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Assessment: Canterbury Business College

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Canterbury Business College

CRICOS Code – 01899K RTO Code - 6554

Unit description:
Cluster Hospitality 1
Unit Code SITXMGT001
Unit Name Monitor Work operations
Qualification Name SIT40516 - Certificate IV In Commercial Cookery
Training Package Hospitality
Assessment Tool knowledge test / Case study / Report writing

Student must fill this section:

Candidate Name: SAJAL LAMA
Candidate ID: 6565
“I give my permission for my assessment material to be used in the auditing,
Privacy Release Clause: assessment validation & moderation Process”
Plagiarism and
“I acknowledge that entire assessment work is done by me”

Student signature: Date: 08/06/2020

Feedback to student:

Assessment Completion Status

Attempt Satisfactory Non- Date Assessor’s Signature

Initial attempt  
2nd attempt/Re-
assessment  
Canterbury Business College
CRICOS Code – 01899K RTO Code - 6554

Information for Candidate:

• All work is to be entirely of the candidate.

General Information for this assessment:

• Read the instructions for each question very carefully.

• Be sure to PRINT your FULL name & LAST name in every place that is provided.
• Short questions must be answered in the spaces provided.
• For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, ESSAY reports, etc. The student must attach its own work
formatted in double space, Arial 12 pts.
• All activities must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the unit of competency.
• If the candidate doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to interpret the assessment.

Re-assessment of Result & Academic Appeal procedures:

If a student at Canterbury Business College is not happy with his/ her results, the student may appeal against their result via a written letter, clearly
stating the grounds of appeal to the MSS / DSS. This should be submitted after completion of the subject and within 14 days of commencement of the
new term.

Re-assessment Process:
• An appeal in writing is made to the ACC / MSS providing reasons for re-assessment /appeal.
• ACC / MSS will delegate another faculty member of CBC to review the assessment.
• The student will be advised of the review result done by another assessor.
• If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review panel is formed comprising the lecturer/trainer in charge,
the ACC, the MSS and the DSS OR if need be an external assessor.
• The Institute will advise the student of the appeal decision within 14 days from the submission date of the appeal. The decision of the panel
will be deemed to be final.
• If the student is still not satisfied with the result, the he / she has the right to seek independent advice or follow external mediation option
with CBC’s nominated mediation agency.
• Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be required to re-enrol in that subject.

The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base his/her judgement based on principles of assessment. These
principles require assessment to be reliable, fair, practical and valid.

Academic Appeals:
• If the student is dissatisfied with the outcome of the assessment marking process, he/she has a right to appeal the assessment results.
• The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the MSS / ACC and submitted within seven days of notification of the assessment results.
• If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand as marked.
• In emergency circumstances, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, the student must forward a medical certificate in support of a
deferred appeal. The notice of appeal must be made within three working days of the concluding date shown on the medical certificate.
• The decision of MSS / ACC will be discussed with the DSS and will be final.

For further information please refer to Student Handbook.

“I acknowledge that I have understood all the above rules and guidelines for the assessment
SAJAL LAMA 09/06/2020

Full Name Signature Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

CBC-SITXMGT001-A-V2019.1 Page 2 of 27
Submission Details

The Assessment Task is due on the 08 June 2020. Any variations to this arrangement
must be approved in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.

Performance objective

 To provide you with an opportunity to select and use appropriate technology and software
applications to produce required business documents.
 To provide you with an opportunity to select layout and style of publication according to information
and organisational requirements.
 To provide you with an opportunity to ensure document design is consistent with company and/or
client requirements, using basic design principles.
 To provide you with an opportunity to discuss and clarify format and style with person requesting
 To provide you with an opportunity to identify, open and generate files and records according to task
and organisational requirements.
 To provide you with an opportunity to design document to ensure efficient entry of information and
to maximise presentation and appearance of information.
 To provide you with an opportunity to use a range of functions to ensure consistency of design and
 To provide you with an opportunity to operate input devices within designated requirements.
 To provide you with an opportunity to complete document production within designated timelines
according to organisational requirements.
 To provide you with an opportunity to check document produced to ensure it meets task
requirements for style and layout.
 To provide you with an opportunity to use manuals, training booklets and/or help-desks to
overcome basic difficulties with document design and production.
 To provide you with an opportunity to proofread document for readability, accuracy and consistency
of language, style and layout prior to final output.
 To provide you with an opportunity to name and store document in accordance with organisational
requirements and exit application without data loss/damage.
 To provide you with an opportunity to make any modifications to document to meet requirements.
 To provide you with an opportunity to print and present document according to requirements.
Elements Performance Criteria

Elements describe the essential outcome Performance criteria describe the

performance needed to demonstrate
achievement of the element.

1. Monitor and improve workplace 1..1, 1.2, 1.3,1.4, 1.5,1.6,1.7


2. Plan and organise workflow. 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5

3. Monitor and support team members. 3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,3.5

4. Solve problems and make decisions. 4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4,4.5

Learning objectives:

• To provide you with an opportunity to monitor efficiency and service levels through close
contact with day-to-day operations.
• To provide you with an opportunity to ensure workplace operations support overall
organisational goals and quality assurance initiatives.
• To provide you with an opportunity to identify quality problems and issues and make appropriate
adjustments to procedures and systems, with relevant approvals.
• To provide you with an opportunity to proactively consult with colleagues about ways to improve
efficiency and service levels, including potential for new technologies and other innovations.
• To provide you with an opportunity to provide feedback to colleagues and management to inform
future planning.
• To provide you with an opportunity to identify and take opportunities to evaluate current and
emerging industry trends and practices for relevance to own work situation.
• To provide you with an opportunity to assess and respond to opportunities to improve sustainability
of day-to-day operations.
• To provide you with an opportunity to assess current workloads, and schedule work to maximise
efficiency and customer service quality within budget constraints.
• To provide you with an opportunity to delegate work according to principles of delegation.
• To provide you with an opportunity to assess workflow and progress against agreed objectives and
• To provide you with an opportunity to assist colleagues in prioritising workload through supportive
feedback and coaching.
• To provide you with an opportunity to provide timely input to appropriate management regarding
staffing needs.
• To provide you with an opportunity to monitor team and individual performance against agreed goals
and objectives.
• To provide you with an opportunity to proactively share information, knowledge and experiences
with team members.
• To provide you with an opportunity to challenge and test ideas within the team in a positive and
collaborative way.
• To provide you with an opportunity to provide feedback, coaching and support to team members.
• To provide you with an opportunity to complete and submit organisation records as required.
• To provide you with an opportunity to identify and analyse workplace problems from an operational
and customer service perspective
• To provide you with an opportunity to initiate short-term actions to resolve immediate problems
where appropriate and analyse problems for long-term impact, and assess and action potential
solutions in consultation with relevant colleagues.
• To provide you with an opportunity to encourage individual participation for the resolution of
problems raised by team members
• To provide you with an opportunity to take follow-up action to monitor effectiveness of solutions
Assessment task 1 (Knowledge Activity)

Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements. And if you
do not have work experience please use the simulated work environment created by your trainer.

Activity 1A:
1. Outline three ways in which efficiency is monitored within your organisation.


Three ways in which efficiency is monitored in our organisation are:

1. Visual Monitoring

Supervisors and managers observe employees carry out their duties and roles to complete goals set
by the organisation. Visual monitoring helps them measure productivity or employees, spot errors
in their performance and provide constructive recommendations for future.

2. Video and audio recordings

Recording appliances are used to monitor employee behaviour and discussions. This method is used
to monitor areas like customer service calls and retail store performance.

3. Manual recording systems

In this method, managers and team leaders keep records of the work of employees that has been
completed. These recorded data are stored in paper based formats or via computer databases. This
system is cheap to set up and the risk of corrupted data is significantly less.

2. Identify three aspects of customer service that are monitored by your organisation.


Three aspects of customer service that are monitored by our organisation are:

1. Customer Complaints

Customer complaints are regularly monitored by the organisation to identify the faults in the
current product service provided by the organisation, employees, or internal processes of the
organisation. Customer complaints prove to be crucial in monitoring customer service and
implementing new methods to meet customer expectations.

2. General feedback
Customer opinions on the experience they have with our organisation’s service is an extremely
helpful information. Feedbacks are regularly monitored to measure customer service quality and
adjust the business to fit their needs more accurately. Our organisation has set channels where our
customers can send their opinions about your customer service. We then analyse this feedback and
find ways to improve the failures that were pointed out.

3. Regularity of mistakes

Areas where mistakes and customer complaints are recurring are regularly monitored. This helps
the management find the root causes of the recurring mistakes and methods to solve these issues
to improve the customer service quality of the organisation.

Activity 1B:
1. Describe the methods that are used within your workplace to ensure that business
operations support the overall organisational goals.


The purpose of an organisation can be viewed as its basic goals, defined by the societal context in which
it operates. Organisational goals are the objectives, aims or purposes which are to be achieved by an
organisation over varying periods of time. Business operations are everything that happens within an
organisation to achieve these goals and earn money. In our organisation, we have implemented various
methods to ensure that business operations support the overall organisational goals of the company.
All of the employees in our organisation are educated and motivated on to achievement of the goals set
by the organisation. Regular monitoring and reviews of workplace operations are done to ensure they
are contributing to the success of the organisational targets. Monitoring is also done on customer calls
to make sure employees are doing their jobs and making the right recommendations to the customers.
Samples of products and services are taken and studied to make sure the manufacturing standards of
the organisation are on par with the expectations of the customers. Employees are encouraged to
maintain a healthy working and cooperative working environment. Systematic monitoring of workplace
operations and employee performance are done using tools like time sheets and progress reports. If the
organisation is consistent in achieving targets, further adjustments are made, and increased demands
are made from the employees to take the success to a higher level in the organisation.

2. What is quality assurance and how is it ensured within your organisation?


Quality assurance is the maintenance of a desired level of quality in a service or product, especially by
means of attention to every stage of the process of delivery or production. It is a way of preventing
mistakes and defects in the process and results of manufactured products and avoiding problems when
delivering the services to customers.

Our organisation uses the ISO9000 standard to ensure the quality assurance within the business. The
ISO 9000 family of quality management systems (QMS) is a set of standards that helps organizations
ensure they meet customers and other stakeholder needs within statutory and regulatory requirements
related to a product or service. ISO 9001 deals with the requirements that organizations wishing to
meet the standard must fulfil.

Furthermore, the organisation has developed policies and objectives to ensure quality assurance.
Policies are made for important areas that need attention to ensure quality control and service
excellence. Some of the areas are:
1. Great Value and Food Safety
2. Food production and services
3. House cleanliness
4. Training of employees
5. Staff management

Activity 1C:
1. You have been hired by a family owned café business as a hospitality consultant / chef. The café
owner requires you to identify any problems and issues that exist relating to the quality
assurance aspect of the business. You will also need to gain appropriate approvals for the
adjustment of any procedures and systems.

The following tools may be used during this activity:

 Flow charts
 Check sheets
 Cause and effect diagrams


LAMA Café ( a family

owned café)

Business going Need some changes to bring Need the owners

down business on track approval to
implement changes
1) Café renovations
2) Change the menu
3) Include quality food at
best price
4) Hire some
experienced staffs
5) Online advertisement
6) Discount policy to
attract costumers



Changes that need to be done Price Owners

Café renovation 15,000 $
Canterbury Business College
CRICOS Code – 01899K RTO Code - 6554

Menu changes 2000$

Hire new full timer chefs Salary as per the contract

Online advertisement 2000$

Activity 1D:
1. Briefly discuss how you can organise a meeting for an open consultation about the ways of improving
efficiency and service levels. You should encourage an open discussion and take note of any methods
that are recommended. You should also take the opportunity to discuss the potential for new
technologies and other innovations.


The meeting can be conducted in the organisation’s premises with departmental heads, supervisors,
and relevant staff from all the departments of the organisation. The main topic of discussions will be
ways to improve efficiency and service levels. This meeting will enable employees to contribute to the
development of ideas and business solutions. Every staff member should be committed to the change
process. Everybody can be encouraged to provide the group with their opinions and ideas so wider
range of ideas can be generated. This way, employees will feel that they are valued by the organisation.
The possible problems and issues that may affect the chances of successful implementation of the plan
should be outlined in the meeting.

Following methods may be recommended to improve the efficiency and service levels of the
1. Improving the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours of existing staff members through better
systems of recruiting, training, development, and motivation.
2. Managers and supervisors setting a good example for their team members.
3. Introducing new technology in the organisation that can reap productivity improvements
4. Reducing quantity of service levels and focussing more on quality.
5. Substituting products on services that have failed to meet expectations
6. Introducing new services
7. Improving customer interactions skills of employee through monitoring and training programs.

The group meeting will also focus on introduction of new technologies and innovations to improve the
efficient and service levels of the organisation. Ideas about the following technologies can be brought
to the table.

1. Recognition Technology
2. Robots to respond to queries from customers
3. Chatbots & Artificial Intelligence
CBC-SITXMGT001-A-V2019.1 Page 10 of
4. Virtual Reality
5. Smart Energy Management
6. Smart Reserved Vehicle Parking
7. Remote check-in/check-out
8. Mobile technologies
9. Business software

Activity 1E:
1. Specify five steps that should be followed when giving constructive feedback to your colleagues.


Five steps that should be followed when giving constructive feedback to our colleagues are:

1. We should think about the issue and how it affects our organisation.
2. We should ensure that the colleague has free time and find a suitable place to provide him/her
with the feedback.
3. We should provide feedbacks in a friendly and understandable manner.
4. We should clarify the understanding and make rectifications if necessary.
5. We should think of practical and effective solutions.

2. Identify four rules that should be followed when giving feedback to management.


Four rules that should be followed when giving feedback to management are:

1. We should make sure that the feedback is specific, relevant, and constructive.
2. We should make positive statements and offer recommendations.
3. We should use examples when referring to behavioural aspects.
4. We should thank the manager for listen

Activity 1F:

1. Specify five ways of identifying trends and practices that are relevant to your own work situation.


Five ways of identifying trends and practices relevant to our work situation are:

1. Through Social media

2. Through information sources like magazines, media reports, blogs, television etc
3. Through online tools like
• google trends
• online product reviews
• google ranking
• keyword mapping
4. Through trade journals
5. Through forums and discussion boards

2. Identify five methods of critical analysis that may be used for the evaluation of trends.


Five methods of critical analysis that may be used for the evaluation of trends are:

1. Comparing and contrasting

2. Critiquing and challenging

3. Considering merit

4. Reflecting

5. Making judgements about information relevance and ideas

Activity 1G:
1. As a Chef consultant establish an assessment process to identify the
opportunities to improve the sustainability of a day to day operations
within the aforesaid business. You have been provided with the opportunity to carry
out research and take note of the most viable business methods for sustainability. You can apply
the following tools to pursue research.
• Shift report
• Five whys approach
• Value stream mapping

Activity 2A:
1. Identify the four steps that should be followed during a workload assessment.


Four steps that should be followed during a workload assessment are:

1. Carrying out observations and inspection
2. Meeting with employees to discuss daily working patterns
3. Considering seasonal fluctuations and non-standard work
4. Summarising the information and creating graphs as representations of workload

2. Identify four ways of organising work for maximum efficiency.


Four ways of organising work for maximum efficiency are:

1. Asking for help and delegating tasks when required
2. Communicating effectively
3. Setting realistic time limits for the completion of tasks
4. Proper work Scheduling with regular breaks and eating healthy foods

Activity 2B:
1. Specify four reasons for delegating tasks within your organisation.


Four reasons for delegating tasks are:

1. To complete urgent tasks

2. To provide the opportunity for other team members to develop new skills and boost
their confidence
3. To prepare staff members for promotion
4. To develop your own skills as a manager or team leader

2. Identify four principles of delegation.


Four principles of delegation may relate to:

1. Clear communication of what is required
2. Gaining commitment
3. Selecting the right person
4. Regular reporting

Activity 2C:
1. Identify five ways of assessing workflow and progress against agreed objectives and timelines.


1. Workplace observations and discussions

2. Product and service checks
3. Employee challenges
4. External assessments
5. Self-assessments

Activity 2D:

1. Consider you have assessed your colleague’s performance, now it is time to deliver a
supportive feedback in writing. In your feed you should focus on key areas of performance and
demonstrated by your colleague. You should submit the copy of written feedback for the
documentation record.


John, the head chef at Hotel Futura has had a great year on the kitchen department and had to
overcome several scheduling and staff setbacks during the year. And yet he still managed to produce
positive results in the when it came to control and directing the food preparation process in the
kitchen. He reflected a high level of discipline and punctuality and always showed up on time at work.
He displayed an excellent example to other employees through punctuality. John had strong work
ethics and set an excellent example with his perfect attendance. He was very particular about the
attendance of his team members as well, which contributed to the productivity levels of the chef team,
and the organisation. During this time, he encouraged effective communication and was a great team
player. I noticed he had excellent time management skills and the ability to meet deadlines in times
even when the hotel had staffing setbacks. His speed and efficiency were an inspirational example to
others. He demonstrated a professional attitude with co-workers which reflected high productivity in
his work. The organisation appreciates this dignified demeanour. John was dependable and possessed
strong leadership and problem solving skills. His divergent thinking and the ability to come up with
creative and innovative solutions proved to be valuable to the kitchen department at Hotel Futura.

However, some of the goals John set were slightly unrealistic and overly ambitious. This left negative
impacts in some of the team members. Team members had a hard time keeping up with John’s
enthusiasm at times and this led to small conflicts a few times in the kitchen. I understand his feelings
and felt his frustration at times when some of the targets were not achieved. But I believe with enough
discussions and interactions with team members and supervisors in the future, John can perform even
better at this issue. He did a good job collaborating with team members this year, and I believe this can
be even better if he can set more realistic goals in the kitchen in the future. I would love for him to keep
that big-picture vision of success he has while working on the one small setback on his otherwise
excellent work behaviour.

2. Identify five skills that should be demonstrated when coaching colleagues.


Five skills that should be demonstrated when coaching colleagues are:

1. We should always act with empathy

2. We should respect beliefs and perceptions

3. We should listen actively

4. We should reflect and clarify points as necessary

5. WE should ask questions about the modification of behaviour

Activity 2E :

1. Give five reasons for recommending the employment of new staff members.


Five reasons for recommending the employment of new staff members are:

1. Unsatisfactory employee performance

2. Expected business development and growth
3. Retirement or relocation of staff members
4. Failure in delivery of promised service to customers
5. Difficulty in meeting customer expectations and demands

2. Which members of management are you expected to approach regarding the staffing needs of
your organisation?


The personnel we approach regarding the staffing needs of our organisation may depend upon the
nature and size of our organisations. If we work for a large company, then we should approach the
human resources manager or a head of department. If we work for a smaller company, we may have to
approach a single manager who has complete authority over the staffing of the organisation.

Activity 3A:

1. How can you address employee concerns about performance monitoring?


Employees might feel uncomfortable and pressured about having their performances constantly
monitored. They may lose confidence and morale due to this pressure resulting in low productivity. We
should address employee concerns about performance monitoring to avoid these problems. Employees
should be made clear that the performance is being monitored for the benefit of the entire business
and not to pressurise them. They should be briefed that the process is being applied to everybody in
the organisation starting from senior staff members to volunteers. Furthermore, alternative names can
be given to the monitoring processes to make the approach more friendly and less intimidating.

2. What are 360 degree assessments and how can they be used for the evaluation of
employee performance?


360 degree evaluation is a process which deals with the performance evaluation technique. This
method detects the overall performance of the employee, their behaviour, and their area to be worked
at. In the workplace, 360-degree assessments are used to allow employees to receive feedback from the
people around them. A 360-degree assessment is also called multi-rater feedback. Its main objective
usually is to assess training and development needs and to provide competence-related information for
succession planning, not promotion or pay increase.

The 360-degree assessment is made up of many surveys. If an employee is chosen to receive a 360-
degree assessment, people fill out a detailed survey about his/her behaviours at work. Information can
be gathered by the manager, peers, clients, and colleagues. All the information regarding the person is
compiled and an overview is taken out later person is made aware about their shortcomings and
positive aspects. This will give them a better view regarding their capabilities. They may also be asked to
fill out a survey about their own work. The results of all of the surveys are compiled into a report.
Bosses, supervisors, peers, subordinates, and customers fill out the survey. The term 360-degree
assessment is used because this includes people above, beside and below an employee on the
organizational chart. In this way, a 360-degree assessment helps us understand how others view our
behaviour in the workplace. This may include our effectiveness, efficiency, and your ability to lead

3. Identify four rules that should be followed when conducting individual performance evaluations.


Four rules to follow when conducting individual performance evaluations are:

1. They must be conducted openly and fairly. We should remain objective and not discriminate
against any employee.

2. The performance evaluation sessions should take the form of open discussions rather than
dictations. Superiors should not ask questions and let the workers explain rather than
making judgements and statements.

3. Performance evaluations should be based on fact. Employees should be provided with

relevant documents so that they can prepare their side of points to make.

4. Personnel conducting the evaluations should act in accordance with confidentiality protocols.

Activity 3B:
1. Identify five communication mediums that may be used for the sharing of information within
your organisation.


They are:

• Fax
• Telephone
• Email
• Social media
• Face-to-Face discussions

2. Specify three reasons for sharing knowledge and experience with team members.


Three reasons for sharing knowledge and experience with team members are:

1. Colleagues will have the opportunity to learn from past experiences.

2. It helps generate new ideas and helps employees stay motivated.
3. It increases productivity and helps in the overall progress of the organisation.

Activity 3C:
1. You will write an email to your colleagues to arrange a meeting for the discussion of business
ideas. You should involve employees from different departments and attempt to generate a sense
of collaboration. The following method should be used for the challenging and testing of ideas.

➢ Consideration of pros and cons

➢ Feasibility testing


Dear colleagues,
Date: 8th June 2020
Subject: Discussion of business ideas

I have news to share! I am writing this email to let you all know that a group meeting will be held to
discuss business ideas for Hotel Futura. The meeting will be held at 11 am on the 10 th of June at Hotel
Futura premises.
The following business ideas are to be discussed at the meeting:
• Hotel Futura Food Truck launch
• Hotel Futura Seafood restaurant start up
• Hotel Futura Loyalty Programs
• Expansion of catering department
• Kitchen department expansion
• Introduction of Hotel Futura meal delivery services

Any new business ideas are gladly welcome at the meeting. Discussions will be done to establish the
chances of successful implementation of the plans. All staff members are actively encouraged to discuss
and raise question about the validity of such ideas. Collaboration and involvement are encouraged to all
the employees. Everybody will have the opportunity to share their thoughts, without fear of criticism or
ridicule. Everybody is requested to listen attentively and ask for clarification on confusion areas. I will be
taking responsibility for the outlining and drawing together the perspectives on business ideas.

The following department heads and supervisors are requested to attend the meeting:
• Adam Traore (Food Production Department)
• Rita Rai (Kitchen Department)
• Roy Kim (HR Department)
• Kamal Singh (Sales and Marketing Department)
• Wong Chow (Engineering and Maintenance Department)
• Adam Lallana (Account and Credits Department)

The following methods will be used for the challenging and testing of ideas.

➢ Consideration of pros and cons

All the pros and cons associated with the business ideas will be evaluated at the meeting. The following
template has been provided for all the employees to fill out during the discussions. The final analysis
will be done with scores to indicate which ideas should be implemented.

Business Idea:
Associated pros Total Associated cons Total

Complete total Complete total

➢ Feasibility testing

Feasibility testings will be carried out to ensure that the business ideas are as beneficial as predicted and
can be implemented. The TELOS model will be used to ensure that we account for various accounts that
could have a bearing on the implementation of our idea.

All employees are requested the meeting as this is a particularly important step in the progress of Hotel
Futura. I hope to get the collaboration from everyone involved. If anyone has any concerns on the meeting
date and time, you may email me for further details.

Sincerely yours,
Executive Manager
Hotel Futura

Activity 3D:
1. Identify five rules that should be followed when providing feedback about aspects of
employee performance.


Five rules to follow when providing feedback about aspects of employees are:

1. Feedbacks should be specific.

2. Feedbacks should be timely.
3. Positive and negative feedbacks should be balanced.
4. Employees should not be criticised or ridiculed. Their side of the story and their reasons for
their actions should be heard.
5. Adequate amount of time should be spent preparing the provision of feedback. The main
issues that need to be discussed and the choice of words should be highlighted.

2. Specify five requirements that coaches may be expected to fulfil.


Coaches may be expected to fulfill the following five requirements.

1. Providing professional guidance rather than orders

2. Enabling employees to develop skills and confidence
3. Working towards the completion of agreed objectives
4. Building mutual respect and empathy
5. Providing encouragement and respect

Activity 3E:
1. This practical activity will require you to prepare a performance report for a member of your
organisation. You should follow the organisational procedures and ensure that all of the relevant
information is included. It will also be necessary to file the report in accordance with organisational



Employee Name: SAMBANDHA SAPKOTA Job Title: Waiter

Supervisor/Reviewer: SAJAL LAMA (Manager) Review Period

From 08/05/2020 To 08/06/2020


Quality of Work: ▫ Exceeds expectations Good work ethic, few
Work is completed accurately ▪ Meets expectations improvements needed on
(few or no errors), efficiently ▫ Needs improvement completing delegated tasks
and within deadlines with ▫ Unacceptable
minimal supervision
Attendance & Punctuality: ▪ Exceeds expectations always showed up on time at
Reports for work on time, ▫ Meets expectations work, excellent punctuality,
provides advance notice of ▫ Needs improvement excellent attendance record
need for absence ▫ Unacceptable

Reliability/Dependability: ▫ Exceeds expectations exceptionally reliable, better

Consistently performs at a high ▪ Meets expectations management time prove to be
level; manages time and ▫ Needs improvement a silver lining
workload effectively to meet ▫ Unacceptable
Communication Skills: ▫ Exceeds expectations problems communicating in
Written and oral ▫ Meets expectations English, hard taking orders at
communications are clear, ▪ Needs improvement busy periods, needs extra
organised, and effective; listens ▫ Unacceptable English classes
and comprehends well
Judgement & Decision making: ▫ Exceeds expectations seemed nervous at times when
Makes thoughtful, well- ▫ Meets expectations quick decisions were required,
reasoned decisions; exercises ▪ Needs improvement cannot judge properly under
good judgement practices ▫ Unacceptable uneasy circumstances, needs
training on judgement &
decision making

Collaboration & Teamwork: ▫ Exceeds expectations committed to teamwork,

Self-aware, works well with the ▪ Meets expectations communication barriers
team, confident; motivated ▫ Needs improvement causing misunderstandings at
towards team goals ▫ Unacceptable times, motivated towards team

Activity 4A:

1. As a chef consultant you are required to identify Poor rostering issues caused by inadequate staffing
levels which are leading to poor staff performance and analyse problems which are having an
impact on the operation of your business. You should carry out a root-cause analysis investigate the
issues in accordance with organisational expectations.


Root-cause analysis was carried out to investigate the rostering issues caused by inadequate staffing
levels which were leading to poor staff performance. Problems which were having an impact on the
business operations were found out using Root-cause analysis. All the issues were investigated in
accordance with organisational policies and expectations.
The following rostering issues were found to be caused by inadequate staffing in Hotel Futura. They are:
1. Employees stuck in fixed positions of schedule
2. Irregular workload per shift
3. Poor management of resources
4. Hard communicating with staff regarding their rosters due to irregular rosters
5. Complications in rostering due to industry awards coming into play
6. Time consumption exceedingly high due to manual rostering
7. Loss in employee interest and motivation causing more rostering issues

On carrying out root-cause analysis, root problems that were harming the operational quality of the
organisation were found out. They were:
1. Service quality not meeting expectations
2. Delay in supply of resources to organisation
3. Incompetent marketing officers
4. Lack of productive chefs
5. High service rates
6. Poor transportation facilities
7. Security challenges

2. Give five examples of problems which may be encountered in your workplace.


Five workplace problems we may encounter are:

1. Inadequate financial resources

2. Poor rostering

3. Delays and time difficulties

4. Inadequate staffing

5. Customer service problems (for example, customer complaints due to quality products/service
not meeting expectations)

Activity 4B:
1. Outline the process of initiating short-term actions for the resolution of immediate problems
within your organisation. Consider the involvement of staff members and identification of
appropriate problem-solving methods.


The following steps outline the process of initiating shot-term actions for the resolution of
immediate problems within our organisation considering the involvement of staff members and
identification of appropriate problem-solving methods.
1. First, the exact nature of the problems and their effects on the organisation are established.
2. Different team members are asked for their perspectives.
3. Everyone’s opinions and concerns are heard and best ways to address their concerns
are considered.
4. A list of workable short-term solutions that is in everybody’s best interests is prepared.
5. Brainstorming method is used due to lack of time involving variety of team members.
6. Potential pros and cons of the recommended short-term actions are considered.
7. The best short-term solution plans that are appropriate are carried out immediately.

2. Identify five methods that may be used for the resolution of problems which may have a long-
term Impact.


Five methods that can be used for the resolution of problems which may have a long-term impact are:

1. Six sigma
2. Fishbone diagrams
3. Five whys
4. Five step approach
5. Failure mode effects analysis (FMEA)

Activity 4C:
1. Identify three advantages of independent problem solving.


Three advantages of independent problem solving are:

1. It provides us with a rapid and focussed resolution of problems.

2. There is a reduced need for investments of time and money.
3. Involved employees can take accountability and responsibility for actions.

Activity 4D:
1. Identify four aspects that should be considered when evaluating the effectiveness of solutions.


Four aspects that need to be considered when evaluating the effectiveness of solutions are:

1. Effective use of resources

2. Minimisation of business costs
3. Fulfilment of employee responsibilities
4. Success within a designated time frame
2. Give three examples of follow up action that may be taken.


They are:

1. Observation

2. Future assessments

3. Performance monitoring
Assessment task 2

Skills and Performance Activity

Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements. And if
you do not have work experience please use the simulated work environment created by your trainer.

1. This practical activity will require you to access and interpret a range of information relating to the
operation of your organisation. You may refer to business plans, time sheets, progress reports, and
other sources for the evaluation of performance. It will be necessary to identify operational
problems and hold discussions with your employees about the best ways of achieving organisational
objectives. Contingency plans should be created to ensure that such issues have minimal impact.


A range of information relating to the operations run on Hotel Futura was found out by studying
business plans, time sheets, progress reports and other sources for the evaluation of performance.
Many operational problems were found out. They are:

1. Employee turnover

The around the clock hours in the Hotel business caused difficulties in finding long-term employees
to work these hours. In addition to finding the right employees, the labour costs associated with
employee turnover had an impact on the hotel business. The money spent on advertising for the
position, training for the position, uniforms, and other costs added up quickly.

2. Operating costs

Trying to keep up with technology trends and renovations cost the hotel a huge amount of money in
operating costs.

3. Staffing

Staffing was difficult due to constant demand fluctuation and poor scheduling. Inadequate amount
of staff caused major problems in other areas like productivity and service delivery.

4. Inadequate finances

Poor budgeting, little knowledge about money management caused the scarcity of finances which in
evidently had negative effects on the operational quality of the organisation.

On discussions with colleagues, the following ideas were generated to create best ways of achieving
organisational objectives.

1. Employee turnover rates can be controlled by providing flexible hours, hiring the right staff
and offering competitive pay and benefits.
2. Operational costs can be managed by setting standards for when it is time to upgrade over
repairing of equipment. Other measures can include managing utility costs by limiting resources
3. New staff can be hired to solve staffing issues. Better routines of rosters can be made so there is
no overstaffing or understaffing on certain periods.
4. Efficient budgets and proper training on money managements can help prevent and solve
financial problems in the business.

Contingency Plan

This plan is devised for an outcome other than the expected plan to avoid catastrophic
• Keep current guests and develop packages and promotions that attracted both current and
potential guests. If we cut our marketing budget, this will not be possible. As when the bad times
hit again, we should save the marketing dollars on new focus the spending on the existing customer
• Create a social media crisis policy. In times of sudden crisis, having a social media policy in
place can certainly fast track our response time and mitigate any negative impact to our hotel.
Consider who will respond to social media and who else has access to the accounts, in case the
primary person is unable to respond.
• Keep a number of staff on part time services and give them appropriate training to broaden
their skillsets. In times of high employee turnover, these staff can be persuaded and hired in full
time roles.
• Introduce green and efficient technology in the Hotel that can reduce operational costs and
save the money of the organisation.

2. This practical activity will require you to demonstrate the skills outlined in the learner guide. The
first task will be to plan and organise workflow for a team operation or activity that takes into
account at least six of the following contingencies.

 Delays and time difficulties

 Difficult customer service situations
 Equipment breakdown or technical failure
 Financial resources
 Staffing levels and skill profiles
 Rostering requirements
 Staff performance
 Procedural requirements
 Product development and marketing


Difficult customer service situations Need to provide the training to the staffs about
how to handle the costumers
Equipment breakdown or technical failure We should have the contact and proper access to
the maintenance guy if any thing break down
Staffing levels and skill profiles Need to hire the staffs with experience

Rostering requirements Manager should roaster the staffs as per the

requirements not too many staff nor low staffs
Product development and marketing Products development and marketing can be done
by doing the meeting at the office

Staff performance Staff performance should me closely monitored by

the managers and should increase their post based
on their honesty and talent.

You will have to monitor and respond to team-based operational and service issues during the
operations or activities outlined above. It will then be necessary to complete each of the following
organisational records, based upon your experiences and findings during this activity.

 Performance reports
 Staff records


Average Good Excellent

Equipment breakdown or technical failure

Difficult customer service situations

Staffing levels and skill profiles

Rostering requirements

Product development and marketing

Staff performance








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