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TouchLink Time Recorder 3 Client Manual

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TouchLink Time Recorder 3 Enterprise

Connect to Server
To Start the Time Recorder 3 Enterprise you need to connect to the server. See the figure 1.0
below on how to set up the connection. Provide the server name, database Name, Username, Password
then click Connect button. We assume that you have MS SQL SERVER EXPRESS 2008 installed and
SQLEXPRESS is the name of the server. Then The Database Name is TRc29 and used the username
account to connect to the server. The Technical Support will provide the Configuration of the system and
the database.

In the Figure 1.0 the Time Recorder 3 Enterprise is connected in local Server. Change the server
name in (ip address)\SQLEXPRESS, 433 to access the server with the different work station in the
connected in the network.

Figure 1.0 (connect to server)


After the
system connected to
the server, the login
form will appear. To
access the TouchLink
Time Recorder 3
Enterprise, the Users
needs to login their
user account in the
system. Default user
account is “ADMIN”
and “” No Password.

Figure 1.1
Main Form

In Main Form have main menu the Time Recorder and Employees. In Time Recorder Menu
Contains the following submenus, the Time Logs, Devices, Employee Groups, Group Members, Change
Password, Import Device Log from File, Import Logs from Time Recorder and User Rights see in figure
1.2. And In Employees Menu Contains the List of the Employees see in figure 1.3.

Figure 1.2(main Form)

In the Employees Menu, in the Center Panel appear the Employee’s details selected and in the
left side the list of employees.

figure 2.0(Employees)

Add New Employee

Step1. In the employees Menu

Click Add New Employee
button then New Employee
Tabs appear.
Step2. Then Fill in the
employee’s Information. The
fields that have “*” must be fill
in to enable to add new
Step3. Add employees as their
subordinates in subordinate
tab if applicable.
Step4. In Device Information
tab fill the access no use by
the employee in devices and
Step4. Click Update Button to
save the information.
See in figure.

Figure 2.1
Edit Employee Information
Step1. In the Employee Menu, Click Edit Information button in center panel. The
Step2.The Employee’s Information will appear then you can update the information.
Step3.Click Update button to finish.

Figure 2.2

Delete Employee
Step1. In the Employee Menu, Click Delete button in Employee’s Details panel.
Step2.Dialog box appear then click yes.

Search All Employees active and inactive

Step1. In Search box

click dropdown
button.dropbox will
Step2.Check the include
inactive employees to
show all employees
include inactive.
Step3.Then Search
Step4. You can adjust
the result in limit search

Figure 2.3
Restore Employee

Step1. In Search box click dropdown button.dropbox will appear.

Step2.Check the include inactive employees to show all employees include inactive.
Step3. Search inactive employee then select.
Step4.Click Restore Button in Employee’s Details panel.
Step5. Dialogbox appear click yes.

Manage Devices
Manage System’sDevices used to configure Devices,Manage fingerprints and Logs from devices.

In Device Management show the list of devices and Controls in the top of the list.

Figure 3.0(Devices)

Figure 3.1

Add New Device

Step1. In Management Device Click Add New Button. Then
Device Setup will appear.
Step2. Fill in the information needed.
Terminal name is the name of the device and The Terminal
Code is the code name of the device. To get the Serial Number
set the communication setting. In Communication have three
(3) options the IP address, COM Port, and USB.
If IP Address selected then add the IP address of the device.
Then Click Retrieve button to load the serial number
Step3. . Find Key code in device then enter in the setup.
Step4. Select in Download Mode options. Manual is Download
manually by using management Devices. The Interval is auto
download of logs depends on interval value and the Time base
is auto download of logs depends on the set time.
Step5. Select in Function option. Both are to get time in and
time out Log from devices. The Time In Only is to get the time
in logs only and Time Out Only is to get the time Out logs Only.
Step6. Click OK to finish.

Edit Device
Step1. In the Management Device Select Device in the list.
Step2. Click Edit button in the top of the list.
Step3. Device Information will appear.
Step4. Change the Information then click OK to finish.

Figure 3.2

Delete Device
To Delete Devices follow the steps:
Step1. In the Management Device Select Device in the list.
Step2.Then Click Delete Button in the top of the List.
Step3. Dialog box appear click yes.

Sync Time
To synchronize the time of Computer to Devices follow the steps:
Step1. Go to the Manage Devices Click Sync Time.
Step2.Wait until notification appear.

Download Logs Manually

To download the logs of devices manually follow the steps:
Step1. In the Management Devices Select Device in the List.
Step2. Then Click Download Logs button in the top of the list.
Step3. Wait until notification appears.
Clear Logs
To clear the logs of devices follow the steps:
Step1. In the Management Devices Select Device in the List.
Step2. Then Click Clear Logs button in the top of the list.
Step3. Dialog box appear then click yes to continue.
Step3. Wait until notification appears.

Download Fingerprints
To download fingerprints of employee in devices follow the steps:
Step1. In the Management Devices Select Device in the List.
Step2. Then Click Download Fingerprints button in the top of the list.
Step3. Dialog box appear then click view button to populate all employee Fingerprints.
Step4. Select Employee in the list
Step5. Click OK button and wait until it done.
Step6. Close the dialog box.

Upload Fingerprints
To upload fingerprints of employee from system to devices follow the steps:
Step1. In the Management Devices Select Device in the List.
Step2. Then Click Upload Fingerprints button in the top of the list.
Step3. Dialog box appear then click view button to populate all employee from the system.
Step4. Select Employee in the list
Step5. Click OK button and wait until it done.
Step6 Close the dialog box.

Remove Fingerprints
To remove fingerprints of employee in devices follow the steps:
Step1. In the Management Devices Select Device in the List.
Step2. Then Click Remove Fingerprints button in the top of the list.
Step3. Dialog box appear then click view button to populate all employee Fingerprints.
Step4. Select Employee in the list
Step5. Click OK button and wait until it done.
Step6. Close the dialog box.
Time Logs
In Time Recorder Menu, Click Time Logs to View , Add or Modify, print and export Employee’s
Time logs.

Figure 4.0(Time logs)

View Time Logs

Step1. In Time logs tabs Select Date range.
Step2. Select/ Check the employees in employee Selection.
Step3: (Options) Can Sort the record in the list by selecting in arrange by.
Step4. Then click View Button

Print Time Logs

Step1. In the Time logs tabs Select Record.
Step2. Click Print button then in new tab display the print preview.
Step3. In print preview Click Print button in upper right corner.

Print Computed DTR

Step1. In the Time logs tabs Select Record.
Step2. Click Print Computed DTR button then in new tab display the print preview.
Step3. In print preview Click Print button in upper right corner.

Export to Text File

Step1. In the Time Logs tabs Select Record.
Step2. Click Export to Text File button Then Save as Dialog pop up.
Step3. Add File name and click save button.
Export to Log File
Step1. In the Time Logs tabs Select Record.
Step2. Click Export to Log File button Then Save as Dialog pop up.
Step3. Add File name and click save button.

Export to Excel
Step1. In the Time Logs tabs Select Record.
Step2. Click Export to Excel button Then Save as Dialog pop up.
Step3. Add File name and click save button.

Export Computed DTR to excel

Step1. In the Time Logs tabs Select Record.
Step2. Click Export Computed DTR to excel button Then Save as Dialog pop up.
Step3. Add File name and click save button.

Employee Groups

Figure 5.0(Employee Groups)


Step1. In Employee Groups dialog box click add button.
Step2. Input Group Name and Group Code
Step3. Click Save Button

Edit Groups
Step1. In Employee Groups dialog box Select Group name.
Step2 Click Edit button
Step2. Change Group Name and Group Code you want.
Step3. Click Save Button
Delete Groups
Step1. In Employee Groups dialog box Select Group Name
Step2. Click Delete Button
Step3. Click “Yes” to delete record

Designate Employee

Figure 5.1(Group Member)

Step1. In Group Members Dialog Select Group Type and Group Name
Step2. Click Next and Employee List and Group Members Show
Step3. Select Employee in the Employee List and Click Greater than button to add in the Group
Members. If you want to remove the employee in the group select in group members then click less than
Sign button.
Step4. Click to Finish if you done.

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