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Modern Hydroelectric Engineering Practice in India Electro-Mechanical Works

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1. Introduction

Hydro energy is a clean renewable energy resource. Rapidly rising cost of electricity generation using
fast depleting fossil fuel energy sources and acute environmental degradation caused by these resources
has resulted in a demand for development of abundantly available, hydro energy resource which can be
converted into electricity very efficiently. It is a non consumptive use of water.

Large amount of energy available in our flowing rivers, streams, canal falls etc. remains untapped.
There are large seasonal variations in availability of this resource. Initially small scale isolated
development of hydro electric power in India was confined to providing a reliable and continuously
available electric energy for the load and was accordingly based on minimum dependable dry period
stream flows so that curtailment of load during dry period is minimized. Very large wet period inflows
were not utilized. Change to this defective design principle is called for because of the following
reasons in addition to rising cost of power generation.

i) A large integrated hydro thermal power system is developing in which thermal nuclear
generating capacity is very large portion of total capacity.
ii) Induction of large thermal/nuclear generating capacity in the interconnected grid provide
dependable energy at flexible rate which is not dependent on vagaries of stream flow and thus
provide for deficiency of energy during periods of low stream flow.

It is now being recognized that hydro energy is an alternate renewable source of energy and maximum
possible hydro energy be converted into electricity. Installations at all existing stations be uprated and
new hydroelectric installations designed accordingly for maximum economical energy. The
hydroelectric is the cheapest form of clean energy. Accordingly great stress is being laid in India and
other countries on development of enormous undeveloped hydro power potential and
uprate/modernizes existing installation for optimum cost effective sustainable development of this
renewable resource. Modernizing of existing hydroelectric practices to meet National requirement
(Hydropower Development National Policy) in accordance with National and International Standards
and Technology advance is required.

2. Hydro Power Development and Potential

2.1 Hydropower is a renewable economic, non polluting and environmentally benign source of energy.
Hydro power stations have inherent ability for instantaneous starting, stopping, load variations etc. and
help in improving reliability of power system. Hydro stations are the best choice for meeting the peak
demand. The generation cost is not only inflation free but reduces with time. Hydroelectric projects
have long useful life extending over 50 years and help in conserving scarce fossil fuels. They also help
in opening of avenues for development of remote and backward areas.

Hydro power potential as per Govt. of India Policy Statements – 1985.

Our country is endowed with enormous economically exploitable and viable hydro potential assessed
to be about 84,000 MW at 60% load factor (1,48,700 MW installed capacity). In addition, 6781.81
MW in terms of installed capacity from small, mini and micro hydro schemes have been assessed.
Also, 56 sites for pumped storage schemes with an aggregate installed capacity of 94,000 MW have
been identified. However, only 15% of the hydroelectric potential has been harnessed so far and 7% is
under various stages of development. Thus, 78% of the potential remains without any plan for

2.2 National Electricity Policy (2005 & 2008)

National Electricity Policy reiterates as follows:

i) Hydroelectricity is a clean and renewable source of energy. Maximum emphasis would be laid
on the full development of the feasible hydro potential in the country.
ii) Harnessing hydro potential speedily will also facilitate economic development of states,
particularly North-Eastern States, Sikkiim, Uttaranchal, Himachal Pradesh and J & K, since a
large proportion of our hydro power potential is located in theses states.
iii) The states with hydro potential need to focus on the full development of these potentials at the
iv) Develop requisite transmission lines

Technology Development: National electricity policy (2005) recommends as follows regarding

technology development for power generation including hydro development (Extracts).

Effective utilization of all available resources for generation, transmission and distribution of
electricity using efficient and cost effective technologies is of paramount importance. Operations and
management of vast and complex power systems require coordination among the multiple agencies
involved. Effective control of power system at state, regional and national level can be achieved only
through use of Information Technology. Application of IT has great potential in reducing technical &
commercial losses in distribution and providing consumer friendly services. Integrated resource
planning and demand side management would also require adopting state of the art technologies.

Special efforts would be made for research, development demonstration and commercialization of non-
conventional energy systems. Such systems would need to meet international standards, specifications
and performance parameters.

Similarly, cost effective technologies would require to be developed for high voltage power flows over
long distances with minimum possible losses. Specific information technology tools need to be
developed for meeting the requirements of the electricity industry including highly sophisticated
control systems for complex generation and transmission operations, efficient distribution business and
user friendly consumer interface.

Induction of modern technology, International standards and continuous research and development
inputs are required to modernize engineering practices for hydropower development.

Rural Electrification by Small & Micro Hydro Projects: The development objective of the power
sector in the country is supply of electricity to all areas including rural areas as per Indian Electricity

Reliable rural electrification systems with small and micro hydro projects especially in Northern states
which aim at creating the following are required.

(a) Rural Electrification backbone (REDB) with at least one 33/11 kV (or 66/11 kV) substation in
every block and more if required as per load, networked and connected appropriately to the
state transmission system.
(b) Emanating from REDB would be supply feeders and one distribution transformer at least in
every village settlement.
(c) Household Electrification from distribution transformer to connect every household on
(d) Wherever above is not feasible (it is neither cost effective nor the optimal solution to provide
grid connectivity) decentralized distributed generation facilities together with local
distribution network would be provided so that every household gets access to electricity. This
would be done either through conventional or non-conventional methods of electricity
generation whichever is more suitable and economical. Non-conventional sources of energy
could be utilized even where grid connectivity exists provided it is found to be cost effective.

Renovation, Modernisation & Uprating: Renovation, Modernisation & Uprating of old hydro power
plants is to be accorded priority as it is a faster and cheaper way of capacity addition than installing
new capacity. Guidelines are required.

Inter State Mega Projects: A substantial hydro power potential has remained locked up and many
mega hydro projects could not be taken up for implementation, even though these projects are well
recognised as attractive and viable. The selection and design of project is required to be based on
integrated basin wise studies. Basic parameters involved and mechanism through which each project
should be constructed and operated by the basin states need formulation. As far as possible, there
would be preference to take up simple run-of-the-river schemes that do not involve any major storage
or consumptive uses. These projects have to be designed as the backbone for the stability of the
National Grid system and parameters need to be designed after careful studies.

3. Development of Water Resources for Irrigation, Drinking Water and Flood Control

Urgent development of water sources is required to meet following urgent needs for sustainable

a) Increased irrigation for agriculture to meet food demands.

b) Provide drinking water to towns/villages.
c) Recharge depleting ground water to provide water for irrigation and drinking.
d) Minimize huge annual flood loss to life properly and crops.
e) Electricity to meet energy needs.
f) Industry

Rain water is our only source of potable water. Only a limited quantity of rain water can be conserved
in the catchment, conservation and storage of this rain water in a series of dams/barrages at feasible
locations along the entire length of our streams and rivers is a major option to meet the demand of
increasing population for food (increased irrigation), drinking water etc. and control flood loss. In the
plains barrages may be used to spread floods waters within the existing flood zones along the streams
and rivers to minimize flood damage. Stored water may be released for consumptive use in
neighborhood for drinking purposes and irrigation. Spread of water may help in recharge of ground

Hydropower is non consumptive use of water and can produce energy from water when released for
irrigation, drinking and other consumptive uses. This power can be fed into grids as clean renewable
source of energy displacing fossil fuel energy and will be economical. Bhakra, Tehri Dam etc. store
rain water not only to meet increased irrigation, drinking water needs and control floods but also
provides stable low cost clean power energy to the grid.

Ararghat (4 x 3 MW) and Bathnahan Small Hydro Project (4 x 2 MW) of Bihar State Hydro Electric
Power Corporation Ltd. are examples of flood control barrages.

UNDP/World Bank Project for cost effective irrigation Mini Hydro Schemes in India under Energy
Sector Management Programme (ESMAP) is notable effort in this detection.

Hydropower development may have adverse effects by way of submergence of land leading to
destruction of forest and displacement of people. It may also have adverse environmental
consequences. These concerns should be addressed and solved for sustainable development.

Detailed studies at basin level are required for such multipurpose project for irrigation, drinking water
supply, ground water recharge, flood control and hydro energy development.

4. Modern Engineering Practice in India

4.1 Hydro-Electric as Energy Source - Installed Capacity

Hydro-electric engineering practice developed for supply of dependable electricity to towns and
isolated systems and installations was based on dependable dry period

inflows and designed for operation in small system need a change. Hydro is value-able renewable
energy resources and optimum utilizations of energy resource is required. The energy is to be fed into
the grid and with the provision of banking and other measures now available installed capacities are
required to be based on dependable flows available throughout the year and energy produced can be
utilized displacing fossil fuel energy. The basis for development of hydro power project is to be
modified so that hydro power projects are developed as Alternate source of energy. Criteria for
development of resource has to be optimum utilization of the energy resource as dependable electrical
energy in the grid in integration with other energy sources.

4.2 Small and Mini Hydro Projects

Feasible potential of small hydro is also needed to be exploited fully to create additional power
generation capacity. Small and mini hydro potential can provide a solution for the energy problems in
remote and hilly areas and also along the canal systems having sufficient drops. The small hydro
potential could be developed economically by simple design of turbines, generators and the civil works.
Criteria for installed capacity simplified guidelines for design of electro-mechanical equipment and
system is required for rapid development.

4.3 Micro Hydro Projects

Energy problems in remote and hilly areas where extension of grid system is uneconomical can be met
by micro hydro. Guidelines for developing these micro hydro to meet energy needs is required which
can be operated by type of man power available and is economically viable. A cluster approach of
development of micro hydro in an area for economic viability is considered necessary.

4.4 Modern Engineering practices for hydro power development incorporate significant changes in
existing guidelines and practices as high lighted below.

i) Techno-economic studies are required to be carried out to determine capacity, unit size, and
type for optimum utilization of hydro energy resource at new power stations.
ii) Recent technology advances in all fields requires existing engineering practice to be
iii) Computerized control system and microprocessor based protection relay technology has
almost completely changed control and protection system of hydro plant.
iv) Detailed studies are required for optimizing selection of equipment parameters and field
adjustment of variable parameters etc. as per present guidelines and standards.
v) Formation of large power grids require careful selection of economic parameters of generating
equipment for stable grid operation, Islanding etc.
vi) Manpower costs are rising, human errors at all levels can be very costly. Non attended
operation, intelligent control and protection system design is becoming increasingly important.
vii) Development of small hydro from micro hydro (up to 100 kW) to 25,000 kW require very
special consideration to make them economically viable suitable for unattended operation due
to non availability of suitable manpower for operation and grid interconnected to improve load
factors. Modern practice in accordance with UNDP Hilly SHP Project and UNDP/World Bank
Project for cost effective irrigation Mini Hydro Schemes in India under Energy Sector
management Programme (ESMAP) is a notable effort in this direction.
viii) Development of dependable micro hydro and small hydro for rural electrification of far flung
areas as per rural electrification norms.
ix) Development of cost effective low and ultra low head canal fall and head works small hydro
for utilizing the energy available near load centres.
x) Renovation, modernization and uprating (RMU) of existing projects is required to utilize
maximum available water power potential, improve efficiencies and reduce forced outages.
xi) Small hydro development in conjunction with other renewable energy sources for maximizing
SHP benefits in hybrid system is a matter of development and research.

5. Basis for Modern Engineering Practices and Guidelines for Design of Hydro Stations and

Engineering practice and studies carried out for selected typical existing power plants for selection,
performance and testing of equipment parameters and design of power house based on standards etc.

prevailing at the time of planning and design of large and small hydro projects have been discussed in
details and form the basis of modern guidelines. Modern practice based on the current standards and
guides are brought out in the book. Central Board of Irrigation and Power is the nodel agency in India
for this purpose.

5.1 Mega Projects (high capacity interstate projects)

Mega projects are discussed with special reference to Bhakra and Beas interstate projects. These
represent deigns of Mega Projects in the country. Detailed design of Bhakra Left Bank Powerhouse
was done in India and Bhakra Right Bank was designed with the help of Russian design organisation
Lengidep in Russian and India. The power plants have been renovated, modernized and uprated.

Bhakra Power Projects – Left Bank (5 x 90 MW) and Right Bank (5 x 120 MW) are the first projects of
the country. Beas Project Power Plants - Dehar (6 x 165MW) and Pong (6 x 60 MW) were the first
power plants for which indigenous equipment was supplied by M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Bhopal.

Detailed studies were carried out for initial design of these power plants for determining capacity, unit
size, generator parameters and excitation system response. These form the basis of modern practice for
Mega projects.

Bhakra power plants are shown in figure 1 and Dehar Power plant in figure 2.

Recent trends in hydro-electric engineering design of electro-mechanical works is discussed with

reference to 2400 MW Tehri Hydro Power Complex which was specially visited for the purpose.
Figure 3 shows Tehri and Koteshwar power plants recently commissioned.

5.2 Small Hydro Projects

Modern Design of small hydro projects are discussed with special reference to Sobla power house (2 x
3000 kW); Kanchauti (2 x 1000 kW); Chirkila (1 x 1000 + 1 x 500 kW) and Kulagarh (2 x 600 kW)
typically shown in figure 4. These are the first small hydro power projects of Uttar Pradesh Small
Hydro Power Corporation which were designed/guided by the Author.

Figure 1: Bhakra Power Plants (Country’s first Mega Project)

Figure 2: Dehar Power Plant

Tehri Power Plant

Koteshwar Power Plant

Figure 3: Tehri & Koteshwar Power Plant (Recently commissioned/under commissioning)

Dehar and Pong Power projects Country’s first Project for which Indigenous Equipment was supplied by
M/s BHEL Bhopal
(Hydroelectric Power Station in Operation in India CBI & P Publication No. 288- 2003)

Figure 4: Typical Small Hydro Projects at Sobla, Kanchauti, Chirkila and Kulagarh - First Small Hydro
Projects by Uttar Pradesh Small Hydro power Corporation

Figure 5: Typical Canal Fall Small Hydro Station –Kakroi (World Lowest Head Project)
Undertaken under Indo – US Collaborative Programmes

5.3 Low and Ultra Low Head Small Hydro Projects

Low and ultra low head (below 3 meters) to extract power from existing and proposed irrigation canal
system are specifically discussed. It may be mentioned that 1.6 m head Kakroi Fall project (Figure 5) is
one of the lowest head economically viable project in the world and is in successfully operating. The
project was undertaken under INDO - US Collaborative programmes.

In all these cases changes which could be incorporated due to modern standard and practices is brought

5.4 Micro Hydro Projects

Micro hydro projects are based on a large number of these projects designed in AHEC and Electronic
Load Controller specifically designed for these projects by Pradeep Digitek Pvt. Ltd.

6. Organization of the Book

Major components of a hydroelectric plant for design practices are as follows:

a) Planning for capacity, type and unit size

b) Main generating equipment
c) Control and protection systems
d) Auxiliaries Systems
e) Switchyard equipment and layout

The book is divided into TWO volumes as follows:



Chapter – 1 Type of Hydro Electric Development

Chapter – 2 Techno-Economic Studies for Capacity and Unit Size of Hydro Electric Schemes
(Reviewed by Dr. S. K. Singal)

Chapter – 3 Hydraulic turbine classification and Selection

Chapter – 4 Turbine, Regulatory Characteristics

Chapter – 5 Turbine performance characteristics (Reviewed by Dr. R. P. Saini)

Chapter – 6 Hydro-turbine governing system

Chapter – 7 Turbine & governor specification

Chapter – 8 Turbine & governor testing (Reviewed by Dr. R. P. Saini)

Chapter – 9 Hydro generator, characteristics and performance

Chapter – 10 Hydro generator excitation systems

Chapter – 11 Generator technical & excitation system specification

Chapter – 12 Hydro generator and excitation system testing

Chapter – 13 Low head small hydro development

Chapter – 14 Recent Trends in Hydro-Electric Engineering Practice




Section – I: Control and Protection Systems

Chapter – 1: General Considerations, Technology Development

Chapter – 2: Control System

• Conventional control
• Modern control of large hydro station
• Modern Control of small hydro stations

• Modern Control of micro hydro

Chapter – 3: Protection System

• Design consideration
• Instrument transformer
• Generator protection
• Generator transformer protection
• Bus bar protection
• Line protection
• EHV Relaying
• Typical specifications for protection system (Large hydro)
• Typical specifications for protection system (Large hydro)

Section – II: Auxiliary Systems

Chapter - 4: Electrical Auxiliary System

• General requirements
• Auxiliary power system
• DC system
• Power and control cables and cabling
• Lighting system
• Grounding system
• Communication system

Chapter –5: Mechanical Auxiliary System

• General requirements
• EOT cranes of power house
• Cooling water system
• Drainage and dewatering system
• Compressed air system
• Water level measuring & transmitting devices
• Fire protection system
• Oil purification system
• Ventilation and air conditioning system

Section – III: Step up Substation

Chapter – 6: Generator Transformer

Chapter – 7: H. V. Circuit Breaker

Chapter – 8: Switchyard Equipment

Chapter – 9: Switchyard Layout

Chapter – 10: Design of EHV and UHV Sub-Station

7. Hydro-electric Equipment Manufacturers

List of major Indian Manufacturers (as per Indian Manufacturers) alongwith their collaborators is given
in table 1.

Table 1

S. No. Manufacturers Collaboration Type

1. BHEL, Hardwar & Bhopal Fuji, Japan Technical

2. Alstom, Baroda Alstom, France JV

3. Boving Fouress, Bangalore Kavernaener Boving now GE JV

UK/ Norway
4. HPP, Delhi HPP France JV

5. Jyoti, Vadodra Gilks, UK (now expired) Turbo Technical

Institute of Slovenia

6. Kirloskar, Pune Ebara Corp, Japan Technical

7. ANDRITZ Hydro Bhopal VA tech, Austria JV

8. Voith Siemens Hydro Pvt. Ltd. Voith Siemens, Germany Technical

9. Steel Industries, Thissur Kossler, Austria Technical

10. Flovel Faridabad Technical


1. Thapar, O..D.– “Hydro-Electric and Future Power Energy Systems” Proceedings 3rd world congress on
water resources Maxico; 1979.

2. Alternate Hydro Energy Centre, IIT Roorkee– Small Hydro Initiatives and private sector participation –
3rd edition – 2003.

3. Govt. of India Hydropower Policy 1998, 2005, 2008 and other publications

4. – Rénovation, modernisation and upgradtion of hydro plants in Bhakra Beas River
Valley Development – Chairman BBMB.

5. Hydroelectric Power Station in Operation in India CBI & P Publication No. 288- 2003.

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