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Remediating Motor Control

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Remediating notor Control and
Performance Through Traditional
Therapeutic ilpproaches
Four programs of treatment for patients with motor
control problems caused by brain damage were devel
oped in the mid-1950s and early 1960s based on
neurophysiological and developmental research of the
time as well as careful observation of the responses
made by patients when being handled, positioned,
touched, or moved in various ways. These traditional
therapeutic approaches are
1. Rood Approach
2. Neurodevelopmental (Bobath) Treatment
3. Movement Therapy of Brunnstrom
4. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)
Approach of Kabat and Voss
This chapter consists of an introduction and four
subchapters, one for each of the four approaches.
Each approach is described as it is presented in the
literature. Primary sources of information have been
supplemented by the writings of others when necessary.
The approaches discussed in this chapter share
the idea of the importance of sensation to the control
of movement and the need for repetition for learning,
but they differ on other points. The differences have to
do with whether conscious attention should be directed
toward the movement itself (Brunnstrom and PNF) or
only toward the goal of the movement (Rood and Bo
bath), whether spinal and brainstem reflexes should
(Brunnstrom) or should not (Bobath) be used to elicit
movement when the patient cannot otherwise move,
and whether redevelopment of motor control should be
sought in an ontogenetic sequence (PNF and Rood) or
in a proximodistal sequence (Bobath and Brunnstrom).
None of the approaches addresses methods of devel
oping skilled movement. All emphasize the develop
ment of basic movement and postures, with the assump
tion that when movement is "normalized" then skilled
movement would occur automatically. These ap
proaches are aimed at reorganizing or permanently
changing the central nervous system.
More contemporary neurophysiological and move
ment science research and clinical observation have
called into question some of the assumptions of these
approaches (Horvak, 1991). For example, one assump
tion is that sensory InWI! commis motor outeut(periph- ?
erat motor control theoa). Information, gathered from
(reflex) research that Was conducted
on anesthetized, decorticalized animals provided the
support for this. This assumption was applied in neuro
rehabilitation by applying sensory stimulation to elicit
motor responses (Marteniuk et al.. 1987).
Another assumption is that control of movement
is hier . that the hi her motor centers control
mid-level ce ers that in turn nt
(central motor control This hierarchical model
was app ied in neurorehabilitation by assessing at
which level of control the patient moved. The hierarchi
cal model guided the developmental aspect of treatment
also. Therapists sought to "integrate" lower-level spinal
and brains tern reflexes by eliciting higher-level righting .
and equilibrium reactions. And they progressed their
patients through developmental "motor milestones. "
Modem technology has allowed the study of hrain
function in awake, functioning animals and people. It
has been seen that, given a goal, many areas of a
person's brain begins to be activated and that this
.ilctivation precedes movemevt and sensory feedback
from movement (ChoIIet et al., 1991). Muscles begin
contracting before movement starts. Different muscles
contract to different levels under various circumstances
to achieve the same goal (Trombly & Cole, 1979).
Kinematic analysis of normal babies found that their
434 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
~ J
24 Retnediating Motor Control and Performance 435
movements represent elegant attempts to solve the
motor problem of accessing a particular goal (von Hof
sten, 1984). Their movement shows no evidence of
obligatory motor responses. Reflexes detected by Sher
rington and other early neurophysiologists in decortica
lized specimens may simply reflect the basic wiring of
the brainstem and spinal cord that can be employed in
myriad ways to accomplish the goal. It is the goal of
movement and the biomechanical constraints on the
person and his or her environment at the moment that
appears to organize the sensorimotor responses. This
organization is not hierarchical but heterarchical, i.e.,
distributed around the various parts of the brain, each
responsible for .its little piece of the whole action
(Chollet et aI., 1991).
The other major belief of the traditional ap
proaches is that peo le who have ex erienced no I
UU)yemept but who ave "regresse " because of brain
damage should "recapitulate ontogeny," i. e., start to
redevelo control at the earliest motor milestone ~ f
.,!,lormal infant development that they are now una e to
_ accomplish. However, patients with motor dysfunction
do not regress to baby like movement. Patients do not
move in the nice fluid movements that babies do when
they are trying to obtain their goal. Stroke patients,
on the contrary, have described attempts to move as
"extraordinarily effortful" and as "heavy" (Brodal,
1973), and their movements demonstrate' stereotyped
qualities-a loss of the many sources of control at
higher levels that gives lightness and fractionation to
normal movement. Furthermore, newer developmental
research has discovered that the universality of the
motor milestones does not even exist in normal babies.
Rather, development is much more flexible and individ
ual (Touwen, 1978). Some children learn to walk very
well without first learning to creep. This implies, e.g.,
that creeping is not a prerequisite to walking (Van
Sant, 1991). Finally, some of the developmental motor
tasks are not only socially inappropriate for adults but
probably also neurologically inappropriate for (hem,
because they had already attained mature movement
skills before brain trauma .
On the other hand, modern motor developmental
research has demonstrated newer explanations for 50
436 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
called developmental phenomena. For example, Thelen
and Fisher (1982) discovered an alternate, biomechani
cal explanation for the "U-shaped phenomenon" of
motor development in which the automatic, reflexive
movements of newborns (e.g., the stepping reflex) was
believed to go through a period of decline and absence
before the onset of the "mature" movements of the
older child (e.g., walking) as was proposed by McGraw
(1945). The decrease seems to be the result of the
added weight of the child who has inadequate strength,
and if the weight is supported, stepping is evident.
Thelen and Whitley-Cooke (1987) have shown that
practice of primitive stepping in infants results in
earlier independent locomotion. This finding might ac
tually support Brunnstrom's idea of starting stroke pa
tients' motor relearning by using the primitive stereo
typed movements they exhibit. The developmental
concept should not be totally disregarded. Van Sant
(1991) pointed out t ~ e usefulness of intratask develop
mental sequences as opposed to the intertask develop
mental tasks represented by the motor milestones. An
example of intratask developmental sequences are
those associated with development of eye-hand coordi
nation or grasp and release.
These newer observations and theories, in effect,
invalidate specific procedures used in the traditional
approaches presented in this chapter, especially be
cause there are few to no outcome studies supporting
the clinical effectiveness of these approaches. There
are aspects of these traditional approaches that have
been supported and some that have not been improved
on, and so we may want to hold on to these aspects. All
approaches included procedures to enable the patient to
learn to move voluntarily. While newer motor learning
research has specified the parameters for teaching and
learning in greater detail, that research has not yet
been extended to patients with central nervous system
dysfunction. The skilled therapists who developed
these approaches presented solutions to a problem
that current human movement scientists have not yet
encountered: how to teach voluntary, "willed" move
ment 0 people who can move only in involuntary,
stereotypical patterns. The methods these therilpists
used to teach patients to gain volitional control
over their movements need to be reexamined and
Still another aspect of these approaches needs
to be preserved: the attention paid to subtle patient
responses that indicated his inability to cope with
overwhelming stress. When the challenge exceeds the
patient's ability to cope, these approaches advocate
reducing the task or environmental demands. ''The
therapist controls the environment, allowing the patient
to be a successful problem solver, thereby maintaining
or enhancing his molor control and dignity" (Minor,
1991, p. 139).
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 437
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Rood was both an occupational therapist and a
physical therapist. One of her major contri.butions was
the example she set for using research. She kept abreast
of research developments of the time. She attempted
to bridge between what she learned from basic neuro
physiological research and the treatment of brain
injured patients. She invented ways to apply the inde
pendent variables that were used in animal studies to
people, with the expectation that the results would be
the same. She persisted in developing a wonderfully
integrated treatment approach.
Rood's treatment was originally designed for cere
bIgI L'alsx, but she believed it was applicable to any
patient with motor control problems (Rood, 1976). As
noted in the introduction to this chapter, the peripheral
motor control theory has been supplanted. Because
some of Rood's assumptions were based on this theory
and because no clinician has reported the effectiveness
of treatment based on those assumptions, some of
Rood's approach is considered invalid. Nonetheless,:"
as anyone who watched her treat patients could attest,
she got results. However, those results may have been
the result of her responsiveness to patients and her
ability to present them with what is now called the
"just right challenge" rather than the physiological
stimuli and handling she was applying. Without clinical
research, it is impossible to know the reasons for
Rood's success.
Rood's approach includes three components: (1)
controlled sensory stimulation, (2) the use of develop
mental sequences, and (3) the use of activity to demand
a purposeful response. All were part of each treatment
Catherine A. Trombly
(Ayres, 1974; Curran, 1960). Rood shared her ideas
with others through clinical and classroom teaching but
published very little. Some of the ideas reported here
are based on interpretations of her method by therapists
who studied and trained with her.
Rood's basic premise was that
motor patterns are developed from fundamental reflex
patterns present at birth which are utilized and gradually
modified through sensory stimuli until the highest control
is gained on the conscious cortical level. It seemed to me
then, that if it were possible to apply the proper sensory
stimuli to the appropriate sensory receptor as it is utilized
in normal sequential development, it might be possible
to elicit motor responses reflexly and by following neuro
physiological principles, establish proper motor engrams
(Rood, 1954, p. 444).
t e use of certain a ro riatel i d senso stim
uli. orrect sensory input is necessary for the eve lop
~ n t of correct motor responses. Controlled sensory
inpnt is used to evoke muscular responses reflexively,
the earliest developmental step in gaining motor control
(Rood 1954, 1962).
~ Sensorimotor control is developmentally based,
and therefore, therapy must start at the patient's current
level of development and progress sequentially to
higher levels of control (Rood, 1962; Minor, 1991).
Rood identified several developmental sequences,
which are illustrated in Table 24A.1.
3. Movement is purposeful (Ayres, 1963, 1974;
Rood, 1962). Rood used purposeful activity to demand
a response from the patient to elicit subcortically (un
consciously) the desired movement pattern. The re
sponses of agonists, antagonists, and synergists were
believed to be reflexively (automatically) programmed
according to a purpose or plan. The cortex does not
direct each muscle individually. When the cortex com
mands "pick up the glass," for example, all the subcor
tical centers involved in picking up the glass cause
facilitation or inhibition of required muscles to allow
the accomplishment of the goal in a coordinated man
ner. The patient's attention is drawn to the goal, or
Table 24A.l. Integration of Ontogenetic Motor Patterns with Levels of Motor Control a
Level I: Mobility level 11: Stability level Ill: Mobility on Stability level IV: Skill
Skeletal Vital Skeletal Vital Skeletal Vital Skeletal Vital
1. Supine with 1. Inspiration 4. Pivot prone (held) 5. Phonation
6. Neck cocontrac 4. Swallow 9. Prone on elbows 5. Phonation
drawal 2. Expiration 5. Neck cocontraclion 3. tion (orient head fluids is doing 8. Speech
2. Roll over 7. Prone-on-elbows in space) 6. Chewing move
3. Pivot prone 10. Quadruped 8. Prone on el 7. Swallow ment and one
the 13. Standing bows, (shift from solids arm is free for
side to side, skilled USei belly
push backward crawling)
and pull for 12. Quadruped
ward, unilateral (one arm free
weight bearing) for skilled use)
11. Quadruped creeping, trunk
(rocking, shift rotation and re
ing, unilateral ciprocal move
weight bearing) ment, crossed di
14. Standing (weight agonal}
shift, unilateral 15. Standing and
weight bearing) walking
"The steps ore numbered sequentialty, but they blend together, i.e., one step is not completely mastered before the next begins at the most basic level.
b Although out of sequence, phonation is facilitated in the pivot prone position.
) )
M I!!!jm'l!,rt . .. "M&ti!f") '& '-9olIIII't:b hint hdC ' ew"_ ""*' _ """.... m"-_""'.____"""._,__.. .. .
purpose, not the movement per se. The sensation that
occurs as a result of the movements involved in the
activity helps the patient learn the movements.
4. Repetition (practice) of sensorimotor re
sponses is necessary for motor learning (Ayres, 1974;
Rood, 1956). Activities are used not only to elicit
purposeful responses but also to motivate repetition.
Rood evaluated the patient to determine what the
distribution of muscle tone was and to determine what
level of motor control, according to her developmental
sequences, the patient had achieved. Evaluation and
treatment planning involve the following points.
1. Identi' he atient's developmental
leveUn Table 24A.l the steps are num ere sequen
tially for the skeletal and vital function sequences and
the motor control sequence, indicating the order used
for evaluation and treatment planning. The point at
which the patient is easily able to do the task represents
his highest level of development. Treatment starts
at the point at which the patient has to struggle a
2. The plan includes what ths,.activity should be
and how the patient should be pregreSf;d to the
level of the sequence. a variation of the saws;"'
activity or a different one. Treatment is planned so that
as the patient is perlecting a lower-level skill, he begins
to learn the next (higher-level) skill. The therapist's
determination of whether it would be necessary to assist
the patient into the desired pattern or if a purposeful
Figure 24A.l. An electrical vibrator being applied to the trio
ceps of a patient in the quadruped posture to facilitate elbow ex
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 439
actIvIty that demanded the movement and/or posture
could be used to obtain the desired outcome on a
subconscious basis is part of the plan. Even if placed,
the patient is immediately presented with an activity
that demands the desired sustained posture or re
peated movement.
3. Identification of which of the patient's
need to be facilitated to effect the pattern desired.
"Because facilitation involves use of particular stimuh
to obtain the desired response (tonic or phasic), the
plan includes identification of these stimuli and the
order of their application. If the patient is spastic,
the therapist would have to plan to use inhibition
techniques to normalize the tone first.
Controlled Sensory Input
Rood invented tools and methods to administer
sensory input, based on the studies of the effects of
stimuli on animals and her own clinical practice. She
used cutaneous (tactile), thermal, olfactory, gustatory,
auditory, visual, and proprioceptive (stretch, resis
tance) stimuli to facilitate or inhibit motor responses.
The mechanisms of how these stimuli worked were
explained according to the peripheral motor control
theory of the 1940s and 1950s. Because that theory
has been supplanted by newer knowledge, and because
there is little research concerning the effects of any of
these stimuli on normal subjects or patients, they will
not be described in detail here.
The facilitation technique of fast brushing has
been researched. Fast brushing is described as brush
ing the hairs or the skin over a muscle with a soft
camel hair paintbrush that has been substituted for the
stirrer of a hand-held battery-powered cocktail mixer
to produce a high-frequency, high-intensity stimulus
(Hams, 1969; Huss, n.d.; Rood, 1962; Stockmeyer,
1967). Rood hypothesized that the effect of fast brush
ing is nonspecific (i.e., not confined to one muscle),
has a latency of 30 sec, and does not reach its maximum
potency until 30 to 40 min after stimulation, because
of processing by the relicular activating system. In
controlled studies of normal and poststroke individuals,
however, it was demonstrated that although fast brush
ing produced a significant immediate facilitatory effect,
the postapplication effect lasted only 30 to 45 sec
(Mason, 1985; Matyas & Spicer, 1980; Spicer & Ma
tyas, 1980) and was not functionally significant. More
over, the facilitatory effect was seen only in the lower
extremity, not in the upper extremity, of normal sub
Rider (1971) also examined fast brushing, among
other stimuli. She foum\ a statistically signifIcant (P
440 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
= .01) increase in the strength of both triceps of eight
children with bilateral upper extremity flexor spasticity
compared with eight children who had normal upper
extremities, following a 2-week period of treatment
consisting of brushing, stroking, rubbing, icing, and
squeezing of the triceps of one limb. She reported a
significant mean decrease in strength of both elbow
extensors of those children, from both groups, who had
been facilitated on the nonpreferred arm following a
2-week period of no facilitation.
Stretch, in the form of muscle or tendon tapping,
is used successfully in the clinic to evoke a stronger
response in a muscle that is contracting without added
stretch (see Fig. 24C.4). delivered by an
electric personal vibrator (Fig. 24A.l), is a form of
stretch. Its effects are apparent even in classroom
demonstrations using normal students. It evokes a tonic
holding contraction and adds to the strength of contrac
tion of an already weakly contracting muscle. Stretch
to the intrinsic muscles of the hand or foot, another
facilitation technique, is used to facilitate cocontrac
tion of the proximal stabilizer muscles (Ayres, 1974;
Stockmeyer, 1967). This technique requires the patient
to grasp a handle forcefully. It is hypothesized that the
best response is gained from use of a cone-shaped
handle (with the widest part of the cone at the ulnar
border of the hand) or a spherical handle, both of
which increase intermetacarpal stretch. If activities
that use such handles can be combined with weight
bearing positions, the proximal stabilizers are believed
to be further facilitated through the demand placed on
them for cocontraction. For example, to develop shoul
der cocontraction, a patient can lean on his elbow in
a modified prone-on-elbows position while using an
electric drill to drill holes in a vertically placed project.
Zimny (1979) studied whether scapulohumeral muscles
of normal adults showed increased cocontraction in the
prone-on-elbows position in combination with resisted
grasp. The electromyographic results revealed only a
low level of response from these muscles under this
condition. It has not yet been tested on patients.
Clinical observation suggests resisted grasp is an effec
tive technique to obtain scapulohumeral contraction in
some cases.
Prolonged manual stretch is used to inhibit spas
tic muscles so that the patient may move more easily
(Carey, 1990). The limb is held so that the muscles
are steadily kept at their greatest length for 1 or 2 min
until a "letting go" is felt as the muscles adjust to the
longer length. It may be that this procedure rebiases
the spindles to a longer length and makes them less
sensitive to stretch during movement. It certainly also
mechanically lengthens the muscles, changing their
viscoelastic configuration.
Developmental Sequences of Motor Control
and Use of Purposeful Activities
Rood identified several sequences that she used
interrelatedly but that will be presented separately here
for clarity. One sequence was already mentioned in the
list of the principles of the Rood method. To reiterate,
a muscular response is first evoked reflexively using cD
sensory stimulation, then responses so obtained are
used in developmental patterns, and then the patient
uses the response purposefully to gain control over it.
A second sequence that Rood identified was use
of muscles in particular patterns according to their
classification (Goff, 1972; Rood, 1962). Muscles were
classified as light-work or heavy-work muscles based
on their anatomical design. Light-work muscles lie
superficially, laterally, or distally and have a tendinous
origin and insertion. They are multiarthrodial, they are
under more voluntary control, and they do phasic work.
Rood identified the light-work,. or mobilizing, muscles
as primarily the flexors and adductors, but multi
arthrodial finger and wrist extensors also are included
in this category. These muscles are termed physiologi
cal flexors even though their action is extension of the
finger, thumb, or wrist joints. Heavy-work muscles are
deep, lie close to the joint, and are uniarthrodial. In
the body, they are located proximally and medially.
Heavy-work muscles are tonic stability muscles capable
of prolonged, sustained contraction. These are primar
ily the trunk musculature and proximal limb extensors
and abductors but also include such muscles as the
interossei of the hands and feet. Rood believed that if
the normal first response of a muscle was a stabilizing
contraction, it should first be facilitated to contract in
this manner and not in a mobilizing pattern. However,
there is no convenient listing of what the original
ontogenetic function of each muscle was to guide this
aspect of treatment. Therapists are guided by Rood's
definitions of heavy-work and light-work muscles in
planning treatment.
Another sequence reflects the development of 0
muscle responses. In this sequence, flexion precedes
extension, adduction precedes abduction, ulnar pat
terns develop before radial ones, and rotation develops
last (Huss, n.d.).
Another sequence that Rood identified has to do ,{h
with development of motor controL There are four '(!)
L Movement first appears reciproc!!
ortening and len ning contract' s ormuscles that
ause move me t at su serves a protectIve unction.
Musc es contract to cause movemen roug u range, :
which, according to Sherringtonian physiology, pro-
duces reciprocal inhibition of the antagonists (Ayres,
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 441
1974; Rood, 1962). Stockmeyer (1967) termed this the
mobility The movement of an infant waving his
or her extremities back and forth when shown a desired
object movement.
2. onic holding contractions are next to develop
and are t e basis for maintaining proximal posture to
allow exploration of the environment and development
of skill by the distal segments of the head and limbs.
Stability is obtained through cocontraction, i.e., theft
muscles around the joint contract simultaneously' J .lA.
(Ayres, 1974; Stockmeyer, 1967). Development of....-! ':.j
proximal stability should precede work on developing ,,\t
skilled movement (Rood, 1956). However, this assump
tion appears not to be true. Research has shown that ti
the proximal and distal motor systems are controlled
separately (Freund & Hummelsheim, 1984; Lawrence
& Kuyphers, 1965) and, while correlated, follow a
separate developmental sequence (Case-Smith, Fisher,
& Bauer, 1989; Wilson & Trombly, 1984).
3. Proximal muscles contract to do
su erim osed 0 (Ayres, 1974;
ood, 1962). "Mobility superimposed on stability" is
Stockmeyer's (1967) way of designating this level of
motor control in which the distal segment is fixed and
the proximal segment moves. This phase is used to
develop controlled mobility of the proximal joints. An
example of this kind of motion occurs when an infant
learns to assume the quadruped position but has not
yet learned to move in that position: He or she rocks
back and forth with the knees and hands planted firmly
on fl
4. Skill 's the highest level. At this level of motor
control, e proximal segment is stabilized and the
distal segment moves (Ayres, 1974; Rood, 1962). Ex
amples of this level include walking, crawling, and
reaching as well as activities that require coordinated
use of the hands.
These four levels of motor control are developed
as the patient is paced through the skeletal functions
sequence (c,wlOecqctk motor patterns) that are pic
tured in Figure 24A.2 (Rood, 1962; Stockmeyer,
1967). The eight functional patterns will be described,
then the interrelationship between these patterns and
the levels of motor control may be studied, using
Table 24A.1. .
1. Flexor withdrawal supine (Minor, 1991), also
called supine flexion, is a position of total flexion
toward the vertebral level ofTlO' The upper extremities
cross the chest, and the dorsum of the extended hands
touch the face. The lower extremities flex and abduct.
This posture demands heavy work of the trunk and
proximal parts of the extremities but allows light work
Figure 24A.2. Skeletol functions sequence occording to
Rood. 1. Flexor withdrowol supine. 2. Roll over. 3. Pivot prone.
4. Neck cocontroction. 5. Prone on elbows. 6. Quadruped. 7.
Standing. 8. Wolking.
of the distal parts of the limbs. It is used to obtain
flexor/adductor responses when the patient has no
movement or is dominated by extensor responses. It is .
also used to develop trunk and proximal limb stability
or to develop reciprocal phasic movement through nor
mal range. It is thought to integrate the tonic labyrin
thine reflex (TLR) by requiring the voluntary contrac
tion of the flexors in spite of reflex facilitation of
the extensors.
To elicit the flexor withdrawal supine motor pat
tern, Rood used the following method. First, the low
back and the dermatomes of C
_ were fast brushed.
Second, small wedge pillows were placed under the
head and the pelvis to stretch the short extensors of
the back and to put the neck flexors and abdominals
in a shortened position. The shortened position allowed
the spindles to rebias. Rebiasing the spindles to a short
position was believed to make them more sensitive to
stretch, and therefore, the muscles were more apt to
contract if the patient reverted to a trunk extended
position as a result of the influences of the TLR.
Finally, after the heavy-work response of the trunk was
obtained, a light-work response of the limbs would he
elicited by stroking (tactile) or icing (thermal) the
sole or palm and immediately demanding a light-work
442 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
flexion/adduction pattern of the limbs through an activ
ity. The force of the activity is directed toward flexionl
adduction, even though reciprocal movement in the
opposite direction would be involved. Some examples
are tetherball, squeezing a toy accordion, using a
cylindrical balloon blower, playing table tennis (fore
hand shot), and stirring batter in a counterclockwise
direction using the right arm or in reverse direction
using the left.
According to Rood, this motor pattern also helped
develop bowel and bladder function, eye convergence,
and respiratory patterns.
If the TLR extensor response in supine was too
strong to permit flexor movement, Rood recommended
starting treatment with the patient in a side-lying po
2. Roll over is a movement in which the arm and
leg on the same side flex as the trunk rotates. This
pattern is used for patients who are dominated by the
primitive tonic reflexes or need mobilization of the
extremities or activation of lateral trunk musculature.
Attempts at rolling over integrate the asymmetrical
tonic neck reflex (ATNR), because the top-most
limbs--in this case the skull side limbs-flex and
adduct proximally and tend to extend at the elbow and
knee, which is opposite to the typical ATNR skull-side
response. Activity examples are rolling over to reach
an attractive or needed object and turning to look
at something enticing. To elicit the response on a
subconscious level, move the object the person is
looking at around to the side, thereby causing the
patient's head to turn to maintain visual contact; the
body will automatically follow the head, if the righting
reactions are developing.
3. Pivot prone, also called prone extension, is a
position in which the patient lies prone and extends
upper trunk and head; abducts, extends, and externally
rotates his shoulders; and extends his hips and knees
off the sudace so that he rests on the pivot point at
approximately the level ofT
(Figs. 24A.2 and 24A.3).
Assumption of the position is a phasic, reciprocal
movement. Holding the position involves a shortened,
held, resisted contraction (SHRC) of the extensor/ab
ductor muscles. An SHRC used in combination with
the pivot prone position is thought to be a important
preparation for weight-bearing postures. Gravity exerts
a constant resistive force against holding the position,
which causes the central nervous system (CNS) to
reprogram more and more motor units. It is reasoned
that immediately following an SHRC in prone exten
sion, the spindles of the extensor/abductor muscles are
biased short and are, therefore, responsive to small
increments of stretch. If the patient moves into a prone
on-elbows or quadruped position, the shoulder and hip
extensor/abductor muscles are stretched relative to
Figure 24A.3. Scooter boord being used on on incline and
eliciting the pivot prone position automatically_
their new shortened range and are facilitated to con
tract. When this position can be maintained, it indi
cates that the symmetrical tonic neck reflex (STNR)
and TLR are integrated and the labyrinthine righting
reactions are developing.
The procedures to achieve the whole pattern will
be described, although for an adult who has trunk
control this is modified to a partial pattern. The patient
is placed prone on a firm, padded sudace large enough
to support the trunk only, e.g., on a low stool, bolster,
or scooter board (Fig. 24A.3). The area over the
deep back extensors is fast-brushed, taking care to
avoid the L
and S2_3 areas (believed to cause bladder
voiding or retention respectively). The skin over the
posterior deltoids, latissimus dorsi, trapezii, proximal
hamstrings, and glutei is also fast brushed. Simultane
ously with the activity that demands the pivot prone
posture, vibration is applied to the deep hack and
neck extensors and other extensor muscles involved in
the pattern, starting at the midline. The pivot prone
position is held for gradually increasing periods of time
up to at least 1 to 2 min. Activities are presented to
demand and resist the response. Activity suggestions
are doing leather lacing or macrame, using a sling
shot, stirring batter in a clockwise direction with the
right arm or in the opposite direction with the left
(unilateral pattern), riding prone on a scooter board
(Fig. 24A.3), playing with a "button-on-string" toy,
rowing; and tearing apart strips of cloth for rag rugs
(bilateral pattern)_ Note that the force of the activity is
in the direction of extension and abduction, although
other movements are also involved in the activity.
4. Neck cocontraction is the pattern used to'de
velop head control and is first activated in the prone
position_ In the prone position, the labyrinth righting
reaction stimulates alignmenl of the head so that the
eyes are parallel and the nose is perpendicular to the
surface. Before putting the patient in a prone position,
it is necessary to activate the flexors if they are not
already active. Rood believed that the short neck flex
ors could be activated by fast brushing the dermatomal
distribution of C2. Next, the long neck flexors, the
sternocleidomastoids, are stimulated. The patient is
then placed prone and given an activity that prompts
him to raise his head against gravity. Sucking a re
sistive liquid through a straw or playing games in which
a small object is picked up by sucking it onto the end
of the straw are also activities that result in reflexive
cocontraction of the neck muscles. As the patient
attempts to maintain neck extension, the upper trape
zius is facilitated to maintain the extension by fast
brushing and repetitive muscle tapping. When the
contraction lets go, the head bobs into flexion and
the neck and trunk extensors are stretched, thereby
facilitated to contract. Neck extension is again sought.
5. Prone on elbows is a pattern of vertical trunk
extension, which is thought to inhibit the STNR. When
the shoulders are brought into forward flexion from a
pivot prone posture, so that the patient can bear weight
on his elbows, the extensor/abductor muscles of the
proximal upper extremity are stretched and facilitated
to coconttact with the flexors and adductors in the
prone-on-elbows position. A normal infant can be ob
served assuming the pivot prone position just before
going into a prone-on-elbows position, as if to "prime"
his or her system.
A procedure to achieve the prone-on-elbows pat
tern is as follows. The back and neck extensors are
fast brushed, as are the glenohumeral extensors and
abductors. The patient is asked to assume the pivot
prone position or given an activity that demands the
pivot prone position. Resistance, for greater facilita
tion in the pivot prone position, may be added manu
ally by pushing the thighs and upper trunk toward the
supporting surface. Then the patient is placed in or
given an activity to do that demands the prone-on
elbows position. One suggestion is for the person to lie
on the floor to watch television; the television set is
placed so that neck and upper trunk extension are
required for him to look at it. Vibration can be applied
to the extensor/abductor muscles of the glenohumeral
joint as needed to gain cocontraction. An activity that
demands resisted grasp can be introduced to obtain
reinforcement of shoulder cocontraction. Other activi
ties include playing board games or doing crafts while
prone lying. These activities begin to combine the
static bilateral position with unilateral positioning and
reaching. Unilateral weight bearing is more advanced
~ \
than bilateral weight bearing. The activities could pro
gress to involve some crawling, which is a higher-level
response (see Table 24A.1).
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 443
Treatment of adults is more likely to involve a
modified prone-on-elbows position (Stockmeyer, 1967),
in which the seated patient leans with his elbow on the
table or lap tray. Activities are easy to devise for this
modified posture and usually involve use of the less
affected limb for the skilled aspect of the activity while
the more-affected limb holds down the object being
worked on.
6. The all-fours pattern, also called quadruped,
occurs after the neck, upper extremities, and upper
trunk have developed stability. This position helps the
trunk and lower extremities develop cocontraction. At
first, the quadruped position is static; later the person
is able to shift weight backward and forward, from side
to side, and diagonally and then is able to lift one or
two of the points of support, i.e., one arm and one leg.
Finally, these activities develop into crawling.
A suggested procedure to develop the all-fours
pattern is as follows. The back and neck extensors are
fast brushed as are the glenohumeral and hip extensors
and abductors and the elbow extensors. The patient
assumes and holds the pivot prone position while resis
tance is added. Then the patient is placed into or given
an activity to do that demands the all-fours position or
a modified version of it. Activity examples include
holding a sling shot prepared to shoot (unilateral pattern
while upright) (Stockmeyer, 1967), weaving on a large
loom adapted to resist elbow extension (while upright),
holding wood in place while sawing it with the other
hand, painting a large mural on the floor, and playing
with a toy truck. While the activity is ongoing, muscle
tendon tapping and/or vibration are applied to the
muscles listed above as needed to maintain the posture.
7. Standing is first done as a static bilateral
posture, then progresses to shifting weight and to a
unilateral posture. Activity suggestions include doing
craft activities, playing board or card games, making
puzzles while standing at a high table, writing on a
wall blackboard, and painting on an easel. Throwing
and catching balls, balloons, and bean bags help de
velop balance while standing.
8. Walking is the skill level of standing. It con
sists of stance, push off, pick up (swing through), and
heel strike. Ambulation training is the responsibility
of the physical therapist.
The vital functions sequence is related to the
skeletal functions sequence (Table 24A.1) (Huss,
1971; Minor, 1991). Both sequences are handled con
currently in treatment, if appropriate. The vital func
tions developmental sequence leads to speech. There
fore, the occupational therapist, who facilitates this
sequence with the goal of treating dysphagia, collabo
444 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
rates with the speech-language pathologist (SLP) to
achieve mutual goals. The sequence is as follows.
1. Inspiration, which is effected reflexively at
2. Expiration, which depends on the depth of
inspiration. The depth of inspiration depends on pat
terns of head and trunk stability set in the flexor
withdrawal supine pattern: cocontraction of the deep
neck flexors and extensors and cocontraction of the low
back musculature with the rectus abdominus (Rood,
1962). The depth of inspiration can be increased by
applying ice to the border of the ribs, which stimulates
diaphragmatic contraction (Rood, 1976). Crying,
sneezing, and coughing are all expiration-type phenom
ena that occur naturally or can be elicited reflexively
(sneezing). Asking an adult patient to increase volun
tarily the force of coughing is also used to improve
expiratory function.
3. Sucking. According to Rood (1962), resisted
sucking facilitates neck cocontraction, which in turn
facilitates sucking. If pressure is applied to the tip of
the tongue, then sucking will ensue after five to seven
repetitions of applications of the pressure (Rood, 1976).
4. Swallowing liquids. Rood (1956) suggested
that swallowing can be facilitated by cutaneous stimula
tion of the mucous membranes of the palate, tongue,
and uvula using a long, cotton-tipped applicator stick.
Rood believed that the orbicularis oris was the key to
swallowing because she thought that it activated, by
direct stretch, the buccinators and superior constrictor
of the pharynx (Rood, 1962); therefore, in therapy the
orbicularis oris muscle is facilitated by tapping and
brushing. Care is taken that.-the chin is not brushed or
stroked because this will cause the patient to be unable
to keep his mouth closed to swallow, resulting in
drooling. A swipe with an ice cube applied from the
sternal notch to the Adam's apple will cause a person
to swallow reflexively.
5. Phonation, defined as babbling, is controlled
expiration as opposed to the reflexive expiration of
sneezing, coughing, and crying.
6. Chewing and swallowing solids.
7. Speech, defined as production of recognizable
To illustrate treatment planning using Rood's se
quences, this example may be helpful. The evaluation
of a hypothetical poststroke patient indicated that he
had some voluntary elbow flexion but his shoulder
began to abduct. simultaneously when he flexed his
elbow. He was able to grasp, but unable to release
objects. He was able to roll over in bed and rotate his
trunk while sitting. In sorting these data out, the
therapist noted that the elbow flexors, considered light
work muscles, were contracting in that capacity but
the shoulder abductors, heavy-work muscles, should
have been contracting in a tonic pattern first, not in
the phasic pattern that they were. She reasoned that if
they were active in a stabilizing pattern, they would be
prevented from reflexively contracting phasically during
elbow flexion. Knowing the developmental sequence,
the therapist knew that because flexion developed at
the elbow, extension would be the next movement to
be sought at that joint. The therapist also knew that
prone extension would be the next pattern in the func
tional sequence to work for, because roll over is already
within the patient's repertoire. Therefore, treatment
of this patient would begin with controlled sensory
stimulation of the extensors/abductors of the shoulder
and scapula and with an activity to demand a static
pivot prone response at least unilaterally of the affected
side. It would proceed to a prone-on-elbows or quadru
ped position to develop elbow extension as the patient
was able to progress.
Huss (n.d.; 1971) suggested some treatment plan
ning guidelines:
1. Hypotonia ("floppy baby syndrome," upper
motor neuron ftaccidity) is treated by overall general
stimulation, especially swinging, rolling, spinning in
all planes for labyrinth stimulation, and specific extero
ceptive and proprioceptive stimulation for specific mus
cle stimulation. Activities are used to elicit specific
motor patterns in sequence.
2. Hypertonia (spasticity, which may be seen,
e.g., in spastic cerebral palsy, cerebrovascular acci
dent, and multiple sclerosis patients) is treated using
nentral warmth for relaxation. Exteroceptive and pro
prioceptive stimulation of the antagonists of the spastic
muscles are done. Activity is used in developmental
sequence to reinforce normal movement.
3. Hypertonia (rigidity such as seen in Parkin
son's disease) is treated using neutral warmth for
relaxation. Reciprocal movement patterns are stimu
lated and reinforced using activity.
4. Hyperkinesis (uncontrolled movement such as
seen in athetosis, chorea, and ataxia) is treated by
slow stroking for relaxation. Maintained holding pat
terns are stimulated at first and then mobility on stabil
ity patterns that involve keeping the distal segment
stabilized while the proximal segment moves are used.
When control of mid range movement is developed in
the proximal joints throughout the functional sequence,
the patient is progressed to skill level.
There are no studies of the effectiveness of the
entire approach. Parts of it have been researched. As
cited above, Mason (1985), Matyas and Spicer (1980),
Spice and Matyas (1980), and Rider (1971) tested
fast brushing and determined it was facilitating as
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 445
/\ predicted, but that it did not have the lasting effects
expected by Rood. Carey (1980) verified that prolonged
manual stretching results in inhibition of spastic mus
cles. VanSant (1988, 1991b) observed that the develop
mental motor sequence was not followed invariably by
developing children nor adhered to by adults when
rising from supine, as expected.
446 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
K. Bo.bath and B. Bo.bath, British neuro.lo.gist and
physiotherapist, respectively, develo.ped metho.ds fo.r
the evaluation and treatment of cerebral palX and
adult hemiplegia. Their treatment appro.ach is known
as the Bobath approach and neurodevelopmental
treatment (NDT). This chapter provides an introductio.n
to. NDT/Bo.bath theo.ry and treatment as they apply to.
the adult with hemiplegia fro.m stroke or Qther neurolog
ical cQnditio.n. A co.mplete descriptio.n o.f the treatment
apprQach and its techniques Qf treatment can be fQund
in Bo.bath (1990).
BQbath and BQbath began to. develo.p their treat
ment apprQach in the 1940s. B. Bo.bath, trained in
Germany as a gymnast and remedial mo.vement special
ist, came to. England to. avoid persecutio.n and began
to. wo.rk with neuro.lo.gic patients. When wo.rking with
an adult hemiplegic patient, she nQted the stiffness o.f
the patient's arm and leg and his inability to. plan and
execute no.rmal mo.vement patterns. In her treatment
sessio.ns, B. BQbath tried to. help this patient and Qthers
like him regain no.rmal patterns Qf cQo.rdinatiQn in his
affected limbs. Through trial and erro.r, she devised
techniques to. influence the abnQrmal of
patients and to. retrain mQre no.rmal patterns of
ment in their hemiplegic side. Her method o.f remedia
tio.n o.f mo.vement fo.r the adult patient was not
basedQn the develo.pmental sequence, but on her
Kathryn Levit
analysis Qf the mQvement cQmpQnents impQrtant fQr use
in life tasks.
As the treatment evolved, K. aQbath, a neuro.lo.
gist, reviewed the available research
to. pro.vide a scientific. explanatio.n fo.r B. Bo.bath's
treatment. Altho.ugh the clinical techniques were devel
o.ped first, Bo.bath and Bo.bath presented a scientific
ratiQnale fo.r their appro.ach based o.n the theo.ries that
were current in the 1940s. The first article describing
the appro.ach was published in 1948. Over the next 42
years, at least 70 additio.nal publicatio.ns were prQ
duced. The third editio.n o.f B. Bo.bath's (1990) bo.o.k
was published mo.nths her death.
In their appro.ach, Bo.bath and Bo.bath rejected
the traditio.nal therapy co.ncept o.f co.mpensatQry trainiDg
btc'i"use it neglected the po.tential o.f the hemiulegic
side fo.r no.rmal functio.n. They also. believed that tech
niques such as passive"'";'tretching and exercising indi
vidual muscles were o.f little value to. the stroke patient,
because these mo.vements did no.t address the pro.blems
o.f abno.rmal and abno.rmal co.o.rdinatio.n. Similarly,
they disagreed with the techniques o.f and Brunn
strom because they reinfo.rced abno.rmal reflex activity
and increased spasticity in the hemiplegic side. Bo.
bath and Bo.bath stressed that po.tential fQr no.rmal
mo.vement patterns and impro.ved functio.nal use o.f the
hemiplegic side was present in all patients and
that this sho.uld be the of treatment. Their treat
ment techniques were designed to. decrease the influ
ence o.f spasticity and abno.rmal coordinatio.n and im co.ntrol o.f the invo.lved trunk, arm and leg.
The NDT/Bo.bath appro.ach is directed to.ward the o.f no.rmal, functio.nal patterns of mO\e
m..1t in the adult patient. To. retrain mo.vement
in the stroke patIent, the therapist must change, or
"nonnalize," the abno.rmal and eliminate un
wanted muscle activity. When muscle and patterns
o.f muscle co.ntractiQn are normalized, the therapist
introduces and trains no.rmal mo.vement patterns in the
trunk and extremities. The training of no.rmal mo.vement
patterns includes the activatio.n of po.stural respo.nses
that must be available on an automatic: level for func
tion. It also includes of muscles in the
hemiplegic arm and leg for and no.n
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 447
weight-bearing functions. Muscle reeducation is done gravity,but low enough to prevent resistance and allow
both at the level of a single muscle group, i.e., wrist normal speed and timing of movement (Bobath, 1990).
extensors, and at the level of synergistic muscle groups, l'l\1uscle tone or tension fluctuates in everyone, de
i. e., wrist extensors with shoulder and elbow flexors ;p.ending on the situation one is in and the demands of
and finger grasp to bring a toothbrush to the mouth. I the task. However, in most situations muscle tone
Bobath and Bobath believed that eermanent reduction / matches the demands of the task being performed.
in spasticit cannot be achieved unless the atient is I During passive movements, bodies with normal tone
a e activel to move is involved side in nor and follow movements. If passive move-
patterns of coordination (Bobath, 1990). Full potenti ment i:)rrested and the therapist's hands removed,
has not been reached until the patient can use the segment will not fall but will remain briefly
normal movements in the performance of functional ac- in the position in which it was placed. Bobath and
tivities. Bobath called this the placing response.
The following principles of treatment apply to all In the adult stroke patient, muscle tone may be
NDT/Bobath treatment activities: higher or lower than normal, both at rest and during
movement. In the acute stage, flaccidity or low tone
1. Treatment should avoid movements and actlvIlles
is generally present in the affected trunk and limbs.
that increase muscle tone or produce abnormal
Flaccid limbs feel heavy or floppy and relaxed; they
responses in the involved side.
provide no resistance or assistance to passive motion.
2. Treatment should be directed toward the develop
Placing responses are not present. Active motion is
ment of normal patterns of and movement;
difficult because flaccid muscles are weak and cannot
movement patterns selected are not based on the
easily contract with enough force to lift the weight of
developmental sequence but on patterns important
the limb against the pull of gravity.
for function.
After a stroke, hypertonicity or spasticity devel
3. The hemiplegic side should be incorporated into all
ops in the muscles of the arm, leg, and trunk on
treatment activities to reestablish symmetry and
the affected side. Spasticity produces stiff limbs that
increase functional use.
assume abnormal postures. Spastic muscles resist
4. Treatment should produce a change in the quality
lengthening during passive motion but may assist pas
of movement and functional performance of the
sive movements that require the spastic muscles to
involved side.
shorten. Similarly, placing responses may be possible
in patterns of muscle shortening. In the patienl with
spasticity, increased muscle tension may not be evenly
distributed throughout the body. Hemiplegic patients
frequently have hypertonic arms with hypotonic trunk
muscles and may show tightly flexed elbows with flaccid
Problems in the Adult Stroke Patient
wrists and fingers. When the spastic patient attempts
According to Bobath and Bobath, strokes and
actively to move his arm or leg, the movements are
other types of adult brain damage result in abnormal
slow and inefficient and limited to mass patterns of
patterns of posture and movement. These abnormal
f1exion and extension.
patterns must be eliminated through treatment because
In the stroke patient, muscle tone fluctuates a:.r
they prevent the patient from regaining normal function
cordins to the situatiog and demands of the task. The
on his involved side. The writings of B. Bobath identify
hemiplegic side may appear to have low tone at rest
four components to the motor disturbance in adult
but may assume spastic positions during difficult activi
hemiplegia. These problems and their relationship to
ties. For example, when the stroke patient walks, the
normal movement are discussed below.
hemiplegic arm assumes an abnormal, flexed posture.
The hemiplegic leg often stiffens severely during the
transition from sit to stand, so that the patient is unable
Abnormal tone is present in almost all patients to bend it to take a step. Bobath and Bobath called
with central nervous system (eNS) dysfunction and these nonfun tio and involuntary chan es in Ii
interferes with the production of normal movement position and muscle tone associate reactions, Syner
patterns. Musclee),nay be defined as the amount 0(.. gistic posturing of the limbs may vary from position to
tension in the muscle. Bobath and Bobith quoted position. It may also. occur when the patient yawns or
Sherrington (l913) to support their view that normal sneezes and as painful spasms during sleep. Because
tone is necessary for the production of normal move the flexor posturing of the arm and extensor posturing
ment. To be considered normal, muscle tone must be
of the leg are involuntary, the patient cannot change
high enough to allow movement against the pull of the position of his arm and leg in response to verbal
448 Section TV Treatment Principles and Practices
commands such as "Straighten your elbow." Associ
ated reactions appear to be linked to the loss of >
postural control, described below, and begin to dis
appear when balance has improved.
The stroke patient has lost control of the system
of postural adjustments that forms "the necessary back
ground for normal movement and for functional skills"
(Bobath, 1990, p. 6). Postural reactions can be thought
of as the basis for control of movement because they
allow people to control the position of their bodies
against gravity. Normal postural reactions include the
righting reactions that help maintain the correct orien
tation of the head to trunk and trunk to limbs and
equilibrium reactions that help people maintain or
regain their balance and keep their body mass over
their base of support. These reactions depend on con
trol of the muscles of the trunk and pelvic arid scapular
girdles in many positions relative to the pull of gravity
and on the ability to shift and bear weight on the limbs
in many positions.
Postural reactions also include the changes in
tone and adjustments in posture that precede and
accompany functional movements. For example, in the
task of standing up from a chair, people automatically
place their feet underneath themselves and move the
trunk forward from the back of the chair before stand
ing. Similarly, humans automatically shift their weight
over the right hip when reaching to the side with the
right arm. During normal movement, postural adapta
tions and reactions occur automatically and are not
under conscious cortical control. Bobath and Bobath
use the term postural control to describe automatic
activation of muscles to maintain control of the body
for posture and movement.
In the patient with hemiplegia, the postural sys
tem is disrupted by loss of motor control of the hemiple
gic trunk and extremities as well as damage to balance
centers in the eNS. The patient cannot move the trunk
and extremities on one side of his body. Because of
poor motor control, he develops asymmetrical posture
in his trunk, shoulder girdle, and lower extremity. He
is unable to activate trunk muscles to maintain a stable
position in sitting or standing and cannot perform
functional trunk movements and weight shifts necessary
to position the limbs for function or to regain his
balance. He cannot move his arm to use it for function
or balance or shift his weight onto his hemiplegic hip
or foot. Loss of postural control forces the patient to
rely on his sound side during task performance and to
use canes and adaptive equipment to substitute for his
poor balance. Because the patient cannot voluntarily
or automatically perform trunk movements and weight
shifts in all directions, his functional movements will
be limited to the number of postural sets in which he
has control.
The patient with eNS damage has abnormal pat
terns of motor coordination, resulting in inefficient,
nonfunctional extremity movements. During normal
movement of the arm and leg, coordination between
agonist, synergist, and antagonist produces smooth,
effortless, and efficient patterns of movement. Proximal
muscle groups are used to provide appropriate stabiliza
tion for distal function. Limb muscles are activated in
sequences to position correctly the hand or foot for the
desired function. Reciprocal inhibition between agonist
and antagonist muscle groups ensures smooth control
of limb movements by coordinating muscle firing so
that only those muscle groups that produce the correct
movement are active at one time. Limb movements are
automatically accompanied by postural responses in
the trunk to allow full ranges of limb control and
production of power. During normal movement, the
of muscle used to reach for
thmg WIth the arm, to tIe shoes, and to walk are no
produced with conscious attention. Once acquired,
the plans for these movements are probably stored in
the eNS.
In the stroke patient, the timing, sequencing, and
coordination of muscle activation are disturbed. This
loss of muscle control results in the abnormal patterns
of limb movement and coordination typical of eNS
patients. In some stroke patients, coordination is abnor
mal because only some. muscles have returned in the
arm and leg, while other muscles that should function
as synergists are too weak to contribute to movement.
A common example of this is found in the hemiplegic
arm. The patient may have the ability to flex his
shoulder and extend his elbow but be unable to position
the hand for grasp because he does not have motor
control of the wrist extensors and forearm supinators.
In other cases, muscles are activated inappropriately
or at the wrong time, producing abnormal limb patterns.
In these patients, strong contraction of the scapula
elevators and humeral abductors may be used to at
tempt to reach the arm forward. In a third group of
patients, problems of cocontraction may occur. Both
agonist and antagonistic muscle groups contract during
cocontraction, producing rigid limbs incapable of selec
tive movement. In most stroke patients, conscious
tention and effort are necessary to produce any mov,
ment of the hemiplegic side. The patient mUSt
consciously direct his hemiplegic leg to take a step
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 449
~ \ during ambulation or ask his shoulder muscles to con
tract to reach for an object.
The stroke patient has lost the ability to integrate
the two sides of his body to perform functional tasks
in normal ways. According to Bobath and Bobath,
normal movement requires (1) normal muscle tone, (2)
normal postural responses, and (3) normal patterns
of muscle activation and coordination. Normal task
performance is based on sequences of normal move
ment that integrate movements on both sides of the
body. In many functional movements and tasks, the
two sides of the body perform the same movements,
either at the same time or in alternative sequences.
Walking is an example of a movement in which the
two sides of the body perform the same movements in
alternate sequences; lifting and carrying a laundry
basket demonstrates a task in which the two upper
extremities do the same movements at the same time.
Other tasks such as swinging a golf club or operating
a clutch require the two sides of the body to do different
movements at the same time. Very few movements or
tasks are performed completely with only one arm or
hand, and those tasks require postural adjustments on
~ . the other side of the body.
With the onset of hemiplegia, the stroke patient
loses the ability to coordinate both sides of his body in
functional patterns. This affects his ability to perform
gross motor movements such as rolling in bed, standing
up, and walking. It also interferes with his performance
of functional tasks necessary for independence in self
care and vocational or recreation activities. Even
though one side of the body is unaffected by the stroke,
the patient is unable to use his "good" side normally,
because normal movement patterns require interaction
and coordination between the two sides of the body.
The patient may learn to use one-handed techniques
to compensate for the loss of control on the other side,
but there will be many tasks that he cannot perform
unless he regains some use of his hemiplegic side.
Because compensatory techniques tend to increase the
patient's orientation toward his uninvolved side, they
may increase both postural asymmetry and neglect of
the involved side. Even when the patient has some
ability to move his involved arm and leg, he often has
difficulty using these movements efficiently in task per
Common problems in the stroke patients can be
summarized as follows:
/ ~ 1. Problems associated with CNS damage includes
abnormal tone, abnormal patterns of extremity
movement, and atypical posture.
2. Problems associated with deficits in control of pos
ture and movement include poor trunk control,
decreased balance and protective responses, and
poor weight bearing on the hemiplegic hip.
3. Loss of specific motor abilities and task-specific
behaviors such as rolling, sitting up, walking, dress
ing, or bathing independently.
Although the problems listed in categories 1 and 2 may
influence motor and task performance, elimination of
these symptoms may not automatically result in im
proved independence in task performance. In other
words, changing the tone in a tightly flexed, spastic
upper extremity so that the elbow joint can be fully
extended may not result in a patient who is actively
able to extend his elbow or put his arm in a sleeve
during dressing. Similarly, training active elbow exten
sion does not guarantee that the patient will be able to
use the movement to put his arm into a shirt sleeve.
The NDT/Bobath method of assessment has three
basic goals:
1. To determine the presence and distribution of ab
normal tone and abnormal movement patterns that
are interfering with the production of normal
2. To identify deficits in normal motor responses, in
cluding both automatic postural responses and voli
tional movement patterns in the trunk and limbs;
3. To analyze the patient's ability to perform functional
movement patterns, including gross motor tasks and
specific self-care, vocational, and recreational ac
To gather this information, the therapist uses
observation of the patient, direct handling of the pa
tient's trunk and limbs, and patient interview to help
identify problem areas. For a . complete list of motor
tasks to assess see Bobath (1990).
Handlin!, techniques are used to help the thera
pist asse1)S the patient's automatic responses to being
moved. By using her hands to direct and facilitate
movement, the therapist can determine the movements
and positions that produce tonal changes and the move
ment patterns in which the patient is able to assist.
The therapist will select the positions and activities for
assessment according to the patient's general level of
functioning and the areas in which he expresses most
interest and concern. For the patient who is not yet
ambulatory, it is important for both physical and occu
pational therapists to assess functioning in standing as
well as sitting. The physical therapist will use this
information to prepare for gait training, whereas the
450 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
occupational therapist will be concerned with func
tional performance of self-care and home-making tasks
in standing.
Treatment Goals
NDT/Bobath treatment is directed..t2.!!rd
ng functional oaIs. .N2rmal m.ovement e.atterns are
facl 1 ated with han' techniques; then racticed
e patient can perform t em 10 epen entl in a
Si uahons an pOSItlOns. The movements t a
are emphasized "dmmg those that are
necessary for the development of further independence
in task performance. For example, helping the acute
stroke patient regain control of trunk movements in
sitting will allow the patient to balance himself safely
on the edge of the bed while putting on his clothes.
Thus during the initial treatment sessions, the thera
pist's handling may emphasize trunk movements in
sitting to reestablish the postural basis for task perfor
mance before dressing. Because lack of trunk control
will interfere with arm function as well, the therapist
may begin to facilitate arm movements in the supine
position until the patient has regained adequate sitting
balance to combine trunk and arm treatment in sitting.
The occupational therapists should try to combine the
facilitation of trunk and upper extremity movements
with the performance of functional tasks as soon as
some control of movement has been established. The
therapist helps the acute stroke patient practice trunk
movements during activities of daily living (ADL) and
assists him with upper extremity weight bearing during
meal time. In this way, the development of motor
control can be immediately incorporated into a normal
functional task.
In her writings and courses for therapists, B.
Bobath stressed the importance of retraining the follow
ing functional tasks in patterns incorporating the in
volved side:
1. Bed mobility tasks such as rolling, moving from
supine to sitting by coming over the involved side
and using the involved arm for support, and
2. Weight shift in sitting and standing with controlled
shifting over the involved leg;
3. Sit-to-stand and transfers toward the involved side
without pushing up with the uninvolved arm;
4. Control of the hemiplegic arm in weight-bearing
and functional non-weight-bearing patterns;
5. Gait training and balance activities to increase con
trol of the involved leg and decrease use of canes
and braces;
6. Activities of daily living and vocational and recre
ational activities using the involved arm and
avoiding patterns that will increase spasticity.
Ideally, these tasks are introduced in the acute stage
so that the patient learns to incorporate his involved
side into all movements and does not develop compen
sations that ignore the involved side. However, the
patient who does not receive NDT/Bobath treatment in
the acute stage may still benefit from this treatment
later in the rehabilitation process. For this patient, the
therapist will improve function by decreasing reliance
on the uninvolved side and on adaptive equipment and
by increasing use of the involved arm and leg in
tasks that are being performed in an abnormal or
compensatory manner. For example, the therapist can
increase independence in the patient who puts his
pants on lying down by increasing control of the trunk
and lower extremities so that he can put his legs in the
pants while sitting and pull them up and fasten them
safely while standing.
NDT/Bobath treatment has three general goals for
the adult stroke patient:
1. To decrease the observable symptoms of upper mo
tor neuron lesion such as hypertonicity, asymmetri
cal posture, and synergistic movements, using tech
niques of inhibition;
2. To increase the normal patterns of coordinated
movement in the involved side and between the two
sides of the body, using facilitation techniques;
3. To improve functional use of the involved side and
decrease compensation and use of adaptive
During the initial days or weeks after the stroke.
treatment goals for all members of the health care teanl
should be directed toward increasing function on the
hemiplegic side and preventing the development of
spasticity and associated reactions. The acute stroke
patient exhibits severe loss of postnral control in the
trunk and flaccid paralysis of the hemiplegic arm and
leg (Fig. 24B.1). The patient has poor sitting balance
and cannot perform functional activities in sitting. Bed
mobility tasks and transfers require assistance, as the
patient avoids weight bearing on his affected leg and
does not spontaneously incorporate his affected arm
into any movement patterns or activities. Because of the
loss of muscle control of the shoulder, the hemiplegic
shoulder frequently subluxes inferiorl y.
All members of the health care team will approach
these same problems with activities specific to their
professional expertise. For the occupational therapist,
acute care treatment is directed toward:
1. Regaining balance in patterns important for function
in sitting;
2. Incorporating the hemiplegic arm into bed mobility
and transfers;
Figure 24B.1. Flaccid hemiplegia with shoulder subluxation
on the left side.
3. Developing strategies for self-care activities that
involve the affected arm;
4. Maintaining alignment and mobility in the upper ex
5. Retraining movement.
Spasticity or hypertonicity develops gradually
over a period of weeks or months after the stroke.
Although some stroke patients never develop spas
ticity~ remaining flaccid on their hemiplegic side or
exhibiting motor return without apparent tonal in
creases, the majority of patients will show signs of
hypertonicity in some muscle groups of their involved
side. The signs of spasticity begin to arise in conjunc
tion with the patient's efforts to become more indepen
dent in self-care activities and with the beginning of
ambulation. Initially, spastic posturing of the limbs
occurs when the patient stands, transfers, and uses
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 451
excessive effort to perform self-care activities one
handed but is not evident when he is in bed or relaxed
in the wheelchair. The first muscles affected are the
scapular elevators, flexors of the elbow and fingers,
plantar flexors,' and extensors of the knee. Gradually,
the abnormal posturing of the arm and leg persists for
longer periods of the day. At this time, the spastic
muscles resist passive stretch and may demonstrate
other signs of upper motor neuron syndrome.
The patient at this stage of treatment has more
control of his trunk and limbs than in the acute, flaccid
stage. Trunk control has improved enough to allow the
patient to sit and stand without loss of balance and to
walk with a brace and cane. However, the position of
the trunk is asymmetrical, with less weight taken on
the hemiplegic pelvis and foot, lateral flexion or rotation
backward on the hemiplegic ribcage, and flexor spas
ticity in the hemiplegic arm (Fig, 24B.2). Often, the
hemiplegic arm has muscle return that allows the pa-
Figure 24B.2. Spastic hemiplegia with flexor spasticity in the
hemiplegic orm.
452 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
Figure 24B.3. Flexor synergy pattern of movement.
tient to move the arm actively for the first time. How
ever, the patient moves' with .abnormal coordination
and excessive effort in patterns of mass flexion (Fig.
24B.3). The patient cannot isolate individual muscles
to perform functional normal movements, nor can he
easily stop the muscles from contracting to put his arm
back down by his side. Tightness in the muscles
connecting the scapula to the trunk and the scapula to
the humerus limits the mobility of the scapula and
blocks normal scapulohumeral rhythm needed for arm
During this stage of treatment, the occupational
therapist uses NDT/Bobath techniques to inhibit the
flexor posturing of the ann and to facilitate or reedu
cate normal patterns of upper extremity movement.
Upper extremity spasticity is inhibited through scap
ula mobilization and upper extremity weight bearing.
The therapist also uses NDT/Bobath techniques to train
normal patterns of movement in the hemiplegic arm.
Weight-bearing activities of the arm are often easiest
for the patient to learn, because he .does not have to
control the weight of the arm as when lifting it for reach.
Upper extremity weight bearing activates muscles in
the trunk and arm through movements of the body over
the arm. The patient should be taught to take weight
on his forearm with the arm forward on a table as well
movements with elbow e:x:t.ensiori are introduced first,
and flexion and extension'movements of the elbow are
added as shoulder control increases. When the patient
can move his arm . independently in some patterns, he
is encouraged to practice using these movements in
task performance. For example, the patient who can
lift his ann with elbow extension could practice using
this movement to put his arm in his sleeve, to use a
sponge to clean tilt kitchen cOUnter, or to reach forward
to shake hands;
At this stage of treatml'mt, the patient also should
learn to grasp objects with a cylindrical palmar grasp,
. ~ ..
as when holding a cane or hairbrush, <P:td with a flat
open hand, as when holding a bowl ora package
between two hands. Bilateral grasp activities allow the
as on the hand with the arm extended by the side of
the body. When control of weight bearing has devel
oped, the patient can use his affected arm to help
support his body weight during functional activities
and transitional movements such as side lying to sitting
(Fig. 24B.4). H ~ can also use weight bearing through
the hand to help stabilize objects such as paper for
Training of arm movements may begin in supine,
in which control of the trunk is not necessary. Sitting
treatment is introduced as soon as the patient can sit
without support, because he will need to use the ann
in an upright position for most functions. Shoulder
Figure 24B.4. Weight bearing on the hemiplegic arm in mov
ing from side lying to siHing.
patient to practice moving independently using the
uninvolved side to provide sensory information to the
hemiplegic side about how to move (Fig. 24B.5). Grasp
activities should be / included in treatment only when
the wrist and forearm are positioned appropriately, so
that the patient learns to contract his finger flexors with
wrist extension. As the patient develops control of
grasp, he should practice carrying objects.
Many patients with hemiplegia do not progress
beyond the problems associated with spasticity and
do not develop the upper extremity control described
earlier. However, some patients never demonstrate
spasticity in their involved side and other patients
respond to treatment techniques designed to inhibit
spasticity and increase the motor control of their arm
and leg. These patients can walk well and do not show
marked asymmetries of posture, because they have
relatively good control of weight bearing on the hemi
plegic leg and minimal flexor posturing of the arm.
These patients are able to move their hemiplegic arms
with isolated control of the shoulder and elbow and to
grasp a variety of objects in their hand when the objects
are placed there. They have more problems opening
the hand to initiate grasp, extending the fingers with
wrist extension for active release of grasp, and control
.1ing humeral and forearm rotation for accurate hand
placement. When using their arms functionally, these
patients complain of the excessive concentration neces
sary to produce the desired movement and the slowness
and uncoordinated quality of the arm movement. Pro-
Figure 24B.5. Bilateral grasp to reeducate arm movements
and increase arm function.
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 453
tective extension and automatic balance reactions in
the arm are usually absent or delayed.
Occupational therapy goals for these patients are
directed to improving the speed and automaticity of
arm movements, introducing variability into hand grasp
patterns, and improving control of finger extensors
necessary for controlled release of grasp. Hand move
ments can be practiced in isolation to reeducate specific
finger movements or in combination with movements of
the forearm and wrist to perfect hand placement. Finger
movements and grasp patterns should also be practiced
in a variety of arm and body positions and in tasks
requiring repetitive grasp and release. For the patient
whose finger dexterity and speed have improved, the
occupational therapist should introduce tasks that re
quire manipulation of objects and bilateral coordina
tion. At this stage of treatment, the patient should
replace one-handed techniques and compensatory task
performance with use of the two hands as much as
possible. In this way, full potential of the involved
arm for function will be realized and any remaining
reluctance of the patient to use his arm overcome.
Bobath and Bobath called their techniques of
treatment inhibition and facilitation and the imple
mentation of these techniques, handling. The term
handling refers to the way that the therapist uses her
hands on the patient's body to change the quality of
his movement patterns. Handling is used to establish
normal alignment, to reduce or eliminate abnormal tone
and movement, to reeducate muscles in normal patterns
in the trunk and limbs, and to produce an acti ve
movement pattern in the stroke patient. Through the
experience of being moved by the therapist, the patient
relearns the feeling of normal movement, and uses this
as a sensory base for his attempts to move indepen
dently. Bobath and Bobath believed that the sensory
experience of normal movement is the basis for learning
new movement patterns and assists the patient in sup
pressing unwanted abnormal patterns.
During handling, the therapist's hands are placed
on the patient's body in selected positions. The term
key points of control describes areas of the body
that make it easier to control the quality of the patient's
movement pattern. The shoulder, pelvis, and spinel
ribcage are key points to control proximal alignment
and movement patterns, and the. hand and foot are
distal key points that arft combined with proximal
contact to control extremity movement. The therapi st
selects her hand placement according to the patient's
prohlems and the movement patterns she wishes to
454 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
reeducate. Proximal hand placements aHow the thera
pist to control the position and movement of the trunk
and pelvic and scapular girdles and are generally used
with an acute or flaccid patient. As the therapist feels
the patient actively assisting in trunk movements and
balance, hand placement may move more distally,
giving the patient independent control of the trunk or
girdles. A combination of shoulder or axillary control
with control of the hand is used for training movement
in the upper extremity.
Handling is done slowly, to give the patient time
to understand what movements are being performed
and to organize his response. The therapist is looking
for a change in the quality of the patient's muscle tone
or active assistance from him, indicating normal muscle
activity. Strong and firm hand pressure is used to
lengthen spastic muscles and to stop abnormal patterns
of coordination. Light pressure is used to guide the
patient in a normal movement pattern, to teach the
feeling of normal movement, and to elicit an active
response from the patient. When the patient is able
actively to assist with the movements, the therapist
decreases her control and uses repetition and practice
to let learning occur. In all parts of the NDT/Bobath
approach, the patient should be an active and moti
vated participant.
The patient's hemiplegic side is incorporated into
all treatment activities. This may be either by direct
handling by the therapist, or through bilateral activi
ties in which the patient supports movements of his
involved arm or leg with his uninvolved arm. When
treating the patient, the therapist positions herself on
the hemiplegic side or directly in front of the patient
so that his attention and visual regard are directed
toward what is happening during the treatment. Be
cause many hemiplegic patients are fearful of falling
and do not have accurate processing of sensory informa
tion from the hemiplegic side, the therapist uses verbal
descriptions and simple commands to tell the patient
what she is doing and what his expected and actual
responses are. While it is possible to use handling
with aphasic patients to produce movement without
verbal interaction, verbal communication between ther
apist and patient should be used with handling to give
the patient feedback on his performance as well as to
establish a successful working relationship.
Inhibition techniques are manual techniques
and hand placements used to decrease or eliminate
spasticity. In the early sLages of their treatment, Bo
bath and Bobath used passive positioning to lengthen
spastic muscles, They called these positions reflex
inhibiting postures. Although these patterns were
important because they demonstrated to a skeptical
neurologic community that spm,ticity could he

changed, Bobath and Bobath soon concluded that SUCI.
patterns did not necessarily improve the patient's abil
ity to function or change the quality of his movements
(Bobath, 1990). As the treatment evolved, use of static
postures was eliminated and more dynamic handling
was devised to simultaneously reduce spasticity and
prepare for movement. The term reflex-inhibiting move
ment patterns describes the active movements that both
inhibit abnormal tone and encourage or facilitate active
movement responses. For the stroke patient, NDTI
Bobath inhibition techniques are used to:
1. Correct alignment, lengthen shortened muscles, and
decrease abnormal tone in specific muscles;
2. Stop unwanted movement patterns from occurring;
3. Teach the patient methods of decreasing the abnor
mal posturing of his limbs.
Inhibition techniques are not used in patients who
do not have spasticity or associated reactions.
Common techniques of inhibition include trunk
rotation, weight bearing, and techniques to lengthen
muscles and realign joints. Rotational movements of
the spine are used to decrease spasticity in the trunk,
and scapular and pelvic girdles. Weight bearing is
used to decrease spasticity in the arm and leg,
movements of the trunk over the fixed
lengthen tight muscles between the trunk and limbs.
In the arm and leg, the pull of spastic muscles is
inhibited by returning the affected' body parts to nor
mal alignment and slowly lengthening the tight muscles
in a proximal to distal sequence. Scapula mobiliza
tion is an example of an upper extremity inhibition
technique used to reposition the scapula and lengthen
the tight muscles around the shoulder girdle.
Facilitation techniques are those patterns of I'
handling that help the patient move more normally. .
The term is taken from the verb, facilitate, which
means to make easier. Facilitation handling tech
niques are designed to:
1. Teach the sensation of normal movement by moving
the limbs in space with proper patterns of initiation
and sequencing;
2. Stimulate muscles directly to contract isometrically,
eccentrically, and isotonically,;
3, Hold alignment and provide postural stability while
the patient practices movement;
4. Reeducate normal movement patterns;
5. Teach the patient ways to incorporate the involved
side into transitional movements and functional ac
the patient the sensation of movement, to allow the
patient the opportunity to move with the therapist
before moving independently. In the initial stages of
treatment, the therapist establishes normal alignment
and guides the patient's body and limbs in normal
patterns of movement. The patient is encouraged to
assist with the movement when he can. As the patient
begins to assist, the therapist first lightens, then elimi
nates a portion of her control so that the patient has
opportunities within each treatment session to move
independently. Many patients do not know that they
can move their arms or bodies in the desired patterns
until the handling of the therapist makes it possible
for them to find the correct muscles. The active as
sistive quality of facilitation also helps to decrease
the excessive effort that many hemiplegic patients use
to initiate active movement of their involved side.
In cases of flaccid hemiplegia, facilitation tech
niques may be combined with stronger stimulation
to increase muscle tone and produce active muscle
contraction. For these patients, Bobath and Bobath
developed stimulation techniques, which use tactile
and proprioceptive input to increase the intensity and
duration of muscle contraction. NDT/Bobath stimula
tion techniques are applied directly to muscle or via
joint approximation to stimulate muscle contraction
around the joint. These techniques are performed with
the body in normal alignment and directed toward areas
of the body that are critical for a normal movement
pattern. For example, stiniulation teclmiques could
be used to increase muscle contraction around the
shoulder of a flaccid arm. After carefully aligning the
scapula and glenohumeral joint, stimulation tech
niques (tapping over muscle bellies) would be applied
to the deltoid and scapular muscles as the patient
attempted to bear weight on the glenohumeral joint.
Stimulation techniques must be used carefully to
avoid producing an abnormal response in the muscles
being stimulated. Once muscle contraction is estab
lished, the therapist returns to guided movement to use
the muscle contraction in a movement pattern.
Compensatory Training
Stroke causes long-standing muscle weakness and
loss of trunk control, which interfere with the normal
use of the involved arm and leg. While many stroke
patients eventually regain good use of their hemiplegic
side, they must begin the process of becoming indepen
dent in life tasks long before they have sufficient use
of their arm and leg to perform these tasks normally.
For this reason, compensatory training is necessary. In
the NDT/Bobath framework, compensatory training is
directed toward 01 incorporating the involve!l arm
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 4.55
into task performance and (2) teaching patterns of
compensation that do not encourage the development
of spasticity and associated reactions.
Much of the Bobath compensatory training uses
symmetrical, bilateral upper extremity patterns to
maintain alignment of the upper trunk and shoulder
girdle and prevent the arm from being neglected or
abnormally positioned. The patient may be taught to
clasp his hemiplegic hand with his other hand and
maintain the arm in a position of extension during
rolling, transfers, and other gross motor activities. The
hemiplegic arm can also be placed in a position of
weight bearing during task performance in sitting and
standing. These concepts will be presented in more
detail below.
The acute stroke patient is unable to maintain
his balance in sitting and cannot perform functional
activities such as bathing and dressing in sitting, be
cause he has lost control of the automatic postural
patterns that make performance of these activities pos
sible. To help the patient improve task performance in
sitting, the occupational therapist must retrain patterns
of trunk movement. This training is done first with the
therapist assisting the patient in performing the trunk
movements. Trunk movements are easiest to reeducate
when the patient is seated on a treatment mat or
firm chair.
The therapist stands in front of the patient and
places both of the patient's hands against her own hips
to keep the patient's upper body symmetrical and to
protect his hemiplegic shoulder joint. Trunk move
ments in anterior-posterior, lateral, and rotational di
rections are then practiced, with the therapist control
ling the direction and range of the movements.
Movement forward toward the floor and sideways toward
the plinth should be practiced as well as movements
in upright sitting, because these movements prepare
the patient to control body movements in the direction
of the pull of gravity (Fig. 248.6). As muscle control
improves and the patient begins to assist in the weight
shifts, the patient can practice the movements while
supporting his hemiplegic hand with his good hand
without the assistance of the therapist.
The oceupational therapist will make the move
ments functional for the patient in two ways: (1) com
bining the weight shifts with reaching tasks and (2)
helping the patient incorporate the appropriate move
ments with the performance of an actual task such as
dressing or bathing. The hemiplegic arm is easily'
positionell for upper extremity dressing by having the
patient pul hi:-;. hemiplegic hand in the sleeve, then
lean furward toward ! he /loor to a:-;sist elbow extension
'rJU .::1eCnOn 11' 1 reatment Ynnclptes and Practices
Figure 24B.6. Retraining trunk movements with the hemiple
gic arm supported on the therapist's body.
and shoulder flexion, making it easier to pull the sleeve
up over the arm.
It is important that the hemiplegic arm be incorpo
rated into the early training of gross motor activities
such as rolling, coming to sitting, and coming to stand
ing and transfers. Including the arm in training these
activities helps decrease neglect of the arm; protects it
from injury; and by maintaining good alignment of the
shoulder girdle and trunk, prepares the arm for normal
participation in the tasks being trained. Bobath and
Bobath developed the technique of clasped hands to
give the hemiplegic patient a consistent way to hold and
move his hemiplegic arm. In the original technique,
the patient was taught to interlace the fingers of his
hemiplegic hand with his good hand, keeping palms
together and thumbs facing up (Fig. 24B. 7). The
clasped hand grip helps the patient maintain his fore
arm in mid-position and his wrist in extension, thus
preparing the arm for patterns of reach and preventing
the wrist flexion that is common in hemiplegic arms.
Because many patients have difficulty with the task of
interlacing their fingers or cannot maintain the palmar
contact necessary for wrist extension, it is helpful to
teach a variation of the technique. For the modification,
the patient places the ulnar border of his hemiplegic ~
hand and wrist in the palm of his other hand, with the
uninvolved thumb in the palmar arch and the fingers
clasping the dorsum of the hand, wrist and ulna. In
this way, wrist extension and forearm rotation are easily
maintained and the weight of the lower arm and hand
are well supported (Fig. 24B.8). Once the hands are
clasped, the arms are brought forward with a straight
elbow until the desired range of shoulder flexion has
been obtained. The patient can use this grip for self
ranging activities in supine and sitting as well as in
rolling and transfers.
Bed Mobility
Rolling to both sides is trained by starting in
supine with both knees bent and feet on the bed. The
patient is directed to locate his hemiplegic arm in the
bed and clasp it, using one of the grips described
above. Using his uninvolved arm, he extends his elbows
and lifts his hands toward the ceiling until the shoulders
are flexed to approximately 90. The patient is then
helped to turn his head and shoulders to the involved
side, so that the rolling begins with the upper body.
Rolling is completed by turning the knees and pelvis to
the same side until the side-lying position is achieved.
Rolling from side lying to supine is easiesL if the pelvis
, / ~
Figure 24B.7. Clasped hands. The patient lifts his hemiplegic /----...
arm by interlacing his fingers and holding the palms together. '.
Figure 24B.8. Variation of clasped hands. The patient sup
ports the ulnar border of his hemiplegic hand in the opposite
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 457
and knees rotate first, followed by the arms and upper
body. The movements can then be practiced toward
the uninvolved side (Fig. 24B. 9)_ Lying on the involved
side should not be painful using this technique, be
cause the forward reach of the arm that precedes
rolling puts the hemiplegic shoulder in a good position.
Reaching the clasped hands forward and up can also
be used in combination with bridging for use of the
bedpan .and in moving up or sideways on the bed. By
reaching the arms forward with. elbow extension, flexor
spasticity of the elbow is inhibited during these activ
For the acute stroke patient, the task of transfer
ring is frightening because he lacks good control of the
hemiplegic side. To incorporate the arm into early
transfer training, the therapist faces the patient. She
supports the patient's arm on her waist and has him
place his other arm on her opposite hip (Fig. 24B.10).
This grip allows the therapist to support the weight of
the patient's arm, to keep his trunk symmetrical, and.
to facilitate the correct forward weight shift while h ~
maintains spinal extension to produce a good stand.
As the patient leams, to control trunk extension and
shift forward over both hips to use both legs to stand,
the patient can advance to practicing with the clasped
hands grip to control his own arm (Fig. 24B.ll). By
teaching the patient to stand and transfer without push-
Figure 24B.9. Rolling to the uninvolved side. The patient initiates the movement with the arms, then uses
the hemiplegic leg to assist with rotation of the lower body.
458 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
Figure 24B.1 O. Transfers. The therapist supports the hemiple
gic arm against her body and assists the patient in an anterior
weight shift with trunk extension to prepare for the stand.
ing with his uninvolved arm, the therapist helps prevent
the development of asymmetrical patterns of movement
and introduces normal control of the trunk, pelvis and
lower extremity. The patient is taught to transfer to
both sides, so that he is able to function well in a
variety of room arrangements.
Scapula Mobilization
The techniques of scapula mobilization are used
with the acute hemiplegic patient to maintain scapula!
humeral alignment and mobility, to maintain muscle
length around the shoulder and elbow, to minimize the
development of spasticity, and to prevent shoulder
pain. They are also used with the patient with upper
extremity spasticity to restore mobility and alignment
to the shoulder girdle and. systematically to lengthen
tight muscles in the arm. Scapula mobilization is
done primarily in supine but can also be done in sitting
and in side lying on the uninvolved side.
To mobilize the scapula in supine, the therapist
sits on the bed on the patient's hemiplegic side, facing
Figure 24B.11. Sit-ta-stand transition with clasped hands.
his head. She places her outside hand on the top of
the shoulder and her inside hand on the humerus,
externally rotating the shoulder joint to neutral. The
patient's lower arm is cradled against her body. Then,
using both hands together, the therapist moves the
scapula up and down into elevation and depression,
and forward and back into abduction/adduction (Fig.
24B.12). If the scapula moves freely in these planes
with the arm by the side of the body, the patient's arm
may be brought forward into 30 to 60 of flexion with
external rotation at the shoulder and elbow extension.
As the therapist moves the arm into flexion, she must
also move her own body position. The scapula move
ments are then repeated. If no resistance is met, the
arm is again brought into a greater degree of flexion,
but as the shoulder position approaches 90 of fiexion,
the therapist moves her hand from the top of the
shoulder to position it on the vertebral border of the
scapula so that she may assist the scapula to upwardl y
Figure 24B.12. Mobilization of the scapula in supine to
maintain or restore normal scapula/humeral rhythm.
rotate. When the patient has no pain and the scapula
is rotating, the ann may be brought over the head into
full shoulder flexion and out into full abduction to
maintain passive range of motion and muscle length.
For shoulder movements above of flexion, the
humerus must be externally rotated to prevent jamming
the head against the acromium process and impinging
the supraspinatus tendon. If pain occurs, the arm
must be lowered, the humerus externally rotated, and
scapular movements repeated in the lowered position.
Place and Hold
Place. and hold activities are introduced following
mobilization of the scapula when there is no spasticity,
the ann can be moved passively without pain, and
scapulohumeral rhythm is intact. In supine, the arm is
brought into 90 or more shoulder fIexion as described
above. The therapist then moves her hand from the
patient's shoulder to take his hemiplegic hand with her
hand. Using her two hands together, she guides the
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 459
arm into abduction and adduction or slight flexion and
extension, asking the patient to assist her movements.
As she feels the patient assist, she asks him to try to
hold his arm in the p,osition it is in, maintaining her
own support of the arm but lightening her assistance.
The patient may also be guided through elbow fIexion
to the top of his head and back into extension. As the
patient's control of his arm increases, the therapist will
be able to let go of her contact with the arm while the
patient "places and holds" it in position. With prac
tice, the patient will learn to control the arm through
a larger range of shoulder and elbow movements as well
as forearm rotation and wrist and finger movements.
Arm Movements in Sitting
In sitting, subluxation of the glenohumeral joint
must be corrected before the hemiplegic ann can be
passively moved or treated. Subluxation or separation
of the humerus from the acromium joint of the scapula
occurs when the scapula downwardly rotates on the
rihcage, changing the angulation of the slope of the
glenoid fossa and allowing the humerus to slip out of
the joint (Fig ..24B.13). Scapular downward rotation is
common in acute hemiplegia, because the muscles
Figure 248.13. Inferior subluxation of the shoulder.
460 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
connecting the scapula to the trunk are flaccid and
cannot maintain the weight of the arm against the
pull of gravity. Abnormal trunk postures, especially
excessive flexion of the upper spine or lateral flexion
of the spine with the concavity to the hemiplegic
side, encourage malpositioning of the scapula. Inferior
subluxation is accompanied by internal rotation of the
humerus (Ryerson & Levit, 1991).
To reseat the humeral head into the fossa, the
therapist supports the joint from underneath in the
axilla, trying first to correct trunk position and upwardly
rotate the scapula. She must then use her other hand
to lift the humerus up into the fossa and externally
rotate it to neutral (Fig. 248.14).
When the glenohumeral joint has been reposi
tioned, the therapist may progress to reeducation of
arm movements. The therapist sits next to the patient
on the mat, facing the patient's hemiplegic side. She
uses her back hand to support the hemiplegic shoulder
and uses her front hand to take the patient's hemiplegic
hand as if she were shaking hands with him (Fig.
248.15). She then uses both her hands to guide the
patient's arm into shoulder flexion and abduction, and
elbow flexion aQd extension. Guided arm movements
can be practiced using an object target to prepare for
They can also be practiced with the patient
holding an object in the hemiplegic hand. As motor
control of the arm improves, the therapist removes one
or both of her hands, allowing the patient to perform
part of the movement independently.
Forearm Weight Bearing in Sitting
Forearm weight bearing in sitting can be used to
maintain scapular alignment and mobility and to acti
vate muscles of the trunk and arm, Weight bearing on
the arm is also one of the earliest ways to incorporate
the flaccid upper extremity into functional activities.
Forearm weight bearing requires less trunk and arm
14. Reduction of shoulder subluxation by correct
ing scapular rotation and lifting the hvmerus up into the glenoid
Figure 248.15. Guided movements of the upper extremity.
The therapist maintains alignment of the shoulder joint while re
educating arm movements.
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 461
control than weight bearing on an extended arm and is
usually the first weight-bearing task introduced in
To teach forearm weight bearing, the patient is
seated with both forearms resting on a table in front of
him, hands in line with the shoulder joint. The therapist
may hold the patient's hand on the table if the arm is
very floppy or support the glenohumeral joint at the
axilla if it is badly subluxed (Fig. 24B.16). The thera
pist guides the patient in sitting weight shifts,
espeCially anterior weight shifts to the table (which will
extension and increase the weight on the
hemIplegIc arm) and lateral weight shifts to both sides
(which will assist in increasing the weight on the
hemiplegic hip and activating the muscles of the hemi
plegic trunk). As the patient moves his trunk around
his arms, the scapula position on the ribcage is changed
muscle. l.ength is maintained. The therapist may
facilitate the correct trunk movements, using
the spme and ribcage to guide the correct pattern.
When the patient is able to move his trunk indepen
dently, the therapist can change control to the scapula
to facilitate the correct shoulder movements. Trunk
movements and forearm weight bearing can be used
during grooming activities with,the patient's
arm ?n the sink. They are also easy to
WIth eatmg and other functional table top activ
Ities (FIg. 24B.17). Having the patient reach with his
arm while weight bearing on the hemiplegic
arm mcreases the control demands of both the trunk
and the arm.
As was mentioned earlier, the Bobath techniques
were developed through patient treatment, with the
goal of improving the control of movement of the hemi
plegic side. K. Bobath formulated a scientific explana
tion for the effectiveness of B. Bobath's clinical tech
niques based on the scientific research on brain
function that was available in the 1940s. Bobath and
Bobath believed that the physical impairments associ
ated with stroke (i.e., spasticity and disorders of pos
ture and movement) were the result of loss of cortical
inhibition and that their treatment, by normalizing
sensory feedback from the periphery, helped reorganize
motor output from the CNS (Bobath, 1990). Both as
sumptions were based on a hierarchical model of CNS
organization and control of movement that has since
been modified (Gordon, 1987). NDT/Bobath treatment
has been challenged in the therapy literature because
of its outdated scientific theory (Ostrosky, 1990). How
ever, NDT/Bobath continues to be widely used in the
clinic, and its techniques could be effective even if the
science that was originally used to explain them is no
longer current.
Few studies exist that examine the effectiveness
Figure 24B.17. Forearm weight bearing during task perfor
mance. The patient uses the hemiplegic arm to support body
Figure 24B.16. Retraining forearm weight bearing. weight while using the uninvolved arm for skill.
462 Section IV Treatment Principles and Prac;tices
of the NDT/Bobath approach with adult stroke patients.
A computerized search of all peer-reviewed articles
appearing between 1980 and 1990 performed by the
Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association (NDTA)
research committee identified 41 articles, of which 3
were directly concerned with adult hemiplegia (Royeen
& DeGangi, 1992). The remainder were related to
NDT/Bobath with cerebral palsy and/or other pediatric
diagnoses. The majority of publications do not clearly
demonstrate the effectiveness of NDT over other tradi
tional physical and occupational therapy interventions.
A major problem contributing to this failure may be
the lack of measures sensitive to small changes in
movement control, postural responses, and muscle
The studies that related to the treatment of adult
hemiplegia did support the effectiveness of NDT/Bo
bath techniques as well as other treatment approaches
in stroke rehabilitation. A study by Basmajian et aI.
(1987) examined the relative effectiveness of an NDT
based intervention program and a program of cognitive
and behavioral training on upper extremity function in
29 stroke patients. The study was well controlled,
and the data were subjected to multiple statistical
procedures. The authors found that both therapies were
effective with stroke patients, but they could identify
no significant differences in outcome between the two
approaches. These results are similar to those reported
by Dickstein et al. (1986) and Logigian et a1. (1983).
None of these studies used a control group, and t h e r e ~ , _ ~
fore, the possibility of spontaneous recovery causing
the observed changes cannot be ruled out. Additional
studies on NDT with adult hemiplegia are currently
being funded by the NDTA.
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 463
" " " " '- " "
Brunnstrom, a physical therapist, was particularly
concerned with the problems of patients following
stroke. Her approach to their treatment has given
therapists insight into the behaviors of a master clini
cian. In developing Movement Therapy, Brunnstrom
experimented by applying, in a trial-and-error fashion,
procedures that she derived from motor control litera
ture or from observations of patients. She paid careful
attention to the patient's motor and verbal reactions to
each procedure, interpreted those reactions in light of
her knowledge of motor control and development, and
adjusted the procedure accordingly. Successful proce
dures were replicated patient patient.
The principles of Movement Therapy and the
evaluation and treatment procedures presented here
are summarized and adapted from Brunnstrom (1970),
which describes her approach in detail.
The assumptions that underlie the Movement
approac are as follows.
Q) In normal motor development, !pinal cord and
brainslem re6exes become modified i!nd thejr compo
nents rearranged into pUrPQseful mOvement through the
"tfiIluence of higher cente[ Because reflexes and
whole-hmb movement patterns are norma] stages of
development and because stroke appears to result in
"development in reverse," reflexes and primitive move-
Catherine A. Tromhly
ment patterns should be used to facilitate the recovery
of voluntary movement poststroke. Brunnstrom (1956)
believed that no reasonable training method should be
left untried and stated, "It may well be that a subcorti
cal motion synergy which can be elicited on a reflex
basis may serve as a wedge by means of which a
limited amount of willed movement may be learned"
(p. 225).
tT.\ Proprioceptive and exteroceptive stimllIj cap
be to evoke desired motion or tonal
CD Of yohmi:Q' wgyemeht pru;wmke
proceeds 1n sequence from mass, stereotyped flexor ill
extensor movement atterns to movemen .
features of the two patterns, and finally tg djqrete
movements of each joint at wilL The stereotyped move
ment patterns are caned limb synergies. Synergy, in
this sense, refers to patterned movements of the entire
limb in response to a stimulus or to voluntary effort.
o Newly produced, correct motions must be
practlCed to be learned.
G)Practice within context of daily activities
enhances t e
The p f Movement Therapy are listed
1. Treatment progresses developmentally, from reflex
"". to voluntary to
2. When no exists, movement is facilitated
" using reflexes, associated reactions, propriocep
tive facilitation, and/or exteroceptive facilitation
to develop muscle tension in preparation for volun
tary movement.
a. Reflex responses and associated reactions
elicited in this way combine with the patient's
voluntary effort to move, which produces semi
voluntary movement; this allows the patient to
experience the sensory feedback associated with
movement and the satisfaction of having moved,
to some degree, voluntarily.
b. Proprioceptive and exteroceptive stimuli assist
in eliciting movement. Resistance (a propriocep
tive stimulus) promotes a spread of impulses to
other muscles to produce a patterned response
(associated reaction), whereas tactile stimula
tion (exteroceptive) facilitates only the muscles
related to the stimulated area.
3. When voluntary effort produces, or contributes to,
a response, the patient is asked to hold (isometric)
the contraction. If successful, he is asked for an
464 Section fV Treatment Principles and Practices
eccentric (controlled lengthening) contraction and
finally a concentric (shortening) contraction.
4. When even only partial movement is possible, re
versal of movement from flexion to extension is
stressed within each treatment session.
5. Facilitation is reduced or dropped out as quickly
as the patient shows evidence of volitional control.
Facilitation procedures are dropped out in order
of their stimulus-response binding. Reflexes, in
which the response is stereotypic ally bound to a
certain stimulus, are the most primitive and are
dropped out of treatment first. Responses to extero
ceptive stimulation are least stereotyped, and there
fore, tactile stimulation is eliminated last. No primi
tive reflexes, including associated reactions, are
used beyond stage 3.
6. Emphasis is placed on willed movement to overcome
the linkages between parts of the synergies; willed
movement means that the patient is trying to accom
plish it. It helps if the person is asked to do a
familiar movement, such as reaching for a soft
drink can.
7. Correct movement, once elicited, is repeated to
learn it; practice should include functional activi
ties to increase the willed aspect and to relate the
sensations to goal-directed movement.
Evaluation in the Brunnstrom approach includes
determination of the following:
1. The patient's sensory status;
2. The level of recovery of voluntary motor control;
3. The effect of tonic reflexes on the patient's move
The effect of associated reactions on the pa
tient's movement.
The sensory evaluation precedes the motor evalu
ation. The patient's ability to recognize movements of
the affected arm and to localize touch in the hand,
without looking, are especially noted, because they are
associated with better eventual recovery of voluntary
movement of the arm and hand, respectively (see Chap
ter 8 for evaluation procedures). Results of the sensory
evaluation guide choice of facilitation modalities that
the therapist may use to facilitate movement or alert
the therapist to encourage the patient to substitute
visual feedback for lost movement or position senses.
Level of Recovery of Voluntary Movement
Table 24C.l lists the six stages of recovery of the
proximal upper extremity and hand and the three stages
~ ..
of recovery of the wrist that Brunnstrom (1970) identi
fied. Although stroke patients, on average, proceed
through these stages, a particular patient may stop at
any stage. To date, there are no reliable ways to predict
which patients will recover voluntary movement and
which will not.
To evaluate stage of recovery, the patient is made
physically and psychologically comfortable. The se
quential 1'lspects of the motor evaluation (Table 24C.2)
are used to determine the patient's level of motor
control; no movements beyond the patient's capabilities
are demanded. No facilitation is used during the
evaluation. Each motion is demonstrated to the patient,
and he does it with his unaffected extremity before he
attempts it with his affected one, so the therapist can
be certain that the person understands the request.
Instructions should be given in functional terms. For
example, to test the flexor synergy of the upper
extremity, say "Touch behind your ear" and for the
extension synergy, "Reach out to touch your [opposite]
knee" (Brunnstrom, 1966). The patient's ability to do
the requested movement is recorded according to the
percentage of range of motion that he completed. For
example, when asked for a flexor synergy response,
if the patient is able to bring the hand only as far as
his mouth rather than to his ear, the therapist may
observe that he has complete elbow flexion (100%),
about 45 of shoulder abduction (50%), supination to
midrange (50%), and minimal external rotation (25%).
When the patient's response is incomplete, as in this
example, it may be necessary to observe the patient's
repeated attempts to determine the specific weak areas
of the synergy or movement pattern and to decide on
the rating. A Polaroid photograph, taken in a standard
ized way, would provide clear documentation of the
patient's abilities before and after a treatment program.
A patient is reported to be in the stage at which
he is able to accomplish all motions specified for
that stage. Because progress is gradual, there will be
instances when the patient is in transition between
stages. If he has completed one stage but is just
beginning to be able to do the motions of the next
stage, many therapists would record his level as "2
going on 3" or "3 going on 4," etc. The upper and
lower extremities as well as the hand may all be in
different stages of recovery at a given time.
Brunnstrom's evaluation is valid in that it reflects
observations made by Twitchell (1951) of the recovery
process of 118 patients who had suffered strokes,
onset of which ranged from 5 days to 5 years before
observation as well as her own observations of 100
patients (Brunnstrom, 1970). A modified, better-de
fined version of the Bnmnstrom and Fugl-Meyer evalua
tion was used to evaluate recovery of the lower limb of
23 poststroke patients (Clarke et aI., 1983). The stage
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 465
~ \ Table 24C.l. Recovery Stages of the Upper Extremity
Arm Stage: Hand
1. Flaccidity-no voluntary movement
2. Synergies developing-flexion usually develops before exten
sion (may be a weak associated reaction or voluntary con
traction with or without joint motion); spasticity developing
3. Beginning voluntory movement, but only in synergy; in
creased spasticity, which may become marked
4. Some movements devioting from synergy;
a. Hand behind body;
b. Arm to forward-horizontol position;
c. Pronation-supination with elbow flexed to 90"; spasticity
5. Independence from the basic synergies:
a. Arm to side-horizontal position;
b. Arm forward and overhead;
c. Pronation-supination with elbow full extended; spasticity
6. Isolated joint movements freely performed with near normal
coordination; spasticity minimal
1. Flaccidity
2. little or no active finger flexion
3. Moss grasp or hook grasp
No voluntary finger extension or release
4. lateral prehension with release by thumb movement
Semivoluntary finger extension (small range of motion)
5. Palmar prehension
Cylindrical and spherical grasp (awkward)
Voluntary mass finger extension (variable range of motion)
6. All types of prehension (improved skill)
Voluntary finger extension (full range of motion)
Individual finger movements
Table 24C.2. Hemiplegia-Classification and. Progress Record: Upper Limb
Name _________________ Age __ Dote of onset ________ Side affected _______
Date Stage
1. No movement initiated or elicited; flaccidity.
2. Synergies or components moy be elicited; spasticity developing. Note extent of response:
Flexorsynergy _________________________________________
Extensorsynergy _______________________________________
3. Synergies or components initiated voluntarily; spasticity marked.
Flexor synergy Percent Active Joint Range
Scapular elevation
Scapular retraction
Shoulder obduction
Shoulder external rolation
Elbow flexion
Forearm supination
Extensor synergy
Scapular protraction
Shoulder adduction and internal rotation (pectoralis major)
Elbow extension
Forearm pronation
466 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
Table 24C.2. Continued
4. Movements deviating from basic synergies; spasticity decreasing. Percent Range of Motion
a. Hand behind back
b. Raise arm to 90 forward flexion
c. Pronation-supination, elbow at 90 flexion
5. Relative independence of basic synergies; spasticity waning. Percent Range of Motion
a. Raise arm to 90 abduction
b. Raise arm forward ond overhead
c. Pronation-supination, elbaw extended
6. Movement coordinated and near normal; spasticity minimal.
Wrist (describe motion)
4. Wrist stabilization for grasp
o. Elbowextended _____________~ ____________________ ______________________________
b. Elbow flexed _______________________________
5. Wrist flexion and extension, fist dosed
a. Elbow extended _______________________________________
b. Elbow flexed :--:--:-::::--:-_---:-_-'--_______________________
6. Wrist circumduction (stabilize forearm) _____________________________________
1. Flaccidity; no voluntary movement
2. little or no active finger flexion
3. Moss grasp or hook grasp
4. a. Lateral prehension; release by thumb movement
b. Semivoluntary mass extension-small range of motion
5. a. Palmar prehension
b. Voluntary mass extension--variable range of motion
c. Spherical grasp (awkward)
d. Cylindrical grasp (awkward)
6. a. All types of grasp with improved skill
b. Voluntary finger extension-full range of motion
c. Individual finger movements (do dexterity tests)
of recovery was strongly correlated to key aspects of
gait (r = 0.60 to 0.88), which supports its validity. No
data exist concerning the reliability of Brunnstrom's
version of the evaluation, but the reliability can be
assumed to b ~ low, because the rating scales are not
operationally defined. To improve reliability, Fugl
Meyer et aI. (1975) operationally defined 50 details of
joint motion of the limbs, across the six levels of
recovery. The Fugl-Meyer Motor Test uses an 2IllWal
~ scoring system In which each detail is rated 0
(cannot be performed)71 (can be partly performed), or
2 (can be performed faultlessly). Total scores range
from 0 (flaccidity) to 100 (normal motor function).
Intrarater and interrater reliability of the upper ex
tremity subtest (33 items) were determined to be strong
(r 0.99) and significant (Duncan, Propst, & Nel
son, 1983).
Because recovery proceeds sequentially, once the
stage of recovery is identified, the short-term goal
becomes the next step in the recovery sequence.
Tonic Reftexes
Tonic reflexes are assessed to determine whether
they can be used in early treatment to initiate movement
when none exists. The primitive reflexes that may be
present include the symmetrical and asymmetrical tonic
neck reflexes, tonic labyrinthine reflexes, and tonic
lumbar reflexes. With the exception of the tonic lumbar
reflexes, the evaluation of these reflexes was described
in Chapter 7.
The tonic lumbar reflex is elicited by helping the
patient rotate his upper trunk in relation to his pelvis.
If the reflex is active, flexor tone increases in the upper
extremity and extensor tone in the lower extremity on
the side toward which the trunk is turned. Simultane
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 467
ously, extensor tone increases in the upper extremity
and flexor tone in the lower extremity on the side
opposite to the direction of rotation. A change in tone
is gauged by comparing the amount of resistance to
passive stretch under the test condition to a neutral
(unrotated) condition.
Associated Reactions
Associated reactions are involuntary movements
or patterned, reflexive increases of tone in those mus
cles that would be expected to contract to cause the
movement. Associated reactions are seen in the in
volved extremities of stroke patients when other parts
of the body are resisted during movement or an effort
to move is exerted. Associated reactions are evalu
ated to determine which could be used to facilitate
movement when no voluntary movement exists. They
are more easily elicited when spasticity is present.
Associated reactions seen in stroke patients and how
to evoke them are as follows:
L flexor synergy in the involved upper extremity is
elicited by applying resistance to shoulder elevation
or elbow flexion of the noninvolved upper extremity.
2. Extensor synergy in the involved upper extremity
is elicited by applying resistance to horizontal ad
duction of the noninvolved upper extremity, which
is equivalent to Raimiste's phenomenon.
3. Raimiste's phenomena are associated reactions
of hip abduction or adduction. Resistance to hip
abduction or adduction of the noninvolved extremity
evokes the same motion of the involved extremity.
4. Resistance to flexion of the noninvolved leg causes
extension of the involved extremity, and resistance
to extension of the noninvolved side causes flexion
of the involved extremity.
5. Resisted grasp by the noninvolved hand causes a
grasp reaction in the involved hand.
6. Flexor movement or tone may be elicited in the
involved arm when the patient attempts to flex the
leg or when leg flexion is resisted. This reaction is
called homolateral synkinesis.
Basic Limb Synergies
Limb synergies may be elicited as associated
reactions or may occur as early stages of voluntary
control when spasticity is present. When the patient
initiates a movement of one joint, all muscles that are
linked in synergy with that movement automatically
contract, causing a stereotyped movement pattern.
In the upper extremity, the flexor synergy is
composed of scapular retraction and/or elevation,
shoulder abduction and external rotation, elbow tlexion,
and forearm supination. Position of the wrist and fingers
is variable. Elbow flexion is the strongest component
of the flexor synergy and the first motion to appear
(or to be facilitated). Shoulder abduction and external
rotation are weak components. Shoulder hyperextension
may be seen when abduction and external rotation are
weak, although it is not considered part of the flexor
synergy (LaVigne, 1974).
The extensor synergy of the upper extremity is
composed of scapular protraction, shoulder horizontal
adduction and internal rotation, elbow extension, fore
arm pronation, and variable wrist and finger motion,
although wrist extension and finger flexion may be
seen. The pectoralis major is the strongest component
of the extension synergy; consequently, shoulder hori
zontal adduction and internal rotation are the first
motions to appear (or to be facilitated). Pronation is
the next strongest component. Elbow extension is a
weak component.
The upper extremity flexor synergy usually de
velops before the extensor synergy. When both syner
gies are developing and spasticity is marked, the
strongest components of the flexion and extension syn
ergies sometimes combine to produce the typical upper
extremity posture in hemiplegia: The arm is adducted
and internally rotated with the elbow flexed, forearm
pronated, and the wrist and fingers flexed.
The lower extremity flexor synergy is composed
of hip tlexion, abduction, and external rotation; knee
flexion; dorsiflexion and inversion of the ankle; and
dorsiflexion of the toes. In this synergy, hip flexion is
the strongest component, whereas hip abduction and
external rotation are weak components.
The lower extremity extensor synergy is com
posed of hip extension, adduction, and internal rota
tion; knee extension, plantar flexion and inversion of
the ankle, and plantar flexion of the toes. Hip adduc
tion, knee extension, and plantar flexion of the ankle
with inversion are all strong components. Weak compo
nents of this synergy are hip extension, hip internal
rotation, and plantar flexion of the toes. Note that ankle
inversion occurs in both lower extremity synergies.
The lower extremity extensor synergy is domi
nant in a standing position, because of the strength of
this synergy combined with the influences of the posi
tive supporting reaction imd stretch forces against the
sole of the foot that elicit plantar flexion.
The focus of treatment is the recapitulation of
normal movement developmentally from its reflexive
base to voluntary control of individual motions that can
be used functionally.
Rehabilitating Trunk Control
Some patients with hemiplegia may have poor
trunk control and may require training to enable them
to bend over to retrieve an object from the floor or to
dress their lower extremities. To elicit balance re
sponses, the patient is gently pushed in forward, back
ward, .and side-to-side directions. At first, emphasis is
given to promoting of trunk muscles on the
noninvolved side by pushing the patient off balance
toward the involved side while guarding in case of poor
response. Then, once it is determined that the person
has that skill, recovery from a push toward the nonin
volved side is sought. The patient is pushed only to
the poil1t at which he is able to hold the position and
then regain upright posture and is guarded throughout.
Training then progresses to promote trunk flexion, ex
tension, and rotation.
Practice in forward flexion of the trunk is as
sisted. The patient crosses his arms with the nonin
volved hand under the involved elbow and the nonin
volved forearm supporting the involved forearm. The
therapist, silting facing the patient, supports the patient
under the elbows and assists in trunk flexion forward,
avoiding any pull on the shoulders. Some pain-free
shoulder flexion is accomplished during this forward
movement. The patient is concentrating on trunk con
trol, and shoulder movement occurs without conscious
awareness. Return from trunk flexion is performed
actively by the patient. Then, while sitting without
back support and with the involved arm supported as
described above, the patient is pushed backward and
encouraged to regain upright posture actively. Forward
flexion in oblique directions is then done not only to
promote regaining balance but also to incorporate more
scapular motion with the shoulder flexion already
Trunk rotation is then practiced with the patient
supporting his involved arm and the therapist guiding
trunk motion. Trunk rotation can be combined with
head movements in the opposite direction of the trunk
rotation, so that the tonic neck and tonic lumbar re
flexes can be utilized as one way to begin to elicit the
shoulder components of the upper extremity synergies.
The arms and trunk move in one direction while the
head turns in the opposite direction. Head and trunk
movements are combined with increasing ranges of
movement of the shoulder, enabling pain-free shoulder
and scapular abduction and adduction to be accom
plished during trunk rotation.
Retraining Proximal Upper Extremity
The goal of treatment is to promote voluntary
control of the synergies and to encourage their use in
purposeful activities. In these stages, all movements
occur in synergy patterns but with increasing voluntary
initiation and control of these patterns.
To move the patient from stage I (flaccidity) to
stage 2 (beginning synergy), the basic limb synergies
are elicited at a reflex level, using as many reflexes,
associated reactions, and facilitation procedures as
are necessary to elicit a response. The effects of these
procedures combine to produce a stronger response.
The patient tries to move (willed movement) as these
facilitation techniques are used.
The flexor synergy is the first to develop. Within
that synergy, the strongest component, elbow flexion,
is the first motion to be elicited. Once elbow flexion is
seen, the therapist turns concentration from elbow
flexion to the proximal components of the synergy with
the goal of enabling the patient to "'capture the syn
ergy," i.e., bring it under voluntary control (stage 3).
Efforts to achieve voluntary control of the flexor syn
ergy begin with scapular elevation. Lateral flexion of
the neck toward the involved side can be used to
initiate scapular elevation because the upper trapezius
does both motions although it may have "forgotten"
how to elevate the scapula. With the patient's arm
supported on a table in shoulder abduction with elbow
flexion, resistance is given simultaneously to the head
and shoulder while the patient is asked to "hold" the
head and not let it be moved away from the shoulder.
When the trapezius is felt to respond, both the patient's
effort and the therapist's resistance emphasize shoulder
elevation when lateral flexion of the neck is repeated.
Once elevation begins, active contraction may be pro-
moted by an associated reaction. For example, as
the patient attempts bilateral scapular elevation, resis
tance is given to the noninvolved scapula. If the in
volved scapula elevates as a result of an associated
reaction, resistance is then added on the involved
side as the patient is asked to "hold."
Unilateral scapular elevation of the involved arm
is attempted next and may be achieved as a result of
the previous procedures. If the patient is unable to
accomplish the motion, the therapist supports the pa
tient's arm and assists the patient to elevate the scap
ula. Percussion or stroking over the upper trapezius
will facilitate muscle contraction. The patient is then
told to hold, "Don't let me push your shoulder down."
After repeated holding with some resistance added, the
patient does an eccentric contraction-lets the shoulder
down slowly. Then a concentric, or shortening, contrac
tion is attempted when the person is told, "Now pull
your shoulder up toward your ear." Active scapular
elevation evokes other flexor components and tends to
inhibit the pectoralis major. The patient repeats scapu
lar elevation and relaxation as the therapist gently
abducts the shoulder in increasing increments. because
many patients with hemiplegia experience shoulder
pain and/or have shoulder subluxation, the shoulder is
given special care, and the correct scapulohumeral
orientation is maintained. Once shoulder elevation and
some active abduction have been achieved, external
rotation and forearm supination are then included in
the movement. Reversal of movements into the opposite
direction are done from the start and this begins to
develop some components of the extensor synergy.
The extensor synergy tends to follow the :flexor
synergy and may need to be assisted in its initiation.
Contraction of the pectoralis major, a strong component
of the extensor synergy, can be elicited by the
associated reaction in which the therapist supports
the patient's arms in a position between horizontal
abduction and adduction, instructs the patient to bring
his arms together, and resists the noninvolved arm just
proximal to the elbow. As contraction occurs bilaterally
the patient is instructed, "Don't let me pull your arms
apart." Then he attempts to bring his arms together vol
Because of the predominance of excess tone in the
elbow flexors and relative weakness of elbow extensors,
elbow extension is usually more difficult to obtain but
can be assisted by the following methods. Bilateral
"rowing" is the procedure used to initiate elbow exten
sion. In the rowing procedure, movements toward ex
tension combined with pronation are resisted (Fig.
24C.l) and movements into flexion combined with
supination are guided (Fig. 24C.2). Rowing is done
with the therapist and patient seated facing each other;
the therapist's arms are crossed so that she and the
patient grasp right hand to right hand and left hand to
left hand. First, elbow extension is elicited as an
associated reaction by resisting the non involved arm
as it moves into extension and assisting the involved
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 469
arm into extension toward the non involved knee. Once
the affected limb is felt to contract, resistance is of
fered 'bilaterally.
"Hold after positioning" is used to reinforce vol
untary effort. When the patient's arm is positioned in
extension synergy with the elbow in nearly full exten
sion, he is asked to "hold" against resistance. To
facilitate the extensors, quick stretches are applied
to the involved arm by lightly pushing back toward
elbow flexion.
When the extensor synergy is seen to come
under active control, it is further developed through
use of bilateral weight bearing. The patient leans for
ward onto his extended arms supported by a low stool
placed in front of him (Fig. 24C.3). The patient uses
the noninvolved hand to position the involved hand on a
sandbag, pillow, or towel placed on the stool. Vigorous
stroking of the skin over the triceps or tapping is done
as the patient attempts to bear his weight on both
outstretched arms (Fig. 24C.4). Once he is successful,
weight is shifted so that the noninvolved extremity
attempts to support the weight of the upper trunk.
Again tapping and tactile stimulation may be useful.
Unilateral weight bearing can be used functionally to
hold objects while they are being worked on by the
other hand, e. g., holding a piece of wood while sawing,
hammering, or painting it; holding a package steady
while opening it, addressing it, or fastening it; support
ing body weight while polishing or washing large sur
faces such as a table or floor. -
To encourage active elbow extension, once the
triceps is activated via -rowing and weight bearing,
unilateral resistance is offered to the patient's attempts
to move into an extension pattern. Resistance gives
Figure 24C.2. Rowing to encourage elbow extension: guided
Figure 24C.l. Rowing to encourage elbow extension: resis reversal of motion into elbow flexion and supination. Note the
tance to elbow extension combined with pronation. support given to the wrists.
470 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
Figure 24C.3. Weight bearing on the affected upper ex
Figure 24C.4. Facilitating the by firmly lopping the
tendon and muscle belly.
direction to his effort and facilitates a stronger contrac
tion. Other means that may be used to facilitate
extension movement include use of supine position
(tonic labyrinthine reflex); having the patient watch his
extremity, which requires head turning and pulls in
the asymmetrical tonic neck reflex; working with the
forearm pronated, which is a strong component of the
extensor synergy; and rotating the trunk toward the
noninvolved side to facilitate extension of the involved
arm via the tonic lumbar reflex.
As the synergies come under voluntary control,
they should be used in functional activities. The exten
sor synergy can be used to stabilize an object to be
worked on by the other side, to push the arm into the
sleeve of garments, to smooth out a sheet on the
bed, or to sponge off the kitchen counter. The flexor
synergy can be used functionally to assist in carrying
items (such as a coat, handbag, or briefcase), feeding
oneself, or putting on glasses. Bilateral pushing and
pulling activities reinforce both synergies. Sanding,
weaving, ironing, and polishing are activities that use
the flexor and extensor synergies alternately and re
To promote movement deviating from synergy,
motions that begin to combine components of synergies
in small increments are encouraged as a transition from
stage 3 to stage 4. For example, as the patient begins to
extend his arm consistently in response to the unilateral
resistance given by the therapist, the therapist guides
the direction of movement toward shoulder abduction
in conjunction with elbow extension. This breaks up
the synergistic relationship of shoulder adduction to
elbow extension. The therapist requests the patient to
push his hand into her hand as she directs the move
ment away from the patient's midline. When the triceps
and pectoralis major are disassociated, the synergies
no longer dominate.
In stages 4 and 5 the goal of treatment is to
condition the synergies, i. e., to promote voluntary
movement that combines components of the two syner
gies into increasingly varied combinations of move
ments that deviate from synergy. Proprioceptive and
exteroceptive stimuli are still used in this phase of
training, but tonic reflexes and associated reactions,
appropriate in the earlier stages when reflex behavior
was desirable, are no longer used. Willed movement
with isolated control of muscle groups is the desired
The first out-of-synergy motion of stage 4 is hand
behind the body, which .combines relative shoulder
abduction (flexor synergy) with elbow extension and
forearm pronation (extensor synergy). This motion
requires that the strongest components of each synergy
be subdued. To assist in getting the hand behind the
body, a swinging. motion of the arm combined with
trunk rotation is helpful; if billance is good, this can
be done more easily when standing. As the hand
reaches the back of the patient, he strokes the dorsum
of the hand against the body to complete the sensory
awareness of the movement. Stroking the dorsum of the
hand on the back is thought to give direction to the
attempted voluntary movement. If the patient is unable
to do the full motion actively, the therapist
moves the patient's arm into final position and stroke
the dorsum of the patient's hand against his sacrum.
The patient, while attempting to do the movement
himself, is then assisted into and out of the pattern,
which gradually becomes voluntary with practice.
Practice, using functional tasks as much as possible,
continues until the motion can be freely accomplished.
Examples of functional tasks, with the patient standing,
include putting a belt on, sorting objects by moving
certain objects from the table and dropping them into
a bucket placed immediately behind the involved foot,
swimming using the crawl stroke, and tucking a shirt
into trousers.
The second out-of-synergy motion is shoulder
flexion to a forward-horizontal position with the elbow
extended. If the patient is unable actively to flex the
shoulder forward, even with the therapist providing
local facilitation and guidance of movement, then the
arm is brought passively into position. While tapping
over the anterior and middle deltoid muscles, the
therapist asks the patient to hold the position. If hold
after positioning is accomplished, active motion in
small increments is then sought starting with lowering
of the arm followed by active shoulder flexion. This
continues until the full forward flexion motion can be
done. Stroking and rubbing of the triceps are used to
assist in keeping the elbow straight as the arm is raised.
Raising the arm to forward-horizontal is involved in
any vertically mounted game such as tic-tac-toe or
checkers (using Velero tabs to secure the pieces).
Sponge painting is repetitive and essentially nonre
sistive and can be mounted vertically on an easel to
practice the same motion.
The third motion sought in stage 4 is pronation
and supination with the elbow flexed to 90. Supination
would not be expected to be a problem unless the
pronators retained some spasticity. The problem would
be to combine pronation of the extensor synergy
with elbow flex ion of the flexor synergy. Initially,
pronation can be resisted with the elbow extended, and
gradually the elbow can be brought into flexionas the
resistance to pronation is repeated. An activity to
consider when resistance to pronation is still necessary
is block printing. It ~ a n be positioned to resist prona
tion with gradual changes in the amount of elbow
flexion. Resistance to supination or pronation depends
on the d.irection in which the major force is exerted.
When resistance is no longer required and the patient
can supinate and pronate with the elbow near the trunk,
this motion has been achieved. Practice should involve
activities that require turning objects such as a knob,
a screwdriver, .or a dial to reinforce it. Woodworking
projects involving sanding of curved edges or assembly
with screws can be used. Some games like Skittles are
knob operated and require rotary motions, as do card
games that require turning the cards over. Wall check
ers can be adapted by the use of threaded dowels that
must be turned to remove and replace them for each
move on the checkerboard. Once the patient is confi
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 471
dent of these stage 4 movements and his performance
is fairly consistent, he is ready to enter stage 5 training.
Movement in stage 5 involves active attempts by
the patient to move in patterns increasingly away from
synergy. Excess effort is avoided, however, so that the
limbs will not revert back to stereotyped movements.
The attempts are bolstered by use of quick stretch and
tactile stimulation. Each new motion is incorporated
into functional activities.
The first motion sought in stage 5 is arm raised
to side-horizontal, which combines full shoulder abduc
tion with elbow extension. When this can be accom
plished, disassociation of components of the synergies
has occurred. When the muscles are still under the
influence of the synergies, the arm will drift toward
horizontal adduction when the elbow is extended or the
elbow will flex when the shoulder is abducted. Practice
with functional tasks assists learning. Activities to
encourage side-horizontal movement can employ place
ment of project or game pieces or materials on a high
table to the side of the patient. The table can be
gradually moved to require more and more horizontal
abduction and elbow extension. The patient would use
the materials on a project to be done in front of him.
Other activities might include weaving on a floor loom,
table tennis, and driving golf balls.
The second motion of stage 5 is arm overhead.
To achieve it, the scapula must upwardly rotate. The
serratus anterior must be specifically retrained to do
this. If the scapula is bound by spastic retractors,
passive mobilization may need to be done before seek.,.
ing an active response. Passive mobilization of the
scapula is done by grasping the vertebral border and
rotating it as the arm is passively moved into an
overhead position. Once mobilized, the serratus is
activated in its alternate duty of scapula protraction by
placing the arm in the forward-horizontal position and
asking, and assisting, the patient to reach forward. It
is helpful to rehearse this motion with the patient using
the noninvolved extremity. Quick stretches are applied
by pushing backward into scapular retraction and the
patient is asked to hold. Once activated, a holding
contraction of the serratus is sought. These procedures
continue, moving the arm in increments toward the
arm overhead position. Once the movement has been
achieved, practice with functional activities reinforces
it. Sanding on an inclined plane is an example of an
activity requiring a forward push with an increasing
range of movement in scapular protraction and rotation
and shoulder flexion; doing it bilaterally will allow the
stronger, noninvolved arm to help the weaker one.
Table tennis would still be useful, so would shooting
baskets. Washing or painting a wall would require
repeated reversal of movement lip overhead and down.
The third motion sought in stage 5 is supination
472 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
and pronation (external and internal rotation) with the
elbow extended. The best way to achieve this control
is by using both hands in activities of interest to the
patient that involve supination and pronation in various
arm positions. One activity tbat can be used is grasping
a large ball with the arms outstretched and then rotating
it so the affected arm is On top (pronated) and the
unaffected arm is On the bottom (supinated) and vice
versa. The patient can then graduate to handling a,
basketball. To improve supination, the elbow is at
first kept close to the trunk and gradually extended.
Brunnstrom had no special treatment recommendations
to assist in developing disassociation of supination and
elbow flexion.
Patients who recover comparatively rapidly after
a stroke may spontaneously achieve stage 6; however,
many hemiplegic patients do not achieve full recovery.
Twitchell (1951) stated that patients who reached stages
3 and 4 within 10 days after recovered com
pletely; this has never been verified in the literature.
In Twitchell's sample, patients who failed to respond
to proprioceptive facilitation did not recover willed
movement at all. He observed, and it is generally
accepted, that the longer the duration of the flaccid
stage, the less likely was recovery.
Retraining Hand and Wrist Control
Training techniques for return of function in the
hand are presented separately because the hand may
be at a different stage of recovery than the arm. If the
patient is unable to initiate active finger flexion (hand
stage 1) or mass grasp (hand stage 2), the traction
response in which stretch of the scapular adductors
produces reflex finger flexion or an associated reac
tion to resisted grasp by the nonaffected hand may be
used in combination with voluntary effort.
In hemiplegia, wrist flexion usually accompanies
grasp initially so stability of the wrist in extension must
be developed. It is easier for the patient to stabilize
the wrist in extension \Vhen the elbow is extended;
therefore, training starts with the elbow extended and
the wrist supported by the therapist. The wrist extensor
muscles are facilitated, and the therapist directs the
patient to do a forceful grasp by commanding,
"Squeeze. " The grasp promotes normal synergistic con
traction of the wrist extensors. This is repeated until
the wrist extensors are felt to respond, allowing the
therapist to remove support from the wrist with the
command, "Hold." Tapping on the wrist extensor mus
cles facilitates holding. Once wrist extension and grasp
are possible with the elbow extended, the process
of positioning, and hold is repeated in
increasing amounts of elbow flexion. Emphasis in this
stage of training is on wrist stability, although wrist
flexion and extension and circumduction may' then
be practiced.
To move from hand stage 3 (flexion) to hand stage
4 (semi voluntary mass extension) spasticity of the
finger flexors must be relaxed using a series of manipu
lations. The therapist reflexively releases the patient's
grasp by holding the thumb into extension and abduc
tion. Still holding the thumb, the therapist slowly
and rhythmically supinates and pronates the forearm.
Cutaneous stimulation is given over the dorsum of the
wrist and hand while the forearm is supinated. These
manipulations continue until a release of flexor tension
is seen by some relaxation of the flexed position. If
relaxation is incomplete, further manipulations are
done. With the forearm still supinated, rapid repeated
stretch stimuli are applied to the dorsum of the fingers
by rolling them toward the palm with a rapid stroking
motion to stretch finger extensors (Fig. 24C.5). When
flexor tension is relaxed, the forearm is pronated and
the arm elevated above horizontal (Souque's phenome
non). Stroking over the dorsum of the fingers and
forearm continues as extension is attempted, but effort
exerted should be minimal to avoid a buildup of
Imitation synkinesis, in which the normal side
performs a motion that is difficult to achieve on the
involved side, may be observed when the patient at
tempts finger extension. After the fingers can be volun
tarily extended with the arm raised, the arm is gradually
lowered. If there is an increase of flexor tension re
flected by decreased range in extension, it is necessary
to repeat the above manipulations to inhibit flexion
and facilitate extension. Reaching and picking up
large, lightweight objects and releasing them, such as
Figure 24C.5. Facilitating the finger extensors by IJse of
quick, light stretch delivered by topping the dorsal surface of the
fingers slightly into flexion.
is required for stacking cones or paper cups, is one
example of an activity to practice finger extension.
The larger the object, the greater the extension re
quired. The other extensor type activities are those that
require the hand to be used fiat, such as smoothing
out a gannent while ironing or a sheet while making
the bed.
The second motion sought at hand stage 4 is
lateral prehension and release. The patient attempts to
move the thumb away from the index finger to gain
release of lateral prehension while the therapist per
cusses or strokes over the abductor pollicis longus
tendon to facilitate this motion. Once the patient has
some active release, functional use of lateral prehen
sion is then encouraged. Activities include holding a
book while reading, dealing cards, and using a key.
Once the patient is able voluntarily to extend the
fingers to release objects, advanced prehensile patterns
(hand stage 5) are encouraged through activities. Musi
cal instruments (tambourine, drum, claves, cymbal,
tomtom, etc.) provide motivating opportunities for gross
use of various hand patterns (Cofrancesco, 1985). As
the patient progresses, activities are chosen to reinforce
particular prehensions at more precise levels. Holding
a pencil or paintbrush encourages palmar prehension.
Spherical grasp is used to pick up or hold round
objects such as a mayonnaise jar lid or an orange, and
cylindrical grasp is used when holding the handles
of tools.
Individual finger movements (hand stage 6) may
be regained in rare instances. The patient should be
given a home program of activities to encourage more
and more individual finger use and to increase speed
and accuracy of hand movements, but he should also
be cautioned about expecting 100% recovery.
Gait patterns, principles used in preparation for
walking, and ambulation training are also described by
Brunnstrom. These principles and procedures fall un
der the primary responsibility of the physical therapist.
The relative efficacy of Brunnstrom's Movement
Therapy and Bobath's neurodevelopment treatment was
studied on seven selected poststroke patients (Wage
naar et al., 1990). Each subject was randomly assigned
to one treatment for 5 weeks and then to the other for
5 more weeks; this was repeated using a B-C-B-C
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 473
design. Functional recovery of activities of daily living
(ADL), upper limb function, and walking ability were
assessed weekly. The treatment program included oc
cupational therapy, physical therapy, and nursing and
all members of the treatment team adhered strictly to
the written protocol for each treatment that had been
developed from primary sources. The only significantly
different outcome was greater improvement of gait
speed by one patient under the Brunnstrom condition
compared with the Bobath condition. This could have
reflected the specific training of gait speed in the
Brunnstrom method. The lack of difference detected in
other subjects and for other assessments could have
been the result of alternating short periods of each
treatment for each subject, i.e., no subject received a
full treatment program that followed one method and
these methods have opposite views concerning the use
of associated reactions. However, the recovery graphs
for each patient showed steady recovery, indicating that
both methods were probably beneficial. This cannot be
stated with finality, however, as no control condition
(i. e., no treatment given) was used because of ethical
reasons. Patients may have improved spontaneously.
474 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
, , , , , , , , , ,
The proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
(PNF) approach embodies broad concepts of human
motion derived from normal development. As such,
PNF has value to occupational therapists in evaluating
and enhancing motor performance. PNF has been de
fined as "a method of promoting or hastening the
response of the neuromuscular mechanism through
stimulation of the proprioceptors" (Voss, Ionta, & My
ers, 1985, p. xvii). Vmous techniques are superim
posed on patterns of movement and posture with atten
tion to the sensory stimulation from manual contacts,
visual cues, and verbal .commands to bring as many
favorable influences as possible to bear on the patient.
. Applying PNF to the treatment of patients in
occupational therapy requires that the therapist under
stands the concepts, learns the motor skills, and then
incorporates the approach into activities that meet the
individual patient's needs. This introduction presents
the principles of PNF and some examples of application
to occupational therapy. To learn the motor skills, the
patterns and techniques must be performed under the
supervision of a knowledgeable instructor. Learning by
practicing with other students develops the feeling of
how normal balanced antagonistic muscle groups re
spond in different developmental positions. Then learn
ing may proceed to application and repeated use with
I l I S T O ~ Y
Kabat, a neurophysiologist and physician, devel- .
oped the method of proprioceptive neuromuscular facil-
Beverly J. Myers
itation at the Kabat-Kaiser Institute in 1946 to 1951.
Sherrington's physiology and philosophy provided the
foundation for many of the techniques. Some of the
other experimenters who influenced the PNF approach
were Gellhorn, a neurophysiologist who studied propri
oception and cortically induced movement; Gesell, who
studied the development of motor behavior and pat
terned movement; McGraw, who studied the develop
ment of behavior as it relates to the maturation of neural
structures; Hellebrandt, who studied combinations of
movements and mass movements, finding that one can
circumvent fatigue or speed recovery by changing the
combination used; and Pavlov, who studied the mecha
nisms of learning and formation of habit patterns.
The diagonal patterns, PNFs unique feature, were
the last aspect to be identified. Specific combinations
of motion were carefully analyzed in 1951. Kabat found
that when topographically aligned groups of muscles
were stretched, they produced a movement in a diago
nal direction. Observation of functional movement and
sport skills revealed the same spiral and diagonal
Kabat began his work in the early 19405 by
treating patients with cerebral palsy and multiple scle
rosis. However, by the early 1950s PNF had been
applied to the treatment of patients with all diagnoses,
from those with central nervous system (CNS) deficits
to orthopedic conditions, arthritis, and peripheral
nerve injuries .
In 1956, Knott and Voss, two physical therapists
who worked with Kabat, wrote the first edition of the
PNF textbook, which has been revised (Voss et aL,
1985) and translated into seven different languages.
Occupational therapists used PNF as evidenced by the
related articles published during the 1950s (Ayres,
1955a, 1955b, 1955c; Carroll, 195O;Cooke, 1958;
Kabat & Rosenberg, 1950; Voss, 1959; Whitaker,
No courses or workshops were offered for occupa
tional therapists until 1974, when Voss taught the first
PNF course for occupational therapists at Northwestern
University in collaboration with the curriculum in occU
pational therapy at the University of Illinois. Continu
ing education in the form of 1- and 2-week courses
and I-day workshops continues to be offered for occu
pational therapists.
In developing the PNF method, Kabat relied on
authorities in the fields of neurophysiology, motor
learning, and motor behavior. The basic principles of
PNF encompass the developmental concepts as drawn
from these fields (Voss, 1967). The 11 principles are
discussed below.
L All human beings have potentials that are not
fully developed (Voss, 1967). This first principle is a
statement of philosophy. It provides the base for an
attitude toward treating patients. The patient's abilities
and potentials become the means to reduce his inabili
ties. When the patient's progress declines, the idea
that the patient has reached a plateau is the last factor
to be acknowledged. The cause may not be the result of
the patient's natural limitations, but rather because of
lack of experience and skills of the therapist, lack
of coordination with the rehabilitation team and the
patient's family, lack of time for appropriate treatment,
or lack of funds. PNF does not disregard the fact that
some persons may reach a limit beyond which no
further learning may occur. However, the emphasis is
on bringing as many favorable influences to bear as
possible on developing a patient's potential. Consider
~ \ the common reaction of a man watching a tennis game
for the first time. "Oh, I could never do that," he might
exclaim. But after a few lessons, that same man may
have channeled his potential and abilities to perform a
skill that he previously thought was impossible. This
philosophy, inherent in the PNF approach, is compati
ble with that of occupational therapy, in which empha
sis is placed on ability rather than disability.
This philosophy also underlies the approach of
PNF in using the patient's stronger movement patterns
to strengthen the weaker motions. Thus an indirect
approach results. In treatment, when the superior re
gion is intact, as in a person with paraplegia, the
movements of the head, neck, upper trunk, and upper
limbs are used to facilitate and reinforce movements
in the weaker lower extremities. When the patient has
one involved upper extremity, as in the person with a
frozen shoulder, the motions of the intact upper extrem
ity and inferior region are emphasized in bilateral
combinations and total patterns to reduce the pain and
increase movement in the affected arm.
2. Normal motor development proceeds in a cer
vicocaudal and proximodistal direction (Voss, 1967).
In treatment, ~ h i s direction is heeded, and attention is
given first to the development of motion in the head
and neck, then in the trunk, and last in the extremities.
~ For example, with the patient who is comatose, treat
ment would not begin by quietly performing range of
motion on the hand but rather by first directing sensory
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 475
stimuli to the head, as in greeting and talking to the
patient, touching his face or head while talking, or
providing other tactile input to the facial region. Posi
tioning the patient in a total pattern, such as side lying,
would follow and would stimulate rotation of head,
neck, and trunk. Then, if indicated, passive range of
motion of the extremities could be administered.
As the head and neck lead the rest of the body
in embryonic differentiation and reflex development
(Hooker, 1977), so too the position of the head and
neck influences the movement of the body's total pat
tern throughout life. For example, in standing when
the head is quickly rotated to one side, the body weight
shifts to that side. In treatment, this principle is applied
when facilitating weight bearing. When a patient rises
to stand from a wheelchair or bed, if weight is not
equally distributed, asking the patient to look toward
the inefficient side may promote a shift of weight toward
that side. Likewise, when working on developing stabil
ity of the affected side of the patient who has hemiple
gia, positioning the activity on the hemiplegic side will
increase a weight shift toward the involved leg or arm,
thus facilitating weight bearing on that side.
The development of movement and stability in
the limbs proceeds in a proximodistal direction. In
therapy, developing the function of the head, neck,
and trunk precedes developing the function of the
extremities, and that of the shoulder girdle before
developing the fine motor skills of the hand. However,
coordinated movement proceeds in a distal to proximal
direction. When reaching for the telephone on a desk,
the shoulder and elbow do not lead the movement,
rather the hand opens and reaches to grasp the phone.
The rest of the arm supports and follows the movement
of the hand.
3.Early motor behavior is dominated by reflex
activity. Mature motor hehavior is reinforced or sup
ported by postural reflex mechanisms (Voss, 1%7). In
other words, the reflexes present in the newborn do not
disappear completely but become integrated into the
child's nervous system as he or she matures. For
example, the asymmetric tonic neck reflex (ATNR)
supports rolling, the symmetric tonic neck reflex
(STNR) supports the assumption of the hands-and
knees posture, and the body-on-body righting reflex
supports the assumption of side sitting from prone. In
the adult, reflexes are available when needed to support
movement. Evidence of this exists frequently in sports
and when the body performs under stressful conditions.
For example, head and neck extension in the STNR
reinforces extension of the arms in pushing a heavy
object, such as a bed or box. '" .'
Recognizing reflex responses in humans requires
good observation skills, as the reflex response may not
476 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
be complete. Tonus changes and partial movements
are common. Hellebrandt, Schade, and Cams (1%2)
studied the effect of the tonic neck reflex in the normal
adult. An adaptation of one of their experiments can
be easily performed with a partner. One person assumes
a hands-and-knees position and the other person tests
the triceps strength unilaterally four times. The first
time, the person on hands and knees dorsiflexes the
head and maintains this position. The tester waits 15
sec, allowing for the latency of the tonus change, and
then resists the triceps by attempting to passively flex
the elbow. This procedure is repeated with the head
ventroflexed, rotated away from the arm, and rotated
toward the arm being tested. One would expect stronger
responses when elbow extension is supported by the
STNR (head dorsi flexed) and by the ATNR (head ro
tated toward the resisted arm). In treatment, application
occurs when a patient with weakness on one side
has difficulty assuming a hands-and-knees posture.
Directing the patient to turn his head toward the weaker
side will elicit the support of the A TNR to reinforce
elbow extension.
4. The growth of motor behavior has cyclic trends
as evidenced by shifts between flexor and extensor
dominance (Voss, 1967). For example, in the develop
ment of the sitting posture, the first cycle is flexion.
The newborn child, positioned in sitting with assistance
or with support of arms, remains sitting in a flexor
dominant posture. The next cycle is one of extension.
Sitting is assumed independently, but usually with
extension from prone to hands and knees and then with
rotation to side sitting and long sitting. Finally, the
cycle shifts to flexion again as the child learns to
assume sitting symmetrically from supine.
Interaction between movements of flexion and
extension is necessary for functional movement. In the
action of rising to stand, one begins by flexing the
superior region forward to shift weight onto the feet.
Extension of the body follows as the upright position is
attained. The normal child facilitates this interaction
by rocking alternately from flexion to extension in
various postures (McGraw, 1945). Gesell (1977) de
scribed this process as reciprocal interweaving in which
relationships of opposed functions are established.
These reciprocal relationships provide the basis for
development of stability and balance of postures.
In treatment, the therapist applies this principle
in observihg the patient's movements. If flexor tone
dominates, then extensor-dominant activities and meth
ods of assumption will be selected. Likewise, if exten
sor tone is dominant, activities stimulating flexor domi
nance will be chosen. Care should be taken when
stimulating flexion responses, as flexor reflexes are
more primitive than extensor reflexes and may become
dominant, creating an imbalance. Emphasis of treat
ment is rarely limited to one dominance, as an interac
tion between balanced antagonistic movements is
5. Goal-directed activity is made up of reversing
movements (Voss, 1%7). Early motor behavior occurs
in random fashion through full range of motion. The
spontaneous limb movements of the newborn usually
fluctuate from extremes of flexion to extension. Yet the
movements are rhythmic and reversing, qualities that
continue throughout life. The act of eating is reversing
movement of the arm and jaw. Reversal of a total
pattern is commonly found in r,moving a can of soda
from the refrigerator. Initially, the action includes
walking forward to opelJ. the door and reaching forward
to grasp the can. Reversal of direction follows to remove
the can from the shelf and walk backward to close
the door. If a patient cannot reverse directions, his
functional ability will be limited. The rhythmic re
versing of direction then becomes a goal of treatment,
as reversing movements help to reestablish the balance
and interaction between antagonists.
6. Normal movement and posture depend on
"synergism" and a balanced interaction of antagonists
(Voss, 1967). This principle encompasses the previous.
three and states the main goal in the PNF approach:
to develop a balance of antagonists. A continual adjust
. ~ .
ment in reflex activity, dominance, and reversing or
antagonistic movements is required for the constant
changes of movement and posture that occur in func
tional activity. For example, getting dressed demands
interaction in all of these areas. Without a balance
of antagonists, the quality of performance decreases,
becoming more deliberate and losing its smooth and
rhythmical characteristics. Thus in treatment, preven
tion and correction of imbalances between antagonists
are objectives (Voss, 1967).
7. Developing motor behavior is expressed in an
orderly sequence of total patterns of movement and
posture (Gesell, 1947; McGraw, 1945). The concept of
recapitulating the developmental sequence is followed
in treatment. The developmental sequence is consid
ered a universal experience, common to all normal
human beings. Thus if a person, such as a child with
cerebral palsy, has not experienced these total patterns,
he has need to do so. With the patient who has
developed normally and then becomes disabled, this
sequence of developmental positions will have meaning
to him (Voss, 1967). In occupational therapy, the
developmental sequence has direct application, be
cause functional activities can be performed in a variety
of postures. Thus the patient experiences not only total
patterns that facilitate the use of, and integration of, ~
postural reflexes but reduced frustration. For example,
his ability to dress is built through the total patterns of
rolling, lower trunk rotation, bridging, and assumption
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 477
to sitting, rather than through practice of inadequate
or unstable sitting and standing positions.
The developmental sequence also includes the
"combined movements" of the extremities as they inter
act with the head, neck, and trunk in total patterns
(Table 24D.l). The upper or lower extremity move
ments occur in an orderly sequence (Gesell, 1947;
McGraw, 1945). First to appear are bilateral symmet
rical patterns, then bilateral asymmetrical and bilat
eral . reciprocal patterns, and last unilateral patterns.
When the upper and lower extremities move together,
they begin in an ipsilateral pattern, then progress to
alternating reciprocal, where contralateral extremities
move in the same direction one at a time, while opposite
contralateral extremities move in the opposite direc
tion one at a time.. For example, an infant beginning
to creep uses an ipsilateral pattern. Later, the child
uses an alternating reciprocal pattern, moving one
extremity at a time. As coordination and rate of move
ment increase, the child progresses to the most ad
vanced combination, diagonal reciprocal. This combi
nation is similar to alternating reciprocal with only one
difference: contralateral extremities move in the same
direction at the same time, while the other contralat
eral extremities move in the opposite direction at
the same time, as in normal creeping or walking. In
occupational therapy, these combined movements may
be used to assess a patient's level of performance or to
design a treatment activity for stimulation of a response
in the total pattern. For example, standing in a bilat
eral symmetrical combination will facilitate head,
neck, and trunk flexion and extension. Swinging a bat
or racquet in a bilateral asymmetrical combination
will facilitate head, neck, and trunk rotation. On the
other hand, performing a reciprocal combination, such
as throwing a ball or reaching for an item on a high
shelf, promotes stability of head, neck, and trunk.
Direction of movement also develops in an orderly
sequence. Gesell (1954) observed that a child follows
a significant pattern in developing the ability to use a
crayon. The strokes move from scrawl, to vertical, to
horizontal, to circular, and then to oblique or diagonal.
Comparable sequences of direction have been demon
strated in visual behavior, eye-hand coordination, vo
calization, percept-concept formation, and postural be
havior. Thus the diagonal direction or pattern of
movement is a combination of the previous three move
ments and is the most advanced. Voss (1967), citing
Gesell, pointed out that in PNF, total patterns of
movement are performed in a diagonal direction, as
well as in forward, backward, sideways, and circular
directions. A person who has suffered a cerebrovascular
accident (CVA) may be able to creep forward and
backward. However, difficulty may occur when chang-
Table 24D.1. Combined Movements of Upper and
Lower Extremities
Symmetrical Asymmetrical ReCiprocal
Ipsilateral Contralateral Diagonal ReCiprocal
478 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
ing direction in circular and diagonal creeping. Thus
facilitation of circular and diagonal patterns of creep
ing can be goals of treatment.
8. Normal motor development has an orderly se
quence but lacks a step-by-step quality; overlapping
occurs (Voss, 1967). In treatment, a patient does not
remain in sitting until perfection of balance is achieved
before attempting to stand. The order of the develop
mental sequence aids the therapist in finding a posture
or a place to begin when treating the patient. A posture
in which the patient is stable and can move successfully
becomes a place to begin. The developmental sequence
provides a direction in which to progress. However,
because the overlapping quality occurs, the patient
may benefit from working on activities in postures
above and below his level of ability.
Performing activities in developmental postures
will enhance a person's adaptive response to the task
or movement. However, the activity must be graded in
keeping with the physical demands on the patient. If
the physical demands are high, the activity must be
simple. If the physical demands are low, the activity
may be more complex. For example, a patient with
brain damage may need to develop balance in kneeling
and standing and improve his writing skills. In treat
ment, activities in kneeling may include simple gross
motor activities, such as playing tic-tac-toe on the.
blackboard or sanding on an inclined board. However,
when the patient practices writing, a fine motor activ
ity, a more stable posture such as sitting is required.
Besides kneeling and sitting, the patient may engage
in standing activities, walking to and from each activ
ity, and gait training in physical therapy. Thus overlap
ping of postures occurs in treatment during an individ
ual therapy session or throughout the ,day.
9. Improvement of motor ability depends on mo
. tor learning (Voss, 1%7). The concepts of motor learn
ing that PNF applies to therapeutic exercise are similar
to those used by occupational therapists in functional
activity training. These concepts will be reviewed
briefly with specific emphasis on the PNF approach.
Motor learning extends from the conditioning of
responses to the learning of complex voluntary motor
acts (Buchwald, 1965). Harlow and Harlow (1962)
classified the conditioning of responses as the simplest
form of learning. Proprioceptive feedback as received
from receptors in the muscles, tendons, joints, and
labyrinths plays a significant role in simple conditioned
responses (Buchwald, 1965). In addition, stress pro
motes maturation (Levine, 1960). Levine studied infant
rats and their responses to the stresses of handling and
electric shock. The rats who received either form of
stress developed into normal active adults. Those rats
that were not subjected to stress defecated and urinated
more frequently and did not explore their environment.
Thus motor learning is facilitated by appropriate stress
coupled with sensory and environmental stimulation.
As maturation occurs, more complex acts may
be learned. The sequence begins with conditioned
responses progressing to an ability to discriminate be
tween objects, to an ability to transfer learning from
one problem to another, and then to the ability to
solve complex problems requiring concept formation.
Learning complex tasks can be facilitated by the use
of "stepwise procedures," as demonstrated by Harlow
and Harlow (1962). In PNF, the therapist helps the
patient learn many complex motor acts, such as trans
fers and other self-care skills. By selecting and provid
ing appropriate sensory cues and through the use of
facilitation techniques, the demands of a task or
parts of the task that the patient is unable to perform
independently may be made more appropriate. PNF
emphasizes the stepwise procedures of a task, yet
allows the patient to complete the whole task. Thus, by
training with repetition, the conditioning of responses
occurs and leads to the achievement of the whole task.
Sensory cues include visual, auditory, and tactile
stimuli. Vision and hearing give direction to movement
(Voss, 1972). Vision may lead movement or follow the
movement. For example, in lifting an object up to a , ~ ,
shelf, the person will look to the shelf first, then lift
the object. Thus, if a patient is not engaging the
movement with his eyes, he has a need to do so.
Following the movement visually will enhance the mo
tor performance.
Verbal commands increase sensory stimulation
and may facilitate movement. Tone of voice may in
fluence the quality of the muscle response. A loud,
sharp command will yield a quick response and recruit
more motor units. A soft, low command will produce a
slower response. In the presence of pain, soft com
mands are always used to avoid stimulating jerky move
ments and further increasing the pain (Voss, 1967).
Verbal mediation occurs when the patient speaks
aloud to direct his movements (Loomis & Boersma,
1982). For example, a patient who has difficulty prepar
ing the wheelchair for a transfer may say, "I am going
to lock the brakes, put my feet on the floor, and move
the footrests away." Expressing the movement verbally
as the task is performed enhances the organization,
memory, and execution of the task.
Tactile cues in PNF are mainly provided by the
therapist's manual contacts, which facilitate movement
or promote relaxation. Also, stretch and resistance may
be applied by opposing the patient's effort and yet
becoming part of his effort (Voss, 1967). Additional ~ .
tactile stimulation may be provided by adjuncts to
treatment, such as vibration and cold.
Thus motor learning is enhanced by tracking
sensory cues. One may track a visual stimulus, the
sound of a voice, or a touch. Tactual tracking is
more efficient (Smith, 1967). In cybernetics research,
movement with visual tracking was discovered to be
less accurate than movement with tactual feedback. In
treatment, an application of tracking may occur when
a patient reaches for an object but is unable to complete
the range of movement. A light touch on the back of
the patient's hand, guiding him toward the object, may
be the only cue he needs to achieve the goal. Another
example may occur when a patient with unilateral
weakness in the upper limb attempts to wipe the table
with a sponge. The performance may quickly deterio
rate with the patient complaining of fatigue. With a
light touch on the back of the patient's hand from the
therapist hand or with self-touch from the patient's
uninvolved hand, the patient's movement becomes less
deliberate, endurance improves, and the task is com
pleted. In summary, the application of motor learning
concepts in PNF becomes one of combining as many
favorable influences as possible to achieve the de
sired response.
10. Frequency of stimulation and repetition of
activity are used for the promotion and retention of
motor learning and for the development of strength and
endurance (Voss, 1967). Patients, as well as any child
or adult learning a new skill, require frequent stimula
tion and opportunity to practice in order for the task
being learned to be retained. Motor learning has oc
curred when the movement is repeated enough to be
come integrated into the body's repertoire of movements
and can be used automatically. In treatment, repetition
cannot be overemphasized. Activity has an inherent
advantage over exercise because during activity repeti
tion occurs naturally.
11. Goal-directed activities, coupled with facili
tation techniques, are used to hasten learning of total
patterns of walking and of self-care activities (Voss,
1967). Facilitation tecluiiques or exercise alone are
not as meaningful as when they are coupled with an
activity. Activity that directs attention away from the
motor aspects of the task and toward a
goal enhances neurological integration (Ayres, 1962).
Likewise, purposeful activity alone is not enough. It is
necessary but not always sufficient to meet the patient's
needs. Therapists need to relate the facilitation tech.
niques to activity (Ayres, 1962).
Assessment becomes an ongoing process in the
PNF approach. Following the initial evaluation, a treat
ment plan is established, using selected procedures
and techniques. Modifications in the plan occur as the
needs of the patient change or as the therapist observes
a change in the patient's performance. As PNF encom
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 479
passes concepts that may be applied to many diagnoses,
the evaluation is general in nature. Forms for evalua
tion, analysis, and planning treatment programs in
physical therapy were developed by Voss (1967, 1969).
Descriptions of the evaluation process have been pre
sented in detail in the literature (Voss, 1972; Voss et
al., 1985). The evaluation reflects the developmental
sequence, proceeding in a proximal to distal direction.
A brief summary of the evaluation process is pre
sented here.
1. Vital and related functions of the body, respiration,
swallowing, voice production, and facial and tongue
motions are evaluated and impairments, weakness,
or asymmetry is noted.
2. Movements in response to visual, auditory, and
tactile stimuli are elicited to determine which sen
sory cues may be used to reinforce movement and
3. Head and neck patterns, the key to upper trunk
patterns, are observed during the performance of
developmental and functional activities. The follow
ing are noted:
a. Dominance of tone (flexor or extensor);
b. Alignment (midline or asymmetrical);
c. Stability versus mobility (balanced or deficient
in one or both areas).
4. Combinations of diagonal patterns of the extremities
are next in the evaluation sequence. The patient is
asked to perform bilateral symmetrical, bilateral
asymmetrical, and bilateral reciprocal combina
tions. The following areas are assessed:
a. Influence of head, neck, and trunk postures;
b. Range of motion, remembering that rotation IS
not complete in any pattern;
c. Quality of movement, such as smoothness and
d. Normal timing, with the distal component lead
ing in coordinated movement.
5. Developmental postures are observed by asking the
patient to assume and maintain positions in the
developmental sequence. These total patterns are
assessed to determine how muscle groups function
in relation to each other in a given pattern. Previous
evaluation centered on individual segments and
functions. During observations of total pattems a
central problem or imbalance may be identified.
For example, is more stability or mobility needed?
Is there a dominance rather than a balance of
flexor or extensor tone? And does the patient have
difficulty shifting from one dominance to another?
6. Functional activities, as performed in self-care tasks
and transfers, are observed to determine any dis
crepancies between the patient's ability to perform
individual and total patterns and his ahili ty to com
480 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
bine these movements in perfonnance of a func
tional task.
Diagonal Patterns
For every major part of the body-the head, neck,
trunk, and extremities-two pairs of diagonal patterns
of movement exist. Each pair of antagonistic patterns
consists of three motion components. Flexion or exten
sion is always present as the major component. These
Hexion and extension components are combined with
rotation (external or internal) and with abduction or
adduction. For example, in diagonal one (Dl) Hexion
of the upper extremity, Hexion combines with adduction
and external rotation. In diagonal two (D2) fiexion,
Hexion combines with abduction and external rotation.
These diagonal patterns were described by Voss et al.
(1985), according to shoulder motion components, the
original designation by Kabat. The briefer designations
of diagonal one and diagonal two were introduced by
Voss (1967). In development, the diagonal patterns
appear in the functional movements of rolling and prone
locomotion. Diagonal one is derived from rolling and
diagonal two from crawling on the belly.
Five factors support the use of diagonal patterns
in treatment.
1. The patterns agree with the spiral and diagonal
characteristics of nonnal functional movement; most
muscles, by virtue of their attachments and align
ment of their libers, support this movement.
2. Scientists who have studied integrative function of
the brain support the concept that voluntary move
ment consists of mass movement patterns rather
than individual muscle action; lackson (1931) was
one of the lirst to stimulate specilic areas of the
motor cortex and to discover that mass movement
patterns were produced.
3. Gesell (1954) noted that diagonal movement occurs
last in the normal development of direction and is
the most advanced motion; thus diagonal movements
are combinations of the three pairs of antagonistic
motions of flexion or extension, abduction or adduc
tion, and external or internal rotation.
4. All diagonal patterns cross the midline, thereby
facilitating interaction between two sides of the
body, which is important to perceptual-motor-sen
sory integrative functioning.
5. The diagonal patterns always incorporate a rotation
component; because rotation is one of the last move
ments to develop, it is usually the lirst to be lost
following an injury or with aging (Voss, 1967).
Use of diagonal patterns in therapy reinforces the
component of rotation, necessary to the performance of
functional tasks. Placing an acti vity in a diagonal
direction will elicit a diagonal pattern and the desired
rotation. Range of motion may also be perfonned in
diagonal patterns. Rotation is incorporated with each
limb motion. This method is more efficient than the
traditional range of motion performed in anatomical
planes. Figures 24D.l through 24D.30 are arranged to
show the two extremes of the bilateral patterns along
with a treatment application of the particular pattern.
Bilateral symmetrical patterns occur when
paired extremities perform like movements at the same
time. These combining movements are the lirst to
develop; therefore, they are often the easiest to learn.
Also, as they influence head, neck, and trunk Hexion
and extension, they play an important role in facilitat
ing a reciprocal relationship between Hexor and exten
sor dominance. Bilateral symmetrical patterns of the
upper extremities (Figs. 24D.l and 24D.2, and 24D.7
and 24D.8) are commonly observed in the daily activi
ties of riding a bicycle, putting a roast in the oven,
and removing a pullover shirt overhead. Bilateral
symmetrical patterns of the lower extremities (Figs.
24D.25 and 24D.26, 24D.28 and 24D.29) are seen in
the postures of standing and sitting. Bilateral asym- . ~
metrical patterns occur when paired extremities per- '
fonn movements toward one side at the same time.
The limbs may move together free from contact as in
bilateral asymmetrical flexion to the right, with the
right arm in D2 Hexion and the left in D 1 ftexion
(Fig. 24D.3), The combining movement may also be
perfonned with the arms in contact, as in the patterns
of chopping (Figs. 24D.4 and 24D.S) and lifting (Figs.
24D.1O and 24D.ll). Bilateral asymmetrical pat
terns inHuence the head, neck, and trunk movements
in patterns of flexion with rotation or extension with
rotation. When the arms perform in contact, the range
of trunk flexion and extension with rotation increases.
Swinging a baseball bat is an example of a bilateral
asymmetric pattern in the upper extremities. The
same combination in the lower extremities is found in
the side-sitting position.
Bilateral reciprocal patterns occur when paired
extremities perform movements in opposite directions ~
at the same time. For example, in reciprocal move
ments of diagonal one, one arm begins in D 1 exten
sion, the other ann in Dl ftexion (Fig. 24D.13). As
one arm moves toward D I ftexion, the other arm
moves toward DJ extension (Fig. 24D.14). Less
flexion and extension of head, neck, and trunk are~
present in reciprocal motions than in other combinec' . } .
patterns. Rotation of head, neck, and trunk may occur,
but the range is incomplete. When antagonistic patterns
of both diagonals are performed at the same time, as
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 481
Figure 24D.4. Bilateral asymmetrical
pattern with limbs in contact, as in chop
ping. A chop to the right begins with the
right arm in D1 flexion and the left hand
grasping the dorsum of the right wrist.
Figure 24D.2. Bilateral symmetrical
D1 flexion, shortened range; bilateral
symmetrical D1 extension, lengthened
range. Shoulders flex, adduct, and exter
nally rotate; elbows flex (as the interme
diate joint, the elbow may flex or extend),
forearms supinate; wrists flex toward ra
dial side; fingers flex and adduct; and
thumbs flex and adduct.
Figure 24D.S. In chopping to the
right, the right arm moves in D1 exten
sion, with the left arm assisting in D2 ex
Figure 24D.3. Bilateral asymmetrical
flexion to the left to work on, a macrame
project. Left arm is in D2 flexion, and
right arm is in D1 flexion.
Figure 24D.6. Chopping to the left
with pulleys. The left arm will move into
D1 extension, and the right arm will as
sist in D2 extension. Note the rotation of
head, neck, and trunk. The therapist re
sists scapular movement.
482 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
Figure 24D.7. Bilateral symmetrical
D2 extension, shortened range; bilateral
symmetrical D2 f1exion, lengthened
range. Shoulders extend, adduct, and in
ternally rotate; elbows flex (os the inter
mediate joint, the elbow may flex or ex
tend); forearms pronate; wrists flex
toward ulnar side; fingers flex and ad
duct; and thumbs are in opposition.
Figure 240;8. Bilateral symmetrical
02 flexion, shortened range; bilateral
symmetrical D2 extension, lengthened
range. Shoulders flex, abduct, externally
rotate; elbows extend (os the intermedi
ate joint, the elbow may flex or extend);
forearms supinate; wrists extend toward
radial side; fingers extend and abduct;
thumbs extend and adduct.
Figure 24D.9. Range of motion in 02
f1exion. The therapist's manual contacts
ore on the extensor surface to facilitate
wrist and elbow extension in the 02
f1exion pattern. Contacts will switch to
flexor surfaces as the patient reverses the
pattern in D2 eXtension.
Figure 240.11. In lifting to the left, Figure 24D.12. Lifting to the left to
the left arm moves in 02 flexion, with the place groceries on the shelf. The t h e r a ~
right arm assisting in D1 f1exion. pist approximates 01 the pelvis. '
Figure 24D.10. Bilateral symmetrical
pattern with limbs in contact, as in lifting.
A lift to the left begins with the left arm in
02 extension and the right hand grasping
the volar surface of the left wrisl.
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 483
Figure 240.13. Bilateral reciprocal
01, lengthened ronge. The left arm be
gins in D1 flexion, and the right arm be
gins in 01 extension.
Figure 240.14. Bilateral reciprocal
01, shortened range. The left arm moves
in 01 extension, and the right arm moves
in 01 extension.
Figure 24D.15. Bilateral reciprocal
01 in a palmar prehension activity. Note
the simultaneous static and dynamic pO
sition, with the left arm weight bearing
(static) in 01 extension and the right arm
moving (dynamic) in 01 flexion.
Figure 240.16. Bilateral reciprocal
diagonals, lengthened range.
The fight arm begins in 02 flexion, and
the left arm begins in 01 extension.
Figure 240.17. Bilateral reciprocal
combined diagonals, shortened range.
The right arm moves in 02 extension, ond
the left arm moves in D1 flexion. The
head and neck may rotate, diagonally
flex and extend, or remain in midline.
Figure 240.18. Biloteral reciprocal
combined diagonals in donning a jacket.
The right orm moves through the sleeve
in 02 extension, and the left arm pulls the
iocket over the right arm in D1 flexion.
484 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
Figure 24D.19. Bilateral symmetrical
01 ulnar thrust, lengthened range. Shoul
ders extend, abduct, and internally ro
tate; elbows flex; forearms supinate;
wrists flex toward radial side; fingers flex
and adduct; and thumbs flex and adduct.
Figure 24D.21. Unilateral D1 ulnar
thrust to the left. The therapist resists
wrist extension, using the technique of re
peated contractions.
Figure 24D.20. Bilateral symmetrical
Dl ulnar thrust, shortened range. Shoul
ders flex, adduct, and externally rotate;
elbows extend; forearms pronate; wrists
extend toward ulnar side; fingers extend
and abduct; and thumbs extend and
Figure 24D.23. Bilateral symmetrical
D2 radial thrust, shortened range. Shoul
ders extend, adduct, and internally ro
tate; elbows extend; forearms supinate;
wrists extend toward radial side; fingers
extend and abduct; and thumbs extend
and abduct.
Figure 24D.24. Unilateral D2 radial
thrust to the right in a bean bog toss.
Thrusting facilitates hand opening with
elbow extension.
Figure 24D.22. Bilateral symmetrical
D2 radial thrust, lengthened range.
Shoulders flex, abduct, and externally ro
tate; elbows flex; forearms pronate;
wrists flex toward ulnar side; fingers flex
and adduct; and tnumbs ore in oppo
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 485
Figure 24D.25. Bilateral symmetrical D1 extension, shortened
range; bilateral symmetrical Dl flexion, lengthened range. Hips
extend, abduct, and internally rotate; knees extend (os the inter
mediate ioint, the knee may flex or extend), ankles and feet plan
tar flex and evert; and toes flex and adduct.
Figure 24D.27. D1 flexion of the lower extremity in rolling.
The therapist resists the lower extremity pattern os the patient
reverses the chop with the upper extremities. Note the extension
and rotation of head, neck, and trunk. Patients with hemiplegio
may use this pattern when rolling from supine to prone.
Figure 24D.26. Bilateral symmetrical Dl flexion, shortened
range; bilateral symmetrical Dl extension, lengthened range.
Hips flex, adduct, and externany rotate; knees flex (os the inter
mediate joint, the knee may flex or extend), ankles and feet dor
siflex and invert; and toes extend and abduct.
in a reciprocal combination in combined diagonals with
one arm in D 1 extension and the other arm in D2
flexion, the movement of the head, neck, and trunk
continues to decrease. The position of the head remains
in midline. The reciprocal patterns have a stabilizing
influence on head, neck, and trunk because one ex
tremity flexes while the other extends, producing stabil
ity in the trunk. Examples of reciprocal movements are
walking, running, and swimming the crawl stroke. They
are also seen in activities that place an increased
demand for equilibrium reactions on the body. such as
in reaching for an item on a high shelf or performing
a lay-up shot during a basketball game.
Unilateral patterns in developing motor behavior
emerge from the bilateral patterns. The motions of the
unilateral patterns are the same as those
described for bilateral symmetrical patterns (Figs.
24D.I and 24D.2, and 24D.7 and 24D.8). In skilled
tasks, the two diagonals may interact or one may
dominate. Diagonal one in the upper extremities is
observed in the basic activities of feeding and washing
the face, right side with left hand. Diagonal two is seen
in the self-care activities of zipping a front-opening
zipper and winding a watch. Diagonal one in the lower
extremities is observed in pushing one foot through a
pant leg and in crossing one leg to don a sock. Diagonal
two is seen in hurdling afld in swimming the breast
Diagonals change and interact as the hand crosses
486 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
'Igure 24D.28. Bilateral symmetrical 02 extension, shortened
range; bilateral symmetrical 02 flexion, lengthened range. Hips
extend, adduct, and externally rotate; knees extend (as the inter
mediate joint, the knee may flex or extend); ankles and feet plan
tar flex and invert; and toes flex and adduct.
Figure 24D.29. Bilateral symmetrical 02 flexion, shortened
range; bilateral symmetrical 02 extension, lengthened range.
Hips flex, abduct, and internally rotate; knees flex (as the inter
mediate joint, the knee may flex or extend); ankle and feet dor
siflex and evert; and toes extend and abduct.
Figure 24D.30. 02 flexion of the lower extremity. The thera
pist performs rhythmic rotation to relax spastic hip muscles be
fore lower extremity dressing.
the midline of the face and body. They also interact
when the pattern crosses the horizontal plane that
transverses at the shoulders. An example occurs when
waving good-bye. The right arm begins in extension on
the same side of the body in D 1 extension. When the
arm raises above the shoulder to wave good-bye on the
same side, it moves into D2 ftexion with elbows
flexed. Another example of the two diagonals inter
acting occurs in washing the face (Table 240.2). When
the right hand contacts the left face, it is moving into
DI ftexion. When the right hand washes the right
side of the face, it is moving toward D2 ftexion with
elbow flexion.
In all of the above bilateral and unilateral pat
terns, the intermediate joints, the elbow and the knee,
may flex or extend. While the intermediate joints may
change, the motions of the proximal and distal joints
are consistent with each other. In the upper extremity,
the consistency between the proximal and distal joints
changes in a variation of the diagonal pattern called
thrusting (Figs. 24D.19 and 240.20, and 240.22 and
The .two pairs of upper extremity thrusting pat
terns are the ulriar thrust, 01, and the radial thrust,
02. In diagonal one flex ion, external rotation is consis- ~
tent with supination. In the 01 ulnar thrust, the shoul
der remains the same, but the forearm is counterrotated
in pronation, and the hand opens to the ulnar side. In
diagonal two extension, internal rotation is consistent
~ . Table 24D.2. Activity for Analysis: Primitive Washing
of Face and Neck"
Side(s) Diogonol ond Combined
Hond(sJ of Face Sequence
R L, then R Dl,then D2
Land R Bath sides Dl, then D2 BS
L cantacts L, then R L, D2, then Dl BA, chop and
R wrist R, Dl, then D2 lift
R contacts R, then L L, Dl, then D2 BA, chop and
L wrist R, D2, then Dl lift
:Pr:imitive, i.e., using the ~ o n d s and running woter, without 0 washcloth.
Dlogonol5 chonge ond Interact os the hond crosses the midline of the
foce, nose, or mouth.
cBS, both h.and5 use biloterol symmetry, some diagonal. BA, one hand
uses one diagonal os other hand uses the second, or other, diagonal.
H ~ n d s placed in contoct os for chopping and lifting permits one hand to
gUIde, or trock, the other. This bilateral asymmetrical combinotion of di
agonal patterns may be useful with, e.g., hemiplegic patients.
with pronation. In the D2 radial thrust, the shoulder
remains the same, but the forearm is counterrotated in
supination, and the hand opens to the radial side.
All bilateral combinations can be performed with the
thrusting patterns. In the lower extremities, mass exten
sion of hip and knee is a powerful thrusting movement.
Thrusting patterns represent primitive patterns of pro
tection, defense, reach, and grasp. The movement of
thrusting occurs more forcefully than motions in other
diagonal patterns. In treatment, thrusting is a good
pattern in which to retrain elbow extension with wrist
The diagonal patterns provide occupational thera
pists with a framework from which to assess and train
functional movements. If a patient performs an incom
plete hand-to-mouth pattern, the D 1 ftexion pattern
is weak. Thus treatment activities to facilitate a
stronger D I ftexion pattern are designed, e. g., pulleys
in chopping pattern (Fig. 24D.6), grasp and release
activity in reciprocal D 1 using simultaneous static
dynamic positions (Fig. 24D.18), and resisting the Dl
pattern using the techniques of slow reversal-hold and
repeated contractions.
Total Patterns
PNF has been described as a developmental ap
proach by Knott and Voss. In the course of normal
motor development, total patterns of movement precede
individual patterns (Hooker, 1952). Each total pattern
requires interaction of component patterns of the head,
neck, and trunk with those of the extremities. When
movement in a forward or backward direction is com
bined with movement in a lateral direction, the diagonal
. ~ patterns of facilitation become evident. In treatment,
performance of total patterns is used to develop the
ability to perform diagonal patterns. In PNF, the facili
tation techniques are superimposed on total patterns
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 487
of movement and posture. The total pattern provides
the base for all other movement.
The sequence and procedures for assisting pa
tients into the developmental postures were developed
by Voss in 1971. In this sequence of total patterns,
the therapist elicits reflex support to assist the more
severely involved patient. With reflex support, the
assumption of postures may be achieved with minimal
effort on the part of the therapist and patient (Voss,
1973). One procedure, assisting a patient from prone
to prone on elbows, will be described in detail with
application to activities.
The prone-on-elbows posture may be used in daily
living to watch television or read on the floor. In
,active assumption, prone on elbows is a symmetrical
movement that is extensor dominant. The tonic labyrin
thine prone reflex must be overcome, while the optical
and labyrinthine righting reflexes support the assump
tion. The pattern begins with head, neck, and upper
trunk extension followed by adduction of shoulders with
forearms pronated and wrist and fingers extended.
To assist a patient from prone to prone on elbows
(Fig. 24D.31), the preparatory maneuvers include plac
ing the lower extremities in symmetrical extension and
placing the head in a symmetrical position or turned
to one side for comfort. Head, turned to one side, will
be more difficult for the therapist to control as the
shoulder toward which the head is turned will be
elevated, with the other depressed against the mat.
fhe upper extremities are placed in symmetrical D2
ftexion with elbows flexed, fingers pointing to the nose.
Figure 24D.31. The position of the patient and the therapist
for assisting a patient from prone to prone on elbows.
488 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
The therapist positions herself astride the patient if the
patient is on the mat, or to one side if he is on a
bed or plinth. The therapist's hips and knees should
be flexed.
Manual contacts, with the hands in a mitt-like
position and fingers and thumbs relaxed, apply stretch
and assistance or resistance. The hands, placed over
the pectoral region with fingers pointing toward the
umbilicus, stimulate a muscle response in the shoulder
adductors that lends stability to the posture (Fig.
24D.32). Hands should be placed medially to allow
the patient's arms to assume a vertical position.
Auditory commands are "When I say three, look
up. One, two, three, look up!" Simultaneously with the
word up, the therapist leans backward, so that the
patient's superior region is elevated with forearms faIl
ing into place.
In application to activity, prone on elbows pro
vides a good position in which to work for control of
head and neck extension with weight bearing to facili
tate stability in the scapulohumeral joint. Also, any
patients who need to spend time prone for healing or
prevention of decubitus ulcer or to maintain muscle
tone will need to be able to assume and maintain
this posture to perform self-care activities. Various
activities may be performed, depending on the pa
tient's ability.
In level one, practicing assumption, rocking, rais
ing and lowering the head, and depressing the scapula
may be all that the patient can perform. In level two,
the patient is able to maintain an adequate posture for
Figure 24D.32. The manual contads in assisting a patient
from prone to prone on elbows. The therapist's hands are placed
over the pectoral region with fingers pointing toward the umb
longer periods of time. Straw or mouth stick activitie.
may be used. Rood demonstrated that sucking and
swallowing facilitate cocontraction of neck muscles
and reinforce head and neck extension (Stockmeyer,
1967). Control of the tongue may be enhanced in this
primitive posture.
In level three, the patient will begin to perform
manual activities with the elbows immobile and bearing
weight. The activity will be confined to a small area as
with a drawing or a tile project. Eating finger foods is
another facilitatory activity. The tongue receives a
stretch stimulus in this position. With flaccidity or
marked weakness, food may drop out of the mouth
unless lip closure is maintained and the tongue is
functional. The tongue and lips do not work as hard in
the sitting posture. If a patient can perform for short
periods in prone, his performance in sitting may im
prove faster.
In level four, the patient is able to decrease the
support needed to maintain the posture and lift one
extremity from the surface, as in playing a table game,
typing one-handed, or combing one's hair. A brief list
of other sequences for assisting patients into develop
mental postures follows.
Reflex support: ATNR
Preparatory maneuvers: Position uppermost leg and
arms in D 1 flexion.
Position of therapist: On side toward which patient
will move.
Manual contacts: Scapula and pelvis .
Commands: "Look here!" Patient is assisted to side
Application to occupational therapy: Patients who must
attend therapy on a cart may be po&itioned in side
lying. Also side lying, a very stable posture, may
be the place to begin treatment for the severely
involved patient.
Examples of activities: Use of a skateboard, stabilizing
or rolling a ball, macrame, grasping and releasing
objects in diagonal patterns, sliding the hand on the
wall in various directions, and writing on the wall.
Reflex support: Body on body righting.
Preparatory maneuvers: Position legs in asymmetric
flexion, and arms in asymmetric flexion at shoulder
Position of therapist: Behind patient's hips.
~ \
. I
Manual contacts: Shoulder gIrdle.
Commands: "On the count of three, look back at mt.
One, two, three, look at me!" Patient is assisted to
side sitting.
Application to occupational therapy: Side sitting is use
ful for increasing trunk rotation, facilitating equilib
rium reactions, and movement of the free arm, while
the supporting arm is stable with compression of
joint surfaces and cocontraction of antagonistic mus
cle groups.
Examples of activities: Table buffer exercises, stacking
cones (reaching behind body to pick them up), turn
ing pages of newspaper or magazine, playing chess,
watching television, eating a snack, and rug punch
ing (with the frame stabilized in a vise. Response of
supporting arm may be enhanced by vibration of
elbow extensors.
Variation: The patient may move from side lying to
leaning on one elbow before progressing to side
sitting. Side lying on elbow is often used by patients
with paraplegia or quadriplegia during eating and
hygiene activities performed on a cart or in a bed.
Reflex support: Labyrinthine righting, optical righting.
Preparatory maneuvers: Place legs in symmetrical ex
tension and abduction.
Position of therapist: Astride patient at knees.
Manual contacts: Dorsum of wrists.
Commands: "On the count of three, look at your feet
and sit up. One, two, three, look at your feet!"
Patient is assisted to long sitting.
Alternate sequence: Side silting to long sitting.
Preparatory maneuvers: Assist to side sitting.
Position of therapist: Behind patient. .
Manual contacts: Shoulder girdle, one anteriorly, the
other posteriorly.
Commands: Tell patient to look in direction of turn
and reach over for support with moving ann. Assist
patient to rotate, distributing weight on both hips.
Application to occupational therapy: Long-sitting im
proves sitting balance and provides stability for
dressing lower extremities in bed. It is easily applied
to a variety of one-handed or two-handed activities.
Examples of activities: One-handed: stack cones in a
diagonal pattern, play checkers, throw bean bags,
hit ball with stick, sanding project positioned on
incline board, painting. Two-handed: pull putty,
throw and catch ball, roll ball around body, mac
rame, leather stamping, throw and mold clay, mix
ingredients in a bowl, prepare vegetables. For varia
tion, a small lap board with legs can be placed over
the patient's legs to provide a solid working surface
and expand the type of activities that can be done
in this position.
Reflex support: STNR (head midline), or ATNR (head
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 489
Preparatory maneuvers: Position inferior region so that
hips are flexed and thighs are vertical to floor.
Position of therapist: Astride patient holding hips se
curely between the therapist's knees.
Manual contacts: Pectoral region.
Commands: "On the count of three, look up. One,
two, three, look up!" Patient is assisted to hands
and knees.
Application to occupational therapy: The hands and
knees posture promotes or enhances balance and
stability in hips and shoulders.
Examples of activities: Initially, activity may include
use of rhythmic stabilization following or preceding
rocking in different directions-forward, backward,
sideways, and diagonally to left and right. Simultane
ous static-dynamic activity, i.e., stacking cones,
sanding, hammering, placing tiles in trivet, and
figure-of-eight board may follow as appropriate.
Functional activities usually perfonned in this pos
ture may be used, such as washing and waxing
floor, cleaning under bed, picking up item on floor,
cleaning low shelves or oven, or working in garden.
Reflex support: Labyrinthine and optical righting, and
equilibrium reactions.
Procedure: Varies depending on method of assumption,
i.e., from heel sitting, hands and knees, or side
Application to occupational therapy: Kneeling provides
opportunity to develop upper extremity function for
free standing as well as hip extension and hip exten
sion with knee flexion necessary for gait.
Examples of activities: Activities will vary according to
the patient's ability. Begin with both hands in contact
with a supporting surface, as in rocking in various
directions. Follow with a surface contact activity,
such as sanding or dusting. Later, with both arms
free, catching and throwing a ball, writing on a
blackboard, or cooking may be tried. Kneeling is
the only position other than sitting and standing in
which both arms can be used free of the supporting
Reflex support: Labyrinthine and optical righting and
equilibrium reactions.
Preparatory maneuvers: Assist to hands-knees posture.
Position of therapist: Behind patient.
Manual contacts: Pelvis.
Commands: "Straighten your knees" or "Bring one foot
forward and place it flat on the floor, then the other."
Application to occupational therapy: Plantigrade posture
has minimal application to occupational therapy.
However, a modified plantigrade posture with feet
490 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
flat on the floor and hands or elbows resting on a
supporting surface is easily used in many occupa
tional therapy activities.
Examples of activities: Washing dishes, wiping table,
making bed, painting, grasping and releasing ob
jects, playing cards with card holder, throwing bean
bags in a game of "toss-a-cross," getting out of
Assisting the patient into various postures helps
him to experience functional movements with normal
environmental and sensory stimulation to the total
body. For example, the patient in the wheelchair,
with lower limbs supported on footrests, is essentially
suspended above the ground in a flexed posture. The
sensory cues provided by gravity, body in contact
with the ground, will be limited. If activities must be
performed in a wheelchair. placing feet on the floor
will facilitate a better response from the total pattern.
Selected Techniques
Facilitation and inhibition techniques include
a battery of procedures that may be used singly or in
combination, according to the abilities and needs of the
patient. All techniques are superimposed on patterns of
movement and posture (Voss, 1967).
Sherrington described three principles of neuro
physiology from which Kabat (1961) developed many
of the PNF techniques. Irradiation, the facilitation of
one voluntary motion by another, is not haphazard but
spreads in a specific pattern of muscle groups. The
stimulus for irradiation is generated by tension in
contracting muscles and related structures. In treat
ment, resistance coupled with stretch, as in repeated
contractions, may elicit irradiation for the purpose of
using the motions of the stronger muscle groups to
facilitate the weaker motions of a pattern. Successive
induction is also a process of facilitating one voluntary
motion by another. However, the stronger antagonist
facilitates the weaker agonist, as in resisted reversals
of antagonists. In treatment, when techniques of slow
reversal and slow reversal-hold are used, a contraction
of the stronger muscle groups is elicited first to facili
tate more effectively the weaker muscle groups. If a
muscle imbalance is present, this procedure carries
the risk of increasing the imbalance. Reciprocal in
nervation is a process of inhibiting re6exes by voluntary
motion. At the time that the agonist is facilitated or
contracted against resistance, the antagonist lengthens
and provides control as the agonist contracts so that
smooth movement is achieved. In treatment a slow
reversal-hold-relax technique may be used to relax
spastic or tight muscle groups. Relaxation of spastic
antagonists can also be achieved by facilitation of the
agonist through patterns of irradiation, stretch, and
supporting reflexes (Kabat, 1961).
Techniques of positioning, manual contacts, and
verbal commands may be used to promote a mobility
or a stability response. Because these all have been
discussed previously in this chapter, other techniques
will be described.
Stretch may be used as a stimulus to initiate
movement or to initiate voluntary motion within the
pattern and to increase strength and timing of a weak
response. When applied as a stimulus, stretch is the
positioning of a body part in the extreme lengthened
range of a pattern to the point of tension. All motion
components are stretched, especially rotation, as it is
the rotary component that elongates the muscle fibers
in a given pattern. The stretch reflex can be superim
posed on a pattern in two ways. (1) Mter the position
for stretch stimulus has been achieved, the body part
is quickly and smoothly taken past the point of tension,
just before the initiation of movement by the patient.
(2) In repeated contractions, stretch stimulates isotonic
contractions through increased range or strength of
a pattern. Repeated stretch, followed by assisted or
voluntary motion, can be an effective technique for
patients with little or no voluntary control.
repeated stretch of the D2 bilateral reciprocal pattern ir '
the C6 quadriplegic patient may stimulate the pectoral
muscles. The increased adductor tonus contributes to
functional use of hands at and across the midline.
which is important in dressing and feeding.
Traction, separating joint surfaces, stimulates
joint receptors to promote movement. Traction is main
tained throughout the active range of motion (Voss et
al., 1985). Approximation also stimulates joint recep
tors by compressing joint surfaces. In treatment, ap
proximation promotes stability and postural responses.
Application in treatment occurs before demanding a
voluntary contraction of muscle groups by the patient.
In sitting, with arms extended and bearing weight,
pressure may be applied in a downward direction over
the shoulders. The pressure occurs in the form of a
sustained push or as repeated pushes. The expected
result is increased extensor tone in the arm and trunk,
which promotes strength and endurance for activity in
the posture. Approximation repeated quickly may be
contraindicated for the patient with pain and with ataxia
as seen in multiple sclerosis (Voss et aI., 1985).
Maximal resistance is probably the most misun
derstood PNF technique. It does not refer to the maxi
mal effort of the therapist, but rather to the maximal
resistance that the patient can receive and still
smoothly through the full range of the pattern or ma' ,
tain an isometric contraction. Manual contacts must
specifically applied over the agonists to facilitate a
~ .. maximal response. For some patients, maximal resis
tance may be only a light touch, as resistance is graded
to elicit the patient's maximal response. In treatment,
maximal resistance is provided by the therapist on
motions before and during activity or by equipment,
such as pulleys and weighted tools (Voss et aL, 1985).
Two techniques directed to the agonist are re
pealed contractions and rhythmic initiation. Repeated
contractions are used to increase range and endurance
in weaker components of a pattern through a technique
of emphasis. For example, if a patient is unable to
reach his mouth for eating, he would be instructed to
hold, with an isometric contraction of all components
at the point at which the active motion decreases in
power. Then the patient is asked repeatedly to "pull
again" toward his mouth, shifting from isometric to
isotonic contractions. Rhythmic initiation is used to
improve the ability to initiate movement. This tech
nique involves passive rhythmic motion, followed by
active motion. Resistance may be gradually imposed
as the patienJ's response increases. For example, a
patient may lack the ability to initiate reaching for a
glass on the table, because of rigidity from Parkinson's
disease or severe spasticity. The therapist would ask
the patient to relax and say, "Let me move you." Then
the therapist moves the part through the available range
until relaxation is felt. The patient is directed to begin
moving actively in the direction of the agonistic pattern
with the command, "Now help me move you." As the
patient's response increases, resistance may be added
to reinforce the movement. The patient is then asked
to move actively by himself and complete the task
(Voss et aI., 1985).
The reversal of antagonists techniques, based on
the principle of successive induction, include slow
reversal, slow reversal-hold, and rhythmic stabiliza
tion. These reversal techniques are primarily used for
strengthening or gaining range of motion. Either iso
tonic, isometric, or a combination of both types of
contractions may be used. Slow reversal is an alternat
ing isotonic contraction of antagonists. The procedure
begins by asking the patient to perform the weaker
agonistic pattern. In this example, D2 flexion will be
the agonist. Manual contacts with maximal resistance
are applied to determine the patient's response. The
patient then performs the antagonistic pattern D2 ex
tension against maximal resistance. The agonistic pat
tern is now repeated, with an increase in power or range
of motion expected because of the law of successive
induction. Resistance must be graded to facilitate a
strong contraction of the antagonist followed by maxi
mal range of motion in the weaker agonist. Activities
performed with the assist of a pulley automatically use
the slow reversal technique. The pulley assists the
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 491
gravity-resisted agonist and then resists the antagonistic
movement. Slow reversal-hold proceeds in the same
manner; however, an isometric contraction follows the
completion of the isotonic contraction. Directions for a
slow reversal-hold in the second diagonal would be
"Push your arm up and out toward me, and hold. Now,
pull your arm down and across, and hold (Voss et
aI., 1985).
RhythmicstabiIization is the simultaneous iso
metric contraction of antagonists, which results in co
contraction if the isometric contraction is not broken.
This technique promotes stability by eliciting a more
balanced response between antagonistic muscle groups.
Relaxation is often achieved following the stabilization.
As repeated isometric contractions are performed, cir
culation may increase. Also, the patient may hold his
breath. Thus only three or four repetitions are used.
This technique has numerous applications in ther
apy to provide increased stability and endurance for
performance of a task. Rhythmic stabilization cannot be
incorporated into an activity, because it is an isometric
exercise. However, it is used before an activity to
enhance performance, during activity as the perfor
mance weakens, and after activity to prevent and cor
rect imbalances built up during the activity. This tech
nique is contraindicated for patients with cardiac
problems who are advised not to perform isometric
contractions by their physician. Also rhythmic stabili
zation may be impossible for some patients, such as
those with ataxia, who are unable to perform isometric
contractions. These patients may be taught to stabilize
by using the technique of slow reversal-hold through
decrements of range until no motion occurs (Voss et
aI., 1985).
Relaxation techniques include passive r o t ~ t i o n ,
slow reversal-hold relax, contract-relax, and hold-re
lax. Rhythmic rotation coupled with range of motion is
an effective technique used before dressing or splinting
a limb in which the muscles are shortened or spastic
(Fig. 24D.27). Place manual contacts on the intermedi
ate and distal joints and perform range of motion. When
restriction occurs, repeat rotation of all components of
the pattern at the point of limitation, moving slowly and
gently. As relaxation is felt, movement may continue
through a larger range.
The procedures for the remaining three relaxation
techniques follow the same sequence. Because only
the stronger pattern of motion is resisted, a danger of
creating further imbalances exists. These techniques
rely on the principle of reciprocal inhibition and can
be effective when used appropriately. Contract-relax
includes an isotonic contraction of the antagonist, re
laxation, then passive movement of the agonistic pat
tern by the therapist. Hold-relax includes an isometric
492 Section rv Treatment Principles and Practices
contraction of the antagonist, relaxation, then active
movement of the agonist by the patient. Slow reversal
hold-relax includes isotonic contraction followed by an
isometric contraction of the antagonist, relaxation, then
active movement of the agonist (Voss et aL, 1985). If
the patient has the ability to move the agonist, slow
is used.
Application to Occupational Therapy
PNF can be used in occupational therapy to (1)
evaluate motion, (2) facilitate motor function,
(3) prepare and position a patient for an activity, and
(4) enhance the performance of an activity. The evalua
tion process was presented earlier in the chapter; this
section focuses on the application of PNF in five se
lected problems of patie'nt care. Then one sample
treatment procedure will be explained.
The first problem is commonly seen in patients
with C
tetraplegia. During the initial recovery, the
upper extremities have poor muscle strength. The mo
tion of raising the hand to the mouth and the repetition
of that movement to complete a meal are problems that
limit independence in self-feeding. Often, mobile arm
supports are required to assist the arm against gravity.
To facilitate feeding without support, the arm must be
strengthened. Diagonal one is known as the feeding
pattern because the necessary motions of shoulder
fiexion, elbow fiexion, and supination are present in
the 01 ftexion pattern. Therefore, to strengthen these
movements, the Dl pattern is resisted with manual
contacts on the wrist and shoulder. The techniques of
stretch in the lengthened range of 01 ftexion, slow
reversal-hold, and repeated contractions can be used.
The second problem is often found in a person
with right hemiplegia from a CVA. Spasticity is pres
ent with beginning isolated movement in the hand.
Grasp and release occur, but coordination of the intrin
sic hand muscles is poor. For example, this patient is
unable to coordinate palmar abduction of thumb with
finger extension to remove the right hand from a drink
ing glass. Therefore, frequent spilling occurs when the
glass is returned to the table. The diagonal pattern is
the optimal pattern for the abductor pollicis brevis and
the extensor digitorum. The 01 extension pattern is
resisted using techniques of slow reversal-hold, re
peated contractions, and rhythmic stabilization with
manual contacts on the thumb and finger. The short
ened range of 01 extension is emphasized for two
reasons: (1) the patient can initiate abduction of the
thumb in the lengthened range but has difficulty main
taining the contraction in the shortened range and (2)
the patient has spasticity in the flexor muscles. By
working in the shortened range of 01 extension, the
influence of the spastic flexors is minimized. In one
patient, four repetitions of extension facilitated volun
tary release of the glass with coordinated thumb abduc
tion and finger extension.
A third problem is frequently seen in patient
with multiple sclerosis who exhibit ataxia. Fine motor
tasks such as eating, writing, and applying makeup
become difficult because of the incoordination. Several
PNF concepts and techniques can be applied. The first
priority is to select a stable posture in which the
patient can perform the activity. In sitting, the arms
are positioned close to the body with elbows and fore
arms resting on a lapboard or table. Other stable
postures include side lying, prone on elbows, and
kneeling with both hands in contact with an elevated
surface (such as a bench or chair). Rhythmic stabiliza
tion, with manual contacts on shoulders or shoulders
and pelvis, is used to reinforce the patient's ability to
maintain the posture. Then the movements of rocking
in different directions are resisted with slow reversal
hold and repeated contractions to build strength and
After these preparatory techniques, the patient is
ready to perform an activity, such as writing or use of
makeup. Self-touching or simultaneous static-dynamic
positioning (Hellebrandt et aI., 1956) may enhance
controL For example, the patient may hold the wrist of
the dominant hand while eating (self-touching) or bear
weight on one arm (static arm) while writing with
other arm (dynamic arm). Another technique, mov ""'"
and stop, can facilitate control in middle range. F o.
example, as the patient raises her arm to apply makeup,
stopping at midrange enables her to gain control of the
movements in the remainder of the range. Sometimes
more than one stop during the range of motion is
A fourth problem, found in a variety of neurologi
cal disorders, is difficulty with oral motor function such
as sucking, chewing, and swallowing. The patient with
dysarthria from a stroke (CVA) has problems of poor
tongue control, drooling, inadequate lip closure, and
may pocket food between teeth and cheek. Application
of the techniques: stretch, slow reversal, slow reversal
hold and repeated contractions can facilitate a stronger
response in the affected muscles before eating. Voss
et al. (1985) provided an illustrated presentation of
specific techniques.
A fifth problem occurs in patients with limited
shoulder motion caused by joint disease, such as arthri
tis. Reaching overhead to dress or comb one's hair
becomes difficult and often unsuccessful. Both diago
nals are used in combing hair. The combing arm
demonstrates 02 ftexion when the shoulder abducts
to reach the back of the head. 01 flexion occurs as
the shoulder adducts to comb the front and
side of the head. Bilateral patterns for combing e '
common as one' hand combs and the other adjusts an....
smoothes the hair. In treatment, bilateral combinations
of the upper extremities can be resisted with slow
reversals, slow reversal-hold-relax, rhythmic stabiliza
tion, and repeated contractions to gain range of motion
and strength.
The patient can he taught to apply the techniques
of stretch and reversing movement. For example, in
stead of struggling to move the arm in a partial range
from lap level to the head, the motion is reversed. The
patient extends the arm in the antagonistic pattern (D1
extension). Then stretch is applied by pushing the
arms back and down toward the floor. Immediately the
hands reach toward the head in D 1 flexion. The
patient can use bilateral synnnetrical or asynnnetri
cal combinations to seek reinforcement from the trunk
and a more normal interaction of body segments.
Sequences of PNF treatment procedures vary ac
cording to the diagnosis and the individual patient's
needs. The sample treatment sequences in this section
provide guidelines for application of PNF. Adaptations
may be required for the specific patient's age, medical
status, and level of ability.
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 493
The first sequence outlines treatment actIvItIes
for a patient with a shoulder-hand syndrome caused by
trauma (Table 24D.3). The main goals of treatment
include (1) reduction of pain and edema, (2) increase
range of motion, (3) restore a balance between antago
nistic movements, and (4) increase strength and endur
ance for functional activity. Steps 1 through 8 (Table
24D.3) are examples of the indirect approach. The
therapist does not. directly touch the affected hand or
arm, because of the severe pain. However, the patient
experiences a variety of movement patterns that facili
tate control and range of movement. Proprioceptive
stimulation is applied through weight-bearing activities
and resistance to unaffected extremity and trunk.
With success in the preceding steps, the patient
is ready for a more direct approach. The affected hand,
wrist, elbow, and shoulder are resisted directly in
pattern. Stronger components of the pattern are used
to reinforce weaker motions. Initiation of motion is
emphasized in the lengthened range, while strengthen
ing is resisted toward the shortened range of the pat
tern. The performance of functional and work-related
Table 24D.3. Sample Sequence of Treatment for the Patient with Shoulder-Hand Syndrome
Preparatary Procedures and Techniques 0 Patient Position Manual Contacts
1. Breathing techniques Sitting Sternum and dorsal spi ne
2. Rhythmic stabilization Sitting Shoulders
3. Proprioceptive disturbance of balance with resisted recovery Sitting Shoulders
Activities Polterns Patient Position Technique Manual Contacts
4. Grasp and release
5. Weight bearing
6. Rocking
7. Surface contact,
i.e., washing table,
sanding, figure-of
6. Free active move
Chopping or lifting
Bilateral symmetrical
Bilateral symmetrical
Bilateral asymmetri
cal 01,02
Silting or rolling
Modified plantigrade
Hands and knees
Sitting with elbows ex
Silting, leaning for
ward an flexed
Same as #5
Some os #5
Modified plontigrade
Resist unaffected arm
Resist scapula of un
affected side, then
affected side
Rhythmic stabilization
Stretch, resistance
Slow reversal
Slow reversal-hold
Repeated contrac
Light touch or self
Simultaneous static
and dynamic
Shoulders and wrist
Shoulders or shoul
ders and pelvis
Shoulders, pelvis, or
shoulders and pelvis
Back of hand and
and rhythmic stobilization ore also used during treotment when the patient fatigues or the motor response deteriorotes .
If th,: pallent IS unoble to beor weight with the wrist fully eldended, 0 pushup block or soft been bog moy be used under the hand to decrease the degree
Wrist extension.
kx?,:,ples of octivities ore grosp-ondrelease tosks or games, writing with the marker (built up os necessory). ond 0 onehonded croft such os rug punch.
hVltles can be ploced on on elevoted surfoce to increose shoulder ronge of motion ond reduce edemo in the hond.
494 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
activities follows. Specific movement problems are ana
lyzed and facilitated as necessary.
A home program would include the following ac
1. Self-range of motion using the chopping and lifting
2. Active range of motion, incorporating the distal
component of forearm rotation with opening and
closing of the hand;
3. Grasp and release activities that involve reaching
diagonally in a developmental pattern;
4. Use of door pulleys for chopping and lifting patterns;
5. Functional activities in which the patient incorpo
rates the facilitated pattern into his daily routine.
For example, after bathing, the patient may dry the
shower wall with a towel using D 1 and D2 patterns.
Before morning hygiene, the patient may rock in modi
fied plantigrade position while weight bearing at the
sink. Then the patient could reach to grasp the tooth
paste and comb from the bathroom shelf in a Dl
Research to support the effectiveness of the PNF
treatment approach is limited. The majority of the
research reported in the last 15 years analyzed the
response of able-bodied subjects to selected techniques
by recording electromyographic (EMG) activity. Studies
that support the principles and techniques are summa
rized briefly.
Holt et a1. (1968) tested the isometric strength of
elbow flexion using EMG and dynamometer readings.
Six subjects participated, three able-bodied and three
with cerebral palsy. Four muscle contractions were
measured with (1) the head in anatomic position, (2)
the head turned right, (3) the head turned left, and
(4) a prior contraction of the antagonists; The results
indicated that the reversal of antagonists was superior to
the other independent variables in facilitating strength.
Tanigawa (1972) compared the effects of the PNF
hold-relax procedure and passive mobilization on tight
hamstring muscles. He used a mathematical method to
measure the angle of passive straight leg raising on 30
able-bodied male subjects. The results showed that
subjects receiving the PNF hold-relax procedure in
creased their range of passive straight leg raising to a
higher degree and at a faster rate than the subjects
receiving passive mobilization.
Markos (1979) compared the effects of the PNF
procedures of contract-relax on active hip flexion in
30 able-bodied female subjects. The range of motion
increased significantly more in subjects in the contract-
relax group, both in the exercised and in the unexer
cised lower extremities. The author presented applica
tion of each technique to treatment, suggesting that
contract-relax applied ipsilaterally may prevent disuse
atrophy in specific muscles of the contralateral
lower extremity.
Sullivan and Portney (1980) monitored four shoul
der muscles on 29 able-bodied subjects to confirm that
each muscle tested would exhibit maximal EMG activ
ity in an optimal diagonal pattern. The anterior deltoid
demonstrated maximal activity in the D I flexion pat
tern; the middle deltoid, in the D2 flexion pattern;
the posterior deltoid, in the D I extension pattern;
and the sternal portion of the pectoralis major, in the
D2 extension pattern. The authors also reported that
performing the patterns with elbows straight, flexing,
and extending changed the amount of shoulder muscle
activity. This study is of practical value to occupational
therapists in that it confirmed the optimum diagonal
patterns for four specific shoulder muscles. This may
aid the therapist in selecting a place to initiate a
treatment program given a particular shoulder limi
Pink (1981) measured EMG activity in three mus
cles of the nonexercised upper extremity. The results
from 10 able-bodied female subjects indicated that the
following muscles do become active in the nonexercised
limb. The sternal portion of the pectoralis major pro
duced similar EMG activity during D I flexion and
extension of the contralateral limb. The infraspinatus
was more active during DI flexion, while the latissi
mus dorsi was more active during D I extension.
The author stated that these results could be used in
treatment programs for patients who are unable to
exercise one of their upper extremities.
In 1960 Mead reported on a 6-year evaluation of
PNF techniques. The author compared an experience
using traditional therapeutic exercise to treat patients
with poliomyelitis from 1948 to 1953 in a university
physical medicine clinic to an experience using PNF
to treat patients with varied diagnoses from 1954 to
1960 at the California Rehabilitation Center in Vallejo.
Although a controlled study with statistical analysis
was not done, the author found that the PNF approach
was more effective than the traditional approach. Mead
described the therapy program at Vallejo and con
cluded that PNF techniques have application to alldi
Nelson et al. (1986) examined the effects of PNF
and weight training on muscular strength and penor
mance in 30 healthy college women. Subjects were
' ~
tested for changes in knee and elbow extension.
strength, throwing distance, and vertical jump following
an 8-week training program. Results indicated the
PNF-trained group had greater increases in all of these
!if ...
areas than the weight-trained and control groups. Nel
son et al. (1986) suggested this may be attributed to
PNF's "incorporation of the theories of irradiation,
spatiotemporal summation and stretch reflex" (p. 253).
They also concluded that "PNF might be superior to
weight-training for athletic training programs and injury
rehabilitation" (p. 253).
Some studies have questioned the principles and
procedures of PNF. Arsenault (1974) reviewed the
literature and reported that success in using PNF tech
niques to treat neurological disorders was not univer
sally true. Thus he questioned the acceptance of using
mass patterns of movement based on the lack of scien
tific support. Arsenault reviewed several studies on
quadriceps function with conflicting results on the ef
fects of PNF irradiation patterns. Toe, ankle, and hip
movements made no difference in the augmentation of
quadriceps activity. Therefore, further research must
be done to confirm the use of the PNF irradiation pat
Arsenault and Chapman (1974) studied the effects
of movement patterns used to promote quadriceps activ
ity in seven able-bodied subjects over an 8-week pe
riod. No consistent response was found. In general,
the Dl ftexion pattern of the lower extremity increased
the activity of the rectus femoris but not the vastus
medialis. The D2 ftexion pattern produced a decrease
of rectus femoris activity. The findings confirmed D 1
ftexion as the optimal pattern for the medial portion
of the rectus femoris and disputed D2 ftexion as the
optimal pattern for the lateral portion of the rectus
femoris. Either a proximal or distal resistance provided
the ipsilateral overflow to the quadriceps. However, it
is not clear whether precise PNF manual contacts and
procedures were employed.
Synder and Forward (1972) compared the sequen
tial EMG activity in selected muscles of the lower limb
during flexion and extension of the knee. A total of 10
able-bodied female subjects performed active range of
motion in the sagittal and diagonal planes of movement.
An electrogoniometer was used to monitor the degree
of knee flexion. The findings showed that selected
muscles were more active in the sagittal plane than in
the diagonal plane. Also, the authors observed the
interaction of antagonists during fast and slow move
ments and following transiently induced pain in the
semisquat position. They concluded that the assump
tion of increased activity in a diagonal plane of move
ment appears unjustified.
Surburg (1979) studied the effects of maximal
resistance with PNF patterns on reaction, movement,
response times. A total of 50 ahle-bodied subjects
participated for 6 weeks in one of three training pro
grams: weight training, PNF patterning without resis
tance, and PNF pUllerning with maximal resistance.
24 Remediating Motor Control and Performance 495
Analysis revealed no significant differences among the
training groups.
In summary, scientific studies of the effectiveness
of the PNF approach are limited to only one aspect of
the approach. Research on the effect of total patterns
and combining movements with functional application
still needs to be done.
Acknowledgmenrs--The author thanks Dorothy E. Voss, associ
ate professor emeritus of rehabilitation medicine at Northwestern
University Medical School, for her assistance and support in devel
oping and reviewing the subchapter as it appeared in the third
edition of this textbook. Also, the author is grateful to Mary Herbin,
Kathy Knutson, and Cindy Shanker for their time and technical
skill in posing for the illustrations and to Laura M. Keamy for her
contribution to updating the review of research, introduction to
total patterns, and study questions.

.... .. .... .. ... ... ... ...........
12. WhQt is theeff$ct on head, and trunkc/uring
bilateral symmetrical 01 extension? Bilateral 02
extension? Which pottern elicits the greatest
amount of flexion?
496 Section IV Treatment Principles and Practices
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Suggested Readings
Boakes, M. (1990). Vibrotactile stimulation. British Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 53(6), 220-224.
Brunnstrom, S. (1961). Motor behavior of adult hemiplegic patients.
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 25(1), 6-12.
Davies, P. (1985). Steps to follow. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Davis, J. Z. (1990). The Bobath approach to the treatment of adult
hemiplegia. In L. W. Pedretti & B. Zoltan (Eds.), Occupational
therapy: Practice skills for physical dYs/lUlCtion (pp. 351-362).
St. Louis: C. V. Mosby.
Delaney, F. Y. (1983). The geriatric patient with central nervous
system dysfunction. Occupational & Physical Therapy in Geriat
rics, 2(3), 5-25. '
Eggers, O. (1984). Occupational therapy in the treatment of adult
hemiplegia. Rockville, MD: Aspen Systems.
Hams, F. A. (1978). Facilitation techniques in therapeutic exer
cise. In J. V. Basmajian (Ed.), Therapeutic exercise (3rd ed.,
pp. 93-137). Baltimore: Willian)s & Wilkins.
Hughes, E. (1972). Bobath and Brunnstrom: comparison of two
methods of treatment of a left hemiplegia. Physiotherapy Canada,
24(5), 262-266.
Kukulka, C. G., Fellows, W. A., J. E., & Vanderwilt,
S. G. (1985). Effect of tendon pressure on alpha motoneuron
excitability. Physical Therapy, 65(5), 595-600.
Perry, C. E. (1967). Principles and techniques of the Brunnstrom
approach to the treatment of hemiplegia. Journal of
Physical Medicine, 46(1), 789-812.
Safranek, M. G., Koshland, G. F., & Raymond, G. (1982). Effect
ofauditory rhythm on muscle activity. Physical Therapy, 62(2),
1. (1992). The Bobaths. Tucson, AZ: Therapy Skill
Wolff, P. H., Gunnoe, C. E., & Cohen, C. (1983). Associated
movements as a measure of developmental age. Developmental
Medicine & Child Neurology, 25,417-429.
Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association, Inc. This organiza
tion sponsors continuing education courses for therapists inter
ested in learning hands-on treatment for cerebral palsy or adult
hemiplegia; courses are offered to graduate therapists at the
introductory, basic, and advanced levels and usually incorporate
practicum sessions as well as lectures. (P.O. Box 70, Oak Park,
IL 60303)

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