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Electrostatic Precipitator Failure Analysis Using FMEA Method On Steam Turbine Electricity Generation (PLTU Banten 2 - Indonesia)

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 410

1st International Multidisciplinary Conference on Education, Technology, and

Engineering (IMCETE 2019)

Electrostatic Precipitator Failure Analysis Using

FMEA Method on Steam Turbine Electricity
Generation (PLTU Banten 2 - Indonesia)
1st Tatan Zakaria 2nd Wawan Gunawan 3rd Ahmad Faisal
Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering
Universitas Banten Jaya Universitas Banten Jaya Universitas Banten Jaya
Serang, Indonesia Serang, Indonesia Serang, Indonesia

Abstract—In electric power generation, reliability of each

equipments is important in order produce optimal electrical
energy. Unreliable units will influence to other cost due to an
expensive production losses. So, it is very important to know the
reliability on each system. In this case study, an Electro Static
Precipitator (ESP) failure analysis was performed using the
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method and found
the potential causes issue was came from the Outpu Voltage
Lack ESP # 1 alarm. The Risk Priority Number (RPN) is
obtained from identifying the potential causes of failures that
occur on the machine / equipment and then for corrective action,
we use the 5W + 1H analysis method. Based on FMEA analysis
and cause and effect diagrams, the potential failure factor for
alarm Output Voltage Lack ESP # 1 is an abnormal ash
transporting factor with the value up to 57% or an RPN value
is 648. After improvement to be implemented, the results of
corrective action can be described as follow as: Before
improvement the ESP # 1 damage caused by abnormal ash Fig.1.The Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP)
transporting 20 times / year (July 2017 - June 2018 ) and After
Improvement the failure or abnormal ash transporting was not II. METHOD
occurred any more ( July 2018 – June 2019).
This analytic description research uses the Failure
Keywords: FMEA, ESP, PLTU, Banten 2 Method Effect Analysis (FMEA) method, which is a method
of failure analysis of machine work functions. From the
failures data obtained, it is calculated the value of RPN =
PLTU Banten # 2 Labuan is one of the many Indonesian
Severity x Occurrence x Detection, where Severity is a
government owned steam turbine electric power plants,
located in Labuan Banten Indonesia. Generally, steam turbine warning of the seriousness of the risk of failure to function
power plant, consists of 4 main parts: Boilers, Steam the machine, Occurrence is the frequency of malfunctioning
Turbines, Generators and Power transmission Distribution. A events and Detection is the extent to which the failure is
boiler is an energy conversion machine that converts the initiated or equipped with a detection or warning function
chemical energy of coal fuel into the kinetic potential energy before the event. In addition to the RPN number, another
of pressurized steam, which will be used to rotate the steam analysis tool used is the NGT which is an analysis based on
turbine shaft through the turbine blade, and then the shaft
judgmental the ESP from experts involved and then for the
rotation is forwarded to the generator which converts the
mechanical energy of the shaft rotation to electrical energy. proposed improvement using 5W + 1H method. The research
All parts of the machine are required to operate flowchart can be described as shown below:
continuously in order supply of electrical energy is not The research flowchart can be described as shown below:
interrupted. Boilers consist of various systems function as
like as: fuel supply systems, water supply systems,
combustion air systems and exhaust gas systems. Included in
the flue gas control system, the Electrostatic Precipitator
(ESP) is a boiler exhaust air filter that is mostly used, and
part is also required to be operated properly for 24 hours per
day without interruption. Please find the ESP on Pigure-1
below :

Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 40
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 410


No Item Failure Mode S O D RPN
1 ESP Module Abnormal module 8 2 1 16

2 Busbuar disconected 7 2 1 14

3 Oil Leakage 6 2 1 12
4 Transformer Disconnecting switch 6 2 1 12
5 Busbar moist 6 2 1 12
6 Input cable damage 6 2 1 12

7 Ash Transporter problem 9 9 9 729

8 Collecting Plate abnormal 7 5 1 35

ESP Hopper Electroda wire/discharge electroda

9 6 5 1 30
covered by ash

Heater fluidzing blower operation

10 6 2 1 12
11 Mainhole packing unproper 6 2 1 12

And then from above 11 abnormality and malfunction of

the ESP, we found that the dominant problem of ESP is the
Fig.1. The research flowchart
jammed transporter ash which has biggest RPN number 729.
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Therefore, the cause is searched and analyzed by NGT to
focus more on what is the most dominant improvement in the
A. Baseline Data failure of the ash transporter to be required. The NGT is the
Based on ESP abnormal and failure data reports for 2017, quantification of expert opinion on the problem to find what
the data obtained are as in Table-1 below: dominant root cause analysis. Table-3 is an analysis of NGT
describe on the problem that causes Abnormal of Ash
No Failure Mode Frequency RootCause: ASH TRANSPORTER ABNORMAL
1 Busbar moist 1 No PenyebabMasalah
Sectionhead Supervisor X1 X2 X3 Total
2 Disconnecting switch problem 1 1 Fluidzingblower malfunction 10 11 11 7 9 48 5W+1Hanalyze
2 Wrongschedule 4 6 7 1 3 21
3 Transformer input cable problem 1 3 MisMeasurement 5 6 3 7 2 23
4 Airdryer oftenlytrip 7 8 7 6 7 35
4 Disconnecting busbar 1
5 Aircompressor oftenlytrip 6 8 9 7 7 37
5 Oil transformer problem 1 6 wrongconnectingcable 3 7 3 4 5 22
7 Employeenotcare 4 3 6 7 2 22
6 Collecting plate abnormal 1 8 Employee didnot understand 8 12 15 13 11 59 5W+1Hanalyze
9 Poor teamwork 8 6 9 7 6 36
7 Electroda wire/ discharge electroda covered ash 1 10 NoMaintaincleaningarea 15 14 11 13 11 64 5W+1Hanalyze
11 Rainingratehigh 3 5 2 7 3 20
8 Ash transporter abnormal 20 12 Badcoal quality 2 4 5 6 9 26
13 PMPlanningnot good 15 13 13 14 11 66 5W+1Hanalyze
9 Unproper Manhole packing 1
14 Poorsupervising 12 14 15 10 10 61 5W+1Hanalyze
10 Heater fluidzing blowerabnormal 1 15 There are wetflyash 13 11 10 10 12 56 5W+1Hanalyze

11 Card Module abnormal 1 CONCLUSION From above table, only NGT with a
Total 2017 Problem 30 value of 38, 5 or higher will be analyzed and improved,
B. Data Analysis
The abnormal and failure data were analyzed by the
FMEA method to calculate and find the RPN number, and
obtained as Table-2 below:

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 410

Root Cause = 15 C. Improvement Planning

Respondent = n = 5 persons The repair action plan of the ash transporter problem used
the 5W + 1H method, as described as in Table 4 below:
NGT = ( Respondent x Root Cause ) + 1 = ( 5 x 15 ) + 1
2 2

NGT = 38.5 ( only score 38.5 and Up to be analyzed by 5W + 1H )


No Root Cause What Why Where When Who How

a. Motor fluidzing
a. Motor problem a. Insulator motor bad condition , no maintenance a. Technician Team a. Revice PM Schedule
Fluidzing blower
1 blower Juli 2018
malfunction b. Machine of
b. life time b. No any replacement before b. Mechanical Team b. Do the replacement
fluidzing blower

Employee did Skill and

Production Maret Operation Training and give the Certifications
2 not competences are not Not enaugh training events
Department 2018 Supervisor of competences
understand enaugh

No Maintain Machine and Operation &

3 Employee not care about cleaning area Machine area ESP #1 Apr-18 Do the briefing and coaching
cleaning Area equipment cleaning Maintenance

Operation and
Breakdown Mei Operation &
4 maintenance out of Employee not understand SOP Machine area ESP #1 Giving a training of SOP
machine 2018 Maintenance

a.FA mixing with water a. No Drain schedule a. Air receiver tank a. Make auto drain
5 Wet Fly ash Juni 2018 Mechanical
b. Aramid /membran
b. part life time b. Peralatan ESP #1 b. Replace aramid/membran
Ash mixed
No SOP operting ESP during start fairing boiler
6 with solar Ash sticked on hopper Machine area ESP #1 Juni 2018 Operator Make new SOP and give training
and oil and jammed

IV. CONCLUSION [8] Yuhelson, dkk. 2019. Analisis Realiability dan Availability Mesin
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Based on FMEA analysis and action plan repairs using the Vol II. No. 6.
5W + 1H method, the failure of the ESP function can be
corrected and be improved. Baseline data in 2017
malfunctions in ESP were 20 events and major problems in
the ash transporter, after carrying out repairing 8 action items
at 5W + 1H at column “ HOW “, the abnormality and failure
from July 2018 to June 2019 the problem does not occur
again. And it can be summarized, the succeed Improvements
can be categorized: Revised SOP & PM Schedule, Training
& Coaching, Modification of manual drain by Auto Drain.
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