Line Sizing and Fluid Velocity
Line Sizing and Fluid Velocity
Line Sizing and Fluid Velocity
RHM Home > Tech Tips > Line Sizing and Fluid Velocity
On extremely long lines the pressure drop through the pressure and return lines must be
accounted for to insure sufficient pressure is available at the actuator.
Fluid Velocity
Velocity through a line can be calculated with the formula:
The Following velocity charts are a quick way to check velocity through a line. Included in the
charts is the I.D. of the line. If the particular tube, pipe or hose you are using is not listed,
reference a line with a similar I.D. for approximate velocity.
1 of 3 21-Jun-18, 5:22 PM
Line Sizing and Fluid Velocity
Pressure Drop
Pressure drop through the conductor must be accounted for in long runs of pipe, hose or tubing.
This will insure you have sufficient pressure available at your actuator to do work and sufficient
horsepower available at the pump. You can use the following charts to estimate total pressure
drop through a conductor based on fluid velocity. Included in the charts is the I.D. of the
conductor, so if the particular tube or pipe you are using is not listed you can reference a
conductor with a similar I.D. for approximate pressure drop.
Fluid viscosity plays a very large part in calculating pressure drop through the system. The charts
below are based on ISO grade 46 Hydraulic oil with a viscosity of approximately 225 S.S.U. at
100°F and .88 specific gravity. Actual pressure drop will increase as viscosity increases.
Approximate Pressure Drop (PSI) per 1 Foot of line length – Schedule 40 Pipe
Approximate Pressure Drop (PSI) per 1 Foot of line length – Schedule 80 Pipe
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Line Sizing and Fluid Velocity
By using the information supplied in this tech tip and selecting the proper line sizes for your
hydraulic equipment you will enjoy better performance and longer life from your hydraulic
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