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Implementation of An Online Relatives ' Toolkit For Psychosis or Bipolar (Impart Study) : Iterative Multiple Case Study To Identify Key Factors Impacting On Staff Uptake and Use

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Lobban et al.

BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:219


IMPlementation of An online Relatives’

Toolkit for psychosis or bipolar (IMPART
study): iterative multiple case study to
identify key factors impacting on staff
uptake and use
Fiona Lobban1* , Duncan Appelbe2, Victoria Appleton1, Julie Billsborough3, Naomi Ruth Fisher1, Sheena Foster3,
Bethany Gill1, David Glentworth4, Chris Harrop4, Sonia Johnson5, Steven H. Jones1, Tibor Zoltan Kovacs4,
Elizabeth Lewis1, Barbara Mezes1, Charlotte Morton5, Elizabeth Murray6, Puffin O’Hanlon5, Vanessa Pinfold3,
Jo Rycroft-Malone7, Ronald Siddle4, Jo Smith8, Chris J. Sutton9, Pietro Viglienghi4 and Andrew Walker1

Background: Despite the potential of digital health interventions to improve the delivery of psychoeducation to
people with mental health problems and their relatives, and substantial investment in their development, there is
little evidence of successful implementation into clinical practice. We report the first implementation study of a
digital health intervention: Relatives Education And Coping Toolkit (REACT), into routine mental healthcare. Our
main aim was to identify critical factors affecting staff uptake and use of this online self-management tool for
relatives of people with psychosis or bipolar.
Methods: A mixed-methods, theory-driven (Normalisation Process Theory), iterative multiple case study approach
using qualitative analysis of interviews with staff and quantitative reporting of uptake. Carer researchers were part of
the research team.
Results: In all, 281 staff and 159 relatives from Early Intervention teams across six catchment areas (cases) in
England registered on REACT; 129 staff took part in qualitative interviews. Staff were positive about REACT helping
services improve support and meet clinical targets. Implementation was hindered by: high staff caseloads and
difficulties prioritising carers; perception of REACT implementation as research; technical difficulties using REACT;
poor interoperability with trust computer systems and care pathways; lack of access to mobile technology and
training; restricted forum populations; staff fears of risk, online trolling, and replacement by technology; and
uncertainty around REACT’s long-term availability.
(Continued on next page)

* Correspondence:
Division of Health Research, Lancaster University, Bailrigg Campus, Lancaster
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s). 2020 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Lobban et al. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:219 Page 2 of 13

(Continued from previous page)

Conclusions: Digital health interventions, such as REACT, should be iteratively developed, evaluated, adapted and
implemented, in partnership with the services they aim to support, and as part of a long term national strategy to
co-develop integrated technology-enabled mental healthcare. Implementation strategies must instil a sense of
ownership for staff and ensure they have adequate IT training, appropriate governance protocols for online
working, and adequate mobile technologies. Wider contextual factors including adequate funding for mental health
services and prioritisation of carer support, also need to be addressed for successful implementation of carer
focussed digital interventions.
Trial registration: Study registration: ISCTRN 16267685.
Keywords: Psychotic disorders, Caregivers, Internet, Implementation science, Digital health intervention, Mental
health, Case series, Early intervention

Contributions to the literature A recent systematic review of 26 studies reporting fac-

tors impacting on delivery of DHIs for people with psych-
 This is the first study to examine factors affecting osis or bipolar identified the following determinants of
staff uptake and use of a digital health intervention uptake: staff and service user attitudes; complexity of the
in UK mental health services. user interface; staff / peer support to use the intervention;
 Mixed methods were used to understand staff fit with existing service IT infrastructures; and costs to de-
engagement with the Relatives Education And velopment and delivery [11]. The majority of the studies
Coping Toolkit (REACT) in Early Intervention reviewed were American, with only 2 in the UK, both of
teams across six locality based services, purposively which were feasibility studies in a research rather than
sampled for geographical and ethnic diversity in clinical context [12, 13]. Given the importance of context
order to maximise generalisability of findings. for implementation [14] the generalisability of these find-
 Findings highlight the need to embed technology ings to routine mental health services is limited. The re-
development within clinical services; embrace an view found no studies of DHIs to support relatives of
iterative long-term model of development, testing and people with psychosis or bipolar.
adaptation; and provide adequate mobile technology, Relatives of people with psychosis or bipolar provide a
IT training and digital governance infrastructures to large amount of unpaid care [15] but at high personal cost
support new ways of working. (distress and burden) [16–18]. The UK National Institute
for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends that
Background all relatives be given carer-focused education and support,
Digital Health Interventions (DHIs) are increasingly and offered structured family intervention to enhance
being developed for people with severe mental health family coping and communication [19, 20]. However,
problems including psychosis and bipolar, to improve audit data show services currently fall well below this tar-
symptom monitoring [1], medication management [2], get, with only 50% of relatives receiving a carer-focused
and access to information and support [3]. Whilst the education and support programme, and 12% a structured
evidence base for their effectiveness is less advanced Family Intervention [21].
than for other mental health disorders such as de- DHIs offer the potential for widespread dissemination of
pression and anxiety, emerging data suggests that they high quality, standardised care, made easily available,
can be feasible, acceptable, and usable [4–6], with alongside a mechanism for uniting people online to share
preliminary evidence suggesting they can be as effect- their experiences through peer support. Although DHI de-
ive as more traditional, non–technological self-help velopment costs can be substantial, ongoing delivery has
interventions [7, 8]. the potential to be more cost effective in the long-term
However, evidence for successful implementation of than face-to-face support and more accessible to those in
DHIs in routine healthcare services is far more limited. rural areas and developing countries [22].
Despite substantial investment, many DHIs are either The Relatives’ Education And Coping Toolkit (REACT)
not adopted by their intended users, are abandoned, fail is a supported self-management toolkit, providing access-
to scale up locally or spread to other settings, or are not ible evidence-based information and support for relatives
sustained over time [9, 10]. We urgently need to under- of people with psychosis or bipolar. Following evidence to
stand the key factors impacting on implementation of support feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness in redu-
DHIs to improve their design, evaluation, commissioning cing relatives’ distress as a paper-based tool [23], REACT
and delivery. was developed into an online resource, incorporating a
Lobban et al. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:219 Page 3 of 13

peer support forum, direct messaging, and extended to Table 1 Description of features of IMPART cases relevant to
relatives of people with bipolar [24]. The clinical and cost study
effectiveness of REACT when offered directly to relatives Wave Case Description
recruited from outside clinical services is being tested Wave 1 Woods • Urban area, very high rates of psychosis
[25]. In this study we examined implementation of • High ethnic diversity
• Two geographically distinct teams
REACT online offered to relatives supported by staff • Reported average caseload per staff of 28
working in clinical services in England. This is the first • Very high staff turnover & absence
study to examine critical factors affecting staff uptake and • Low morale: half of one team left in the first
6 months of study
use of a digital health intervention in UK mental health
services. A full funders report will be available for further Moor • Large rural area
• Population predominantly white British
detail [26]. • Early Intervention not separate service, embedded
in geographically spread community teams
Methods • Lower caseloads (approximately 15, exact figures
n/a) but long travel times
We used a theory-driven multiple case study design [27] Wave 2 Ocean • Urban area
• Population majority white British
integrating quantitative uptake and use assessments and • Three geographically distinct teams which
qualitative exploration of mechanisms. performed quite differently
Normalisation Process Theory (NPT) was used to • One team had very high staff turnover and high
levels of sickness absence, in this team carer
guide data collection, analysis and interpretation. NPT support was delegated to one carer lead rather
focuses on the work done by staff to understand the pro- than part of all CC’s work.
cesses by which a complex healthcare intervention is im- • Caseloads high (approx. 26)
plemented, embedded, and integrated (or not) into Seashore • Primarily urban area
• High ethnic diversity
practice [28]. NPT has been extensively applied in • Three teams across locality, operating quite
eHealth settings [29–31] allowing us to compare our differently and independent of each other
findings with previous studies. The protocol was pub- • Low staff morale and very high turnover, in one
team all CCs and team manager left over a period
lished prior to the end of recruitment [24], and StaRI of three months
guidelines [32] used for reporting. • Trust implementing new DHI for service users at
the same time as IMPART study
• Caseloads described as ‘high’ but numbers not
Context available due to period of intense change
The study took place in Early Intervention (EI) teams
Wave 3 Lakes • Largely rural area
across six National Health Service (NHS) trusts (cases) • Six teams cover large geographical area,
in England. Trusts provide healthcare to particular geo- managed in pairs
graphical areas, and within each trust there is an EI team • First IL a senior psychiatrist who left early in
project, succeeded by another psychiatrist
which provides early intervention support to people with • Led to variable engagement with IMPART study
early signs of psychosis/bipolar. Cases were purposively over time
sampled for geographical and ethnic diversity to maxi- Marsh • Mainly urban area with rural pockets
mise generalisability. To protect anonymity, a multi- • Two separately located teams covered by one IL,
layered taxonomy of birds and habitats was used for one RS
• Very early in project, RS role given to non-clinical
trusts and clinical teams (see Table 1). staff member in R&D department
CC Care Coordinator
Participants IL IMPART Lead
RS REACT Supporter
Staff identified as having specific relevant roles were in- R&D Research & Development
vited and consented to interviews and /or attending
stakeholder groups by the research team. An IMPART
lead for each trust facilitated implementation of REACT information; videos of clinical experts and/or content
and assisted with the research. from experts by experience to illustrate key points; and
self-reflection tasks to ensure content was personalised
Description of the intervention to the user. A “Meet the Team” page ensured that rela-
REACT was designed with extensive involvement from tives were fully informed about who was delivering the
relatives [33, 34] and included: 12 psychoeducation mod- content of the site. ‘Mytoolbox’ offered users a confiden-
ules addressing key questions identified by relatives; peer tial space to save links to any information they might
support through a moderated group forum; a confiden- want to access easily later, including specific toolkit con-
tial direct messaging service; and a resource directory tent, self-reflection tasks, and external web links. REACT
(RD). All 12 modules contained: evidence-based written Supporters were members of the EI team, identified by
Lobban et al. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:219 Page 4 of 13

the IMPART Leads, responsible for moderating the pragmatic reasons related to the time taken for trust
forum, responding to messages from users, updating the approvals.
RD if required, and guiding users to relevant parts of the
toolkit. A separate instance of REACT toolkit was set up Implementation outcomes
for each case. Further details and images of the interven- Staff engagement with the REACT toolkit was measured
tion can be found in the protocol paper [24]. by the number of accounts staff created, and number of
Table 2 shows the different roles allocated within each invitations sent to relatives over the data collection
team and their levels of site access. period. All data were recorded on the REACT website.

Process evaluation
Implementation plan Factors affecting implementation outcomes were ex-
Local stakeholder groups (SGs) of relatives and staff ad- plored through individual staff interviews; observations,
vised on planning how REACT was introduced in each document analysis; researcher reflective diaries, and
local context. IMPART leads were encouraged to cus- Stakeholder Groups (SGs). Purposive sampling of partic-
tomise their REACT site by adding a logo, times that the ipants was used to identify: IMPART leads (ILs), REACT
forum/direct messaging services were actively moderated supporters (RSs), team managers (TMs), and frontline
and by whom, emergency contacts, and photos and biog- clinical staff. The interview guide [35] was designed to
raphies of the trust’s REACT Supporters and IMPART identify factors affecting implementation of REACT. Fol-
leads. IMPART leads created REACT Supporter ac- lowing written consent, interviews were conducted face
counts for the staff moderating the forum and direct to face or by phone, and audio-recorded. Spradley’s [36]
messaging, and clinician accounts for staff who could in- nine dimensions of observations was used to develop an
vite relatives to REACT by email. observation proforma [35], adapted to test propositions
All trusts received pilot versions of REACT including in each context. Trust and national policy documents
an online manual from 19 September 2016 to 21 No- were sampled to help inform an understanding of case
vember 2016, during which minor edits were made. Each context, and whether REACT fitted into existing path-
trust had at least one face-to-face training session, after ways and strategies. Reflective diaries [37] were kept by
the site went live, providing an overview of the import- the lead researchers throughout the study and used to
ance of carer information and support; an outline of key develop the researchers’ interpretation of the data as it
components and how to use REACT; and aims of the was collected. SGs took place in each trust prior to the
IMPART study. revised implementation plan being delivered, providing
Data were collected over 18 months, first in two trusts useful information about the implementation context,
(wave 1) in which key factors affecting implementation and co-developing subsequent versions of the implemen-
were identified, and in a further two (wave 2) following tation plan. Attendees in each site included IMPART
work done by the research team and stakeholders to de- Leads, service managers, frontline clinical staff, and
sign a revised implementation plan. This was repeated relatives.
for the remaining two trusts (wave 3), with revisions cul-
minating in a final list of recommendations based on un- Analysis
derstanding of key factors impacting on implementation Descriptive summaries of implementation outcomes
across all six cases. Order of trusts was determined by were calculated using quantitative measures of staff

Table 2 Roles and levels of access for each type of REACT user account
Role Description of role Access
IMPART lead Provide a link between the research team and clinical Full access to REACT trust website, with information
service. Provide access to key data sources. Create regarding all signed-up clinicians, REACT supporters
accounts for REACT Supporters and all clinicians and relatives. Could not access forums and direct
REACT supporter Support the relative to use and get the most out of the Access to all aspects of REACT toolkit including forum
toolkit. Moderate the REACT Group forum and respond and direct messages, and details of relatives who have
to direct messages from relatives. Update local been invited.
information on the Resource Directory
Clinician Invite relative to use REACT- both verbally and by Sign up relatives only; could access toolkit modules.
sending them an email invite.
Relative End users of REACT Access to REACT toolkit, including forum and
direct messages.
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activity. Qualitative data sets collected from each case Implementation outcomes
were analysed using framework analysis [38] sup- Table 3 provides summary statistics for implementation
ported by NVivo software [39]. Our data were first outcomes in each case.
analysed within each case before we examined simi- In all, 281 staff registered on REACT and between
larities and differences between trusts. Data analyses them, sent 355 invitations to 310 relatives, and 159 rela-
were undertaken in parallel with data collection to tives registered. The highest number of clinician ac-
encourage iterative testing of emerging themes and counts were created at Lakes Trust (wave 3), least at
inform subsequent implementation activities. Ocean (wave 2). Seashore Trust (wave 2) sent the most
All data were read and re-read by the Research Associ- invitations to relatives, while Lakes Trust sent fewest. A
ates (VA, BG, PO, CM, EL), and synthesised using the four minority of clinicians across all trusts sent invites, with
main constructs of NPT [31] with guidance from senior the fewest being in Ocean, and most in Seashore. There
members of the team (FL, NRF, EM). Coding frameworks, was no evidence of an increase in implementation out-
and illustrative sections of transcripts were discussed in comes across the 3 waves, or as a result of the evolving
multi-disciplinary data clinics which included all authors. implementation plan, though the timeframe of this ana-
Here we report the key factors identified as impacting on lysis may have been too limited to adequately assess this.
implementation of REACT, in relation to the following 4 The aim of this study was to understand the factors de-
NPT core constructs: coherence; cognitive participation; termining these numbers, rather than to maximise them.
collective action; and reflexive monitoring.

Process evaluation – key factors impacting on

Results implementation
Evolving implementation plan Table 4 summarises the key factors impacting on imple-
In wave 2 the implementation plan included the addition mentation, with illustrative quotes from across all six
of: REACT booklets and business cards with details of cases.
how to access REACT for staff to give to relatives in REACT had reasonable coherence for staff, in that
face-to-face meetings; Staff office reminders with the they clearly understood what the toolkit was for, who it
REACT logo on including mugs and pens; automated was aimed at, and the potential benefits for both staff
email nudges for staff and relatives; a service planner to (skills development, meeting national targets [40], facili-
facilitate teams to allocate staff to key roles supporting tating other family interventions) and relatives (access to
REACT; and an auditing dashboard to show staff which standardised information at convenient time and loca-
relatives had been invited to use REACT. In wave 3, the tion that empowers them to self-manage). Staff could
plan evolved further to include a “Request Access But- see how REACT complemented other interventions,
ton” for relatives who wanted to self-refer; staff induc- such as Behavioural Family Therapy (BFT), offered by
tion packs for each role; a new “REACT Champion” role the team. However, a key problem was that implementa-
to promote REACT; a revised online “how to” manual tion of REACT was generally seen as research, rather
for staff including a quiz to facilitate engagement; and than routine care and consequently may have been per-
printable PDF versions of REACT modules to offer as ceived as time-limited, and the responsibility of the re-
“tasters” for the website. search team.

Table 3 Implementation outcomes over 18 months

Wave Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3
Trust Woods Moor Ocean Seashore Lakes Marsh Total
No. of clinician accounts created 44 37 32 63 64 41 281
No. of clinicians sending invites (% of clinicians who created account) 8 (18) 12 (54) 4 (12) 18 (29) 8 (13) 7(17) 57
Median (range) invites sent per clinician 3 (1,11) 3 (1,9) 8 (4,20) 2.5 (1,25) 2 (1,15) 3 (1,45) 3 (1,45)
Total no. of Invites sent 35 47 40 112 29 92 355
a a a a b c
No. of relatives invited (% of caseload) 29 (6) 40 (18) 37 (5) 93 (24) 25 (4) 86 (23) 310
No. of relatives accounts created (% of caseload) 7 (1)a 24 (11)a 20 (3)a 38 (9)a 17 (3)b 53 (15)c 159
No. of staff interviewed 15 15 42 23 20 14 129
a Source for caseload is trust self-assessment for CCQI National Early Intervention in Psychosis Audit 2016–17
b Source for caseload is EI Access and NICE Concordance Presentation by EI Clinical Lead
c Source for caseload is EI Provider & Commissioners’ Report 2016
Table 4 Key factors impacting on implementation of REACT
NPT components Key factors impacting on implementation Illustrative quotes
Coherence Generally good understanding of REACT. Staff could identify Woods, Clinician: One potential benefit is you can very easily offer I suppose everyone with
benefits to relatives and staff including: a) standardised information, an internet connection really the same information…consistently across the board…And
hopefully if it’s used then you can get used to working with a family that have a certain
knowledge base which I think would be good.
b) available any time, any place, anywhere; Woods, IMPART Lead: [Groups] can be very responsive and warm and everything but they’re
also yeah you have to get here for 6 o’clock on alternate Tuesdays… [A website is] much
more kind of accessible and people can read stuff in their own speed.
c) training for staff; Seashore, Clinician: …it’s nice to know oh right this is something I have that’s up my sleeve
and it kind of gives me a sense of like a purpose […] now I feel like yeah I’m a specialist in
carers’ needs and I have a specialist tool for you and I think it’s really useful.
d) hitting national targets; Woods Clinician: Yeah I think it fits in in terms of reaching the family interventions target
Lobban et al. BMC Health Services Research

and as I said before I think it fits in with the BFT [behavioural family therapy] as well. So it
kind of hits a couple of the targets that we’ve got to do I think.
e) reducing staff workloads; Marsh, Clinician: Yeah I think it’s really good, it’s brilliant, especially as with all the will in the
world you’ve only got a certain amount of time when you can do stuff with carers and you’ve
got everything else, in that way it’s a really educational tool that anyone can use you know,
it’s really good.
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f) empowering self- management for relatives Lakes, REACT Champion: I mean relatives would like to look at it so they can support their
own child or son, daughter or whoever you know, their husband, wife, they might need
those services and they can take a lead role it in.
g) good fit with other parts of carer services Ocean, Clinician: Yeah, for instance I’m working with a family that’s a bit there’s quite a lot
of conflict and it’s a bit split up at the moment, so my client’s a male client, he was living at
home, his mental health brought then such a degree that it was impacting on his marriage
and his relationship with his children, so he had a bit of respite over with his mum, so I kind
of offered them BFT family intervention with the children and the wife and the grandma,
and also offered them access to the REACT website for them to access more information
around psychosis and their understanding of the difficulties that the son and husband were
going through, to kind of get an understanding about some of the complexities and
difficulties and about treatment.
REACT seen as research, rather than part of the clinical service. This Seashore, IMPART Lead: …I think if REACT had been introduced as not research but just
generated some short-term behaviour but impeded long-term something we’re going to do from now, that by the way we might evaluate, possibly it might
commitment as seen as inherently time-limited and the responsibility have been seen as more of an infrastructural thing, this is what we will do, but yeah. The kiss
of the R&D team. of death is kind of true, but people switch off as soon as you go this is a person from X
university and they’re going to talk about this project. You can see half the team sort of go
oh God and fold their arms and how many more minutes have we got to put up with this,
no matter what the project is…
Challenges with delivering face to face training to all staff due to Lakes, Clinician: … I can’t recall anyone going through the modules clearly with us, I think
shifts, staff turnover etc. Online training manual not well used. it was like your team signed you up like so [IMPART Lead] as the lead just sent everyone log
Consequently, some staff not familiar with REACT and didn’t ins and said off you go, have a look at it yeah, hence why I was thinking some team time to
understand their role in offering it. look at it together, so we all feel confident, we can ask questions.
Cognitive participation “Professional ownership” was important in determining who Lakes, Clinician: Yeah I do think there is something a bit odd about a family resource
used REACT coming from psychiatry not from the family therapists; I do think that is unusual.
Staff feared negative impact on relationships with relatives in case Woods, IMPART Lead:…there’s this feeling I think both among the managers and the staff,
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Table 4 Key factors impacting on implementation of REACT (Continued)
NPT components Key factors impacting on implementation Illustrative quotes
digital support would not be as effective as face-to-face support and they don’t quite seem to see a digital intervention as something that’s sort of real and high
relatives may feel “fobbed off”; quality, I think they kind of feel that they’re offering relatives something that’s a little bit sort
of weird and tricksy and not quite the real stuff that they as mental health professionals are
supposed to be offering and I think that’s quite sort of wide spread, almost just like
embarrassment in offering this.
REACT may not be appropriate for everyone – particularly older adults Moor, Clinician: ..I don’t have a lot of the younger people on my case load, I have the older
end, in that you know some of them are in their late 50s coming up to some of them even
just going up to 60 age bracket, so even though I try to take my information leaflet along
with me and say what REACT is about, and a very, they seem to have accepted that it’s a
useful resource, very you know sort of very kind of me to offer it, but because they’re not
clued up with computers, that computer age and literacy, they decline, they say thank you
but no thank you, we don’t want to bother with it.
Lobban et al. BMC Health Services Research

REACT content static and sometimes at odds with current practice e.g. Marsh REACT Champion: I think the first description was one of schizophrenia and I wasn’t
REACT provides definitions for the diagnostic terms that relatives may impressed with that ‘cos I think that is scary for having that as your first introduction to
have come across (based on what relatives identified as useful things psychosis…We wouldn’t ever give somebody a diagnosis of schizophrenia within the first
to include). year probably anyway.
REACT roles allocated, but no choice and not volunteered. Lakes, Clinician: What I’ve done in Grebe is I have a carers’ champion, and then I have
[name] who’s the React supporter, and I’ve actually paired them up so that they support each
(2020) 20:219

other, because there’s a lot of work to be done through the carers’ champion that could be
useful to React, so it was easier to do that, so they’re both doing a dual role, so I think that
might be something that I’ll do in the team, but again we’re both small teams and it can be
a lot of work you know
Negative experiences of IT systems in all trusts, leading to negative Woods, IMPART Lead: I think also all the IT systems at work are pretty awful really, we’ve
attitudes towards IT in general. got terribly slow internet and frequent problems logging in to the most basic things, and I
think there’s something about the sort of rubbish nature of the IT systems and you’ve seen
the phones the staff get given that don’t really do the internet, and I think there’s something
about all that that sort of I think it just creates a mind-set where you know people may be
sort of inhabitants of the digital world outside work but somehow at work it doesn’t really
seem like we are in that age…
Collective Action Despite recognising value, REACT was difficult to prioritise. In the
context of limited resources, priority was given to activity
a) focussed on service user outcome, Ocean, Clinician: I have given it to a couple of people when I’ve done first assessments and
yeah it probably isn’t seen as a priority with me…You go in and start work and developing
care plans and things with the clients [and] maybe you don’t always then focus on the carer.
b) linked to financial incentives Lakes, REACT Champion: If we’ve got our managers saying well…there’s £20 m to this
physical health target…it’s quite disheartening for the nurses because all you want to do is
serve your patient and in essence you’ve got to come off clinical duty so you can prioritise
this target…There’s money attached to absolutely everything.
Changing and competing externally driven priorities made strategic Woods, Clinician: I think there’s an awful lot of new stuff happening right now, which
planning for new interventions difficult makes it quite difficult for people to know what they should be focusing on […] you know
one week we’re saying this is the absolute priority, and then the next week we’re saying,
actually that’s no longer absolute priority.
Most teams had high caseloads, low staffing levels and poor morale. Seashore, IMPART Lead: The manager in my team is very supportive of it, but I think it’s
care coordinators being over-worked by other demands you know. We’ve got someone
leaving now and we’re not allowed to have a locum in place of them, they’ve got more
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Table 4 Key factors impacting on implementation of REACT (Continued)
NPT components Key factors impacting on implementation Illustrative quotes
caseload, they’ve got to do the CPAs, they’ve got to do the safeguarding, they’ve got to do
the…. Well those are subjects, that feels more a priority than signing people up…
REACT not sufficiently user friendly or robust for staff Seashore, Clinician: I think everyone would be able to use it, would have the kind of
capability to use it, it would just be getting that initial like getting on it and having I think
the log ins and things like that were a little bit difficult because everyone’s got so many log
ins for different things, and people forget their passwords and that makes it a little bit more
REACT did not always work on the IT equipment available to staff Moor, REACT Supporter: …..there was one bit I couldn’t get on because of the browsers
that we use, but that’s an issue. …….[..]..I’d have to get on and show you, but that’s an issue
internally…It’s unsupported, I need a better browser. I get that with anything external and I
have got Chrome, so I don’t know whether that would.
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Online was “out of sight, out of mind” for staff Woods IMPART Lead: People just forget it…When you’re doing an assessment, when you’re
meeting a family member, you have a thousand and one things on your mind that you’d like
to assess and write down and stuff and it’s difficult to remember the spiel.
React Supporters not confident or supported to respond to forum Marsh, Clinician: I think that’s probably still a grey area because so far I think what our trust
or direct messages online…., is good at is managing sort of clinical risk […] Online is a different thing, I think we’re not
exposed to it enough and therefore we haven’t outlined how that would work, so I think you
(2020) 20:219

know managing a forum, as far as I’m aware there’s no formal training for that in the trust, so
that’s quite bespoke.
Reflexive monitoring Feedback from relatives was very important in motivating staff Ocean REACT Supporter: I’ve had such nice feedback from people really, relatives really sort
behaviour. of saying I’m so glad you told me about this, ‘cos I’ve been Googling and trying to find stuff
out and it’s all just coming back and I don’t understand it, whereas this is kind of it’s easier to
access and it’s user-friendly I think.
Lack of feedback from relatives and low activity on forum were Marsh Clinician: So we did discuss it a while ago and I remember people were saying that
demotivating for staff. they weren’t sure whether the people were actually using it or not, you know whether we
can see that or not, which would be good to know, if people are using it.
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“…I think if REACT had been introduced as not “I suppose it is a slight break with tradition isn’t it,
research but just something we’re going to do from to use an internet-based source, because I suppose it
now, that by the way we might evaluate, possibly it depends how professionals are; our most valuable
might have been seen as more of an infrastructural tool is ourselves and I don’t know whether there’s
thing, this is what we will do, but yeah. The kiss of something that potentially is a bit daunting about
death is kind of true, but people switch off as handing that over to something else, i.e. technology”
soon as you go this is a person from X university (Marsh, Clinician).
and they’re going to talk about this project. …”
(Seashore, IMPART Lead) Commitment within clinical teams to integrate
REACT into clinical practice was limited. REACT was
An additional coherence problem was due to high staff rarely a regular item on any clinical meeting agendas.
turnover, disparately located teams, and preference for Tasks were usually allocated, not volunteered for, and
face-to-face training. Consequently, while staff under- training and supervision of key roles including the
stood the general purpose of REACT, many were not fa- REACT Supporter role was lacking.
miliar with the detailed content and lacked confidence For all trusts, the major challenges with implementa-
in promoting it to relatives. tion were located in the area of collective action, and
how the introduction of REACT was managed through
“I deliver it to all my patients’ families. But I’m not allocation of resources, and execution of protocols, pol-
really sure how to deliver it still. …….What it is, you icies, and procedures. Staff in all trusts were under great
know what do we call it, what is it, is it information pressure, with high caseloads, competing priorities and,
kind of site, or I don’t really know how to deliver in some trusts (Woods and Seashore) high staff absence
it…………Possibly, yeah I haven’t had the training and turnover. All staff were working at (or beyond) cap-
and no one’s really told me what it exactly is.” acity, lacking resources to deliver REACT. Staff felt
(Moor, Clinician). forced to prioritise within priorities, leading to concen-
tration of efforts on measureable outcomes (service user
Mitigating strategies included delegating the role of contacts rather than carer contacts), with financial in-
inviting relatives to a small number of individuals (as centives attached. As the Moor Trust IMPART lead put
in Marsh), and appointing a REACT champion to it during one of the SG meetings, “REACT is just not the
remind clinicians about REACT (Seashore, Marsh & shark nearest the boat”.
Coherence problems tracked through to cognitive “I think there’s an awful lot of new stuff happening
participation. Staff agreed REACT could be of value right now, which makes it quite difficult for people to
to relatives, but only if delivered as part of a compre- know what they should be focusing on […] you know
hensive care package, including face-to-face support. one week we’re saying this is the absolute priority,
Opinions differed over who should have ownership and then the next week we’re saying, actually that’s
over the delivery of REACT, depending on how the no longer absolute priority” (Woods, Clinician).
services were structured, and how REACT had been
introduced. This impacted on buy-in from individual It was unclear to researchers or clinical staff who was
staff. responsible within trusts for the strategic direction of
service development and who could facilitate the shift in
“It shouldn’t be psychology should it, REACT, it’s priorities needed for staff to embrace novel interventions
just an information sharing but because it is held such as REACT.
in psychology people are thinking oh it’s another A further barrier to action was disjunction between the
psychology strategy.” (Seashore, Clinician). online nature of REACT (“out of sight and out of mind”),
and staffs’ primarily paper-based and community-located
REACT was designed as an adjunct to a compre- ways of working. This was exacerbated by lack of up-to-
hensive service. However in trusts struggling to de- date mobile technology, and previous negative online
liver services for relatives, staff feared relatives might experiences including a staff member having been
become frustrated when they learnt from REACT “trolled” (individually named and publically criticised) on
about services they should have access to, but did a different online forum.
not. Across professions, there were concerns about Staff who did try to use REACT, reported good inter-
digital interventions replacing face-to-face therapies actional workability, promoting better consultations with
for psychosis, and particularly for older adults, who relatives. However, some content was felt inconsistent
staff perceived as less likely to engage with DHIs. with other aspects of the service (particularly the use of
Lobban et al. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:219 Page 10 of 13

diagnostic terms), and the REACT dashboard used to became less motivated to invite relatives, creating a vi-
create relatives’ accounts was not sufficiently user cious cycle.
friendly. The need for staff to sign into REACT using a
unique username and password also caused difficulties, “I think it’s just not seeing any kind of outcomes
as staff were required to remember multiple versions of coming from registering people and it looks like
these for different online systems across the NHS. Many there’s no activity on the site, I guess I mean
staff did not have access to health-service mobile tech- people might be logging on, the few that have
nology and could not show relatives the REACT website actually registered, but I guess there’s no way of
during home-based consultations. monitoring it, no way of knowing that people are
actually finding it helpful or useful” (Woods,
“And then we can go out then, I use my own personal REACT Supporter)
phone ‘cos obviously my work phone doesn’t let me go
on the internet, or I’ll ask them to get their iPad out Discussion
and I’ll show them that way.”(Ocean, Clinician). This is the first study that examined in detail the process
of implementation of a DHI aimed at supporting rela-
Although most relatives had personal computers or tives of people with psychosis or bipolar within national
tablets, staff did not feel it was appropriate to ask rela- publicly funded mental health services. Staff engagement
tives to log in to their own desktop computers to be with REACT was facilitated by a good fit between the ra-
shown the site, particularly as these were often in the tionale and design of the toolkit, and the need for them
bedroom. to deliver support to carers as part of audited national
Finally, staff allocated to REACT Supporter roles did clinical guidelines. The toolkit was easy to integrate
not feel confident or supported to moderate the online alongside other services currently being offered, and staff
forum or respond to direct messages. Lack of clarity over could easily see the benefits of this approach in terms of
who had clinical responsibility for REACT and absence accessibility to high quality information and support for
of trust policies about managing risk online, resulted in relatives and staff. Positive feedback from relatives was a
poor relational integration (understanding of account- strong motivator of engagement. Barriers to implemen-
ability and confidence in each other in delivering the tation included high staff caseloads and difficulties prior-
practices required) and consequently lack of proactive itising supporting relatives; technical difficulties using
engagement by REACT Supporters. Fear of being held REACT; poor interoperability with trust IT systems and
responsible for risk was widespread across all trusts and care pathways; lack of access to mobile technology and
in one (Lakes), led to some staff withdrawing support for IT training; restricted forum populations leading to low
REACT. No trusts seemed able to reassure staff or pro- levels of use; staff fears of managing risk, online trolling,
duce risk policies adapted for online communication. or replacement by technology; and uncertainty around
REACT’s long-term availability.
“……it’s absolutely no chance I’m going to be putting Some of these factors are consistent with the findings
my registration at risk to look over something of previous research into implementation of DHIs into
that’s,…. but for the confidence, the security, the even physical healthcare settings [29, 41–43] and more re-
if everybody.. somebody just says I need help right cently in a review of studies in mental health settings
now doesn’t get it within 20 minutes, a stereotype [11]. We additionally identified three key factors in rela-
saying [?] off the bridge and then well they put a cry tion to DHIs in mental health care settings, with clear
for help knowing REACT Champion was on duty clinical implications.
and he didn’t see it.” (Lakes, REACT Champion). The first is the significant impact of wider social con-
text around mental health. Despite government initia-
Where staff overcame these barriers and invited rela- tives to achieve parity of esteem for mental and physical
tives, they were frustrated by the lack of feedback (re- health [44], mental health services in this study were
flexive monitoring) available from relatives about the chronically underfunded, staff morale was low, and there
site. Where staff sought feedback directly from relatives, was high staff turnover and absences. Staff were man-
this was generally positive about the module content, aging many competing priorities, and supporting rela-
particularly hearing the stories of others. However, rela- tives was not activity that was systematically recorded.
tives were disappointed by the lack of forum activity. Successful integration of DHIs into clinical practice re-
This was partly due the small population of relatives quires significant engagement of time and effort from
using the site, so no-one wanted to be the first; and staff across all levels of the organisation. This demands
partly due to lack of staff promotion of forum activity. an adequately funded service with the capacity to flex
As staff became aware of the lack of forum activity, they sufficiently to accommodate changes in practice.
Lobban et al. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:219 Page 11 of 13

The second is that digital confidence, competence, Table 5 Recommendations for implementing digital health
governance, and access to equipment were limited, sug- interventions
gesting that implementation of any new DHI would have Understanding context is key
been challenging. Managing risk was a high clinical pri- Clarify exactly how DHI fits into the broader clinical service including
ority, but risk management policies did not include on- care pathways and auditing targets
line activity, leaving staff unclear of their responsibilities. Understand, acknowledge, and where possible address important wider
Investment is needed to ensure staff have access to the contextual barriers to uptake and use of DHI
mobile hardware they need, integrated IT platforms that Clarify the organisational structure and identify relevant decision-makers
support single login, and digital skills training. Govern- across different levels of the organisation, and understand how decision
making around adoption of new practices happens within each
ance issues around digital risk and responsibility ur- organisation
gently need to be addressed with clear staff policies.
Consider which elements of DHI require local adaptation (e.g. resource
A third key barrier was staff perception that REACT directories of other available services), and which require national
was a research study, rather than a clinical initiative, des- integration (e.g. online forums)
pite extensive attempts to explain that the implementation Design DHI to be compatible with the range of hardware and software
focus of the work. This perception was compounded by currently used across the healthcare teams
the fact that the decision to adopt REACT was often made Identify other organisational changes that are occurring simultaneously
first by research leads not clinical teams. This impeded and consider how these may affect implementation of DHI.
Simultaneous implementation of other DHIs may be particularly
staff uptake, and was further compounded by lack of long- challenging for staff
term funding for REACT, meaning there was no guaran- Maximise initial buy-in and continued use
tee it would be available after the study. DHIs, such as
Clearly identify originators/developers of DHI, and seek endorsement
REACT, need to be co-developed and iteratively evaluated, from credible parent organisations, and end users
adapted and refined with extensive staff and service user
Ensure DHI is clearly identified as a clinical initiative and not identified
input, as part of a long-term and resourced strategy to de- as primarily research
velop fully integrated technology-enabled services [45]. Explicitly identify and label DHI with the key value(s) for each
The current model of develop, test, implement, can lead stakeholder group in the organisation
to promising technologies being abandoned early, as staff All relevant user groups (including staff) should have full access to the
will quickly disengage from externally delivered technol- DHI, pilot the DHI, consider the pros and cons, and be part of the
ogy that does not immediately work for them. Integrated service decision to adopt
and embedded technology development in clinical services All staff fears and concerns about DHI should be identified and
will also ensure that investment in DHI development is addressed in organisational written policy and staff training prior to
targeted at clinical need, driven by “pull” from staff and
Promote DHI as part of a multichannel service to avoid “out of sight out
service users, rather than “push” from technology
of mind”
Ensure ongoing training and support for all staff
Based on this study, we have outlined generalizable
recommendations for successful implementation of Consider appointing one or more champions to coordinate
organisational activity and be a point of contact for DHI providers
DHIs, using REACT as an example (see Table 5).
Train staff in all relevant skills including generic IT skills, using multi-
channel, flexible training that can accommodate constant turnover of
Study strengths and limitations staff.
The design was collaborative and informed by perspec- Provide relevant feedback and manage expectations
tives of all relevant stakeholders. Relatives and clinical
Audit reports around DHI use need to be easily available to stakeholders
staff formed part of our study team and contributed to in user friendly form, with clear mechanism established for addressing
design, data collection, and analysis. Stakeholder Groups feedback involving DHI providers
were set up at each NHS trust, and played a key role in Specific short and long term targets should be set regarding uptake and
providing data and creating recommendations. General- use of DHI to manage staff expectations and evaluate progress
isability of findings was enhanced through use of mul-
tiple data sources, collected across multiple real world understanding of embedding, integration, or the impact
cases, sampled for diversity, and data analysis was of the evolving implementation plan; and the dual role
strongly embedded in implementation theory. NPT of the research team in developing REACT whilst also
proved a useful framework to identify important factors collecting data to understand the process of implemen-
impacting on the day to day work done by staff to imple- tation. Further research needs to test the generalisability
ment REACT. of the factors identified as impacting on implementation
The main limitations were the relatively short time- of REACT in mental health services, to other DHIs and
frame (18 months) of data collection, restricting focus to within other healthcare systems, and the effectiveness of
the early stages of implementation and precluding an the recommendations. Further research could also
Lobban et al. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:219 Page 12 of 13

explore how individual differences among staff impact delivery of the study in the NHS. All authors contributed to analysis and write
on levels of engagement, which has not been addressed up of the data. The author(s) read and approved the final manuscript.

here. This study has focussed only on uptake and use by

staff, but equally important are the factors impacting on This study was funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR),
uptake and use by relatives who were offered REACT, Health Services and Delivery Research 14/04/16. The views expressed are
and these will be reported elsewhere. There are many al- those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR, or the
Department of Health. The IMPART study was supported by the Clinical
ternative theoretical frameworks that could have been Research Network (CRN) including research support costs.
used and of particular interest is the more recently pro-
posed non-adoption, abandonment, scale-up, spread, Availability of data and materials
and sustainability (NASSS) framework which has been Extensive anonymised quotes from data collected during the study have
been included in the paper and more detailed summaries of each case will
specifically developed for DHIs [46]. NASSS was not
be published as part of the study funders report. Access to further available
available at the start of this study but given the specifi- anonymised data may be granted following review and if appropriate
city of focus on implementation of DHIs, and the signifi- agreements are in place. Please contact corresponding author.
cant role that the wider context played implementing
REACT, this may offer a useful framework for future Ethics approval and consent to participate
Ethics approval for the IMPART study was granted by the Health Research
work in this area. Authority and the East of England–Cambridge South Research Ethics
Committee (16/EE/0022). All EI staff in each of the participating trusts were
Conclusions made aware of the study, and organisational research and development
(R&D) approval was given for the research team to monitor the use of REACT
In the first implementation study of a DHI (in this study and be present in the trust. All participants (staff and relatives) who provided
REACT) in the UK NHS mental health services, we additional individualised data (interviews, workshops, relatives’
identified many factors across staff coherence, cognitive questionnaires) provided informed written consent prior to participating in
the study.
participation, collective action and reflexive monitoring,
that impact on the success of implementation and which Consent for publication
are likely to be relevant to other DHIs in mental health. Not applicable.
Some of these factors could be addressed by facilitating
a model of DHI development that is strongly embedded Competing interests
Some of the authors (including Lobban) were also the originators of REACT
in services, prioritises long-term intervention evolution
and therefore are not independent researchers. Jo Rycroft-Malone is Director
and change, and manages staff expectations around up- NIHR Health Service & Delivery Research Programme, which funded this re-
take and effectiveness. However, wider contextual factors search, and sits on the following HS&DR committees: POM Remit & Competi-
tiveness Check Commissioned Workstream; Remit & Competitiveness Check
including inadequate funding for mental health services;
Researcher-Led Workstream; PLG; NHS 111 Online Sub Board; Funding Com-
lack of prioritisation of working with carers, and dissoci- mittee Members.
ation between research and clinical practice also need to
Author details
be addressed. 1
Division of Health Research, Lancaster University, Bailrigg Campus, Lancaster
LA1 4YW, UK. 2Clinical Trials Research Centre, University of Liverpool,
Liverpool, UK. 3McPin Foundation, London, UK. 4participating NHS trust,
BFT: Behavioural Family Therapy; DHIs: Digital Health Interventions; EI: Early
England. 5Division of Psychiatry, University College London, London, UK.
Intervention; IL: IMPART Lead; IMPART: Implementation of an online Relatives’ 6
Research Department of Primary Care and Population Health, University
Toolkit; IT: Information Technology; NASSS: Nonadoption, abandonment,
College London, London, UK. 7Faculty of Health & Medicine, Lancaster
scale-up, spread, and sustainability; NHS: National Health Service;
University, Lancaster, England. 8School of Allied Health and Community,
NICE: National Institute for Health And Care Excellence; NPT: Normalisation
University of Worcester, Worcester, UK. 9Centre for Biostatistics, University of
Process Theory; REACT: Relatives’ Education And coping Toolkit; RS: REACT
Manchester, Manchester, England.
Supporter; SG: Stakeholder Groups; StaRI: Standards for Reporting
Implementation Studies; UK: United Kingdom
Received: 6 December 2019 Accepted: 14 February 2020
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