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Makalah B.inggris Kelompok 1

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BY :

FIKRI ARDIANSYAH ( 2011110028 )

DELLA EZALIYA ( 2011110010 )

FEBTA JULIA HARTATI ( 2011110001 )






First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing the
paper entitled “Makalah Bahasa Inggris ( Adjective and Adverb)”. The purpose in writing this
paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mr Heri Syahrizal as lecturer in Bahasa Inggris

Writer also realized there are still many mistakes in process of writing this paper. Then
the writer hope the criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper.
Last but not the least Hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge about
adjective and adverb.

Bengkulu, 5 Maret 2021










In learning English, there are many things that must be known first, one of which is the
parts of the spoken word or in English it is called the Parts of Speech. In English grammar, Parts
of Speech are classified into eight types of words which are classified according to what they
show, namely noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, prepositions, conjunction and interjection
words. However, this paper will only discuss "adjective and adverb" in accordance with a
predetermined scope.


A. Adjective

Adjective (kata sifat), in English language is used to expresses, explain or to describe noun (kata
benda). These adjectives vary greatly from their use and application in English language
learning. An adjective is a part of speech that modifies a noun or pronoun. Adjectives usually
tell what kind, how many, or which about nouns or pronouns. As a general example, the
following are some examples of the adjective:

For Examples:
Boni is a careful driver
She is a beautiful student. (Plural)
Dena and Dini are clever students. (Jamak)

Active = aktif
Beautiful = cantik
Busy = sibuk
Clever = pintar
Diligent = rajin

1. Kind of adjectives
a) Demonstrative adjective (penunjuk): this, that, these, those.
b) Distributive adjective (yang menerangkan kata benda): each, every, either, and neither.
c) Quantitative (menerangkan jumlah): some, any, little, few, much, many.
d) Interogative adjective (pertanyaan): which, what.
e) Posesive (milik): my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their.
f) Of quality (kualitas): clever, fat, good, and heavy.

The + adjective;
Form ‘’The+adjective’’ refers to people who have the characteristics concerned with these
Subject + adjective
The people + adjective
The peoples+ adjective

For Examples:
The young, The old
The man over there is collecting money for the mosque.
The man standing over there looks young.

2. Adjectives ends with –ing and ed.

Some of English adjectives are formed from the present participle (V ing) and past participle (V
3). Especially some adjectives that end with –Ing and ed, the following is the example:

Present past participle

Amusing amused
Amazing amazed
Boring bored
Exciting excited

For Examples:
Dona is bored because the concert is boring.
The concert is boring so Dona is bored.

Be+ Adjevtives;
Noun + be+ Adjective = adjective
a) A ball is round
b) Balls are round
c) Toni is intelligent, young, and happy.
d) Toni and Fania are intelligent, young, happy, etc.

An adjective often follow a form of be is, am, are. Adjectives usually describe or give
information about a noun or pronoun that comes at the beginning of the sentence. For examples:
Pronoun+ Be + Adjective
e) I am hungry
f) She is happy
g) They are young.

Example: Jim has an expensive bicycle.

Jim = a noun; expensive= an adjective; bicycle= a noun
1. My sister has a beautiful house.
2. We often eat at an Italian restaurant.
3. Fania sings her favorite songs in the campus.
4. Olive likes American hamburgers.
5. You like sour apples, but I like sweet fruit.

An adjective describes a noun. In (a): careful describes driver. An adverb describes the
action of a verb. In (b): carefully describes drives. Most adverbs are formed by adding -ly to
For examples:
a) Bella is a careful (adjective) driver
b) Bella drives carefully (adverbs)

B. Adverb

An adverb is a part of speech that modifies a another adverb, a verb, or an adjective. It is

often recognized by the suffix-ly at the end of it.

1. Kind of Adverbs
a) Adverbs of Frequency: How often?
The common adverbs of frequency are: always, often, usually, sometimes, occasionally, seldom,
rarely, never, normally, regularly, every day.
For Example: Mary is always late for class
Toni plays tennis often
b) Adverbs of Time: When?
The common adverbs of time are: yesterday, today, tomorrow, then, later, tonight, etc.
Ex: Are you went to school yesterday?
c) Adverbs of Place: Where?
The common adverbs of place are: here, there, everywhere, anywhere, nowhere, somewhere,
home, etc.
Ex : He studies English here
d) Adverbs of Manner: How?
The common adverbs of manner are: very, quite, pretty, really, fast, well, hard, quickly, slowly,
carefully, etc.
Ex: She is pretty girl
e) Adverbs of Purpose: Why?
The common adverbs of purpose are: so, so that, to, in order to, because, since, purposely.
Ex : She comes late because she missed the bus

C. Adjective or Adverb

Adjective and Adverb are modifying wods.

Adjective Adverb
Careful carefully
Common commonly
Quick quickly
Slow slowly
Easy easily

Example :

Incorrect : She did good on her exam.

The sentence above, the verb did is modified by an adjective good, when it should be modified
by an adverb well.

Correct : She did well on her exam.

Many adverbs are formed by adding a suffix –ly at the end of an adjective :

Change close to closely

Change patient to patiently

Some adverbs and adjective are, however, identical in form;

Adjectives a rough draft Adverbs play rough

first exam ride first

right hand turn right

To avoid an error,identify what word the adverb or adjective in question modifies. If the word
modified is a noun or a pronoun, use an adjective. If the word modified is a verb, an adjective, or
another adverb, use an adverb to modify it. Sometimes an adverb is confused with an adjective
similar in meaning.


Adverb as a part of the spoken word (Parts of Speech) in English grammar is one of the
many things that must be known in learning English. Adverbs are words that describe verbs,
adjectives and other words except for nouns and pronouns. There are various forms of adverb
that are categorized based on their function or use. Knowing adverb, both its form, meaning and
application, is expected to be one of the assets in learning English properly and correctly.

Meanwhile, Adjective is a word that is used to give an adjective to a noun. Each adjective
has a limiting force, and it may be defined as the word used to limit the use of the noun.

Syahrizal, H. (2019). Buku Ajar Bahasa Inggris. Bengkulu.

and some articles on internet.

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