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2018 – 2019

II B. Tech I Semester (CREC-R17)

Mr. Y. Munirathnam, Assistant Professor


Chadalawada Nagar, Renigunta Road, Tirupati – 517 506

Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Thermodynamics is the science that deals with heat and work and those properties of
substance that bear a relation to heat and work.

Thermodynamics is the study of the patterns of energy change. Most of this course will be
concerned with understanding the patterns of energy change.

More specifically, thermodynamics deals with (a) energy conversion and (b) the direction of

Basis of thermodynamics is experimental observation. In that sense it is an empirical science.

The principles of thermodynamics are summarized in the form of four laws known as zeroth,
first, second, and the third laws of thermodynamics.
The zeroth law of thermodynamics deals with thermal equilibrium and provides a means of
measuring temperature.
The first law of thermodynamics deals with the conservation of energy and introduces the
concept of internal energy.
The second law of thermodynamics dictates the limits on the conversion of heat into work
and provides the yard stick to measure the performance of various processes. It also tells
whether a particular process is feasible or not and specifies the direction in which a process
will proceed. As a consequence it also introduces the concept of entropy.
The third law defines the absolute zero of entropy.

Macroscopic and Microscopic Approaches:

Microscopic approach uses the statistical considerations and probability theory, where we
deal with “average” for all particles under consideration. This is the approach used in the
disciplines known as kinetic theory and statistical mechanics.
In the macroscopic point of view, of classical thermodynamics, one is concerned with the
time-averaged influence of many molecules that can be perceived by the senses and measured
by the instruments.
The pressure exerted by a gas is an example of this. It results from the change in momentum
of the molecules, as they collide with the wall. Here we are not concerned with the actions of
individual molecules but with the time-averaged force on a given area that can be measured
by a pressure gage.

From the macroscopic point of view, we are always concerned with volumes that are very
large compared to molecular dimensions, and therefore a system (to be defined next) contains
many molecules, and this is called continuum. The concept of continuum loses validity when
the mean free path of molecules approaches the order of typical system dimensions

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We introduce boundaries in our study called the system and surroundings.

The boundaries are set up in a way most conducive to understanding the energetics of what
we're studying.

Defining the system and surroundings is arbitrary, but it becomes important when we
consider the exchange of energy between the system and surroundings.

Two types of exchange can occur between system and surroundings: (1) energy exchange
(heat, work, friction, radiation, etc.) and (2) matter exchange (movement of molecules across
the boundary of the system and surroundings).

Based on the types of exchange which take place or don't take place, we will define three
types of systems:

• isolated systems: no exchange of matter or energy

• closed systems: no exchange of matter but some exchange of energy
• open systems: exchange of both matter and energy

Control Volume

• control volume is defined as a volume which encloses the matter and the device inside
a control surface.
• Every thing external to the control volume is the surroundings with the separation
given by the control surface.
• The surface may be open or closed to mass flows and it may have flows from energy
in terms of heat transfer and work across it.
• The boundaries may be moveable or stationary.
• In the case of a control surface that is closed to the mass flow, so that no mass can
enter or escape the control volume, it is called a control mass containing same
amount of matter at all times.


• In thermodynamics a property is any characteristic of a system that is associated with

the energy and can be quantitatively evaluated.

• The property of a system should have a definite value when the system is in a
particular state.
• Thermodynamic property is a point function.

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• Properties like volume of a system that depend on the mass of a system are called
extensive properties.
• Properties like pressure or temperature which do not depend on the system mass are
called intensive properties.
• The ratio of extensive property to the mass of the system are called specific properties
and therefore become intensive properties.
• Substance can be found in three states of physical aggregation namely, solid, liquid
and vapor which are called its phases.
• If the system consists of mixture of different phases, the phases are separated from
each other by phase boundary.
• The thermodynamic properties change abruptly at the phase boundary, even though the
intensive properties like temperature and pressure are identical.


• When the property of a system is defined, it is understood that the system is in

• If a system is in thermal equilibrium, the temperature will be same throughout the
• If a system is in mechanical equilibrium, there is no tendency for the pressure to
change. In a single phase system, if the concentration is uniform and there is no
tendency for mass transfer or diffusion, the system is said to be in chemical
• A system which is simultaneously in thermal, mechanical, and chemical equilibrium
is said to be in thermal equilibrium.


A process is path followed by a system in reaching a given final state of equilibrium state
starting from a specified initial state.

An actual process occurs only when the equilibrium state does not exist.

An ideal process can be defined in which the deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium is

All the states the system passes through during a quasi-equilibrium process may be
considered equilibrium states.

For non-equilibrium processes, we are limited to a description of the system before the
process occurs and after the equilibrium is restored.

Several processes are described by the fact that one property remains constant.

The prefix iso- is used to describe such processes.

A process is said to be reversible if both the system and its surroundings can be restored to
their respective initial states by reversing the direction of the process.

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• reversible: if the process happens slow enough to be reversed.
• irreversible: if the process cannot be reversed (like most processes).

• isobaric: process done at constant pressure

• isochoric: process done at constant volume
• isothermal: process done at constant temperature
• adiabatic: process where q=0
• cyclic: process where initial state = final state

The basic units (SI Units)

Mole------ The mole is the amount of substance that contains as many atoms (or molecules)
as there are atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon-12.
Time: second
SI unit of temperature is Kelvin (abbreviated as K). The Kelvin is defined as the fraction of
1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water. The relation between
Kelvin and Celsius temperature is K = C + 273.15 (The triple point of water is at 0.01 C).
Derived units: Force: 1 N = 1 kg m/s, pressure 1 Pa = 1 N/m2, 1 bar = 10 Pa, 1 atm. = 101325
Pa. In thermodynamics we are concerned with absolute pressure. Gauge pressure = absolute
pressure – atmospheric pressure. Ordinary vacuum gauge pressure = atmospheric pressure –
absolute pressure.
Internal Energy

•The molecule as a whole can move in x, y and z directions with respective

components of velocities and hence possesses kinetic energy.
• There can be rotation of molecule about its center of mass and than the kinetic
energy associated with rotation is called rotational energy.
• In addition the bond length undergoes change and the energy associated with it is
called vibrational energy.
• The electron move around the nucleus and they possess a certain energy that is called
electron energy.
• The microscopic modes of energy are due to the internal structure of the matter and
hence sum of all microscopic modes of energy is called the internal energy.
Bulk kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE) are considered separately and the other
energy of control mass as a single property (U).
The total energy possessed by the body is given by:
E = KE + PE + U

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Whenever a system interacts with its surroundings, it can exchange energy in two ways-
work and heat.
In mechanics, work is defined as the product of the force and the displacement in the
direction of the force.

Work done when a spring is compressed or extended: According to Hooke's law

Spring force = - k (x – x0)

Where k is the spring constant, x0 is the equilibrium position, and x is the final position. The
negative sign shows that the direction of the spring force is opposite the direction of the
displacement from x0. The external force is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to the
spring force, so

External force (force of your hands) = k (x –x0).

Now, we want to calculate the work done when we stretch the spring from position 1 to
position 2.

W = F dx = k (x – x0) d(x-x0) = 1/2 k [(x2-x0)2 - (x1-x0)2]

Work done when a volume is increased or decreased

Consider a gas in a container with a movable piston on top. If the gas expands, the piston
moves out and work is done by the system on the surroundings.

Alternatively, if the gas inside contracts, the piston moves in and work is done by the
surroundings on the system. Why would the gas inside contract or expand?

It would if the external pressure, Pex, and the internal pressure, Pin, were different. To
calculate the work done in moving the piston, we know that the force = pressure times area
and then work equals pressure times area times distance or work equals pressure times the
change in volume. So, W = the integral of (Pex) dV

The differential work done (dW) associated with a differential displacement (dl) is given by

dW = F dl
For a piston cylinder assembly,
dW = F dl = PA (dl) = P dV
If the gas is allowed to expand reversibly from the initial pressure P to final pressure P, then
the work done is given by
W = ∫ p dV

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• The integral represents the area under the curve on a pressure versus volume diagram.
Therefore the work depends on the path followed and work is a path function and
hence not a property of the system.

• The above expression does not represent work in the case of an irreversible process.

• The thermodynamic definition of work is “ Work is said to be done by a system on

the surrounding if the sole effect external to the system could be reduced to the raising
of a mass through a distance”.


Heat like work, is a form of energy.

The energy transfer between a system and its surroundings is called heat if it occurs by virtue
of the temperature difference across the boundary.
The two modes of energy transfer – work and heat- depend on the choice of the system.
Heat energy moves from a hotter body to a colder body upon contact of the two bodies.

If two bodies at different temperatures are allowed to remain in contact, the system of two
bodies will eventually reach a thermal equilibrium (they will have the same temperature).

A body never contains heat. Rather heat is a transient phenomenon and can be identified as it
crosses the boundary.

The State Postulate

The state of the system is described by its properties.

Once a sufficient number of properties are specified, the rest of the properties assume
some values automatically.
The number of properties required to fix a state of a system is given by the state

The state of a simple compressible system is completely specified by two independent,

intensive properties.
The system is called a simple compressible system in the absence of electrical,
magnetic, gravitational, motion, and surface tension effects.

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The state postulate requires that the two properties specified be independent to fix the state.
Two properties are independent if one property can be varied while the other one is held
constant. Temperature and specific volume, for example, are always independent
properties, and together they can fix the state of a simple compressible system.Thus,
temperature and pressure are not sufficient to fix the state of a two-phase system.
Otherwise an additional property needs to be specified for each effect that is significant.
An additional property needs to be specified for each other effect that is significant.

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics :

We cannot assign numerical values to temperatures
based on our sensations alone. Furthermore, our senses may be misleading.
Several properties of material changes with temperature in a repeatable and predictable way,
and this forms the basis of accurate temperature measurement.
The commonly used mercury-in-glass thermometer for example, is based on the expansion
of mercury with temperature.
Temperature is also measured by using several other temperature dependant properties.
Two bodies (eg. Two copper blocks) in contact attain thermal equilibrium when the heat
transfer between them stops. The equality of temperature is the only requirement for thermal

The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

If two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with a third body, they are also in thermal
equilibrium with each other.

This obvious fact cannot be concluded from the other laws of thermodynamics, and it serves
as a basis of temperature measurement.

By replacing the third body with a thermometer, the zeroth law can be restated two bodies
are in thermal equilibrium if both have the same temperature reading even if they are not in

The zeroth law was first formulated and labeled by R.H. Fowler in 1931.

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Temperature Scales:

All temperature scales are based on some easily reproducible states such as the freezing and
boiling point of water, which are also called the ice-point and the steam-point respectively.

A mixture of ice and water that is in equilibrium with air saturated with water vapour at 1atm
pressure is said to be at the ice-point, and a mixture of liquid water and water vapour (with no
air) in equilibrium at 1atm is said to be at the steam-point.

Celsius and Fahrenheit scales are based on these two points (although the value assigned to
these two values is different) and are referred as two-point scales.

In thermodynamics, it is very desirable to have a temperature scale that is independent of the

properties of the substance or substances.
Such a temperature scale is called a thermodynamic temperature scale.(Kelvin in SI)

Ideal gas temperature scale:

The temperatures on this scale are measured using a constant volume thermometer.
Based on the principle that at low pressure, the temperature of the gas is proportional to its
pressure at constant volume.
The relationship between the temperature and pressure of the gas in the vessel can be
expressed as T = a + b.P
Where the values of the constants a and b for a gas thermometer are determined
Once a and b are known, the temperature of a medium can be calculated from the relation
above by immersing the rigid vessel of the gas thermometer into the medium and measuring
the gas pressure.
Ideal gas temperature scale can be developed by measuring the pressures of the gas in the
vessel at two reproducible points (such as the ice and steam points) and assigning suitable
values to temperatures those two points.
Considering that only one straight line passes through two fixed points on a plane, these two
measurements are sufficient to determine the constants a and b in the above equation.
If the ice and the steam points are assigned the values 0 and 100 respectively, then the gas
temperature scale will be identical to the Celsius scale.
In this case, the value of the constant a (that corresponds to an absolute pressure of zero) is
determined to be –273.150C when extrapolated.
The equation reduces to T = bP, and thus we need to specify the temperature at only one
point to define an absolute gas temperature scale.

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Absolute gas temperature is identical to thermodynamic temperature in the temperature
range in which the gas thermometer can be used.We can view that thermodynamic
temperature scale at this point as an absolute gas temperature scale that utilizes an ideal gas
that always acts as a low-pressure gas regardless of the temperature.
At the Tenth international conference on weights and measures in 1954, the Celsius scale has
been redefined in terms of a single fixed point and the absolute temperature scale.
The triple point occurs at a fixed temperature and pressure for a specified substance.
The selected single point is the triple point of water (the state in which all three phases of
water coexist in equilibrium), which is assigned the value 0.01 C. As before the boiling point
of water at 1 atm. Pressure is 100.0 C. Thus the new Celsius scale is essentially the same as
the old one.
On the Kelvin scale, the size of Kelvin unit is defined as “ the fraction of 1/273.16 of the
thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water, which is assigned a value of
273.16K”. The ice point on Celsius and Kelvin are respectively 0 and 273.15 K.

Example 1. Consider as a system, the gas in the cylinder shown in the figure. The cylinder is
fitted with a piston on which number of small weights is placed. The initial pressure is 200
kPa, and the initial volume of the gas is 0.04 m2.

1. Let the gas in the cylinder be heated, and let the volume of the gas increase to 0.1 m3
while the pressure remains constant. Calculate the work done by the system during
this process.

W = ∫ P dV

Since the pressure is constant, we conclude

from the above equation that

W = P ∫ dV = P (V2 − V1 )

W = 200 kPa * (0.1 − 0.04 ) m 3 = 12 .0 kJ

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2. Consider the same system and initial condition, but at the same time the cylinder is
being heated and the piston is rising, let the weights be removed from the piston at
such a rate that, during the process the temperature of the gas remains constant.

If we assume that the ideal-gas model is valid. We note that this is a polytropic process
(PVn=const.) with exponent n = 1. For such a process,

2 2
dV V
W = ∫ P dV = P1V1 ∫ = P1V1 ln 2
1 1
V V1
= 200 kPa * 0.04 m 3 * ln = 7.33kJ

3. For the same system, let the weights be removed at such a rate that the expression
PV1.3 = const. Again the final volume is 0.1 m3. Calculate the work.

cons tan t P1V n1 P2V n 2

P= = =
Vn Vn Vn
2 2
dV V − n +1

∫ PdV = cons tan t ∫
1 1
V n
= cons tan t 
 
 − n + 11
cons tan t 1− n 1− n P2V n 2V21− n − P1V n1V11− n
= (V2 − V1 ) =
1− n 1− n
P V − P1V1
= 2 2
1− n

 0.04 
P2 = 200   = 60 .77 kPa
 0 .1 
P V − P1V1 60 .77 * 0.1 − 200 * 0.04
W = 2 2 =
1 − 1 .3 1 − 1 .3
= 6.41kJ
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4. Consider the system and initial state as before, but let the piston be held by a pin so
that the volume remains constant. In addition, let heat transfer take place from the
cylinder so that the pressure
ssure drops to 100kPa. Calculate the work.

Since dV = zero, the work is zero because there is no change in volume.

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Example 2. Consider a piston cylinder arrangement as shown. The piston is loaded with a
mass, mp, the outside atmospheric pressure P0, a linear spring and a single point force F1. The
piston is restricted in its motion by lower and upper stops trapping the gas with a pressure P.

For zero acceleration in a quasi-equilibrium process,

∑ F =∑ F↑ ↓

The forces when the piston is between the stops are

∑F ↑
=PA ∑F ↓
= m p g + P0 A + k ( x − x0 ) + F1
with the linear spring cons tan t k

The piston position for a relaxed spring is x0, which depends on how the spring is installed.

The force balance then gives the gas pressure by division with the area, A, as

P=P0 + mpg+k(x−x0) +F / A ]
To illustrate the process in a P-V diagram, the distance x is converted to volume by division
and multiplication with A:

mpg F1 k
P=P0 + + + 2 (V−V0) =C1 +C2V

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This relation gives the pressure as a linear function of the volume with slope of

equilibrium process, is
The work in a quasi-equilibrium

W = ∫ P dV = Area under the curve

1 `
( )
P1 + P2` (V2 − V1 )

With P`1 = P1 and P'2 = P2 subject to the constraint that

Pmin ≤ P1`, P2` ≤ Pmax

An part of the process with a pressure smaller that Pmin or larger than Pmax does not involve

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Example 3. Balloon initially collapsed and flat. Slowly filled with helium from a cylinder

Dia = 5 m.
Ambient pressure = 100 kPa
Temperature const. = 300 K

System: Helium contained in cylinder and balloon.

Filling process quasi-static process

Work done by Helium , W

= ∫ P dV = P (V 2 − V1 )

= PV 2

= 100 *10 * (5 2) 3 = 6544 .98 kJ

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Ideal and Real Gases

Pure Substance:
A pure substance is one that has a homogeneous and invariable chemical composition. It
may exist in more than one phase but chemical composition is the same in all phases.

Some times the mixture of gases, such as air is considered a pure substance as long as
there is no change of phase. Further our emphasis will be on simple compressible substances

Early experiments on the variables of state (such as T, P, V, and n) showed that only two of
these variables of state need to be known to know the state of a sample of matter.

• Extensive variables: depend on the amount of substance present. Examples include

the volume, energy, enthalpy, and heat capacity.

• Intensive variables: do not depend on the amount of substance present. Examples

include the temperature and pressure.

Equations of State:
An equation of state is an equation which relates the variables of state (T, P, V, and n). It's
particularly useful when you want to know the effect of a change in one of the variables of

• Solids and Liquids:

• If the pressure on a solid or liquid is increased, the volume does not change much. If
the temperature is increased, the volume doesn't change much either. Therefore, an
appropriate equation of state describing such systems would be: V(T,P) = constant.

• Gases:
• In contrast, changing the pressure or temperature of a gas will have an easily
observable effect on the volume of that gas. For an ideal gas (no intermolecular
interactions and no molecular volume) n appropriate equation of state would be:
V(T,P,n) = (nRT)/P.
• There are many equations of state describing real gases. These equations take in
consideration molecular volume and interactions. The most well-known such
equations is probably the Van der Waals equation.

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Ideal and real gases:

An ideal gas is one which follows the ideal gas equation of state, namely
PV = (m/M) (MR) T = n Ru T

The universal gas constant has a value of 8.314 J/mol K or kJ/kmol K and is related to the
specific gas constant by the relation Ru = (R /M)

The ideal gas equation of state can be derived from the kinetic theory of gases where the
following assumptions are made:

1. The molecules are independent of each other. In other words, there are no attractive
forces between the molecules.
2. The molecules do not occupy any volume. That is the volume occupied by the
molecules is quite negligible compared to the volume available for motion of the

The internal energy of an ideal gas is a function of temperature only and is independent of
pressure and volume. That is,
u= u(T)
(∂u/∂P)T =0, (∂u /∂v)T = 0

Enthalpy and specific heat:

h = u+ Pv
For an ideal gas u = u(T) only and PV = mRT and hence h = h(T) only.

The specific heat at constant volume is defined as the amount of energy transferred as heat at
constant volume, per unit mass of a system to raise its temperature by one degree. That is,

Cv = (dq/dT)v
The specific heat at constant pressure is defined as the energy transferred as heat at constant
pressure, per unit mass of a substance to raise its temperature by one degree. That is
Cp = (dq/dT)P

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For a constant pressure process dq = du + dw = du + Pdv = du+ Pdv +vdP(since dP=0 for a
constant pressure process)
Or dq= du+d(Pv) = d(U+ Pv) = dh
or dq=dh
CP = (∂h/∂T)P

The ratio of specific heat (γ) is given by

γ= C P/Cv

For mono-atomic ideal gases γ = 1.67 and for diatomic gases γ= 1.4.

Relation between two specific heats:

The two specific heats are related to each other.

h= u + Pv or dh = du + d(Pv)
For an ideal gas, the above equation reduces to
dh = du + d(RT) = du + RdT or
dh/dT = du/dT+R or CP = Cv+ R
or CP –Cv = R for an ideal gas.
γ= CP /Cv or CP = R/(γ-1) and Cv = Rγ /(γ-1)

Real gases:

The ideal gas law is only an approximation to the actual behavior of gases.

At high densities, that is at high pressures and low temperatures, the behavior of actual or
real gases deviate from that predicted by the ideal gas law. In general, at sufficiently low
pressures or at low densities all gases behave like ideal gases.

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Van der Waals Equation of State:

An equation of state taking account the volume occupied by the molecules and the attractive
forces between them.
(P+a/v2 )(v-b) = RT
where a and b are van der Waals constants.

The equation is cubic in volume and in general there will be three values of v for given
values of T and P.
However in some range of values of P and T there is only one real value v.
For T >Tc (critical temperature) there will be only one real value of v and for T< Tc there
will be three real values.
In Figure, the solid curve represents the value predicted by the van der Waals equation of
state and the points represent the experimentally determined values.
It can be observed that at temperatures greater than critical, there is only one real value of
volume for a given P and T.

However at temperatures less than the critical, there are three real values of volume for a
given value of P and T.

The experimental values differ from those predicted by van der Waals equation of state in
region 2345 if T<Tc.

One can use the criterion that the critical isotherm (isotherm passing through the critical
point) shows a point of inflexion. Stated mathematically

(∂P/∂v)T=Tc= 0 and (∂2P/∂v2)T=Tc = 0

(∂P/∂v)T=Tc = -RTc/(vc –b)2 + 2a/vc3 = 0

RTc/(vc –b)2 = 2a/vc3
(∂2P/∂v2)T=Tc = 2RTc/(vc-b)3 -6a/vc4 = 0

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2RTc/(vc-b)3 = 6a/vc4
2/(vc –b) = 3/vc or vc = 3b

At the critical point, the van der Waal’s equation is given by

Pc = RTc/(vc – b) – a/vc2
From these equations,
a = 27R2Tc2/64 Pc and b = RTc/8Pc

Compressibility Factor:

The deviation from ideal behavior of a gas is expressed in terms of the compressibility factor
Z, which is defined as the ratio of the actual volume to the volume predicted by the ideal gas

Z = Actual volume/volume predicted by ideal gas law = v/RT/P = Pv/RT

For an ideal gas Pv = RT and hence Z = 1 at all temperatures and pressures.
The experimental P-v-T data is used to prepare the compressibility chart.

Reduced pressure, PR = P/Pc,

Reduced temperature, TR = T/Tc
Reduced volume, vR = v/vc

Where Pc, Tc and vc denote the critical pressure, temperature and volume respectively.

These equations state that the reduced property for a given state is the value of this property
in this state divided by the value of this same property by at the critical point.

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The striking fact is that when such Z versus Pr diagrams are prepared for a number of
different substances, all of them very nearly coincide, especially when the substances have
simple, essentially spherical molecules.
We need to know only critical temperature and critical pressure to use this basic generalized

In general it can be noted that idealized gas behavior for very low pressures as compared to
critical) regardless of temperature. Furthermore, at high temperatures (greater than twice Tc),
the ideal-gas model can be assumed to good accuracy to pressures as high as 4-5 times Pc.


1. Pressure versus temperature (P-T)

2. Pressure vs. volume (P-v)

3. Temperature vs. volume (T-v)

4. Temperature vs. entropy (T-s)

5. Enthalpy vs. entropy (h-s)

6. Pressure vs. enthalpy (P-h)

The term saturation temperature designates the temperature at which vaporization takes
For water at 99.6 C the saturation pressure is 0.1 M Pa, and for water at 0.1 Mpa, the
saturation temperature is 99.6 C.
If a substance exists as liquid at the saturation temperature and pressure it is called
saturated liquid.
If the temperature is of the liquid is lower than saturation temperature at the existing
pressure it is called sub-cooled liquid or compressed liquid.
1. When a substance exists as part liquid and part vapor at the saturation temperature,
its quality is defined as the ratio of the mass of vapor to the total mass.
2. If a substance exists as vapor at the saturation temperature, it is called a saturated

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3. When the vapor is at a temperature greater than the saturation temperature, it is said
to exist as superheated vapor.
4. At the critical point, the saturated liquid and saturated vapor state are identical.
5. At supercritical pressures, the substance is simply termed fluid rather than liquid or
6. If the initial pressure at –200C is 0.260 kPa, heat transfer results in increase of
temperature to –100C. Ice passes directly from the solid phase to vapor phase.
7. At the triple point (0.6113 kPa) and a temperature of –200C, let heat transfer increase the
temperature until it reaches 0.010C. At this point, further heat transfer may cause some ice
to become vapor and some to become liquid. The three phases may be present
simultaneously in equilibrium.

Tables of Thermodynamic Properties

Tables of thermodynamic properties of many substances are available, and in general, all
these have same form.

Steam tables are selected because steam is used extensively in power plants and industrial
The steam tables provide the data of useful thermodynamic properties like T, P, v, u, h and s
for saturated liquid, saturated vapor and superheated vapor.
Since the properties like internal energy, enthalpy and entropy of a system cannot be directly
measured; they are related to change in the energy of the system.
Hence one can determine ∆u, ∆h, ∆s, but not the absolute values of these properties.
Therefore it is necessary to choose a reference state to which these properties are arbitrarily
assigned some numerical values.

For water, the triple point (T = 0.01o C and P = 0.6113 kPa) is selected as the reference state,
where the internal energy and entropy of saturated liquid are assigned a zero value.
In the saturated steam tables, the properties of saturated liquid that is in equilibrium with
saturated vapor are presented.
During phase transition, the pressure and temperature are not independent of each other. If
the temperature is specified, the pressure at which both phases coexist in equilibrium is equal
to the saturation pressure.
Hence, it is possible to choose either temperature or pressure as the independent variable, to
specify the state of two-phase system.
Depending on whether the temperature or pressure is used as the independent variable, the
tables are called temperature or pressure tables.
The two phases- liquid and vapor can coexist in a state of equilibrium only up to the critical

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Therefore the listing of the thermodynamic properties of steam in the saturated steam tables
ends at the critical point (374.15o C and 212.2 bar).
If the steam exists in only one phase (superheated steam), it is necessary to specify two
independent variables, pressure and temperature, for the complete specification of the state.
In the superheated steam tables, the properties- v, u, h, and s- are tabulated from the
saturation temperature to some temperature for a given pressure.
The thermodynamic properties of a liquid and vapor mixture can be evaluated in terms of its
quality. In particular, the specific volume, specific internal energy, specific enthalpy and
specific entropy of a mixture of quality X are given by
v = (1-X)vf + Xvg, u = (1-X)uf + Xug, h = (1-X)hf + Xhg = hf + Xhfg, s = (1-X)sf + Xhg
where hfg = hg - hf = latent hat of vaporization.

Temperature-volume diagram:
The locus of all the saturated states gives the saturated liquid curve AC and the locus of all
the saturated vapor states gives the saturated vapor states gives the saturated vapor states
gives the saturated vapor curve BC.
The point C represents the critical point. The difference between vg and vf reduces as the
pressure is increased, and at the critical point vg = vf .
At the critical point, the two phases-liquid and vapor- are indistinguishable.

Pressure-volume diagram

The pressure-volume (P-V) diagram for a pure substance is shown in Figure. The curves AC
and BC represent the saturated liquid curve and saturated vapor curve, respectively, and C is
critical point.

The area under the curve represents the two-phase region. Any point M in this region is a
mixture of saturated liquid (shown as f) and saturated vapor (g).

Mollier (h-s) Diagram

The h-s diagram was introduced by Richard Mollier and was named after him.
It consists of a family of constant pressure lines, constant temperature lines and constant
volume lines plotted on enthalpy versus entropy coordinates.
In the two-phase region, the constant pressure and constant temperature lines coincide.

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TD First Law Analysis to Non-flow Processes

Constant Volume process:

1. Heating of gas enclosed in a rigid vessel:
dU = dQ or U2- U1 , Q = m Cv (T2 – T1)
2. Shaft work done on a system at constant volume
dU = dQ- dW = dQ – (dWpdv + dWs)
or dU = - dWs or -Ws = U2- U1
3. Constant volume process involving electrical work: - Ws = U2- U1

For an adiabatic process the work is done is independent of path.

Constant Pressure Process:

1. Reversible heating of a gas

2. Phase Change at constant pressure(Rev.)

3. Shaft work at constant pressure

4. Electrical work at constant pressure

W = P (V2 –V1)

dU = dQ-dW = dQ- PdV = dQ- d(PV)

or, dQ = dU + d(PV) = d(U+ PV) = dH

Q = ∆H the heat interaction is equal to increase in enthalpy

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Constant Temperature Process:

dU = dQ-dW = dQ- PdV

for an ideal gas u= u(T) then dU = 0
dQ = PdV = RT (dv/v)
Q = W = RT ln (v2/ v1)

Reversible Adiabatic Process:

dU = -dW or W = -∆U
This equation is true for reversible as well as irreversible process.
Cv dT = -Pdv = -RT/v dv
dT/T = -R/Cv dv/v

R/Cv = γ - 1 ,dT/T = -(γ-1) dv/v

T2/T1 = (v1/v2) (γ-1) Tv(γ-1) = constant

Also Pv γ = Constant using perfect gas relation


The first law of thermodynamics is the thermodynamic expression of the conservation of
This law most simply stated by saying that “energy can not be created or destroyed” or that
“the energy of the universe is constant”.
This law can be stated for a system (control mass) undergoing a cycle or for a change of state
of a system.
Stated for a system undergoing a cycle, the cyclic integral of the work is proportional to the
cyclic integral of the heat.
Mathematically stated, for a control mass undergoing a cyclic process such as in Joule’s
experiment and for consistent set of units
∫dQfrom system= ∫dWon system

or ∫dQfrom system- ∫dWon system = 0

The important thing to remember is that the first law states that the energy is conserved

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Sign convention :
The work done by a system on the surroundings is treated as a positive quantity.

Similarly, energy transfer as heat to the system from the surroundings is assigned a positive
sign. With the sign convention one can write,

∫dQ = ∫dW

Consequences of the first law:

Suppose a system is taken from state 1 to state 2 by the path 1-a-2 and is restored to the
initial state by the path 2-b-1, then the system has undergone a cyclic process 1-a-2-b-1. If the
system is restored to the initial state by path 2-c-1, then the system has undergone the cyclic
change 1-a-2-c-1. Let us apply the first law of thermodynamics to the cyclic processes 1-a-2-
b-1 and 1-a-2-c-1 to obtain

∫1-a-2dQ+ ∫2-b-1dQ - ∫1-a-2dW - ∫2-b-1dW =0

∫1-a-2dQ+ ∫2-c-1dQ - ∫1-a-2dW - ∫2-c-1dW=0

Subtracting, we get

∫2b1dQ- ∫2c1dQ –( ∫2b1dW - ∫2c1dW) =0

We know that the work is a path function and hence the term in the bracket is non-zero.
Hence we find

∫2b1dQ = ∫2c1dQ

That is heat is also a path function.

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Energy is a property of the system:
By rearranging we can have
∫2b1 (dQ - dW) = ∫2c1 (dQ - dW)
It shows that the integral is the same for the paths 2-b-1 and 2-c-1, connecting the states 2 and
1. That is, the quantity ∫ (dQ - dW) does not depend on the path followed by a system, but
depends only on the initial and the final states of the system. That is ∫ (dQ - dW) is an exact
differential of a property. This property is called energy (E). It is given by
dE = dQ-dW
E = KE + PE +U
where U is the internal energy. Therefore,
dE = d(KE) + d(PE) + dU = dQ-dW
Quit often in many situations the KE or PE changes are negligible.
dU = dQ – dW
An isolated system does not exchange energy with the surroundings in the form of work as
well as heat. Hence dQ = 0 and dW = 0. Then the first law of thermodynamics reduces to dE
= 0 or E2 = E1 that is energy of an isolated system remains constant.

Perpetual Motion Machine of the first kind : PMM.I

An imaginary device which delivers work continuously without absorbing energy from the
surroundings is called a Perpetual Motion machine of the first kind. Since the device has to
deliver work continuously, it has to operate on a cycle. If such a device does not absorb
energy from its surroundings ∫dQ =0. From the first law, it can be observed that ∫dW =0, if
∫ dQ = 0. Therefore such a device is impossible from first law of thermodynamics.

First law analysis of non-flow processes:

The first law of thermodynamics can be applied to a system to evaluate the changes in its
energy when it undergoes a change of state while interacting with its surroundings. The
processes that are usually encountered in thermodynamic analysis of systems can be
identified as any one or a combination of the following elementary processes:

• Constant volume (isochoric) process

• Constant pressure (isobaric) process
• Constant temperature (isothermal) process.
• Adiabatic process.

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Constant volume (isochoric) process:

Constant volume process: Suppose a gas enclosed in a rigid vessel is interacting with the
surroundings and absorbs energy Q as heat. Since the vessel is rigid, the work done W due to
expansion or compression is zero. Applying the first law, we get
dU = dQ or Q = U2 –U1
That is, heat interaction is equal to the change in internal energy of the gas. If the system
contains a mass m equal of an ideal gas, then
Q = ∆U = mCv (T2 –T1)
The path followed by the gas is shown on a P-V diagram. Now consider the fluid contained in
a rigid vessel as shown. The vessel is rigid and insulated. Shaft work is done on the system by
a paddle wheel as shown in Fig. a. In Fig. b electric work is done on the system. Since the
vessel is rigid, the PdV work is zero. Moreover, the vessel is insulated and hence dQ = 0.
Application of the first law of thermodynamics gives
dU = dQ – dW = dQ – (dWpdv + dWs)
or dU = -dWs or – Ws = ∆U = U2 –U1
Where dWpdv is the compression /expansion work and dWs is the shaft work. That is increase
in internal energy of a system at a constant volume, which is enclosed by an adiabatic wall, is
equal to the shaft work done on the system.

Constant pressure process:

Several industrial processes are carried out at constant pressure. A few examples of constant
pressure processes are: (a) reversible heating/cooling of a gas (b) phase change (c) paddle
wheel work (d) electrical work. For a constant pressure process, the work done W is given by

W = ∫PdV = P (V2-V1)

Application of the first law of thermodynamics gives

dU = dQ – dW = dQ – PdV = dQ – d(PV)

or dQ = dU + d(PV) = d(U + PV) = dH

or Q = ∆H

That is in a constant pressure process, the heat interaction is equal to the increase in the
enthalpy of the system. Now consider the constant pressure processes in which the system is
enclosed by an adiabatic boundary. Application of the first law gives:

dU = dQ – dW = dQ – (PdV + dWs)

Here, the net work done (dW) consists of two parts – the PdV work associated with the
motion of the boundary and (-dWs), the shaft work (or electrical work) done by the

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surroundings. Since the system is enclosed by an adiabatic boundary, dQ = 0 the equation can
be written as
-dWs = dU + d(PV) = dH
That is, the increase in the enthalpy of the system is equal to the shaft work done on the

Constant temperature process:

Suppose a gas enclosed in the piston cylinder assembly is allowed to expand from P1 to P2
while the temperature is held constant. Then application of the first law gives:
dU = dQ – dW = dQ –PdV
It is not possible to calculate work and heat interactions unless the relationships between the
thermodynamic properties of the gas are known. Suppose the gas under consideration is an
ideal gas (which follows the relation Pv = RT and u = u(T) only) then for an isothermal
dU = 0
dQ = PdV = RTdv/v or Q =W = RTln(v2/v1)

Constant Pressure Process-1

A gas in the piston-cylinder assembly is considered as the system of interest (figure 7.1)

Figure 7.1

• The pressure is maintained at a constant value by loading the system with a mass.

• The cylinder is brought into contact with a heat source.

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Energy transfer as heat takes place reversibly. The work is done by system when it
changes from the initial state (1) to the final state (2).


Applying the first law, we get






The quantity is known as enthalpy, H (a property) of the system. The specific

enthalpy h is defined as


The molar enthalpy is , where N is the mole number of the substance.

Constant Pressure Process-2

Let us assume paddle wheel work is done on the system figure 7.2. Also, consider adiabatic
walls, so that

Figure 7.2

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Now the application of first law enables us to write






Therefore, the increase in the enthalpy of the system is equal to the amount of shaft work
done on the system.

Specific Heat at Constant Pressure

Let us focus on Figure 7.3

Figure 7.3

• System changes its state from 1 to 2 following a constant pressure process.

• There will be an accompanying change in temperature.

Specific heat at constant pressure is defined as the quantity of energy required to change the
temperature of a unit mass of the substance by one degree during a constant pressure process.


The total heat interaction for a change in temperature from T1to T2 can be calculated from


The molar specific heat at constant pressure can be defined as


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Constant Temperature process

Let us refer to figure 7.4

Figure 7.4

The system is allowed to undergo an expansion process while in contact with constant
temperature bath. During the expansion process, the opposing force is continuously reduced.
System is in equilibrium at all times. Applying the first law, one can write


For an ideal gas, the desired property relations are

and (7.13)

Since the temperature is held constant, du=0 and Q=W . We can also write

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Adiabatic Process :

1. Irreversible Adiabatic Process

A process in which there is no energy transfer as heat across the boundaries of the system, is
called an adiabatic process. For an adiabatic process, Q=0. Paddle wheel work is performed
on the system (Figure 7.5).

Figure 7.5

Application of first law gives




2. Reversible Adiabatic (ISENTROPIC) Process

Consider a gas contained in the cylinder piston assembly as the system. The cylinder wall and
the piston act as adiabatic walls. Suppose the gas is allowed to expand from the initial
pressure P1 to the final pressure P2 and the opposing pressure is so adjusted that it is equal to
inside gas pressure. For such a process, dW=PdV

The first-law of thermodynamics will give

Let us consider the system as an ideal gas which satisfies the relation and
. Also, we know that .


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For an ideal gas,



The ratio of specific heats is given by






Therefore when an ideal gas expands reversibly and adiabatically from the initial state
to final state , the work done per mole of the gas is given by the above

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Characterisation of Reversible Adiabatic Process

Let us find out the path followed by the system in reaching the final sate starting from the
initial state. We have already seen that for an ideal gas









= constant



From (8.4) and (8.6) we get



or, =constant (8.9)

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Polytropic Process :

Ideal gas undergoes a reversible-adiabatic process; the path followed by the system is given

=constant (8.10)

and the work done per kg of gas


To generalise,


n is polytropic index ( is the property of the system, also it indicates reversible-adiabatic


n = 0, constant pressure process

n = 1, constant temperature process

n= , reversible adiabatic process

n= ,constant volume process

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Polytropic Process

W = ∫ cdv/ vn
w = (P1v1- P2v2)/(n-1)
du = dq – dw
u2 – u1 = q - (P1v1- P2v2)/(n-1)
u2 – u1 = Cv (T2 – T1) = q – w

q = R(T2 – T1)/(γ-1) + (P1v1- P2v2)/(n-1)

= R (T1 – T2){1/(n-1) – 1/(γ-1)}

=(P1v1- P2v2)/(n-1) {(γ -n)/(γ-1)}

=w.{ (γ -n)/(γ-1)}

Problem: Air (ideal gas with γ = 1.4) at 1 bar and 300K is compressed till the final volume is
one-sixteenth of the original volume, following a polytropic process Pv1.25 = const. Calculate
(a) the final pressure and temperature of the air, (b) the work done and (c) the energy
transferred as heat per mole of the air.
Solution: (a) P1v11.25 = P2v21.25

P2 = P1(v1/v2)1.25 = 1(16)1.25 = 32 bar

T2 = (T1P2v2)/(P1v1) = (300 x 32 x 1)/(1x16)
= 600K

(b) w = (P1v1- P2v2)/(n-1)

= Ru(T1 – T2)/(n-1)
= 8.314 (300 – 600)/(1.25-1) = -9.977 kJ/mol

(c) q = w.{ (γ -n)/(γ-1)}

= -9.977 (1.4 – 1.25)/(1.4-1)
= -3.742 kJ/mol

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Unresisted or Free expansion

In an irreversible process, w ≠ ∫ Pdv

Vessel A: Filled with fluid at pressure

Vessel B: Evacuated/low pressure fluid

Valve is opened: Fluid in A expands and fills

both vessels A and B. This is known as unresisted expansion or free expansion.

No work is done on or by the fluid.

No heat flows (Joule’s experiment) from the boundaries as they are insulated.
U2 = U1 (U = UA + UB)

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Problem: A rigid and insulated container of 2m3 capacity is divided into two equal
compartments by a membrane. One compartment contains helium at 200kPa and 127oC while
the second compartment contains nitrogen at 400kPa and 227oC. The membrane is punctured
and the gases are allowed to mix. Determine the temperature and pressure after equilibrium
has been established. Consider helium and nitrogen as perfect gases with their Cv as 3R/2 and
5R/2 respectively.

Solution: Considering the gases contained in both the compartments as the system, W= 0
and Q = 0. Therefore, ∆U = 0 (U2 = U1)

Amount of helium = NHe = PAVA/RuTA

= 200 x 103 x 1/(8.314 x400)
= 60.14 mol.
Amount of nitrogen = NN2 = PBVB/RuTB
= 400 x 103 x 1/(8.314x500)
= 96.22 mol.

Let Tf be the final temperature after equilibrium has been established. Then,

[NCv(Tf-400)]He + [NCv(Tf-500)]N2 = 0

Ru[60.14(Tf-400)3 + 96.22(Tf-500)5 ] /2 = 0

Or, Tf = 472.73 K
The final pressure of the mixture can be obtained by applying the equation of state:
PfVf = (NHe + NN2)Ru Tf

2Pf = (60.14 + 96.22) 8.314 (472.73)

or, Pf = 307.27 kPa

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Control-Volume Analysis:

Control volume is a volume in space of special interest for particular analysis.

The surface of the control volume is referred as a control surface and is a closed surface.The
surface is defined with relative to a coordinate system that may be fixed, moving or otating.
Mass, heat and work can cross the control surface and mass and properties can change with
time within the control volume.
Examples: turbines, compressors, nozzle, diffuser, pumps, heat exchanger, reactors, a thrust-
producing device, and combinations of these.
First law of thermodynamics for a continuous system

Let the continuous system be in state 1 at time t and after a differential time dt, let it be in the
state 2. The change in the energy of the continuous system is,

d [ ∫ ρedV ]
dE = dt
Now, dt
dE = dQ – dW

dE • •
= Q− W

• •
dt V∫
ρ edV = Q − W

First law of thermodynamics to a control volume

• •
= m −m
dt i e
[Rate of accumulation of mass inside the control volume] = [Rate of mass entering the
control volume at inlet] – [Rate of mass leaving the control volume at exit]

The above is commonly known as continuity equation.

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We should identify a definite quantity of matter which remains constant as the matter
flows. For this purpose, let the boundary of the system include all matter inside the control
volume and that which is about to enter the control volume during the differential time
interval dt.

At time t, the system is defined as the mass contained in the control volume and the
mass in region A which is about to enter the control volume in a differential time dt.

At time t+dt, the system is defined as the mass contained in the control volume and the
mass in region B.
Therefore, during the differential time dt, the system configuration undergoes a change.

Mass contained in region A = mi dt

Mass contained in region B = me dt
From mass balance,
• •
m(t ) + m i dt m(t + dt ) + m e dt

The work done as the mass enters the control volume = -Pivi m dt

The work done by mass exiting the control volume =

Peve m dt

Energy of the system at time t = E(t) + m eidt

Energy of the system at time (t+dt) = E(t+dt) + ee me dt

Energy transferred as heat to the system = Q dt

Shaft work done by the system = W dt
From the first law,
• • • • • •

[E(t+dt) + ee
me me dt] – [E(t) + mi eidt ] = Q dt - W sh
dt – ( Peve m -Pivi m
e i

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 43

• • •
E (t + dt ) − E (t ) •

me ( ee + Peve)- mi (ei + Pivi)= Q- Wsh -


• • • •

me (he+Ve2/2 + gZe) - mi (hi+Vi2/2 + gZi) = Q - W - dE/dt


where, he = ue + Peve, hi = ui + Pivi

Or, Rate of energy accumulation = rate of energy inflow – rate of energy outflow

Steady state flow process


• • •

mi = me = m

The state of matter at the inlet, exit and at any given point inside the control volume does not
change with respect to time.

dE / dt = 0

The rate of energy transfers across the control surface is constant.

• •

2 2
m (he+Ve /2 + gZe) - (hi+Vi /2 + gZi) =( Q - Wsh )/

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Steady state steady flow process

Ve2 −Vi 2
q − w = ∆h + ∆Ke + ∆Pe = he − hi + + g (Z e − Z i )
• • • •
where, q = Q/ m and w =W / m
For negligible change in kinetic and potential energies through the control volume,

q − w = ∆h ( kJ / kg )
If the control volume is well insulated (i.e. adiabatic), then, q = 0.

For steady flow devices, such as turbines, compressors and pumps, Wsh is power
transmitted through a shaft.

∆Ke = (Ve2 − Vi 2 ) / 2

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The unit of ke is m2/s2 which is equivalent to Joule/kg. The enthalpy is usually given
in kJ/kg. So kinetic energy should be expressed in kJ/kg. This is accomplished by dividing it
by 1000.
Kinetic energy term at low velocities is negligible, but should be accounted for at high
By similar argument, the elevation difference between inlet and exit of most industrial
devices such as compressors and turbines is small and potential energy term is negligible
(particularly for gases). The only time the potential energy term is significant is when a
process involves pumping a fluid to high elevations.


A turbine is a rotary steady state steady flow machine whose purpose is the production of
shaft power at the expense of the pressure of the working fluid.
Two general classes of turbines are steam and gas turbines depending on the working
substance used.
Usually, changes in potential energy are negligible, as is the inlet kinetic energy. Often the
exit kinetic energy is neglected (if in a problem, the flow velocities are specified, the
kinetic energy term should be included).
Normally, the process in the turbine is adiabatic and the work output reduces to decrease in
enthalpy from the inlet to exit states.

• •
Wsh = m (h − h ) i e

Compressor / pump

The purpose of a compressor (gas) or pump (liquid) is the same, to increase the pressure of a
fluid by putting in shaft work (power). There are two fundamentally different types of
1. The rotary type (either axial or centrifugal flow)
2. A piston/cylinder type compressor.

The first type is analyzed using control volume approach (steady state steady flow process).
The working fluid enters the compressor at low pressure and exits at high pressure.

Usually, changes in potential energy are negligible as is the inlet kinetic energy. Often, exit
kinetic energy is neglected as well (wherever, in a problem, velocities are specified, ke
term should not be neglected).

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The compression process is usually adiabatic.

• •
Wsh = m [(h i − he ) + (Vi 2 − Ve2 ) / 2]


A nozzle is a steady state steady flow device to create a high velocity fluid stream at the
expense of its pressure. It is contoured in an appropriate manner to expand the fluid to a
lower pressure.

Since the objective of the device is to increase the flow velocity, hence kinetic energy, the
kinetic energy term cannot be ignored. Usually, the process through the nozzle is treated as

Since there are no moving parts, shaft work is zero. The potential energy term (for gases) is
negligible and hence omitted.

( hi − he ) = (Ve2 − Vi 2 ) / 2
A systematic approach to problem solving

Step 1. Identify the system and draw a sketch of it. The system that is about to be analyzed
should be identified on the sketch by drawing its boundaries using the dashed lines.

Step 2. List the given information on the sketch. Heat and work interactions if any should
also be indicated on the sketch with proper directions.

Step 3. State any assumptions:

The simplifying assumptions that are made to solve a problem should be stated and fully
Commonly made assumptions:
(a) Assuming process to be quasi-equilibrium
(b) Neglecting PE and KE
(c) Treating gas as ideal
(d) Neglecting heat transfer from insulated systems.

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Step 5. Apply the conservation equations.

Step 6. Draw a process diagram.

Determine the required properties and unknowns.

Problem # 1 A 0.1 m3 rigid tank contains steam initially at 500 kPa and 200oC. The steam
is now allowed to cool until the temperature drops to 50oC. Determine the amount of heat
transfer during this process and the final pressure in the tank.

State 1: P1 = 500kPa, T1 = 200oC

v1 = 0.4249 m3/kg, u1 = 2642.9 kJ/kg

State 2: v2 = v1 = 0.4269 m3/kg

T2 = 50oC  vf = 0.001m3/kg
vg= 12.03 m3/kg

uf = 209.32 kJ/kg
ug = 2443.5 kJ/kg

P2 = Psat @50oc = 12.349 kPa

v2 = vf + x2vfg
0.4249 = 0.001 + x2(12.03 = 0.001)

x2 = 0.0352

u2 = uf +x2ug

= 209.32 +(0.0352)(2443.5 – 209.32)

= 288.0 kJ/kg

m = V/u = (0.1 m3/kg)/(0.4249 m3/kg)

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= 0.235 kg

-Qout = ∆U = m(u2 – u1)

Qout = m(u1 – u2)

= (0.235)(2642.9 – 288)
= 553.4 kg

Problem # 2 A piston/cylinder contains 50 kg of water at 200 kPa with a volume of 0.1 m3 .

Stop in the cylinder is placed to restrict the enclosed volume to 0.5 m3. The water is now
heated until the piston reaches the stops. Find the necessary heat transfer.

At 200 kPa,

vf = 0.001061 m3/kg
vfg = 0.88467 m3/kg

hf = 504.68 kJ/kg

hfg = 2201.96 kJ/kg

This is a constant pressure process. Hence, Q = ∆H

The specific volume initially,

vi = 0.1 /50 = 0.002 m3/kg

v = vf + x vfg
= 0.001061 + x (0.88467)

Therefore, x = (0.002 – 0.001061) / 0.88467

= 0.001061
h = hf + x hfg
= 504.68 + 0.001061(2201.96)

= 507.017 kJ/kg

vfinal = 0.5 /50 = 0.01 m3/kg

v = vf + x vfg

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Therefore, x = (0.01 – 0.001061) / 0.88 = 0.01

hfinal = 504.68 + 0.01(2201.96)

= 526.69 kJ/kg

Q = ∆H = 50 (526.69 - 507.017)

= 983.65 kJ/kg
Problem # 3 A rigid insulated tank is separated into two rooms by a stiff plate. Room A of
0.5 m3 contains air at 250 kPa, 300 K and room B of 1 m3 has air at 150 kPa, 1000 K. The
plate is removed and the air comes to a uniform state without any heat transfer. Find the final
pressure and temperature.

The system comprises of room A and B together. This is a constant internal energy process
as there is no heat and work exchange with the surroundings.

= (250 x 1000 x 0.5) / (287 x 300)
= 1.452 kg
= (150 x 1000 x 1.0) / (287 x 1000)

= 0.523 kg

∆UA + ∆UB = 0

Let Tf be the final temperature at equilibrium

mA (Tf – 300) + mB (Tf – 1000) = 0

1.452 (Tf – 300) + 0.523 (Tf – 1000) = 0

Tf = 485.37 K

Pf = (1.452 + 0.523) x 287 x 485.37 / 1.5

= 183.41 kPa

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Problem # 4 A piston / cylinder assembly contains 0.1m3 of superheated steam at 10 bar
and 400oC. If the steam is allowed to expand reversibly and adiabatically to a pressure of 3
bar, calculate the work done by the steam.

At 10 bar and 400oC,

v = 0.3065 m3/kg

h = 3264.4 kJ/kg

s = 7.4665 kJ/kg K

At 3 bar,

sg = 6.9909 kJ/kg K
This is an isentropic process as initial entropy value is greater than sg at 3 bar, the steam is
superheated at the end of the process.
At 3 bar and 200oC,

s = 7.3119 kJ/kg K and

at 300oC, s = 7.7034 kJ/kg K
temperature between 200oC and 300oC.
therefore, the final state is having a temperatu

Equating si = sfinal,

Find the enthalpy and specific volume by interpolation. Then calculate ui and ufinal.

The work done = ∆U = m(ui – ufinal)

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 54

Enthalpy of a compressed liquid

Determine the enthalpy of water at 100o C and 15 MPa (a) by using compressed liquid tables,
(b) by approximating it as a saturated liquid, and (c) by using the correction factor.

At 100oC, the saturation pressure of water is 101.35 kPa, and since P>Psat, the water exists as
a compressed liquid at the specified state.
(a) from the compressed liquid tables,
P = 15 Mpa, T = 100oC, h = 430.28 kJ/kg
This is the exact value.
(b) Approximating the compresses liquid as a saturated liquid at 100oC, as is
commonly done, we obtain
h = hf@100 C = 419.04 kJ/kg

This value is in error by about 2.6 percent.

(c) From equation

h@ P,T = hf@T + vf@T (P – Psat)

= 419.04 + 0.001(15000 – 101.35) kJ/kg

= 434.60 kJ/kg

Problem # 1 (Nozzle)

Nitrogen gas flows into a convergent nozzle at 200 kPa, 400 K and very low velocity. It
flows out of the nozzle at 100 kPa, 330 K. If the nozzle is insulated, find the exit velocity.

Vi = 0
Adiabatic nozzle

The SSSF equation:

Ve2/2 = (hi – he) = Cp(Ti – Te)
= {γRu/M(γ-1)} (Ti – Te)
= {1.4 * 8314/(28*0.4)}(400-330)
= 72747.5 m2/s2

We get, Ve = 381.44 m/s

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Compressing air by a compressor

Air at 100 kPa and 280 K is compressed steadily to 600 kPa and 400 K. The mass flow rate
of air is 0.02 kg/s and a heat loss of 16 kJ/kg occurs during the process. Assuming the
changes in KE and PE are negligible, determine the necessary power input to the compressor.

We take the compressor as the system. This is a control volume since the mass crosses the
system boundary during the process. Heat is lost from the system and work is supplied to the

With similar assumptions as in the diffuser problem,

w = q + (h2 – h1)
The input power = m (q + (h2 – h1))
= 0.02 (16 + (1.004*(400 – 280)))

= 2.73 kW

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Power generation by a steam turbine

The power output of an adiabatic steam turbine is 5 MW, and the inlet and exit conditions of
the steam are as indicated in the figure.

(a) Compare the magnitude of ∆h, ∆KE, and ∆PE

(b) Determine the work done per unit mass of the steam flowing through the turbine
(c) Calculate the mass flow rate of the steam.

We take the turbine as a system. The control volume is shown in the figure. The system, the
inlet and exit velocities do work and elevations are given and thus the kinetic and potential
energies are to be considered.

At the inlet, the steam is in superheated vapor state.

h1 = 3247.6 kJ/kg.
At the turbine exit, we have a saturated liquid-vapor
liquid vapor mixture at 15 kPa pressure. The enthalpy
at this state is
h2 = hf + x2hfg
= 225.94 + 0.9 * 2373.1
= 2361.73 kJ/kg

∆h = h2 – h1

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 57

= 2361.73 – 3247.6 = -885.87 kJ/kg

∆ke = (V22- V12)/2 = (1802-502)/2*1000

= 14.95 kJ/kg

∆Pe = g(Z2-Z1) = 9.807 * (6 –10)/1000

= -0.04 kJ/kg

wout = -[( h2 – h1) +(V22- V12)/2 + g(Z2-Z1)]

= -[-885.87 + 14.95 – 0.04]

= 870.96 kJ/kg

(d) The required mass flow rate for a 5MW power output is 5000/870.96 = 5.74 kg/s

Limitations of First Law:

First law is a statement of conservation of energy principle. Satisfaction of first law alone
does not ensure that the process will actually take place.

1. A cup of hot coffee left in a cooler room eventually cools off. The reverse of this
process- coffee getting hotter as a result of heat transfer from a cooler room does
not take place.
2. Consider heating of a room by passage of electric current through an electric
resistor. Transferring of heat from room will not cause electrical energy to be
generated through the wire.
3. Consider a paddle-wheel mechanism operated by fall of mass. Potential energy of
mass decreases and internal energy of the fluid increases. Reverse process does not
happen, although this would not violate first law.
4. Water flows down hill where by potential energy is converted into K.E. Reverse of
this process does not occur in nature.

Processes proceed in a certain direction and not in the reverse direction. The first law places
no restriction on direction.A process will not occur unless it satisfies both the first and

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 58

Second Law of Thermodynamics
Kelvin-Planck Statement: - It is impossible to devise a cyclically operating device, which
produces no other effect than the extraction of heat from a single thermal reservoir and
delivers an equivalent amount of work.

Heat engine with single thermal reservoir is not possible.

For a 1-T engine the thermal efficiency η=W/Q=1. No heat engine can have efficiency equal
to unity

Second law not only identifies the direction of process, it also asserts that energy has quality
as well as quantity.

Thermal Reservoir

A thermal reservoir is a large system (very high mass x specific heat value) from which a
quantity of energy can be absorbed or added as heat without changing its temperature. The
atmosphere and sea are examples of thermal reservoirs.
Any physical body whose thermal energy capacity is large relative to the amount of energy it
supplies or absorbs can be modeled as a thermal reservoir.

A reservoir that supplies energy in the form of heat is called a source and one that absorbs
energy in the form of heat is called a sink.

Heat Engine

It is a cyclically operating device which absorbs energy as heat from a high temperature
reservoir, converts part of the energy into work and rejects the rest of the energy as heat to a
thermal reservoir at low temperature.

The working fluid is a substance, which absorbs energy as heat from a source, and rejects
energy as heat to a sink.

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 59

Thermal Power Plant


Q1 –

WT –

Q2 – Heat rejected to cooling water in condenser

WP – Work done on the pump

W = Q1 – Q2

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 60

Thermal Efficiency,

W net W Q1 − Q 2
η= = =
Q1 Q1 Q1

Schematic representation of Heat Engine:

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Schematic representation of Refrigerator and Heat pump.

QL – Heat absorbed from low temperature thermal reservoir

QH – Heat rejected to a high temperature thermal reservoir when work (W) is done on it.

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 62

(COP) R = =
(COP) HP = =

In a reversible, isothermal expansion of an ideal gas, all the energy absorbed as heat by the
system is converted completely into work. However this cannot produce work continuously
(not a cycle).

Single reservoir heat engine (1 T engine) is not possible.

Clausius Statement: - It is impossible to construct a device that operates in a cycle and
produces no effect other than the transfer of heat from a lower
temperature body to higher
temperature body.

Equivalence of the two statements

To prove that violation of the Kelvin-Planck

Kelvin Planck Statement leads to a violation of the Clausius

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 63

Statement, let us assume that Kelvin-Planck statement is incorrect.

Consider a cyclically working device 1, which absorbs energy Q1 as heat from a thermal
reservoir at TH. Equivalent amount of work W(W=Q1) is performed.

Consider another device 2 operating as a cycle, which absorbs energy QL as heat from a low
temperature thermal reservoir at TL and rejects energy QH (QH=QL+W). Such a device does
not violate Clausius statement.

If the two devices are now combined, the combined device (enclosed by the dotted boundary)
transfers heat QL from the low temperature reservoir at TL to a high temperature reservoir at
TH with out receiving any aid from an external agent, which is the violation of the Clausius

Likewise let us assume that the Clausius statement is incorrect. So we have a device 1,
cyclically working transferring heat Q from a low temperature reservoir at TL to a high
temperature thermal reservoir at TH . Consider another device 2, which absorbs heat Q1 from
a high temperature reservoir at TH does work W and rejects energy Q as heat tot the low
temperature reservoir at TL as shown in figure.

If the two devices are combined (shown in figure by a dotted enclosure), then the combined
device receives energy (Q1-Q) as heat from a thermal reservoir and delivers equivalent work
(W=Q1-Q) in violation of the Kelvin-Planck statement.

Therefore violation of Clausius statement leads to the violation of the Kelvin-Planck

statement. Hence, these two statements are equivalent.

Perpetual Motion Machines

A device that violates the First law of thermodynamics (by creating energy) is called a
Perpetual Motion Machine of the first kind.

A device that violates the Second law of thermodynamics is called a Perpetual Motion
Machine of the Second kind.

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The first device supplies continuously energy with out receiving it. So this is a system
creating energy and therefore violating the first law.

The second device exchanges heat with a single reservoir and thus a net amount of work.
This need not violate the first law, but violates the second law and therefore will not work.

Reversible and Irreversible Processes

A processss is said to be reversible if both the system and the surroundings can be restored to
their respective initial states, by reversing the direction of the process. A reversible process is
a process that can be reversed without leaving a trace on the surroundings.
surroundings. Processes that are
not reversible are called Irreversible processes.

The factors that cause a process to be irreversible are called irreversibilities. Examples:
1. Friction
2. Unrestrained expansion
3. Mixing of two gases
4. Heat transfer across a finite temperature difference
5. Spontaneous chemical reactions

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 66

6. Expansion or Compression with finite pressure difference
7. Mixing of matter at different states

Carnot cycle:

The Carnot cycle uses only two thermal reservoirs – one at high temperature T1 and the other
at two temperature T2.

If the process undergone by the working fluid during the cycle is to be reversible, the heat
transfer must take place with no temperature difference, i.e. it should be isothermal.

The Carnot cycle consists of a reversible isothermal expansion from state 1 to 2, reversible
adiabatic expansion from state 2 to 3, a reversible isothermal compression from state 3 to 4
followed by a reversible adiabatic compression to state 1.

The thermal efficiency, η is given by

η = Net work done / Energy absorbed as heat

During processes 2-3 and 4-1, there is no heat interaction as they are adiabatic.

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 67

2 2
Q1− 2 = ∫ Pdv = ∫ RT1 = RT1 ln(v 2 / v1 )
1 1
Similarly for the process 3-4,

4 4
Q3−4 = ∫ Pdv = ∫ RT2 = RT2 ln(v 4 / v3 )
3 3
Net heat interaction = Net work done

= RT1ln(v2/v1) + RT2ln(v4/v3)

= RT1ln(v2/v1) - RT2ln(v3/v4)

The processes 2-3 and 4-1 are reversible, adiabatic and hence

T1v2γ-1 = T2v3γ-1

Or, v2/v3 = (T2/T1)1/(γ-1)And

T2v4γ-1 = T1v1γ-1

Or, v1/v4 = (T2/T1)1/(γ-1)

v2/v3 = v1/v4 or v2/v1 = v3/v4

η = {RT1ln(v2/v1) - RT2ln(v3/v4)} / RT1ln(v2/v1)

η = (T1 – T2)/T1
= 1- T2/T1

The Carnot Principles

1. The efficiency of an irreversible heat engine is always less than the efficiency of a
reversible one operating between same two thermal reservoirs.
2. The efficiencies of all reversible heat engines operating between the same two
thermal reservoirs are the same.

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 68

Lets us assume it is possible for an engine I to have an efficiency greater than the efficiency
of a reversible heat engine R.

ηI > ηR

Let both the engines absorb same quantity of energy Q1. Let Q and Q2 represent the energy
rejected as heat by the engines R, and I respectively.

WI = Q1 - Q
WR= Q1 – Q2

ηI = WI / Q1 = (Q1 - Q)/Q1 = 1-Q/Q1

ηR = WR/Q1 = (Q1 - Q2)/Q1 = 1-Q2/Q1

Since ηI > ηR,

1-Q/Q1 > 1-Q2/Q1

or, Q < Q2

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 69

Therefore, WI (= Q1-Q) > WR (=Q1 – Q2)

Since the engine R is reversible, it can be made to execute in the reverse order. Then, it will
absorb energy Q2 from the reservoir at T2 and reject energy Q1 to the reservoir at T1 when
work WR is done on it.

If now engines I and R are combined, the net work delivered by the combined device is given

WI – WR = Q1 – Q – (Q1 – Q2) = Q2 – Q

The combined device absorbs energy (Q2 – Q) as heat from a single thermal reservoir and
delivers an equivalent amount of work, which violates the second law of thermodynamics.

Hence, ηR ≥ ηI

Carnot principle 2

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 70

Consider two reversible heat engines R1 and R2 , operating between the two given thermal
reservoirs at temperatures T1 and T2.

Let ηR1 > ηR2

Q1= energy absorbed as heat from the reservoir at T1 by the engines R1 and R2, separately.

Q = energy rejected by reversible engine R1 to the reservoir at T2

Q2 = energy rejected by reversible engine R2 to the reservoir at T2.

WR1 = Q1 - Q = work done by a reversible engine R1 .

WR2 = Q1 –Q2 = work done by a reversible engine R2

According to assumption,

ηR1 > ηR2

Or, 1 – Q/Q1 > 1- Q2/Q1

Q1 –Q >Q1-Q2 or WR1 >WR2

WR1 – WR2 = (Q1 –Q) – (Q1- Q2) = Q2 – Q

Since the engine R2 is reversible, it can be made to execute the cycle in the reverse by
supplying WR2.

Since WR1 > WR2 the reversible engine R2 can be run as a heat pump by utilizing part of the
work delivered by R1.
For the combined device,

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WR1 – WR2 = Q2 – Q, by absorbing energy Q2 – Q from a single thermal reservoir which
violates the second law of thermodynamics.

Hence ηR1 > ηR2 is incorrect.

By similar arguments, if we assume that ηR2 > ηR1 then,

ηR1 ≥ ηR2

Therefore, based on these two equations,

ηR1 = ηR2

The efficiency of a reversible heat engine is also independent of the working fluid and
depends only on the temperatures of the reservoirs between which it operates.

Thermodynam Temperature Scale


To define a temperature scale that does not depend on the thermometric property of a
substance, Carnot principle can be used since the Carnot engine efficiency does not depend
on the working fluid. It depends on the temperatures of the reservoirs between which it

Consider the operation of three reversible engines 1, 2 and 3. The engine 1 absorbs energy Q1
as heat from the reservoir at T1, does work W1 and rejects energy Q2 as heat to the reservoir
at T2.

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 72

Let the engine 2 absorb energy Q2 as heat from the reservoir at T2 and does work W2 and
rejects energy Q3 as heat to the reservoir at T3.

The third reversible engine 3, absorbs energy Q1as heat from the reservoir at T1, does work
W3 and rejects energy Q3 as heat to the reservoir at T3.

η1 = W1 / Q1 = 1- Q2/Q1 = f(T1,T2)

or, Q1/Q2 = F(T1,T2)

η2 = 1- Q3/Q2 = f(T2,T3)
or, T2/T3 = F(T2,T3)
η3 = 1- Q3/Q1 = f(T1,T3)
T1/T3 = F(T1,T3)
Then , Q1/Q2 = (Q1/Q3)/(Q2/Q3)
Or, F(T1,T2) = F(T1,T3) /F(T2,T3)
Since T3 does not appear on the left side, on the RHS also T3 should cancel out. This is
possible if the function F can be written as

F(T1, T2) = φ(T1) ψ (T2)

φ(T1) ψ (T2) = {φ(T1) ψ (T3)} / {φ(T2) ψ (T3)}

= φ(T1) ψ (T2)
Therefore, ψ (T2) = 1 / φ(T2)
Hence, Q1 / Q2 = F(T1,T2) = φ(T1)/ φ(T2)
Now, there are several functional relations that will satisfy this equation. For the
thermodynamic scale of temperature, Kelvin selected the relation

Q1/Q2 = T1/T2

That is, the ratio of energy absorbed to the energy rejected as heat by a reversible engine is
equal to the ratio of the temperatures of the source and the sink.

The equation can be used to determine the temperature of any reservoir by operating a
reversible engine between that reservoir and another easily reproducible reservoir and by
measuring efficiency (heat interactions). The temperature of easily reproducible thermal
reservoir can be arbitrarily assigned a numerical value (the reproducible reservoir can be at
triple point of water and the temperature value assigned 273.16 K).

The efficiency of a Carnot engine operating between two thermal reservoirs the temperatures
of which are measured on the thermodynamic temperature scale, is given by

η1 = 1- Q2/Q1 = 1 – T2/T1
The efficiency of a Carnot engine, using an ideal gas as the working medium and the
temperature measured on the ideal gas temperature scale is also given by a similar

(COP)R = QL /(QH – QL) = TL / (TH – TL)

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(COP)HP= QH /(QH – QL) = TH / (TH – TL)

Clausius Inequality

For a Carnot cycle


Or Q1/T1-Q2/T2=0 for a reversible engine.

With the usual sign convention, that is, heat flow into a system taken as positive and heat
outflow of the system taken as negative

Q1/T1+Q2/T2=0 or ΣQi/Ti=0

For an irreversible engine absorbing Q1 amount of heat from a reservoir at T1 and rejecting
Q21 to a reservoir at T2, then

or 1-Q21/Q1<1-T2/T1

or Q21/Q1>T2/T1

or Q21/T2>Q1/T1

making use of the sign convention, we get


Or ΣQ/T<0 for an irreversible engine

Replacement of a Reversible process by an equivalent process

Let us consider cyclic changes in a system other than heat engines. If the cycle can be split up
into a large number of heat engine cycles then the above observation can be made use of in
relating the heat interactions with the absolute temperatures.

Any reversible process can be approximated by a series of reversible, isothermal and

reversible, adiabatic processes.

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 74

Consider a reversible process 1-2. The same change of a state can be achieved by process 1-a
(reversible adiabatic process), isothermal process a-b-c and a reversible adiabatic process c-2.
The areas 1-a-b and b-c-2 are equal. From the first law


Consider the cycle 1-a-b-c-2-b-1. The net work of the cycle is zero. Then

∫ dW = W 1− a − b − c − 2 + W2 −b −1 = 0

W 1 − a − b − c − 2 = −W 2 − b − 1 = W 1 − b − 2

the heat interaction along the path 1-a-b-c-2 is


Since 1-a and c-2 are reversible adiabatic paths. Hence


Application of the first law of the thermodynamics to the process 1-b-2 gives


Comparing the two equations


The heat interaction along the reversible path 1-b-2 is equal to that along the isothermal path
a-b-c. Therefore a reversible process can be replaced by a series of reversible adiabatic and
reversible isothermal processes.

Clausius Inequality:

A given cycle may be subdivided by drawing a family of reversible, adiabatic lines. Every
two adjacent adiabatic lines may be joined by two reversible isotherms.

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 75

The heat interaction along the reversible path is equal to the heat interaction
interaction along the
reversible isothermal path.

The work interaction along the reversible path is equal to the work interaction along the
reversible adiabatic and the reversible isothermal path.

That is,

Qa-b=Qa1-b1 and Qc-d

c =Qc1-d1

a1-b1-d1-c1 is a Carnot cycle.

The original reversible cycle thus is a split into a family of Carnot cycles. For every Carnot

∫ dQ / T = 0 . Therefore for the given reversible cycle,

∫ dQ / T = 0
If the original cycle is irreversible

∫ dQ / T < 0
so the generalized observation is

∫ dQ / T ≤ 0
Whenever a system undergoes a cyclic change, however complex the cycle may be( as long
as it involves heat and work interactions), the algebraic sum of all the heat interac
divided by the absolute temperature at which heat interactions are taking place considered
over the entire cycle is less than or equal to zero (for a reversible cycle).

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1. ∫T has the same value irrespective of path as long as path is reversible

 dQ 
 
 T R is an exact differential of some function which is identical as entropy

2 2
 dQ 
S 2 − S1 = ∆S = ∫ dS = ∫  
T R

 dQ 
dS =  
 T  R for reversible process only

Calculation of Entropy change

1. Entropy is a state function. The entropy change is determined by its initial and final
states only

2. In analyzing irreversible process, it is not necessary to make a direct analysis of

actual reversible process.

Substitute actual process by an imaginary reversible process. The entropy change for
imaginary reversible process is same as that of an irreversible process between given
final and initial states.

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 77

(a) Absorption of energy by a constant temperature reservoir

Energy can be added reversibly or irreversibly as heat or by performing work.

 dQ 
∆S = ∫  
 T R


The contents of a large constant-temperature reservoir maintained at 500 K are continuously

stirred by a paddle wheel driven by an electric motor. Estimate the entropy change of the
reservoir if the paddle wheel is operated for two hours by a 250W motor.

Paddle wheel work converted into internal energy- an irreversible process. Imagine a
reversible process with identical energy addition

 dQ Q 0.25× 2(3600)

∆S = ∫   = = = 0.6kJ
 T R T 500

(b) Heating or cooling of matter

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 78

Q = ∆U for constant volume heating

Q = ∆H for constant pressure heating

dQ 2
dT  T2 
∆S = ∫ = m ∫Cp = mC p ln 
T T1
T  T1 
, for constant pressure

dQ dT T 
∆S = ∫ = m ∫ Cv = mCv ln 2 
T T1
T  T1 

, for constant volume process

Example: -

Calculate entropy change if 1kg of water at 300 C is heated to 800C at 1 bar pressure. The
specific heat of water is 4.2kJ/kg-K

 T2   273 + 80 
∆S = C p ln  = 4.2 × 10 × ln

 T1   273 + 30 
= 0.6415

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(c) Phase change at constant temperature and pressure

dQ hsf
S sf = ∫ =
T Tsf

dQ h fg
S fg = ∫ =

Ice melts at 00C with latent heat of fusion= 339.92 kJ/kg. Water boils at atmospheric
pressure at 1000C with hfg= 2257 kJ/kg.

334.92 kJ
S sf = = 1.2261
273.15 kg.K

2257 kJ
S fg = = 6.0485
373.15 kg .K

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 80

(d) Adiabatic mixing


A lump of steel of mass 30kg at 4270 C is dropped in 100kg oil at 270C.The specific heats
of steel and oil is 0.5kJ/kg-K and 3.0 kJ/kg-K respectively. Calculate entropy change of
steel, oil and universe.

T= final equilibrium temperature.

(mC ∆T ) p steel
= (mC p ∆T )oil

300 × 0.5 × (700 − T ) = 100 × 3 × (T − 300)

or T=319K

2 2
dQ mCp dT  T2
(∆S )steel = ∫ =∫ =  mCp ln 
T 1 T  T1 steel
 319
= 30× 0.5× ln  = −11.7883kJ / K
 700
 T2
(∆S ) oil =  mC p ln 
 T 1  oil
 319 
= 100 × 3 × ln  = 18.4226kJ / K
 300 

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 81

(∆S )universe = −11.7883 + 18.4226 = 6.6343kJ / K

Tds relations:

From the definition of entropy,

dQ = Tds

From the first law of thermodynamics,

dW = PdV


TdS = dU + PdV

Or, Tds = du + Pdv

This is known as the first Tds or, Gibbs equation.The second Tds equation is obtained by
eliminating du from the above equation using the definition of enthalpy.

h = u + Pv  dh = du + vdP

Therefore, Tds = dh – vdP

The two equations can be rearranged as

ds = (du/T) + (Pdv/T)

ds = (dh/T) – (vdP/T)

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 82

Change of state for an ideal gas

If an ideal gas undergoes a change from P1, v1, T1 to P2, v2, T2 the change in entropy can be
calculated by devising a reversible path connecting the two given states.

Let us consider two paths by which a gas can be taken from the initial state, 1 to the final
state, 2.

The gas in state 1 is heated at constant pressure till the temperature T2 is attained and then it
is brought reversibly and isothermally to the final pressure P2.

Path 1-a: reversible, constant-pressure process.

Path a-2: reversible, isothermal path

∆s1-a = ∫dq/T = ∫Cp dT/T = Cp ln(T2/T1)

∆sa-2 = ∫dq/T = ∫(du+Pdv)/T = ∫(Pdv)/T = Rln(v2/va)

(Since du = 0 for an isothermal process)

Since P2v2 = Pava = P1va

Or, v2/va = P1/P2

Or, ∆sa-2 = -Rln(P2/P1)

Therefore, ∆s = ∆s1-a + ∆sa-2

= Cp ln(T2/T1) – Rln(P2/P1)

Path 1-b-2: The gas initially in state 1 is heated at constant volume to the final temperature T2
and then it is reversibly and isothermally changed to the final pressure P2.

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 83

1-b: reversible, constant volume process
b-2: reversible, isothermal process

∆s1-b = Cv ln(T2/T1)

∆sb-2 =Rln(v2/v1)

or, ∆s = Cv ln(T2/T1)+ Rln(v2/v1)

The above equation for ∆s can also be deduced in the following manner:

ds = (dq/T)R = (du + Pdv)/T = (dh – vdP)/T

2 2
(du + pdv) Cv dT Rdv
∆s = ∫ =∫
T 1
T v
T2 v2
= Cv ln + R ln
T1 v1
(dh − vdp ) T2 P2
∆s = ∫ = C p ln − R ln
T T1 P1
Principle of increase of entropy

Let a system change from state 1 to state 2 by a reversible process A and return to state 1 by
another reversible process B. Then 1A2B1 is a reversible cycle. Therefore, the Clausius
inequality gives:

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 84

1 A 2 B1
dQ / T =
∫ dQ / T + ∫ dQ / t = o
2 B1

If the system is restored to the initial state from 1 to state 2 by an irreversible process C, then
1A2C1 is an irreversible cycle. Then the Clausius inequality gives:

1 A 2 C1
dQ / T =
1 A2
∫ dQ / T + ∫ dQ / t = o
2 C1
Subtracting the above equation from the first one,

∫ dQ / T > ∫ dQ / T
2 B1 2C1

Since the process 2B1 is reversible,

∫ dQ / T = ∫ dQ / T
2 B1 1

or , ∫ dS > ∫ dQ / T
1 2 C1

In general,
dS ≥ dQ / T

Where the equality sign holds good for a reversible process and the inequality sign holds
good for an irreversible process.

Now let us apply the above result to evaluate the entropy change of the universe when a
system interacts with its surroundings and exchanges energy as heat with the surroundings.

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 85

Let Tsur and Tsys be the temperatures of the surroundings and the system such that Tsur >Tsys.
Let dQ represent the energy transfer as heat from t he surroundings to the system during the
given irreversible process.

dSsys = dQ/Tsys
dSsur = -dQ/Tsur

dSuni = dSsys + dSsur = (dQ/T)sys – (dQ/T)sur >0

∆Suni >0 (since Tsur>Tsys)

If the system is isolated, there is no change in the entropy of the surroundings and

∆S ≥ 0, for an isolated system

Therefore the entropy of an isolated system either increases or, in the limit, remains constant.

The equality sign holds good when the process undergone by the system is reversible, the
inequality sign holds good if there is any irreversibility present in the process. This statement
is usually called the principle of entropy increase.

Irreversible or spontaneous processes can occur only in that direction for which the entropy
of the universe or that of an isolated system, increases. These processes cannot occur in the
direction of decreasing entropy.

For an isolated system,

∆S > 0, for irreversible processes

∆S = 0, for reversible processes

∆S < 0, the process is impossible

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 86


One kg of superheated steam at 0.2MPa and 2000C contained in a piston cylinder assembly is
kept at ambient conditions of 300K till the steam is condensed to saturated liquid at constant
pressure. Calculate the change in the entropy of the universe with this process.


Initial state of the steam: superheated at 0.2 MPa and 200oC

h1= 2870.4 kJ/kg; and s1 = 7.5033 kJ/kgK

Final state: saturated liquid at 0.2 MPa.

h2 = 504.52 kJ/kg and s2 = 1.5295 kJ/kgK

Hence ∆Ssteam = s2 – s1 = 1.5295 – 7.5033 =

-5.9738 kJ/kgK

For a constant pressure process: q = ∆h

Therefore, q = h2 – h1 = 504.52 – 2870.4 =

-2365.68 kJ

Entropy change of the surroundings = ∆Ssur = Q/Tsur = 2365.88/300 = 7.886 kJ/K

Hence, ∆Suni = ∆Ssys + ∆Ssur = -5.9738 +7.886 = 1.9122 kJ/K

∆Suni > 0 and hence the process is irreversible and feasible.

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 87

Entropy diagram

Entropy change of a system is given by dS = (dQ/T)R. during energy transfer

ansfer as heat to the
system from the surroundings is given by

dQ = TdS. Hence if T and S are chosen as independent variables, then the integral ∫ TdS is
the area under the curve.

The first law of thermodynamics gives

dU = dQ - dW

also for a reversible process,

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Thermodynamic relations

Gibbs Function and Helmoltz Function

Gibbs equation is

du = Tds - Pdv

The enthalpy h can be differentiated,

dh = du + pdv + vdP

Combining the two results in

dh = Tds + vdP

The coefficients T and v are partial derivative of h(s,P),

 ∂h 
  =T
 ∂s  P
 ∂h 
  =v
 ∂P  s
Since v > 0, an isentropic increase in pressure will result in an increase in enthalpy.

We introduce Helmholtz function

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 95

a = u – Ts

Combine Gibbs equation with the differential of a,

da = -Pdv – sdT

The coefficient –P and –s are the partial derivatives of f(v,T), so

 ∂a 
  = −P
 ∂v T
 ∂a 
  = −s
 ∂T v

Similarly, using the Gibbs function

g = h – Ts

dg = vdP – sdT


 ∂g 
  =v
 ∂P T
 ∂g 
  = −s
 ∂T  P

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 96


1. The decrease in Helmholtz function of a system sets an upper limit to the work done in any
process between two equilibrium states at the same temperature during which the system
exchanges heat only with a single reservoir at this temperature. Since the decrease in the
Helmholtz potential represents the potential to do work by the system, it is also a
thermodynamic potential.

2. The decrease in Gibbs function of a system sets an upper limit to the work, exclusive of
“pdv” work in any process between two states at the same temperature and pressure, provided
the system exchanges heat only with a single reservoir at this temperature and that the
surroundings are at a constant pressure equal to that in the end states of the pressure.

The maximum work is done when the process is isothermal isobaric. Gibbs function is also
called Chemical Potential.

Some important property relations

dz(x,y) = Mdx + Ndy

 ∂z   ∂Z 
   
N= 
where, M =
 ∂x  y  ∂y  x

Mathematically, we would say that dz is an exact differential, which simply means that z is a
continuous function of the two independent variables x and y. Since the order in which a
second partial derivative is taken is unimportant, it follows that,

 ∂M   ∂P 
  =  
 ∂y  x  ∂x  y

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 97

Maxwell’s relations:

 ∂T   ∂P 
  = −  [From equation du = Tds − Pdv]
 ∂v  s  ∂s  v
 ∂T   ∂v 
  =   [From equation dh = Tds + vdP]
 ∂P  s  ∂s  P
 ∂P   ∂s 
  =   [From equation da = − Pdv − sdT ]
 ∂T  v  ∂v T
 ∂v   ∂s 
  = −  [From equation dg = vdP − sdT ]
 ∂T  P  ∂P T

Available and Unavailable Energy

The second law of thermodynamics tells us that it is not possible to convert all the heat
absorbed by a system into work.

Suppose a certain quantity of energy Q as heat can be received from a body at temperature T.

The maximum work can be obtained by operating a Carnot engine (reversible engine) using
the body at T as the source and the ambient atmosphere at T0 as the sink.

 T0 
W = Qη = Q 1 −  = Q − T0 | ∆s |
 T 
Where ∆s is the
entropy of the body supplying the energy as heat.
The Carnot cycle and the available energy is shown in figure.

The area 1-2-3-4 represents the available energy.

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 98

The shaded area 4-3-B-AA represents the energy, which is discarded to the ambient
atmosphere, and this quantity of energy cannot be converted into work and is called
Unavailable energy.

Suppose a finite body is used as a source. Let a large number of differential

differential Carnot engines
be used with the given body as the source.

 T0 
dW = dQη = dQ 1 − 
 T 
If the initial and final temperatures of the source are T1 and T2 respectively, the total work
done or the available energy is given by

T2 T2
 T0  dQ
W = ∫ dQη = ∫ dQ1 −  = Q − T0 ∫
T1  T T1
orW = Q − T0 | ∆s |
CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 99
Loss in Available Energy

Suppose a certain quantity of energy Q is transferred from a body at constant temperature T1

to another body at constant temperature T2 (T2<T1).

Initial available energy, with the body at T1,

 T0 
= Q 1 − 
 T

Final available energy, with the body at T2,

 T0 

= Q 1 − 
 T2 

Loss in available energy

 T0   T0  Q Q
= Q1 −  − Q1 −  = T0  −  = T0 ∆suni
 T1   T2   T2 T1 
where ∆suni is the change in the entropy of the universe.

Availability Function

The availability of a given system is defined as the maximum useful work that can be
obtained in a process in which the system comes to equilibrium with the surroundings or
attains the dead state.

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(a) Availability Function for Non-Flow process:-

Let P0 be the ambient pressure, V1 and V0 be the initial and final volumes of the system
If in a process, the system comes into equilibrium with the surroundings, the work done in
pushing back the ambient atmosphere is P0(V0-V1).

Availability= Wuseful=Wmax-P0(V0-V1)

Consider a system which interacts with the ambient at T0. Then,


Availability= Wuseful=Wmax-P0(V0-V1)
= ( U1-T0 S1)- ( U0-T0 S0)- P0(V0-V1)
= ( U1+ P0V1-T0 S1)- ( U0+P0V0-T0 S0)

= φ1-φ0

where φ=U+P0V-T0S is called the availability function for the non-flow process. Thus, the
availability: φ1-φ0

If a system undergoes a change of state from the initial state 1 (where the availability is (φ1-
φ0) to the final state 2 (where the availability is (φ2-φ0), the change in the availability or the
change in maximum useful work associated with the process, is φ1-φ2.

(b) Availability Function for Flow process:-

The maximum power that can be obtained in a steady flow process while the control volume
exchanges energy as heat with the ambient at T0, is given by:

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 101

Wsh (max) = ( H 1 − H 0 ) − T0 ( S 1− S 0 )
Wsh (max) = ( H 1 − T0 S1 ) − ( H 1 − T0 S 0 )
Sometimes the availability for a flow process is written as:

Wuseful = B1 − B0
where, B = H −T 0S

which is called the Darrieus Function.

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Ideal Rankine Cycle

(a) Schematic representation of an ideal Rankine cycle (b) T-s

T s diagram of an ideal Rankine

Application of the First law of thermodynamics to the control volume (pump, steam
generator, turbine and condenser), gives

Work done on pump, per kg of water, WP= h2-h1

Energy added in steam generator, q1= h3-h2

Work delivered by turbine, WT= h3-h4

Energy rejected in the condenser, q2= h4-h1

The thermal efficiency of the Rankine cycle is given by,

q1 − q 2 (h3 − h2 ) − (h4 − h1 ) (h3 − h4 ) − (h2 − h1 )

η= = =
q1 h3 − h2 h3 − h2

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 103

η= Net work done
Energy absorbed

Practical Rankine cycle

Pump and Turbine do not operate isentropically in practice.

The practical Rankine cycle is shown as 1-2’-3-4’-1.


In the actual turbine, the work delivered is less than the isentropic turbine. Similarly, the
work consumed by an actual pump is greater than the work consumed by an isentropic pump.

That is,

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 104

h3-h4’ < h3-h4

h2’-h1 > h2-h1

Thermal efficiency of a practical Rankine cycle,

(h3 − h4' ) − (h2' − h1 )

h3 − h2'

The performance of an actual turbine or pump is usually expressed in terms of isentropic


Isentropic efficiency of turbine (ηT) is defined as the ratio of ‘Work delivered by actual
turbine’ to ‘Work delivered by an isentropic turbine’.

h3 − h4'
ηT =
h3 − h 4

Isentropic efficiency of pump (ηP) is defined as the ratio of ‘Work required by isentropic
pump’ to ‘Work required by actual pump’

h2 − h1
ηP = '
h2 − h1

Methods to increase the efficiency of the Rankine cycle

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 105

Basic idea: Increase the average temperature at which heat is transferred to the working fluid
in the boiler, or decrease the average temperature at which heat is rejected from the working
fluid in the condenser.

1. Lowering the condenser Pressure

Pressur :-

Lowering the operating pressure of the condenser lowers the temperature at which heat is
rejected. The overall effect of lowering the condenser pressure is an increase in the thermal
efficiency of the cycle.

2. Superheating the steam to high temperatures:-

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 106

The average temperature at which heat is added to the steam can be increased without
increasing the boiler pressure by superheating the steam to high temperatures.

Superheating the steam to higher temperatures has another very desirable effect: It decreases
the moisture content of the steam at the turbine exit.

3. Increasing the Boiler pressure:-

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Increasing the operating pressure of the boiler, automatically raises the temperature at which
boiling takes place.

This raises the average temperature at which heat is added to the steam and thus raises the
thermal efficiency of the cycle..

Reheat Rankine Cycle

(a) schematic representation of a reheat

reh Rankine cycle (b) T-ss diagram of a reheat Rankine

The energy added ( per unit mass of steam ) in the steam generator is given by,

q1 = (h3 − h2 ) + (h5 − h4 )
The energy rejected in the condenser,

q2 = h6 − h1

The thermal efficiency,

(h3 − h2 ) + (h5 − h4 ) − (h6 − h1 )

(h3 − h2 ) + (h5 − h4 )
CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 108
Regenerative Cycle

(a) schematic diagram (b) T-s

T diagram

Consider the feed water heater as the control volume and apply the first law of
thermodynamics to obtain,

m& 2 + m& 8 = m& 3

and m& 2 h2 + m& 8 h8 = m& 3 h3

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 109

or m& 3 h3 = ( m& 3 − m& 8 ) h2 + m& 8 h8

 m&   m& 
h3 =  8 h8 + 1 − 8 h2
 m& 3   m& 3 

m& 8
Let, m& 3 =Y’= the fraction of steam extracted

from the turbine for preheating

h3 = Y ′h8 + (1 − Y ′)h2

Energy added in the boiler per unit mass of the working fluid,

q1 = h7 − h4

Energy rejected in the condenser,

q2 = (1 − Y ')(h9 − h1 )

Thermal efficiency,

(h7 − h4 ) − (1 − Y ')(h9 − h1 )
(h7 − h4 )
CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 110
The work output of the turbines =

(h7 − h8 ) − (1 − Y ')(h8 − h9 )

Work spent on the pumps =

( h4 − h3 ) − (1 − Y ')( h2 − h1 )

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Air standard Otto Cycle

Air standard Otto cycle on (a) P--v diagram (b) T-s diagram

Processes: -

0-1: a fresh mixture of fuel-air

air is drawn into the cylinder at constant pressure
1-2: isentropic compression

2-3: energy addition at constant volume

3-4: isentropic expansion

1: combustion products leave the cylinder
0: the piston pushes out the remaining combustion products at constant pressure
Since the net work done in processes 0-1
0 and 1-00 is zero, for thermodynamic analysis, we
consider the 1-2-3-4 only.

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The thermal efficiency of the cycle is given by

Wnet Q1 − Q2
η= =
Q1 Q1
where Q1 and Q2 denote the energy absorbed and rejected as heat respectively.

For a constant volume process Q=∆U. If ‘m’ is the mass of the air which is undergoing the
cyclic process,

∆U = mC v ∆T
Energy is absorbed during the process 2-3
Energy is rejected during the process 4-1

Q1 = U 3 − U 2 = mCv (T3 − T2 )
Q2 = U 4 − U 1 = mCv (T4 − T1 )
T4 − T1
∴η = 1 −
T3 − T2
For an ideal gas undergoing an isentropic process (process 1-2 and 3-4),

Tv γ −1 = constant

γ −1
T1  v 2 
=  
T2  v1 

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γ −1
T4  v3 
=  
and T3  v4 

But v1=v4 and v2=v3. Hence we get,

T1 T4 T1 T2
= or
T2 T3 T4 T3

T T T4 − T1 T3 − T2
1− 1 = 1− 2 =
T4 T3 or T4 T3

T4 − T1 T4 T1
= =
T3 − T2 T3 T2

γ −1 γ −1
T1  v2  1
η = 1 − = 1 −   = 1 −  
Hence, T2  v1   r0 
Where the compression ratio r0 is defined as

r0 =

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Sometimes it is convenient to express the performance of an engine in terms of Mean
effective Pressure, Pm, defined as the ratio of “Net work done” to “Displacement volume”

Pm =
v1 − v 2

W = Pm (v1 − v 2 )

efficiency of the ideal Otto cycle as a function of compression ratio (γ=1.4)

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The thermal
efficiency of the Otto cycle increases with the specific heat ratio, γ of the working fluid.

Air standard Diesel cycle:

Diesel cycle on (a) P-v

v diagram (b) T
T-s diagram

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Processes: -

0-1: fresh air is drawn into the cylinder

1-2: isentropic compression
2-3: constant pressure energy addition

3-4: isentropic expansion

4-1: combustion products leave the cylinder
1-0: remaining combustion products are exhausted at constant pressure

Defining cutoff ratio, rc as,

rc =

For a constant pressure process (2-3),


Hence, the energy addition during process 2-3,

Q1 = H 3 − H 2 = m(h3 − h2 ) = mC p (T3 − T2 )

where ‘m’ is the mass of gas undergoing the cyclic change.

The energy rejection during the process 4-1,

Q2 = U 4 − U 1 = m(u 4 − u1 ) = mC v (T4 − T1 )

The thermal efficiency, η is given by

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 117

Q1 − Q 2 mC p (T3 − T2 ) − mC v (T4 − T1 )
η= =
Q1 mC p (T3 − T2 )
T 
T1  4 − 1
T −T T
η = 1− 4 1 = 1−  1 
γ (T3 − T2 )  T3 
T2 γ  − 1
 T2 

Since the process 1-2 is isentropic,

γ −1 γ −1
T1  v2  1
=   =  
T2  v1   r0 

Since the process 4-1 is a constant volume process,

T4 P4 P4  P3  P4  P2 
= =   =  
T1 P1 P3  P1  P3  P1 
since P2=P3

The processes 1-2 and 3-4 are isentropic. Hence,

γ γ
P4  v3  P2  v1 
=   =  
P3  v4  and P1  v2 
CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 118
Hence we get,

γ γ γ
T4  v 3   v1  v 
=     =  3  = rcγ
T1  v 4   v2   v2 
For the constant pressure process,

T3 v 3
= = rc
T2 v 2
Hence the efficiency becomes,

1  rcγ − 1
η = 1 − γ −1  
γr0  rc − 1 

The mean effective pressure of an air standard diesel cycle is given by,

Pm =P
[γr (r − 1) − r (r
c 0
c )]
(γ − 1)(r0 − 1)

Thermal efficiency of the ideal diesel cycle as a function of compression and cutoff ratios

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Air standard Dual cycle:

Dual cycle on (a) P-vv diagram (b) T

T-s diagram

Energy addition is in two stages: Part of energy is added at constant volume and part of the
energy is added at constant pressure

Energy added, q1

q1 = Cv (T3 − T2 ) + C p (T4 − T3 )

Energy rejected, q2

q2 = Cv (T5 − T1 )

Thermal efficiency, η

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 120

η = 1−
Cv (T5 − T1 )
η = 1−
Cv (T3 − T2 ) + C p (T4 − T3 )
(T5 − T1 )
η = 1−
(T3 − T2 ) + γ (T4 − T3 )

The efficiency can be expressed also in terms of, Compression ratio, r0 = V1/V2
Cut-off ratio, rc =V4/V3,, Constant volume pressure ratio, rvp= P3/P2

Air standard Brayton cycle:standard

standard Brayton cycle:

Schematic representation of an air standard Brayton cycle

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 121

Brayton cycle on (a) P-v
P diagram (b) T-s diagram

Processes: -

1-2: isentropic compression

3: constant pressure energy addition

3-4: isentropic expansion

1: constant pressure energy rejection

Energy added, Q1= mCp (T3-T2)

Energy rejected, Q2= mCp (T4-T1)

Thermal efficiency,

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 122

Q1 − Q 2 T −T
η= = 1− 4 1
Q1 T3 − T2
 T4  
T1   − 1
 T1  
η = 1−
 T3  
T2   − 1
 T2  

The pressure ratio of the Brayton cycle, rp is defined as,

rp =
P1 ,

P3 P2
Then P4 P1
The processes 1-2 and 3-4 are isentropic. Hence,

CREC Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 123

(γ −1)
T2  P2  γ
=  
T1  P1 
(γ −1)
T3  P3  γ
=  
T4  P4 

We get,

T2 T3 T4 T3
= =
T1 T4 or T1 T2

γ −1
T1  P1  γ
η = 1 − = 1 −  
T2  P2 

γ −1
1 γ
η = 1 −  
 rp 

Work delivered by the cycle is given by W=ηQ1

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Increasing Q1 can increase work done by the cycle

Since the Turbine blade material cannot withstand very high temperature, T3 and hence Q1 is

The optimum pressure ratio for fixed values of T1 and T3, for which work is maximum, is
obtained by,

Wnet = Q1 − Q2 = mC p (T3 − T2 ) − mC p (T4 − T1 )

Wnet = mC p [(T3 − T4 ) − (T2 − T1 )]
  T4   T2 
Wnet = mC p T3 1 −  − T1  − 1
  T3   T1 
  γ −1
 
   1   γ
 ( )γ γ−1 
= mC p T3 1 − −T r − 1
 r   1  p
   p  
   

For optimum pressure ratio,

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 γ − 1   1− 2γ 
(rp ) γ  −
= mC pT3 
drp  γ 
 γ −1 − 1
mC pT1  (rp ) γ = 0
 γ 

 1− 2γ 
T3 (r)  
p 
γ  =

T (r )

1 p

2 ( γ −1)
T3 γ
= (r p )
or T1

 T3  2 (γ −1)
r p =  
 T1 

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Carnot Vapour compression Refrigeration cycle:

(a) Schematic representation (b) T-s

T diagram

Processes: -

2: Isentropic compression from state 1 (wet vapour) to state 2 (saturated vapour)

2-3: Heat rejection (QH) in the condenser

4: Isentropic expansion from state 3 (saturated liquid)

4-1: Heat absorption ( QL) in the evaporator

The COP of the refrigerator,

(COP ) R = = =
W Q H − Q L TH − TL

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Practical Vapour compression refrigeration cycle

(a) schematic diagram (b) T-ss diagram

Application of the first law of thermodynamics to the control volume compressor, condenser,
throttle and evaporator gives

(Ws)compresso r= h2-h1



and QL=h1-h4

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The COP of the refrigerator is given by,

QL h1 − h4
(COP) R = =
W h2 − h1

In the ideal refrigeration cycle, the refrigerant leaves the evaporator as wet vapour.
In some cases the refrigerant leaves the evaporator as either saturated vapour or superheated

T-s diagram for a vapour compression refrigeration cycle when the refrigerant leaves the
evaporator as (a) saturated vapour (b) superheated vapour

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Gas refrigeration cycle:

(a) Schematic diagram (b) T-ss diagram

The simplest gas refrigeration cycle is the reversed Brayton cycle

Processes: -

2: isentropic compression for state 1 (atmospheric air) to state 2

3: energy exchange with the surrounding, air is cooled

4: isentropic expansion to state 4

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Work obtained during the expansion process can be used to run the compressor

Work done on the compressor,

W c = h 2 − h1 = C p (T2 − T1 )

Work delivered by the expander,

We = h3 − h4 = C p (T3 − T4 )

The net work required= CP (T2-T1-T3+T4)

The COP of this refrigeration system is given by,

QL T1 − T4
COP = =
W T2 − T1 − T3 + T4

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