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Neurological Physical Therapy: Handbook of

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Handbook of

Physical Therapy
Evidence-Based Practice

P Shanmuga Raju, MPT, MIAP

Department of Physical Therapy
Chalmeda Anand Rao Institute of Medical Sciences
Karimnagar (Andhra Pradesh)


C Lakshmi Narasimha Rao

V Surya Narayana Reddy


New Delhi • Panama City • London
Published by
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Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy–Evidence-Based Practice

© 2012, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers

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First Edition: 2012

ISBN 978-93-5025-553-7
Typeset at JPBMP typesetting unit
Printed in India
All our Patients at
Chalmeda Anand Rao Institute of
Medical Sciences Karimnagar

I am happy to know that Dr P Shanmuga Raju,

HOD, Department of Physical Therapy of this
Chalmeda Anand Rao Institute of Medical
Sciences, Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh, India is
bringing out Handbook of Neurological Physical
Therapy—Evidence Based Practice.
I have gone through the book and found
exemplary hard work and interest shown by Dr P
Shanmuga Raju in treating the people suffering from various
disabilities in the rural areas, where this Institute is located.
Neurological disabilities cripple one’s life. Overcoming this by
Physical Therapy is challenging and Rehabilitation is of utmost
I congratulate Dr P Shanmuga Raju for successfully bringing
out this edition. This book would be much help to upcoming
physical therapists, faculty, students and all health care

C Lakshmi Narasimha Rao BE MBA

Chalmeda Anand Rao
Institute of Medical Sciences
Arihant Educational Society

It gives me great pleasure to write this foreword for

the Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy
Evidence based Practice written by Dr Shanmuga
Raju. This book follows a simple principle, and
easy to implement it in a day-to-day practice.
This Handbook explains the problem of threatening
neurological disability with Physical Therapy
interventions in the step by step manner. It is designed to give
advance informative, resources and practical guidance for
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Physical therapy students and
also for the practicing all Rehabilitation professionals. All Chapters
dealt with technological interface are equality informative.
I congratulate Dr P Shanmuga Raju for successful completion of this
work. I hope that this book will be useful to students and post-
I wish this book a great success.

V Surya Narayana Reddy MS (GEN. SURG)

Chalmeda Anand Rao Institute of
Medical Sciences
Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh

Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy - Evidence-based Practice, is

to help clinicians make better decisions about patient care. This
book is to provide simple format, evidence based Physical Therapy
and Rehabilitation.

This edition, will be useful to Physical Therapy students, Interns,
Medical students, Faculty, Nurse practitioners, Occupational
therapists, Physiatrist and physicians Assistant’s will find the
descriptions of diagnostic and Physical therapy management with
citations to the current literature useful in day-to-day patient care.

Outstanding Features
• Concise, clear presentation of the latest scientific facts, models
and methods of practice.
• More than 93 Indian Patients clinical photo gallery.
• Details presentation of all chapters including Neurological
examination, Neuroradiology imaging, Physical therapy in Bell’s
palsy, Stroke physical therapy, Parkinson’s disease, Spinal cord
injury Rehabilitation, Cerebral palsy, Cerebellar ataxia, and
Orthotics in neurological Rehabilitation.
• Recent references, articles, abstracts, and full further editions in
writing or via electronic e-mail. The author e-mail address:

P Shanmuga Raju

I would like to thank our parents Shri K Perumal, Smt P Nallammal,

sisters, and all my teachers.
I express deep thanks to our Chief Patron Shri C Anand Rao,
BL, Ex. Minister of law, AP and Social worker, Dr V Bhoom Reddy,
MS (AIIMS), Ex-Vice President of National IMA, Shri C Lakshmi
Narasimha Rao, BE, MBA, Chairman, Prof. Dr V Surya Narayana
Reddy, MS, Director, Arihant Educational Society, Karimnagar, who
provided me heart felt support always, in publishing this
educational hand book.
My Sincere thanks to Prof. Dr SA Aasim MD, Medical
Superintendent, Prnicipal, Prof. Dr Sudha Deshpande, MD, Prof.
Dr Jawhar, MS, Prof. Dr Gopal Rao S Jogdand, Ph.D, Prof. Dr N
Samanta, M.Ch, Prof. Vittal Reddy, MD, Prof. Dr Aruna, MD, Prof.
Dr Neelee Jayasree, MD, Dr Ezhilarasi Ravindhran, MD, Dr. Charan
Paul, MD, Dr Jyothi, DGO Dr EV Sridher, MD, Dr HarshaVaradhan,
MD, and Mr P Ramakrishana, Mr G Malla Reddy (Steno), Mr Y
Venkateshwer Rao, Mr Tiwari, Mr CH Prithvidhar Rao and all
CAIMS teaching and nonteaching staff.
I would like to express my thanks to Dr George Williams PT,
Dr Hendry Mohan Doss, PT, Prof. Dr V Murugesan, MPT, Prof.
Dr SD Sivaganesa, MPT and my friends for their extensive guidance.
I am very grateful to Shri Jitendar P Vij, Group Chairman and
CEO, Mr Tarun Duneja, Director (Publishing), Mr Jayanandan,
Author Co-ordinator (Chennai), Jaypee Brother’s Medical Publishers
(P) Ltd, New Delhi, for ideas and extended cooperation in
publishing this handbook.
Finally, I thank our patients for their role in inspiring me to
write this book.
P Shanmuga Raju

1. Neurological Examination ........................................01

2. Neuroradiology Imaging ...........................................23
3. Physical Therapy in Bell’s Palsy ...............................29
4. Stroke Physical Therapy ............................................39
5. Physical Therapy in Muscular Dystrophy .............63
6. Physical Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease ...............75
7. Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation ...........................85
8. Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy ...................... 101
9. Physical Therapy in Cerebellar ataxia ................. 115
10. Orthotics in Neurorehabilitation ........................... 123
Appendices .................................................................. 131
Index ............................................................................ 137
C h ap ter

The human somatic cell is diploid with 46 chromosomes
(i.e. 23 pairs of chromosomes) of which 22 pairs are autosomes and
one pair of sex chromosome (XX in female and XY in male). The
germ cells or gametes are haploid cells (i.e. 23 chromosomes). During

fertilization the male and female gamete unite to form the zygote
The zygote formed undergoes mitosis repeatedly to form the
embryo which later develops into an organism. Thus, all somatic
cells in a multicellular organism are descendants of one original
cell, the fertilized egg or zygote. Mitosis produces two daughter cells
per cycle and their genetic content is identical to mother cell.
Gametogenesis (formation of gametes) occurs only in specialized
cells (germ line) of the reproductive organs (gonads). In human, the
testes are male gonads and the ovaries are female gonads. Gamete
cells are produced through the process of mitosis. Mitosis consists
of two specialized, consecutive cell divisions in which the
chromosome number of resulting cells is reduced from a diploid
(2n) to a haploid (n) number. The number of chromosomes must be
reduced by half during gametogenesis in order to maintain the
chromosome number and characteristic of the species after
2 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

The Neurological Examination as commonly done includes the
important elements such as the mental status, cranial nerves, motor
and sensory reflexes, cerebellar function, coordination, gait and
station, and other signs.


• Patients presenting complaint
• Name, age, sex and exact details of occupation.

History of Present Illness

• Onset, progression, nature of injury
• Duration
• Mental History
– Sleep disturbance
– Speech disturbance
– Loss of consciousness
– Headache:
a. Severity, duration
b. Tenderness of the scalp or skull
– Visual disturbance
Neurological Examination

– Vomiting and vertigo.

– History of syphilis
– Impairment of senses, taste/smell
– Giddiness
• Movements and sensibility
– Complaints of muscular weakness
– Sensory disturbance, especially pain, numbness or tingling
• Abnormal gait
• Sphincters and reproductive function
– Disturbance of sphincter control
• Nutrition: Weight (stationary, diminishing, increasing).

Past Medical History

• Surgeries, health factors and other diagnosis.
Neurological Examination 3

Social History
• Occupational and educational history/life style
• Personal habits (tobacco, alcohol).

Family History
• The family history is often of great importance
• Since many disorders of the central nervous system are hereditary
• The number of children and the occurrence of miscarriage and
still births should be assessed.

Examination of Consciousness (Figs 1.1 and 1.2)

• Is the patient conscious?
• Assess response to stimuli—Glasgow coma scale (GCS)
• No response
• Verbal, tactile, simple commands
• Painful stimuli—Pinching the skin, Pin prick.

Neurological Examination

Fig. 1.1: Unconsciousness (prior to treatment)

4 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Fig. 1.2: Conscious (post-treatment)

Assess Behavior
• Determine level of confusion, stupor, coma, delirium
• Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS): This scale is utilized to determine
Neurological Examination

the level of consciousness.

• Assessment of memory is the most important component of
mental status testing.

Classification of Memory
• Immediate memory
• Recent memory (short-term memory)
• Remote memory (long-term memory).

Immediate Memory
• Is a very short function?
Neurological Examination 5

• Test the patients to remember events such as name, date, week

(i.e. 5 minutes).

Recent Memory
• The patient to recall of recent information such as her address,
phone number, and how to come to the present building.

Remote Memory
• Memory of past events, i.e. birth dates of their children and grand
children, where did they grow up.

• Assess length of attention span, i.e. digit span retention test,
recall of up to 7 members in order presented.
• Assess time on task, frequency of redirection.

Emotional Response
• The patient is anxious, excited, depressed, frightened, apathetic
or euphoric.

Speech and Communication Neurological Examination

• Assess fluency of speech, speech production
• Non fluent aphasia, verbal apraxia
• Dysarthria
• Assess comprehension
– Aphasia (Fluent), Global (Aphasia).
• Assess nonverbal communication
– Assess response to use of gestures, symbols, pictographs.


1. Cranial nerve I: Olfactory nerve
• Assess any change in sense of smell and to identify various
smells, e.g. deodorants, perfumes, fruits, and soap.
2. Cranial nerve II: Optic nerve
• Test patient's visual acuity.
6 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Ask patients to read small print by near vision, and large

print at a distance.
3. Cranial nerve III, IV, VI ( Oculomotor, Trochlear and Abducens
• III cranial nerve is innervated to superior rectus, medial rectus,
inferior rectus, and inferior oblique
• Assess ptosis: Dropping of the upper eyelid
• Assess eye movements/note any deviation, asymmetries
• VI cranial nerve assess pupillary light reflex
• Test for accommodation.
4. Cranial nerve V Trigeminal nerve:
• Motor/sensory function
• Test for Corneal Reflex: Touch cornea with cotton WISP; if
absent or diminished indicates danger of corneal injuries.
• Test the jaw jerk by gently tapping your finger placed across
the patient’s chin with the patella of hammer (Motor function)
• Assess sensory function (forehead, cheeks, chin).
5. Cranial nerve VII: Facial nerve
• Facial expression (wrinkle forehead, show teeth, close eye
tightly, puff cheeks) (Figs 1.3 and 1.4)
• Assess Loss of sensation to anterior 2/3rd of tongue.
Neurological Examination

Fig. 1.3: Facial (Bell's) paralysis

Neurological Examination 7

Fig. 1.4: Unable to close left eyeball muscles.

6. Cranial nerve VIII: Vestibulocochlear nerve

• Assess the external auditory meatus
• Rhinne's Test: Patient from a tuning fork held close to the ear
(air conduction) with the noise heard from a tuning fork
Neurological Examination
placed on the mastoid bone
• Check hearing acuity
• Weber's Test: A tuning fork placed on the center of the forehead
is normally heard loudest in the deaf ear
• Help to distinguish between unilateral conductive and
perceptive nerve deafness
• Cranial nerve VIII, Assess balance, posture, vestibulo ocular
reflex, e.g. nystagmus (involuntary cyclical movements of the
7. Cranial nerve IX: Glossopharyngeal nerve
• Assess sensory from the posterior 1/3 of tongue.
8. Cranial nerve X: Vagus nerve
• Assess phonation, articulation. Patient says "Aah"—a
unilateral palatal palsy.
• Assess gag reflex, swallowing.
8 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

9. Cranial nerve XI: Spinal Accessory nerve

• Test the strength of sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
10. Cranial nerve XII: Hypoglossal nerve
• Motor nerve
• Ask the patient to protrude the tongue, note direction, any
deviation of movement.
• Assess power of tongue movements.

Examination of Vital Signs

1. Heart rate—rhythm, rate.
2. Blood pressure—120/80 mm Hg
– Hypertension (above 140/100 mm Hg)
– Hypotension (below 100/60 mm Hg).
3. Respiration—depth, rate, rhythm.
4. Temperature.
5. Pulse.
6. Pattern of breathing
• Cheyne-Stokes respiration
– Due to an abnormally increased ventilatory response to CO2
followed post hyperventilation apnea
– Bilateral cerebral lesions, high brain stem lesion, cardiac
Neurological Examination

• Sustained deep breathing
– Midbrain lesions, e.g. tumors, infarction, compression due to
• Irregular breathing
– Clustered breathing, gasping, or jerking inspiration
– Medullary lesions
– Indicating disturbance of the medullary inspiratory and
expiratory neurons.

Check the Vital Signs of CNS

• Nuchal rigidity: Head flexion resulting from spasm of posterior
neck muscles
• Kernig’s sign: In supine, flex thigh and fully to chest, then extend
knee; causes spasm of Hamstrings, resistance, and pain
Neurological Examination 9

• Brudzinski's sign: In supine, flex head to chest causes flexion of

both legs (drawing up)
• Irritability: Restlessness, disorientation, photophobia
• General weakness
• Neck movements
• SLR (Straight Leg Raising test)
• Meningeal irritation.


Strength Scales
• Medical Research Council (MRC) scale (grade 0-5) (Table 1.1)
• Manual Muscle test (MMT) (Table 1.2)
• Clinically to evaluate muscle strength adequately without
resorting to special equipment:
– Dynamometers
– Myometers
– Ergometer

Table 1.1: The Medical Research council scale of muscle strength

(Mendell and Florence, 1990). Figs 1.5 and 1.6

0 No contraction Neurological Examination

1 A flicker or trace of contraction
2 Active movement with gravity eliminated
3 Active movement against gravity
4 Active movement against gravity and moderate resistance
5 Normal Power.

• The muscle strength scale by physical therapist's grades muscle

on a six-point scale from zero (no motion) through trace, poor,
fair and good to normal.
10 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Fig. 1.5: Bilateral abductor muscle weakness

Neurological Examination

Fig. 1.6: Difficult to raise left shoulder (abductor muscle weakness)

Neurological Examination 11

Table 1.2 : Segmentation and Innervations of the muscles to joints

Upper extremity
Abduction of shoulders C5
Adduction of shoulder C5
Flexion of shoulder C5
Extension of elbow C7
Flexion of wrist C6, 7, 8
Extension of wrist C6, 7
Finger movements C8, T1
Lower extremity
Flexion of hip L1, 2, 3
Extension of hip L5, S1
Adduction of hip L5, S1
Flexion of knee L4, 5, S1, 2
Extension of knee L3, 4
Dorsiflexion of foot L4, 5
Plantar flexion S1
Inversion of foot L4
Eversion of foot L5, 6
Dorsiflexion of toes L5

ASSESS MUSCLE TONE Neurological Examination

• Tone is difficult to assess. The examination of tone requires a
relaxed muscles.

• Inspection
• Muscle palpation
• Passive manipulation—to assess the extensibility, flexibility and
range of motion
• The limb is moved passively, first slowly and through a complete
range of motion, and then at varying speeds.
12 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Abnormalities of Tone (Hypotonia) (Fig. 1.7)

• Cerebellar Disease
• Chorea
• Infantile Hypotonia (Floppy Baby syndrome)
• Hemiparesis.

Fig. 1.7: Test muscle tone: Flaccid paralysis/No response, usually complete
flexed at the right wrist (Hand drops). Left wrist is in normal position.
Neurological Examination

Fig. 1.8: Right knee in complete flexed pattern/left lower limb is normal.
Neurological Examination 13

Hypertonia (Fig. 1.8)

• Extrapyramidal Rigidity
• Spasticity
• Epilepsy, seizures, tetany.


• Inspection
• Palpation
• Measurement ( Tape Measure or Calipers)
• Muscle atrophy (Amyotrophy) - Decrease in muscle volume or
– Changes in shape or contour.
• Muscle hypertrophy—An increase in the bulk or volume of muscle

Abnormalities of Volume and Contour

Neurological Examination
• Muscle atrophy (Figs 1.9 and 1.10)
– E.g.: Diseases of anterior horn cells, root or peripheral nerve
– Congenital Hemiplegia
– Myogenic atrophy

Fig. 1.9: Disuse atrophy of

the left intrinsic muscles of
little finger/Right side little
finger is normal
14 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Fig. 1.10: Disuse atrophy of the

left intrinsic muscles of little
finger/hight side little finger is

• Neurogenic atrophy:
– E.g.: Bell's palsy or peripheral nerve injury
– Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
– Progressive spinal muscular atrophy
– Peroneal muscular atrophy
– Muscular dystrophy, pseudo hypertrophy.

Assess Abnormalities of Movement

• Assess the abnormal, involuntary, unwanted movements
(Hyperkinetic movement disorders).

Neurological Examination

• Parkinson's disease (abnormally decreased movement)

• Chorea
• Hemiballismus
• Dystonia (to abnormally increased movement)
• Tremor
• Myoclonus
• Fasciculations
• Spasms.

Assess Reflexes (Table 1.3)

• Erb introduced the term tendon reflex in 1875
• Reflex is an involuntary response to a sensory stimulus
• Reflexes elicited by application of a stretch stimulus to either
tendons or periosteum or occasionally to bones, joints, fascia or
Neurological Examination 15

aponeurotic structures are usually referred to as muscle stretch

or deep tendon reflexes
• Best tested using a high quality Rubber Percussion Hammer or
Taylor (Tomahawk) Hammer
• Reflexes are reduced or absent in lower motor neurone and brisk
or exaggerated in upper motor neurone lesion.

Table 1.3 : The Common Deep Tendon (Muscle stretch)

Reflexes (Figs 1.11 A to D)
Reflex Segmental Level Peripheral Nerve

Biceps C5-6 Musculocutaneous

Triceps C7- 8 Radial
Brachioradialis C5-6 Radial
Quadriceps L3-4 Femoral
Achilles S1 Sciatic

Reflex Score
0 Absent
1 Decreased reflex
2 Normal response
3 Exaggerated
4 Hyperactive Neurological Examination

Fig. 1.11A: Knee jerk

Assess Superficial Reflexes

• May be indicated for central nervous system and peripheral
nervous system lesions (e.g. : Spinal cord injury, stroke)
16 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Fig. 1.11.B:
Knee jerk
Neurological Examination

Fig. 1.11C:
Biceps jerk

Fig. 1. 11D:
Supinator jerk
Neurological Examination 17

• Abdominal reflex: A light stroke applied over of the four

quadrants of the abdomen will, in the normal individual, elicit a
brisk contraction of the understanding muscles
• The upper reflexes segments T9- T10
• The Lower reflexes segments T11- T12
• The symmetry of the abdominal reflex response, since its absence
on one side may be good evidence of an upper motor neuron

Plantar Response
• Applying a firm pressure along the lateral border of the dorsum
of the foot and observing the metatarsophalangeal joint of the
great toe
• In normal circumstance the toe flexors (goes down)
• In pyramidal and corticospinal lesions (upper motor neurone)
the great toe shows an extensor response (it goes up, with an
associated fanning of the toes)
• Babinski sign: Great toe extension (S1-2) Figs. 1.12 and 1.13
• Positive Babinski is an abnormal response to plantar reflex

Neurological Examination

Fig. 1.12: Babinski response

Assess Primitive and Spinal Reflexes

• Tonic/Brainstem reflexes may be indicated in CNS lesions
(stroke, traumatic brain injury).
18 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Fig. 1.13: Babinski response

Reflexes Tested
• Flexor withdrawal
• Crossed extension
• Traction
• Grasp.
Neurological Examination

Tonic/Brain Stem
• Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (ATNR)
• Symmetrical tonic neck reflex (STNR)
• Symmetrical tonic labyrinthine reflex (STLR)
• Positive support, associated reactions.

Scale range from
0 absent
1 Tone change; no visible movement of extremities
2+ Visible movement of extremities
3+ Exaggerated, full movement of extremities
4+ Obligatory and sustained movement, lasting for more than 30
Neurological Examination 19

Assess Midbrain/ Cortical Reactions

• Righting reactions
• Protective reactions
• Equilibrium reactions.

Sensory System Assessment

• To assess superficial sensations ask patient to describe where
sensation does not feel normal; provided sensory clues.
Five basic modalities of Sensation
3.Light touch
4.Vibration sense
5.Joint position sense.
• Pain: Test sharp/dull sensation in response to sharp/dull stimuli
with disposable safety pin or paper clip
• Temperature: Test hot/ cold sensation in response to hot/cold
stimuli tubes filled with hot/cold
• Touch: Test touch/not touch in response to slight touch stimulus
(Cotton ball or no touch).

Assess Proprioceptive Sensations (Table 1.4)

Neurological Examination
• Joint Position Sense: Ask the patient to closure his/her eyes;
more the patient's limb (Up or down/ in or out)
• Vibration Sense: Test Proprioceptive pathways by applying
vibrating fork the bony prominences
• Movement Sense (Kinesthesia): Test ability to perceive movement
in response to your moving the patient's limb. Patient can
duplicate movement with opposite limb or give a verbal report.

Table 1.4: The Sensory (Dermatome) Innervations

• C2 - Occipital
• C3 - Lateral Cervical area
• C4 - Tip of Scapula
• C5 - Lateral aspect of elbow
• C6 - Thumb
• C7 - Middle finger
20 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy


• C8 - Little finger
• T1 - Inner aspect of elbow
• T3 - Axilla
• T8 - Costal region
• T10 - Umbilicus
• T12 - Pubis
• L1 - Below Inguinal ligament
• L3 - Knee
• L4 - Medial surface of tibia
• L5 - Outer aspect of tibia to inner aspect of foot and great toe
• S1 - Lateral aspect of foot and little toe.


• The perception, understanding and identification of the form
and nature of objects by touch.
• The ability to recognize letters or numbers written on the skin,
with a pencil, dull pain or similar object
• Normal response is correctly identifying the written letter or
Neurological Examination

Two-Point Discrimination
• Test by placing two points of stimulus on the patients skin and
gradually bringing them together until there is one-point stimulus
• The patient is asked to determine if there is one point or two
points and when they come together to one point.
• Test by placing an object in the patient's hand and requesting
the patient to respond if it is heavier or lighter than the previous

• Test by placing different textures sample cotton, wool, silk or
leather in the patients hand and asking the patient to identify
the texture.
Neurological Examination 21

• Moving the patient's extremity up, down, out or in. The patient
is asked to describe the movement by the therapist.

Finger to Nose Test
• The patient extends the arm completely and then touches the tip
of the index finger to the tip of the nose, slowly at first, then
rapidly, with the eyes open and then closed
• If the patient is not fluent, then you should ask him/her to repeat
the action of touching his/her nose with the eyes closed
• Example: Cerebellar disease.

Heel-to-Shin Test
• To assess lower limb coordination
• Ask the patient to slide the heel of one foot in a straight line
down the shin of the other leg
• In cerebellar ataxia, the heel wavers across the intended target.

• Dysdiadochokinesia is an inability to perform rapidly repeated Neurological Examination
• Test: Ask the patient to pretend to screw a light bulb into a socket
• Another test is to ask the patient to perform simple repetitive
movements , such as drawing a circle with a finger on the back of
one and then the other
• Slow, awkward movements indicate dysdiadochokinesia.

Romberg's Test
• A simple test to determine whether an ataxic gait (a patients's
unsteadiness) results form a cerebellar or proprioception lesion
• The patient is asked to stand with feet together and then to close
his/her eyes
• Where there is loss of proprioception, the patient immediately
loses stability (Positive Romberg's Test).
22 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Observation
• Gait analysis and Motion Lab
• EMG Biofeedback
• Assess length of step, width of base
• Abnormal leg movements
• Instability
• Associated postural movements.

• Adams RD, Victor M. Principles of Neurology, New York: Mc-Graw
Hill, 2008.
• Brain Wr. Diseases of the nervous system; Oxford University press,
London, 1933; p. 899.
• Ballinger A, Patchett S. Clinical medicine, China, 3rd: Saunders, Elsevier,
2005; p. 635-720.
• Carr JH, Shepherd RB. Physiotherapy Disorders of the Brain. London,
Heineman, 1990.
• Donagly M, Neurology. Oxford Press, 2004.
• Fuller G. Neurological Examination Made easy. Edinburg: Churchill
Livingstone, 2006.
• Gajdosik RL, Bohannon RW. Clinical Measurement of Range of motion:
Neurological Examination

review of goniometry emphasizing reliability and validity. Physical

Therapy, 1987; 67: 1867-72.
• Harms Ringdahl K. Muscle Strength. Edinburg: Churchill Livingstone,
• Lincoln N, Leadbitter D. Assessment of Motor function in Stroke
patients, Physiotherapy, 1979; 65; 48-51.
• Lance TW. What is Spasticity? Lancet, 1990; 335- 606.
• Loewen SC, Anderson BA. Reliability of the modified motor
Assessment scale and the Barthel Index. Physiotherapy, 1988; 68:
• Mahoney FL, Barthel BW. Functional Evaluation; The Barthel Index.
Maryland Stroke Med J, 1965; 14; 61-5.
• Teasdale G, Murray G, Parker L, et. al. Adding up the Glasgow Coma
Scale, Acta Neurosurgical, suppl, 1979;28;13-6.
• Van Gijn J - The Babinski sign and the pyramidal syndrome, J. Neurol,
Neuro surg, Psychiaat, 1978; 41;865-73.
• Wade DT - Measurement in Neurological Rehabilitation. Current
Opinion in Neurology, 1993; 6: 778-84.
C h ap ter

The human somatic cell is diploid with 46 chromosomes
(i.e. 23 pairs of chromosomes) of which 22 pairs are autosomes and
one pair of sex chromosome (XX in female and XY in male). The
germ cells or gametes are haploid cells (i.e. 23 chromosomes). During

fertilization the male and female gamete unite to form the zygote
The zygote formed undergoes mitosis repeatedly to form the
embryo which later develops into an organism. Thus, all somatic
cells in a multicellular organism are descendants of one original
cell, the fertilized egg or zygote. Mitosis produces two daughter cells
per cycle and their genetic content is identical to mother cell.
Gametogenesis (formation of gametes) occurs only in specialized
cells (germ line) of the reproductive organs (gonads). In human, the
testes are male gonads and the ovaries are female gonads. Gamete
cells are produced through the process of mitosis. Mitosis consists
of two specialized, consecutive cell divisions in which the
chromosome number of resulting cells is reduced from a diploid
(2n) to a haploid (n) number. The number of chromosomes must be
reduced by half during gametogenesis in order to maintain the
chromosome number and characteristic of the species after
24 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy


• Conversion of motion energy into radiant energy produces
• Radiography of the skull is carried out with reference to visible
or palpable landmarks and recognized lines and planes of the
• In neurological referral, the recommended projections are:
– Lateral
– Occipitofrontal
– Fronto-occipital
– Submento vertical
• Immobilization of the patient is essential if high quality radio-
graph of skull are to be produced
• Aids in imaging integrity of bone table, identifying lesions of
bone, corresponding with pain or cranial nerve dysfunction
(Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen 1895).


• Computed tomography (GN Hounsfield 1970)— It is a noninva-
sive neuroimaging technique
• CT scan provides a means of producing transverse axial
tomographic images of a patient
Neuroradiology Imaging

• Plays vital role in accident and emergency cases where its ability
to produce high quality images with minimal disturbance to
patient is particularly valuable
• Modality of choice for imaging acute head trauma—
Hemorrhages, contusions, Facial- Clavicle fractures
• In identifying calcified primary brain tumors, extra axial tumors
in adults, metastasis
• Best evaluation in fractures of spine
• In axial back pain, injection of contrast materials into nucleus of
intervertebral disc followed by CT Discography
• Use to imaging osseous structures of the spine, skull base and
temporal bones (William PD, 2001).
Neuroradiology Imaging 25



• MRI is an application of the principle of hydrogen atoms in the

patient's tissue is examined
• While scan times are longer, soft tissue differentiation is excellent
and often possible to distinguish abnormal from normal tissue
• Provides best and most direct evaluations of contents with in
spinal cord along with interverebral discs, ligaments,
musculature and aids in detection of degenerative disorders
(Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbao-sacral spine) (Richard TK, et al
• Contraindications: Metal implants, Pacemakers.

• Radiography of spine following injection of an opaque substance
into the lumbar spinal subarachnoid space, usually at the L2- L3
• For diagnosis of diseases of the spinal cord and canal (e.g.
Syringomyelia, Paraplegia
• Evaluation of suspected meningeal or arachnoid cysts and the
localization of spinal dural arteriovenous fistulas and CSF
fistulas Neuroradiology Imaging
• Contraindications: Post Headache, vomiting and meningitis.

• X-ray of skull following injection of air into lateral ventricles
• Useful with to increased intracranial pressures.

• Evaluation of patients with vascular pathology
• Indication: For patients intra cranial small vessel pathology (such
as vasculitis) aneurysms, and vascular malformations
• Complications: atherosclerosis, vasospasm, low Cardiac output
and subarachnoid hemorrhage.
26 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy


• PET in which radioisotopes are inhaled or injected and emissions
are measured with a gamma ray detector system
• A major clinical tool for imaging cerebral blood flow and brain

Neuromuscular Diagnostic Tests

Electroencephalography (Berger, 1929)
• Is the method of recording changes of potential in the brain
• Recording of electrical activity of brain, appearing as periodic
• The principal use of EEG is in the diagnosis of epilepsy and
seizures (Hill. D. 1995).

Electromyography (EMG)
• EMG the recording of electrical changes present in muscles at
rest or evoked by voluntary movement
• The record is made by introducing a concentric needle into the
muscle to be tested
• When a normal muscle is completely relaxed, no electrical activity
can be detected in it.
Neuroradiology Imaging

• Lesions of the lower motor neuron
• Myotonia, myasthenia gravis
• Measure recovery after a peripheral nerve lesion
• It is useful in the diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases such as
motor neuron disease, muscular dystrophy and poliomyelitis.

Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV)

• Nerve conduction velocity along the sensory or motor component
of a peripheral nerve can be measured by recording the sensory
or motor response from a site of electrical stimulation
• This technique is used in the diagnosis of entrapment syndrome,
Neuroradiology Imaging 27

carpel tunnel syndrome, compression of median nerve and

diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy (axonal or demyelization).

Evoked Potentials
• External, auditory or somatosensory stimuli are used to evoke
potentials in brain
• Visual evoked potential (VEP)
• Brain auditory evoked potential (BAEP)
• Somatosensory evoked potential (SEP)
• Potentials are recorded by from surface electrodes and processed
by computer
• Delineates conduction times along there sensory pathways
• Detects lesions if responses are delayed or absent.

Lumbar Puncture (LP)

• A Lumbar puncture insertion of spinal needle below level of L1-
• Examination of CSF, particularly in patients of meningitis,
subarachnoid hemorrhage and suspected inflammatory brain
disease (Thomspson 1995)
• Measures intra cranial pressures and spinal fluid dynamics
• Complications: infection, epidural hematoma, herniation. Neuroradiology Imaging

Muscle Biopsy
• The Chief use is to detect inflammatory myopathies particularly
in inflammatory disorders such as polymyositis, degenerative
disorders such as the muscular dystrophies (Dubowitz and
Brooke 1973)
• Help to identify a neurogenic atrophy by the uniformity of enzyme
activity in the reinnervated fibers
• The biopsy is taken from an affected muscle and then processed
for light and electron microscopy
• Use to identify the different muscle fiber types and abnormalities
in specific enzyme pathways.
28 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Adams RD, et al. Principles of Neurology. 5th ed, Newyork; Mc
Graw-Hill, 1997.
• David O. Wiebers, et al. Mayo Clinic Examinations in Neurology.
7th ed, Mosby, 1998; p. 331- 511.
• Dillon WP. Neuroimaging in Neurologic Disorders, Mc Graw-
Hill, New York, 2001; p. 2337-41.
• Donaghy. M. Brain's Diseases of the Nervous System. 11th ed,
Oxford University press, 2001.
• Fuller G. Neurological Examination made easy. Newyork;
Churchill Livingstone, 1999.
• Frackowiak, RSJ. Positron emission tomography in neurology.
In Recent advances in Clinical neurology. vol. 5; Edinburgh,
Churchill Livingstone, 1988; p. 239-77.
• Gilliatt. RW. Clinical Electromyography in Modern trends in
Neurology, Willams, London, 1957; p. 65.
• Hill.D. Encephalography in Recent Advances in Neurology and
Psychiatry, ed Brain WR and Strauss EB, 6th ed, London, 1995;
• Kimura J. Electro Diagnosis in Diseases of Nerve and Muscle,
2nd ed, Philadelphia, Davis, 1989.
• Susan B.O' Sullivan. Neurological Physical Therapy. APTA;
Neuroradiology Imaging

International Educational Resource Ltd, Massachusetts, USA,

• Scott, WA. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine.
4th ed, Lippincott willams and Wilkins, 2009.
• Sir Roger Bannister. Brain and Bannister's Clincal Neurology,
7th ed; Oxford University press; 2004; p. 211- 36.
• Warlow, C. Hand Book of Neurology. Oxford, Blackwell scientific
Publications, 1991.
C h ap ter

The human somatic cell is diploid with 46 chromosomes
(i.e. 23 pairs of chromosomes) of which 22 pairs are autosomes and
Physical Therapy
one pair of sex chromosome (XX in female and XY in male). The
germ cells or gametes are haploid cells (i.e. 23 chromosomes). During

in Bell’s Palsy
fertilization the male and female gamete unite to form the zygote
The zygote formed undergoes mitosis repeatedly to form the
embryo which later develops into an organism. Thus, all somatic
cells in a multicellular organism are descendants of one original
cell, the fertilized egg or zygote. Mitosis produces two daughter cells
per cycle and their genetic content is identical to mother cell.
Gametogenesis (formation of gametes) occurs only in specialized
cells (germ line) of the reproductive organs (gonads). In human, the
testes are male gonads and the ovaries are female gonads. Gamete
cells are produced through the process of mitosis. Mitosis consists
of two specialized, consecutive cell divisions in which the
chromosome number of resulting cells is reduced from a diploid
(2n) to a haploid (n) number. The number of chromosomes must be
reduced by half during gametogenesis in order to maintain the
chromosome number and characteristic of the species after
30 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Sir Charles Bell (1821) described the Facial (Bell's) Palsy. It is a
complex neuromuscular facial disorder or unknown etiology
commonly affecting the motor neurons of facial muscles receiving
their neurological innervations from the seventh cranial nerve
(Vanswearinggen and Brach 1998).

• Cold exposure is a frequent cause, for example driving with a car
window open in frigid weather or sleeping with window open a
chilly night
• Inflammation and edema
• Herpes Zoster Virus (HZV)
• Facial Trauma (e.g. Obstetric forceps)
• Ramsay Hunt syndrome
• Postacoustic neuromas surgery
• Some cases have recently being reported after inflammation of
intranasal influenza vaccine.

Physical Therapy in Bell’s Palsy

The incidence of Bell's palsy is also higher in patients with diabetes

as compared to the general population. It affects both sexes equally
and is less frequent in children than adults.

Clinical Manifestations (Figs. 3.1 to 3.5)

• Idiopathic facial (Bell's) palsy is the most common conditions
seen in neurologic practice
• Pain behind the ipsilateral ear in the mastoid region for a day or
two before the onset of weakness
• Facial paralysis is often maximal at onset or may progress for
over 24 to 48 hours
• Eye brow droops and cannot be elevated
• Impaired drainage of the tears, which overflow on to the cheek
• Problems with eating and drinking and transient disturbance or
oropharyngeal swallowing is approximately 2/3rd of patients
Physical Therapy in Bell’s Pasly 31

• Angle of the mouth droops

• Loss of taste sensation or hyperacusis (an unpleasant quality to
louder sounds)
• Dryness of the eye or mouth
• Twitching.

Fig. 3.1: Mouth deviation

Physical Therapy in Bell’s Palsy

Fig. 3.2: Weakness of the right orbicularis oris muscle

32 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Fig. 3.3: Mentalis muscle weakness

Physical Therapy in Bell’s Palsy

Fig. 3.4: Difficulty to raise right forehead muscle

Fig. 3.5: Nasalis muscle weakness

Physical Therapy in Bell’s Pasly 33

EMG Test
• The severity and the extent of nerve involvement and the presence
of nerve damage is determined.

• Can help rule out infection or tumor.

MRI/ CT scan
• Can eliminate other causes of pressure on the facial nerve.

Special Tests
• Facial nerve grading system (House JW, Brackmann DE, 1985)
(Table 3.1)

• Observe for drooping of mouth, eyelid's that don't close
• Assess function of facial muscle expression (wrinkle forehead,
raised eyebrows, frown, smile, close eyes, tightly puff checks)
• Assess taste of the anterior 2/3rd of tongue.
Physical Therapy in Bell’s Palsy
Table: 3.1: House -Brackmann Facial Nerve Scale, 1985

Grade Description Findings

I Normal Normal facial function in all areas.

II Mild dysfunction Gross: Sight weakness on close inspec-
tion, very slight synkinesis.
At rest: Normal symmetry and tone.
In motion: Forhead - moderate to good
Eye – complete closure with minimal
Mouth – slight asymmetric.

34 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Grade Description Findings

III Moderate Gross: Obvious but not disfiguring

dysfunction difference between sides;
Noticeable but not severe synkinesis.
At rest: Normal symmetry and tone.
In motion: Forehead – slight to moderate
Eye – complete closure with effort;
Mouth - slightly week with maximal effort.
IV Moderate severe Gross: Obvious weakness or disfiguring
dysfunction asymmetry.
At rest: Normal symmetry and tone.
In motion: Forhead – no movement; eye–
incomplete closure;
Mouth – slight movement.
V Total Paralysis No movement.


• To educate/reassure the patient about the condition
Physical Therapy in Bell’s Palsy

• Reestabilizing facial movements and strength (Marcia RA,

• To relief pain
• To reeducate sensation if involved sensory integration (touch,
two point discrimination, temperature)
• To improve muscle contraction
• To prevent complications.
Physical therapy management to achieve the mentioned goals
are as follows: Electrothermotherapy, facial manipulation, sensory
stimulation, Kobat technique and guidance, stretching, Facial active
ROM exercise, Neuromuscular training, High voltage therapy, EMG

Patient Education
• Explain the condition to the patient; its cause, incidence,
prognosis and treatment
Physical Therapy in Bell’s Pasly 35

• Explain to the patient that following the Physical therapy program

is enough
• Don't expose yourself to direct sunlight, being too close to TV
light or strong room lighting
• Wear sun glasses to protect eyes
• Do not exhaust eyes by reading for long time
• Avoid direct contact with air conditioners.

Electrical Stimulation (ES)
• ES of paralyzed muscles has long been a popular intervention
for patients with Bell's palsy
• Six facial muscles (Frontalis, Orbularis oculi, Oribularis oris,
Zygomaticus major, Nasalis and Triangularis)
• Pulsed electrical stimulation to reduce neuromuscular
conduction latencies and minimize clinical impairments in
patients with by standing facial nerve damage (Farragher, et al)
• To improve motor recovery in patients with acute and chronic
Bell's palsy (Patrica JO and Michelle Lz, et al. 2006).

Physical Therapy in Bell’s Palsy

• Ultrasound can be beneficial for acute Bell's palsy
• To reduce edema and provide normal healing environment.

EMG Biofeedback
• EMG Biofeedback is more effective and significantly improved
symmetry of voluntary movement and linear measurement of
facial expression (Ross. et al. 1991).

Pulsed Short wave Diathermy (PSWD)

• Pulsed short wave diathermy can facilitate healing process in
acute condition
• No evidence supports the benefit of using continues mode of
short wave diathermy.
36 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Laser, still has no study supporting to use it with acute or chronic

Neuromuscular Retraining (NMT)

• Neuromuscular retraining (NMT) is applied using selective motor
training to facilitate symmetrical movement and control
undesired gross motor activity
• Patient reeducation is the most important aspect of the treatment
• EMG biofeedback and or a specific exercise will provide a sensory
feedback to promote learning
• When each muscle group is being assessed, the patient observes
action of these muscles in the mirror and instructed to perform
small symmetrical specific movements on sound side to identify
the right response
• Patient can begin to perform exercise to improve facial movements
guided by affected side so isolated muscle response is preserved
and coordination improved
• Repetitions and frequency of exercise can be modified according
to improvement status
• The movements should be initiated slowly and gradually so that
Physical Therapy in Bell’s Palsy

the patient can observe the angle, strength and speed of each
movement, because rapid movements can't help the patient in
controlling the abnormal movement (synkinesis).
• Stretching is recommended here to prevent muscle tightness.

Facial Manipulation
• Facial manipulation can be performed in conjunction with other
treatment options. It can be done to improve perceptual
• Facial manipulations on the face include:
– Effleurage
– Finger or thumb kneading
– Wringing
– Hacking
– Tapping
– Stroking.
Physical Therapy in Bell’s Pasly 37

Kabat Rehabilitation
• Kabat techniques are a type of motor control rehabilitation
technique based on Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
• During Kabat, therapist facilitate the voluntary contraction of
the impaired muscle by applying a global stretching then resis-
tance to the entire muscular section and the motivate action by
verbal input and manual contact
• Prior to Kabat, ice stimulation has to perform a specific muscular
group in order to increase its contractile power (Barbara et al.

• Adour KK, Ruboyianes JM, Trent CS, et al. Bell's Palsy treatment with
acyclovir and prednisone with compared with prednisone alone: A
double blind, randomized controlled trial; Ann Oto Rhin and Largng
vol:105; Issue, 1999;5:371-8.
• Brach JS, Vanswearingen JM. Not all facial paralysis is Bell's palsy: A
Case report. Arch Phys Med Rehab, 1999;80:857-9.
• Buttress S, Herren K. Electrical stimulation and Bell's palsy (Best
evidence Topic Report). Emerg Med J; 2002;19: 428.
• Barbara, Maurizo, et al. Role of Kabat Physical rehabilitation in Bell's
palsy, Acta Oto Laryngoloica, No: 1, March , 2010; 130: 167-72 (6).
• Cronin GW, Steenerson RL. The Effectiveness of Neuromuscular facial Physical Therapy in Bell’s Palsy
retraining combined with electromyography in facial paralysis
Rehabilitation. Otolaryngology. Head and Neck surgery, 2003;128:
p 534-8.
• Centre for Reviews and Dissemination: The efficacy of electrotherapy
for Bell's Palsy: A systemic review (Provisional Record). Database of
abstracts of Reviews of effectiveness, 2005; issue: 4.
• Diels HJ. Facial Paralysis: is there a role for a Therapist. Facial Plast
surg, 2000;16: p 361-4.
• Dalla T, Elena, Bossi, Daniela, et al. Usefulness of BFB/EMG in facial
Palsy Rehabilitation. Disab and Rehab, 2005; Vol:27, No: 14: p. 809-15.
• Elisabet CW, Monika FO, Per H, Ingemer F. Evaluation of a Physio-
therapeutic treatment intervention in Bell's Palsy. Physio Ther Pract,
2006; vol 22 (no:1): p. 43-52.
• Farragher D, Kidd GL, Tallis R. Eutrophic Electrical stimulation for
Bell's palsy. Clinical Rehabilitation; 1987;1:265-71.
• Fernado CK, Basmajian JV. Biofeedback in Physical medicine and
rehabilitation, Biofeedback and self Regulation. Task Force Report of
BSA; 1978; vol 3 (no: 4).
38 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Frach JP, Osterbaner PJ, Fuhr AW. Treatment of Bell's Palsy by

mechanical force, manually assisted chiropractic adjusting and High
voltage electrotherapy. J Manipulative Physio Ther; 1992;15; 596-98.
• Gahimer JE, Domholdt E. Amount of patient education in Physical
therapy practice and Perceived effects. Phys Ther, 1996;76:1089- 96.
• Holland NJ, Weiner GM. Recent Development in Bell's Palsy, BMJ,
2004; 329: 553-7.
• House JW, Brackmann DE. Facial Nerve Grading system, Otolaryngol
Head Neck Surg, 1985;93;146-7.
• Jennifer SB, Jessie M, Vanswearingen. Case Reports-Physical therapy
for facial paralysis: A tailored approach. Phys Ther, 1999; vol 79 ( no: 4)
(Aprl 1): 397-404.
• Lindsay RW, Robinson M, Hadlock.TA. Comprehensive Facial
Rehabilitation improves function in people with facial Parlaysis: A 5
year experience at the Massachusetts eye and Ear Infirmary. Phy Ther;
Mar 1, 2010; 90(3): 371-78.
• Mosforth J, Taverner D. Physiotherapy for Bell's palsy. BMJ 1958;2:
• Margaret Hollis. Massage for Therapists. Blackwell scientific
publications, oxford, 1992 .
• Marcia RG, Jefferson RC, Alessandrade mG, et al. Physical Therapy on
Peripheral facial paralysis: Retrospective study. Braziijan J Otorh-
inololarynology, 1999;73 (1): 112-5.
• Manikandan. Effect of Facial neuromuscular reeducation on facial
symmetry in patients with Bell's palsy: A randomized controlled trial,
Clin Rehab; Apr 1, 2007; 90(3): 391-397.
Physical Therapy in Bell’s Palsy

• Nakamura K, Toda N, Biofeedback Rehabilitation for prevention

of synkinesis after facial palsy, Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2003’
128: 539-43.
• On AY, Yaltirik HP, Kirazli.Y. Agreement between clinical and
Electromyographic assessment during the course of peripheral facial
paralysis. Clin Rehab; April 1, 2007; 21(4): 344-50.
• Peiterson E. Natural History of Bell's Palsy, AmJ Otol 1982;4:107-11.
• Quinn R, Cramp F. The efficacy of electrotherapy for Bell's palsy: A
systemic review, Phys Ther Reviews 2003;8:151-64.
• Spielholz NI. Electrical stimulation of dennervated muscle In Nelson
RM, Hayes KW, Currier DP. eds: Clinical Electrotherapy, 3rd Ed,
Stanford, Appleton and Lange: 1999; Chapter 9.
• Shrode LW. Treatment of facial muscles affected by Bell's palsy by
mechanical force, manually assisted chiropractic adjusting and High
voltage electrotherapy. J Manipulative Physio Ther; 1992;15:596-98.
• Targan RS, Alon G, and Kay SL. Effect of long-term Electrical stimulation
on motor recovery and improvement of clinical residuals in patients
with unresolved facial nerve palsy, Otolaryngol Head neck surgery
2000; P. 246-52.
• William, Bierman. Diagnosis and Treatment of Bell's palsy, JAMA, vol:
149: no: May 17, 1952;3.
C h ap ter

The human somatic cell is diploid with 46 chromosomes
(i.e. 23 pairs of chromosomes) of which 22 pairs are autosomes and
Stroke Physical
one pair of sex chromosome (XX in female and XY in male). The
germ cells or gametes are haploid cells (i.e. 23 chromosomes). During

fertilization the male and female gamete unite to form the zygote
The zygote formed undergoes mitosis repeatedly to form the
embryo which later develops into an organism. Thus, all somatic
cells in a multicellular organism are descendants of one original
cell, the fertilized egg or zygote. Mitosis produces two daughter cells
per cycle and their genetic content is identical to mother cell.
Gametogenesis (formation of gametes) occurs only in specialized
cells (germ line) of the reproductive organs (gonads). In human, the
testes are male gonads and the ovaries are female gonads. Gamete
cells are produced through the process of mitosis. Mitosis consists
of two specialized, consecutive cell divisions in which the
chromosome number of resulting cells is reduced from a diploid
(2n) to a haploid (n) number. The number of chromosomes must be
reduced by half during gametogenesis in order to maintain the
chromosome number and characteristic of the species after
40 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

The term of Stroke (or) Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) is a sudden
focal neurologic deficit resulting from ischemic or hemorrhagic lesion
in the brain (O'sullivan 2004). Approximately 80% of strokes are
caused by to little blood flow (ischemic stroke) and the remaining
20% are nearly equally between hemorrhage into brain tissue
(parenchymatous hemorrhage) and hemorrhage into the
surrounding subarachnoid space (Subarachnoid Hemorrhage).

Most of strokes caused by abnormalities with in the cerebral
circulation, an understanding of cerebrovascular anatomy helps in
arriving at the correct diagnosis and determining the underlying
pathogenesis and prognosis.
The brain is supplied by four major arteries:
1. The left and right internal carotid artery and vertebral arteries.
2. The left common carotid artery arise from aortic arch, but the
other vessels originate from branches of the aorta.
3. The right common carotid artery.
4. The left and right vertebral arteries.
Stroke Physical Therapy

• Third leading cause of death (1 of every 14.5 deaths after heart
disease and cancer in world wide)
• 72% of strokes occur in patients occur in patients > 65 years of
• 14% of patients have a transient ischemic attack (TIA) within
one year
• 50-70% of stroke survivors regain functional independence,
whereas 15-30% are permanently disabled (Brammer CM, et al

• Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA): An acute loss of focal cerebral
or monocular function with symptoms lasting less than 24 hours
Stroke Physical Therapy 41

which after adequate investigation, is presumed to be due to

embolus or thrombotic vascular disease (War low and Morris
• Ischemic Stroke: Results from interference with blood circulation
to the brain (Table 4.1) . The precise signs and symptoms depend
on the region deprived of flow
• CVA or Stroke: It rapidly developing clinical symptoms and signs
of focal and at times global loss of cerebral function, with sym-
ptoms lasting more than 24 hours with no apparent cause other
than that of vascular origin (Hatano 1976).

• Hypertension
• Cardiac disease
• Age
• Gender (Male/Female)
• Diabetes Mellitus
• Family History
• Smoking
• Alcohol
• Increased hematocrit
• Elevated fibrinogen level Stroke Physical Therapy
• Hemoglobinopathy.

• Cerebral Ischemia defined as the degree and duration of blood
flow loss, largely determines whether the brain suffers only
temporary dysfunction, irreversible injury to a few highly
neurons (Ischemic necrosis) or damage to extensive areas
involving all cell types (cerebral infarction)
• A failed delivery of oxygen and glucose to the brain
• Cerebral Infarction: irreversible cellular damage
• Cerebral Edema: Increases in the water content of the brain
(edema) accompany all types of ischemic and hemorrhagic
• Brain swelling and raised intracranial pressure.
42 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy


Table: 4.1: Features of the Stroke

Ischemic Stroke Symptoms

Internal carotid artery Ipsilateral Blindness

MCA Syndrome
Middle Cerebral artery (MCA) Contralateral Hemiparesis
Sensory loss (arm, face, worst)
Expressive aphasia (Dominant)
Anosognosia and spatial disorien-
tation (nondominant)
Anterior cerebral artery Contralateral hemiparesis
Sensory loss (worst in leg)
Posterior cerebral artery Contralateral homonymous hemia-
nopsia or
Superior quadrantanopsia
Memory impairment
Basilar Apex Bilateral blindness, Amnesia
Basilar artery Contralateral hemiparesis,
Sensory loss
Ipsilateral bulbar or cerebellar signs
Vertebral artery of Posterior Ipsilateral loss of facial sensation
Inferior cerebellar artery Ataxia
Stroke Physical Therapy

Contralateral hemiparesis
Sensory loss
Superior cerebellar artery Gait ataxia
Progressing to ipsilateral hemiataxia
Gaze paresis, Contralateral hemipa-

Laboratory Investigations
• Complete blood count, glucose, prothrombin times, partial
thromboplastin time, lipid profile, electrolytes, creatinine, blood
Stroke Physical Therapy 43

urea nitrogen, protein, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate should

be performed
• Tests of renal function and serum electrolyte measurements.

Cardiovascular Tests
• 12 Lead (ECG) Electrocardiogram—to evaluate acute myocardial
ischemia and arrhythmias.
• Echocardiography—for cardiogenic source of emboli in acute
• Stress Testing—to evaluate possible ischemic cardiovascular

Radiodiagnostic Imaging
CT Scan Imaging
• To identify other causes of focal neurologic dysfunction such as
neoplasms or subdural hematomas and to distinguish ischemic
from hemorrhagic stroke
• Can be used to evaluate CSF space, brain tissue perfusion.

MRI Scan Imaging

• Imaging for blood vessels, blood flow and smaller lesion (Lacunar Stroke Physical Therapy
strokes, cerebral infarction)
• Acute infarctions (with in first 24 hours).

Lumbar Puncture
• Diagnosing neurosyphilis or meningitis.

Cerebral Angiography
• Intracranial and extracranial cerebral angiography of elderly
patients to ischemic stroke
• Cerebral angiography should be reserved for specific indications
(e.g. for fibromuscular dysplasia, arterial dissection, and cranial
44 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Other Techniques

Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

• Using radiolabeled water or carbon dioxide
• For imaging cerebral blood flow, brain metabolism.

Single Photon Emission computed Tomography (SPECT)

Doppler sonography and Quantitative Ocular pneumoplethysmography:
• Help to evaluate the cerebrovascular supply
• Direct examination of the common internal and external carotid
arteries is best achieved by Doppler sonography
• To measure the frequency shift associated with increased blood
velocity through a stenotic lumen.

• Observe for signs of increased intracranial pressure
• Assess level of consciousness and cognitive function
• Assess speech and communication
- Aphasia
- Perceptual deficits.
Stroke Physical Therapy

Assess Changes in Behavior

Assess sensory deficits
• Superficial, Proprioceptive and combined sensations of contra
lateral extremities and trunk, face.

Assess Hearing
• Vision, check for homonymous hemianopsia.

Assess Cranial Nerves

• Seventh cranial nerve involvement
• Vertebrobasilar stroke (Pseudobulbar palsy).
Stroke Physical Therapy 45

Assess Motor System

• Presence of abnormal muscle tone
• Primitive reflexes
• Loss of selective movements
• Presences of basic limb synergies
• Upper limb flexion synergy: Scapula retraction/elevation,
shoulder abduction, external rotation, elbow flexion, forearm
supination, wrist and flexion
• Upper limb extension synergy: scapular protraction, shoulder
abduction, internal rotation, elbow extension, forearm pronation,
wrist and finger flexion
• Lower extremity flexion synergy: Hip flexion, abduction, external
rotation, knee flexion, ankle dorsiflexion and inversion
• Lower extremity extension synergy: Hip extension, abduction,
internal rotation, knee extension, ankle plantar flexion and
• Presence of paresis of muscles.

Assess Coordination
• Finger to finger, heel to shin, supination , pronation test, finger to
nose, Romberg's sign .
Stroke Physical Therapy
Postural Control and Balance
• Using posturography, Berg Balance scale (0 -4).

• Circumduction gait or Hemiplegic gait,
• Equines gait,
• Unstable step lengths,
• Cadence,
• Insufficient pelvic rotation during swing,
• Weak hip flexors (external rotation with adduction, backward
leaning of trunk).

Assess ADLs
• Barthel Index, Functional mobility skills (FMS).
46 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Stroke Assessment Tools/ Scales

Motor Assessment scales (MAS) (Carr. et al. 1979)
• Measures functional capabilities, using 8 categories of move-

• Evaluation of motor patterns, qualitive assessment of movement
and postural patterns
• Based on three main recovery stage:
– Flaccidity stage
– Spasticity stage
– Stage of relative recovery.


• Brunnstrom - Fugl Meyer Assessment
• Chedoke Mcmaster stroke
• Stroke assessment sot
• Toronto stroke scale
• Mathew stroke scale
• National Institute of Health stroke scale
• Canadian neurological scale, and
Stroke Physical Therapy

• Orgogozo score and Hemispheric stroke scale.


Acute Stroke
• About 10-15% of patients with stroke die, because of brain
swelling or neurologic dysfunction (impaired respiration with
medullary infarctions, myocardial infarction, pulmonary
embolus and pneumonia).

Improve / Maintain Normal Oxygen and Ventilation
• Clearance of airways
• Improve chest expansion
Stroke Physical Therapy 47

Figs 4.1A and B: Assisted Coughing


Figs 4.2A and B: Rolling in bed to sound side

• Removal of secretions
• Improve cough effectiveness (Fig. 4.1) Stroke Physical Therapy
• Improve breathing pattern/breathing sounds
• Prevent bed sores (Fig. 4.2).

Improve/ Maintain Musculoskeletal System within Functional

• Improve range of motion (ROM) (Fig. 4.3)
• Improve muscle strength and Endurance
• Prevent joint deformities and contractures (Fig. 4.4A and B).

Improve Circulatory System Function

• Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
• Prevent swelling.
48 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Fig.: 4.3 Passive ROM exercise to right shoulder joint

Figs 4.4 A and B: Stretching: (A) To right dorsiflexors of the ankle.
(B) Stretching right wrist flexors

Pulmonary Dysfunction/Care
Stroke Physical Therapy

• Regular and Frequent turning

• Chest physical therapy techniques of Percussion, Vibration,
shaking and rib springing to the chest
• Postural drainage
• Mechanical suction
• Positioning.

Musculoskeletal Problems
• Passive ROM exercise should be started at the early stage of
• Use to prevent contractures, improving circulation and pre-
venting stiffness
• Avoid overstretching of soft tissue musculature and impingement
at glenohumeral joint, particularly in acute stage of stroke.
Stroke Physical Therapy 49

Positioning (Figs 4.5A and B)

• Positioning refers to the application of body positioning to
optimize oxygen transport, primarily by manipulating the effect
of gravity on cardiopulmonary and cardiovascular disease
(Elizabeth D, 2005)
• The aim of routine positioning is primarily to reduce the adverse
effects of restricted mobility including pulmonary complications
(e.g. Pneumonia), bed sores and contractures
• To prevent development of abnormal posture, spasticity and
contractures (head, trunk and limbs should be maintained (Nair,
KPS, 2002)
• The frequent turning of a patient will not only benefit the
musculoskeletal system and aid pressure relief, but will also
enhance the respiratory system.

Stroke Physical Therapy

Figs 4.5 A and B: Positioning a critically ill patient may require several people
and continual monitoring of the patient's response
50 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Active Exercises
• Should be instituted as soon as the person is conscious (Carr.J,
• Active Assisted Arm exercise: Increase muscle tone and range of
motion (Figs 4.6 A to D).


Stroke Physical Therapy

Figs 4.6 A to D: (A) Active Assisted Arm Exercise (B) Patient is able to sit
independently (C) and (D) Active ROM exercise (Abduction)

Recovery Stage of Stroke

• The Period which commences once the patient is medically
stable, conscious and actively engaged in the rehabilitation
• The aim of Rehabilitation is: A
- Prevent secondary emotional, intellectual and physical
- Prevent complications of immobilization
- Improve ADLs, skills.
Stroke Physical Therapy 51

Task Related Training

• The patient can practice independently, should be identified to
involve the patient as an active participant in his /her own
rehabilitation (Ada and Canning, 1990).

Motor Learning Techniques (MLT)

• Motor learning techniques (MLT)–is to used for encouraging
learning, include goal identification, instruction, auditory and
visual feedback, manual guidance and practice.

Bobath/NDT Techniques
Brunnnstrom Method
Weight bearing exercise– to strengthen lower limb extensors.
Steeping exercise– to improve walking.

Functional Mobility Training (Figs 4.7A to F)

• Rolling, supine to sit, sitting (Fig. 4.8), sit to stand, transfers (Fig.
4.8), wheelchair mobility and ambulation (O' Sullivan. S, 2005).

Stroke Physical Therapy



Figs 4.7 A to D:
52 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

(E) (F)

Figs 4.7 E to F: Progressive transfer supine from supine

lying to sitting on the edge of bed
Stroke Physical Therapy

Fig. 4.8: Patients Psychological, Emotional support and motivation by physical

therapist, and supported sitting in bed placed on a pillow
Stroke Physical Therapy 53


• To regain functional independence of activities of daily living
(Figs 4.9A to D)
• Use of arm and hand in simple tasks such as dressing is the best
way to facilitate motor recovery
• Patient can be taught hemiparetic dressing technique, which
begins on hemiplegic side first
• Self feeding can be helped with the use of friction plates, rocker
knives and other modified utensils.


Stroke Physical Therapy


Figs 4.9 A to D: Post Stroke: Weakness of Hand muscles (A) and (B). He is
Difficult to hold and manipulate objects, i. e, wrist extension and forearm Supination
are absent. (C) and (D) Reaching is attempted. He attempts to reach the object in
paralysed or weak hand muscles

Exercise Conditioning
• Cycle Ergometry (Fig. 4.10)
• Walking
54 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Fig. 4.10: Bicycle ergometer training

Recent Physical Therapy Training Modes

Functional Electrical Stimulation
• These techniques can be used to improve the muscle strength,
control movements, bowel, bladder and sexual functions,
maintenance of posture, standing and walking (Maxwell OJ, et
al 1995)
• Indication: Peroneal nerve stimulation to correct foot drop during
swing phase of gait. This prevents muscle atrophy, bone
Stroke Physical Therapy

demineralization and joint contractures.

EMG Biofeedback
• To improve motor functions
• Useful to strengthening Tibialis anterior, Quadriceps, Hams-
trings and upper extremity muscles
• EMG initiated electrical stimulation to improve arm and hand
functions in chronic hemiplegia (Kraft GH, et al 1992).

Body weight–Supported Treadmill Training (BWSTT)

• Hesse and colleagues (1994) examined the effects of treadmill
walking on nine patients who could not at all or required the
assistance of minutes per session and within 5 days they had
increased this time to 30 minutes
Stroke Physical Therapy 55

• Slow treadmill speeds (typically 0.01 -2.25 m/s) and light support
using an over head harness (typically 30% of body weight to
start) are used
• One or two Physical therapists provide manual assistance in
stabilization of trunk/pelvis and in movement of the paretic limb.

Kinetron for Reciprocal Stepping motions – to improve the


Isokinetic Training
• Use to increase strength and velocity control of movement.

Constraint – Induced Therapy (CIT)

Robot – Assisted Movement Therapy (RAMT)
Orthotics Devices
• The use of orthoses following stroke is to lengthen shortened soft
• Serial Casting: To improve functional performance and lengthen
soft tissues
• Ankle foot orthoses (AFO) (Fig. 4.11):
- Rigid and Hinged type of orthosis
Stroke Physical Therapy
- To stabilize an ankle by preventing excessive inversion of the

Fig. 4.11: Ankle -Foot- Orthosis (AFO) Fig. 4.12: Wrist Cock up Splint
56 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Upper extremity resting hand splints are used to prevent

deformity and to maintain the hemiplegic wrist in a functional,
slightly extended position (Delisa JA, 2005) (Fig. 4.12)
• Strapping or Splint: It can be used to alter the direction of the
movements of the muscles pull or prevent adaptive movements
at the glenohumeral joint.

Mobility Aids
• Wheel Chair: It is to promote early independence
• Walking aids: Quadripod cane, walker, Parallel bars, Cane or
stick (Fig. 4.13A and B) are frequently used for individuals with
poor balance and additional support through the lower limbs
during standing and walking.
Stroke Physical Therapy


Figs 4.13A and B: Parallel bar training;

He is able to walk with cane support

Complications of Stroke
• Immobility related complications are very common in the first
year in a severely disabling stroke. Patients who are more
frequently dependent at 3 months post stroke are likely to
experience a greater number of complications than those are less
dependent (Sackley C, et al. 2008). These complications include;
shoulder pain, shoulder hand syndrome, pressure sores,
contracture, deep vein thrombosis, shoulder pain
Stroke Physical Therapy 57

• If patient localized discomfort to any aspect of the affected

shoulder when assessed by the Physiotherapist
• Shoulder pain and stiffness impede the rehabilitation of patients
with hemiplegia
• The cause of this complication is unknown, but it may be related
to the severity of neurologic deficits, preexisting or post
hemiplegic soft tissue injury, subluxation, brachial plexus injury
or shoulder hand syndrome. Shoulder pain may be preventable
if risk factors identified and appropriate prophylaxis applied
(Judy WG, 1986).

Shoulder Hand Syndrome (SHS)

• Shoulder hand syndrome were originally described by "Stein
• Pain in the hemiplegic arm may in some cases be constellation of
symptoms, often referred to as the shoulder hand syndrome or
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
• The incidence 12.5% of the undiagnosed condition may be much
• The syndrome can occur in patients whose upper limbs are
flaccid and without contractures
• Symptoms: Edema of wrist, MCP, and PIP. Hot, dry and red or Stroke Physical Therapy
blotchy skin, Severe pain in the hand or shoulder or both and
protectively restricts any movement or sensory input to the limb
• Gradually, muscle atrophy and trophic changes in skin,
connective tissue and joints
• A typical deformity of hand is metacarpal joint extension and IP
joints flexion, resembling the "Intrinsic Minus Hand".

• X-rays, MRI and Bone scan.

Physical Therapy Treatment

• Vigorous painful stretching of the affected shoulder should be
58 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Proper handling techniques

• Passive or assistive elevation is used to reduce spasticity
• Scapular mobilization and Humeral external rotation
• Bobath, Johnstone and Brunnstrom approaches
• Avoid shoulder pulleys and Passive elevation of the affected

Stroke Physical Therapy


Figs 4.14A to D: Shoulder strapping

Shoulder Glenohumeral Joint (GHJ) Subluxation

• To prevent GHJ subluxation in the first few weeks after onset of
• Shoulder slings is use to prevent shoulder subluxation
• Immobilization of arms
• Positioning
• Strapping (Figs 4.14A to D)
• EMG Biofeedback
• Active range of motion exercise (AROM)
• Cryotherapy
• Functional Electrical stimulation (FES)
• Postural support
Stroke Physical Therapy 59

Pressure Sores (Figs 4.15A to C)

• Areas of localized damage to the skin and underlying tissue
caused by pressure, shear or friction were considered pressure
sores. Identification was based on physical examination
• Pressure sores are common in elderly, undernourished and
immobile stroke patient.
7.7 % of hospitalized patients develops pressure ulcers within 21
days of admission.


Stroke Physical Therapy

Figs 4.15A to C: Pressure sores: (A) Sacrum (B) Calcaneum (C) Occipital

Various stages
• Stage I – Non blanchable erythema of intact skin.
• Stage II – Partial Thickness skin loss.
• Stage III – Full thickness skin loss.
• Stage IV – Extension into muscles and bones.
Common Pressure Points
Lateral malleolus, Sacrum, Coccyx, Greater trochanter, calcaneum.
Occipital region.
60 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Avoid continuous pressure over bony prominences
• Changing the position once every two hours
• Avoiding friction and moisture over the skin
• Proper positioning of the limbs using sand bags.

• Pressure relieving surfaces like water bed or alternating pressure
• Anterior, lateral, and press- up weight shifting techniques
• High protein diet supplemented with zinc and vitamins
• Wound debridement
• Antibiotics and Plastic surgery.

Contracture was estimated as 30% or higher restriction when
compared with the good side, on physical examination by a Physical

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

• Deep vein thrombosis is major medical complication of stroke.
About 5% of the deaths in stroke patients are due to pulmonary
Stroke Physical Therapy

• Clinical symptoms: Pain, tenderness, edema, discoloration and

venous dilation of the affected extremity
• Diagnostic tests: Venography, Doppler ultrasonography, MRI,
impedance plethsomography, fibrinogen uptake test
• Treatment: Bed rest, elevation of the foot by 18", Pneumatic
Intermittent compression of calf muscles of the paretic leg, free
toe movements, compression stockings.

Effects of Stroke on Family

• Survivors from stroke depend on their family members for
emotional and physical support. About 34-52 % of care givers of
patients with stroke suffer from depression. Psychosocial therapy
should be started with family members at the time of the patient's
hospitalization and begin with patient as soon as possible.
• The family member who is closest to the patient and practice
Stroke Physical Therapy 61

under supervision of a Physical therapist. Family members

should provide encouragement, show confidence in improve-
ment and permit the recovering person to do as much he or she
can and to be as independent and vigorous as possible.

• Anchlifee J. Strapping the shoulder in patients following a
Cerebrovascular Accident: A pilot study. Australian J Physiotherapy,
38(1), 37- 491.
• Anthony J, Zollo JR. Medical Secrets, Elsevier sciences, Philadelphia,
• Carr j, Shwpard R. Neuro Rehabilitation. 2nd ed Woburn MA,
Butterworth- Heineman 1998.
• Caillet R. The shoulder in Hemiplegia. FA Davis; Philadelphia, 1980.
• Chaudhuri JR, Taly TB. Neuro Rehabilitation: Concepts and Dynamics
in Neuro Rehabilitation; Principles and practice. Ahuja Book Company,
Bangalore, 2001; p. 38-48.
• Christopher MB, Catherine SM. Manual of Physical medicine and
Rehabilitation, Elsevier, Hanley and Belfus, Inc, 2002; 281-96.
• Dobkin BH. Stroke Rehabilitation, FA Davis, Philadelphia, 1996;157-
• Dromerick A, Reding M. Medical and Neurological Complications
during inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation. Stroke, 1994;25: 358-61.
• Diane UJ, et al. Physical therapy interventions for patients with stroke
inpatient Rehabilitation facilities. APTA J; Jan 2005; 157-217.
• Dickstein R, Hocherman S, Pillar T, et al. Stroke Rehabilitation three
Exercise therapy Approaches, Phys Ther 1986;66:1233-38. Stroke Physical Therapy
• David OW, Valery LF, Robert DB. Hand Book of Stroke, 2nd ed,
Lippincott wiliams and wilkins 2006.
• Ernst E. A Review of Stroke Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Stroke,
• Evens RL, Hendricks Rd, Haselkorn JK, et al. The Family role in Stroke
Rehabilitation; A Review of the literature. Am J. Phys Med
Rehabilitation, 1992; 71:135-9.
• Edwards S. Neurological Physical therapy; A problem solving
Approach, London, Churchill Livingstone, 1996.
• Franceschini M, Carda S, Agosti M, et al. Walking after Stroke: What
does Treadmill Training with Body Weight Support Add to Overground
Gait Training in patients Early After Stroke? A Single Blind, randomized,
controlled trial, Stroke, 2009;40: 3079-85.
• Gibbons B. Stroke Rehabilitation, Nurs. Stand, 1994;8:49-54.
• Hesse S, Bertelt C, Jahnke MT, et al. Treadmill training with partial
weight support compared with Physiotherapy in nonambulatory
Hemiparetic patients stroke, 1995;26:976-81.
• Hidler H, Nicholes D, Pelliccio M, Brady K, Campbell DD, et al.
Multicenter randomized clinical trial evaluating the effectiveness of
62 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

the Lokmat in subacute stroke. Neurorehabilitation neural repair,

2009;23: 5-13.
• Harrison MA. Physical therapy in Stroke Rehabilitation, Churchill
Livingstone, Newyork, 1995; 57-62.
• Intiso D, Santilli V, Grasso MG, et al. Rehabilitation of Walking with
Electromyographic Biofeedback in foot drop after stroke. Stroke, 1994;
• Jette DU, Brown R, Collette N, et al. Physical therapists management
of Patients in the Acute care setting: An observational study. Phys
Ther 2009; 89(11):1158-81.
• Judy WG. Hemiplegic Shoulder Pain, Phys Ther 1986, Vol: 66; NO:12;
PP: 1884-93.
• Jette DU, Latham NK, Smout RJ, Gassaway J, Slavin MD, Hom SD.
Physical therapy interventions for patients with stroke inpatient
rehabilitation facilities. Phys Ther, 2005; 85(3): 238-48.
• Judy G, Gay R. Shoulder Pain in Patients with Hemiplegia. A Literature
Review. Phys Ther 1981; vol 61 (no): 7, July.
• Klotz T, Borges HC, Montero VC, Chamlian TR, Masiero P. Physio-
therapy Treatment in Hemiplegic Shoulder Pain in Stroke Patients -
Literature Review, ACTA FISIATR, 2006;13(11):12-6.
• Lyden PP, Hantson L. Assessment Scales for the evaluation of stroke
patients. J. Stroke Cerebrovascular Accident Diseases, 1998;7: 113-27.
• Langton Hewer R. Rehabilitation after Stroke, QJM, 1990; 76:659-74.
• Maxwell DJ, ferguson ACB, Granat MH, et al. Functional electrical
stimulation in stroke rehabilitation. In Physiotherapy in stroke
Management, Harrison MA (Ed), Churchill Livingstone, New York,
1995; 57-62.
• Maklebust J, Sieggreen M. Pressure Ulcers: Guidelines for prevention
and management, 3rd springhouse, PA, Springhouse corp, 2001.
• Michael D. Brain's Disease of the nervous system. Stroke , p. 775-896.
Stroke Physical Therapy

• Mant J, Carter J, Wade DT, et al. Family support for stroke; A rando-
mized controlled trial, Lancet, 2000; 356; 808-13.
• Nawoczenski D, Epler M. Orthosis in functional rehabilitation of the
lower limb. Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co.
• Nair, KPS, Taly AB. Stroke Rehabilitation; Traditional and Modern
Approaches. NeuroIndia, vol. 50, Dec 2002; PP; S85-S93.
• Stephen JM, Papadakis MA. Large current medical diagnosis and
treatment, 4th ed, Mc-Graw Hill, 2009.
• The Cochrane Database of syst. Review. Overground Physical therapy
Gait training for people with Chronic Stroke with mobility deficits.
Art, No: CD oo6075, 2009.
• Umphered D (ed) - Neurological Rehabilitation. 4th ed, St.Louis, CV
Mosby, 2004.
• Wild D. Stroke Focus, Stroke: A Nursing Rehabilitation role. Nurs.
Stand, 1994;8:36-9.
• Wade DT, et al. Physiotherapy intervention late after Stroke and
mobility, BMJ, 2009;13: 304-609.
C h ap ter

The human somatic cell is diploid with 46 chromosomes
(i.e. 23 pairs of chromosomes) of which 22 pairs are autosomes and
Physical Therapy
one pair of sex chromosome (XX in female and XY in male). The
germ cells or gametes are haploid cells (i.e. 23 chromosomes). During

in Muscular
fertilization the male and female gamete unite to form the zygote
The zygote formed undergoes mitosis repeatedly to form the
embryo which later develops into an organism. Thus, all somatic
cells in a multicellular organism are descendants of one original
cell, the fertilized egg or zygote. Mitosis produces two daughter cells
per cycle and their genetic content is identical to mother cell.
Gametogenesis (formation of gametes) occurs only in specialized
cells (germ line) of the reproductive organs (gonads). In human, the
testes are male gonads and the ovaries are female gonads. Gamete
cells are produced through the process of mitosis. Mitosis consists
of two specialized, consecutive cell divisions in which the
chromosome number of resulting cells is reduced from a diploid
(2n) to a haploid (n) number. The number of chromosomes must be
reduced by half during gametogenesis in order to maintain the
chromosome number and characteristic of the species after
64 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy


• Muscular Dystrophy is a group of genetic diseases marked by

progressive muscle weakness and degeneration of the skeletal
or voluntary muscles, which control movement. Age at onset
and inheritance pattern depend on the specific dystrophy.


• Duchenne type
• Becker
• Limb girdle (Erb)
• Facioscapulohumeral
• Emery-Dreifus
• Distal
• Ocular
• Oculopharyngeal
• Myotonic dystrophy.

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)

Physical Therapy in Muscular Dystrophy

• Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a X-linked recessive, genetic,

neuromuscular disease. It is caused by a problem with gene that
makes a protein called dystrophin. The affected gene codes for
the protein dystrophin, which is markedly reduced or absent
from the muscles of patients with the disease.

• The disease is inherited; males are likely to develop symptoms
than are women. Approximately one out of every 3,600 male
• Age at onset 1 to 5 years.

• An absence of defect in the protein dystrophin (Xp21-2) which
results in progressive muscle degeneration leading to loss of
independent ambulation by the age of 13 years
Physical Therapy in Muscular Dystrophy 65

• Collagen, adipose laid down in muscle leading to pseudo

hypertrophic calf muscles.

Clinical Manifestations
• Motor milestones delay
• Delayed walking
• Hypotonia
• Climbing stairs, rising from the ground after falling
• Positive Gower's sign – is always present, with boys needing to
turn on to their front and rise to standing from the floor using a
broad based stance, usually with the support of their hands on
their thighs (Figs 5.1A to F)
• Pelvic girdle muscle weakness
• Lordotic posture
• Trendelenburg gait or Waddling gait
• Weakness of musculature of the calf, Gluteal vastus lateralis,
Deltoid and Infraspinatus groups
• Tendon reflexes are diminished at the knees, biceps and triceps
• Contractures: Tendo-Achilles, Hamstrings, iliotibial band, Hip

Physical Therapy in Muscular Dystrophy

flexors, Elbow flexors, Forearm pronators, Long finger flexors
• Thoracic deformity: Scoliosis
• Enlargement of calves (Pseudohypertrophy and wasting of thigh
muscles). The enlargement is caused by hypertrophy of some
muscle fibers, infiltration of muscle by fat and proliferation of
• Muscular hypertrophy of the tongue
• Pharyngeal weakness
• Cardiomyopathy
• Intellectual impairment
• Myalgia and muscle spasm do not occur
• Death, usually at about 18 years of age. The cause of death are
respiratory failure in sleep, intractable heart failure, pneumonia
or aspiration and airway obstruction.
66 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy


Physical Therapy in Muscular Dystrophy


Figs 5.1A to F: Gower's maneuver

Laboratory Findings
• Serum Creatine kinase Level is elevated in Duchenne muscular
dystrophy. The usual serum concentration is 15,000 - 35,000 IU/
L (Normal < 160 IU/L)
• Electrocardiography (ECG), Echocardiography and Chest
roentgenogram - for assessment of heart
Physical Therapy in Muscular Dystrophy 67

• Electromyography (EMG): Shows distinctively myopathic, with

decreases seen in the amplitude and duration of the compound
action potential and enrichment of the interference pattern
• Sensory and Motor Nerve Conduction Velocity: Help to
determine if the disorder lies in the anterior horn cell, the
peripheral or the muscle
• Muscle Biopsy is usually required to confirm the diagnosis
(Bertorini et al. 2002). The muscle histology demonstrates
dystrophic features which include an increased variation of fiber
size, evidence of necrosis with phagocytosis, an increase in central
nuclei, hypercontracted eosinophilic hyaline fibers and an
increase in fat and connective tissue (Thompson N and Quinlivan
2004). The most common muscles sampled are the vastus lateralis
(Quadriceps femoris) and the gastrocnemius
• Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) Testing: Findings of a DNA
deletion, duplication or point mutation allows carrier detection
and prenatal diagnosis in the affected boy's mother and female
relatives. In some cases DNA analysis is the only test required to
conform the diagnosis of DMD.

Physical Therapy in Muscular Dystrophy

• Regular assessment of child with DMD is most essential because
they change rapidly. The Clinical evaluation and measurement
of muscle strength, range of motion, posture, functional
performance, alignment, gait and lung function.

Measurement of Muscle Strength

• Medical research Council (MRC) Scale: Grading of 0-5.
• Other methods: Dynamometry (Hyde, et al. 1983), myometry
(Bohannon 1986).

Joint Range of Motion (ROM)

• Active joint movements can be measured using goniometry
(Pandya et al. 1985).
68 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Measurement of Functional Performance

• Measures of functional performance range from simple tests, such
as the ability to rise from the floor (Rideau, 1984)
• Hammersmith score of motor ability (Score 2, 1 or 0)
• Vignos Scale was assessment of functional ability in progressive
neuromuscular conditions.

Timed Tests
• Timed performance tests was used to measures of physical
performance (progressive weakness in children with DMD)
• Measure to walking speed , distance and to get up from the floor.

Lung function tests: Spirometry


• To maintain physical function for as long as possible
• Prevent disabling consequences of secondary problems
Physical Therapy in Muscular Dystrophy

• Physical therapists provide guidance support

• Education about condition
• Advocacy–insurers, schools and providers of recreation.
Physical Therapy input is essential for the maintenance of muscle
function in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Initially the priority is
the maintenance of symmetry as development of asymmetric
contractures at the Achilles tendon and hip's can predispose to pelvic
obliquity and subsequent scoliosis.

Passive Stretching
• Tendo-Achilles, Hamstrings, Iliotibial band, Iliopsoas, Later
shoulders, elbow, wrist muscles will need to stretched (Figs 5.2
and 5.3) and prevented for development of contractures.
Physical Therapy in Muscular Dystrophy 69

Fig. 5.2: Active stretching exercise (Calf Muscles)

Physical Therapy in Muscular Dystrophy

Fig. 5.3: Right side calf muscle stretching

70 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Fig. 5.4: Active trunk flexion/extension exercise

Resisted Exercise
• Should be prescribed as there is no evidence that they are useful
Physical Therapy in Muscular Dystrophy

but there are concerns that they may accelerate muscle damage.

Active Exercise (Fig. 5.4)

• Particularly in the hydrotherapy pool is recommend

Motor Skills Training

• Such as riding a bike and this encourages independent play and
interaction with peers.

Ankle Foot Orthoses (AFOs)

• At night these are the mainstay of treatment ambulant stage to
delay development of contractures, together with encouragement
to be active and take part in sports other activities as hydro
therapy and appropriate physical educational school.
Physical Therapy in Muscular Dystrophy 71

Knee Ankle Foot Orthoses (KAFOs)

• Also known as long leg calipers
• May be considered to prolong the ability to walk and stand
around the time ambulation is lost. The use of long leg calipers
rarely allows the achievement of independent ambulation.

Special Seating and Head Support

• Should be introduced early before there are detrimental postural


• Sitting AFOs are essential as painful contractures will develop,
that also impact negatively on posture
• Passive or active assisted exercise should be continued for
comfort, aesthetics and contracture prevention
• Pressure sores from sever contractures should be avoided

Physical Therapy in Muscular Dystrophy

• Surgery: Triple arthrodesis may required in children who develop
severe deformity of the ankle
• Wheelchairs: It should be supplied to improve mobility and
• Tilt-in-Space electric wheelchairs with supporting seating should
be supplied early to avoid postural contractures and poor sitting



• Preventing further deformity
• Promoting better seating posture and comfort
• 90% of boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy are likely to
develop a clinically significant scoliosis
• Provision of proper seating to prevent pelvic asymmetry and
provide postural support
72 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Spinal Bracing: Provides comfort and postural security in

children who are unable to have spinal surgery
• A Light weight polypropylene Thoraco - Lumbar-Sacral Orthosis
(TLSO)– to prevent lumber lordosis and scoliosis.


• Loss of respiratory muscle strength
• Ineffective cough and decreased ventilation
• Pneumonia
• Atelectasis and respiratory insufficiency.



• Chest physical therapy
Physical Therapy in Muscular Dystrophy

• Breathing exercise
• Percussion of the chest
• Postural drainage
• Assisted coughing techniques
• Use of glossopharyngeal breathing (In essence forcing air into
the lungs using one's mouth)
• Spirometry
• Air stacking
• Mechanical assisted ventilation or mechanical assisted airway
clearance therapy.

Associated Problems
Bone Health
• Low bone mineral density even before loss of independent
ambulation. This may relate to their relative immobility even at
early stages of the disease
Physical Therapy in Muscular Dystrophy 73

• Long bone fractures are common

• Aim: Reduces bone mineral density further
• Treatment: Calcium and vitamin D intake through diet and
sunshine with supplementation (Quinlivan R 2005).

• Bakker JDJ, Groot I, Beckerman, Dejong, Lankhorst GJ. The effect of
knee ankle foot orthosis in the treatment of Duchenne muscular
dystrophy; review of the literature clinical rehab, 2000 April: (1), 14 (4):
p. 343-59.
• Cervellati S, Bettini N, Moscato M, Gusella A, dema E, Maresi R. Surgical
treatment of spinal deformities in Duchenne muscular dystrophy; A
long-term following study. Eur spine J, 2004;13 (5):441-8.
• Darry C, Vivo DE, Salvatore D. Herditary and Acquired types of
myopathy; Julia AM, Ralph DF, Catherine DD, Douglas JJ. Oski's
Pediatrics, Principles and Practice, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Lippincott
willams and Wilkins, 2006.
• Eckersley, PM. Elements of Pediatric Physiotherapy, Edinburgh, UK,
Churchill Livingstone, 1993;187-202

Physical Therapy in Muscular Dystrophy

• Elizabeth KE. Fundamentals of pediatrics'; Neuromuscular disorders,
Paras Medical Publisher, 2002, p. 396-400.
• Finder JD, Birnkrant D, Carl J, Repiratory care of the patient with
duchenne muscular dystrophy, ATS Consensus statement. Am J Respir
Crit Care Med; 2004;170(4): 456-65.
• Hervey B, Sarnet. Neuromsuclar Disorders. Muscular Dystrophy;
Behrman, Keliegman, Jenson. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 7th Ed,
Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2004; 2060-69.
• Jone HR, Dvivo DC, Darras DT. Neuromuscular disorders of infancy,
childhood and adolescence, Bostan, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003.
• Kent GA, Fred A, Ziter MF. Loss of strength and functional decline in
Duchenne dystrophy. Arch Neuro; 1981; 38(7): 406-11.
• Pandya S, Julaine MF, Wendy MK, Jenny DR, Mindy O, Michael AP.
Reliability of goniometric measurements in patients with Duchenne
Muscular dystrophy, Phys ther, Sept 1985; vol 65 ( no. 9): 1339-42.
• Paul J, Vignos JR, Marilyn B, Wagner MA, et al. Evaluation of a program
for long-term treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Experience
at the University Hospitals of Cleveland. The J Bone and Joint Surg, 78;
74 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Quinlivan R, Roper H, Davie M, Shaw NJ, Mc Donagh J, Bushby K -

Report of a muscular dystrophy campaign funded workshop
Brimingham, UK, Jan 16 th , 2004, Osteoporesis in Duchenne muscular
dystrophy; its prevalence treatment and prevention. Neuromuscul
Disord 2005;15(1):72-9.
• Ranbeck J, werge B, Madesen A, Marquardt J, Steffensen BF, Jeppesen J.
Adult life with Duchenne muscular dystrophy; Observations among
an emerging and unforeseen patient population, Pediatric Rehabil
• Richard ML, Neil CP, Robert JB. The Muscular Dystrophies: From
Genes to Therapies, Phys Ther, 12, Dec, 2005; vo1: 85 (no): 1372-88.
• Roz D, Anne K, Doreen D, Marina M, Lesley W. Duchenne muscular
dystrophy Scottish physiotherapy management profile , April 2007.
• Stokes M. Physical management in Neurological Rehabilitation,
Edinburgh, 2004; 347-66.
• Veena A, Agrawal, Sharma JP, et al. Anaesthetic Management of patient
with Duchenne muscular dystrophy for orthopedic surgery. J Anaesth
Clin Pharmacol, 2007;23(2); 201-02.
Physical Therapy in Muscular Dystrophy
C h ap ter

The human somatic cell is diploid with 46 chromosomes
(i.e. 23 pairs of chromosomes) of which 22 pairs are autosomes and
Physical Therapy
one pair of sex chromosome (XX in female and XY in male). The
germ cells or gametes are haploid cells (i.e. 23 chromosomes). During

in Parkinson’s
fertilization the male and female gamete unite to form the zygote
The zygote formed undergoes mitosis repeatedly to form the
embryo which later develops into an organism. Thus, all somatic
cells in a multicellular organism are descendants of one original
cell, the fertilized egg or zygote. Mitosis produces two daughter cells
per cycle and their genetic content is identical to mother cell.
Gametogenesis (formation of gametes) occurs only in specialized
cells (germ line) of the reproductive organs (gonads). In human, the
testes are male gonads and the ovaries are female gonads. Gamete
cells are produced through the process of mitosis. Mitosis consists
of two specialized, consecutive cell divisions in which the
chromosome number of resulting cells is reduced from a diploid
(2n) to a haploid (n) number. The number of chromosomes must be
reduced by half during gametogenesis in order to maintain the
chromosome number and characteristic of the species after
76 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy


• Parkinson’s disease was first described by James Parkinson in
1817. Parkinson disease (PD) is a progressive disease associated
with a degeneration’s of the dopamine producing cells in the
substantia nigra (Brusse KJ, et al. 2005). It is the second most
common cause of chronic neurological disability.
• People with Parkinson’s disease are known to have a shuffling
gait, difficulty initiating movements, a stooped forward posture,
marked postural instability, bradykinetic movements, masked
facial expression and tremor.

• The incidence of PD is 18 per 100000 of population per year,
amounting to approximately 10000 new cases per year in the
UK. (Jones D and Playfer J 2004).
• PD is more likely to occur in males, because females survive
longer there is a fairly even distribution of overall cases between
the sexes.
• Affects 0.3% of total population (1% of population older than 55
Physical Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease


• Aging is not cause of parkinson‘s disease
• Toxin exposure
• Genetic predisposition and oxidative stress.

• Dopamine depletion due to degeneration of the dopaminergic
nigrostriatal system leads to an imbalance of dopamine and
acetylcholine, which are neurotransmitters normally present in
the corpus striatum.

Clinical Manifestations
Cardinal Features
• Resting tremor
Physical Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease 77

• Rigidity
• Bradykinesia
• Postural instability.

Resting Tremor
• It is most common presenting feature
• Resting tremor of 4 to 6 cycles per second is most conspicuous at
• Although it may ultimately be present in all limbs.

• Rigidity is an increase resistance to passive movement
• Parkinson’s rigidity is characterized by an increased resistance
to passive movement through out the entire range of motion, in
both agonist and antagonist muscle power
• Functional outcomes: Flexed posture, lack of trunk rotation,
reduced joint range of movement during postural transitions
and gait.

Physical Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease

• Bradykinesia is most commonly defined as slowness of voluntary
movement. But it is also associated with slow and weak postural
responses to perturbations and anticipatory postural adjustments.

Postural Instability
• It is a common and serious problem in parkinson’s disease. Up
to 90% of all parkinson's patient to diminished in postural
• Thirty eight of hundred patients with PD fall 13% experience
fractures, 18% hospitatalization and 3% are confined wheelchair.

Other Signs and Symptoms

• Immobile facial expression
• Infrequent blinking
• Myerson’s sign (repetitive tapping over the bridge of the nose
produces a sustained blink response)
78 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Impairment of swallowing
• Impairment of fine or rapidly alternating movements and
• Shuffling gait
• Unsteadiness on turning
• Difficult in stopping and a tendency to fall
• Sleep disturbance
• Urinary dysfunction
• Visual disturbances.

Psychiatric Symptoms
• Depression and dementia

• Clinical Examination: It is based on presence of bradykinesia,
muscular rigidity, resting tremor, and postural instability
• Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans: Are normal, with
variable amounts of atrophy
• Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT): May
shows decrease in dopamine transporters
Physical Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease

• Positron emission tomography (PET): May show decreased tracer

uptake in putamen.

Modified Hoehn and Yahr Score (1967) (Table 6.1)

Table: 6.1: Modified Hoehn and Yahr score (1967)

Stage Description
0 No signs of disease
1 Unilateral disease
1.5 Unilateral plus axial movement
2 Bilateral disease, without impairment of balance
2.5 Mild bilateral disease; recovery on pull test
3 Mild to moderate bilateral disease; some postural instability;
capacity for living independence
4 Severe disability; still able to walk or stand unassisted.
5 Wheelchair bound or bedridden unless aided.
Physical Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease 79

• Patient History
• Assess cognitive and behavioral status:
– Intellectual impairment
– Dementia
– Check for memory status deficits
– Bradphrenia (Slowing of thought processes)
– Depression
• Assess communication:
– Dysarthria
– Hypophonia are common
– Mask-like face with frequent blinking and expression, writing
becomes slow
• Assess for oromotor and nutritional status:
– Dysphagia is common problem (Chewing and swallowing).
• Assess respiratory status:
– Breathing pattern, vital capacity, decreased chest expansion.
• Assess vision:
– Check for blurring, cog wheeling eye pursuit

Physical Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease

– Decreased pupillary reflexes
• Assess skin integrity:
– Edema may be occur in lower extremities.
– Increase sweating
– Pressure sores in later stages
• Assess Muscle tone:
– Check for rigidity including location, distribution and
symmetry between two sides of body, type (Cogwheel, or lead-
• Assess ROM
– Active range of motion (AROM), deformity associated with
disuse and inactivity.
– Contractures common in flexors, adductors.
– Persistent posturing in kyphosis with forward posture
– Many patients osteoporotic with high risk of fractures
• Assess muscle strength
– Weakness is associated with disuse atrophy
– Assess torque output at varying speeds (Isokinetics)
80 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Assess motor control:

– Assess for bradykinesia
– Ability to initiated movement (number of freezing episodes,
precipitating factors)
– Assess reaction time versus movement time, overall poverty
of movement
• Assess involuntary movements:
– Check for presence of location of resting tremor.
– Pill-rolling of hands
– Postural tremors
• Assess for sensory and perceptual deficits:
– Abnormal sensations (cramp like sensations , poorly localized).
– Problems in spatial organization
– Perception of vertical, extreme restlessness (akathisia)
• Assess balance
Berg Balance Scale
– Check for both static and dynamic balance
– Impaired postural reactions are common (worse with severity
rigidity of trunk, lack of trunk rotation)
• Assess Gait:
Physical Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease

– Abnormal , involuntary in the speed of walking

– Patient is to walk a fixed distance and recording the number
of steps and the time taken to cover the distance
– Assess for quality of the heel strike should be noted: Heel-toe,
flat footed, toe-heel
– Patient's ambulatory posture should be noted
• Assess functional abilities:
– Turning over in bed
– Sitting from lying
– Standing from the sitting position
• Assess overall level of endurance:
– 6 minute walk test
• Standard tests and measures in PD.

Physical Therapy Intervention

• The aim of Physical therapy is to promote strength, increase
flexibility, reeducate balance , to improve transfer activities, to
Physical Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease 81

training for joint mobility, improve gait and physical capacity in

patients with Parkinson’s disease ( Samrya HJ et al. 2006).
• Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) face mounting mobility
deficits, including with difficulties with transfers, posture,
balance and walking. This frequency leads to loss of functional
independence, fear of falls, injuries and inactivity, result in social
isolation and an increased risk of osteoporosis or cardiovascular
disease. Consequently, costs increase, and quality of life
decreases. These mobility deficits are difficult to treat with drugs
or neurosurgery
• Physical therapy is often prescribed next to medical treatment
• Six core areas for Physical therapy in PD were identified:
1. Transfers ( e.g.) Turning in bed or raising from a chair)
2. Posture (Including Neck and back Problems)
3. Reaching and grasping
4. Balance and falls (including fear of falls)
5. Gait or walking
6. Physical capacity and activity.

Recommendations of Physical Therapy Intervention

Physical Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease

I. Application of cueing strategies to improve gait
II. Application of cognitive movement strategies to improve transfers
III. Specific exercises to improve balance
IV. Training of joint mobility and muscle power to improve physical

Cueing Strategies
• In Patient with Parkinson's disease, gait is improved by applying
visual or auditory cues, which have trained during active gait
• Cues are stimuli from environment or generated by the patient,
which the patient uses, consciously or not , to facilitate (automatic
or repetitive) movements. It is not clear exactly how cues improve
• Perhaps they provide external rhythm that can compensate for
the improperly supplied internal rhythm of the basal ganglia,
82 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

correct motor set deficiency or ( in cases of visual cues ) generate

optical flow that activates cerebellar visual-motor pathway. Not
all patients benefit equally from using cues
• Cues can be divided into four groups :
– Auditory cues ( e.g.) the use of walkman with rhythmic music,
a metronome or counting (by the patient, partner, or caretaker)
– Visual cues (e.g. stepping over stripes on the floor or over the
grip of an inverted walking stick, or focusing on an object
(e.g. a clock) in the environment
– Tactile cues (e.g. tapping on the hip or the leg)
– Cognitive cues (e.g. a mental image of the appropriate step

Cognitive Movement Strategies

• Cognitive movement strategies to improve performance of
• In this strategies, automated movements are transformed into a
series of submovements that have to be executed in a fixed order
• The course of the movement is there by reorganized in such a
Physical Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease

way that the activity can be performed consciously

• Balance training (where patients are taught to use visual and
vestibular feedback)
• Combined with lower extremity strength training is effective in
improving balance in patients with PD.

Physical Activity
• The exercise program aim is to improve range of motion combined
with activity related to (e.g. gait or balance exercise)
• Improves ADL functioning
• Strength training program increasing muscle power ( strengthen
low back and hip extensors)
• Range of motion trunk exercises
Physical Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease 83

• Use mirrors to correct posture

– Teach Relaxation skills
– Improve cardiovascular endurance
– Teach energy conservation techniques
– Speech and breathing exercises
– Home health aides in assisting patient (appropriate aids and
adaptive equipment).

• Bergen JL, Toole T, Elliot RG, Wallace B, Robinson K, Maitland CG.
Aerobic exercise intervention improves aerobic capacity and
Movement initiation in Parkinson’s disease patients. Neuro Rehab,
2002; 17:161-8.
• Bridgewater KJ, Sharpe M - Trunk muscle training and early
Parkinson disease. Phys Ther; 1997; vol 13: 139-53.
• Brusse KJ, Zimdars S, Zaleski KR, Steffen TM. Testing Functional
performance in people with Parkinson’s disease. Phys Ther, 2005;
vol 85(2): 134-41.
• Comella CL, Stebbins GT, Brown TN, Goetz CG. Physical therapy
and Parkinson’s disease; A Controlled Clinical trial. Neurology, 1994;
44(1); 376-78.

Physical Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease

• Cynthia L, Comelia, Glenn T, Stebbins, Nancy BT, Christopher GG.
Physical therapy and Parkinson disease, neurology, Am Acad of
Neuro; 1994.
• Formisano R, Pratesi L, Modarelli FL, Bontifati V, Meco G.
Rehabilitation and Parkinson’s disease, scand J Rehabil Med,
• Janice JE. Stepping forward gait rehabilitation; phys Ther, 2010;
90(2): 146-8.
• Jobges M, Heuschkel, Pretzel C, Illhardt C, Renner, Hummelsheim
H. Repetitive training of compensatory steps; a therapeutic approach
for Postural instability in Parkinson disease. J Neurol Neuro Surg
Psychiatry, 2004;75:1682-7.
• Keus SH, Munnekke M, Nijkrake MJ, Kwakkel G,Bloem BR. Physical
therapy in Parkinson’s Disease: Evaluation and future challenges.
Mov Disord, 2009;24(1): p. 1-14.
• Laurie AK, Fay BH. Delaying mobility in people with Parkinson‘s
disease using a sensorimotor agility exercise program. Phys Ther,
2009; 89(4): 384-93.
• Meg EM, Clarissa LM, Margaret LS. Jacquelin Perry Special Issue;
Stepping forward with gait rehabilitation: Striding out with
Parkinson’s disease: Evidence Based Physical therapy for gait
disorders; Phys Ther; 2010, 90 (2), p. 280-8.
84 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Morris ME. Movement disorders in people with Parkinson disease:

A model for Physical therapy. Phys Ther, 2000; 80(6): 578-97.
• Protas EJ, Mitchell K, Willams A, Qureshy H, Carollne KL. Gait and
Step training to reduce falls in Parkinson’s disease. Neuro rehab;
• Samrya HT, Keus, Bastiaan RB, Krik jM, et al. Evidence base analysis
of Physical therapy in Parkinson disease with recommendations for
practice and research. Mov Dis, 2006; 22(4): 451-60.
• Schenkan ML, Clark K, Xie T, Kuchibhata M, et al. Spinal movement
and Performance of a standing reach, Task in participants with and
without Parkinson’s disease. Phys Ther; 2001; 81 (8): p. 1400- 1
Physical Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease
C h ap ter

The human somatic cell is diploid with 46 chromosomes
(i.e. 23 pairs of chromosomes) of which 22 pairs are autosomes and
Spinal Cord Injury
one pair of sex chromosome (XX in female and XY in male). The
germ cells or gametes are haploid cells (i.e. 23 chromosomes). During

fertilization the male and female gamete unite to form the zygote
The zygote formed undergoes mitosis repeatedly to form the
embryo which later develops into an organism. Thus, all somatic
cells in a multicellular organism are descendants of one original
cell, the fertilized egg or zygote. Mitosis produces two daughter cells
per cycle and their genetic content is identical to mother cell.
Gametogenesis (formation of gametes) occurs only in specialized
cells (germ line) of the reproductive organs (gonads). In human, the
testes are male gonads and the ovaries are female gonads. Gamete
cells are produced through the process of mitosis. Mitosis consists
of two specialized, consecutive cell divisions in which the
chromosome number of resulting cells is reduced from a diploid
(2n) to a haploid (n) number. The number of chromosomes must be
reduced by half during gametogenesis in order to maintain the
chromosome number and characteristic of the species after
86 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy


• Spinal cord injury (SCI), whether of traumatic or nontraumatic
etiology, often results in significant and catastrophic dysfunction
and disability. It physically and psychologically affects not only
the individual but also the family and society. Early rehabilitation
in an organized multidisciplinary SCI care system has been
shown to be beneficial, with lower mortality, decreased pressure
sores, slightly greater chance of neurologic recovery, and shorter
lengths of stay with lower hospital charges.

• An annual incidence of 15 to 40 traumatic SCI cases per million
populations has been reported worldwide, and a conservative
estimate for India would be 20,000 cases are added every year
• Sixty to seventy percent of them are illiterate, poor villagers
• In Asia pacific region, Australia with 2003 population of 20
million reported an incidence of 300-400 new cases per year or
15 to 20 per million, and a prevalence of 10,000 persons with
Spinal cord injury.
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

Common Causes of SCI

• Industrial injuries 34.5%
• Road traffic accidents 33.1%
• Cervical injuries 44%
• Thoraco lumbar injuries 26.6%
• Lumbar injuries 20.8%.

Mode of Injury
• The most common cause of injury was fall from height including
roof, trees, electricity pole, and motor vehicle accidents
• Falls were more prominent in second and third decades. Road
side accidents were commoner in third and fourth decade.

Spinal Cord Syndromes

• Brown-Sequard syndrome
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation 87

• Central cord syndrome

• Anterior cord syndrome
• Conus medullaris syndrome
• Cauda eqina syndrome.

Brown-Sequard Syndrome
• Hemisection of spinal cord due to trauma, tumor
• Ipsilateral paralysis and loss of proprioception due to the
crossing of the corticospinal tracts and dorsal columns in the
• Produces contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensation
due to local crossing of spinothalamic tracts in the spinal cord.

Anterior Cord Syndrome

• Damage is in anterior cord resulting in loss of motor function
and pain and temperature with preservation of light touch,
proprioception and position sense.

Central Cord Syndrome

• A lesion in the central gray matter and medial white matter tracts

Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

in the cervical spinal cord due to compression /ischemia
• Usually seen in hyperextension injuries to the cervical spine,
particularly in older persons with degenerative arthritis in the
cervical spine
• Greater weakness in upper extremities than lower extremities
with sacral sparing.

Cauda Equina Syndrome

• Lesion of the lumbosacral nerve roots within the neural canal
because lesion involves the peripheral nerves
• Results in flaccid paralysis and sensory loss to the lower
• Lower motor neurone, autonomous or nonreflex bladder.

Sacral Sparing
• Sparing of tracts to sacral segments, with preservation of perianal
sensation, rectal sphincter tone and active toe flexion.
88 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy


Tetraplegia (Quadriplegia)
• Impairment or loss of motor, sensory and or autonomic function
in cervical segments of the spinal cord
• Injury occurs between C1 and C8 involves all four extremities
and trunk.

• Impairment or loss of motor, sensory and or autonomic function
in thoracic, lumbar or sacral segments of the spinal cord
• Injury occurs between T1 and T12, involves both lower extremities
and trunk.
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

Fig. 7.1: Paraplegia Fig. 7.2: Quadriplegia

American Spinal injury Association (ASIA) Impairment

Scale (Mcdonald JW and Sadowsky C, 2002)
• A = complete: No motor or sensory function is preserved
in the sacral segments S4-S5
• B = Incomplete: Sensory but not motor function is preserved
below the neurological level and includes
the sacral segments S4-S5
• C = Incomplete: Motor function is preserved below the
neurological level, and more than half of key
muscles below the neurological level have a
muscle grade than 3
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation 89

• D = Incomplete: Motor function is preserved below the

neurological level, and at least half of key
muscles below the neurological level have a
muscle grade of 3 (or) more.


Deep vein Thrombosis (DVT): see Chapter (4)

Autonomic Dysreflexia (AD)
• Autonomic dysreflexia is an acute syndrome of uninhibited
sympathetic discharge as a result of noxious stimuli
• This condition can occur in any patient with spinal injury at
level of above T5
• Symptoms: Paroxysmal hypertension (20-40 mm Hg increase
above base line)–especially in tetraplegia, other signs/symptoms
include headache, bradycardia/tachycardia, flushing and
• Treatment: The first and most important goal is to decrease blood
pressure, sit the patient upright and remove support hose/
abdominal binder. Remove tight clothing and check the skin

Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

– Therapist should monitor symptoms
– The patient should be positioned in sitting immediately to
create postural hypotension or decrease the blood pressure
– This can be performed only if the patient's spine is stable
enough for him/her to be sitting position
– Therapist should check the catheter and tubing, empty the
leg bag, if it is full and depending upon the severity of the

Heterotopic Ossification
• Heterotopic ossification is defined as the formation of new
osseous material in tissues where bone formation does not
usually occur
• Ossification of soft tissues near and around joint regions occurs
most commonly after spinal cord injury, traumatic injuries, burns,
general trauma, total joint surgeries and occasionally in pediatric
amputation patients
90 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• SCI incidence of 15-40 %, with severe functional impairment in

• Increased incidence if SCI is complete, secondary trauma, and
associated with tetraplegia
• Typically, the hip, knee, elbow, and shoulder joints are most
frequently involved
• Specific causes are unknown
• Symptoms: Loss of range motion (ROM), stiffness in affected area,
pain , swelling, heat, and warmth
• Physical Therapy treatment:
– Positioning
– Gentle active–assisted ROM exercises, especially during acute
stage of inflammation; they generally help to prevent
ankylosis and promote better overall function
• Stretching exercises.

Pressure sores (Decubitus Ulcers)

• Pressure sores can result from any prolonged, unchanged
• Ulcers are found most frequently over bony prominences exposed
to compressing surfaces.
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

• Incidence among patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) ranges

from 24 to 59%
• Prevention:
– Relief of pressure, water bed or airfield cushion or mattress/
air fluidized beds
– Patient should be repositioned every two hours
– Assess skin with each turning.

Bladder/ Bowel Problems

• Bladder and bowel can be a primary disabling problem for
patients with spinal cord injury
• Urination is controlled by the conus medullaris, and primary
reflex control is in the sacral segments
• Spinal shock and lesions above conus medullaris result in the
bladder being flaccid, absent reflexes, a reflex neurogenic bladder
and reflex bowel
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation 91

• Lesions of conus medullaris result in the bladder being non

reflexive, decreased tone of the ureteral sphincter and perineal
muscles and nonreflex bowel.

• Spasticity secondary to SCI and other CNC injury damage is
• Spasticity developed in 67% of SCI patients by discharge (of first
injury-related hospitalization (Timothy LS, 2009)
• It is more prevalent in cervical and high thoracic injuries than in
lower thoracic or Lumbosacral injuries
• Clinical manifestations of hypertonicity (increased muscle tone),
clonus (a series of rapid muscle contractions), spastic paralysis,
hyperreflexia (exaggerated deep tendon reflexes), Babinski’s sign
and clasp-knife rigidity
• Assessment: On Physical examination, spasticity can be assessed
using the Ashworth scales (original and modified), spasm scale
(Table 7.2), and physicians rating scale
• The Ashworth scale (or modified Ashworth scale) measuring
rigidity on a 1-5 basis and the spasm scale, quantifying number
of spasms per hour (Table 7.1).
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
Table 7.1: Ashworth and Spasm scale

Score Degree of muscle tone

1 No increase in tone
2 Slight increase in tone , giving a "catch" when affected part
moved in flexion or Extension.
3 More marked increase in tone, but affected part easily flexed.
4 Considerable increase in tone; passive movement difficult.
5 Affected part rigid in flexion or extension


0 No increase in tone
1 Slight increase in muscle tone, manifested by a catch and release
or minimal resistance at the end of the ROM when the affected
part(s) is moved in flexion or extension
92 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

1+ Slight increase in muscle tone, manifested by a catch, followed

by minimal resistance
Throughout remainder (less than half) of the ROM
2 More marked increase in muscle tone through most of the ROM,
but affected parts easily moved
3 Considerable increase in muscle tone; passive movement difficult
4 Affected parts rigid in flexion or extension.

Table 7.2: Spasm Scale

Score Criteria

0 None
1 No spontaneous spasms, vigorous sensory and motor
stimulation results in spasms
2 Occasional spontaneous and easily induced spasms
3 More than 1 but < 10 spontaneous spasms per hour
4 > 10 spontaneous spasms per hour.

• The best management is prevention in the first few months after
injury ( Bernes et al, 2001)
• Physical therapy is usually necessary in every spastic patient
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

while, proper positioning, orthotics, splints, regular stretching

exercises, aquatic therapy, biofeedback, cryotherapy
• The medical approach is through pharmacology, the drugs
(commonly used baclofen, dantrolene and tizanidine) is
universally effective or indeed predictable in its effect (Paddison,
S, Middleton F, 2004)
• Use of intramuscular botulinum toxin, phenol nerve block
• Surgery: Tendon release and nerve divisions, e.g. obturator

Respiratory System
• Assess for Oxygen saturation level
• All respiratory muscles, abdominal muscles
• Auscultation
• Coughing.
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation 93

Cardiovascular System
• Pulse
• Blood pressure
• Heart sounds.

Gastrointestinal Tract
• Abdomen, bowel sounds normal/abnormal.

Urinary Tract
• Voluntary bladder control
• Indwelling catheter was inserted on admission.

Sensory Examination
Examination for Sensations Tests was Performed
• Touch, pain, joint position, deep pressure
• Record level of normal sensation by drawing a line on the patients

Motor Examination
• The Royal Medical Research Council of Great Britain scale can
be based to assess power (Table 7.2)
• Abdominal and erector spinae muscle group could not be tested Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
according to this scale and only a subjective grading based on
palpation was done

Table 7.3: Royal Medical Research Council of Great

Britain Strength grading scale
Grade Strength
0 No contraction
1 Flicker or Trace of contraction
2 Active movement with gravity eliminated
3 Active movement against activity
4 Active movement against resistance
4- Slight resistance
4 Moderate resistance
4+ Strong resistance
5 Normal strength.
94 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Table 7.4: Frankel Scale

Grade Description

A or 1 Complete motor and sensory paralysis below the lesion.

B or 2 Complete motor and sensory paralysis, but some residual
Perception below the lesion.
C or 3 Residual motor function, but of no practical use.
D or 4 Useful subnormal motor function below the lesion.
E or 5 Normal.

• Deep tendon reflexes (DTR): Biceps, triceps, patellar, ankle jerk.
• Superficial reflexes: Abdominal (Upper, Lower) reflex,
cremasteric, bulbocavernosus reflex.
• Grading: 0- 4

Plain X-rays
• Cervical spine X-ray: from craniocervical junction to C7/T1
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

junction. Anterior posterior, lateral, oblique or swimmer view

may be necessary to demonstrate lower cervical vertebrae.
• Thoracolumbar spine X-ray: Anterior posterior and lateral view
to rule out a second injury or demonstrate fractures in case of
suspected thoracolumbar injury.
CT scan and MRI Scan. Of the fractured segment may demonstrate
cord involvement or spinal canal obstruction.
CT Myelography. May demonstrate spinal block, although MRI has
largely replace it.
Spinal Angiography. May demonstrate vascular involvement
especially in patient with SCI

Acute Physical therapy Management of Spinal cord injury

Goal: Purpose of rehabilitation after spinal cord injury (SCI), to help
the patient TO establish control over his/her own health and life.
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation 95

Aspects of Rehabilitation include:

• Psychological support
• Clear ventilation
• Improve chest expansion
• Skin care
• Prevent pressure sores
• Prevent contractures or stiffness.
• Regaining as muscle strength and function in the trunk and
extremities as possible.
• Independent personal and community mobility.
• Management of bladder and bowel function
• Psychosocial and sexual function
• Independent living and vocational rehabilitation.

Respiratory Care in Tetraplegia

• Patients with lesions of T1 and above lose some 40-50% of their
respiratory function but most patients with cervical injuries have
an initial vital capacity of only 1.5 Liters or less
• Teach breathing exercise to encourage chest expansion and
improve ventilation
• Incentive spirometry is useful for mid thoracic lesions and above.
• Assisted cough Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
• Postural drainage
• Inspiratory muscle training devices are of great benefit for
improving forced vital capacity (FVC ) (Houch, 2001).

Physical Therapy Intervention of Paraplegia

• Motivation and self confidence are also major factors in success-
ful rehabilitation. They are required, first to accept irreversible facts
• Physical therapy is usually a major part of the treatment program
in spinal cord injury
• Interventions for SCI patients includes:
– Positioning: To prevent deformity and damage to skin, joints,
or soft tissues. Prevention compression of veins, especially in
the calf region.
– Special beds, e.g. water bed or air cushion mattress bed.
96 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

– Frequently turning the patient's position: Supine to side lying,

rotation right and left lying at 2 hours once
– Skin must be inspected to detect to any signs of pressure sores
– Chest physical therapy helps to clear lungs secretion (per-
cussion, shaking, vibration techniques)
– Deep breathing exercise
– Coughing techniques
– Passive ROM exercise: Maintains ROM, and improves blood
– Progressive resistance exercise: These are exercises done with
weights, pulleys, and special exercise machines
– Independent passive movements
– Mat class: Working on a mat, the patient relearns and prac-
tices the skills needed for independent living; changing
position in bed getting and moving from one place to another.
– Rolling on side
– Sitting up from lying on back and prone
– Balance in long and high sit
– Lifting arm, rhythmic stabilization techniques, moving in out
of the position, throwing ball
– Transfer training in high sit and long sit
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

– Tilt Table: A table that can be positioned at various angles to

the horizontal helps the cardiovascular system read just to
upright position after has been in bed for extended periods.
– Walking Rehabilitation: Standing in the tilt table to standing
between the parallel bars
• Standing balance, swing through gait training and elbow

Occupational Therapy
• Transfer to the bed and the toilet
• Endurance training by pushing his/her wheelchair
• Basic wheelchair manipulation
• Balance in sitting
• Handling in wheelchair
• Back wheel balance
• Education.
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation 97

Spinal Orthosis
Cervical Orthosis
• Aim: Control pain, protect further injury, limit or restrict
movement, support soft tissues, control cervical spine position.

Sterno-occupital-Mandibular Immobilization (SOMI)

• Acronym for sternal occipital mandibular immobilization
• Good for bracing against flexion, allows patient to eat without
mandibular support (Shehu, BB, 2004).
• A method of external stabilization for the cervical vertebrae.

Thoracic-Lumbar- Sacral Orthosis (TLSO)

• TLSO used depends on stability of fracture site and ligamentous
• Three point force control system with anterior compression of
• Stabilize or correct thoracolumbar sacral spine alignment
• Protect structures.

Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

Weiss Springs
• An internal stabilization method for the thoracic and lumbar

Common Splints Used in Tetraplegia

C7- L1 injury
• Hip guidance orthosis (HGO)
• Reciprocal gait orthosis.

T6-T12 Level
• Caliper walker with rollator and crutches.

L3 level
• Appropriate orthosis or walking aid
98 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Ankle -Foot-Drop splint (AFO)

• Hip-Knee-Ankle Foot orthosis (HKAFO)
• Knee-Ankle-Foot orthosis (KAFO).

Ambulatory Aids
• Canadian type of elbow crutches
• Walking frames
• Wheelchair.


Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)
• FES used to improve hand function in tetraplegics
• Used for urinary /bowel dysfunction
• To improve cardiovascular function.

Body Weight Support Treadmill Training (BWSTT)

• BWSTT gained impetus with reports of functional improvement
after ambulation training on a treadmill
• BWSTT ambulation training wearing harness supports for 30 to
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

60 minutes, 5 days a week

• Significantly, after training, patients were able to walk 100-2000 m
on a static surface despite absent voluntary activity in the
paralyzed limb at rest.

Robotic Devices
• Robotic device use of automated driven gait orthosis ambulation
training has been proposed to significantly, reduce the load on
therapists during ambulation training.

Neural Activity Controlled Prosthesis

• Recent developments in the field of neural prosthesis include
improvements in important area of brain machine interface (BMI).
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation 99

Pain Management
• Electrothermotherapy, positioning, TENS, movement re-
education and acupuncture.

• American Spinal injury Association: International standards for
neurological classification of spinal cord injury. Revised; Chicago;
American Spinal injury Association, 2000.
• Brammmer CM, Catherine Spires, M. Manual of Physical medicine
and rehabilitation. Elsevier, 2002; p. 119-38.
• Field Fote EC. Spinal cord control movement: Implications for
locomotor rehabilitation following spinal cord Injury. Phys Ther, 2000;
80(5): 477-84.
• Gourassini MA, Noton JA, Ducherer JN, Roy FD, Yang JF. Changes in
locomotor muscle activity after treadmill training in subjects with in
complete spinal cord injury. J Neuro Physiol, 2009;101(2):969-79.
• Kathleen A, Curtis, Karry lMH. Spinal cord injury community follow
up: Role of physical therapist; Phys Ther, 1986; 66(9): 1370-5.
• Katz RT, Spasticity, In: O' Young B, Young MA, steins SA. PM and R
secrets, Phildelphia; Hanley and Belfus, 1997; p 487.
• Mangold S, Keller T, Curt A, Diet V. Transcutaneous functional electrical
stimulation for grasping in subjects with cervical spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
Spinal cord, 2005;43: 1-13.
• National institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (National
institute of Health) http//
spasticity/htm, accessed june 21, 2009.
• Pollack SF, Axen K, Spietholz N, Levin N, Haas F, Ragnarsson KT.
Aerobic training effects of electrically induced lower extremity exercise
in spinal cord injured people. Arch Phys Med Rehabili, 1969; 70;(3):
• Peter AC, Lim, Adela MT. Recovery and regeneration after spinal
cord injury: A review and summery of recent literature. Ann Acad
med Singapore, 2007; 36:49-57.
• Riva G, Italiano IA. Virtual reality in paraplegia; A test bed application.
The International J. Virtual Reality, 2001; 5(1): 1-10.
• Shehu BB, Ismail NJ. Continuing education: Practical management of
spinal cord injury, annals African medicine; 2004; 3(1): 46-52.
100 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Staas WE, Formal CS, Freedman MK, et al. Spinal cord injury and
Spinal cord injury Medicine. In DeLisa JA (ed): Rehabilitation Medicine,
Principles and Practice, 3rd ed, Philadelphia, Lippincott Willams and
Wilkins, 1998, p. 1276-7.
• Timothy L, Sternberg. Treatment of Spasticity associated with spinal
cord injury and other central nervous system damage. North East
Flordia Medicine, 2009; 60(3): p. 19-22.
• Wening A, Mullers S. Laufband. Locomotion with body weight support
improved walking in persons with severe spinal cord injuries,
Paraplegia, 1992; 30: 229-38.
• Yen HL, Chua K, Chan W. Spinal cord Injury rehabilitation in singapore.
Int J Rehabili Res 1998;21: 375-87.
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
C h ap ter

The human somatic cell is diploid with 46 chromosomes
(i.e. 23 pairs of chromosomes) of which 22 pairs are autosomes and
Physical Therapy
one pair of sex chromosome (XX in female and XY in male). The
germ cells or gametes are haploid cells (i.e. 23 chromosomes). During

in Cerebral Palsy
fertilization the male and female gamete unite to form the zygote
The zygote formed undergoes mitosis repeatedly to form the
embryo which later develops into an organism. Thus, all somatic
cells in a multicellular organism are descendants of one original
cell, the fertilized egg or zygote. Mitosis produces two daughter cells
per cycle and their genetic content is identical to mother cell.
Gametogenesis (formation of gametes) occurs only in specialized
cells (germ line) of the reproductive organs (gonads). In human, the
testes are male gonads and the ovaries are female gonads. Gamete
cells are produced through the process of mitosis. Mitosis consists
of two specialized, consecutive cell divisions in which the
chromosome number of resulting cells is reduced from a diploid
(2n) to a haploid (n) number. The number of chromosomes must be
reduced by half during gametogenesis in order to maintain the
chromosome number and characteristic of the species after
102 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy


• The term cerebral palsy (CP) was first used by William Osler in
1887 but William Little in 1862 is credited with first describing
and classifying the motor syndromes of CP.
• Cerebral palsy refers to a group of conditions characterized by
abnormalities of movement and posture after nonprogressive
lesions of the immature brain.

• The incidence of CP per 1000 births by birth weight is 90 among
infants weight less than 1500 g
• Due to increased survival of premature infants with low birth

Etiology (Table 8.1)

• In 80% cases, features were identified pointing to antenatal factors
causing abnormal brain development (Michael VJ 2008)
• Ten percent of children with CP had evidence of intrapartum
• Intra uterine exposure to maternal infection (Chorioamnionitis,
inflammation of placental membranes, umbilical cord
Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy

inflammation, foul- smelling aminiotic fluid, maternal sepsis,

temperature >38° during labor, urinary tract infection
• Low birth weight < 1000 g at birth
• Premature infants
• Intracerebral hemorrhage and periventricular leukomalacia
Table 8.1: Risk Factors

Prenatal Perinatal Postnatal

Congenital prematurity (<32 weeks) Trauma


Socioeconomic Birth weight , 2500 gm Infection

Intrauterine infections Growth retardation Intracranial
Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy 103

Prenatal Perinatal Postnatal
Teratogenic mental Abnormal Coagulopathies
retardation presentations
Maternal seizures Trauma
Maternal Infection
Placental Bradycardia and hypoxia
Additional trauma Seizures
Multiple gestation Hyperbilirubinemia.

Classification of Cerebral Palsy

• Spastic diplegia
• Spastic quadriplegia
• Hemiplegia
• Athetoid, Dyskinetic
• Mixed.

Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy (Little Disease)
• It is most common type of cerebral palsy (80% of cases) Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy
• Lesions motor cortex
• Eighty percent cases are diplegic child

104 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Figs 8.1 A to C: Spastic diplegic child

• Major causes: Prematurity, ischemia, infection, endocrine/

metabolic, e.g. thyroid
• Involves legs more than arms
• Delayed walking
• Scissoring posture
• Disuse atrophy and impaired growth of lower extremities
• Equino varus deformity
• Ankle clonus
• Bilateral Babinski sign is positive.
Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy

Quadriplegia (Fig. 8.2)

• Quadriplegia is most severe form of
CP because of marked motor
impairment of all extremities and
associated with mental retardation
and seizures
• Swallowing difficulties (suprabulbar
• Hypertonia and spasticity to all limbs
• Decreased spontaneous movements
• Brisk reflexes and plantar extensor
• Flexion contractures of knees and
elbows Fig. 8.2: Quadriplegic
cerebral palsy
• Speech and Visual impairments.
Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy 105

Hemiplegia (Fig. 8.3)

• Paralysis or weakness of one side of the upper and lower
• Arms is often more involved than the leg and difficulty in hand
• Walking is delayed until 18 to 24 months
• Circumductive gait
• Examination:
– Spasticity is apparent in the affected extremities, particularly
in ankle (Equino varus deformity of the foot).
• Increased tone
• Dystonic posture
• Deep tendon reflexes are increased
• Ankle clonus and a Babinski sign may be present.

Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy

Fig. 8.3: Hemiplegic CP child

Athetoid (Choreoathetoid or Extrapyramidal CP)

• Less common in spastic CP
• Hypotonic with poor head control and marked head lag
• Rigidity and dystonia
• Feeding may be difficult
• Tongue thrust and drooling may be prominent
• Speech problem (oropharyngeal muscle are involved).
106 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

MRI Scan of Brain: To determine location and extent of structural
lesions or associated congenital malformations.
CT Scan: Useful for detecting calcifications associated with
congenital infections.


• Improve muscle strength
• Improve local muscular endurance
• Maintain or improve joint range of motion
• Decrease and prevent joint contractures
• Improve balance
• Postural control
• Mobility and ability to transfer (for instance from bed to
• Gait
• ADLs.
Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy

Treatment /Techniques
Passive range of motion (PROM) and Active range of
motion (AROM) exercise (Figs 8.4 to 8.6)
• Repetitive PROM exercise to improve and maintain joint mobility.

Fig. 8.4: PROM Fig. 8.5: PROM exercise in

exercise with elbow flexion ankle dorsiflexion
Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy 107

Fig. 8.6: AROM exercise in Fig. 8.7: Posture correction and weight
shoulder flexion bearing of the both lower extremity

Passive, Static, Gentle Stretching (Figs 8.7 to 8.11)

• Are performed on individual joints to decrease and prevent joint
contractures. Such stretches should be performed with in a pain
free joint ROM.

Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy

Fig. 8.8: Left side Calf Fig. 8.9: Hamstrings stretching

muscle stretching

Fig. 8.10: Adductors muscles Fig. 8.11: Pelvic raising

stretching and TA stretch
108 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Progressive Resistance exercise (PRE)

• Used to improve muscle strength. A program that uses low
resistance and more repetitions will enhance local muscular

Neuro-Developmental Therapy (NDT)

• In 1940, Berta and Karl Bobath was first described therapeutic
approach of Neuro-developmental therapy (NDT)
• It is most popular therapeutic approach interventions for the
treatment of children with cerebral palsy.

Basic Principle
• The motor abnormalities in children with cerebral palsy are due
to failure of normal development of postural control and reflexes
because of the underlying dysfunction of the central nervous
system (Butler C, 2001).

• To facilitate normal motor development and function and to
Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy

prevent development of secondary impairments due to muscle

contractions and joint and limb deformities
• Intensive NDT - 1 hour per day for 5 days per week and reported
to be more effective (Patel DR, 2005).

Fig. 8.12: Supine to side lying Fig. 8.13: Trunk control

rolling mobility training reeducation
Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy 109

Sensory Integration (SI)

• The theory of sensory integration was originally developed by
A. Jean Ayres in the 1970
• Principle: In developing treatment approaches for children with
sensory processing difficulties, including CP
• The SI model was developed to treat learning difficulties
• The SI theory is to develop and execute a normal adaptive
behavioral response, the child must be able to optimally receive,
modulate, integrate, and process the sensory information
• Aim: To facilitate the normal development and improve the child's
ability to process and integrate sensory information (visual,
perceptual, proprioceptive, auditory, etc.)
• Improve functional capabilities in daily life activities. (Figs 8.12
to 8.18).

Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy

Fig. 8.14: Postural control re-training

110 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Fig. 8.15: Wrist exercise

Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy

Fig. 8.16: ADLs training

Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy 111

Fig. 8.17: Gait training

Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy

Fig. 8.18: Gait training

112 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Electrical Stimulation (ES)

• Electrical stimulation goal is to increase muscle strength and
motor function
• Functional electrical stimulation (FES): The application of
electrical stimulation during a given task or activity when a
specific muscle is expected to be contracting
• Threshold electrical stimulation (TES): It is applied transcuta-
neously, is of low intensity, and does not elicit actual muscle
contraction. TES is used to increase the muscle blood flow and
• ES is used in children more than 4 to 5 years of old with diplegic
or hemiplegic cerebral palsy
• Each session of NMES from 15 to 30 minutes. For duration that
ranges from 1 month to 1 year.

Body Weight Support Treadmill Training (BWSTT)

• The child is supported in a harness on the treadmill in an upright
posture limiting weight bearing
• The child then attempts to walk on the slowly moving treadmill,
eliciting the stepping movements
Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy

• Using 3 to 4 sessions per weak lasting for 3 to 4 months have

shown improvement in lower extremity movements and gait
patterns in children with cerebral palsy (Schindl MR, 2000).

Conductive Education (CE)

• Conductive education (CE) was developed by Peto in the 1940
• CE use repeated verbal reinforcement to promote and facilitate
intended motor activity by the child
• To develop independence in daily activities by the child by
facilitating all aspects of child's development
• The child is encouraged to participate and practice all daily
activities to the best of his/her abilities.

• The concept of patterning is based on theories developed by Fay,
Delacto and, in the 1950 and 1960
Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy 113

• Motor development can be facilitated in the brain injured children

by passively repeating the sequential steps of typical
development, a process called patterning.

Hippotherapy (HT)
• To improve muscle tone, balance and postural control.

• To reduce painful muscle spasms and overall motor function
(Shi B, Bu H and Lin L, 1992).

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

• Use of HBOT is to increase the O2 available to the neurons
surrounding the injured area of the brain and revive those
dormant neurons
• HBOT is to decrease brain edema by inducing cerebral

Constraint-induced Therapy (CIT)

Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy

• CIT is to improve the use of affected upper extremity in a child
hemiplegic cerebral palsy
• The normally functioning or stronger upper extremity is
immobilized for a variable duration in order to force the use of
the affected or weaker upper extremity over time
• The efficacy of this approach has not been stabilized and adverse
effects of prolonged immobilization of the normally developing
upper extremity are a significant concern (Echols, K, 2002).

Vojta Method
• The persistence of these newborn reflex patterns in a child with
cerebral palsy interferes with postural development
• Facilitating the development of reflex locomotion.
114 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Butler C, Darrah J. Effects of neuro developmental treatment (NDT)
for cerebral palsy: an AACPDM evidence report. Dev Med Child
Neurol; 2001;43:778-90.
• Dali C, Hansen FJ, Pedersen SA, et al. Threshold electrical stimulation
in ambulant children with cerebral palsy: a randomized double-based
placbocontrolled clinical trial. Dev Med Child Neuro; 2002;44:364-69.
• Dilip R Patel. Therapeutic Interventions in cerebral palsy; symposium
on Developmental and behavioral disorders II. Indian J Pediatric, 2005;
72(11): 979-89.
• Koman LA, Smith BP, Shilt JS. Cerebral palsy. Lancet, 2004;363:1619-
• Kliegman, Behrman, Jenson, Stanton. Nelson Text Book of Pediatrics;
Cerebral palsy, 18th ed, Elsevier, 2008; 2: 2494-8, 670.
• Kliegman, Greenbanm Lye. Practical strategies in Pediatric Diagnosis
and Therapy. 2nd ed, Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2004; p. 651.
• Kerr C, Mc Dowell B, McDonough S. Electrical stimulation in cerebral
palsy; a review of effects on strength and motor function. Dev Med
Child Neurol, 2004;46:205-13.
• Mayston M. Physical Therapy management of cerebral palsy; an update
on treatment approaches, clinics in developmental medicine; 2004;
• Meregillano G. Hippotherapy. Phys Med Rehabil clin N Am 2004;
15(14):843 -54.
Physical Therapy in Cerebral Palsy

• Schaaf R, Miller LJ. Occupational Therapy using a sensory integration

approach for children with developmental disabilities, research
reviews, 2005;11:143-8.
• Schindl MR, Forstner C, Kern H, et al. Treadmill training with partial
body weight support in nonambulant patients with cerebral palsy.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2000;81:301-06.
• Terence Stephon, Hamish W, Angela T. Clinical Paediatrics for Post-
graduate Examinations, 3rd; Churchill Livingstone, 2006; p. 125-88.
• Veenakalra, Menon, PSN. Diseases of Central Nervous System;
Parthasarthy A, et al. IAP Text book of Pediatrics, Jaypee Brothers, 4th
ed, 2009; p 444-99.
• William WH, Myron JL, et al. Current diagnosis and treatment
pediatrics; Cerebral palsy, 18th ed; McGraw Hill, USA, 2007; 771-82.
C h ap ter

The human somatic cell is diploid with 46 chromosomes
(i.e. 23 pairs of chromosomes) of which 22 pairs are autosomes and
Physical Therapy
one pair of sex chromosome (XX in female and XY in male). The
germ cells or gametes are haploid cells (i.e. 23 chromosomes). During

in Cerebellar
fertilization the male and female gamete unite to form the zygote
The zygote formed undergoes mitosis repeatedly to form the
embryo which later develops into an organism. Thus, all somatic
cells in a multicellular organism are descendants of one original
cell, the fertilized egg or zygote. Mitosis produces two daughter cells
per cycle and their genetic content is identical to mother cell.
Gametogenesis (formation of gametes) occurs only in specialized
cells (germ line) of the reproductive organs (gonads). In human, the
testes are male gonads and the ovaries are female gonads. Gamete
cells are produced through the process of mitosis. Mitosis consists
of two specialized, consecutive cell divisions in which the
chromosome number of resulting cells is reduced from a diploid
(2n) to a haploid (n) number. The number of chromosomes must be
reduced by half during gametogenesis in order to maintain the
chromosome number and characteristic of the species after
116 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Cerebellar ataxia is a result of damage to the cerebellum or parts
of the brain that connect to the cerebellum. This includes cerebellar
peduncles and the pons, and red nucleus
• Cerebellar ataxia refers to a condition of unsteadiness of gait.
Ataxia can result of damage to the cerebellum ( cerebellar ataxia)
or posterior columns of the spinal cord (sensory ataxia) or
dysfunction of the vestibular system ( vestibular ataxia).

• Estimated prevalence: One in 12,500 adults with autosomal
dominant cerebellar ataxia in the north east England
• Estimated minimum prevalence 10.2 in 100,000 people with late
onset of cerebellar ataxia in south wales.

• Vascular
• Traumatic
• Developmental
Physical Therapy in Cerebellar Ataxia

• Neoplastic/Paraneoplastic
• Infections
• Inflammatory (e.g. Multiple sclerosis)
• Metabolic
• Toxic/drug-related (e.g. Alcohol)
• Epilepsy (In children).

Clinical Manifestations
• Incoordination and unsteadiness (Figs 9.2A and B)
• Clumsiness
• Nystagmus
• Ataxia gait and in extreme cases impaired sitting balance (Fig. 9.1)
• Intention tremor
• Dysmetria or past-pointing – difficulty in controlling the
termination of movements
• Dysdiadochokinesis – difficulty performing rapid alternating
Physical Therapy in Cerebellar Ataxia 117

• Dysarthria – slurred speech and slow with prolonged syllables

(Scanning speech)
• Hypotonia – diminished resistance to passive movement
• Rebound phenomenon
• Contractures
• Dystonia
• Fatigue
• Bladder problems
• Sexual dysfunction
• Depression and other psychiatric symptoms
• Diplopia
• Pain (neuropathic).

Physical Therapy in Cerebellar Ataxia

Fig. 9.1: Ataxic gait


Figs 9.2 A and B: Unsteadiness and short step walking

118 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

Diagnostic Investigations
• Creatinine, liver enzymes, electrophoresis, ESR, CRP, TFT,
Vitamin B12, fiolate, cholestrol, FBC.
• MRI of the brain
• Lumbar puncture
• Genetic tests
• EEG.

• The assessment of ataxia should be integrated into a functional
analysis were:

Finger to Finger and Finger to Nose Tests

• Ask the patient to touch your finger with his/her finger and
then touch his nose. When he has done this correctly ask him to
repeat this faster
• The tester usually notes characteristics such as time taken and
presence or absence of dysmetria and tremor.
Physical Therapy in Cerebellar Ataxia

Heel-to-shin Test
• Patient is supine lying, and to place the heel of one leg on to the
shin of the other, near the knee, then to slide the heel down the
shin towards the foot
• Difficulty placing the heel because the dysmetric component of

Romberg Test
• The test is performed in standing position. Patient is asked to
stand still with arms stretched forward at shoulder height, with
eyes open then closed
• Test for measuring ataxia
• Romberg sign can be using a force plate to measure of foot
pressure (Black, et al. 1982).
Physical Therapy in Cerebellar Ataxia 119

Figs 9.3 and 9.4: Romberg sign

International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (ICARS)

• This scale is measure of ataxia include: Finger to nose, heel to
shin, walking, drawing, speech, oculomotor movement tests.

Fahn Tremor Rating scale

• Assess to intension tremor in the period of the finger to nose test
• Useful tool for assessing movement disorders in people with
ataxia, multiple sclerosis.

Physical Therapy in Cerebellar Ataxia

Physical Therapist Examination
• The examination should consists of a complete history, a
systemic review, and the implementation of the best available
tests and measures to describe a patients impairments and
functional limitations.

Tests and Measures

• Assess range of motion
• Muscle strength (MMT) for trunk muscles, upper and lower
extremities, and pelvic muscles
• Cranial nerve tested– impairment of ocular movements, visual
field and acuity deficits, hearing loss, dysarthria and dysphagia
• Sensory integrity – position sense, sensation of pain, temperature
and light test, diminished distally
• Reflex integrity–reflexes are decreased or absence of lower DTR
• Tone scales
120 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Superficial reflexes and reactions

• Babinski sign– is positive or negative
• Submaximal graded exercise testing - measure endurance and
cardiovascular responses
• Balance measurements—Functional reach test, timed up and go
test, down stairs test, Friedreich ataxia rating scale
• Gait measure–speed, symmetry and level of independence.


• Physical therapy usually focus on strategies and compensatory
techniques for maintaining or improving a patient's ability to
continue to participate in all environmental contexts for as long
as possible
• The aim of physical therapy is to improve gait, balance and trunk
control for people with ataxia. Reducing tremor and improving
functional movements. To reduce joint movement complexity
• Patient education and family members about the effects of disease
progression on function and life style, potential therapeutic
interventions, and realistic expectations regarding those
Physical Therapy in Cerebellar Ataxia

• Frenkel's exercise
• Dynamic training of postural with task and activity focus
• Gait and balance training
• Strengthening exercises
• Flexibility
• Visually guided movements (finger-to- nose test)
• Manipulation of visual information and hand movements
• Cold therapy–to decrease in muscle spindle, reduction in
response of the long latency tone stretch reflex, decrease in nerve
conduction velocity
• Wrist weighting–to reduce upper limb tremor
• Fitness training
• Mobility aids–light touch as a balance aid may be helpful for
postural orientation and stability.
Physical Therapy in Cerebellar Ataxia 121

• Occupational therapy is important intervention for patients with
progressive neurological conditions in neurological conditions
in maintaining independence and quality of life and to enable
people to participate in self care
• Conservation energy technique
• Self care and toileting– encourage to bath or shower and consider
providing seating with support for the back and arms
• Use thermoregulation devices on taps
• Bed, chair and toilet transfers
• Indoor mobility–use of walking aids in the home and other
• Use of walking frames may need to be reconsidered in very small
• Falls prevention.


• The progressive ataxia may affect communication and or
swallowing function

Physical Therapy in Cerebellar Ataxia

• Dysphagia treatment:
– Use of oral muscle strengthening exercises
– Use of the shaker exercise.

• Ataxia UK. Management of the Ataxias towards Best Clinical Practice,
• Fuller G. Neurological Examination Made Easy. 3rd ed, Churchill
Livingstone, 2005.
• Gill B. et al. Rehabilitation of balance in two patients with cerebellar
dysfunction, Phys Ther, 1999;77(5): 534-52.
• Gillen G. Improving mobility and community access in an adult with
ataxia; A Case study. Am J Occup Ther, 2002;56:462-6.
• IIg.W, Syonfzik M, Brotz D, Burkand S, Giese MA, Scholes L. Intensive
coordinate training improves motor performances in degenerative
cerebellar disease.
• Jeka JJ. Light touch contact as a balance aid, Phys Ther, 1997; 77(5): 476-
122 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Maring JR, Croarkin E. Presentation and progression of Friedreich

ataxia and implications for Physical therapist examination. Phys ther,
2007; 87(12): 1687-96.
• Michaael O, Harris. Rehabilitation management of Friedreich ataxia:
Lower extremity force-control variability and gait performances. Neuro
Rehabilitation and Neural repair, 2004;18(2): 117-24.
• Martin, et al. Effectiveness of Physiotherapy for adults with cerebellar
dysfunction; a systemic Review. Clinical rehab, 2009;23:15-26.
• McGruder, et al. Weighted wrist cuffs or tremor reduction during
eating in adults with static brain lesions. Am J Occupational Ther,
2003;57: 507-16.
• Schmitz Hubsuch Scale for the Assessment and rating of ataxia;
Development of a new clinical scale, Neurology, 2006; 66(11): 1717-20.
• Vaz, et al. Treadmill training for ataxic patients; A single subject
experimental design. Clinical rehab, 2008;22 (8):234-41.
Physical Therapy in Cerebellar Ataxia
C h ap ter

The human somatic cell is diploid with 46 chromosomes
(i.e. 23 pairs of chromosomes) of which 22 pairs are autosomes and
Orthotics in
one pair of sex chromosome (XX in female and XY in male). The
germ cells or gametes are haploid cells (i.e. 23 chromosomes). During

fertilization the male and female gamete unite to form the zygote
The zygote formed undergoes mitosis repeatedly to form the
embryo which later develops into an organism. Thus, all somatic
cells in a multicellular organism are descendants of one original
cell, the fertilized egg or zygote. Mitosis produces two daughter cells
per cycle and their genetic content is identical to mother cell.
Gametogenesis (formation of gametes) occurs only in specialized
cells (germ line) of the reproductive organs (gonads). In human, the
testes are male gonads and the ovaries are female gonads. Gamete
cells are produced through the process of mitosis. Mitosis consists
of two specialized, consecutive cell divisions in which the
chromosome number of resulting cells is reduced from a diploid
(2n) to a haploid (n) number. The number of chromosomes must be
reduced by half during gametogenesis in order to maintain the
chromosome number and characteristic of the species after
124 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Orthotics is a passive external device that support loads or assist
or restrict relative motion between body segments. The word
orthotics is derived from Greek for making or setting straight,
and is a general term that encompasses bracing and splints.
Orthotics or Orthoses plays an important role in the rehabilitation
of patients with motor impairments. Orthotics include devices
for the neck, upper limb, trunk and lower limb that are designed
to guide motion, bear weight align body structures, protect joints
or correct deformities. Orthoses are designed to work in
cooperation with the intact body, and either control or assist
movement. (Selzer, Clarke et al, 2003)

Common Types of Orthoses

Lower Limb Orthoses
Foot Orthoses (FO)
• Shoe inserts for correcting ankle and foot deformities.

Ankle Foot Orthoses (AFO)

Orthotics in Neurorehabilitation

• Short leg brace

• Commonly prescribed for weakness or paralysis of ankle
dorsiflexion, inversion and eversion
• Prevent the patient from tripling secondary to weak or absent
dorsi flexors
• L- Shaped brace typically made out of plastic
• Used patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injury
(SCI), and peripheral nerve injury
• Types: Metal, leather, plastic, and laminated
• To correct deformities of equinovalgus and equinovarus ankle
foot deformities.

Knee Ankle Foot Orthoses (KAFO)

• Long leg brace
• Consists of proximal and distal thigh cuffs, calf band, double
uprights with mechanical knee joints, and adjustable ankle joints
Orthotics in Neurorehabilitation 125

• KAFOs are commonly used for conditions caused by upper and

lower motor neurone lesions
• Prescribed for knee stability and lower extremity weakness
• Stabilizes the knee and ankle
• Brace may be metal or plastic.

Full Length Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis ( HKAFO)

• For stabilizing standing and gait stability
• To maintain upright posture and for standing stability
• Several HKAFO have been developed as Paralytic walking
systems (Miller, 1997)
• The first is the Hip guidance orthosis (HGO) that locks the knee
joint but has freely moving hip/ankle joints (Major et al 1981,
Butler, et al, 1984)
• HKAFOs control hip flexion, extension, abduction, and
adduction, rotation is controlled via foot plate.

Trunk Orthosis
Scott-Craig Orthosis
• A metal knee ankle foot orthosis (KAFO) used by spinal cord
Orthotics in Neurorehabilitation
injury patients.

Halo Orthosis
• An external brace designed to stabilize the cervical vertebrae.

Four-Poster Orthosis
• Two plates (occipital and thoracic) with two anterior and two
posterior posts to stabilize the head
• Used for moderate levels of control in individual with cervical
fracture/spinal cord injury.

Jewett Orthosis
• An external method of providing stabilization to the thoracic
and lumbar vertebrae
126 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Prevents hyperextension
• Three points of pressure on the sternum, lumbar spine and
symphysis pubis.

Thoracolumbosacral Orthosis (TLSO)

• For correcting scoliosis
• Any orthosis that provides external immobilization of the thoracic
and lumbar spine.

Lumbosacral Orthosis (LSO)

• For stabilizing low back fractures, elastic trunk support for
preventing back injuries during lifting.

Knight-Taylor Brace
• A method of applying external stabilization to the thoracic and
lumbar vertebrae
• Typically utilized for fractures above the L3- region.

Cervical Spine Orthosis (CO)

• Neck Braces for whiplash injuries or muscle spasm.
Orthotics in Neurorehabilitation

Sterno Occipital Mandibular Immobilization (SOMI) Brace

• A method of external stabilization for the cervical vertebrae.

Reciprocating Gait Orthosis (RGO)

• Reciprocating gait orthosis (RGO) that links opposite joints so
that extension of the hip on one side leads to flexion on the contra
lateral side (Jefferson and Whittle 1990), e.g. spinal cord injury.

Upper Limb Orthosis

Shoulder and Elbow slings
• Weight support
• Prevents subluxation of stroke patients.
Orthotics in Neurorehabilitation 127

Air Plane Splint

• Positions the patient’s arm about 90 degree abduction, the elbow
is flexed to 90 degree; the weight of the outstretched arm is borne
on a padded lateral trunk bar and iliac crest band
• Used to immobilize the shoulder following injury of brachial
plexus, e.g. Erb's Palsy, burns.

Balanced Forearm Orthosis

• For feeding assist.

Wrist Hand Orthoses

• To position the joints or assist in activities of daily living.

Resting Splint (Cock-up-Splint)

• Wrist can be held in neutral or in 12 to 20 degree wrist extension
• Fingers supported, all phalanges slightly flexed with thumb in
partial opposition and abduction
• Used for patients with stroke with paralysis, radial nerve injury,
carpel tunnel syndrome, etc.

Wrist-driven Prehension Orthosis Orthotics in Neurorehabilitation

• Assists the patient in using wrist extensors to approximate the
thumb and forefingers (Grip) in the absence of active finger’s
flexion, e.g. facilitates tenodesis grasp in the patient with

Hand Orthoses
• To provide elastic resistance to finger extension, thus enhancing
a strengthening program following stroke.

Functional Electrical Stimulation Orthosis (FESO)

• FES was introduced by Liberson and coworkers and was applied
to the peroneal nerve in the area of the fibular neck to produce
dorsiflexion and eversion during the swing phase of gait
128 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

• Orthosis use and functional ambulation is facilitated by addition

of electrical stimulation to specific muscles
• The pattern and sequence of muscle activation by portable
stimulators is controlled by an externally worn miniaturized
computer pack
• FES has been used in hemiparetic patients in an attempt to replace
the AFO
• Requires PROM. good functional endurance
• In limited use with individuals with paraplegia–drop foot and
• The system worked best for gait problems by foot drop.

• Biering SF, Ryde H, Bojscn MF, Lyquist E. Shock absorbing material
on the shoes of long leg braces for paraplegic walking. Prosthet orthot
Int., 1990;14:27-32.
• Braddom RL. Physcial Medicine and Rehabilitation, 3rd ed. Philadelphia,
WB. Saunders, 2007; p. 325-42.
• Cusick B, Sussman MD. Short Leg Casts; their role in the management
of Cerebral palsy. Physcial and Occupational Ther in pediatric, 1982;
• Fess EE. Hand and upper extremity Splinting: Principles and Methods,
Orthotics in Neurorehabilitation

3rd ed, St.Louis, Mosby, 2004; p. 37-41.

• Goldberg B, Hsu JD. Atlas of Orthosis and Assistive Devices, 3rd ed.
St.Louis, Mosby, 1997.
• Hebert JS, Liggins AB. Gait Evaluation of an automatic stance -control
Knee Orthosis in a patient with Postpoliomyelitis. Arch Phys Med
Rehabil; 2005;86(8):1676-80.
• Johnson RM, Hart DL, Simmons EF, et al. Cervical Orthosis: A study
comparing their effectiveness in restricting cervical motion in normal
subjects. J Bone Joint Surg (Am); 1997; p. 59-332.
• King S. The immediate and short term effects of a Wrist Extension
Orthosis on Upper - extremity kinematics and range of shoulder motion,
Am J Occup Ther 2003;57: p. 517-24, .
• Lehmann JF. Biomechanics of Ankle Foot Orthosis: prescription and
Design, Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 1979;60:200-7.
• Lusardi MM, Nielsen CC. Orthotics and Prosthetics in Rehabilitation.
Boston, Butterworth Heinemann, 2000.
• Lysell E. Motion in the Cervical Spine, thesis. Act Orthop Scand suppl,
Orthotics in Neurorehabilitation 129

• Nawoczenski D, Epler M. Orthotics in functional rehabilitation of the

Lower limb. Philadelphia; WB, Saunders Co, 1997.
• Maiman D, Millington P, Novak S, et al. The Effects of the Thermo-
plastic Minerva body jacket or Cervical Spine Motion. Neurosurgey,
• Mckee P, Morgan L. Orthotics in Rehabiliation: Splinting the hand and
body. Philadelphia, FA. Davis, 1998; p 1-17.
• Merati G, Sarchi P, Ferrarin M, et al. Paraplegic adaptation to assisted
walking: Energy expenditure during wheelchair versus orthosis use.
Spinal cord, 1979;38(1):37-44.
• Miller A, Temple T, Miller F. Impact of orthosis on the rate of scoliosis
progression in children in children with Cerebral palsy, J Pediatric
Orthop, 1996;16: 332-5.
• Morris C. A review of the efficacy of Lower limb Orthosis used for
Cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol, 2002;44:205-11.
• Pope PM. Postural management and special seating. In: Edwards S,
ed. Neurological Physiotherapy: A problem solving approach. 2nd
ed, London; Churchil Livingstone, 2002; p189-217.
• O' Sullivan S, Schmitz. Physical Rehabilitation Assessment and
treatment, 4th ed, Philadelphia, FA Davis CO, 2001.
• Orthotics and Prosthetics: physicians Pocket guide. New York,
Rehabilitation Designs of America, 1999.
• Stauffer ES, Hussey RW. Spinal Cord Injury: Requirements for
ambulation. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 1973;54:544-47.
• Sypert GW. External Spinal Orthotics, Neurosurgery, 1987;20(4):642-

Orthotics in Neurorehabilitation
• Tan T. Practical Manual of P Mand R. St. Louis, Mosby, 1998.
• Redford JB. Orthotics: Clinical Practice and Rehabilitation technology,
New york, Churchill Livingstone, 1995; p 103-19.
• Redford JS, Patel AT. Orthotic Devices in the management of Spinal
Disorders, Phys Med rehabil State Art Rev, 1995;9:709-24.
The human somatic cell is diploid with 46 chromosomes

(i.e. 23 pairs of chromosomes) of which 22 pairs are autosomes and
one pair of sex chromosome (XX in female and XY in male). The
germ cells or gametes are haploid cells (i.e. 23 chromosomes). During
fertilization the male and female gamete unite to form the zygote
The zygote formed undergoes mitosis repeatedly to form the
embryo which later develops into an organism. Thus, all somatic
cells in a multicellular organism are descendants of one original
cell, the fertilized egg or zygote. Mitosis produces two daughter cells
per cycle and their genetic content is identical to mother cell.
Gametogenesis (formation of gametes) occurs only in specialized
cells (germ line) of the reproductive organs (gonads). In human, the
testes are male gonads and the ovaries are female gonads. Gamete
cells are produced through the process of mitosis. Mitosis consists
of two specialized, consecutive cell divisions in which the
chromosome number of resulting cells is reduced from a diploid
(2n) to a haploid (n) number. The number of chromosomes must be
reduced by half during gametogenesis in order to maintain the
chromosome number and characteristic of the species after
132 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy


Measurement Tools in Neurological Physical Therapy


Domain Score

Eyes opening
Open spontaneously 4
Open verbal command 3
Open to pain 2
No response 1

Best Motor Response

Follows simple commands 6
To painful stimulus 5
Localization pain (Pulls examiner's hand away) 4
Flexion-withdrawal (Pulls limb away) 4
Flexion-abnormal (Decorticate) 3
Extension 2
No response 1

Best Verbal Response


Oriented and converses 5

Disoriented and converses 4
Inappropriate words 3
Incomprehensible sounds 2
No response 1

Total score 3 -15

Ref.: Teasdale G and Jannett. B (1974) – Assessment of Coma and impaired

consciousness. A practical scale, Lancet ii; 81-83.
Appendices 133



• A = Complete: No motor or sensory function is preserved in the
sacral segments S4-S5.
• B = Incomplete: Sensory but not motor function is preserved below
the neurological level and Includes the sacral segments
• C = Incomplete: Motor function is preserved below the neurological
level, and more than half of key muscles below the neurological
level have a muscle grade less than 3.
• D = Incomplete: Motor function is preserved below the neurological
level, and at least half of key muscles below the neurological
level have a muscle grade or 3 or more.
• E = Normal: Motor and sensory function is normal.

• Central cord
• Brown-Sequard
• Anterior cord
• Conus Medullaris
• Cauda Equina.

Ref.: Lin.V (2003) – Spinal Cord Injury Medicine: Principle and Practice,

New York.
134 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy



Score Description

0 No symptoms.
1 No significant disability despite symptoms; able to carry out all
duties and activities.
2 Slight disability; unable to carry out all previous activities but
able to look after own affairs without assistance.
3 Moderate severe disability requiring some help but able to walk
without assistance.
4 Moderate severe disability; unable to walk without assistance
and unable to attend to own bodily needs without assistance.
5 Severe disability; bedridden, incontinent, and requiring constant
nursing care and attention.

Ref.: Rankin J. (1957)–Cerebral Vascular accidents in patient over the age

of 60. Scott. Med. J; 2; 200-15.
Appendices 135




Level Response
I No response: Patient does not respond to external stimuli and
appears asleep.
II Generalized response: Patient reacts to external stimuli in non-
specific, inconsistent
– And non purposeful manner with stereotypic and limited
III Localized response: Patient response specifically and consis-
tently with delays to stimuli but may follow simple commands for
motor action.
IV Confused, inappropriate, agitated response: Patients exhibits
bizarre, non purposeful,
– Incoherent, or inappropriate behaviors; has no short-term
recall; attention is short and
– Nonselective.
V Confused, inappropriate, nonagitated response. Patient gives
random, fragmented, and non purposeful responses to complex
or unstructured stimuli. Simple commands are:
– Followed consistently, memory and selective attention are
impaired and new information
Is not retained.
VI. Confused, appropriate response: Patient gives context-
appropriate, Goal directed
– Responses, dependent on external input for direction. There

is carry over for relearned

– But not for new tasks, and recent memory problems persist.
VII. Automatic, appropriate response: Patient behaves appropriately
in familiar settings:
– Performs daily routines automatically, and shows carry over
for new learning at lower than normal rates. Patient initiates
social interactions, but judgments remains impaired.
VIII. Purposeful, appropriate response: Patient is oriented and
responds to the environment,
– But abstract reasoning abilities are decreased relative to
premorbid levels.

Ref.: Hagen C, Malkmus D, Durham P. (1979) – Levels of cognitive

functioning. In Rehabilitation of the Head Injured Athlete. Downey,
CA, Professional Staff Association of Rancho Los Amigos Hospital.
136 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy



Grade Description

0 Unable to stand (i.e. worse than next grade).

1 Able to stand with feet apart, but less than 30 second.
2 Stand with feet apart for 30 second, but not with feet together.
3 Stand with feet together, but less than 30 second.
4 Stand feet together, 30 second or more.

Ref.: Bohannon (1993) – Ordinal and timed balance Measurements;

reliability and validity in Parents with stroke, clinical Rehabilitation,
7; 9-13.

A Attension tests 5
Autonomic dysreflexia 89
Activities of daily livings (ADLs) 82 Bladder, bowel dysfunction 90
Spinal cord injury 86 Spinal cord injury- related. 86
ADLs 82, 106
Evaluation scales 45 B
Adductors innervations of 11
Airway clearances 46 Balance 81, 82
American spinal cord injury asso- Babinski sign 17
ciation (ASIA) 88, 133 Basilar artery 42
Scale Baclofen
Angiography 25, 43 As spasticity treatment 92
Cerebral for stroke evaluation 43 cerebral palsy 102
Acupuncture 113 Intrathecal pump 92
Ankle clonus 105 Barthel's Index 45
Contracture 104 Basilar artery 42
Deformity of ankle Beds, pressure ulcer prevention 62
foot orthosis 55, 98 Behavior disturbance 4
Anterior cord syndrome 87 Bell’s Palsy 30
Aphasia 5 Biceps reflex 15
Stroke related to 44 Biofeedback 35
Ashworth scales Bladder dysfunction 90
For spasticity management 91 Urinary incontinence 93
Asymmetric tonic neck reflex 18 Hyperreflexia 15
Parkinson's related 76
Spinal cord injury related 86
Cerebellar lesions 116
Blood flow 40
Friedreich's 120
Blood pressure
dysarthria 117
See also hypertension, hypo-
dysdiadochokinesia 116
tension 8
Dementia 79
Bobath approach 46, 108
hypotonia 12, 117
Bowel dysfunctions 90
Nystagmus 116 Brachialis muscle innervations 15
Tremor 77 Bradycardia 91
Athetoid 105 Brown-Sequard syndrome 87
Cerebral palsy related 103 Brunnstrom 51
138 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

C Dementia 79
stroke 40
Cane 56 Parkinson disease 76
Carotid artery 42 Depression 79
Cardiorespiratory Developmental delay 102
dysfunction 48 Diplegia 103
Casts, splints management 55 Diplopia 117
Cerebral arteries 42 Disability scale 78
Vascular supply and Dressing for pressure sores 60
distribution 41 Dynamometer 9
Dysdiadochokinesia 21
Cerebrovascular syndrome 42
Dysmetria 116
Cerebral hemispheres 40
Dysphagia 79
Cerebral palsy 102
Oropharyngeal 121
Extrapyramidal 105 Parkinson's disease 76
Pyramidal 103 Stroke 40
Cerebrovascular accidents see also Pneumonia risk factors 46
stroke 40
Chorea 14 E
cerebral palsy related 102
choreoathetoid movements 105 Electrical stimulation 35, 112
Coma scale 3, 132 Elecrtomyography 26, 67
Computed tomography (CT) 24 see Muscular dystrophy 64
Head for stroke 43 Feed back 54
Conductive Education 112 Bell's palsy 30
Stroke 40
Contractures 56, 60
Edema 41
Constraint- induced therapy 55
Electroencephalography 26
Conus medullaris syndrome 87, 91
Echocardiography 66
Coughing, spinal cord injury 92
Cranial nerves 5 pulmonary risk factors 46
Crutches 56

Emotional support 52
Cryotherapy Endurance 83
for spasticity management 120 Eye movements 6
Cueing. 81, 82 See optic nerve 5
oculomotor nerve. 6
Debridement, pressure sores 60
Decubitus ulcers 90 Facial nerve
Deep tendon reflexes 15 see cranial nerve VII 6
Deep vein thrombosis 89 Facial palsy
Deep breathing exercise 96 See for bell's palsy treatment 34
Deltoid muscle innervations 11 Family history 3
Index 139

Fascio-humeral-muscular hemorrhagic stroke 40

dystrophy 64 cerebral ischemia 41
Facial manipulation 36 hypertension 41
Finger to nose 21 Heterotopic ossification, see HO 89
Hippotherapy 113
Flaccidity 12
Hydrotherapy 70
Foot drop
Hyperextension device, Jewett 125
dorsiflexion Hyper tone
deformity 55 see spastic hypertonia 105
Foot orthosis 124 see muscle tone 11
Forearm orthosis 127 Hyperbaric oxygen therapy 113
Four poster brace 125 Hypertension 41
Functional electrical stimulation 127 See stroke 40
Functional independence measure
(FIM) 45 I
ICH (Intracerebral hemorrhage) 40
Imaging studies
Gait training Computed tomography
ataxic 117 (CT Scan) 24
Magnetic resonance
cerebellar 116
imaging (MRI) 25
hemiplegic 45
Myelography 25
scissoring 104 Plain radiography 24
waddling 65 Ultrasonography 44
GCS (Glasgow coma scale) 3 Ischemia
Glenohumeral joint 58 ischemic stroke 41
Glossopharyngeal nerve
See cranial nerve IX. 7 J

H Jaw reflex 6

Jewett hypertension device 125

Hand function 110 Joint position sense 19
Halo brace 125 Romberg's test 21
Heel-to-shin test 21 Joint range of motion 67
Hematological examination 42
Hemiplegia K
shoulder pain 57 Kabot technique 37
shoulder subluxation Kernig sign 8
upper limb 58 Kinesthetic sense 21
Hemorrhagic cerebrovascular Knee ankle foot orthosis (KAFO) 124
disorders 40 Knee orthosis 124
140 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

L Modified Ashworth scale 91

Muscle biopsy, 27, 67
Language/communication see muscular dystrophy
disorders 5 Muscle
Lofstrand forearm 127 see Duchenne muscular
Lower motor neurone dystrophy 68
lesion (LMNL) 30 Muscular dystrophy
see bell's palsy 31 see DMD 64
Lower limb orthosis 124 Becker's muscular dystrophy
AFO (Ankle foot orthosis) 70 (BMD) 64
Foot orthosis (FO) 124 Facial scapulohumeral
Ambulation aid 56 dystrophy (FSHD) 64
Cane 56 Emery Dreifuss muscular
Crutch Axillary, elbow dystrophy (EDMD) 64
Walker 96 Limb Girdle muscular dystrophy
RGO (Reciprocating gait (LGMD) 64
orthosis) 126 Myelography 25
KAFO (Knee-Ankle-foot Myometers 9
orthosis) 124
Lumbar Puncture 27 N

M National institute of health stroke

scale (NIHSS) 46
Magnetic resonance imaging NCS (Nerve conduction study) 26
see MRI, Neuroradiology Neurogenic bladder dysfunction 90
imaging 25 Neurovascular symptoms 42
Manipulation Neurogenic bowel 90
see Bell's palsy 36 Neuroradiology imaging 24
Manual muscle test (MMT) 9 Nystagmus 116
Memory 4 ataxia 116
Long term 5

Short term 4 O
Meningeal irritation, test for
ORLAU hip guidance orthosis
kernig's sign 8
(HGO) 125
MCA (Middle cerebral Artery) 42
Medical complications
use, in cerebral palsy 124
see spinal cord injury 89 stroke 40
Medical research scale (MRC) 9 spinal cord injury 86
Milwaukee brace 126 muscular dystrophy 64
Mini- mental examination 3 Occupational therapist, 121
MMT (Manual muscle testing) 9 cerebellar ataxia 116
Mobility transfer 96 Ocular examination 6
Wheel chair mobility 97 Oculomotor nerve III 6
Index 141

Olfactory nerve I 5 techniques) 37

Optic nerve II 5
Outpatient Rehabilitation 50 Q
cerebrovascular diseases 40
Oxygen 46 Quadriplegia
Quality of life 95
Pain 19
Palpation 13 Radial nerve 15
Patient education 34 Radiographs
Patient history 2 in spinal cord injuries 94
Patterning 112 Reflex 14
Paraplegia 96 Biceps 15
see spinal cord injury 86 Triceps 15
Patient positioning 49 knee jerk 15
use for stroke Ankle jerk 15
spinal cord injury 86 Superficial reflexes 17
Percussion 48 Abdominal 17
Parkinson's disease 76 ATNR 18
Platelet count 42 Plantar 17
Pneumatic compression STNT 18
devices 47 Reciprocating gait
Pneumonia, cerebral orthosis (RGO) 97
infarction 46 Relaxed Passive movements 96
Positron emission Respiratory problems
tomography 44 SCI (spinal cord injury) 92
Posture impairment 77 Resistance exercises 96
Pharmacological intervention Rigidity 77
92 ROM (Range of motion) exercise 82
Phenol injection 92 Rinne's test 7

Physical therapy 80 Romberg's test 21

Examination 3
coughing technique 47 S
breathing exercise 96
conductive education 112 SCI (Spinal cord injury) 86
deformity correction 55 Classification 88
Plantar reflex 17 Incidence 86
Posture 77 Medical complications 89
Pressure sores ASIA (American spinal cord
pressure points 59 injury Association) 88
Prevention 60 Respiratory 92
PNF (Proprioceptive skin changes 90
neuromuscular facilitation Pressure sores 90
142 Handbook of Neurological Physical Therapy

heterotopic ossification 89 T
spinal orthosis 97
rehabilitation for Task related training 51
assistive device 98 Tapping technique
Scoliosis 126 see shoulder subluxation
Sensation 19 in hemiplegia 58
TENS (transcutaneous electrical
Skin sensation 19
stimulation) 99
Sensory dermatomes 19
Temperature sensation 19
Sexual dysfunction 95
Treadmill walking with body
Shoulder pain support 54, 112
cerebrovascular accident 57 Trigeminal nerve
Spasticity (hypertonia) 13 see cranial nerve V 6
Speech Trochlear nerve
communication problems 5 see cranial nerve IV 6
Spinal orthosis Trunk instability 81
lumbosacral orthosis 126 Tetraplegia
TLSOs (thoracolumbosacral transfer training in spinal cord
orthoses) 126 injury 95
cervical orthosis 126 in stroke 52
four poster brace 125 Transient ischemic attack (TIA) 40
halo brace 125 Tremor 77
Jewett hyperextension Two point discrimination 20
device 125
Soft collar 126 U
SOMI brace 126 Ulcers
Thoracolumbosacral see pressure sores 59
orthosis 126 Unconscious patient 3
Splint UMN (upper motor neuron) 45
in cerebral palsy 102 Upper limb orthosis 126
in hemiplegia 55 Ultrasonography 60

in muscular dystrophy 70
in talipes equinovarus 104 V
Standing frame 98
Stretching 68 Vagus nerve
Stroke 44 see cranial nerve X 7
Vascular problems 42
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 40
Ventilation assistance support 72
Superficial thrombophlebitis 88
Vertebral artery 42
Swallowing disorder Vertebrobasilar distribution
see dysphagia 79 ischemia 41
Vestibulocochlear nerve VIII cranial
nerve 7
Index 143

Visual impairment 104 cerebellar ataxia 121

Visual feed back movements 120 hemiplegia 53
Visual acuity 5 Walking aids 98, 56
Vibration Walker 56
see chest physical therapy 48 Waddling gait 65
Weakness 79
W Weber's test 7
Weight cuffs 120
Walking training 81 Wheelchairs 71
see cerebral palsy 111
spinal cord injury 98 Y
parkinson's disease 81
Yahr scale 78
see Parkinson's disease 76


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