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Sample Teacher Evaluation

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Sample Teacher Evaluation


An evaluation of each instructor is to be done on a regular basis, both announced and
unannounced, but no less than once a year. It is an opportunity for the director to become
acquainted with the teacher’s instructional style and abilities. It may result in suggestions for
improvement, as well as commendations for specific strengths. It is also an opportunity for
the instructor to provide feedback on the evaluation and to develop dialog between the
director and the instructor. An awareness of the quality of instruction in your institution may
assist in preventing problems in the classroom.

An evaluation of each instructor is to be done on a regular basis, both announced and

unannounced, but no less than once a year. It is an opportunity for the director to become
acquainted with the teacher’s instructional style and abilities. It may result in suggestions for
improvement, as well as commendations for specific strengths. It is also an opportunity for
the instructor to provide feedback on the evaluation and to develop dialog between the
director and the instructor. An awareness of the quality of instruction in your institution may
assist in preventing problems in the classroom.

An evaluation of each instructor is to be done on a regular basis, both announced and

unannounced, but no less than once a year. It is an opportunity for the director to become
acquainted with the teacher’s instructional style and abilities. It may result in suggestions for
improvement, as well as commendations for specific strengths. It is also an opportunity for
the instructor to provide feedback on the evaluation and to develop dialog between the
director and the instructor. An awareness of the quality of instruction in your institution may
assist in preventing problems in the classroom.

Teacher __________________________ Course ________________

No. of Students _____

Length of Visit ___________________ Date of Visit____________________

Mark each item according to the following scale:

G=Good I=Improvement Desired N=Not Observed U=Unsatisfactory

A. Teaching Techniques

1. Utilizes notebook and/or other guides effectively. __________

2. Demonstrates sufficient mastery of content. __________

3. Makes effective use of a variety of available materials. __________

4. Makes clear, practical demonstrations. __________

5. Provides for student participation. __________

6. Uses logical, purposeful and though-provoking questions. __________

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Sample Teacher Evaluation

7. Provides interesting and adequate reinforcement. __________

8. Varies procedures in working with pupils of varying abilities. __________

9. Provides motivation. __________

B. Effective Planning

1. Displays evidence of teacher preparation. __________

2. Directions to students are clearly thought out and well stated. __________

3. Materials for class are organized and available. __________

4. Provides enrichment and/or remediation where needed. __________

5. Is aware of adequate pacing. __________

6. Carefully plans student assignments. __________

C. Student/Teacher Relationships

1. Maintains student interest and attention. __________

2. Works constructively with individual or group. __________

3. Manages routine so as to avoid confusion. __________

4. Exhibits poise, voice control, and tact. __________

5. Graciously accepts less than "right" response with slow students. __________

6. Uses positive statements to students. __________

7. Makes supportive statements to students. __________

8. Maintains a friendly and respectful teacher-student relationship. __________

D. Classroom Environment

1. Environment is generally neat and attractive. __________

2. Teacher is aware of proper heat, light, and ventilation. __________

E. Commendable Features

F. Suggestions for Improvement

G. Instructor’s Comments

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Sample Teacher Evaluation

Director Date

Instructor Date

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