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Chapter I: Importance of Personal Identification in Criminal Investigation

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highly decomposed or
dismembered to deliberately
Identification of a body, even if it is well conceal the identity of the
preserved, is not an easy procedure, and it is individual.
necessary for the operator to have a good
knowledge of all available methods that can be
applied to that particular case. HOW IS POSITIVE BIOLOGICAL IDENTIFICATION
In most countries, before autopsy of a
normal identified body, a formal identification Interpol identification guidelines state
of the victim is performed by relatives or that an accurate identification can be obtained
friends who officially are considered by :
“responsible” for this identification on a bona
 comparing ante- and
fide basis. However, in all cases of badly
postmortem data, both circumstantial
preserved remains or in cases of well-preserved
(clothes, personal belongings, and so
cadavers for which no one can perform a
on), along with the findings from the
reliable visual identification, biological
external examination of the corpse
identification must be performed. Visual
(physiognomic traits, fingerprints, and
identification of well-preserved cadavers carried
so forth) and by means of postmortem
out by acquaintances in some countries is the
examination (clinical, dental, DNA data).
only adopted and accepted criterion.
It is the authors’ opinion that even
However, many times this procedure circumstantial information may be
has proven unreliable. Even in well-preserved dangerous on its own. It may happen
cases, it is advisable to carry out identification that, both by error or intentionally, the
with a combination of criteria and not to personal belongings of a person are
depend only on visual identification. In found on the remains of another
particular circumstances, in fact, this could be person. Thus, they must be considered
invalidated by the emotional condition of the as circumstantial indications of identity,
relatives or acquaintances, or by slight but not definite proof. It is clear that
postmortem alterations. Thus, particularly in the risk posed by each case must always
cases of human remains that cannot be visually be carefully evaluated.
identified because they have been altered by
Within this perspective, one should
putrefactive processes, fire, or dismemberment,
consider physical biological evidence as the
judges must be advised against performing
foundation of identification.
visual identification or identification by means
of personal belongings or documents (e.g., For this reason, any form on which such
identity card, driver’s license). data (the so-called descriptors) is collected must
be extremely detailed. This implies drawing up,
Personal identification is defined as
at the external examination, an accurate
description both of clothing/personal
belongings and body data:
The need for personal identification arises in
1. sex
2. height
 earth quakes, 3. constitution
 tsunamis, 4. skin color
 landslides,
 floods


 terrorist attacks,
 bomb blasts,
Some of these features, which are general and have a criminal record, is part of the military, or
observer-dependent, are potentially misleading. the country of origin registers fingerprints on
identity cards. Many countries have a database
However, there are more specific
(automated fingerprint identification system, or
features and descriptors such as:
AFIS) that permits one to compare the
1. scars fingerprints inserted in a databank with those of
2. moles subjects already fingerprinted in life. Once the
3. gross anomalies fingerprint of the cadaver is entered, this
computerized system will return a series of
that often may be sufficient for identification. possible matches, which the fingerprint expert
Finally, within the context of the autopsy, it is will then evaluate.
possible to carry out a dental examination, to
verify organ anomalies, and to take blood Forensic anthropology and odontology
samples and samples of other tissues for methods, which compare the status and shape
genetic examination, together with samples and of teeth and bones, ARE VALID ALTERNATIVE
radiographs of bone tissue. METHODS. They are advantageous methods
because they are faster and less costly;
Apart from the issue of identifying a however, they may suffer, in the view of some
well-preserved cadaver with personal judges, of the qualitative and nonquantitative
descriptors such as physiognomy, tattoos, and responses they give.
INVOLVED IN THE IDENTIFICATION OF HUMAN Genetic and fingerprinting methods
REMAINS: give a quantitative result, or at least statistics
have been performed on the specific traits
1. DNA, studied that allow one to answer in a
2. FINGERPRINT ANALYSIS quantitative manner on the probability of two
3. ODONTOLOGY, AND individuals having similar characteristics—in the
4. ANTHROPOLOGY (OR BETTER first case, for the distribution of different alleles
YET, OSTEOLOGY). within a population; in the second, for the
GENETIC AND DACTYLOSCOPIC frequency of minutiae on the finger. In the case
(FINGERPRINTING) INVESTIGATIONS are better of morphological methods (such as the
known to criminal investigation departments odontological and anthropological ones), a
and to the magistrates. In the first case, one unanimous and clear agreement on the quality
compares the genetic asset of the remains with and quantity of the characters necessary in
those of the presumed relatives (children, order to achieve personal identification does
parents, siblings) or with that obtained from not exist. The recurrence of discordant
residual cells on the personal belongings used characters settles the case by excluding the
by the person in life (for example, razors, identity; some or many concordant characters,
combs, toothbrushes, and so forth). THE particularly if not uncommon within the
GENETIC INVESTIGATION TECHNIQUES ARE population, can only permit expression of a
CERTAINLY VERY EFFECTIVE AND HAVE GREAT judgment of compatibility or possibility; few
POTENTIAL. However, at times they may not be characters or a combination of characters, rare
applicable as there could be problems in the among the population, will allow one to express
extraction of DNA from skeletal remains, or a judgment of high probability or certainty.
relatives suitable for a genetic comparison may
not be available.

On the other hand, concerning the use

of dactyloscopic methods, the problem consists
sometimes in the fact that the fingerprint is
poorly detectable (even if this problem can be
partly overcome with techniques to be
discussed further on), and that the person’s
fingerprints need to have been taken in life.
This frequently means that he or she has to

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