02 Drugs of Abuse
02 Drugs of Abuse
02 Drugs of Abuse
Clandestine laboratories
One definition of the term ‘drug of abuse’ is any substance that, because of some desirable
effect, is used for some purpose other than that intended. The intended use of the substance
could be for a therapeutic effect, as with benzodiazepines, or a practical use, as in the case
of volatile solvents (abused in ‘glue–sniffing’).
Another definition of the term ‘drug of abuse’ is any substance the possession or supply of
which is restricted by law because of its potential harmful effect on the user. Such drugs are
known as controlled or scheduled substances. They comprise both licit materials (i.e. those
manufactured under licence), the illicit products of clandestine factories and some natural
products. Although many plant–based drugs have been self–administered for thousands of
years [e.g. coca leaf, cannabis (marijuana and hashish), opium, peyote cactus], the
imposition of criminal sanctions is mostly a product of the 20th century. Many of the drugs
currently abused were once not only on open sale, but often promoted as beneficial
substances by the food and pharmaceutical industries. A pattern developed whereby initial
‘misuse’ of pharmaceutical products, such as diamorphine, cocaine and amfetamine, led to
increasing legal restrictions and the consequent rise of an illicit industry. Nowadays, nearly
all serious drug abuse involves illicit products. Most abused drugs fall into just a few
pharmacological groups, such as central nervous system (CNS) stimulants, narcotic
analgesics, hallucinogens and hypnotics. The most prevalent drugs are still the plant–
derived or semi–synthetic substances (e.g. cannabis, cocaine and diamorphine), but the
view of the United Nations (UN) Drug Control Programme is that wholly synthetic drugs
[e.g. amfetamine, methylenedioxymethamfetamine (MDMA) and related designer drugs]
are likely to pose a more significant social problem in the future.
This limited definition of drug abuse excludes those pharmaceutical products that may be
misused in the sense that they could lead to accidental or deliberate overdose or that could
contribute to vehicle accidents or are banned by sporting organisations. Also excluded are
drugs such as alcohol, tobacco and caffeine, which are either foodstuffs, with or without
nutritional value, or the use of which is socially acceptable. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO), scheduled drugs are ‘abused’ rather than ‘misused’. Drugs of abuse
may or may not lead to physical or psychological ‘dependence’, a term used by the WHO
in preference to ‘addiction’.
The international laws that cover drugs of abuse are set out in three UN treaties. Substances
are listed in the various schedules to the UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs (1961),
referred to as UN 1961, and the UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances (1971),
referred to as UN 1971. Together with the provisions of the UN Convention Against Illicit
Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (1988), these laws are implemented
in domestic law by all signatories, and have been extended considerably in some countries.
In the UK, the primary legislation is the Misuse of Drugs Act (MDA 1971), in the USA it is
the Controlled Substances Act (CSA 1970) and each country, in effect, has its own set of
regulations to govern the sale and supply of controlled substances.
Table 2.1 shows the control status under International, US and UK legislation of the more
common drugs of abuse. In International and US law, the scheduling of a substance is
based on a pharmacological risk assessment. Pragmatic decisions by many countries, and
now by the UN itself, to include stereoisomers of ‘UN 1971’ substances, for example, mean
that some scheduled drugs may have little or no abuse potential. In the UK, the criteria for
control have been based on a looser concept of propensity to constitute a social problem.
Table 2.1.
Drug UK
1961 1971 A
Physical examination
Screening tests
Qualitative analysis
Quantitative analysis
Physical examination
Qualitative analysis
Quantitative analysis
Profiling and/or comparison.
The particular techniques used depend on the available equipment, staff skills and
objectives of the analysis, but there are certain minimum criteria that need to be satisfied,
particularly when the results are presented as evidence in court.
Physical examination
A natural starting point in any analytical procedure is the physical examination of the item
in question. This may involve taking a sketch or photograph of the item. It invariably
involves either taking some physical measurements, such as length or diameter, and a
record of the number of items (e.g. number of tablets or the mass of the item in question). It
may involve taking detailed notes on the type of wrapping material present. On many
occasions, details such as these can become significant.
While the physical appearance of a suspect material can sometimes give an early indication
of the possible drug(s) present, it is only after chemical analysis that the full picture can
Drugs submitted to forensic science laboratories can vary enormously in the manner of
presentation. One exhibit may be a quantity of ecstasy tablets that are well made and
essentially clean to handle, and the next exhibit may be packs of diamorphine or cocaine
that had been concealed internally by a drug user. The initial approach to each scenario
depends on such matters as:
Health and safety
Linking of packaging material
Fingerprint analysis
Other evidence.
It is also true that, because of time constraints and costs, not all of the items submitted will
be analysed and therefore a sampling policy must be established. The number of items
tested is determined by a number of factors, such as the number of items seized, their
physical appearance and the need to satisfy a court of law.
Exhibits of controlled substances are received by forensic laboratories in large numbers and
a representative sampling plan must be established. The benefits of a sampling plan are to:
Reduce the number of analytical determinations.
Reduce the overall workload.
Decrease exposure to controlled substances.
Reduce handling of biologically contaminated evidence.
With any sampling plan, an initial visual examination of all the units in the population is
conducted. If all the units are equal in appearance, the population can be considered
homogeneous and a sampling plan can be implemented (Clarke and Clark 1990; Frank et
al. 1991; Tzidony and Ravreby 1992; Colon et al. 1993; Aitken 1999). The most frequently
used sampling procedures are as follows:
1. Take a sample (n) equal to the square root of the population size (N), that is
n = √N (e.g. from a population of 400 take a sample of 20).
2. Take a sample equal to 10% of the population size, that is n = 0.1N (e.g.
from a population of 400 take a sample of 40). Although experience has
shown that the square root method produces reliable results, it does not
provide a statistical foundation to the sampling problem.
3. Another popular method of sampling is to use a hypergeometric distribution.
This procedure involves statistical tables that can be used to determine how
many samples should be taken for analysis. Table 2.2 is an example of such
a table. If these analysis tests are positive, an inference can be made for the
whole population. For example, if 1000 suspect tablets are seized and sent to
the laboratory, by testing 28 tablets and if the tests are positive for MDMA,
there is a 95% probability that 90% of the tablets contain MDMA.
Table 2.2.
Number of items to be
Total number of items in exhibit
10–12 9
13 10
14 11
15–16 12
17 13
18 14
19–24 15
25–26 16
27 17
28–35 18
36–37 19
38–46 20
47–48 21
49–58 22
59–77 23
78–88 24
Number of items to be
Total number of items in exhibit
89–118 25
119–178 26
179–298 27
299–1600 28
>1600 29
Table 2.2. Hypergeometric sampling tablea(UN 1998)
This table was constructed based on a 95% probability that 90% of the exhibit contains the
identified compound.
In relation to sampling from single items, it is important that a correct sampling procedure
be put in place. The principal reason for a sampling procedure is to produce a correct and
meaningful chemical analysis. Most methods – qualitative and quantitative – used in
forensic science laboratories for the examination of drugs require very small aliquots of the
material, so it is vital that these small aliquots be entirely representative of the bulk from
which they are drawn.
However, because of various legal requirements it may not always be possible to render a
sample into a homogeneous state before sampling. This could be the case if the sample has
to be tested separately by another laboratory or if the sample in its original ‘heterogeneous’
state is an important piece of physical evidence.
As a rule, however, items should be in a homogeneous state prior to sampling, which is
especially important in quantitative analysis. This may involve a simple grinding of a small
amount of powder (or tablet) in a mortar and pestle or may involve taking numerous
samples from a larger quantity of powder and grinding them together.
Screening tests
Colour and/or spot tests give a valuable indication of the content of any particular item
tested, but it is stressed that positive results to colour tests are only presumptive indications
of the possible presence of the drug. Colour tests have the advantage that unskilled
operators can use them as field tests, with the obvious need for follow–up analyses in the
laboratory. One of the most important and widely used colour tests is the Marquis reagent
test (especially for opiates and amfetamines). Other useful tests are the Van Urk test for
lysergide (LSD) and the cobalt thiocyanate test for cocaine. Details of these and other
useful colour tests are given in Chapter 19.
Another important screen is thin–layer chromatography (TLC; see Chapter 27). It has many
advantages as an analytical and/or screening tool. It is quick, easy to use, has a low cost, is
relatively sensitive and can give a good degree of discrimination. Solvent systems TA and
TB are suitable for many drugs (Chapter 27).
Visualisation of many of the drugs may be achieved by a variety of methods; however,
spraying with acidified potassium iodoplatinate reagent is suitable for many drugs.
Qualitative analysis
High performance
Detector: UV at 240 nm
Detector: UV at 240 nm
Detector: UV at 254 nm
Condition code Source Details
Identification of the various components of a suspect mixture can be made with a search of
commercial libraries, but it is important to run a standard of the specific drug being tested
(e.g. standard diamorphine). This obviously needs to give a retention time and mass–
spectral match.
High–performance liquid chromatography
High–performance liquid chromatography (HPLC; see Chapter 29) is a simple and reliable
method of analysis of most drugs. It is both accurate and precise and thus lends itself to
quantitative analysis. It is especially useful for compounds that are thermally labile. HPLC
has some advantages over GC because of the variety and combinations of mobile phases
that can be chosen. There is also a choice of detectors available for specific applications.
HPLC can, however, involve significantly more method development than GC which
demonstrates a greater capability resolution.
No single system is suitable for the optimum separation of all the different drug types, so
different systems are used to give optimum separations for specific analysis. The system
that is best for the separation of heroin–acetylcodeine–noscapine–papaverine (Huizer 1983)
is not the same as the one that separates cocaine from its impurities and processing by–
products (Moore and Casale 1994).
A general screen method, such as HBC, can be used for the separation of heroin, cocaine,
amfetamine and metamfetamine (Fig. 2.3). Other HPLC systems that may be used are given
at the end of the chapter (Table 2.3) and in Chapter 29.
Figure 2.3.
Figure 2.3. HPLC separation.
Using this system, metamfetamine and MDMA co–elute. However, by changing the
method to HBD, amfetamine, metamfetamine, MDMA and
methylenedioxyethylamfetamine (MDEA) can be separated (Fig. 2.4). This illustrates the
versatility of HPLC– separations can occur between compounds that co–elute by altering
the elution system.
Figure 2.4.
Figure 2.4. HPLC separation.
A system such as the above could be used for screening purposes, but identification
necessitates a spectroscopic method, such as MS or infra-red (IR) spectroscopy.
Most modern laboratories are now equipped with Fourier transform IR (FTIR)
spectrophotometers (see Chapter 22), which have many advantages over traditional IR
instruments. They are faster and can work with smaller samples (when coupled with a
microscope, tiny samples can be analysed). The difficulty with IR analysis of drug samples
is the presence of other material that interferes with the spectrum. These interfering
compounds could be other drugs that occur naturally in the samples (or from the synthetic
process) or adulterants, such as caffeine and paracetamol. IR analysis can, however, give
valuable information on chemicals that are not suitable for GC–MS analysis.
Another popular technique is GC–FTIR, because the speed of scanning of the FTIR
instrument means it can be used to obtain a spectrum of compounds that have been
separated by GC.
In practice, neither spectra nor pure reference samples may be available for comparison for
the more unusual substances. In such situations, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
spectroscopy may be the method of choice (see Chapter 25).
Quantitative analysis
For most controlled drugs, there are no minimum quantities below which an offence does
not occur. The quantitative analysis of drugs is therefore not carried out routinely on all
exhibits. The main reason for determining the purity and/or drug content of powders and
tablets is to enable a court to establish a monetary value of the seizure, or when sentencing
structures are based on equivalent pure–drug content. In some countries, the death sentence
can result if a person is convicted of possession and/or supply of more than a specified
quantity of a substance. In some situations, information on drug purity is used for
intelligence purposes, such as to assess trends in the illicit drug market or for use in drug
comparison and profiling.
Having already identified the powder as, for example, diamorphine, quantitative analysis
may be carried out on a GC or HPLC instrument. In performing quantitative analysis, it is
always desirable to include an internal standard in the analysis. This has the advantages of
being easy to use, giving increased accuracy, removing the need for volumetric glassware
and the need for measuring the injection volume, enabling the easier determination of
reproducibility and serving as a possible monitor for the GC or HPLC system's
An internal standard must be absent from the sample, be readily available (and not too
costly), be pure, show good chromatographic behaviour, be reproducible and be soluble in
the solvent used. Internal standards chemically related to the compound being analysed are
preferable as they behave similarly. Straight–chain hydrocarbons are often used for GC as
internal standards, as they elute as a homologous series.
In a general approach to quantification by GC, the GC conditions for the qualitative
analysis can again be used. A standard curve is established by preparing up to five standard
solutions of the drug to be quantified. A range from 1 mg/mL to 5 mg/mL is prepared using
a solvent that contains the internal standard. A concentration of internal standard of
0.5 mg/mL or 1 mg/mL is normally adequate. A test sample is prepared so that it has a
concentration between 1 mg/mL and 5 mg/mL (i.e. within the range of the curve). If the test
sample is outside the range, a second sample is prepared based on the information from the
first sample. In general, it is suggested that at least two samples of the powder to be tested
are taken for quantitative analysis and an average of these used as the true result. The
amount of the drug in the test sample can then usually be calculated using the data–analysis
function of the instrument.
Both GC and HPLC are used extensively for quantitative analysis and it is useful, for a
given drug, to compare the results obtained by one method with the other.
Profiling and comparison
A more detailed analysis of drug samples can be used to provide ‘collective’ information.
This is generally called profiling when it involves the chemical analysis of powders, but is
known as characterisation when the physical properties of tablets and other dosage forms
are measured. Chemical profiling has been the technique used most widely and is often
based on the chromatographic separation of impurities and precursors (as in the case of
amfetamine and metamfetamine) or other naturally occurring components and adulterants
(e.g. diamorphine, cocaine, cannabis resin). Detection may range from flame–ionisation to
isotope–ratio MS. Non–separation methods, for example using IR, Raman, X-ray
fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy or X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectroscopy, have only
limited scope.
Drug profiling may be used for two quite separate purposes. In the first case, it can
establish connections between a number of exhibits suspected to be linked as part of a local
distribution chain. This is known as comparison or tactical profiling, and may be carried out
as a routine requirement in forensic casework. A second stage (intelligence or strategic
profiling) exists in which answers to wider questions may be sought. These depend on the
drug concerned, but include:
Estimating the number of different profile–types in circulation and relating
them to the number of active laboratories and the period they have been in
Determining the extent of importation by comparing the profiles of Police
and Customs seizures.
Identifying the route of synthesis and types of precursors used.
Creating large–scale maps of drug distribution and identifying the country or
region of origin.
Tablet comparisons using general physical features, gross drug content and microscopic
examination of defects and punch marks (so–called ballistic analysis) can be of some value,
but suffer because at any one time a large fraction of illicit tablets in circulation may be
almost identical. Such small differences as may exist could simply reflect inherent
differences in the punches and dies of a multiple–stage tabletting machine. This is
illustrated by the Mitsubishi logo (Fig. 2.5), which was found on over half of all tablets
seized in Europe in the late 1990s. A similar pattern was also found in the UK for
amfetamine in the early 1990s, when nearly half of all samples belonged to one profile
type. In these circumstances, any connection between two separate seizures of otherwise
identical tablets or powders may be purely fortuitous.
Figure 2.5.
When a powder is submitted for analysis, the most likely drugs to be present include
diamorphine, cocaine, amfetamine and metamfetamine. The initial examination involves
describing and/or detailing the packaging material. If there are multiple packs present, a
sub–sample may be removed for analysis. The powder must be weighed before analysis.
The powder is then homogenised and an aliquot taken for analysis. A screen (colour test,
TLC, HPLC, GC) will indicate the drug(s) present. Identification of the drug can be
achieved using GC–MS or FTIR. GC–MS has an advantage over FTIR because of retention
time and a mass–spectral comparison with a known standard. Identification of the other
components in the powder can be achieved by using a range of analytical techniques,
including FTIR, XRF, XRD and NMR spectroscopies (see Chapter 25) and others.
The drug content can be quantified by GC or HPLC through the preparation of a curve
using a range of concentrations of the drug in question. In some circumstances, comparison
may be required between powders to establish links in a specific case or for intelligence
purposes, and GC and HPLC can be employed to examine some of the minor ingredients of
the powder.
Vegetable material
This includes cannabis plants, cannabis resin, khat and psilocybe mushrooms. A physical
examination includes a description of the material followed by a measurement of the mass
of material or the height of the plant. A sub–sample of the population may be chosen and an
aliquot taken for analysis. Homogenisation may be necessary, depending on the material.
The physical appearance generally gives a very good idea of the drug present (e.g. cannabis
plant or psilocybe mushrooms). It is therefore possible to go directly to a specific test rather
than use a screening technique. Identification can be carried out by a combination of
microscopic and chemical techniques.
The drug content can be quantified by GC or HPLC and comparison and/or profiling
carried out by chemical and physical means.
Liquids and other samples include GHB, steroid oils, cocaine liquor and others. A physical
examination may give an indication of the drug likely to be present. The physical
measurements to be noted include the volume, colour, odour and general appearance of the
liquid. A sub–sample may be taken and an aliquot removed for analysis. It may be
necessary to (base) extract the drug from the liquid into an organic solvent prior to analysis.
The physical examination may allow the analyst to proceed to the identification stage;
otherwise a screen may be used to indicate the presence of a certain drug. Identification,
quantification and comparison and/or profiling can be carried out along the lines described
for powders.
Clandestine laboratories
As a result of the increase in abuse of synthetic drugs, clandestine laboratories have become
an increased part of forensic investigation. The investigation of such sites is very interesting
as they reveal (in situ) the synthetic processes, intermediates and often notes and chemical
equations that describe the various reactions. These laboratories, however, are also very
hazardous sites to investigate. The use of the word ‘laboratory’ disguises the more usual
scenario of a garage, shed or kitchen.
Forensic scientists frequently become involved in the initial stages of a clandestine
laboratory investigation in an advisory capacity. Information may come to light about
certain chemicals being used at the premises, and the scientist has the responsibility of
formulating an opinion as to whether a controlled substance is being produced. The police
can then act on the basis of this opinion.
Many countries have specially trained police and scientists to deal with the specific
problems that clandestine laboratories pose. These problems could be in the form of
hazardous chemicals (acids, bases, solvents and reagents), fire and explosion potentials, and
the possibility of booby traps.
Ultimately, if the seizure results in a court case, the testimony in these cases can be
technically demanding for the scientist. In many situations, only a small amount (or none)
of the final product (i.e. the controlled substance) may be found. In such instances, detailed
explanations of the synthetic routes may be required. An explanation of the role of each of
the chemicals found at the scene could be required. The scientist must also be aware of
alternative explanations for the presence of the chemicals, as this is the likely defence in
such cases. In many instances, the precursor chemicals themselves are controlled.
Analysis of the main drugs of abuse
Anabolic steroids
Psilocybe mushrooms
‘Designer drugs’
In this section, methods are described for the analysis of the main drugs of abuse. In all
cases, a number of analytical methods are described. The methods chosen depend on the
aim of the analysis, the apparatus and/or equipment available, legal aspects, number of
analyses to be performed and possibly other details associated with the specific drugs'
The analytical data for the various drugs are contained in Tables 2.4 and 2.5.
Table 2.4.
Retention time
Drug GC system
Cannabinol 11.77a HL
Tetrahydrocannabinol 13.35a HL
Cannabidiol 7.47a HL
Table 2.5. Analytical data using HPLC
k values.
Amfetamine and metamfetamine
Amfetamine (alpha–methylphenethylamine) and metamfetamine (N-methyl–alpha–
methylphenethylamine) in free–base form are both liquids. Amfetamine is normally
produced as amfetamine sulfate or phosphate and is common in Europe. Metamfetamine is
normally produced as metamfetamine hydrochloride and is more popular in North America
and Japan.
Street–level amfetamine and metamfetamine are normally submitted to the laboratory as
white to off–white powders with relative low purity (e.g. 5%).
Many methods are available for the illicit synthesis of amfetamine, but the Leuckart
reaction has been the most popular. This method is simple, rapid, gives a good yield and
does not involve any particularly hazardous chemicals or procedures. It may be considered
as a three–step reaction that involves the condensation of phenyl–2–propanone (P-2-P) with
formamide followed by a hydrolysis of the N-formylamfetamine and finally purification by
steam distillation.
Metamfetamine can be made by the Leuckart reaction using methylamine and formic acid
or N-methylformamide in the condensation step.
As many of the street–level samples submitted to the laboratory are relatively low in purity
(5%), pre–concentration of samples may be required for the analysis to be successful.
Typically, a 100 mg sample is added to 1 mL of sodium hydroxide solution (0.5 M) and
extracted with 1 mL diethyl ether, which is decanted and evaporated to dryness in an
airflow without heat. A few drops of methanol can then be added and the methanolic
solution transferred to a plastic insert prior to analysis.
Colour test
The Marquis test gives an orange colour for both amfetamine and metamfetamine.
Thin–layer chromatography
TA: amfetamineRf = 0.43, metamfetamineRf = 0.31.
TB: amfetamineRf = 0.15, metamfetamineRf = 0.28.
Visualisation: acidified iodoplatinate solution.
For analytical data, see Tables 2.4 and 2.5, and also the screening systems and group
separation systems in Chapter 27, Chapter 28 and Chapter 29. In addition, it is common
practice with primary amines to prepare derivatives such as N-
methylbis(trifluoroacetamide) (MBTFA) or trifluoroacetic anhydride (TFAA) derivatives.
It is good practice to analyse both derivatised and underivatised samples, since N-
hydroxyamines may give the same product as the parent amines.
Using a concentrated and/or base–extracted sample, the m/z 134 and m/z 148 molecular ion
peaks for amfetamine and metamfetamine, respectively, can be achieved readily in an
underivatised sample.
Both amfetamine and metamfetamine have one asymmetric carbon atom that results in a
pair of enantiomers in each case. Depending on the synthetic route, l-, d- and dl-
amfetamine or metamfetamine could be encountered in samples submitted to the laboratory
for analysis. These optical isomers differ in their pharmacological activity and are subject
to different regulatory measures in certain countries. In those countries in which the
specific optical isomer needs to be identified, chiral analysis can be undertaken by
derivatisation/GC, by the use of chiral columns (GC and HPLC) and, more recently, by the
use of capillary electrophoresis (LeBelle et al. 1995; Sellers et al. 1996; Fanali et al. 1998;
see Chapter 30).
Cannabis herbal material may be encountered in blocks of dried flowering tops and dried
leaves. Cannabis resin (hashish) is a compressed solid made from the resinous parts of the
plant and is usually produced in 250 g blocks. Herbal cannabis imported into Europe may
originate from West Africa, the Caribbean or South East Asia, but cannabis resin derives
largely from either North Africa or Afghanistan. Cannabis and cannabis resin is normally
mixed with tobacco and smoked, but can be ingested. The average ‘reefer’ cigarette
contains around 200 mg of herbal cannabis or cannabis resin. Cannabis oil (hash oil) is an
extract of cannabis or cannabis resin and can contain up to 60% of cannabinoids.
The main psychoactive compound in cannabis and cannabis resin is Δ9–
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Cannabinol (CBN) and cannabidiol (CBD) are among the
other main components.
Analysis of cannabis, cannabis resin and cannabis oil
Colour test
The presence of cannabinoids in suspect material can be indicated by the Duquenois–
Levine test.
A sample of cannabis, cannabis resin or cannabis oil (3 to 5 mg) is first extracted with
petroleum ether (0.5 mL). The solvent is removed and the extract evaporated to dryness.
The addition of Duquenois reagent (five drops) followed by concentrated hydrochloric acid
(five drops) yields a purple colour after a few minutes. The addition of chloroform (0.5 mL)
should result in the purple colour moving into the chloroform layer, which can be taken as
good evidence for the presence of cannabinoids. Extracts can also be analysed by TLC.
Thin–layer chromatography
TAH: THCRf = 0.50, CBDRf = 0.60 and CBNRf = 0.45.
Visualisation is by Fast blue B solution with THC showing a red colour,
CBD showing an orange colour and CBN showing a purple colour.
The cystolithic hairs contain a deposit of calcium carbonate at their base. These hairs are
mostly single cells. The glandular hairs are most important since they contain and secrete
the resin. They are short and may be unicellular or multicellular. The larger glandular hairs
have a multicellular stalk with heads that contain eight to 16 cells (Fig. 2.7).
Figure 2.7.
Figure 2.7. Microscopic examination of cannabis: (a) cystolithic hair; (b) large glandular hair
with several cells in the head and stalk; (c) head of one of the large glandular hairs; (d)
calcium carbonate.
To carry out the microscopic test, place a small portion of the dry material (cannabis herbal
material or cannabis resin) on a microscopic slide. Add a few drops of Duquenois reagent
followed by a few drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid. The cystolithic hairs contain a
deposit of calcium carbonate at their base, from which a characteristic effervescence is
observed. The heads at the end of the glandular hairs show as a red–purple colour.
An alternative method is to add a few drops of cloral hydrate solution to the dry material,
which is particularly useful if more detailed information on the structure of the plant tissue
is needed, since it removes coloured materials such as chlorophyll.
As already stated, cannabis resin is normally produced in 250 g blocks. Frequently, these
blocks carry an impression, such as a number, a letter or a symbol. Comparison can be
made between different blocks on the basis of similar impressions, but unrelated blocks
frequently have the same impression. The street–level deal of cannabis resin is typically a
finger–size portion (normally 1 to 10 g), possibly wrapped in tinfoil or plastic. It may be
possible to link a smaller piece of cannabis resin to its original block through a physical fit
between the smaller and bigger piece.
GC or HPLC may be used to obtain a chemical profile of the cannabis, cannabis resin or
cannabis oil (Tables 2.4 and 2.5). The THC content can be calculated and comparison made
on that basis. Note that variations can occur in the THC content of a single block of
cannabis resin, as the THC content decreases with age and storage conditions. The outside
material in a block of cannabis resin can differ from that in the centre.
Cocaine is a naturally occurring alkaloid found in certain varieties of plants of the genus
Erythroxylum. Coca cultivation is distributed throughout the central and northern Andean
Ridge, with approximately 60% in Peru, 30% in Bolivia and the remainder in Columbia,
Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina and Panama.
Cocaine production
Production of illicit natural cocaine involves three steps:
1. Extraction of crude coca paste from the coca leaf.
2. Purification of the coca paste to cocaine base.
3. Conversion of cocaine base to cocaine hydrochloride.
Cocaine is normally encountered in the laboratory in paper or plastic packs of white powder
and can be analysed without extraction.
Analysis of cocaine
Colour test
Cobalt thiocyanate test or modified cobalt thiocyanate test (Scott test) that gives a blue
colour indicates the presence of cocaine.
Odour test
A 5% methanolic solution of sodium hydroxide added to the test sample and warmed gives
a characteristic odour for the presence of cocaine (although other compounds may give a
similar odour).
Thin–layer chromatography
TA, Rf = 0.65; TB, Rf = 0.47.
Visualisation: acidified iodoplatinate solution.
Separation and/or identification (for analytical data, see Tables 2.4 and 2.5)
A simple laboratory test also exists for the determination of the chemical form of cocaine
(Logan et al. 1989).
Quantitative analysis of cocaine samples may be carried out by GC or HPLC. The general
quantitative method previously described may be used for cocaine also. In some
jurisdictions, preparations that contain less than 0.1% cocaine base are exempt from certain
controls and analytical procedures must be designed to accommodate this.
The unsophisticated nature of the cocaine manufacturing process means that a multitude of
trace–level alkaloid impurities are present in illicit cocaine. Many of these impurities are
naturally occurring alkaloids that originate from the coca leaf and are carried through the
manufacturing process; they include cis- and trans-cinnamoylcocaine, tropacocaine,
truxillines and hydroxycocaines. In addition, cocaine is also contaminated with a variety of
manufacturing by–products, which include hydrolysis products, such as benzoylecgonine,
ecgonine methyl ester, ecgonine and benzoic acids. The relative amount of these
compounds can be used to compare cocaine samples (Moore and Casale 1998). Oxidation
by–products also arise and include N-norcocaine and N-norecgonine methyl ester.
In addition to the above, solvent residues may be detected by NMR spectroscopy or
headspace GC. The solvents detected include acetone, methylethyl ketone, benzene, toluene
and diethyl ether (Cole 1998).
A comparison of cocaine samples can be achieved by a combination of qualitative analysis
for the presence or absence of certain trace impurities and by quantitative analysis of the
cocaine and other ingredients.
Street–level heroin (diamorphine, diacetylmorphine) is normally encountered in the
laboratory in paper or plastic packs that typically contain 100 to 200 mg of brown (and
sometimes white) powder. The street–level purity varies depending on availability and
other factors, but values of 40 to 60% are common in the UK.
Production of heroin
The raw material for the production of heroin is opium, a naturally occurring product of the
plant Papaver somniferum L. (opium poppy).
Opium is purified to form crude morphine. The morphine is acetylated with acetic
anhydride to produce diamorphine. Sometimes known as ‘Chinese heroin’, heroin from
South East Asia is a white powder that consists of diamorphine hydrochloride and minor
amounts of other opium alkaloids, but adulterants are unusual. This material is ideally
suited to injection. Heroin from South West Asia is a much cruder product. Typically seen
as a brown powder that contains diamorphine base, it has variable amounts of other opium
alkaloids (e.g. monoacetylmorphine, noscapine, papaverine and acetylcodeine) as well as
adulterants such as caffeine and paracetamol. It is believed that these cutting agents are
added to heroin either at the time of manufacture or during transit.
Heroin analysis
Colour test
Marquis reagent gives a purple–violet colour. Other opiate alkaloids (morphine, codeine,
monoacetylmorphine and acetylcodeine) give the same positive reaction to the Marquis
Thin–layer chromatography
TA, Rf = 0.47; TB, Rf = 0.15.
Visualisation: acidified iodoplatinate solution.
For analytical data, see Tables 2.4 and 2.5, and also the screening systems and group
separation systems in Chapter 27, Chapter 28 and Chapter 29.
Heroin may be quantified by either GC or HPLC. One problem associated with GC analysis
is that diamorphine may hydrolyse to 6-O-monoacetylmorphine, and another is the
transacetylation of the common cutting agent paracetamol by diamorphine in the injection
port of the GC column. The use of fresh samples and of chloroform as the solvent can avoid
these problems.
By examining the amount of diamorphine, papaverine, noscapine and acetylcodeine in the
samples it is possible to discriminate between samples and also to show a link between
samples (Seta et al. 1994; Besacier and Chaudron-Thozet 1999; Stromberg et al. 2000). It
may be further possible to examine heroin samples and show potential links between
samples by the presence (and amount) of adulterants, such as caffeine, or by the presence of
less common adulterants, such as diazepam or phenobarbital. In large seizures, differences
may be found between various samples from the seizure, which indicates that the seizure
comprises more than one batch of heroin.
In addition to examining the relative ratios of the main components, it is possible to analyse
for solvent residues by head–space GC (Cole 1998; Dams et al. 2001).
LSD is one of the most potent hallucinogenic substances known. Its properties were first
discovered in the 1930s and its popularity as a drug of abuse was very high during the
1960s and 1970s, when it was associated with the ‘hippy’ movement.
Synthesis of LSD
LSD can be produced by several different methods, the majority of which use lysergic acid
as the starting material. Lysergic acid itself is also produced in clandestine laboratories
using, most commonly, ergometrine or ergotamine tartrate as the starting material.
Ergotamine refluxed with potassium hydroxide solution and hydrazine in an alcohol–water
mixture produces lysergic acid.
The methods used for the production of LSD yield a crude product, which is cleaned up and
converted into a more stable form (e.g. tartrate salt).
In the past, LSD was encountered in a variety of substrates, including powder in gelatine
capsules, gelatine squares, sugar cubes and microdots. Nowadays, LSD is encountered
mostly in paper–dose form. The paper dosages are produced by soaking pre–printed paper
in a solution of LSD. These sheets are then perforated into squares (typically
5 mm × 5 mm) with each square (‘tab’) containing approximately 50 μg of LSD.
The designs on the paper can vary from one design per square to one large design that
covers many squares (Fig. 2.9).
Figure 2.9.
Analysis of LSD
The only analogue of LSD to receive widespread interest is lysergic acid N-(methylpropyl)
amide (LAMPA) and any analytical technique should be capable of separating LAMPA
from LSD.
The presence of LSD may be signalled early by placing the suspect paper under long
wavelength ultraviolet (UV) light. The presence of LSD is indicated by a blue fluorescence.
Colour test
Van Urk’s reagent gives a purple colour.
Thin–layer chromatography
TAI: LSD, Rf = 0.58; LAMPA, Rf = 0.49.
Visualisation: observe the plate under UV light (254 nm and 365 nm).
Spray with Van Urk’s reagent and heat to give a blue spot.
For analytical data, see Tables 2.4 and 2.5, and also the screening systems and group
separation systems in Chapter 27, Chapter 28 and Chapter 29.
Some difficulty may be encountered in obtaining an unequivocal identification of LSD
because of its low dosage (50 μg or less). However, if the sample is concentrated, a
satisfactory analysis can be achieved.
Place a suspect LSD square in a glass vial and cover with methanol. After soaking (or
sonicating) for 10 to 20 min, the methanol can be transferred to a plastic insert for analysis.
Another method is to add concentrated ammonia (about two drops) to the methanol.
In addition to chromatographic separation, LSD can be discriminated from other ergot
alkaloids by the mass spectrometric fragmentation pattern. For example, the presence in the
LSD spectrum of a m/z 100 fragment nearly as intense as the m/z 111 fragment response
serves to differentiate LSD from other disubstituted amides (Clarke 1989).
HPLC is the method of choice for quantitative analysis of LSD using a solvent mixture of
methanol and water (1:1) (McDonald et al. 1984).
In some instances, a comparison is requested between one square of LSD and a large sheet
of perforated squares. This can be an easy matter if the design on the large sheet spreads
over the whole sheet and the ‘missing’ square fits neatly into the pattern. In other instances
the design may be on every individual square (or there may be no design). In such cases, it
is necessary to examine the colour, design and/or dimensions of the squares and the
perforation pattern.
Chemical comparisons can also be undertaken, but squares from the same large sheet can
vary in the amount of LSD on each.
MDMA is the prototypical member of a large series of phenethylamine designer drugs and
has become one of the main drugs of abuse in many countries in Northern Europe.
Clandestine production is centred largely in Europe. A number of homologous compounds
with broadly similar effects, such as methylenedioxyamfetamine (MDA), MDEA and N-
methyl–1-(1,3–benzodioxol–5–yl)-2–butanamine (MBDB) have also appeared, but have
proved less popular. These substances are collectively known as the ‘ecstasy’ drugs.
MDMA is the most common drug encountered in ‘ecstasy’ tablets. The tablets are typically
10 mm in diameter, either flat or biconvex and weigh approximately 300 mg. The MDMA
content varies, but is generally in the range 80 to 100 mg per tablet. The tablets normally
carry a characteristic logo or imprint. These designs are not restricted to MDMA tablets,
but may be found on amfetamine and other illicit products. In other words, the logo and
other physical characteristics provide no reliable information on the drug content. Many
hundreds of different impressions have been found, several examples of which are shown in
Fig. 2.5.
Synthesis of MDMA
Colour test
Marquis test gives a blue–black colour.
TLC: TA, Rf = 0.31; TB, Rf = 0.23.
Visualisation: acidified iodoplatinate solution.
For analytical data, see Tables 2.4 and 2.5, and also the screening systems and group
separation systems in Chapter 27, Chapter 28 and Chapter 29. Base extraction into an
organic solvent and/or derivatisation prior to GC–MS analysis is also common in the
separation and identification of MDMA.
Analysis of steroids
Colour test
Sulfuric acid–ethanol reagent or p-toluenesulfonic acid solution.
Thin–layer chromatography
TP: fluoxymesterone Rf = 0.51; nandroloneRf = 0.87; testosteroneRf = 0.60;
methyltestosterone Rf = 0.70.
TQ: fluoxymesterone Rf = 0.09; nandroloneRf = 0.48; testosteroneRf = 0.07;
methyltestosterone Rf = 0.16.
Visualisation: sulfuric acid–ethanol reagent or p-toluenesulfonic acid
For analytical data, see Tables 2.4 and 2.5, and also the screening systems and group
separation systems in Chapter 27, Chapter 28 and Chapter 29, particularly system GAR in
Chapter 28.
There are 34 benzodiazepines listed in Schedule 4 of the UN 1971 Convention. Most are
now rarely prescribed and abuse is restricted largely to pharmaceutical preparations that
contain diazepam, flunitrazepam, nitrazepam, flurazepam and temazepam. They may be
used in conjunction with opiates (e.g. diamorphine) or in their own right. A particular
problem occurred in Scotland during the mid–1990s when the contents of gel–filled
temazepam capsules were injected. Abuse of temazepam declined following the withdrawal
of capsules from the market and their replacement with tablets. In other countries,
flunitrazepam became the most widely abused benzodiazepine. This drug also gained a
certain notoriety for its association with ‘date rape’. For these reasons, flunitrazepam was
moved to Schedule 3 of the UN 1971 Convention and is therefore subject to more stringent
Analytical information is presented below on only the most widely abused benzodiazepines
(diazepam, flunitrazepam, nitrazepam and flurazepam). Further analytical information is
given in the screening systems and group separation systems in Chapter 27, Chapter 28 and
Chapter 29.
Analysis of benzodiazepines
Colour test
In the Zimmerman test, reddish purple or pink indicates the possible presence of some of
the benzodiazepines.
Thin–layer chromatography
TA: diazepamRf = 0.75; flunitrazepamRf = 0.63; nitrazepamRf = 0.68;
flurazepamRf = 0.62.
TB: diazepamRf = 0.23; flunitrazepamRf = 0.10); nitrazepamRf = 0.00;
flurazepamRf = 0.30.
Visualisation: acidified iodoplatinate solution.
For analytical data, see Tables 2.4 and 2.5, and also the screening systems and group
separation systems in Chapter 27, Chapter 28 and Chapter 29, particularly system HBH and
HBI in the Chapter 29 and system GA in Chapter 28).
Gamma–hydroxybutyric acid and analogues
GHB was originally developed as an anaesthetic drug and is still used for that purpose in
some countries. It acts as a CNS depressant and hypnotic, and is chemically related to the
brain neurotransmitter gamma–aminobutyric acid (GABA). Synonyms include sodium
oxybate, gamma-OH, somatomax, ‘GBH’ and ‘liquid ecstasy’. The effects of GHB have
been likened to those produced by alcohol and there are claims that it has anabolic
properties. GHB is manufactured easily by adding aqueous sodium hydroxide to gamma–
butyrolactone (GBL) to leave a weakly alkaline solution. Not only is the precursor GBL
widely used as an industrial solvent, but also it can be ingested directly to produce the same
effects as GHB. Illicit GHB is normally sold in solution as a clear liquid in 30 mL opaque
plastic bottles. The typical dose is around 10 mL, equivalent to about 1 g or more of GHB.
The sodium and potassium salts of GHB are hygroscopic, so GHB is almost never found as
a powder or in tablets.
Analysis of GHB
The legal distinction between GHB and GBL, coupled with the potential for GBL to
undergo interconversion with GHB, raises important issues in the analytical approach to
GHB analysis. The potential exists for aqueous–based GBL products to undergo conversion
to GHB in the time between manufacture and consumption. Some of the factors that affect
this interconversion have been explored by Ciolino et al. (2001).
Colour test
1% cobalt nitrate that gives a pink–to–violet colour is indicative of GHB. Several other
tests for GHB and GBL using a mixture of common reagents can be found in Chapter 19
(Appendix 20.3).
Analysis of khat
Approximately 5 to 6 g of plant material is cut into small pieces. Methanol (15 to 20 mL) is
added and the mixture sonicated for 15 min. The green methanolic solution is filtered or
decanted and condensed to near dryness. Approximately 20 mL of 0.2 M sulfuric acid is
added and the solution acquires a reddish hue. A chloroform extract removes the neutral
organic compounds. The aqueous layer (red layer) is basified with saturated sodium
bicarbonate solution. Methylene chloride (20 mL) is added to extract the cathinone and
cathine. A stream of air is used to reduce the volume to approximately 1 mL.
Colour test
Cathinone gives no reaction with Marquis reagent, but does produce a slow–forming
yellow–orange colour with Chen’s reagent.
Thin–layer chromatography
TE: cathinone Rf = 0.46; cathine Rf = 0.25.
Visualisation: UV (254 nm) and 0.5% ninhydrin; cathinone shows an orange
colour and cathine a purple colour.
For analytical data, see Tables 2.4 and 2.5, and also the screening systems and group
separation systems in Chapter 27, Chapter 28 and Chapter 29.
Psilocybe mushrooms
The hallucinogenic substances psilocin and its phosphate ester psilocybine occur in a
number of fungi, particularly those of the genus Psilocybe. These are small, grey
mushrooms that grow wild over large areas. Although such material is not in itself
controlled, and neither is its cultivation, it has been held in UK case law that the deliberate
drying or processing of these mushrooms constitutes the preparation of a controlled drug.
A small quantity (approximately 1 g) of the dried mushrooms is sonicated with methanol
(approximately 5 mL) for 10 min. The liquid is removed and reduced in volume at room
temperature in an airflow. Psilocybine can be converted into psilocin by heating. This
conversion can also occur if the mushrooms are not dried prior to or when they arrive in the
Colour test
With Ehrlich reagent, a violet colour is indicative of psilocybine and psilocin.
Thin–layer chromatography
TAN: psilocybine Rf = 0.34; psilocin Rf = 0.59.
TA: psilocybine Rf = 0.05; psilocin Rf = 0.39.
Visualisation: Van Urk’s reagent with both shows a blue–violet colour.
For analytical data, see Tables 2.4 and 2.5. Direct injection of psilocybe mushroom extracts
onto a GC converts psilocybine into psilocin by thermal dephosphorylation, and only
psilocin is detected. Thus, prior derivatisation is necessary if psilocybine is to be detected.
To eliminate sugars that may interfere with derivatisation, 1 ml of acetone is added to the
methanolic solution and the mixture allowed to stand for 30 min and then filtered. The
solution is taken to dryness in a stream of air. Pyridine (15 μL), TMS (15 μL) and BSTFA
(100 μL) are added and the solution heated at 100° for 30 min.
Psilocin is converted to psilocin di-TMS and psilocybine to psilocybine tri-TMS.
‘Designer drugs’
Although a few ring–substituted phenethylamines, such as 4–bromo–2,5–
dimethoxyamfetamine (DOB), have been subject to limited abuse since at least the 1960s, it
was not until the 1980s that the phenomenon of so–called designer drugs was fully
Starting in the late 1980s, a large series of designer drugs began to appear, all of which
were based on the phenethylamine nucleus. Just as with the production of the major illicit
phenethylamines (e.g. MDMA), much of this synthetic activity takes place in Europe.
Table 2.6 lists a number of designer drugs that have appeared in Europe and the USA since
the mid–1990s. This list, which may not necessarily be complete, shows that the
phenethylamines comprise the largest group. Ring–substituted compounds were more
common than N-substituted homologues without ring–substitution. The substances shown
in Table 2.6 have appeared both as powders and as tablets, often manufactured, packaged
or marked in such a way that they may appear to the user to be amfetamine or MDMA.
Considerable scope exists to develop further series of phenethylamine–related ‘designer
drugs’. Thus, ring–substituted analogues of cathinone and methcathinone might have
MDMA-like activity, while benzylpiperazine and 1–phenylethylamine could also be the
parents of novel psychoactive derivatives.
The approach to the analysis of these compounds, especially the phenethylamine–related
‘designer drugs’, could be in line with the general procedure outlined for powders and with
specific reference to the analytical procedures employed to analyse MDMA or amfetamine.
Table 2.6.
Ring–substituted phenethylamines Acronym
4-Allyloxy–3,5–dimethoxyphenethylamine AL –/+
6-Chloro-MDMA – –/+
4-Methoxy-N-ethylamfetamine – –/+
N,N-Dimethylamfetamine – –/–
N-Acetylamfetamine – –/–
4-Acetoxy-N,N-di–isopropyltryptamine – –/–
1-Phenyl–3–butanamine – –/–
Ring–substituted phenethylamines Acronym
Methcathinone – +/+
Table 2.6. Designer drugs reported in Europe and the USA since the mid–1990s a
Those substances listed in UN 1971 or that are controlled in the UK by the Misuse of
Drugs Act (1971) are shown by (+). In the USA, unscheduled substances may still be
deemed to be controlled by virtue of the Controlled Substances Analogue Enforcement Act
Many other compounds are encountered in the laboratory as ‘drugs of abuse’, such as
opium, phencyclidine and its analogues, tryptamines, barbiturates, methadone, morphine,
dihydrocodeine, ephedrine, ketamine and alkyl nitrites. Many of these are encountered
rarely. However, the general approach to the analysis of an unknown substance outlined
above should pose no difficulty to the identification of any of these drugs. Analytical
information and background information on many of the drugs can be found in some of the
general texts in the area (Klein et al. 1989; Redda et al. 1989; Gough 1991; Shulgin and
Shulgin 1992; CND Analytical 1994; United Nations 1994; Cole and Caddy 1995; Weaver
and Yeung 1995; Karch 1996, Karch 1998; Ciolino et al. 2001).
1. C. G. G. Aitken , Sampling – How big a sample?, J. Forensic Sci. 1999, 44, 750–