Distance along the screw axis for one complete helical plane turn)
f: Fill Height of the bucket [30]
Gw: The gap between the trough and screw
hu: Upper (inlet) water level
hL: Lower (outlet) water level
These Calculations Are Based On Lugaresi And Massa Equations.
Provision to dry out the top and bottom of the screw for bearing inspection, maintenance should 
be included in the plant design. The sluice gate should be able to shut off all flow. At the outlet, 
build vertical grooves to hold stop logs to allow drying out of the screw outlet.  ‐
Be sure to plan for flooding water levels, and be sure to protect electrical components from water
This could be done by elevating the generator, sealing the powerhouse, and/or putting 
control equipment on the bank at a higher level 
3.3Archimedes Screw Geometry and Parameters.
The geometry of an Archimedes screw is determined by external (DO, L, and β) and internal (Di,
N, and S) parameters. The external parameters are generally determines based on the location of
the screw and the passing flow rate. The internal parameters could be selected in a way that
optimizes the performance of the screw . Typically, the screw manufacturer should be involved
in detailed design. The following process may be useful for initial planning and preliminary
design of an AST site. First,determine the overall size and inclination angle of the screw. The
inclination angle should be determined based on the site slope. If there are minimal constraints
on angle (and installation space), a value of β = 22◦ could be considered since many current AST
powerplants are installed at a similar inclination angle unless there is a need for steeper slope. Be
careful if considering β values in excess of about 30◦ since screw capacity will decrease
markedly, or less than about 20◦ due to longer screw length. Determine the length (L) of the
screw based on site specifications and technical limitations. Use information from existing plants
and Equations or Equations to select an overall diameter Do to accommodate the available flow.
Check L/Do. If L/Do is less than about 2, expect efficiency to be somewhat reduced. If L/Do is
less than about 1.25, the screw will likely be too short for its diameter. Consider two or more
smaller diameter screws, particularly as L/Do gets smaller. Use Equation for screw rotation
speed ω, let pitch S = Do and use Di = Do/2. These values will be reasonable for preliminary
planning, but may not be optimum values for the final design. After determination of the
geometry of the screw, the algorithm presented by Nuernbergk and Rorres [62]can be used to
determine the inlet water head required for optimal operation of the screw to fill it to its optimum
volume capacity without occurring overflow. This is needed to vertically position the screw
relative to the dam crestor expected reservoir level. The screw must be low enough to ensure

The minimum fill height can be approximated to occur at θ = π and r = Do/2 and the maximum
(100%) fill height occurs at approximately θ = 2π and r = Di/2. Therefore, the minimum bucket
water depth Zmin, maximum bucket depth without overflowing ZMax and the actual water depth
within the bucket Zwl can be defined and related to the nondimensional water fill height (f):

Zmin =−Do 2Cos(β)−S 2Sin(β) (5)

ZMax =Di 2Cos(β)−S.Sin(β) (6)

Zwl = Zmin +Zwl−Zmin Zmax−Zmin

(ZMax−Zmin) = Zmin + f.(ZMax−Zmin) (7)

adjacentpointsonthehelicalplanesontheupstreamanddownstreamofthebucket. Ifonlytheportion
bucket volume, the overall volume of a bucket V can be determined as [30]:

dV= Zl > Zwl

and Zwl < Z2 Zwl−Z1 Z2−Z1S

N r dr dθ Z1 ≤Z2

and Zwl ≤Z2S

Nr dr dθ Zl > Zwl

and Zwl < Z2

V =Rr=D0



3.4 Flow Rate and Leakage Models

flowrateofwaterthroughit. Developingageneralrelationshipforthevolumeofflowpassingthrough

Sustainability 2020, 12, 7352 23 of 34

flows through the screw within the buckets formed by the helical array of blades, there is a small
gap between the trough and screw which could be considered as free flow. Screw geometry and
rotation speed are also important factors that intensify the difficulties. Nuernbergk and Rorres
[62] proposed an analytical model for the optimal design of full-scale screws based on the water-
inflow conditions for screws running at a fixed speed near to the Muysken’s maximum
recommended rotation speed (ωM) for Archimedes screws (Equation (9)) [100]. Introducing the
concept of effective cross-sectional waterareawithinthescrew(AE) andaxialtransportvelocity(VT
= Sω/2π),itcanbeshownthat

ωM =5π 3D2/3 o

(9)Q = AEVT

Q QMax= a AE


where AMax =πD2 O/4,

QMax is determined from Equation an eqation above by setting AE = AMax. The constantsa , b,
and c are related to the screw properties and optimum value may be different for each screw.
Preliminary investigations suggest that a = 1.242, b = 1.311, and c = 0.822 give reasonable
predictions of Q for a range of AST sizes [125]. In addition to the main flow within the buckets,
and leakage flow through the gaps between blade and trough, there are several other paths for
flow through an AST. The total flow (Q) of an AST can be divided into the following five
components: (1) Main flow that is contained with the buckets and causes torque generation
(QM), (2) Gap leakage flow (QG), (3) Over filling flow leakage (QO),
whenwaterlevelswithinabucketaresohighthatsomewaterspillsoverthetopofthecentralcylinder, (4)
Friction-leakage (QF), when water adheres to the flights and is flung out of the screw, and (5) No
guiding plate leakage (QP), which occurs when water levels are high enough that water spills out
of the top edge of the trough [62]. Total flow Q is the sum of all five of these flow components:

Q = QM +QG +QP +QO +QF (12)

It can be assumed that generally, only QM contributes to meaningful power generation, while the
other flow components do not contribute useful power and so are ideally minimized or
eliminated. In modern screws, QP is usually eliminated by using a guiding plate to extend the
trough to enclose more of the rotating screw. For screws running up to the optimal flow rate, QO
is zero since overflow only happens above the optimum flow rates. Finally, the effect of QF is
usually negligible in ASTs [62]. The gap flow QG is of particular interest, since it is necessary to
include a gap between the blades and trough, and so it is not possible to eliminate this component
of lost flow. Nagel [126] presented an empirical equation for gap leakage flow in Archimedes
screw pumps (not turbines), for the case of full buckets (f = 1) at normal rotational speeds: QG =
2.5 GW D1.5 o (13)

where the GW gap width (in meters) and the diameter (Do) must be entered in units of meters, to
get a resulting QG in m3/s. The gap width is not easy to measure in full-scale screws. Nagel also
provided an empirical relation to estimate GW based on the size of the screw:

Sustainability 2020, 12, 7352 24 of 34 GW = 0.0045pDO (14) Nagel’s modelis necessarily

anestimate only, as allphysical and dynamicproperties ofthe actual flow regime, rotational
mechanics of the screw, and the fluid mechanics of the flow are neglected [126]. Neurnbergk and
Rorres proposed a more complex equation attributed to Muysken to estimate gap flow leakage by
including some additional parameters [62]:


DO 2(1+GW DO)s1+ S πDO!2(2 3

(α3 +α5) +α4)p2g∆h 15)

where µA is the contraction discharge coefficient which is dependent on the shape of the edge of
the blade and is typically in the range of between 0.65 and 1 for the minimum and maximum
leakage, respectively. The head difference ∆h = (S/N)Sinβ) and α3, α4, and α5 are wetted angles
around the gap (in radians) that can be determined from the algorithm proposed in Rorres (2000)
[26,62]. Lubitz et al. [30] presented an equation for QG that is functionally equivalent to the
Muysken (1932) [100] and Nuernbergk and Rorres [62] leakage models, but cast in different
geometric variables.
Itassumedthattheentiregapleakageisdrivenbythestaticpressuredifferenceacrossthegap,whichis the
result of the water height difference between adjacent buckets.

QG = CGw (lw +le 1.5)r2gS Nsinβ (16)

where C is a minor loss coefficient that is less than or equal to 1 and previously taken to be 0.89;
g is the gravitational constant (9.81 m/s2); and lw and le are wetted lengths along with a single
turn of one flight, with lw being the length of the gap that is submerged on both sides, and le
being the length of the gap that is submerged on one side and exposed to air on the other

an empirical equation for gap leakage flow in Archimedes screw pumps (not turbines), for the ca
se  of full buckets (f = 1) at normal rotational speeds:  𝑄2.5 𝐺 𝐷.   where
the 𝐺 gap width (in meters) and the diameter (Do) must be entered in units of meters, to get a
resulting QG in m3/s. The gap width is not easy to measure in full‐scale screws. Nagel also provi
ded  an empirical relation to estimate 𝐺 based on the size of the screw:  𝐺0.0045𝐷  Nagel’s
model is necessarily an estimate only, as all physical and dynamic properties of the 
actual flow regime, rotational mechanics of the screw, and the fluid mechanics of the flow are 
neglected. Neurnbergk and Rorres proposed a more complex equation attributed to Muysken 
to estimate gap flow leakage by including some additional parameters 𝑄𝜇 𝐺𝐷 21𝐺 𝐷1𝑆 𝜋𝐷2 3𝛼𝛼
𝛼 2𝑔𝛥ℎ  where
𝜇 is the contraction discharge coefficient which is dependent on the shape of the edge of the blad
e  and is typically in the range of between 0.65 and 1 for the minimum and maximum leakage, 
respectively. The head difference Δh𝑆/𝑁Sinβ) and 𝛼, 𝛼, and 𝛼 are wetted angles around the 
gap (in radians) that can be determined from the algorithm proposed in Rorres (2000) .  When
bucket fill level exceeds 100% (f > 1), rising the water above the center cylinder causes a
secondaryflow thatlets thewaterpour overthetop ofthecenter cylinderinto thedownstreambucket.
Aigner presented a leakage model based on assuming that the overflow could be approximated as
weir flow through a triangular spillway . The weir is approximated as a simple angled, V-notch
weir since this is approximately the shape that the central shaft and the planes make at the
overflow point [27]. QO = 4 15 µp2g (tanβ+ 1 tanβ )qh5 ue (17) where µ is a loss coefficient and
hue is the overflow head, calculated as [27] hue = Zwl−Zmax Zwl > Zmax

At optimum fill height and below, no spill across the central tube happens, and hue and also QO
will be zero.

3.5. Torque and Power Models

The torque on the screw is the result of water pressure on the helical planes. The Lubitz et al.
model determines the hydrostatic pressure p at any point on the plane surfaces at a depth z below
the water level by assuming static conditions within the buckets

[30]: p =( ρg(Zwl−Z) Z < Zwl 0 Z≥Zwl (19)

The net pressure on the helical plane surfaces is the difference between the pressure on the up
and downstream surfaces of the blade. Therefore, if p1 and p2 are assumed as the pressures on
each side of the plane surface, the net torque on each element area of the helical plane surface
(dT) and the total torque from a single bucket (T) can be calculated by integrating torque over
the entirety of the submerged surfaces:

dT = (p1−p2) Sθ 2π r dr dθ (20) T =Zr=D0 2 r=Di 2 Zθ=2 π θ=0 dT

The total torque in full length of screw is related to the total number of buckets and can be
calculated by: TTotal = T( NL S )

Then, the total power will be: Pout = TTotalω (23)

3.6. Archimedes Screw Power Loss Models

The discussion above has described the performance of an ideal screw, in which many loss
mechanisms are neglected. While overflow and gap leakage flow reduce the overall efficiency of
an AST[26,127]andpoweroutputcanbelimitedbytheamountofwaterthatcanenterthescrewinlet[62],
a complete AST power loss model should consider all possible known head losses [27], which

- Inlet losses due to head loss through the screw entrance - Internal hydraulic friction between
water and moving screw surfaces - Outlet losses due to exit effects, geometric head losses, and
additional drag torque - Friction of bearings - Additional mechanical and electrical losses in
gearboxes, generators, and electrical controls

The screw in an AST is supported at both ends by a bearing. Friction losses in bearings reduce
torque available at the AST shaft. The magnitude of these losses depends on mechanical
properties of the bearing, which may vary from one AST installation to another, and because
bearing losses are both relatively low in full-scale ASTs and difficult to predict a priori, there is
little guidance in the literature on this loss mechanism. While there are equations in the literature
for predicting inlet and hydraulic frictional power losses, most of the outlet power loss
calculation attempts are based on adapting equations from related problems [128,129] such as the
Borda-Carnot equation for culvert outlet exit power losses. Notably, Nuernbergk presents
equations for non-optimal outlet water level loss [28] and
KozynandLubitzdevelopedanempiricalequationforoutletdragtorquepowerloss[130]. Methodsof
accurately calculating all of these power losses is a current area of AST research.

3.7. Estimating the Generated Power of the Archimedes Screws

Despite the literature of using Archimedes screws as pumps, currently, there is little English
documentation in using them for extracting energy from flow, and a significant portion of it is
about the case studies of installations, many of which are qualitative [30]. Several researchers
have worked on developing mathematical models to predict the power output of an Archimedes
screw. Early AST power models assumed that the screw was driven by the weight of the water
enclosed by the screw blades [25,124]. Essentially, water contained within the buckets of the
rotating screw produces a static pressure distribution on all submerged surfaces, and this
distribution of pressures results in a net force in the direction of rotation. Müller and Senior
(2009) offered a model based on the hydrostatic pressure difference across the screw surfaces.
To consider the effect of gap leakage, they used Nagel’s (1968) empirical equation. However,
their model simplifies the screw geometry in a level that they concluded that, by ignoring the
bearing and friction losses, theoretically, there is no dependency between the rotation speed and
the efficiency of an AST [21,30]. The main assumption for almost all Archimedes screws models
is that the water level in each bucket is the highest level at which no water flows to the next
bucket over the top of the inner cylinder. There is little theory or data for when ASTs run at
partially full conditions [30]. Lubitz et al. [30] proposed a model to estimate the efficiency of
screws for all range of possible fill levels. Based on the idea of analyzing a single water bucket,
Lubitz et al. [30] proposed several mathematical models to estimate the flow and power of an
ideal screw in a steady flow regime. This quasi-static model calculates the volumes of water
buckets and the resulting torque on the screw by assuming the screw is not rotating and
experiencing no internal water flows [30]. Foranidealscrewoperatingundersteady-
stateconditions(steadyflow,constantrotationalspeed), all the buckets will have the same shape and
volumetric size. The shape and size of a bucket are determined by the geometry of the screw, the
screw rotation speed ω, and the volume flow rate of water through the screw Q [30]. The model
determines the forces and flows operating within a single bucket for an idealized infinitely long
screw. It is assumed that all buckets within the screw effectively function identically to this
idealized bucket. Forces, torques, and power then can be scaled up based on the total length of
the screw (L) to calculate total screw power.
3.8. Bucket Volume Theory
The Lubitz et al. [30] model requires defining the general positions on the helical plane surfaces
in cylindrical coordinates (Figure 20). A ‘w’ axis is aligned with the rotational axis of the central
cylindrical shaft and a vertically oriented Cartesian axis ‘z’ is also defined with positive z
vertically upwards. This vertical axis is used to calculate local water depths by projecting
physical locations on the helical plane surfaces onto the vertical axis. It is assumed that the first
leading helical plane edge is vertically oriented at the top of the screw. So, for any position along
the w axis, the radial positions
(r(ω))andangularpositions(θ(ω))ontheleadingplanearedescribedbythegeometryofahelicoidof pitch
length S. For any given position along the ‘w’ axis [30]:
r(w) = r (1)
θ(w) = 2π
W S(2)
Where the radial position,and θ is the angular position(Figure20). For a screw the number of
blades N, the vertical position on the leading helical plane surface (Z1) and the upstream helical
plane (Z2) at any point like X(r, θ) could be defined by [30]:
Z1 = r Cos(θ) Cos(β)−
Sθ 2π
Sin(β) (3)
Z2 = r Cos(θ) Cos(β)−Sθ 2π −
S NSin(β) (4)
are determined by the geometry of the screw, the screw rotation speed 
 , and the volume flow rate 
of water through the screw Q [30]. The model determines the forces and flows operating within a 
single bucket for an idealized infinitely long screw. It is assumed that all buckets within the scre

effectively function identically to this idealized bucket. Forces, torques, and power then can be s
caled  up based on the total length of the screw (L) to calculate total screw power [30]. 

3.9. Bucket Volume Theory 

The Lubitz et al. [30] model requires defining the general positions on the helical plane surfaces 
in cylindrical coordinates (Figure 20). A ‘w’ axis is aligned with the rotational axis of the central 
cylindrical shaft and a vertically oriented Cartesian axis ‘z’ is also defined with positive z vertica
upwards. This vertical axis is used to calculate local water depths by projecting physical location
s on 
the helical plane surfaces onto the vertical axis. It is assumed that the first leading helical plane e
is vertically oriented at the top of the screw. So, for any position along the w axis, the radial posit
ions  (𝑟𝜔) and angular positions (𝛳𝜔) on the leading plane 

3.10 Cavitation Design

If The Water Pressure In The Runner Is Lower Than The Vapor Pressure, Cavitation May Occur.
The Impact Of Gas Cavities Collapsing Close To The Wall Surface Causes Cavitation Erosion.
In Order To avoid The Water Pressure To Drop Below The Vapor Pressure, The Turbine Can Be
Submerged. The required Level Of Submergence, Expressed As Net Positive Suction Head
(NPSH) Depends On the Main Dimensions And The Speed Number Of The Runner. The
Specific Speed Is A Non-Dimensional expression For Rotational Speed At A Given Head At
Best Efficiency Point.
From Previous Calculation:
NS =0.2484

Knowing The Specific Speed, The Required NPSH Can Be Calculated As;
Where The Parameters A And B Are Empirical Constants, And, According To Brekke,
Dependent On
The Speed Number.
NS<0.55 Gives A=1.12 And B=0.055
NS>0.55 Gives A=1.12 And B=0.1· NS
Cm2 = Vf2 = Flow Velocity At Outlet = 9.81 M/S
U2 = Vw2 = Whirl Velocity At Outlet =17.47 M/S
Npshrequired = 1.12 * (9.81)2 / (2 * 9.81) + 0.055 * (17.47)2 / (2 * 9.81)
Npshrequired = 6.35
NPSH Has To Fulfill The Following Requirement To Avoid Cavitation
Npshrequired < Hatm ˆ’ Hva ˆ’ Hs
Hva From The Steam Table At A Temperature Of 24°C = 0.03625 Bar
1 Atm = 1.01325 Bar
Hva= 0.03625 Bar / 1.01325 Bar * 1 Atm
Hva= 0.03578 Atm = 0.3685 Mwc
6.35 < (10.3 - 0.3685)
6.35 < 9.931 Thus No Cavitation Occurs.
Hatm= Atmospherically Pressure, 1 Atm = 10.3 Mwc
Hva= Vapor Pressure
Hs= Submerging Of The Turbine. A Negative Value Of Hs Implies That The Turbine Is Set
Below Tail
Water Level.

From The Above Calculation, The Turbine Is Not Subject To Cavitation Even Without Being
Submerged. Thus Submerging The Turbine Below The Tailrace Water Level Is Not Necessary
To Avoid
3.11 Generator Design

3.11.1 Number Of Poles

Np= 120 * F / N
Np= Number Of Poles
F = Frequency Of Supply I.E. 50 Hz In Kenya
N = Rotational Speed (RPM)
Np= 120 * 50 / 361.56
Np= 16.59 ‰ˆ 17 Poles
Table Of Standard Rotational Speed Of Generator

Referring To The Original Turbine Speed And The Rated Generator Speed, Either Direct
Coupling Or
Indirect Coupling With Power Transmission Facility (Gear Or Belt) Is Selected So That The
Ratio Of Speed Between Turbine And Generator Can Be Matched. The Total Cost Of Turbine,
Transmitter And Generator Shall Also Be Taken Into Consideration. For Small Hydropower
Plant, 4 €“
8 Poles Are Selected To Save The Cost. Hence, 17 Poles Are Not Economically. Therefore, The
Increaser Is Used To Raise The Speed Of Turbine To The Standard Speed Of Generator Without
Coupling The Two.
Since The Speed Of The Turbine Was Calculated As 362 RPM, It Is Seen That This Speed Is
Low And
Hence Needs To Be Increased. The Ideal Speed Can Be Achieved By Increasing The Rotational
Of Turbine By A Factor Of Four.
3.11 Speed Of Generator

Ideal Speed = 4.1 * 362

= 1484.2 RPM ‰ˆ 148η RPM
Np= 120 * F / N
Np= 120 *50 / 1485
Np= 4.04 Poles ‰ˆ 4 Poles
For Small Hydropower Plants, 4 €“ 8 Pole Generators Are Selected To Reduce The Cost Of
Generator. The Size And Cost Of High Speed Generators Is Less In Comparison To Low Speed
Generators. Hence, 4 Poles Fall Within Acceptable Limit And Results To A Cheaper Generator.
The Type Of Coupling To Be Used Is The Flexible Coupling Of Belt Drive To Increase The
Speed Of
Turbine To Acceptable Speed Of Generator.

3.11.2 Exciter Of Generator

In The Case Of A Synchronous Generator, An Exciter Is Necessary To Supply The Field Current
To The
Generator And Keep The Output Voltage Constant Even When The Load Fluctuates.
Type Of Exciters
I. Brush Type
Ii. Brushless Type
For Small Hydropower Plants The Brushless Type Of Exciter Is Recommended Due To Its Low
Maintenance Costs. The Best Efficiency Of This Type Of Generator Is 97%
3.12. Generator Type
A Synchronous Generator With Three Phases Is Selected Because It Is Economical And Most

3.13. Generator Output

The Output Of The Generator Is Shown In KVA And Calculated As Follows;

Pg (KVA) = 9.81 * H * Q * O* ρ / Pf
Pg = Required Power Output
H = Net Head
Q = Design Discharge (M3/S)
O=Overall Efficiency I.E. Turbine Efficiency, T*Transmission Efficiency, M * Generator
Efficiency, G

ρ = Density Of Water
Pf= Power Factor = 0.8
Pg (KVA) = 9.81 * 54.5 * 21 * 1000* 0.89/ 0.8
Pg (KVA) = 12,490 KVA
Pg (KVA) ‰ˆ 12,η00 KVA

3.14. Power Transmission Facility (Speed Increaser)

The Speed Increaser Is Always Used To Reduce The Set-Up Cost Especially When The Turbine
Speed Is
Very Low. Hence, The Speed Of The Turbine Is Stepped Up By A Factor To A Certain
Convenient Value. For This Design A factor Of 4.1 Is Adopted To Increase The Rotation Speed.
This Saves On Cost Since Low Speed Generators Are Big And Expensive.
In Addition To This, In The Case Of Small- Hydropower Plants, V- Belts Or Flat Belts Coupling
Are Usually Adopted To Reduce Overall Costs Since Gear Type Transmissions Are Very
expensive. The efficiency of the belt type transmitter for this design is 98%.

3.15 Control Facility Of The Turbine And Generator.

3.16 Speed Governor

The Speed Governor Is Adopted To Keep The Rotation Speed Of The Turbine Constant. The
Change In
The Speed Of Rotation Of The Turbine Is Due To Changes In Load, Water Head And Water
Flow Rate.

For This Design, A Dummy Load Type Governor Is Recommended Since It Is Cheap. The
Capacity Of
The Dummy Load Is Calculated As Follows;
Pd= Pg * Pf * S.F
Pd= Capacity Of The Dummy Load
Pg = Rated Output Of The Generator
Pf = Rated Power Factor Of The Generator
S.F = Safety Factor According To The Cooling Method Being Employed (1.2 €“ 1.4)
Pd(KW) = 12.5 MVA * 0.8 * 1.4
Pd= 14 MW


3.17.1 Penstock Hydraulic Calculations

In Our Case;
Q = 21 M3/S
Net Head = 54.5 M
Penstock Flow Velocity = 4.5 M/S
This Is From Common Practice That Flow Velocity In Small Hydropower Plant Penstocks’
Range from 2 M/S To 5 M/S.
Find Internal Diameter.
A= Q / V
A = 21/ 4.5 = 4.667 M2
But Area Of A Circle
Or A = πD2/4.2
Making D The Subject
D = 2* ˆš (A / Ï€)
D = 2* ˆš (4.θθ7 / Ï€) = 2.437 M
Thus D ‰ˆ 2.4 M
3.17.2 Determination Of The Penstock Thickness, Tp

Tp = P * R / σ
P =Ph + Ps
P = Total Pressure
Ph = Pressure Due To Water Hammer
Ps = Static Water Pressure
σ = Stress

P H = ρW * Cp * V
For Water Under Ordinary Conditions, Cp= 1120
Ph= 1000 * 1120 * 4.5
Ph= 5.04 Mpa
Static Pressure, Ps
Ps = ρW* G * H
Ps = 1000 * 9.81 * 57
Ps = 0.5572 Mpa

Factor Of Safety, N = 4
σyp= 957mpa
P =Ph + Ps
P = 5.6 + 0.5572
P = 6.157 Mpa

σallowable = σyp / N
= 957 * 106 / 4
σallowable = 239.25 Mpa
= P * R / σallowable
= 6.157 * 106 * (2.4 / 2) / (239.25 * 106)
Tp= 0.03088 M = 30.88 Mm ‰ˆ 31 Mm
3.17.3 Head Loss In The Penstock

3.1 7.4 Head Loss Due To Entry And Exit, Hv

Hv= K * V2 / (2 * G)
But K = 0.2
Hv= 0.2 * (4.5)2 / (2 * 9.81)
Hv= 0.2064 M
But Two Valves Lie At The Entry And Exit;
Hvt= 2 * 0.2064 M
Hvt≈ 0.42 M
3.17.5 Head Loss Due To Bend, Hb

Hb= C * V2 / (2 * G)
For A Deflection Angle Of 45° C = 0.09
Hb= 0.09 * 20.25 / (2 * 9.81)
Hb= 0.093m
3.17.6 Head Loss Due To Friction, Hf

Hf= F * (LP / DP) * (V2 / (2 * G))

N/B: For The Purpose Of Accuracy We Used The Program From The Website
This Enabled Us To Get The Value Of €˜f’ From The Moody’S Chart More
F = 0.009
Hf= F * (LP / DP) * (V2 / (2 * G))
Hf= 0.009 * (432.9 / 2.4) * (20.25 / (2 * 9.81))
Hf ‰ˆ 1.θ7θ M

Total Head Losses In The, Ht

Ht = 1.676 M + 0.093 M + 0.42 M + 0.311 M
Ht = 2.5 M
Hence, The Gross Head From The Site Was 57 M And The Net Head Is Found By Subtracting
The Head
Losses. The Head Losses Were Calculated From Above.
Net Head Is 57 €“ 2.5 = 54.5 M.
From The Design Rule;
Hl ‰¤ 0.0η Hgross
2.5 ‰¤ 0.0η * η7 M
2.5 ‰¤ 2.8η M
From The Above Rule The Head Loss Comply With It Hence The Design Is Safe.
3.17.7 Design Of Head Race (Open Channel)

Q = A * R2/3 * /N
Q = Design Discharge Of Head Race = 21 M3/S
A = Area Of The Cross Section = B * H
B = Width Of The Channel
H = Depth Of The Channel
P = Wetted Perimeter = B + 2h
SL= Longitudinal Slope Of The Head Race ‰ˆ 1/1η00
N = Coefficient Of Roughness = 0.015
The Most Economical Channel Shape Is Rectangular.
For Rectangular Channel Section;
The Rectangular Channel Cross Section Is Most Economical When;
H = B / 2 And R = H / 2
H = B / 2 Or B = 2 * H
A = 2h2
Q = A * R2/3 * /N
21 = 2h2 * (H/2)2/3 * (1/1500)0.5/0.015
H = 2.1314 M
B = 2 * 2.1314 M
B = 4.2628 M
The Length Of The Channel Will Be Measured At The Site To Get Accurate One.

3.17.8 Weir Height Calculations

Under Normal Conditions, The Weir Height Should Be Planned To Exceed The Calculated
Value By
The Following Method To Ensure The Smooth Removal Of Sediment From The Upstream Of
The Weir
And The Settling Basin.

3.17.9 Side Intake

Weir Height, D1, Determined In Relation To The Bed Elevation Of The Scour Gate Of The
Intake Weir.
D1 = D1 + Hi
D1 = Height Of The Bed Of The Scour Gate To The Bed Of The Inlet (Usually 0.5 €“ 1.0 M)
Hi= Water Depth Of The Inlet ( Usually Determined To Make The Inflow Velocity
Approximately (0.5
€“ 1.0 M/S)
Qd= A * V
Qd= 21 M3/S
V = 1 M/S
A = 21m3/S / 1 M/S = 21 M2
A = B * Hi = 21 M2
We Choose B = 5 M
B = Width Of The Side Intake
Hi= Height Of The Side Intake
Hi= 21 / 5
Hi= 4.2 M

3.17.10 Settling Basin Design

The Settling Section’S Function Is To Settle Sediments / Grain Size Of (0.η €“ 1 Mm).
The Minimum
Length (L) Is Calculated By The Following Formulae Based On The Relation Between The
Speed, Ï…, Flow Velocity, V, And The Water Depth, Hs. The Length Of The Settling Basin, Ls,
Is Usually
Determined So As To Incorporate A Margin To Double The Calculated By The Formulae
L ‰¥ (V / Ï…) * Hs
Ls = 2 * L
L = Minimum Length Of The Settling Basin (M)
Ls = Length Of The Settling Basin
Hs= Water Depth Of The Settling Basin (M)
Ï… = Marginal Settling Speed For Sediments To Be Settled (M/S). It Is Usually Around0.1 M/S
For A
Target Grain Size Of 0.5 To 1.0 Mm.
V = Mean Flow Velocity In The Settling Basin (M/S). It Is Usually Around 0.3 M/S But Up To
0.6 M/S
Is Tolerated In The Case Where The Width Of The Settling Basin Is Restricted.
V = Qd / (B * Hs)
Qd= Design Discharge (M3/S)
B = Width Of The Settling Basin (M)
Qd= 21 M3/S ; V = 0.6 M/S
B * Hs= 21 / 0.6 = 35 M2
We Choose B = 7m And Hs= 5 M.
L ‰¥ (V / Ï…) * Hs
L ‰¥ (0.θ / 0.1) * 5
Ls= 30 M * 2 = 60 M
At the end of this project we expect to successfully design and construct the hydro power
generator with a proposed capacity of 840watt of power and to be able to serve the porpose of
supplying the required power to rural area in Nigeria. Also the scheme for this design will be
run-of-river scheme as discuss above under literature review because it is cheaper to install and
the nature of the river is capable of providing water.

The objective of this project is to design for construction a small hydropower generator capable
of producing 840Watt because access to basic electricity was realized to be a major problem in
rural nigeria So, the idea came to design a hydro-power plant as an alternative energy source that
can be used in rural areas. From the conceptual general design of the hydropower plant, an
Archimedes srerw turbine based on the available head and flow rates that will be operated
through stream flow technique was selected. From the analytical calculations, the functionality of
the designed micro-hydropower plant is evaluated, which the results indicate the design is able to
deliver the required electrical power to the rural area steet light and some homes. From the
feasibility study, it was proven that the project is economically feasible based on the small value
of the simple payback period. Applying this project will help to decrease the dependency on
conventional energy sources and open the local market and people to the renewable energy

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