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AI6122 Topic 3.1 - Index

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AI6122 Text Data Management & Analysis

Topic: Index Construction and Compression

Index construction

• How do we construct an index?

• What strategies can we use with limited main memory?

An example document collection: RCV1

• RCV1:
– One year of Reuters newswire (part of 1995 and 1996); not very large
– As an example for applying scalable index construction algorithms, we will use
the Reuters RCV1 collection.
– Related datasets:,+Multiv

• There are many other datasets publicly available

– Example: English Wikipedia dump
– Example: Amazon review dataset
– Example: Yelp data challenge

Reuters RCV1
Symbol Statistic Value
N Documents 800,000
L Average number of tokens per document 200
M Distinct terms (word types) 400,000
Average number of bytes per token (include spaces/punctuations) 6
Average number of bytes per token (without spaces/punctuations) 4.5
Average number of bytes per term 7.5
Number of tokens 100,000,000

Index Construction

• When the data collection is larger than memory can hold

– But not so huge

• Single-pass in-memory indexing (SPIMI)

– Key idea 1: Generate separate dictionaries for each block of memory
– Key idea 2: Accumulate postings in postings lists as they occur
– With these two ideas we can generate a complete inverted index for each block.

• These separate indexes can then be merged into one big index for the
document collection.

Inverted Index by SPIMI

Token = <term-docID> pair

To facilitate the final merging

Merging two inverted indexes
Multi-way merge?

• Reading decent-sized chunks from all blocks simultaneously, one from

each sorted block
• Merge the chunks and then write out a decent-sized output chunk

Main Memory
Disk INPUT Buffer 1 Disk

INPUT Buffer 2
… …

INPUT Buffer M

If the document collection is huge: Distributed Indexing

• Partition by documents (local index organization)

– Documents are distributed to different subsets
– One index is constructed for each subset of documents
– A search query is broadcast to all indexes and results are merged
• One machine handles a subrange of terms
– More widely adopted in search engines

• Partition by terms (global index organization)

– The dictionary of index terms are partitioned into subsets
– One machine handles a subrange of terms
• Each query term is processed by one computer node
– Multiword queries require sending long postings between sets of nodes

• Next: how to perform term-partitioned index in parallel

Term-partitioned distributed indexing in parallel

• Maintain a master machine directing the indexing job

– Break up indexing into sets of (parallel) tasks.
– Master machine assigns each task to an idle machine from a pool.

• For indexing, we use two sets of parallel tasks

– Parsers
– Inverters

• Break the input document collection into splits

– Each split is a subset of documents

Term-partitioned distributed indexing: MapReduce

assign Master assign

Parser a-f g-p q-z Inverter a-f

Parser a-f g-p q-z

Inverter g-p
splits Inverter q-z
Parser a-f g-p q-z

Map phase Segment files Reduce phase Postings

Parsers and Inverters

• Master assigns a split of documents to an idle parser machine

• Parser
– reads a document at a time, and emits <term, docID> pairs
– Parser writes pairs into j partitions, each partition is for a range of terms’ first
letters (e.g., a-f, g-p, q-z) – here j = 3.

• An inverter
– collects all <term, docID> pairs for one term-partition (e.g., a-f)
– Sorts and writes to postings lists

Schema for index construction in MapReduce

• MapReduce breaks a large problem into smaller parts using

– key-value pairs (k, v)

• Schema of map and reduce functions

– Map phase: input → list(k, v)
– Reduce phase: (k,list(v)) → output

• Instantiation of the schema for index construction

– map: collection → list(term, docID) Parser
– reduce: (<term1, list(docID)>, <term2, list(docID)>, …) → (postings list1,
postings list2, …) Inverter

Example for index construction

• Map:
– d1 : C came, C c’ed.
– d2 : C died.
→ <C,d1>, <came,d1>, <C,d1>, <c’ed, d1>, <C,
d2>, <died,d2>

• Reduce:
– (<C,(d1,d2,d1)>, <died,(d2)>, <came,(d1)>,

→ (<C,(d1:2,d2:1)>, <died,(d2:1)>,
<came,(d1:1)>, <c’ed,(d1:1)>)
Dynamic indexing

• Document collections may not be static

– Documents come in over time and need to be inserted.
– Documents are deleted and modified.

• This means that the dictionary and postings lists have to be modified:
– Postings updates for terms already in dictionary
– New terms added to dictionary

Simplest approach for dynamic indexing

• Two indexes (periodically, re-index into one main index)

– Maintain “big” main index
– New docs go into “small” auxiliary index
– Search across both, merge results

• Deletions
– Invalidation bit-vector for deleted docs
– Filter docs output on a search result by this invalidation bit-vector

• Document updates: delete and reinsert

Index Compression

• Dictionary compression

• Postings compression

Why compression (in general)?

• Use less disk space

– Saves a little money

• Keep more stuff in memory

– Increases speed

• Increase speed of data transfer from disk to memory

– [read compressed data | decompress] is faster than [read uncompressed data]
– Premise: decompression algorithms are fast, which is true of the decompression
algorithms we use here

Lossless vs. lossy compression

• Lossless compression: All information is preserved.

– What we mostly do in IR.

• Lossy compression: Discard some information

– Several of the preprocessing steps can be viewed as lossy compression:
• case folding, stop words, stemming, number elimination.

– Prune postings entries that are unlikely to turn up in the top 𝑘 list for any query.
• Almost no loss quality for top 𝑘 list.


Why compression for inverted indexes?

• Dictionary
– Make it small enough to keep in main memory
– Make it so small that you can keep some postings lists in main memory too

• Postings file(s)
– Reduce disk space needed
– Decrease time needed to read postings lists from disk
– Large search engines keep a significant part of the postings in memory.
[Compression lets you keep more in memory]

• We will devise various IR-specific compression schemes

Reuters RCV1
Symbol Statistic Value
N Documents 800,000
L Average number of tokens per document 200
M Distinct terms (word types) 400,000
Average number of bytes per token (include spaces/punctuations) 6
Average number of bytes per token (without spaces/punctuations) 4.5
Average number of bytes per term 7.5
Number of tokens 100,000,000

Index parameters vs. index size

size of word types (terms) non-positional postings positional postings

dictionary non-positional index positional index

Size ∆% cumul % Size (K) ∆% cumul % Size (K) ∆ % cumul %

Unfiltered 484 109,971 197,879
No numbers 474 -2 -2 100,680 -8 -8 179,158 -9 -9
Case folding 392 -17 -19 96,969 -3 -12 179,158 0 -9
30 stopwords 391 -0 -19 83,390 -14 -24 121,858 -31 -38
150 stopwords 391 -0 -19 67,002 -30 -39 94,517 -47 -52
stemming 322 -17 -33 63,812 -4 -42 94,517 0 -52

Vocabulary vs. collection size

• How big is the term vocabulary?

– That is, how many distinct words are there?

• Can we assume an upper bound?

– All possible sequences of letters of length 20?

• In practice, the vocabulary will keep growing with the collection size
– Especially with Unicode ☺

Vocabulary vs. collection size

• How big is the term vocabulary (distinct words)?

• Heaps’ law: 𝑀 = 𝑘𝑇 𝑏
– 𝑀 is the size of the vocabulary,
– 𝑇 is the number of tokens in the collection
– Typical values: 30 ≤ 𝑘 ≤ 100 and 𝑏 ≈ 0.5

• In a log-log plot of vocabulary size 𝑀 vs. 𝑇, Heaps’ law predicts a line

with slope about ½
– It is the simplest possible relationship between the two in log-log space
– An empirical finding (“empirical law”)

Heaps’ Law: 𝑀 = 𝑘𝑇 𝑏
➢ For RCV1, the dashed line is
the best least squares fit.
– log10 𝑀 = 0.49 log10 𝑇 + 1.64
– 𝑀 = 101.64 𝑇 0.49
– 𝑘 = 101.64 ≈ 44 and b = 0.49.
– Good empirical fit for Reuters
RCV1 !

➢ Example:
– for first 1,000,020 tokens, law
predicts 38,323 terms;
– Actual number: 38,365 terms
Zipf’s law

• Heaps’ law gives the vocabulary size in collections.

• We also study the relative frequencies of terms. In natural language,

there are
– a few very frequent terms, and
– very many very rare terms.

• Zipf’s law: The 𝑖-th most frequent term has frequency proportional to
1/𝑖 .
– 𝑐𝑓𝑖 ∝ 1/𝑖 = 𝐾/𝑖 where 𝐾 is a normalizing constant
– 𝑐𝑓𝑖 is collection frequency
• The number of occurrences of the term 𝑡𝑖 in the collection.

Zipf consequences

• If the most frequent term (the) occurs 𝑐𝑓1

– then the second most frequent term (of) occurs
𝑐𝑓1/2 times
– the third most frequent term (and) occurs 𝑐𝑓1/3
times …

• Equivalent: 𝑐𝑓𝑖 = 𝐾/𝑖 where 𝐾 is a

normalizing factor, so
– log 𝑐𝑓𝑖 = log 𝐾 − log 𝑖
– Linear relationship between log 𝑐𝑓𝑖 and log 𝑖
– Another power law relationship

Index Compression

• Now, we will consider compressing the space for the dictionary and
– Basic Boolean index only
– Not considering positional indexes, etc.
– We will consider different compression schemes

• Why compress the dictionary?

– Search begins with the dictionary
– We want to keep it in memory
– Memory footprint competition with other applications
– Embedded/mobile devices may have very little memory
– Even if the dictionary isn’t in memory, we want it to be small for a fast search
startup time

Compressing the term list: Dictionary-as-a-String

• Store dictionary as a (long) string of characters:

– Pointer to next word shows end of current word
– Hope to save up to 60% of dictionary space.


DocFreq. Postings ptr. Term ptr.

Total string length =
400K x 8B = 3.2MB
Pointers resolve 3.2M positions:
log23.2M = 22bits = 3 Bytes

Space for dictionary as a string

• Storage requirement:
– 4 bytes per term for document frequency
– 4 bytes per term for pointer to Postings. Freq. Postings ptr. Term ptr.
– 3 bytes per term pointer 33

– Avg. 8 bytes per term in term string 29

• Total: 400K terms x 19  7.6 MB

Can we do better? → Blocking

• Store pointers to every 𝑘th term string.

– Example below: k=4.

• Need to store term lengths (1 extra byte)

Lose 4 bytes per 4 terms

DocFreq. Postings ptr. Term ptr.

44 Save 9 bytes per 4 terms

Is Blocking effective

• Example for block size 𝑘 = 4

– Without blocking, we used 3 bytes/pointer: 3 x 4 = 12 bytes for every 4 terms
– With blocking, we use 3 + 4 = 7 bytes for every 4 terms
– This reduces the size of the dictionary from 7.6 MB to 7.1 MB.

• Shall we use larger 𝑘?

– Better compression
– Slower term lookup

Front coding – more compression

• Sorted words commonly have long common prefix

– Store differences only, for last 𝑘 − 1 in a block of 𝑘
– 8automata8automate9automatic10automation


Extra length beyond

Encodes automat

• For RCV1 dictionary compression

– Dictionary-as-String with pointers to every term, 7.6M
– with blocking k = 4, 7.1M
– With Blocking + front coding 5.9M

Postings compression

• The postings file is much larger than the dictionary

– Factor of at least 10.
– Compression: store each posting compactly.

• A posting for our purposes is a docID.

– For Reuters (800,000 documents), we use 32 bits per docID when using 4-byte
– Alternatively, we can use log2 800,000 ≈ 20 bits per docID.

• Our goal: use far fewer than 20 bits per docID.

Postings: two conflicting forces

• A term like arachnocentric occurs in maybe one doc out of a million

– we would like to store this posting using log 2 1𝑀 ~ 20 bits.

• A term like the occurs in virtually every doc, so 20 bits per posting is
too expensive.
– Prefer 0/1 bitmap vector in this case

Postings file entry

• We store the list of docs containing a term in increasing order of docID.

– computer: 33,47,154,159,202 …

• Consequence: it suffices to store gaps.

– 33,14,107,5,43 …

• Hope: most gaps can be encoded/stored with far fewer than 20 bits.

Variable length encoding

• Aim:
– For arachnocentric, we will use ~20 bits/gap entry.
– For the, we will use ~1 bit/gap entry.

• If the average gap for a term is G, we want to use ~log2G bits/gap

– Key challenge: encode every integer (gap) with about as few bits as needed for
that integer.

• This requires a variable length encoding

– Variable length codes achieve this by using short codes for small numbers

Variable Byte code example (we skip details)

1100111000 101 110100011000110001

docIDs 824 829 215406

gaps 5 214577
VB code 00000110 10000101 00001101
10111000 00001100

Postings stored as the byte concatenation


Key property: VB-encoded postings are For a small gap (5),

uniquely prefix-decodable. VB uses a whole byte.

RCV1 Index Compression

Data Size in MB
dictionary, term pointers into string 7.6
with blocking, k = 4 7.1
with blocking & front coding 5.9

collection (text, xml markup etc) 3,600

collection (text) 960

postings, uncompressed (32-bit words) 400

postings, uncompressed (20 bits) 250
postings, variable byte encoded 116
postings, g-encoded (a coding scheme seldom used in practice) 101

Index compression summary

• We can now create an index for highly efficient Boolean retrieval that is
very space efficient
– However, we’ve ignored positional information

• Hence, space savings are less for indexes used in practice

– But techniques substantially the same.


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