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US Water Pollution Events Research - RB

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Name: Rose B Date: 3/5/21 Period: 1

AP Environmental Science Water Pollution Event Research

Directions: Multiple water pollution events have affected humans and the environment in the United States. Complete
the tables below while you conduct your research about thirteen of these events.

Event Name: Deepwater Horizon (BP) Spill

Location: Gulf of Mexico Date: April 20, 2010
What happened? What kind of pollution (chemical)? What was/were the cause(s)? Point source or non-point source?
It was an oil spill from an oil rig that blew up. About 3.19m barrels of ocean was spilled into the gulf. This was caused
by natural gas. Water pollution was the result. Point Source

What effects did the pollution have on humans/environment? How was pollution cleaned up? Are there long-term
effects? Explain.
Because so much oil was spilled, this contaminated animals habitat and killed thousands of marine life including sea
turles, dolphins and fish. the oil destroyed the birds abilitly to repel water, leaving them exposed. Long term effects of
the oil spill on humans would be shortness of breath, headaches, chronis coughs painful joints etc. that much oil was
toxic to humans and animals. About 11 people died because of the spill. In efforts to clean the oil, chemical
dispersants were spread over the ocean in helicopters or airplanes

Event Name: Exxon Valdez Tanker

Location: alaska Date: august 24th, 1989
What happened? What kind of pollution (chemical)? What was/were the cause(s)? Point source or non-point source?
Point source. A ship hit a reef which tore the hull and released millions of gallons of oil into the water.
Water pollution via oil spill.

What effects did the pollution have on humans/environment? How was pollution cleaned up? Are there long-term
effects? Explain.
A lot of animals like bald eagles, sea birds, otters seals etc were killed. This specific oil spilled created the oil pollution
act of 1990. To clean up the oil, workers skimed oil from the waters surface, sprayed oil dispersant chemicals in the
water washed oiled beaches with hot water and tried saving any remaining animals trapped in the oil.

Event Name: Camp Lejeune Contamination

Location: Date: 1953-1987
What happened? What kind of pollution (chemical)? What was/were the cause(s)? Point source or non-point source?
Non point source. This was caused by bad water bases. Water was contaminated with carcinogens like tce and pce.

What effects did the pollution have on humans/environment? How was pollution cleaned up? Are there long-term
effects? Explain.
This caused cancer amongst many individuals, and made the others very sick. Contaminated soils, drums above
ground storage tanks underground storage tanks, batteries, waste liquids etc were removed and disposed. The water
is safe nd has been safe since 1989.

Event Name: Gold King Mine Spill

Location: colorado Date: august 5th, 2015
What happened? What kind of pollution (chemical)? What was/were the cause(s)? Point source or non-point source?
Point source.
Heavy equipment disturbed the mine which caused acid mine drainage to release into bodies of water and ending up
reaching the Colorado river.
Pollution via mining
What effects did the pollution have on humans/environment? How was pollution cleaned up? Are there long-term
effects? Explain.
The water is kind of safe to drink today, but it affected the drinking supply of many people at that time. The water
hurt and may even killed fish and wildlife in the river. Recently, there has been temporary water treatments that
removes arsenic, lead etc from the mine.

Event Name: Love Canal Contamination

Location: Niagra Falls, New York Date: 1978-2004
What happened? What kind of pollution (chemical)? What was/were the cause(s)? Point source or non-point source?
Non point source. A chemical company dumped about 20 thousnad tons of chemical byproducts on land.

What effects did the pollution have on humans/environment? How was pollution cleaned up? Are there long-term
effects? Explain.
This destroyed peoples backyards, along with giving them health effects because of the high carcinogen levels . The
superfund law was then put into place. Contaminated soil was removed so that drainage pipes could capture
contaminated groundwater for treatment. Clay and plastic covered it up

Event Name: Pacific Gas & Electric Chromium Contamination

Location: Hinckley, CA Date: 1952-1966
What happened? What kind of pollution (chemical)? What was/were the cause(s)? Point source or non-point source?
Non point source. 370m gallons of toxic water(chromium) was dumped into ponds. Chemical water pollution

What effects did the pollution have on humans/environment? How was pollution cleaned up? Are there long-term
effects? Explain.
Created health effects for residents.
Event Name: Cuyahoga River Fire(s)
Location: cleavland ohio Date: 1969
What happened? What kind of pollution (chemical)? What was/were the cause(s)? Point source or non-point source?
Point souce. An oil slack was caught on fire because of the train sparks. Air pollution by fire

What effects did the pollution have on humans/environment? How was pollution cleaned up? Are there long-term
effects? Explain.
Because the oil spread, big fires were created. The fire destroyed habitats and land. The NEPA act was created to
clean it. No long term effects

Event Name: Woburn, Massachusetts Water Contamination

Location: Woburn mass Date: 1970
What happened? What kind of pollution (chemical)? What was/were the cause(s)? Point source or non-point source?
Non point source. High levels of chemical contamination was found in the citys wells.

What effects did the pollution have on humans/environment? How was pollution cleaned up? Are there long-term
effects? Explain.
Kids who drank from the source contracted leukemia because the water was so comtamnated. Cancer was the long
term effect due to the carcinogens.

Event Name: Elk River Chemical Spill

Location: West Virginia Date: jan 9th,2014
What happened? What kind of pollution (chemical)? What was/were the cause(s)? Point source or non-point source?
Point source. 10k gallons of crude MCHM from coal process plants leaked into the Elk River banks.

What effects did the pollution have on humans/environment? How was pollution cleaned up? Are there long-term
effects? Explain.
About 300k residents were affected especially those in the Charleston area. People are still experiencing long term
effects today. Absorbent booms contained the spill in the elk river. Soil around the tank and the water system was
decontaminated so it could be safe to drink or use

Event Name: Milwaukee Disease Outbreak

Location: Wisconsin Date: 1993
What happened? What kind of pollution (chemical)? What was/were the cause(s)? Point source or non-point source?
Non point source. The chemical cryptosporidium spilled into the water treatment.

What effects did the pollution have on humans/environment? How was pollution cleaned up? Are there long-term
effects? Explain.
This disease affected humans by giving them stomach cramps, fevers, diarrhea and dehydration. The water is up to
federal expectations now. To lessen the chance of getting sick, citizens were ordered to boil their water to kill the

Event Name: Coal Ash Pond Drinking Water Contamination

Location: North Carolina Date: 2015
What happened? What kind of pollution (chemical)? What was/were the cause(s)? Point source or non-point source?
Non point source. Coal ash contaminated the water and it went into underground water wells. Water pollution via
coal ash.

What effects did the pollution have on humans/environment? How was pollution cleaned up? Are there long-term
effects? Explain.
Groundwater contamination effects human health and can cause cancer. The people were poisoned. Duke energy
tried cleaning it by disposing its toxins. But that violated the clean water act. They were fined. It also hurts the animals
living in there.

Event Name: Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone

Location: gulf of mexico Date:
What happened? What kind of pollution (chemical)? What was/were the cause(s)? Point source or non-point source?
Non point source. Fertilizers were constantly dumped into the gulf of Mexico. Nutrient enrichment.

What effects did the pollution have on humans/environment? How was pollution cleaned up? Are there long-term
effects? Explain.
The fertilizer killed a lot of marine life. It had to be cleaned using less fertilizers in farms.

Event Name: Hudson River PCB Contamination

Location: Hudson river Date:1947-1977
What happened? What kind of pollution (chemical)? What was/were the cause(s)? Point source or non-point source?
Point source. The Hudson river was polluted by 1.3m pounds of polychlorinated phenyls! Water pollution via
chemical spill
What effects did the pollution have on humans/environment? How was pollution cleaned up? Are there long-term
effects? Explain.
Harmful to wildlife and citizens in the area . A Clearwater group cleaned it. Not much is known about how much was
cleaned but just about 180k cubic yards was thought to be cleaned.

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