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17 CZ21A Comm AF

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NOVEMBER 2020 62501/CZ21A/


Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

SECTION A — (10  2 = 20 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.
1. Define ‘Donation’.
‘|ßöPõøh’ Áøμ¯Ö.
2. What is ‘Error of principle’?
‘öPõÒøP ¤øÇ’ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?
3. What is ‘Trading A/c’?
¯õ£õμ PnUS GßÓõÀ GßÚ?
4. What is ‘Depreciation’?
÷u´©õÚ® GßÓõÀ GßÚ?
5. Define ‘Average Clause’.
‘\μõ\› ¤›Ä’ Áøμ¯Ö.
6. What is ‘Standard Turnover’?
‘{ø»¯õÚ ÂØ£øÚ’ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?
7. What is ‘Complete Repossession’?
•ÊÁx® v¸®£¨ ö£ÖuÀ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?
8. Define ‘Subscription’.
‘\¢uõ’ Áøμ¯Ö.
9. What is Bank Reconciliation Statement?
Á[Q \›Pmk £mi¯À GßÓõÀ GßÚ?
10. What is Instalment?
uÁøn GßÓõÀ GßÚ?
11. What is Sinking fund method?
ªuUS® {v •øÓ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

12. What is Stock and debtor system in Hire purchase accounting

ÁõhøP öPõÒ•uÀ •øÓ°À \μUS ©ØÖ® PhÚõͺ •øÓ GßÓõÀ
SECTION B — (5  5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

13. Rectify the following errors :

(a) Sales to Sridhar Rs.152, Posted to his account as Rs.125
(b) Purchased goods from Monohar Rs.550, credited as Rs.505
(c) Received Bills receivable from Seenu Rs.1,000, posted as
(d) Purchased furniture from Raghu Rs.404 on credit debited as
(e) Discount allowed Rs.64 to Anbu credited to his account as
RÌPõq® ¤øÇPøÍ \›PmkP .
(A) ÿu¸US ÂØ£øÚ ö\´ux ¹.152, AÁμx PnUQÀ ¹.125
GÚ GÊu¨£mhx
(B) ©÷ÚõP›h® ¹.550 öPõÒ•uÀ ö\´ux AÁμx PnUQÀ
¹.505 öPõÒ•uÀ ö\´ux
(C) ^Ý GߣÁ›h® ö£ØÓ ©õØÖa^mk ¹.1,000 AÁμx PnUQÀ
¹.100 GÚ GÊu¨£mhx
(D) μS GߣÁ›h® ¹.404 US öPõÒ•uÀ ö\´u AoP»ßPÒ
¹.440 GÚ £ØÖ øÁUP¨£mhx
(E) Aߦ GߣÁ¸US ¹.64 PÈÄ AÝ©vzux AÁμx PnUQÀ
¹.46 GÚ ÁμÄ øÁUP¨£mhx.

14. A fire occured in the premises of ‘X’ Ltd. On 10.10.2015. All

stocks were destroyed except to the extent of Rs.6,200. From the
following figures, ascertain the loss of stock suffered by the
Stock on 1.1.2014 40,000
Purchase during 2014 1,45,000
Sales during 2014 2,00,000
Stock on 31.12.2014 25,000
Purchase during 2015 upto the date of fire 1,52,200
Sales during 2015 upto the date of fire 1,89,000

2 62501/CZ21A/
‘X’ {ÖÁÚ ÁÍõPzvÀ 10.10.2015 ÷uv¯ßÖ w £zx HØ£mhx.
AvÀ ¹.6,200 ©v¨¦ÒÍ \μUQøÚ uÂu AøÚzx®
£õvzxÂmhx. RÌPõq® ÂÁμ[Pμ¸¢x £zuõÀ HØ£mh
\μUQß |mhzøu PnUQkP.
1.1.2014&À \μUQ¸¨¦ 40,000
2014&À öPõÒ•uÀ 1,45,000
2014&À ÂØ£øÚ 2,00,000
31.12.2014&À \μUQ¸¨¦ 25,000
2015 BsiÀ w £zx HØ£mh |õÒ Áøμ öPõÒ•uÀ 1,52,200
2015 BsiÀ w £zx HØ£mh |õÒ Áøμ ÂØ£øÚ 1,89,000

15. Explain different types of Repossession in Hire purchase system.

ÁõhøP öPõÒ•uÀ •øÓ°À «mk® ö£ÖøP°ß ÁøPPøÍ

16. A company acquired a machine on 1.1.2015 at a cost of Rs.40,000

and spent Rs.1,000 on its installation. The firm writes off
depreciation at 10% on the diminishing balance. The books are
closed on 31st December of each year. Show the Machinery A/c
for 3 years.
J¸ {ÖÁÚ® 1.1.2015 CÀ ¹.40,000 AhUPÂø» Eøh¯ J¸
C¯¢vμ® Áõ[Q¯x. ¹.1,000 ö£õÖzxøP ö\»Ä ö\´¯¨£mhx.
A¢u {ÖÁÚ® 10% SøÓ¢x ö\À •øÓ°À ÷u´©õÚ® PÈzx
Á¢uÚº. 31 i\®£º AßÖ JÆöÁõ¸ Bsk® PnUS •iUQßÓÚº
3 BskPÐUPõÚ C¯¢vμ PnUøP u¯õº ö\´P.

17. Prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement from the following

data as on 31.12.2015. Overdraft balance as per cash book
(a) Unpresented cheque 3,000
(b) Uncleared cheque 1,700
(c) Bank interest debited in the pass book only 500
(d) Bill collected and credited in pass book only 800
(e) Cheque of ‘R’ dishonoured 500
(f) Cheques issued to ‘S’ entered in the
cash column of cash book 300
3 62501/CZ21A/
RÌPõq® uμÄPμ¸¢x Á[Q \›Pmk £mi¯À 31.12.2015 À
u¯õº ö\´P. ÷©ÀÁøμ£ØÖ öμõUP PnUS¨£i C¸¨¦ ¹.9,000


(A) ö\¾zu¨£hõu Põ÷\õø» 3,000

(B) Á`¼UP¨£hõu Põ÷\õø» 1,700

(C) Á[Q Ámi £ØÖ Á[Q ¦zuPzvÀ ©mk®

øÁUP¨£mkÒÍx 500

(D) Esi¯À Á`À ö\´x Á[Q ¦zuPzvÀ ÁμÄ

øÁUP¨£mhx 800

(E) ‘R’ GߣÁ›ß Põ÷\õø» v¸®¤ Á¢ux 500

(F) ‘S’ &US Põ÷\õø» ö\¾zv¯x öμõUP PnUQÀ

öμõUP £UPzvÀ GÊv¯x 300

18. Find out Profit from the following data :

Capital at the beginning of the year 8,00,000
Drawing during the year 1,80,000
Capital at the end of the year 9,00,000
Capital introduced during the year 50,000
RÌPõq® uμÄPμ¸¢x C»õ£zøu PnUQkP :

Á¸h B쮣zvÀ C¸¢u •uÀ 8,00,000

Á¸hzvÀ Gk¨¦1,80,000

Á¸h Pøh]°À- C¸¢u •uÀ 9,00,000

Á¸hzvÀ ÷£õmh TkuÀ •uÀ 50,000

19. Explain the factors affecting the amount of Depreciation.

÷u´©õÚ öuõøPø¯ £õvUS® PõμoPÒ ¯õøÁ?

4 62501/CZ21A/
SECTION C — (3  10 = 30 marks)

Answer any THREE questions.

20. The following is the Receipts and Payments account of Kandan

Recreation Club for the year ended 31 March 2015
Receipts Rs. Payments Rs.
To Balance b/d 7,000 By Salaries 28,000
To Subscriptions : By General expenses 6,000
2013-14 5,000 By Electricity 4,000
2014-15 20,000 By Books purchased 10,000
2015-16 4,000 29,000 By Periodical
To Rent for use of purchased 8,000
conference room 14,000 By Loan repaid 20,000
To Receipts from
facilities 28,000
To Sale of old By balance c/d 4,000
magazines 2,000
8,00,000 8,00,000

Additional Data :
(a) The club has 50 members, each paying Rs.500 p.a. as
(b) Subscription outstanding on 31.3.2015 Rs.6,000
(c) Salaries outstanding Rs.2,000 Salaries paid include
Rs.6,000 for 2013-14
(d) On 1.4.2014, the clubs properties were :
Buildings Rs.2,00,000
Furniture and fittings Rs.20,000 and
Books Rs.20,000
(e) Provide 10% Depreciation on Buildings and furniture.
Prepare Income and Expenditure account for the year
ending 31.3.2015.
5 62501/CZ21A/
RÌÁ¸ÁÚ P¢uß ©Ú©QÌ ©ßÓzvß 31, ©õºa 2015 BsiØS›¯
ÁμÂÚ ©ØÖ® ö\»ÂÚ PnUS BS®
ÁμÂÚ[PÒ ¹. ö\»ÂÚ[PÒ ¹.
C¸¨¦ RÌ / öPõnº 7,000 \®£Í® 28,000
\¢uõ : ö£õxa ö\»ÄPÒ 6,000
2013-14 5,000 ªßPmhn® 4,000
2014-15 20,000 ¦zuP® Áõ[Q¯x 10,000
2015-16 4,000 29,000 Põ» CøhöÁΰÀ
P»¢uõ´Ä Aμ[P öPõÒ•uÀ 8,000
ÁõhøP ö£ØÓx 14,000 Phß v¸¨¦
ö£õÊ÷£õUS ö\¾zv¯x 20,000
{PÌa]UPõÚ C¸¨¦ ^/C. 4,000
ÁμÂÚ® 28,000
£øǯ ¦zuP
ÂØ£øÚ 2,000

8,00,000 8,00,000

TkuÀ uμÄPÒ :
(A) C¢u ©ßÓzvÀ 50 EÖ¨¤ÚºPÒ EÒÍÚº JÆöÁõ¸Á¸®
¹.500 Á¸hzvØS \¢uõ ö\¾zxQßÓÚº
(B) 31.3.2015 À \¢uõ {¾øÁ°À EÒÍx.6,000
(C) \®£Í® {¾øÁ ¹.2,000 \®£ÍzuÀ ¹.6,000
2013-14US›¯x EÒÍhUQ EÒÍx
(D) 1.4.2014À ©ßÓzvß ö\õzxUPÒ :
Pmih® ¹.2,00,000
AøÓP»ß ¹.20,000
©ØÖ® ¦zuP® ¹.20,000
(E) Pmih® ©ØÖ® AøÓP»ß «x 10% ÷u´©õÚ® JxUPÄ®.
31.3.2015 Bsiß Á¸Áõ´ ©ØÖ® ö\»ÂÚ PnUøP u¯õº

6 62501/CZ21A/
21. ‘X’ purchased a machine on hire purchase system on 1st January
2014. The terms of payment are four annual instalments of
Rs.12,690 at the end of each year. Interest is charged @ 5% and
is included in the annual payment of Rs.12,690.
Show Machinery account and Hire vendor account in the books
of ‘X’ who defaulted in the payment of the Third yearly payment
where upon the vendor repossessed the Machinery. ‘X’ provides
depreciation on to Machinery @ 10% p.a. on the reducing
áÚÁ› 2014 À ‘X’ J¸ C¯¢vμzøu ÁõhøP öPõÒ•uÀ •øÓ°À
öPõÒ•uÀ ö\´uõº, AøÁ Á¸h CÖv°À ¹.12,690 Ãu® |õßS
uÁøn°À ö\¾zxÁuõP J¨£¢u® Ámi Á¸hzvØS 5%. CøÁ
Á¸h ö\¾zx® öuõøP¯õÚ ¹.12,690 À EÒÍhUQ²ÒÍx.
‘X’ PnUQÀ C¯¢vμ PnUS, ÁõhøP öPõÒ•uÀ ÂØ£øÚ¯õͺ
PnUS Põmk. ‘X’ GßÓÁº 3Áx uÁøn öuõøP Pmh uÁÔÂmhõº.
GÚ÷Á ÂØ£øÚ°À C¯¢vμzøu v¸®£ ö£ØÖ öPõshõº.
‘X’ SøÓ¢x ö\À¾® C¸¨¦ •øÓ°À BskUS 10% ÷u´©õÚ®

22. What are the difference between Double entry and Single entry
Cμmøh £vÄ ©ØÖ® JØøÓ £vÄ •øÓPÐUQøh÷¯¯õÚ
Âzv¯õ\[PÒ ¯õøÁ?

23. Record the following transactions in the personal account of

2015 Rs.
April 1 Sold goods to Kapil 6,000
5 Cash received from Kapil 5,800
and allowed discount 200
18 Kapil purchased goods 8,000
30 Received cash from Kapil on account 4,500
May 1 Balance from last month b/d 3,500
12 Sold goods to Kapil 12,000
22 Received cash from Kapil 4,850
and allowed him discount 150
31 Received cash in full settlement of Kapil’s a/c 10,250

7 62501/CZ21A/
RÌPõq® |hÁiUøPPøÍ P¤À GߣÁ›ß BÒ\õº PnUQÀ £vÄ
2015 ¹.
H¨μÀ 1 P¤À GߣÁ¸US \μUS ÂØÓx 6,000
5 P¤¼h® öμõUP® ö£ØÓx 5,800
PÈÄ AÝ©vzux 200
18 P¤À \μUS öPõÒ•uÀ ö\´ux 8,000
P¤¼hª¸¢x ö£ØÓ öμõUP® 4,500
÷© 1 ö\ßÓ©õu C¸¨¦ ^/ö\õ 3,500
12 P¤¾ÝUS \μUS ÂØÓx 12,000
22 P¤¼h® ö£ØÓ öμõUP® 4,850
PÈÄ AÝ©vzux 150
31 P¤À PnUøP ÷|ºö\´¯ ö£ØÓ öμõUP® 1,020

24. Explain the different methods of calculating depreciation.

÷u´©õÚzøu PnUQk® £» ÁÈPøÍ ÂÁ›.


8 62501/CZ21A/

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