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23 of 50 points

Choose the best answer for each item.

1. You are working in a daycare center as a school nurse and seen two 3-year-old girl fighting
for a
toy. Which of the following will be the best management for such conflicts?

A. Give then separate but duplicate toys

B. Subjecting both to time out

C. Reprimand for their behavior

D. Tell them to stop by shouting loudly

2. While interviewing a 5-year-old girl due for appendectomy, it suddenly uttered, "You know
nurse, I love my father and we will get married after my surgery". The nurse at this point can
conclude which of the following?


A. The child is probably suffering from sexual abuse

B. The child should seek psychiatric advice

C. Is developmentally normal for age

D. Is now ready for the pending operation

3. The nurse is caring for newborns in the neonatal intensive care unit. Which of the following
teaching, if given by the nurse to the mothers of their patients will mean an inaccurate
regarding the principles of growth and development?


A. “You need to consistently care for your child and cuddle them when they cry”

B. “It is important to monitor the weight of your child as it indicates their brain growth”

C. “Your child is our utmost priority so do not leave any plastic near the child when sleeping”
D. “Your child’s weight will more likely double at 6 months”

4. A nurse is teaching a mother’s class and is discussing the different considerations in caring
infants. One of the mothers inquired about the perfect time to introduce solid food to her child,
nurse will answer accurately by saying which of the following?


A. 6 months

B. 1 y/o

C. 8 months

D. 3 months

5. One of the primary reasons for the introduction of solid food to infants is which of the


A. Infants lose their iron stores that need to be replenished by iron-rich food

B. Infants need increased iron for the development of their bones

C. Infants’ withdrawal to maternal hormone causes decrease in body weight

D. Infants need to train the gums for the eruption of the teeth

Correct answer

A. Infants lose their iron stores that need to be replenished by iron-rich food

6. Which of the following food should be questioned by the nurse if included in the tray of an
for complementary feeding?


A. Mashed potato

B. Rice cereal

C. Pureed carrots

D. Grapes

Correct answer

D. Grapes

 7. The nurse included in her teaching that the correct interval on the introduction of food for
infants is
5-7 days per food. This is for which reason?


A. To determine the infant’s food preferences

B. To train the infant to not be picky in food selection

C. To determine the presence of allergy to different food

D. To increase the infant’s stomach capacity for food

8. Which of the following toys is recommended for a 2-year old child hospitalized due to

A. A toy computer

B. A ringing toy telephone

C. Lego bricks

D. Yoyo

Correct answer

A. A toy computer

9. Nurse Lira while on the hallway saw Michael, a 5 – year old patient masturbating in his room.
nurse will intervene in the situation tactfully by:


A. Offering help

B. Taking picture of the act

C. Giving the child a coloring pad

D. Turning off the lights

10. In dealing with children in school age, which of the following teaching should be included to
prevent inferiority complex?


A. Ensure positive reinforcements on accomplished tasks

B. Answer all questions in a tactful manner

C. Give the child whatever they want

D. Only the needs in the school should be provided

11. A school nurse is reviewing her notes regarding the common injuries of school age children.
knows that which of the following is the most common fracture among this age group?


A. Comminuted fracture of the carpal bones

B. Greenstick fracture of the long bones of the arm

C. Compound fracture of the spine

D. Depressed skull fracture

12. A 15-year-old female is set for an abdominal surgery. Based on the client’s developmental
which of the following receives the highest priority?


A. Anxiety r/t impending operation

B. Risk for injury r/t reckless behavior

C. Hopelessness r/t condition’s prognosis

D. Disturbed body image r/t potential post-operative scar

Correct answer

D. Disturbed body image r/t potential post-operative scar

13. On the assessment of a neonate after delivery, the nurse noted the following findings:
Inability to
hold the nurse's finger, Heel easily brought to ears, ears do not recoil after folding, and the
neonate's extremities are flaccid. The nurse will document that the newborn is probably:


A. Premature

B. Postmature

C. Full term

D. Post term

Correct answer

A. Premature

14. A nurse is assessing a newborn with Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS). Which of the
manifestations will be consistent with the patient's condition? Select all that apply.


A. Flaring of Nares

B. Bibasilar crackles on auscultation of the lungs

C. Wheezing all over the chest on auscultation

D. The neonate appears sick

E. RR of 25 cpm

Correct answer

A. Flaring of Nares
B. Bibasilar crackles on auscultation of the lungs

D. The neonate appears sick

15. In order to ascertain fetal lung maturity for a mother who is having preterm labor, the nurse
expect which laboratory parameters to be checked?


A. Biophysical scoring

B. L/S ratio

C. Intrauterine fetal monitoring

D. Transvaginal ultrasound

16. In assessing a neonate with Meconium Aspiration Syndrome, a prudent nurse will correctly
correlate fast breathing as triggered by which of the following?


A. Accumulation of acid in the blood

B. Decreased oxygenation

C. Both acidemia and hypoxemia

D. Neither acidemia nor hypoxemia

17. A neonate with Apnea of prematurity is receiving caffeine citrate as ordered by the
Which parameter will the nurse be more vigilant to check and monitor relative to the mentioned


A. Oxygen saturation

B. Blood pressure

C. Sucking reflex

D. Urine output

18. Nurse Mika is about to discharge Nico, a 3-year-old patient admitted for dengue
hemorrhagic fever.
Before discharging the patient, Nurse Mika explained the discharge plan to the patient's
emphasizing the different pharmacologic considerations for toddlers. Nurse Mika is exemplifying
what pediatric nursing role?


A. Nurse Advocate

B. Health Educator

C. Nurse Consultant

D. Primary Caregiver

Correct answer

B. Health Educator

19. Which of the following is/are true about the respiratory system? Select all that apply.

A. The mast cells produce mucus that traps offending microorganism in the lower respiratory

B. In time of acidosis, the medulla oblongata increases the respiratory rate as a compensation

C. The pleural space contain fluid to help lubricate the pleurae during inhalation

D. Exchange of gases happen when the lower pressure atmosphere enters the higher-pressure

E. Deep breathing increases the ciliary escalator activity that helps expel mucus

Correct answer

B. In time of acidosis, the medulla oblongata increases the respiratory rate as a compensation

C. The pleural space contain fluid to help lubricate the pleurae during inhalation

20. Which of the following options is/are true about lung sounds? Select all that apply.


A. Vesicular breath sounds are best heard over the apex of the lungs

B. Bronchovesicular breath sounds are best heard in between the scapula

C. For a patient with pulmonary edema, the nurse should anticipate hearing crackles over the
affected lung area

D. A bronchial breath sound is anticipated to be heard over the lung area with pleural effusion

E. Bronchial breath sound is best heard over the chest area

Correct answer

B. Bronchovesicular breath sounds are best heard in between the scapula

C. For a patient with pulmonary edema, the nurse should anticipate hearing crackles over the
affected lung area

21. A nurse received a patient from the OR after tonsillectomy. All are TRUE about the care of
post-tonsillectomy. Select all that apply.


A. Champorado is prohibited in the immediate post-operative period

B. Patient should be placed flat on bed until fully conscious

C. Vigorous suctioning of the mouth and throat is imperative to prevent aspiration

D. Deep breathing, coughing, and turning exercises should be encouraged post-operative

E. Check the child for frequent swallowing during the post-operative period

Correct answer

A. Champorado is prohibited in the immediate post-operative period

E. Check the child for frequent swallowing during the post-operative period

22. Which of the following options give accurate information about the medications used in the
treatment of asthma? Select all that apply:


A. Cromolyn blocks leukotriene thereby opening the smaller airways

B. Terbutaline acts by stimulating beta 2 receptors in the lungs thereby causing bronchodilation

C. Hydrocortisone has an anti-inflammatory effect that tames down the inflammatory process in
the bronchi

D. Ipratropium acts by blocking the parasympathetic nervous system thereby opening the

E. Patients taking aminophylline should be assessed for signs of toxicity such as frequent
urination and vomiting

Correct answer

B. Terbutaline acts by stimulating beta 2 receptors in the lungs thereby causing bronchodilation

C. Hydrocortisone has an anti-inflammatory effect that tames down the inflammatory process in
the bronchi

D. Ipratropium acts by blocking the parasympathetic nervous system thereby opening the

E. Patients taking aminophylline should be assessed for signs of toxicity such as frequent
urination and vomiting

23. In reviewing the chart of the patient with cystic fibrosis, the nurse anticipates seeing which of
following entries as consistent with the diagnosis of a 5-year-old child with the mentioned
Select all that apply.


A. The child’s weight is below expected for age

B. Frequent respiratory tract infection is prominent in patient's history

C. The patient has an African American descent

D. The child often complains of blood in the stool

E. The child's stool is bulky and greasy
Correct answers

A. The child’s weight is below expected for age

B. Frequent respiratory tract infection is prominent in patient's history

E. The child's stool is bulky and greasy

24. A nurse is auscultating the lung fields of a patient with bronchiolitis, she noted a high-pitched
musical sound on the base of the lungs when the patient breathes. She will document this as:


A. Wheezing

B. Crackles

C. Vesicular

D. Stridor

25. A nurse just counselled a 2-year-old child with Acute Viral Nasopharyngitis. Which of the
responses of the mother, if asks by the nurse to repeat her instructions in caring for the child will
mean a misunderstanding of the teaching?


A. "I will continue giving my child the antibiotic prescribed to her last summer when she had the
same symptoms"

B. "I can give decongestants as prescribed by the pediatrician whenever my child experiences
clogged nose"

C. "Dextromethorphan syrup should not be given to my child in an extended period of time"

D. "I should give my child fruit juices"

Correct answer

A. "I will continue giving my child the antibiotic prescribed to her last summer when she had the
same symptoms"

26. A nurse is talking to a mother being discharged from the emergency department with a
of Acute Streptococcal Pharyngitis. Which responses of the mother will mean that she
the discharge teaching?


A. "I should stop giving the antibiotics prescribed once the symptoms subside"

B. "Any report of chest discomforts are usually due to frequent coughing"

C. "I should report any change in urine color for my child and development of edema"

D. "My children are still safe to be near each other and share utensils"

27. When suspecting Acute Streptococcal Pharyngitis, the nurse will anticipate which laboratory
test to
be ordered by the pediatrician to strengthen the diagnosis?


A. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

B. Chest x-ray

C. Sputum analysis

D. Antistreptolysin O titer

Correct answer

D. Antistreptolysin O titer

28. Which of the following food should be removed from the tray of a patient post-tonsillectomy?


A. Cherry flavored Kool-aid

B. Clear cold jell-o

C. Plain vanilla ice cream

D. Milk popsicles

29. All are true in caring for a patient suspected of having acute epiglotitis, except:


A. Let the child assume a tripod position

B. Throat should be frequently checked with a tongue depressor for any disease progression

C. Refer the case immediately to the physician

D. Intubation set should be prepared on the bedside

30. Which of the following is TRUE about albuterol as a bronchodilator?



A. It stimulates the beta 2 receptor causing opening of the airway

B. Patient's heart rate should be checked when giving albuterol as it can cause bradycardia

C. Albuterol stimulates beta 1 receptor that activates the parasympathetic nervous system
easing airway constriction

D. It is given as a maintenance medication and should be taken everyday

Correct answer

A. It stimulates the beta 2 receptor causing opening of the airway

31. A nurse is caring for a patient with cystic fibrosis who has an unrelenting cough due to
mucus production. Which nursing diagnosis should be prioritized by the nurse to deal on?


A. Impaired gas exchange

B. Ineffective breathing pattern

C. Ineffective airway clearance

D. Ineffective tissue perfusion

32. All are TRUE about Hirschsprung Disease. Select all that apply.


A. Unopposed parasympathetic stimulation leads into increase intestinal tone

B. Infants with this disorder often fail to pass meconium on the first 48 hours of life

C. Enlargement of the abdomen can be seen in infants with this disorder

D. Vomiting is frequently noted for patients with large intestinal affectation

Correct answer

B. Infants with this disorder often fail to pass meconium on the first 48 hours of life
C. Enlargement of the abdomen can be seen in infants with this disorder

D. Vomiting is frequently noted for patients with large intestinal affectation

33. Which food selection is advisable for a patient with Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Select all that


A. Peeled apple

B. Banana milkshake

C. Oatmeal with milk

D. Mashed potato

E. Bread toast

F. Rice porridge

Correct answer

A. Peeled apple

E. Bread toast

F. Rice porridge

34. Which patient responses after dietary counselling for patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
mean an understanding of the concepts? Select all that apply.


A. "As long as I keep my mind pre-occupied with work, my tummy will be just fine"
B. "I should not consume cola and sparkling water"

C. "I must add soluble fiber to my diet now and take away high roughage diet"

D. "I should start practicing to eat at a slower rate"

E. "When I am having episodes of diarrhea, greens and fruits are good to consume"

Correct answer

B. "I should not consume cola and sparkling water"

C. "I must add soluble fiber to my diet now and take away high roughage diet"

D. "I should start practicing to eat at a slower rate"

35. A prudent nurse will select which among the choices as accurate in the care of patients with
Appendicitis? Select all that apply.


A. An elevated WBC is expected for patients with Acute Appendicitis

B. Administration of enema is contraindicated for patients with Acute Appendicitis

C. Hot compress on the Right Lower Quadrant is advisable to relieve pain

D. Relief of pain may mean spontaneous resolution of the Appendicitis

E. Administration of analgesics are contraindicated for patients with Acute Appendicitis

Correct answer

A. An elevated WBC is expected for patients with Acute Appendicitis

B. Administration of enema is contraindicated for patients with Acute Appendicitis

E. Administration of analgesics are contraindicated for patients with Acute Appendicitis

36. An infant with congenital aganglionic megacolon is to undergo Lower GI Series (LGIS).
Which of
the following should be included in the teaching for the infant's caregivers? Select all that apply.


A. "Expect a pale or whitish stool after the procedure as the solution used in this procedure is
color white"

B. "The infant will be sedated the entire procedure"

C. "The infant's feeding should be withheld for 24 hours after the procedure"

D. "Blood-tinged stool is normal within 24 hours"

E. "I need to encourage my child to drink more water after the procedure"

F. "Any abdominal pain should be reported to the nurse or the physician"

Correct answer

A. "Expect a pale or whitish stool after the procedure as the solution used in this procedure is
color white"

E. "I need to encourage my child to drink more water after the procedure"

F. "Any abdominal pain should be reported to the nurse or the physician"

37. All are TRUE about the care of patients with cleft lip and cleft palate. Select all that apply.

A. Place the infant in prone position post cheiloplasty

B. Place the infant in prone position post palatoplasty

C. Elbow restrains should be checked regularly every 2 hours

D. Regularly check the suture line post palatoplasty using a tongue depressor for possible

E. Check for any ear discharges as these infants are prone to develop middle ear infection

Correct answer

B. Place the infant in prone position post palatoplasty

C. Elbow restrains should be checked regularly every 2 hours

E. Check for any ear discharges as these infants are prone to develop middle ear infection

38. In assessing a patient with Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis, which manifestations are
expected to be
seen? Select all that apply.


A. Yellowish vomitus

B. Sunken fontanelle

C. Moist mouth

D. Stunted growth

E. Palpable sausage-shaped mass on the epigastrium

F. Weight gain

Correct answer

B. Sunken fontanelle

D. Stunted growth

39. Which of the following is TRUE about the effect of NSAIDs in the gastrointestinal tract?


A. NSAIDs increases gastric motility and helps in cases of dyspepsia

B. NSAIDs blocks prostaglandin which is a key ingredient for the production of mucus by the
mucoid cell making the stomach lining vulnerable to HCl and ulceration

C. NSAIDs decreases the surface tension of bubbles in the GI tract for easy release

D. NSAIDs blocks the cholinergic pathways thereby halting the peristaltic movement

40. The nurse is about to assess Blumberg Sign to a patient suspected of having acute
Which abdominal landmark should the nurse locate?


A. Erb's point

B. McDonald's point

C. McBurney's point

D. Costovertebral point

41. The nurse is evaluating the laboratory results of a patient with Meckel Diverticulum. Which
values will alert the nurse that the patient is suffering from anemia?


A. RBC 9000 mm3

B. WBC 7000 mm3

C. Hematocrit of 33%

D. Hemoglobin of 10 mg/dL

Correct answer

D. Hemoglobin of 10 mg/dL

42. In assessing an infant with suspected Intussusception, what hallmark manifestations is/are
anticipated to be noted?


A. Currant-jelly stool and olive-shaped mass on the abdomen

B. Bloody mucoid stool and sausage-shaped mass on the abdomen

C. Blood in the stool and non-bilious vomiting

D. Black tarry stool and inconsolable crying

Correct answer

B. Bloody mucoid stool and sausage-shaped mass on the abdomen

43. An infant is about to undergo hydrostatic reduction procedure for the treatment of
Which assessment finding will alert the nurse that a possible intestinal perforation is happening
the patient?


A. Inconsolable crying

B. Non-bilious vomiting

C. Projectile vomiting

D. Rigid, board-like abdomen

44. Which of the following snacks is recommended for a patient with Celiac Disease?


A. Corn kernels

B. Whole wheat cookies

C. Oatmeal crackers

D. Strawberry cheesecake

45. The nurse is counseling the mother of Zenki, a 7-year-old patient diagnosed of Celiac
regarding diet modifications to help manage the disease. Which of the following food selection if
stated by the parents would mean an ineffective teaching?


A. “My son is allowed to eat rice cake if we have occasions in our house”

B. “I will prepare an oatmeal with fruits for breakfast to detoxify my son’s intestines”
C. “My son can still enjoy his favorite corn flakes that we are buying in the supermarket”

D. “If my child is sick, I can prepare a rice soup for him”

Correct answer

B. “I will prepare an oatmeal with fruits for breakfast to detoxify my son’s intestines”

46. As the nurse continuously evaluates the learning of the parents about diet modifications for
patient with Celiac Disease, which among the statements of the parents would mean that the
teaching has been effective?


A. “Raw vegetables and fruits are highly recommended when my child is having diarrheal attack

help lessen the number of bowel movements”

B. “Rice and hotdogs are allowed to be consumed when diarrhea subsides”

C. “I will read all labels of the food items that I will put into my cart in the market”

D. “Crackers are healthy and recommended snacks for my son to prevent vomiting”

47. The nurse is preparing a 10-year-old child for an emergency appendectomy. She should
which written preoperative order to the surgeon?


A. Insert an IV access and infuse normal saline solution at KVO rate

B. Maintain an NPO status at least 8-12 hours

C. Give a Fleet enema until return flow is clear
D. Administer Cefuroxime 750 mg IV 30 minutes prior to operation

Correct answer

C. Give a Fleet enema until return flow is clear

48. The child is diagnosed with early hypovolemic shock due to bleeding Meckel Diverticulum.
assessment findings best support early hypovolemic shock?


A. Irritability and anxiousness, capillary refill >2 seconds, and absent distal pulses

B. Bradycardia, hypotension, mottled skin coloring, cyanosis, and weak distal pulse

C. Tachycardia, capillary refill >2 seconds, cold extremities, and weak distal pulses

D. Lethargy, increased respiratory rate and urine output, and BP low for child’s age

49. A nurse is reviewing the chart of a patient with Aganglionic Megacolon. Which hallmark
manifestation should the nurse anticipate in the chief complaint part portion of the admitting


A. Presence of Currant-jelly stool

B. Presence of bloody mucoid stool

C. Presence of palpable sausage-shaped mass

D. Presence of malodorous spaghetti-like stool

Correct answer

D. Presence of malodorous spaghetti-like stool

50. A patient with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis with profuse projectile vomiting is being admitted
the pediatric surgical ward. While reviewing the patient’s laboratory results, the nurse will
anticipate which findings?


A. Metabolic Alkalosis in Capillary Blood Gas Analysis

B. Hyperkalemia in Blood Chemistry

C. Mucosal Atrophy in intestinal tissue pathology

D. Severe Anemia as manifested by decreased hemoglobin levels

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