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Safe, Clean And: Effective

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safe, clean and

ProtoKlenz GT is the ecologically safe solution for
the effective washing of all types of gas turbine

This product has been carefully formulated to

deliver optimal cleaning performance whilst still
excelling in tests for toxicity, biodegradability,
toxic impurities, bioaccumulation and tainting of
marine life – ProtoKlenz GT is one of the most
environmentally safe gas turbine compressor
cleaning chemicals in the world.

Minco turbine cleaners offer outstanding

performance and value, with the added benefit
of safety for the operator, equipment and

A full list of the benefits of using ProtoKlenz GT,

and the technical specifications, are featured

Please speak to your local agent for more

information on Minco washing products.

ProtoKlenz GT
Compressor Wash - Detergent
Overview Benefits
ProtoKlenz is an innovative non-ionic formulation of complex • Approved by the major gas turbine OEMs
ecologically safe grease cutting surfactants, coupled with • Suitable for both online and offline washing
ultra low toxicity oil stabilisers. It works through a synergy of • Free rinsing – leaves no residue after rinsing
complimentary chemical actions to produce dazzling results. • Neutral pH
This product’s exceptional wetting abilities reduce droplet • Safe – non-corrosive to all engine surfaces
formation on the surfaces of the compressor, encouraging • Manufactured in the UK under ISO 9001:2008
reactions at the interface between the fouling and the • Stable – can be pre-diluted for later use
chemical mix. This improves the technical effect of the • Low ash content
chemicals, enhancing penetration on the surface of the dirt. • Meets MIL and AMS specifications
This means increased desorption, solubility and dispersion, • When diluted is non-flammable
particularly of poorly soluble hydrocarbons and oils. • Can be used with existing washing skids
• Completely miscible with most anti-freeze agents
The dirt which is lifted from the cleaning surface then • Best value and results among detergent cleaners
becomes locked in liquid suspension so it cannot redeposit • Removes all types of fouling
at the back of the compressor. • Restores any compressor to pristine condition
ProtoKlenz is classified as a water-based detergent and has
Typical Results of Analysis
been accredited and recognised by environmental agencies
Concentration (mg/kg)
around the world. It is used offshore and onshore where
Sodium 0.99
environmental considerations and discharge rules are of
Potassium 0.66
paramount importance, and may be discharged directly into
TOTAL 1.65
the sea.
Calcium 0.25
This product has been tried and tested under many fouling Magnesium <0.10
conditions and is suitable for use in industrial, aviation and TOTAL <0.35
marine gas turbine engines. Copper <0.02
Tin 0.40
Packaging & Dilution
TOTAL <0.42
ProtoKlenz GT is available in 25, 210 and 1,000 litre Vanadium <0.02
containers. Lead <0.10
ProtoKlenz has a dilution rate with demineralised or Sulphur 1.50
deionised water between 4:1 (80% water to 20% ProtoKlenz) Chlorine <0.1
and 6:1 (86% water to 14% ProtoKlenz). Other Results
Ash (%) <0.005
PH at 25°C 7.2
Dilution results in a stable emulsion that is suitable for use Solids (> 20 micrometers) 0.0
through all existing mixing skids and lance off-line systems. Viscosity (SUS at 25°C) 50
The length of time to spray the emulsion will vary depending Technical Specification
upon engine size and wash skid capabilities. The original
manufacturer’s instructions should be followed. The volume Appearance Clear Liquid
of chemical and the wash frequency will normally follow the Odour Characteristic Ethereal
standard compressor wash instruction routine of the user. Density at 25°C 1.0 Sg. (typical)
PH at 25°C 7.0 (typical)
Upon completion of the washing operation, demineralised Flash Point <100°C
water is injected through the mixing skid and injection Auto Ignition <200°C
nozzles to rinse the detergent from all surfaces. In the case Explosion Limits Lower 0.17%, Upper 6%
of offline washing a dry run should be performed before Initial Boiling Point 100°C
resuming operation of the gas turbine. Evaporation Rate <0.18 (Butyl Acetate = 1)
ProtoKlenz is effective for both on-line and off-line cleaning. Water Solubility Completely soluble and stable
Minco UK Limited
The White House, Mill Road, Goring-on-Thames, Berks, RG8 9DD, UK Komplek Ruko Harapan Indah, Blok EC 10-11, Bekasi 17131, Indonesia
Tel +44 (0)208 133 3916 Fax +44 (0)207 681 2192 E-mail Tel +62 (21)887 3531 Fax +62 (21)887 3532 E-mail

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