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Implementation of EMRs, Nigeria

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The key takeaways are that electronic health records (EHRs) can improve health service delivery by solving issues with paper documentation if successfully implemented. However, poor implementation can waste resources. The study of EHR systems in low- and middle-income countries is important to evaluate efficiencies and evidence.

The goals of the study were to develop a theory of change (ToC) for implementing EHRs for maternal and child health care delivery in low- and middle-income countries. The ToC is an outcomes-based approach that works backward from long-term goals to identify inputs and components needed to achieve those goals for complex programs.

The ToC approach was used for the whole implementation life cycle to guide the pilot study at a primary health center in Nigeria and identify preconditions needed to realize the long-term goal.


Original Paper

Implementing Electronic Health Records in Primary Care Using

the Theory of Change: Nigerian Case Study

Taiwo Adedeji1*, BSc, MSc, MRES, PhD; Hamish Fraser2*, MBChB, MSc; Philip Scott3*, MSc, PhD
School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Brown Center for Biomedical Informatics, Brown University, Providence, RI, United States
Institute of Management and Health, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Carmarthen, United Kingdom
all authors contributed equally

Corresponding Author:
Taiwo Adedeji, BSc, MSc, MRES, PhD
School of Computing, University of Portsmouth
Buckingham Building, Lion Terrace
Portsmouth, PO1 3HE
United Kingdom
Phone: 44 2392846429

Background: Digital health has been a tool of transformation for the delivery of health care services globally. An electronic
health record (EHR) system can solve the bottleneck of paper documentation in health service delivery if it is successfully
implemented, but poor implementation can lead to a waste of resources. The study of EHR system implementation in low- and
middle-income countries (LMICs) is of particular interest to health stakeholders such as policy makers, funders, and care providers
because of the efficiencies and evidence base that could result from the appropriate evaluation of such systems.
Objective: We aimed to develop a theory of change (ToC) for the implementation of EHRs for maternal and child health care
delivery in LMICs. The ToC is an outcomes-based approach that starts with the long-term goals and works backward to the inputs
and mediating components required to achieve these goals for complex programs.
Methods: We used the ToC approach for the whole implementation’s life cycle to guide the pilot study and identify the
preconditions needed to realize the study’s long-term goal at Festac Primary Health Centre in Lagos, Nigeria. To evaluate the
maturity of the implementation, we adapted previously defined success factors to supplement the ToC approach.
Results: The initial ToC map showed that the long-term goal was an improved service delivery in primary care with the
introduction of EHRs. The revised ToC revealed that the long-term change was the improved maternal and child health care
delivery at Festac Primary Health Center using EHRs. We proposed a generic ToC map that implementers in LMICs can use to
introduce an optimized EHR system, with assumptions about sustainability and other relevant factors. The outcomes from the
critical success factors were sustainability: the sustained improvements included trained health care professionals, a change in
mindset from using paper systems toward digital health transformation, and using the project’s laptops to collect aggregate data
for the District Health Information System 2–based national health information management system; financial: we secured funding
to procure IT equipment, including servers, laptops, and networking, but the initial cost of implementation was high, and funds
mainly came from the funding partner; and organizational: the health professionals, especially the head of nursing and health
information officers, showed significant commitment to adopting the EHR system, but certain physicians and midwives were
unwilling to use the EHR system initially until they were persuaded or incentivized by the management.
Conclusions: This study shows that the ToC is a rewarding approach to framing dialogue with stakeholders and serves as a
framework for planning, evaluation, learning, and reflection. We hypothesized that any future health IT implementation in primary
care could adapt our ToC approach to their contexts with necessary modifications based on inherent characteristics.

(JMIR Med Inform 2022;10(8):e33491) doi: 10.2196/33491

theory of change; electronic health records; maternal and child health; primary health center; success criteria JMIR Med Inform 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 8 | e33491 | p. 1

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EHR Implementation in Nigeria

In high-income countries (HICs), there has been widespread
Background adoption of EHRs, but this is not the case in many LMICs [1,9].
Globally, digital health has been a tool of transformation for Despite the proliferation of mobile phones, the Nigerian health
the delivery of health care services [1]. There is a plethora of sector has not leveraged the advances in mobile technology for
health records in paper format resulting from the handling of MCH delivery, unlike the health sectors in some other LMICs
clinical documentation across health care facilities in low- and [15]. Similarly, the dominance of mobile apps in the financial
middle-income countries (LMICs). In LMICs, few electronic and transportation sectors has not translated into the uptake of
health records (EHRs) exist at public primary health centers mobile health apps or telemedicine in the health sector [16]. So
(PHCs), the first entry point for citizens or patients seeking far, only a few hospitals in Nigeria have implemented an EHR
essential health care services [2-4]. An EHR is defined as “a system in some form [2,7]. However, there is a substantial use
repository of information regarding the health status of a subject of EHRs for programs specific to diseases such as tuberculosis
of care, in computer processable form” [5]. An EHR system and HIV [17-21].
can solve the bottleneck of paper documentation in health The challenges of health IT implementation in LMICs,
service delivery if it is successfully implemented, but poor especially Nigeria, include inadequate infrastructure, limited
implementation can lead to a waste of resources [6]. The study human capacity, brain drain, lack of enforcement of legislation
of EHR system implementation in LMICs is of particular interest and policies (political will), insufficient financial investment
to health stakeholders such as policy makers, funding agencies, or incentives, and corruption-riddled systems [9,22-24]. Despite
and care providers because of the efficiencies and evidence base funding from the World Health Organization (WHO) and other
that could result from the appropriate evaluation of such systems funding agencies, the implementation is fraught with corruption.
[7]. Some progress has already been made regarding EHR Private individuals and organizations in the health system divert
implementation in LMICs, but sustainability and widespread the funds earmarked for these IT projects [25]. As a result of
adoption remain elusive [8,9]. A few examples of such these acts, the patients or citizens who are beneficiaries do not
developments in health care improvements include efficiency get the intended quality of care and health outcomes [24]. Hence,
gains (such as quicker and more accurate reporting, reduced funding agencies should include in funding applications a rider
duplication of documentation, and quicker access to patients’ concerning how implementers monitor and evaluate the actual
records), better patient tracking (such as immunization records use and effect of resources provided. A very effective tool to
and clinic attendance), and mobile health apps (ubiquitous access achieve this is the development of a theory of change (ToC).
to remote care for patients) [10], an example of which is Virtual
Doctors, a UK-based charity that specializes in telemedicine ToC Fundamentals
and provides remote medical advice to local health workers to The origins of the ToC can be traced to Chen and Rossi [26]
reduce unnecessary hospital referrals. Currently, the charity is and Weiss [27], who carried out extensive work in the area of
working with PHCs in Zambia and Malawi, where volunteer theory-driven and theory-based evaluation. In particular, Weiss
physicians, mostly from the United Kingdom, provide medical [27] popularized the term and modestly defined a “theory of
support through a mobile app. These volunteer physicians change” as a theory of how and why an initiative will work.
provide medically qualified advice where the local community This definition seems simplistic; yet, it is foundational. ToC
only has a community health worker, leading to faster diagnosis has evolved over the years, considering the ever-changing
and treatment [11]. Another example is iSanté, Haiti’s national complexities in international development programs. In this
electronic medical record system. This EHR system was study, we adopt the definition of ToC by the United Kingdom’s
implemented in 100 sites across Haiti primarily to support the Department for International Development as “an
delivery of the national HIV program [12]; it also supports outcomes-based approach which applies critical thinking to the
antenatal care (ANC), delivery, and essential primary care design, implementation and evaluation of initiatives and
services. programs intended to support change in their contexts” [28].
This definition relates to this feasibility study because this study
Maternal and Child Health Care in Nigerian Primary
aimed to bring about change by introducing EHR
Health Care implementation in a primary health care context.
A significant health need in Nigerian primary care, in common
The ToC is both a process and a product [28-31]. The ToC
with primary care in other LMICs, is maternal and child health
process articulates the mechanisms of change. The process
care (MCH) [7]. Women and their children would usually attend
involves stakeholders who set a long-term goal and go in a
the health facility for ANC, delivery, immunization, and family
reverse direction to specify assumptions and identify
planning services [13]. It is essential to manage the health
preconditions to achieve the desired outcomes [29]. This process
records of these patients or citizens effectively and efficiently
leads to the product (ToC map) and is usually developed in
to ensure effective clinical workflow and patient safety.
versions before, during, and after program implementation.
Although paper-based health records seem to be structured in
Although there is no single way to design ToCs, it can be
supporting care delivery, EHRs prove to be more consistent,
asserted that good-quality ToCs should entail certain
readily available, and scalable for continuity of care [14].
components such as long-term goals, assumptions, interventions,
measurable outcomes, inputs, and outputs [32]. For a ToC to
be deemed effective for any program or study such as this EHR JMIR Med Inform 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 8 | e33491 | p. 2

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implementation, it should fulfill these 3 criteria: it should be

credible, doable, and testable [33]. The combination of
assumptions from practitioners’ experiences, evidence from Setting
literature, findings from previous implementations, and program
designer’s implicit logic substantiate the credibility of a ToC. The study was conducted at the Festac PHC in Lagos, Nigeria,
In particular, articulating explicit assumptions about the which has the highest number of physicians (7) and a wider
feasibility of the EHR implementation helps to expose, test, and range of health personnel than any other public PHC in Lagos
correct the program design logic. The assumptions are like State [40]. With the number of health care staff, the services
theories that guide each ToC component and their provided, and operation hours (24 hours, 7 days a week), Festac
interrelationships, and there is no one-size-fits-all set of PHC is a flagship public primary care center in Lagos State
assumptions. The assumptions vary from context to context and known for its role in reducing maternal and child health
intervention to intervention [27,34]. On the basis of the specified mortalities [41]. At this facility, patient information was written
assumptions, the activities carried out around the intervention on paper and maintained in folders and health registers, which
will result in outputs, leading to indicators that can be measured posed the issues of confidentiality, missing records, and
to gain the confidence of relevant stakeholders: government, inefficiencies. As of August 2019, Festac PHC employed 36
funders and nonprofits, health care workers, and ultimately health care professionals (HCPs), who served an estimated
patients [32]. population of 27,273 residents. There were additional HCPs at
the other 16 private clinics and hospitals that serve the same
ToC and Other Relevant Frameworks population [40]. A research team funded by the Global
There are numerous frameworks used in health informatics, Challenges Research Fund [42] through the University of
such as the logical framework (logframe) [35], DeLone and Portsmouth worked with Festac PHC management to conduct
McLean (D&M) information systems (IS) success model [36], a feasibility study for EHR implementation at the health facility.
and examples presented in the WHO digital health monitoring The health facility comprised 6 service departments, including
and evaluation guide [37]. These frameworks have a broad the mother and child center, health records, consultation, general
purpose of assessing the maturity of an intervention over time outpatient, laboratory, and pharmacy. At the mother and child
but focus on specific criteria or dimensions; for instance, center, midwives deliver MCH services and keep patient records
logframes involve logical designing, monitoring, and evaluating in registers meant for services such as ANC, immunization,
inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts to achieve the delivery, and family planning. At the health records unit, health
desired results [38]. The logframe approach is very similar to information officers collect and maintain patient information
the ToC approach in several ways. Logframes are useful and with the help of registers, folders, and filing cabinets. The
more linear [30]. Because of the complexity of the EHR consultation unit consists of physicians (medical officers) who
intervention and the Nigerian environment, we found that ToCs diagnose patients and keep patients’ clinical notes. In the general
were more adaptable with regard to capturing the ensuing outpatient department, community health workers (nurses)
complex interactions. The D&M IS success model measures observe and record patients’ vital signs. In the laboratory unit,
the “complex-dependent variable” in IS studies [36]. This model a laboratory scientist and technicians run tests and maintain test
is widely used to assess the interrelationship between critical data (specimen source, request, and results) of patients, aiding
evaluation dimensions of IT interventions, including information physicians and midwives in making diagnostic decisions. The
quality, system quality, service quality, system use or use pharmacy department consists of a lead pharmacist and
intentions, user satisfaction, and net system benefits [5,39]. In pharmacy technicians who order, maintain, and dispense
the context of LMICs, the D&M IS success model has been medicines. For this study, 14 participants (n=3, 21% physicians;
validated by studying electronic hospital IS at 5 Nigerian n=5, 36% midwives and nurses; and n=6, 43% health records
teaching hospitals [39]. The WHO digital health guide is not a officers) were selected using purposive sampling because they
single framework; it examines several evaluation frameworks were directly involved with patient data at Festac PHC [43].
and illustrates how they could be practically used to support the The study commenced by conducting a remote scoping study
implementation of digital health interventions in various contexts in April 2019, which included readiness assessment (through
[37]. Having considered better-known evaluation frameworks, an open-ended interview with the Festac PHC contact person),
it is worth noting that the ToC scope goes beyond evaluation initial workflow analysis, and risk analysis through email or
and covers planning, co-design, stakeholder engagement, and Skype consultation with the management team of Festac PHC.
the linkage of causal pathways to individual outcomes. We used Design
the ToC in this study to understand the problem as well as design
and evaluate the intervention. The ToC applies to the whole life We used the ToC approach throughout the life cycle of the
cycle of the intervention from the creation right through to the implementation to guide the pilot study and identify the
evaluation. preconditions needed to realize the long-term goal of the study
[28,30]. Modifications were made from the initial version of
Objectives the ToC to the revised version to reflect the realities of the
This study aimed to develop a ToC for the implementation of implementation process. Because of the complex nature of EHR
EHRs for MCH delivery in LMICs. The ToC approach will implementation, we developed and revised ToC maps with the
guide the entire transformation process from paper relevant components. The research team developed the first
documentation to EHRs in the study context. ToC map (Figure 1) as an actual ToC based on evidence from
literature, consultation with the local health information JMIR Med Inform 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 8 | e33491 | p. 3
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manager, and findings from previous EHR implementations. • Wider benefits: generalizable pointers that can guide the
The ToC map illustrated the problems we were trying to solve, stakeholders with regard to the chances of implementing
the keystakeholders, assumptions, inputs, intervention, outputs, long-term change
measurable effects, and wider benefits of the implementation
The ToC approach is not immune to problems when used as an
to realize the long-term change [44]. We developed a revised
evaluation tool. Problems of theorizing, measurement, testing,
ToC map (Figure 2) to accommodate changes during and after
and interpretation are not unusual [27]. To ensure rigor and
the EHR implementation. These changes related to most of the
evaluate the maturity of the implementation, we adapted the
ToC components and are documented under each component
success criteria used in the studies by Deriel et al [12] and Fritz
subheading in the Results section. We recognize that
et al [47] to supplement the ToC approach. Textbox 1 outlines
implementers should pay attention to sociotechnical issues,
the categories considered for the success criteria of the
especially the interplay between patients’ realities and HCPs’
implementation and provides definitions for each category.
mental models and how these influence the EHR design and
are represented within the system [45,46]. We engaged the health practitioners and decision-makers at
Festac PHC in designing, implementing, and evaluating the
In the context of this study, the ToC components use these
EHR system. In particular, the health practitioners at Festac
PHC joined in developing the ToC versions, especially providing
• Long-term change: the desired goal the stakeholders want practical experiences that shaped the theories underpinning the
to achieve ToC versions. This approach facilitated realistic interactions
• Problems: the challenges facing the current paper-based with the stakeholders and gave a proper understanding of the
health records workflow as highlighted by the stakeholders local context in which the study was conducted [48,49]. We
• Stakeholders: the people directly or indirectly involved or had stakeholder meetings involving the heads of department
affected by the success or failure of the EHR and EHR champions at the PHC at the start and during the
implementation implementation process. Each stakeholder discussed the issues
• Assumptions: the beliefs that specify the underlying reasons of the existing paper-based health record system and their
for the logical connections that exist among the ToC expectations and experiences of the new EHR system, which
elements. These beliefs are usually informed by research validated the findings of the first ToC map. Subsequently, health
evidence, clinical practice, and the environment in which informatics experts validated the revised ToC findings at the
the change is taking place. MedInfo 2019 conference in Lyon, France.
• Inputs: the activities or tasks carried out around the
We developed a generic version of the ToC map (Figure 3) to
reflect a holistic framework as a toolkit for relevant stakeholders
• Interventions: the initiatives or programs embarked on to
who want to embark on this kind of intervention in similar
influence the desired outcomes
contexts beyond Lagos, Nigeria. The stakeholders can adapt it
• Outputs: the tangibles resulting from the inputs and the
for EHR implementations in primary care settings but need to
pay close attention to inherent characteristics in these
• Measurable effects: the immediate indicators that can be
environments. Despite the nuances in different contexts, the
traced to the implementation process and are readily usable
process and steps involved in the creation of the ToC map are
for evaluation. These measures can be quantitative or
not to be ignored. Chen and Rossi [26] stressed the importance
of giving adequate attention to understanding the implementation
process and not being too concerned about whether the initiative
has yielded excellent results. JMIR Med Inform 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 8 | e33491 | p. 4

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Figure 1. An initial version of the theory of change for the scheduled electronic health record (EHR) implementation at Festac Primary Health Centre
(PHC). ANC: antenatal care; FHIR: Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources; GCRF: Global Challenges Research Fund; OpenMRS: Open Medical
Records System; UoP: University of Portsmouth.

Figure 2. A revised version of the theory of change for electronic health record (EHR) implementation at Festac Primary Health Centre (PHC), including
findings from a workshop at the MedInfo 2019 conference. ANC: antenatal care; CIEL: Columbia International eHealth Laboratory; GCRF: Global
Challenges Research Fund; MCH: maternal and child health care; OpenMRS: Open Medical Records System; UoP: University of Portsmouth. JMIR Med Inform 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 8 | e33491 | p. 5

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Textbox 1. Categories for success criteria and their definitions for electronic health record implementation (adapted from Deriel et al [12] and Fritz et
al [47]).
Categories and definitions

• Ethics

• Regulatory and cultural issues such as health data security, privacy, and confidentiality

• Political

• Health policies and countrywide circumstances, including health care infrastructure, characteristics, ministries of health, and primary health
care boards

• Organizational

• Managerial circumstances within the organization itself, including human resources, skilled staff, or local buy-in; leadership and governance;
project management and commitment to implementation; and data use

• Financial

• Resources (including human and equipment) and funding

• Functionality

• System features and functions, including modules, data handling, forms, and reports

• Technical

• Infrastructure, software architecture, user interfaces, data standards, and privacy or security

• Training

• Skills training as well as computer literacy and educational background and user support

• Sustainability

• Transition from external stakeholder to local management across all categories, including financing

Figure 3. A generic version of the theory of change for electronic health record (EHR) implementation, without context-specific details. ANC: antenatal
care; MCH: maternal and child health care; PHC: primary health center. JMIR Med Inform 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 8 | e33491 | p. 6

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EHR System Selection by completing a participant consent form. The study considered
Open Medical Records System (OpenMRS) is an EHR software the security, privacy, and confidentiality of patient records from
program built for low-resource settings to improve health care the outset. The paper health records were kept locked in a card
delivery with the help of a global community that supports the room at the PHC. Although the reception area is positioned
software [50]. We selected OpenMRS as the EHR application close to the card room, at busy times anyone could access the
for the pilot implementation because it is an open-source room with malicious intentions to cart away or damage the paper
program and therefore freely available, which fits into the records. Hence, the EHR implementation took into account
funding realities of LMICs, including Nigeria. The OpenMRS secure access to the electronic records by creating user accounts
software source code can be modified and tailored to the needs for relevant clinicians, ensuring that only users authorized by
of the particular context in which it is being used. It is an the heads of department could access the system [4].
enterprise platform with flexible modules that have matured
over time and been implemented in similar settings with a Results
vibrant web-based community of developers and implementers
[51,52]. We adapted existing OpenMRS modules to facilitate
the identified use cases such as patient registration, outpatient In this section, we report the complete ToC life cycle (Figure
clinic, laboratory, and mother and child clinic to manage clinical 4) for this study commencing from idea conception to the
workflows. Moreover, we adapted UgandaEMR’s ANC and development of the initial ToC map and revised ToC map,
immunization e-forms to save development time and initial illustrating how we accomplished the EHR implementation
user-testing requirements. tasks at Festac PHC. At the same time, we hypothesize that
program designers and relevant stakeholders can adapt the
Ethics Approval generic ToC map for EHR implementations in similar contexts.
This study obtained a favorable opinion from the University of Subsequently, we provide a detailed narrative of the long-term
Portsmouth Faculty of Technology ethics committee change and identified preconditions from the ToC process. From
(TECH2019-T.A-01). Participation in the study was voluntary, this process, we produced a summary of the key successes and
and participants were free to withdraw at any time without lessons learned alongside the study’s implications to evaluate
giving any reason. The participants provided written consent the process (Multimedia Appendix 1).
Figure 4. Complete theory of change (ToC) life cycle for electronic health record (EHR) implementation at Festac Primary Health Centre. M&E:
monitoring and evaluation; OpenMRS: Open Medical Records System.

significance of having clinical stakeholders evaluate the initial

ToC Life Cycle ToC. The conversations with the key stakeholders influenced
Figure 4 illustrates the entire ToC process for the EHR the revised version of the ToC. Moreover, the process helped
implementation and the key changes that occurred along the to identify problems early as well as the changes in direction
way. The ToC process is important because it helps to identify for the EHR implementation, saving time, and cost.
all the key stakeholders; for example, it helped to identify the JMIR Med Inform 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 8 | e33491 | p. 7

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Long-term Change scheduling and prescription to ANC and immunization. At the

Initially, the desired goal of the study was to achieve improved time of developing the initial ToC map, the Festac PHC
service delivery in primary care with the use of an EHR system. stakeholders had identified the need for booking patient
The allied goals were digitization of patient records, continuity appointments and producing prescriptions electronically with
of care, and improved patient outcomes. However, the the EHR system. However, after the face-to-face stakeholder
overarching goal was slightly modified to accommodate meeting at the health facility, the practitioners noted that e-forms
practitioners’ assumptions. Hence, the long-term change is to for ANC and immunization were their immediate needs for the
achieve improved MCH service delivery in primary care using EHR system. Another change to the ToC revision was the shift
the EHR system. At Festac PHC, along with this long-term goal, in networking design from the cloud to a local area network.
the goals are digitization of patient records, better continuity of This shift was due to connectivity problems and a lack of
care for women using the ANC service, and improved handling guarantees from the management regarding sustaining the
of children’s immunization records. We theorize, with the internet subscription payment. This is the dominant approach
generic ToC map, that the long-term goal is to improve MCH to EHRs in LMICs because few of the smaller sites can
service delivery with an optimized EHR system based on the guarantee reliable internet connectivity for cloud-based use,
assumption that sustainability factors have been thought through, although certain LMICs do this well [14,53].
and measures have been put in place to achieve this goal. In addition, the revised ToC included findings from the research
workshop (MedInfo 2019 conference), where the EHR use
outcomes from the pilot study were presented. Global health
The initial ToC map served as the basis for the actual informatics experts offered advice at the workshop, during which
implementation, with preliminary assumptions emanating from it was emphasized that data models are key to realizing effective
the prior knowledge of the research team, the literature of communication exchange across digital health systems by
existing EHR implementations, and initial conversations with adopting the appropriate interoperability standards for MCH,
the monitoring and evaluation officer and a medical records well-known examples of which are Fast Healthcare
officer. The initial assumptions included the following: Interoperability Resources [54] and OpenEHR [55]. In addition,
1. Paper medical records exist. the drivers for an interoperable EHR system differ between
2. Prescriptions and scheduling of patient encounters are LMICs and HICs; for example, LMICs focus mainly on
carried out manually. aggregate data from the health information system for disease
3. Funding is available for global challenges. control, population health monitoring, and health policy and
4. Funding application is successful. planning. Funders use these aggregate data to drive health
5. PHC wants a digital health program and is willing to grant financing and, in some cases, to fund EHR implementations.
approval. However, HICs pay more attention to the quality of care,
6. Favorable ethics opinion is given by the University of continuity of care, and precision medicine. In addition, adequate
Portsmouth. infrastructure and accountable funding were identified to be
7. Funder releases funds for procurement of equipment. key preconditions needed for a sustainable EHR implementation.
8. Stakeholders care about EHRs and are open to change. In sum, toolkits are important in shaping EHR implementations
9. Practitioners give consent to be interviewed and observed for MCH services.
at the health facility. Although some assumptions stay the same, others were
10. EHR system is tested and deployed by the guiding team
modified. Textbox 2 illustrates these assumptions and how they
and implementer. were generated.
11. Pilot EHR implementation is successful.
12. EHR system is sustainable. For the improvement of MCH services to be achieved, it was
assumed that the EHR system was sustainable. The EHR system
After the actual EHR implementation, the initial ToC map was needs to be used regularly to bring about the broader benefits
revised to reflect the real changes encountered during the pilot of its implementation.
study; for example, priorities for the EHR system shifted from JMIR Med Inform 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 8 | e33491 | p. 8

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Textbox 2. Assumptions and their sources.

Assumptions and sources

• Antenatal care and immunization records are tracked manually

• Practitioners

• Items with their specifications and costs are listed in a spreadsheet

• Electronic health record implementation

• Arrangements are made with the relevant vendors

• Program designer

• Procured items are delivered in time to the health facility

• Electronic health record implementation

• Implementer and technicians possess the relevant skills for installing procured equipment

• Policy makers and program designer

• Stakeholders have flexible schedules

• Practitioners

• Staff give consent to participate in the electronic health record system evaluation

• Practitioners

• Stakeholders streamline requirements for electronic health record system

• Practitioners and program designer

• Implementer provides training and support

• Policy makers, practitioners, and program designer

• Electronic health record users key in patient data correctly

• Practitioners and program designer

• Workshop paper is accepted

• Program designer

• Questions relating to the electronic health record implementation are asked by workshop participants

• Health informatics experts and program designer

• Health informatics experts contribute to workshop questions

• Health informatics experts and program designer

• Staff are available to complete a feedback form

• Practitioners

• Electronic health record system is designed with the relevant system attributes

• Practitioners and program designer

• Hardware equipment and electronic health record system software remain intact and are maintained regularly

• Policy makers, practitioners, and program designer

• Clinicians are making use of electronic health records regularly for delivering health services to patients

• Practitioners and policy makers

• Stakeholders are learning from electronic health record use and data JMIR Med Inform 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 8 | e33491 | p. 9

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• Policy makers, practitioners, and program designer

• Clinicians are maintaining a supportive attitude toward digital transformation

• Policy makers, practitioners, and program designer

affected the EHR system’s complete records outcome. We

Wider Benefits enrolled 14 clinicians to use the EHR system, and Figure 5
On the basis of the assumption that the pilot EHR shows the rate of EHR system adoption and use for the study’s
implementation is successful, there would be benefits accrued first phase lasting for 5 months (June 2019 to October 2019)
to Festac PHC. These benefits include reduced costs of paper from the time the system went live. A total of 2799 encounter
processes, including expenses for stationery; efficient workflow forms were completed on the EHR system; 1790 (63.95%)
for the health care staff; easier clinical audit of patient records; patients were registered, with an equivalent number of patient
and readiness for a sustainable EHR system. The sustainability registration forms being completed. ANC and immunization
of the EHR system will enable effective health information encounter forms (198/2799, 7.07% and 309/2799, 11.04%,
exchange as the use of EHRs becomes widespread over time. respectively) were completed. Vital signs (325/2799, 11.61%)
and visit notes (177/2799, 6.32%) were entered into the EHR
Measurable Effects
system. Of the 325 vital signs forms, 148 (45.5%) consultations
It was anticipated that the availability of the EHR system were not recorded using the visit notes because some physicians
alongside the surrounding outputs would result in the only used paper notes. A major system downtime occurred from
completeness of health records, which could be measured against October 3 to 29, 2019, which affected data entry. Longer-term
the use of paper health records by the health practitioners. success factors, which are yet to be measured, are the realization
Another potentially measurable effect concerns clinician time of funding sustainability and accountable leadership, as well as
spent using both paper and EHR systems [56]. During the health information exchange achieved between the EHR system
implementation, we found that clinicians spent more time using and other health IS.
both paper and electronic systems simultaneously, which
Figure 5. Cumulative daily and weekly data entry with regard to patients registered on the electronic health record system.

The main intervention for this study was the introduction of an
The study received a letter of approval for the implementation
EHR system in primary care MCH services. Initially, problems
from the local authority. This approval enabled the release of
were perceived based on explicit and implicit assumptions about
funds and the travel of a research team member (TA) to the
paper medical records and prescriptions and scheduling of
health facility. The funder released the funds to procure the IT
patient encounters being carried out manually. After face-to-face
equipment needed for the study. The interactions with the health
stakeholder meetings on site, the practitioners were of the
practitioners made it possible to obtain the requirements to
unanimous opinion that prescribing and scheduling inefficiencies
design and develop the intervention. After we incorporated the
were not the priority issues; rather, priority should be accorded
active inputs of various stakeholders, the EHR system was ready
to paper records handling, ANC and immunization-tracking
for use by the health practitioners. The outputs in the revised
inefficiencies, and missing patient records. These problems
ToC map were procured equipment, feedback from EHR use,
validated the introduction of the EHR intervention at Festac
optimized EHR system functionality, EHR use outcomes
indicators for MCH, and data modeling for EHR system
interoperability. Other key outputs were the critical system Stakeholders
attributes (such as system stability, availability, and usability) The stakeholders are the research team (TA, PS, and HF),
and full and incremental data backup of patient records to the funder, Festac PHC management (local authority), primary
cloud. In the event of system damage, fire, flooding, or any health care board, health care practitioners, patients, and health
adverse incidents, the PHC can restore the records from the informatics experts. They carried out several activities at various
backup. stages of the study. The research team made some informal
contacts with the local primary care facility authorities to
understand their problems and the desired long-term outcomes. JMIR Med Inform 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 8 | e33491 | p. 10

(page number not for citation purposes)

The team reviewed existing studies to gain background extensively evaluated the ToC-based implementation using
knowledge of previous EHR implementations in similar previously defined success criteria across multiple dimensions
contexts. After the review, the team developed the initial version of implementation and use (Multimedia Appendix 1) [12,47],
of the ToC map, informed by the explicit assumptions of the which is a methodological innovation in LMIC settings because
practitioners and implicit assumptions gleaned from previous of the wide range of evaluation criteria. However, combinations
implementations. The research team prepared a funding of some individual criteria have been used. Certain authors have
application and sought approval for the pilot study. Both the argued that theory-based evaluation such as the ToC is more a
funder and the local health authority approved the pilot study. methodology than a theory because it uses different research
methods (eg, randomized controlled trials, interviews, and
Technical Implementation workshops) for its development [30,44]. Weiss [33] argues that
There was a demonstration of the OpenMRS software during the ToC is an approach and a theory because it is built on
the first stakeholder meeting. The activity helped the assumptions (beliefs), preconditions, inputs, and outputs, which
practitioners to have a feel of how the intervention works. Before influence the way people behave.
this meeting, the contact person from the PHC had been testing
the demonstration version of the EHR system; they gave Again, the ToC approach is particularly useful in capturing the
feedback on what the PHC specifically wanted. The main complexities of a program relating to its outcomes, outputs,
technical components of OpenMRS are the database (eg, data inputs, and activities to bring about long-term change by using
concepts mapping, backups, and security) and the EHR software relevant interventions [58]. The research team engaged the
(clinical modules and customizations). The research team relevant stakeholders by asking them to share their experiences
initially designed a cloud solution before the implementation and practices (explicit assumptions). We drew out the implicit
but changed to a local area network design because of poor assumptions, which were not obvious to the practitioners and
internet access at the health facility. Through a combination of experts, through interviews and a workshop (findings to be
on-site and remote support, the research team contributed to published), and then modeled these assumptions and combined
installing and configuring the software. The equipment included them with evidence and logic, all of which were put together
laptops, a desktop PC (dedicated server), networking equipment in readiness to transfer into practice.
(16-port Ethernet switch, wireless router, Category 6 cables, Reflections Based on Experiences of EHR
and RJ45 connectors), a power inverter (to provide power for Implementations in Other LMICs
the server when electricity from the national grid and generator
set is unavailable), and a printer. Despite Festac PHC being an early adopter of the EHR system
and the only one among public PHCs in Lagos State, the
management has not done enough in terms of funding the
Discussion infrastructure and ensuring its sustainability. The issue of
Principal Findings funding and other EHR implementation challenges are not
peculiar to the Nigerian context; rather, they are applicable to
This study shows the value of the ToC process for robust
different LMIC contexts [51,53]. Comparison evaluations of
planning, analysis, and evaluation of EHR implementation
EHR systems in LMICs were provided by 2 papers, published
complexities, as well as challenging the assumptions of all
in 2017 and 2018 (Multimedia Appendix 2 [51,53]). Although
stakeholders. The process requires logical reasoning, effectively
there is anecdotal evidence of EHR implementations across
engaging stakeholders in drawing implicit assumptions,
Nigeria, there is no known peer-reviewed evidence of OpenMRS
designing the preconditions, and mapping the ToC backward
implementation in the country. As of June 2021, the OpenMRS
from the long-term goal to inputs. Political factors play a role
HIV Reference Implementation initiative funded by the Centers
in influencing what practitioners say about their beliefs or
for Disease Control and Prevention is supporting >1000 site
theories regarding the desired change. The practitioners may
rollouts of OpenMRS in Nigeria as well as improvements in
have concerns about the management’s disapproval of their
the user interface, reporting, and other initiatives [59]. A recent
assumptions [33]; for example, we asked the HCPs about the
paper [60] tried to examine the impact of OpenMRS
leadership style of their line managers and the effect it has on
implementations globally over a 15-year period, but no concrete
their use of the EHR system. Some (7/14, 50%) of the HCPs
evidence on Nigeria was available, except for some brief
made positive comments about their managers. Although it is
mentions. This study should help to address this gap, especially
possible to have all-positive feedback about leadership styles
where public primary care in Nigeria is concerned.
in a typical work setting, the lack of concerns or negative
comments may suggest desirability bias or groupthink [57]. Multimedia Appendix 2 compares findings from OpenMRS
implementations in 3 LMICs (Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and
A ToC is useful in articulating assumptions made about a
Kenya), inclusive of this study (Festac PHC in Nigeria).
program or intervention to achieve its desired results. We
Common findings across the 3 studies related to data collection,
generated assumptions from peer-reviewed evidence (documents
staff training, and infrastructure. These studies showed that
and prior research); experience and views of practitioners and
EHR use results in clinical workflow efficiencies. At the same
other stakeholders such as funder, government, and policy
time, the studies discussed the challenges encountered during
makers; and logical reasoning (Textbox 2). However, it can be
implementation, which centered mainly on inadequate
problematic to test assumptions even when they are explicitly
infrastructure, funding, dedicated IT support, and stakeholder
stated. Problems such as measurement, generalization, and
buy-in. A significant issue across the 3 EHR implementations
validation usually plague program theory [27]. Our study JMIR Med Inform 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 8 | e33491 | p. 11
(page number not for citation purposes)

is sustainability, and our Nigerian (Festac PHC) study used the of casual staff who do not have permission to use it because of
ToC approach to underscore this issue extensively. Despite their clinical accountability requirements. Lack of leadership
successful completion, the implementations did not continue motivation or incentive to use the system could prevent health
beyond the first or second phase. Hence, stakeholders must pay information officers, physicians, nurses, and midwives from
close attention to sustainability issues before embarking on EHR understanding the need to work on data entry. System downtime
implementations in LMICs. happens occasionally; when this happens, there is no health IT
support technician on the ground to resolve the issue, and hence
Reflections Based on Experiences of EHR the PHC relies on the implementer, who, although not
Implementations in HICs contractually obliged, may sometimes help out. To resolve
Policy makers and politicians in LMICs can learn from countries system issues, the PHC management could employ an IT support
that incentivized EHR adoption by providing implementation technician on a full-time or part-time basis, but the management
funds to health facilities. A prime example is the United should be keen and be ready to include the employment cost in
Kingdom, where the EHR adoption rate in primary care, the clinic’s budget. In a recent review on the importance of
particularly general practitioner (GP) practices, is nearly 100% primary care records in LMICs, we found that there seems to
[61,62]. Among other factors, financial incentives from the be a particular challenge with EHR data collection in primary
government have proven to be an effective impetus for EHR care organizations [68]; for example, MCH EHR data collection
implementation across GP practices. For many years, thought was challenging because of local factors such as the level of
leaders in the GP profession have collaborated with the technology available for data entry at the point of childbirth.
government to provide incentives for digitizing practices and Hence, this is a larger problem for people who run modest
eliminating barriers. Hence, GPs were more willing to use EHRs primary care EHR systems in LMIC settings, a problem not
than hospital physicians, helping the former leverage the specific to Nigeria. This implementation study successfully
successful health IT intervention [62]. However, despite the demonstrated improvements in MCH services data collection.
successful EHR adoption rate by GP practices in the United However, the lack of effective human, organizational, and
Kingdom, the system has its shortcomings: it sometimes fails system support is responsible for inconsistent data entry in the
as patients show up at the community pharmacy expecting to EHR system, leading to poor clinical benefits and inaccurate
pick up their medications only to find that the electronic reporting.
prescription has not reflected in the pharmacy system. This issue
The ToC approach gave insights into the potential causes of the
can often delay treatment for patients, especially on weekends
breakdown of the system, such as the issues concerning regular
when GP practices are closed, and the pharmacy team chases
use and data entry by key staff, which allowed for provision of
prescriptions. The GP’s on-call team can usually access the
additional planning and training. A simple cost-benefit approach
system and fax the prescriptions to the pharmacy, but the
to framing the overall implementation process to determine the
effectiveness of this process varies across the United Kingdom.
likely gains (value) to staff, patients, health systems, and funders
The US government program based upon the Health Information would be helpful. It would be valuable to determine whether
Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 these costs outweigh the challenges of learning to use the system
provides financial incentives to physician practices and hospitals and the pain of working on data entry. In addition, the proposed
to foster digital health implementation and improve the quality investment in infrastructure and support could be balanced by
of care for patients. These incentives have since led to the the concrete benefits. The costs often fall on staff working on
widespread adoption and meaningful use of EHR systems across data entry who do not benefit much from the outputs. Hence,
all levels of health care in the United States, with the resultant the combined effect of the utility of an application and ease of
digital health transformation and improved clinical outcomes use gives stronger predictability for actual use, which is
[63-65]. However, rapid implementation of existing EHR incorporated in the D&M model.
systems has been associated with many challenges in workflow,
There is a growing interest in alternative data entry approaches,
usability and physician stress or overload. The UK model of
including the “scribe” model (in US primary care) [69], natural
adoption of primary care EHR systems may be better in terms
language processing–enabled data capture, and optical mark
of a limited number of carefully vetted systems, low costs, and
recognition (OMR). These alternative approaches could address
robust interoperability with many hospitals; for example, in
the issue of clinicians’ avoidance of using the EHR system. The
West Yorkshire [66].
“scribe” model introduces a way of working where a human
Reflections on Data Entry at Festac PHC scribe (a volunteer or health professional) manually enters the
Inconsistencies in EHR data entry during patient encounters applicable information such as observations, diagnosis, and test
occur because of several factors, including human, results into the EHR during the patient visit as spoken aloud by
organizational, and system factors. The willingness of clinical the physician or nurse [70]. However, this could affect clinical
staff to use the new system was lacking because of the data quality because the scribe might not be a suitably qualified
perception that the system would add to their existing workload, clinician and prone to making data entry errors, which, in turn,
reflecting the realities of data entry operations and the shortage could affect health outcomes. Natural language processing data
of health workers in LMICs [67]. Only a few HCPs were keen capture applications allow HCPs, especially physicians, to
on using the system. Hence, little or no data entry is completed capture structured data with unstructured dictation into the EHR
if the active HCPs are not on duty. Sometimes, the HCPs attend [71]. OMR is a nondictation, scanning method of data capture
staff verification exercises, leaving the EHR system in the hands where the OMR software processes paper clinical forms that JMIR Med Inform 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 8 | e33491 | p. 12

(page number not for citation purposes)

have been scanned with a modest office scanner or low-cost framework for planning an EHR implementation and the steps
document camera [72]. This approach ensures that clinicians needed to define the requirements and success factors, likelihood
who record clinical data on paper do not also have to enter the of longer-term success, and evaluation metrics. For new
data once or twice in other records. It requires stability of implementers, knowing how to structure this implementation
systems, a person to oversee the scanning and data extraction, process could be very useful. Future health IT implementation
and user confidence. It might develop as a model to overcome in primary care can adapt the ToC approach to their contexts
a data entry backlog in the EHR system, increasing the value with necessary modifications based on inherent characteristics.
for clinicians, particularly if recent improvements in optical The pilot EHR implementation served as a small-scale
character recognition software can be shown to be effective in foundation that can support health information exchange and
interpreting structured handwriting. as a digital health exemplar for other PHCs in Lagos State and
Nigeria. Other health care providers can learn from, and build
Limitations on, the implementation to support the delivery of MCH and
This study includes several limitations with regard to developing other health services. Furthermore, the pilot EHR system
the ToC. First, the research team was extensively involved in represented a digital enabler that provides computable and
developing and revising the ToC map, which may have machine-readable health data, the necessary first step toward
contributed to a social desirability bias. Second, the first author more complex aspects such as interoperability, clinical decision
(TA) mainly worked on the analysis of the ToC maps under the support, and a learning health system. Further work is needed
guidance of the last author (PS) and the second author (HF). to extend the scope of the implementation to cover other public
We would have engaged the HCPs and stakeholders in the PHCs. There is a need to secure more funds for additional
analysis, but they were not well versed with the technicalities infrastructure alongside solid leadership to ensure sustainability
of the ToC approach. Future studies will ensure that HCPs are and scalability. In addition, it will be helpful to explore the
familiarized with the ToC analysis. The relevant stakeholders interoperability of health data across public PHCs by designing
were fully engaged in the clinical, data collection (interviews a national health data model for an MCH services data set. The
and observations), and managerial aspects of the design. model should be based on established data standards and an
examination of the preconditions and drivers for implementing
such a model and build on existing work on clinical decision
This research presented the ToC as a rewarding approach to support for MCH services [73].
framing dialogue with stakeholders. It functioned as a valuable

The authors thank the management and staff of Festac Primary Health Centre for granting approval to, and supporting, the study.
The pilot study was funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund allocation to the University of Portsmouth.

Authors' Contributions
TA and PS conceived the study. TA drafted the manuscript. All authors revised and approved the final manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest
HF is a cofounder of the Open Medical Records System open-source software project that developed the software used in this
study; he contributed to the drafting and revision process.

Multimedia Appendix 1
Summary of successes achieved and lessons learned from the pilot study at Festac Primary Health Centre, as well as implications
for electronic health record implementations in Nigeria and other low- and middle-income countries.
[DOCX File , 21 KB-Multimedia Appendix 1]

Multimedia Appendix 2
A comparison of electronic health record implementation findings from 3 studies conducted in low- and middle-income countries.
[DOCX File , 21 KB-Multimedia Appendix 2]

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ANC: antenatal care
D&M: DeLone and McLean
EHR: electronic health record
GP: general practitioner JMIR Med Inform 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 8 | e33491 | p. 16

(page number not for citation purposes)

HCP: health care professional

HIC: high-income country
IS: information systems
LMIC: low- and middle-income country
MCH: maternal and child health care
OMR: optical mark recognition
OpenMRS: Open Medical Records System
PHC: primary health center
ToC: theory of change
WHO: World Health Organization

Edited by C Lovis; submitted 14.09.21; peer-reviewed by A Kanter, A Garcia; comments to author 31.01.22; revised version received
25.03.22; accepted 31.05.22; published 11.08.22
Please cite as:
Adedeji T, Fraser H, Scott P
Implementing Electronic Health Records in Primary Care Using the Theory of Change: Nigerian Case Study
JMIR Med Inform 2022;10(8):e33491
doi: 10.2196/33491

©Taiwo Adedeji, Hamish Fraser, Philip Scott. Originally published in JMIR Medical Informatics (,
11.08.2022. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work, first published in JMIR Medical Informatics, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information,
a link to the original publication on, as well as this copyright and license information must be included. JMIR Med Inform 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 8 | e33491 | p. 17

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