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Addition of Integers

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DAILY LESSON PLAN in Mathematics 7

Teacher: Cyrene Joy B. Bermido

Grade Level/ Section: SPJ 7-1 Date: July 25, 2019
Learning Area: Numbers and Number Sense Quarter: First

A. Content Standards:
The learners demonstrate understanding of the key concepts of sets, the real
number system, estimation / approximation of a square of a number and the
measures of quantities, and the applications of real numbers to measurements.
B. Performance Standards:
The learners are able to apply various procedures and manipulations on the
different subsets of the set of real numbers.
C. Learning Competencies:
At the end of the class period, at least 75% of the students are able to perform fundamental
operations of integers with at least 75% proficiency within 10 minutes.
CONTENT (Subject Matter):
Fundamental Operation of Integers: Addition of Integers
Strategy: Guided discovery
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages: TG: pp. 26-31
2. Learner’s Material Pages: LM: pp. 18-21
3. Textbook Pages:
Nivera, Gladys C. (2012). Grade 7 Math: Patterns & Practicalities. Salesiana
Books. Makati City.
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resources:
B. Other Learning Resources:
 Prepared PowerPoint presentation on Addition of Integers
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting of new lesson
Activity: The Flash Card
Use flash cards containing expressions involving addition and subtraction of
absolute values to recall the pre-requisite skills needed for the present lesson.
Choose a member of the group that will answer the question that will be flashed
on the screen (no repetition of member). Stand up quickly and raise your boards
when you are finished answering. The first group to stand up and got the right
answer will get the point.
1. │3│+│-6│=
2. │-13│+│-8│=
3. │-25│-│8│=
4. │-32│-│-6│=
5. │19│+│-14│=

B. Establishing the purpose for the lesson

Present a problem to the class that will allow the students to use two ways of
representing the given data- colored counters and number line.
Juan borrowed Php 5 from his classmate. The next day, having a daily allowance
of Php 8, he paid his debt. How much is left of his allowance for the day?
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Using the problem presented in class, discuss the process of using colored
counters and number line to add integers.
 The colored counters, which come in different colors, represent negative
integers and positive integers. Two counters, one for each type, cancel each
other out. These are called zero pairs.
A red chip, ,is used to represent +1.A black chip, ,is used to represent –1.
Using counters, represent -5 and 8.

Note that represents zero pair. 5 negative counters and 5 positive
counters add up to 0. So, -5 + 8 = 3.
 The number line model, which uses vectors along a number line, represent
negative integers and positive integers.
A vector pointing to the right will A vector pointing to the left will
be used to represent 1 be used to represent –1.
1 –1

–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Using the number line, represent -5 and 8.

–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Begin at 0. Move left 5 places, then move right 8
places. The stopping place is 3. So, -5 + 8 = 3
The stopping place is 4. So, 1+3 is 4.
Therefore, Juan has Php
. 3 left.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill
Group Activity: With 5 groups in class, the students are to solve expressions
involving addition of integers using colored counters and number line.
Worksheets containing guide questions will be distributed to each of the groups
(see attachment). Afterwards, they will present their work.

Group No. Worksheet No. Activity

Group 1 Worksheet 1 Addition of Integers with the Same
Sign using Colored Counters
Group 2 Worksheet 2 Addition of Integers with the Same
Sign using Number Line
Group 3 Worksheet 3 Addition of Integers with Different
Signs using Colored Counters
Groups 4 Worksheet 4 Addition of Integers with Different
Signs using Number Line
Group 5 Worksheet 5 Addition of Integers with Different
Signs using the same number

Have the students state the rules for adding integers based on the group activity
they have performed. That is, if the integers have the same sign, just add the positive
equivalents of the integers and attach the common sign to the result. But, if the
integers have different signs, get the difference of the positive equivalents of the
integers and attach the sign of the larger number to the result.
Also, emphasize on this part that if there are more than two addends in the
problem, the first step to do is to combine addends with same signs and then get
the difference of their sums.
Add the following:
1. –3 + (-8) + (6) =
2. -4 + (-25) + (-20) =

E. Developing Mastery
Group Game: MINUTE TO WIN IT. Using the same grouping, the students are to
solve expressions that involve addition of integers. Each challenge is answerable
for a minute. As soon as they finish answering each challenge correctly, the leader
must give the answer sheets provided to the teacher to be recognized (refer to the
PowerPoint Presentation).

For challenge 1, the first 4 groups to finish correctly will be allowed to move on to
the next challenge. For challenge 2, only the first 2 groups will qualify for the next
challenge. And for the final challenge/ challenge 3, the first group to finish the task
correctly will emerge as the winner of the game.

F. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Establish the relevance of the lesson by presenting a quote that can be
represented by a rule in adding integers.
“Two WRONGS don’t make a RIGHT.”
(-)+(-) = (-)

G. Making generalizations & abstractions about the lesson

Present the summary of the lesson through a song.
Tune: Row, row, row your boat
“Same signs, add and keep
Different signs, subtract
Use the sign of the bigger number,
Then you’ll be exact.”

H. Evaluating Learning
Let the students answer.
Add the following integers.
1. 7 + (-21) =
2. -9 + 18 =
3. -30 + 25 =
4. -6 + (-21) =
5. -48 +(-5) + 26 =

I. Additional activities for application or remediation:

Let the students answer the activity on Addition of integers at

SPJ 7-1
______ out of ______ students earned 75% and above on the formative assessment.
Addition of Integers with the Same Sign using Colored Counters
Using COLORED COUNTERS, answer each of the following:
1) 2 + 4
2 4

+ =
2) -3 + (-6)
-3 -6

+ =
Addition of Integers with the Same Sign using Number Line
Using a NUMBER LINE, answer each of the following:
1) 2 + 4


2) -3 + (-6)

Guide Questions: (for worksheets 1 and 2)
1. Consider the positive equivalents of the integers that you added. Based on your
answers, do you add or subtract them? ________________
2. If two integers are a) both positive b) both negative, what do you notice about the
sign of their sum?
3. Based on your answers to 1 and 2, how do you add integers with the same sign?
Addition of Integers with Different Signs using Colored Counters
Using COLORED COUNTERS, answer each of the following:
1) -9 + (6)
-9 6

+ =
2) 8 + (-4)
8 -4

+ =
Addition of Integers with the Different Signs using Number Line
Using a NUMBER LINE, answer each of the following:
1) (-9) + (6)


2) 8 + (-4)


Guide Questions: (for worksheets 3 and 4)

1. Consider the positive equivalents of the integers that you added. Based on your
answers, do you add or subtract them? ________________
2. If two integers are of different signs, what do you notice about the sign of their sum?
3. Based on your answers to 1 and 2, how do you add integers with different signs?
Addition of Integers with the Different Signs using Number Line
Using a NUMBER LINE, answer each of the following:
1. 6 + (-6)


2. 4 + (-4)


Guide Questions:
1. Consider the positive equivalents of the integers that you added. Based on your
answers, do you add or subtract them? ________________
2. If two integers are of the same number but of different signs, what do you notice
about their sum? ________________
3. Based on your answers to 1 and 2, how do you add integers with different signs?

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