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Enhanced Mathematics Vii: Quarter 2 - LAS 4

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Junior High School

Quarter 2 – LAS 4

Addition and Subtraction of

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Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)

Name of
Learner ___________________________________________________
Grade Level : ___________________________________________________
Section : ___________________________________________________
Date : February 1 - 5, 2021


Learning Area

Algebraic Expressions

Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) with code /

Kasanayang Pampagkatuto at koda:

1. Evaluates algebraic expressions for given values of the variables.

2. Adds and subtracts polynomials. M7AL-IId-2

After the completion of this learning activity sheet, you should be

able to:
1. Evaluates algebraic expressions for given values of the variables.
2. Adds polynomials.
3. Subtracts polynomials.
4. Adds and subtracts polynomials.

● Pen
● Paper
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Algebraic expressions are said to be similar if the expressions has the

same literal coefficients or variables, like 3x and x are similar while x and
x2 are not.

In general, algebraic expressions are called polynomials. You can

only perform addition and subtraction to polynomials that are similar.
In the previous lesson you define variables as a letter that represents a
number. An expression can have a value if you replace the variable with a
numberand perform the operations involved.

The terms in the expression 3x + 5 are not similar, hence you

cannot add them. However if you give value to x, then you can perform the


1. Find the value of 3x + 5 , if x = 2

Solution: 3x + 5 = 3(2) + 5 = 6 + 6 = 11.

The value of the expression 3x + 5 is 11 when x = 2.

6 ab−c
2. Find the value of if a = 5; b = 3 ; c = 10

6 ab−c 5 ( 6 )( 3 )−10 80 8
Solution: = = =
abc 5 (3)(10) 150 15

Rules in Adding or Subtract Polynomials

Step 1. Arrange the polynomial in descending or ascending order if

Step 2. Group Terms which are similar.
Step 3. Add/subtract the numerical coefficients, applying the rules
in subtracting and adding integers and copy the literal

Illustrative Examples

A. Addition of Polynomials

1) (5x + 7) + (3x + 3) 2) (3 x 2+ x +2 ¿ + ( x 2+ 4 )

Solution: Method 1. Add Vertically

1) 5x + 7 2) 3 x 2+ x +2
+ 3x + 3 + x2 +4
8 x + 10 4x2 + x + 6
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Method 2. Adding Horizontally

1) (5x + 7) + (3x + 3) = (5x + 3x) + (7 + 3)

= 8x + 10

2) (3 x 2+ x +2 ¿ + ( x 2+ 4 ) = (3 x 2 + x 2) + ( x ) + (2 + 4)
= 4x2 + x + 6

B. Subtracting Polynomials

Subtract the following Polynomials by adding opposite of each term.

Example: (6 z 3+ 2 z2 - 5) - (−3 z 3+ 9 z 2- z + 1)

Method 1: Horizontal Subtraction

(6 z 3+ 2 z2 - 5) - (−3 z 3+ 9 z 2- z + 1) = (6 z 3+ 2 z2 - 5) + (3 z 3- 9 z 2+ z - 1)
= (6 z 3 +3 z 3) + (2 z2 - 9 z 2) + (z) + (-5-1)
= 9 z 3 + ( - 7 z 2 ) + z + (- 6 )
= 9 z3 - 7 z2 + z – 6

Method 2: Vertical Subtraction

(6 z 3+ 2 z2 - 5) - (−3 z 3+ 9 z 2- z + 1) = (6 z 3 + 2 z2 - 5)
(+) (3 z 3- 9 z 2+ z - 1) change the signs of
the subrahends
9 z3 - 7 z2 + z – 6

Answer the following activity

below applying the concepts you have learned above. If you need
clarification, just refer to illustrative examples. Follow the rules
in adding and subtracting polynomials in answering the activities
below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. To check
your answers, refer to Answers Key. Do not forget to comply your
monitoring tool. In the reflection, state properly what you learned
and what you do not learned. Please spicify what concepts you
need help.
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Activity 1: Adding Polynomials

Instruction: Find the Sum. Follow the rules in adding polynomials.

1) (11x + 3y) + (3 – 5y) =_______________

2) (3x – 3y) 3y =_______________

3) (3 x 2−9 x+ 5¿ + (3 x 2−9 x+ 5¿ =_______________

4) (3 x 2+3 x 2) + (3 a3 −9 a2 b−b2 +b3 ¿=_______________

5) 2x + 3 6) 3 y−7
+ 3x + 9 + x +2

7) 8x +9 8) −6 y 2 +7 b−5
+ x + 4y + 11 + −2 y 2−9 b+ 8

9) 3a + 5b – 4c 10) 3 x 2+7 x +9
2a – 3b + 7c −2 x2 + x−4
+ -a + 4b – 2c + x 2 + 3x −1

● In your own words, state the rule of adding polynomials.

Activity 2. Subtracting Polynomials

Instruction: Find each difference. Follow the rules in subtracting polynomials.

1) (7a + 2) - (52 + 1) = _________________

2) (17x + 13) - (7x – 4) = _________________

3) ( x 2+ 7x + 3) - ( x 2+ 7x + 3) = _________________

4) (43xy – 43) - (19xy + 13) = _________________

5) (4 x2 - 3x - 7) - (−5 x 2- 9x + 12) = _________________

6) 6 x 2+ 9x + 10 7) c + 2d - e
- 3 x 2+ 5x + 4 - 3c + d + 6e
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8) 4 u2+ 3uv 9) 8k2 +3

- -2uv + v 2 2
- 5 k - 3k - 5

● In your own words, state the rule of subtracting polynomials.

A. Polynomial fence.
Find the perimeter of the following polygons. Write polynomials in
standard form.

B. Problem Solving: Make a Difference

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1. Last week Ruki earned x 2 - 5 by selling ice cream cones at an

arts and craft show. Her expenses were x 2 + 2x +3. What
polynomial represents the profit she made?

2. Jerry sold balloons at the state fair. If 10 s 2 + 50s represents the

amount of his sales in peso and s2 + 5s represents his expenses,
what binomial represents his profit? If s = 1.20, what was the
amount of his profit?

3. A factory produces 10 g2+ 4g – 2 glasses a day, but g2– 12

glasses have flaws and cannot be sold. What polynomial
represents the number of glasses that can be sold? Suppose
g = 30. How many glasses can be sold?

4. Ellen’s weekly salary is represented by 15 x 2 + 20x , and her

expenses are 5 x 2 + 5x. What binomial represents the
difference? If x = Php100, what is the difference each week?
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Concepts Learned:
I learned that…

Concepts Unlearned:
I need to know more about…



Teacher will do the checking

Prepared/developed by
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Subject Teacher

Activity 1

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