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Automatic Power Factor Correction: International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 09 | Sep 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Automatic Power Factor Correction

Miss Aaiman S Shaikh1, Prof. Laxman S Patil2
1Student of Department of Electrical Engineering, Padmabhooshan Vasantraodada Patil institute technology,
Budhgaon, India
2Associate Professor of Department of Electrical Engineering, Padmabhooshan Vasantraodada Patil institute

technology, Budhgaon, India

Abstract - A low power factor leads to an increase in losses
and draws penalty by the utility. Modern industry
implementing the mechanized methods can suffers from lower
power factor due to the use of different electric equipment
which requires more reactive power. Significant savings in
utility power costs can be understood by keeping up an
average monthly power factor close to unity. The above
drawback is overcome by the PFC. Power factor correction Fig -1: Schematic Diagram for Power Factor
(PFC) is a technique of reducing the undesirable effects of The power factor can attain values in the range from 0 to 1.
electric loads that create a power factor which are less than Power factor tends to zero when all the power present is
one. In this paper an Automatic Power Factor Correction only reactive power and is commonly known as inductive
(APFC) Unit is build which monitors the power factor and load. Similarly, P F is one when there is only real power
automatically it corrects the power factor. Power factor present, and it is known as resistive load. Correcting P F is
correction is a method of reducing undesirable adverse effects nothing but adjusting the electrical circuit so that the power
of electric loads that causes a power factor to be less than one. factor could be changed near to 1. Improving Power Factor
In this t an Automatic Power Factor Correction Unit is build near to 1 compensates the reactive power existing in the
which monitors the power factor and automatically it corrects circuit and then most of the power existing will be real
the power factor. The phase differences between voltage and power. Consequently, this lessens the power lines losses. The
current are determined using zero crossing detectors with application of Power factor correction can be associated with
some basic functions of microcontroller. an electrical power source to enhance the efficiency of the
system along with stabilising the transmission network.
Key Words: power factor, capacitor bank, relay, micro Furthermore, in order to achieve the cost reductions, the
controller, rectifier, current transformer, potential improvements can be made through the electricity suppliers
transformer charging for single electrical customers. For the
improvement of transmission efficiency, power factor
1. INTRODUCTION correction research is now considered as a hot issue.

Power quality of an A.C system is much concerned because

2. Various Methods for Improving Power Factor
of the rapidly increasing numbers of electronic equipment’s,
high voltage power system and power electronics. All 2.1 By using Capacitors:
commercial and industrial installation in India have a large Improving P F means decreasing the phase difference of the
electrical load that are most probably inductive in nature. voltage and the current. Inductive loads require some
This causes lagging power factor that gives high penalties to reactive power for them to work. The reactive power is
consumers. The high penalty situation is tackled by the provided by bank of capacitors that are connected parallel to
Power Factor Control. Power Factor Control is a method of load. It can be said that capacitors are a source of local
reducing the disagreeable effect of loads that causes power reactive power, and hence lesser reactive power flows from
factor to drop down to lesser than one. the line. They decrease the phase difference in the voltage
and current.
In A.C circuits, the power factor can be described as a
proportion of the actual (Real) power that does the work and When capacitors are used Losses are low and also requires
the Apparent power which is provided to the circuit. Real very less maintenance. Installation of capacitors is easy
power is well-characterized as the circuit’s capacity for because of lighter weight and do not require foundation.
performing work in a specific time. Moreover, apparent 2.2 By using Synchronous Condenser:
power is known as the current and voltage product of the
circuit see the Figure no. 1. Synchronous Condenser are 3 phase synchronous motor
which do not have any load attached to its shaft. The
synchronous motor has the feature of working under any
power factor which can be leading, lagging or unity that
depends on the excitation. In case of inductive type of load, a

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 474
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 09 | Sep 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

synchronous condenser is connected at load side and is then 0.87 4 2

overexcited. They behave as a capacitor when they are over 0.86 5 2.5
excited. When such machine is connected parallel to supply, it 0.85 6 3
takes leading current which partly neutralizes lagging
reactive component of the load thus power factor is
improved. By using synchronous condenser high Control on 4. PROPOSED SYSTEM
power factor and also have higher thermal stability. The
faults can be eliminated easily. Losses occur in the motor. It
has high maintenance cost.
2.3 Phase Advancer:
This is an A C exciter which is mainly used for improvement
of power Factor of the induction motor. Phase advancers are
used suitably when synchronous motor use is not admissible.
Phase advancers are uneconomical for motors that are under
3. Methodology for power factor computation and
penalty and incentive sept 2018

Power Factor is computed as:

If Power Factor Level is less than 0.90 then penalty shall be as

per percentage given in MERC order.
Fig -2: Block Diagram of Automatic Power Factor
• If Power Factor is more than 0.95 and RKVAH Lag Correction unit
consumption >= RKVAH Lead consumption, then incentive is
as per percentage given in MERC order.
The complete automatic power factor correction unit consist
• If Power Factor is more than 0.95 and RKVAH Lag of following parts
consumption < RKVAH Lead Consumption, then incentive is
not applicable. 4.1 Power supply
• If the RKVAH Lead reading is not available, then the old Most of time embedded system circuit uses 12 volts. 5-volt
procedure of power factor consumption will be followed. DC is used as its operating voltage. It’s necessary to change
the 230 Volt A C supply to the essential D C supply. Firstly 12
There is Change in percentage of Power Factor penalty and volts ac supply is obtained by using stepdown transformer by
incentive as follows: reducing the 230 Volt supply to 12 volts. In this project the
Power Factor Incentive: potential transformer (PT) outputs can be used in its place
rather than going for another different step-down
Table -1: Power Factor incentives transformer. By rectification process, the 12 Volts A C is
converted in to a 12 Volts pulsating DC voltage. The pulsating
Power Factor Old % New % D C is then sent to a capacitive filter for smoothening and a
0.95 0 0 standard 12 Volt DC is obtained as a output.
0.96 1 0.5 4.2 Potential transformer
0.97 2 1
0.98 3 1.5 They convert A.C from one level to another voltage level
along with some loss of power. The P T utilizes a step-down
0.99 5 2.5
transformer to lessen hazardously higher voltage to a more
1 7 3.5 secure lower voltage in any substation. Potential Transformer
used in automatic power factor correction project steps-
Table-2: Power Factor Penalty (For Lead as well as down the supply voltage from 230 V to 12 V as needed by
circuit to work. Potential Transformers output is usually
Lag): used for measuring and also various monitoring purposes.
Power Factor Old % New % 4.3 Current transformer
0.90 0 0 In an electrical circuit, currents is measured by using a C T.At
0.89 2 1 point when current is exceptionally high to straightforwardly
0.88 3 1.5 apply to measuring instruments, the C T creates a decreased

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 475
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 09 | Sep 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

current, that can be suitably connected with measuring and indicate the numbers of the characters and the numbers of
recording instruments. C T that are used in the circuit also the lines. For example, a 16x2 LCD display contains 16
protects the measuring instruments from an exceptionally characters and 2 lines made available to use. Similarly, 20x4
higher voltage. C T are mostly used in metering devices. and LCD display indicates 20 characters and 4 lines made
also, in protective relays accessible for use. In this project a 16x2 LCD display, is
4.4 Capacitor bank
Shunt capacitor banks basically is utilized for the
improvement of the P F in electrical network. Capacitor banks The P C B was made-up as per the diagram and then all the
are also used for the improvement of the voltage stability and components were soldered. The Potential transformer,
decrease network losses. Shunt capacitor banks are not Current Transformer, capacitor bank were soldered properly
expensive. Shunt capacitors installation can be done easily at their respective places. microcontroller was programmed
anywhere on the network. Depending on the necessity of by using a burner. The C T is connected in series with load
reactive power, capacitor bank which consist of shunt and capacitor bank. Microcontroller determines both
capacitors are made ON or OFF. With the usage of relays the magnitudes and phase difference of AC voltage and current .
switching can be done by manual way or automatically. Based on the measured values using formula P F of load is
calculated. The liquid crystal display is used to display the
4.5 Microcontroller improved P.F.
An embedded system is not effective without logical
processing. The microcontrollers take the responsibility of
logical processing hence can be seen as a heat of an
embedded system. They do majority of the work starting
from taking the data or instructions in, processing it
according the programme written and finally provide the
output to complete the required function. It is worthy to
mention another positive characteristic of the embedded
system such as chip memory. This allows the system to store
some temporarily variables during the processing procedures
to smoothen the process. The PIC microcontroller
PIC16f877a is one of the most well-known microcontrollers.
This microcontroller is very suitable to use. The main benefit
is that it can be write or can be erased as many times as
possible because it uses FLASH memory technology.
4.6 Relay unit
Relay unit contains a relay driver and some relays. The relay
unit controls the high-power circuit from a low power circuit
because microcontroller’s output cannot control direct
switching of capacitors. Relay is defined as an electrically
Fig -3: Hardware of Automatic Power Factor Control
operated switch. When there is a need to control in a circuit
by a low power signal in such cases relays are used. Current
that passes from coil of relay generates a magnetic field that 6. Results
gets attracted towards lever and then the switch contacts are Figure 3 shows the whole hardware of Automatic Power
changed. Connections of relay's switch are Common, Factor Control Unit used for improving power factor. One of
Normally Open (NO), normally closed (NC). the results is discussed below. Figure 3, when inductive load
Relay coil is not operated by the current provided by the was applied i.e. Choke is used in this case the measured P.F
output of microcontroller as current is insufficient. Relay was found to be 0.85 Lagging (refer the figure 4) and In
driver ULN2003 is used for the operation of the relay. Figure 5, the P F is increased to 0.99 by adding capacitor in
ULN2003 is a mono-lithic higher voltage and higher current parallel. The result shows the working and idea of Automatic
Darlington transistor array. Power Factor Correction by using capacitors.


An embedded system communicates directly to a human
being by use of input and output devices. It should be noticed
that in an embedded system, the interaction is instigated by
the microcontrollers. The system uses input and output
devices those generate direct communications with human
being. LCD display can be considered as the most common
devices that is connected to the microcontroller. Specifying
the types of LCD displays, 16x2 and 20x4 are the most
common ones connected to the microcontrollers. These digits
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 476
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 09 | Sep 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

[5] Mehta, V. K., and Rohit Mehta. Principles of Power

System: (including Generation, Transmission,
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Madhuri International Namjoshi, “Automatic power
factor correction using PIC microcontroller”,Engineering
Research Journal (IERJ) Volume 2 Issue 1 Page 13-16,
ISSN 2395-1621, February 2016.

Fig 4 Measured power factor

Fig 5. Showing corrected power factor on LCD

This project is implemented to automatically correct power
factor. Microcontroller used helps to sense the Power Factor
by monitoring the load of the system, and according to the
lagging behavior of P F because of type of load it will perform
the control action by switching capacitor bank through
different relays and improves the Power Factor of the load.
By improving Power Factor electricity bill can be reduced.


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Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi.
Electrical. IEE Wiring Matters, spring 2006. Web. 14 July
2016. Available at [
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2014. Web. 14 July 2016. Available at

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 477

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