The American Monk Lesson 5: Using Your Mind To Heal
The American Monk Lesson 5: Using Your Mind To Heal
The American Monk Lesson 5: Using Your Mind To Heal
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If you look closely enough, you’ll discover there plans that include adventure, education and
is one common thread among all of them: your continued quest for discovery.
more and more illnesses, from heart disease, to And for a brief while the city saw more deaths
cancer, to Alzheimer’s, can all be influenced by per month than normal.
the mind?
“Setting these goals allows you to turn your focus to something other
than your age. You’re no longer concerned with how fast time might
be flying by. Instead, you’re excited about buying that first set of
acrylics or signing up for your first class at a community college.”
energy to, regardless of whether they’re good or he could put someone into a hypnotic state of
bad. And likewise, we repel the things that mind and then suggest to them that the pencil
receive no energy from us at all. he was holding was red hot and that if the pencil
touched their skin they would feel no pain but
Using this concept, it stands to reason then that their skin would produce a blister. One in five
if our focus is on events that will take place forty people would actually develop the blister from
years from now, there’s a good chance that we’ll the touch of the pencil. The blister could then
still be living it up when those forty years roll be made to disappear automatically, again with
around. mere suggestion.
No, I’m not suggesting that you can hold off But it gets weirder… recent studies show that…
aging forever.
! People under hypnotism can be made to tan
But I am suggesting that with the right attitude on command by being made to believe they
and beliefs, you can enjoy a much more are under a hot sun.
energetic existence and add some years to your ! Cancer patients can cause their cancer to go
life while you’re at it. into spontaneous remission (which means
“disappear”)… through the practice of
SLOWING DOWN AGING ! Doctors like J. Bruce Moseley have shown
The technique I’ll give you at the end of this that serious ailments like arthritis of the
lesson is used to slow down aging. knee can be cured by changing a patient’s
belief system… by “ricking” the patient into
The Longevity Shield is a metaphor that enables thinking a surgery has been performed.
your body to send out positive energies that act They emerged out of the hospital reporting
as a positive, outgoing force. Use it to help that their pain was gone. But in fact, no
preserve your positive state of mind and to surgery was actually performed.
prevent stress and negative energies from ! The patient had been put under anesthesia
affecting your body. But before we get there… and simply made to believe they underwent
let’s quickly cover healing. surgery.
! Children with warts can cause those warts to
disappear when a doctor applies ordinary
PART 2: SELF-HEALING paint to the warts and tells the children that
this placebo is a powerful wart remover.
USING YOUR MIND TO ACCELERATE HEALING IN ! Bald people can grow hair when given a
YOUR BODY placebo and made to believe that it’s a
My friend Jose Silva, who founded the Silva
miraculous cure for baldness.
Method, used to demonstrate in his classes how
The gap between mind and body seems almost A productive energy healing session should take
non-existent. Jose Silva believed that as much as no longer than 30 seconds and to reinforce your
90% of all physical ailments are induced and intention to heal, I suggest doing something that
curable by the mind. represents the process of sending healing energy
to the person in distress. This could be through
So we know, through modern science, that the the use of a catalyst as mentioned before or
mind controls the body. through a meditation session where you utilize a
technique I call The Power Catalyst.
Truth be told, I can’t tell you exactly what
happens when you draw upon ki. I’m not sure
what portals open or which mountains are
When I presented seminars with Uri Geller, we
moved to make the connection but I can tell you
regularly asked participants to bring in any old
that it works. During energy healing sessions,
watches that hadn’t worked in years. We’d place
I’ve visualized my ki spreading out into the
the watches in a big pile on the table and use
heavens and was rewarded with such vivid
energy or “ki” as it is called in the East, to give
imagery that I know I must have been immersed
them a jump start. At one seminar in particular,
in spiritual energy itself.
we had almost one hundred watches on that
table and after using ki, forty of them started
My body may have still been standing in the
ticking again.
auditorium or sitting in the front seat of a tired
van, but my energy—my force—was definitely
This is called energy healing.
somewhere else.
To be successful in energy healing, you must be
Can you imagine what the world would be like
able to maintain a neutral state of mind. This
with no illness and no disease?
means that you must remain detached from the
outcome and feel no pressure to “make the
In truth, we are meant to be in wonderful health
healing work”
—not one hundred years and a day but a full
one hundred plus years!
Remember we discussed how our brain waves
are heightened by emotion and heightened brain
waves mean you can’t think logically.
WHAT IS THE SPIRIT TELLING YOU? below on the Longevity Shield and start your
want to congratulate you—just look how far path towards wonderful health!
you’ve come! By now, you’re likely starting to
experience the metaphysical shift that comes
with living a spiritual and connected life. Lesson 5: Download & Listen To The
Longevity Shield Technique here.
You’re probably starting to see things begin to
take shape, small coincidences that you and I
both know aren’t really coincidences at all but
rather, a deliberate co-creation between you and
the universe.