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Paper 2 Question 4 Articles of Faith Q1 A. BELIEF IN Messengers 10

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Paper 2 Question 4

Articles of Faith

Q1 a. BELIEF IN Messengers 10

Muslims believe in the line of prophets sent by Allah for the guidance of mankind . They believe that the
line began with Adam , the first man up to the Prophet Mohammad , the last messenger of Allah .
According to HADITH there were 124000 messengers . The Quran only mentions 25 of them, for
example Ibrahim , Ayub , yousaf, yaqub, Musa and Isa.

The Quran tells that message of all the prophets was same that was to believe in Allah and the day of
judgement. The Quran says,” religion before Allah is only Islam”. Muslims believe that all messengers
were sinless men and were chosen by Allah , and inspired by Allah through revelations. The Quran says,
“ Before you( O Mohammad )also the prophets , we sent were but men, to whom We granted
inspiration”. They were all sent for the guidance of mankind to every nation and spoke the language of
their own people. The Quran says, “ we sent an apostle except to teach in the language of his people”.
Allah gave special powers and miracles to the prophets to prove that their message was divine. For
example Moses hand used to shine and his staff turned into a moving serpent. Jesus could give life to
dead and cured the bind and the lepers. The Quran says,” and you healed those born blind and the
lepers by my leave….”.

To some prophets the revelations were given in form of books. The Quran has mentioned five of
them,Suhuf to prophet Ibrahim , Zabur to prophet Dawood ,Torah to prophet Musa , Injil to prophet Isa
and Quran to prophet Mohammad . The obedience to the prophets is mandatory on his followers, but
they should not worship them or take them as divine. Muslims respect and believe in all the messengers
and do not prefer one over another , as the Quran says, “We make no difference between one and
another of them”. Muslin must believe in all the messengers who came before Mohammad . The Quran
says, “We believe in Allah and the revelation given to us and to Ibrahim , Ismael, Ishaq, Yaqoob, and the
tribes and that given to Musa and Isa…..”

All the prophets who came before Mohammad ( s) were sent with a message of warning and guidance
to a particular tribe or nation. Their messages were not universal or for all people living in that time. The
last messenger of Allah Mohammad (s) was entrusted with the final message and complete guidance for
all humanity and for all timings to come. The Quran says that the previous prophets foretold about his
appearance . His distinguishing feature was that he confirmed the truth of all the prophets who came
before him and was successful In conveying the message of Allah in his lifetime . The Quran says, “To
you we sent the scripture in truth,confirming the scriptures that came before it…..”.

Muslims believe that Mohammad is the last messenger of Allah and no prophet will come after him. The
Quran calls him”Khatam-al- Nabiyyin”, the seal of prophets. Allah says, “We have sent you but as a
universal messenger to men, giving then glad tidings and warning them(against) sin. Allah has taken
responsibility of protecting and preserving the message of Prophet Mohammad , the Quran. Even his
complete life record,his actions and sayings are preserved for humanity to take guidance .

B. Explain how belief in the prophets influences daily living of Muslims ? 4

The Quran teaches to believe and respect all the messengers as they all came for the guidance of
mankind . There are many stories of the past prophets in the Quran that teaches different lessons to
Muslims . They tell them the reasons why some nations were punished by Allah , tell Muslims to avoid
such vices. For example nation of prophet Lot was punished due to homosexuality and the nation of
prophet Shoab was punished because of short weighing and cheating in business. All the prophets set
examples of patience , sacrifice and obedience to Allah. For example prophet Ibrahim left his home, left
his wife and child in the desert and was about to sacrifice his son for the sake of Allah. Muslims give
sacrifice of animals every year to commemorate his sacrifice . They also .remember Ibrahim during Haj
by throwing stones on satin pillars to condemn devil as Ibrahim did and run between Safa and Marwa
hills in memory of maternal love of his wife Hajra, and send blessings to him during their daily prayers.
Muslim mothers narrate the stories of prophets to their children as bedtime stories, specially about
prophet Noah , prophet Jacob and prophet Moses . Belief in the prophets provide a link between three
major religions, Islam , Christianity and Judaism . They can talk on common beliefs to bring global peace
and friendship. Muslim scholars have taken information from Torah and Bible to complete the stories of
past prophets. Muslims follow the Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad in their daily life. They eat with right
hand, sit down while drinking water, and try to adopt his character .

Q2 a. Belief in Allah ‘s Decree , Predestination and Destiny ! QADR 10

Belief in the divine destiny or QADR is the sixth article of faith.The word QADR or destiny has the same
rout as Qadir, one of Allah’s name, meaning All Powerful. Divine destiny means that everything in the
universe is object to the law of Allah . Every thing good and,bad is from Allah and nothing happens
without the knowledge and will of Allah. The Quran says , “ Glory the name of your Lord Most High, who
has created,and further given order and proportion , who has ordained laws”. This means that Allah has
created and fashioned the universe with absolute wisdom and a definite purpose. He is also supervising
and directing it to it’s destined end.

Since Allah is Al Qadir, his knowledge is all encompassing and absolute . The Quran says,” …that you may
know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah indeed encompasses all things in knowledge .”
Every thing that happened, or is happening or will happen has been determined by Allah not even a leaf
falls without his will. The Quran says,” verily all things have We created in proportion and measure”.

Allah’s creation is not unplanned ,every thing goes by law,proportion and measure. Every thing has it’s
appointed time, place and it’s limitations . Nothing happens but according to Allah ‘s plan and will. Allah
says,”No misfortune can happen on earth or in your souls but is recorded in a decree before We bring it
into existence .” Allah ‘s decree are pre ordained and pre planned. In Surah Anfal Allah tells that victory
of Muslims was already decided, that is why Allah gave courage to the Muslims by showing enemy less
in their eyes and made the Quraish overconfident. The Quran says,”So that we may accomplish a matter
already decreed”.

This does not mean that we do not have free will. Allah has created us with free will and ability to
choose between right and wrong. The Quran says,” Man can have nothing but

What he strives for”. Men will be judged on the basis of their actions and intentions on the day of
judgement it is up to them to obey or disobey. But ultimately it is Allah who decides their fate.

B. Explain how belief in QADR influences our daily life? 4

Belief in Qadr makes Muslims contented and satisfied with their life. They know that whatever they
have was destined for them. They learn to be patient on tragedies and natural disasters, because
everything good and bad is from Allah So a Muslim is thankful to Allah for good things and endures
patiently when anything bad happens. Belief in predestination makes them realise that Allah is most
supreme, the omnipotent and omni scent Lord so we cannot conceal anything from him. This
encourages us to maintain purity in public and private, eventually a person becomes pious.

Q3 a. Belief in the hereafter and the day of judgment. 10

Belief in the life hereafter is an important article of faith for the Muslims . They believe that life on earth
is temporary and that every one would die , the Quran says,” Every soul will taste death”. They also
believe that a new life will be given to all men, but before this they will be questioned in grave by the
angels. Either they will be punished in grave or put to sleep based on their bad or good deeds.

Muslims believe that every thing in the universe will be brought to an end on an appointed day called
Qiyamah. All land marks will be annihilated , earth will be flattened, sky will be folded up and stars will
fall down. This will start with the deafening sound of the trumpet blown by angel Israfil . The Quran tells
that it will be a great earthquake,” When the earth is shaken to her utmost convulsion” the Quran also
calls this day a calamity, “What do you know what the calamity is. It is the day when men will be like
scattered moths and mountains will be like carded wool”. With the second trumpet Allah will resurrect
all men who lived on earth since it’s creation . The Quran says,” Does man think we cannot assemble his
bones, nay we are able to put together in perfect order every tip of his finger”.

Allah will assemble all people to the plain of Hashr to give an account of their deeds performed in this
world. No injustice will be done to people on that day, the Quran says “Allah will set a just balance on
the day of Resurrection “. The book of deeds will be given to every one. The Quran says,” And the book
of deeds will be placed before you and you will see the sinful in great terror”. Allah will set his balance to
weigh good and bad deeds performed in this world. The Quran says,” then shall anyone who has done
an atom’s weight of good shall see it. And anyone who has done an atom’s weight of bad shall see it”.
Those who believed in Allah and remained righteous will be rewarded with a life of bliss in paradise.
Those who disbelieved and disobey Allah , will be punished in hell fire for ever. The Quran says,”then he
whose scales are heavy will be in a state of bliss and he whose scales are light shall have a deep pit for
dwelling “.

The Prophet Mohammad has told that this world is a cultivating ground for the Hereafter , so we should
not waist our time in running after the material gains. The Prophet has said, live in the world like a
stranger or a wayfarer “. He also told us to take this world like a prison and strive for the ultimate abode
in paradise. The dwellers of paradise will not live in want, they will get what they wish for. The Quran
calls it,” The gardens underneath which rivers flow, where they will live forever”. The Quran also tells
about the horrors of hell.”it is the fire blazing fiercely”. Those who did not believe in Allah will live in hell

B. How does this belief effect our daily life. 10

Belief in the life Hereafter directly affects the life of a believer, because it serves as the major factor in
adopting the course of life a person would follow. This belief encourages the Muslims to live a righteous
life away from luxuries. As the Prophet Mohammad has said, “Do not love the world Allah will love you”.
The believer will stay away from temptations, will not drink wine or commit adultery. He will not be
attracted by gambling , bribery,or other unlawful things. He would like to give charity willingly , because
he would believe in the saying of the Prophet that charity appeases the wrath of Allah . He would be
kind to people as the are all Allah’s creation. The Prophet has said ,”Be kind to those on earth, He who is
in the heavens will be kind to you”. Those who believe in the day of judgment are regular in their
prayers as they know that the first question on the day of account would be about prayer and those who
did not pray will be severely punished. The Quran says,” Those who are too arrogant to pray will find
them in hell in humiliation”.

Belief in Allah

Q4 a. Outline the muslim teaching about belief in the oneness of Allah . 10

The basic doctrine of the Quran is Tauheed, oneness of Allah, which is the essence of the teaching of
Quran . The first declaration of Islam says, “ there is no god but Allah…..” . The surah that best explains
the concept is al-Ikhlas 112, it tells that Allah is unique in his Being and he is eternal and absolute in his
authority; that he is above all need for another source for his presence nor does he have an offspring
and nor is there any equal to him.“ He begets not nor is he begotten and there is none like him”. The
verse of the throne also explains the same concept by telling that Allah is eternal everlasting and his
knowledge is all encompassing, not limited by time and space.He watches all with his unsleeping and
unfailing care. “No slumber can seize him nor sleep.” He knows all the past and the future. Nothing can
change the course that he has set himself unless he allows .

Allah is the creator of every thing in the heavens and the earth and he runs and regulates it, in verse of
the throne Allah says, “his throne extends over the heavens and the earth.”

The Quran teaches to find existence of Allah in his creation, because he is the prime cause of everything.
The Quran says that, “his signs are the night and the day and the sun and the moon”. There is so much
perfection and harmony in the universe which proves that there is one and only creator who is running
or controlling the whole system of the universe.

Muslims believe that Allah is most merciful most beneficent . Verse 4-5 of surah Shurah tells that Allah’s
forgiveness and mercy far exceed man’s transgression and he forgives the sins of men if they repent and
ask forgiveness .” Verily Allah is He, the often-forgiving, the most merciful”. All the passages of the
Quran which teach about Divinity of God , directly or indirectly teach to worship and adore Allah alone
and not to associate partners with Him. “But adore Allah, who created them, if it is him you wish to
serve”. In Surah Fatiha Allah makes it clear that he should be praised and worshipped, because this is
the purpose of creation of mankind . He says in the Quran, “ we created Jin and men but to worship”.
Muslims only swear by his name , abide by his commands and stay away from everything that he has
forbidden .

Muslims believe that Allah has unique attributes which no one posses. He is the omnipotent, the
omniscient nothing is hidden from him. He himself is unique in his existence. The Quran says, “ He is the
first he is the last, he is the hidden he is the manifest “. ( al Hadid 3).

B. Explain how belief in Allah affects daily life of Muslims? 4

Belief in Allah demands practical obedience to Him. When a person says,” There is no God but Allah…”,
he totally submits himself to His will and admits him as the creator and himself as his servant( abd ), If
he disobeys him he will be a rebel . A believer shows his faith in Allah through worship in form of prayer,
fasting, Haj and also by obeying all commands given in the Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad.
As the Quran says,” I have set my face firmly and truly towards Him who has created the heavens and
the earth and never shall I give partners to him”. The believers give charity to please Allah willingly, as
he loves him more than anything in the world. The Quran says ,”you cannot attain piety unless you
spend out of what you love”. This shows that material things have no importance for him.

Belief in Allah makes a person brave, because he trusts Allah as his protector and provider. He is not
afraid of death or any calamity. He would never go into depression because when ever he is worried he
will turn to Allah for his help, as the Quran says, “ You do we worship and you do we seek for help”. The
person who believes in Allah develops self respect and self confidence because he knows that he does
not depend on anyone but Allah , so he would not beg to any one. He would also become humble and
modest because whatever he has is the blessing from his lord so there is no reason to be proud of his
wealth beauty or fame. He would believe in the equality of mankind as all are his creation.

Q5 A. Angels: 10

Belief on angels is one of the articles of faith. The Quran says “ It is righteousness to believe in God and
the Last Day and the angels and the books and the messengers.” Angels are described as messengers in
the Quran, because of the noblest task of communicating between God and the prophets. The Quran
says, “ He sends down his angels with inspiration of His commands to such of His servants…”.

Angels are made of light( noor) and are invisible to humans. They may appear before men by the will of
Allah. The Quran tells that angel Gibrael went to Mariam in human form to give her the news of Son.
They went to prophet Lut to tell him about Allah’s punishment for his nation and to many other
prophets. Angels do not need to eat or drink, they do not get tired and are free of sins. They are made to
obey. Their obedience can be seen from the fact that they bowed down before Adam when told to do
so. “. And behold We said to the angels:’Bow down to Adam’, and they bowed down”. They have been
created for certain duties , which they perform unfailingly . They have been given certain powers and
qualities to carry out the tasks assigned to them. They helped the Prophet Mohammad in the battles.
The Quran refers to their help in battle of Badr,”I will assist you with a thousand of angels, ranks on
ranks, “. They are busy in worship of Allah all the time and also pray for the forgiveness of people,”and
the angels celebrate the praises of their Lord, and pray for forgiveness for beings on earth “. Shura

There are countless angels , some of them are mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah of the prophet with
the special duties given to them. Angel Mikail is, responsible for the distribution of sustenance-rizq and
to control the universe, angel Israfil will blow the trumpet on the day of judgement and angel Izrael is
the angel of death and the arch angel Gibrael was sent to bring revelations to the messengers.( angel
Gibrael stands on top of all angels and has been referred as Ruh Al Amin ( the trust worthy spirit) , and
Ruh Al Quds ( the Holy Spirit ). In Surah QADR the Quran says,” The angels and the spirit descend there
in with the permission of their Lord…”. He brought down the Quran to Prophet Mohammad . He
conducted the Miraj and took Mohammad to the heavens. He is given the most important duties by
Angels are guardian of Hell fire. They will welcome in Paradise those who obeyed Allah and will send the
nonbelievers and sinners to hell. The In charge of paradise is Rizwan and Incharge of hell is Malik. There
are two angels with every person who record their good and bad deeds. This record will be presented
before Allah on the Day of resurrection . They are called Kiraman katibeen (the respected recorders).
The Quran says, “ But verily over you (are appointed angels) to protect you- kind and honourable,
writing down ( your deeds). Two angels are called Munkar and Nakir, they question the dead in the
graves. Muslims must believe in the existence of angels but they should not worship them and know
that they can offer no intercession for them .

B. Explain how the belief in angels affect the life of a Muslim. 4

Belief in angels is very important in the life of Muslims , because they believe that they write their good
and bad deeds. It gives a constant reminder to them to stay away from bad deeds all the time wether
public ally or in private . Muslims also fear the day when they will have to face Munkar and nakeer in the
grave. They know that angels some times guide Muslims in troubles and they are guardian angels who
protect them from troubles and calamities. They believe that angels come down with rain and take their
supplications to Allah .

Q6 a. Belief IN REVEALED Books 10

Allah has sent his guidance through his messengers. This guidance is contained in the books of
revelations sent to the prophets. To believe in these books is the fundamental article of faith. The Quran
says,”righteous is one who believes in Allah , the angels and scriptures….”. Muslims have to believe in
the divine origin of all the books sent to the previous prophets. Allah sent revelation to all the prophets
but in the Quran only the names of four books are mentioned. These are the Zabur ( Psalms ) to David.
Injil ( Bible ) to Jesus the Christians distorted the book and introduced the doctrine of trinity and
redemption through crucifixion. The Tawrat( Torah ) revealed to Moses and the Suhuf ( scroll) to
prophet Ibrahim . The Quran says,”And we made some of the prophets to excell others, and We gave to
David the Psalms”. About Torah the Quran says, “ And before this the book of Moses as a guide and a

The Quran refers to the revelations given to the prophets from time to time, it says, “We sent Jesus the
son of Mary, confirming the law that had come before him, we sent him the Gospel ……”.

The guidance sent by Allah from time to time to his messengers was basically the same that is oneness
of Allah , His attributes, belief in prophets and the Day of Judgement . However as the need of the
people differed in different periods, the details of the laws given in these books also varied. The
prophets and apostles were sent to particular nations and tribes, and the revelations sent to each was
Intented to guide their people therefore it was in their own language . The Quran says, “ we sent an
apostle except to teach in the language of his own people in order to make things clear to them”. Non of
the books was not universal because humanity had not yet reached at a stage where comprehensive
knowledge could be sent. By the time of the Holy Prophet the revealed books were either been totally
lost or their original message distorted. Allah then sent His final revelation the Quran to Mohammad (s).
He says,”To you we sent the Scripture in truth, confirming the Scriptures that came before it and
guarding it in safety”
None of the revealed books except the Quran exists in its original form today. The people lost the Suhuf
of Ibrahim . Torah and Injil were changed and modified . God’s words have been mixed up with those of
men. The language of these books are not in use. Where as Allah has taken responsibility of protecting
and preserving the Quran in its original text. The Quran says,” We have without doubt revealed the
reminder and we will guard it from corruption “ . Thus Quran is most perfect ,complete Book , which
contains universal guidance for all mankind.

B. Explain how belief in Revealed books influences a Muslim life? 4

Muslims respect all scriptures revealed by Allah . They do not follow books other than Quran .they read
the Quran and take guidance from it . They learn different styles of recitation of Quran and many learn
the Quran by heart. They recite the verses of Quran in daily prayers. The children are taught to recite
the Quran at very young age. There are many supplications in the Quran that are used by the Muslims at
different occasions. The scholars use information from Torah and bible to complete the stories of the
past prophets given in the Quran .

Q6 a. How is the Quran unique as compared to other revealed books? 10

Quran is the only revealed book which is kept intact since it’s revelation , it was preserved soon after it’s
revelation. Allah has taken responsibility of protecting and preserving it. The Quran says,” We have,
without doubt , sent down the message and we will assuredly guard it from corruption.” ( 15:9). Other
books revealed before Quran were either changed or distorted by their followers, none of them is
available in their original text or language .

Other revealed books were sent for a particular tribe or nation for some period of time. Where as Quran
is a universal book of guidance sent got all mankind. It’s a complete and perfect book of guidance unlike
other books that contain only a code of conduct. The Quran contains spiritual guidance as well as it’s a
code of ethics , it guides people in their political , social, legal and economical affairs . The Quran says,”
And we have sent down to thee a Book explaining all things…..”. ( 16:89)

The Quran is unique in its expression , it has no beginning or end , it’s purely divine . No one had ever
accepted the challenge of producing ten verses like it. It’s a perfect piece of literature, full of similes and
metaphors . The Prophet Mohammad said, “ excellence of Quran over other other expressions is like
excellence of Allah over his creations”.

Pillars of Islam

Q1. A Describe what is prayer? 10

Prayer Is the second pillar of Islam . It is obligatory on all Muslims five times a day. Muslims are required
to purify themselves before prayer by performing ablution, that is washing of hands, face, elbows and
feet. The Quran says, “ when you prepare for prayer , wash your faces and hands up to the elbows, rub
your head and wash your feet to the ankles.” Muslims should face towards the direction of Kaaba and
make an intention to pray. Prayer consists of cycles of physical movements called’ rakat’ , which involve
standing upright, bowing and prostration. There are fixed recitals including portions from Quran . Prayer
is said at fixed timings . The Quran says,” prayers indeed have been enjoined on believers at fixed
timings.” Prayer is offered at dawn, after mid day, afternoon , dusk and night. Prayer is also said in
congregation. It ensures that a Muslim is always focused on Allah as he remembers Allah at different
intervals of time. It encourages personal discipline and self control and makes people Allah conscious .

Q2 a. Describe importance of prayer (salat). 10

Prayer (salat) is the second pillar of Islam and the foremost duty of Muslims . It was the first Ibadah
made obligatory for the Muslims . The Quran says,” O you who believe establish prayer and pay the poor
due…”. It is the distinguishing feature between a Muslim and a non Muslim . The Prophet Mohammad
has said,” He who gives up prayer has indeed disbelieved”. The first thing which a person shall be asked
about on the day of judgment will be prayer. The Quran tells that the angels will enquire,” what brought
you to hell fire? They would say’ we were not of those who prayed”. The Quran also says ,” Those who
are too arrogant to pray will find themselves in hell in humiliation .” The Quran condemns people who
are careless of their prayer and takes them as hypocrite in Surah Maun. Prayer kes away from shameful
and bad deeds

Prayer is compulsory for all believers in all circumstances at fixed time . This made them punctual and
disciplined . If a person is sick he should pray while sitting or lying down. He has to pray during travel or
during jehad. If water is not available he should perform dry ablution. Prayer makes a person pious and
God fearing. The Quran says,” Establish regular prayer as it restrains from shameful and unjust deeds. “
prayer makes a person humble before his Lord , because he stands with humility before Him. The Quran
says,” Successful indeed are the believers who are humble in their prayers”.

Prayer brings us closer to Allah , the Arabic word salat means getting closer( to Allah ). It washes away
the sins of a person. The Prophet has said, “ablution washes out physical dirt while prayer wipes out
spiritual .”the congregational prayer brings the Muslims closer, this helps in establishing a healthy social
relations among Muslims . It also removes class andracial difference , as all stand in same row shoulder
to shoulder in prayer. Prayer teaches self control and does not make a person slave to his soul. It’s a
constant reminder that Allah is our Lord and we only worship Him.

B. Describe the importance of cleanliness before prayer. 4

It is obligatory for Muslims to purify before performing prayer. Allah is pure so we cannot approach him
without purification . The Quran says, “ Oh you who believe when you rise for prayer wash your faces
and hands up to elbows, rub your head and wash your feet.” In the second revelation the Prophet
Mohammad was told to purify himself ,” purify thyself and shun uncleanliness .” The Prophet has said,”
surely Allah does not accept prayer without purification .” Cleanliness is so important for Muslims that
the prophet has called it one half of religion. The Prophet has said ,” prayer is the key to paradise and
cleanliness is is key to prayer.” Allah wants Muslims to purify themselves physically and spiritually , that
is free from idol worship and bad thoughts , that is achieved through prayer and purity. The

Prophet has said,”ablution washes out physical dirt and prayer spiritual .” He has also said ,”Allah loves
those who purify themselves .” This tells that through purification and prayer one can achieve the main
aim of Islam , that is to stay away from evil because a pure mind stays in the pure body.
Q3 a. Describe Muslim preparation for prayer. 10

A Muslim must purify himself from major and minor impurities before prayer. He should be in the state
of ablution . The method of ablution is to wash both hands, gargle mouth three times, put water in the
nostrils three times, wash face three times , wash elbows, rub head with water and wash both feet. All
actions should be performed from right to left. The Quran says,” Oh you who believe! When you rise for
prayer…………your feet up to the ankles. If you are unclean,purify yourself.” This aya makes it obligatory ,
that if a person is in the state of greater impurity he/she should take bath before prayer. The Prophet
has said, “ Allah does not accept any prayer that was not performed while in the state of purity.”Clothes
and the place of prayer should be free of impurities.

Men should cover them from navel to knee for prayer and women should cover all the body properly
except her face and hands, Allah says,” O children of Adam! Take your adornment ( by wearing proper
clothes) for every mosque.”

Muslims should make an intention to pray before prayer. They should be clear which prayer they are
going to say and wether it is fard or Sunnah prayer. The prophet has said,” actions are judged by

One should face towards Qibla during every prayer,Allah says, “ Direct your face to the Masjidal-Haram
wherever you may be, turn your faces to it.”

Q4 a. Describe Muslim method of prayer. 10

Stand on a prayer mat and make an intention to pray . Stand upright, hands hanging down. Raise hands
up to ears and say God is great. Fold hands in Qiyam with hands folded on chest. Recite Sana, Surah
Fatiha, and any other Surah or three ayat from the Quran.bend down in ruku with hands on knees and
recite “praise be to Allah the the great”(three times). Stand and recite ,” Allah listen to him who praises,
oh Allah all praise is for you”. Prostrate in sajda , by touching forehead , knees, palms, and nose on the
ground and recite “ praise be to Allah the High”. Sit down with knees folded with hands on thighs.
Perform another sajda in the same way. Second Rakah is performed in the same wary, except Sana.
After second sajda sit down and recite tahaya,tashahud(second kalma), send blessings to the Prophet
and recite dua( supplication) and turn face towards right and recite ,” peace be upon you and blessings
of Allah “. Turn towards left and recite same words.

B. Describe the importance of praying in this way. 4

This is the Sunnah way of praying. The Prophet himself taught Muslims to pray, he has said,”pray as you
see me praying”. The method shows practical belief in Allah . As the Quran says ,”For me I have set my
face firmly and truly towards Him who created the heavens and the earth, and never shall I give partners
to Allah.” Every action of prayer shows belief in Allah and complete submission to His will. A believer
humbles him self before his Lord.

They show that one should only worship Allah, the Sustainer and Creator of the world. “ you do we
worship and your help we seek.”( if the question carries 10marks then add importance of prayer)

B. Describe the importance of mosque for the community. 4

Mosque ( masjid) is the place for offering salat ( prayer) . For a Muslim the whole of earth is made the
mosque. The Prophet Mohammad has said,” The whole of earth has been made a mosque for me “. The
importance of the mosque is seen from the Prophet’s action soon after migration to Madina . First of all
he built a mosque , which was not only used for prayer but also served as the seat of government , a
community centre and an educational centre.

Muslims gather five times a day in the masjid for prayer, which develops close social ties among the
community and bring equality and brotherhood . Muslims also learn self discipline and punctuality.
Muslims have to reach for prayer on time in the masjid. They make straight rows and follow the Imam.
This practice trains them as disciplined nation. They also learn about religion and matters of shariah
from the sermon. Masjid is the central place for the community. Important decisions concerning the
community can take place here and matters of social welfare can be solved here. It should be used as a
council hall by the community.

There is great reward for praying in the mosque, the Prophet Mohammad (s) has said, “ one reward is
recorded for praying at home, 25 for praying in the tribal mosque, 500 for praying in a public mosque,
1000 for praying in the masjid Nabvi at Madina , 5000 for praying in the masjid al-Aqsa and 100,0000 for
praying in the Kabah . Muslims are told to pray for mercy of Allah before entering the masjid. “ O Allah
open for me the door of your mercy”. Muslims are told to respect the masjid by taking out shoes before
entering , shoul not talk loudly and should wear clean clothes, women should wear hijab.

B. Describe the difference between the private prayer(dua) and individual prayer (salat). 4

Salat are daily prayers obligatory on all Muslims five times a day. Private prayer or dua are supplications
offered whenever a person is in difficulty or need any help or anything from Allah. Allah has promised, “
And he gives you of all that you ask for”. Both are form of worship to Allah . Allah loves that we should
ask for his help formally through salat and informally through supplications.

“Salat is fixed on appointed timings” on Muslims . There are five prayers at dawn,noon, evening, at
sunset and night. Invocation can be made at any time of the day, however there are certain trimming
when it is more effective . These are on the night of Qadr , at Arafat on the day of Haj , on Friday , in the
month of Ramadan , at time of morning prayer etc,etc .

There is a specific method of daily prayer, Azan is announced, actions like takbir, standing, ruku, sajda,
sitting and Salam is offered along with specific recitations. For supplication there is no ritual, it can be
offered in any language or position , sitting , standing or lying. It is generally offered with hands raised. It
is recommended that Darud and Surah Fatiha be recited before dua , while facing towards Qiblah .
Facing qibla is though compulsory for salat. The Quran says, “Direct your face to the masjid al-haram,
where ever you may be…”The Sunni Muslims prefer to offer supplications that were used by the Prophet
Mohammad (s) and Shia Muslims also offer that were in practice of their imams .

It is obligatory to perform ablution(wudu) before salat , the Prophet said,” prayer without purification is
not accepted”, but purity is not required before dua. It is compulsory to cover ones’s sattar for prayer.
Men should cover from navel to knee and women should cover all body except face and hands. For
supplications there is no need to cover, though it is better if one covers.
Muslims should know that Allah is the only sustainer and cherisher and they should only pray to him and
turn towards him for their needs, he does not return raised hands empty. “He is ashamed to turn away
the hands of his servants when they raise them up before him”.

Q5 a. Describe the main features of Friday congregational prayer. 10

Friday prayer is obligatory for all Muslim adults , in the masjid in congregation . The one who misses it
without a valid reason is sinful. The Prophet Mohammad said,” Whoever misses three Friday prayers in a
row out of negligence will have a seal put over his heart by Allah”.

For Muslims Friday is the best day,it was made a day of prayer. The prophet said,” the best day on which
the sun rises is Friday . On Friday Adam was created, and on that day he entered paradise, and on that
day he was expelled from paradise. And the Hour will come on this day”.

The time of Juma is same as that of Zuhr prayer. It has two Rakah instead of four. Friday prayer is valid if
there are two or more people present, the prophet said, “ Two or more people constitute a
congregation “. It is desirable that worshipper should take bath, wear clean clothes, clean teeth and
apply perfume before prayer. They should leave their business and every thing at the time of prayer and
should go to the masjid as soon as they hear to the call of prayer, the Quran says, “ when the call to
prayer is announced on Friday hasten earnestly to the remembrance of Allah and leave off all business
that is the best for you.”

The sermon before prayer is compulsory ,and listening to it is wajib. There are two Azans for Friday
prayer, so that everyone could reach before sermon, which is given soon after second Azan . Imam faces
the congregation and divides the sermon in two parts,there is a brief interval of one minute in between .
The sermon includes praises of Allah , blessings on the Prophet, recitation from the Quran and and the
first kalima. Imam also reminds people about their duties towards Allah and people. He encourages
them to do good deeds and warns them of punishments for sins and hell fire. He prays for the universal
Muslim community. During sermon no one should talk or do anything . It is Sunnah to pray four or two
Rakah after Friday prayer.

Q6 a. Benefits of congregational prayer. 10

To get the maximum benefits from daily prayer it should be offered in congregation behind an imam.
The prophet and his followers always prayed in congregation five times a day. The Quran has laid special
stress on prayer in congregation . “ Establish prayer and give zakat and bow down with those who bow
in worship”. There is great reward in this type of prayer. The Prophet has said, “ A prayer performed in
congregation is twenty seven degrees more excellent than the prayer said by a single person.

Congregational prayer serves as a strong bond in uniting the Muslims. The gathering of Muslims living in
a community five times a day in the mosque helps in establishing a healthy social relations between
different sections of the community.the gathering becomes larger on Friday and on two eids.

Congregational prayer levels social differences and promotes an atmosphere of equality and
brotherhood It also removes class and racial difference , as all rich and poor, ruler and the ruled , black
and white stand in same row shoulder to shoulder in prayer. It gives a realisation that all are Allah’s
creation and equal before Him.
. Prayer is a training for the community to respect and obey their leader. It makes the community
punctual and regular in their work as they have to reach the mosque on time other wise they will loose
the reward of congregation . The Quran says,” prayer has been enjoined on believers at stated time”.
Prayer instills discipline and sense of performing duties in the community . It’s the training for jehad.
Like a soldier the believers get up early in the morning perform wudu rushes to the mosque, obey his
leader in physical movements and spiritual exercises.

The lessons of equality , fraternity and brotherhood learned from congregational prayer, when put in to
practice , serve as foundation for unification of the human race. The golden rule of Islam is
brotherhood , which becomes meaningless without being practiced through congregational prayer.
Timings of prayer, rahat of prayer, method of congregational prayer and method of wudu from the book


Q7 a. How do Muslims practice fasting. 10

Muslims fast in the ninth month of the lunar Calendar , Ramadan, for 29 to 30 days. They fast from dawn
to dusk. During this time they stay away from food, drink, smoking, medicine, injections and marital
relations . They wake up early at dawn, eat food called suhur. The Prophet said,”There is great blessing
in suhur”. Time of suhur ends before dawn, the Prophet said, “ And eat and drink until the white thread
of dawn appears to you distinct from its black thread…”. They make intention to fast for the day
saying,”I intend to keep tomorrow’s fast of Ramadan”.

They stay away from all bad deeds like lying , cheating , fighting , using bad language and seeing or
hearing anything bad during fast. The Prophet said fasting is a shield from sins”. At another occasion he
said,” if one of you is fasting , he should avoid sexual intercourse with his wife and quarrelling , and if
someone fights with him , he should say,’ I am a fasting’person”.The day should be spend in regular
routine and extra prayers, the Prophet said, It is not recommended that day should be spend in
excessive sleeping.

They break fast at dusk immediately at sunset after reciting a dua, “ O Allah I have observed the fast for
you and I believe in you , and I trust in you and have broken it with the food given by you”.

It is Sunna of the Prophet to break the fast with date if it is not available then water . During Ramadan
Afer Isha prayer Muslims offer special prayers called Trawih in which Quran is recited , arrangements are
done in the mosques and other places for this prayer. In the last days of Ramadan Muslims stay awake
on odd nights to find night of Power( laila al Qadr). At many places Sirat al lail is recited in congregation ,
some people go in religious retreat( I’tekaf) for ten days or any odd number of days.

Those on journey or sick are allowed to make the fast later, the very old and sick can give compensation
by giving food to a person twice a day. One who deliberately breaks fast has to feed sixty people for
each missed fast or keep sixty at one time.

B. Describe people who are exempted from fast. 4

Fasting is obligatory on all adults, who are mentally and physically healthy. It is allowed for those who
are travelling or sick to make the days later. The Quran says,” But if anyone is ill or on a journey shall fast
a similar number of days later on”. Those who are very old or permanently sick they have to give
fidya( compensation ) , which is feeding a poor person twice a day or money equal to Sadaqa al Fitr, the
Quran says,” for those who find it extremely difficult to fast, there is ransom: the feeding of a poor

Menstruating women , women with post child bleeding are told to make their fast after Ramadan .
Hazrat Ayesha said,” when we had Menses during the life of the Prophet , we were ordered to fast later
on....". Suckling mothers and pregnant women are also allowed to fast later on, after Ramadan .

The logic behind this is that Allah does not overburden us beyond our tolerance. Sick and old have to
take medicine , they do not have strength to miss food. Most of them take food in small portions with
short intervals. Pregnant and suckling mothers need extra energy for the child, some time they feel sick
or week. Menstruation is a state of impurity, so they are not allowed to fast.

B. How does fasting bring us closer to Allah and closer to people? 10

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is an important pillar of Islam . It is an act of worship that brings us
closer to Allah and removes all barriers between him and Allah . The Quran says, fasting is prescribed to
you.....that you may learn self restraint". The 'taqwa' strengthens the spiritual powers and protects us
from all kinds of evils and temptations. The Prophet said," Alldeeds of Adam's son are for them except
fasting, which is for me". He also said " fasting is a shield and protection from fire and protection from
sins". In the month of fasting virtues flourish and evil is suppressed . Because the devil is chained. The
Prophet said," when the month of Ramadan starts , the gate ofHeaven are opened and the gates of hell
are closed and the devils are chained". Muslim not only stay away from food and drink they have to stay
away from bad speech and evil deeds which purifies his soul, heart and private life from immoralities ,
because he remembers Allah all day. The Prophet said, Whoever does not give up forged speech and evil
actions, Allah is not in need of his leaving food and drink". the breaking of fast.

Fasting makes people strong as it makes them capable of enduring hardships. Further in the last ten
days Muslims stay awake in worship of Allah to find the night of power and receive reward equal to
worshipping for thousands of nights. The Quran says," The night of power is better than a thousand
month". The Prophet said that reward of good deeds is multiplied in this month from hundred to seven
hundred times . Therefore Muslims try to perform more good deeds, recite Quran and Trawih and get
closer to Allah.

The hunger and thirst make Muslims realize the sufferings of poor, and the willingly give them food and
charity. All poor and rich are brought closer to each other and renew their brotherly ties. Rich people
spend generously on poors to seek the blessings of Allah . This makes the poor to get enough funds for
at least one month. The old and sick people also send food for their missed fasts. The Prophet has said, "
During Ramadan , the provisions of the believers are increased". The month is observed all over the
Muslim world and gives a sense of brotherhood and fraternity to Muslims. Besides that Muslims gather
for breaking of fast in the mosques, and with family and friends and get closer to each other. The
gatherings are arranged for Trawih, night prayer and recitation of Quran.

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