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PERL Workbook: Instructor: Lisa Pearl March 14, 2011

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PERL Workbook

Instructor: Lisa Pearl

March 14, 2011

1 Useful reference books & websites 4

2 Installing & executing PERL programs 4

2.1 MacOS & Unix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3 Practicalities for all users: Where to get help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3 Scalar Data 8
3.1 Background & Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4 Lists & Arrays 12

4.1 Background & Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.2 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

5 Input & Output 14

5.1 Background & Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.1.1 PERL modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.1.2 Getopt::Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.2 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

6 Subroutines 19
6.1 Background & Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
6.2 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

7 Larger Exercise 1: English Anaphoric One Learning Simulation 21

7.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
7.2 The Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

8 Hashes & References 33

8.1 Background & Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
8.2 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

9 Regular Expressions: Matching & Processing 40

9.1 Background & Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
9.2 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

10 Larger Exercise 2: Input Data Conversion 44

10.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
10.2 The Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

11 Larger Exercise 3:
Calling a part-of-speech tagger and parser 48
11.1 Background: Freely available tagging & parsing software . . . . . . . . . . . 48
11.1.1 Running the POS tagger from the command line . . . . . . . . . . . 48
11.1.2 Running the parser from the command line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
11.2 The system function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
11.3 The Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

1 Useful reference books & websites

• O’Reilly’s Learning Perl, 5th edition (which we will refer to extensively, and abbre-
viate as LP5):
Websites (useful for looking up examples of specific functions, control structures, etc. es-
pecially if you don’t have your book handy):

2 Installing & executing PERL programs

2.1 MacOS & Unix

Fortunately, PERL should already be installed. Hurrah!

To run perl scripts in MacOS or Unix, first make sure the script has executable permissions.
To check permissions on, type the following at a terminal window
command prompt to LiSt the detailed status of the file:
ls -l
This will pull up the current permission status for your file, which may look something like
this if your username is lspearl:
-rw-r--r-- 1 lspearl lspearl 919 Feb 4 2010
The first part ("-rw-r--r--") tells you whether the file is a directory (d) or not (-), and
about the permissions at the individual user level (rw- here), group level (r-- here), and
world level (r-- here): r = permission to read from this file, w = permission to write to
this file, and x = permission to execute this file. In this example file, the individual user
(lspearl) has permission to write to the file while the individual user, group, and world
all have permission to read from the file. Unfortunately, no one currently has permission
to execute the file, which is what we need. To change permissions and add permission to
eXecute for everyone, type the following:
chmod +x

If you now ls -l the file, you’ll notice the permissions look different:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 lspearl lspearl 919 Feb 4 2010
This shows that the file is executable. Once you’re sure the file is executable, the only
thing you need to do to run your perl script is type the name of the perl script in at the
terminal command prompt, assuming you’re currently in the directory where the script
For convenience of identification, perl scripts tend to have the .pl extension, though they
don’t actually need to since they’re executable. You can use your favorite text editor to
create perl scripts (I recommend Aquamacs for MacOS users, and Emacs for Unix users).
Just make sure to save your script in plain text format so no strange invisible character
formatting gets inserted.
An additional note for the creation of perl scripts: The very first line of any perl script you
write needs to indicate where perl executables are located on your file system. For most
users, this will be /usr/bin/perl (though it may also be /usr/local/bin/perl). Assuming
your perl executables are located in the more usual place, you need this line at the beginning
of any script:
All the perl scripts included in the bundled course file have this as their first line since
they were written on a MacOS machine. Try running on your machine now.
Then try creating a new perl script of your own that prints out some other message of your

2.2 Windows

Sadly, PERL may not already be installed on most windows machines. Fortunately, this
can be remedied fairly easily. A simple how-to is available at: perl.html
Excerpts from this website are summarized below:
1. Go to to download Active Perl for
Windows in MSI (Microsoft Installer) format.
2. Install it on your machine. Once you have this perl installation file downloaded, let
it rip. It’s best to accept all the default installation settings. After the installation,
you’ll find it in the c:\perl directory. You’ll rarely need to go there directly though.

3. You need to reboot after a new installation to pick up the new path in the au-
toexec.bat file before you can run PERL. It doesn’t matter how you installed it. Just
reboot before going any further.
4. To test your installation once you’ve installed perl and rebooted, bring up a DOS
window. It doesn’t matter what directory you are in for now. Just type in:
perl -v
This should tell you what version of PERL you now have installed.
To create scripts, you can use your favorite text editor (I hear Notepad++ is good) and
save your file in simple text format - though make sure to have a .pl extension to make
it easy to identify your file as a perl script. Unlike the MacOS and Unix users, you don’t
need a special initial line at the beginning of your perl scripts. To run the sample scripts in
the bundles course files, you may need to comment out or remove that initial line in order
to get them to work. In general, you should be able to run perl scripts by typing this into
the command window:
If you’re interested in the particulars of what’s going, refer to pp.15-16 in LP5 where it
talks about Compiling Perl. Try running on your machine. Remember, you
may need to remove the first line to get it to work on your machine. Then try creating a
new perl script of your own that prints out some other message of your choice.

2.3 Practicalities for all users: Where to get help.

Let’s be honest - we all need help sometimes. Fortunately, there are a couple of good places
to get help when you’re contemplating a new perl script.
• Specific functions: the perldoc command typed in at the command prompt can
help you out if you want to know what a specific function does and perhaps see an
example. For example, you might be wondering about perl’s built-in log function.
Type this at the command prompt to find out if perl’s log function uses base e or
base 10:
perldoc -u -f log
• General processes: google is definitely your friend when you’re trying to figure out
how to do something in perl (and are perhaps wondering if there’s already a function
that does that out there already). It will often pull up useful reference websites in
addition to the main perl documentation website. For example, suppose you want
to print out all the permutations of a particular sequence of numbers. Googling

“perl permutation” will likely lead you to the knowledge that there’s some existing
function out there called List::Permutor. Following this information trail, you’ll
likely discover something about a Permutor “module” you might like to use.
• CPAN: This stands for the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network. As its name
suggests, it’s a one-stop shop for all kinds of PERL goodies. (See p.9 in LP5
for a bit more detail.) Go to to check it out. For exam-
ple, if you were interested in getting that Permutor module, you might try click-
ing on CPAN Search and then typing Permutor into the search box. This would
lead you to the Permutor module (˜phoenix/List-Permutor-
0.022/ CPAN also tells you how to install modules on your machine
( We’ll talk more about using modules
later in the input & output section, but if you can’t wait, check out

3 Scalar Data

3.1 Background & Reading

LP5 covers scalar data and basic manipulation of scalar data very well, so you should
go ahead and become familiar with the following before trying the exercises for this sec-
• what scalars are (p.19)
• numbers: floating-point literals (p.20), integer literals (pp.20-21)
• basic numeric operators (pp.21-22). Note also that ** is the exponential operator.
• strings: single-quoted string literals (pp.22-23), double-quoted string literals (p.23),
string operators (pp.24-25), converting between numbers and strings (p.25)
• scalar variables: naming, assignment, binary assignment operators (pp.27-29)
• output with the print function (pp.29-30). Note that you can use parentheses for
clarity, as the scripts in the course bundle do.
• basic control structures & control expressions: if (pp.33-34), boolean values (p.34),
basic logical operators (top of p.164) [note: && = and, ||= or, and ! = not on p.32],
elsif (pp.153-154), while (p.36), undef & defined (pp.36-38), for (pp.155-157),
autoincrement & autodecrement (pp.154-155)
• basic user input functions (pp.34-36)

3.2 Exercises

1. What’s the output difference between programs that differ only on the following line?
If you’re not sure, create a script that prints both and see what the difference is.
program 1:

print(‘Nothing?\nNothing?!\nNothing, tra la la?\n’);

program 2:

print("Nothing?\nNothing?!\nNothing, tra la la?\n");

What would the output look like if you changed all the instances of \n to \t in both
programs above?

2. What does the following script do (modulus Note that this involves some
concepts we haven’t talked about yet, like the split command and array control
loops like foreach. However, you should recognize the % operator.
$count = 0; # used to count letters
$word = "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"; # scalar variable
# quick way to grab each character in a string
foreach $letter(split(//, $word)){
$count++; # auto-increment the counter
if($count % 2 == 0){ # check if counter has the right index value
print("$count: $letter\n"); # if so, print out counter & letter
How would you alter this script to print every fifth letter? What about if you wanted
to print a . out every time it had processed 3 letters? (This sort of thing can be
useful for tracking a program’s progress on a large dataset.)
3. The program (code shown below) cycles through pre-defined lists of first
and last names. Alter it so that the first and last names of each individual are printed
out with a space between the first and last name, and a tab is inserted between each
full name. At the end, a new line should be printed out. The output should look like
firstname1 lastname1 firstname2 lastname2 ...

Code for

# list of first names
@firstnames = ("Sarah", "Jareth", "Ludo", "Hoggle");
# list of last names
@lastnames = ("Williams", "King", "Beast", "Dwarf");
$index = 0; # counter for index in list

while($index <= $#firstnames){ # checking to see if at end of list
$first = $firstnames[$index]; # get first name at current index
$last = $lastnames[$index]; # get equivalent last name
# probably want to add something here
$index++; # auto-increment the index
How would you alter this program so that it assigns each full name (firstname and
lastname separated by a space) to a new variable $fullname, before printing it out?
What about if you needed to assign each full name to $fullname as last name,
firstname (ex: Williams, Sarah)?
Below is a version (names with that tries to take a shortcut with the autoin-
crement operator. Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite work. Try to figure out what the
bug is and fix it, while still using the autoincrement operator in the position that’s
used in this script.

Code for names with

# list of first names
@firstnames = ("Sarah", "Jareth", "Ludo", "Hoggle");
# list of last names
@lastnames = ("Williams", "King", "Beast", "Dwarf");
$index = 0; # counter for index in list
while($index++ <= $#firstnames){ # auto-increment & end-of-list check
$first = $firstnames[$index]; # get first name at current index
$last = $lastnames[$index]; # get equivalent last name
print("$first $last\t")

4. The number guess with program is meant to have the following behavior:

• Print a welcoming message for the user.
• Ask the user to type in a numerical guess for the magic number.
• Tell the user if the guess is too high, too low, or just right.
• Give the user the option to type a character that means the user is tired of
guessing and wants to quit instead of guessing.
• Quit with a closing message if the user guesses the magic number or types the
quitting signal.

Unfortunately, as its name suggests, this program has a variety of bugs. See if you
can fix them and get the program to do what it’s supposed to do. If you get stuck,
a working version of the program is number However, you may (and
probably will) find other ways to get it to work.
Once you get it working, how can you easily change it so that the quitting signal is
’no’ instead of ’n’ ? What about changing what the magic number is?
The built-in rand function can be used to generate random numbers. Go here to see
a very helpful description of it: function.html
Note that typing the following command at the command prompt will also get you
a useful description of the rand function:
perldoc -f rand
How would you alter the (working) number guessing script so that it randomly gen-
erates an integer between 0 and 100 for the user to guess?
5. Write a perl script that generates a random sequence of 10 coin flips, where the user
enters the probability of a heads coin flip. Make sure the user enters a probability
between 0.0 and 1.0. If the user doesn’t, re-ask until the probability is in this range.
Also output the likelihood of generating that particular sequence of coin flips.

4 Lists & Arrays

4.1 Background & Reading

LP5 also covers lists & arrays very well, so you should go ahead and become familiar with
the following before trying the exercises for this section:
• what arrays and lists are (pp.39-40)
• accessing elements of an array as scalar variables (p.40)
• special array indices, such as the last index [using the $# prefix] and negative indices
• list & array assignment (pp.43-44)
• foreach control structure and special variable $ (pp.47-48)
• reverse and sort operators (pp.48-49)
• list vs scalar context and forcing scalar context (pp.50-52)
• reading multiple lines in at once from STDIN (pp.52-53)

4.2 Exercises

1. Below is a slow way to get the number of participants in the @participants list,
especially if there are many participants (say, a million). What’s a faster way? Write
a script demonstrating that your way works.
$count = 0;
foreach (@participants){
print("There are $count participants.\n");
2. Suppose that the variable INPUTFILE refers to a file that has been opened for
reading (the way that STDIN refers to standard input). How would you determine
the number of lines in the file? (Check count file for one way to do this
if you get stuck, and try your own script out on inputfile.txt)

3. Suppose you’re given the following arrays containing participant information:
@firstnames = ("Sarah", "Jareth", "Ludo", "Hoggle");
@lastnames = ("Williams", "King", "Beast", "Dwarf");
Write a script that asks the user whether the names should be sorted by first or
last names, and whether the names should be sorted alphabetically or reverse alpha-
betically. Then, sort the participant list this way, and print out the sorted list of
participants. Look at sort names for an example of sorting these
names reverse alphabetically.
4. Suppose you’re given the following arrays containing participant information:
@firstnames = ("Sarah", "Jareth", "Ludo", "Hoggle");
@lastnames = ("Williams", "King", "Beast", "Dwarf");
@ages = (15, 39, 33, 43);
@nativelanguages = ("English", "English", "Romanian", "English");
@performancescores = (85, 99, 35, 75);
Write a script that calculates the average performance score and prints out the mem-
bers of the groups meeting the following criteria (each criterion should produce one
group, rather than identifying a group that meets all four criteria):
(a) native language is English
(b) age is greater than 20
(c) age is greater than 20 and native language is English
(d) performance score is greater than 70
If you get stuck, sneak a peek at group stats for an example of using
the “native language is English” criterion.

5 Input & Output

5.1 Background & Reading

LP5 covers basic input and output from files, so make sure to read over the following
before trying the exercises for this section:
• opening a file to use as input, or to output data to (pp.83-84)
• recognizing bad file names, closing files, and the die function (pp.85-87)
• reading from and writing to files/file handles (pp.88-89)
In addition, one thing you might often wish to do is to allow the user to specify options for
the program when the program is called (these are sometimes called command line options).
This is usually better than explicitly asking the user what options to use with some sort
of querying sequence at the beginning of a program. For instance, instead of asking a user
what value some variable ought to be, you might want them to be able to call your perl
program with that value already specified as a command line option (in the example below,
calling with variable value set to 3): --variable value 3
Fortunately, PERL already has built-in functions that will allow you to do this. However,
these functions require using a perl module, so we’ll now briefly discuss modules enough so
that you can use these functions (and whatever others may turn out to be useful for the
programs you intend to write).

5.1.1 PERL modules

Modules are bits of code that other people have already written to accomplish certain
tasks. Your basic installation of perl will come with certain core modules that are there
by default. CPAN ( is a comprehensive archive of those and all the
rest that people have submitted.
Go to to see a list of core modules in
the latest release of PERL (navigate through the list alphabetically to see ones that begin
with letters besides ’A’). If you navigate to ’G’, you’ll notice that Getopt::Long is a core
module, and is the one we’re going to use to get user options from the command line.
However, you may wish to use a module that’s not a core module. CPAN has a detailed
list of instructions for how to install PERL modules, which you should refer to if you need
to install a PERL module on your system:

Also, PC users will want to check out PPM, which is the package manager installed with
Also, pp.169-171 in LP5 talk about modules and installing them.
In fact, there may come a time when you want to write your own module, particularly if
you want to reuse code you’ve already written. Keep the following web reference in mind
for more details on how to do this:
Meanwhile, suppose the module you’re interested in is already installed on your machine,
either because it’s a core module or you’ve installed it from CPAN. You should be able to
use the perldoc command to access information about that module. For example, try using
perldoc to find out more about Getopt::Long:
perldoc Getopt::Long
This should actually be the same content as what you find at the website below:

5.1.2 Getopt::Long

Now let’s look at how we use a perl module, in particular the Getopt::Long module. Us-
ing the perldoc command or going to the entry for Getopt::Long (both
mentioned above) should get you a lot of information about this module.
The synopsis is probably the first very useful piece of information, since it gives you an
example usage:
use Getopt::Long;
my $data = "file.dat";
my $length = 24;
my $verbose;
$result = GetOptions ("length=i" => \$length, # numeric
"file=s" => \$data, # string
"verbose" => \$verbose); # flag

Breaking this down, the first thing to notice is that the use command is required to be able
to use the functions in the Getopt::Long module. After this, we see some variables declared
that will contain the user input, and currently contain default values (ex: $length = 24).
The variable $result contains the output of the GetOptions function, which specifies the
options that are defined at the command line and what kind of values are expected for
them (numeric (i), string (s), or simply that they are used (the $verbose variable). If the
GetOptions function executed correctly, the value of $result should be true (so this can be
a good way to check if the function executed properly). Note the particular syntax that is
used in the GetOptions function call:
• command option names used without a $ in front of them
• an optional = and letter following the command option name that indicate what kind
of value to expect
• the => and then \ preceding the variable name prefaced by a $ (ex: => \$length)
So if this code was executed, the variable $length would now have the value the user
entered for the length option, the variable $data would have the value the user entered
for the file option, and the $verbose variable would have the value 1 if the user included
--verbose in the command line call to the program and 0 if the user did not (as noted
under the “Simple Options” section of the documentation).
The next section of documentation that’s particularly useful to us is “Options with values”.
Here, we find that options that take values (like length and data in the above example
code) must specify whether the option value is required or not, and what kind of value
the option expects. To specify a value as required, use the = after the command option
name (as in the example above: length=i); to specify a value as optional, use a : after
the command option name instead (so to make the length command option not required,
rewrite it as length:i). Expected value types for command options are s for strings, i
for integers, and f for floating points. So, if we wanted to change the length command
line option so it required a floating point value instead of an integer, we would write it as
If we look at the CPAN documentation for Getopt::Long, we can also find out what hap-
pens if we don’t assign a command line option to a specific variable (look under ”Default
When no destination is specified for an option, GetOptions will store the resultant value in a
global variable named opt XXX, where XXX is the primary name of this option.
So, in the above example, if the => \$variable notation makes you unhappy, you can
rewrite it like this:

use Getopt::Long;
$result = GetOptions ("length=i", # numeric
"file=s", # string
"verbose"); # flag
Now, when this code is run (and assuming GetOptions executes successfully), $opt length
should contain the integer value for the command line option length, $opt file should
contain the string value for the command line option file, and $opt verbose should
contain either 0 or 1 (depending on whether the user used it or not).

5.2 Exercises

1. Write a program that has the following behavior:

• includes a description of the program’s behavior and command line options
allowed, accessible when the user enters --help after the program name at the
command line
• allows the user to specify that they want to read a file of names in (such as
names.txt), with the default input file as names.txt
• allows the user to specify an output file they wish to print the results to (default
• checks to see if the file has been successfully opened, stopping execution of the
program if it has not been and printing out a message to the user indicating
that the file was not able to be opened
• sorts the list of names alphabetically
• prints the sorted list to the user-specified output file
If you get stuck on using the command line options or checking that the file has been
opened successfully, look to sort names for one way to do these parts.
2. Let’s look at the exercise from the previous section, where we wanted to sort a list
of names by either first or last names and sort them either alphabetically or reverse
alphabetically. For example, suppose you’re given this participant information:
@firstnames = ("Sarah", "Jareth", "Ludo", "Hoggle");
@lastnames = ("Williams", "King", "Beast", "Dwarf");
You should rewrite your sorting script so it has the following behavior:

• print out a useful help message, accessible with the --help option
• allow the user to specify which name to sort by (default = last name) and what
order to sort in (default = alphabetically, alternative = reverse)
• print the sorted results out to a user-specified file (default = STDOUT)
3. There are existing PERL modules for many different functions having to do with
language. For example, the Lingua::EN::Syllable module can be found at˜gregfast/Lingua-EN-Syllable-0.251/
This provides a quickie approximation of how many syllables are in an orthographi-
cally represented English word, which can be useful if you want a fast mostly-correct
count of how many syllables are in a text.
To do this exercise, you’ll first need to install this module on your machine. Follow
the CPAN installation instructions for your platform (Unix/Linux/PC - note that
the current macosx system is equivalent to Unix). Then, write a script that has the
following behavior:
• prints out a useful help message, accessible with the --help option
• reads in words one per line from a user-specified file (default = words.txt)
• outputs the number of syllables for each word, one per line, as well as the total
number of syllables in the file and the average number of syllables per word to
a user-specified file (default = STDOUT)
If you’re having trouble figuring out how to use the module, have a look
at call syl for an example call.
How good is this syllable-counting algorithm? Can you find words where it isn’t so

6 Subroutines

6.1 Background & Reading

LP5 covers the major aspects of subroutines very well, so read about the following before
trying the exercises below:
• what a subroutine is (p.55)
• defining & invoking a subroutine (pp.55-56)
• subroutine return values (pp.56-58), the return operator (pp.65-66)
• subroutine arguments (pp.58-60)
• private variables in subroutines with my (pp.60, 63), persistent private variables with
state (p.68-69)
• advanced sorting techniques using a sort subroutine, the <=> operator, and the cmp
operator (pp.214-217)

6.2 Exercises

1. Suppose you’re given the following arrays containing participant information:

@usernames = ("Sarah1", "Sarah2", "sarah3", "sArah4");
@scores = (10, 7, 42, 3);
Write a program that outputs the participant information, sorted in one of the fol-
lowing ways:
(a) ASCII-betical by participant username
(b) case-insensitive ASCII-betical by participant username
(c) numerical order by participant score (lowest to highest)
(d) reverse numerical order by participant score (highest to lowest)
The user should be able to choose which sorting order is preferred (default ASCII-
betical on username) using a command line option. If you get stuck, have a peek at
sort for an example of sorting this information reverse numerically.
2. An exercise we did previously (listed again below) likely involved some repetitive
code having to do with which criterion was being used to output participants.

Suppose you’re given the following arrays containing participant information:
@firstnames = ("Sarah", "Jareth", "Ludo", "Hoggle");
@lastnames = ("Williams", "King", "Beast", "Dwarf");
@ages = (15, 39, 33, 43);
@nativelanguages = ("English", "English", "Romanian", "English");
@performancescores = (85, 99, 35, 75);
Write a script that calculates the average performance score and prints out the mem-
bers of the groups meeting the following criteria:
(a) native language is English
(b) age is greater than 20
(c) age is greater than 20 and native language is English
(d) performance score is greater than 70
Rewrite your script so that it uses a subroutine call to figure out which participants
to output, based on the subroutine’s argument, which will specify the criterion.
If you get stuck, have a look at group stats for an example of using
subroutines to evaluate a particular criterion.

7 Larger Exercise 1: English Anaphoric One Learning Sim-

7.1 Background

The representation of the English referential pronoun one is a language example that is
sometimes used to defend the necessity of prior language-specific knowledge for language
acquisition. Here is an example of one being used referentially:
(1) “Look! A red bottle. Oh, look - there’s another one!”
Most adults would agree that one refers to a red bottle, and not just a bottle (of any color).
That is, the “one” the speaker is referring to is a bottle that specifically has the property
red and this utterance would sound somewhat strange if the speaker actually was referring
to a purple bottle. (Note: Though there are cases where the “any bottle” interpretation
could become available, having to do with contextual clues and special emphasis on par-
ticular words in the utterance, the default interpretation seems to be “red bottle”.) Lidz,
Waxman, & Freedman (2003) ran a series of experiments with 18-month-old children to
test their interpretations of one in utterances like this, and found that they too shared this
intuition. So, Lidz, Waxman, & Freedman (2003) concluded that this knowledge about
how to interpret one must be known by 18 months.
But what exactly is this knowledge? Well, in order to interpret “one” appropriately, a
listener first has to determine the antecedent of “one”, where the antecedent is the string
that “one” is replacing. For example, the utterance above could be rewritten as
(2) “Look! A red bottle. Oh, look - there’s another red bottle!”
So, the antecedent of “one” in the original utterance is the string “red bottle”. According
to common linguistic theory, the string “red bottle” has the following structure:
(3) [N 0 red [N 0 [N 0 bottle]]]
This bracketing notation indicates that the string “bottle” can be labeled as both syntactic
category N’:
(4) [N 0 [N 0 bottle]]
and syntactic category N0
(5) [N 0 bottle]
where N0 refers to a basic noun and N’ is a label that applies to both nouns (“bottle”) and
nouns that contain modifiers (“red bottle”). Linguistic theory also states that referential
elements (like one) can only replace strings that have the same syntactic category as they

do. So, since one can replace the string “red bottle”, and “red bottle” is labeled with the
syntactic category N’, then one should also be labeled with syntactic category N’. If the
syntactic category of one were instead N0, “one” could never replace a string like “red
bottle” (it could only replace noun-only strings like “bottle”) - and we could not get the
interpretation that we do for the original utterance above.
So, under this view, adults (and 18-month-olds) have apparently learned that one should
be syntactic category N’, since they do get that interpretation. We can represent this
knowledge state as the following:
• Syntactic Structure: The referential element one is syntactic category N’ (rather than
• Semantic Referent: When the potential antecedent of one contains a modifier (such
as “red” above), that modifier is relevant for determining the referent of one. More
specifically, the larger of the two N’ string options should be chosen as the intended
antecedent (“red bottle” instead of just “bottle”). This means that the intended
referent is a referent that has the property indicated in the antecedent string (ex:
“red” indicates a red bottle instead of any bottle).
The question is how this knowledge is acquired, and specifically acquired by 18 months.
The problem is the following. Suppose the child encounters utterance (1) from above
(”Look! A red bottle. Oh, look - there’s another one!”). Suppose this child is not sure
which syntactic category one is in this case - N’ or N0. If the child thinks the category is
N0, then the only possible antecedent string is “bottle”, and the child should look for the
referent to be a bottle. Even though this is the wrong representation for the syntactic
category of one, the observable referent will in fact be a bottle. How will the child realize
that in fact this is the wrong representation, since the observable referent (a bottle that
also happens to be red) is compatible with this hypothesis?
Fortunately, these aren’t the only referential “one” data around. There are cases where
it’s clear what the correct interpretation is. For example, suppose Jack has two bottles, a
red one and a purple one. Suppose a child hears the following utterance:
(6) “Look! Jack has a red bottle. Oh, drat, he doesn’t have another one, and we needed
Here, if the antecedent of “one” was “bottle”, this would be a very strange thing to say
since Jack clearly does have another bottle. However, if the antecedent of “one” was “red
bottle”, then this makes sense since Jack does not have another red bottle. Given the
reasoning above, if the child realizes the antecedent is “red bottle”, then the child knows
that the category of one is N’ (rather than N0). This kind of unambiguous data for one
turns out to be pretty rare, though - Lidz, Waxman, & Freedman (2003) estimate that it
comprises 0.25% of the data points that use one referentially in this way.

Lidz et al. thought this seemed like too few data points for children to learn the correct
representation by 18 months, given other estimates of how much unambiguous data is
required to learn specific linguistic knowledge (cf. Yang (2004)). So, nativists took this
as an argument that children must somehow already know that one cannot be category
N0. If they start by knowing the one in (1) must be category N’, they can at least
rule out the interpretation that relies on one being N0. (Though this still leaves two
interpretations for one as category N’: one replaces [N 0 red [N 0 [N 0 bottle]]] or one replaces
[N 0 [N 0 bottle]]).
Regier & Gahl (2004) subsequently explored if it was really necessary for children to already
know that one was not category N0, or if they could somehow learn this representational
information from other data besides the unambiguous data. In particular, Regier & Gahl
noted that more data than the unambiguous data could be relevant for learning one’s
representation. Specifically, ambiguous data like (1) could actually be useful if children
paid attention to how often the intended referent (ex: a red bottle) had the property
in the potential antecedent (ex: “red bottle”). The more often this happens, the more of
a “suspicious coincidence” (Xu & Tenenbaum 2007) it becomes. In particular, why does
it keep happening that the potential antecedent includes the property as a modifer (ex:
“red bottle”) and the referent keeps having that property (ex: bottle that is red) if the
property actually isn’t important?
Using Bayesian inference, a child can leverage these continuing suspicious coincidences to
decide that the potential antecedent containing the modifier (ex: “red bottle”) is more
likely to be the actual antecedent. If it’s the actual antecedent of one, then one must be
category N’, since the string “red bottle” cannot be category N0. These ambiguous data
actually comprise 4.6% of the child’s referential one input, which is a number much more in
line with the quantity of data researchers believe children need to learn linguistic knowledge
by 18 months (Yang (2004)). Regier & Gahl simulated an incremental Bayesian learner
that learned from both unambiguous data and these ambiguous data, and was able to learn
the correct representation of one. They concluded no language-specific prior knowledge
was required.
Pearl & Lidz (2009) took up the viewpoint that more data were relevant for learning the
representation of one than had previously been considered. In addition to the unambiguous
and ambiguous data considered by Regier & Gahl (2004), they considered a learner that
was “equal opportunity” (EO) and used an additional kind of ambiguous data:
(7) “Look! A bottle. Oh, here’s another one!”
While the semantic referent of this data point is clear (bottle), it is ambiguous with
respect to the syntactic category of one. If the child does not yet know the syntactic
category of one, the antecedent can be either category N’
(8) [N 0 [N 0 bottle]]

or category N0
(9) [N 0 bottle]
So, these data are informative as well. Unfortunately, it turned out that they were infor-
mative in the wrong direction - favoring the N0 hypothesis over the N’ hypothesis. This
has to do with the nature of the strings in each category. The only strings in N0 are
noun-only strings like “bottle”. In contrast, N’ strings can be noun-only strings and also
noun+modifier strings like “red bottle”. If the category of one is really N’, it becomes a
suspicious coincidence if noun-only strings keep being observed. Instead, it is more likely
that the category is really N0. Also unfortunately, it turns out these kind of data make
up a large portion of referential one data of this kind: 94.7% (and so they keep being
Pearl & Lidz (2009) discovered that an incremental Bayesian learner sensitive to “suspicious
coincidences”, when learning from the unambiguous data and both ambiguous data types,
fails to learn the proper representation of one. They concluded that a child must ignore this
second type of ambiguous data, perhaps by using a filter that causes the child to ignore any
data where the semantic referent isn’t in question (in (7), the referent is clearly bottle, so
there is no semantic ambiguity). They argued that this learning filter was language-specific
since it operated over language data, and placed priority on semantic clarity over syntactic
clarity. So, while children did not need to have prior knowledge excluding the hypothesis
that one’s syntactic category was N0, they still needed some prior knowledge in the form
of a language-specific learning filter.
Pearl & Mis (in prep) took up the “there’s more data out there” banner, and considered
that there are other referential pronouns besides one, such as it, him, her, etc. When
these pronouns are used referentially, their category label is NP (that is, they replace an
entire noun phrase (NP)):
(10) “Look! The cute penguin. I want to hug it/him/her.”
Here, “it” or “him” or “her” stands for “the cute penguin”, which is an NP:
(11) [N P the [N 0 cute [N 0 [N 0 penguin]]]]
In fact, one can be used as an NP as well:
(12) “Look! A red bottle. I want one.”
Here, “one” stands for “a red bottle”, which is also an NP:
(13) [N P a [N 0 red [N 0 [N 0 bottle]]]]
So, the real issue of one’s category only occurs when it is being used in a syntactic envi-
ronment where it cannot be the category NP. If one’s category must be something smaller
than NP, and the question is which smaller category it is.

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Figure 1: Information dependency graph of referential pronoun uses.

Getting back to the other pronoun data, one important piece of information for learning
about one was whether the property included in the potential antecedent (ex: “red”) was
actually important for identifying the intended referent of the pronoun (ex: red bottle
or just bottle). This “is the property important” question can be informed by data like
(10) and (12) - in these cases, the referent has the property mentioned. (Since the property
(red) is described by a modifier (“red”), and this modifier is always part of any NP string
it’s in, this should always be true.) Given this, Pearl & Mis conceived of a way to represent
the observed and latent information in the situation where a referential pronoun is used
and the potential antecedent mentions a property (which includes utterances like (1), (10),
and (12)), shown in Figure 1.
Looking at the far right, we can see the dependencies for how the pronoun is used. Given a
particular pronoun, that pronoun is labeled with a particular syntactic category that we do
not observe (ex: NP for it, NP or something smaller than NP for one). Given that pronoun’s
category, the pronoun can be used in a certain syntactic environment (specifically, as an
NP (ex: “...want it/one”) or as something smaller than an NP (ex: “...want another
one”)), and we can observe that syntactic environment. Also dependent on the pronoun’s
category is whether the actual antecedent string is allowed to include a modifier like “red”.
If the syntactic category is N0, the antecedent cannot contain a modifier; otherwise, the
antecedent can contain a modifier.

Looking back to the left of figure 1, we can see the dependencies for the referential intent of
the pronoun used. We can observe if the previous context contains a potential antecedent
that mentions a property (ex: ”...a red bottle....want it...”). If it does, the question arises
whether the property is important for picking out the intended referent (something we
do not observe). This then determines if the actual antecedent string must include the
mentioned property (also unobserved): if the property is important, it must be included;
if the property is not important, it must not be included.
Turning now to the bottom of figure 1, the actual antecedent depends on whether this
antecedent must include the mentioned property (from the referential intent side) and if it
is allowed to include a modifier (from the syntactic category side). The object referred to
by the speaker (which we can observe) depends on the actual antecedent (which we cannot
Pearl & Mis then used this dependency graph to create a learner that would learn/infer
the following things:
• pImp : the probability that the property is important for identifying the intended
referent, given that the potential antecedent mentions that property
• pN 0 : the probability that the syntactic category of the referential pronoun is N’,
given that the pronoun used is “one” and the syntactic environment in which it is
used indicates that it is smaller than the NP category
• pcorr beh (correct behavior in the Lidz, Waxman, & Freedman (2003) child study): the
probability that the learner would look to the object that has the property mentioned
in the potential antecedent when given the experimental prompt (ex: red bottle,
given “Look! A red bottle. Do you see another one?”)
• pcorr rep corr beh (the probability that the learner has the correct representation of
one, given that the learner has displayed the correct behavior in the Lidz, Waxman,
& Freedman experimental setup): The correct behavior occurs when the learner has
looked at the object that has the property mentioned in the potential antecedent.
The correct representation for one in this scenario is that its category is N’ and
its antecedent is “red bottle” (indicating the property red is important). This is
basically a test of the assumption Lidz, Waxman, & Freedman made when they
claimed that children looking to the red bottle meant that these children had the
correct representation for one.
The equations that calculate these quantities are below (see Pearl & Mis (in prep) for
details on how they were derived).
The general form of the update equations is in (14), which is based on an adapted equation
from Chew (1971).

α + datax
(14) px = ,α = β = 1
α + β + totaldatax

α and β represent a very weak prior when set to 1. datax represents how many informa-
tive data points indicative of x have been observed, while totaldatax represents the total
number of potential x data points observed. After every informative data point, datax
and totaldatax are updated as in (15), and then px is updated using equation (14). The
variable φx indicates the probability that the current data point is an example of an x data
point. For unambiguous data, φx = 1; for ambiguous data φX < 1.

(15a) datax = datax + φx

(15b) totaldatax = totaldatax + 1

Equations for updating pImp

The following equation is the general one for updating pImp :

α + dataImp
(16) pImp =
α + β + totaldataImp

where α and β are priors for the learner (both equal to 1 here), dataImp is the estimated
number of informative data points seen so far that definitely indicate that the property
mentioned in the antecedent is important, and totaldataImp is the total number of infor-
mative data points for pImp .
• For unambiguous NP data like (10) and (12) (unamb NP) and unambiguous “smaller
than NP” data like (6) (unamb lessNP):
Since this data type unambiguously indicates the mentioned property is important,
φImp = 1. Since this data type is informative for pImp , totaldataImp is incremented
by 1. Initially, dImp and totImp are 0, since no data have been observed yet.

(17a) datax = datax + 1

(17b) totaldatax = totaldatax + 1

• For ambiguous “smaller than NP” data like (1) (ambig lessNP 1):

(18a) dataImp = dataImp + φImp

(18b) totaldataImp = totaldataImp + 1

The equation for φImp is:

(19) φImp =
ρ1 + ρ2 + ρ3
(20a) ρ1 = pN 0 ∗ n+m ∗ pImp
n 1
(20b) ρ2 = pN 0 ∗ n+m ∗ (1 − pImp ) ∗ t
(20c) ρ3 = (1 − pN 0 ) ∗ (1 − pImp ) ∗ t

and m (mod strings) = the proportion of N’ strings that contain modifiers (ex: “red
bottle”), n (noun strings) = the proportion of N’ strings that contain only nouns (ex:
“bottle”), and t (prop types) = number of potential properties the learner is aware of
(and that the intended referent could possibly have). The quantities in (20) correlate
with anaphoric one representations. For ρ1 , the syntactic category is N’ (pN 0 ), a
modifier is used ( n+m ), and the property is important (pImp ). For ρ2 , the syntactic
category is N’ (pN 0 ), a modifier is not used ( n+m ), the property is not important
(1- pImp ), and the object has the mentioned property by chance ( 1t ). For ρ3 , the
syntactic category is N0 (1-pN 0 ), the property is not important (1- pImp ), and the
object has the mentioned property by chance ( 1t ).
• For all other data types:
No update is done to pImp .
Equations for updating pN 0
The following equation is the general one for updating pN 0 :

α + dataN 0
(21) pN 0 =
α + β + totaldataN 0

where α and β are priors for the learner (both equal to 1 here), dataN 0 is the estimated
number of informative data points seen so far that indicate the syntactic category of one
is N’ when it is smaller than NP, and totaldataN 0 is the total number of informative data
points for pN 0 .

• For unambiguous “smaller than NP” data like (6) (unamb lessNP):

(22a) dataN 0 = dataN 0 + 1

(22b) totaldataN 0 = totaldataN 0 + 1

Since this data type unambiguously indicates the category is N’, φN 0 =1. Since this
data type is informative for pN 0 , 1 is added to totaldataN 0 . Initially, dataN 0 and
totaldataN 0 are 0, since no data have been observed yet.
• For ambiguous “smaller than NP” data like (1) (ambig lessNP 1):

(23a) dataN 0 = dataN 0 + φN 0 1

(23b) totaldataN 0 = totaldataN 0 + 1

where φN 0 1 represents the probability that this particular data point indicates that
the category of one is N’. The equation for φN 0 1 is:

ρ1 + ρ2
(24) φN 0 1 =
ρ1 + ρ2 + ρ3

where ρ1 , ρ2 , and ρ3 are the same as they were in (20) for calculating φImp .
• For ambiguous “smaller than NP” data like (7) (ambig lessNP 2):

(25a) dataN 0 = dataN 0 + φN 0 2

(25b) totaldataN 0 = totaldataN 0 + 1

where φN 0 2 represents the probability that this particular data point indicates that
the category of one is N’. The equation for φN 0 2 is:
(26) φN 0 2 =
ρ4 + ρ5
(27a) ρ4 = pN 0 ∗ n+m
(27b) ρ5 = 1 − pN 0

The quantities in (26) intuitively correspond to representations for anaphoric one
when no property is mentioned in the previous context. For ρ4 , the syntactic category
is N’ (pN 0 ) and the N’ string uses only a noun ( n+m ). For ρ5 , the syntactic category
is N0 (1-pN 0 ).
• For all other data types:
No update is done to pN 0 .
Equation for calculating pcorr beh :

ρ1 + ρ2 + ρ3
(28) pcorr beh =
ρ1 + 2 ∗ ρ2 + 2 ∗ ρ3

where ρ1 , ρ2 , and ρ3 are calculated as in (20) and t = 2 (since there are only 2 looking
choices in the Lidz, Waxman, & Freedman (2003) experiment). As before, these quantities
intuitively correspond to the different outcomes. The numerator represents all the outcomes
where the learner looks to the correct object (ρ1 , ρ2 and ρ3 looking at the red bottle),
while the denominator includes the two additional outcomes where the learner looks to the
incorrect object (ρ2 and ρ3 looking at the non-red bottle).
Equation for calculating pcorr rep corr beh :

(29) pcorr rep corr beh =
ρ1 + ρ2 + ρ3

where ρ1 , ρ2 , and ρ3 are calculated as in (20), again with t = 2. This is the same as taking
the probability of the correct representation (represented by ρ1 , which stands for category
= N’, property = important), and dividing it by the probability of looking to the object
that has the mentioned property (whether on purpose or by accident). You’ll probably
notice that this is the same equation as (19) (the only difference is the value of t). This
has good intuitive appeal since ρ1 in (20) corresponds to the correct representation where
one’s category is N’ and the mentioned property is important.

7.2 The Exercise

Your task is to create a perl script that will simulate the Pearl & Mis learner. The learning
process is as follows:

for each data point to be encountered
1. randomly generate a data point, based on the learner’s estimated input distribution
for referential pronouns
2. based on the data point’s type, update pImp and/or pN 0 appropriately
At the end of learning (all data points have been encountered for the learning period),
calculate pcorr beh and pcorr rep corr beh . Your script should output these two probabiltiies,
along with the final pImp and final pN 0 .
You should allow the user to adjust the following quantities, via command line prompt (de-
faults come from the Pearl & Mis corpus analysis and Pearl & Lidz corpus analysis):
• data points to run: number of data points the learner will encounter throughout the
learning period [default = 36500, from Pearl & Mis’s corpus analysis]
• unamb NP: number of unambiguous NP data points (like (10) and (12)) [default =
3073, from Pearl & Mis’s corpus analysis]
• unamb lessNP: number of unambiguous data points where the syntactic environment
indicates one’s category is smaller than NP (like (6)) [default = 0, from Pearl & Mis’s
corpus analysis]
• ambig lessNP 1: number of ambiguous data points where one’s category is smaller
than NP and the potential antecedent mentions a property (like (1)) [default = 242,
from Pearl & Mis’s corpus analysis]
• ambig lessNP 2: number of ambiguous data points where one’s category is smaller
than NP and the potential antecedent does not mention a property (like (7)) [default
= 2743, from Pearl & Mis’s corpus analysis]
• junk: number of uninformative data points (due to ungrammatical usage in Pearl &
Lidz’s model and/or due to being an uninformative data type in Pearl & Mis (in
prep)’s model) [default = 30442, from Pearl & Mis’s corpus analysis]
• mod strings: m, number of noun+modifier string types (like “red bottle”) in the N’
category [default = 1, from Pearl & Lidz’s corpus analysis]
• noun strings: n, number of noun-only string types (like “bottle”) in the N’ category
[default = 3, from Pearl & Lidz’s corpus analysis]
• prop types: t, number of properties the learner is aware of [default = 5, from Pearl &
Lidz’s model]
Your script should also output the values used by the learner for that simulation, so that the
user knows what data distribution and what update equation quantities were used.

Do your learners always converge on the same final probabilities? Try the data distributions
used by the unambiguous data learners, the Regier & Gahl learners, the Pearl & Lidz
“Equal Opportunity” learners, and the Pearl & Mis learners:

Table 1: Input sets for different anaphoric one proposals, assuming the Brown/Eve distri-
bution and 36,500 data points.
Data type Unamb R&G P&L’s EO P&M
Unamb <NP 0 0 0 0
Ambig I 0 242 242 242
Ambig II 0 0 2743 2743
Unamb NP 0 0 0 3073
Uninformative 36500 36258 33515 30442

What kind of variation do you get? Try to vary the prop types value (a higher number
makes ambig less NP 1 data benefit the correct interpretation more). Do you find that the
learner’s behavior changes significantly between different ranges of values for prop types?
Does the P&M dataset seem to lead to correct infant looking behavior? What about the
correct representation in general (category = N’, property is important)?

8 Hashes & References

8.1 Background & Reading

Chapter 6 of LP5 provides a nice introduction to the hash data structure, so make sure
to read over these sections:
• what a hash data structure is, and why you would want to use one (pp.93-96)
• accessing elements and assigning values to elements in a hash (pp.96-98)
• copying entire hashes and inverting hashes (p.99)
• big arrow notation in hashes (p.100)
• functions useful for manipulating hashes: keys, values, each, exists, delete
In addition, you may also find it handy to pass larger data structures like hashes to sub-
routines as an argument. Suppose for example that we have two hashes, one for subject1
and one for subject2:
%subject1 = (
first name => ‘Sarah’,
last name => ‘Williams’,
age => 15,
native language => ‘English’,
performance score => 85,
%subject2 = (
first name => ‘Jareth’,
last name => ‘King’,
age => 39,
native language => ‘English’,
performance score => 99,

Suppose we want to pass these hashes to a subroutine print subject info that will print
out their contents.
sub print subject info{
my(%hash to print) = @ ;
while(($key, $value) = each (%hash to print)){
print("$key is $value\n");
We might then call it on each hash, one at a time:
print("Subject1 information is:\n");
print subject info(%subject1);
print("Subject2 information is:\n");
print subject info(%subject2);
To verify that this works, check out the first code block in hash refs
However, suppose you want to pass both hashes as arguments to a subroutine, perhaps to
compare their performance score values and print out the name and value of the subject
who has the higher performance score. You might try calling a subroutine the following
print higher score 1(%subject1, %subject2);
However, try out the second code block in hash refs You’ll find that this way
of passing hashes doesn’t work very well. In fact, you’ll find you have the same problem
passing multiple arrays - try the third code block in hash refs to verify that passing
multiple arrays as arguments doesn’t work the way you expect.
The strangeness that’s happening has to do with the way PERL processes subroutine
arguments, which we won’t go into here. A simple way to get around it (and probably
better programming practice in general) is to use something called a reference to pass
non-scalar variables like arrays and hashes to subroutines.
A reference to a variable is the numerical value associated with the variable’s location in
memory, sometimes called the variable’s address. This means that a reference is always a
scalar value (which is good, since PERL subroutines don’t have problems with confusing
multiple scalar arguments the way that they do for multiple array/hash arguments). The
way to create a reference to a variable is by preceding it with a backslash (\):

@my array = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
$ref to my array = \@my array;
$ref to subject1 = \%subject1;
$ref to subject2 = \%subject2;
It’s then easy to pass a bunch of these references to a subroutine (check out the fourth
code block in hash refs
print higher score 2($ref to subject1, $ref to subject2);
In fact, we can also skip making an explicit variable to hold the reference to our array/hash
of interest, and make the references in the subroutine call (again, check out the fourth code
block in hash refs
print higher score 2(\%subject1, \%subject2);
It’s great that we can pass references to variables instead of the variables themselves, but
how do we get the original information from the variable back out again? This is where
we dereference. Dereferencing is exactly what it sounds like - getting rid of the reference,
in this case by using the memory address stored in the reference to go find the original
variable. So, if we want to recover the information from a variable reference, we use curly
brackets { ...} around the reference:
@my original array = @{$ref to my array};
%my original subject1 = %{$ref to subject1};
You’ll notice in the fourth code block and the print higher score 2 subroutine in
hash refs that we use this notation in order to call subroutines that expect arrays
and hashes as their arguments, rather than references to arrays and hashes.
However, suppose you want to access just a single element in the data structure using
the reference, such as the element in position 2 in my array above, when you only have a
reference to the data structure. One way to do it would be to use the curly brackets:
$second pos array val = ${$ref to my array}[2];
And we can do the same for accessing hash elements, when we only have a reference to the
$first name subj1 = ${$ref to subject1}{"first name"};
However, this looks rather messy. A prettier and more intuitive notation for dereferencing
involves the arrow (->) operator. Place the arrow operator after the reference, and then use
the normal notation for accessing array/hash elements (either square brackets for arrays
or curly brackets for hashes).

$second pos array val = $ref to my array->[2];
$first name subj1 = $ref to subject1->{"first name"};
To see these dereference options in action, run the fourth code block in hash refs

8.2 Exercises

1. Suppose you’re given the following hash:

%subject performance = (
Sarah => 85,
Jareth => 99,
Ludo => 35,
Hoggle => 75,
Write a script that will print out the subject performance information in the following
subject name1: subject performance1
subject name2: subject performance2
subject name3: subject performance3
subject name4: subject performance4
in the following four orders:
(a) sorted alphabetically by name
(b) sorted reverse alphabetically by name
(c) sorted in ascending order by performance
(d) sorted in descending order by performance
If you get stuck, check out hash sort for an example of how to print out the
information in the first requested order.
2. Write a script that takes two hashes representing subject information (such as the
two below), compares their performance scores, and prints out the information of the
subject that has the higher performance score:

%subject1 = (
first name => ‘Sarah’,
last name => ‘Williams’,
age => 15,
native language => ‘English’,
performance score => 85,
%subject2 = (
first name => ‘Jareth’,
last name => ‘King’,
age => 39,
native language => ‘English’,
performance score => 99,
If you get stuck, have a look back at the example code in hash refs for some
3. Remember (from the section on subroutines) that we looked at a problem of selecting
participant information by certain criteria (such as “native language is English”). We
represented participant information about four different participants by using arrays:
@firstnames = ("Sarah", "Jareth", "Ludo", "Hoggle");
@lastnames = ("Williams", "King", "Beast", "Dwarf");
@ages = (15, 39, 33, 43);
@nativelanguages = ("English", "English", "Romanian", "English");
@performancescores = (85, 99, 35, 75);
This representation forced us to do rather strange things while processing the data,
such as concatenating a subject’s information together. A more intuitive way might
be to use an array of hash references, with one hash per participant:
%subject1 = (
first name => ’Sarah’,

last name => ’Williams’,
age => 15,
native language => ’English’,
performance score => 85,
%subject2 = (
first name => ’Jareth’,
last name => ’King’,
age => 39,
native language => ’English’,
performance score => 99,
%subject3 = (
first name => ’Ludo’,
last name => ’Beast’,
age => 33,
native language => ’Romanian’,
performance score => 35,
%subject4 = (
first name => ’Hoggle’,
last name => ’Dwarf’,
age => 43,
native language => ’English’,
performance score => 75,
@subjects = (\%subject1, \%subject2, \%subject3, \%subject4);

Write a script that will calculate the average performance score and print out the
members of the groups meeting the following criteria, using the data representation
above (an array of hash references):
(a) native language is English
(b) age is greater than 20
(c) age is greater than 20 and native language is English
(d) performance score is greater than 70
You’ll probably want to take the script you wrote before when the information was
all in arrays and modify it so it deals with this new data representation. If you get
stuck, have a look at array hashrefs for one way to check the first
criterion with this data representation.

9 Regular Expressions: Matching & Processing

9.1 Background & Reading

One of the things PERL is known for is regular expressions. As it does with many other
topics, LP5 covers aspects of regular expressions quite well, so you should read about the
following before trying the exercises in this section:
• what regular expressions are (pp.107-108)
• matching simple patterns (pp.108-109)
• metacharacters and the backslash \(p.109)
• simple quantifiers: *, +, ? (pp.109-110)
• using parentheses, back references, and relative back references (pp.110-112)
• the vertical bar: | (pp.112-113)
• character classes (pp.113-115)
• option modifiers: /i, /s (pp.118-119)
• anchors: ˆ, $, \b (pp.120-121)
• binding operator: =~ (pp.121-122)
• match variables: $1, $2, etc. (pp.123-124)
• non-capturing parentheses: (?: ) (pp.125-126)
• general quantifiers (pp.129-130)
• precedence (useful in case strange errors are occurring with your regular expression)
• substitutions using s/// (pp.135-136)
• the global replacement modifier: /g (p.136)
• the case shifting escape characters: \U, \L, \E, \u, and \l (pp.137-138)
• the split and join functions (pp.138-140)
• nongreedy quantifiers: +?, *? (pp.141-142)

9.2 Exercises

1. Often, you will find that the output of the CLAN tool from CHILDES is something
you’ll want to format or otherwise extract information from. In this exercise, you
should be able to use your newfound knowledge of regular expressions to help you
pull out the necessary information.
The file contains the output of a query that pulls out a large number
of verb uses in the child-directed speech in the Brown/Adam corpus. Lines like the
following indicate which verb was identified in each utterance:
*** File "adam01.cha": line 95. Keyword: v|get
Here, the verb get is contained in the utterance. As you’ll notice by looking through
the rest of that file, more than one verb can be contained in an utterance.
(a) Write a script that counts how many times the verb want appears in adam-
(b) Write a script that counts how many times an utterance in
contains at least two verbs. (Hint: The Keyword section should indicate how
many verbs are in the utterance.)
(c) Write a script that tracks how many different verbs are used in the utterances
(for example, want, get, see are all different verbs that are used) and outputs
the list of verbs and how often each verb is used in numerically descending order
(i.e., if want has 600 entries and get has 500, want should appear above get).
If you get stuck on any of the above exercises, check out calculate verbs
for some helpful hints.
2. Another very useful thing you’ll want to do is process a file containing a bunch of
information and either convert it into a format that’s easier to look at (especially for
annotation purposes) and/or extract some simple information from it (in the case of
annotation, perhaps once it’s already marked up).
(a) For the first part of this exercise, you will take a file that’s in a format that
is not so easy to look at, and extract the relevant portions of it in order to
output a file that’s much easier on the eyes. The file valian thenps.out contains
the output of a program that searches syntactically annotated utterances and
identifies utterances that contain noun phrases including the word the. Suppose
that we’re only interested in the utterances themselves, rather than the syntactic
annotation (and any of the other information available in the file). Fortunately,
the utterances are easily identifiable, since they’re preceded by /˜* and followed
by *˜/, such as in the utterance below:

oh, that ’s nice, a hug for the birdie, that ’s nice.
You should write a perl script called get that extracts all the
utterances from valian thenps.out that are delimited this way, and outputs them
to a file called valian thenps.utt, which should have the following format:
[first utterance]
[second utterance]
[third utterance]
Your script should work on any file that’s formatted this way. How many ut-
terances are there for the following files (all of which are child-directed speech
from the CHILDES database to American English children of different ages)?
i. valian thenps.out
ii. brownsarahfours thenps.out
iii. gleasonfours thenps.out
iv. hallfours thenps.out
v. kuczajfours thenps.out
vi. vanhoutenthrees thenps.out
vii. vanhoutentwos thenps.out
If you get stuck, look at id for one way to identify when you’ve
found an utterance you want to print out to the designated output file. You
may also wish to explicitly output the number of utterances separately from the
output file you’re creating in order to help you answer the questions above.
(b) For the second part of this exercise, you will write a script called get
that searches through an annotated file for certain tags that indicate that the
tagged utterance contains certain properties. For example, someone might wish
to annotate when there are plural noun phrases that contain the word the, given
a file like the one output in the previous part of this exercise. A file so annotated
might have lines that look like this:

that ’s right, at Halloween the children come knock on the door
since the noun phrase “the children” is a plural noun phrase, and the PL tag
can indicate the utterance contains a plural noun phrase.
Your script should take as input the name of the file to be searched and the
tag to search for. It should output the number of times the tag occurs in the
input file. You can assume that the output file has the same format as the files
you output in the first part of this exercise (see valian thenps.utt ann for an
example). How many times do the following tags appear in the following files?
i. PL in valian thenps.utt ann (finding plural noun phrases)
ii. All in valian thenps.utt ann (finding noun phrases containing the word all)
iii. DefPP in valian thenps.utt ann (finding noun phrases containing the word
the (sometimes called definite noun phrases) that are modified by preposi-
tion phrases)
iv. DefCP in valian thenps.utt ann (finding noun phrases containing the word
the (sometimes called definite noun phrases) that are modified by entire
v. FR in hallfours potFRs.utt ann (finding structures called free relative clauses)
vi. WHAT in hallfours potFRs.utt ann (finding structures called free relative clauses
that begin with the wh-word what)
If you get stuck, check out id for a regular expression that will help you
identify the right lines to count.

possible word orderings are equally likely, i.e., that the next word is statistically
independent of the previous word. In contrast, the bigram model assumes that the
identity of Exercise
10 Larger the previous word can be used
2: Input Datato help predict the current word. In sim-
ulations using these models, we found that the unigram model proposed far too
few boundaries, often identifying common word sequences as individual words.
10.1 Background
We have argued that this behavior results from a mismatch between the inde-
pendence assumptions in the model and the strong word-to-word dependencies
One problem
that areinfound
language acquisition
in realistic inputwhere computational
corpora. When these models are often
dependencies are used
segmentation (the identification of meaningful units in fluent speech).
account, as in our bigram model, word segmentation improves markedly. The Models will often
draw input sets from
importance ofthe CHILDESword-to-word
considering database. Usually, the model
dependencies haswill
operateby over
input that’s in some
previously sort of unigram
proposed phomemic form
models (wordsofwritten
because biases as they sound),
introduced rather
by their than
input that’s
ing algorithms, which prevent these models from finding optimal segmentations.For
still in orthographic form (that is, words written as they are spelled).
example, weOur spell enough
results are with 6 letters butwith
not incompatible pronounce it using that
the possibility four infants
sounds usesuchtransi-
“n”, “uh”,
tional probabilities or other local statistics to identify word boundaries. However,its
“f”. Since we think children are hearing input data rather than seeing
form,doa imply
modelthat should use input
statistics and that’s in some
strategies kindsufficient
that are of phonemic form ratherthe
for segmenting than
input that’s
stimuli found form.
in most behavioral experiments will not necessarily be
Unfortunately, for completely segmenting
available data natural
sets (with the language.
exception Our findings
of the derivedsuggest the in
possibility that human learners may exploit statistical information
CHILDES) are in orthographic form. Before a word segmentation model can be run,
in more sub-
tle ways than have typically been investigated, and we hope that this work will
the input set needs to be converted to phonemic form. For example, one common encoding
provide a source of further hypotheses that can be tested through experiments.
type that is used to create some of the derived corpora in the CHILDES database is shown
in figure 2 below. Each ASCII symbol maps to one sound.
Appendix: phoneme encoding
Consonants Vowels Rhotic Vowels
D THe h Hat & thAt # ARe
G Jump k Cut 6 About % fOR
L bottLe l Lamp 7 bOY ( hERE
M rhythM m Man 9 flY ) lURE
N siNG n Net A bUt * hAIR
S SHip p Pipe E bEt 3 bIRd
T THin r Run I bIt R buttER
W WHen s Sit O lAW
Z aZure t Toy Q bOUt
b Boy v View U pUt
c CHip w We a hOt
d Dog y You e bAY
f Fox z Zip i bEE
g Go ˜ buttON o bOAt
u bOOt

Figure 2: Example encoding system for orthographic forms in English.

The process of converting data from orthographic from to phonemic form usually goes
something like Aslin,
Richard this: Jenny Saffran, and Elissa Newport. 1998. Computation of conditional
1. Use the CLAN statistics by 8-month-old
tool to pull infants. Psychological
out all child-directed Science, 9:321–324.
speech utterances from a data set
Eleanor Batchelder.
of interest. 2002. Bootstrapping the lexicon: A computational model of infant
speech segmentation. Cognition, 83:167–206.
Nan Bernstein-Ratner. 1987. The phonology of parent-child speech. In K. Nelson and
A. van Kleeck, editors, Children’s Language,
44 volume 6. Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ.
2. Create a list of words that are in those utterances.
3. Create the phonemic “translations” for the orthographic forms. For example, using
the phonemic encoding in figure 2, we might translate enough as InAf.
4. Once the translation dictionary is ready, translate the orthographic forms to their
phonemic equivalents in the utterances.
5. Once the translation is complete, compute some statistics on the input set such as
• total number of word tokens in the input
• total number of word types in the input
• total number of utterances
• average number of phonemes per word used
• average number of phonemes per utterance
• average number of words per utterance

10.2 The Exercise

1. Use the CLAN tool to extract the child-directed speech utterances from the first
twelve files of the Brown/Eve corpus in the American English section of CHILDES
(downloadable from here:, where
Eve is younger than 2 years old (2;0). (Hint: Try using the kwal command with the
wildcard * character.)
2. Write a PERL script to take the output of that CLAN search and extract just the con-
tent of the utterances, making sure to remove all the extraneous non-word characters
and punctuation. Each utterance should be on its own line. For example,
you xxx more cookies ? should become
you more cookies
how about another graham+cracker ? should become
how about another graham cracker
oh ( .) I took it . should become
oh I took it
peep@o [/] peep@o . should become
peep peep

can you say +... should become
can you say
Name the file that contains this output eve1to12utt.txt.
3. The file dict eng.txt contains orthographic to phonemic translations for a large num-
ber of words. If you’ve removed the extraneous characters from the utterances in
eve1to12utt.txt correctly, all the words in the file should already be in dict eng.txt.
The dictionary file has the following format on each line:
[word1 orth form][some white space like tabs or spaces][word1 phon form]
Write a PERL script that translates the utterances in eve1to12utt.txt into their phone-
mic form, using the dictionary file dict eng.txt. Call the translated file eve1to12utt.pho.
For example, lines in eve1to12utt.txt that look like this:
how about another graham cracker
would that do just as well
should be translated in eve1to12utt.pho to something that looks like this:
hQ 6bQt 6nADR gr&m kr&kR
wUd D&t du GAst &z wEl
(Hint: You’ll probably find the hash data structure useful for representing the infor-
mation in the dictionary file.)
4. Write a PERL script that computes the following statistics about the utterances in
eve1to12utt.pho: (Hint: You’ll probably find the split command useful.)
• total number of word tokens in the input (Note: two instances of “cat” counts
as 2 word tokens.)
• total number of word types (lexicon items) in the input (Note: two instances of
“cat” counts as 1 type/lexicon item)
• total number of utterances
• average number of phonemes per word used (Note: Calculate this over word
types. This means we want the average number of phonemes of the words in
the lexicon used to generate the observable utterances in the input. So, if “cat”
occurs two times, it still only counts as one word type/lexicon item, and that
type (if represented as k&t), has 3 phonemes.)

• average number of phonemes per utterance (Note: Calculate this over word
tokens. This means that if “cat” appears twice in an utterance, we count the
phonemes in it twice.)
• average number of words per utterance (Note: Calculate this over word tokens.
This means if “cat” appears twice in an utterance, we count it twice.)

11 Larger Exercise 3:
Calling a part-of-speech tagger and parser

11.1 Background: Freely available tagging & parsing software

Something you may find yourself wanting (or needing) to do with a data set consisting
only of text is to identify the grammatical categories (like noun, verb, adjective, etc.) of
the words in the data set, and/or identify the syntactic structure of the utterances in the
data set. If you’re working with data from the CHILDES database, you may be fortunate
enough to have this information - the %mor line gives the grammatical category (sometimes
called part-of-speech) while the %gra line provides one way of representing the syntactic
structure of an utterance (called dependency trees).
However, what if you’re working with a data set that doesn’t already have the information?
Fortunately, there is freely available software that will give a good approximation of part-
of-speech and syntactic structure. One example of this kind of software comes from the
Stanford NLP group ( Among other things, the
Stanford NLP group provides a free implementation of both a part-of-speech (POS) tagger
and a syntactic parser that outputs the syntactic structure of an utterance:
Stanford POS Tagger:
Stanford Parser:
Go to each of these websites and download the latest version of both:
POS Tagger (English-only: basic English Stanford Tagger version 3.0 (re-entrant version):
Stanford Parser (Stanford Parser version 1.6.5:
The .tgz files should be able to be unzipped using your standard unzip tools (WinZip for
Windows users, GNU tar for unix users, etc.) In general, double-clicking on the .tgz file
should unzip it into a folder containing the necessary files.

11.1.1 Running the POS tagger from the command line

Once you’ve unzipped the POS tagger tgz file, you should have a folder containing all the
necessary files needed to invoke the POS tagger. Have a look at the provided README.txt
file for useful information, particularly the QUICKSTART instructions for running the

tagger on a file containing input utterances (“To tag a file using the pre-trained bidirectional
java -mx300m -classpath stanford-postagger.jar edu.stanford.nlp.tagger.maxent.MaxentTagger -model
models/bidirectional-distsim-wsj-0-18.tagger -textFile sample-input.txt > sample-tagged.txt

This command runs a java program called stanford-postagger.jar, including a number

of different arguments to the java program, such as the provided sample-input.txt input
file as the textFile. In addition, it outputs the tagged file to sample-tagged.txt, using
the > (the output redirect command).
If you have java installed on your computer, you should be able to execute this command
successfully when you are in the folder that you unzipped. (That is, you should be able to
execute this command from the command prompt where you execute perl scripts, provided
that you have changed your current directory to be stanford-postagger-2010-05-26.
If you are a Mac OSX or Unix user, you will likely already have java installed on your
computer (one place it might be is in \usr\bin\java). If you are a Windows user, you
may not. To check to see if you have java installed (and what version if so), type the
following at the command line:
java -version
If you have java installed, this should pop up a message telling you what version you have
installed, such as the following:
java version "1.6.0 22"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0 22-b04-307-10M3261)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.1-b03-307, mixed mode)
If you do not have java installed, this command should cause a “command not found”
error, or something equivalent. In that case, go to options.xml
and follow the instructions to download and install java for your operating system.
Once you have java working, you should be able to run the java command from above that
generates POS tags for the sentence in sample-input.txt. You may run into an “Out
of Memory” error - if this is the case, you’ll need to adjust the first argument in the java
command from -mx300m (maximum memory to use is 300M) to something bigger, such as
-max1g (max memory to use is 1G). The README.txt file actually recommends this in
the paragraph that talks about memory usage.
Compare what is output into sample-tagged.txt with the POS tags in sample-output.txt.
You hopefully will find that they’re the same. The part-of-speech tags that are used come

from the PennTreeBank (a very popular data resource for natural language processing),
and represent the following:
CC - Coordinating conjunction, examples: and, or, but
CD - Cardinal number, examples: one, two
DT - Determiner, examples: the, a, some
EX - Existential there, example: there in “there seems to be...”
FW - Foreign word, examples: gesundheit, oy
IN - Preposition or subordinating conjunction, examples: from, to, while, after
JJ - Adjective, examples: big, good, pretty, shiny
JJR - Adjective, comparative, examples: bigger, better, prettier, shinier
JJS - Adjective, superlative, examples: biggest, best, prettiest, shiniest
LS - List item marker, examples: items in lists like “one, two, three” or “a, b, c”
MD - Modal, examples: should, might, would
NN - Noun, singular or mass, examples: penguin, jewel, cheese, water
NNS - Noun, plural, examples: penguins, jewels
NNP - Proper noun, singular, examples: Sarah, Jareth
PDT - Predeterminer, examples: all in “all those penguins”, such in “such as good time”
POS - Possessive ending, example: ‘s in Jareth’s
PRP - Personal pronoun, examples: him, her, you, I
PRP$ - Possessive pronoun, examples: his, hers, mine
RB - Adverb, examples: really, easily, out
RBR - Adverb, comparative, example: later in “I’ll come by later”
RP - Particle, example: up in “pick the letter up”
TO - to, example: to in “I want to do it”
UH - Interjection, examples: um, uh, yeah
VB - Verb, base form, examples: do in “I want to do it”, “Can he do it?”
VBD - Verb, past tense, examples: kicked, hugged, ate, drank
VBG - Verb, gerund or present participle, examples: kicking, hugging, eating, drinking

VBN - Verb, past participle, examples: eaten, drunk
VBP - Verb, non-3rd person singular present, examples: do in “They do it”, “You do it”
VBZ - Verb, 3rd person singular present, example: does in “He does it”
WDT - Wh-determiner, example: which in “which one”
WP - Wh-pronoun, example: what
WP$ - Possessive wh-pronoun, example: whose
WRB - Wh-adverb, examples: how, when

11.1.2 Running the parser from the command line

Once you’ve unzipped the pasrer tgz file, you should have a folder containing all the nec-
essary files needed to invoke the parser. Have a look at the provided README.txt file
for useful information, particularly for using the parser that generates PCFG (probabilis-
tic context-free grammar) structures. The QUICKSTART section includes instructions
for running the parser on a file containing input utterances (“UNIX COMMAND-LINE
USAGE” - note that you can run this from the command prompt in Windows):
./lexparser.csh testsent.txt
This command runs a shell script that has the following commands in it:
set scriptdir=‘dirname $0‘
java -mx150m -cp "$scriptdir/stanford-parser.jar:" edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.LexicalizedParser
-outputFormat "penn,typedDependencies" $scriptdir/englishPCFG.ser.gz $*

The shell script runs a java program called stanford-parser.jar, including a number
of different arguments to the java program, such as the requested output file formats
(-outputFormat). You may notice similar arguments from the POS-tagger, such as the
maximum amount of memory to use (-mx150m).
If you want to output to a file instead of to standard output, use a redirect > com-
./lexparser.csh testsent.txt > testsent.out
As with the POS-tagger, you need to have java installed on your machine in order to use
the parser.
If you’d like to just invoke the parser directly from the command line (assuming your
current directory is stanford-parser-2010-11-30), skip the shell script and use the following
on the command line:

java -mx150m -cp "./stanford-parser.jar:" edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.LexicalizedParser
-outputFormat "penn,typedDependencies" englishPCFG.ser.gz testsent.txt > testsent.out

With this, you can then change the amount of maximum memory you’re using (say you want
1G max instead of 150M max) and what output format you want (say you want PennTree-
Bank style phrase structure trees instead of dependency trees), among other things.
java -mx1g -cp "./stanford-parser.jar:" edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.LexicalizedParser -outputFormat
"penn" englishPCFG.ser.gz testsent.txt > testsent.out

11.2 The system function

A perl function that can be used to call other programs from inside a perl script is system.
LP5 discusses the basic usage of this function on pp.233-234. This will be useful if,
for example, you want to run the part-of-speech tagger or the parser from within a perl
In order to call the Stanford POS tagger or parser from within a perl script, you sim-
ply invoke the command you want inside the system function. For example, look at and try running it to see that it does indeed call these two
programs from inside the script to tag and parse the sentences in the designated input

11.3 The Exercise

1. For the first part of this exercise, you will be running the Stanford POS tagger and
parser on some child-directed speech utterances from the Brown/Adam corpus.
adam-sample.txt contains the first 10 child-directed speech utterances from the first
file in the Brown/Adam corpus from CHILDES (adam01.cha). Run the Stanford POS
tagger on the utterances in this file. How does your output compare to the informa-
tion provided in the %mor line of the CHILDES files, which appears in adam-sample-
mor.txt? Does most of the information seem to be the same? What differences/errors
do you notice?
Note that there are some differences between the PennTreeBank tags used by the
Stanford parser and the tags used by the software that generated the CHILDES
%mor line:
CHILDES %mor tags:
adj = adjective

adv = adverb
co = communicator
conj = conjunction
det = determiner
fil = filler
int = interjection
n = noun
n:prop = proper name
neg = negation
num = number
on = onomatopoeia
prep = preposition
pro = pronoun
pro:dem = demonstrative pronouns like “that”
pro:refl = reflexive pronouns like “himself”
ptl = verb particle
qn or quan = quantifier
rel = complementizer
v = verb
wh = interrogative word like “who”
Now run the Stanford parser over the utterances in adam-sample.txt and generate
Penn Treebank phrase structure trees. Given that output format, write a script that
will count how many noun phrases occur, assuming those phrase structure trees are
accurate. Note that noun phrases are indicated by either NP or WHNP. The general
notation is that parentheses indicate a syntactic unit. So, for example, if we have a
noun phrase like “the penguin”, which includes the determiner “the” and the noun
“penguin”, we would end up with the following phrase structure tree:
(NP (DET the)
(NN penguin))

This can be translated to the bracket notation introduced in chapter 7:
[N P [DET the] [N N penguin]]
There are actually 13 noun phrases (listed below) in adam-sample.txt, but your script
should find a different number. Why does it behave this way? (Hint: Look at the
phrase structure trees generated by the Stanford parser. What does it recognize as
NPs? Do these look like the NPs listed below?)
Noun phrases in adam-sample.txt:
big drum, horse, who, that, those, checkers, two checkers, checkers, big horn, Mommy,
Shadow, those, your checkers
2. In the second part of this exercise, you will tag and parse text that we don’t al-
ready have part-of-speech and syntactic structure information for, and then use that
annotation to help you track various statistics in the data that could be useful for
detecting authorship deception. The folder imitation-attacks contains four files. One
of these, sample mccarthy01.txt, is a sample of one author’s writing. The other files,
imitation *.txt, are attempts to consciously imitate this writing style with the goal of
fooling someone about the actual authorship of the writing sample.
First, use the POS tagger to tag all the files, and then gather some basic statistics
about how often the following grammatical categories occur, relative to the total
number of words used by each author:
• nouns (NN, NNS, NNP, PRP, WP)
• verbs (VB, VBD, VBG, VBN, VBP, VBZ, MD)
• determiners (DT, PDT, PRP$, WP$, WDT)
• adjectives and adverbs (JJ, JJR, JJS, RB, RBR)
• infinitival to (TO)
• interjections (UH)
• conjunctions (CC)
Note: You’ll probably find the following commands helpful for getting a list of all the
files in a directory $input dir that end with a txt extension.
opendir(DIR, "$input dir");
@txtfiles = grep(/\.txt$/,readdir(DIR));

You script should output the ratio of each category to total number of words for
each author’s file (e.g., noun ratio = (total noun tokens)/(total word tokens)). Do
any categories stand out as distinctive (significantly higher or lower) for the author’s
sample compared to the imitators? (Keep in mind we’re just looking for a quick
eyeball estimate here - sophisticated machine learning algorithms could be leveraged
over the features here for more sophisticated judgments.)
Now, use the Stanford parser to provide syntactic structure for all four files, and then
gather some more sophisticated statistics about the structures that occur in the files:
• The ratio of tensed embedded clauses (indicated by SBAR) to total utterances
(indicated by ROOT)
• The ratio of sentence fragments (indicated by FRAG) to total utterances (indi-
cated by ROOT)
• The ratio of noun phrases (indicated by NP or WHNP) to total utterances
(indicated by ROOT)
As with the pos tagger results, your script should output the ratios for each author’s
file (e.g., tensed embedded clauses = (total embedded clauses)/(total utterances)).
Do any of these features distinguish the original author from the imitators? What
about if you combine both these features and the part-of-speech features from before
- is the actual author distinct from each of the imitators? (Again, keep in mind that
we’re just looking for a quick eyeball judgment.)


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