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Daiken Chiller Service Manual

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The manual provides service and maintenance information for various models of Daikin chillers, including air-cooled and water-cooled units that use R407C and R22 refrigerants. It also contains reference information on topics like thermistor characteristics, pressure sensors, and water quality control.

The manual covers air-cooled chillers (both heat pump and cooling only models), water-cooled chillers, and provides model numbers for each. It also contains information on a R22 water-cooled chiller model.

The manual provides tables listing water quality standards for condenser water, chilled water, hot water, and make-up water. It gives acceptable ranges for factors like pH, hardness, chlorides, and carbon dioxide and indicates which factors could lead to corrosion or scaling.


Water chilling unit

• Air cooled Packaged H/P Chiller (R407C) : UWYP125~750A
• Air cooled H/P Brine Chiller (R407C) : UWYP630 • 750AZ
• Air cooled Packaged Chiller (R407C) : UWAP75~750A
• Air cooled Brine Chiller (R407C) : UWAP3~30AZ
• Water cooled packaged chiller (R407C) : UWP90~900A
• Water cooled Brine chiller (R407C) : UWP3~30AZ
• Water cooled packaged chiller (R22) : UWJ90~900D
Thank you very much for particularly taking up Daikin products at all times. Now, we are
pleased to provide you with the latest Service Manual for Medium- and Small-seized Chillers.
We at Daikin offer a wide variety of models responding to increasingly diversified needs for air
conditioning and would solicit your further patronage to our company.
This Service Manual describes information on troubleshooting and servicing for Daikin's
Water Chilling Units, which surely renders a maximum support to after-sales services.

Name of information Model listed Date of issue

2004 New Refrigerant R407C / Air-cooled Chiller (Type A)
Chiller (Medium- & Small-sized) New Refrigerant R407C / Water-cooled Chiller (Type A)
Service Manual Refrigerant R22 / Water-cooled Chiller (Type D)

December 2004

After Sales Service Division

Nomenclature of Chiller
UW Y P 750 A Y E
Water chilling unit
Classification of type
A : Air-cooled cooling only
Y : Air-cooled heat pump
No symbol : Water cooled
Type of refrigerant
P : R407C
J : R22
Display of capacity
Cooling capacity at 60Hz (kW) ✕ 10
For brine units, however, the nominal horsepower
of compressor is displayed.
Symbol of model change
Symbol of derivative model
C : Specification of Ministry of Land,
Infrastructure and Transport
E : Salt resisting type
YE : Extra voltage type
Y3 : Extra voltage type (Overseas Model)
Z : Brine type
No symbol : Standard type
General Table of Contents

A. Air Cooled Chillers (Heat Pump / Cooling Only) .....9

Models Listed • UWYP125 ~ 750A
• UWYP190 ~ 750AC
• UWYP125 ~ 750AYE (Y3)
• UWYP630 • 750AZ
• UWAP75 ~ 750A
• UWAP190 ~ 750AC
• UWAP75 ~ 750AYE (Y3)
• UWAP3 ~ 30AZ

B. Air Cooled Chillers (Cooling Only) ......................199

Models Listed • UWP90 ~ 900A
• UWP90 ~ 900AYE (Y3)
• UWP3 ~ 30AZ
• UWJ90 ~ 900D
• UWJ90 ~ 900DYE

C. Reference............................................................237
1. Thermistor temperature • Resistance characteristics
2. Pressure sensor voltage characteristics
3. Pressure-temperature characteristics of R407C
4. Technical information on Brine
5. Water quality control
6. Precautions in using the heating capacity characteristic table
7. Operation noise and noise-prevention measures
8. Measures against snow accumulation and strong winds
9. Handling plate type heat exchanger used for chilling unit

Safety Precautions Please follow the precautions below to ensure safety.

Be sure to read thoroughly before attempting to use the chiller.

There are two types of precautions contained within.
    WARNING: Case where improper handling or operation could result in death or serious injury.
    CAUTION : Case where improper handling or operation could result in injury or equipment damage.
         Depending on the circumstances, could lead to serious consequences.
Both types are extremely important to ensure safety, and must be heeded in all cases.
The "marks" used in this section indicate the following meanings respectively.

Never attempt. Be sure to follow instructions.

Be sure to perform grounding work.

After reading, keep this in a place where the person who use the equipment can see later.
Be sure to pass this manual to anyone who is to use the equipment later on.

●Precautions during installation

 Check the following items in order to use the chiller at the maximum potential. If any of the items are
  not in proper working order, be sure to take the necessary measure before attempting operation.

●For installation work, be sure to   ●Take the proper measures required  
 contact your dealer.  for preventing refrigerant leaks.
Improper installation by yourself could result If the chiller is installed in an enclosure such as
in leaks, electric shock or fire. an engine room, etc., countermeasures must be
taken against exceeding a certain concentration
in the event of refrigerant
leaking. If the concentration limit is
exceeded, it could result in a lack of
●Be sure to perform installation work   ●For electrical work, be sure to use
 in accordance with the instructions.   a dedicated circuit. Electrical work   
Improper installation could result in leaks,   should be performed by a qualified  
electric shock or fire.   electrician.
Insufficient circuit capacity of the power
supply or improper electrical work could
result in electrical shock or fire.
●Be sure to install the chiller in a      ●Use the prescribed cable for wiring,
 place capable of holding its weight.   and make sure that connections are
Incomplete installation or installing in a place  secure.
that cannot support the weight of the chiller Be sure to securely fasten cables to their
could result in the chiller falling and terminals so that external force is not conveyed.
hurting someone. Improper connections and fastening
could produce heat or could result in fire.

●Be sure to install as prescribed to    ●Optional accessories should be    

 prepare for strong winds,        installed by a professional.
 earthquakes, etc. Be sure to use only optional accessories made by
Improper installation could result in DAIKIN. Installing optional accessories
the unit overturning or falling. yourself could result in electrical shock
or fire.

●Do not install the chiller in a place     ●Provide proper grounding for the chiller.
 which could be exposed to leaking
Do not connect the ground wire to gas piping,
of flammable gas.
water piping, lightening rods or telephone
If gas were to leak and collect around ground wire. Improper grounding could
the chiller, the gas could be ignited by result in electrical shock.
the chiller.

●Be sure to install an electrical leakage   ●Do not expose the chiller to harsh    
 breaker.  environments.
The electrical leakage breaker should conform The chiller should not be installed near hot water
to technical standards for electrical equipment springs, the seashore or areas exposed to oil.
and indoor wiring regulations. Corrosion caused by such elements can
Failure to install an electrical leakage result in electrical shock or fire.
breaker could result in electrical shock.

●Be sure to provide proper drainage. ●Never touch parts which tend to become
Failure to provide proper drainage could  hot such as compressors and refrigerant
result in water leaking inside and could piping.
wet other equipment, furniture, etc.
Doing so could result in skin burning.

●Use chilled(hot) water and condenser ●Be sure to dispose brine or cleansing
water that conforms to water quality solutions as stipulated by law.
standards. Illegal disposal is not only against the law,
Poor quality water could result in but can harm health and the environment.
water leaks.

●Do not attempt to run the compressor   ●Be sure to provide each chiller with a   
 by pushing the magnetic  circuit breaker.
 contactor with your finger. Using a single circuit breaker for more
Doing so could result in electrical than one chiller could result in electrical
shock or fire. shock or fire.

●Do not mistake the types of refrigerant ●Do not run power supply wiring between
 and refrigeration oil.  chillers.
Doing so could result in fire.
Doing so could result in fire or explosion.

●Precautions when using

●If a malfunction occurs ●Do not turn the chiller on or off with
  (burning smell, etc.), turn off the power the power supply switch or
 supply and contact with your breaker, etc.
 dealer. Doing so could result in electrical
Continuing to operate while the chiller shock or fire.
is malfunctioning can result in
equipment damage, electrical shock
or fire.

●Do not use any heating medium other ● Take countermeasures against
than water for chilled(hot) water and  refrigerant leaking.
condenser water. If the chiller is installed in an enclosure such as
Doing so could result in fire or explosion. an engine room, etc.,
countermeasures must be taken against
a certain concentration being exceeded
in the event of refrigerant leaking.
If the concentration limit is exceeded, it could
result in a lack of oxygen.

●Do not use the chiller for any purpose ●Do not operate the chiller with wet
other than for which it is designed. hands.
The chiller should not be used for Doing so could result in electrical shock.
applications such preservation of food,
plants or animals, high-tech equipment,
art, etc. Using the chiller for such applications
could adversely affect the quality of such goods.

●Do not use fuse other than one of ●Do not locate the chiller near
proper capacity. flammable spray.
Using wire, etc., in the place of a fuse Inflammable spray could be ignited by
could result in equipment damage the chiller.
or fire.

●Do not attempt to run the compressor ●Do not attempt to force-operate the
 by pushing the magnetic contactor chiller by short circuiting safety
 with your finger. devices, etc.
Doing so could result in electrical shock Doing so could result in fire or explosion.
or fire.

●Do not operate the chiller with the

cabinet or electrical parts box cover
Doing so could result in electrical shock
or fire.

●Do not change settings of safety ●Do not climb or place objects
 devices. on top the chiller.
Doing so could result in fire, etc. Falling or overturning could result
in injury.

●Do not place liquid containers such ●Make sure the base is not damaged
 as flower vases on the chiller. by prolonged used.
If the liquid spills out, it could get inside If damage is not repaired, the chiller
the chiller and cause the electrical could fall and result in injury.
insulation to deteriorate, resulting in
electrical shock.

●Be sure to stop the chiller and turn ●Do not wash the chiller with water.
 the power supply off before Doing so could result in electrical shock.
Failure to do so could result in injury.

●Do not used chilled(hot) water or ●Use chilled (and hot) water and
condenser water for drinking or hot condenser water that conform to
water supply. water quality standards.
Doing so could be harmful to health. Poor quality water could result in
water leaks.

●Do not mistake the types of refrigerant ●Never touch parts which tend to
 and refrigeration oil.  become hot such as compressors
Doing so could result in fire or and refrigerant piping.
explosion. Doing so could result in skin burning.

●Do not allow water to remain in the ●Be sure to dispose of brine and
 water piping during prolonged idle  cleansing solutions as stipulated by
 periods. law.
For prolonged idle periods you should fill Illegal disposal is not only against the law,
the water pipes with antifreeze or drain but can harm health and the
all the water from the pipes. Failure to environment.
do so could result in leaking.

Maintenance and Inspection
●Do not introduce foreign objects such ●If a malfunction occurs (burning
 as your fingers, a stick, etc.,  smell, etc.), turn off the power supply
 into the air inlet and outlet  and contact with your dealer.
 while the chiller is running.
Continuing to operate while the chiller
The fan is turning at high speed and is malfunctioning may result in
could result in injury. equipment damage, electrical shock
or fire.
●Do not turn the chiller on or off with
 the power supply switch or
 breaker, etc.
Doing so could result in electrical
shock or fire.

●Before cleaning, be sure to stop ●Do not wash the chiller.
 operation and turn off the Doing so could result in electrical shock.
 power supply.
Failure to do so could result in injury.

●Never touch the aluminum fin of the ●Do not operate the chiller with wet
 cross fin coil. hands.
Doing so could result in injury. Doing so could result in electrical

●Make sure the chiller base is not ●Be sure to dispose of brine and
damaged by prolonged use.  cleansing solutions as stipulated by
If damage is not repaired, the chiller law.
could fall and result in injury. Illegal disposal is not only against the
law, but can harm health and the

●Do not climb or place objects on ●Do not use fuse other than one of
 the top of the chiller. proper capacity.
Falling or overturning could result Using wire, etc., in the place of a fuse
in injury. could result in equipment damage or

●Precautions when relocating or repairing the chiller

●For repairs, be sure to contact your   ●To relocate the chiller, be sure to contact
 dealer.    your dealer.
Improper repair could result in electrical Improper installation could result in
shock or fire. electrical shock or fire.

●Do not modify the chiller in any way.

Doing so could result in electrical shock
or fire.

●Be sure to dispose brine and ●Do not mistake types of refrigerant
 cleansing solutions as stipulated  and refrigeration oil.
 by law. Doing so could result in fire or
Illegal disposal is not only against the explosion.
law, but can harm health and the

●Do not change settings of safety ●Do not attempt to force-operate the
 devices.  chiller by short circuiting
Doing so could result in fire, etc.  safety devices, etc.
Doing so could result in fire or

●Pay attention to ventilation when ●Do not solder the refrigerant fusible
 repairing indoors. plug.
If refrigerant leaks and the room is not Using a fusible plug that does not
sufficiently ventilated, it could result in conform to specifications could result
accidents caused by lack of oxygen. in explosion.

●Never touch parts which tend to ●Check open-closed state of all
become hot such as compressors valves before usage.
 and refrigerant piping.
Check valves in accordance with
Doing so could result in skin burning. instructions given in the operation
manual and on the nameplate.
In particular, be sure safety valves are opened
●Do not attempt to run the compressor while the equipment is running. If valves are opened
by pushing the magnetic contactor or closed when they shouldn't be, water may leak.
with your finger. and in worse cases, the equipment may catch fire
Doing so could result in electrical or explode.
shock or fire.

A. Air Cooled Chillers

List of
1. List of Models ………………………10 4.Details of Field Settings ………………………130
4-1. Nighttime Low Noise Operation ………………130
2. Product Specifications ……………11 4-2. Forced Pump Operation ………………………130
1.Standard Specifications …………………………11 4-3. Forced Fan Operation …………………………130

1-1. Air Cooled Heat Pump Chillers …………………11
4-4. Pump Interlock (AXP) Function ………………130

1-2. Air-cooled Cooling Only Chiller …………………18
4-5. Defrosting Auxiliary Heater ……………………130
2.Wiring Diagrams …………………………………26 4-6. Selection of Cooling or Heating ………………131
2-1. Air cooled heat-pump chillers …………………26
4-7. Automatic Restart from Power Failure ………131
2-2. Water chilling unit (Air cooled) …………………61
4-8. Instantaneous / Normal Input …………………131
3.Piping Diagrams …………………………………96 4-9. Heat Storage Operation ………………………131
3-1. Air cooled heat pump chiller ……………………96
4-10. Shortening of Time Intervals between Defrosting

3-2. Water chilling unit (Air cooled) …………………98
Operations ………………………………………132
4.List of Operating Values of Functional Parts
……………………………………………………100 7. Functions ……………………………133
4-1. Air cooled heat pump chillers …………………100 1.Electric Symbols and Part Names ……………133
4-2. Cooling Only Chillers …………………………102 1-1. Control Input ……………………………………133
5.Operation Limits…………………………………104 1-2. Output Equipment ………………………………134
5-1. Air cooled heat pump chillers …………………104 1-3. Safety Devices …………………………………134
5-2. Air cooled cooling only chillers ………………105 2.Operation Control ………………………………135

Test Run
6.Operation Standards ……………………………106 2-1. Selection of Local Control/Remote Control …135
6-1. Air-cooled chiller ………………………………106 2-2. Pump ON/OFF …………………………………135
6-2. Brine chiller ………………………………………106 2-3. Chiller ON/OFF …………………………………135
7.List of Options …………………………………107 2-4. Chiller thermostat ON/OFF conditions ………136
7-1. Air Cooled Heat Pump Chillers ………………107 2-5. Cooling/Heating Selection ……………………136
7-2. Air Cooled Cooling Only Chillers………………107 2-6. Automatic Restart Functions from Power Failure

Remote Controller

Control Panel /
3. Installation …………………………108 2-7. Compressor Restart Protection ………………136
1.Carry-in Procedure ……………………………108 3.Normal Operation Control ……………………137
2.Selection of Installation Location and Installation 3-1. Startup Control …………………………………137
Procedure ………………………………………109 3-2. Water Temperature Control ……………………138
2-1. Selection of Installation Location ……………109
3-3. Electronic Expansion Valve Control …………140
2-2. Space for Servicing ……………………………110
3-4. Heating Overload Control………………………140
3.Water Piping Procedure ………………………111 3-5. Fan Control (While in Cooling Operation) ……141

4.Electrical Wiring …………………………………114 3-6. Freeze-up Protection Control …………………142

4-1. Common Items …………………………………114
3-7. Nighttime Low Noise Operation ………………142
4-2. External Contact Input …………………………117
3-8. Defrosting Control ………………………………143
4-3. Connection of Remote Controller ……………118
3-9. Four-way Valve Energization Control…………143
4-4. Connection of Centralized Control Unit ………118
3-10. Heat Storage Operation Control ………………143
4. Test Run ……………………………119 4.Other Control ……………………………………144
1.Checks before Test Run ………………………119 4-1. Forced Fan Operation Control…………………144
2.Test Run Procedure ……………………………120 4-2. Refrigerant Recovery Control …………………144
2-1. Test Run Using Control Panel …………………120 4-3. Unit number control from remote controller …144
2-2. Test run Using Remote Controller ……………121
8. Troubleshooting ……………………149
3.Daily Check Items ………………………………122 1.Initial Check at Servicing ………………………149
3-1. Air cooled chiller ………………………………122
1-1. Check items ……………………………………149
5. Control Panel / Remote Controller 2.Checking Method of Operation Data …………151

………………………………………123 3.Troubleshooting through Symptoms …………153

1.Control Panel ……………………………………123 4.Troubleshooting by Malfunction Code ………166
1-1. Display……………………………………………123 4-1. Checking of Malfunction Code ………………166
1-2. Procedure for Operating Display / Operation PCB 4-2. List of Malfunction Codes ………………………167
……………………………………………………124 4-3. Trouble shooting Frowchart ……………………172
2.Display and Operation Procedure of Remote 9. Miscellaneous………………………194
Controller ………………………………………125 1.Differences from previous units ………………194

2-1. Display section …………………………………125

2.Main PC Board Replacement Procedure ……195
2-2. Operation section ………………………………126
2-1. Applicable models ………………………………195
6. Field Settings ………………………127 2-2. Setting items ……………………………………195
1.Settings with Dip Switch ………………………127 2-3. Settings Procedure ……………………………196
2.Settings with Slide Switch ……………………127
3.Settings with Pushbutton Switch ………………128

1 List of Models
Model Page to be referred
Model name
Type HP Standard specification Wiring diagram Piping diagram
5 UWYP125A(E) 11 26 96
8 UWYP190A(E) 11 27 96
10 UWYP250A(E) 11 27 96
Standard type
15 UWYP375A(E) 11 28 97
20 UWYP500A(E) 12 30 97
25 UWYP630A(E) 12 32 97
Air cooled heat-pump chillers

30 UWYP750A(E) 12 35 97
Specifications of 8 UWYP190AC 13 38 96
10 UWYP250AC 13 38 96
Ministry of Land,
15 UWYP375AC 13 39 97
20 UWYP500AC 13 41 97
and Transport
25 UWYP630AC 14 43 97
(200V) 30 UWYP750AC 14 46 97
Extra 5 UWYP125AYE(Y3) 15 49 96
8 UWYP190AYE(Y3) 15 50 96
10 UWYP250AYE(Y3) 15 50 96
voltage type
15 UWYP375AYE(Y3) 15 51 97
380 to 415/
20 UWYP500AYE(Y3) 16 53 97
400 to 440V 25 UWYP630AYE(Y3) 16 55 97
50/60Hz 30 UWYP750AYE(Y3) 16 58 97
25 UWYP630AZ 17 32 97
Brine type
30 UWYP750AZ 17 35 97
3 UWAP75A(E) 18 61 98
5 UWAP125A(E) 18 61 98
8 UWAP190A(E) 18 62 98
Refrigerant Standard type 10 UWAP250A(E) 18 62 98
R407C (200V) 15 UWAP375A(E) 19 63 99
20 UWAP500A(E) 19 65 99
25 UWAP630A(E) 19 67 99
30 UWAP750A(E) 19 70 99
Specifications of 8 UWAP190AC 20 73 98
10 UWAP250AC 20 73 98
Air cooled cooling only chillers

Ministry of Land,
15 UWAP375AC 20 74 99
20 UWAP500AC 20 76 99
and Transport
25 UWAP630AC 21 78 99
(200V) 30 UWAP750AC 21 81 99
3 UWAP75AYE(Y3) 22 84 98
Extra 5 UWAP125AYE(Y3) 22 84 98
(Overseas) 8 UWAP190AYE(Y3) 22 85 98
voltage type 10 UWAP250AYE(Y3) 22 85 98
380 to 415/ 15 UWAP375AYE(Y3) 23 86 99
400 to 440V 20 UWAP500AYE(Y3) 23 88 99
50/60Hz 25 UWAP630AYE(Y3) 23 90 99
30 UWAP750AYE(Y3) 23 93 99
3 UWAP3AZ 24 61 98
5 UWAP5AZ 24 61 98
8 UWAP8AZ 24 62 98
10 UWAP10AZ 24 62 98
Brine type
15 UWAP15AZ 25 63 99
20 UWAP20AZ 25 65 99
25 UWAP25AZ 25 67 99
30 UWAP30AZ 25 70 99
Notes : Y3 is for overseas models.

2 Product Specifications
1 Standard Specifications
1-1. Air Cooled Heat Pump Chillers
Standard Type
■UWYP125 ~ 750A
Model name UWYP125A UWYP190A UWYP250A UWYP375A
Type Air cooled heat-pump chillers

Main power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V

Operation power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V
Color of casing Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1450 ✕ 635 ✕ 690 1450 ✕ 1280 ✕ 690 1450 ✕ 1280 ✕ 690 1500 ✕ 1925 ✕ 690
Capacity kW
11.2/12.5 17.0/19.0 22.4/25.0 33.5/37.5
Cooling Chilled water volume R/min. 32/36 49/54 64/72 96/108
Water pressure loss kPa 28/34 28/35 28/34 27/34
Capacity kW
13.2/15.0 20.0/22.4 25.0/28.0 37.5/42.5
Heating Hot water volume R/min. 38/43 57/64 72/80 108/122
Water pressure loss kPa 38/47 38/47 34/42 34/43
Model JT150BF JT212DA JT265DA JT265DA + JT150BF
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW
3.75 ✕ 1 5.5 ✕ 1 7.5 ✕ 1 7.5 + 3.75
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Heat Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
exchanger on Model CB52-30HX CB52-50HX CB52-60HX CB52-30HX / CB52-60HX
water side No. of units 1 1 1 1/1
Heat exchanger on air side Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type
Model P52H11S ✕ 1 P52H11S ✕ 2 P52H11S ✕ 2 P52H11S ✕ 3
Type Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan
Fan 0.20 ✕ 1
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 0.20 + 0.14 0.2 ✕ 2 0.2 ✕ 3
Air volume m3 / min
90/95 170/185 195/200 285/295
Driving system Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive
Defrost system Electronic deicer type Electronic deicer type Electronic deicer type Electronic deicer type
Refrigerant control Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-67 (34) -0
Heat insulation Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, reverse phase protector, fusible plug, freeze-up protector, compressor
Safety devices
overcurrent relay, discharge gas overheat protector, and fan motor protection temperature switch
Refrigerant name R407C R407C R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 3.0 5.3 5.5 5.5 + 3.0
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 1.5 2.7 2.7 2.7 + 1.5
IB (25A) 1-1/2B (40A) 1-1/2B (40A) 1-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 2 places
Chilled/hot water inlet/outlet pipes
Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 2 places Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 2 places Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 2 places 1B (25A) Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 2 places
Product mass kg 135 243 245 395
Operating mass kg 137 246 249 402
Legal refrigerating capacity 50/60Hz 1.37/1.63 2.08/2.48 2.57/3.06 3.94/4.69
Standard accessories Operation manual, warranty card, fuse, and chilled/hot water strainer
External wiring Electrical characteristics

Running current A 14.9/16.0 21.7/23.2 27.4/30.3 42.3/46.0


Rated power consumption kW 4.2/5.0 6.1/7.3 7.8/9.4 12.0/14.4

Power factor % 81.4/90.2 81.2/90.8 82.2/90.5 81.9/90.4
Starting current A 94/85 189/172 236/216 257/238
Running current A 15.4/16.5 22.2/23.7 27.4/29.8 42.8/46.3

Rated power consumption kW 4.4/5.2 6.3/7.6 7.9/9.4 12.3/14.6

Power factor % 82.5/91.0 81.9/92.6 83.2/91.1 83.0/91.0
Starting current A 94/85 189/172 236/216 257/238
Minimum wire diameter mm2 5.5 8 14 22

Distance m 31 31 44 45
Circuit breaker size A 40 50 60 100
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 3.5 3.5 5.5 5.5
Earth leakage circuit breaker 40A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 50A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 60A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 100A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less

2 Product Specifications

Model name UWYP500A UWYP630A UWYP750A

Type Air cooled heat pump chillers
Main power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V
Operation power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V
Color of casing Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1500 ✕ 2570 ✕ 690 1550 ✕ 3230 ✕ 758 1550 ✕ 3870 ✕ 758
Capacity kW
45.0/50.0 56.0/63.0 67.0/75.0
Cooling Chilled water volume R/min. 129/143 161/181 192/215
Water pressure loss kPa 28/34 28/35 28/34
Capacity kW
50.0/56.0 63.0/71.0 75.0/85.0
Heating Hot water volume R/min. 143/161 181/204 215/244
Water pressure loss kPa 34/42 35/43 34/43
Model JT265DA ✕ 2 JT265DA ✕ 2 + JT150BF JT265DA ✕ 3
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW
7.5 ✕ 2 7.5 ✕ 2 + 3.75 7.5 ✕ 3
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Heat Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
exchanger on Model CB52-60HX CB52-30HX / CB52-60HX CB52-60HX
water side No. of units 2 1/2 3
Heat exchanger on air side Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type
Model P52H11S ✕ 4 P52H11S ✕ 5 P52H11S ✕ 6
Type Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan
Fan 0.2 ✕ 4
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 0.2 ✕ 5 0.2 ✕ 6
Air volume m3 / min
390/400 480/495 485/600
Driving system Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive
Defrost system Electronic deicer type Electronic deicer type Electronic deicer type
Refrigerant control Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control 100-50-0 100-80 (60) -40 (20) -0 100-67-34-0
Heat insulation Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, reverse phase protector, fusible plug, freeze-up protector, compressor
Safety devices
overcurrent relay, discharge gas overheat protector, and fan motor protection temperature switch
Refrigerant name R407C R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 5.5 ✕ 2 5.5 ✕ 2 + 3.0 5.5 ✕ 3
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 2.7 ✕ 2 2.7 ✕ 2 + 1.5 2.7 ✕ 3
1 1/2B (40A) 1-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 4 places 1-1/2B (40A)
Chilled/hot water inlet/outlet pipes
Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 4 places 1B (25A) Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 2 places Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 6 places
Product mass kg 510 670 790
Operating mass kg 520 685 810
Legal refrigerating capacity 50/60Hz 5.14/6.12 6.51/7.75 7.71/9.18
Standard accessories Operation manual, Warranty card, Fuse, and chilled/hot water strainer
External wiring Electrical characteristics

Running current A 54.8/60.0 69.7/76.0 82.2/90.0


Rated power consumption kW 15.6/18.8 19.8/23.8 23.4/28.2

Power factor % 82.2/90.5 82.0/90.4 82.2/89.4
Starting current A 274/258 295/280 313/300
Running current A 54.8/59.6 70.2/76.1 82.2/90.5

Rated power consumption kW 15.8/18.8 20.2/24.0 23.7/28.2

Power factor % 83.2/91.1 83.1/91.0 83.2/91.1
Starting current A 274/258 295/280 313/300
Minimum wire diameter mm2 38 38 60

Distance m 59 46 63
Circuit breaker size A 125 150 175
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 8 8 14
Earth leakage circuit breaker 125A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 150A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 175A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less

●Product Specifications

Specification of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

■UWYP190 ~ 750AC
Model name UWYP190AC UWYP250AC UWYP375AC UWYP500AC
Type Air cooled heat pump chillers (Specifications of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of year 2001)

Main power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V

Operation power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V
Color of casing Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1450 ✕ 1280 ✕ 690 1450 ✕ 1280 ✕ 690 1500 ✕ 1925 ✕ 690 1500 ✕ 2570 ✕ 690
Capacity kW
17.0/19.0 22.4/25.0 33.5/37.5 45.0/50.0
Cooling Chilled water volume R/min. 49/54 64/72 96/108 129/143
Water pressure loss kPa 28/35 28/34 27/34 28/34
Capacity kW
20.0/22.4 25.0/28.0 37.5/42.5 50.0/56.0
Heating Hot water volume R/min. 57/64 72/80 108/122 143/161
Water pressure loss kPa 38/47 34/42 34/43 34/42
Model JT212DA JT265DA JT265DA + JT150BF JT265DA ✕ 2
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW
5.5 ✕ 1 7.5 ✕ 1 7.5 + 3.75 7.5 ✕ 2
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Heat Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
exchanger on Model CB52-50HX CB52-60HX CB52-30HX / CB52-60HX CB52-60HX
water side No. of units 1 1 1/1 2
Heat exchanger on air side Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type
Model P52H11S ✕ 2 P52H11S ✕ 2 P52H11S ✕ 3 P52H11S ✕ 4
Type Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan
Fan Motor output ✕ No. of units kW
0.20 + 0.14 0.2 ✕ 2 0.2 ✕ 3 0.2 ✕ 4
Air volume m3 / min
170/185 195/200 285/295 390/400
Driving system Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive
Defrost system Electronic deicer type Electronic deicer type Electronic deicer type Electronic deicer type
Refrigerant control Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control 100-0 100-0 100-67 (34) - 0 100-50-0
Heat insulation Polyethylene foam Polyethylene Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, reverse phase protector, fusible plug, freeze-up protector, compressor overcurrent relay,
Safety devices
open phase protection relay, discharge gas overheat protector, and fan motor protection temperature switch
Refrigerant name R407C R407C R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 5.3 5.5 5.5 + 3.0 5.5 ✕ 2
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 2.7 2.7 2.7 + 1.5 2.7 ✕ 2
1-1/2B (40A) 1-1/2B (40A) 1-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 2 places 11/2B (40A)
Chilled/hot water inlet/outlet pipes
Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 2 places Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 2 places 1B (25A) Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 2 places Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 4 places
Product mass kg 243 245 395 510
Operating mass kg 246 249 402 520
Legal refrigerating capacity 50/60Hz 2.08/2.48 2.57/3.06 3.94/4.69 5.14/6.12
Standard accessories Operation manual, Warranty card, Fuse, and chilled/hot water strainer
External wiring Electrical characteristics

Running current A 21.7/23.2 27.4/30.0 42.3/46.0 54.8/60.0


Rated power consumption kW 6.1/7.3 7.8/9.4 12.0/14.4 15.6/18.8

Power factor % 81.2/90.8 82.2/90.5 81.9/90.4 82.2/90.5
Starting current A 189/172 236/216 257/238 274/258
Running current A 22.2/23.7 27.4/29.8 42.8/46.3 54.8/59.6

Rated power consumption kW 6.3/7.6 7.9/9.4 12.3/14.6 15.8/18.8

Power factor % 81.9/92.6 83.2/91.1 83.0/91.0 83.2/91.1
Starting current A 189/172 236/216 257/238 274/258
Minimum wire diameter mm2 8 14 22 38

Distance m 31 44 45 59
Circuit breaker size A 50 60 100 125
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 3.5 5.5 5.5 8
Earth leakage circuit breaker 50A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 60A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 100A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 125A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less

2 Product Specifications

Model name UWYP630AC UWYP750AC

Type Air cooled heat-pump chillers (Specifications of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of year 2001)
Main power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V
Operation power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V
Color of casing Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1550 ✕ 3230 ✕ 758 1550 ✕ 3870 ✕ 758
Capacity kW
56.0/63.0 67.0/75.0
Cooling Chilled water volume R/min. 161/181 192/215
Water pressure loss kPa 28/35 28/34
Capacity kW
63.0/71.0 75.0/85.0
Heating Hot water volume R/min. 181/204 215/244
Water pressure loss kPa 35/43 34/43
Model JT265DA ✕ 2 + JT150BF JT265DA ✕ 3
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW
7.5 ✕ 2 + 3.75 7.5 ✕ 3
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Heat Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
exchanger on Model CB52-30HX / CB52-60HX CB52-60HX
water side No. of units 1/2 3
Heat exchanger on air side Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type
Model P52H11S ✕ 5 P52H11S ✕ 6
Type Propeller fan Propeller fan
Fan 0.2 ✕ 5
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 0.2 ✕ 6
Air volume m3 / min
480/495 485/600
Driving system Direct drive Direct drive
Defrost system Electronic deicer type Electronic deicer type
Refrigerant control Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control 100-80 (60) - 40 (20) - 0 100-67-34-0
Heat insulation Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, reverse phase protector, fusible plug, freeze-up protector, compressor overcurrent relay,
Safety devices
open phase protection relay, discharge gas overheat protector, and fan motor protection temperature switch
Refrigerant name R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 5.5 ✕ 2 + 3.0 5.5 ✕ 3
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 2.7 ✕ 2 + 1.5 2.7 ✕ 3
1-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 4 places 1-1/2B (40A) Flange
Chilled/hot water inlet/outlet pipes
1B (25A) Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 2 places (JISIOK) ✕ 6 places
Product mass kg 670 790
Operating mass kg 685 810
Legal refrigerating capacity 50/60Hz 6.51/7.75 7.71/9.18
Standard accessories Operation manual, Warranty card, Fuse, and chilled/hot water strainer
External wiring Electrical characteristics

Running current A 69.7/76.0 82.2/90.0


Rated power consumption kW 19.8/23.8 23.4/28.2

Power factor % 82.0/90.4 82.2/89.4
Starting current A 295/280 313/300
Running current A 70.2/76.1 82.2/90.5

Rated power consumption kW 20.2/24.0 23.7/28.2

Power factor % 83.1/91.0 83.2/91.1
Starting current A 295/280 313/300
Minimum wire diameter mm2 38 60

Distance m 46 63
Circuit breaker size A 150 175
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 8 14
Earth leakage circuit breaker 150A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 175A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less

●Product Specifications

Overseas voltage type

■UWYP125 ~ 750AYE
Model name UWYP125AYE(Y3) UWYP190AYE(Y3) UWYP250AYE(Y3) UWYP375AYE(Y3)
Type Air cooled heat-pump chillers

Main power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase 380, 400, 415/400, 440V

Operation power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase, 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V
Color of casing Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1450 ✕ 635 ✕ 690 1450 ✕ 1280 ✕ 690 1450 ✕ 1280 ✕ 690 1500 ✕ 1925 ✕ 690
Capacity kW
11.2/12.5 17.0/19.0 22.4/25.0 33.5/37.5
Cooling Chilled water volume R/min. 32/36 49/54 64/72 96/108
Water pressure loss kPa 28/34 28/35 28/34 27/34
Capacity kW
13.2/15.0 20.0/22.0 25.0/28.0 37.5/42.5
Heating Hot water volume R/min. 38/43 57/64 72/80 108/122
Water pressure loss kPa 38/47 38/47 34/42 34/43
Model JT150BF JT212DA JT265DA JT265DA + JT150BF
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW
3.75 ✕ 1 5.5 ✕ 1 7.5 ✕ 1 7.5 + 3.75
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Heat Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
exchanger on Model CB52-30HX CB52-50HX CB52-60HX CB52-30HX / CB52-60HX
water side No. of units 1 1 1 1/1
Heat exchanger on air side Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type
Model P52H11S ✕ 1 P52H11S ✕ 2 P52H11S ✕ 2 P52H11S ✕ 3
Type Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan
Fan 0.20 ✕ 1
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 0.20 + 0.14 0.2 ✕ 2 0.2 ✕ 3
Air volume m3 / min
90/95 170/185 195/200 285/295
Driving system Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive
Defrost system Electronic deicer type Electronic deicer type Electronic deicer type Electronic deicer type
Refrigerant control Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-67 (34) -0
Heat insulation Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, reverse phase protector, fusible plug, freeze-up protector, compressor
Safety devices
overcurrent relay, discharge gas overheat protector, and fan motor protection temperature switch
Refrigerant name R407C R407C R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 3.0 5.3 5.5 5.5 + 3.0
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 1.5 2.7 2.7 2.7 + 1.5
IB (25A) 1-1/2B (40A) 1-1/2B (40A) 1-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 2 places
Chilled/hot water inlet/outlet pipes
Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 2 places Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 2 places Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 2 places 1B (25A) Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 2 places
Product mass kg 135 243 245 395
Operating mass kg 137 246 249 402
Legal refrigerating capacity 50/60Hz 1.37/1.63 2.08/2.48 2.57/3.06 3.94/4.69
Standard accessories Operation manual, warranty card, fuse, and chilled/hot water strainer
External wiring Electrical characteristics

Running current A 7.5/8.0 10.9/11.6 13.7/15 21.2/23.0


Rated power consumption kW 4.2/5.0 6.1/7.3 7.8/9.4 12.0/14.4

Power factor % 81.4/90.2 81.2/90.8 82.2/90.5 81.9/90.4
Starting current A 51/45 93/84 117/106 124/114
Running current A 7.7/8.3 11.1/11.9 13.7/14.9 21.4/23.2

Rated power consumption kW 4.4/5.2 6.3/7.6 7.9/9.4 12.3/14.6

Power factor % 82.5/91.0 81.9/92.6 83.2/91.1 83.0/91.0
Starting current A 51/45 93/84 117/106 124/114
Minimum wire diameter mm2 5.5 8 14 22

Distance m 31 31 44 45
Circuit breaker size A 40 50 60 100
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 3.5 3.5 5.5 5.5
Earth leakage circuit breaker 20A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 30A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 40A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 50A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less

2 Product Specifications

Model name UWYP500AYE(Y3) UWYP630AYE(Y3) UWYP750AYE(Y3)

Type Air cooled heat pump chillers
Main power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/440, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/440, 440V
Operation power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase, 200V 3 phase, 200V 3 phase, 200V
Color of casing Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1500 ✕ 2570 ✕ 690 1550 ✕ 3230 ✕ 758 1550 ✕ 3870 ✕ 758
Capacity kW
45.0/50.0 56.0/63.0 67.0/75.0
Cooling Chilled water volume R/min. 129/143 161/181 192/215
Water pressure loss kPa 28/34 28/35 28/34
Capacity kW
50.0/56.0 63.0/71.0 75.0/85.0
Heating Hot water volume R/min. 143/161 181/204 215/244
Water pressure loss kPa 34/42 35/43 34/43
Model JT265DA ✕ 2 JT265DA ✕ 2 + JT150BF JT265DA ✕ 3
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW
7.5 ✕ 2 7.5 ✕ 2 + 3.75 7.5 ✕ 3
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Heat Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
exchanger on Model CB52-60HX CB52-30HX / CB52-60HX CB52-60HX
water side No. of units 2 1/2 3
Heat exchanger on air side Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type
Model P52H11S ✕ 4 P52H11S ✕ 5 P52H11S ✕ 6
Type Propeller fan Propeller fan Propeller fan
Fan 0.2 ✕ 4
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 0.2 ✕ 5 0.2 ✕ 6
Air volume m3 / min
390/400 480/495 485/600
Driving system Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive
Defrost system Electronic deicer type Electronic deicer type Electronic deicer type
Refrigerant control Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control 100-50-0 100-80 (60) -40 (20) -0 100-67-34-0
Heat insulation Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, reverse phase protector, fusible plug, freeze-up protector, compressor
Safety devices
overcurrent relay, discharge gas overheat protector, and fan motor protection temperature switch
Refrigerant name R407C R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 5.5 ✕ 2 5.5 ✕ 2 + 3.0 5.5 ✕ 3
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 2.7 ✕ 2 2.7 ✕ 2 + 1.5 2.7 ✕ 3
1 1/2B (40A) 1-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 4 places 1-1/2B (40A)
Chilled/hot water inlet/outlet pipes
Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 4 places 1B (25A) Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 2 places Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 6 places
Product mass kg 510 670 790
Operating mass kg 520 685 810
Legal refrigerating capacity 50/60Hz 5.14/6.12 6.51/7.75 7.71/9.18
Standard accessories Operation manual, Warranty card, Fuse, and chilled/hot water strainer
External wiring Electrical characteristics

Running current A 27.4/30.0 34.9/38.0 41.1/45.0


Rated power consumption kW 15.6/18.8 19.8/23.8 23.4/28.2

Power factor % 82.2/90.5 82.0/90.4 82.2/90.5
Starting current A 131/121 138/129 144/136
Running current A 27.4/29.8 35.1/38.1 41.1/44.7

Rated power consumption kW 15.8/18.8 20.2/24.0 23.7/28.2

Power factor % 83.2/91.1 83.1/91.0 83.2/91.1
Starting current A 131/121 138/129 144/136
Minimum wire diameter mm2 38 38 60

Distance m 59 46 63
Circuit breaker size A 125 150 175
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 8 8 14
Earth leakage circuit breaker 75A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 100A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 100A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less

●Product Specifications

Brine Type
■UWYP630 ~ 750AZ
Model name UWYP630AZ UWYP750AZ
Type Air cooled heat pump brine chillers

Main power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V

Operation power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V
Color of casing Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1550 ✕ 3230 ✕ 758 1550 ✕ 3870 ✕ 758
Capacity kW
33.0/38.2 39.9/45.9
Cooling Chilled water volume R/min. 182/211 220/253
Water pressure loss kPa 54/69 55/69
Capacity kW
63.0/71.0 75.0/85.0
Heating Hot water volume R/min. 198/223 236/267
Water pressure loss kPa 45/52 42/52
Model JT265DA ✕ 2 + JT150BF JT265DA ✕ 3
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW
7.5 ✕ 2 + 3.75 7.5 ✕ 3
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Heat Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
exchanger on Model CB52-30HX / CB52-60HX CB52-60HX
water side No. of units 1/2 3
Heat exchanger on air side Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type
Model P52H11S ✕ 5 P52H11S ✕ 6
Type Propeller fan Propeller fan
Fan 0.2 ✕ 5
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 0.2 ✕ 6
Air volume m3 / min
480/495 485/600
Driving system Direct drive Direct drive
Defrost system Electronic deicer type Electronic deicer type
Refrigerant control Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control 100-80 (60) -40 (20) -0 100-67-34-0
Heat insulation Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, reverse phase protector, fusible plug, freeze-up protector, compressor
Safety devices
overcurrent relay, discharge gas overheat protector, and fan motor protection temperature switch
Refrigerant name R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 5.5 ✕ 2 + 3.0 5.5 ✕ 3
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 2.7 ✕ 2 + 1.5 2.7 ✕ 3
1-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 4 places 1-1/2B (40A)
Chilled/hot water inlet/outlet pipes
1B (25A) Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 2 places Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 6 places
Product mass kg 670 790
Operating mass kg 685 810
Legal refrigerating capacity 50/60Hz 6.51/7.75 7.71/9.18
Standard accessories Operation manual, Warranty card, Fuse, and chilled/hot water strainer
External wiring Electrical characteristics

Running current A 65.5/73.6 78.6/88.8


Rated power consumption kW 19.2/23.2 23.1/27.9

Power factor % 85/91 85/91
Starting current A 295/280 313/300
Running current A 71.6/77.7 84.0/91.3

Rated power consumption kW 20.6/24.5 24.2/28.8

Power factor % 83/91 83/91
Starting current A 295/280 313/300
Minimum wire diameter Stranded wire mm2 38 60

Distance m 46 63
Circuit breaker size A 150 175
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 8 14
Earth leakage circuit breaker 150A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 175A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less

2 Product Specifications
1-2. Air-cooled Cooling Only Chiller
Standard Type
■UWAP75 ~ 750A
Model name UWAP75A UWAP125A UWAP190A UWAP250A
Type Water chilling unit <air cooled type>
Main power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V
Operation power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V
Color of casing Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1450 ✕ 635 ✕ 690 1450 ✕ 635 ✕ 690 1450 ✕ 1280 ✕ 690 1450 ✕ 1280 ✕ 690
Capacity kW 6.7/7.5 11.2/12.5 17.0/19.0 22.4/25.0
Cooling Chilled water volume R/min. 19/22 32/36 49/54 64/72
Water pressure loss kPa 38/46 40/48 40/48 40/50
Model JT90BF JT140BF JT212DA JT265DA
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 2.2 ✕ 1 3.75 ✕ 1 5.5 ✕ 1 7.5 ✕ 1
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Heat Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
exchanger on Model CB52-12HX CB52-30HX CB52-30HX CB52-40HX
water side No. of units 1 1 1 1
Heat exchanger on air side Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type
Model P52H11S ✕ 1 P52H11S ✕ 1 P52H11S ✕ 2 P52H11S ✕ 1
Type Axial flow type Axial flow type Axial flow type Axial flow type
Fan Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 0.14 0.20 0.215 + 0.14 0.215 + 0.2
Air volume m3 / min 75/85 90/95 140/160 175/185
Driving system Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive
Refrigerant control Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0
Heat insulation Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, reverse phase protector, fusible plug, freeze-up protector, compressor
Safety devices
overcurrent relay, discharge gas overheat protector, and fan motor protection temperature switch
Refrigerant name R407C R407C R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 2.9 3.1 4.5 4.5
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 1.2 1.5 2.7 2.7
Chilled/hot water inlet/outlet pipes IB (25A) Flange (JIS 10K) IB (25A) Flange (JIS 10K) I-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K) I-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K)
Product mass kg 121 125 233 235
Operating mass kg 123 127 237 239
Legal refrigerating capacity 50/60Hz 0.85/1.02 1.30/1.55 2.08/2.48 2.57/3.06
Standard accessories Operation manual, warranty card, fuse, and chilled water strainer
specifications characteristics

Running current A 9.2/9.9 14.1/15.7 21.7/23.2 27.2/30.5

External wiring Electrical

Rated power consumption kW 2.6/3.1 4.1/5.0 6.2/7.6 8.0/9.6

Power factor % 81.6/90.4 83.9/91.9 82.2/94.6 84.9/90.9
Starting current A 58/53 94/85 189/172 236/216
Minimum wire diameter mm2 3.5 5.5 8 14
Distance m 28 31 31 44
Circuit breaker size A 20 40 50 60
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 2.0 3.5 3.5 5.5
Earth leakage circuit breaker 20A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 40A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 50A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 60A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less

●Product Specifications

Model name UWAP375A UWAP500A UWAP630A UWAP750A

Type Water chilling unit <air cooled type>

Main power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V

Operation power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V
Color of casing Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1500 ✕ 1925 ✕ 690 1500 ✕ 2570 ✕ 690 1550 ✕ 3230 ✕ 758 1550 ✕ 3870 ✕ 758
Capacity kW 33.5/37.5 45.0/50.0 56.0/63.0 67.0/75.0
Cooling Chilled water volume R/min. 96/108 129/143 161/181 192/215
Water pressure loss kPa 40/49 40/50 40/50 40/50
Model JT265DA + JT140BF JT265DA ✕ 2 JT265DA ✕ 2 + JT140BF JT265DA ✕ 3
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 7.5 + 3.75 7.5 ✕ 2 7.5 ✕ 2 + 3.75 7.5 ✕ 3
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Heat Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
exchanger on Model CB52-30HX/CB52-40HX CB52-40HX CB52-30HX/CB52-40HX CB52-40HX
water side No. of units 1/1 2 1/2 3
Heat exchanger on air side Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type
Model P52H11S ✕ 3 P52H11S ✕ 4 P52H11S ✕ 5 P52H11S ✕ 6
Type Axial flow type Axial flow type Axial flow type Axial flow type
Fan Motor output ✕ No. of units kW (0.215 + 0.2) + 0.2 (0.215 + 0.2) ✕ 2 (0.215 + 0.2) ✕ 2 + 0.2 (0.215 + 0.2) ✕ 3
Air volume m3 / min 265/280 350/370 440/465 525/555
Driving system Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive
Refrigerant control Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control 100-67(34)-0 100-50-0 100-80(60)-40(20)-0 100-67-34-0
Heat insulation Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, reverse phase protector, fusible plug, freeze-up protector, compressor
Safety devices
overcurrent relay, discharge gas overheat protector, and fan motor protection temperature switch
Refrigerant name R407C R407C R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 4.5 + 3.1 4.5 ✕ 2 4.5 ✕ 2 + 3.1 4.5 ✕ 3
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 2.7 + 1.5 2.7 ✕ 2 2.7 ✕ 2 + 1.5 2.7 ✕ 3
Chilled/hot water inlet/outlet pipes 2B (50A) Flange (JIS 10K) 2B (50A) Flange (JIS 10K) I-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K) 2B (50A) Flange (JIS 10K) x 3 places
Product mass kg 375 490 640 760
Operating mass kg 390 510 655 780
Legal refrigerating capacity 50/60Hz 3.87/4.61 5.14/6.12 6.44/7.67 7.71/9.18
Standard accessories Operation manual, warranty card, fuse, and chilled water strainer
specifications characteristics

Running current A 41.3/46.2 54.4/61.0 68.5/76.7 81.6/91.5

External wiring Electrical

Rated power consumption kW 12.1/14.6 16.0/19.2 20.1/24.2 24.0/28.8

Power factor % 84.6/91.2 84.9/90.9 84.7/91.1 84.9/90.9
Starting current A 257/238 274/258 295/280 313/300
Minimum wire diameter mm2 22 38 38 60
Distance m 45 59 46 63
Circuit breaker size A 100 125 150 175
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 8 8 8 14
Earth leakage circuit breaker 100A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 125A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 150A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 175A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less

2 Product Specifications
Specification of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
■UWAP190 ~ 750AC
Model name UWAP190AC UWAP250AC UWAP375AC UWAP500AC
Type Water chilling unit <air cooled type> (Specifications of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of year 2001)
Main power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V
Operation power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V
Color of casing Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1450 ✕ 1280 ✕ 690 1450 ✕ 1280 ✕ 690 1500 ✕ 1925 ✕ 690 1500 ✕ 2570 ✕ 690
Capacity kW 17.0/19.0 22.4/25.0 33.5/37.5 45.0/50.0
Cooling Chilled water volume R/min. 49/54 64/72 96/108 129/143
Water pressure loss kPa 40/48 40/50 40/49 40/50
Model JT212DA JT265DA JT265DA + JT140BF JT265DA ✕ 2
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 5.5 ✕ 1 7.5 ✕ 1 7.5 + 3.75 7.5 ✕ 2
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Heat Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
exchanger on Model CB52-30HX CB52-40HX CB52-30HX / CB52-40HX CB52-40HX
water side No. of units 1 1 1/1 2
Heat exchanger on air side Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type
Model P52H11S ✕ 2 P52H11S ✕ 2 P52H11S ✕ 3 P52H11S ✕ 4
Type Axial flow type Axial flow type Axial flow type Axial flow type
Fan Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 0.215 + 0.14 0.215 + 0.2 (0.215 + 0.2) + 0.2 (0.215+0.2) ✕ 2
Air volume m3 / min 140/160 175/185 265/280 350/370
Driving system Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive
Refrigerant control Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control 100-0 100-0 100-67 (34) - 0 100-50-0
Heat insulation Polyethylene foam Polyethylene Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, reverse phase protector, fusible plug, freeze-up protector, compressor overcurrent relay,
Safety devices
open phase protection relay, discharge gas overheat protector, and fan motor protection temperature switch
Refrigerant name R407C R407C R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 4.5 4.5 4.5 + 3.1 4.5 ✕ 2
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 2.7 2.7 2.7 + 1.5 2.7 ✕ 2
Chilled/hot water inlet/outlet pipes 1-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K) 1-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K) 2B (50A) Flange (JIS 10K) 2B (50A) Flange (JIS 10K)
Product mass kg 233 235 375 490
Operating mass kg 237 239 390 510
Legal refrigerating capacity 50/60Hz 2.08/2.48 2.57/3.06 3.87/4.61 5.14/6.12
Standard accessories Operation manual, Warranty card, Fuse, and chilled water strainer
specifications characteristics

Running current A 21.7/23.2 27.2/30.5 41.3/46.2 54.4/61.0

External wiring Electrical

Rated power consumption kW 6.2/7.6 8.0/9.6 12.1/14.6 16.0/19.2

Power factor % 82.5/94.6 84.9/90.9 84.6/91.2 84.9/90.9
Starting current A 189/172 236/216 257/238 274/258
Minimum wire diameter mm2 8 14 22 38
Distance m 31 44 45 59
Circuit breaker size A 50 60 100 125
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 3.5 5.5 8 8
Earth leakage circuit breaker 50A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 60A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 100A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 125A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less

●Product Specifications

Model name UWA630AC UWAP750AC

Type Water chilling unit <air cooled type> (Specifications of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of year 2001)

Main power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V

Operation power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V
Color of casing Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1550 ✕ 3230 ✕ 758 1550 ✕ 3870 ✕ 758
Capacity kW 56.0/63.0 67.0/75.0
Cooling Chilled water volume R/min. 161/181 192/215
Water pressure loss kPa 40/50 40/51
Model JT265DA ✕ 2 + JT140BF JT265DA ✕ 3
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 7.5 ✕ 2 + 3.75 7.5 ✕ 3
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Heat Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
exchanger on Model CB52-30HX / CB52-40HX CB52-40HX
water side No. of units 1/2 3
Heat exchanger on air side Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type
Model P52H11S ✕ 5 P52H11S ✕ 6
Type Axial flow type Axial flow type
Fan Motor output ✕ No. of units kW (0.215+0.2) ✕ 2 + 0.2 (0.215+0.2) ✕ 3
Air volume m3 / min 440/465 525/555
Driving system Direct drive Direct drive
Refrigerant control Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control 100-80 (60) - 40 (20) - 0 100-67-34-0
Heat insulation Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, reverse phase protector, fusible plug, freeze-up protector, compressor overcurrent relay,
Safety devices
open phase protection relay, discharge gas overheat protector, and fan motor protection temperature switch
Refrigerant name R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 4.5 ✕ 2 + 3.1 4.5 ✕ 3
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 2.7 ✕ 2 + 1.5 2.7 ✕ 3
Chilled/hot water inlet/outlet pipes 1-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K) 2B (50A) Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 3 places
Product mass kg 640 760
Operating mass kg 655 780
Legal refrigerating capacity 50/60Hz 6.44/7.67 7.71/9.18
Standard accessories Operation manual, Warranty card, Fuse, and chilled water strainer
specifications characteristics

Running current A 68.5/76.7 81.6/91.5

External wiring Electrical

Rated power consumption kW 20.1/24.2 24.0/28.8

Power factor % 84.7/91.1 84.9/90.0
Starting current A 295/280 313/300
Minimum wire diameter mm2 38 60
Distance m 46 63
Circuit breaker size A 150 175
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 8 14
Earth leakage circuit breaker 150A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 175A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less

2 Product Specifications
Overseas voltage Type
■UWAP75 ~ 750AYE
Model name UWAP75AYE(Y3) UWAP125AYE(Y3) UWAP190AYE(Y3) UWAP250AYE(Y3)
Type Water chilling unit <air cooled type>
Main power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V
Operation power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase, 200V 3 phase, 200V 3 phase, 200V 3 phase, 200V
Color of casing Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1450 ✕ 635 ✕ 690 1450 ✕ 635 ✕ 690 1450 ✕ 1280 ✕ 690 1450 ✕ 1280 ✕ 690
Capacity kW 6.7/7.5 11.2/12.5 17.0/19.0 22.4/15.0
Cooling Chilled water volume R/min. 19/22 32/36 49/54 64/72
Water pressure loss kPa 38/46 40/48 40/48 40/50
Model JT90BF JT140BF JT212DA JT265DA
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 2.2 ✕ 1 3.75 ✕ 1 5.5 ✕ 1 7.5 ✕ 1
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Heat Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
exchanger on Model CB52-12HX CB52-30HX CB52-30HX CB52-40HX
water side No. of units 1 1 1 1
Heat exchanger on air side Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type
Model P52H11S ✕ 1 P52H11S ✕ 1 P52H11S ✕ 2 P52H11S ✕ 2
Type Axial flow type Axial flow type Axial flow type Axial flow type
Fan Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 0.14 0.20 0.215 + 0.14 0.215 + 0.2
Air volume m3 / min 75/85 90/95 140/160 175/185
Driving system Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive
Refrigerant control Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0
Heat insulation Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, reverse phase protector, fusible plug, freeze-up protector, compressor
Safety devices
overcurrent relay, discharge gas overheat protector, and fan motor protection temperature switch
Refrigerant name R407C R407C R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 2.9 3.1 4.5 4.5
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 1.2 1.5 2.7 2.7
Chilled/hot water inlet/outlet pipes IB (25A) Flange (JIS 10K) 1B (25A) Flange (JIS 10K) 1-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K) 1-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K)
Product mass kg 121 125 233 235
Operating mass kg 123 127 237 239
Legal refrigerating capacity 50/60Hz 0.85/1.02 1.30/1.55 2.08/2.48 2.57/3.06
Standard accessories Operation manual, warranty card, fuse, and chilled water strainer
specifications characteristics

Running current A 4.6/5.0 7.1/7.9 10.9/11.6 13.6/15.3

External wiring Electrical

Rated power consumption kW 2.6/3.1 4.1/5.0 6.2/7.6 8.0/9.6

Power factor % 81.6/90.4 83.9/91.9 82.5/94.6 84.9/90.9
Starting current A 32/28 46/42 93/84 117/106
Minimum wire diameter mm2 3.5 5.5 8 14
Distance m 28 31 31 44
Circuit breaker size A 20 40 50 60
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 2.0 3.5 3.5 5.5
Earth leakage circuit breaker 15A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 20A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 30A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 40A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less

●Product Specifications

Model name UWAP375AYE(Y3) UWAP500AYE(Y3) UWAP630AYE(Y3) UWAP750AYE(Y3)

Type Water chilling unit <air cooled type>

Main power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V

Operation power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase, 200V 3 phase, 200V 3 phase, 200V 3 phase, 200V
Color of casing Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1500 ✕ 1925 ✕ 690 1500 ✕ 2570 ✕ 690 1550 ✕ 3230 ✕ 758 1550 ✕ 3870 ✕ 758
Capacity kW 33.5/37.5 45.0/50.0 56.0/63.0 67.0/75.0
Cooling Chilled water volume R/min. 96/108 129/143 161/181 192/215
Water pressure loss kPa 40/49 40/50 40/50 40/50
Model JT265DA+JT140BF JT265DA ✕ 2 JT265DA ✕ 2+JT140BF JT265DA ✕ 3
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 7.5+3.75 7.5 ✕ 2 7.5 ✕ 2 + 3.75 7.5 ✕ 3
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Heat Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
exchanger on Model CB52-30HX/CB52-40HX CB52-40HX CB52-30HX/CB52-40HX CB52-40HX
water side No. of units 1/1 2 1/2 3
Heat exchanger on air side Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type
Model P52H11S ✕ 3 P52H11S ✕ 4 P52H11S ✕ 5 P52H11S ✕ 6
Type Axial flow type Axial flow type Axial flow type Axial flow type
Fan Motor output ✕ No. of units kW (0.215+0.2) + 0.2 (0.215+0.2) ✕ 2 (0.215+0.2) ✕ 2 + 0.2 (0.215+0.2) ✕ 3
Air volume m3 / min 265/280 350/370 440/465 525/555
Driving system Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive
Refrigerant control Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control 100-67(34)-0 100-50-0 100-80(60)-40(20)-0 100-67-34-0
Heat insulation Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, reverse phase protector, fusible plug, freeze-up protector, compressor
Safety devices
overcurrent relay, discharge gas overheat protector, and fan motor protection temperature switch
Refrigerant name R407C R407C R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 4.5+3.1 4.5 ✕ 2 4.5 ✕ 2 + 3.1 4.5 ✕ 3
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 2.7 + 1.5 2.7 ✕ 2 2.7 ✕ 2 + 1.5 2.7 ✕ 3
Chilled/hot water inlet/outlet pipes 2B (50A) Flange (JIS 10K) 2B (50A) Flange (JIS 10K) I-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K) (50A) Flange (JIS 10K) ✕ 3 places
Product mass kg 375 490 640 760
Operating mass kg 390 510 655 780
Legal refrigerating capacity 50/60Hz 3.87/4.61 5.14/6.12 6.44/7.67 7.71/9.18
Standard accessories Operation manual, warranty card, fuse, and chilled water strainer
specifications characteristics

Running current A 20.7/23.1 27.2/30.5 34.3/38.4 40.8/45.8

External wiring Electrical

Rated power consumption kW 12.1/14.6 16.0/19.2 20.1/24.2 24.0/28.8

Power factor % 84.6/91.2 84.9/90.9 84.7/91.1 84.9/90.9
Starting current A 124/114 131/121 136/126 145/137
Minimum wire diameter mm2 22 38 38 60
Distance m 45 59 46 63
Circuit breaker size A 100 125 150 175
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 8 8 8 14
Earth leakage circuit breaker 50A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 75A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 100A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 100A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less

2 Product Specifications
Brine Type
■UWAP3 ~ 30AZ
Type Brine chilling unit <air cooled type>
Equivalent horsepower 3 HP 5 HP 8 HP 10 HP
Applicable brine NIBRINE Z-1, 50wt% NIBRINE Z-1, 50wt% NIBRINE Z-1, 50wt% NIBRINE Z-1, 50wt%
Main power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V
Operation power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V
Color of casing Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1450 ✕ 635 ✕ 690 1450 ✕ 635 ✕ 690 1450 ✕ 1280 ✕ 690 1450 ✕ 1280 ✕ 690
Capacity kW 3.9/4.6 6.4/7.6 10.1/11.6 13.3/15.3
Cooling Chilled water volume R/min. 21/25 35/42 56/63 73/84
Water pressure loss kPa 69/94 74/98 77/96 80/101
Model JT90BF JT140BF JT212DA JT265DA
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 2.2 ✕ 1 3.75 ✕ 1 5.5 ✕ 1 7.5 ✕ 1
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Heat Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
exchanger on Model CB52-12HX CB52-30HX CB52-30HX CB52-40HX
water side No. of units 1 1 1 1
Heat exchanger on air side Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type
Model P52H11S ✕ 1 P52H11S ✕ 1 P52H11S ✕ 2 P52H11S ✕ 2
Type Axial flow type Axial flow type Axial flow type Axial flow type
Fan Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 0.14 0.2 0.215 + 0.14 0.215 + 0.2
Air volume m3 / min 75/85 90/95 140/160 175/185
Driving system Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive
Refrigerant control Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control % 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0
Heat insulation Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, reverse phase protector, fusible plug, freeze-up protector, compressor
Safety devices
overcurrent relay, discharge gas overheat protector, and fan motor protection temperature switch
Refrigerant name R407C R407C R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 2.9 3.1 4.5 4.5
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 1.2 1.5 2.7 2.7
Chilled/hot water inlet/outlet pipes 1B (25A) Flange (JIS 10K) 1B (25A) Flange (JIS 10K) 1-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K) 1-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K)
Product mass kg 121 125 233 235
Operating mass kg 123 127 237 239
Legal refrigerating capacity (50/60Hz) 0.85/1.02 1.30/1.55 2.08/2.48 2.57/3.06
Standard accessories Operation manual, Warranty card, Fuse, and chilled water strainer
External wiring Electrical characteristics

Running current (50/60 Hz) A 8.9/9.6 13.1/14.5 21.0/22.3 26.2/29.6


Rated power consumption (50/60 Hz) kW 2.5/3.0 3.8/4.6 6.0/7.3 7.7/9.3

Power factor (50/60 Hz) % 82/90 84/92 83/95 85/91
Starting current (50/60 Hz) A 58/53 94/85 189/172 236/216
Minimum wire diameter mm2 3.5 5.5 8 14

Distance m 28 31 31 44
Circuit breaker size A 20 40 50 60
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 2.0 3.5 3.5 5.5
Earth leakage circuit breaker 20A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 40A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 50A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 60A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less

●Product Specifications


Type Brine chilling unit <air cooled type>

Equivalent horsepower 15 HP 20HP 25 HP 30 HP

Applicable brine NIBRINE Z-1, 50wt% NIBRINE Z-1, 50wt% NIBRINE Z-1, 50wt% NIBRINE Z-1, 50wt%
Main power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V
Operation power supply (50/60 Hz) 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V 3 phase 200V
Color of casing Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1) Ivory white (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1500 ✕ 1925 ✕ 690 1500 ✕ 2570 ✕ 690 1550 ✕ 3230 ✕ 758 1500 ✕ 3870 ✕ 758
Capacity kW 19.7/22.9 26.6/30.6 33.0/38.2 39.9/45.9
Cooling Chilled water volume R/min. 108/126 146/168 181/210 219/252
Water pressure loss kPa 78/100 76/97 77/99 76/97
Model JT265DA+JT140BF JT265DA ✕ 2 JT265DA + JT140BF JT265DA ✕ 3
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 7.5 + 3.75 7.5 ✕ 2 7.5 ✕ 2 + 3.75 7.5 ✕ 3
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Heat Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
exchanger on Model CB52-30HX/CB52-40HX CB52-40HX CB52-30HX/CB52-40HX CB52-40HX
water side No. of units 1/1 2 1/2 3
Heat exchanger on air side Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type Cross-fin coil type
Model P52H11S ✕ 3 P52H11S ✕ 4 P52H11S ✕ 5 P52H11S ✕ 6
Type Axial flow type Axial flow type Axial flow type Axial flow type
Fan Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 0.215 + 0.2 + 0.2 (0.215 + 0.2) ✕ 2 (0.215 + 0.2) ✕ 0.2 + 0.2 (0.215 + 0.2) ✕ 3
Air volume m3 / min 265/280 350/370 440/465 525/555
Driving system Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive Direct drive
Refrigerant control Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Electronic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control % 100-67(34)-0 100-50-0 100-80(60)-40(20)-0 100-67-34-0
Heat insulation Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, reverse phase protector, fusible plug, freeze-up protector, compressor
Safety devices
overcurrent relay, discharge gas overheat protector, and fan motor protection temperature switch
Refrigerant name R407C R407C R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 4.5 + 3.1 4.5 ✕ 2 4.5 ✕ 2 + 3.1 4.5 ✕ 3
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 2.7 + 1.5 2.7 ✕ 2 2.7 ✕ 2 + 1.5 2.7 ✕ 3
Chilled/hot water inlet/outlet pipes 2B (50A) Flange (JIS 10K) 2B (50A) Flange (JIS 10K) 1-1/2B (40A) Flange (JIS 10K) 2B (50A) Flange (JIS 10K) x 3 places
Product mass kg 375 490 640 760
Operating mass kg 390 510 655 780
Legal refrigerating capacity (50/60Hz) 3.87/4.61 5.14/6.12 6.44/7.67 7.71/9.18
Standard accessories Operation manual, Warranty card, Fuse, and chilled water strainer
External wiring Electrical characteristics

Running current (50/60 Hz) A 39.3/44.0 52.4/59.2 65.5/73.6 78.6/88.8


Rated power consumption (50/60 Hz) kW 11.5/13.9 15.4/18.6 19.2/23.2 23.1/27.9

Power factor (50/60 Hz) % 85/91 85/91 85/91 85/91
Starting current (50/60 Hz) A 257/238 274/258 295/280 313/300
Minimum wire diameter mm2 22 38 38 60

Distance m 45 59 46 63
Circuit breaker size A 100 125 150 175
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 8 8 8 14
Earth leakage circuit breaker 100A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 125A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 150A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 175A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less

2 Product Specifications
2 Wiring Diagrams
2-1. Air cooled heat-pump chillers


●Product Specifications

■UWYP190 • 250A(E)



2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications
■UWYP630A(E)• 630AZ



●Product Specifications

■UWYP630A(E)• 630AZ




2 Product Specifications
■UWYP630A(E)• 630AZ



●Product Specifications

■UWYP750A(E)• 750AZ




2 Product Specifications
■UWYP750A(E)• 750AZ



●Product Specifications

■UWYP750A(E)• 750AZ




2 Product Specifications
■UWYP190AC • 250AC


●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications




2 Product Specifications
■UWYP190AYE(Y3)• 250AYE(Y3)


●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications

2-2. Water chilling unit (Air cooled)

■UWAP75A(E)• 125A(E)



2 Product Specifications
■UWAP190A(E)• 250A(E)
, UWAP8AZ • 10AZ


●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications

■UWAP190AC • 250AC



2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications
■UWAP75AYE(Y3)• 125AYE(Y3)


●Product Specifications




2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications



●Product Specifications





2 Product Specifications
3 Piping Diagrams
3-1. Air cooled heat pump chiller
■UWYP125 ~ 250A(E)


●Product Specifications

■UWYP375 ~ 750A(E)
, UWYP630 • 750AZ


3D038316 + 4D038412

2 Product Specifications
3-2. Water chilling unit (Air cooled)
■UWAP75 ~ 250A(E)
, UWAP3 ~ 10AZ


●Product Specifications

■UWAP375 ~ 750A(E)
, UWAP15 ~ 30AZ


3D038354A + 4D038412

2 Product Specifications
4 List of Operating Values of Functional Parts
4-1. Air cooled heat pump chillers
■UWYP125 ~ 750A, UWYP190 ~ 750AC, UWYP630 • 750AZ

High pressure switch S1 to 2PH 20PS688-11 OFF: 2.94+0/–0.1MPa ON: 2.16 ±0.1MPa
3SA42292-2-KU 3SA42293-2-Ki 3SA42224-2-SE 3SA42224-2-SE
CLK26JT-P12 (24A) CLK35JT-P12(33A) CLK50JT-P12(42A) CLK50JT-P12(42A)
Compressor overcurrent relay F2C — — —

F3C — — — —

Fan motor protection thermostat Q1 to 3M Built in fan motor OFF: 135˚C ON: 86˚C
Reverse phase protection function PRC Built in A1P
Discharge gas overheat protection function (Discharge pipe thermistor) R3-1 to 2T OFF: 130˚C
Freeze-up protection function (Plate type heat exchanger outlet thermistor) R6-1 to 2T OFF: –3.5˚C (Brine chiller: –25˚C)
Freeze-up protection function (Water outlet thermistor) R-Tho1 to 2 OFF: 3˚C (Brine chiller: –15˚C)
Fusible plug — FPND-3 (70 to 75˚C)

High pressure switch S1 to 3PH 20PS688-11 OFF: 2.94+0/–0.1MPa ON: 2.16 ±0.1MPa
3SA42224-2-SE 3SA42224-2-SE 3SA42224-2-SE
CLK50JT-P12 (42A) CLK50JT-P12 (42A) CLK50JT-P12(42A)
3SA42224-2-SE 3SA42224-2-SE 3SA42224-2-SE
Compressor overcurrent relay F2C
CLK50JT-P12 (42A) CLK50JT-P12 (42A) CLK50JT-P12 (42A)
3SA42292-2-KU 3SA42224-2-SE
F3C —
CLK26JT-P12 (24A) CLK50JT-P12 (42A)
Fan motor protection thermostat Q1 to 6M Built in fan motor OFF: 135˚C ON: 86˚C
Reverse phase protection function PRC Built in A1P
Discharge gas overheat protection function (Discharge pipe thermistor) R3-1 to 3T OFF: 130˚C
Freeze-up protection function (Plate type heat exchanger outlet thermistor) R6-1 to 3T OFF: –3.5˚C (Brine chiller: –25˚C)
Freeze-up protection function (Water outlet thermistor) R-Tho1 to 3 OFF: 3˚C (Brine chiller: –15˚C)
Fusible plug — FPND-3 (70 to 75˚C)

●Product Specifications

■UWYP125 ~ 750AYE (Y3)


High pressure switch S1 to 2PH 20PS688-11 OFF: 2.94+0/–0.1MPa ON: 2.16 ±0.1MPa

3SA42291-2-SA 3SA42285-2-SU 3SA42285-2-SA 3SA42285-2-SA

CLK20JT-P12 (13A) CLK35JT22-P12(18A) CLK35JT22-P12(22A) CLK35JT22-P12(22A)
Compressor overcurrent relay F2C — — —

F3C — — — —

Fan motor protection thermostat Q1 to 3M Built in fan motor OFF: 135˚C ON: 86˚C
Reverse phase protection function PRC Built in A1P
Discharge gas overheat protection function (Discharge pipe thermistor) R3-1 to 2T OFF: 130˚C
Freeze-up protection function (Plate type heat exchanger outlet thermistor) R6-1 to 2T OFF: –3.5˚C
Freeze-up protection function (Water outlet thermistor) R-Tho1 to 2 OFF: 3˚C
Fusible plug — FPND-3 (70 to 75˚C)


High pressure switch S1 to 3PH 20PS688-11 OFF: 2.94+0/–0.1MPa ON: 2.16 ±0.1MPa
SA42285-2-SA 3SA42285-2-SA 3SA42285-2-SA
CLK35JT22-P12 (22A) CLK35JT22-P12 (22A) CLK35JT22-P12 (22A)
3SA42285-2-SA 3SA42285-2-SA 3SA42285-2-SA
Compressor overcurrent relay F2C
CLK35JT22-P12 (22A) CLK35JT22-P12 (22A) CLK35JT22-P12 (22A)
3SA42291-2-SA 3SA42285-2-SA
F3C —
CLK20JT-P12 (13A) CLK35JT22-P12 (22A)
Fan motor protection thermostat Q1 to 6M Built in fan motor OFF: 135˚C ON: 86˚C
Reverse phase protection function PRC Built in A1P
Discharge gas overheat protection function (Discharge pipe thermistor) R3-1 to 3T OFF: 130˚C
Freeze-up protection function (Plate type heat exchanger outlet thermistor) R6-1 to 3T OFF: –3.5˚C
Freeze-up protection function (Water outlet thermistor) R-Tho1 to 3 OFF: 3˚C
Fusible plug — FPND-3 (70 to 75˚C)

2 Product Specifications
4-2. Cooling Only Chillers
■UWAP75 ~ 750A, UWAP190 ~ 750AC, UWAP3 ~30AZ
High pressure switch S1PH 20PS688-11 OFF: 2.94+0/–0.1MPa ON: 2.16 ±0.1MPa
3SA42291-2-KE 3SA42292-2-KV 3SA42293-2-Ki 3SA42224-2-SE
CLK20JT-P12 (15A) CLK26JT-P12(24A) CLK35JT-P12(33A) CLK50JT-P12(42A)

Compressor overcurrent relay F2C — — — —

F3C — — — —

Fan motor protection thermostat Q1 to 2M Built in fan motor OFF: 135˚C ON: 86˚C
Reverse phase protection function PRC Built in A1P
Discharge gas overheat protection function (Discharge pipe thermistor) R3-1 to 1T OFF: 130˚C
Freeze-up protection function (Plate type heat exchanger outlet thermistor) R6-1 to 1T OFF: –3.5˚C (Brine chiller: –25˚C)
Freeze-up protection function (Water outlet thermistor) R-Tho1 to 1 OFF: 3˚C (Brine chiller: –15˚C)
Fusible plug — FPND-3 (70 to 75˚C)


High pressure switch S1 to 3PH 20PS688-11 OFF: 2.94+0/–0.1MPa ON: 2.16 ±0.1MPa
3SA42224-2-SE 3SA42224-2-SE 3SA42224-2-SE 3SA42224-2-SE
CLK50JT-P12 (42A) CLK50JT-P12 (42A) CLK50JT-P12(42A) CLK50JT-P12(42A)
3SA42292-2-KU 3SA42224-2-SE 3SA42224-2-SE 3SA42224-2-SE
Compressor overcurrent relay F2C
CLK26JT-P12 (24A) CLK50JT-P12 (42A) CLK50JT-P12 (42A) CLK50JT-P12 (42A)
3SA42292-2-KU 3SA42224-2-SE
F3C — —
CLK26JT-P12 (24A) CLK50JT-P12 (42A)
Fan motor protection thermostat Q1 to 6M Built in fan motor OFF: 135˚C ON: 86˚C
Reverse phase protection function PRC Built in A1P
Discharge gas overheat protection function (Discharge pipe thermistor) R3-1 to 3T OFF: 130˚C
Freeze-up protection function (Plate type heat exchanger outlet thermistor) R6-1 to 3T OFF: –3.5˚C (Brine chiller: –25˚C)
Freeze-up protection function (Water outlet thermistor) R-Tho1 to 3 OFF: 3˚C (Brine chiller: –15˚C)
Fusible plug — FPND-3 (70 to 75˚C)

●Product Specifications

■UWAP75 ~ 750AYE (Y3)


High pressure switch S1PH 20PS688-11 OFF: 2.94+0/–0.1MPa ON: 2.16 ±0.1MPa

3SA42291-2-SU 3SA42291-2-SA 3SA42285-2-SU 3SA42285-2-SA

CLK20JT-P12 (7.5A) CLK20JT-P12(13A) CLK35JT22-P12(18A) CLK35JT22-P12(22A)

Compressor overcurrent relay F2C — — — —

F3C — — — —

Fan motor protection thermostat Q1 to 2M Built in fan motor OFF: 135˚C ON: 86˚C
Reverse phase protection function PRC Built in A1P
Discharge gas overheat protection function (Discharge pipe thermistor) R3-1 to 1T OFF: 130˚C
Freeze-up protection function (Plate type heat exchanger outlet thermistor) R6-1 to 1T OFF: –3.5˚C
Freeze-up protection function (Water outlet thermistor) R-Tho1 to 1 OFF: 3˚C
Fusible plug — FPND-3 (70 to 75˚C)


High pressure switch S1 to 3PH 20PS688-11 OFF: 2.94+0/–0.1MPa ON: 2.16 ±0.1MPa
3SA42285-2-SA 3SA42285-2-SA 3SA42285-2-SA 3SA42285-2-SA
CLK35JT22-P12 (22A) CLK35JT22-P12 (22A) CLK35JT22-P12 (22A) CLK35JT22-P12 (22A)
3SA42291-2-SA 3SA42285-2-SA 3SA42285-2-SA 3SA42285-2-SA
Compressor overcurrent relay F2C
CLK20JT22-P12 (13A) CLK35JT22-P12 (22A) CLK35JT22-P12 (22A) CLK35JT22-P12 (22A)
3SA42291-2-SA 3SA42285-2-SA
F3C — —
CLK20JT-P12 (13A) CLK35JT22-P12 (22A)
Fan motor protection thermostat Q1 to 6M Built in fan motor OFF: 135˚C ON: 86˚C
Reverse phase protection function PRC Built in A1P
Discharge gas overheat protection function (Discharge pipe thermistor) R3-1 to 3T OFF: 130˚C
Freeze-up protection function (Plate type heat exchanger outlet thermistor) R6-1 to 3T OFF: –3.5˚C
Freeze-up protection function (Water outlet thermistor) R-Tho1 to 3 OFF: 3˚C
Fusible plug — FPND-3 (70 to 75˚C)

2 Product Specifications
5 Operation Limits
5-1. Air cooled heat pump chillers
■UWYP125 ~ 750A, UWYP190 ~ 750AC, UWYP125 ~ 750AYE (Y3)
Cooling operation limits Heating operation limits
Outdoor temperature (˚C D.B.)

Outdoor temperature (˚C D.B.)

Recommended operation range
(for continuous stable operation)

operation range Operative range
(for continuous (for pull down)
stable operation)

Chilled water outlet temperature (˚C) Hot water outlet temperature (˚C)
Applicable water volume range and minimum holding water volume
Note) 1. Operating conditions: Standard water volume
Model name
Water (AYE) (AC) (AYE) (AC) (AYE) (AC) (AYE) (AC) (AYE) (AC) (AYE) (AC) (AYE) 2. : Standard conditions
range Max.
(R / min) 3. : Recommended operation range (for continuous stable operation)
4. : Operative range (for pull down)
Min. holding Inlet control
water volume 5. The outdoor air conditions in heating represent those at relative humidity of 85%.
(R) Note 6 Outlet control
6. The holding water volumes represent those at a differential of 4˚C, respectively.
Water volume If the differential is 2˚C, the holding water volumes should be doubled.
held in chiller (R) 2 4 4 6 8 10 12

■UWYP630AZ • 750AZ
Cooling operation limits Heating operation limits
Outdoor temperature (˚C D.B.)

Outdoor temperature (˚C D.B.)

operation range
(for continuous
stable operation)
Recommended Operative Operation
operation range range limits
(for continuous (for continuous (for pull down)
stable operation) stable operation)

Brine outlet temperature (˚C)

Brine outlet temperature (˚C)
Applicable brine volume range and minimum holding brine volume
Note) 1. Operating conditions: Standard brine volume 8. When the unit is used at an outdoor temperature of 5˚C or less, if it is exposed
Model name With 50-wt% NIBRINE used to a wind velocity of 10m/s or more, windbreak measures should be taken.
Brine volume Standard 2. : Standard conditions 9. Minimum water volume to be held in system
range (50/60 Hz) • The table on the left shows actual water volume recirculating within the chilled
3. : Recommended operation range
(R / min) Max. water system. If the system has any circuit in which water bypasses through
(for continuous stable operation)
a three-way or two-way valve, bring the water volume within the chilled water
Min. 4. : Operative range system at the time of bypassing to values not less than those listed in the table.
(for continuous stable operation)
Min. holding Inlet control
brine volume 5. : Operation limits (for pull down)
(R) Note 7 Outlet control 6. The outdoor air conditions in heating represent those at relative humidity of 85%.
Brine volume 7. The holding water volumes represent those at a differential of 4˚C, respectively. If the differential is 2˚C,
held in chiller (R)
the holding water volumes should be doubled.

●Product Specifications

5-2. Air cooled cooling only chillers

■UWAP75 ~ 750A, UWAP190 ~ 750AC, UWAP75 ~ 750AYE (Y3)

Cooling operation limits Note) 1. Operating conditions: Standard water volume

2. : Standard conditions

3. : Recommended operation range (for continuous stable operation)

4. : Operative range (for pull down)

Chilled water volume (%)
Outdoor temperature (˚C D.B.)

5. The recommended water volume range varies with the chilled

100% Recommended
water outlet temperature. Therefore, referring to figure water volume
on the right, determine the chilled water volume. range
(Approx. 75%)
6. The holding water volumes represent those at a
Recommended Operative differential of 4˚C, respectively. If the differential is 2˚C, (Approx. 50%)
operation range range minimum
the holding water volumes should be doubled.
(for continuous (for pull down)
stable operation) Chilled water outlet temperature (˚C)

Applicable water volume range and minimum holding water volume

Model name
(AYE) (AC) (AYE) (AC) (AYE) (AC) (AYE) (AC) (AYE) (AC) (AYE) (AC) (AYE) (AC) (AYE)
Water Standard
volume (50/60Hz)
(R / min)


Min. holding Inlet control

Chilled water outlet temperature (˚C) water volume
(R) Note 6 Outlet control
Water volume
held in chiller (R) 2 2 4 4 6 8 10 12

■UWAP3 ~ 30AZ

Cooling operation limits Note) 1. Operating conditions: Standard brine volume

2. : Standard conditions

3. : Recommended operation range (for continuous stable operation)

4. : Operative range (for continuous stable operation)

5. : Operation limits (for pull down)

Outdoor temperature (˚C D.B.)

6. The holding water volumes represent those at a differential of 4˚C, respectively.

If the differential is 2˚C, the holding water volumes should be doubled.

7. When the unit is used at an outdoor temperature of 5˚C or less, if it is exposed

Recommended Operative range Operation limits
operation range (for continuous (for pull down) to a wind velocity of 10m/s or more, windbreak measures should be taken.
(for continuous stable operation)
stable operation) 8. Minimum water volume to be held in system
• The table below shows actual water volume recirculating within the chilled water system.
If the system has any circuit in which water bypasses through a three-way or two-way valve,
bring the water volume within the chilled water system at the time of bypassing to values
not less than those listed in the table.

Applicable brine volume range and minimum holding brine volume

Model name

Brine volume (50/60Hz)
(R / min)

Min. brine Inlet control
volume held
Brine outlet temperature (˚C) in system
(R) Note 6 Outlet control
Brine volume
held in chiller (R)

2 Product Specifications
6 Operation Standards
6-1. Air-cooled chiller
Items Description
Power supply voltage Within ±10% of rated voltage
Interphase balance Within ±2% of rated voltage
Power supply frequency Within ±2% of rated
Limits of outlet water temperature and outdoor air In accordance with the Table of Operation Limits
Pull down time Within one hour (at no load operation)
Capacity and input In conformity with JIS B 8613
The number of ON/OFF times in one hour shall be not more than 12 times. ON
Intervals of compressor ON/OFF
period shall be two minutes or more and OFF period three minutes or more.
Factors, which will cause any scale, slime, or corrosive obstruction, shall conform to
Water quality the water quality standard values specified in the JRA Water Quality Guideline
Avoid installing any unit near exhaust opening or stack, in a special atmosphere of
Outdoor air quality chemical plant, in places with soluble matters affecting copper or aluminum,
extremely high temperature and/or humidity, or excessive dust.
Water flow rate The applicable range of water flow rate shall be observed.
Water pressure 0.7MPa or less
Installation location Outdoors (Take preventive measures against snow and/or cross wind, as needed.)
External drain Connect pipes to the drain pipe and provide non-fecal drain pit in the foundation.
Water piping The accessory strainer shall be installed in water inlet to chiller.

6-2. Brine chiller

Items Description
Power supply voltage Within ±10% of rated voltage
Interphase balance Within ±2% of rated voltage
Power supply frequency Within ±2% of rated
Limits of brine outlet temperature and outdoor air In accordance with the Table of Operation Limits
Pull down time Within one hour (at no load operation)
Capacity and input In conformity with JIS B 8613
The number of ON/OFF times in one hour shall be not more than 12 times. ON
Intervals of compressor ON/OFF
period shall be two minutes or more and OFF period three minutes or more.
The brine concentration shall be maintained at a concentration specified in
Brine concentration control
accordance with the brine outlet temperature, at all times.
Avoid installing any unit near exhaust opening or stack, in a special atmosphere of
Outdoor air quality chemical plant, in places with soluble matters affecting copper or aluminum,
extremely high temperature and/or humidity, or excessive dust.
Brine flow rate The applicable range of brine flow rate shall be observed.
Water pressure 0.7MPa or less
Installation location Outdoors (Take preventive measures against snow and/or cross wind, as needed.)
External drain Connect pipes to the drain pipe and provide non-fecal drain pit in the foundation.
Water piping The accessory strainer shall be installed in water inlet to chiller.

●Product specification

7 List of Options
7-1. Air Cooled Heat Pump Chillers
■UWYP125 ~ 750A Y3
These parts are always required when
remote controller/centrarized devicis are
Applicable connected to appricable models. Centralized
Series Refrigerant Remote controller ( less than 75kw models) ON/OFFcontroller Schedule timer
Model controller

Communication Communication

Transmission wire
I/F P.C.Board I/F P.C.B storage box
Heat R407C BRC307C50 BRP66B3✕1 BRP66A97✕1 DCS302B61 DCS301B61 DST301B61
pump UWYP125AY3 (Install outside BER66A5✕1
of unit)
UWYP190AY3 BRP66A100✕1 BER66A7✕1 * Take care for using Brine.
(Install inside (Temperature is controlled only down
UWYP250AY3 of unit) to –9˚C from centralized controller.)
UWYP375AY3 Not required
UWYP500AY3 (Install inside
of Switch Box)

7-2. Air Cooled Cooling Only Chillers

■UWAP75 ~ 750A Y3, UWAXP125 ~ 750AY1
These parts are always required when
remote controller/centrarized devicis are
Applicable connected to appricable models. Centralized
Series Refrigerant Remote controller ( less than 75kw models) ON/OFFcontroller Schedule timer
Model controller
Communication Communication
Transmission wire
I/F P.C.Board I/F P.C.B storage box
Air R407C UWAP75AY3 BRC307C50 BRP66B3✕1 BRP66A97✕1 BER66A5✕1 DCS302B61 DCS301B61 DST301B61
cooled (Install outside
UWAP125AY3 of unit) * Take care for using Brine.
chiller (Temperature is controlled only down
(Cooling UWAP190AY3 BRP66A100✕1 BER66A7✕1 to –9˚C from centralized controller.)
only) (Install inside
UWAP250AY3 of unit)
UWAP375AY3 Not required
UWAP500AY3 (Install inside
of Switch Box)

BRC307C50 BRP66B3✕1 (Not required for BER66A5 DCS302B61 DCS301B61 DST301B61

extra-voltage units)
UWAXP190AY1 BRP66A97 BER66A6 * Take care for using Brine.
(Temperature is controlled only down
UWAXP250AY1 to –9˚C from centralized controller.)
UWAXP375AY1 Not required BER66A7
(Install inside
UWAXP500AY1 of Switch Box)
UWAXP630AY1 BRP66B3✕2 BRP66A96 BER66A8

3 Installation
1 Carry-in Procedure
In order to carry in equipment, use nylon slings and protect the air heat exchanger fin and shell plates with patch
plates or the like, thus slowly carrying in the equipment in the manner shown below. Furthermore, pay utmost care
not to twist the nylon slings or else.

■UWYP125 ~ 250A, UWAP75 ~ 250A

Nylon sling,
8 m or more in length ✕ 2 nos.

Patch plate

Patch plate

■UWYP375 • 500A, UWAP375 • 500A

Nylon sling,
10 m or more in length ✕ 2 nos.

Patch plate
Patch plate

■UWYP630 • 750A, UWAP630 • 750A

Nylon sling,
5 m or more in length ✕ 4 nos.

Patch plate Patch plate


2 Selection of Installation Location and Installation Procedure

2-1. Selection of Installation Location
Select the installation location with attention paid to the following conditions and also obtaining prior acceptance of
the customer.
Furthermore, recheck the location using the checklist shown below.
q Is the air discharge side exposed to monsoon? (Places with a wind velocity of 10 m/s or more)
Give consideration to install a windbreak panel or windbreak wall (i.e., take windbreak measures).
(Windbreak panels are local supplied.)
• Place with no inconvenience caused to neighboring houses.
• Safe places, which endures the mass and the vibrations of the equipment and enables the installation of the
equipment in a horizontal position.
• Places with no hazards from combustible gasses.

w Is it considering conduct vibration isolation work?
There may be cases where vibrations transmit from not only the foundation of the chiller's main unit but also
water piping and consequently make sounds from the floor or wall. Particularly, in order to install the chiller on the
• The location of installation (the position of building beam) is important.
• Check for vibrations while in the test run of the chiller as well.
e Is the drain work thoroughly complete? What about the drainage path?
• This chiller causes drain water according to the operating conditions. Provide a drain ditch all around the chiller
as needed to conduct drain treatment.
r Is it considering secure service or maintenance space?
□ Water piping □ Electrical facilities □ Pump □ Chiller maintenance □ Cleaning of strainer
t In order to install the chiller in places with a lot of snow, pay extra attention to the following points.
• Make a foundation as high as possible.
• Install a snow protection hood (optional accessory).
• Remove the rear suction grille so that no snow will accumulate on the rear suction grille.
(Bending the grille upward and downward facilitates the removal of the grille.)

Examples of countermeasures against monsoon

1) Install the chiller so as not the expose 2) Install the windbreak wall. 3) Install the windbreak panel.
the surface of the air heat exchanger to wind. (Windbreak panel are local supplied.)
Surface of air heat exchanger
Place the surface of the air heat exchanger
to the lee side. Windbreak wall
Surface of air heat exchanger

Suction grille
Front side


Windbreak panel
A: 300 mm or more

• In the case of ground-beam foundation, support the product on area larger than that shade in figure shown below.
Position of foundation bolt Model name* A B C
(f15 mm hole ✕ 4 places)
UWAP75A,UWYP,UWAP125A 355 635 750

UWYP,UWAP190A,250A 1000 1280 750

UWYP,UWAP375A 1645 1925 760

Do not place the product UWYP,UWAP500A 2290 2570 760

on the spot foundation,
which receives loads on
four corners. UWYP,UWAP630A 1935 3230 758
Shape of Foundation Leg and
Position of Foundation Bolt
UWYP,UWAP750A 2580 3870 758
*Table above can apply to the brine type chillers.

3 Installation
2-2. Space for Servicing
Be sure to provide space for servicing, air discharge, and air suction.
Since the applicable models are of air heat source type, these models should be installed so as to ensure an
adequate air volume. Provide space shown below for the installation at minimum.

300 mm
or more
Chiller's main unit
Switch box

500 mm
or more
10 mm piping 10 mm
or more or more

The dimensions of the chiller's main unit

vary with models. The dimensions of the
service space shown above, however,
are common.


3 Water Piping Procedure

● Be sure to install the provided chilled/hot water strainer on the
water inlet side and a dirt pocket in place in the piping. Caution
Mixing sand, dust, flake rust, or else in the water system Do not mix up the water inlet with the
mechanically corrodes the metallic materials. (Since the strainer water outlet to install the water inlet
and dirt pot require periodical maintenance, install them in places and water outlet in place on this
with consideration given to the maintenance space.)
Erroneous installation of the water inlet
● No water pumps come with this equipment. Install water pump and outlet disables normal operation and
suited for the piping resistance. further result in a malfunction of the
● Install flow regulating valves in the water inlet/outlet piping. equipment.
● Install thermometers in the water inlet/outlet piping, which help
knowing the operating conditions of the chilling unit.
● There may be cases where scale deposits on the plate coil heat exchanger subject to the water quality.
Consequently, in order to remove the scale, periodical chemical rinsing should be conducted. In this connection,

install a sluice valve in the water piping and a pipe connection for chemical rinsing in the piping between this
sluice valve and the chilling unit. (For details, refer to figure shown below.)
● For rinsing of or drain-off (e.g. drain-off for long-term stop in winter and off-season) from the chilling unit, install an
“air vent plug” and “drain plug” at the inlet and outlet of water piping. Furthermore, install “automatic air purge
valve” in the riser pipe of the water piping or a peak place where easily produces dead air space, if any.
● Mount a washable strainer in the vicinity of the inlet to the pump piping, besides that at the inlet piping of the
chilling unit.
● Provide adequate cold insulation and heat insulation, and further moisture-proof treatment on outdoor section, for
the water piping. Inadequate cold and heat insulation may result in damage to the piping due to not only heat loss
but also freeze-up at midwinter.
● In order to shut down the equipment in wintertime or stop running at nighttime, natural freeze-up protection (e.g.
drainage, circulation pump operation, and heating by heaters) in the water circuit is needed in areas, where an
outdoor temperature reaches 0˚C or less. Since the freeze-up of the water circuit results in damage to the plate
type heat exchanger, take proper measures in accordance with the use conditions.
Automatic air vent valve
Example of piping Air vent plug
Expansion tank
Washer Feed water pipe
(used for washing port as well)
Chilling unit
Chilled/hot Drain
water strainer pipe
(standard accessory) Flow regulating Water Pump
valve pump strainer
Plate type
heat exchanger Water sluice Thermometer
#40 mesh valve Flow regulating
valve Thermometer
Drain plug
(used for washable
port as well)

● For the piping, use parts of the same connection diameter or larger.
● Chilled / hot water quality standard is specified in accordance with recirculation water. (For details, refer to the
water quality standard on page 248.)
Using transient water may result in corrosion.
● Use water volume within the operation range.
Even though 70 to 150% of the rated water volume can be used, it is recommended to use the rated water
volume. Insufficient water volume may lead to the degradation of performance or the activation of the freeze-up
protection thermostat due to scale deposit, or gas leaks due to pitting.
By contrast, excessive water volume will result in corrosion.
Adjust the water volume through the flow regulating valve provided at the chiller outlet so that the difference in
water temperature between the outlet and the inlet will reach approximately 5˚C at the full-load operation.
● In order to install a flow switch, check to be sure the flow direction.

3 Installation
● Do not aerate water in the recirculation water system as shown figure below.
Aerating water increases the amount of dissolved oxygen or condenses pollutants in atmosphere in water, thus
resulting in corrosive water quality.

Correct Incorrect
Discharge pipe Discharge pipe

Put the air outlet

below the water Suction pipe
Water tank Suction pipe Water tank
level in the water tank.

● Do not ground any other electrical equipment to the water piping. No heading so may cause electrolytic corrosion.
Furthermore, for piping buried in the ground, pay utmost care to rust preventive measures.
● Pay attention to the water velocity within the water system, the installation position of the expansion tank, and the
position of air vent in the piping, thus preventing the occurrence of cavitation.
● If a semi-hermetic chilled water system with a heat storage tank is used, replace the water, and clean and check
the bottom of the heat storage tank, at regular intervals (e.g. once every one or two years).
Since a newly-installed concrete heat storage tank elutes “scum”, it is not a rare case for the heat storage tank
water to increase to 10 or more in pH.
If the pH rises over the reference value, the corrosion rate of copper materials will increase, thus requiring the
advance replacement of water. Furthermore, many years of use of the heat storage tank cause spring water or
water leaks due to cracks in the tank.
The water leaks presents no significant problems in terms of water quality control. If there is any spring water of
seawater or contaminated underground water, the flood of microorganisms will be caused in the water of the heat
storage tank, thus resulting in the production of slime or deposition of calcium carbonate.
● Mount flexible tubes or the like before and after the chiller or water pump, to prevent the transmission of vibrations
to the building through the piping.
● In order to mount the strainer provided, be sure to use two wrenches so that any threaded parts other than union
parts will not rotate.
Water (brine) inlet pipe

Strainer (provided)

Do not re-fasten any threaded parts other
than union parts.
Not heeding so will result in water leaks.

● This series of chillers are all equipped with a strainer (of one number per system).
UWYP125 ~ 250A(Z), UWAP75 ~ 250A, UWAP3 ~ 10AZ 1 strainer 1-system unit
UWYP375 • 500A(Z), UWAP375 • 500A, UWAP15 • 20AZ 2 strainers 2-system unit
UWYP630 • 750A(Z), UWAP630 • 750A, UWAP25 • 30AZ 3 strainers 3-system unit


■For concentrated piping (UWY (A) P375-750A)

This section also applies to the brine type chillers UWAP15-30AZ, UWYP630, and UWYP750AZ.
● On UWYP and UWAP357A, 500A, 630A, and 750A, the water piping is provided by each system. (For details,
refer to information in “Name of each part” on page 119.) Therefore, be sure to connect the water piping to one
and the same concentrated piping. Branching the piping to different systems disables the control. Furthermore,
make it a rule to provide one pump for one model.
● Pay attention to pipe sizes used for the field piping. Too small pipe size will be more likely to cause uneven water
feed, thus activating the freeze-up protection or high pressure switches.
● Be sure to mount the strainer provided.
Not heeding so will clog the inside of the heat exchanger with dust to accelerate uneven water feed to each
system, thus resulting in malfunctions. Furthermore, clean all strainers at regular intervals of time.

Example) UWY(A)P375A

Be sure to use pipes of larger than
Strainer provided specified size for the field piping work.

Pipe size used for field piping work

Field piping UWYP, UWAP375A, 500A(Z) 2B or more
UWYP, UWAP630A, 750A(Z) 2-1/2B or more

● Branch piping length to concentrated piping

Provide the branch piping of the equivalent length of 5 m or less.
Provide water piping to each system so that the difference in equivalent length will be 2 m or less.
Particularly, the equivalent length (not actual length) significantly varies with the method of merging to the
concentrated piping.

To chilling unit To chilling unit

Water flow direction Water flow direction

Concentrated piping

Equivalent length
of 5 m or less

Equivalent length difference of 2 m or less

3 Installation
4 Electrical Wiring
4-1. Common Items
• Grounding work
• Electrical work
• Circulating water pump wiring work
<Additional functions>
• Auxiliary heater wiring work • Water interruption relay (63WL) input
• Operating conditions external display • Forced defrost operation
• Nighttime/Low noise control • Heat storage thermostat signal
• Forced fan operation

(1) Grounding Work

• Has the grounding work been completed? Standard voltage unit Class “D” grounding work
In order to prevent an unexpected electric (3 phase, 200VAC, 50/60Hz) (Class “3” grounding work)
shock, the grounding work has to be Extra voltage unit Class “C” grounding work
conducted. (3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, or 440 VAC, 50/60Hz) (Class “Special 3” grounding work)
A qualification is required for the grounding work. Note) For the Class “D” grounding work, set the grounding
The grounding terminal is provided in the switch box. resistance to 100Ω at maximum, while for the Class “C”
grounding work, set it to 10Ω at maximum.
(2) Electrical Work
The nominal output of the chillers is different from normal motors
Earth leakage circuit breaker
in the application conditions. Therefore, be sure to select the
sizes of power supply wires according to the specified external
wiring procedure. About details, please make an inquiry at your O

representative. TEST button


• Be sure to mount an earth leakage circuit breaker to the power

supply line.
The equipment can be operated under either local or remote
control (e.g. remote contact input and controller).

(3) Wiring of remote control circuit

For the remote control circuit (including the remote controller and centralized control unit), use sheathed vinyl
cords and cables (of 0.75 to 1.25 mm2) of the specifications shown below. The maximum applicable length of
each cord/cable is 500 meters.
Furthermore, do not put voltage signal cables, non-voltage signal cables, remote controller wires, centralized
control unit wires, and power supply wires together in one and the same conduit. Doing so may disable the normal
functions of the remote control circuit.

• Polyvinyl chloride insulated flexible cords VCTF JIS-C3306

• Polyvinyl chloride insulated flexible cords VCTFK JIS-C3306
• Polyvinyl chloride insulated and sheathed cable for control CVV JIS-C3401
• Polyvinyl chloride insulated and sheathed cable for control CVS JIS-C3401
• Polyvinyl Chloride insulated and sheathed cables VVR JIS-C3342
• Polyvinyl Chloride insulated and sheathed cables VVF JIS-C3342
• 600V Grade Polyvinyl Chloride insulated and sheathed portable power cables VCT JIS-C3312

Remote control terminals: Use micro-current contacts (Min. applicable load of 12 VDC, 10 mA or less) for the
Work 3 shown in the wiring diagram.
Example) MY relay from OMRON
HH52PW relay from Fuji Electric


(4) Circulation water pump wiring work

• Pump interlock (AXP) (17) (18) .........UWYP Power supply
(1) (2) (7) (8) .........UWAP R S T
Connect wires to a contact that will be closed when the
circulating water pump turns ON.
(Normally open contact with minimum applicable load
of 12 VDC, 10 mA or less) 52P
• Circulating water pump (52P) 52
Connect wires to the magnetic switch for the P

circulating water pump (200-VAC output). Normally open contact,

Min. applicable load:
Be sure to provide a separate power supply line for the 12 VDC, 10mA or less
circulating water pump and use the wiring circuit
breaker (MCCB).
• Circulating water pump overcurrent relay (51P)

Connect the manual reset contact in series with the circulating water pump (52P).

(5) Auxiliary heater wiring work <Only on heat pump unit>

• Auxiliary heater (52H) Power supply
(19) (20) (21) (22) R S T
Connect wires to the magnetic switch for the auxiliary
heater on the heat pump unit, which is in defrosting
operation (200-VAC output). 52 26
Be sure to provide a separate power supply line for the
auxiliary heater and use the wiring circuit breaker
Normally open contact,
(MCCB). 200VAC
Min. applicable load:
• Auxiliary heater overheat protector (26WH) 12 VDC, 10mA or less
For mounting the auxiliary heater, connect wires to the
overheat protector (e.g. temperature switch).
Since these terminals are short-circuited at the time of shipment, disconnect the jumper wires and then connect
the wires to the protector.
(Normal close contact for manual resetting: Min. applicable load of 12 VDC, 10mA or less.)
If the contact is opened while the chiller is in operatrion, the chiller will stop running due to the malfunction

(6) Operating conditions external display

This function is used to display the operating conditions by the state of contacts. X3M
(9) (10) (11) (12)
(Contact capacity = 200 VAC, 1A)
• Chilling unit operating output Chilling unit operation

The contact concerned is closed while the chiller is in operation. Batch malfunction

• Batch malfunction output Defrosting operation

The contact concerned is closed while the chiller stops running due to the malfunction.
• Defrosting operation output <only on heat pump unit>
The contact concerned is closed while the chiller is in defrosting operation.

(7) Nighttime low noise operation

This function is used to reduce the fan air volume at night (in other words, reduce the (A) (B) (C)
capacity), thus lowering the operating sound level. X2M
(Normally open contact: Min. applicable load of 12 VDC, 10 mA or less)
*Settings of the main unit should be made. For details, refer to information on page 127.)
If the contact concerned is closed, the nighttime low noise operation will be initiated.
Forced fan operation
(8) Forced fan operation
Nighttime low noise
This function is used to operate the fan while the chiller stops running during snow operation

season, thus preventing overload due to the accumulation of snow on the fans.
(Normally open contact: Min. applicable load of 12 VDC, 10 mA or less)
*Settings of the main unit should be made. For details, refer to information on page 127.)
If the contact concerned is closed, the forced fan operation will be initiated.

3 Installation
(9) Input of water interruption relay (63WL)
This function makes it possible to turn ON the circulating water interruption relay to (13) (14)
protect the chiller. This circulating water interruption relay does not come with the X3M
Since these terminals are short-circuited at the time of shipment, disconnect the jumper
wires and then connect the wires to the relay.
(Normally open contact: Min. applicable load of 12 VDC, 10 mA or less) Water failure relay (63WL)

If the contact concerned is open while the chiller is in operation, the malfunction due to
water interruption will be detected. (15) (16)

(10) Forced defrosting operation <Only on heat pump unit>

This function enables the forced defrosting operation while in heating operation.
(Instantaneously open contact: Min. applicable load of 12 VDC, 10 mA or less)
If the contact concerned is closed, the defrosting operation will be initiated. Forced defrosting

(23) (24) .........UWYP

(11) Heat storage thermostat signal (15) (16) .........UWAP
This function is used to turn ON or OFF the chiller while in heat storage operation. X3M
(Normally open contact: Min. applicable load of 12 VDC, 10 mA or less)
*Settings of the main unit should be made. For details, refer to information on page
If the contact concerned is closed while in heat storage operation, the compressor Heat storage thermostat signal
will start running.
If the contact concerned is open while in heat storage operation, the compressor will stop with thermostat OFF.


4-2. External Contact Input

Do not apply a voltage to contacts.
Doing so will cause damage to the PC
boards, resulting in malfunctions.
(1) ON/OFF input
This function is used to run or stop the chiller through the external contact. (3) (4) (5) (6)
Normal or instantaneous contact input is selectable. X3M
To use this function in combination with the remote controller, select the
instantaneous contact.
*Settings of the main unit should be made. For details, refer to information on

page 127. Input A Input B
• Normal input:
(Normally open contact: Min. applicable load of 12 VDC, 10 mA or less)
Closing the contact of Input A starts the chiller.
Opening the contact of Input A stops the chiller.
• Instantaneous input
Use instantaneous contacts having ON time of 200msec or more..
Use individual contact for the contact points A and B.
(Instantaneously open contact: Min. applicable load of 12 VDC, 10 mA or less)
Closing the contact of Input A starts the chiller.
Closing the contact of Input B stops the chiller.

(7) (8)
(2) Cooling/Heating selection input <Only on heat pump unit>
This function is used to select cooling or heating operation through the external contact.
(Normally open contact: Min. applicable load of 12 VDC, 10 mA or less) Cooling Heating

*Settings of the main unit should be made. For details, refer to information on page 127.
Closing the contact initiates the cooling operation.
Opening the contact initiates the heating operation. Cooling/Heating selection input

3 Installation
4-3. Connection of Remote Controller
The remote controller (BRC307C1) is an optional accessory.
To connect the remote controller, the I/F adapter (optional Main PCB

accessory) should be mounted.

For details on mounting these optional accessories, refer to Remote controller Communication I/F adapter
(Optional accessory)
F1 F2 F1 F2
(Optional accessory)
information in the Installation Manual, which come with the N F1
optional accessories. P F2

In order to use the external contact ON/OFF input in

combination with the remote controller, set the “Remote
Operation Signal” selector switch to INSTANTANEOUS.
*Settings of the main unit should be made. For details, refer to information on page 127.

4-4. Connection of Centralized Control Unit

The centralized control unit is an optional accessory.
To connect the centralized control unit, the I/F adapter Main PCB

(optional accessory) should be mounted. IN–OUT OUT–OUT

For details on mounting these optional accessories, refer to Communication I/F adapter
(Optional accessory)
F1 F2 F1 F2
Centralized control unit
information in the Installation Manual, which come with the N F1 F2
optional accessories. P F2 F1

In order to use the external contact RUN/STOP input in

combination with the centralized control unit, set the “Remote
Operation Signal” selector switch to INSTANTANEOUS.
*Settings of the main unit should be made. For details, refer to information on page 127.

● If any change was made to the remote control wiring, in order to check the wiring changed, be sure to press
and hold the “Wiring Change” button (BS5) on the main PCB for a period of five seconds or more.

Cooling/Heating Selection Sequential

Page Preparation Individual All master All slave Low Noise



Page Turn Operation Check System Wiring Change

(Main PCB)

4 Test Run
1 Checks before Test Run
In order to protect the equipment, be sure to check the following points before the test run of the equipment.
Furthermore, recheck the “SAFETY” specified at the beginning of this Manual.

q Is the power supply properly connected?

The following table shows the required power supply.
3-phase, 200V, 50/60Hz Standard voltage units
3-phase, 380, 400, 415/400, or 440V, 50/60Hz YE units (Extra voltage units)

w Has the grounding work been completed?

Operation terminal block
(✕ 3M)
e Is the interlock circuit (AXP) of the pump connected? (Normal non-voltage contact)
(1) (2)
r Turn the power supply ON six hours before starting operation.
This is to operate the compressor smoothly.
t Is the pump filled with water?
If NOT, open the feed water faucet and then fill up the water system with water. At the same time, purge air from
the system.

Test Run
y To purge air, open the air purge plug in the equipment's main unit and that of the heat exchanger on the load side
(e.g. fan coil unit). After that, check to be sure the system is filled with water, and then close the cock.

Note) For the locations of the air vent plug and the water drain plug, refer to figure shown below.

u Before starting the test run, check to be sure the piping work has been properly conducted, particularly the
strainers, air vent valve, automatic water feed valve, expansion tank, and cistern have been mounted in place,

i After the completion of filling water, perform the individual pump operation first to check the unit for air mixing and
water volume. Air mixing or inadequate water volume may result in freezing of plate type heat exchangers. For the
water volume, make measurements of water pressure loss in the vicinity of each chilling unit and to ensure the
water volume falls in the designed air volume range. If a malfunction occurs and cannot be solved, stop the test
run and take necessary measures against the malfunction.

o Check whether or not the propeller fan comes into contact with any obstructions.

!0 After the completion of the test run, check the strainer provided in the chilling unit inlet piping. If this strainer gets
contaminated, clean it.

Name of each part

Water inlet pipes

Water outlet pipes

Three strainers
(Standard accessory)

Air vent plug Water drain plug

4 Test Run
2 Test Run Procedure
2-1. Test Run Using Control Panel

1 6 5 OFF 1 Set the OPERATION SELECTION switch

(SS2) to LOCAL.


ON 2 (SS1) to COOL or HEAT.

Press the FORCED FAN button.
TEMP. The fan only starts running.
1 2 3 4
3 Check the fan for any malfunction or
TEMP. abnormal sound.
Press the FORCED PUMP button.
SS1 COOL/HEAT FORCED The fan stops running while the pump
4 starts running.
Check the pump for any malfunction or
abnormal sound.

Press the ON button.

The OPERATION pilot lamp turns ON.
2 3 4 5 Then, the pump starts running and
subsequently the fan starts rotating. After
some delay, the compressor starts
Note 1. Be sure to use the LOCAL/REMOTE selector
switch while in stop mode (with the
OPERATION pilot lamp turned OFF).
Selecting mode while in operation will stop the Pressing this button stops the unit. Refer
unit. OFF to Note 2.
2. Even though the OPERATION selector switch
is set to REMOTE, the OFF switch is still For details of the settings of temperature, the
functional. selections of outlet temperature control
mode, and the changes of thermostat
differential, refer to information on page 124.

●Test Run

2-2. Test run Using Remote Controller

How to operate
①Press the ON/OFF button.
ON / OFF (The operation indicating light will turn ON to
start the operation.)
1•2 ①Press the ON/OFF button again.
(The operation indicating light will turn OFF to
stop the operation.)

Cautions in using remote controller
●Never attempt to touch the internal part of the
remote controller.
COMP. Disassemble and make adjustment of the remote
controller, otherwise resulting in malfunctions.
The check and adjustment of the internal part
B R C 3 0 7 C 5 0
should be requested for your representative or our
service station.

Test Run
Note 1. After the completion of “2-1. Test run from
●Do not use the remote controller in places
control panel”, operate the unit from this
exposed to water.
remote controller.
Entry of water in the internal part of main unit of
2. Make sure the “SS2 on control panel”
the remote controller will result in earth leakage or
(operation change-over) sets to “remote”.
faulty internal electronic circuit.
If the ON/OFF button is pressed with the operation
●Do not attempt to push the remote controller with
indicating light OFF, the unit will go to the following
a sharp-pointed article, otherwise resulting in
conditions in some cases.
• If the operation indicating light flicks:
The unit will not operate due to the occurrence of ●Do not install the remote controller in places
malfunction. exposed to direct sunlight.
It is needed to check the place where the The LED will discolor to display nothing.
malfunction occurs. For details, refer to ●Do not wipe the surface of the remote controller
information in “Inspection/Test run”. operation panel with benzene, thinner, or the like,
otherwise resulting in discoloration or peeling of
paint coated.
As to contaminations, soak them in natural
detergent diluted with water, wipe off the
detergent with cloth squeezed water out, and
finish with dry cloth.
™Display of “under centralized control”
If even a single function among functions (※), which can
be input from either of the remote controller or the remote
contract, enabled on the “remote contact side”, the
“under centralized control” indicating light will turn ON.
U N I T Example : If the selection of remote cooling/heating is
enabled on the “remote contact side”, even
though the “Cooling/Heating Selection” button
Under centralized control display is pressed, the “under centralized control”
indicating light will blink to alert you to
reception disabled.
※ : “Demand control”, “Low noise operation at nighttime”,
“Fan forced operation”, and “Remote cooling/heating

4 Test Run
3 Daily Check Items
3-1. Air cooled chiller
■Daily checks
To maintain the unit in prime operating condition, check the following items perioctically, making adjustments
where necessary and keeping a record of all checks. Values under “Passing grade” are indicated for
refrigerating machines under typical operating conditions (at the compressor full loading).
Any values outside this range cannot be simply regarded as abnormal value.

When to
check Check item Check method Passing grade Results
Daily 1.Discharge pressure Check the pressure Cooling1.0 to 2.5 MPa (Using water)
gauge. 0.8 to 2.3 MPa (Using brine)
Heating1.0 to 2.5 MPa (Both water / brine) MPa
2.Suction pressure Check the suction Cooling0.3 to 0.6 MPa (Using water)
pressure gauge. 0.07 to 0.5 MPa (Using brine)
Heating0.2 to 0.5 MPa (Both water / brine) MPa
3.Power supply Check using a Within ±10% of the
voltmeter. rated voltage. V
4.Chilled (Hot) water Check the Cooling 4 to 16 ˚C (Using water)
temperature at outlet thermometer. –10 to 16 ˚C (Using brine)
Heating 35 to 55 ˚C (Both water / brine) ˚C
5.Vibration and noises Listen for noises and No abnormal
feel for vibrations. vibrations or noises.
6.Ambient temperature Check the Cooling 0 to +43 ˚C (DB) (Heat pump)
(Suction air temperature) thermometer. –15 to 43˚C (DB) (Cooling only)
Heating –15 to +21 ˚C (DB) ˚C
Seasonally 1.Refrigerant amount Check the Shall be lower than
suction superheat. 10˚C (at stable condition) ˚C
2.Dirt on fins Inspect visually. No accumulated dirt.
3.Water quality Check the water According to the standards provided for by
accordance with JIS ASSOCIATION (the water quality
K0101 or equivalent standards in the chilled water
system under JRA- GL-02)
4.Water strainer Inspect visually. No accumulated dirt.

5 Control Panel / Remote Controller
1 Control Panel
1-1. Display
The control panel has a “Display / Operation PCB” and a “Main PCB”.

Digital display
<Display / Operation PC Board> TEST RUN/NORMAL OPERATION button

<Local control ON/OFF button>

The OFF button is functional
while in operation under
remote control.
ON <Microcomputer Normal Monitor>
Microcomputer This LED blinks ON while in
Normal Monitor BS2 normal operation, and turns
<Operation Display monitor>
ON or OFF when a
This LED turns ON while OFF malfunction occurs.
in operation. BS3
<Malfunction monitor> 1234 UP
This LED turns ON when ALARM MONITOR BS4
a malfunction occurs. TEMP. <Temperature Control Button>
POWER SUPPLY DS1 SETTING These switches are used to
DOWN make temperature adjustments
<Power Supply monitor> MONITOR OPERATION BS5
SS2 SELECTION LOCAL REMOTE and change the display.
This LED turns ON when FORCED
power supply turns on. FAN
<Local/Remote Selection> PUMP
Forced Fan Operation button
Slide switch (SS2)

Forced Pump Operation button

<Cool/Heat Selection>
Slide switch (SS1)

Remote Controller
Control Panel /
<Main PC Board>
<Settings for wiring work>
Slide switches SS1 to <Microcomputer Normal Monitor>
SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4 SS5 This LED blinks ON while in
I J AB CD EF GH normal operation, and turns ON
or OFF when a malfunction
H1P H2PH3PH4PH5PH6P H7P occurs.
<Pilot lamps>
H1P to H7P

BS1 BS2 BS3 BS4 BS5 <"Wiring Change" button>

<Pushbutton switches> Press this button after finishing
BS1 to BS5, used for wire connections to electronic
service work. equipment such as a remote

IN–OUT OUT–OUT <Terminal block>

Used to connect wires
A B C F1 F2 F1 F2
for remote control.

5 Control Panel / Remote Controller
1-2. Procedure for Operating Display / Operation PCB
(1) ON / OFF
• Setting the OPERATION SELECTION switch (SS2) to “LOCAL” and then pressing the ON or OFF button will be
able to run or stop the unit.
• Setting the OPERATION SELECTION switch (SS2) to “REMOTE” and then inputting non-voltage contact in the
external connection input terminals 3 to 6 will be able to run or stop the unit.

(2) Changing temperature setting

• Pressing the TEMP. SETTING UP or TEMP. SETTING DOWN button with the OEPRATION SELECTION switch
(SS2) set to “LOCAL” will be able to change the set value of temperature.

(3) Forced fan operation

• Pressing and holding the FORCED FAN button for a period of three seconds or more with the OPERATION
SELECTION switch (SS2) set to “LOCAL” and while the unit stops will operate the fan on HH tap.
• Pressing the FORCED FAN button again will stop the fan.
• While in FORCED FAN operation, the forced pump operation will not be accepted.

(4) Forced pump operation

• Pressing and holding the FORCED PUMP button for a period of three seconds or more with the OPERATION
SELECTION switch (SS2) set to “LOCAL” and while the unit stops will operate the pump.
• Pressing the FORCED PUMP button again will stop the pump.
• While in FORCED PUMP operation, the forced fan operation will not be accepted.
Thermostat differential DS1–2 DS1–3
(5) Changing thermostat differential 2˚C (Factory set) OFF OFF
• The thermostat differential can be changed through the
settings of DS1-2 and DS1-3.
(6) Display mode of each sensor
• Pressing and holding the FORCED FAN button and the FORCED PUMP button at the same time for a period of
consecutive three seconds or more will shift the system from set temperature display mode to sensor display
• Pressing the TEMP. SETTING UP button or the TEMP. SETTING DOWN button will be able to change the display
contents (e.g. Inlet temperature / Outlet temperature / Outdoor air temperature / Discharge gas temperature
/ Plate type heat exchanger thermistor temperature / Suction pipe temperature / Heat exchange temperature
/ High pressure / Low pressure / ...)
** It may take seven to eight seconds at maximum to display the contents. **
• Pressing the FORCED FAN button or the FORCED PUMP button will return the system to set temperature display

(7) Freeze-up protection temperature changing mode (Only on brine type)

• While in sensor display mode, pressing and holding the FORCED FAN button and the FORCED PUMP button at
the same time for a period of consecutive 20 seconds or more will shift the system to freeze-up protection
temperature changing mode.
• Under the conditions above, pressing the Dip Switch Content of control Set value (detailed content)
TEMP. SETTTING UP button or the TEMP. COOL : Cooling operation
SS1 Selection of cooling or heating operation
SETTING DOWN button will be able to HEAT: Heating operation
change the set values. LOCAL : Local control
SS2 Selection of local or remote control
• Pressing the FORCED FAN button or the REMOTE: Remote control
ON: Normal signal
FORCED PUMP button will return the system DS1-1 Selection of remote control signal
OFF : Instantaneous signal
to set temperature display mode.
DS1-2 Setting pf thermostat differential ON: OFF
DS1-3 (Setting to 2˚C differential) ON: OFF
*List of setting items with dip switches
Selection of water ON : Inlet control
The ellipse represents items set at factory. temperature control OFF: Outlet control

●Control Panel / Remote Controller

2 Display and Operation Procedure of Remote Controller

2-1. Display section
All items appear in the display to facilitate explanation.
( The display however differs for actual operation. )
Thermal storage / normal preset During defrost display
temperature display Sensor name display section
Lights when the unit is in defrost
“Thermal storage” is displayed when thermal
operation. When “the display switch button”
storage preset temperature is displayed.
Thermal storage and normal preset is pushed, displays current sensor
temperature display are switched by the values in sequence.
thermal storage / normal button. Forced fan motor ON display ●After a fixed time (approx. 60 sec)
elapses, the display automatically
switches to the preset temperature
Lights when the “forced fan motor ON”
Display “operation mode” button is pushed. Can be operated only
●When sensor value is displayed, the
Displays current operating status. when stopped (Not displayed when
“thermal storage preset temperature”
(Any one) operating.)
display disappears.

Unit No. display Operation lamp (red)

When remote controller group is Lights while operating. Flickers
used, continuously displays unit when stopped due to malfunction.
No. of remote controller connection.
The display is switched by the▲
and ▼buttons.

Malfunction code display

Lights or flickers when a malfunction occurs.

Remote Controller
Group No. display

Control Panel /
Displayed when central address UNIT No. ROTAT
(group No.) is set. IN OUT OUTDOOR COMP. COMP.
MPa No.
Inspection display C

Lights or flickers when a malfunction occurs.

Field set display
Display when in the field set or service
mode. COMP.

Unit display SERVICE

MPa and Temperature Display These two
kinds of unit are automatically switched and BRC307C50
displayed according to the display value.

Operation mode display for

Various modes are displayed by operating
the setting mode switching button.
●The current operation mode is not Operation display Under centralized control
displayed. Displays the current operation. The “demand display
●After a fixed time (approx. 60 sec) -controlled running” display is set or cancelled Lights during centralized control.
elapses, the display switches to the by operating the “demand-controlled running” When lit, some or all functions
current operation mode. button. cannot be used.

●Do not pull or twist the remote controller's cord. Doing so could result in failure.
●Do not push the remote controller's buttons with sharp-edged objects. Doing so could result in damage or

5 Control Panel / Remote Controller
2-2. Operation section
(The figure below shows the remote controller with the cover open.)

ON/OFF button Operation mode switching

Display switch button button
Push once to start operation. To stop, Push to switched operation mode.
Enters the sensor display mode when the push again.
button is pushed once, and subsequently
displays each sensor value in sequence each Setting mode switching
time pushed. After LP display, returns to preset button
temperature display before sensor display. Switches operation mode to change
preset temperature.

Set/cancel button
Sets or cancels data of various types
in case of the field set or service mode.

Inspection/adjustment button
“The malfunction code” is displayed when
pushed at the time of minor failure.
Operated in case of the field set or service IN OUT OUTDOOR COMP. COMP.
MPa No.

Unit No. adjustment button

Use to change the unit No. Effective only DISPLAY
for remote controller group control. UNIT No.

Temperature setting button
Use to change the preset temperature. SERVICE
You can adjust the temperature 0.1˚C at a
time. BRC307C50

Forced fan motor ON button

Push once while Fan is stopped to turn
the fan motor on manually. To stop, Defrost interval setting
push again. button
Thermal storage / normal Not used for this unit.
operation button
Switches thermal storage / normal
operation when preset temperature is
Demand control button
to be changed. Push to carry out demand control
operation. To cancel, push again.

●How to start / stop operation

Operation mode (section A) changes as follows
ON each time the “operation mode” button is pushed.
Push the ON / OFF button. The operation lamp lights (Can also be operated when stopped.)
and operation starts. Ex: If currently “cooling”
Push the ON / OFF button again.The operation lamp Cooling Heating Heat storage
goes off and operation stops.

Heat storage

6 Field Settings
1 Settings with Dip Switch

<Display / Operation PCB> <Main PCB>


Slide switch
(SS1 to SS5) H1P H2PH3PH4PH5PH6P H7P
Normal Monitor

Pushbutton switch BS1 BS2 BS3 BS4 BS5

(BS1 to BS5)

Dip switch
(DS1-1 to 1-4)

Slide switch
(SS1 and SS2)

Object Item Content

Selection of remote control ON For external input from normal signals
signal OFF (Factory set) For external input from instantaneous signals

Display / DS1-2 Differential setting 2˚C (Factory set) 3˚C 4˚C 5˚C
Operation Setting of thermostat differential DS1-2 OFF OFF ON ON

Selection of water temperature ON (Factory set) Inlet water temperature control

control system OFF Outlet water temperature control

2 Settings with Slide Switch

Object Item Content
Selection of Cooling / Heating COOL (Factory setting) Cooling operation
Display / SS1
operation HEAT Heating operation
Selection of Local / Remote LOCAL (Factory setting) Local control
control REMOTE Remote control
Automatic reset from power I (Factory setting) NO (The system keeps stopping.)
failure J YES (The system is reset to the state before making a stop.)
A (Factory setting) NO (Normal operation)
SS2 Heat storage operation
B YES (Forced 0 to 100% operation)
C (Factory setting) For using remote controller/centralized control unit
Main panel SS3 Forced fan operation
D For external contact input
E (Factory setting) NO
SS4 Nighttime low noise operation
F YES (however, using external contact input)
Selection of Cooling / Heating G For using remote controller/centralized control unit
operation under remote control H (Factory setting) For external contact input

6 Field Settings
3 Settings with Pushbutton Switch
Using pushbutton switches (BS1 to 5) on the main PC board enables display and settings of service modes shown
○Service mode 1 ○Service mode 2 ○Service mode
Used to display the details on the Used to check or change the filed Used to check or change the
current settings of the following settings of the following items. software settings.
items. qRefrigerant recovery mode qModel setting (Cooling only / Heat pump)
qSoftware No. wAir Net address wStandard (Water) / Brine setting
wHorsepower eHorsepower setting
eSoftware version rForced master bit
rStandard (water) / Brine tReverse phase detection setting
tModel (Cooling only / Heat pump) yReduction of working hours setting
Cooling/Heating Selection Sequential <LED Display>
Page Preparation Individual All master All slave Low Noise Start
LED lamps
Blink OFF ON
Page Turn Operation Check System Wiring Change

■Mode change procedure

Simultaneously press and
hold the BS1 and
Press the BS1 once. BS3 for 5 seconds.
Service mode 1 Normal display Service mode 3
Press the BS1 once. Press the BS1 once.

Press and hold Press the BS1 once.

H1P H2P H3P H4P H5P H6P H7P BS1 for 5 seconds. H1P H2P H3P H4P H5P H6P H7P

Service mode 2


■Mode change flow chart

*If you lose the procedure in progress for any reason,
press the BS1. The system will return to normal display mode.

Normal display

Service mode 1 Service mode 2 Service mode 3

<Check settings> <Local settings> <Chiller settings>

Select items to be checked. (BS2) Select items to be set. (BS2) Select items to be set. (BS2)

Press the BS3 once. Press the BS3 once. Press the BS3 once.
*To make no changes: *To make no changes:
Display contents. (Data LED turns ON.) Display contents. (Data blinks.) Display contents. (Data blinks.)
Press the Press the
Press the BS3 once. *To make changes: *To make changes:
BS3 once. BS3 once.

Select contents to be set. (BS2) Select contents to be set. (BS2)

Press the BS1 once.
Press the BS3 once. Press the BS3 once.

Determine data. (Data turns ON.) Determine data. (Data turns ON.)
Press the BS3 once. Press the BS3 once.

Write data. (Data turns ON.) Write data. (Data turns ON.)

Press the BS1 once. Press the BS1 once.

After changing the settings, be sure to “reset the power supply”.
Furthermore, after “resetting the power supply”, check to be sure the contents of the
changes while in Service mode 1.

●Field Settings

○Service mode 1
Display item LED display Contents of display LED display
0 Software No. ● ● ● ● ● ● – ● ● ● ● ● ○

1 Horsepower ● ● ● ● ● ○ 1 : 3HP(75A) ● ● ● ● ● ○
2 : 5HP(125A) ● ● ● ● ○ ●
3 : 8HP(190A) ● ● ● ● ○ ○
4 : 10HP(250A) ● ● ● ○ ● ●
5 : 15HP(375A) ● ● ● ○ ● ○
6 : 20HP(500A) ● ● ● ○ ○ ●
7 : 25HP(630A) ● ● ● ○ ○ ○
8 : 30HP(750A) ● ● ○ ● ● ●

2 Software version ● ● ● ● ○ ● Hundreds digit of version ● ○ ● ● ● ● ←“0”

Tens digit of version ○ ● ● ○ ● ○ ←“5” Version
= 054
Units digit ○ ○ ● ○ ● ● ←“4”

3 Standard (water) ● ● ● ● ○ ○ 1 : Water ● ● ● ● ● ○

/ Brine 2 : Brine ● ● ● ● ○ ●

4 Model ● ● ● ○ ● ● 1 : Cooling only (UWAP) ● ● ● ● ● ○

2 : Heat pump (UWYP) ● ● ● ● ○ ●

○Service mode 2
Setting item LED display Contents of display LED display
0 Refrigerant ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● 1 : OFF ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○
recovery mode 2 : ON ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ●

1 Air Net address ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ 0~63 ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● ←“0”

○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ←“1”
○ ● ● ● ● ○ ● ←“2”

○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ←“63”

○Service mode 3

Setting item LED display Contents of display LED display

0 Model ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● 1 : Cooling only (UWAP) ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○
2 : Heat pump (UWYP) ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ●

1 Standard (water) ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ 1 : Water ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○

/ Brine 2 : Brine ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ●

2 Horsepower ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ● 1 : 3HP(75A) ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○
2 : 5HP(125A) ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ●
3 : 8HP(190A) ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ○
4 : 10HP(250A) ○ ● ● ● ○ ● ●
5 : 15HP(375A) ○ ● ● ● ○ ● ○
6 : 20HP(500A) ○ ● ● ● ○ ○ ●
7 : 25HP(630A) ○ ● ● ● ○ ○ ○
8 : 30HP(750A) ○ ● ● ○ ● ● ●

3 Forced master ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ○ 1 : NO ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○
unit bit 2 : YES ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ●

4 Reverse phase ○ ● ● ● ○ ● ● 1 : YES ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○

detection: 2 : NO ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ●
5 Reduction of ○ ● ● ● ○ ● ○ 1 : NO ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○
working hours 2 : YES ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ●
setting: YES /NO

6 Field Settings
4 Details of Field Settings
4-1. Nighttime Low Noise Operation
Used to run the system with several fans turned OFF at a low fan noise level when an outdoor air temperature is not
so high, for example, on summer nights.
Furthermore, if the outdoor air temperature rises and the discharge pressure reaches a high level, the fans will all
automatically rotate to prevent the pressure switch activation (for high pressure protection). When the pressure
returns to a proper level, the system will return to low noise operation mode.

[Setting procedure]
• In order to conduct the nighttime low noise operation, connect the
X2M (on main PCB)
normally open contact to the terminal block (X2M) on the main PCB
(A) (B) (C) F1 F2 F3 F4
Note) 1. While in local mode, the nighttime low noise operation is not
2. While in heating operation, this function is not available.
• Set the slide switch SS4 of the main PCB (A11P) to F.

4-2. Forced Pump Operation

Used to only operate the pump for purging air while in test run or else.

[Setting procedure]
qWhile the pump stops running, set the OPERATION SELECTION switch (SS2) to LOCAL.
wPress and hold the FORCED PUMP button for a period of three seconds or more. (Pump operation will be
ePressing the FORCED PUMP button again will terminate the forced pump operation.

4-3. Forced Fan Operation

Used to remove snow from the fan during snowfall.

[Setting procedure]
To make setting on the control panel:
qWhile the chiller stops running, press and hold the FORCED FAN button for a period of three seconds or more.
(The fan will operate.)
wPressing the FORCED FAN button again will terminate the forced fan operation.
*If the operation command is received while in forced fan operation, the forced fan operation will be cancelled.
To make setting on the remote controller:
qWhile the fan stops running, press and hold the FORCED FAN ON button for a period of three seconds or more.
(The fan will operate.)
wPressing the FORCED FAN ON button again will terminate the forced fan operation.
ePressing the ON/OFF button while in forced fan operation will cancel the forced fan operation to start normal

4-4. Pump Interlock (AXP) Function

This function is used to check to be sure the air conditioning equipment, pump, and control unit have normally
started up to run the chiller.

[Setting procedure]
Connect the pump interlock contact between (1) and (2) of the terminal block (X3M) provided in the switch box.

4-5. Defrosting Auxiliary Heater

Heat-pump-type chillers cause reverse loads while in defrosting operation, thus resulting in water temperature drop.
To compensate the water temperature drop, this auxiliary heater is incorporated.

●Field Settings

4-6. Selection of Cooling or Heating

The three methods shown below are available for the selection of cooling mode or heating mode.
Using display/operation PCB Using remote controller Using external input
Setting method Set the slide switch SS1 to Press the OPERATION MODE qSet the SS5 on the main PCB
“COOL” or “HEAT”. SELECTION button to set to to “H”.
“COOLING” or “HEATING”. wConnect the input signal wire
between (7) and (8) of the
operation terminal block (X3M).

4-7. Automatic Restart from Power Failure

This function makes it possible to automatically bring the system to the state before power failure occurs (ON or
OFF state) after the power failure is reset, with the remote contact input set to “instantaneous input”.

[Setting procedure]
Set the slide switch SS1 on the main PCB (A11P) Main controller State before State when power
as shown below. SS1 power failure failure occurs
<I setting> SS1 OFF
(OPERATION pilot lamp turns OFF.)
(OPERATION pilot lamp turns ON.)
<J setting> OFF OFF
(OFF while in remote control mode)

4-8. Instantaneous / Normal Input

For the combined use of the remote controller and the remote input, set the DS-1 to OFF: Select instantaneous
input and set the remote input to “Instantaneous”. Setting them to “Normal” may cause a mismatch between the
operation of chilling unit and the state of operation pilot lamp. (Stop commands all take priority over other

4-9. Heat Storage Operation
The heat storage operation is activated by signals from the contact input or the remote controller/centralized control
units while in remote control mode. (While in local control mode, the heat storage operation is not functional.) The
heat storage operation is conducted in the range of 0 to 100%, and the capacity control does not become functional.
qHeat storage operation by remote contact
• Setting the SS2 on the main PCB to “B” will switch the system to mode of heat storage operation by remote
contact. (The selection of operation mode by the remote controller/centralized control unit will be prohibited.)
• Short-circuiting between the terminals (23) and (24) on heat pump units or between terminals (15) and (16) on
cooling only units will operate the circulating water pump and the compressor. (Opening between these
terminals will stop the circulating water pump and the compressor.)
wHeat storage operation by remote controller/centralized control unit
• Setting the SS2 on the main PCB to “A” will enable the heat storage operation signals from the remote
controller/centralized control unit.
• Set the system to heat storage operation mode by the remote controller/centralized control unit. Short-circuiting
between the terminals (23) and (24) on heat pump units or between terminals (15) and (16) on cooling only
units will operate the circulating water pump and the compressor. Opening between these terminals will stop
the circulating water pump and the compressor.

6 Field Settings
4-10. Shortening of Time Intervals between Defrosting Operations
qShortening of time intervals between defrosting operations by remote controller
Press the “SHORTEN DEFROST INTERVAL” button on the remote controller.
If “SHORTEN DEFROST INTERVAL” appears on the remote controller display, the defrosting prohibition time will
be shortened normally from 30 minutes to 10 minutes. To cancel this function, press the “SHORTEN DEFROST
INTERVAL” button again.
wForced defrosting operation by contact input (instantaneous “a” contact)
Short-circuiting between the terminals (15) and (16) will initiate defrosting operation if defrosting start conditions
are satisfied. The forced defrosting operation is automatically terminated, thus subsequently returning the system
to normal defrosting operation.

7 Functions
1 Electric Symbols and Part Names
1-1. Control Input
Electric symbol Part name Electric symbol Part name
BS1 Page Turn button
R-Thi Water inlet thermistor
(A11P PCB) (Used to change setting mode.)
R-Tho 1 BS2 Operation button
2 Water outlet thermistor
3 (A11P PCB) (Used to make local setting.)
BS3 Check button
R1T Outdoor air thermistor
(A11P PCB) (Used to check local setting.)
R2- 1T Heat exchange coil thermistor BS4 System button
3T (Only for heat pump units) (A11P PCB) (Used to check erroneous wirings.)
R3- 1T Wiring Change button
2T Discharge pipe thermistor
3T BS5 (Used to replace PCB or change remote
R4- 1T (A11P PCB) control wiring. (Be sure to press and hold this
2T Suction pipe thermistor
3T button for a period of five seconds or more.))
R6- 1T Plate type heat exchanger outlet SS1 Setting of automatic restart from power failure
3T thermistor (A11P PCB) Factory setting=I (Automatic restart is not available.)
SENPH1 SS2 Selection of heat storage operation input mode
2 High pressure sensor (A41P)
3 (A11P PCB) Factory setting=A (Remote controller/Centralized control unit)
SENPL 1 SS3 Selection of forced fan operation input mode
2 Low pressure sensor (A41P)
3 (A11P PCB) Factory setting=C (Remote controller)
BS1 SS4 Selection of nighttime low noise operation input mode
ON button
(A31P PCB) (A11P PCB) Factory setting=E (Not available)
BS2 SS5 Cooling/Heating selection
OFF button
(A31P PCB) (A11P PCB) Factory setting=H (External signal)
Temperature Setting UP button
(A31P PCB)
BS4 A-C Nighttime low noise operation input
Temperature Setting DOWN button
(A31P PCB) (A11P PCB) terminal
Forced Fan button Forced fan ON input terminal
(A31P PCB) (A11P PCB)
Forced Pump button
(A31P PCB)
F1 – F2 Communication I/F adapter PCB
(A11P PCB) (Remote controller PCB) Functions
SS1 Cooling/Heating Selection switch
(A31P PCB) Factory setting=Cooling
SS2 Local/Remote Selection switch
A11P Main PCB
(A31P PCB) Factory setting=Local
DS1-1 External signal input (Instantaneous/Normal)
A21P Sub PCB
(A31P PCB) Factory setting=Instantaneous (OFF)
DS1-2, -3 Water temperature thermostat differential setting
A31P Display/Operation PCB
(A31P PCB) Factory setting=2˚C (OFF/OFF)
DS1-4 Water temperature control selection
A41P Extension PCB
(A31P PCB) Factory setting=Inlet control (ON)

A51P Malfunction display PCB

7 Functions
1-2. Output Equipment
Electric symbol Part name Electric symbol Part name
M1C No. 1 compressor S1PH High pressure switch (A51P)
M2C No. 2 compressor S2PH High pressure switch (A52P)
M3C No. 3 compressor S3PH High pressure switch (A53P)
M1F Fan motor (215W, triple speed) F1C Overcurrent relay (No. 1 compressor)
M2F Fan motor (200W, single speed) F2C Overcurrent relay (No. 2 compressor)
M3F Fan motor (215W, triple speed) F3C Overcurrent relay (No. 3 compressor)
M4F Fan motor (200W, single speed) Q1M Fan motor 1 overheat protector
M5F Fan motor (215W, triple speed) Q2M Fan motor 2 overheat protector
M6F Fan motor (200W, single speed) Q3M Fan motor 3 overheat protector
Y1E Electronic expansion valve (No. 1 system) Q4M Fan motor 4 overheat protector
Y2E Electronic expansion valve (No. 2 system) Q5M Fan motor 5 overheat protector
Y3E Electronic expansion valve (No. 3 system) Q6M Fan motor 6 overheat protector
K1M Compressor/magnetic switch (No. 1 system)
K2M Compressor/magnetic switch (No. 2 system)
K3M Compressor/magnetic switch (No. 3 system)
20S1 Four-way valve (No. 1 system)
20S2 Four-way valve (No. 2 system) 51P Overcurrent relay (for pump)
20S3 Four-way valve (No. 3 system) AXP Pump interlock
E1HC Crankcase heater (No. 1) 63WL Water interruption relay
E2HC Crankcase heater (No. 2)
E3HC Crankcase heater (No. 3)
52P Magnetic switch (for pump)

1-3. Safety Devices

Device name 75A 125A 190A 250A 375A 500A 630A 750A
OFF : 2.94 MPa +0 ON : 2.16 MPa +0.1
High pressure switch
Fan motor protection thermostat OFF : 135˚C ±5˚C ON : 86˚C ±15˚C (Built in motor)
Discharge gas temperature thermostat OFF : 130˚C (software control)
Freeze-up protection (chilled water) OFF : 3˚C ON : 4˚C (Brine OFF : –15˚C ON : –14˚C)
Freeze-up protection (refrigerant) OFF : –3.5˚C ON : –2.5˚C (Brine OFF : –25˚C ON : –24˚C)
Fusible plug FPND –3 (70~75˚C)
Compressor overcurrent protection 42+24A 42A ✕ 3
15A 24A 33A 42A 42+24A 42+42A
Standard model +42A

Compressor overcurrent protection 22+22A 22A ✕ 3

7.5A 13A 18A 22A 22+13A 22+22A
YE model +13A


2 Operation Control
2-1. Selection of Local Control/Remote Control
• For the selection of Local Control or Remote Control, use the SS2 (Local/Remote Control Selection switch) on the
Display/Operation PCB (A31P).
• While in local control mode, no remote operations are accepted at all.
• While in remote control mode, no local operations are accepted but stop operations are only accepted.
• Using the Local Control/Remote Control Selection switch while in operation will bring the system to the stop state.
• For details of the wiring/setting procedures for the remote control, refer to information in the technical guide.
(Remote contact, remote controller, and centralized control unit)

2-2. Pump ON/OFF

1) Pump (52P) ON
• This pump will start up when the pump is brought to the ON state by the start command. (The ON pilot lamp turns
• The pump will start up when the water temperature outlet thermistor (R-Tho1 to 3) or the inlet thermistor (R-Thi)
detects a temperature of 3˚C (or –15˚C on brine units) or less. (The pump operates regardless of whether the
chiller is in operation or stops.)
• The pump will start up when the FORCED PUMP button (BS6 on A31P) is pressed and held for a period of three
seconds or more.

2) Pump (52P) OFF

• This pump will stop when the pump is brought to the OFF state by the stop command. (The ON pilot lamp turns
• The pump will stop when the water temperature outlet thermistor (R-Tho1 to 4) or the inlet thermistor (R-Thi)
detects a temperature of 4˚C (or –14˚C on brine units) or less while in freeze-up protection mode. (The chiller
should have stopped running in this case.)
• The pump will stop when the FORCED PUMP button (BS6 on A31P) is pressed.

2-3. Chiller ON/OFF

1) Chiller ON conditions (The ON pilot lamp turns ON.)
• When the chiller is brought to the running state by the start command.
• When the chiller is brought to the running state by the emergency operation.

2) Chiller OFF conditions (The ON pilot lamp turns OFF.)

• When the chiller is brought to the stop state by the stop command.
• When the chiller is brought to the stop state due to malfunction through the activation of safety device or else. Functions
(The malfunction pilot lamp turns ON.)
• When the Local/Remote Operation Selection switch (SS2) is used while in operation.
• When the Emergency Operation switch is reset while in emergency operation.

7 Functions
2-4. Chiller thermostat ON/OFF conditions
1) Thermostat OFF conditions (Fan and compressor stop running with the operation pilot lamp turned ON.)
• When the thermostat OFF conditions are satisfied by water temperature control.
• When a 0% command is input while in heat storage operation.
• When the forced thermostat OFF conditions are satisfied by protection control. (The freeze-up protector is
• When the AXP turns OFF while in operation. (If this state continues for a period of ten minutes, the chiller will stop
due to malfunction.)
• When the selection of Cooling/Heating mode or Normal/Heat Storage mode is made while in operation.
• When the selection of water temperature control mode (Inlet/Outlet control) is made while in operation.

2) Thermostat ON conditions (Fan and compressor start running with the operation pilot lamp turned ON.)
(The restart protection timer should have been reset in this case.)
• When the thermostat ON conditions are satisfied by water temperature control.
• When a 100% command is input while in heat storage operation.
• When the system control is changed from the forced thermostat OFF conditions to the ON conditions by protection
control. (Freeze-up protection)
• When the AXP is reset from the OFF state within a period of ten minutes while in operation.

2-5. Cooling/Heating Selection

1) While in local control:
• For the selection of Cooling/Heating Operation, use the SS1 (Cooling/heating Operation Selection switch) on the
Display/Operation PCB (A31P).
• While in local control mode, no remote operations are accepted.
• On cooling only units, even though heating operation is selected, the heating operation is not accepted.

2) While in remote control:

• Use the SS5 on the main PCB (A11P) to select “Remote contact: H position” or “Remote controller/Centralized
control unit: G position”.
• To use the remote contact, select the cooling operation when the remote control terminals (7) and (8) is OFF, or
the heating operation when the remote control terminals (7) and (8) is ON.
• While in remote control, no local operations are accepted.

2-6. Automatic Restart Functions from Power Failure

• Only if the remote contact input is set to “instantaneous input”, changing to the following setting will automatically
restart the system from power failure. (While in local control, bring the system to the stop state so as not to
automatically restart.)
Setting of automatic reset from power
State before power failure State when power failure occurs
failure (SS1 on A11P)

I OFF (OPERATION pilot lamp turns OFF.) OFF

(State of factory set) ON (OPERATION pilot lamp turns ON.) OFF

OFF (OPERATION pilot lamp turns OFF.) OFF

ON (OPERATION pilot lamp turns ON.) ON
Note) The compressor will startup at the time when the restart protection timer is reset even with the system set to automatic
restart from power failure.

2-7. Compressor Restart Protection

• In order to prevent excessive ON/OFF operations of the compressor, once the compressor has stopped running, it
will not restart for a period of three minutes.
• If the operating time is less than five minutes, the compressor will not restart for a period of “Five minutes -
Operating time”.


3 Normal Operation Control

3-1. Startup Control
When the operation command is input, the system will start up as shown below.

Operation command ON
(ON pilot lamp) OFF
3 sec.

Fan of ON
first starting system OFF
8 sec.
Compressor of ON
first starting system OFF
4 to 8 sec.
Fan of ON
intermediate starting system OFF
8 sec.
Compressor of ON
intermediate starting system OFF
4 to 8 sec.
Fan of ON
late starting system OFF
8 sec.
Compressor of ON
late starting system OFF

Note) 1. The time interval after the compressor of the first starting system until the fan of the intermediate starting system varies
due to the transmission as shown in diagram above.
2. The time interval to stop the compressor and the fan may vary as well.
3. For details on the electronic valve control, refer to information in Section 3-3.
4. Compressors and fans of the first, intermediate, and late starting systems operate in rotation.


7 Functions
3-2. Water Temperature Control
1) Inlet water temperature control
• Setting the water temperature control selection switch (DS1-4) on the display/operation PCB (A31P) to ON will
activate the inlet water temperature control. Using this switch while in operation will bring the unit to the state of
forced thermostat OFF.
• While in inlet water temperature control mode, the water temperature is controlled by the inlet thermistor.
• The thermostat differentials can be changed with the use of thermostat differential selection switches (DS1-2 and-
3) on the display/operation PCB (A31P). (Refer to diagram shown below.)
• In order to operate the unit from the stop state, start the systems in order of increasing cumulative operating
• To turn OFF the thermostats, stop the systems in the order in which the thermostats turned ON. To turn ON the
thermostats, start the systems in the order in which the thermostats turned OFF.
• If a thermostat OFF command is input in the system in defrosting operation, the thermostat of the next system will
be turned OFF, thus continuing the defrosting operation. If a thermostat OFF command is issued 10 seconds after
the completion of defrosting operation, the unit will stop running. If this command is not issued, the unit will
continue running.
• Systems, on which a malfunction occurs, are excluded from the thermostat control, and return to the normal
thermostat control at the time when the malfunction is reset (the unit is restarted from the stop state).
• The thermostat control is conducted as shown below.

Water temperature control sequence while in cooling operation

Water temperature control ON
thermostat command OFF
Diff A
First starting system
Diff A Diff B
Intermediate ON
starting system OFF

Late starting system
Diff A Diff B

Low High
Chilled water inlet temperature
Set temperature

Table of Thermostat Differential

Thermostat differential
Diff A Diff B Remarks
DS1-2 DS1-3
OFF OFF 2˚C 0.8˚C Factory setting
OFF ON 3˚C 0.8˚C
ON OFF 4˚C 0.8˚C
ON ON 5˚C 0.8˚C


Water temperature control sequence while in heating operation

Water temperature control ON

thermostat command OFF

First starting system
Diff A
Intermediate starting ON
system OFF
Diff B Diff A
Late starting system
Diff B Diff A

Low High
Chilled water
inlet temperature Set temperature

2) Outlet water temperature control

• Setting the water temperature control selection switch (DS1-4) on the display/operation PCB (A31P) to OFF will
activate the outlet water temperature control. Using this switch while in operation will bring the unit to the state of
forced thermostat OFF.
• The thermostat differentials can be changed with the use of thermostat differential selection switches (DS1-2 and-
3) on the display/operation PCB (A31P). (Refer to table shown previous page.)
• To turn OFF the thermostats, simultaneously stop all systems in operation. To turn ON the thermostats, start the
systems sequentially at intervals of four to eight seconds in order of increasing cumulative operating hours.
• When turning OFF the thermostats, inlet water temperatures one second after thermostats on all systems turned
OFF are saved. When Diff A rises or falls, the thermostats will turn ON. (At this time, the restart protection timer
should have been cleared.)
• If a thermostat OFF command is input in the system in defrosting operation, the thermostat of the next system will
be turned OFF, thus continuing the defrosting operation. If a thermostat OFF command is issued 10 seconds after
the completion of defrosting operation, the unit will stop running. If this command is not issued, the unit will
continue running.
• Systems, on which a malfunction occurs, are excluded from the thermostat control, and return to the normal
thermostat control at the time when the malfunction is reset (the unit is restarted from the stop state).
• The thermostat control is conducted as shown below. (The diagram below shows the sequence while in cooling
operation. The sequence in heating operation is the reciprocal of that in cooling operation.)
Thermostat OFF Thermostat ON

Diff A
Set value Inlet water temperature
while in stop mode
Low High Low High
Mean outlet water temperature Inlet water temperature

7 Functions
3-3. Electronic Expansion Valve Control
1) Startup operation control
• While the compressor stops running, set the opening degree of this valve to 0 pulse (i.e., fully closed position). In
order to fully open the valve, set the opening degree to 2000 pulses.
• This valve opens at fixed pulse simultaneously with the fan startup, and shifts to normal operation control after a
lapse of one minute.

2) Normal operation control

• After the completion of startup control, the valve opening degree is controlled so that the compressor suction gas
superheated degree (SH) will reach values shown below.
Suction gas superheated degree (SH)
Cooling operation Heating operation
= Suction pipe thermistor detection temperature (R4T)
5˚C 2˚C – Low pressure equivalent saturated temperature (SENPL)

• Conduct sampling at intervals of 10 seconds to open and close the electronic expansion valve.

3) Fan control (only while in cooling operation)

• If fan tap varies due to low outdoor air temperature or else, the valve opening will be adjusted for freeze-up
protection. After that, the system will return to normal control.

4) Control for defrosting operation (only while in heating operation)

• When the defrosting operation starts up, the valve opening will be fixed, and shift to normal control after a lapse of
120 seconds.
• When the defrosting operation is complete, the valve will open at the fixed pulse and shift to normal control after a
lapse of one minute.

5) Control with rising discharge gas temperature

• When the discharge gas temperature reaches 100˚C or more, the valve will conduct the opening control. When
the temperature reaches 90˚C or less, the valve will conduct the normal control.

6) Control for prevention of abnormal increase in suction pressure

• In order to protect the compressor, when the suction pressure reaches 0.7MPa or more, this control will prohibit
the valve to move to the opening direction. When the suction pressure reaches 0.6MPa or less or the discharge
gas temperature reaches 120˚C or more, the compressor protection will be terminated.

3-4. Heating Overload Control

• While in heating heat storage operation, when the outlet water temperature reaches 57˚C or more, the unit will
stop due to forced thermostat OFF.
• If the unit stops due to forced thermostat OFF, until either inlet or outlet water temperature reaches 55˚C or less,
the unit maintains the state of forced thermostat OFF.
• The unit will be reset from the state of forced thermostat OFF if the inlet water temperature reaches the thermostat
differential, at which the unit stops running.


3-5. Fan Control (While in Cooling Operation)

• When the thermostat turns ON, the fan will surely start up in HH tap.
• Fan control according to outdoor air temperature at a low outdoor air temperature shifts to the specified tap 30
seconds after startup. (For details, refer to table shown below.)
• The fan control is conducted so as to bring the high pressure to within the specified pressure range.
• If the high pressure sensor is faulty, the fan control will be conducted according to the outdoor air temperature.
• While in heating operation, the fan runs normally in HH tap (except in defrosting operation).

Fan control according to outdoor air temperature at low outdoor air temperature
HH tap
H tap
–5˚C 17˚C
M tap
L tap
Low High
Outdoor air temperature

Table of Fan Taps

3 • 5HP 8 • 10HP 15HP 20HP
Note) A 25HP unit is provided in combination of 10HP + 15HP, while a 30HP unit is provided in combination of 10HP + 20HP.


7 Functions
3-6. Freeze-up Protection Control
1) Freeze-up protection control on water side
• When the inlet or outlet water temperature reaches 3˚C (or –15˚C on brine units) or less while the chiller stops, the
pump will forcedly start up. If the temperature rises by 1˚C, the pump will stop. (Freeze-up protection operation)
• While in cooling operation, systems, on which the outlet water temperature reaches 3˚C or less, stop due to forced
thermostat OFF.
• This control is conducted under retry control and will not stop due to malfunction.
• Systems, which have stopped due to forced thermostat OFF, will be reset at the time when the water temperature
reaches “Chilled water inlet temperature one second after stop + Thermostat differential” and also after a lapse of
three minutes.

2) Freeze-up protection control on refrigerant side

• When the plate type heat exchanger outlet temperature reaches –3.5˚C (or –25˚C on brine units) or less, the
system will stop due to forced thermostat OFF. If this control is activated again within a period of 30 minutes, the
system will stop due to malfunction. (Resetting temperature = Operative temperature + 1˚C)
• Systems, which has stopped due to forced thermostat OFF, will be reset at the time when the water temperature
reaches “Chilled water inlet temperature one second after stop + Thermostat differential” and also after a lapse of
12 minutes.
• This control will be masked and not functional for a period of one minute after the compressor starts up.

3) Freeze-up protection according to low pressure

• When the low pressure reaches 0.3MPa (or 0.05MPa on brine units) or less while the compressor is in operation,
the system will stop due to forced thermostat OFF. (Resetting pressure = Operative pressure + 0.05MPa)
• Systems, which have stopped due to forced thermostat OFF, will be reset at the time when the water temperature
reaches “Chilled water inlet temperature one second after stop + Thermostat differential” and also after a lapse of
12 minutes.
• This control will be masked and not functional for a period of one minute after the compressor starts up and the
fan tap varies.

3-7. Nighttime Low Noise Operation

• When the nighttime low noise operation command is input while in cooling operation, the fan will run in H tap at
maximum, thus reducing the operating sound.
• Setting the SS4 switch on the main PCB (A11P) to E will enable the input through the centralized control unit.
Setting this switch to F will enable external contact input.
• In order to use the external contact input, short-circuiting between terminals A and C on the main PCB will activate
the nighttime low noise operation. Opening between these terminals will deactivate the operation.
• When the high pressure reaches 2.5MPa or more, the fan tap will return to the HH tap level. When the pressure
reaches 1.8MPa or less, the system will be shifted to this control again.
• This control is not accepted while in local control mode.


3-8. Defrosting Control

1) Control operation
• Only if the defrosting start conditions are satisfied while in heating operation, the defrosting operation will be
carried out (individually by each system).
• Except for systems in defrosting operation, even if request for defrosting operation is made, until the defrosting
operation is complete, any systems are prohibited to start defrosting operation and only carry out normal
thermostat control. (Prohibition of simultaneous defrosting operation)
• If the defrosting start conditions are satisfied on two or more systems, the defrosting operation will be conducted in
order of first starting system > intermediate starting system > late starting system.
• The operative period of the defrosting prohibition timer is 30 minutes. If either of outdoor air or heat exchange
thermistor malfunctions, however, the operative period will be 60 minutes. Furthermore, if a defrosting intervals
shortening signal is input, the operative period will be 10 minutes.
• If both the heat exchange and outdoor air thermistors malfunction, the applicable system will not conduct the
defrosting operation.

2) Defrosting start conditions

• If the following conditions are satisfied for a period of consecutive five seconds by each system, defrosting
operation will be started.
qThe outdoor air temperature is 12˚C or less.
wOutdoor air temperature – Heat exchange temperature ≥ (0.4 ✕ Outdoor air temperature) + 9
• While the heat exchange thermistor is in malfunction, if the outdoor air temperature reaches 7˚C or less and this
state continues in excess of 60 minutes, the defrosting operation will be conducted.
• While the outdoor air thermistor is in malfunction, if the heat exchange temperature reaches –5˚C or less and this
state continues in excess of 60 minutes, the defrosting operation will be conducted.

3) Defrosting end conditions

• Any of the following conditions is satisfied by each system, the defrosting operation will be ended.
qTemperature reset ... The heat exchange temperature has reached 10˚C or more and a period of four minutes
has elapsed after the start of defrosting operation.
wTime reset ... A period of 10 minutes has elapsed after the start of defrosting operation.
ePressure reset ... The high pressure has reached 2.3MPs or more and a period of 30 seconds has elapsed after
the start of defrosting operation.
rFreeze-up protection reset ... The outlet temperature has reached 3˚C or less.
tA period of four minutes has elapsed in the case of malfunction of either outdoor air or heat exchange
3-9. Four-way Valve Energization Control
• The four-way valve is energized while in heating operation.
• The four-way valve is energized simultaneously with the startup of the fan of each system.

3-10. Heat Storage Operation Control

• Setting the “SS2” switch on the main PCB (A11P) to “A” will enable the remote controller/centralized control unit.
Setting this switch to “B” will enable the external contact input.
• For forced heat storage 0 to 100% operation, short-circuiting between terminals No. 15 and 16 will enable the
forced 100% operation. Opening between these terminals will enable the forced 0% operation. (The pump will
stop as well.)
• Inputting protection control while in heat storage 100% operation will prioritize the protection control.
• Setting the “SS2” switch to A will make it possible to terminate heat storage mode.
• This control is not accepted while in local control mode.

7 Functions
4 Other Control
4-1. Forced Fan Operation Control
1) If the unit is set to local control mode:
• While the unit stops running, pressing and holding the SB6 “FORCED FAN” button on the display/operation PCB
for a period of three seconds will start the fan.
• Pressing the “FORCED FAN” button again will stop the fan.

2) If the unit is set to remote control mode:

qWhen the remote controller is used:
• Setting the SS3 switch on the main PCB to C will enable the centralized control unit.
• While the unit stops running, pressing the “FORCED FAN ON” on the remote controller will start the fan.
Pressing this button again will stop the fan.
wWhen the remote contact is used:
• Setting the SS3 switch on the main PCB to D will enable the external contact input.
• Short-circuiting between terminals B and C on the main PCB will start the fan. Opening between these terminals
will stop the fan.

4-2. Refrigerant Recovery Control

• In order to conduct the refrigerant recovery work on site, forcedly open the electronic expansion valve fully to
facilitate the refrigerant recovery work.
• While in local control mode and the unit stops running, set refrigerant recovery mode to “2” (ON) in field setting
mode will fully open the expansion valve.
• When the refrigerant recovery mode is set, no subsequent operations will be accepted.
• Setting refrigerant recovery mode to “1” (OFF), this control may be terminated.
• For details on field setting modes, refer to information on page 130.

4-3. Unit number control from remote controller

On medium- and small-sized models, a multifunctional liquid crystal remote controller (hereinafter referred to as “the
remote controller”) enables the unit number control of multiple chillers (to a maximum of 8 units). The following
section introduces the functions and setting procedure of the unit number control.
1) Applicable models and essential optional accessories
Multifunctional liquid crystal remote controller Communication I/F adapter kit
Series Model name
(optional accessory) (optional accessory)
Air-cooled heat pump chiller UWYP125A ~ 750A
Air-cooled cooling only chiller UWAP75A ~ 750A Communication I/F PCB
BRC307C1 *Communication I/F PCB storage box
Air-cooled heat pump brine chiller UWYP630AZ • 750AZ Connecting wire
Air-cooled cooling only brine chiller UWAP3AZ ~ 30AZ
Item marked with “*”: No storage boxes are needed for models 375A (15AZ) to 750A (30AZ). The communication I/F PCB can be
mounted inside the switch box of the main unit.

2) Example of wiring from remote controller

Connection wiring length allowable up to a total of 500 m

Communication I/F adapter kit Communication I/F adapter kit Communication I/F adapter kit

Multifunctional liquid crystal remote controller


3) Unit number control from remote controller

• A single remote controller can control multiple chillers.
• Chillers to be connected should be the same in types such as the capacity, cooling only, heat pump, and
refrigerant to be used.
• This function is available in two types of control, rotation control and capacity control.
This function is enabled to conduct periodical ON/OFF operations (e.g. to conduct ON/OFF operation once a day).

■Rotation control
• In order to level out the number of ON/OFF times of compressor, chillers are prioritized at the time of startup, in
order of the smallest to the largest in the number of ON/OFF times of compressor. According to the assigned
priorities, the capacity control is conducted.
• Settings of the rotation control are made from the remote controller. (For details on the procedure for setting the
unit number control of chillers, refer to information on page 147.)

■Capacity control
• According to the differential characteristics of outlet temperature thermostat, the number of operating chillers is
• According to the operation control system of chiller and pump, the computation formula of “the mean value (Tho)
of outlet water temperature” becomes as shown below.
• Interlock: If the chiller stops, the pump will also stop. Individual: Even if the chiller stops, the pump will keep
running. Setting of pump individual/interlock operation is made from the remote controller. (For details on the
procedure for setting the unit number control of chillers, refer to information on page 147.)

“Pump in interlocked operation” “Pump in individual operation”

Chiller 1 Tho1 Chiller 1
(in operation) (in operation)
Tho2 Tho2
Remote Chiller 2 Remote Chiller 2
controller (in operation) controller (in operation)
Chiller 3 Tho3 Chiller 3
(in stop) (in stop)

Tho = (Tho1 + Tho2) / 2 Tho = (Tho1 + Tho2 + Tho3) / 3

4) Operation
■Operation startup to Increasing the number of units
• When the operation starts up from the remote controller, according to the differential characteristics of thermostat
for unit number control, the highest-priority chiller (i.e., master unit) will start up.

Master unit Slave unit 1 Slave unit 2 ... Slave unit R

(0 to 100%) Forced thermostat OFF
under to water
temperature control

• If the master unit operates for a period of 90 seconds and Tho satisfies the thermostat ON conditions, the next
chiller (i.e., slave unit 1) will start up.
(Refer to information in the thermostat differential characteristics for unit number control.)

Master unit Slave unit 1 Slave unit 2 ... Slave unit R

Forced Thermostat
100% ON/OFF
operation (0 to 100%) Forced thermostat OFF
under to water
temperature control

7 Functions
• If the slave unit 1 operates for a period of 90 seconds and Tho satisfies the thermostat ON conditions, the next
chiller (i.e., slave unit 2) will start up.
(Refer to information in the thermostat differential characteristics for unit number control.)

Master unit Slave unit 1 Slave unit 2 ... Slave unit R

Forced 100% operation (0 to 100%) Forced
under to water thermostat OFF
temperature control

• Then, in the same sequence as that aforementioned, add the number of slave units in operation.

■Decreasing the number of units to Thermostat OFF)

• If the Slave R, which started up last, stops for a period of 90 seconds according to water temperature control and
Tho satisfies the thermostat-OFF conditions, the slave unit (i.e., slave unit 1), on which the thermostat turned ON
first, will stop.

Master unit Slave unit 1 Slave unit 2 ... Slave unit R

Forced Forced Thermostat

100% thermostat ON/OFF
operation OFF Forced (0 to 100%)
100% operation under water
temperature control

• Likely, if the Slave R, which started up last, stops for a period of 90 seconds according to water temperature
control and Tho satisfies the thermostat-OFF conditions, the slave unit (i.e., slave unit 2), on which the thermostat
turned ON second, will stop.
(Refer to information in the thermostat differential characteristics for unit number control.)

Master unit Slave unit 1 Slave unit 2 ... Slave unit R

Forced Thermostat
100% ON/OFF
operation Forced thermostat OFF Forced (0 to 100%)
100% according
operation to water
temperature control

• If the thermostats on all slave units turn OFF, the master unit will start thermostat ON/OFF operations according to
the water temperature control.
If “Tho<Set temperature - Diff/2” continues for a period of 60 seconds, however, the slave unit in forced 100%
operation (i.e., the next slave unit to stop in the decreasing order of units) will stop with forced thermostat OFF.

■Thermostat differential characteristics for unit number control.

Cooling operation Heating operation
d iff= 2˚ C diff=2˚C

Thermostat ON Thermostat ON

Thermostat OFF
Thermostat OFF
Set temperature
Set temperature
Outlet temperature (Tho)
Outlet temperature (Tho)


5) Procedure for setting the unit number control of chillers

■Make setting of remote controller connection on the operation unit of the chiller’s main unit.
1. Connect the remote controller and then turn ON power supply. After that, press and hold the pushbutton switch
(i.e., BS5 “WIRING CHANGE”) on the <main PCB> provided inside of the switch box of the main unit for a period
of five seconds or more. At this time, even though the check time varies with the number of group units controlled
by the remote controller, a single unit needs approximately seven minutes or 12 minutes at maximum.
When the number of units is determined, set temperature will appear on the digital display of the
<display/operation panel>.
2. Check to be sure the (DS1-1: Normal/Instantaneous) in the dip switch (DS1) on the <display/operation panel>
provided inside of the main unit’s switch box is set to “Instantaneous”.
This switch is set to “Instantaneous” at factory.
3. Change the setting of the Local/Remote Control Selection switch (SS2) on the <display/operation panel> provided
inside of the main unit’s switch box to “Remote”. This switch is set to “Local” at factory.
4. Change the setting of (DS1-4: Inlet/Outlet) in the dip switch on the <display/operation panel> provided inside of
the main unit’s switch box to Outlet.
This switch is set to Inlet at factory.
In order to conduct the rotation operation control according to the outlet temperature, the setting of the outlet
temperature should be made.

■Make settings of rotation control and pump Individual/Interlock

(No settings can be made on the chiller’s main unit.)
After the completion of setting operation, in order to enable each setting, conduct operations shown in
section q below.
qResetting of power supply for chiller
Rotation YES/NO setting and Pump Individual/Interlock settings are only required to make for resetting power
supply on field setting mode from the remote controller.
• Rotation control setting procedure
1. Press and hold the “Inspection/Adjustment” button for a period of four seconds or more.
(“SETTING” will appear in the lower center of the display on the remote controller.
2. Use the “Temperature setting” button to display “14” (Rotation control YES/NO (entire group)).
3. Use the “UNIT NO. ▼ or UNIT NO. ▲” button to display “1” (Rotation control).
4. Press the “Display switch” button. ... This operation makes settings of “14” and “1”.
5. Press the “Set/cancel” button. ... This operation determines the mode set.
6. Press the “Inspection/Adjustment” button. ... This operation displays normal mode.
7. If the rotation control is set to ENABLED, the message “In rotation operation” appear at the upper right of the
display of the remote controller while in operation.
• Pump Interlock/Individual setting procedure
1. Press and hold the “Inspection/Adjustment” button for a period of four seconds or more.
(“SETTING” will appear in the lower center of the display on the remote controller.
2. Use the “Temperature setting” button to display “12” (Pump Individual/Interlock).
3. Use the “UNIT NO. ▼ or UNIT NO. ▲” button to display “1” (Interlock).
4. Press the “Display switch” button. ... This operation makes settings of “12” and “1”.
5. Press the “Set/cancel” button. ... This operation determines the mode set.
6. Press the “Inspection/Adjustment” button. ... This operation displays normal mode.

7 Functions
■Field setting mode on remote controller
Mode No. Content Adjustable range Description
• Used to make centralized address settings for the
Centralized address setting
00 1-00 to 8-15 centralized control unit and the ON/OFF controller, if
(by each group)
applied, by group unit.
• Used to make setting of individual or interlock mode for
the chiller and pump. While in individual mode, even if
the chiller stops running, the pump will keep running.
Selection of Pump
While in interlock mode, if the chiller stops, the pump
12 Individual/Interlock 0: Individual, 1: Interlock
will also stop. In order to enable the interlock mode,
(by each group)
however, install the pump’s operating circuit to the
chiller. (For details, refer to the wiring diagram of the
• Used to make setting of whether or not the rotation
control is applied when the group control is set on the
remote controller. Setting the rotation control to YES
Rotation control YES/NO 0: Group control will conduct the rotation control and load judgment
(by each group) 1: Rotation control control according to the operation command from the
remote controller. Setting the rotation control to NO will
enable the chiller to conduct individual operation
control to values set with the remote controller.
• Used to make setting of whether or not the centralized
Setting of centralized control
control unit and the ON/OFF controller are equipped. If
15 YES/NO 0: NO, 1: YES
the remote controller is only equipped, set this mode to
(by each unit)
Selection of Pump
• Used to make setting to conduct Mode No. 12 by
22 Individual/Interlock 0: Individual, 1: Interlock
individual chiller.
(by each unit)
Rotation control YES/NO 0: Group control • Used to make setting to conduct Mode No. 14 by
(by each unit) 1: Rotation control individual chiller.
Setting of centralized control
• Used to make setting to conduct Mode No. 15 by
25 YES/NO 0: NO, 1: YES
individual chiller.
(by each unit)
Centralized address setting • Used to make setting to conduct Mode No. 00 by
30 1-00 to 8-15
(by each unit) individual chiller.
Reading of malfunction
40 history — • Used to display the malfunction history by each unit.
(by each unit)
• Used to check the unit No. of the chiller against that
displayed on the remote controller through running the
Forced fan ON command
43 0: OFF, 1: ON fan on the chiller because the chiller addresses for the
(by each unit)
group control from the remote controller are
automatically set.
Unit No. transfer • Used to change the unit No. displayed on the remote
45 0 to 15
(by each unit) controller.

8 Troubleshooting
1 Initial Check at Servicing
1-1. Check items
In order to conduct troubleshooting, check the following items first.

A. Checking LED lamps on PC board

PC board LED symbol Intended use Color Normal condition
HAP Microcomputer normal monitor Green Blink
Main PC board (A11P)
H1P~H7P Service monitor Orange OFF
Sub PC board (A21P) HAP Microcomputer normal monitor Green Blink
LED1 ON/OFF monitor Red ON
Display/Operation PC board (A31P) LED2 Malfunction monitor Orange OFF
LED3 Power supply monitor Green ON
LED1~3 Protection device operation monitor Red OFF
Malfunction display PC board
LED4~8 Unused Red OFF
(A51 to 53P)
LED-A Microcomputer normal monitor Green Blink

B. Checking digital display on Display/Operation PC board (A31P)

Simultaneously press and Simultaneously press and hold Simultaneously press and hold
hold the FORCED FAN button the FORCED FAN button and the FORCED FAN button and
and the FORCED PUMP button the FORCED PUMP button for the FORCED PUMP button for
for a period of three seconds. a period of three seconds. a period of three seconds.
'(1) (2) '(3) (4)
Normal display Sensor display mode Retry history mode Malfunction history mode
(Display of temperature setting) (Use the SET TEMP. UP/DOWN (Use the SET TEMP. UP/DOWN (Use the SET TEMP. UP/DOWN
button to select item to be displayed.) button to select item to be displayed.) button to select item to be displayed.)
Press the FORCED FAN Press the FORCED FAN Press the FORCED FAN
button or the FORCED PUMP button or the FORCED PUMP button or the FORCED PUMP
button once. button once. button once.

(1) Normal display

Normally, the current water temperature set value is displayed. If a malfunction occurs, the malfunction monitor LED
will blink and the applicable malfunction code will appear on the digital display. (For details, refer to information on
pages 167 and 168.)

(2) Sensor display mode

This mode is used to display a variety of current sensor values. Check data on an as-needed basis. (For details,
refer to information on page 151.)

(3) Retry history mode

• If “forced thermostat OFF” occurs under protection control, “retry history” will be recorded.
• Retry codes (for details, refer to information on page 171) are provided by each content of the protection control,
thus making it possible to check whether or not “forced thermostat OFF” occurs.
• The retry history appears on the digital display of the display/operation PC board (A31P).
• Since retry data is all saved, it should be cleared after checking.

• With the display item set to “retry data clear” while in retry history mode, shifting the digital display to “malfunction
history mode” will clear the retry history data.
Retry by low pressure: Forced thermostat OFF when the low pressure reaches the set value or less (Infinite retry)
Retry by outlet water temperature: Forced thermostat OFF when the outlet water temperature reaches the set
value or less (Infinite retry)
Retry by heating overload: Forced thermostat OFF when the outlet water temperature reaches the set value or
over while in heating operation (Infinite retry)

(4) Malfunction history mode

• This mode is used to display the operation data at the time when the unit stops due to malfunction.
• Data immediately after the unit stops due to malfunction is only displayed.
• For details on data to be displayed, refer to information in “List of display data on sensors” on page 170.

8 Troubleshooting
C. Checking LED display on malfunction display PC board (A51P to A53P)
• If the mechanical protection device is actuated, the
malfunction code “E0” will appear on the digital display H1P ○ ○ H2P
• The malfunction display PC boards (A51P to 53P) H3P ○ ○ H4P
display by LED what protection device is actuated, H5P ○ ○ H6P
H7P ○ ○ H8P
S1S H1P: Compressor overcurrent protection
• Since the LED display is still maintained by stopping (or
RESET H2P: High pressure switch
resetting) the chiller, even if any other protection device switch H3P: Fan motor overload
is actuated while the LED display is being maintained, H4P to H8P: Unused
the previous display will be maintained.
• To stop (or reset) the chiller, check to be sure the content of LED and then press the “RESET” button on the
malfunction display PC board to clear.


2 Checking Method of Operation Data

●Normally, the display shows the current set value for water temperature or individual malfunction.
By changing to sensor display mode, the display shows the current value for sensor.
Normal display
(Display example for cooling at 12.0˚C)
1 Set temperature ON

Sensor display mode OFF

1 Simultaneously press and hold the FORCED FAN button and
the FORCED PUMP button for a period of three seconds.
2 Display can be changed by the use of TEMP. SET UP button
or TEMP. SET DOWN button.

(Display example for 9.4˚C)

2 Inlet temperature
(Display example for No.1 system at 7.5˚C)
3 No. 1 to 3 outlet temperature List of initial displays
(Display example for 15.9˚C)
4 Outdoor temperature : When power supply is turned ON
(Display example for No.2 system at 10.6˚C)
5 No. 1 to 3 discharge gas temperature
(Display example for No.3 system at 1.5˚C) : Cooling operation
6 No. 1 to 3 plate coil heat exchanger thermistor temperature Set temperature: 12˚C
(Display example for No.1 system at 30.1˚C)
7 No. 1 to 3 suction pipe temperature
: Heating operation
(Display example for No.2 system at 6.0˚C)
8 No. 1 to 3 heat exchange temperature Set temperature: 40˚C
(Display example for No.3 system at 1.96MPa)
9 No. 1 to 3 high pressure : Cooling heat storage
(Display example for No.1 system at 0.36MPa)
10 No. 1 to 3 low pressure
(Display example for upper 2-digit hours)
11 No. 1 compressor cumulative operating hours : Heating heat storage
(Display example for lower 4-digit hours)
12 No. 1 compressor cumulative operating hours
(Display example for upper 2-digit hours)
13 No. 2 compressor cumulative operating hours : Adaptable to cooling brine
(Display example for lower 4-digit hours) Set temperature: 0˚C
14 No. 2 compressor cumulative operating hours
(Display example for upper 2-digit hours)
(Integer part is only displayed.)
15 No. 3 compressor cumulative operating hours : Adaptable to heating brine
(Display example for lower 4-digit hours) Set temperature: 40˚C
16 No. 3 compressor cumulative operating hours
(Integer part is only displayed.)
(Display example except for No. 1 system in defrosting operation)
17 No. 1 to 3 defrosting operation

For details, refer to information on the following page.

Pressing and holding the FORCED

3 FAN or FORCED PUMP button once

returns the system to normal display.

Furthermore, temperatures displayed are just reference values, which may have an error of approx. ±2˚C.

8 Troubleshooting
List of sensor data displays

Code Sub display of code Example of data display Meaning

N/A Cooling set temperature
N/A Water inlet temperature
N/A No. 1 water outlet temperature
ON No. 2 water outlet temperature
BLINK No. 3 water outlet temperature
N/A Outdoor temperature
N/A No. 1-side discharge pipe temperature
ON No. 2-side discharge pipe temperature
BLINK No. 3-side discharge pipe temperature
N/A No. 1-side plate type heat exchanger outlet temperature
ON No. 2-side plate type heat exchanger outlet temperature
BLINK No. 3-side plate type heat exchanger outlet temperature
N/A No. 1-side suction pipe temperature
ON No. 2-side suction pipe temperature
BLINK No. 3-side suction pipe temperature
N/A No. 1-side heat exchange coil temperature
ON No. 2-side heat exchange coil temperature
BLINK No. 3-side heat exchange coil temperature
N/A No. 1-side high pressure
ON No. 2-side high pressure
BLINK No. 3-side high pressure
N/A No. 1-side low pressure
ON No. 2-side low pressure
BLINK No. 3-side low pressure
N/A No. 1-side compressor cumulative operating hours/Upper 2-digit (hours)
N/A N/A No. 1-side compressor cumulative operating hours/Lower 4-digit (hours)
Example shows 212014 hours
ON No. 2-side compressor cumulative operating hours/Upper 2-digit (hours)
N/A N/A No. 2-side compressor cumulative operating hours/Lower 4-digit (hours)
Example shows 3614 hours
BLINK No. 3-side compressor cumulative operating hours/Upper 2-digit (hours)
N/A N/A No. 3-side compressor cumulative operating hours/Lower 4-digit (hours)
Example shows 3614 hours
N/A No. 1-side defrosting conditions (0: Except for defrosting, 1: Defrosting)
ON No. 2-side defrosting conditions (0: Except for defrosting, 1: Defrosting)
BLINK No. 3-side defrosting conditions (0: Except for defrosting, 1: Defrosting)
Sub display of code Example) : No. 1 system : No. 2 system : No. 3 system


3 Troubleshooting through Symptoms

Page to
Problem description
refer to

Diagnosis 1 The water pump and compressor do not operate at all. P.154

Diagnosis 2 The water pump operates, but water does not circulate. P.155

The temperature of the chilled water or hot water at the

Diagnosis 3 P.156
outlet is extremely low, or extremely high.
The compressor shuts down during operation, and does
Diagnosis 4 P.157
not automatically re-start.

Diagnosis 5 The equipment can not be operated remotely. P.158

The equipment can not be operated from the optional remote

Diagnosis 6 P.159
controller (BRC307C1 or BRC307C50 for overseas model).
The remote signal does not stop the equipment operation
Diagnosis 7 P.160
(when continuous remote signal is selected).
The remote signal does not start the equipment (when
Diagnosis 8 P.161
continuous remote signal is selected).
The compressor does not operate. (Water thermostat
Diagnosis 9 P.162
The compressor shuts down during cooling operation,
Diagnosis 10 P.163
and does not automatically re-start.
The compressor stops during heating operation and
Diagnosis 11 P.164
does not automatically re-start.

Diagnosis 12 The temperature of the chilled (or hot) water is abnormal. P.165

8 Troubleshooting
Operation lamp
Diagnosis 1 The water pump and compressor do not operate at all.

1 Applicable models 5 Trouble shooting

Chiller all models Problem diagnosis Corrective measure

YES Turn off the power

Is there a power failure?
switch to ensure safety.

2 Abnormality detection method


NO Turn on the power

Is the power switch On?


Condition on which
3 abnormality is determined

YES Replace the power

Is the power supply fuse blown?
supply fuse.


4 Possible cause
Check if the micro-
computer normal monitor NO Replace applicafle PC
●Power failure
LED of each PC Board Board.
●Power switch OFF is flashing?
●Power fuse blown

Check other electric


Operation lamp
Diagnosis 2 The water pump operates, but water does not circulate.

1 Applicable models 5 Trouble shooting

Chiller all models Problem diagnosis Corrective measure

Is the makeup water NO Add sufficient makeup

at the specified level? water. (Unless the water
pump and suction pipe
are filled with water,
water will not be
2 Abnormality detection method

Is the water NO Set the water pump

pump rotating in the correct
rotation to the correct
(The pump must rotate
clockwise when viewed
YES from the motor side.)

Condition on which
3 abnormality is determined

Is the valve of the water NO Open the water pipe

pipe fully open? valve all the way.


4 Possible cause
●Insufficient makeup water Is the air purging completed? Conduct air purging.
●Reverse rotation of water
●Valve in water piping close YES
●Air purge is not completed
●Strainer clogging

Is there any clogging YES

Chean the strainer.

Check other water piping

8 Troubleshooting
Operation lamp The temperature of the chilled water or hot water at the outlet is
Diagnosis 3
On extremely low, or extremely high.

1 Applicable models 5 Trouble shooting

Chiller all models Problem diagnosis Corrective measure

Is the chilled water NO Open the chilled water

regulating valve opened? regulating valve.

2 Abnormality detection method


Is the display of water NO Correctly adjust the

temperature setting on
water temperature
thermostat correct?
setting on thermostat.


Condition on which
3 abnormality is determined

Is there any clogging YES

Clean the strainer.


4 Possible cause
●Chilled water regulating valve Is the 2 way valve or
Check other cause.
3 way valve installed?
●Incorrect setting of water
temperature thermostat
●Strainer clogging YES
●2 way valve or 3 way valve Check the opening of 2
closed way or 3 way valve and
their operation.


Operation lamp The compressor shuts down during operation, and does not
Diagnosis 4
On automatically re-start.

1 Applicable models 5 Trouble shooting

Chiller all models Problem diagnosis Corrective measure

Is the opening of the NO Open the water flow

water flow regulating valve
regulating valve to an
adequate degree.

2 Abnormality detection method


Is the adjustment
of the water temperature NO Correctly adjust the
setting value on water water temp. setting.
temp. thermostat?


Condition on which
3 abnormality is determined

The chiller is operating in YES Select to “Cooling” on

heating mode in summer. Cooling/Heating switch
in switch box.


4 Possible cause
The chiller is operating in YES Select to “Heating” on
●Insufficient opening of water cooling mode in wiinter. Cooling/Heating switch
flow regulating valve in switch box.
●Incorrect setting of water
temperature on thermostat NO

●It is forgotten to change the

cooling/heating switch

●Faulty water temperature

thermistor Is the resistance NO
value of water temperature Replace water
thermistor correct? temperature thermistor.


Check other electrical

Confirm the retry No. on
page 171.

8 Troubleshooting
Operation lamp
Diagnosis 5 The equipment cannot be operated remotely.

1 Applicable models 5 Trouble shooting

Chiller all models Problem diagnosis Corrective measure

Are the remote control NO Correctly wire the

wiring correct? remote control wiring.

2 Abnormality detection method YES

Is the “Local/Remote” NO
Select to “Remote”.
switch selected to “Remote”?


Condition on which
3 abnormality is determined

In case of instantenious NO Make the pulse input to

input, is the pulse input
200 msec. or more.
200 mm sec. or more


4 Possible cause
Is the connector (CN4) on NO Insert the connector
●Incorrect remote control wiring A31P PCB disconnected? (CN4) correctly.
●It is forgotten to change the
“Local/Remote” switch
●The instantaneous input is less YES

than 200 mm sec

●The connector (CN4) on A31P
PCB (display operation board)
was disconnected
Is the remote input NO Replace to the contact
contact using a micro-current
for micro-current.


Check other electrical



Operation lamp The equipment cannot be operated from the optional remote
Diagnosis 6
On controller (BRC307C1 BRC307C50 for overseas model).

1 Applicable models 5 Trouble shooting

Chiller all models Problem diagnosis Corrective measure

Is the field wiring wired Wire correctly.

2 Abnormality detection method


The “Local/Remote” switch YES Select to “Remote”.

is sellected to “Local”


Condition on which
3 abnormality is determined

Is the BS5 NO Press BS5 (Wiring

(wiring change) button pressed
change) button more
more than 5 sec?
than 5 sec.

Check other electrical
4 Possible cause
●The field wiring is not wired
●The “Local/Remote” switch on
control panel is selected to
●BS5 (Wiring change) button on

main PCB is forgotten to


8 Troubleshooting
Operation lamp The remote signal does not stop the equipment operation
Diagnosis 7
On (when continuous remote signal is selected).

1 Applicable models 5 Trouble shooting

Chiller all models Problem diagnosis Corrective measure

Did a power failure occur

while the equipment was operating with YES After an ON signal is
the power failure reset function set sent to the equipment
to automatic re-start? remotely, send an OFF

2 Abnormality detection method

Check other electical

Condition on which
3 abnormality is determined

4 Possible cause
●A power failure occured while
the equipment was set to
“Automatic re-start after power


Operation lamp The remote signal does not start the equipment (when
Diagnosis 8
On continuous remote signal is selected).

1 Applicable models 5 Trouble shooting

Chiller all models Problem diagnosis Corrective measure

After the equipment is turned YES After an OFF signal is

On with a remote signal, was the equipment sent to the equipment
stopped and reset locally? remotely, send an ON

2 Abnormality detection method NO

Is the “Automatic YES Rerease the setting of

re-start after power failure”
“Automatic re-start after
power failure”.

Condition on which
3 abnormality is determined

Check other electrical


4 Possible cause
●After the equipment was
turned ON with a remote
signal, it was stopped and
reset locally.
●A “Automatic re-start after
power failure” was selected.

8 Troubleshooting
Operation lamp
Diagnosis 9 The compressor does not operate. (Water thermostat functions.)

1 Applicable models 5 Trouble shooting

Chiller all models Problem diagnosis Corrective measure

Is the chilled water NO Open the chilled water

regulating valve open? regulating valve.

2 Abnormality detection method


Is the temperature
setting value of water temp. NO Correctly adjust the
thermostat on control temperature setting of
panel correct? water temp.

Condition on which YES

3 abnormality is determined Check other electrical

4 Possible cause
●The chilled water regulating
valve closed
●Incorrect setting of water temp.


Operation lamp The compressor shuts down during cooling operation, and does
Diagnosis 10
On not automatically re-start.

1 Applicable models 5 Trouble shooting

Chiller all models Problem diagnosis Corrective measure

Is the “retry No.” displayed YES Inspect as per retry No.

on the control panel? displayed.
(Refer page 171)

2 Abnormality detection method


Is the pump interlock YES Check the electrical

opened? wiring (Abnormal output
displays ofter 10


Condition on which
3 abnormality is determined

Is the opening of
the chilled water or cooling NO Open the water
water flow regulating valve regulating valve.


4 Possible cause
Is the temperature NO Correctly adjust the
setting value on water temp.
●The retry No. is displayed. thermostat correct?
temperature setting on
water temp. thermostat.
●The pump interlock is opened.
●The water regulating valve is
●Incorrect water temp. setting
●The strainer in the chilled

water pipe is clogged.

YES Remove the clog from
Is the strainer in the chilled
water pipe clogged? the strainer.


Check other electrical


8 Troubleshooting
Operation lamp The compressor shuts down during heating operation, and does
Diagnosis 11
On not automatically re-start.

1 Applicable models 5 Trouble shooting

Chiller all models Problem diagnosis Corrective measure

Is the “retry No.” displayed YES Inspect as per retry No.

on the control panel? displayed.
(Refer page 171)

2 Abnormality detection method


Is the pump interlock YES Check the electrical

opened? wiring (Abnormal output
displays ofter 10


Condition on which
3 abnormality is determined

Is the opening of
the chilled water or cooling NO Open the water
water flow regulating valve regulating valve.


4 Possible cause
Is the temperature NO Correctly adjust the
setting value on water temp.
●The retry No. is displayed. thermostat correct?
temperature setting on
water temp. thermostat.
●The pump interlock is opened.
●The water regulating valve is
●Incorrect water temp. setting
●The strainer in the chilled
water pipe is clogged.
YES Remove the clog from
Is the strainer in the chilled
water pipe clogged? the strainer.


Check other electrical



Operation lamp
Diagnosis 12 The temperature of the chilled (or hot) water is abnormal.

1 Applicable models 5 Trouble shooting

Chiller all models Problem diagnosis Corrective measure

Is the chilled (or hot) NO

Open the chilled (or hot)
water valve open?
water valve.

2 Abnormality detection method


Is the temperature NO
setting value of chilled (or hot) Set the setting to an
water appropriate? appropriate temperature.

Condition on which
3 abnormality is determined

YES Eliminate the obstacle in

Is the strainer clogged?
the strainer.


4 Possible cause Is the 2 way valve

used in the secondary side of
YES Negaciate with customer
to insure the minimum
●Chilled (or hot) water valve is water piping?
chilled water valume.
●Incorrect setting of water
●The strainer is clogged
Check the water piping
system including other

facility on side.

8 Troubleshooting
4 Troubleshooting by Malfunction Code
4-1. Checking of Malfunction Code
A. Display of malfunction code on control panel
If a malfunction occurs, the MALFUNCTION lamp (orange) will blink and the malfunction code concerned will appear
on the multi display.

<Digital display>
If a malfunction occurs, this
display shows the malfunction
code concerned.
ON <Microcomputer Normal Monitor>
This LED blinks ON while in
<Operation Display monitor> Microcomputer normal operation, and turns
Normal Monitor ON or OFF when a
This LED turns ON while in
OFF malfunction occurs.

<Malfunction monitor>
This LED blinks when a ON/OFF MONITOR 1234 UP
malfunction occurs.
<Power Supply monitor> POWER SUPPLY DOWN
power supply turns ON. SELECTION LOCAL REMOTE

B. Display of malfunction code on remote controller

If a malfunction occurs, the OPERATION lamp on the remote controller will blink and the malfunction code
concerned will appear on the Part A.

Used to display the

unit No. of chiller.
Used to display the
malfunction code.
Used to display that
1 the system enters Inspection mode.
The display “Inspection” blinks.


4-2. List of Malfunction Codes

(1) Checking of content of malfunction by malfunction code
Malfunction Malfunction Page to refer
Content of malfunction Remarks (Malfunction decision conditions, set value, or else)
code level to flow chart
Abnormally low pressure When low pressure of 0.02MPa or less is detected while in
74 2 operation: (Masks are set for 60 sec. after the compressor starts 173
up.) Malfunction of No. 2 system
Malfunction of low pressure When pressure (voltage) other than that of 0.01 to 0.98MPa (0.3
75 2 174
sensor to 4.5VDC) is detected for 1 min.: Malfunction of No. 2 system
Malfunction of high pressure When pressure (voltage) other than that of 0 to 3.3MPa (0.47 to
76 3 175
sensor 4.0VDC) is detected for 1 min.: Malfunction of No. 2 system
Malfunction of discharge pipe When a temperature other than that of –30 to 140˚C is detected
7A 2 172
thermistor for consecutive 1 min.: Malfunction of R3-3T
Malfunction of water inlet When a temperature other than that of –40 to 70˚C is detected for
80 1 176
thermistor consecutive 1 min.:
Malfunction of water outlet When a temperature other than that of –40 to 70˚C is detected for
81 2 176
thermistor consecutive 1 min.: Malfunction of R-Th01
Malfunction of plate coil heat When a temperature other than that of –40 to 70˚C is detected for
82 2 172
exchanger outlet thermistor consecutive 1 min.: Malfunction of R6-1T
Malfunction of plate coil heat When a temperature other than that of –40 to 70˚C is detected for
83 2 172
exchanger outlet thermistor consecutive 1 min.: Malfunction of R6-2T
Malfunction of discharge pipe When a temperature other than that of –30 to 140˚C is detected
86 2 172
thermistor for consecutive 1 min.: Malfunction of R3-2T
Malfunction due to compressor When the discharge gas temperature is maintained at 130˚C or
88 2 177
discharge gas temperature more for consecutive 60 sec.: Malfunction of No. 2 system
Malfunction due to freeze-up of When the refrigerant gas temperature reaches –3.5˚C or less
89 2 plate type heat exchanger twice within 30 min.: (Masks are set for 1 min. after the 178
compressor starts up.) Malfunction of No. 1 system
Malfunction of water outlet When a temperature other than that of –40 to 70˚C is detected for
8A 2 176
thermistor consecutive 1 min.: Malfunction of 8A: R-Th02
90 1 Malfunction of pump AXP When the pump AXP is open for 10 min. while in running mode. 179
Malfunction due to water failure When the contact is open for consecutive 3 sec. after a lapse of
90 1 30 sec. since the pump has started up: (Masks are set for 30 sec. 179
after the pump starts up.)
Malfunction of electronic When the connection state of electronic expansion valve is
91 2 expansion valve coil detected at turning ON of power supply and no-connection is 180
detected: Malfunction of No. 2 system
Malfunction of suction pipe When a temperature other than that of –40 to 70˚C is detected for
92 2 172
thermistor consecutive 1 min.: Malfunction of R4-2T
Malfunction due to compressor When the discharge gas temperature is maintained at 130˚C or
93 2 177
discharge gas temperature more for consecutive 60 sec.: Malfunction of No. 3 system
A1 1 Malfunction of I/F PC board When the I/F PC board (EEPROM) malfunctions by itself: 181
Malfunction of electronic When the connection state of electronic expansion valve is
A9 2 expansion valve coil detected at turning ON of power supply and no-connection is 180
detected: Malfunction of No. 3 system
Malfunction of superheat of When the overheat protector is actuated with power applied to the
AA 1 182
heater heater:

Malfunction due to freeze-up of When the refrigerant gas temperature reaches –3.5˚C or less
C4 2 plate type heat exchanger twice within 30 min.: (Masks are set for 1 min. after the 178
compressor starts up.) Malfunction of No. 2 system
Malfunction due to freeze-up of When the refrigerant gas temperature reaches –3.5˚C or less
C5 2 plate type heat exchanger twice within 30 min.: (Masks are set for 1 min. after the 178
compressor starts up.) Malfunction of No. 3 system
Batch malfunction due to When the high pressure switch is actuated, the fan motor
E0 2 actuation of protection devices protector is actuated (OFF: 135˚C), and the compressor 183
overcurrent relay is actuated:
Malfunction of main PC board When the transmission has the same polarity or PHC3 pulse for
E1 1 184
the protection device cannot be detected:
Note) Malfunction Level 1: All systems stop due to malfunction. Malfunction Level 2: Systems concerned only stop due to
malfunction. Malfunction Level 3: Alarm is only given to continue operation.

8 Troubleshooting
Malfunction Malfunction Page to refer
Content of malfunction Remarks (Malfunction decision conditions, set value, or else)
code level to flow chart
Abnormally low pressure When low pressure of 0.02MPa or less is detected while in
E4 2 operation: (Masks are set for 60 sec. after the compressor starts 173
up.) Malfunction of No. 1 system
Malfunction of electronic When the connection state of electronic expansion valve is
E9 2 expansion valve coil detected at turning ON of power supply and no-connection is 180
detected: Malfunction of No. 1 system
Malfunction due to compressor When the discharge gas temperature is maintained at 130˚C or
F3 2 177
discharge gas temperature more for consecutive 60 sec.: Malfunction of No. 1 system
Abnormally low pressure When low pressure of 0.02MPa or less is detected while in
FC 2 operation:(Masks are set for 60 sec. after the compressor starts 173
up.) Malfunction of No. 3 system
Malfunction of heat exchange When a temperature other than that of –40 to 70˚C is detected for consecutive
H1 3 172
coil thermistor 1 min.: (With only heat pump chiller installed) Malfunction of R2-3T
Malfunction of high pressure When pressure (voltage) other than that of 0 to 3.3MPa (0.47 to
H3 3 175
sensor 4.0VDC) is detected for 1 min.: Malfunction of No. 3 system
Malfunction of low pressure When pressure (voltage) other than that of 0.01 to 0.98MPa (0.3
H4 2 174
sensor to 4.5VDC) is detected for 1 min.: Malfunction of No. 3 system
Malfunction of outdoor air When a temperature other than that of –30 to 70˚C is detected for
H9 3 172
thermistor consecutive 1 min.: Malfunction of R1T
Malfunction of water outlet When a temperature other than that of –40 to 70˚C is detected for
HC 2 176
thermistor consecutive 1 min.: Malfunction of R-Th03
Malfunction of plate coil heat When a temperature other than that of –40 to 70˚C is detected for
J0 2 172
exchanger outlet thermistor consecutive 1 min.: Malfunction of R6-3T
Malfunction of discharge pipe When a temperature other than that of –30 to 140˚C is detected
J3 2 172
thermistor for consecutive 1 min.: Malfunction of R3-1T
Malfunction of suction pipe When a temperature other than that of –40 to 70˚C is detected for
J4 2 172
thermistor consecutive 1 min.: Malfunction of R4-3T
Malfunction of suction pipe When a temperature other than that of –40 to 70˚C is detected for
J5 2 172
thermistor consecutive 1 min.: Malfunction of R4-1T
Malfunction of heat exchange When a temperature other than that of –40 to 70˚C is detected for
J6 3 coil thermistor consecutive 1 min.: (With only heat pump chiller installed) 172
Malfunction of R2-1T
Malfunction of heat exchange When a temperature other than that of –40 to 70˚C is detected for
J7 3 coil thermistor consecutive 1 min.: (With only heat pump chiller installed) 172
Malfunction of R2-2T
Malfunction of high pressure When pressure (voltage) other than that of 0 to 3.3MPa (0.47 to
JA 3 175
sensor 4.0VDC) is detected for 1 min.: Malfunction of No. 1 system
Malfunction of low pressure When pressure (voltage) other than that of 0.01 to 0.98MPa (0.3
JC 2 174
sensor to 4.5VDC) is detected for 1 min.: Malfunction of No. 1system
Malfunction of sub PC board When transmission between the sub PC board (X16A) and the
LC 1 185
transmission main PC board (X3A) malfunctions:
Malfunction due to reverse When power supply has reverse or open phase:
U1 1 186
phase (open phase)
Malfunction of transmission When communication between the main PC board and
U3 1 between main PC board and display/operation PC board is lost for approx. 8 sec. 187
display/operation PC board
Malfunction of transmission When a malfunction of transmission occurs between the main PC
U4 1 188
between main PC board and I/F board and the I/F PC board for consecutive 10 min.
Malfunction of transmission When no transmission is accomplished to the main PC board
U5 1 between main PC board and from the remote controller for 70 sec. 189
remote controller
UA 1 Malfunction due to field setting When different models of units or excessive number of units are connected 190
Malfunction due to address When the address duplication of centralized control unit occurs
UC 3 191
duplication of centralized control unit
Malfunction of transmission When no transmission is accomplished to the centralized control
UE 1 between main PC board and unit from the main PC board for 256 sec. or more 192
centralized control unit
UH 1 Erroneous wiring When a different main PC board is connected to the IN – OUT line 193
Note) Malfunction Level 1: All systems stop due to malfunction. Malfunction Level 2: Systems concerned only stop due to
malfunction. Malfunction Level 3: Alarm is only given to continue operation.

(2) List of priorities in outputting malfunction code

Malfunction code
Priority Content of malfunction
No. 1 system No. 2 system No. 3 system
1 Malfunction due to reverse (open) phase U1
2 Malfunction of transmission between main PC board and display/operation PC board U3
3 Malfunction of transmission between main PC board and I/F U4
4 Malfunction of transmission between main PC board and remote controller U5
5 Malfunction of transmission between main PC board and centralized control unit UE
6 Malfunction of I/F PC board A1
7 Malfunction due to field setting UA
8 Malfunction of transmission of sub PC board LC
9 Erroneous wiring UH
10 Malfunction of main PC board E1
11 Malfunction of water inlet thermistor 80
12 Malfunction due to water interruption 90
13 Malfunction of pump AXP 90
14 Malfunction due to overheat of heater AA
15 Batch malfunction due to actuation of protection device (51C, 49F, and 63H) E0 E0 E0
16 Malfunction of discharge pipe thermistor J3 86 7A
17 Malfunction due to compressor discharge gas temperature F3 88 93
18 Abnormal low pressure E4 74 FC
19 Malfunction of electronic expansion valve coil E9 91 A9
20 Malfunction of water outlet thermistor 81 8A HC
21 Malfunction of freeze-up of plate type heat exchanger 89 C4 C5
22 Malfunction of plate type heat exchanger outlet thermistor 82 83 J0
23 Malfunction of low pressure sensor JC 75 H4
24 Malfunction of suction pipe thermistor J5 92 J4
25 Malfunction due to address duplication of centralized control unit UC
26 Malfunction of outdoor air thermistor H9
27 Malfunction of plate type heat exchanger thermistor J6 J7 H1
28 Malfunction of high pressure sensor JA 76 H3

(3) Checking of content of malfunction by monitor display

qContent of malfunction by LED display on main PC board (A11P)
Microcomputer normal monitor: LEDs blink while in normal operation and turn OFF or ON while in malfunction.

wContent of malfunction by LED display on sub PC board (A21P)

Microcomputer normal monitor: LEDs blink while in normal operation and turn OFF or ON while in malfunction.

eContent of malfunction by LED display on control panel PC board (A31P)

Microcomputer normal monitor: LEDs blink while in normal operation and turn OFF or ON while in malfunction.

Operation display monitor: ON while in operation

Malfunction monitor: Blink while in malfunction
Power supply monitor: ON while power supply turns ON

8 Troubleshooting
A. Malfunction history checking method
1) Pressing the FORCED FAN OPERATION button and the FORCED PUMP OPERATION button simultaneously
for consecutive three seconds or more while in set temperature display mode will shift the display from set
temperature display mode to sensor display mode.
2) Pressing the FORCED FAN OPERATION button and the FORCED PUMP OPERATION button simultaneously
for consecutive three seconds or more while in sensor display mode will shift the display from sensor display
mode to retry history display mode.
3) Pressing the FORCED FAN OPERATION button and the FORCED PUMP OPERATION button simultaneously
for consecutive three seconds or more while in retry history display mode will shift the display from retry history
display mode to malfunction history display mode.
4) Use the SET TEMP. UP / DOWN BUTTON to change the content of display.
5) Pressing the FORCED FAN OPERATION button or the FORCED PUMP OPERATION button will return the
display to set temperature display mode.

(List of display contents of malfunction history mode)

Code Code display Example of display Unit Meaning Remarks
— — A4 — Malfunction code
C ON 7.0 ˚C Chilled water temperature set value
C. ON 7.0 ˚C Cooling heat storage temperature set valve
H ON 40.0 ˚C Heating water temperature set value
H. ON 40.0 ˚C Heating heat storage temperature set value
┣ ON 12.7 ˚C Inlet water temperature
┫ ON 8.4 ˚C No. 1 outlet water temperature On brine units,
integer parts are
┫. ON 8.5 ˚C No. 2 outlet water temperature only displayed.
┫. Blink 8.6 ˚C No. 3 outlet water temperature
A ON 28.5 ˚C Outdoor air temperature
Г ON 65.4 ˚C No.1-side discharge gas temperature
Г. ON 63.5 ˚C No.2-side discharge gas temperature
Г. Blink 66.0 ˚C No.3-side discharge gas temperature
Ц ON 1.25 ˚C No.1-side refrigerant thermistor temperature
Ц. ON 1.26 ˚C No.2-side refrigerant thermistor temperature
Ц. Blink 1.27 ˚C No.3-side refrigerant thermistor temperature
S ON 8.56 ˚C No.1-side suction pipe temperature
S. ON 8.48 ˚C No.2-side suction pipe temperature
S. Blink 8.88 ˚C No.3-side suction pipe temperature
n ON 10.5 ˚C No.1-side heat exchange temperature
n. ON 10.0 ˚C No.2-side heat exchange temperature
n. Blink 9.8 ˚C No.3-side heat exchange temperature
H ON 1.10 MPa No.1-side high pressure
H. ON 1.09 MPa No.2-side high pressure
H. Blink 1.16 MPa No.3-side high pressure
L ON 0.17 MPa No.1-side low pressure
L. ON 0.16 MPa No.2-side low pressure
L. Blink 0.15 MPa No.3-side low pressure
h ON 6 Min. A period of time between the startup of operation and the occurrence of malfunction
C ON 21 Hour No.1-side compressor cumulative operating hours, upper two digits
— — 2014 Hour No.1-side compressor cumulative operating hours, lower four digits
C. ON 22 Hour No.2-side compressor cumulative operating hours, upper two digits
— — 2015 Hour No.2-side compressor cumulative operating hours, lower four digits
C. Blink 23 Hour No.3-side compressor cumulative operating hours, upper two digits
— — 2016 Hour No.3-side compressor cumulative operating hours, lower four digits
dF ON 0 — No. 1 side, 0: Other than defrosting operation 1: In defrosting operation
dF. ON 0 — No. 2 side, 0: Other than defrosting operation 1: In defrosting operation
dF. Blink 0 — No. 3 side, 0: Other than defrosting operation 1: In defrosting operation


B. Retry history checking method

<Retry history mode operation>
1) Pressing the FORCED FAN OPERATION button and the FORCED PUMP OPERATION button simultaneously
for consecutive three seconds or more while in set temperature display mode will shift the display from set
temperature display mode to sensor display mode.
2) Pressing the FORCED FAN OPERATION button and the FORCED PUMP OPERATION button simultaneously
for consecutive three seconds or more while in sensor display mode will shift the display from sensor display
mode to retry history display mode.
3) Use the SET TEMP. UP / DOWN BUTTON to change the content of display.
4) In order to clear the retry history, with “CLEr” displayed (by flickering LED) through the use of the SET TEMP. UP
/DOWN button, pressing the FORCED FAN OPERATION button and the FORCED PUMP OPERATION button
simultaneously for consecutive three seconds or more will shift to malfunction history display mode, thus making
it possible to clear all data.
5) Pressing the FORCED FAN OPERATION button or the FORCED PUMP OPERATION button will return the
display to set temperature display mode.
Item Code Data Example of display
Freeze-up retry due to No. 1-side low pressure A1 0: No retry A2_1
Freeze-up retry due to No. 2-side low pressure A2 1: Retry Note) Underlined portions are
no displayed.
Freeze-up retry due to No. 3-side low pressure A3
Freeze-up retry due to No. 1-side outlet water temperature b1
Freeze-up retry due to No. 2-side outlet water temperature b2
Freeze-up retry due to No. 3-side outlet water temperature b3
Retry due to No. 1-side heating overload protection C1
Retry due to No. 2-side heating overload protection C2
Retry due to No. 3-side heating overload protection C3
Retry data clear CLEr


8 Troubleshooting
4-3. Trouble shooting Frowchart

Malfunction code Contents Thermistor

82 Malfunction of plate type heat exchanger system 1 R6-1T
83 system 2 R6-2T
JO outlet thermistor. system 3 R6-3T
H9 Malfunction of outdoor air thermistor R1T
J3 system 1 R3-1T
86 Malfunction of discharge pipe thermistor system 2 R3-2T
7A system 3 R3-3T
J5 system 1 R4-1T
92 Malfunction of suction pipe thermistor system 2 R4-2T
J4 system 3 R4-3T
J6 Malfunction of heat exchanger coil system 1 R2-1T
J7 system 2 R2-2T
H1 thermistor system 3 R2-3T


Malfunction code Contents Sensor

E4 system 1 SENPL 1
74 system 2 SENPL 2
low pressure
FC system 3 SENPL 3


8 Troubleshooting

Malfunction code Contents Sensor

JC system 1 SENPL 1
Abnormal low
75 system 2 SENPL 2
pressure sensor
H4 system 3 SENPL 3


Malfunction code Contents Sensor

JA system 1 SENPL 1
Abnormal High
76 system 2 SENPL 2
pressure sensor
H3 system 3 SENPL 3


8 Troubleshooting

Malfunction code Contents Thermistor

80 Abnormal water inlet thermistor R-Thi
81 system 1 R-Tho 1
Abnormal water
8A system 2 R-Tho 2
outlet thermistor
HC system 3 R-Tho 3


Malfunction code Contents Thermistor

F3 system 1 R3-1T
Abnormal Compressor
88 system 2 R3-2T
dischange gas temperatune.
93 system 3 R3-3T


8 Troubleshooting

Malfunktion code Contents Thermistor

89 system 1 R6-1T
Plate type heat exchanger
C4 system 2 R6-2T
freezing abnormality
C5 system 3 R6-3T



8 Troubleshooting

Malfunction code Contents

E9 system 1
Abnormal electronic
91 system 2
expansion valve coil
A9 system 3


Remote controller display

Malfunction of I/F PC board
1 Applicable Models 5 Troubleshooting
All indoor units Diagnosis Countermeasures

wiring connections NO
of the I/F PC board Correct the wire connection.
properly made?

Methods of
2 Malfunction Detection
Use a microcomputer to check The LED
for microcomputer NO The fuse on YES
the transmission conditions of the normal monitor on the I/F PC the I/F PC board has Replace the fuse.
board is blinking. been blown.
I/F PC board.

3 Malfunction
Decision Check to be sure the voltage of
output (blue connector) on the
secondary side of the
When no transmission is transformer for the I/F PC board.
accomplished between the main
PC board (A11P) and the I/F PC
Is the
transformer for the NO
I/F PC board normal? (Nor- Replace the transformer.

4 Supposed Causes mal value: 21.8VAC


• Faulty wire connections of I/F YES

PC board
Replace the I/F PC board.
• Blown fuse of I/F PC board
• Faulty transformer
• Faulty wiring in transmission High
line voltage wires
are put close to the YES
• Faulty I/F PC board transmission line between the I/F Keep distance as much
PC board and the main as possible between the
PC board high voltage wires and
(A11P). the transmission line.


Replace the I/F PC board.

8 Troubleshooting
Remote controller displaya
Malfunction due to overheat of heater
1 Applicable Models 5 Troubleshooting
UWYP125 to 750A and derived Diagnosis Countermeasures
Is the Is the
overheat protection NO jumper wire for the NO
switch for the auxiliary 26WH connected between Erroneous disconnection of
heater installed? the terminals (21) the jumper wire was made.
and (22)? Connect an additional
jumper wire between the
YES YES terminals (21) and (22).
2 Methods of
Malfunction Detection Broken jumper wire
between the terminal
The external contact (26WH) is Is the (21) and (22)
field wiring for NO
OFF. the 26WH
Connect an additional
connected? wire between terminals
(21) and (22) on site.

Is a
Malfunction Decision
3 Conditions
contact used for the contact
Replace the contact
by the micro current
in the 26WH?
When the external contact contact.
(26WH) turns OFF while in YES
defrosting operation

Is the
contact in the NO
26WH normally turned Replace the contact
ON (closed)? by the normally open
contact (which closes
4 Supposed Causes YES
the circuit when turned
• Actuation of the overheat
protection device for auxiliary
heater (local procurement item) the wire con-
• Disconnection of jumper wire nection between the
connector (X50A) on the NO
used when the auxiliary heater main PC board (A11P) and the Rectify loose connectors,
terminals (21) and (22) broken wires, or else.
is not applied are made
• Faulty contact in overheat properly?
protection device
• Faulty wire connections in YES
Replace the main PC
control panel board (A11P).



8 Troubleshooting



8 Troubleshooting



8 Troubleshooting


Remote controller display Malfunction of transmission between main PC board and

U5 remote controller

1 Applicable Models 5 Troubleshooting

All models of chillers Diagnosis Countermeasures

connections to the
main PC board (IN – OUT) NO After rectifying the wire
and (F1 – F2) properly connections and resetting
made? the power supply to the
chiller, press and hold the
2 Methods of
Malfunction Detection
(BS5) for a period of five
Use a microcomputer to check Are
there no broken
the transmission conditions. wires or faulty contact in the NO
transmission line between the main After rectifying the wire
PC board and the remote connections and resetting
controller? the power supply to the
chiller, press and hold the
YES (BS5) for a period of five

3 Malfunction
Are any
high voltage
When no transmission is wires (including field
wiring) put close to the YES
accomplished between the main This malfunction of
transmission line between the main
PC board and the remote transmission is
PC board (A11P) and the remote supposed to cause by
controller (optional accessory) for noises. Therefore, keep
distance as much as
a period of 70 seconds possible between the
high voltage wires and
the transmission line.

4 Supposed Causes Is the

display on the NO
remote controller Replace the remote
• Erroneous connection to main normal? controller.
PC board
• Faulty transmission line YES
• Faulty transmission due to
Check the other elec-
noises trical systems.

8 Troubleshooting
Remote controller display
Malfunction due to field setting
1 Applicable Models 5 Troubleshooting
All models of chillers Diagnosis Countermeasures

BRC307C1 NO Replace the remote
remote controller in controller.

Methods of
2 Malfunction Detection
Check chillers connected for the different models of YES
model settings. chillers mixed in the group of Replace different
remote controller? models of chillers by
the same model of

any high
3 Malfunction
Decision voltage wires
(including field wiring) put
close to the transmission line This malfunction of
When different models of chillers between the main PC board transmission is
or packaged air conditioners are and the remote supposed to cause by
controller? noises. Therefore, keep
connected to the group of remote distance as much as
controller. possible between the
NO high voltage wires and
the transmission line.

4 Supposed Causes Check other electrical


• Connection of erroneous
• Faulty transmission line
• Faulty transmission due to


Remote controller display Malfunction due to address duplication of centralized

UC control unit

1 Applicable Models 5 Troubleshooting

All models of chillers Diagnosis Countermeasures

the address
settings of chillers made NO
Make the address settings.
to connect the centralized
control unit?

2 Methods of
Malfunction Detection

Check chillers connected for the Recheck individual

equipment for the
addresses of the centralized addresses for the
control unit. centralized control unit.

3 Malfunction

When addresses of equipment

connected to the centralized
control line is duplicated

4 Supposed Causes
• Erroneous setting of address of
centralized control unit


8 Troubleshooting
Remote controller display Malfunction of transmission between main PC board and
UE centralized control unit

1 Applicable Models 5 Troubleshooting

All models of chillers Diagnosis Countermeasures

Is the
transmission line
properly connected between NO Rectify the wire
the main PC board and the connections to the
centralized control
main PC board (OUT-
OUT) and (F1 – F2).

2 Methods of
Malfunction Detection

Check transmission conditions

between the main PC board and the I/F adapter NO
been connected? Connect the I/F
the centralized control unit. adapter (optional

3 Malfunction
Decision Are
any high
voltage wires (including
field wiring) put close to the This malfunction of
When a malfunction is only transmitted centralized transmission is
to the centralized control unit if no transmission supposed to cause by
line? noises. Therefore,
transmission or return transmission is keep distance as much
accomplished to the centralized NO as possible between
the high voltage wires
control unit from the main PC board and the centralized
Is transmission line.
power supplied NO
4 Supposed Causes to all chillers
Rectify the power
supply to the main PC
board and then reset
• Faulty transmission line the malfunction of the
YES centralized control unit.
• Faulty transmission due to
noises Check other electrical
• Power supply to chillers is
turned OFF.



9 Miscellaneous
1 Differences from previous units
Item UWY(A)P(75)125 ~ 750A UWY(A)J(75)125 ~ 750B
Refrigerant R407C (Non-azeotropic refrigerant) R22
Refrigerating oil DAPHNE FVC68D SUNISO 4GSDID-K
Capacity control 3HP (only on UWAP) : 100-0% 3HP (only on UWAP) : 100-0%
5HP : 100-0% 5HP : 100-0%
8HP : 100-0% 8HP : 100-0%
10HP : 100-0% 10HP : 100-0%
15HP : 100-67(34)-0% 15HP : 100-67-0%
20HP : 100-50-0% 20HP : 100-50-0%
25HP : 100-80(60)-40(20)-0% 25HP : 100-60-0%
30HP : 100-67-34-0% 30HP : 100-50-0%
In the notation of capacity control, AA(BB) has a
different capacity of compressor, which stops
running according to the operating hours.
Therefore, this represents the capacity control of
AA or BB.
Compressor Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Air-side heat exchanger Cross fin coil type Cross fin coil type
Water-side heat exchanger Brazing plate type Brazing plate type
Fan Propeller fan Propeller fan
Expansion valve Electronic expansion valve Capillary tube
Defrosting system Electronic deicer type Electronic deicer type
Water temperature control Inlet temperature control/Outlet water Inlet temperature control (Outlet temperature
system temperature control control is available for models of 10HP or less.)
Cooling operation range Outdoor air temperature: 0 to 43˚C (DB) Outdoor air temperature: 0 to 43˚C (DB)
(UWYP) Chilled water outlet temperature: 4 to 16˚C Chilled water outlet temperature: 4 to 16˚C
Heating operation range Outdoor air temperature: 15 to 21˚C (DB) Outdoor air temperature: –10 to 21˚C (DB)
(UWYP) Hot water outlet temperature: 35 to 55˚C Hot water outlet temperature: 35 to 55˚C
Cooling operation range Outdoor air temperature: 15 to 43˚C (DB) Outdoor air temperature: –15 to 43˚C (DB) (3 to 10HP)
(UWAP) Chilled water outlet temperature: 4 to 16˚C Chilled water outlet temperature: 4 to 16˚C
Outdoor air temperature: –5 to 43˚C (DB) (10 to 30HP)
Chilled water outlet temperature: 4 to 16˚C
Control panel display 4-digit display Only LED lamps
LCD remote controller BRC307C1 (BRC307C50 for overseas) KRC22-1A
Thermostat diffeernetial Adjustable to 2, 3, 4, or 5˚C Heat pump units: 2˚C / 4˚C
Cooling only units: 2.2˚C (3 to 10HP)
2˚C / 4˚C (15 to 30HP)


2 Main PC Board Replacement Procedure

In order to replace this main PC board (A11P) used for chiller, field settings should be made.
Make these settings referring to information shown below.

2-1. Applicable models

UWAP75 ~ 750A........................Cooling only chiller
UWAP75 ~ 750AE .....................Cooling only chiller <Salt resistance specification>
UWAP75 ~ 750AYE...................Cooling only chiller <Extra voltage specification>
UWAP3 ~ 30AZ .........................Cooling only chiller <Brine specification>

UWYP125 ~ 750A......................Heat pump chiller

UWYP75 ~ 750AE .....................Heat pump chiller <Salt resistance specification>
UWYP75 ~ 750AYE...................Heat pump chiller <Extra voltage specification>
UWYP630 and 750AZ................Heat pump chiller <Brine specification>

●Varnish treatment for PC board

For salt resistance or overseas specifications, “varnish-treated” control PC boards should be used.
Check the specifications through the nameplate of the control PC board.
E02Y05D-1 Non-treated PC board .....Apply to standard models and brine specification models.
E02Y05D-2 Varnish-treated PCB .......Apply to models of salt resistance or overseas specifications.

2-2. Setting items Model name

Model setting
Setting item
Water/Brine Horsepower setting
1) Model setting (Cooling only / Heat pump) UWAP75A (E) 3HP
2) Water / Brine setting UWAP125A (E) 5HP
UWAP190A (E) 8HP
3) Horse power setting UWAP250A (E) 10HP
★For factory modified chiller (with model UWAP375A (E) 15HP
name ending in “R”), check the contents UWAP500A (E) 20HP
UWAP630A (E) 25HP
modified, and then make settings. UWAP750A (E) 30HP
UWAP375AYE (Cooling only unit) 15HP
UWYP125A (E) 5HP
UWYP190A (E) 8HP
UWYP250A (E) 10HP
UWYP375A (E) 15HP
UWYP500A (E) 20HP
UWYP630A (E) 25HP
UWYP750A (E) 30HP
UWYP190AYE (Heat pump unit) 8HP


9 Miscellaneous
2-3. Settings Procedure
Using pushbutton switches (BS1 to 5) on the main PC board enables display and settings of service modes shown
○Service mode 1 ○Service mode 2 ○Service mode
Used to display the details on the Used to check or change the filed Used to check or change the
current settings of the following settings of the following items. software settings.
items. qRefrigerant recovery mode qModel setting (Cooling only / Heat pump)
qSoftware No. wAir Net address wStandard (Water) / Brine setting
wHorsepower eHorsepower setting
eSoftware version rForced master bit
rStandard (water) / Brine tReverse phase detection setting
tModel (Cooling only / Heat pump) yReduction of working hours setting

Cooling/Heating Selection Sequential <LED Display>

Page Preparation Individual All master All slave Low Noise Start
LED lamps
Blink OFF ON
Page Turn Operation Check System Wiring Change

■Mode change procedure

Simultaneously press and
hold the BS1 and
Press the BS1 once. BS3 for 5 seconds.
Service mode 1 Normal display Service mode 3
Press the BS1 once. Press the BS1 once.

Press and hold Press the BS1 once.

H1P H2P H3P H4P H5P H6P H7P BS1 for 5 seconds. H1P H2P H3P H4P H5P H6P H7P

Service mode 2


■Mode change flow chart

*If you lose the procedure in progress for any reason,
press the BS1. The system will return to normal display mode.

Normal display

Service mode 1 Service mode 2 Service mode 3

<Check settings> <Local settings> <Chiller settings>

Select items to be checked. (BS2) Select items to be set. (BS2) Select items to be set. (BS2)

Press the BS3 once. Press the BS3 once. Press the BS3 once.
*To make no changes: *To make no changes:
Display contents. (Data LED turns ON.) Display contents. (Data blinks.) Display contents. (Data blinks.)
Press the Press the
Press the BS3 once. *To make changes: *To make changes:
BS3 once. BS3 once.

Select contents to be set. (BS2) Select contents to be set. (BS2)

Press the BS1 once.
Press the BS3 once. Press the BS3 once.

Determine data. (Data turns ON.) Determine data. (Data turns ON.)
Press the BS3 once. Press the BS3 once.

Write data. (Data turns ON.) Write data. (Data turns ON.)

Press the BS1 once. Press the BS1 once.

After changing the settings, be sure to “reset the power supply”.
Furthermore, after “resetting the power supply”, check to be sure the contents of the
changes while in Service mode 1.


○Service mode 1
Display item LED display Contents of display LED display
0 Software No. ● ● ● ● ● ● − ● ● ● ● ● ○

1 Horsepower ● ● ● ● ● ○ 1 : 3HP(75A) ● ● ● ● ● ○
2 : 5HP(125A) ● ● ● ● ○ ●
3 : 8HP(190A) ● ● ● ● ○ ○
4 : 10HP(250A) ● ● ● ○ ● ●
5 : 15HP(375A) ● ● ● ○ ● ○
6 : 20HP(500A) ● ● ● ○ ○ ●
7 : 25HP(630A) ● ● ● ○ ○ ○
8 : 30HP(750A) ● ● ○ ● ● ●

2 Software version ● ● ● ● ○ ● Hundreds digit of version ● ○ ● ● ● ● ←“0”

Tens digit of version ○ ● ● ○ ● ○ ←“5” Version
= 054
Units digit ○ ○ ● ○ ● ● ←“4”

3 Standard (water) ● ● ● ● ○ ○ 1 : Water ● ● ● ● ● ○

/ Brine 2 : Brine ● ● ● ● ○ ●

4 Model ● ● ● ○ ● ● 1 : Cooling only (UWAP) ● ● ● ● ● ○

2 : Heat pump (UWYP) ● ● ● ● ○ ●

○Service mode 2
Setting Item LED display Contents of display LED display
0 Refrigerant ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● 1 : OFF ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○
recovery mode 2 : ON ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ●

1 Air Net address ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ 0 ~ 63 ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● ←“0”

○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ←“1”
○ ● ● ● ● ○ ● ←“2”

○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ←“63”

○Service mode 3
Setting Item LED display Contents of display LED display
0 Model ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● 1 : Cooling only (UWAP) ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○
2 : Heat pump (UWYP) ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ●

1 Standard (water) ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ 1 : Water ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○

/ Brine 2 : Brine ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ●

2 Horsepower ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ● 1 : 3HP(75A) ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○
2 : 5HP(125A) ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ●
3 : 8HP(190A) ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ○
4 : 10HP(250A) ○ ● ● ● ○ ● ●
5 : 15HP(375A) ○ ● ● ● ○ ● ○
6 : 20HP(500A) ○ ● ● ● ○ ○ ●
7 : 25HP(630A) ○ ● ● ● ○ ○ ○
8 : 30HP(750A) ○ ● ● ○ ● ● ●

3 Forced master ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ○ 1 : NO ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○
unit bit 2 : YES ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ●

4 Reverse phase ○ ● ● ● ○ ● ● 1 : YES ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○

detection: 2 : NO ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ●

5 Reduction of ○ ● ● ● ○ ● ○ 1 : NO ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○
working hours 2 : YES ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ●
setting: YES /NO

B. Air Cooled Chillers

List of
1. List of Models………………………………………………………200

2. Product Specifications …………………………………………201
1.Standard specifications …………………………………………………………………201
2.Wiring diagrams …………………………………………………………………………211

3.Refrigerant piping diagram ……………………………………………………………220
4.List of Operating Values of Functional Parts …………………………………………222
5.Operation limits …………………………………………………………………………225
6.Operation Parameters …………………………………………………………………226
7.List of Options ……………………………………………………………………………227

3. Installation …………………………………………………………228

/ Stop
1.Carry-in Procedure ………………………………………………………………………228
2.Precautions for selection of installation location ……………………………………228
3.Space for Servicing………………………………………………………………………229
4.Electrical wiring …………………………………………………………………………229
5.Water Piping Procedure…………………………………………………………………230

4. Operation/Stop ……………………………………………………231
1.Part Names and Functions of Control Panel …………………………………………231
2.Operation Procedure by Control Panel ………………………………………………231
3.Temperature Controller …………………………………………………………………232
4.Daily Checks ……………………………………………………………………………233
5.Maintenance of Plate Type Heat Exchanger …………………………………………233

5. Troubleshooting …………………………………………………234
1.Troubleshooting by Symptom …………………………………………………………234
2.Troubleshooting by Malfunction Lamp ………………………………………………235
3.Resetting of Malfunction Lamp …………………………………………………………235

1 List of Models
Model Page to be referred
Model name
Type HP Standard specification Wiring diagram Piping diagram
3 UWP90A 201 211 220
5 UWP150A 201 211 220
8 UWP224A 201 211 220
Standard type 10 UWP300A 201 211 220
(200V) 15 UWP450A 202 214 221
20 UWP600A 202 214 221
25 UWP750A 202 217 221
30 UWP900A 202 217 221
3 UWP90AYE(Y3) 203 212 220
Extra 5 UWP150AYE(Y3) 203 212 220
(Overseas) 8 UWP224AYE(Y3) 203 212 220
Refrigerant voltage type 10 UWP300AYE(Y3) 203 212 220
R407C 380 to 415/ 15 UWP450AYE(Y3) 204 215 221
400 to 440V 20 UWP600AYE(Y3) 204 215 221
Water cooled cooling only chillers

50/60Hz 25 UWP750AYE(Y3) 204 218 221

30 UWP900AYE(Y3) 204 218 221
3 UWP3AZ 205 213 220
5 UWP5AZ 205 213 220
8 UWP8AZ 205 213 220
10 UWP10AZ 205 213 220
Brine type
15 UWP15AZ 206 216 221
20 UWP20AZ 206 216 221
25 UWP25AZ 206 219 221
30 UWP30AZ 206 219 221
3 UWJ90D 207 211 220
5 UWJ150D 207 211 220
8 UWJ224D 207 211 220
Standard type 10 UWJ300D 207 211 220
(200V) 15 UWJ450D 208 214 221
20 UWJ600D 208 214 221
25 UWJ750D 208 217 221
Refrigerant 30 UWJ900D 208 217 221
R22 3 UWJ90DYE 209 212 220
Extra 5 UWJ150DYE 209 212 220
8 UWJ224DYE 209 212 220
voltage type
10 UWJ300DYE 209 212 220
380 to 415/
15 UWJ450DYE 210 215 221
400 to 440V
20 UWJ600DYE 210 215 221
50/60Hz 25 UWJ750DYE 210 218 221
30 UWJ900DYE 210 218 221
Notes : Y3 is for overseas models.

2 Product Specifications
1 Standard specifications
■UWP90 ~ 900A
Model name UWP90A UWP150A UWP224A UWP300A
Type Water chilling unit <Water cooled type>
Power supply 3 phase 200V, 50/60 Hz 3 phase 200V, 50/60 Hz 3 phase 200V, 50/60 Hz 3 phase 200V, 50/60 Hz
Color of casing Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 690 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 690 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 790 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 790

Capacity (50/60Hz) kW 8.0/9.0 13.2/15.0 20.0/22.4 26.5/30.0
Chilled water outlet temperature ˚C 7 7 7 7

Chil ed water inlet/outlet temp. difference deg 5 5 5 5
Chilled water volume (50/60 Hz) R/min. 23/26 38/43 57/64 76/86
Water pressure loss (50/60 Hz) kPa 35/45 46/58 46/57 46/57
Cooling water volume★1 (50/60 Hz) R/min. 29/34 47/55 71/82 95/109
Model JT112FA JT160FA JT212DA JT300DA
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 3.0 3.75 5.5 7.5
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Condenser Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type
Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
Cooler Model CB52-14HX CB52-22HX CB52-34HX CB52-44HX
No. of units 1 1 1 1
Refrigerant control Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control % 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0
Heat insulation material Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, freeze-up protector, fusible plug, reverse phase protection device, discharge
Safety devices
gas overheat protector, and compressor overcurrent relay
Refrigerant name R407C R407C R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.4
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 1.5 1.5 2.7 2.7
Cooling water inlet/outlet pipes (Hot water inlet/outlet pipes) 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded
Chilled water inlet/outlet pipes 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded
Product mass kg 100 110 150 160
Operating mass kg 102 112 154 165
Legal refrigerating capacity (50/60 Hz) 1.00/1.19 1.42/1.68 2.08/2.48 2.89/3.44
Standard accessories Operation manual, installation manual, warranty card, fuse, and chilled water strainer
specifications characteristics

Running current (50/60 Hz) A 8.9/9.8 11.7/12.8 17.8/19.6 23.5/25.8

External wiring Electrical

Rated power consumption (50/60 Hz) kW 2.5/3.0 3.3/4.0 5.0/5.9 6.6/7.9

Power factor (50/60 Hz) % 81.3/87.9 81.5/90.4 80.9/86.7 81.2/88.4
Starting current (50/60 Hz) A 87/78 126/111 185/168 265/239
Minimum wire diameter mm2 2.0 5.5 8.0 14
Distance m 18 31 32 42
Circuit breaker size A 30 40 50 75
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 2.0 3.5 3.5 5.5
Earth leakage circuit breaker 30A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 40A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 50A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 75A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less
Note) ★1 represents values at a cooling water inlet temperature of 30˚C.

2 Product Specifications
Model name UWP450A UWP600A UWP750A UWP900A
Type Water chilling unit <Water cooled type>
Power supply 3 phase 200V, 50/60 Hz 3 phase 200V, 50/60 Hz 3 phase 200V, 50/60 Hz 3 phase 200V, 50/60 Hz
Color of casing Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1280 ✕ 808✕ 790 1280 ✕ 808✕ 790 1280 ✕ 1211 ✕ 790 1280 ✕ 1211 ✕ 790
Capacity (50/60Hz) kW 40.0/45.0 53.0/60.0 67.0/75.0 80.0/90.0
Chilled water outlet temperature ˚C 7 7 7 7
Chil ed water inlet/outlet temp. difference deg 5 5 5 5
Chilled water volume (50/60 Hz) R/min. 115/129 152/172 192/215 229/258
Water pressure loss (50/60 Hz) kPa 46/57 46/57 46/57 46/57
Cooling water volume★1 (50/60 Hz) R/min. 142/164 190/218 237/273 285/327
Model JT212DA ✕ 2 JT300DA ✕ 2 JT300DA + JT212DA ✕ 2 JT300DA ✕ 3
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 5.5 ✕ 2 7.5 ✕ 2 7.5 + 5.5 ✕ 2 7.5 ✕ 3
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Condenser Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type
Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
Cooler Model CB52-34HX CB52-44HX CB52-34HX/CB52-44HX CB52-44HX
No. of units 2 2 2/1 3
Refrigerant control Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control % 100-50-0 100-50-0 100-60-0 100-67-0
Heat insulation material Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, freeze-up protector, fusible plug, reverse phase protection device, discharge
Safety devices
gas overheat protector, and compressor overcurrent relay
Refrigerant name R407C R407C R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 2.0 ✕ 2 2.4 ✕ 2 2.4 + 2.0 ✕ 2 2.4 ✕ 3
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 2.7 ✕ 2 2.7 ✕ 2 2.7 ✕ 3 2.7 ✕ 3
Cooling water inlet/outlet pipes (Hot water inlet/outlet pipes) 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3
Chilled water inlet/outlet pipes 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3
Product mass kg 305 325 465 485
Operating mass kg 313 335 478 500
Legal refrigerating capacity (50/60 Hz) 4.16/4.96 5.78/6.88 7.05/8.4 8.67/10.32
Standard accessories Operation manual, installation manual, warranty card, fuse, and chilled water strainer
specifications characteristics

Running current (50/60 Hz) A 35.7/39.3 46.9/51.6 59.1/65.1 70.4/77.4

External wiring Electrical

Rated power consumption (50/60 Hz) kW 10.0/11.8 13.2/15.8 16.0/19.7 19.8/23.7

Power factor (50/60 Hz) % 80.9/86.7 81.2/88.4 81.0/87.4 81.2/88.4
Starting current (50/60 Hz) A 209/195 299/277 313/293 333/315
Minimum wire diameter mm2 22 38 60 60
Distance m 42 56 70 60
Circuit breaker size A 100 100 150 175
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 5.5 5.5 8.0 14
Earth leakage circuit breaker 100A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 100A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 150A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 175A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less
Note) ★1 represents values at a cooling water inlet temperature of 30˚C.

●Product Specifications

■UWP90 ~ 900AYE (Y3)

Model name UWP90AYE(Y3) UWP150AYE(Y3) UWP224AYE(Y3) UWP300AYE(Y3)
Type Water chilling unit <Water cooled type>
Power supply 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V
Color of casing Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 690 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 690 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 790 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 790

Capacity (50/60Hz) kW 8.0/9.0 13.2/15.0 20.0/22.4 26.5/30.0
Chilled water outlet temperature ˚C 7 7 7 7

Chil ed water inlet/outlet temp. difference deg 5 5 5 5
Chilled water volume (50/60 Hz) R/min. 23/26 38/43 57/64 76/86
Water pressure loss (50/60 Hz) kPa 35/45 46/58 46/57 46/57
Cooling water volume★1 (50/60 Hz) R/min. 29/34 47/55 71/82 95/109
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 3.0 3.75 5.5 7.5
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Condenser Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type
Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
Cooler Model CB52-14HX CB52-22HX CB52-34HX CB52-44HX
No. of units 1 1 1 1
Refrigerant control Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control % 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0
Heat insulation material Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, freeze-up protector, fusible plug, reverse phase protection device, discharge
Safety devices
gas overheat protector, and compressor overcurrent relay
Refrigerant name R407C R407C R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.4
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 1.5 1.5 2.7 2.7
Cooling water inlet/outlet pipes (Hot water inlet/outlet pipes) 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded
Chilled water inlet/outlet pipes 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded
Product mass kg 100 110 150 160
Operating mass kg 102 112 154 165
Legal refrigerating capacity (50/60 Hz) 1.00/1.19 1.42/1.68 2.08/2.48 2.89/3.44
Standard accessories Operation manual, installation manual, warranty card, fuse, and chilled water strainer
specifications characteristics

Running current (50/60 Hz) A 4.4/4.9 5.8/6.4 8.9/9.8 11.7/12.9

External wiring ★2 Electrical

Rated power consumption (50/60 Hz) kW 2.5/3.0 3.3/4.0 5.0/5.9 6.6/7.9

Power factor (50/60 Hz) % 81.3/87.9 81.5/90.4 80.9/86.7 81.2/88.4
Starting current (50/60 Hz) A 44/39 51/45 93/84 127/115
Minimum wire diameter mm2 2.0 2.0 3.5 5.5
Distance m 26 20 23 31
Circuit breaker size A 15 20 30 40
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.5
Earth leakage circuit breaker 15A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 20A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 30A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 40A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less
Note) ★1 represents values at a cooling water inlet temperature of 30˚C.
★2 represents the electrical characteristics for 400V.

2 Product Specifications
Model name UWP450AYE(Y3) UWP600AYE(Y3) UWP750AYE(Y3) UWP900AYE(Y3)
Type Water chilling unit <Water cooled type>
Power supply 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V
Color of casing Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1280 ✕ 808✕ 790 1280 ✕ 808✕ 790 1280 ✕ 1211 ✕ 790 1280 ✕ 1211 ✕ 790
Capacity (50/60Hz) kW 40.0/45.0 53.0/60.0 67.0/75.0 80.0/90.0
Chilled water outlet temperature ˚C 7 7 7 7
Chil ed water inlet/outlet temp. difference deg 5 5 5 5
Chilled water volume (50/60 Hz) R/min. 115/129 152/172 192/215 229/258
Water pressure loss (50/60 Hz) kPa 46/57 46/57 46/57 46/57
Cooling water volume★1 (50/60 Hz) R/min. 142/164 190/218 237/273 285/327
Model JT212DA-YE ✕ 2 JT300DA-YE ✕ 2 JT300DA-YE + JT212DA-YE ✕ 2 JT300DA-YE ✕ 3
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 5.5 ✕ 2 7.5 ✕ 2 7.5 + 5.5 ✕ 2 7.5 ✕ 3
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Condenser Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type
Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
Cooler Model CB52-34HX CB52-44HX CB52-34HX/CB52-44HX CB52-44HX
No. of units 2 2 2/1 3
Refrigerant control Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control % 100-50-0 100-50-0 100-60-0 100-67-0
Heat insulation material Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, freeze-up protector, fusible plug, reverse phase protection device, discharge
Safety devices
gas overheat protector, and compressor overcurrent relay
Refrigerant name R407C R407C R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 2.0 ✕ 2 2.4 ✕ 2 2.4 + 2.0 ✕ 2 2.4 ✕ 3
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 2.7 ✕ 2 2.7 ✕ 2 2.7 ✕ 3 2.7 ✕ 3
Cooling water inlet/outlet pipes (Hot water inlet/outlet pipes) 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3
Chilled water inlet/outlet pipes 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3
Product mass kg 305 325 465 485
Operating mass kg 313 335 478 500
Legal refrigerating capacity (50/60 Hz) 4.16/4.96 5.78/6.88 7.05/8.4 8.67/10.32
Standard accessories Operation manual, installation manual, warranty card, fuse, and chilled water strainer
specifications characteristics

Running current (50/60 Hz) A 17.8/19.6 23.5/25.8 29.6/32.5 35.2/38.7

External wiring ★2 Electrical

Rated power consumption (50/60 Hz) kW 10.0/11.8 13.2/15.8 16.6/19.7 19.8/23.7

Power factor (50/60 Hz) % 80.9/86.7 81.2/88.4 81.0/87.4 81.2/88.4
Starting current (50/60 Hz) A 102/94 139/128 145/135 150/141
Minimum wire diameter mm2 14 14 22 22
Distance m 49 40 48 42
Circuit breaker size A 50 50 75 100
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 3.5 3.5 5.5 5.5
Earth leakage circuit breaker 50A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 50A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 75A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 100A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less
Note) ★1 represents values at a cooling water inlet temperature of 30˚C.
★2 represents the electrical characteristics for 400V.

●Product Specifications

■UWP3 ~ 30AZ
Type Water cooled type brine water chilling unit
Power supply 3 phase, 200V, 50/60 Hz 3 phase, 200V, 50/60 Hz 3 phase, 200V, 50/60 Hz 3 phase, 200V, 50/60 Hz
Color of casing Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 690 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 690 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 790 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 790

Capacity (50/60Hz) kW 4.8/5.8 6.7/8.0 10.3/12.0 13.8/16.0
Brine water outlet temperature ˚C –5 –5 –5 -5

Brine water inlet/outlet temp. difference deg 3 3 3 3
Brine water volume (50/60 Hz) R/min. 27.5/33 37/44 57/66 76/88
Water pressure loss (50/60 Hz) kPa 44/60 46/64 55/68 60/75
Cooling water volume★1 (50/60 Hz) R/min. 21/26 28/34 71/82 59/69
Model JT112FA JT160FA JT212DA JT300DA
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 3.0 3.75 5.5 7.5
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Condenser Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type
Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
Cooler Model CB52-14HX CB52-22HX CB52-34HX CB52-44HX
No. of units 1 1 1 1
Refrigerant control Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control % 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0
Heat insulation material Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, freeze-up protector, fusible plug, reverse phase protection device, discharge
Safety devices
gas overheat protector, and compressor overcurrent relay
Refrigerant name R407C R407C R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.4
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 1.5 1.5 2.7 2.7
Cooling water inlet/outlet pipes (Hot water inlet/outlet pipes) 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded
Chilled water inlet/outlet pipes 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded
Product mass kg 100 110 150 160
Operating mass kg 102 112 154 165
Legal refrigerating capacity (50/60 Hz) 1.00/1.19 1.42/1.68 2.08/2.48 2.89/3.44
Standard accessories Operation manual, installation manual, warranty card, fuse, and chilled water strainer
specifications characteristics

Running current (50/60 Hz) A 9.02/10.3 12.0/13.0 18.0/19.8 24.9/26.9

External wiring Electrical

Rated power consumption (50/60 Hz) kW 2.4/3.1 3.2/4.0 4.8/5.8 6.7/8.2

Power factor (50/60 Hz) % 77.5/86.3 77.0/88.8 77.5/84.6 77.7/88.0
Starting current (50/60 Hz) A 86.5/78.0 125.4/111 185/168 265/239
Minimum wire diameter mm2 2.0 5.5 8.0 14
Distance m 18 31 32 42
Circuit breaker size A 30 40 50 75
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 2.0 3.5 3.5 5.5
Earth leakage circuit breaker 30A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 40A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 50A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 75A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less
Note) ★1 represents values at a cooling water inlet temperature of 30˚C.

2 Product Specifications
Model name UWP15AZ UWP20AZ UWP25AZ UWP30AZ
Type Water cooled type brine chilling unit
Power supply 3 phase, 200V, 50/60 Hz 3 phase, 200V, 50/60 Hz 3 phase, 200V, 50/60 Hz 3 phase, 200V, 50/60 Hz
Color of casing Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1280 ✕ 808✕ 790 1280 ✕ 808✕ 790 1280 ✕ 1211 ✕ 790 1280 ✕ 1211 ✕ 790
Capacity (50/60Hz) kW 20.7/24.1 27.7/32.1 34.5/40.1 41.4/48.1
Brine water outlet temperature ˚C -5 -5 -5 -5
Brine water inlet/outlet temp. difference deg 3 3 3 3
Brine water volume (50/60 Hz) R/min. 114/132 152/176 190/220 227/264
Water pressure loss (50/60 Hz) kPa 55/68 60/75 57/71 60/75
Cooling water volume★1 (50/60 Hz) R/min. 87/102 118/139 145/169 176/208
Model JT212DA ✕ 2 JT300DA ✕ 2 JT300DA + JT212DA ✕ 2 JT300DA ✕ 3
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 5.5 ✕ 2 7.5 ✕ 2 7.5 + 5.5 ✕ 2 7.5 ✕ 3
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Condenser Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type
Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
Cooler Model CB52-34HX CB52-44HX CB52-34HX/CB52-44HX CB52-44HX
No. of units 2 2 2/1 3
Refrigerant control Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control % 100-50-0 100-50-0 100-60-0 100-67-0
Heat insulation material Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, freeze-up protector, fusible plug, reverse phase protection device, discharge
Safety devices
gas overheat protector, and compressor overcurrent relay
Refrigerant name R407C R407C R407C R407C
Charging quantity kg 2.0 ✕ 2 2.4 ✕ 2 2.4 + 2.0 ✕ 2 2.4 ✕ 3
Refrigerant Refrigerant oil name DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D DAPHNE FVC68D
oil Charging quantity R 2.7 ✕ 2 2.7 ✕ 2 2.7 ✕ 3 2.7 ✕ 3
Cooling water inlet/outlet pipes (Hot water inlet/outlet pipes) 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3
Chilled water inlet/outlet pipes 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3
Product mass kg 305 325 465 485
Operating mass kg 313 335 478 500
Legal refrigerating capacity (50/60 Hz) 4.16/4.96 5.78/6.88 7.05/8.4 8.67/10.32
Standard accessories Operation manual, installation manual, warranty card, fuse, and chilled water strainer
specifications characteristics

Running current (50/60 Hz) A 36.1/38.8 49.8/53.7 61.0/65.7 74.7/80.6

External wiring Electrical

Rated power consumption (50/60 Hz) kW 9.7/11.6 13.4/16.4 16.3/19.8 20.2/24.6

Power factor (50/60 Hz) % 77.2/86.3 77.7/88.2 76.7/83.5 78.1/88.1
Starting current (50/60 Hz) A 209/195 299/277 313/293 333/315
Minimum wire diameter mm2 22 38 60 60
Distance m 42 56 70 60
Circuit breaker size A 100 100 150 175
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 5.5 5.5 8.0 14
Earth leakage circuit breaker 100A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 100A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 150A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 175A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less
Note) ★1 represents values at a cooling water inlet temperature of 30˚C.

●Product Specifications

■UWJ90 ~ 900D
Model name UWJ90D UWJ150D UWJ224D UWJ300D
Type Water chilling unit <Water cooled type>
Power supply 3 phase 200V, 50/60 Hz 3 phase 200V, 50/60 Hz 3 phase 200V, 50/60 Hz 3 phase 200V, 50/60 Hz
Color of casing Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 690 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 690 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 790 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 790

Capacity (50/60Hz) kW 8.0/9.0 13.2/15.0 20.0/22.4 26.5/30.0
Chilled water outlet temperature ˚C 7 7 7 7

Chil ed water inlet/outlet temp. difference deg 5 5 5 5
Chilled water volume (50/60 Hz) R/min. 23/26 38/43 57/64 76/86
Water pressure loss (50/60 Hz) kPa 35/45 46/58 46/57 46/57
Cooling water volume★1 (50/60 Hz) R/min. 29/34 47/55 71/82 95/109
Model JT118BC JT150BC JT212D JT300D
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 3.0 3.75 5.5 7.5
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Condenser Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type
Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
Cooler Model CB52-14HX CB52-22HX CB52-34HX CB52-44HX
No. of units 1 1 1 1
Refrigerant control Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control % 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0
Heat insulation material Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, freeze-up protector, fusible plug, reverse phase protection device, discharge
Safety devices
gas overheat protector, and compressor overcurrent relay
Refrigerant name R22 R22 R22 R22
Charging quantity kg 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.4
oil Charging quantity R 1.5 1.5 2.7 2.7
Cooling water inlet/outlet pipes (Hot water inlet/outlet pipes) 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded
Chilled water inlet/outlet pipes 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded
Product mass kg 100 110 150 160
Operating mass kg 102 112 154 165
Legal refrigerating capacity (50/60 Hz) 1.29/1.53 1.60/1.90 2.40/2.86 3.34/3.97
Standard accessories Operation manual, installation manual, warranty card, fuse, and chilled water strainer
specifications characteristics

Running current (50/60 Hz) A 8.6/10.0 11.2/12.3 16.5/17.8 20.7/23.6

External wiring Electrical

Rated power consumption (50/60 Hz) kW 2.4/3.0 3.1/3.7 4.6/5.5 6.2/7.4

Power factor (50/60 Hz) % 80.2/86.6 80.1/86.9 80.3/89.4 86.5/90.6
Starting current (50/60 Hz) A 84/71 96/80 185/168 265/239
Minimum wire diameter mm2 3.5 5.5 8.0 14
Distance m 26 31 32 42
Circuit breaker size A 30 40 50 75
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 2.0 3.5 3.5 5.5
Earth leakage circuit breaker 30A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 40A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 50A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 75A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less
Note) ★1 represents values at a cooling water inlet temperature of 30˚C.

2 Product Specifications
Model name UWJ450D UWJ600D UWJ750D UWJ900D
Type Water chilling unit <Water cooled type>
Power supply 3 phase 200V, 50/60 Hz 3 phase 200V, 50/60 Hz 3 phase 200V, 50/60 Hz 3 phase 200V, 50/60 Hz
Color of casing Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1280 ✕ 808✕ 790 1280 ✕ 808✕ 790 1280 ✕ 1211 ✕ 790 1280 ✕ 1211 ✕ 790
Capacity (50/60Hz) kW 40.0/45.0 53.0/60.0 67.0/75.0 80.0/90.0
Chilled water outlet temperature ˚C 7 7 7 7
Chil ed water inlet/outlet temp. difference deg 5 5 5 5
Chilled water volume (50/60 Hz) R/min. 115/129 152/172 192/215 229/258
Water pressure loss (50/60 Hz) kPa 46/57 46/57 46/57 46/57
Cooling water volume★1 (50/60 Hz) R/min. 142/164 190/218 237/273 285/327
Model JT212D ✕ 2 JT300D ✕ 2 JT300D + JT212D ✕ 2 JT300D ✕ 3
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 5.5 ✕ 2 7.5 ✕ 2 7.5 + 5.5 ✕ 2 7.5 ✕ 3
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Condenser Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type
Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
Cooler Model CB52-34HX CB52-44HX CB52-34HX/CB52-44HX CB52-44HX
No. of units 2 2 2/1 3
Refrigerant control Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control % 100-50-0 100-50-0 100-60-0 100-67-0
Heat insulation material Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, freeze-up protector, fusible plug, reverse phase protection device, discharge
Safety devices
gas overheat protector, and compressor overcurrent relay
Refrigerant name R22 R22 R22 R22
Charging quantity kg 2.0 ✕ 2 2.4 ✕ 2 2.4 + 2.0 ✕ 2 2.4 ✕ 3
oil Charging quantity R 2.7 ✕ 2 2.7 ✕ 2 2.7 ✕ 3 2.7 ✕ 3
Cooling water inlet/outlet pipes (Hot water inlet/outlet pipes) 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3
Chilled water inlet/outlet pipes 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3
Product mass kg 305 325 465 485
Operating mass kg 313 335 478 500
Legal refrigerating capacity (50/60 Hz) 4.80/5.72 6.68/7.94 8.14/9.69 10.02/11.91
Standard accessories Operation manual, installation manual, warranty card, fuse, and chilled water strainer
specifications characteristics

Running current (50/60 Hz) A 33.1/35.5 41.4/47.1 53.8/59.1 62.0/70.7

External wiring Electrical

Rated power consumption (50/60 Hz) kW 9.2/11.0 12.4/14.8 15.4/18.4 18.6/22.2

Power factor (50/60 Hz) % 80.3/89.4 86.5/90.6 82.7/89.9 86.5/90.6
Starting current (50/60 Hz) A 202/186 286/263 298/275 306/286
Minimum wire diameter mm2 22 38 60 60
Distance m 42 56 70 60
Circuit breaker size A 100 100 150 175
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 5.5 5.5 8.0 14
Earth leakage circuit breaker 100A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 100A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 150A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 175A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less
Note) ★1 represents values at a cooling water inlet temperature of 30˚C.

●Product Specifications

■UWJ90 ~ 900DYE
Type Water chilling unit <Water cooled type>
Power supply 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V
Color of casing Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 690 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 690 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 790 1280 ✕ 405 ✕ 790

Capacity (50/60Hz) kW 8.0/9.0 13.2/15.0 20.0/22.4 26.5/30.0
Chilled water outlet temperature ˚C 7 7 7 7

Chil ed water inlet/outlet temp. difference deg 5 5 5 5
Chilled water volume (50/60 Hz) R/min. 23/26 38/43 57/64 76/86
Water pressure loss (50/60 Hz) kPa 35/45 46/58 46/57 46/57
Cooling water volume★1 (50/60 Hz) R/min. 29/34 47/55 71/82 95/109
Model JT118BC-YE JT150BC-YE JT212D-YE JT300D-YE
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 3.0 3.75 5.5 7.5
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Condenser Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type
Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
Cooler Model CB52-14HX CB52-22HX CB52-34HX CB52-44HX
No. of units 1 1 1 1
Refrigerant control Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control % 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0
Heat insulation material Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, freeze-up protector, fusible plug, reverse phase protection device, discharge
Safety devices
gas overheat protector, and compressor overcurrent relay
Refrigerant name R22 R22 R22 R22
Charging quantity kg 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.4
oil Charging quantity R 1.5 1.5 2.7 2.7
Cooling water inlet/outlet pipes (Hot water inlet/outlet pipes) 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded
Chilled water inlet/outlet pipes 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1B (25A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded
Product mass kg 100 110 150 160
Operating mass kg 102 112 154 165
Legal refrigerating capacity (50/60 Hz) 1.29/1.53 1.60/1.90 2.40/2.86 3.34/3.97
Standard accessories Operation manual, installation manual, warranty card, fuse, and chilled water strainer
specifications characteristics

Running current (50/60 Hz) A 4.3/5.0 5.7/6.1 8.3/8.9 10.3/11.8

External wiring ★2 Electrical

Rated power consumption (50/60 Hz) kW 2.4/3.0 3.1/3.7 4.6/5.5 6.2/7.4

Power factor (50/60 Hz) % 80.2/86.6 78.0/86.9 80.3/89.4 86.5/90.6
Starting current (50/60 Hz) A 42/35 52/44 93/84 127/115
Minimum wire diameter mm2 2.0 2.0 3.5 5.5
Distance m 26 20 23 31
Circuit breaker size A 15 20 30 40
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.5
Earth leakage circuit breaker 15A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 20A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 30A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 40A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less
Note) ★1 represents values at a cooling water inlet temperature of 30˚C.
★2 represents the electrical characteristics for 400V.

2 Product Specifications
Model name UWJ450DYE UWJ600DYE UWJ750DYE UWJ900DYE
Type Water chilling unit <Water cooled type>
Power supply 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V 3 phase, 380, 400, 415/400, 440V
Color of casing Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1) Ivory (5Y7.5/1)
Outline dimensions H ✕ W ✕ D mm 1280 ✕ 808✕ 790 1280 ✕ 808✕ 790 1280 ✕ 1211 ✕ 790 1280 ✕ 1211 ✕ 790
Capacity (50/60Hz) kW 40.0/45.0 53.0/60.0 67.0/75.0 80.0/90.0
Chilled water outlet temperature ˚C 7 7 7 7
Chil ed water inlet/outlet temp. difference deg 5 5 5 5
Chilled water volume (50/60 Hz) R/min. 115/129 152/172 192/215 229/258
Water pressure loss (50/60 Hz) kPa 46/57 46/57 46/57 46/57
Cooling water volume★1 (50/60 Hz) R/min. 142/164 190/218 237/273 285/327
Model JT212D-YE ✕ 2 JT300D-YE ✕ 2 JT300D-YE + JT212D-YE ✕ 2 JT300D-YE ✕ 3
Type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type Hermetic scroll type
Motor output ✕ No. of units kW 5.5 ✕ 2 7.5 ✕ 2 7.5 + 5.5 ✕ 2 7.5 ✕ 3
Starting system Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting Direct-on-line starting
Condenser Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type Double tube type
Type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type Blazing plate type
Cooler Model CB52-34HX CB52-44HX CB52-34HX/CB52-44HX CB52-44HX
No. of units 2 2 2/1 3
Refrigerant control Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve Thermostatic expansion valve
Temperature controller Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat Electronic thermostat
Capacity control % 100-50-0 100-50-0 100-60-0 100-67-0
Heat insulation material Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam Polyethylene foam
High pressure switch, freeze-up protector, fusible plug, reverse phase protection device, discharge
Safety devices
gas overheat protector, and compressor overcurrent relay
Refrigerant name R22 R22 R22 R22
Charging quantity kg 2.0 ✕ 2 2.4 ✕ 2 2.4 + 2.0 ✕ 2 2.4 ✕ 3
oil Charging quantity R 2.7 ✕ 2 2.7 ✕ 2 2.7 ✕ 3 2.7 ✕ 3
Cooling water inlet/outlet pipes (Hot water inlet/outlet pipes) 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3
Chilled water inlet/outlet pipes 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 2 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3 1-1/2B (40A), PT internal threaded ✕ 3
Product mass kg 305 325 465 485
Operating mass kg 313 335 478 500
Legal refrigerating capacity (50/60 Hz) 4.80/5.72 6.68/7.94 8.14/9.69 10.02/11.91
Standard accessories Operation manual, installation manual, warranty card, fuse, and chilled water strainer
specifications characteristics

Running current (50/60 Hz) A 16.5/17.8 20.7/23.6 26.5/29.5 31.0/35.4

External wiring ★2 Electrical

Rated power consumption (50/60 Hz) kW 9.2/11.0 12.4/14.8 15.4/18.4 18.6/22.2

Power factor (50/60 Hz) % 80.3/89.4 86.5/90.6 82.7/89.9 86.5/90.6
Starting current (50/60 Hz) A 101/93 137/127 144/133 148/139
Minimum wire diameter mm2 14 14 22 22
Distance m 49 40 48 42
Circuit breaker size A 50 50 75 100
Grounding wire size mm2 or more 3.5 3.5 5.5 5.5
Earth leakage circuit breaker 50A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 50A, 30mA, 0.1 sec. or less 75A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less 100A, 100mA, 0.1 sec. or less
Note) ★1 represents values at a cooling water inlet temperature of 30˚C.
★2 represents the electrical characteristics for 400V.

●Product specification

2 Wiring diagrams

■UWP90 ~ 300A, UWJ90~300D



2 Product specification
■UWP90 ~ 300AYE(Y3)
, UWJ90 ~ 300DYE


●Product specification

■UWP3 ~ 10AZ



2 Product specification
■UWP450 • 600A, UWJ450 • 600D


●Product specification

■UWP450 • 600AYE(Y3)
, UWJ450 • 600DYE



2 Product specification
■UWP15 • 20AZ


●Product specification

■UWP750 • 900A, UWJ750 • 900D



2 Product specification
■UWP750 • 900AYE(Y3)
, UWJ750 • 900DYE


●Product specification

■UWP25 • 30AZ



2 Product specification
3 Refrigerant piping diagram

■UWP90 ~ 300A(YE)
, UWJ90 ~ 300D(YE)
, UWP3 ~ 10AZ


●Product specification

■UWP450 ~ 900A(YE)
, UWJ450 ~ 900D(YE)
, UWP15 ~ 30AZ



2 Product Specifications
4 List of Operating Values of Functional Parts
■UWP90 ~ 900A
Part name Symbol in wiring diagram UWP90A UWP150A UWP224A UWP300A
High pressure switch S1PH ACB-LB50 OFF : 2.6 –0.1 MPa ON : 2.06±0.15MPa
Compressor overcurrent relay F1C HOE-20F-TRA1 (16A) HOE-26F-TRA1D (20A) HOE-35-TRA2 (33A) CLK50JT-P12 (42A)
Reverse phase protection device Q1RP RPJ-200V
Freeze-up protection function
S1T YTB-K397 OFF : 2.5˚C ON : 8˚C or less
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on chilled water side)
Freeze-up protection function
S3T A100600 OFF:–4˚C
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on refrigerant side)
Fusible plug — FPND3 70 ~ 75˚C
Fuse — 5A
Discharge gas overheat protection function
S2T UT12-3515K OFF : 135˚C ON:115˚C
(Compressor protection temperature switch)

Part name Symbol in wiring diagram UWP450A UWP600A UWP750A UWP900A

High pressure switch S1, 2PH ACB-LB50 OFF : 2.6˚C –0.1 MPa ON:2.06±0.15MPa
Compressor overcurrent relay F1, 2C HOE-35-TRA2(33A) CLK50JT-P12(42A) CLK50JT-P12(42A)
Reverse phase protection device Q1RP RPJ-200V
Freeze-up protection function S1, 2T YTB-K397 OFF : 2.5˚C ON : 8˚C or less —
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on chilled water side) S1, 2, 3T — YTB-K397 OFF : 2.5˚C ON : 8˚C or less
Freeze-up protection function S5, 6T A100600 OFF : –4˚C —
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on refrigerant side) S7, 8, 9T — A100600 OFF : –4˚C
Fusible plug — FPND3 70 ~ 75˚C
Fuse — 5A
Discharge gas overheat protection function S3, 4T UT12-3515K OFF : 135˚C ON : 115˚C —
(Compressor protection temperature switch) S4, 5, 6T — UT12-3515K OFF : 135˚C ON : 115˚C

■UWP90 ~ 900AYE
Part name Symbol in wiring diagram UWP90AYE UWP150AYE UWP224AYE UWP300AYE
High pressure switch S1PH ACB-LB50 OFF : 2.6 –0.1 MPa ON:2.06±0.15MPa
Compressor overcurrent relay F1C CLK-15JT31-P12A (10A) HOE-26F-TRA1 (13A) HOE-35-TRA2 (18A) HOE-35-TRA2 (22A)
Reverse phase protection device Q1RP RPJ-200V
Freeze-up protection function
S1T YTB-K397 OFF : 2.5˚C ON : 8˚C or less
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on chilled water side)
Freeze-up protection function
S3T A100600 OFF : –4˚C
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on refrigerant side)
Fusible plug — FPND3 70 ~ 75˚C
F1U, F2U 250V, 5A
F11U 600V, 5A
Discharge gas overheat protection function
S2T UT12-3515K OFF : 135˚C ON : 115˚C
(Compressor protection temperature switch)

Part name Symbol in wiring diagram UWP450AYE UWP600AYE UWP750AYE UWP900AYE

High pressure switch S1, 2PH ACB-LB50 OFF : 2.6 –0.1 MPa ON : 2.06±0.15MPa
HOE-35-TRA2 (33A)
Compressor overcurrent relay F1, 2C HOE-35-TRA2 (18A) HOE-35-TRA2 (22A) CLK50JT-P12 (42A)
CLK50JT-P12 (42A)
Reverse phase protection device Q1RP RPJ-200V
Freeze-up protection function S1, 2T YTB-K397 OFF : 2.5˚C ON : 8˚C or less —
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on chilled water side) S1, 2, 3T — YTB-K397 OFF : 2.5˚C ON : 8˚C or less
Freeze-up protection function S5, 6T A100600 OFF : –4˚C —
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on refrigerant side) S7, 8, 9T — A100600 OFF : –4˚C
Fusible plug — FPND3 70 ~ 75˚C
F1U, F2U 250V, 5A
F11U 600V, 5A
Discharge gas overheat protection function S3, 4T UT12-3515K OFF : 135˚C ON : 115˚C —
(Compressor protection temperature switch) S4, 5, 6T — UT12-3515K OFF:135˚C ON : 115˚C

●Product Specifications

■UWP3 ~ 30AZ
Part name Symbol in wiring diagram UWP3AZ UWP5AZ UWP8AZ UWP10AZ
High pressure switch S1PH ACB-LB50 OFF : 2.6 –0.1 MPa ON : 2.06±0.15MPa
Compressor overcurrent relay F1C HOE-20F-TRA1 (16A) HOE-26F-TRA1D (20A) HOE-35-TRA2 (33A) CLK50JT-P12 (42A)
Reverse phase protection device Q1RP RPJ-200V
Freeze-up protection function
S1T ATB-K333 OFF : –15˚C (ON : –11˚C)

(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on chilled water side)

Freeze-up protection function
S3T A100601 OFF : –25˚C
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on refrigerant side)
Fusible plug — FPND3 70 ~ 75˚C
Fuse — 5A
Discharge gas overheat protection function
S2T UT12-3515K OFF : 135˚C ON : 115˚C
(Compressor protection temperature switch)

Part name Symbol in wiring diagram UWP15AZ UWP20AZ UWP25AZ UWP30AZ

High pressure switch S1, 2PH ACB-LB50 OFF : 2.6 –0.1 MPa ON : 2.06±0.15MPa
HOE-35-TRA2 (33A)
Compressor overcurrent relay F1, 2C HOE-35-TRA2 (33A) CLK50JT-P12 (42A) CLK50JT-P12 (42A)
CLK50JT-P12 (42A)
Reverse phase protection device Q1RP RPJ-200V
Freeze-up protection function S1, 2T ATB-K333 OFF : –15˚C (ON : –11˚C) —
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on chilled water side) S1, 2, 3T — ATB-K333 OFF : –15˚C (ON : –11˚C)
Freeze-up protection function S5, 6T A100601 OFF : –25˚C —
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on refrigerant side) S7, 8, 9T — A100601 OFF : –25˚C
Fusible plug — FPND3 70 ~ 75˚C
Fuse — 5A
Discharge gas overheat protection function S3, 4T UT12-3515K OFF : 135˚C ON : 115˚C —
(Compressor protection temperature switch) S4, 5, 6T — UT12-3515K OFF : 135˚C ON : 115˚C

2 Product Specifications
■UWJ90 ~ 900D
Part name Symbol in wiring diagram UWJ90D UWJ150D UWJ224D UWJ300D
High pressure switch S1PH 20PS688-4 OFF : 2.35±0.1MPa ON : 1.88±0.07MPa
Compressor overcurrent relay F1C HOE-20F-TRA1 (16A) HOE-26F-TRA1D (20A) HOE 35-TRA2 (33A) CLK50JT-P12 (42A)
Reverse phase protection device Q1RP RPJ-200V
Freeze-up protection function
S1T YTB-K397 OFF : 2.5˚C ON : 8˚C or less
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on chilled water side)
Freeze-up protection function
S3T A100600 OFF : –4˚C
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on refrigerant side)
Fusible plug — FPND3 70 ~ 75˚C
Fuse — 5A
Discharge gas overheat protection function
S2T UT12-3515K OFF : 135˚C ON : 115˚C
(Compressor protection temperature switch)

Part name Symbol in wiring diagram UWJ450D UWJ600D UWJ750D UWJ900D

High pressure switch S1, 2PH 20PS688-4 OFF : 2.35±0.1MPa ON : 1.88±0.07MPa
HOE-35-TRA2 (33A)
Compressor overcurrent relay F1, 2C HOE-35-TRA2 (33A) CLK50JT-P12 (42A) CLK50JT-P12 (42A)
CLK50JT-P12 (42A)
Reverse phase protection device Q1RP RPJ-200V
Freeze-up protection function S1, 2T YTB-K397 OFF : 2.5˚C ON : 8˚C or less —
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on chilled water side) S1, 2, 3T — YTB-K397 OFF : 2.5˚C ON : 8˚C or less
Freeze-up protection function S5, 6T A100600 OFF : –4˚C —
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on refrigerant side) S7, 8, 9T — A100600 OFF : –4˚C
Fusible plug — FPND3 70 ~ 75˚C
Fuse — 5A
Discharge gas overheat protection function S3, 4T UT12-3515K OFF : 135˚C ON : 115˚C —
(Compressor protection temperature switch) S4, 5, 6T — UT12-3515K OFF : 135˚C ON : 115˚C

■UWJ90 ~ 900DYE
Part name Symbol in wiring diagram UWJ90DYE UWJ150DYE UWJ224DYE UWJ300DYE
High pressure switch S1PH 20PS688-4 OFF : 2.35±0.1MPa ON : 1.88±0.07MPa
Compressor overcurrent relay F1C CLK-15JT31-P12A (10A) HOE-26F-TRA1 (13A) HOE-35-TRA2 (18A) HOE-35-TRA2 (22A)
Reverse phase protection device Q1RP RPJ-200V
Freeze-up protection function
S1T YTB-K397 OFF : 2.5˚C ON : 8˚C or less
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on chilled water side)
Freeze-up protection function
S3T A100600 OFF : –4˚C
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on refrigerant side)
Fusible plug — FPND3 70 ~ 75˚C
F1U, F2U 250V, 5A
F11U 600V, 5A
Discharge gas overheat protection function
S2T UT12-3515K OFF : 135˚C ON : 115˚C
(Compressor protection temperature switch)

Part name Symbol in wiring diagram UWJ450DYE UWJ600DYE UWJ750DYE UWJ900DYE

High pressure switch S1, 2PH 20PS688-4 OFF : 2.35±0.1MPa ON : 1.88±0.07MPa
HOE-35-TRA2 (33A)
Compressor overcurrent relay F1, 2C HOE-35-TRA2 (18A) HOE-35-TRA2 (22A) CLK50JT-P12 (42A)
CLK50JT-P12 (42A)
Reverse phase protection device Q1RP RPJ-200V
Freeze-up protection function S1, 2T YTB-K397 OFF : 2.5˚C ON : 8˚C or less —
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on chilled water side) S1, 2, 3T — YTB-K397 OFF : 2.5˚C ON : 8˚C or less
Freeze-up protection function S5, 6T A100600 OFF : –4˚C —
(Freeze-up protection temperature switch on refrigerant side) S7, 8, 9T — A100600 OFF : –4˚C
Fusible plug — FPND3 70 ~ 75˚C
F1U, F2U 250V, 5A
F11U 600V, 5A
Discharge gas overheat protection function S3, 4T UT12-3515K OFF : 135˚C ON : 115˚C —
(Compressor protection temperature switch) S4, 5, 6T — UT12-3515K OFF : 135˚C ON : 115˚C

●Product Specifications

5 Operation limits
■UWP90 ~ 900A (YE) • UWJ90 ~ 900D (YE)

Note) 1. Operating conditions: Standard water volume

2. : Standard conditions
Cooling water outlet temperature (˚C)

3. : Recommended operation range (for continuous stable operation)

Recommended operation range 4. Make adjustment of the temperature controller on the main unit for the chiller so that the

(for continuous stable operation) chilled water outlet temperature will not reach 4˚C or less. (Use the calibrations on the
temperature controller as a guide for the adjustment.)

If the chilled water outlet temperature reaches 4˚C or less, there will be cases where protective
device is actuated.

Water volume range Water volume (R/min.)

Condenser Evaporator
Model name
Standard Standard
Min. Max. Min. Max.
(50Hz/60Hz) (50Hz/60Hz)

Chilled water outlet temperature (˚C)

Water volume range Water volume (R/min.)

Condenser Evaporator
Model name
Standard Standard
Min. Max. Min. Max.
(50Hz/60Hz) (50Hz/60Hz)

■UWP3 ~ 30AZ
Note) 1. Operating conditions: Standard water volume. Refer to <List of specifications>.

2. : Standard conditions
Cooling water outlet temperature (˚C)

3. : Recommended operation range (for continuous stable operation)

operation range 4. : Operation limit (for pull down operation)
(for continuous
stable operation)
Water volume range Water volume (R/min.)

Operation limit Condenser Evaporator

(Pull down) Model name
Min. Max. Min. Max.

Brine outlet temperature (˚C)

2 Product Specifications
6 Operation Parameters
Item Description

Power supply voltage Within ±10% of rated voltage

Imbalance between phases Within ±2% of rated voltage
Power supply frequency Within ±2% of rating
Limit of chilled/hot water and outdoor air Refer to the list of operation limits
Pull down time Within one hour (No-load operation)
Cooling/heating capacity and input Conforming to JIS B 8613
Number of compressor ON-OFF operations Within 12 times on ON-OFF operations in one hour
The quality shall meet the water quality standards under the
Chilled and cooling water quality JRA Water Quality Guideline “JRA-GL-02” for factors, which
result in scale, slime, or corrosion.
Cleaning of condenser Clean the condenser on an as-needed basis.
Chilled and hot water volume Maintain the applicable water volume range.
Chilled and hot water pressure 0.69MPa (7 kg/cm2) or less
Installation location Indoor (The unit shall not be exposed to the rain.)
Drain to outside of unit Provide the water drain ditch in the foundation.
Water piping Install the strainer, which comes with the chiller, to the chiller.

●Product Specifications

7 List of Options
■UWP90 ~ 900A Y3
Applicable Communication Communication Centralized
Series Refrigerant Remote controller Transmission wire ON/OFFcontroller Schedule timer
Model I/F P.C.Board I/F P.C.B storage box controller
Water R407C UWP90AY3
cooled UWP150AY3


— — — — — — —

3 Installation
Installation Manual

• Be sure to read this manual before starting the installation work, and observe information in the manual to conduct the installation work.
Cautions • After the completion of the installation work, referring to operation manual, orient the customer to the proper operation of the unit while
having the customer operate the unit.
After the completion of the installation work, conduct the test run of the unit to make sure no malfunctions with the unit and,
at the same time, provide an explanation of the use and maintenance of the unit for the customer according to the operation
manual. Furthermore, ask the customer to keep this installation manual together with the operation
manual in storage.

Check to be sure the accessories

Accessories listed below has come with the unit.
Name Strainer • Instruction manual
• Warranty card
Q’ty 1 • Warning slip
• Written request
• Tapping screw
Shape • Insulation clip
• Fuse (5A)
• Strainer packing
Other accessories
After the completion of installation work, be sure to recheck at least the following items. (provided on the inside surface
Check item Check box of the front panel)
Is the strainer mounted on the chilled water inlet side? (Front)
Is the power supply cable properly connected?
Is the grounding work complete?
Is the water pump interlock circuit connected?
Are the chilled and cooling water pumps filled with water?
Is air completely purged? Strainer
Are valves in the water piping system are all open? (provided on
the back panel) (Back)
Is the water volume is maintained as specified?

Carry-in Procedure
Nylon sling
In order to carry in equipment,
use nylon slings and protect the outside panels Pads (e.g. wood or cloth)
with pads, slowly as shown in figure below.

Reinforcement stay for lifting

The figure above shows

the carry-in procedure for Model UWP450 or 600A.

Precautions for selection of installation location

Select the installation location with attention paid to the following conditions with prior acceptance of the customer.
• Safe places enduring the weight and vibration of the equipment and enabling the installation in a horizontal position.
• Places with no hazards of combustible gas leaks.
• Places to facilitate servicing work.
• Since this unit is dedicated to indoor use, do not install it outdoors.
• Be sure to conduct vibration isolation work (e.g. vibro-isolating pads and vibro-isolating support) in accordance with installation conditions.
If no vibration isolation work is conducted, vibration may be transmitted from the installation area, thus producing noises from the floor or wall.
In order to avoid vibrations, be sure to conduct proper vibration isolation work.


Space for Servicing

• Space for servicing is needed to conduct maintenance work of the chiller.
Provide space shown below for the installation at minimum.
500mm or more
Side Side

300mm Chiller 300mm

or more or more


1000mm or more


500mm or more



Electrical wiring

The chiller uses nominal output different from that of ordinary electric motors.
Cautions Therefore, be sure to observe the specified external wiring procedure.

qBe sure to install a power supply switch to the power supply.

wBe sure to install an earth leakage circuit breaker in accordance with electrical equipment technical standard
and regulations for extension lines.
eBe sure to conduct grounding work listed in table below to avoid electric shocks. Furthermore, qualifications are required Earth leakage
to conduct the grounding work. circuit breaker

Standard voltage unit Class D grounding work

Power supply switch
(3-phase, 200V, 50/60Hz) (Grounding at a resistance not exceeding 100 ohms)

Extra voltage unit Class C grounding work

(3-phase, 380 · 400 · 415/400 · 440V, 50/60 Hz) (Special grounding at a resistance not exceeding 100 ohms) Chiller

rOther wirings
• To prevent the freeze-up destruction of the heat exchanger, be sure to conduct the following wire connection.
Be sure to provide the interlock of pump between the terminals (1) and (2).
(Conduct the wire connections in accordance with the wiring diagram attached.)

• Be sure to conduct wiring so that the water pumps (both cooling and chilled water recirculating pumps) will be able to individually operate, in order to
prevent internal freeze-up through the operation of the water pumps when the internal temperature drops. (It is possible to fetch the forced pump
operation command by using the freeze-up protection thermostat of the safety device for this purpose. In this case, make wire connection between the
terminals (7) and (8) according to the wiring diagram.)

• In order to conduct wirings for remote control or remote display, make proper wire connections according to the wiring diagram.

3 Installation
Water Piping Procedure
• For models UWP450, 600, 750 and 900A, and models UWJ 450, 600, 750 and 900D:
In order to prevent uneven volumes of chilled and cooling water between systems, branch the piping as shown below.
Furthermore, use main pipes of sizes not less than those shown below.
• For models UWP450, 600, 750 and 900A, and models UWJ 450, 600, 750 and 900D:
Even though two or more chilled and cooling water inlets and outlets are provided, be sure to use the inlets and outlets within one and the same system.
If they are used in the different systems, the water temperature control will be disabled to result in malfunctions of the unit.
(This unit conducts the water temperature control according to the inlet water temperature of a representative system.)
• For models UWP 450/600A and UWJ450/600D (2-system unit): • For models UWP 750/900A and UWJ750/900D (3-system unit):


Chilled (cooling) water outlet: Chilled (cooling) water outlet:
Use the main pipe of Use the main pipe of
2B (50A) or more 2-1/2B (60A) or more
Secondary-side Secondary-side
Secondary-side Secondary-side
equipment equipment equipment equipment
Chilled (cooling) water inlet: Sluice valve Chilled (cooling) water inlet: Sluice valve
Use the main pipe of Use the main pipe of
2B (50A) or more 2-1/2B (60A) or more

• This unit incorporates a plate type heat exchanger as the heat exchanger on the chilled water side. Scale may adhere to this plate coil heat exchanger
depending on the water quality. Consequently, chemical cleaning should be conducted at regular intervals of time in order to remove the scale. For this
purpose, install a sluice valve to each inlet and outlet of the water piping to enable cleaning by each system. For the connections for cleaning, use “air
vent plugs” or “water drain plugs”.
• Be sure to install the provided strainer to the chilled water inlet piping.
The strainer requires periodical maintenance. Conduct the piping work with considerations given to space for the maintenance.
Furthermore, pay attention to install a water sluice valve in the water piping of the chiller, thus enabling the maintenance.
• Even though this unit incorporates a water strainer, it is recommended to install additional water strainer(s) in place within the water system to protect the
water pump, as needed.
• No water pumps come with this equipment. Install water pump suited for the piping resistance.
• Install flow regulating valves in the water inlet/outlet piping.
• Install thermometers in the water inlet/outlet piping, which help knowing the operating conditions of the chilling unit.
• In order to shut down the equipment in wintertime or stop running at nighttime, natural freeze-up protection (e.g. drainage, circulation pump operation,
and heating by heaters) in the water circuit is needed in areas, where an ambient temperature reaches 0˚C or less. Since the freeze-up of the water
circuit results in damage to the plate type heat exchanger, take proper measures in accordance with the use conditions.
• For drain-off (e.g. drain-off for long-term stop in winter and off-season) from the main unit of the chiller, install an “air vent plug” and “drain plug” at the inlet
and outlet of water piping. Furthermore, install “automatic air purge valve” in the riser pipe of the water piping or a peak place where easily produces dead
air space, if any.
• For the piping, use the same connection diameter or larger to chiller.
• Provide adequate cold insulation and heat insulation, and further moisture-proof treatment on outdoor section, for the water piping. Inadequate cold and
heat insulation may result in damage to the piping due to not only heat loss but also freeze-up at midwinter.
• Chilled water quality standard is specified in accordance with recirculation water. Using once-through system water may result in corrosion. Use water
within the range of water quality standard values of chiller water system under JRA-GL-02.
• Use water volume within the operation range. Insufficient water volume may lead to the degradation of performance due to scale deposit, or the activation
of the freeze-up protection thermostat or gas leaks due to pitting. By contrast, excessive water volume will result in corrosion.
Adjust the water volume through the flow regulating valve provided at the chiller outlet so that the difference in water temperature between the outlet and
the inlet will reach approximately 5˚C at the full-load operation.
• In order to install a flow switch, check to be sure the flow direction.
• Do not aerate water in the recirculation water system as shown figure below.
Aerating water increases the amount of dissolved oxygen or condenses pollutants in atmosphere in water, thus resulting in corrosive water quality.
Discharge pipe Discharge pipe

Put the air outlet
below the water
level in the water tank.
Suction pipe Suction pipe
Water tank Water tank
• Do not ground any other electrical equipment to the water piping. No heading so may cause electrolytic corrosion. Furthermore, for piping buried in the
ground, pay utmost care to rust preventive measures.
• Pay attention to the water velocity within the water system, the installation position of the expansion tank, and the position of air vent in the piping, thus
preventing the occurrence of cavitation.
• If a semi-hermetic chilled water system with a heat storage tank is used, replace the water, and clean and check the bottom of the heat storage tank, at
regular intervals (e.g. once every one or two years).
Since a newly-installed concrete heat storage tank elutes “scum”, it is not a rare case for the heat storage tank water to increase to 10 or more in pH.
If the pH rises over the reference value, the corrosion rate of copper materials will increase, thus requiring the advance replacement of water. Furthermore,
many years of use of the heat storage tank cause spring water or water leaks due to cracks in the tank.
The water leaks presents no significant problems in terms of water quality control. If there is any spring water of seawater or contaminated underground
water, the flood of microorganisms will be caused in the water of the heat storage tank, thus resulting in the production of slime or deposition of calcium
• Mount flexible tubes or the like before and after the chiller or water pump, to prevent the transmission of vibrations to the building through the piping.
• Be sure to conduct drain piping work to all the drain outlet pipes, which are provided on the bottom frame of the equipment.
Strainer (provided)
Flow regulating valve

Cautions Expansion tank Air vent plug

Water sluice valve

Chilled • On this unit, the chilled water inlet is Feed water pipe
water inlet located in the upper part, while the
chilled water outlet is located in the Drain Chiller
Chiller pipe
Chilled lower part. Be careful not to install the
water outlet inlet and outlet inversely.
Chilled water inlet
Water drain plug
Cooling Cooling Water pump (PT1/8)
Chilled water outlet
water inlet water outlet

4 Operation/Stop
1 Part Names and Functions of Control Panel

This unit is operated through pushbutton switches on the control panel.


運転操作 運転


異常 Malfunction lamp


●OPERATION button..........................Used to start operation.

/ Stop
●STOP/RESET button........................Used to stop operation or reset when the Malfunction
lamp turns ON.

●OPERATION lamp............................This lamp turns ON while in operation.

●Malfunction lamp...............................This lamp turns ON when any safety device is actuated

while in operation.

2 Operation Procedure by Control Panel

Press the OPERATION button.
OPERATION The chiller will start running and the
運転操作 運転 OPERATION lamp will turn ON.

運転 *Note: Check to be sure the pump runs and then

OPERATION conduct the operation.
Press the STOP/RESET button.
STOP The chiller will stop running.

1 Stop the chilled and cooling water pumps.

4 Operation/Stop
3 Temperature Controller
■UWP90 ~ 900A (YE) and UWJ90 ~ 900D (YE)
● The temperature controller is provided in the switch box inside
the unit. The dial readings serve as a guide
● Set the knob of the temperature controller to a temperature for the inlet water temperature.
desired. 16 13
The capacity control is conducted according to the chilled water 19 10
22 7
Referring to the dial readings, normally set the temperature to
12˚C for cooling operation. 25 Lo
● The temperature controller indicates a temperature as shown in ˚C
figure on the right, which represents a guide for the unit inlet
water temperature. For actual temperature setting, refer to the
indication of the thermometer mounted in each chilled water
piping to adjust the temperature within the range of application.
● Make adjustment of chilled water temperature not to reach 5˚C or
less while in cooling operation.
If the temperature reaches 5˚C or less, there will be cases where
the freeze-up protector is actuated to disable operation.

■UWP3 ~ 30AZ
● The temperature controller is provided in the switch box inside
Dial of temperature controller
the unit.
● Set the knob of the temperature controller to a temperature
The capacity control is conducted according to the brine
The temperature is normally set to 0˚C at factory.
● The temperature controller indicates a temperature as shown in
figure on the right, which represents a guide for the unit inlet
brine temperature. For actual temperature setting, refer to the
indication of the thermometer mounted in each brine piping to
adjust the temperature within the range of application.
● Make adjustment of chilled water temperature not to reach –15˚C
or less while in cooling operation.
If the temperature reaches –15˚C or less, there will be cases
where the freeze-up protector is actuated to disable operation.

■UWP450 ~ 900A (YE), UWJ450 ~ 900D (YE), and UWP15 ~ 30AZ

● The functions of the temperature controller conduct the compressor capacity control.
UWP450, 600A (YE)
UWJ450, 600D (YE) 0-50-100%
UWP15, 20AZ
UWP750A (YE)
UWJ750D (YE) 0-60-100%
UWP900A (YE)
UWJ900D (YE) 0-67-100%


4 Daily Checks
In order to maintain the unit in normal operating conditions, check the following items at regular intervals of time,
make adjustments where necessary, and keep records of all checks. The values for judgment criteria listed below
represent those in the general operation range of chillers.
Even if the unit falls outside of these values, it will not always malfunction.

Check period Check item Check method Judgment criteria Check result

Daily 1. Discharge pressure Check by pressure gauge 1.0 to 2.4MPa MPa

2. Suction pressure Check by compound 0.35 to 0.6MPa (for using water)
pressure gauge 0.10 to 0.6MPa (for using brine) MPa
3. Power supply voltage Check by voltmeter Within ±10% of rated voltage
4. Chilled water outlet Check by thermometer 4 to 25˚C (for using water)
temperature -10 to +5˚C (for using brine) ˚C
5. Vibration and operating By auscultation and No vibrations or operating noises
noise manipulation

Seasonal 1. Refrigerant volume Check be suction pressure Within the aforementioned suction and discharge

/ Stop
and discharge pressure pressure range MPa
2. Water quality According or conforming According to the standards of The Japan Registration
to JIS K 0101 and Air Conditioning Industry Association (water quality
standards for chilled water system under JRA-GL-02)

5 Maintenance of Plate Type Heat Exchanger

This unit incorporates a plate type heat exchanger as the heat exchanger on the chilled water side. There are cases
where the plate type heat exchanger degrades the capacity due to scale or is destructed due to freeze-up caused by
a drop in flow rate. Therefore, the planned and periodical maintenance should be conducted to prevent the
formation of scale. Since the plate type heat exchanger is of construction by which it cannot be disassembled or
cleaned, clean this heat exchanger according to the procedure shown below.
qBe sure to clean the plate type heat exchanger while the chiller stops running.
wFor the connections for cleaning, use the “air vent plugs” and the “water drain plugs”.
eClose the sluice valve of the system to be cleaned.
rIn order to use commercially available cleaning agents, check to be sure in advance these cleaning agents have
resistance to corrosion against stainless steels and copper.
NEVER use hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid or else due to the strong corrosive property.
For details on the cleaning method, contact the manufacturer of the cleaning agent.
tAfter cleaning recirculation, discharge the cleaning agent from the plate type heat exchanger for neutralization.
After the neutralization, carefully rinse through the plate type heat exchanger with clean water.
yAfter the completion of cleaning, check to be sure the unit can normally operate.

5 Troubleshooting
1 Troubleshooting by Symptom
Symptom Supposed cause Countermeasures
pilot lamp

The water pump or OFF Power failure For safety, turn OFF the power supply once.
the compressor Power supply switch set to OFF Turn ON the power supply switch.
does not start up at
all. Blown power supply fuse Replace the power supply fuse.
The water pump OFF Insufficient makeup water volume Thoroughly refill makeup water. (No water will be
starts up but no pumped up unless the water pump and suction pipe are
water circulation filled with water.)
occurs. Water pump rotating in the reverse direction Correct the direction of the pump rotation.
Valve in water piping not fully open Thoroughly open the valve in the water piping.
Clogged strainer in chilled or cooling water Remove the foreign particles from the strainer.
The compressor OFF Improper opening of flow regulating valve Properly open the flow regulating valve.
stops while in
operation and does Improper calibration of dial of temperature Correct the dial calibration of the temperature
not automatically controller controller.

The compressor OFF No cooling water supply through condenser Correct the direction of the pump rotation.
starts running but or Insufficient cooling water volume Thoroughly open the valve in the water piping.
stops a short time
later. Cooling water pump not in operation Operate the cooling water pump.
Clogged strainer in cooling water piping Remove the foreign particles from the strainer.
(If a cooling tower is used:) (For details, refer to information in the operation
(1) Cooling tower fan rotating in reverse manual of the cooling tower.)
direction or in stop mode (1) Correct the direction of the cooling tower fan
(2) Strainer clogged with foreign particles rotation.
(3) Clogged nozzle (2) Remove the foreign particles from the strainer.
(3) Check and clean the nozzle.
The chilled water ON Closed feed water valve Open the feed water valve.
temperature shows Improper temperature setting by Correct the temperature setting.
an abnormality. temperature controller


2 Troubleshooting by Malfunction Lamp

● The chiller has safety devices to ensure safe operation.
If any safety device is actuated, the MALFUNCTION lamp will turn ON and units of a system, with which the
malfunction occurs, will stop running. Units of normal systems all keep running.
(It is recommended, however, to stop the chiller and probe causes of the malfunction if even a single system
causes the malfunction, which should be conducted to prevent the malfunction from leading to a serious
breakdown of the system.)

● Display code of malfunction lamp ● The MALFUNCTION lamp on the display PCB will keep ON even
if the safety device is reset.
Display PCB of malfunction lamp
● To reset the display of the MALFUNCTION lamp, press the
H1P ○○ H2P
RESERT switch (S1S) on the PCB.
H3P ○○ H4P (Turning OFF the main power supply will also reset the display.)
H5P ○○ H6P
H7P ○○ H8P


Malfunction lamp code Safety device Supposed cause

H1P Temperature switch (1) Extremely low volume of chilled water
(Chilled water freeze-up (2) Improperly low temperature setting with temperature controller
protection) (3) Dropped flow rate of chilled water due to clogged filter strainer etc.
H2P Temperature switch (1) No supply or inadequate volume of cooling water

(Discharge gas overheat) (2) Abnormally high cooling water temperature
(3) Water stain, moss, or else adhering to the condenser
H3P High pressure switch (1) No supply or inadequate volume of cooling water
(High pressure protection) (2) Abnormally high cooling water temperature
(3) Water stain, moss, or else adhering to the condenser
H4P Overcurrent relay (1) No supply or inadequate volume of cooling water
(Compressor overload) (2) Abnormally high cooling water temperature
(3) Water stain, moss, or else adhering to the condenser
H5P Temperature switch (1) Chilled water pump not in operation
(Freeze-up protection (2) Extremely low level of cooling water volume
(refrigerant temperature))
——— Reverse phase protection (1) Power supply connected in reverse phase

3 Resetting of Malfunction Lamp

● If any safety device is actuated, restart the unit according to the procedure shown below.
qCheck to be sure the contents of the malfunction by the display code of the MALFUNCTION lamp.
wPress the “STOP/RESET” button on the control panel to reset the unit from the malfunction.
eRemove the outside plate of the control panel and then press the RESET switch (S1S) on the display PCB, thus
resetting the display of the MALFUNCTION lamp.
rRemove the cause of the malfunction checked by the display of the MALFUNCTION lamp.
tRestart the unit.

C. Reference

1. Reference …………………………………………………………238
1.Thermistor temperature • Resistance characteristics ………………………………238
2.Pressure sensor voltage characteristics ………………………………………………239
3.Pressure-temperature characteristics of R407C ……………………………………240
4.Technical information on Brine …………………………………………………………241
5.Water quality control ……………………………………………………………………248
6.Precautions in using the heating capacity characteristic table ……………………250
7.Operation noise and noise-prevention measures ……………………………………251
8.Measures against snow accumulation and strong winds ……………………………256
9.Handling plate type heat exchanger used for chilling unit …………………………258

1 Reference
1 Thermistor temperature • Resistance characteristics

1. Water temperature thermistor 3. Discharge pipe thermistor

■Water temperature thermistor : ■Discharge pipe thermistor : ST8605 (3SA48006)
ST9501 (3PA59816)
temp. Resistonce temp. Resistonce temp. Resistonce
temp. Resistonce temp. Resistonce temp. Resistonce ˚C kΩ ˚C kΩ ˚C kΩ
˚C kΩ ˚C kΩ ˚C kΩ 1 609 51 70 101 13
1 28.7 21 12.5 41 6.0 2 580 52 67 102 13
2 27.2 22 12.1 42 5.8 3 552 53 65 103 12
3 26.3 23 11.6 43 5.6 4 526 54 62 104 12
4 25.2 24 11.2 44 5.4 5 501 55 60 105 11
5 24.1 25 10.7 45 5.2 6 477 56 58 106 11
6 23.1 26 10.3 46 5.0 7 454 57 56 107 11
7 22.2 27 10.0 47 4.9 8 433 58 54 108 11
8 21.2 28 9.6 48 4.7 9 413 59 52 109 10
9 20.4 29 9.2 49 4.6 10 394 60 50 110 9.9
10 19.5 30 8.9 50 4.4 11 376 61 48 111 9.6
11 18.7 31 8.6 51 4.3 12 359 62 46 112 9.4
12 18.0 32 8.2 52 4.1 13 343 63 45 113 9.1
13 17.3 33 8.0 53 4.0 14 327 64 43 114 8.8
14 16.6 34 7.7 54 3.9 15 312 65 42 115 8.6
15 15.9 35 7.4 55 3.7 16 298 66 40 116 8.4
16 15.3 36 7.1 56 3.6 17 285 67 39 117 8.1
17 14.7 37 6.9 57 3.5 18 273 68 38 118 7.9
18 14.1 38 6.7 58 3.4 19 261 69 36 119 7.7
19 13.6 39 6.4 59 3.3 20 249 70 35 120 7.5
20 13.0 40 6.2 60 3.2 21 238 71 34 121 7.3
22 228 72 33 122 7.1
23 218 73 32 123 6.9
24 209 74 31 124 6.7

2. Other thermistor 25
■Heat exchanger thermistor : ST8602A (3SA48002) 27 183 77 28 127 6.2
■Suction pipe thermistor : ST8605 (3SA48005) 28 176 78 27 128 6.0
29 168 79 26 129 5.8
■Plate type heat exchanger outlet thermistor :
30 161 80 25 130 5.7
ST8604 (3SA48004)
31 155 81 24 131 5.5
temp. Resistonce temp. Resistonce temp. Resistonce temp. Resistonce 32 148 82 23 132 5.4
˚C kΩ ˚C kΩ ˚C kΩ ˚C kΩ 33 142 83 23 133 5.3
-15 148.1 5 51.0 25 20.0 45 8.7 34 136 84 22 134 5.1
-14 139.9 6 48.6 26 19.1 46 8.4 35 131 85 21 135 5.0
-13 132.2 7 46.3 27 18.3 47 8.1 36 126 86 21 136 4.9
-12 125.1 8 44.0 28 17.5 48 7.7 37 121 87 20 137 4.7
-11 118.3 9 41.9 29 16.8 49 7.5 38 116 88 19 138 4.6
-10 112.0 10 39.9 30 16.1 50 7.2 39 111 89 19 139 4.5
- 9 106.0 11 38.1 31 15.4 51 6.9 40 107 90 18 140 4.4
- 8 100.4 12 36.3 32 14.8 52 6.7 41 103 91 18 141 4.3
- 7 95.1 13 34.6 33 14.2 53 6.4 42 99 92 17 142 4.2
- 6 90.2 14 33.0 34 13.6 54 6.2 43 95 93 17 143 4.1
- 5 85.5 15 31.5 35 13.0 55 6.0 44 91 94 16 144 4.0
- 4 81.1 16 30.1 36 12.5 56 5.7 45 88 95 16 145 3.9
- 3 76.9 17 28.7 37 12.0 57 5.5 46 84 96 15 146 3.8
- 2 73.0 18 27.4 38 11.5 58 5.3 47 81 97 15 147 3.7
- 1 69.3 19 26.2 39 11.1 59 5.1 48 78 98 14 148 3.6
0 65.8 20 25.0 40 10.6 60 5.0 49 75 99 14 149 3.5
1 62.5 21 23.9 41 10.2 61 4.8 50 72 100 13 150 3.4
2 59.4 22 22.9 42 9.8 62 4.6
3 56.5 23 21.9 43 9.4 63 4.5
4 53.7 24 20.9 44 9.0 64 4.3


2 Pressure sensor voltage characteristics

High pressure PH=(VH–0.5) × 0.98 PH : Detected pressure [High pressure side] MPa
PL : Detected pressure [Low pressure side] MPa
Low pressure PL=(VL–0.5) × 0.98
3 VH : Output voltage [High pressure side] VDC
VL : Output voltage [Low pressure side] VDC

Detected pressure
(kg/cm2) MPa
High pressure (PH)
30.6 3.0

25.5 2.5

20.4 2.0

15.3 1.5

Low pressure (PL)

10.2 1.0

5.1 0.5

0 1 2 3 4
Output voltage (VH, VL)

1 Reference
3 Pressure-temperature characteristics of R407C

Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp.

Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure
MPa Liquid Gas MPa Liquid Gas MPa Liquid Gas MPa Liquid Gas MPa Liquid Gas
˚C ˚C ˚C ˚C ˚C ˚C ˚C ˚C ˚C ˚C
0.00 -43.1 -36.2 0.66 8.0 14.3 1.34 30.2 35.8 2.02 45.9 50.9 2.70 58.2 62.6
0.02 -39.7 -32.7 0.68 8.8 15.1 1.36 30.7 36.3 2.04 46.3 51.2 2.72 58.5 62.9
0.04 -36.6 -29.5 0.70 9.7 16.0 1.38 31.3 36.9 2.06 46.7 51.6 2.74 58.9 63.2
0.06 -33.7 -26.6 0.72 10.5 16.8 1.40 31.8 37.4 2.08 47.1 52.0 2.76 59.2 63.5
0.08 -31.1 -24.0 0.74 11.3 17.5 1.42 32.3 37.9 2.10 47.5 52.4 2.78 59.5 63.8
0.10 -28.6 -21.5 0.76 12.1 18.3 1.44 32.8 38.4 2.12 47.9 52.8 2.80 59.8 64.1
0.12 -26.4 -19.3 0.78 12.7 18.9 1.46 33.4 38.9 2.14 48.3 53.1 2.82 60.2 64.4
0.14 -24.2 -17.2 0.80 13.3 19.4 1.48 33.9 39.4 2.16 48.7 53.5 2.84 60.5 64.7
0.16 -22.2 -15.3 0.82 14.1 20.2 1.50 34.4 39.8 2.18 49.0 53.9 2.86 60.6 64.9
0.18 -20.4 -13.5 0.84 14.8 20.9 1.52 34.9 40.3 2.20 49.4 54.3 2.88 61.0 65.2
0.20 -18.6 -11.7 0.86 15.5 21.6 1.54 35.4 40.8 2.22 49.8 54.6 2.90 61.3 65.5
0.22 -16.9 -10.1 0.88 16.3 22.3 1.56 35.9 41.3 2.24 50.2 55.0 2.92 61.6 65.8
0.24 -15.3 - 8.5 0.90 17.0 23.0 1.58 36.3 41.7 2.26 50.6 55.3 2.94 61.9 66.1
0.26 -14.2 - 7.4 0.92 17.7 23.7 1.60 36.8 42.2 2.28 50.9 55.7 2.96 62.2 66.4
0.28 -13.0 - 6.2 0.94 18.4 24.3 1.62 37.3 42.7 2.30 51.3 56.1 2.98 62.5 66.7
0.30 -11.6 - 4.8 0.96 19.1 25.0 1.64 37.8 43.1 2.32 51.7 56.4 3.00 62.9 67.0
0.32 -10.2 - 3.5 0.98 19.7 25.7 1.66 38.2 43.5 2.34 51.9 56.6 3.02 63.2 67.3
0.34 - 8.9 - 2.2 1.00 20.4 26.3 1.68 38.7 44.0 2.36 52.2 56.9 3.04 63.5 67.6
0.36 - 7.6 - 0.9 1.02 21.0 26.9 1.70 39.2 44.4 2.38 52.6 57.3 3.06 63.8 67.8
0.38 - 6.3 0.3 1.04 21.7 27.5 1.72 39.6 44.9 2.40 53.0 57.6 3.08 64.1 68.1
0.40 - 5.1 1.5 1.06 22.3 28.2 1.74 40.1 45.3 2.42 53.3 58.0 3.10 64.4 68.4
0.42 - 3.9 2.6 1.08 22.9 28.8 1.76 40.5 45.7 2.44 53.7 58.3 3.12 64.7 68.7
0.44 - 2.8 3.7 1.10 23.6 29.4 1.78 41.0 46.2 2.46 54.1 58.6 3.14 65.0 69.0
0.46 - 1.7 4.8 1.12 24.2 30.0 1.80 41.4 46.6 2.48 54.4 59.0 3.16 65.3 69.3
0.48 - 0.6 5.9 1.14 24.8 30.6 1.82 41.6 46.8 2.50 54.8 59.3 3.18 65.6 69.5
0.50 0.4 6.9 1.16 25.4 31.1 1.84 42.1 47.2 2.52 55.1 59.7 3.20 65.9 69.8
0.52 1.4 7.9 1.18 26.0 31.7 1.86 42.5 47.6 2.54 55.5 60.0 3.22 66.2 70.1
0.54 2.4 8.9 1.20 26.5 32.3 1.88 42.9 48.0 2.56 55.8 60.3 3.24 66.5 70.4
0.56 3.4 9.8 1.22 27.1 32.8 1.90 43.4 48.5 2.58 56.2 60.6 3.26 66.8 70.6
0.58 4.4 10.8 1.24 27.7 33.4 1.92 43.8 48.9 2.60 56.5 61.0 3.28 67.1 70.9
0.60 5.3 11.7 1.26 28.3 33.9 1.94 44.2 49.3 2.62 56.8 61.3 3.30 67.4 71.2
0.62 6.2 12.6 1.28 28.8 34.5 1.96 44.6 49.7 2.64 57.2 61.6
0.64 7.1 13.4 1.30 29.1 34.7 1.98 45.0 50.1 2.66 57.5 61.9
0.66 8.0 14.3 1.32 29.6 35.3 2.00 45.5 50.5 2.68 57.9 62.3


4 Technical information on Brine

• Do not aerate brine on halfway through the brine circuit as
1. Brine Piping shown in sketches below, which will increase the content
of disolved oxygen or condense pollutants in the air into
Piping Materials
water resulting in corrosive quality of water.
Operating temperature Material Standard
0˚C or more SGP (Black) JIS G 3452 Correct
–10˚C or more STPG370 JIS G 3454
Discharge pipe
–45˚C or more STPL380 JIS G 3460
–100˚C or more STPL450 JIS G 3460
• When calculating piping loss resistance, it must be noted
that the viscosity of brine is larger than that of water.
• Pay particular attention to corrosion, pressure proof, etc.
when using special brine.
Suction pipe
Brine tank
Brine Piping Work
• Be sure to provide a strainer on the brine inlet side and a Provide the brine discharge port below liquid level.
dirt pocket in place on the piping. Mixing of foreign items
including sand, dust, and a piece of rust into the brine
circuit will cause mechanical erosion of the metal
materials. Discharge pipe
(Regular maintenance is required for the strainer and dirt
pocket. Space for this kind of maintenance must be
considered to provide.)
• Pump is not provided with this machine. Install a pump
that can compensate the head loss of piping.
• Install a flow regulating valve on the brine inlet and outlet
• Install a thermometer on the brine inlet and outlet piping. It Suction pipe
Brine tank
will help to check the operating status of chiller.
• See the brine characteristics and precautions in using
brine on Page 242 and 243.
• Do not ground other electrical equipment with the brine
• For the brine piping, use pipes of the same diameter as
piping, otherwise corrosion will be caused due to
that used for chiller or of larger than that.
electrolytic corrosion. Pay particular attention to corrosion
• Be sure to provide insulation with the brine piping using
when performing the piping to be laid under the ground.
antisweat cover, etc.
• Pay particular attention to the flowing velocity through the
• Water quality standard used for brine is based on
brine circuit, positioning of the expansion tank, positioning
circulating water. (See Water Quality Standard on Page
of the air purge port in the piping, etc. avoiding the
generation of cavitation.
• Flow rate must be within the applicable flowing range. It is
• Provide flexible tube or the like with the brine piping before
recommendable to use at 70% to 150% of the rated flow
and after the chiller and pump so that the building does
rate. Lower flow rate applied will drop the performance or
not receive a shock through the piping.
actuate freeze-up preventing
• Be sure to provide drain piping work with all the drain
thermostat due to adherent scale, or cause gas leakage
outlet pipe that is located on the bottom frame.
due to pitting. Larger flow rate applied will cause
corrosion. Adjust the flow rate with the flow regulating
valve provided on the chiller outlet so that the difference in
the inlet and outlet temperatures comes to approximately
3°C in full load operation.
• When installing a flow switch, make sure of the flowing

1 Reference
2. Precautions in Using Brine
2. Brine Characteristics (1) Usable Brine
Do not use any brine other than those specified below.
1. Brine outlet temperature (°C)
Type and concentration of brine. (Do not use any brine Name Manufacturer General term Converted concentration
other than those specified below.) SHOWBRINE PE SUPER SHOWA Ethylene glycol 95wt% of ethylene glycol
Type of brine Outlet temperature of brine Lower limit temperature※ SHOWBRINE PE REGULAR SHOWA Ethylene glycol 75% of PE SUPER
SHOWBRINE PE SUPER +5˚C> t ≧–10˚C 39.2wt% SHOWBRINE PP SUPER SHOWA Propylene glycol 95wt% of propylene glycol
SHOWBRINE PE REGULAR +5˚C> t ≧–10˚C 52.3wt% SHOWBRINE PP REGULAR SHOWA Propylene glycol 75% of PP SUPER
SHOWBRINE PP SUPER +5˚C> t ≧–10˚C 42.1wt% NYBRINE Z-1 NISSOYUKA Ethylene glycol 74.5wt% of ethylene glycol
SHOWBRINE PP REGULAR +5˚C> t ≧–10˚C 56.1wt% NYBRINE NFP NISSOYUKA Propylene glycol 60wt% of propylene glycol
NYBRINE Z-1 +5˚C> t ≧–10˚C 50.0wt% Nippon Shokubai
AURORABRINE Ethylene glycol 75wt% of ethylene glycol
NYBRINE NFP +5˚C> t ≧–10˚C 66.7wt% Kagaku Kogyo Co.,Ltd

AURORABRINE +5˚C> t ≧–10˚C 49.6wt% (Example)

• Using any brine of concentration lower than the lower limit SHOWBRINE PE SUPER equivalent to the ethylene
marked ✽ will cause freezing. glycol 35wt% can be obtained as follows;
• It cannot be used for cooling (auxiliary freezing) general 35wt% x 1/0.95 = 36.8wt%
high-pressure gas or liquefied petroleum gas. SHOWBRINE PE REGULAR equivalent to the
• It cannot be installed in a place where ambient gases are ethylene glycol 35wt% can be obtained as follows;
corrosive or explosive. 35wt% x 1/0.95 x 1/0.75= 49.1wt%

(2) Brine concentration control

Control the brine concentration so that the brine
constantly has a specified concentration at a specified
outlet temperature. Low concentration will cause
troubles such as freezing or growth of bacteria and high
(3) Other precautions
• When diluting the brine, pay attention to the weight %
of the raw liquid.
• Check the concentration at least once a month even
when the brine is used in a sealed circuit.
• When using the brine for food manufacturing processes,
use a propylene glycol brine.
• When disposing the brine, pay particular attention not
to pollute the environment.
• When the brine is likely to be used at a high temperature,
consult manufacturers for special precautionary

(4) General characteristics of brine

Type of brine Ethylene glycol Propylene glycol
Chemical formula HOCH2CH2OH CH3CH(OH)CH2(OH)
• It cannot be used for food manufacturing processes.
• It cannot be used for food manufacturing processes.
Notes • Temperature range is wider than that for the propylene glycol.
• Low temperature and high viscosity
• It can be used for cooling packaged food.
Water solubility Used as water solvent.
State under ordinary temperature Liquid (Normally no odor. High water solubility)
Chemical stability Stable
Combustibility Flash point: 118°C Flash point: 98.8°C
Toxity Higher than propylene glycol Safest brine with no toxity
Very low
Corrosiveness Very low
Lowered by adding an additive
Diary processing ○
Ice cream ○

Food freezing ○
Chemical plant ○
Brewing ○
Air conditioning ○
Ice making ○
Low temperature plant ○
Minimum operating temperature –48˚C (57wt%) –60˚C (60wt%)


Specifications of Ethylene
Name Concentration –10˚C –5˚C Freezing point
Material value
SHOWBRINE PE SUPER 39.2% Viscosity (C.P) (Pa·S) 9.1 {91} 7.1 {71}
SHOWBRINE PE REGULAR 52.3% Density (g/cm2) 1.068 1.065
NYBRINE Z-1 50.0% Heat conductivity (kcal/mh°C) (kW/m·K) 0.396 {0.460} 0.396 {0.460}
AURORABRINE 49.6% Specific heat (kcal/kg˚C) (kJ/kg·K) 0.810 {3.391} 0.817 {3.420}

Specifications of Propylene Glycol Brine

Name Concentration –10˚C –5˚C Freezing point
Material value
SHOWBRINE PP SUPER 41.2% Viscosity (C.P) (Pa·S) 20.0{200} 15.2{152}
SHOWBRINE PP REGULAR 56.1% Density (g/cm2) 1.05 1.047
Heat conductivity (kcal/mh˚C) (kW/m·K) 0.353{0.410} 0.355{0.413}
Specific heat (kcal/kg˚C) (kJ/kg·K) 0.884{3.391} 0.885{3.705}

(3) Brine tank structure

3. Brine Tank ① Does it prevent brine from being exposed to air?
(Brine circulating pipes must be sealed in the tank.)
(1) Brine tank capacity
② Does it have an overflow pipe?
Various factors must be considered in determining an
③ Does it have a port for charging additives?
optimum capacity in each system. Typical criteria is as
④ Does it have a sampling port?
shown below.
⑤ Does it have a brine charging port?
(1) Is it possible to accommodate the whole brine in the
⑥ Does it have a brine drain port?
system back into the brine tank?
⑦ Is drain air prevented from entering through the port
(2) Is the lowest liquid level required for pump operation
connected to the pump inlet pipe?
assured during operation?
⑧ Is it possible to check the liquid level?
(3) Is the heat capacity enough not to allow the outlet
⑨ Is it sufficiently heat insulated?
temperature to reach the permissible upper
temperature during a period from the moment when
the brine chilling unit stops to the moment when it
starts again (10 minutes min.)? Upper liquid level ②
(4) Is the initial cooling time (pull down: cooling from an
ambient temperature to the specified temperature)

within a permissible range?
Lower liquid level
(2) Brine tank material ⑦ ①
The brine tank material is determined by the following
④ ⑥
two factors.
(1) Is the corrosion resistance of material high enough for
the brine to be used? (Is it anticorrosive?)
(2) Does the material have enough strength to stand the
operating temperature?
(Is it a low temperature specification material?)

1 Reference
4. Prevention of air from getting mixed with brine
4. Control of Calcium Chloride Brine Considerations must be given to piping so as to prevent
air from getting mixed with brine.
(※For your reference only)
For example, the opening of the brine return pipe inside
The equipment that uses calcium chloride brine is largely
the brine tank must remain under the liquid even when
affected by corrosion as described below.
the liquid level fluctuates in order to prevent any air from
1) Corrosion progress is fast in the sections where
getting inside the pipe.
different materials contact with each other due to the
Note: Use either liquid or palletized calcium chloride and
brine's strong electrolyte.
use clean water as raw water.
2) Oxide film is hardly formed on metal surfaces and,
when oxide film is formed, it will be easily destroyed by
the chlorine ion (Cl-).
3) The brine is likely to turn acid by absorbing carbon gas
(CO2) in fire.
(CO2+CaCl2+H2O → CaCO3 + 2HCl)
Observe the following precautions for proper control and
maintenance of the calcium chloride brine.
1. PH adjustment
• Maintain the PH value of calcium chloride brine in a
range from 8 to 10. Be sure to check once a month and,
if the PH value drops below 8, charge caustic soda to
bring the value between 8 to 10.
2. Addition of corrosion inhibitor
• Initially charge 2% (weight) of CHIHIRO P-111.
(Standard: 1 to 3 % (weight))
Gradually charge raw liquid of CHIHIRO P-111 into the
calcium chloride water solvent.
• To check the consumption amount of CHIHIRO P-111
and to determine an additional charging amount, take a
2-liter sample every year and submit the sample to
SHOWA for checking the corrosion inhibiting effect of
CHIHIRO P-111 in the calcium chloride water solvent.
Follow the instructions given by SHOWA for proper
control of the solvent. (The CHIHIRO P-111 can be
used for adjusting the PH value and for inhibiting
corrosion. The corrosion inhibiting component of
CHIHIRO P-111 cannot be confirmed through PH
• When CHIHIRO P-111 is added to newly made calcium
chloride water solvent or to calcium chloride water
solvent used without CHIHIRO P-111 (as a rule, the
whole solvent must be replace with newly made
solvent), take a sample (approx. 2R) once every two
weeks and submit to SHOWA for checking. Follow
instructions given by SHOWA for proper control of the
solvent. (Take a sample two weeks after charging and
stirring CHIHIRO P-111.)
For further details about CHIHIRO P-111, contact the
Manufacturer: SHOWA
CHIHIRO P-111: Corrosion inhibitor for calcium chloride
water solvent that does not contain chromic acid
Light yellow clear liquid, specific gravity
of 1.124, PH 8.80; to be used under an
ordinary temperature.

3. Brine concentration control

When the brine concentration decreases, the freezing
point increases and corrosion advances faster. Control
the brine concentration to a specified level.


5. Physical Characteristics of NYBRINE
(1) Freezing point
The following figure shows freezing points of NAI BRINE Z1, Z1-K, and NYBRINE NFP.

Figure 1

0 0

-10 -10

Freezing point(˚C)

-20 -20


-30 -30

-40 -40

-50 -50
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

NYBRINE Concentration (wt%)

1 Reference
(2) Specific gravity
The following figure shows specific gravities of NYBRINE Z1 and Z1-K water solvent.

Figure 2



1.13 ˚C
1.12 ˚C
Freezing point
1.09 ˚C
Specific Gravity ( t˚ / 4˚C)

1.08 40
Freezing point
1.07 ˚C








10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Freezing point (wt%)


(3) Specific gravity of NYBRINE NFP water solvent
The following figure shows specific gravities of NYBRINE NFP water solvent.

Figure 3


Freezing point

Specific Gravity (t˚ / ˚C)

Freezing point






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

NYBRINE Concentration (wt%)

1 Reference
5 Water quality control

■Water quality
The quality of chilled (hot) water when the chiller is running largely affects the chiller's performance and life.
It is therefore very important to check the quality of before using, and to monitor the quality of water after
installing the chiller.
Water quality standard value for water shall be as table.
Substances contained water chilling unit condenser water are thickened because water is constantly
evaporated in the cooling tower.
Water quality of make-up water and circulating water should be checked separately with a certain amount of
make-up water and blow, while maintaining circulating water standards.
Water should be treated with chemicals as required.

Water quality standards for chilled water, hot water, and make-up water
From JRA GL-02-1994 “Guideline of Water Quality for Refrigerators and Air Conditioning Equipment”
※ JRA : Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association
Condenser water system (4)
Chilled water Hot water
Pass-through Tendency (2)
Circulation system system system
Item (1) (6)
Circulation Make-up Passing Make-up water Make-up Scale
water Corrosion
water water water water (Over.20˚C, water deposit
pH (25˚C) 6.5~8.2 6.0~8.0 6.8~8.0 6.8~8.0 6.8~8.0 7.0~8.0 7.0~8.0 ○ ○
Electrical (mS/m) (25˚C) (1) Less than 80 Less than 30 Less than 40 Less than 40 Less than 30 Less than 30 Less than 30
○ ○
Conductivity {µS/cm} (25˚C) {Less than800} {Less than300} {Less than400} {Less than400} {Less than300} {Less than300} {Less than300}
Standard item

Chloride ions (mgcl–/R) Less than 200 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 ○
Sulfate ions (mgSO42–/R) Less than 200 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 ○
Acid consumption (pH4.8)
Less than 100 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 ○
Total hardness (mgCaCO3/R) Less than 200 Less than 70 Less than 70 Less than 70 Less than 70 Less than 70 Less than 70 ○
Calcium hardness (mgCaCO3/R) Less than 150 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 ○
Ionic-state silica (mgSiO2/R) Less than 50 Less than 30 Less than 30 Less than 30 Less than 30 Less than 30 Less than 30 ○
Iron (mgFe/R) Less than 1.0 Less than 0.3 Less than 1.0 Less than 1.0 Less than 0.3 Less than 1.0 Less than 0.3 ○ ○
Copper (mgCu/R) Less than 0.3 Less than 0.1 Less than 1.0 Less than 1.0 Less than 0.1 Less than 1.0 Less than 0.1 ○
Reference item

Shall not be Shall not be Shall not be Shall not be Shall not be Shall not be Shall not be
Sulfide ion (mgS2–/R) ○
detected detected detected detected detected detected detected
Ammonium ion (mgNH4/R) Less than 1.0 Less than 1.0 Less than 1.0 Less than 1.0 Less than 1.0 Less than 0.3 Less than 0.1 ○
Residual chlorine (mgCl/R) Less than 0.3 Less than 0.3 Less than 0.3 Less than 0.3 Less than 0.3 Less than 0.25 Less than 0.3 ○
Free carbon dioxide (mgCO2/R) Less than 4.0 Less than 4.0 Less than 4.0 Less than 4.0 Less than 4.0 Less than 0.4 Less than 4.0 ○
Stability index 6.0~7.0 — — — — — — ○ ○
Notes : (1) The circle marks in the columns on the right indicate tendency for corrosion or scale to develop.
(2) Corrosion has a tendency to occur when water temperature is high (40˚C or higher), and if metals
with no protective coating whatever are directly exposed to water, it would be a good idea to to take
effective measures against corrosion such as adding a corrosion inhibitor or deaeration treatment.
(3) In a condenser water circuit that uses a closed cooling tower. condenser water and make-up water
must satisfy its water quality standards for hot water system and passing water and make-up water
must satisfy those for condenser water systems.
(4) Supply or make-up water should be tap water (from city water) or water for industrial use. Pure
water,neutral water or softened water should not be used.
(5) The 15 items in the table above represent typical causes of corrosion and scale.


Water Heat Exchanger Materials
Model Main material symbol JIS
Water side
Braging plate type AC model Plate • Piping : Stainless steel SUS316 JISG4305 equivalent
heat exchange

Model Main material symbol JIS

Shell : Carbon steel tube for piping SGP C4004
Heat transfer tube : Phosphate killed copper seamless tube C1220TS-SH H3300
Tube plate : Rolled steel for welded structures SM400B G3106
Water side DHGA Front cover : Rolled steel for welded structures SM400B G3106
heat exchange Dry shell end tube Carbon steel pipe for high-pressure piping STPG370 G2454
Back cover : Rolled steel pipe for high-pressure piping SM400B G3106
Buffle plate : Polyacetal Rasin —
Buffle fixing bolt : Rolled steel for general structures C1220TS-SH H3300

1 Reference
6 Precautions in using the heating capacity characteristic table

• The heating capacity table in the Technical Information does not include any capacity drop that occurs when frost is formed
or when the unit is run in the defrosting mode. The integral heating capacity that reflects frost formation and defrost
operation can be obtained according to the following equation.

Integral heating capacity = (Indicated capacity) × (Integral compensation coefficient for frost formation) (kcal/h)

Compensation coefficient for obtaining the integral heating capacity

Inlet temperature of ˚C
–7 –5 –3 0 3 5 7
air heat exchanger RH = 85%
Integral compensation
0.96 0.95 0.89 0.87 0.89 0.91 1.0
coefficient for frost formation
Note: The integral heating capacity is a time-converted value obtained from an integral value of heating capacity for one
cycle (from a defrost operation to the next defrost operation) as shown in the following diagram.

Defrost operation Defrost operation

Possible capacity


1 cycle

• When snow accumulates on the heat exchanger surfaces, the heating capacity drops temporarily fluctuates depending on
the ambient temperature (˚CD.B), relative humidity (RH), and the amount of frost formation.


7 Operating noise and noise-prevention measures

Outline (3) Installation location and noise-insulating measures
Air-cooled equipment creates operating noise problems in
some cases, and it is sometimes subject to the Noise In many cases, equipment is installed in a limited space
Control Law. because of a lack of suitable location.
Daikin has applied advanced technologies and know-how Those places are often close to adjacent houses, offices
accumulated over many years in designing air-cooled heat- and buildings.
pump chillers to minimize equipment operating noise. In those special cases, a secondary sound-isolating
Therefore, when sufficient examination is conducted on the measure, such as building a wall or installing a silencer box,
installation site at the time of planning the facility must be taken.
construction, there is no need for a special sound-insulating The following provides information useful in planning noise-
measure, and the equipment can meet the noise regulation preventing measures in equipment installation, as well as
standards at the borders of adjacent houses and buildings. information on sound attenuation due to distance and
sound-insulating effect of walls.
(1) Noise Control Law
< Secondary sound-insulating measures >
Table 1 Noise regulation standards of Noise Control Law (phon) • Using the effect of sound attenuation due to distance
Time classification Time Morning Evening Time • Insulating sound by building a wall
Time 7 19 5 7 18 21 21 • Installation of a silencer box
~19 ~ 19~22 22~0000 • Vibration insulation (use of vibration-isolating pad, flexible
8 6
Zone classification 20 6 8 20 23 23 tubes, etc
Class-1 zone (exclusive residential area) 45~50 40~45 40~45
Class-2 zone (residential area) 50~60 45~50 40~50
(4) Installation position and operating noise check
Class-3 zone
60~65 55~65 50~55
(commercial area and semi-industrial area) The load calculation and model selection must be
Class-4 zone (industrial area) 65~70 60~70 50~65 conducted at the same time.
• The regulation standards indicate allowed noise level (1) First, check the building and offices in which the chiller is installed,
limits at site borders. as well as investigate the adjacent houses and room layout.
• The classification of zone, time and regulation standards
are determined by individual prefectures. (2) Select several installation locations by paying close attention to
the space availability (such as air suction and discharge space).
(2) Noise evaluation
(3) For each selected location, estimate the operating noise level at
There are many methods of quantifying noise levels. The the border and key locations in the area (where people may
following describes a commonly used method. complain).
(1) Sound level (phon) In this step, if the location is in a residential area, pay special
A sound that has the same loudness as a sound of 1000 Hz attention to places where extra quietness is required, such as
and L dB is considered to have a sound level of L phon. bedrooms and study rooms in adjacent houses.
Because this is an subjective quantification of sound, an
objective measuring method shown below is generally (4) If there is no suitable installation site, and the operating noise is
used. expected to exceed the regulation level, plan building a wall or
(2) Noise level <operating sound level> (phon or dB) installing a silencer box.
In this method, a sound level is measured by a sound level
meter. Since the value is obtained by reading the indication (5) When planning sound-insulating measures, it is important estimate
on the scale, this method is easy to use. For this reason, it the operating noise level at the borders and key locations for each
is the most common method used to express equipment candidate installation site before deciding on the sound-insulating
operating noise levels and for noise regulation standards. method.
A sound level meter measures three sound characteristics,
A, B and C. In general, only the A characteristic is used, (6) Other caution items
and sound level is expressed as follows:
(Example) 60 phon (A), or 60 dB (A) • Even a slight vibration of the chiller, pump or pipe may generate a
The following table shows typical noise levels. secondary noise from the floor or building. Therefore, the foundation
and pipe supporting fixtures must be rigid and sturdy.
• nstall a vibration-isolating pad under the chiller and/or pump as well
Table 2 Typical noise levels as flexible tubes in the pipes, if necessary.
10 phon (A) Audible limit of young people 60 phon (A) Ordinary conversation (1 m) • Produce an equipment operating schedule that does not require
20 Quiet park at night 70 Noisy office frequent On/Off operations of the fan and compressor.
30 Residential area insuburb at night 80 In train • Hedges and trees are not effective in reducing noise.
• Do not take sound-insulating measures that prevent the chiller from
40 In park 90 In subway train
operating at an optimum condition.
50 Quiet office 100 Under overpass while train is passing
• Extremely small space for air inlet and outlet
• Installation in a machine room or indoor where there is no smooth
outside air flow
• Insufficient service space

1 Reference
(1) Sound attenuation due to distance (2) Noise reducing effect of sound-insulating wall
(sound attenuation by diffraction)

Sound attenuating effect A

UWY Sound source area, S m2

0 When S = 5 m2 Sound receiving point
–21 phon

1m 3m 5m 7m 9m 11m 15m

The following graph shows how operating noise decreases

over a distance.
The operating noise at 1 m away from the sound source is A
used as the reference value.

■Operating noise attenuation due to distance


Sound receiving point

Sound attenuation (phon)

−10 A B



−15 Sound receiving point


S: Sound source area Sound attenuation due to distance

Actual sound attenuating effect


−20 Sound attenuation due to diffraction



If there is a sound-insulating wall or building between the


sound receiving point and the sound-generating unit, the
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 15 20 30 sound level at the sound receiving point is low.
Distance from sound source, r (m) Use the above diagrams to determine the relationship
between the UWY unit and sound receiving point.
Calculate the value of δ using the formula below, obtain the
frequency value from the frequency analysis chart, then
calculate the degree of sound attenuation for that


■Attenuation by diffraction


75 z(
–10 ~1 63
50 Hz
15 Hz )
Attenuation by diffraction (phon)

30 2 5H
0H z)
–15 30 z
0~ ( 2 50
60 Hz
0H )
60 z(
0~ 50
12 0H
00 z)
–20 12 Hz
00 (
~2 1 00
40 0H
24 0H z)
00 z (2
–25 ~4 00
A B 80 0H
48 0H z)
d 00 z(
(Sound receiving point) ~96 40
(Sound source) 00 0H
Hz z)
–30 δ = (A + B) – d (8
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.81.0 2 3 4 6 8 10
Path difference, δ (m)

■Attenuation of UWY operating noise by diffraction

(overall A characteristic)

Attenuation by diffraction (phon characteristic)

Y2 5~2
5G 0

(Sound A
source) B

20 (Sound receiving point)

δ = (A + B) – d

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 3 4 6 8 10

Path difference, δ (m)

1 Reference
(3) Effect of reflected sound
It should be noted that actual noise level may be much higher than nominal sound level in some installation conditions
due to reflected sound.

Generally, measured values of equipment operating noise are about 3 to 5 dB higher than nominal noise level.
However, if equipment is surrounded by buildings, the measured value may become higher than the nominal noise level
by more than 10 dB.
Examine the noise level carefully when the equipment is not installed on a roof and there is a room near the installation
As shown in the diagram below, avoid installing equipment in a place where there are buildings on both sides of the

(Side view)

Building Building

(Top view)

Reflected sound

Air-cooled chiller Point B

Point B
Point A

< Example of actual case >

Equipment was installed in a condition shown above. The sound level at point B was 10 dB higher than the nominal
noise level due to reflected sound. At point B where there is very little effect of reflected sound, the sound level was 2 or
3 dB higher than the nominal noise level.

< Reference >

If there is reflection of sound, the sound pressure level can be expressed by the following formula.
L = Lw – 20Logr – 11 + 10LogQ
(Source: “Pollution prevention technology and law” published by the Industrial Pollution Control Association of Japan)
L : Sound pressure level (dB)
Lw : Power level of sound sourcel (dB)
r : Distance from sound source
Q : Directional factor

Increase of L in
open space

Q = 1 : Open space (suspended in air) + 0 dB

Q = 2 : Semi-open space (located on reflecting surface, such as the ground and floor) Approx. + 3 dB
Q = 4 : 1/4 open space (located on the ground, with a wall (building) on one side) Approx. + 6 dB
Q = 8 : 1/8 open space (located on the ground, between two walls facing each other) Approx. + 9 dB

The nominal sound level is measured in an anechoic chamber; therefore, Q = 1.
The measuring point is 1 m away from the exterior surface of the product and at a height of 1.5 m.


(4) Conversion of frequency analysis values to overall Calculation example 1
A characteristic values The following shows how to calculate the composite tone of
■Correction values for conversion of octave L1 (50 phon) and L2 (49 phon).
band level to A characteristic L1 – L2 = 50 – 49 = 1 Since the correction value is 2.5, the
result is : 50 + 2.5 = 52.5 phon
Octave band (Hz) 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Calculation example 2
Conversion value (dB) –29 –18 –10 –4 0 +1 +1 –1
To obtain the composite tone of sounds of 40, 38, 37, and
Adding or subtracting the value shown above to each band 40 dB, these figures are arranged in a descending order.
yields an A characteristic value. Arrange the resulting 40 dB, 40 dB, 38 dB, 37 dB
values from greatest to least, and conduct addition using The difference between 40 dB and 40 dB is 0 (40 – 40 = 0).
the following calculation chart to obtain an overall A Since the correction value for it is 3 dB, 40 + 3 = 43 dB.
characteristic value. Because the level difference between 43 dB and 38 dB is 5
Calculation example dB, the correction value is 1.2 dB. Therefore, the composite
The following shows a calculation example for equipment tone is 43 + 1.2 = 44.2 dB. Similarly, the correction value for
operating noise. 44.2 dB and 37 dB is approximately 0.7 dB.
Result : 44.2 = 0.7 = 44.9 dB.
Octave band (Hz) 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Octave band level (dB) 55 59 61 58 53 45 35 25
40 40 38 37
A characteristic (dB) 26 41 51 54 53 46 36 24
Difference = 0
Correction value = 3
These A characteristics are arranged from greatest to least, 40+3=43
then addition is conducted. (See the section on composite Difference = 5
tone.) Correction value = 1.2
54 53 51 46 41 36 26 24
Difference of 1 Correction value = 0.7
Difference of 5.5
Difference of 11.6
Difference of 16.9
58 No need to continue addition from here.

The overall A characteristic value is 58 phon.

(5) Composite tone
Composite tone L of sounds in n number (L1, L2,...Ln) can
be expressed by the following formula.
L1 L2 Ln
L = 10Log10 (10 10 + 10 10 .........10 10 )
In case of n = 2, the composite tone of two sounds, L1 and
L2, are as shown below.
L1 L2
L = 10Log (10 10 + 10 10 )
The following formula is produced by using the level
difference of two sounds (∆L = L1 – L2 (L1 > L2)).
L = L1 + 10Log (1 + 10 10 )
Instead of calculations, a graph can be used. The use of
graph is easier than conducting mathematical calculations.

L: Sum of L1 and L2 (dB) (L1≧L2)

L = L1 + Correction value
Correction value (dB or phon)

2.0 L1 is added with the correction

value equaling (L1 – L2).




0 5 10 15

1 Reference
8 Measures against snow accumulation and strong winds

(3) Measures against snow accumulation on top panel

1. Measures against snow accumulation and air inlet of air-cooled heat-pump chillers
Mount snow protection hoods on the air inlet and outlet of
When installing an air-cooled heat-pump chiller in an area
the unit, or place the entire unit in a protective shed (the
where heavy snow falls, it is necessary to take measures to
shed must allow outside air to flow through).
protect the equipment from snow in order to ensure trouble-
free equipment operation.
If proper measures are not taken, snow accumulation (Installation examples)
Snow protection
blocks the air flow and may cause equipment problems. hood for air outlet
Short-circuit prevention duct
Types of problem caused by snow
Seasonal wind
(c) Accumulated snow dropping Snow protection
(b) Snow accumulation on equipment
(a) Buried in snow hood for air inlet
on top panel

Foundation Foundation

(d) Air inlet (coil) blocked by snow (e) Equipment covered by drifted snow
Cautions in designing snow protection hoods
Seasonal wind (1) To ensure sufficient air flow required by the air-cooled
heat-pump chiller, design the hoods so that the dust
resistance is lower than the allowed outside-equipment
static pressure of the air-cooled heat-pump chiller by 1
mm H2O or less.
(2) The hoods must be strong enough to withstand the
weight of accumulated snow and the pressure caused
by strong winds and typhoons.
Measures against problems caused by snow
(3) The hoods must not cause short-circuiting of the
(1) Measures against
discharge air and suction air.
snow accumulation
The foundation should
have a height equal to or
larger than the expected
snowfall in the area. Foundation height

< Reference >

The highest records of snowfall in major cities are shown in
the table below.
Source: Statistical science data (first year of statistic
collection: spring 1968)
Snowfall Snowfall Snowfall
Area Area Area
(cm) (cm) (cm)
Kagoshima 29 Osaka 18 Utsunomiya 30
Nagasaki 15 Wakayama 40 Maebashi 37
Fukuoka 30 Kyoto 41 Kofu 46
Kochi 9 Tsu 26 Nagano 80
Tokushima 42 Nagoya 49 Tsuruga 154
Takamatsu 15 Gifu 58 Kanazawa 181
Matsuyama 34 Takayama 114 Toyama 208
Shimonoseki 39 Hamamatsu 27 Niigata 120
Hiroshima 31 Shizuoka 10 Fukushima 80
Okayama 26 Yokohama 45 Sendai 41
Tottori 129 Tokyo 46 Akita 97
Kobe 17 Choshi 17 Aomori 209

(2) Measures against lightning and snow drifts

Conduct thorough examination of the installation site, and
avoid installing equipment under an awning or a tree, or a
place where drifted snow accumulate.


2. Measures against seasonal winds
Air-cooled heat-pump
chillers require sufficient
heat exchange between
the air heat exchanger Seasonal wind
and outside air to
In areas where strong
seasonal winds blow, if
equipment is installed
with the air heat
exchanger facing the direction of seasonal winds and the
wind velocity becomes higher than the suction velocity of
the fan, air may flow in the direction indicated by the broken
line in the above diagram.
If this happens, the air that underwent heat exchange goes
through another heat exchange process with a different
heat exchanger, resulting in a capacity drop or equipment
problems in some cases.
Daikin air-cooled heat-pump chillers are designed to
minimize problems caused by winds. However, to prevent
possible problems, do not install air-cooled heat-pump
chillers with their air heat exchangers facing seasonal
If it is not possible to avoid the above mentioned installation
condition due to installation site conditions or other reason,
be sure to take a measure shown below.
(1) Install a wind protection wall.

r m

Seasonal wind

Wind protection

Air inlet space

Service space

(2) Mount wind protection ducts

Be sure to install wind protection ducts on both sides.

Seasonal wind

1 Reference
9 Handling Plate Type Heat Exchanger Used for Chilling Unit

Brazing plate type heat exchangers, which are featured by a compact and lightweight structure, no red water
generation, and others, have been employed for a number of chilling units in recent years. Furthermore,
compared to conventional shell-and-tube heat exchangers or multiple water heat exchangers, the plate type
heat exchangers are more compact to lead to miniaturization and refrigerant saving, which can be called
“Environmentally Friendly Heat Exchangers”.
The heat exchangers, however, are different from conventional heat exchangers in the structure, resulting in
differences from those in the handling procedure. Therefore, to ensure a long-term use of the product with
ease, please read this information thoroughly before using it.

The Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association

Chilling Unit Technology Ad Hoc Committee


Equipment Design Procedure
(1) Be sure to install a strainer, which must be of a specified maker's make or 20 mesh or more, on the inlet
side of the chilled/hot water piping and cooling water piping (hereinafter referred to as “the water piping”)
adjacent to the chilling unit to prevent foreign particulars such as dust, sand, or else from entering the plate
type heat exchanger.
(2) Since scale may adhere to the plate type heat exchanger depending on the quality of water, the heat
exchanger is required to clean with chemicals at a regular interval to remove scale. For this purpose, install
a sluice valve in the water piping and provide a piping connection port in the piping between the sluice valve
and chilling unit for the chemical cleaning use.
(3) To clean the chilling unit or drain water from it (drain water should the chilling unit stop for a long time in
winter or off-season), install an air vent plug and drain plug on the inlet and outlet sides of the water piping.
Furthermore, install an automatic air vent valve at any riser pipe in the water piping or highest section at
which air is apt to dwell.
(4) Install a cleanable strainer adjacent to the inlet of the pump piping apart from that installed in the water inlet
pipe of the chilling unit.
(5) Conduct adequate cold and heat insulation on the water piping and prevention of moisture penetration
through outdoor sections. Inadequate cold and heat insulation may cause damage due to freezing in a
severe winter season besides thermal loss.
(6) To shut down the equipment during wintertime or to stop the equipment operating during the night at places
where the outdoor temperature falls below 0˚C, natural freeze-up protection (e.g. draining water, keeping
the circulating pumps in operation or heaters with turned on, or else) should be provided for the water
circuit. Freeze-up of the water circuit can result in damage to the plate type heat exchanger. Therefore, take
proper measures depending on the operating conditions.

Example of Piping Work Automatic air vent valve

Air vent plug Cleaning unit
(Also used as a
Chilling unit cleaning port)

Strainer Pump strainer

Plate type

Drain plug
(Also used as a
cleaning port)

1 Reference
Test Operation Procedure
(1) Before test operation, check to make sure whether or not the piping work is properly conducted, especially
the strainer, air vent valve, automatic feed water valve, expansion tank, and cistern are located in position.
(2) On completion of filling up water in the system, conduct individual pump operation first and, then, check and
make sure no air is sucked in the water circuit and also for flow rate. Suction of air or inadequate flow rate
may cause freeze-up of the plate type heat exchanger. By measuring the head loss before and after each
chilling unit, make sure the flow rate coincides with the design flow rate referring to information in the
technical data given by the maker. Should a malfunction occur and not be remedied, halt any test operation
in progress and take measures.
(3) Then, by following the test operation procedure given by the maker, conduct the test operation of the
chilling unit.
(4) On completion of the test operation, check for the strainer in the inlet pipe of the chilling unit. Clean the
strainer if dirty.

Daily Maintenance
(1) Water Quality Control
Brazing plate type heat exchangers are of structure disabling disassembly to clean or replacement of parts.
In order to prevent corrosion and scale adherence, pay utmost care for the quality of water to be used for
the plate type heat exchangers.
As for the quality of water to be used for the plate type heat exchangers, observe at least JRA GL-02-1994
“Guidelines of Water Quality for Refrigerators and Air Conditioning equipment” provided by Japan
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association.
Furthermore, if the cooling water temperature exceeds 50˚C, keep the density of chloride ions less than
100ppm to prevent corrosion and the total hardness less than 150 mgCaCO3 / liter to prevent the
adherence of scale.
When chemicals such as corrosion inhibitor or scale retardant are added, use chemicals free from
corrosions against stainless steel and copper.
(2) Chilled Water Flow Rate Control
Inadequate chilled water flow rate will result in troubles with the plate type heat exchanger due to freezing.
Check for flow rate decreased due to clogged strainer, air getting mixed with chilled water, faulty circulating
pump, or else by measuring differences in temperature or pressure between the inlet and outlet of the plate
type heat exchanger. Should be there any aged increase of the differences in temperature or pressure and
the differences become outside the proper range, the flow rate has decreased. Therefore, halt any cycle in
progress, remove the cause, and then restart the unit.
(3) Brine Concentration Control
When the brine (antifreeze solution) is used for chilled water, use the brine of a type and concentration
specified by the maker. No calcium chloride brine is permitted to use, otherwise the plate type heat
exchanger will corrode.
Should the brine be left alone, the brine will absorb moisture in air, thus causing a decrease in the
concentration. The decrease in the concentration will result in troubles with the plate type heat exchanger
due to freezing. Therefore, to prevent the troubles, minimize area to contact with air and, at the same time,
add the brine as needed to maintain the brine concentration by periodically measuring the concentration.
(4) Measures against Activation of Freeze-up Protection Device
Should the freeze-up protection device be activated while the equipment is running, be sure to remove the
cause before restarting the equipment. When the freeze-up protection device is activated, water has been
partially frozen up. Restarting the equipment before removing the cause will not only block up the plate type
heat exchanger disabling ice to defrost but also damage the plate type heat exchanger due to repeated
freezing, thus resulting in refrigerant leakage or water penetration into the refrigerant circuit.


Water Quality Standards for Condenser Water, Chilled Water, Hot Water, and Make-up Water
From JRA GL-02-1994
"Guidelines of Water Quality for Refrigerators and Air Conditioning Equipment"
Condenser water system(4) Hot water system
Pass- Chilled water system Tendency (2)
Low-level, moderate- High-level, moderate-
Circulation system through
temperature water system temperature water system
Item(1) (6)
Circulation Circulation
Circulation Make-up Passing Make-up water (over Make-up water (over Make-up Make-up Scale
water (not
water water water water the range of water the range of water water deposit
over 20˚C)
20˚C to 60˚C) 60˚C to 90˚C)

pH (25˚C) 6.5~8.2 6.0~8.0 6.8~8.0 6.8~8.0 6.8~8.0 7.0~8.0 7.0~8.0 7.0~8.0 7.0~8.0
Electric conductivity Less than 80 Less than 30 Less than 40 Less than 40 Less than 30 Less than 30 Less than 30 Less than 30 Less than 30
(ms/m)(25˚C) {uS/cm}(25˚C) {Less than 800} {Less than 300} {Less than 400} {Less than 400} {Less than 300} {Less than 300} {Less than 300} {Less than 300} {Less than 300}
Chloride ions (mgCl-/liter) Less than 200 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 30 Less than 30
Sulfate ions (mgSO42-/liter) Less than 200 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 30 Less than 30
Standard item

Acid consumption
(pH4.8)(mgCaCO3/liter) Less than 100 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50

Total hardness
(mgCaCO3/liter) Less than 200 Less than 70 Less than 70 Less than 70 Less than 70 Less than 70 Less than 70 Less than 70 Less than 70

Calcium hardness
(mgCaCO3/liter) Less than 150 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 50

Ionic-state silica
(mgSiCO2/liter) Less than 50 Less than 30 Less than 30 Less than 30 Less than 30 Less than 30 Less than 30 Less than 30 Less than 30

Iron (mgFe/liter) Less than 1.0 Less than 0.3 Less than 1.0 Less than 1.0 Less than 0.3 Less than 1.0 Less than 0.3 Less than 1.0 Less than 0.3
Copper (mgCu/liter) Less than 0.3 Less than 0.1 Less than 1.0 Less than 1.0 Less than 0.1 Less than 1.0 Less than 0.1 Less than 1.0 Less than 0.1
Shall not be Shall not be Shall not be Shall not be Shall not be Shall not be Shall not be Shall not be Shall not be
Sulfate ions (mgS2-/liter)
detected detected detected detected detected detected detected detected detected
Reference item

Ammonium ions
(mgNH4-/liter) Less than 1.0 Less than 0.1 Less than 1.0 Less than 1.0 Less than 0.1 Less than 0.3 Less than 0.1 Less than 0.1 Less than 0.1

Residual chloride
Less than 0.3 Less than 0.3 Less than 0.3 Less than 0.3 Less than 0.3 Less than 0.25 Less than 0.3 Less than 0.1 Less than 0.3
Free carbon dioxide
(mgCO2/liter) Less than 4.0 Less than 4.0 Less than 4.0 Less than 4.0 Less than 4.0 Less than 0.4 Less than 4.0 Less than 0.4 Less than 4.0

Stability index 6.0~7.0 − − − − − − − −

(1) Name, definition and unit of items above are based on JIS K 0101. Furthermore, the units and values in parentheses represent
previous units, which are put down together for reference.
(2) The circle in the last two columns indicate a tendency for corrosion or scale to develop.
(3) Corrosion has a tendency to occur when water temperature is high (40˚C or higher), and if metals with no protective coating
whatever are directly exposed to water, it would be a good idea to take effective measures against corrosion such as adding a
corrosion inhibitor or deaeration treatment.
(4) In a condenser water circuit that uses a closed type cooling tower, closed-circuit circulation water and its make-up water must
satisfy their water quality standards for the hot water system, and passing water and its make-up water must satisfy those for the
circulation system of the condenser water system.
(5) Supply or make-up water should be tap water (clean water), industrial water, or ground water. Deionized water, neutral water or
softened water should not be used.
(6) The 15 items listed in the above table represent typical factors in corrosion and scale.

1 Reference
Maintenance of Plate Type Heat Exchanger
As for the plate type heat exchangers, the performance may fall off due to scale or decreased flow rate may
break down the heat exchangers. Therefore, planned and periodical maintenance is required to prevent scale
from forming.
(1) Conduct the following inspections before the season.
1) Check for the quality of water and make sure it falls in the range of the quality standards.
2) Clean the strainer.
3) Make sure the flow rate is adequate.
4) Make sure the operating conditions (e.g. pressure, flow rate, inlet and outlet temperatures, and others)
are normal.
(2) The brazing plate type heat exchangers are of a structure that is impossible to be disassembled for
cleaning. Therefore, clean them in the following procedure.
1) Make sure the pipe connection port for chemical cleaning use is provided in the water inlet pipe.
Solution of formic acid, citric acid, oxalic acid, acetic acid, phosphoric acid, or else can be used as a
cleaning agent by diluting to some 5%.
Never use hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, or else due to the strong corrosive behavior.
2) Make sure valves are provided in position before the inlet connection port and after the outlet connection
3) Connect the cleaning agent circulation pipes to the inlet and outlet pipes of the plate type heat exchanger
and fill the plate type heat exchanger with cleaning agent of 50 to 60˚C once. Then, run the pump to
circulate the cleaning agent for 2 to 5 hours.
The circulation time varies with the temperature of cleaning agent and state of scale deposit. Therefore,
determine the degree to remove scale according to changes in dirt (colors) of cleaning agent and others.
4) After cleaning and circulation, discharge the cleaning agent from the plate type heat exchanger and fill it
with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or bicarbonate of soda (NaHCO3) both of 1 to 2% concentration. Then,
circulate the solution for 15 to 20 minutes for neutralization.
5) After neutralization, carefully rinse the inside of the plate type heat exchanger with clean water.
6) When cleaning agents on the market are used, make sure they are free from corrosive behavior against
stainless steel and copper in advance.
7) For details of cleaning procedure, contact the maker of cleaning agents.
(3) After cleaning, make sure the plate type heat exchanger enables normal operation.




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