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MAPEH (PE) Activity

Quarter 2 – MELC 2
Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activities

Name of Learner: Jermaine Bryant A. Ong Grade and Section:______________
Date: ___________________________

MAPEH 10 PE ACTIVITY SHEET NO. 1 Moderate To Vigorous Physical


Day 1

I. Learning Competency with Code

Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes a
day in and out of school (PE10PF -IIc - h -45)

 Describe health and fitness habits and how it can affect lifestyle.

II. Background Information for Learners:

Active Activities is important in relation to the achievement of desired
fitness level. Knowing that fitness is a universal concern, engaging in
whatever activities and undertakings should be taken into consideration if
you are going to perform them effectively and efficiently. If we want to be
strong and productive members of our community, we must address the basic
requirement of such goal, to achieve physical fitness.
This lesson introduces you to the importance of engaging in moderate
and vigorous physical activities in the enhancement of your fitness and
physical health. You will be provided with varied activities that will in turn
lead you to a greater awareness of physical activity engagement.
It can also give you additional insights and learnings that can let you
achieve a physically healthy and fit body and for you to influence the lifestyle
of the people in your community.

Accompanying DepEd Textbook and

Educational Sites
Physical Education and Health Learning Module – Grade 10, pp. 56-57

IV. Activity Proper

1. Directions / Instructions:

 Read and understand the instructions or directions carefully.

 As much as possible, work independently, however when assistance is
needed, do not hesitate to ask from your teacher facilitator
 Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.
 Write your answers clearly and legibly.
 Do/perform the activities religiously.
 WORK….LEARN…and have FUN!
 Answer the questions related to the lesson

2. Activities/Exercises:

Activity A – “FACT or BLUFF “

Read the sentences carefully. Write the word Fact if the statement is correct,
Bluff if the statement is wrong. Write your answers in the answer sheet.

FACT 1. Our lifestyle greatly influences our health and fitness.

FACT 2. A well- trimmed body boosts self - confidence.
BLUFF 3. A physically active individual engages in indoor activities or
recreational activities.
FACT 4. A positive thought reaps good looks, happy feeling and an improved
well- being.
BLUFF 5. Today’s pandemic time, it is not advisable to engage in outdoor


What kind of activities do you often do? Are you into sports or dancing? Make
a list of your activities here and identify if it is an active or a passive activity.
Check the appropriate column.

Activities Active Passive


Activity C - “Keeping Myself Active”

Do the following physical activities with your family.

1. Look for a safe area outside the house. Do the walking for three minutes.
2. Jog for two minutes
3. Jump rope for two minutes
4. Do light aerobic activity for ten minutes
5. Do cool down and relaxation exercises for two minutes

Aerobic exercise is any type of cardiovascular conditioning. It can

include activities like brisk walking, stationary bike, swimming,

running, or cycling. You probably know it as “cardio.” Aerobic exercise

means “with oxygen.” Your breathing and heart rate will increase during

aerobic activities. Aerobic exercise helps keep your

heart, lungs, and
circulatory system healthy.

What are cool down exercises?

Cool down exercises are light exercise that helps your body transition from
working hard to resting. This can be an important part of your exercise for many
reasons which includes the following:

Reduces strain on your heart muscle as it goes from exerting itself back to

Prevents dizziness and other discomfort from blood pooling in your lower
extremities after exercise (caused by veins increasing in size to
accommodate the increased blood flow from the heart).

Promotes a “feel good” feeling. After running hard, a nice walk afterward
helps your legs feel better.

You can do some stretching exercises to relax your body.

3. Guide Questions:

Answer the following Questions. Write your answers in the column opposite each
Guide Questions Answer
1.Are you physically active? Why? Yes, because I used to play basketball,
long-distant biking every weekends,
sometimes I do jogging, and dancing,
and most especially I am doing
household chores that makes me
physically active.
2. How do you feel about the different I felt happy, satisfied, and it makes me
activities you are engaged in? forget my problems for awhile that
helps me reduce my level of stress.
3. What factors influence your choice of My family, friends, and social media.
physical activity?
4. What challenges did you encounter in When I perform certain activities for the
performing the different activities? first time, my body felt over fatigue for
the next day and soreness of my

5. How can your health habits and Lifestyle has a huge role in our health,
behavior affect your lifestyle? fitness, and wellness that’s why I
always try hard to maintain my body
physically fit.

4. Rubrics for scoring

FAMILY CONNECT…..”ZUMBA….the way to stay FIT”

Initiate a Zumba session at home. Include the whole family for this activity
considering the benefits of this to your fitness and health. An upbeat music
and an appropriate Zumba outfit will make it more interesting and fun. It’s

Health Benefits of ZUMBA

It’s fun. The more you enjoy your exercise routine, the more likely you are to stick
with it.
Great for weight loss…. Tones your entire body….. Boosts your heart health….. Helps
you to de-stress…. Improves coordination…. Makes you HAPPY…..


4 3 2 1
Routine The routine was The routine The routine The routine
very was mainly was at times was not
synchronized synchronized synchronized synchronized
between the with only few between the between the
group members areas need group group
and at an members and members and
work. It was
appropriate level some areas a lot of areas
at an
for all group need work. It need work. It
appropriate was too
members. was difficult/
level for most difficult/ easy easy for some
group for some group
members. group members

Moves The routine The routine The routine The routine
incorporated: 4-5 incorporated: incorporated: incorporated:
aerobic moves, 3-4 aerobic 2-3 aerobic 1-2 aerobic
3-4 original moves, moves, moves,
moves. 4-5 2-3 original 1-2 original 0-1 original
Zumba Dance moves. moves. moves,
Fitness moves. 3-4 Zumba 2-3 Zumba 1-2 Zumba
Dance Fitness Dance Fitness Dance Fitness
moves moves moves.

Length Between 3-4 Betweeen 2-3 Between 1-2 Between 0-1

minutes long minutes long minutes long minute long

11 - 12 Outstanding
9 - 10 Very Satisfactory
7 - 8 Satisfactory
5 - 6 Needs Improvement
3 - 4 Poor

V. Reflections
Answer the following questions.

e What are the things I learned from the lesson?

The things I learned from the lesson is that it is important for us to
maintain our body healthy and choose healthy lifestyle because at the
end of the day we are the one who will going to suffer if our lifestyle is
bad. Remember, “Health is wealth”.

Engage yourself in different physical activity that will helps your

body stay physically fit.

Physical activity improves you mental, physical, and emotional

health. It also helps you to be socially active.

What are the things I want to do /practice to become an active,

physically fit person?
Eat healthy foods, drink a lot of water, get enough sleep, and take

Do exercise atleast 3 times a week.

Avoid drinking alcohol;

e What are the things I want to share to my family, friends, and others
my community?
Be physically active.

Eat healthy foods.
Share positivity.

VI. Answer Key

False 5.
True 4.
False 3.
True 2.
True 1.

Activity 1 – FACT or BLUFF

Answers may vary for other acticities.

VII. Links and/or Other References


I. Learning Competency with Code

Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes
a day in and out of school
 To analyze current lifestyle habits and help determine changes necessary for
future health and wellness. PE10PF -IIc - h -45

II. Background Information for Learners:

Most of the time, we often think wellness in terms of physical health —

nutrition, exercise, weight management, etc., but it is so much more. Wellness
is a holistic integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, fueling
the body, engaging the mind, and nurturing the spirit. Although it always
includes striving for health, it’s more about living life fully, and is “a lifestyle
and a personalized approach to living life in a way that allows you to become
the best kind of person that your potentials, circumstances, and fate will
Wellness encompasses eight mutually interdependent dimensions:
physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, vocational, financial, and
environmental. Attention must be given to all the dimensions, as neglect of

any one over time will adversely affect the others, and ultimately one’s health,
well-being, and quality of life.
In this lesson, you are going to analyze your current lifestyle habits. This
will also help you determine changes necessary for future health and

Accompanying DepEd Textbook and

Educational Sites
Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material, pp. 62-64

IV. Activity Proper

1. Directions/Instructions:
 Read and understand the instructions or directions carefully.
 As much as possible, work independently, however when assistance is
needed, do not hesitate to ask from your teacher facilitator.
 Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.
 Write your answers clearly and legibly.
 Do the activities religiously.
 WORK….LEARN…and have FUN!
 Answer the questions related to the lesson.



Answer the Wellness Lifestyle Questionnaire honestly on page 62-64 of

Physical Education and Health Learners’s Manual. Place a check in the
column corresponding to your answer for each question. Get your final score
according to the guidelines provided at the end of the questionnaire. Answer
the reflective questions that follows.

Category Rating: Here’s how to know your health practices and wellness.

Score Rating Description

17 and above Excellent Your answers show that you are aware of
the importance of this category to your
health and wellness. You are puting your
knowledge to work for you by practicing
good and healthy habits.

13 Good Your health practices in this area are good,

but you have room for improvement. Look
again at the items you answered with a 4 or
lower and identify changes that you can
make to improve your lifestyle.

12 and below Needs Your health risks are showing. You may be
Improvement taking serious and unnecessary risks with
your health. Perhaps you are not aware of
the risks or what to do about them. Most
likely you need additional information and
help in deciding how to successfully make
the changes you desire. You can easily get
the information that you need to improve if
you wish.



Your way of life, simply termed as LIFESTYLE, has great influence on your
health and fitness. Are you ready to discover more about your fitness journey?
Guide Questions My Current Lifestyle Habits
1. What influences your choices of My surroundings which includes my
physical activities? family, friends, and neighbours. On
this pandemic, playing basketball is
strictly prohibited that’s why I decided
to engage myself in biking that was
really common activity right now.
2. What challenges do you I felt exhausted because long-distant
encounter in performing the biking is so energy-draining and my
activities? body experienced over-fatigue on the
next day.

3. What activities are you engaged Biking

in? Basketball

4. Are the activities active or Both active and passive


Activity B – “Change for the BETTER”

Take a look at the result of your healthy lifestyle check, do you have habits or
behaviors you want to change to improve your lifestyle? Try to work on this.

Health Habit/Behavior to be Improved Health Habit/Behavior


Avoid eating junk foods Drinking a lot of water per day

Avoid sleeping late Doing recreational activities

Exercise 3 times a week Eating nutritious food

Avoid eating a lot of carbohydrates Taking vitamins

Guide Questions:

Reflect on the following questions. Give your thoughts/insights at the same

time the concepts learned from this lesson.

1. What can you say about your lifestyle?

I can say that my lifestyle is good but at the same time a little bit bad
for certain reasons. I am engaging myself in different recreational
activities, eating nutritious food, and taking vitamins. On the other
hand, I eat junk foods sometimes, easy to cook foods, and foods from
fast food chains that was really hard to avoid especially we are in urban

2. Is your lifestyle active and healthy? Why?

Yes because even though sometimes I cheat on my diet but then I
can still manage to maintain my physical health that helps me not
to get sick easily.
3. Do you make a constant and deliberate effort to stay healthy and
achieve the highest potential for well-being?
Yes. Doing exercise and having a proper diet is so hard that’s why I need to
put deliberate effort on it.

4. How well can you manage stress?

Engaging myself in different recreational activities helps me reduce my level
of stress. I believe that physical activity was such a big help for our mental
5. What can you say about your current lifestyle? Which of these would
you like to change for the better?
I can say that although I had many lifestyle that is good for my
health but there still a lot of things I need to change. Such as
sleeping late, eating junk foods, etc.

V. Reflections
These are the things I learned from the lesson.
I learned that lifestyle plays a huge role in health, fitness, and
wellness among individual. Chronic diseases and long-term
disorders can be avoided by leading a safe lifestyle. Self-esteem
and self-image are aided by feeling good about yourself and
taking care of your wellbeing
These are the things I want to change or improve to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

 Avoid sleeping late
 Avoid eating junk foods
 Exercise 3 times a week

These are things I want to share to my family, friends and others in my

Promote on how to practice healthy lifestyle.
VI. Answer Key
Students’ answers in the different activities may vary.

VII. Links and/or Other References


I. Learning Competency with Code

Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes a day in and
out of school PE10PF -IIc - h -45
 To prepare and monitor behavioral changes for weight management.

II. Background Information for Learners:

Many people want to lose weight so they will look better. Are you also thinking of it?
Some people have a distorted image of what they would really look like if they were to
reduce to what they think is their ideal weight. Several factors such as heredity play a big
role and only a small fraction of the population have the genes for a “perfect body”. The
ultimate question you can ask yourself is: Am I happy with my weight? How can one
achieve and maintain an ideal weight? Part of enjoying a higher quality of life is being
happy with yourself. If you are not, you either need to do something about it or learn to
live with it.

Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational

Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material, Grade 10, pp. 67-69

IV. Activity Proper

1. Directions/Instructions:
 Answer the Pre-Assessment and other questions related to the lesson.
 Read and understand the instructions or directions carefully.
 As much as possible, work independently, however when assistance is needed, do not
hesitate to ask from your teacher facilitator.
 Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.
 Write your answers clearly and legibly.
 Do the activities religiously.
 WORK….LEARN…and have FUN!

2. Exercises/Activities:

Activity A. – “ Am I AWARE?”

Let’s start by answering the following questions to know your weight management

1. State your own feelings regarding your current body weight, your target body
composition, and a completion date for this goal?
In terms of my body weight, it is normal but my target body composition is to
look fit and build the different muscle groups in my body but may be it takes

2. Do you think you have issues about how or what you eat? If so, express your feelings
about it.
Yes I have issues about how or what I need to eat. As we grow older, we become
health conscious that’s why I think it is normal.

3. Is your present diet adequate according to nutrient analysis?

4. State dietary changes necessary to achieve a balanced diet and/or to lose weight. List
specific food that will help you improve in areas where you may have deficiencies and
food items to avoid or consume in moderation to help you achieve better nutrition.

 Changes to make non-nutritious food should change into nutritious one

 Food that will help fruits, vegetables, fresh meat, and fish
 Food to avoid junk foods

Activity B – “This Is Me…”

Read the tips for behavior modification and adherence to a weight management
program. On a weekly basis, go through the list of strategies and provide a “YES” or “NO”
answer to each statement. If you are able to answer YES to most questions, you have
been successful in implementing positive weight management behaviors.

Behavior Modification Progress Form

1.I have made a commitment
to change.
2.I set realistic goals.
3.I exercise regularly.
4.I have healthy eating
5.I exercise control over my
6.I am consuming less fat in
my diet.
7.I pay attention to
the number of
calories in my food.
8.I have eliminated
unnecessary food
items from my diet.
9.I avoid automatic eating.
10.I stay busy.
11.I plan meals ahead of
12.I eat slowly and at the
table only.
13.I do not serve more food
than I
should eat.
14.I reward my
15.I think positive.

Source: Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material, pp. 67-68

What NOW?...
After a week, try to check your Progress…Were you able to modify your weight
management behaviors? Make a list of these modifications in your portfolio.

Think IT OVER…

1. Do you consider yourself overweight? If so, how long have you had a weight problem?
2. Are the reasons of being overweight or obese related to eating and eating behaviors?
Enumerate some reasons.
 Eating excessive foods that are rich in cholesterol.
 Foods that are rich in carbohydrates.
 Foods that are sweet and rich in sugar.
 Lack of exercise.
3. What attempts have you made to lose weight? What has worked best for you?
Having proper diet and doing work out. Stay physically active and proper diet are
the best way to lose weight.
4. Do you have additional recommendations in order to achieve an ideal body weight?
Motivate yourself especially in the hardest time of your diet and workout.

Activity C. Weight Matter

In this activity, you are going to monitor and record your weight until you achieve the
ideal/normal weight. Report any observation/progress every end of the grading period.

Activity D– “Weight ….There’s More…”

How will you manage your weight? List down some things you will do to achieve and
maintain an ideal weight.

1. Proper diet
2. Regular exercise
3. Stay active
4. set commitment and make sure to achieve it
5. self-discipline

3. Guide Questions:

Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What is weight management? What do you think is the key to weight management?
The term "weight control" refers to the strategies as well as the underlying
physiological mechanisms that lead to a person's ability to achieve and sustain a
certain weight. Exercise is essential for weight loss maintenance, and it is
possibly more necessary than diet.

Why is it important to maintain an ideal weight?

It is important to maintain an ideal weight in order for us to reduce the risk of
heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure, as well as the risk of a
variety of cancers and it helps us to boost our self-esteem.

2. Why do we need to consider behavioral changes in relation to weight management and

healthy lifestyle?
We need to consider behavioral changes in relation to weight management and
healthy lifestyle in order for us to achieve it easily.

3. What factors can affect one’s lifestyle and weight management?

The factors that can affect one’s lifestyle and weight management is the
temptations around him such as the foods during occasions or foods in fast food
chains, sluggishness, and its mindset.
4. Are the different eating disorders a factor to weight loss or weight gain? How?
 Anorexia nervosa (anorexia) is a mental disorder that affects the body image
and eating habits. You may believe that your body is far larger than it is, and
you are afraid of gaining weight. You may also assume that if you were thinner,
you'd be a happier guy.
 Bulimia nervosa (bulimia) is a psychiatric condition that affects the body image
and eating habits. Bulimia, on the other hand, causes you to consume a large
amount of food in a short period of time. Bingeing or binge eating is the term
for this behavior. You might feel like you can't control how much you consume
when you're eating. You might even enjoy yourself while eating. However, once
you've done eating, you may be concerned about gaining weight. As a
consequence, you might want to try to get rid of the food. Bulimia sufferers,
like anorexics, may believe they are far larger than they are or believe they
would be a better individual if they were thinner.
 Binge-eating disorder is a mental illness that has an effect on your eating
habits. You binge eat a lot of food in a short amount of time on a daily basis if
you have this condition. You have no control of what or how much you eat, but
afterward you feel distressed, disgusted, guilty, or depressed. Binge eating may
be a reaction to sadness or depression, anxiety, tension, or a sense of being

5. Why is it important to regularly monitor your weight?

It is important to regularly monitor your weight in order for you to be aware
of what you or how you eat.

V. Reflections
1. These are the things I learned from the lesson…
The things I learned from the lesson is that it is important for us to maintain or
manage our weight in order for us not to reduce the risk of having different
2. These are the things I want to do to maintain an ideal weight….
Exercise and proper diet.
3. These are the things I want to share to my family, friends, and others in my
Promote weight management and different physical activities.

VI. Answer Key

Students’ answers in the different activities may vary.

VII. Links and/or Other References

I. Learning Competency with Code
Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes a day in and
out of school
• To determine the resting heart rate and maximum heart rate
• To understand the concept and importance of active recreation CG Code:
PE10PF -IIc - h -45

II. Background Information for the Learner
Everybody aims to become fit and healthy. Many factors can influence us of
becoming one. Engaging in active recreational activities is a way of achieving an active
body and mind. Active recreation is leisure time physical activity undertaken outside of
structured, competition sport, a set of activities within the wider range of physical
activity options that also include active living, active transport and sports.

You must perform active sports and recreation for at least 20 minutes at least
three days a week. Sports and recreational activities can help you in many other ways as
well. They can help you to relax and reduce the stresses in your life.

III. Accompanying Dep Ed Textbook and Educational Sites

Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material, Grade 10, pp.72-79

IV. Activity Proper

1. Directions/Instructions:
 Answer the questions related to the lesson.
 Read and understand the instructions or directions carefully.
 As much as possible, work independently, however when assistance is needed, do not
hesitate to ask from your teacher facilitator.
 Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.
 Write your answers clearly and legibly.
 Do the activities religiously.
 WORK….LEARN…and have FUN!

2. Exercises/Activities:


Determine your Resting Heart Rate (RHR), Maximum Heart Rate (MHR), and Training
Heart Rate Zone (THRZ). Fill in the table below. You will need a stopwatch, pen and
notebook, and calculator for this activity.

TYPE No. of Beats Per Minute

Resting Heart Rate 65
Maximum Heart Rate (Maximum HR subtracted to my
Target Heart Rate Zone 129

Activity B - Fitness Level Tests

Do you have an idea of your present level of physical fitness?
Do you know what these assessments are? Surely you have the idea of the types of
fitness assessment and how to conduct it because you already had performed it before,
but to know your present fitness level you have to perform again. I am referring you to

your Learning Module, Physical Education and Health (Grade 10), pp.7376 for the
procedures and how to interpret scores.
Evaluation of your current fitness level is important because it gives you important data
on the areas to be improved or enhanced. This will allow you to set reasonable fitness
goals and planning for a suitable and enjoyable physical activity.
Perform the tests, keep a record of your test results and the interpretation of your

Reminders: Before you perform the fitness assessment,

1. Determine and record your RHR, MHR, and THRZ.

2. Do warm- up exercise before doing the assessment
3. Do cool-down exercise after the assessment
4. A trial is encouraged for each category before proceeding to the test proper. Record
the best score. Interpret the score, refer to your LM pp.73-76.
5. Be safe all the time.
6. Scores will be recorder in your PF scorecard (pp.73 Grade 10 LM, PE and Health)

Activity C - LET’S TAKE A WALK……

Things to Remember:

1. Discuss the benefits of fitness walking and some tips to your family.
2. Perform the stretching and warm-up exercise before your walking program and
cool-down exercise after the walking activity.
3. Wear a comfortable and appropriate outfit.
4. Make your walking routine fun and enjoyable.
5. Get and record your RHR, MHR, and THRZ before walking.
6. Be safe.


1. Pass the Talk Test…If you can’t talk while walking, you are exercising too
Slow down.

2. Walk before you Run…Starting a running program might be painful, and

pain is no

fun. Condition your body with a low-impact activity and later on you will be better
prepared for higher-impact exercises such as running.
3. Wear bright clothing…strive to be seen, not part of an accident scene.

4. Warm -up before you walk and cool-down after.
5. Change your route…explore other walking trails or route in your vicinity.
6. Listen while you walk…listen to your favorite music while walking to be

7. Walk with a family member…invite a family member to join your fitness


8. Meditate or Pray…use your walking time to meditate and pray.

9. Crosstrain…alternate walking days with biking, swimming, playing
Badminton, or other exercise to maintain healthy heart.

Source: Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material, Grade 10,pp.79


Warm up Target HR Zone Cool Down Total Time
Week 1 Walk 5 min. Walk briskly 5 min. Walk 5 min. 15 minutes
Week 2 Walk 5 min. Walk briskly 7 min. Walk 5 min. 17 minutes
Week 3 Walk 5 min. Walk briskly 9 min. Walk 5 min. 19 minutes
Week 4 Walk 5 min. Walk briskly 11 min. Walk 5 min. 21 minutes
Week 5 and on: check your pulse periodically to see if you are exercising within your target
heart rate. As you become more fit, try exercising within the upper range of your target
heart rate. Gradually increase your brisk walking time to 20-30 minutes, 3-4 times a week.
Remember that your goal is to get the benefits you are seeking and to enjoy your activity.


Warm up Target HR Zone Cool Down Total Time
Week 1 Walk 5 min., Walk 5 min., run 1 min. Walk 3 min., 20 minutes
then stretch Walk 3 min. , run 1 min. stretch 2 min
Week 2 Walk 5 min., Walk 5 min., run 1 min. Walk 3 min., 22 minutes
then stretch Walk 5 min., run 1 min. stretch 2 min
Week 3 Walk 5 min., Walk 5 min., run 3 min. Walk 3 min., 26 minutes
then stretch Walk 5 min., run 3 min. stretch 2 min
Week 4 Walk 5 min., Walk 4 min., run 4 min. Walk 3 min., 28 minutes
then stretch Walk 5 min., run 5 min. stretch 2 min
Week 5 and on: check your pulse periodically to see if you are exercising within your
target heart rate. As you become more fit, try exercising within the upper range of your
target heart rate. Gradually increase your jogging/running time from 20-30 minutes ( or
more, up to 60 minutes ), 3-4 times a week.

Reflect on the following questions:

1. What did you notice about your heart rate? Is it necessary to check your heart rate
after a walking or a running activity?
I noticed that my heart rate is very different from my resting point and after I walk and
run. My heart rate was very fast than its resting rate. It is necessary to check my heart
rate after a walking or a running activity in order for me to identify how much effort I put
in every activity I did.
2. What are the benefits of walking/running activities to you?
There are lots of benefits of running/walking activity in me such as it helps me to burn
the fats in my body, it helps me to improve my cardiovascular, and most especially it
helps me to look fit and healthy.
3. What did you discover about your health after engaging in walking and running
I discovered that my health after engaging running and walking activities that it improves
very well than what it is before because before I easily get tired even in a short-distant
walking or running but after I did many walking and running, I can able to walk or run in a
long-distant that makes me felt happy and satisfied.

I hope you enjoyed the activity… I know you had a lot of experiences especially that
you are doing this with your family. However, as much as you take enjoyment from the
said activity, you must know the very purpose of this is developing your cardiovascular
fitness, at the same time improving your lifestyle.
The next activity you will do is quiet vigorous. This is more challenging, but fun.
Are you ready for it?? Let’s do it!



Hip-Hop aerobics get your heart pumping and your body moving. Do some street
style dancing while you kick up your cardio with popping and locking, breaking, jerking,
freezing, spinning, and sliding. Purposely, it can improve your cardiovascular endurance.

Are you ready to show your dance style? LET’S start GROOVIN’!

For this activity, you will need the following:

CD Player/Music Player
Up beat music
Videos of Hip-Hop aerobics routine (if available)

Here’s how to do it….

1. Discuss with your family the purpose and benefits of this activity.
2. Watch videos of Hip-Hop aerobics together with your family (if videos are available).
3. Perform warm-up exercises before engaging in the activity, and cool-down exercises
4. Play an upbeat music such as, “On The Floor”, “Treasure”, Timber”, or any upbeat
music of your choice during the warm-up phase.
5. Perform the following basic Hip-Hop dance steps following the step by step instruction.
Take time to master the dance steps

You may do the following exercises:

 Head Encircling
 Shoulder isolation
 Shoulder rolls
 Side arm stretch (upward and sideward)

 Hip isolation
 Squats
 Side steps
 Slide steps
 Hop steps
 Jumping jacks
 Breathing exercise

Are you ready to show your dance style? LET’S start GROOVIN’!
• Glide step pull right foot back
 Starting with the right foot, slide to the right, then slide to the left with the left foot
 Make it single-single-double slide step
 Extend arms sideward left when sliding to the right, reverse arm when sliding to the
• Box step
 Cross right foot over left foot, cross left foot over right, pull right foot back, pull left
foot back
 Stamp right foot then punch right arm downward then reverse side  Round arms
from chest
• Pump step
 Starting with right foot, step side then close left foot to right foot with arms
pumping at chest level
• Pull down
 Starting with the right foot slide to the right and push down right arm and pull left
leg up
 Repeat starting with the left foot
• The Turn step
 Starting with the right foot, do a three-step turn to the right and snap both fingers
 Repeat starting with the left foot
• Jumping Jack Changes
 Jump out, extend both arms sideward, jump in, extend both arms upward (repeat
two times)
 Cross right foot over left (ball change), repeat with left foot
• Hip-Hop Wave
 Wave right arm upper up moving to the right, repeat moving to the left  Repeat two
• Cool walk
 Starting with the right foot walk forward, with knees slightly bouncing, swing left
arm forward, repeat with left swinging right arm  Repeat four times
• Shoe Tap
 Start with a simple toe tap with the right foot moving forward closing left to right,
then moving backward
 Repeat starting with left foot
• Hip Roll
 Bend both knees and push hips to the right then cross step left (ball change)
 Repeat moving to the left
Take this challenge…
Ask a family member to take the challenge from you. Enjoy the HIP- HOP Dance to the
beat of your favorite music. It’s grooving time! Have fun…

Reflect on the following questions.

a) How do you feel about the activity? Was it easy to perform? Were you able to perform it
with confidence?
It felt so tiring and energy-draining but at the same time enjoyable. It is not
easy to perform hiphop especially the steps are hard and fast. At first, I don’t have
any confidence but after I perform it in several times, I felt that it helps me to
boost my self-confidence.

b) What other health benefits did you achieve in performing the Hip-Hop dance?
It helps me in my physical health which makes me burn fats in my body, in my
mental and emotional health which it helps me to reduce stress and helps me boost
my self-confidence.

3. Guide Questions:
a) What is active recreation? How often do you engage in active recreation?
At least three days a week, you must engage in physical sports and recreation
for at least 20 minutes, and your heart rate must be elevated into the target
heart rate range. Sports and outdoor activities will also benefit you in a variety
of other ways. They will assist you in relaxing and reducing your stress levels.
At least three days a week, you must engage in physical sports and recreation
for at least 20 minutes, and your heart rate must be elevated into the target
heart rate range. Sports and outdoor activities will also benefit you in a variety
of other ways. They will assist you in relaxing and reducing your stress levels.

b) What are the factors to be considered before engaging/performing an

Working out isn't just about putting in the effort; it's also about putting in
the effort wisely. So, when it comes to getting in shape, remember the four
fitness considerations, or FITT: Frequency, Intensity, Type, and Time.

c) What are the activities that can contribute to the improvement of one’s fitness level?
 Endurance exercises ( Brisk walking, swimming, jogging, biking, dancing, etc.)
 Strength exercises (Lifting weights, arm curls, wall push-ups, etc.)
 Balance exercises (standing on one foot, the balance walk, the heel-to-toe walk,
Tai Chi, etc.)
 Flexibility exercises (The back stretch exercise, the inner thigh stretch, the
ankle stretch, the back of leg stretch, etc.)
d) How often do you engage in moderate or vigorous activities as a way of improving
your fitness level?
Per week, try to get in 150–300 minutes of moderate-intensity physical
activity or 75–150 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity.
Alternatively, you can do a mixture of the two stages of action.
At least two days a week, engage in muscle-strengthening exercise.

V. Reflection
1. These are the things I learned from the lesson…
I learned that exercise is very important in one’s life in order for him/her to
improve his/her wellness and fitness. We should engage ourselves in different
physical activities in order for us to be healthy and able to avoid in different
2. These are the things I want to develop….
I want to be more fit and healthy for this year and in the future. I want to boost my
self-confidence and exercising is one of the best way, I believe so.
3. These are the things I want to share to my family, friends, and others in my
Encourage them to exercise and let the know its importance.

VI. Answer Key

Students’ answers may vary

VII. Links and/or other References:

Day 5

I. Learning Competency with Code

Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes a day in and
out of school
• To prepare a wellness plan in order to maintain the present fitness level and lifestyle
• To recognize the importance of active recreational activities in developing the health
and fitness of the community
• To influence the community’s awareness of the value of fitness through project COP
(Community Outreach Program)

CG Code: PE10PF -IIc - h -45

II. Background Information for Learners

Everyone should be aware of the importance of engaging in a variety of fitness
activities. Knowing that our nation’s young people in large measure are inactive, unfit,
and increasingly overweight, they need to engage more in the different activities to build
healthier bodies and establish healthy lifestyle. This can also give us the reason to
increase our resistance to fight or combat COVID 19 and other diseases.
The country’s wealth is also dependent on his peoples’ health. A healthy populace
yields a healthy nation. Being fit and healthy is everybody’s responsibility.

III. Accompanying Dep Ed Textbook and Educational Sites

Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material, Grade 10, pp.96-103

IV. Activity Proper
1.Directions / Instructions
 Answer the questions related to the lesson.
 Read and understand the instructions or directions carefully.
 As much as possible, work independently, however when assistance is needed, do not
hesitate to ask from your teacher facilitator.
 Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.
 Write your answers clearly and legibly.
 Do the activities religiously.
 WORK….LEARN…and have FUN!...

2.Exercises / Activities

Choose and tick the box that describes your activities and practices.

Activity A. My Health and Fitness Practices

Choose and tick the box that describes your activities and practices.

1.I play different sports regularly. ✔

2.I enjoy participating in recreational activities. ✔
3.I eat a balanced diet everyday.
4.I expressed my emotions in healthy ways. ✔
5.I sleep early and rise early.
6.I enjoy discovering new things. ✔
7.I face life’s challenges positively. ✔
8.I share my thoughts and feelings with my parents ✔
and siblings.
9.I don’t smoke and even engaged in any vices. ✔
10.I enjoy doing hobbies either alone or with my ✔
family and friends.
11. I can decide for myself. ✔
12.I welcome and appreciate constructive criticisms. ✔
13.I have time devoted only for my spiritual life. ✔

Your health and fitness practices will guide you in preparing your wellness plan. Think of
the things you will include in your wellness plan.

Activity B. “My Wellness Plan”

Prepare a wellness plan. Here’s how you will do it.

 Prepare a wellness plan based on the result of your fitness assessment

 Write the plans you wish to attain after you engage in the various fitness and
recreation activities in the lesson
 You may creatively make it applying your knowledge in arts and creative writing.
 Include a short discussion on ways to stay fit and healthy

Sample Format of Wellness Plan

Abdominal area Curl ups
Biceps Good Weight lifting
Speed Good Biking
Dancing skills
Good Dancing
Good Balance
Brisk walking/jogging
Activity C – RE – CONNECT …Community Outreach Program

You will now extend your fitness commitment to the community. This is the time for
you to realize your goal on maintaining an active lifestyle not only for yourself but to the
whole community. Identify the activity you want to implement. Consider the benefits the
people will gain from it. Prepare a proposal for your planned community activity.

Promote fitness program or activity for our Barangay, such as Zumba and
Biking. Aside from many people will benefit from it, it also helps me to become an effective
leader and youth also. It may be hard but it would be possible with the help of our SK
Chairman and Punong Barangay.

Brgy. Adults and

Zumba 2 WEEKS Fun and
officials teenager

Brgy. Adults
Brgy. Adults
Fun Run 2 WEEKS
officials 8,000

For successful implementation of the program, you must create these groups or
committees. Their assignments and responsibilities are important to carry out the



Takes charge of all communications including requests for approval of

the principal regarding the conduct of the activity, issuance and

retrieval of parent’s waiver form, and letters coordinating the activity

with the class adviser/MAPEH Teacher.


Takes charge of the registration of participants, checking of

attendance, and prepares certificates for the training team and



Takes charge of the training aspect


Comes up with a narrative accomplishment relative to the conduct of

the activity, attaching all copies of communication and pictures

3. Guide Questions:
Consider the following questions.

1. What did you discover about your own health choices and involvement in
physical activity now after the assessment?
I discovered that my health choices and involvement in physical activity
now after the assessment was pretty good and very satisfying. I experienced
a lot that gave me a lot of lesson. That’s why, I am very much happy to
experience these kind of things.
2. What do you plan to do with what you discovered? Why?
Improve and develop it because if I will not, all my effort will be useless at
the end of the day.
3. How can the concepts and principles of active recreation and fitness you have
learned help you achieve a lifelong wellness?

The concepts and principles of active recreation and fitness I have learned
help me achieve a lifelong wellness by connecting to it and understood all
the details.
4. What are the things you will consider in preparing your wellness plan?
Your emotional, physical, spiritual, economical, educational, intellectual,
and environmental health are all considered in a wellness plan. When
making a health plan, you'll need to evaluate each aspect of your life to
figure out what your objectives are.
5. What would be your feeling after you influence your community to stay fit and
It feels good and at the same time satisfied.

V. Reflection
1. These are the things I learned from the lesson…
The things I learned from the lesson is that it is important for us to maintain or
manage our weight in order for us not to reduce the risk of having different
2. These are the things I want to do to maintain an ideal weight….
Exercise and proper diet.
3. These are the things I want to share to my family, friends, and others in my
Promote weight management and different physical activities.

VI. Links and/or other References:

Hysical Education and Health LM, Grade 10, pp. 96-103


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