Electrostatic Precipitator Failure Analysis Using FMEA Method On Steam Turbine Electricity Generation (PLTU Banten 2 - Indonesia)
Electrostatic Precipitator Failure Analysis Using FMEA Method On Steam Turbine Electricity Generation (PLTU Banten 2 - Indonesia)
Electrostatic Precipitator Failure Analysis Using FMEA Method On Steam Turbine Electricity Generation (PLTU Banten 2 - Indonesia)
2 Busbuar disconected 7 2 1 14
3 Oil Leakage 6 2 1 12
4 Transformer Disconnecting switch 6 2 1 12
5 Busbar moist 6 2 1 12
6 Input cable damage 6 2 1 12
11 Card Module abnormal 1 CONCLUSION From above table, only NGT with a
Total 2017 Problem 30 value of 38, 5 or higher will be analyzed and improved,
B. Data Analysis
The abnormal and failure data were analyzed by the
FMEA method to calculate and find the RPN number, and
obtained as Table-2 below:
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 410
Operation and
Breakdown Mei Operation &
4 maintenance out of Employee not understand SOP Machine area ESP #1 Giving a training of SOP
machine 2018 Maintenance
a.FA mixing with water a. No Drain schedule a. Air receiver tank a. Make auto drain
5 Wet Fly ash Juni 2018 Mechanical
b. Aramid /membran
b. part life time b. Peralatan ESP #1 b. Replace aramid/membran
Ash mixed
No SOP operting ESP during start fairing boiler
6 with solar Ash sticked on hopper Machine area ESP #1 Juni 2018 Operator Make new SOP and give training
and oil and jammed
IV. CONCLUSION [8] Yuhelson, dkk. 2019. Analisis Realiability dan Availability Mesin
Pabrik Kelapa Sawit PT. Perkebunan Nusantara 3. Jurnal Dinamis.
Based on FMEA analysis and action plan repairs using the Vol II. No. 6.
5W + 1H method, the failure of the ESP function can be
corrected and be improved. Baseline data in 2017
malfunctions in ESP were 20 events and major problems in
the ash transporter, after carrying out repairing 8 action items
at 5W + 1H at column “ HOW “, the abnormality and failure
from July 2018 to June 2019 the problem does not occur
again. And it can be summarized, the succeed Improvements
can be categorized: Revised SOP & PM Schedule, Training
& Coaching, Modification of manual drain by Auto Drain.
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