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Green Holiday Tips

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Jan Paolo M.


Fionalee D. Labiano


Reading and Writing Skills

Lesson 5: Unity, Coherence, and Cohesion in Paragraph Writing

Green Holiday Tips

Direction: Answer the following questions:

Question 1: What is the purpose of the author?

The purpose of the author in making this selection is to help people celebrate holidays in an
eco-friendly way but still maintains a fun-filled atmosphere.

Question 2: How does celebration of holidays affects environment? Cite specific examples.

Celebrating holidays greatly affects the environment, for example, in the text it says there that
it takes 1.3 kilograms of coal to produce 1 kilogram of wrapping paper to be used in
wrapping presents, and the manufacturing process of making these emits 3.5 kilograms of
Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere and excludes Carbon footprints of packaging and then
transporting the wrapping paper around the country. Serve organic dishes made from fresh
foods bought from the local market, use recyclable utensils instead of disposable as much as
possible so that there are fewer things to throw away afterward.

Question 3: According to the article what are some ways to celebrate holidays without
causing damage to the environment?

According to the article, we can celebrate holidays without causing damage to the
environment by not using gift wrappers or wrapping paper, instead, you can use recyclable
materials to creating gift wrappers and we can personalize. Instead of using boxes, you can
encase our goodies with used cans or cylinders painted yourself. You can also use a scarf or a
handkerchief, in that the wrapper itself can be part of the gift.
Question 4: Name three tips from the article that you think are the most effective. Defend
your answer.

 Instead of using wrapping paper we can use recycled gift wrappers and personalized
it, we can also use used can and cylinders, or handkerchief and also scarfs, and by
doing these things no one will use wrapping papers anymore, and when no one uses it
there's no point of producing it so it will prevent the emission of carbon dioxides and
carbon footprint in the atmosphere.
 During holidays, instead of spending money from buying expensive gifts to give to
our loved ones, try to do things that make this holiday more special like volunteer to
do relief work, write up personalized letters—redeemable favors such as doing the
dishes or walking the dog—for our loved ones. I believe that simple efforts like these
will be so much appreciated.
 We can try making hanging lanterns by using unwanted items hidden away at home
like jars and wires, hand-cut paper snowflakes from old newspapers, or even
Christmas tree ornaments with the ribbons, and cards from last years’ gifts. This one
of the best and most effective cause not only you can celebrate a holiday eco-friendly
by recycling, but it will also test creativity instead of using incandescent lights, we
can use led lights, although it is more expensive than a regular incandescent light they
consume less energy and can last longer that means that you can use it for more than
on Christmas season, this is one of the most effective because energy originates from
electricity and electric power plants also release carbons in the atmosphere, even
though it’s just help a little bit it can make a change.

Question 5: Among the tips/suggestions given, which do you think is the least effective?

We think that the least effective tip from the article is using a Christmas lights at night. It
says from the article that LED Christmas lights consume less electricity compared to the
incandescent lights. Yes, it’s true that LED lights are better than incandescent lights but LED
lights are more expensive. May be we have saved money for paying our electricity bills with
an LED light yet it consumes our money from buying it. So it’s better to just hang used
Christmas decors in order to save electricity and money.
Question 6: As a student, what other specific measures can you take to protect the
environment from further destruction?

As a student, we can protect the environment by simply putting our trash in the right place or
if we find garbage lying around we can put in in a trash bin, by turning all of the electric
appliances from home and removing it from the outlet to save electricity, we can also save
the environment by saving water, all of these might be a simple and only a small deed but just
like what the article said, small things make a huge difference.

Question 7: Is the article well written? Why do you say so?

Yes, it is well written because the information was compact and all very meaningful, the
construction of the ideas in the paragraph is well organized, also there is unity in the
sentences, the information does not fly anywhere instead it was systematic.

Question 8: Are the facts reliable? Defend your answer.

Yes, the facts are indeed reliable because after reading the article we checked the internet if
the facts and information are true, almost all of the things that were in the article can be found
on the internet, not only that, some of the facts are common sense meaning without even
searching the web we can say that they are reliable.

Question 9: Are the ideas logically presented? Cite textual Evidence.

Yes, because there is also an added knowledge presented from the article that it takes 1.3 kg
of coal to produce 1kg of wrapping paper, and the manufacturing process emits 3.5 kg of
CO2 and that excludes the carbon footprint of packaging and then transporting the wrapping
paper around the country.

Activating One’s Schema

Direction: Complete the matrix by writing your observations on how the text is written
and how the ideas were presented.

Text Features Observation Notes

Unity The article shows unity in it because every paragraph has its
own main idea wherein all of the sentences are focused only on
that one idea and all the sentences effectively relate to the topic
sentence at the beginning of the paragraph which was how to
maintain an eco-friendly holiday without having the fun ruined.
Coherence The article is coherent because there is a flow of thoughts and
ideas among the sentences in the paragraphs. There are good
transitions employed in every paragraph. The writer also
presents sub-topics in an orderly fashion that the reader can
follow easily, for example, is the author gives tips or
suggestions about having a green holiday in a way that it was
easily understood.
Cohesion The article has cohesion because the words, phrases, sentences,
and paragraphs were tied together to create a text where the
relationships between these elements are clear and logical to us
reader, giving the text flow.
Do you think the text is well written? ✔ Yes No Maybe

Explain your answer

Every paragraph in the article revolves around the main idea and all of the sentences are
focused only on that one idea. Every information was compact and very meaningful. The
construction of the ideas in each paragraph was well organized. There was also a flow of
ideas among the sentences in the paragraphs, and the relationships between them were
clear and can be easily understood. The article shows unity wherein every paragraph has
its own main idea and all of the sentences are focused only on that one idea. Every
information was compact and very meaningful. The construction of the ideas in each
paragraph were well organized. There was also a flow of ideas among the sentences in the
paragraphs, and the relationships between them were clear and can be easily understood.

Dissect That Sentence!

Direction: Study the following topic sentences. Write the topic in the first column and the
controlling idea in the second column.

Topic Controlling Idea

1. Recycling paper can lessen Recycling paper lessen deforestation.
2. Christmas holidays leads to overuse of Christmas holidays leads to overuse of
electricity. electricity.
3. People spend unreasonably during the During the holiday People spend
holiday season. reason unreasonably
4. Production of organic food is Production of environment-
environment-friendly. organic food friendly.
5. Eco-friendly holiday gifts are cheap yet Eco-friendly cheap yet unique
unique holiday gifts

Expand your ideas

Direction: Write complete topic sentences by adding a controlling idea to the given topic.

1. Using gift wrappers

You can contribute in emitting carbon dioxide and carbon footprints by using gift
2. Electric Christmas lights and lanterns
Electric Christmas light and lanterns have negative effect in the environment.
3. Traveling during holiday
It is very pricy when traveling during holiday.
4. Christmas decorations made of recycled materials
Christmas decorations made of recycled materials is environment-friendly.
5. Eco-friendly celebration
Eco-friendly celebration is helpful in the environment.
Explore and Discover

Macalalad’s answer

Direction: Conduct a research about the given topic and write five sentences that
supports the main idea.
Topic: Underemployment and
Underemployment is a
social problem that affects The most frequent measure
job growth, poverty levels, of unemployment is the
business growth, career unemployment rate, which
growth, and the emotional is the number of
health of underemployed unemployed people
workers. For instance, divided by the number of
underemployed workers people in the labor force.
generally have less High rates of
disposable income. unemployment are a signal
of economic distress, but
extremely low rates of
unemployment may signal
an overheated economy.

Underemployment may be
defined as a situation in
which workers are
employed below their
education or skill level, or A factor that is needed to
their availability. A lot of consider as to why
people are facing underemployment and
underemployment which is unemployment is high is
caused by supply of because of the continuous
workers is greater than rise of the population and
demand for workers. because of these there are
not enough work for

Unemployment refers to a
problem in which a skilled
and talented people wanted
to do a job but cannot find
a proper job due to several
A. Direction: write a single composition about the same main idea. Undereployment
and Unemployment. You may rephrase the topic sentence. Use the supporting
details that you wrote in Explore and Discover. You may add one or two
supporting details. End you paragraph with a concluding sentence. Give your
composition a catchy title.

The Effects of Underemployment and Unemployment to our Society

We all know that underemployment and unemployment are the two main economic
problems we encounter not only in our country but these two are experienced in the
entire world every day. Unemployment refers to a problem in which a skilled and
talented people wanted to do a job but cannot find a proper job due to several reasons.
It is caused by structural unemployment, oversupply of graduates, economic
recession, overpopulation and more. Unemployment is often used as a measure of the
health of the economy. High rates of unemployment are a signal of economic distress,
but extremely low rates of unemployment may signal an overheated economy.
Sometimes, no matter how much a person is wanting for work, there are possibilities
that the job is not suitable for the skills that worker have. But that worker has no
choice, he does not want to live in poverty that's why the work will choose any kind
of job even though it's not in our forte, this is Underemployment. It may be defined as
a situation in which workers are employed below their education or skill level, or their
availability. It is the status of a worker where the worker is employed in a job that
may not match the workers' job preferences. It is important to know that
underemployed is different from not working it means the job you have is inadequate.
Sometimes it is used when talking about people who are working in a lower capacity
than one in which they are qualified. A factor that is needed to consider as to why
underemployment and unemployment is high is because of the continuous rise of the
population and because of these there are not enough work for workers. We should
put in our mind that if underemployment and unemployment are neglected it can
cause an increase in poverty, an increase in crime rate, exploitation of labor, political
instability, mental health, and loss of skills which might lead to the downfall or doom
of a whole nation.
B. Direction: Pair up with a classmate. Read, study and critic each other’s written
position in Merge Your Ideas. Answer the following questions.

Question1: Does your partner have a catchy title? Explain.

Yes, my partner has a catchy title, it might be a simple and short title but it is catchy
and easy to comprehend and it can explain the content of the writing just by its title.

Question 2: Was your classmate able to support the topic with enough details?

Yes, Fiona was able to support the topic Underemployment and Unemployment with
enough details, because all of the ideas that she inserted in her text were connected to
the main topic and the sentences were connected beautifully in an organized way. Not
only that, but she also adds much information that is significant to the topic that
supported the main topic.

Question 3: What are your comments about your classmates concluding statement?

Her way of concluding her paragraph was amazing, she paraphrased her topic
sentence in a way that I did not expect that was her topic sentence and she ends it by
providing a comment about the topic.

Question 4: What areas should your classmate work on more? How can he/she
improve in these areas?

She needs to work more on stitching her pieces of information, because in some part
of her paragraph she jumps from one information to the other but it’s not that
noticeable, she can improve in that areas by using the appropriate connecting words
and learning all about the cohesion of writing a paragraph

Question 5: Do you think your classmate wrote a unified paragraph? Why do you say

Yes, I think that my partner did a good job and wrote a unified paragraph because the
information she inputted to her paragraph is all connected to the main idea which is
Underemployment and Unemployment, the sentences click together and form a
significant piece and she didn’t get lost from the main topic.
Explore and Discover

Labiano’s answer

Direction: Conduct a research about the given topic and write five sentences that
supports the main idea.
Topic: Underemployment and unemployment

Underemployment may be
defined as a situation in which
workers are employed below their
education or skill level, or their
availability. A lot of people are
facing underemployment which is
caused by supply of workers is
greater than demand for workers.
Underemployment is a social
problem that affects job growth,
poverty levels, business growth,
career growth, and the emotional
health of underemployed workers.
Merge your Ideas
The most frequent measure of
A. Direction: write a single unemployment
composition is thesame
about the unemployment rate,
main idea.
Underemployment and Unemployment. You mayisrephrase
the number
the topicofsentence.
people divided
the supporting details that you wrote in Explore by the You
and Discover. number
mayof people
add one
in thewithlabor
or two supporting details. End you paragraph force. High
a concluding ratesGive
sentence. of
your composition a catchy title. unemployment are a signal of economic
distress, but extremely low rates of
Increasing Unemployment Rate in the Philippines
unemployment may signal an overheated
Unemployment is one of the problems we encounter in our country every single day. It is
caused by structural unemployment, oversupply of graduates, economic recession,
overpopulation and more. It occurs when a person who is actively searching for employment
is unable to find work. The
Unemployment is most
by measure of unemployment is the unemployment
The labor force is the number of people
rate, which is the number of
structural unemployed people divided by the number of people in the labor
unemployment, who are employed plus the unemployed
force. High rates
oversupply of unemployment
of are a
graduates, signal of economic distress, but extremely low rates
who are looking for work but it does not
of unemployment
economic may signal recession,an overheated economy. The unemployment rate in the
include the jobless who aren't looking
Philippines was at 5.3 percent
overpopulation and inmore.
the MarchIt quarter 2020, unchanged from the same quarter a
for work. For example, stay-at-home
year earlier.
number of unemployed
a person who ispersons increased by 0.11 thousand to 2.39 million,
moms, retirees, and students are not part
while the number of employed
actively searchinggrew byfor1.6 thousandoftothe 42.65 million. Meanwhile, the labor
labor force. To be considered part
force participation rate went
employment is unable to findup to 61.7 percent from 60.3 percent a year ago. Among
of the labor force, you must be
employed persons,
work. workers in theis services
Unemployment often sector made up 58.6 percent of the total, followed
available, willing to work, and have
by thoseused inas athe agriculture
measure sectorof (22.7 percent) and industry (18.8 percent).
of the health looked for a job recently.
Unemployment rate
the economy. in the Philippines is attributed to reasons including overpopulation,
oversupply of labor force on certain industries, economic recession, and the inability to take
on available jobs. Despite of these reasons, as an individual, we should be determined and
have perseverance to look for work or job that suits us in order to decrease the unemployment
rate of our country. It is a big help four our self, government and our country if we find a
stable job or a job under the governance of our government like public teachers, public nurses
or doctors, police, soldiers, etc. Poverty level will decrease and no one or no people of the
Philippines will again suffer from scarcity
B. Direction: Pair up with a classmate. Read, study and critic each other’s written
position in Merge Your Ideas. Answer the following questions.

Question1: Does your partner have a catchy title? Explain.

Yes, my partner has a catchy title because in our generation and society, our problems
in underemployment and unemployment is very timely. Of course, we want to learn
what are the effects why a lot of people are engaged in these kind of problems.

Question 2: Was your classmate able to support the topic with enough details?

Yes, Jan Paolo was able to support the topic Underemployment and Unemployment
with enough details because he really focused on the effects of unemployment and
underemployment which makes his composition better.

Question 3: What are your comments about your classmate’s concluding statement?

His way of concluding his paragraph is very simple yet straight to the point. He
doesn’t use highfalutin words in his paragraphs that make his composition

Question 4: What areas should your classmate work on more? How can he/she
improve in these areas?

All I can say is he did very well on his composition. There is nothing more I can say
about his work because all of the ideas were interconnected and understandable for
readers like me.

Question 5: Do you think your classmate wrote a unified paragraph? Why do you say

Yes, I think that my partner did a great job and wrote a unified paragraph because all
of the ideas were interconnected and were related to the main topic which is The
Effects of Underemployment and Unemployment to our Society. His composition can
be a source whenever we want to search for the meaning of unemployment and
underemployment together with their effects.

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