Group 6 Biology Lesson Plan
Group 6 Biology Lesson Plan
Group 6 Biology Lesson Plan
I. Subject Matter
Plate Boundaries
IV. References
Murphy & van Andel (2020). Plate tectonics. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieve October 15, 2020
National Geographic Society (2020). Plate Boundaries. Retrieved October 14, 2020 from:
Mr. Comerford - Plate Boundary Rap. Retrieved from:
V. Routine Activities
The teachers will greet the class, check their attendance, ask them to clean their
surroundings, arrange their chairs properly, and keep all other devices or materials
unnecessary for the class.
VI. Preparation
In this activity, the teacher would demonstrate actions from the lyrics of Mr.
Comerford’s Plate Boundary Rap. Students would be asked to stand up and follow what
the teacher is doing.The goal of this activity is to set the mood of the students while
introducing them to the topic about plate tectonic boundaries.
VII. Presentation
A. Activity
Modeling Tectonic Plates Activity
In this activity, students will be shown two models that illustrate tectonic plate
movement. The first model would be an orange representing the earth. The orange peel
will be carved into little plates that represent the earth’s tectonic plates that float on top of
the mantle. The students will then be asked what happens when the pieces of orange skin
are pushed together and pulled apart. The second model would be wooden blocks that have
been separated diagonally. Students will then be asked what is observed when both wooden
blocks are pushed together, pulled apart, and when the wooden block’s sides are slid back
and forth together.
B. Analysis
The goal of the models is to visualize what happens when tectonic plates are moved
in several ways. The first model, the orange, represents the earth while its peel represents
the earth’s tectonic plates and how it fits over the earth’s surface. When carved orange
skins are pushed together it will push on top of each other showing mountain building and
when pulled apart it shows a divergent boundary where the plates separate on the earth’s
surface. The second model which was the wooden blocks, represent plate boundaries.
When these blocks are pushed together a thrust fault is represented, when pulled apart it
represents a normal fault, and when the sides are slid together it represents a strike-slip
C. Abstraction
The teacher will start the discussion by telling the students that the activity they
have done has a relationship with the topic for this day. Just like the orange peel in the
activity, the theory of plate tectonics tells that the earth’s lithosphere is divided into eight
major plates that are moving constantly at a rate of centimeters per year. These plates have
edges where they meet each other called plate boundaries.
Today’s lesson is about the three types of plate boundaries and the effect of the
movements along these boundaries. The plate boundaries can be divergent, convergent,
and transform.
VIII. Generalization
Plate boundaries are the edges where two plates meet. It constantly has slow motion
measured in rates of centimeters per year. There are three types of plate boundaries:
divergent, convergent, and transform plate boundaries.
Convergent boundaries are those that collide with each other, which results in
mountain and volcano formation. It can also create trenches and island arcs. Moreover,
divergent boundaries form by splitting apart or by dividing segments of continental crust
along rift valleys. It results in formation of mid-ocean ridges, a rift valley, or a submarine
mountain range. Lastly, transform boundaries, where two plates slide past parallel to each
other, join sections of convergent and divergent sections. As these plates rub against each
other, huge stresses can cause portions of the rock to break, releasing an earthquake.
Students will then be asked to stand up to listen and dance the whole song of Mr.
Comerford’s Plate Boundary Rap to cap the lesson on a high note.
I. Plates move as slow as your fingernails grow Repeat Chorus
And as Wegener helped discover
Boundaries that: III. When plates diverge the splits apart so
Converge come together It causes magma to rise from the mantle below
Diverge pull apart And depending if it happens on the land or at sea
And transform slide past each other This process forms mid-ocean ridge or a rift valley
I. Matching Type. Match the type of plate boundary to its corresponding relative
motion and geologic feature or event. (6 points)
II. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. (7 points)
4. This theory suggests that Earth's crust is made up of several plates that interact
with each other resulting in geologic features and events.
A. Plate tectonics
B. Continental crust
C. Subduction
D. Oceanic ridge
5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Oceanic crust is denser than continental crust.
B. Continental crust is denser than oceanic crust.
C. Continental crust is thinner than oceanic crust.
D. Oceanic crust is generally composed of igneous rocks.
6. The Pacific is known to be a region of converging plates. Which geologic
feature you expect NOT to see?
A. Rift valleys
B. Volcanoes/active volcanoes
C. Volcanic islands
D. Mountain ranges
7. A subduction zone is formed…
A. At transform faults
B. When plates move away from each other
C. When one tectonic plate sinks below another
D. During earthquakes
8. Plates move due to…
A. The rotation of the Earth
B. Ocean tides
C. Gravity of the moon
D. Convection currents in the mantle
Convergent Plate Discuss the definition of a Students will identify the type
Boundaries convergent plate boundary. of convergence of an example
posted by the teacher.
Post visuals showing the
different types of