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Cot1 Science 4

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GRADES 1 to 12 School: SCHOOL Grade Level: IV

Teaching Dates
and Time: Quarter: 2nd QUARTER

A .Content Standards
B .Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies/ Communicate that the major organs work together to make the body function
Objectives properly.
Write the LC code for each (S4LT-IIa-b-2)
II. CONTENT “Major Organs Work Together”
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources / materials
Science 4 Learning Module, Quarter 2, Week 2
Directions: Write the name of the following body organs as shown in the

A. Reviewing previous lesson or

presenting the new lesson

Directions: Describe the main functions of the major organs by matching the
items in column A with the items found in column B.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Watch the video on how organs work together.

C. Presenting examples / instances of
the new lesson

Activity 1: “How Much I Owe you?”

D. Discussing new concepts and
Directions: Given are the 3 pairs of organs that worked together. Explain briefly
practicing new skills #1
how these organs communicate or worked together through their functions.
Activity 2: “The Line of Connection”
E. Discussing new concepts and
Directions: Stated in the box are the functions on how the major organs
practicing new skills #2
communicate with each other. Name the organs involved in the connections.
Activity 3: “Organs Together”
F. Developing Mastery
Directions: With the given pair of organs, explain how they work together to
(Leads to Formative Assessment)
make your body function properly.
Play the video:

Additional questions:
G. Finding practical application of 1. A child is suffering from diarrhea, what particular organs of the body do not
concepts and skills in daily living function properly?
2. Someone, experience difficulty in breathing, what organs of the body are not
functioning well?
3. Rico loves to eat salty and fatty foods, what particular organs can be affected
by his bad habit?
Directions: Given are the pictures of the different internal organs. Think of a
possible way on how you are going to create or do a concept map showing the
interconnectedness of all the different internal organs. You can use color or
crayons in creating a lines to show the connections and be able to write how the
paired organs work together. Consider the title of your concept map as “Control
H. Making generalizations and
over the other.”
abstractions about the lesson

I. Evaluating learning Directions: Read and analyze each sentences. Write the letter of the correct
answers in your notebook.

1. How do the heart and lungs work together?

a. The lungs help the heart to pump blood.
b. The heart provides nutrients to the lungs.
c. The lungs help the heart provide nutrients to the body.
d. The heart pumps the blood to the different body parts while the
lungs filter the blood before going back to the heart.

2. Stomach and the brain are related to each other. In what way are they
a. The stomach provides blood to the brain.
b. The stomach provides oxygen to the brain.
c. The brain removes the waste of the stomach.
d. The brain controls the involuntary muscles of the stomach.

3. When you are in danger, your muscles move as fast as you can to protect
yourself. How does this happen?
a. Your lungs control your muscles to move fast.
b. Your stomach commands your muscles to work rapidly.
c. Your brain react to the situation which results to rapid muscle
d. Your heart tells you to react by controlling the movement of your

4. Your friend had an accident which damaged his brain. After the accident, he
cannot move both of his legs. Why did this happen?
a. Your legs cannot anymore detect your brain.
b. The part of your legs connected to the brain was damaged.
c. The part of your brain commands your legs to stop moving.
d. The part of your brain that controls leg movement was affected.

5. How do stomach and intestines work together?

a. The stomach receives the nutrients and water from the intestines.
b. The stomach absorbs the nutrients and water from the food
digested by the intestines.
c. The stomach digests the food while the intestines remove the
undigested food out of the human body.
d. The stomach squeeze, churn, and twist the food while the
intestines absorb the water and nutrients.

6. How do the lungs work together with the other organs of the body? The lungs
provide _____________________.
a. oxygen needed by the brain
b. nutrients needed by the heart
c. food needed by the stomach
d. blood needed by the stomach

7. What do you think will happen if your heart will not pump blood?
a. The brain will not function properly.
b. The kidneys will not have blood to be filtered.
c. The lungs will not be able to produce oxygen-rich blood.
d. All of these.

8. Rene always eats salty foods and drinks soda. His kidneys failed to function.
Which of the following are the effects of this to the other organs of the body?
a. The kidneys can regulate blood pressure well.
b. The kidneys can filter waste materials from blood which can be
used by other organs of the body.
c. The wastes from the different organs and parts of the body will not be excreted
as urine.
d. Both a and b.

9. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. The heart controls the brain functions.
b. The brain controls the involuntary muscles of the heart.
c. The lungs provides carbon dioxide rich blood to the heart.
d. The kidneys filters excretes the blood produced by the lungs.

10. The following statements are true, EXCEPT _______________.

a. All body organs have different functions that are not related with
each other.
b. The brain controls the functions of the heart, lungs, kidneys, and
other body organs.
c. If one organ of the body will not function properly, other body parts will also
be affected.
d. All body organs have different functions and are in constant
communication with one other.

11. The beating of your heart and the digestion of your food are both body
activities that we are less aware of. What organ commands and is responsible for
these to happen?
a. lung
b. brain
c. kidney
d. heart

12. The different organs work together for the proper functions of the human
body. The following statements are proper ways to help the organs function
properly with one another, EXCEPT _________________.
a. I will exercise daily
b. I will eat nutritious foods
c. I will avoid harmful substances
d. I will drink 3-4 glasses of water daily

13. What will happen to the brain if your stomach is always empty?
a. The brain will not work perfectly.
b. The brain will tell your body to rest.
c. The brain will do its function perfectly.
d. The brain will signal the stomach to drink.

14. Someone encountered an accident and according to the doctor, the brain was
damaged that is why the patient could not see anymore. The following are the
reasons, EXCEPT for one.
a. The eyes were damaged like the brain.
b. The brain cannot communicate anymore with the eyes.
c. The part of the brain responsible for seeing was damaged.
d. The brain cannot receive and send information due to the

15. How does the brain communicate with body parts when a person sees his/her
favorite food? The brain initially_____________.
a. ignores the message
b. commands to eat the food right away
c. commands to walk away from the food
d. sends a message to your tongue to salivate
Directions: Draw different body organs that work together with brain. Color
them and be able to write how they work together. Do it in your notebook.

J. Additional activities for application

or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on this formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share

with other teacher?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I Principal I

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