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Giver Novel Study Final

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Samantha Morgan

Novel Study Planning Tool

Book Title: The Giver
Author: Lois Lowry

Student Grade Level 4th Grade

Number of Day/Weeks MWF days/5 weeks, 45 minutes each day

Learning Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.4.1

Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly
and when drawing inferences from the text.

Describe in-depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on
specific details in the text (e.g., a character’s thoughts, words, or actions).

Interdisciplinary Language Arts, Science Fiction, and Sociologology (how groups react with one

Objectives Students will be able to describe in depth the characters, settings, and events using
details and examples.

Students will be able to identify and describe their character’s job, perspective, and
how they act from The Giver using their inference skills.

Primary Skills/Strategy Characterization and analysis of different perspectives

Time Schedule
Frequency of instruction Week 1
Day 1 (M): Introduction/picking jobs/Chapter 1 (45 minutes)
Each day Day 2 (W): Chapters 2 & 3 (45 minutes)
Day 3 (F): Chapters 4 & 5 (45 minutes)
25 minutes Week 2
Chapter(s) activity Day 4 (M): Chapters 6 & 7 (45 minutes)
Day 5 (W): Chapters 8 & 9 (45 minutes)
15 minutes Day 6 (F): Chapters 10 & 11 (45 minutes)
Vocabulary activity Week 3
Day 7 (M): Chapters 12 & 13 (45 minutes)
5 minutes Day 8 (W): Chapters 14 & 15 (45 minutes)
Question discussions Day 9 (F): Chapters 16 & 17 (45 minutes)
Week 4
Day 10 (M): Chapters 18 & 19 (45 minutes)
Day 11 (W): Chapters 20 & 21 (45 minutes)
Day 12 (F): Chapters 22 & 23 (45 minutes)
Week 5
Day 13 (M): Introduce project/workday (45 minutes)
Day 14 (W): Finish project (20 minutes)/start movie (40 minutes)
Day 15 (F): Finish movie (60 minutes)

Consider how vocabulary will be implemented (by chapter, section, and overall).
Which words should be in focus and why?
How will vocabulary be introduced?
Term/Location Introduction Notes

Week 1 Day 1 ● Students will get a ● Students will already have previous
Chapter 1 Vocabulary Bingo knowledge of all vocabulary activities. If
Dwelling (Ch. 1, p. 2) Board from the students need a refresher, the teacher can
teacher. Each student
Supplementary (Ch. 1, p. 7) show them.
will choose one
Transgression (Ch. 1, p. 9) activity box out of the ● The Vocabulary Bingo Board is at the end
nine boxes. Each of this document.
Week 1 Day 2 student will complete a ● Students must complete three different
Chapters 2 & 3 different vocabulary activity boxes per week (one per day)
Enhance (Ch. 2, p. 12) activity each day. until all nine have been completed once.
Aptitude (Ch. 2, p. 15) Depending on the box, Students will have the option in Week 4
students can work with
Remorse (Ch. 3, p. 23) to repeat any three activities.
a partner or ● The teacher will check for completion of
Week 1 Day 3 independently. the activities in students’ vocabulary
Chapters 4 & 5 ● Students will be journals before the next activity.
completing these
Tabulated (Ch. 4, p. 28) ● Students can read silently in The Giver
activities with some of
Vague (Ch. 5, p. 36) the words that I think once their activity is completed.
Stirrings (Ch. 5, p. 37) they would not know ● Crosswords for every two chapters will
or words that come up already be created and available. The
more than once in the teacher will use the following website:
story. By working with
different strategies, ● The teacher will have all the different
students experience a
blank templates of all the different
variety of ways to
study vocabulary. vocabulary activities for students to use
and reference. Copies will be distributed
to all students.

Week 2 Day 1 See above instructions See above instructions

Chapters 6 & 7
Cringed (Ch. 6, p. 45)
Discarded (Ch. 6, p. 46)
Lapse (Ch. 7, p. 55)

Week 2 Day 2
Chapters 8 & 9
Hesitation (Ch. 9, p. 66)
Prohibited (Ch. 9, p. 68)
Logistic (Ch. 9, p. 69)

Week 2 Day 3
Chapters 10 & 11
Origin (Ch. 10, p. 73)
Transmit (Ch. 10, p. 78)
Disgrace (Ch. 11, p. 80)

Week 3 Day 1 See above instructions See above instructions

Chapters 12 & 13
Commerce (Ch. 12, p. 89)
Glimpse (Ch. 13, p. 97)
Vibrance (Ch. 13, p. 99)

Week 3 Day 2
Chapters 14 & 15
Perceived (Ch. 14, p. 108)
Carnage (Ch. 15, p. 119)
Stench (Ch. 15, p. 120)

Week 3 Day 3
Chapters 16 & 17
Solitude (Ch. 16, p. 122)
Strewn (Ch. 17, p. 132)
Suppressing (Ch. 17, p. 133)

Week 4 Day 1 See above instructions See above instructions

Chapters 18 & 19
Shrugged (Ch. 18, p. 140)
Enthusiastic (Ch. 18, p. 141)
Syringe (Ch. 19, p. 149)

Week 4 Day 2
Chapters 20 & 21
Sarcastic (Ch. 20, p. 152)
Successor (Ch. 20, p. 153)
Fugitives (Ch. 21, p. 167)

Week 4 Day 3
Chapters 22 & 23
Gnawing (Ch. 22, p. 172)
Yearned (Ch. 22, p. 173)
Impeded (Ch. 23, p. 176)

Extra words (any week) See above instructions ● Students are able to complete more
Distraught (Ch. 1, p. 4) activities only if they have extra time.
Wheedle (Ch. 1, p. 5) This is encouraged for high-proficient
Disposition (Ch. 1, p. 7) students if they are completing the
Murmured (Ch. 1, p. 9) activities too quickly.
Hoarded (Ch. 3, p. 23) ● The teacher will have crosswords that
Convince (Ch. 5, p. 35) include these words also. The teacher will
Miserable (Ch. 5, p. 37) use the following website:
Dosage (Ch. 5, 38)
Designated (Ch. 6, p. 40) ● The teacher will have all the different
Emblem (Ch. 6, p. 41) blank templates of all the different
Plea (Ch. 6, p. 42) vocabulary activities for students to use
Indicating (Ch. 6, p. 45) and reference. Copies will be distributed
Longingly (Ch. 6, p. 45) to all students.
Summoned (Ch. 6, p. 45)
Infringed (Ch. 6, p. 45)

Activities/Culmination by Chapter
Chapter Activities Important Concepts/Notes

Introduction ● The teacher will tell the student Students will keep in mind their fictional job
& Chapter 1 that the story of The Giver occurs throughout The Giver. Students will fill in a
in a futuristic society where Character/Character’s Job Chart about their
people’s futures are decided at the character/specific job and other characters/character’s
age of 12 by the government. jobs as the book is read.
● The teacher will talk to the class
about the Ceremony of 12 activity. Discussion Questions: (as an entire class)
Students will be given the choice Questions before reading The Giver
of choosing a job instead of being ● What are some jobs that are important in
assigned one. Job options include today’s current world?
Birthmother, Engineer, Director of Questions after Chapter 1
Recreation, Fish Hatchery ● How is Jonas’s world different than ours?
Attendant, Rehabilitation Worker,
Caretaker of the Old, Doctor,
Nurturer, Representative of the
Department of Justice, or Receiver
of Memory. During the ceremony,
the teacher will act as the Chief
● The teacher will make sure that all
students decide on their job choice
before reading. The teacher will
read Chapter 1 aloud to the class.
Students will follow along in their
● Students will receive a blank
Character/Character’s Job Chart.
Students will write down their job
and continue filling in charts
throughout the chapters.
Chapter 2 & ● Have students sit in a circle. The Students will get to know other students who have the
Chapter 3 teacher will give the first student a same jobs as they do. Later on, students with the
ball to hold while he or she tells same jobs will get into the same groups throughout
the class what job they choose. this novel study unit. Students will be introduced to
Next, the first student will throw the concept of prediction in literature and will be
the ball to another student of her or predicting characteristics of their jobs and how they
his choice. The game continues affect other characters and the community as a whole.
until everyone has had a turn. The
teacher will keep track of other Discussion Questions:
students who have the same job. It Questions after Chapter 2
is ok if there are no duplicates of ● How do you feel about all of the characters in
the same job. The teacher will ask the book not receiving a name until they
the class about their inferences for turned one year old?
the story. Students will discuss ● If you could choose a name for yourself, what
what it meant when Jonas saw the would it be?
apple change and when he noticed Questions after Chapter 3
that his and Gabriel’s eyes are both ● Have you ever been judged by a physical trait
the same light color. Students will that you have?
keep a journal of predictions about *Students will turn to their partners and talk about
The Giver community and about one question from each chapter for five minutes. This
how their jobs affect the will happen at the end after all activities are done.
community and other characters.
● Students will continue to write
down information and
characteristics regarding their job
on their Character/Character’s Job

Chapter 4 & ● The teacher will discuss and recall Students will discuss and reflect on how it felt to
Chapter 5 details when the family members reveal a dream. They will also discuss whether or not
in the novel were discussing their it would be a good idea in our present-day world to
dreams with each other. always share our dreams with family members or
● The teacher will divide the class others. Students will think about any dreams that
into groups of three or four and tell might relate to their jobs.
each group to imagine that they all
belong in the same family. Each Discussion Questions:
group will receive Dream Prompt Questions after Chapter 4
Cards with common dream topics ● According to the book, what does “release”
that have symbolic meanings. Each and “volunteering” mean to you?
student picks a Dream Prompt Questions after Chapter 5
Card they can relate to or connect ● Can you remember a dream that you have had
with. If students cannot connect recently? Would you be willing to share it
with any topic, they can share one with another person?
of their personal dreams. After *Students will turn to a partner and talk about one
everyone has shared a dream, the question from each chapter for five minutes. This will
teacher will give each group happen at the end after all activities are done.
Dream Interpretation Cards that
explain the symbolic significance
of their dreams. If students share a
personal dream, they will know
that there is no corresponding
Dream Interpretation Card. The
group will then discuss meanings
behind the dreams.
● Students will continue to write
down information and
characteristics regarding their job
on their Character/Character’s Job

Chapter 6 & ● The teacher will discuss and recall Students will predict about fostering. This is an
Chapter 7 details about how the family felt important concept for some students’ job roles. How
when they started to foster Gabriel. does your job role affect fostering? If your job does
● Students will write in their not relate to fostering, can you think about how you
Prediction Journals about what it would train a new person for your job?
means and feels like to foster a
person or an animal. Students will Discussion Questions:
then have to write about how they Questions after Chapter 6
would feel to give up that person ● What type of jobs or responsibilities at home
or animal later on. Would it be do you have and how do they change as you
hard for them? Next, students get get older?
into small groups and share their Questions after Chapter 7
thoughts and feelings about ● How would you feel if you were the only
fostering. Students will then person who was not chosen for a job title?
regroup and get into new groups *Students will turn to a partner and talk about one
that share similar jobs. In this question from each chapter for five minutes. This will
group they will discuss how their happen at the end after all activities are done.
job might affect fostering or taking
care of another human or animal.
● Students will continue to write
down information and
characteristics regarding their job
on their Character/Character’s Job

Chapter 8 & ● The teacher will divide students Students will be able to work together in order to see
Chapter 9 into groups of three or four. Each the hidden images. Later, when students are in their
group will be given a different partner groups after the activity, they will discuss how
Magic Eye book. Students will successful or unsuccessful they were at discovering
rotate with their groups to each the images. The teacher can then discuss what
station. Some students will be able happens and what can be done when you cannot do
to see the hidden pictures easily your job correctly. Students will start to think about
while others may have a difficult whether they are personally liking their job duties.
time. After the activity, students
will turn to a partner and discuss Discussion Questions:
how they each felt when they were Questions after Chapter 8
or were not able to see the hidden ● How would you feel about being able to see
image. They will also discuss if into the future? If you did want to see the
they saw what the hidden image future, would you do so if the experience
was. Students may see something could cause you to have severe physical pain?
different than others in the group. Questions after Chapter 9
If any group members are having ● Is it acceptable or ok to treat people
problems seeing the image, those differently because of the job that they have?
who do see something should help *Students will turn to a partner and talk about one
others to see something. Students question from each chapter for five minutes. This will
will discuss how it felt to happen at the end after all activities are done.
successfully or unsuccessfully help
someone else see the image and
how this relates to the novel.
● Students will continue to write
down information and
characteristics regarding their job
on their Character/Character’s Job
Chapter 10 & ● The teacher will pass out brown Students will use their senses to figure out what
Chapter 11 bags that contain an object inside object is in the bag. This activity will start them
them. Students will not be able to thinking about what senses they used the most and
look into or see through the bags. how their senses affect their jobs? For example, you
They will then get into groups of especially use your sense of taste and smell if you are
two or three and everyone will a chef.
have to use their senses to figure
out what the object is in the bag. Discussion Questions:
After each partner has had a Questions after Chapter 10
chance to touch and predict what ● Have you ever had a secret and could not tell
object is in the bag, they will then anyone?
write down their predictions in ● Have you ever shared a secret with someone
their Prediction Journals. In who you were not supposed to share the secret
addition to students writing down with?
their prediction of the object in the Questions after Chapter 11
bag, they also need to write down ● How would you feel if everything in society
why they think this way and then looked the same?
record it if they are correct. ● If everyone’s houses, jobs, and clothes looked
● Students will continue to write the same, would this be a good or bad thing?
down information and *Students will turn to a partner and talk about one
characteristics regarding their job question from each chapter for five minutes. This will
on their Character/Character’s Job happen at the end after all activities are done.
Chapter 12 & ● The teacher will print out pictures Students will talk about the importance of seeing
Chapter 13 of common objects in black and colors. Would seeing or not seeing various colors
white. Each student will receive affect their jobs? For example, what if an artist could
one picture of a common object or could not see colors. How would the artwork look
and pictures of one object that is foreach possibility? The teacher can discuss
related to their job. Students will grandparents or parents who had to watch all or most
then use colored pencils to color or TV in black and white. Students can go home and
label what they think the colors are talk to older members of the family about the
supposed to look like. The teacher transition from black and white to color TV shows.
will then show the students what Students can also find a TV channel that features
the picture actually looks like in reruns of old shows.
● Students will get their Prediction Discussion Questions:
Journals out. They will write their Questions after Chapter 12
predictions regarding what our ● How would you feel if suddenly you could
society would look like if only see things in black and white? How did
everything was colored black, Jonas feel the first time he saw color?
white, and grey? What would it Questions after Chapter 13
feel like to live without colors and ● How would you feel if you had to absorb and
then suddenly see colors? Would feel all the weight of your community’s pain?
food taste the same if it had no *Students will turn to a partner and talk about one
color? Students will then get into question from each chapter for five minutes. This will
their job groups and share ideas happen at the end after all activities are done.
about whether it would also affect
their jobs.
● Students will continue to write
down information and
characteristics regarding their job
on their Character/Character’s Job

Chapter 14 & ● The teacher will group the students By now, students should be gathering a lot of
Chapter 15 in their job groups. Once students information about their personal jobs and the
are in their groups, they will take emotions that are experienced in those jobs. Students
turns acting out an emotion that will begin to analyze how their jobs affect their
they feel regarding their job. This community. Students will act out their personal job
activity has the same rules as the experiences so that all students can learn from each
game of Charades. Students will other about similar or different emotions relating to
each take one turn. If there is extra their jobs.
time, students can also act out a
certain role of their job and have Discussion Questions:
the other group members guess Questions after Chapter 14
what it is. ● How would you feel if you could not share
● Students will continue to write your feelings with anyone when you were
down information and hurt?
characteristics regarding their job Questions after Chapter 15
on their Character/Character’s Job ● Have you ever felt guilty? If so, what did you
Chart. feel guilty about?
*Students will turn to a partner and talk about one
question from each chapter for five minutes. This will
happen at the end after all activities are done.

Chapter 16 & ● The teacher will pass out a blank Students will begin to process how memories affect
Chapter 17 piece of paper. Students will draw emotions. This topic can be hard for some students to
and color a favorite memory or think about and to find that one memory that they
something they love. Next, could not live without and how their life would be
students will write a short affected without it. Students can go home and ask
paragraph about the reason why their parents or guardians about their favorite
they love that object. Also, they memories. In addition, students and parents could talk
will write about what it would be about how they would feel without that memory or
like if they did not have the special object. Students can think about an important
memory of the object anymore? object that they need in order to do their jobs. For
● Students will continue to write example, it would be difficult to be a baker who does
down information and not have flour and sugar.
characteristics regarding their job
on their Character/Character’s Job Discussion Questions:
Chart. Questions after Chapter 16
● What is one of your favorite memories?
● What does love mean to you?
Questions after Chapter 17
● How would you feel if your friends did not
understand why you were feeling a certain
*Students will turn to a partner and talk about one
question from each chapter for five minutes. This will
happen at the end after all activities are done.

Chapter 18 & ● The teacher will discuss and recall The teacher needs to keep in mind that these chapters
Chapter 19 details about the importance of discuss death, which could be a sensitive trigger for
teamwork and how one person can some students. By now, students should have a good
affect the entire group by their list of characteristics and obligations that are
actions. connected to their jobs. They will start to put their job
● Students will get out their into perspective with society. Some students may start
Prediction Journals and try to to realize that they do not like their jobs anymore, but
predict how their jobs are affected they must stick with them like the characters in the
by or intertwined with society. Has book--they did not get a choice of jobs or a chance to
their vision of their jobs changed at change to different jobs.
all? Do they like or dislike their
jobs? Students will get into their Discussion Questions:
job groups and discuss what would Questions after Chapter 18
happen if someone in their ● What is one memory that you wish you did
workplace left or died? Would not have?
their job become harder or easier? Questions after Chapter 19
● Students will continue to write ● Do you know anyone who is a twin? What if
down information and your job was to decide that only one could
characteristics regarding their job survive and the other one must die?
on their Character/Character’s Job *Students will turn to a partner and talk about one
Chart. question from each chapter for five minutes. This will
happen at the end after all activities are done.

Chapter 20 & ● Students will take out their The teacher needs to keep in mind that these chapters
Chapter 21 computers and do some quick discuss escaping, which could be a trigger for some
research about how their “novel students. Students should be connecting the
job” connects to a “real-world knowledge of their “novel jobs” to “real-world jobs.”
job.” If students do not have access Similarities and differences about their jobs could
to a computer, the teacher will relate to their summative assessment. When students
provide an article and information are sharing in their groups, if a group member says
about “real-world jobs” that are something that interests them then they should add it
similar to their “novel job.” to their reflections.
Students will then write about how
similar or different their job is in Discussion Questions:
the fictional society of The Giver Questions after Chapter 20
and the real society of the present. ● What is one thing that you would like to
They will research for about ten change in the novel?
minutes on the internet and then ● What is one thing that you would like to
write a reflection based on their change in our real world?
findings. After the reflection is Questions after Chapter 21
completed, students will get into ● Would you try to escape and save Gabriel?
their novel job groups and discuss
their findings.
● Students will continue to write *Students will turn to a partner and talk about one
down information and question from each chapter for five minutes. This will
characteristics regarding their job happen at the end after all activities are done.
on their Character/Character’s Job

Chapter 22 & ● The teacher will pass out white The teacher will have students present their musical
Chapter 23 paper and coloring materials. Each emotion drawings to the class and have them explain
student will get a piece of paper. how they felt when drawing it. This is a good activity
The teacher will play any type of to show that even though all the students listened to
instrumental music to the the same piece of music everyone felt something
students--as long as there are no different (along with any similarities). This can also
lyrics. Students will use their connect to how students feel about their jobs--they
listening skills and coloring may feel the same way or a different way.
materials to illustrate what they are
feeling while listening to the Discussion Questions:
music. Why are they using certain Questions after Chapter 22
colors or shapes? What is the ● Do you remember an instance when you were
mood of the music? Students will selfless?
present their drawings in groups of Questions after Chapter 23
three or four. ● Do you think Jonas and Gabriel ended up in a
● Students will continue to write similar or different community than their
down information and previous community?
characteristics regarding their job *Students will turn to a partner and talk about one
on their Character/Character’s Job question from each chapter for five minutes. This will
Chart. happen at the end after all activities are done..

Conclusion ● The teacher will discuss with the Students will explore their own emotions about the
& Movie students about their reactions from jobs that they chose and complete their PowerPoint
the movie. Next, students will get presentations. Students should remember what their
into their job groups and discuss job looked like in the movie. Students will be able to
the kind of job they think would witness what it feels like to see a community without
make them happy and why? color. The teacher will explain the directions for the
Students will then have a short final project. After all students are done with their
discussion with their group projects, they will be able to watch the movie over
regarding the option to share their two days.
thoughts with the entire class.
Objective Formative Assessments Summative Assessment
The Ceremony of the 12 The Ceremony of the 12
Students will be able to identify and Students will choose their
describe their chosen character’s job and “job” on the first day of
perspective from The Giver. this unit. They will use
information that they
Character/Character’s Job Character/Character’s Job have collected from the
Students will be able to identify different There will be an empty chart that the text about their individual
characters and describe their unique students will fill in as we read through the jobs. Students will design
perspectives and qualities. book. There will be a column for their a PowerPoint project
character/details and another column for about their views on their
other characters/their details. This jobs from The Giver.
assessment connects with the standards by They will discuss: 1) Did
describing in depth characteristics about they like their job?; 2)
their character. What role did they play in
society?; and 3) How
Prediction Journals Prediction Journals would they change their
Students will be able to make predictions Students will keep track of predictions and jobs if they had them in
from the teacher’s question and describe the results of their individual predictions. the present day? Students
why they think that way. They will also The students will also be predicting how will include these three
make predictions about how their job their jobs affect the community and other questions with visual aids
connects to society. characters in the story. This assessment in a PowerPoint
connects with the standards by having presentation. They will
students draw inferences from the text. share these PowerPoint
presentations with the
Vocabulary Journals Vocabulary Journals teacher.This assessment
Students will be able to complete their Students will complete the vocabulary connects with the
Vocabulary Bingo Card and decide on activity in their Vocabulary Journals each standards by having
their next activity. day. These activities are 15 minutes long. students identify and
The teacher will check for completion and describe their character’s
stamp or give a sticker for that bingo box. job, perspective, and how
This assessment connects with the the different characters
standards by explaining what the text act in the novel.
explicitly means.

Opportunities for Differentiation

Struggling Learners On Level Advanced
● If students are having difficulty ● Students should be ● Students can complete
with reading the book or keeping up with the more Vocabulary Bingo
following along, they can be Character and Vocabulary Cards with extra
given an electronic version with Charts. They can write vocabulary words if they
audio of the novel. sentences that utilize the have extra time. If they do
● If students struggle to keep up vocabulary and include not want to do another
with filling out the Character and character qualities and activity, they can do more
Vocabulary Charts, the teacher perspectives. of their assigned reading.
can provide students with ● Students can share their ● If students are done with
halfway completed charts. For opinions and connect what their assigned reading, the
example, sentence starters for they know of the story teacher can suggest other
vocabulary words. with another student with futuristic books that relate
● If students are not finished with the same job. to The Giver for silent
their vocabulary activity, they ● Students can work on reading.
can complete it at home or when some of their job ● For the summative
they finish their work. characteristics and make assessment, students can
● For the summative assessment, more notes with more write about how their jobs
students will be able to write predictions. were portrayed in the book
down their questions on paper ● For the summative versus the movie.
and have the teacher or assessment, students will ● For the summative
co-teacher type it in for them on be required to use visuals assessment, students can
the PowerPoint presentation. This and quality writing to help use at least five new
will only be used for students answer the three required vocabulary words in their
who have problems typing or questions. final project.
who have these accommodations
in their IEP.
● To help fluency and
comprehension skills, the teacher
will give students vocabulary
words before reading each

Vocabulary Bingo Options (Teacher Edition)

Single person option Partner option Single person option
Vocabulary Graphics--The Vocabulary Charades--The Crossword Puzzles--Teachers
teacher distributes index teacher will have the groups can use a crossword maker
cards to all students and they divide into partners. One website or create their own
write the word and definition student will act or draw out a puzzles. The teacher gives
in the middle of the card. In vocabulary word; the other students a list of vocabulary
the four corners of the card, student will guess the words and clues that they
the student needs to write a vocabulary word. Students have to decipher and put in
sentence, synonym, and will record a way to their correct spot. (The
antonym, and draw an remember the terms in their teacher will create a version
illustration. journals. every week with new terms.)

Partner option Single or partner person Partner option

Scavenger Hunt--Students option Draw-It/Pictionary--Students
get a partner and they use that Synectic Comparisons-- will get a partner. They will
week’s list of vocabulary Students will work with a take turns drawing what the
words. Students will look partner or work by vocabulary word represents.
around the classroom to find themselves. Students will Students will go through all
their words in books and receive sentence starters that of the vocabulary terms on
magazines, and on computers have blank spaces in them so the list. They will also draw
(if accessible). Students will they can fill in the vocabulary illustrations in their journals.
record where they found the terms. Students need to make
term in their journals. a comparison with a
vocabulary term and an
ordinary object.

Single person option Partner option Single person option

Vocabulary Journal Entry-- Word Family Tree--Students Connect-Two--Students will
Students will write down the will work as partners for this use that week’s list of words
given vocabulary words and activity. They will use an for connections. They will
record the exact sentence empty Family Tree identify connections between
from the text. Next, students Worksheet for each term and any two words. Students will
will write down the word, will record the vocabulary use one new term from the
page number, sentence from term ancestry root word and new vocabulary list and any
the text, student-friendly meaning, word relatives, previous term that they
definition, antonym, and pronunciations, memory learned from the text.
synonym, plus draw a picture. clues, definitions, plus write
one sentence that contains the

Vocabulary Bingo Options (Student Edition)

Single person option Partner option Single person option

Vocabulary Graphics Vocabulary Charades Crossword Puzzles

Partner option Single or partner Partner option

person option
Scavenger Hunt Synectic Comparisons Draw-It/Pictionary

Single person option Partner option Single person option

Vocabulary Journal Word Family Tree Connect-Two


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