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Estimate V2

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Quantity Estimate of Slab Culvert

Project Name: Darbang-Devisthan-Dharapani-Takam-Dhorpatan road project

Location :Baglung 0 No. 0

Height of Culvert (m)= 4 Span of Culvert (m)= 4

Sn Description of Works unit No L (m) W (m) H (m) Quantity Total Qty Remarks
1 Earthwork in Foundation
Excavation in Hard soil Cum
a Main Abutment Cum 2 8 3.1 1.25 62
b Wing Walls Cum 4 5 2 1.25 50
c Cutoff Wall Cum 1 8 0.5 1 4.00
Total 116.00 0.00 m3
2 M15 Grade Lean Concrete
a Main Abutment Cum 2 8 2.8 0.2 8.96
b Wing Walls Cum 4 5 2.05 0.2 8.2
Total 17.16 0.00 m3
3 RRM in MM5 cement mortar
a Main Abutment Cum 2 8 1.5 4 96
b Wing Walls Cum 4 5 1.65 2.3 75.9
c Cutoff Wall Cum 1 8 0.5 0.75 3
Total 174.9 0.00 m3
4 M25 grade RCC in abutment
cap Cum 28 0.6 0.2 1.92 0.00
5 a.M20 grade RCC for Slab Cum 1 8 5.2 0.375 15.6
b. Parapet Cum 2 5.2 0.2 0.5 1.04
6 Reinforcement Steel Fe415 Total 16.64 0.00 m3
A.Bottom Main Bar T Length Wt. Kg/m Total Wt.
A1-150mm c/c dia. 20mm Kg 54 5.3 286.2 2.469 706.63
B. Bottom Distribution Bar
A2-130mm c/c dia. 10mm Kg 40 8.1 324 0.611 197.96
C. Top Main Bar
A3-390mm c/c dia. 20mm Kg 21 5.3 111.3 2.469 274.80
D. Top Distribution
A4-250mm c/c dia. 10mm Kg 21 8.1 170.1 0.611 103.93
E. Vertical Dowel Bars
A5-1000mm c/c dia. 18mm Kg 30 1.5 45 1.991 89.60
F. Abutment Cap
A6-12 dia longitudinal Bar Kg 12 7.9 94.8 0.888 84.18
A7-10 dia. ring @200c/c Kg 80 1.4 112 0.611 68.43
G. Chair Bar
A8-10dia. Chair Bar Kg 31 1 31.2 0.611 19.06
H. Parapet
A9-10dia. Parapet Long Bar Kg 8 5.2 41.6 0.611 25.42
A10-10dia. Parapet Vertical Bar Kg 32 1 32 0.611 19.55
Total 1589.56 0.00 Kg

7 2mm thick Tartfelt Sheet Sqm 2 8 0.6 9.6

Total 9.60 0.00 m2
Granular Filter Material Filling Cum 2 8 0.3 3 14.4
Total 14.40 0.00 m3

9 Backfilling with common

material Cum 2 8 0.9 2.75 39.6
Total 39.60 0.00 m3
10 Supply and Laying of Geo- Textile 2 8 3 48.00
Total 48.00 0.00 m2
11 Form Work Sqm
Slab Sqm 1 8 4 32.00
Side of Slab Sqm 1 24 0.375 9.00
Parapet Sqm 2 5.2 0.5 5.20
Abutment Cap Sqm 2 17.2 0.2 6.88
Total 53.08 0.00 m2
Chainage: 0+000 - 3+945
1. Name of Road : Godawari-Kotdanda Road

2. Location:
2.1 Geographical location:
i) Province Bagmati
ii) District: Lalitpur
iii) Municipality Godawari
iv) Settlements Kotdanda

2.2 Geographical feature:

i) Climate: Sub-Tropical (temp. around 20-30 C at summer season)
ii) Geology: Most of the section constitutes oridinary soil and very few
stretches or sections have ordinary rock or hard rock cutting zone
iii) Hydrology: Mostly controlled by monsoon, no river crossings, less vulnerable
of flash flood and other
iv) Meteorology: Unevenly Distributed precipitation Controlled by Monsoon
3. Classification:
3.1 Classification: Urban Road
3.2 Existing Surface : Earthen
3.3 Proposed Surface : Premix Carpeting, Interloced cement concrete blocks
4. Length Of Road
i) Starting Point: Kotdanda
ii) End Point: Kotdanda
iii) Length: 3.945 Km
5. Cross Section:
5.1 Right Of Way: 6m
5.2 Formation Width: 4.5
5.3 Carriage Way Width: 4.5
5.4 Shoulder Width: No shoulder
6. Cross Drainage Structure:
6.1 Hume Pipe Culvert: 7.00 nos (90mm dia.)
6.2 Slab culvert 0.00 nos
6.3 Causeway 0.00 nos
7. Structures:
7.1 Stone Masonry with C/S Mortar 1446.31 m³
7.2 Gabion 7263.64 m³

7.3 Plum Concrete Retaining/Breast Wall 983.39 m³

(M15/40-60%, Boulder-40%)
7.4 Pavement
7.4.1:Wearing course Ch 0+300-0+980 interlocking block (alignment-1st)
All other alignment being Ashphalt concrete 4cm thick
7.4.2: Base: 15cm thick CRM
7.4.3: Sub-base: 20cm thick granular material (Natural/CRM)
8. Earth Work
8.1 E/W in Excavation 44,927.61 m³
8.2 Embankment 391.98 m³
9. Project Cost
9.1 Civil works NRs. 163,062,481.01
9.2 4% Contingency 6,522,499.24
9.3 10% Price adjustment Contingency 16,306,248.10
9.4 10% Physical Contingency 16,306,248.10
9.5 13% VAT 21,198,122.53
9.6 Environment and Social work (PS) 1,000,000.00
9.7 Grand Total 224,395,598.98
Cost per Km 56,881,013.68
(Including VAT & Contingency)
Page 4 of 75

Bagmati Province
Office of Godawari Municipality
Bajrabarahi, Godawari

Summary of Cost
Project : Godawari-Kotdanda Road
Chainage:0+000 - 3+945
Lalitpur Contract Duration: 25.00 months

Bill No. Description Amount (NRs) Remarks

1 General Item 3,736,187.50 1.95%

2 Site Clearance and Earthwork 3,612,751.09 1.88%
3 Drain and Cross Drainage Work 26,260,563.33 13.69%
4 Retaining Works 75,210,757.70 39.22%
5 Pavement Work 50,302,916.38 26.23%
6 Road Furnitures 3,665,155.01 1.91%
7 Day Works 274,150.00 0.14%
Sub-total 163,062,481.01 85.02%
8 Environment and social safeguards 1,000,000.00 0.52%
4% Contingency 6,522,499.24 3.40%
13% VAT 21,198,122.53 11.05%
Total with PS 191,783,102.78 100.00%
10% Physical Contingency 16,306,248.10

10% Price adjustment Contingency 16,306,248.10

Grand Total 224,395,598.98

Cost per Km 56,881,013.68

Prepared by: Checked by: Page 4 Recommended by: Approved by:

Bagmati Province
Office of Godawari Municipality
Bajrabarahi, Godawari

Project : Godawari-Kotdanda Road
Chainage:0+000 - 3+945 F/Y: 2077/078
Lalitpur Contract Duration: 25.00 months

Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
1 General Item
1.1 Insurance for the loss of damage to works,
plant,material,equipment property and personnel injury
or death, including third party insurance as described LS 1 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
on Condition of Contract (SS/SP-100)
1.2 Supply and Installation of Project Information Board of
size 2.5 m by 1.8 m as per the Instruction of Engineer nos. 2 50,000.00 100,000.00
1.3 Establishing Engineers site office including 5 rooms,
bath, toilet, and kitchen facilities, furnitures and well
furnished as per details provided in special provision Month 25 30,000.00 750,000.00
1.4 Carry out maintenance of the existing
road/construction and traffic diversion to keep the
road serviceable:as per specification (SS/SP-100) and
instruction of engineer
1.4.1 a) During construction km-mth 99 12,937.50 1,280,812.50
1.4.2 b) During Defects Liability period km-mth 47 8,625.00 405,375.00
1.5 Provide and maintain traffic safety, ccupation, health
and safety as per special provision, control measures
and temprary diversions during constructin as LS 1 200,000.00 200,000.00
instructed by the engineer.
Sub total 1 3,736,187.50
2 Site Clearance and Earthwork
2.1 Clearing Grass and Removal of Rubbish and Dressing
and levelling the construction surface Clearing grass/
top soil and removal meters outside the periphery of sq.m 19,725.00 8.63 170,226.75
the area , including cutting and filling of small
undulation. By Manual Means

2.2 Road way Excavation in all types of soil by Mechanical

Means as per Drawing and technical specifications
including removal of stumps and other deleterious cu.m. 44,927.61 73.34 3,294,990.91
matter, all lifts and lead as per Drawing and instruction
of the Engineer.

2.3 Construction of Embankment with Material Deposited

from Roadway Cutting Providing, laying, spreading
and compacting embankment with roadway cutting
material and compact to the required density as per
cu.m. 391.98 376.38 147,533.43
Drawing and Technical Specifications. (With machine)

Sub total 2 3,612,751.09

3 Drain and Cross Drainage Work
Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures,
including construction of shoring and bracing, removal
of stumps and other deleterious matter and backfilling
with approved Material as per Drawing and Technical
3.1 cu.m. 3,101.34 118.69 368,098.04
Specifications. Ordinary soil by Mechanical means
upto 3m depth

Providing and laying of hand pack Stone soling with

150 to 200 mm thick stones and packing with smaller
3.2 stone on prepared surface as per Drawing and cu.m 1,092.64 6,996.82 7,645,005.40
Technical Specifications.

Providing and laying of Plain/Reinforced Cement

3.3 Concrete in Foundation complete as per Drawing and cu.m 907.03 12,940.77 11,737,666.61
Technical Specifications. PCC Grade M 15

Prepared by: Checked by: Page 2 Approved by:

Project : Godawari-Kotdanda Road
Chainage:0+000 - 3+945 F/Y: 2077/078
Lalitpur Contract Duration: 25.00 months

Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
Providing and laying of Stone Masonry Work in
3.4 Cement Mortar 1:4 in Foundation complete as per cu.m 344.17 11,208.13 3,857,502.10
Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Providing and laying Gabion structure for retaining
earth with diaphgram including rolling, cutting weaving,
placing, laying side and dipahgrams with binding wire
and filling boulders all complete. Mesh wire
10swg(0.0615kg/m), selvadge wire 8 swg
3.5 (0.1057kg/m), binding wire 12swg (0.0409kg/m) cu.m. 252.00 6,615.09 1,667,002.68
Hexagonal mesh Type 100mmx120mm: Box 2x1x1, as
per Drawing and Technical Specifications (SS 2401).

Providing and laying of Filter media with granular

Material/stone crushed aggregates to a thickness of
not less than 200 mm with smaller size towards the soil
and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the
3.6 entire surface behind skin wall to the full height cu.m. 33.53 3,340.49 112,006.65
compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawing
and Technical Specification.-Spec. cl. No: 909,910

Providing and Laying Reinforced cement concrete NP3

Flush jointed pipe for culverts including fixing with
3.7 cement mortar 1:2 as per Drawing and Technical rm. 52.50 16,633.94 873,281.85
Specifications., 900 mm internal dia.,[701]

Sub total 3 26,260,563.33

4 Retaining Works
Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures,
including construction of shoring and bracing, removal
of stumps and other deleterious matter and backfilling
with approved Material as per Drawing and Technical
4.1 cu.m 5,009.35 118.69 594,559.75
Specifications. Ordinary soil by Mechanical means
upto 3m depth

Providing and laying Gabion structure for retaining

earth with diaphgram including rolling, cutting weaving,
placing, laying side and dipahgrams with binding wire
and filling boulders all complete. Mesh wire
10swg(0.0615kg/m), selvadge wire 8 swg
4.2 (0.1057kg/m), binding wire 12swg (0.0409kg/m) cu.m 7,163.64 6,615.09 47,388,123.32
Hexagonal mesh Type 100mmx120mm: Box 2x1x1, as
per Drawing and Technical Specifications (SS 2401).

Providing and Laying and fixing of geo-membrane all

4.3 complete as per specification (SS 2404,2403). sq.m 3,981.83 118.71 472,683.03
Providing and laying of hand pack Stone soling with
150 to 200 mm thick stones and packing with smaller
4.4 stone on prepared surface as per Drawing and cu.m. 65.53 6,996.82 458,501.61
Technical Specifications.
Providing and laying of Plain/Reinforced Cement
4.5 Concrete in Foundation complete as per Drawing and cu.m. 221.38 12,940.77 2,864,827.66
Technical Specifications. PCC Grade M 15
Providing and laying of Stone Masonry Work in
4.6 Cement Mortar 1:4 in Foundation complete as per cu.m. 1,102.14 11,208.13 12,352,928.39
Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Providing and laying Plum concrete (Boulder mixed
concrete) with 60% M 15/40 concrete and 40%
boulders/stones as per Drawing and Specification
using concrete mixer and vibrator including providing
4.7 and fixing in position of formwork before concreting cu.m. 983.39 10,916.11 10,734,796.16
and removing of formwork after completion of work all
complete as directed by Engineer.

Prepared by: Checked by: Page 3 Approved by:

Project : Godawari-Kotdanda Road
Chainage:0+000 - 3+945 F/Y: 2077/078
Lalitpur Contract Duration: 25.00 months

Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
Providing and laying of Filter media with granular
Material/stone crushed aggregates to a thickness of
not less than 200 mm with smaller size towards the soil
and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the
4.8 entire surface behind skin wall to the full height cu.m. 103.08 3,340.49 344,337.78
compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawing
and Technical Specification.-Spec. cl. No: 909,910

Sub total 4 75,210,757.70

5 Pavement Work
5.1 Compacting original ground supporting sub-grade.
Loosening of the ground upto a level of 500 mm below
the sub-grade level, watered, graded and compacted sq.m 21,510.39 35.51 763,833.87
in layers as per drawwings and technical

5.2 Providing and laying granular sub-base on prepared

surface, mixing at OMC, and compacting to achieve
the desired density, complete as per Drawing and cu.m 3,831.84 2,900.17 11,112,987.41
Technical Specifications by mechanical means.
5.3 Crusher Run Macadam Base. Providing and laying
Crusher Run Macadam on a prepared surface,
spreading and mixing , watering and compacting to
form a layer of sub-base/Base course as per Drawing cu.m 3,007.26 4,468.91 13,439,169.81
and Technical Specifications. By Mix in palce method.
ii) for 45mm maximum size

5.4 Providing and applying prime coat with hot bitumen

MC 30/70 (including cutter)on prepared surface of
granular base including cleaning of road surface and ltr 17,217.25 115.19 1,983,255.48
spraying at specified rate by mechanical means as per
Technical specification.

5.5 Providing and applying tack coat with hot Bitumen By

Mechanical Means at specified rate on the prepared
non-bituminous surfaces including cleaning as per ltr 18,938.97 108.85 2,061,506.55
Technical Speciation .
5.6 Providing and laying Bituminous concrete/ Asphalt
concrete using crushed aggregates of specified
grading, premixed with bituminous binder and filler as m3 699.66 22,614.38 15,822,377.11
per Drawing and Technical Specifications

5.7 Providing and laying of precast / cast in situ 50 mm

(M20/20) thick cement concrete interlocking block on
12 mm thick 1: 3 cement sand mortar over the sq..m. 3,786.46 1,352.13 5,119,786.15
prepared base, all complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.

Sub total 5 50,302,916.38

6 Road Furnitures
6.1 Providing and fixing of Non reflective warning,
Regulatory and informatory sign board of 2 mm thick
MS sheet with back support frame fixed on heavy 50
mm tube or Channel section of 75mmx40mmx6mm
firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly nos 20.00 4,428.24 88,564.84
designed foundation with M10/40 grade cement
concrete 30cmx30cm, 30cm as per drawing and
Technical Specification/DoR Publication.

6.2 Providing and Fixing Reinforcedcement concrete M15

grade kilometer Post including painting and printing as
per Standard Drawing-2070 and Technical nos 4.00 5,470.61 21,882.43
Specifications. position
a) One kilometer post

6.3 Providing and Fixing Reinforcedcement concrete M15

grade kilometer Post including painting and printing as
per Standard Drawing-2070 and Technical nos. 4.00 9,128.96 36,515.84
Specifications. position
a) Five kilometer post

Prepared by: Checked by: Page 4 Approved by:

Project : Godawari-Kotdanda Road
Chainage:0+000 - 3+945 F/Y: 2077/078
Lalitpur Contract Duration: 25.00 months

Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
6.4 Providing and installation of 150mm*150mm 1.5m long
delineators (roadwayindicators, hazard markers,object
markers),80-100 cm high above ground level,painted
black and white in 20cm widestrips,buried or pressed
nos. 118.00 1,283.01 151,395.20
into the ground and conforming to the drawings and
Technical Specifications.

6.5 Metal Beam Crash Barrier || Type - A, "W" : Metal

Beam Crash Barrier || Providing and erecting a "W"
metal beam crash barrier comprising of 3 mm thick
corrugated sheet metal beam rail, 70 cm above
road/ground level, fixed on ISMC series channel
vertical post, 150 x 75 x 5 mm spaced 2 m center to
center, 1.8 m high, 1.1 m below ground/road level rm 197.00 8,093.11 1,594,342.62
metal beam rail to be fixed on the vertical post with a
spacer of channel section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 330 mm
long complete as per Drawing and Technical

6.6 Providing and laying Gabion structure for retaining

earth with diaphgram including rolling, cutting weaving,
placing, laying side and dipahgrams with binding wire
and filling boulders all complete. Mesh wire
10swg(0.0615kg/m), selvadge wire 8 swg
(0.1057kg/m), binding wire 12swg (0.0409kg/m) cu.m 100.00 6,527.06 652,706.00
Hexagonal mesh Type 100mmx120mm: Box 2x1x1, as
per Drawing and Technical Specifications (SS 2401).

6.7 Road Marking with Hot Applied Thermoplastic

Compound with Reflectorizing Glass Beads on
Bituminous Surface On smooth surface (similar to
Asphalt concrete and rigid pavement) Providing and
laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound at least
2 mm thick including reflectorizing glass beads as per Sq.m. 710.00 1,577.11 1,119,748.10
DOR Traffic sign manual/ Specifications .The finished
surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and

Sub total 7 3,665,155.01

7 Day Works
7.1 Labour
7.1.1 a) Skilled Labour M-day 20 1,030.00 20,600.00
7.1.2 b) Unskilled Labour M-day 50 750.00 37,500.00
7.2 Equipments
7.2.1 a) Excavator Hr 20 3,581.85 71,637.00
7.2.2 b) Loader Hr 50 2,888.26 144,413.00
Sub total 8 274,150.00
8 Environment and social safeguard
8.1 Relocation of public utilities/services and repairing for
existing infrastructure (houses, water supply pipes,
electricity poles, Temple, Foot staircase, Foot trail etc) PS 1 500,000.00 500,000.00
as instructed by engineer (SS/SP-103).
8.2 Environment and Social Compliance as per engineer's
instructions PS 1 500,000.00 500,000.00
Sub total 9 1,000,000.00
Total of Item No1 To 7 without PS 163,062,481.01
4% Contingency 6,522,499.24
13% VAT 21,198,122.53

Total Estimated Cost with PS 191,783,102.78

10% Price adjustment Contingency 16,306,248.10
10% Physical Contingency 16,306,248.10
Grand Total 224,395,598.98
Cost per Km 56,881,013.68

Prepared by: Checked by: Page 5 Approved by:

Page 7 of 75

Bagmati Province
Office of Godawari Municipality
Bajrabarahi, Godawari

Summary of Quantity

Project : Godawari-Kotdanda Road

Chainage:0+000 - 3+945

Item No. Description Unit Quantity Remarks

1 General Item

Insurance for the loss of damage to works, plant,material,equipment

1.1 property and personnel injury or death, including third party insurance LS 1.00
as described on Condition of Contract (SS/SP-100)

Supply and Installation of Project Information Board of size 2.5 m by

1.2 nos. 2.00
1.8 m as per the Instruction of Engineer (SS/SP-108)
Establishing Engineers site office including 5 rooms, bath, toilet, and
1.3 kitchen facilities, furnitures and well furnished as per details provided Month 25.00
in special provision (SS/SP-101).
Carry out maintenance of the existing road/construction and traffic
1.4 diversion to keep the road serviceable:as per specification (SS/SP-
100) and instruction of engineer
1.4.1 a) During construction km-mth 99.00
1.4.2 b) During Defects Liability period km-mth 47.00
Provide and maintain traffic safety, ccupation, health and safety as
1.5 per special provision, control measures and temprary diversions LS 1.00
during constructin as instructed by the engineer.

2 Site Clearance and Earthwork

Clearing Grass and Removal of Rubbish and Dressing and levelling
the construction surface Clearing grass/ top soil and removal meters
2.1 sq.m 19,725.00
outside the periphery of the area , including cutting and filling of small
undulation. By Manual Means
Road way Excavation in all types of soil by Mechanical Means as per
Drawing and technical specifications including removal of stumps and
2.2 other deleterious matter, all lifts and lead as per Drawing and cu.m. 44,927.61
instruction of the Engineer.
Construction of Embankment with Material Deposited from Roadway
Cutting Providing, laying, spreading and compacting embankment
with roadway cutting material and compact to the required density as
2.3 per Drawing and Technical Specifications. (With machine) cu.m. 391.98

3 Drain and Cross Drainage Work

Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures, including
construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter and backfilling with approved Material as per
3.1 Drawing and Technical Specifications. Ordinary soil by Mechanical cu.m. 3,101.34
means upto 3m depth

Providing and laying of hand pack Stone soling with 150 to 200 mm
thick stones and packing with smaller stone on prepared surface as
3.2 cu.m 1,092.64
per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Providing and laying of Plain/Reinforced Cement Concrete in
3.3 Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications. cu.m 907.03
PCC Grade M 15

Providing and laying of Stone Masonry Work in Cement Mortar 1:4 in

3.4 cu.m 344.17
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.

Providing and laying Gabion structure for retaining earth with

diaphgram including rolling, cutting weaving, placing, laying side and
dipahgrams with binding wire and filling boulders all complete. Mesh
3.5 cu.m. 252.00
wire 10swg(0.0615kg/m), selvadge wire 8 swg (0.1057kg/m), binding
wire 12swg (0.0409kg/m) Hexagonal mesh Type 100mmx120mm:
Box 2x1x1, as per Drawing and Technical Specifications (SS 2401).

Prepared by: Checked by: 7 Approved by:

Page 8 of 75

Summary of Quantity

Project : Godawari-Kotdanda Road

Chainage:0+000 - 3+945

Item No. Description Unit Quantity Remarks

Providing and laying of Filter media with granular Material/stone
crushed aggregates to a thickness of not less than 200 mm with
smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and
3.6 cu.m. 33.53
provided over the entire surface behind skin wall to the full height
compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawing and Technical
Specification.-Spec. cl. No: 909,910

Providing and Laying Reinforced cement concrete NP3 Flush jointed

3.7 pipe for culverts including fixing with cement mortar 1:2 as per rm. 52.50
Drawing and Technical Specifications., 900 mm internal dia.,[701]

4 Retaining Works
Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures, including
construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter and backfilling with approved Material as per
4.1 Drawing and Technical Specifications. Ordinary soil by Mechanical cu.m 5,009.35
means upto 3m depth

Providing and laying Gabion structure for retaining earth with

diaphgram including rolling, cutting weaving, placing, laying side and
dipahgrams with binding wire and filling boulders all complete. Mesh
4.2 cu.m 7,163.64
wire 10swg(0.0615kg/m), selvadge wire 8 swg (0.1057kg/m), binding
wire 12swg (0.0409kg/m) Hexagonal mesh Type 100mmx120mm:
Box 2x1x1, as per Drawing and Technical Specifications (SS 2401).

Providing and Laying and fixing of geo-membrane all complete as per

4.30 sq.m 3,981.83
specification (SS 2404,2403).
Providing and laying of hand pack Stone soling with 150 to 200 mm
4.40 thick stones and packing with smaller stone on prepared surface as cu.m. 65.53
per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Providing and laying of Plain/Reinforced Cement Concrete in
4.50 Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications. cu.m. 221.38
PCC Grade M 15

Providing and laying of Stone Masonry Work in Cement Mortar 1:4 in

4.60 cu.m. 1,102.14
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.

Providing and laying Plum concrete (Boulder mixed concrete) with

60% M 15/40 concrete and 40% boulders/stones as per Drawing and
Specification using concrete mixer and vibrator including providing
4.70 cu.m. 983.39
and fixing in position of formwork before concreting and removing of
formwork after completion of work all complete as directed by

Providing and laying of Filter media with granular Material/stone

crushed aggregates to a thickness of not less than 200 mm with
smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and
4.80 cu.m. 103.08
provided over the entire surface behind skin wall to the full height
compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawing and Technical
Specification.-Spec. cl. No: 909,910

5 Pavement Work
Compacting original ground supporting sub-grade. Loosening of the
ground upto a level of 500 mm below the sub-grade level, watered,
5.1 graded and compacted in layers as per drawwings and technical sq.m 21,510.39

Providing and laying granular sub-base on prepared surface, mixing

5.2 at OMC, and compacting to achieve the desired density, complete as cu.m 3,831.84
per Drawing and Technical Specifications by mechanical means.

Crusher Run Macadam Base. Providing and laying Crusher Run

Macadam on a prepared surface, spreading and mixing , watering
5.3 and compacting to form a layer of sub-base/Base course as per cu.m 3,007.26
Drawing and Technical Specifications. By Mix in palce method. ii) for
45mm maximum size

Prepared by: Checked by: 8 Approved by:

Page 9 of 75

Summary of Quantity

Project : Godawari-Kotdanda Road

Chainage:0+000 - 3+945

Item No. Description Unit Quantity Remarks

Providing and applying prime coat with hot bitumen MC 30/70
5.4 (including cutter)on prepared surface of granular base including ltr 17,217.25
cleaning of road surface and spraying at specified rate by mechanical
means as per Technical specification.
Providing and applying tack coat with hot Bitumen By Mechanical
5.5 Means at specified rate on the prepared non-bituminous surfaces ltr 18,938.97
including cleaning as per Technical Speciation .
Providing and laying Bituminous concrete/ Asphalt concrete using
crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous
5.6 binder and filler as per Drawing and Technical Specifications m3 699.66

Providing and laying of precast / cast in situ 50 mm (M20/20) thick

cement concrete interlocking block on 12 mm thick 1: 3 cement sand
5.7 mortar over the prepared base, all complete as per Drawing and sq..m. 3,786.46
Technical Specifications.
6 Road Furnitures

Providing and fixing of Non reflective warning, Regulatory and

informatory sign board of 2 mm thick MS sheet with back support
frame fixed on heavy 50 mm tube or Channel section of
6.1 75mmx40mmx6mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly nos 20.00 5 nos./km
designed foundation with M10/40 grade cement concrete
30cmx30cm, 30cm as per drawing and Technical Specification/DoR
Providing and Fixing Reinforcedcement concrete M15 grade
6.2 kilometer Post including painting and printing as per Standard nos 4.00
Drawing-2070 and Technical Specifications. position
a) One kilometer post
Providing and Fixing Reinforcedcement concrete M15 grade
kilometer Post including painting and printing as per Standard
6.3 Drawing-2070 and Technical Specifications. position nos. 4.00
a) Five kilometer post

Providing and installation of 150mm*150mm 1.5m long delineators

(roadwayindicators, hazard markers,object markers),80-100 cm high
6.4 above ground level,painted black and white in 20cm widestrips,buried nos. 118.00 30 nos. Per km
or pressed into the ground and conforming to the drawings and
Technical Specifications.

Metal Beam Crash Barrier || Type - A, "W" : Metal Beam Crash

Barrier || Providing and erecting a "W" metal beam crash barrier
comprising of 3 mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail, 70 cm
6.5 above road/ground level, fixed on ISMC series channel vertical post, rm 197.00 50m/km
150 x 75 x 5 mm spaced 2 m center to center, 1.8 m high, 1.1 m
below ground/road level metal beam rail to be fixed on the vertical
post with a spacer of channel section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 330 mm long
complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.

Providing and laying Gabion structure for retaining earth with

diaphgram including rolling, cutting weaving, placing, laying side and for safety barriers, 50
6.6 dipahgrams with binding wire and filling boulders all complete. Mesh cu.m 100.00 nos 2x1x1 gabion boxes
wire 10swg(0.0615kg/m), selvadge wire 8 swg (0.1057kg/m), binding in whole stretch
wire 12swg (0.0409kg/m) Hexagonal mesh Type 100mmx120mm:
Box 2x1x1, as per Drawing and Technical Specifications (SS 2401).
Road Marking with Hot Applied Thermoplastic Compound with 60% area will be painted
Reflectorizing Glass Beads on Bituminous Surface On smooth with road marking
surface (similar to Asphalt concrete and rigid pavement) Providing
6.7 and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound at least 2 mm thick Sq.m. 710.00
including reflectorizing glass beads as per DOR Traffic sign manual/
Specifications .The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from
streaks and holes.

7 Day Works
7.1 Labour
7.1.1 a) Skilled Labour M-day 20.00
7.1.2 b) Unskilled Labour M-day 50.00
7.2 Equipments
7.2.1 a) Excavator Hr 20.00
7.2.2 b) Loader Hr 50.00

Prepared by: Checked by: 9 Approved by:

Bagmati Pro
Office of Godawari
Bajrabarahi, G

Project : Godawari-Kotdanda Road

Chainage:0+000 - 3+945
Mean AREA (m2)
Chainage Distance Cut Fill Structure Cut Drain Cut
(m) Cut1 Cut2 Fill StructureCut1 StructureCut2 DrainCut1
0+000 10.00 0.22 1.98 - - - -
0+020 20.00 0.03 0.31 10.58 - - 0.05
0+040 20.00 0.31 2.87 1.22 - - 0.06
0+060 20.00 0.37 3.32 6.70 - - 0.06
0+080 20.00 0.18 1.69 2.86 0.62 5.61 0.06
0+100 20.00 0.24 2.21 1.62 - - 0.06
0+120 20.00 0.69 6.24 1.01 - - 0.06
0+140 20.00 0.95 8.63 0.58 - - 0.06
0+160 20.00 2.06 18.61 - 0.30 2.74 0.06
0+180 20.00 0.98 8.82 2.09 - - 0.06
0+200 20.00 0.28 2.53 - - - -
0+220 20.00 0.18 1.70 - - - -
0+240 20.00 0.27 2.44 0.12 - - -
0+260 20.00 0.98 8.83 - - - 0.06
0+280 20.00 0.78 7.04 3.09 - - 0.06
0+300 20.00 0.54 4.89 0.19 - - 0.06
0+320 20.00 1.01 9.12 - - - 0.06
0+340 20.00 1.54 13.94 - - - 0.06
0+360 20.00 1.44 12.98 0.08 - - 0.06
0+380 20.00 1.26 11.35 - - - 0.06
0+400 20.00 1.12 10.14 - - - 0.06
0+420 20.00 0.38 3.42 0.23 - - 0.06
0+440 20.00 0.45 4.06 0.21 - - 0.06
0+460 20.00 0.60 5.44 0.65 - - 0.06
0+480 20.00 0.21 1.91 3.16 - - 0.06
0+500 20.00 0.88 7.92 - - - 0.06
0+520 20.00 1.47 13.29 - - - 0.06
0+540 20.00 0.73 6.64 - - - 0.06
0+560 20.00 0.26 2.35 0.01 - - 0.06
0+580 20.00 0.07 0.64 1.70 - - 0.06
0+600 20.00 0.06 0.60 0.07 - - 0.06
0+620 20.00 0.03 0.27 0.63 - - 0.06
0+640 20.00 - 0.05 3.55 - - 0.05
0+660 20.00 - - 5.67 - - -
0+680 20.00 - - 5.19 - - -
0+700 20.00 - 0.05 2.28 - - -
0+720 20.00 0.79 7.15 - - - -
0+740 20.00 0.95 8.62 - - - 0.12
0+760 20.00 1.09 9.84 - - - 0.12
0+780 20.00 1.26 11.36 - - - 0.12
0+800 20.00 0.30 2.72 - - - 0.11
0+820 20.00 0.03 0.32 0.05 - - -
0+840 20.00 0.20 1.82 - - - -
0+860 20.00 0.63 5.74 - - - 0.12
0+880 20.00 1.71 15.42 - - - 0.12
0+900 20.00 4.05 36.45 - 0.62 5.60 0.12
0+920 20.00 5.79 52.18 - 0.62 5.60 0.12
0+940 20.00 5.31 47.81 - 0.62 5.60 0.12
0+960 20.00 3.28 29.54 - 0.62 5.60 0.12
0+980 20.00 0.83 7.54 - - - 0.12
1+000 20.00 0.06 0.55 0.74 - - 0.05
1+020 20.00 0.14 1.33 3.33 - - 0.06
1+040 20.00 1.47 13.28 - - - 0.12
1+060 20.00 0.72 6.53 - - - 0.12
1+080 20.00 0.04 0.39 5.04 - - 0.06
1+100 20.00 - 0.06 19.50 - - 0.06
1+120 20.00 0.04 0.41 13.90 0.46 4.15 0.06
1+140 20.00 0.04 0.42 12.70 0.38 3.41 0.06
1+160 20.00 0.31 2.81 1.04 0.96 8.70 0.06
1+180 20.00 0.95 8.56 - - - 0.06
1+200 20.00 - - 17.79 0.59 5.33 -
1+220 20.00 - - 38.16 0.18 1.64 -
1+240 20.00 - - 10.08 1.03 9.29 -
1+260 20.00 0.21 1.89 6.36 0.84 7.58 0.06
1+280 18.44 0.08 0.76 5.07 0.43 3.91 0.06
1+297.191 8.44 0.34 3.12 - - - 0.08

1+298 1.00 0.24 2.15 - - - -
1+300 11.00 0.22 1.99 - - - -
1+320 20.00 - - 13.98 0.33 2.97 -
1+340 20.00 0.03 0.27 12.77 - - 0.07
1+360 20.00 0.96 8.71 0.60 - - 0.08
1+380 20.00 2.52 22.67 - - - 0.08
1+400 20.00 0.23 2.13 1.37 - - -
1+420 20.00 - - 9.82 0.20 1.87 -
1+440 20.00 - - 20.08 0.49 4.44 -
1+460 20.00 0.07 0.69 8.47 - - -
1+480 20.00 2.43 21.91 - - - 0.08
1+500 20.00 8.83 79.52 - 0.31 2.79 0.08
1+520 20.00 7.92 71.31 - 0.31 2.79 0.08
1+540 20.00 3.12 28.16 - - - 0.08
1+560 20.00 1.47 13.25 - - - 0.08
1+580 20.00 0.62 5.64 1.09 - - 0.08
1+600 20.00 1.01 9.14 0.12 - - 0.08
1+620 20.00 - - 8.06 0.16 1.45 -
1+640 20.00 - - 22.32 0.08 0.79 -
1+660 20.00 - - 22.05 0.30 2.76 -
1+680 20.00 - - 27.78 0.19 1.79 -
1+700 20.00 - - 44.60 0.20 1.83 -
1+720 20.00 - - 17.18 0.44 3.95 -
1+740 20.00 - - 22.08 0.16 1.46 -
1+760 20.00 0.19 1.77 7.84 - - 0.08
1+780 20.00 0.05 0.51 10.62 0.62 5.57 0.07
1+800 20.00 0.62 5.61 18.12 1.14 10.32 0.08
1+820 20.00 1.35 12.19 0.40 1.45 13.13 0.08
1+840 20.00 0.36 3.32 2.29 0.22 2.02 0.08
1+860 20.00 1.37 12.35 0.44 - - 0.08
1+880 20.00 2.02 18.19 - - - 0.08
1+900 20.00 1.82 16.41 - - - 0.08
1+920 20.00 2.69 24.25 - - - 0.08
1+940 20.00 2.56 23.07 - - - 0.08
1+960 20.00 - - 6.66 - - -
1+980 20.00 - - 13.50 0.14 1.34 0.02
2+000 20.00 - - 12.37 0.80 7.22 -
2+020 20.00 0.09 0.84 3.87 0.85 7.68 0.08
2+040 20.00 1.19 10.73 4.21 1.07 9.68 0.08
2+060 20.00 0.43 3.88 2.73 0.20 1.84 0.08
2+080 20.00 0.23 2.10 3.91 - - 0.08
2+100 20.00 0.21 1.92 1.61 - - 0.08
2+120 20.00 2.09 18.84 - - - 0.08
2+140 20.00 3.32 29.95 - - - 0.08
2+160 20.00 0.47 4.28 4.97 - - 0.08
2+180 20.00 0.68 6.13 10.90 - - 0.08
2+200 20.00 0.82 7.38 2.57 - - 0.08
2+220 20.00 0.19 1.75 5.18 - - 0.08
2+240 20.00 3.95 35.58 - - - 0.08
2+260 20.00 2.17 19.59 - - - 0.08
2+280 20.00 1.63 14.67 2.20 - - 0.08
2+300 20.00 2.42 21.84 - - - 0.08
2+320 20.00 0.93 8.40 - - - 0.08
2+340 20.00 1.19 10.71 - - - 0.08
2+360 20.00 0.81 7.34 6.63 - - 0.08
2+380 20.00 0.46 4.14 5.40 - - 0.08
2+400 20.00 0.09 0.87 7.51 - - 0.08
2+420 20.00 - - 5.12 - - 0.03
2+440 20.00 0.22 1.97 5.05 - - 0.08
2+460 20.00 0.09 0.80 5.12 - - 0.08
2+480 20.00 0.69 6.23 0.76 - - 0.08
2+500 20.00 0.10 0.92 2.08 - - 0.08
2+520 20.00 0.17 1.56 2.20 - - 0.08
2+540 20.00 0.08 0.79 6.15 - - 0.08
2+560 20.00 - - 19.75 0.19 1.73 -
2+580 20.00 - - 21.49 0.14 1.31 -
2+600 20.00 0.38 3.43 11.19 - - 0.08
2+620 20.00 3.84 34.56 - 0.31 2.79 0.16
2+640 20.00 8.30 74.72 - 0.31 2.79 0.16
2+660 20.00 3.98 35.87 - 0.31 2.79 0.08
2+680 20.00 2.25 20.28 - - - 0.08
2+700 20.00 0.14 1.26 4.43 - - 0.08
2+720 20.00 0.04 0.37 11.86 - - 0.07
2+740 20.00 - - 8.16 0.40 3.62 0.01
2+760 20.00 0.44 3.96 12.43 - - 0.08
2+780 20.00 1.20 10.83 0.05 - - 0.08
2+800 20.00 1.74 15.73 - - - 0.08
2+820 20.00 1.32 11.87 0.18 - - 0.08
2+840 20.00 1.44 13.03 - - - 0.08
2+860 20.00 1.09 9.84 2.91 - - 0.08
2+880 20.00 0.53 4.83 0.16 - - 0.08
2+900 20.00 1.24 11.22 - - - 0.08
2+920 20.00 0.45 4.08 8.00 - - 0.08
2+940 20.00 2.63 23.69 - 0.30 2.75 0.08
2+960 20.00 1.39 12.58 - - - 0.08
2+980 20.00 1.10 9.96 - - - 0.08
3+000 20.00 1.01 9.09 0.17 - - 0.08
3+020 20.00 1.37 12.33 - - - 0.08
3+040 20.00 0.80 7.25 - - - 0.08
3+060 20.00 1.44 12.99 - - - 0.08
3+080 20.00 2.56 23.05 - - - 0.08
3+100 20.00 0.93 8.39 0.71 - - 0.08
3+120 20.00 1.32 11.95 - - - 0.08
3+140 20.00 1.02 9.18 0.01 - - 0.08
3+160 20.00 1.71 15.46 - - - 0.08
3+180 20.00 1.53 13.79 - - - 0.08
3+200 20.00 0.18 1.67 2.73 - - 0.08
3+220 20.00 0.11 1.01 3.66 - - 0.08
3+240 20.00 0.72 6.50 - - - 0.08
3+260 20.00 1.32 11.87 - - - 0.08
3+280 20.00 1.02 9.23 - - - 0.08
3+300 14.40 0.27 2.48 0.18 - - -
3+308.813 4.40 0.21 1.93 - - - -

3+309 5.50 0.21 1.88 - - - -
3+320 15.50 0.79 7.08 - - - 0.16
3+340 20.00 1.10 9.93 - - - 0.16
3+360 20.00 0.34 3.09 - - - -
3+380 20.00 0.79 7.12 - - - 0.08
3+400 20.00 2.49 22.45 - 0.33 3.01 0.08
3+420 20.00 0.61 5.47 0.16 - - 0.08
3+440 20.00 0.48 4.28 0.23 - - 0.08
3+460 20.00 3.87 34.81 - 0.33 3.01 0.08
3+480 20.00 0.03 0.30 4.24 - - -
3+500 20.00 - - 13.71 - - -
3+520 13.75 0.65 5.88 5.81 0.59 5.31 0.08
3+527.504 3.75 0.36 3.23 0.73 - - 0.08

3+528 6.00 0.37 3.41 1.16 0.42 3.80 0.08
3+540 16.00 0.41 3.76 2.91 0.19 1.74 0.08
3+560 20.00 - 0.01 6.47 0.15 1.38 0.05
3+580 20.00 0.05 0.50 18.72 0.20 1.81 0.08
3+600 20.00 0.04 0.44 20.67 0.22 1.99 0.08
3+620 20.00 0.38 3.43 1.76 0.25 2.30 0.08
3+640 20.00 0.72 6.51 1.05 0.35 3.16 0.08
3+660 20.00 0.04 0.43 20.76 0.35 3.16 0.08
3+680 20.00 0.04 0.40 31.03 0.20 1.81 0.08
3+700 20.00 0.52 4.72 2.80 0.31 2.79 0.08
3+720 20.00 0.99 8.93 0.33 - - 0.08
3+740 20.00 9.04 81.38 - 0.33 3.01 0.16
3+760 20.00 12.38 111.48 - 0.66 6.02 0.16
3+780 20.00 9.37 84.39 - 0.66 6.02 0.16
3+800 20.00 2.45 22.09 - - - 0.08
3+820 20.00 0.47 4.23 1.49 - - 0.08
3+840 20.00 1.47 13.22 - - - 0.08
3+860 20.00 0.75 6.78 - - - 0.08
3+880 20.00 2.06 18.54 - - - 0.08
3+900 20.00 1.47 13.24 - - - 0.08
3+920 20.00 1.32 11.89 - - - 0.08
3+940 12.96 0.67 6.11 - - - 0.08
Bagmati Province
Office of Godawari Municipality
Bajrabarahi, Godawari

Drain Cut BackFill Cut Fill Structure Cut
DrainCut2 BackFill Cut1 Cut2 Fill StructureCut1 StructureCut2

- - 2.20 19.80 - - -
0.51 - 0.60 6.20 211.60 - -
0.54 - 6.20 57.40 24.40 - -
0.54 - 7.40 66.40 134.00 - -
0.54 1.76 3.60 33.80 57.20 12.40 112.20
0.54 - 4.80 44.20 32.40 - -
0.54 - 13.80 124.80 20.20 - -
0.54 - 19.00 172.60 11.60 - -
0.54 - 41.20 372.20 - 6.00 54.80
0.54 - 19.60 176.40 41.80 - -
- - 5.60 50.60 - - -
- - 3.60 34.00 - - -
- - 5.40 48.80 2.40 - -
0.54 - 19.60 176.60 - - -
0.54 - 15.60 140.80 61.80 - -
0.54 - 10.80 97.80 3.80 - -
0.54 - 20.20 182.40 - - -
0.54 - 30.80 278.80 - - -
0.54 - 28.80 259.60 1.60 - -
0.54 - 25.20 227.00 - - -
0.54 - 22.40 202.80 - - -
0.54 - 7.60 68.40 4.60 - -
0.54 - 9.00 81.20 4.20 - -
0.54 - 12.00 108.80 13.00 - -
0.54 - 4.20 38.20 63.20 - -
0.54 - 17.60 158.40 - - -
0.54 - 29.40 265.80 - - -
0.54 - 14.60 132.80 - - -
0.54 - 5.20 47.00 0.20 - -
0.54 - 1.40 12.80 34.00 - -
0.54 - 1.20 12.00 1.40 - -
0.54 - 0.60 5.40 12.60 - -
0.50 - - 1.00 71.00 - -
- - - - 113.40 - -
- - - - 103.80 - -
- - - 1.00 45.60 - -
- - 15.80 143.00 - - -
1.08 - 19.00 172.40 - - -
1.08 - 21.80 196.80 - - -
1.08 - 25.20 227.20 - - -
1.06 - 6.00 54.40 - - -
- - 0.60 6.40 1.00 - -
- - 4.00 36.40 - - -
1.08 - 12.60 114.80 - - -
1.08 - 34.20 308.40 - - -
1.08 - 81.00 729.00 - 12.40 112.00
1.08 - 115.80 1,043.60 - 12.40 112.00
1.08 - 106.20 956.20 - 12.40 112.00
1.08 - 65.60 590.80 - 12.40 112.00
1.08 - 16.60 150.80 - - -
0.52 - 1.20 11.00 14.80 - -
0.54 - 2.80 26.60 66.60 - -
1.08 - 29.40 265.60 - - -
1.08 - 14.40 130.60 - - -
0.54 - 0.80 7.80 100.80 - -
0.54 - - 1.20 390.00 - -
0.54 0.54 0.80 8.20 278.00 9.20 83.00
0.54 0.55 0.80 8.40 254.00 7.60 68.20
0.54 4.37 6.20 56.20 20.80 19.20 174.00
0.54 - 19.00 171.20 - - -
- 0.31 - - 355.80 11.80 106.60
- 0.19 - - 763.20 3.60 32.80
0.02 1.57 - - 201.60 20.60 185.80
0.54 2.15 4.20 37.80 127.20 16.80 151.60
0.54 0.95 1.47 14.01 93.49 7.92 72.10
0.72 - 2.86 26.33 - - -
Sub-total 1,017.53 9,200.94 3,737.09 164.72 1,489.10

- - 0.24 2.15 - - -
- - 2.42 21.89 - - -
- 0.15 - - 279.60 6.60 59.40
0.68 - 0.60 5.40 255.40 - -
0.72 - 19.20 174.20 12.00 - -
0.72 - 50.40 453.40 - - -
- - 4.60 42.60 27.40 - -
- 0.18 - - 196.40 4.00 37.40
- 1.08 - - 401.60 9.80 88.80
- - 1.40 13.80 169.40 - -
0.72 - 48.60 438.20 - - -
0.72 - 176.60 1,590.40 - 6.20 55.80
0.72 - 158.40 1,426.20 - 6.20 55.80
0.72 - 62.40 563.20 - - -
0.72 - 29.40 265.00 - - -
0.72 - 12.40 112.80 21.80 - -
0.72 - 20.20 182.80 2.40 - -
- 0.20 - - 161.20 3.20 29.00
- 0.02 - - 446.40 1.60 15.80
- 0.17 - - 441.00 6.00 55.20
- 0.02 - - 555.60 3.80 35.80
- 0.23 - - 892.00 4.00 36.60
- 0.73 - - 343.60 8.80 79.00
- 0.06 - - 441.60 3.20 29.20
0.72 - 3.80 35.40 156.80 - -
0.63 1.65 1.00 10.20 212.40 12.40 111.40
0.72 5.00 12.40 112.20 362.40 22.80 206.40
0.72 5.38 27.00 243.80 8.00 29.00 262.60
0.72 0.39 7.20 66.40 45.80 4.40 40.40
0.72 - 27.40 247.00 8.80 - -
0.72 - 40.40 363.80 - - -
0.72 - 36.40 328.20 - - -
0.72 - 53.80 485.00 - - -
0.72 - 51.20 461.40 - - -
- - - - 133.20 - -
0.23 - - - 270.00 2.80 26.80
- 1.87 - - 247.40 16.00 144.40
0.72 2.15 1.80 16.80 77.40 17.00 153.60
0.72 1.83 23.80 214.60 84.20 21.40 193.60
0.72 0.47 8.60 77.60 54.60 4.00 36.80
0.72 - 4.60 42.00 78.20 - -
0.72 - 4.20 38.40 32.20 - -
0.72 - 41.80 376.80 - - -
0.72 - 66.40 599.00 - - -
0.72 - 9.40 85.60 99.40 - -
0.72 - 13.60 122.60 218.00 - -
0.72 - 16.40 147.60 51.40 - -
0.72 - 3.80 35.00 103.60 - -
0.72 - 79.00 711.60 - - -
0.72 - 43.40 391.80 - - -
0.72 - 32.60 293.40 44.00 - -
0.72 - 48.40 436.80 - - -
0.72 - 18.60 168.00 - - -
0.72 - 23.80 214.20 - - -
0.72 - 16.20 146.80 132.60 - -
0.72 - 9.20 82.80 108.00 - -
0.72 - 1.80 17.40 150.20 - -
0.27 - - - 102.40 - -
0.72 - 4.40 39.40 101.00 - -
0.71 - 1.80 16.00 102.40 - -
0.72 - 13.80 124.60 15.20 - -
0.72 - 2.00 18.40 41.60 - -
0.72 - 3.40 31.20 44.00 - -
0.72 - 1.60 15.80 123.00 - -
- - - - 395.00 3.80 34.60
- - - - 429.80 2.80 26.20
0.72 - 7.60 68.60 223.80 - -
1.45 - 76.80 691.20 - 6.20 55.80
1.45 - 166.00 1,494.40 - 6.20 55.80
0.72 - 79.60 717.40 - 6.20 55.80
0.72 - 45.00 405.60 - - -
0.72 - 2.80 25.20 88.60 - -
0.65 - 0.80 7.40 237.20 - -
0.11 1.09 - - 163.20 8.00 72.40
0.72 - 8.80 79.20 248.60 - -
0.72 - 24.00 216.60 1.00 - -
0.72 - 34.80 314.60 - - -
0.72 - 26.40 237.40 3.60 - -
0.72 - 28.80 260.60 - - -
0.72 - 21.80 196.80 58.20 - -
0.72 - 10.60 96.60 3.20 - -
0.72 - 24.80 224.40 - - -
0.72 - 9.00 81.60 160.00 - -
0.72 - 52.60 473.80 - 6.00 55.00
0.72 - 27.80 251.60 - - -
0.72 - 22.00 199.20 - - -
0.72 - 20.20 181.80 3.40 - -
0.72 - 27.40 246.60 - - -
0.72 - 16.00 145.00 - - -
0.72 - 28.80 259.80 - - -
0.72 - 51.20 461.00 - - -
0.72 - 18.60 167.80 14.20 - -
0.72 - 26.40 239.00 - - -
0.72 - 20.40 183.60 0.20 - -
0.72 - 34.20 309.20 - - -
0.72 - 30.60 275.80 - - -
0.72 - 3.60 33.40 54.60 - -
0.72 - 2.20 20.20 73.20 - -
0.72 - 14.40 130.00 - - -
0.72 - 26.40 237.40 - - -
0.72 - 20.40 184.60 - - -
- - 3.88 35.71 2.59 - -
- - 0.92 8.49 - - -
Sub-total 2,357.46 21,271.24 10,015.99 232.40 2,109.40

- - 1.14 10.36 - - -
1.46 - 12.19 109.74 - - -
1.46 - 22.08 198.68 - - -
- - 6.86 61.72 - - -
0.73 - 15.82 142.42 - - -
0.73 - 49.88 448.98 - 6.68 60.20
0.73 - 12.16 109.38 3.16 - -
0.73 - 9.50 85.54 4.54 - -
0.73 - 77.34 696.12 - 6.68 60.20
- - 0.66 5.92 84.78 - -
- - - - 274.22 - -
0.73 0.08 8.98 80.84 79.92 8.11 73.06
0.73 - 1.34 12.13 2.72 - -
Sub-total 217.95 1,961.83 449.34 21.47 193.46

0.72 1.62 2.22 20.46 6.96 2.52 22.80

0.72 0.68 6.56 60.16 46.56 3.04 27.84
0.50 0.48 - 0.20 129.40 3.00 27.60
0.72 0.65 1.00 10.00 374.40 4.00 36.20
0.72 0.66 0.80 8.80 413.40 4.40 39.80
0.72 0.73 7.60 68.60 35.20 5.00 46.00
0.72 1.23 14.40 130.20 21.00 7.00 63.20
0.72 1.02 0.80 8.60 415.20 7.00 63.20
0.72 0.58 0.80 8.00 620.60 4.00 36.20
0.72 0.85 10.40 94.40 56.00 6.20 55.80
0.72 - 19.80 178.60 6.60 - -
1.45 - 180.80 1,627.60 - 6.60 60.20
1.45 - 247.60 2,229.60 - 13.20 120.40
1.45 - 187.40 1,687.80 - 13.20 120.40
0.72 - 49.00 441.80 - - -
0.72 - 9.40 84.60 29.80 - -
0.72 - 29.40 264.40 - - -
0.72 - 15.00 135.60 - - -
0.72 - 41.20 370.80 - - -
0.72 - 29.40 264.80 - - -
0.72 - 26.40 237.80 - - -
0.72 - 8.68 79.18 - - -
- - - - -
Sub-total 888.66 8,012.00 2,155.12 79.16 719.64

GRAND TOTAL 4,481.60 40,446.01 16,357.54 497.75 4,511.60

Drain Cut BackFill
DrainCut1 DrainCut2 BackFill

- - -
1.00 10.20 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 35.20
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
- - -
- - -
- - -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.00 10.00 -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
2.40 21.60 -
2.40 21.60 -
2.40 21.60 -
2.20 21.20 -
- - -
- - -
2.40 21.60 -
2.40 21.60 -
2.40 21.60 -
2.40 21.60 -
2.40 21.60 -
2.40 21.60 -
2.40 21.60 -
1.00 10.40 -
1.20 10.80 -
2.40 21.60 -
2.40 21.60 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 -
1.20 10.80 10.80
1.20 10.80 11.00
1.20 10.80 87.40
1.20 10.80 -
- - 6.20
- - 3.80
- 0.40 31.40
1.20 10.80 43.00
1.10 9.95 17.51
0.67 6.07 -
77.77 705.42 246.31

- - -
- - -
- - 3.00
1.40 13.60 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
- - -
- - 3.60
- - 21.60
- - -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
- - 4.00
- - 0.40
- - 3.40
- - 0.40
- - 4.60
- - 14.60
- - 1.20
1.60 14.40 -
1.40 12.60 33.00
1.60 14.40 100.00
1.60 14.40 107.60
1.60 14.40 7.80
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
- - -
0.40 4.60 -
- - 37.40
1.60 14.40 43.00
1.60 14.40 36.60
1.60 14.40 9.40
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
0.60 5.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.20 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
- - -
- - -
1.60 14.40 -
3.20 29.00 -
3.20 29.00 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.40 13.00 -
0.20 2.20 21.80
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
- - -
- - -
131.80 1,189.20

- - -
2.51 22.59 -
3.24 29.16 -
- - -
1.62 14.58 -
1.62 14.58 -
1.62 14.58 -
1.62 14.58 -
1.62 14.58 -
- - -
- - -
1.11 10.02 1.07
0.30 2.73 -
15.26 137.40 1.07

0.48 4.32 9.72

1.28 11.52 10.88
1.00 10.00 9.60
1.60 14.40 13.00
1.60 14.40 13.20
1.60 14.40 14.60
1.60 14.40 24.60
1.60 14.40 20.40
1.60 14.40 11.60
1.60 14.40 17.00
1.60 14.40 -
3.20 29.00 -
3.20 29.00 -
3.20 29.00 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.60 14.40 -
1.03 9.33 -
- - -
37.39 338.17 144.60

262.22 2,370.19 391.98

Bagmati Province
Office of Godawari Municipality
Bajrabarahi, Godawari

Project : Godawari-Kotdanda Road

Chainage:0+000 - 3+945
Pavement Base SubBase
Chainage Distance
(m) 4cm Thick Base
(m) Asphalt Concrete Prime Coat Tack Coat Material SubBase Material
(lit.) (lit.) (m3)
(m3) (m3)
0+000 10 2.09 50.18 55.20 7.85 11.18
0+020 20 3.90 95.58 105.14 14.65 20.24
0+040 20 3.79 92.75 102.03 14.23 19.70
0+060 20 4.18 102.94 113.23 15.69 21.50
0+080 20 4.32 108.00 118.80 16.20 21.60
0+100 20 4.13 101.28 111.41 15.50 21.35
0+120 20 3.68 90.00 99.00 13.82 19.14
0+140 20 4.64 114.00 125.40 17.40 23.89
0+160 20 4.88 120.00 132.00 18.30 25.09
0+180 20 4.88 120.00 132.00 18.30 25.09
0+200 20 4.96 120.00 132.00 18.63 26.24
0+220 20 3.95 94.60 104.06 14.83 21.21
0+240 20 4.42 106.50 117.15 16.60 23.54
0+260 20 4.22 103.56 113.91 15.84 21.80
0+280 20 4.16 102.00 112.20 15.60 21.49
0+300 20 15.62 21.54
0+320 20 10.30 10.50
0+340 20 10.30 10.50
0+360 20 10.90 11.09
0+380 20 11.50 11.70
0+400 20 11.50 11.70
0+420 20 11.50 11.70
0+440 20 10.39 10.58
0+460 20 10.90 11.09
0+480 20 11.81 12.02
0+500 20 11.50 11.69
0+520 20 10.54 10.75
0+540 20 9.10 9.30
0+560 20 11.72 11.93
0+580 20 11.63 11.82
0+600 20 10.03 10.24
0+620 20 9.10 9.30
0+640 20 9.10 9.30
0+660 20 10.53 10.94
0+680 20 11.00 11.40
0+700 20 11.33 11.73
0+720 20 11.85 12.25
0+740 20 10.09 10.09
0+760 20 10.33 10.33
0+780 20 10.30 10.30
0+800 20 9.00 9.00
0+820 20 11.60 12.00
0+840 20 11.31 11.71
0+860 20 10.80 10.80
0+880 20 9.00 9.00
0+900 20 10.02 10.02
0+920 20 11.49 11.49
0+940 20 10.80 10.80
0+960 20 11.81 11.81
0+980 20 12.00 12.00
1+000 20 4.85 120.00 132.00 18.22 12.39
1+020 20 4.04 99.58 109.53 15.16 10.36
1+040 20 3.60 90.00 99.00 13.50 9.00
1+060 20 4.80 120.00 132.00 18.00 12.00
1+080 20 4.85 120.00 132.00 18.22 12.39
1+100 20 4.55 112.49 123.74 17.09 11.64
1+120 20 3.81 95.50 105.05 14.32 9.55
1+140 20 4.08 102.00 112.20 15.30 10.20
1+160 20 3.60 90.00 99.00 13.50 9.00
1+180 20 4.85 120.00 132.00 18.22 12.41
1+200 20 4.80 120.00 132.00 18.00 12.00
1+220 20 3.65 90.00 99.00 13.72 9.41
1+240 20 3.60 90.00 99.00 13.50 9.00
1+260 20 3.60 90.00 99.00 13.50 9.00
1+280 18.5955 3.34 83.68 92.04 12.55 8.36
1+297.191 8.5955 1.57 38.68 42.54 5.89 4.04
Sub-total 125.79 3,103.32 3,413.63 852.83 876.23
1+298 1 0.18 4.5 4.95 0.707 1.015
1+300 11 2.07 49.5 54.45 7.78 11.164
1+320 20 3.73 91.24 100.364 14.009 19.397
1+340 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
1+360 20 3.68 90 99 13.823 19.149
1+380 20 4.55 111.736 122.91 17.083 23.496
1+400 20 4.97 120 132 18.646 26.297
1+420 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
1+440 20 4.64 114 125.4 17.423 23.949
1+460 20 4.83 116.496 128.146 18.121 25.597
1+480 20 4.81 118.212 130.033 18.055 24.791
1+500 20 4.40 108 118.8 16.523 22.749
1+520 20 4.40 108 118.8 16.523 22.749
1+540 20 4.40 108 118.8 16.523 22.749
1+560 20 4.16 102 112.2 15.623 21.549
1+580 20 4.16 102 112.2 15.623 21.549
1+600 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
1+620 20 4.69 115.172 126.689 17.599 24.183
1+640 20 4.50 110.44 121.484 16.889 23.237
1+660 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
1+680 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
1+700 20 4.97 120 132 18.646 26.297
1+720 20 3.77 90 99 14.146 20.297
1+740 20 4.60 110.712 121.783 17.253 24.44
1+760 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
1+780 20 4.52 110.856 121.942 16.951 23.32
1+800 20 4.32 108 118.8 16.2 21.6
1+820 20 3.71 92.868 102.155 13.93 18.574
1+840 20 4.15 103.892 114.281 15.584 20.778
1+860 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
1+880 20 4.64 114 125.4 17.423 23.949
1+900 20 4.05 99.1 109.01 15.188 20.969
1+920 20 3.68 90 99 13.823 19.149
1+940 20 4.66 114.556 126.012 17.506 24.06
1+960 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
1+980 20 4.16 102 112.2 15.623 21.549
2+000 20 4.08 102 112.2 15.3 20.4
2+020 20 4.08 102 112.2 15.3 20.4
2+040 20 3.60 90 99 13.5 18
2+060 20 3.60 90 99 13.5 18
2+080 20 3.68 90 99 13.823 19.149
2+100 20 3.68 90 99 13.823 19.149
2+120 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
2+140 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
2+160 20 4.16 102 112.2 15.623 21.549
2+180 20 4.84 118.936 130.83 18.163 24.936
2+200 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
2+220 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
2+240 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
2+260 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
2+280 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
2+300 20 4.16 102 112.2 15.623 21.549
2+320 20 4.16 102 112.2 15.623 21.549
2+340 20 4.69 115.296 126.826 17.617 24.208
2+360 20 4.78 117.54 129.294 17.954 24.657
2+380 20 4.12 101.084 111.192 15.486 21.366
2+400 20 4.64 114 125.4 17.423 23.949
2+420 20 4.61 113.312 124.643 17.32 23.811
2+440 20 4.40 108 118.8 16.523 22.749
2+460 20 3.68 90 99 13.823 19.149
2+480 20 4.40 108 118.8 16.523 22.749
2+500 20 4.02 98.508 108.359 15.099 20.85
2+520 20 4.64 114 125.4 17.423 23.949
2+540 20 4.52 110.94 122.034 16.964 23.337
2+560 20 3.60 90 99 13.5 18
2+580 20 4.20 105.18 115.698 15.777 21.036
2+600 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
2+620 20 4.56 114 125.4 17.1 22.8
2+640 20 4.76 119.052 130.957 17.858 23.81
2+660 20 4.61 113.144 124.458 17.295 23.778
2+680 20 3.68 90 99 13.823 19.149
2+700 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
2+720 20 4.55 111.804 122.984 17.094 23.51
2+740 20 4.16 102 112.2 15.623 21.549
2+760 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
2+780 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
2+800 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
2+820 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
2+840 20 4.40 108 118.8 16.523 22.749
2+860 20 4.40 108 118.8 16.523 22.749
2+880 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
2+900 20 4.45 109.196 120.116 16.702 22.988
2+920 20 4.40 108 118.8 16.523 22.749
2+940 20 4.66 114.456 125.902 17.491 24.04
2+960 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
2+980 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
3+000 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
3+020 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
3+040 20 3.98 97.48 107.228 14.945 20.645
3+060 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
3+080 20 4.86 119.408 131.349 18.234 25.03
3+100 20 4.16 102 112.2 15.623 21.549
3+120 20 4.16 102 112.2 15.623 21.549
3+140 20 3.84 94.044 103.448 14.43 19.958
3+160 20 3.68 90 99 13.823 19.149
3+180 20 3.68 90 99 13.823 19.149
3+200 20 3.68 90 99 13.823 19.149
3+220 20 3.68 90 99 13.823 19.149
3+240 20 3.68 90 99 13.823 19.149
3+260 20 3.68 90 99 13.823 19.149
3+280 20 4.13 101.216 111.338 15.505 21.392
3+300 14.4065 2.86 68.497 75.347 10.74 15.354
3+308.813 4.4065 0.83 19.829 21.812 3.117 4.472
Sub-total 443.03 10882.202 11970.424 1663.364 2286.83
3+309 5.5 1.03 24.75 27.225 3.89 5.582
3+320 15.5 2.79 69.75 76.725 10.463 13.95
3+340 20 4.56 114.092 125.501 17.114 22.818
3+360 20 4.97 120 132 18.646 26.297
3+380 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
3+400 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
3+420 20 4.79 117.76 129.536 17.987 24.701
3+440 20 4.50 110.48 121.528 16.895 23.245
3+460 20 4.14 101.408 111.549 15.534 21.43
3+480 20 4.97 120 132 18.646 26.297
3+500 20 4.97 120 132 18.646 26.297
3+520 13.752 2.54 63.504 69.854 9.526 12.701
3+527.504 3.752 0.69 16.884 18.572 2.593 3.592
Sub-total 49.71 1,218.62 1,340.49 186.58 257.20
3+528 6 1.08 27 29.7 4.05 5.4
3+540 16 2.88 72 79.2 10.8 14.4
3+560 20 3.60 90 99 13.5 18
3+580 20 3.60 90 99 13.5 18
3+600 20 3.60 90 99 13.5 18
3+620 20 3.60 90 99 13.5 18
3+640 20 4.05 101.312 111.443 15.197 20.262
3+660 20 4.01 100.32 110.352 15.048 20.064
3+680 20 3.60 90 99 13.5 18
3+700 20 4.80 120 132 18 24
3+720 20 3.60 90 99 13.5 18
3+740 20 4.28 107.08 117.788 16.062 21.416
3+760 20 4.80 120 132 18 24
3+780 20 3.60 90 99 13.5 18
3+800 20 3.68 90 99 13.823 19.149
3+820 20 3.68 90 99 13.823 19.149
3+840 20 3.68 90 99 13.823 19.149
3+860 20 3.68 90 99 13.823 19.149
3+880 20 4.88 120 132 18.323 25.149
3+900 20 3.83 93.72 103.092 14.381 19.893
3+920 20 3.68 90 99 13.823 19.149
3+940 12.9645 2.38 58.34 64.174 8.96 12.413
3+945.929 2.9645 0.54 13.34 14.674 2.049 2.838
Sub-total 81.13 2013.112 2214.423 304.485 411.58

GRAND TOTAL 699.66 17,217.25 18,938.97 3,007.26 3,831.84

interlocking block
SubGrade in pavement
Preparation (m2)

53.87 -
99.19 -
96.44 -
105.88 -
108.00 -
104.80 -
93.69 -
117.51 -
123.51 -
123.53 -
127.20 -
101.98 -
113.70 -
107.07 -
105.53 -
105.69 105.69
104.05 104.05
104.05 104.05
109.95 109.95
116.05 116.05
116.05 116.05
116.05 116.05
104.88 104.88
109.95 109.95
119.17 119.17
115.95 115.95
106.49 106.49
92.05 92.05
118.32 118.32
117.29 117.29
101.39 101.39
92.05 92.05
92.05 92.05
107.40 107.40
112.00 112.00
115.38 115.38
120.50 120.50
100.97 100.97
103.31 103.31
103.02 103.02
90.00 90.00
118.00 118.00
115.18 115.18
108.00 108.00
90.00 90.00
100.20 100.20
114.90 114.90
108.00 108.00
118.12 118.12
120.00 120.00
122.92 -
102.65 -
90.00 -
120.00 -
122.92 -
115.42 -
95.50 -
102.00 -
90.00 -
123.07 -
120.00 -
93.07 -
90.00 -
90.00 -
83.68 -
40.00 -
6,969.59 3,786.46




21,510.39 3,786.46
Bagmati Province
Office of Godawari Municipality
Bajrabarahi, Godawari

Project : Godawari-Kotdanda Road

Chainage:0+000 - 3+945

Structure (Drain) Quantity

Left Right
Chainage Length
(m) (m) PCC Capping RRM (1 in 6 C/S PCC Base Stone Soling PCC Capping
M10 (m3) Ratio-m3) M10 (m3) (m3) M10 (m3)
0+020 20.00 0.20
0+040 20.00 0.20
0+060 20.00 0.20
0+080 20.00 0.20
0+100 20.00 0.20
0+120 20.00 0.20
0+140 20.00 0.20
0+160 20.00 0.20
0+180 20.00 0.20
0+260 20.00 0.20
0+280 20.00 0.20
0+300 20.00 0.20
0+320 20.00 0.20
0+340 20.00 0.20
0+360 20.00 0.20
0+380 20.00 0.20
0+400 20.00 0.20
0+420 20.00 0.20
0+440 20.00 0.20
0+460 20.00 0.20
0+480 20.00 0.20
0+500 20.00 0.20
0+520 20.00 0.20
0+540 20.00 0.20
0+560 20.00 0.20
0+580 20.00 0.20
0+600 20.00 0.20
0+620 20.00 0.20
0+640 20.00 0.20
0+740 20.00 0.20 0.60 4.00 5.00 0.20
0+760 20.00 0.20 0.60 4.00 5.00 0.20
0+780 20.00 0.20 0.60 4.00 5.00 0.20
0+800 20.00 0.20 0.60 4.00 5.00 0.20
0+860 20.00 0.20 0.60 4.00 5.00 0.20
0+880 20.00 0.20 0.60 4.00 5.00 0.20
0+900 20.00 0.20 0.60 4.00 5.00 0.20
0+920 20.00 0.20 0.60 4.00 5.00 0.20
0+940 20.00 0.20 0.60 4.00 5.00 0.20
0+960 20.00 0.20 0.60 4.00 5.00 0.20
0+980 20.00 0.20 0.60 4.00 5.00 0.20
1+000 20.00 0.20 0.60 4.00 5.00
1+020 20.00 0.20 0.60 4.00 5.00
1+040 20.00 0.20 0.60 4.00 5.00 0.20
1+060 20.00 0.20 0.60 4.00 5.00 0.20
1+080 20.00 0.20
1+100 20.00 0.20
1+120 20.00 0.20
1+140 20.00 0.20
1+160 20.00 0.20
1+180 20.00 0.20
1+240 20.00 0.20 0.60 4.00 5.00
1+260 20.00 0.20 0.60 4.00 5.00
1+280 18.44 0.18 0.55 3.68 4.61
1+296.884 8.44 0.08 0.50 2.02 2.53
3.66 11.25 73.70 92.14 9.60
1+340 20.00 0.20
1+360 20.00 0.20
1+380 20.00 0.20
1+480 20.00 0.20
1+500 20.00 0.20
1+520 20.00 0.20
1+540 20.00 0.20
1+560 20.00 0.20
1+580 20.00 0.20
1+600 20.00 0.20
1+760 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
1+780 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
1+800 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
1+820 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
1+840 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
1+860 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
1+880 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
1+900 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
1+920 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
1+940 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
1+960 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
1+980 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+000 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+020 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+040 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+060 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+080 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+100 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+120 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+140 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+160 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+180 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+200 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+220 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+240 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+260 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+280 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+300 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+320 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+340 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+360 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+380 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+400 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+420 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+440 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+460 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+480 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+500 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+520 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+540 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+560 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+580 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+600 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+620 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00 0.20
2+640 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00 0.20
2+660 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+680 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+700 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+720 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+740 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+760 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+780 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+800 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+820 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+840 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+860 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+880 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+900 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+920 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+940 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+960 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
2+980 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+000 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+020 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+040 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+060 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+080 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+100 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+120 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+140 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+160 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+180 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+200 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+220 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+240 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+260 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+280 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
15.40 92.40 368.83 462.00 2.40
3+320 15.50 0.15 0.93 3.72 4.65 0.15
3+340 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00 0.20
3+380 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+400 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+420 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+440 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+460 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+520 13.75 0.13
3+527.504 3.75 0.03

1.35 8.13 32.46 40.65 0.51

3+528 6.00 0.06 0.36 1.43 1.80
3+540 16.00 0.16 0.96 3.83 4.80
3+560 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+580 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+600 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+620 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+640 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+660 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+680 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+700 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+720 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+740 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00 0.20
3+760 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00 0.20
3+780 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00 0.20
3+800 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+820 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+840 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+860 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+880 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+900 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+920 20.00 0.20 1.20 4.79 6.00
3+940 12.96 0.12 0.77 3.11 3.88
3+945.929 2.96 0.02 0.17 0.71 0.88

4.16 25.06 100.09 125.36 0.60

GRAND TOTAL 24.57 136.84 575.08 720.15 13.11


RRM (1 in 6 C/S PCC Base Stone Soling
Ratio-m3) M10 (m3) (m30

0.60 4.00 5.00

0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00

0.60 4.00 5.00

0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00
0.60 4.00 5.00

28.80 192.00 240.00

1.20 4.79 6.00

1.20 4.79 6.00
1.20 4.79 6.00
1.20 4.79 6.00
1.20 4.79 6.00
1.20 4.79 6.00
1.20 4.79 6.00
1.20 4.79 6.00
1.20 4.79 6.00
1.20 4.79 6.00
1.20 4.79 6.00
1.20 4.79 6.00

14.40 57.48 72.00

0.93 3.72 4.65
1.20 4.79 6.00

0.82 3.30 4.12

0.22 0.90 1.12

3.17 12.71 15.89

1.20 4.79 6.00

1.20 4.79 6.00
1.20 4.79 6.00

3.60 14.37 18.00

49.97 276.56 345.89

Bagmati Province
Office of Godawari Municipality
Bajrabarahi, Godawari

Project : Godawari-Kotdanda Road

Chainage:0+000 - 3+945
Structure (GabionRetainingWall) Quantity
Left Right
Chainage Length (m)
(m) Height M Gabion Geotextile Height (m) Gabion Works (m3)
Works (m3) (m2)
0+080 20 4.00 170.00 108.00
1+120 20 5.00 240.00 134.00
1+140 20 6.00 320.00 160.00
1+160 20 5.00 240.00 134.00
1+200 20 5.00 240.00 134.00 6.00 320.00
1+220 20 7.00 410.00
1+240 20 6.00 320.00
1+260 20 5.00 240.00
1+280 18.442 4.00 156.75
Sub-total 1,210.00 670.00 1,446.75
1+320 20.00 5.00 240.00 134.00
1+420 20.00 4.00 170.00 108.00
1+440 20.00 6.00 320.00 160.00
1+620 20.00 3.00 110.00
1+640 20.00 4.00 170.00
1+660 20.00 5.00 240.00
1+680 20.00 5.00 240.00
1+700 20.00 5.00 240.00
1+720 20.00 5.00 240.00
1+740 20.00 3.00 110.00
1+780 20.00 5.00 240.00
1+800 20.00 6.00 320.00
1+820 20.00 5.00 240.00
1+840 20.00 3.00 110.00
2+000 20.00 6.00 320.00
2+020 20.00 5.00 240.00
2+040 20.00 5.00 240.00
2+060 20.00 3.00 110.00
2+560 20.00 6.00 320.00
2+580 20.00 4.00 170.00

Sub-total 730.00 402.00 3,660.00

3+520 13.75 4.00 116.89 74.26
Sub-total 116.89 74.26
Sub-total -

GRAND TOTAL 2,056.89 1,146.26 5,106.75

Geotextile (m2)




Bagmati Province
Office of Godawari Municipality
Bajrabarahi, Godawari

Project : Godawari-Kotdanda Road

Chainage:0+000 - 3+945
Structure (SkinBreastWall) Quantity
Left Right
Chainage Length Filter
(m) (m) Height(m) PCC Top RRM (1 in 4 C/S Material PCC Base Height(m) PCC Top
M15 (m3) Ratio) m3 M15 (m3) M15 (m3)
0+160 20.00 3.00 1.39
0+900 20.00 3.00 1.46 37.77 4.05 7.26 3.00 1.46
0+920 20.00 3.00 1.46 37.77 4.05 7.26 3.00 1.46
0+940 20.00 3.00 1.46 37.77 4.05 7.26 3.00 1.46
0+960 20.00 3.00 1.46 37.77 4.05 7.26 3.00 1.46
Sub-total 5.84 151.08 16.20 29.04 15.00 7.23
1+500 20.00 3.00 2.59
1+520 20.00 3.00 2.59
1+980 20.00 3.00 2.79 40.95 4.50 6.30
2+040 20.00 3.00 2.59 37.19 3.96 6.44
2+620 20.00 3.00 2.59
2+640 20.00 3.00 2.59 37.19 3.96 6.44
2+660 20.00 3.00 2.59 37.19 3.96 6.44
2+940 20.00 3.00 2.50 36.72 3.87 6.44
Sub-total 13.06 189.24 20.25 32.06 9.00 7.77
3+400 20.00 3.00 1.59 40.95 4.50 6.30
3+460 20.00 3.00 1.59 40.95 4.50 6.30
3+520 13.75 3.00 1.10
Sub-total 3.18 81.90 9.00 12.60 3.00 1.10
3+740 20.00 3.00 1.59 40.95 4.50 6.30
3+760 20.00 3.00 1.59 40.95 4.50 6.30 3.00 1.59
3+780 20.00 3.00 1.59 40.95 4.50 6.30 3.00 1.59
Sub-total 4.77 122.85 13.50 18.90 6.00 3.18

GRAND TOTAL 26.85 545.07 58.95 92.60 33.00 19.28

4 103.08

RRM (1 in 4 C/S Material PCC Base
Ratio) m3 M15 (m3)

37.19 3.96 6.44

37.77 4.05 6.44
37.77 4.05 6.44
37.77 4.05 6.44
37.77 4.05 6.44
188.27 20.16 32.20

37.19 3.96 6.44

37.19 3.96 6.44

37.19 3.96 6.44

111.57 11.88 19.32

28.16 3.09 4.33

28.16 3.09 4.33

40.95 4.50 6.30

40.95 4.50 6.30
81.90 9.00 12.60

409.90 44.13 68.45

Bagmati Province
Office of Godawari Municipality
Bajrabarahi, Godawari

Project : Godawari-Kotdanda Road

Chainage:0+000 - 3+945
Structure (MasonryRetainingWall) Quantity
Left Right

Chainage Length PCC M15 RRM (1 in PCC M15 RRM (1 in

(m) (m) Height M Capping 6 C/S PCC M15 Stone Height M Capping 6 C/S
Base M3 Soling M3
M3 Ratio) M3 M3 Ratio) M3

2+740 20.00 4.50 0.50 147.17
Total - - - - - 4.50 0.50 147.17

PCC M15 Stone

Base M3 Soling M3

13.70 8.22
13.70 8.22
Bagmati Province
Office of Godawari Municipality
Bajrabarahi, Godawari

Project : Godawari-Kotdanda Road

Chainage:0+000 - 3+945
Structure (CantileverRetainingWall) Quantity
Left Right
Chainage Length (m) Plum Concrete 60%-M15
(m) Height M and 40% Stone Soling Height M
Stones/Boulders (m3)
3+528 6.00 3.50
3+540 16.00 3.50
3+560 20.00 4.00
3+580 20.00 6.50
3+600 20.00 6.50
3+620 20.00 3.00
3+640 20.00 3.00
3+660 20.00 7.00
3+680 20.00 7.50
3+700 20.00 3.50
Total - -

Plum Concrete 60%-
M15 and 40% Stone Soling
Stones/Boulders (m3)

23.84 1.88
63.59 5.03
89.50 6.30
139.49 6.30
139.49 6.30
69.50 6.30
69.50 6.30
149.49 6.30
159.49 6.30
79.50 6.30
983.39 57.31
53 of 75
Government of Nepal -n=;=_

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Department of Roads
Federal Highway Supervision and Monitoring Office Kathamndu
Road Division
Charikot, Dolakha

Summary of Rates
F/Y : 076/77
S.N. Norms No Description of works Unit Rate, (NRs) Remarks
Section 100- General
Providing and installation of project signboards with size of 1.8 x 1.2 m as
1 1.3 110 per specification and instruction of engineer.
No 10,059.22
Section 200- Site Clearance
Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation, grass,
bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth up to 300 mm, removal of stumps of
trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of
2 2.1(ii)A 201 serviceable Material to be used or auctioned, up to a lead of 30 meters Sqm. 5.44
including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in
thickness.In area of light jungle ( less than 15 numbers per 100 sqm)-Spec.
cl. No: 201

Cutting of trees, including cutting of trunks, branches and removal of stumps,

roots, stacking of serviceable Material with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000
3 2.2 (i) 201 meters and earth filling in the depression/pit.Girth from 300 mm to 600 mm,
No 974.05
Spec. Cl. No. 201

Cutting of Trees, including cutting of Trunks, Branches and Removal

Cutting of trees, including cutting of trunks, branches and removal of stumps,
4 2.2 (ii) 201 roots, stacking of serviceable Material with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000
No 2,922.15
meters and earth filling in the depression/pit.Girth from 600 mm to 900 mm

Clearing Grass and Removal of Rubbish and Dressing and levelling the
construction surface
5 2.3 201 Clearing grass/ top soil and removal up to a distance of 50 meters outside
Sqm. 8.63
the periphery of the area , including cutting and filling of small undulation.

Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls and

other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete, wood work, steel
work, including scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled
6 2.4-II-A 202 Material, disposal of unserviceable Material and stacking the serviceable
Cum 4,871.86
Material with all lifts and lead of 1000 meters.Cement Concrete Grade M-15
& M-20.

Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls and

other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete, wood work, steel
work, including scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled
7 2.4-III-A 202 material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable
Cum 1,746.85
material with all lifts and lead of 1000 meters-random rubble stone masonry
in cement mortar.
Dismantling boulders laid in wire crates including opening of crates and
8 2.4-III-F 202 stacking dismantled material.
Cum 1,089.05
Removing all type of Hume Pipes and Stacking within a lead of 50 metres
9 2.4-IX-A 202 including Earthwork and Dismantling of Masonry Works.Up to 600 mm dia
Rm 549.70
Removing all type of Hume Pipes and Stacking within a lead of 50 metres
10 2.4-IX-B 202 including Earthwork and Dismantling of Masonry Works. 600 mm - 900 mm Rm 808.45

Removing all type of Hume Pipes and Stacking within a lead of 50 metres
11 2.4-IX-C 202 including Earthwork and Dismantling of Masonry Works. Above 900 mm dia
Rm 1,153.45

Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal of dismantled Material up to

12 2.5-II-A 202 a lead of 1000 metres, stacking serviceable and unserviceable material Cum 1,224.29
separately. (Bituminous course)
Section 700- Pipe Drain, Pipe Culverts and Concrete
Providing, jointing and laying HDPE pipes with or without collar etc. complete
13 7.01.a 701 in place as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.a) 110 mm/125 mm Rm 799.08
outer dia.

Providing and Laying Reinforced cement concrete NP3 Flush jointed pipe for
14 7.02.A 701 culverts including fixing with cement mortar 1:2 as per Drawing and
Rm 5,711.09
Technical Specifications.300 mm internal dia.

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by

54 of 75
Government of Nepal -n=;=_

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Department of Roads
Federal Highway Supervision and Monitoring Office Kathamndu
Road Division
Charikot, Dolakha

Summary of Rates
F/Y : 076/77
S.N. Norms No Description of works Unit Rate, (NRs) Remarks

Providing and Laying Reinforced cement concrete NP3 Flush jointed pipe for
15 7.02.B 701 culverts including fixing with cement mortar 1:2 as per Drawing and
Rm 7,939.01
Technical Specifications.450 mm internal dia.

Providing and Laying Reinforced Cement Concrete Flush jointed Pipe for
16 7.02.C 701 Providing and Laying Reinforced cement concrete NP3 Flush jointed pipe for Rm 10,682.31
culverts including fixing with cement mortar 1:2 as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.600 mm internal dia.

Providing and Laying Reinforced Cement Concrete Flush jointed Pipe for
17 7.02.D 701 Providing and Laying Reinforced cement concrete NP3 Flush jointed pipe for Rm 18,530.27
culverts including fixing with cement mortar 1:2 as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.900 mm internal dia.

Providing and Laying Reinforced Cement Concrete Flush jointed Pipe for
18 7.02.F 701 Providing and Laying Reinforced cement concrete NP3 Flush jointed pipe for Rm 23,063.54
culverts including fixing with cement mortar 1:2 as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.1200 mm internal dia.
Section 900- Earth Works
Roadway Excavation in all types of soil as per drawing and technical
specification,including removal of stumps and other deleterious matter,with
19 9.1 IA 905 all lifts and lead as per Drawing and instruction of the Engineer. By Manual
Cum 693.92
Means (for 12 cum)
Roadway Excavation in all types of soil as per drawing and technical
specification,including removal of stumps and other deleterious matter,with
20 9.1.IB 905 all lifts and lead as per Drawing and instruction of the Engineer.Mechanical
Cum 70.82
Method(for 360 cum)
Roadway Excavation in ordinary rock as per Drawing and Technical
21 9.1.IIA specification,including all lift and leadas per Drawing and instruction of the Cum 801.31
Engineer. By Manual Means(for 60 cum)
Roadway Excavation in ordinary rock as per Drawing and Technical
22 9.1.IIB specification,including all lift and lead as per Drawing and instruction of the Cum 236.71
Engineer.Mechanical Method(for 120cum)
Roadway Excavation in hardrock with rock breakers,including breaking
23 9.3 IV A rock,lifts and lead for disposal as per Drawing and Technical Specifications Cum 2,152.66
Mechanical Methods
Roadway Excavation in hard rock manually chiseling including
24 9.3 IV B breakingrock,lifts and lead for disposal as perDrawing and Technical Cum 3,220.36
Specifications ,Manual Methods

Roadway excavation in all type of soils including Rock and safe

25 905 disposal of materials all complete. (Weighted rate)-Spec. cl. No: 905.
Cum 199.80

Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures, including construction of

shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter and
26 9.4 -1A-(i) 907 backfilling with approved Material as per Drawing and Technical Cum 832.70
Specifications. Ordinary Soil
(a) Depth upto 3.0 m Manual methods

Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures, including construction of

shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter and
27 9.4 -IA-(ii) 907 backfilling with approved Material as per Drawing and Technical Cum 1,188.05
Specifications. Ordinary Soil
(a) Depth 3 m to 6 m Manual Methods

Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures, including construction of

shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter and
28 9.4 -IA-(iii) 907 backfilling with approved Material as per Drawing and Technical Cum 1,843.08
Specifications. Ordinary Soil
(a) Depth above 6 m Manual Methods

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by

55 of 75
Government of Nepal -n=;=_

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Department of Roads
Federal Highway Supervision and Monitoring Office Kathamndu
Road Division
Charikot, Dolakha

Summary of Rates
F/Y : 076/77
S.N. Norms No Description of works Unit Rate, (NRs) Remarks

Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures, including construction of

shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter and
29 9.4 -IB-(i) 907 backfilling with approved Material as per Drawing and Technical Cum 118.35
Specifications. Ordinary Soil
(a) Depth up to 3 m Mechanical Methods

Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures, including construction of

shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter and
30 9.4 -IB-(ii) 907 backfilling with approved Material as per Drawing and Technical Cum 135.26
Specifications. Ordinary Soil
(a) Depth 3m to 6 m Mechanical Methods

Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures, including construction of

shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter and
31 9.4 -IB-(iii) 907 backfilling with approved Material as per Drawing and Technical Cum 169.18
Specifications. Ordinary Soil
(a) Depth above 6m Mechanical Methods

Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures, including construction of

shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter and
32 9.4 -IIA-(i) 907 backfilling with approved Material as per Drawing and Technical Cum 980.95
Specifications. Ordinary Rock
(a) Depth upto 3m Manual Methods

Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures, including construction of

shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter and
33 9.4 -II-B 907 backfilling with approved Material as per Drawing and Technical Cum 315.61
Specifications. Ordinary Rock
(a) Depth upto 3m Mechanical Methods
Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures all complete.
34 907 (Weighted rate)-Spec. cl. No: 907.
Cum 279.97
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting embankment with roadway
35 9.9 A 909, 910 cutting material and compact to the required density as per Drawing and Cum 709.19
Technical Specifications.( Manually)
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting embankment with roadway
36 9.9 B 909, 910 cutting material and compact to the required density as per Drawing and Cum 450.20
Technical Specifications.( Mechanical Method)
Providing suitable material and Back filling behind abutment, wing wall and
37 9.11.c 908 return wall complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.Locally Cum 379.75
available Material including compaction by tamping rod ( without watering)

Providing and laying of Filter media with granular Material/stone crushed

aggregates to a thickness of not less than 200 mm with smaller size towards
38 9.12 909, 910 the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire surface Cum 3,340.49
behind abutment, wing wall and return wall to the full height compacted to a
firm condition complete as per drawing and Technical Specification.

Section 1000- Subgrade

Scarifying the existing bituminous road surface to a depth of 50 mm and
39 10.2 B 1003 disposal of scarified material with in all lifts and lead as per Drawing and Sqm 14.89
Technical Specifications.

1003, Compacting original ground supporting sub-grade Loosening of the ground

40 10.40 upto a level of 500 mm below the sub-grade level, watered, graded and Cum 137.90
1005 compacted in layers as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Providing and laying of hand pack Stone soling with 150 to 200 mm thick
41 10.80 1006 stones and packing with smaller stone on prepared surface as per Drawing Cum 4,926.82
and Technical Specifications.
Section 1200- Sub Base, Base

Providing and laying granular sub-base on prepared surface, mixing at

42 12.1-A 1201 OMC, and compacting to achieve the desired density, complete as Cum 2,861.61
per Drawing and Technical Specifications by mechanical means.

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by

56 of 75
Government of Nepal -n=;=_

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Department of Roads
Federal Highway Supervision and Monitoring Office Kathamndu
Road Division
Charikot, Dolakha

Summary of Rates
F/Y : 076/77
S.N. Norms No Description of works Unit Rate, (NRs) Remarks

Providing and laying Crusher Run Macadam on a prepared surface,

spreading and mixing , watering and compacting to form a layer of
43 12.7-A 1204 Cum 4,013.71
Sub-Base course as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.

Providing and laying Crusher Run Macadam on a prepared surface,

spreading and mixing , watering and compacting to form a layer of
44 12.7-A 1204 Cum 5,177.33
Base course as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.

Section 1300- Bituminous Surface

Providing and applying prime coat with hot bitumen ( including
appropriate cutter) on prepared surface of granular base including
45 13.1.A 1302 Ltr. 131.90
cleaning of road surface and spraying by mechanical means as per
the Technical Specification .
,Providing and applying tack coat with hot Bitumen at specified rate on
the prepared surfaces including cleaning as per Technical Speciation . Ltr. 178.92
(Tack coat with bitumen by manual means)
,Providing and applying tack coat with hot Bitumen at specified rate on
46 13.2-A 1302 the prepared surfaces including cleaning as per Technical Speciation . Ltr. 120.32
(Tack coat with bitumen by mechanical means)
Providing and laying 50 mm thick penetratation macadam over
prepared Base by providing a layer of compacted crushed coarse
47 13.4 1304 Sqm 538.12
aggregate with application of bituminous binder and key aggregates
as per Drawing and Technical Spacifications.
Providing and laying dense bituminous macadam using crushed
48 13.5 1308 aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder and Cum 16,845.80
filler as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Bituminous Concrete / Asphalt Concrete
Providing and laying Bituminous concrete/ Asphalt concrete using
49 13.6 1309 Cum 20,530.86
crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous
binder and filler as per Drawing and Technical Specifications
Providing and laying Open-graded premix carpet of 20 mm thick
composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates as wearing course on a
13.9 A 1311 Sqm 308.91
previously prepared base as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications (Manual means)
Providing and laying Open-graded premix carpet of 20 mm thick
composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates as wearing course on a
13.9 A 1311 cum 15,445.40
previously prepared base as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications (Manual means)
Providing and laying Open-graded premix carpet of 20 mm thick
composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates as wearing course on a
50 13.9 1311 Sqm 275.33
previously prepared base as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications (Mechanical means)
Providing and laying Open-graded premix carpet of 20 mm thick
composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates as wearing course on a
51 13.9 1311 Cum 13,766.71
previously prepared base as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications (Mechanical means)
Providing and laying surface dressing as wearing course in single coat
using gravel of specified size on a recently applied layer of bituminous
52 13.7-A-I 1303 Sqm 68.90
binder on prepared surface as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications.19 mm nominal chipping size
Providing and laying surface dressing as wearing course in single coat
using gravel of specified size on a recently applied layer of bituminous
53 13.7-A-III 1303 Sqm 35.91
binder on prepared surface as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications.10 mm nominal chipping size

Section 1500- Traffic Sign, Road Marking

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by

57 of 75
Government of Nepal -n=;=_

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Department of Roads
Federal Highway Supervision and Monitoring Office Kathamndu
Road Division
Charikot, Dolakha

Summary of Rates
F/Y : 076/77
S.N. Norms No Description of works Unit Rate, (NRs) Remarks

Providing and fixing of Non reflective warning, Regulatory and

informatory sign board of 2 mm thick MS sheet with back support
frame fixed on heavy 50 mm tube or Channel section of
53 15.1 1501 75mmx40mmx6mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly No 4,428.24
designed foundation with M10/40 grade cement concrete
30cmx30cm, 30cm as per drawing and Technical Specification/DoR

Providing and fixing of retro-reflectorized warning, Regulatory and

informatory sign as per specification clause 1501 made of high
intensity grade sheeting, fixed over aluminum sheeting, 1.5mm thick
supported on a 50 mm internal dia steel tube or mildsteel angle iron
54 15.2 1501 No 3,403.64
post 75mmx40mmx6mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of
properly designed foundation with M10/40 grade cement concrete
30cmx30cm, 30cm below ground level or as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.
Providing and applying two coats of readymix paint of approved brand
55 15.5 1501 on steel surfac eafter through cleaning of surface to give an even Sqm. 145.56
shade as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound at least
2mm thick including reflectorizing glass beads as per DOR Traffic sign
Manual/Specifications.The finished surface to be level, uniform and
56 15.9 i 1504 Sqm. 814.20
free from streaks and holes.On smooth surface (similar to Asphalt
concrete and rigid pavement)

Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound at least

2mm thick including reflectorizing glass beads as per DOR Traffic sign
Manual/Specifications.The finished surface to be level, uniform and
57 15.9 ii 1504 Sqm. 1,043.48
free from streaks and holes.On rough surface (similar to Surface

Providing and Fixing Reinforcedcement concrete M15 grade kilometer

Post including painting and printing as per Standard Drawing-2070
58 15.11.ii 1506 No 5,470.61
and Technical Specifications. position
a) One kilometer post
Painting two coats on concrete surfaces :providing and painting two
coats after filling the surface with synthetic enamel paint in all shades sqm 975.90
on concrete/plaster surfaces
Providing and Fixing Reinforcedcement concrete M15 grade kilometer
Post including painting and printing as per Standard Drawing-2070
59 15.11.i 1506 No 9,128.96
and Technical Specifications. position
a) Five kilometer post
Providing and installation of 150mm*150mm 1.5m long delineators
(roadwayindicators, hazard markers,object markers),80-100 cm high
60 15.12 1507 above ground level,painted black and white in 20cm widestrips,buried No 1,283.01
or pressed into the ground and conforming to the drawings and
Technical Specifications.
Providing and erecting a "W" metal beam crashbarrier comprising of
3mm thick corrugated sheetmetal beam rail, 70cm above road/ground
level, fixed on ISMC series channel vertical post, 150x75x5 mm
61 15.14-A 1509 spaced 2m center to center, 1.8m high, 1.1m below ground/road level Rm 7,897.18
metal beam rail to be fixed on the vertical post with a spacer of
channel section 150x75x5mm, 330mm long complete as per Drawing
and Technical Specifications.

Section 1800- Falsework, Formwork and Surface Finish for Concrete Structures
Providing , Preparing and Installing form work including necessary
62 18.1.a supports and removing after completion for foundation and footings Sqm. 681.72
(a) using timber ( soft wood) - Class F1 finish.

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by

58 of 75
Government of Nepal -n=;=_

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Department of Roads
Federal Highway Supervision and Monitoring Office Kathamndu
Road Division
Charikot, Dolakha

Summary of Rates
F/Y : 076/77
S.N. Norms No Description of works Unit Rate, (NRs) Remarks

Providing , Preparing and Installing form work including necessary

63 18.2 a i supports and removing after completion ---For Vertical plain surface Sqm. 794.20
[class F2 finish] height upto 3 m

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by

59 of 75
Government of Nepal -n=;=_

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Department of Roads
Federal Highway Supervision and Monitoring Office Kathamndu
Road Division
Charikot, Dolakha

Summary of Rates
F/Y : 076/77
S.N. Norms No Description of works Unit Rate, (NRs) Remarks
Section 2000- Concrete for Structures
Providing and laying of Plain/Reinforced Cement Concrete in
Foundation with formwork all complete as per Drawing and Technical
63 20.1 PCC Grade M10/40 Cum 11,022.27
64 20.2.A PCC Grade M15/40 Cum 12,979.05
65 20.2-B PCC Grade M20/40 Cum 14,272.21
66 20.2-C RCC Grade M20/20 Cum 14,483.26
67 20.2-D 2000 PCC Grade M25/40 Cum 16,118.16
68 20.2-E RCC Grade M25/20 Cum 16,245.26
69 20.2 F PCC Grade M30/40 Cum 17,102.84
70 20.2 G RCC Grade M30/20 Cum 16,277.13
71 20.2 H RCC Grade M35/20 Cum 23,774.71
Providing and laying , fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in
72 20.3 2014 tonne 116,528.18
foundation as per drawing and technical specifications
Providing and laying of Plain/Reinforced Cement Concrete in Sub-
Structure with formwork all complete as per Drawing and Technical
73 20.4-A 2000 PCC Grade M15/40, Height upto 5 m Cum 13,727.84
74 20.4-B PCC Grade M20/40, Height upto 5 m Cum 15,095.61
75 20.4-C (p) PCC Grade M25/40, Height upto 5 m Cum 17,089.13
76 20.4-C (q) PCC Grade M25/40, Height above 5 m to 10 m Cum 17,710.55
77 20.4-C (r) PCC Grade M25/40, Height above 10 m Cum 18,487.33
78 20.4-E (p) RCC Grade M20/20, Height upto 5 m Cum 15,318.83
79 20.4-E (q) RCC Grade M20/20, Height above 5 m to 10m Cum 15,875.88
80 20.4-E (r) RCC Grade M20/20, Height above 10m Cum 16,572.19
81 20.4-F (p) RCC Grade M25/20, Height upto 5 m Cum 17,223.89
82 20.4-F (q) RCC Grade M25/20, Height above 5 m to 10 m Cum 17,850.21
83 20.4-F (r) RCC Grade M25/20, height above 10 m Cum 18,633.11
84 20.4 G (p) RCC Grade M30/20, Height upto 5 m Cum 17,299.37
85 20.4 G (q) RCC Grade M30/20, Height above 5 m to 10 m Cum 17,928.43
86 20.4 G (r) RCC Grade M30/20, Height above 10 m Cum 18,714.77
Providing and laying of Reinforced Cement Concrete for solid slab
Super Structure with formwork and staging all complete as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications

87 20.8 B (i)(p) RCC Grade M25/20, Height upto 5 m Cum 18,690.89

88 20.8 B (i)(q) RCC Grade M25/20, Height above 5 m to 10 m Cum 19,469.67

89 20.8 B (i)(r) RCC Grade M25/20, height above 10 m Cum 20,248.46

Providing and laying of Reinforced Cement Concrete for T-beam &

slab Super Structure with formwork and staging all complete as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications
20.8 B (ii)
90 RCC Grade M25/20, Height upto 5 m Cum 19,469.67
20.8 B (ii)
91 RCC Grade M25/20, Height above 5 m to 10 m Cum 20,248.46
92 20.8 B (ii)(r) RCC Grade M25/20, height above 10 m Cum 21,027.25

Providing and laying of Reinforced Cement Concrete for solid slab

Super Structure with formwork all complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications

93 20.8 C (i)(p) RCC Grade M30/20, Height upto 5 m Cum 19,010.04

94 20.8 C (i)(q) RCC Grade M30/20, Height above 5 m to 10 m Cum 19,802.12

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by

60 of 75
Government of Nepal -n=;=_

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Department of Roads
Federal Highway Supervision and Monitoring Office Kathamndu
Road Division
Charikot, Dolakha

Summary of Rates
F/Y : 076/77
S.N. Norms No Description of works Unit Rate, (NRs) Remarks

95 20.8 C (i)(r) RCC Grade M30/20, height above 10 m Cum 20,594.21

Providing and laying of Reinforced Cement Concrete for T-beam &

slab Super Structure with formwork and staging all complete as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications
20.8 C (ii)
96 RCC Grade M30/20, Height upto 5 m Cum 19,802.12
20.8 C (ii)
97 RCC Grade M30/20, Height above 5 m to 10 m Cum 20,594.21
98 20.8 C (ii)(r) RCC Grade M30/20, height above 10 m Cum 21,386.29

Providing and laying of Reinforced Cement Concrete for T-beam &

slab Super Structure with formwork and staging all complete as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications - PSC Grade M-45
20.8 F (ii)
99 PSC Grade M-45, Height upto 5 m Cum 21,473.69
20.8 F (ii)
100 PSC Grade M-45, Height above 5 m to 10 m Cum 22,332.64
101 20.8 F (ii)(r) PSC Grade M-45, height above 10 m Cum 23,191.59

Providing and laying , fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in

102 20.90 2014 tonne 119,115.68
Super structure complete as per drawing and technical specifications

Section 2200- Structural Steel Works

Providing, Fabricating, assembling and erecting structural steel
components/elements including nut, bolt, gusset plate, including shop
103 22.1-A 2200 tonne 297,834.11
drawings, facilities for inspection & testing and trial assembling all
complete as per specification.
Section 2400- River Traning and Protection Works
Providing and Assembling mechanical woven Gabion boxes
/mattresses, placing in position including stretching; forming
compartments; tying the sides and diaphragms with binding wire in
104 24.3,24.4 2402 each mesh; tying with bracing wires and tie wires; and tying down the Cum 6,059.79
lid complete as per specification & providing and filling stone in
gabione boxes all complete as per drawing and technical
Providing and laying of a geotextile filter between pitching and
105 24.5 2404 Sqm. 161.50
embankment slopes as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Providing and laying Plum concrete (Boulder mixed concrete) with
60% M 15/40 concrete and 40% boulders/stones as per Drawing and
Specification using concrete mixer and vibrator including providing
106 24.21-A-I 2421 Cum 10,916.11
and fixing in position of formwork before concreting and removing of
formwork after completion of work all complete as directed by
Section 2600- Masonry for Structures
Providing and laying Dry Stone Masonry wall all complete as per the
107 26.10 2603, Cum 5,686.96
Providing and laying Stone Masonry work in cement mortar 1:4 in
108 26.3.A 2603, Cum 11,617.28
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications
2600, Providing and laying Stone Masonry work in cement mortar 1:4 in
109 26.5.A Cum 12,940.37
2607 structure complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications

Section 2900- Maintenance of Road

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by

61 of 75
Government of Nepal -n=;=_

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Department of Roads
Federal Highway Supervision and Monitoring Office Kathamndu
Road Division
Charikot, Dolakha

Summary of Rates
F/Y : 076/77
S.N. Norms No Description of works Unit Rate, (NRs) Remarks

Providing required material and repair the pot holes with 20 mm open
graded pemix including removal of failed material, trimming and
110 29.11 A 2903 finishing the surface applying tack coat on the sides and base of Sqm. 435.39
excavation, backfilling with hot bituminous material and compaction as
per technical specification and instruction of the engineer

2900, Clearance of landslides in soil and ordinary rock by machine and

111 29.19-A Cum 48.35
900 disposal of the same on the valley side

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by

Quantity Estimate of Pipe Culvert (90 dia)

Project : Godawari-Kotdanda Road

Table I: Quantity Calculation of Piepe Culvert

Abutment Height = 3.00 m Catch pit wall height = 1.83 m
Pavement Thickness = - Pipe length = 7.50 m
Nos: 7
Length Breadth Height Total
Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units (m) (m) (m) Qnty.

Excavation for Structures Foundation, Earth work in

excavation of foundation of structures, including
1 Cu.m.
construction of shoring and bracing, removal of
stumps and other deleterious matter and backfilling
with approved Material as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications in all types of soil / Rock [907]
i) Head Wall 1 3.00 1.80 1.50 8.10 m³
ii) Catch pit 1 3.71 3.71 1.83 25.09 m³
iii) Pipe portion 1 5.68 0.90 2.16 11.05 m³
iv) Stone soling portion
a) Catchpit 1 3.71 3.71 0.15 2.06 m³
b) Below Head wall 1 3.00 1.80 0.15 0.81 m³
v) PCC lining
a) Catchpit 1 3.71 3.71 0.10 1.37 m³
b) Below Head wall 1 5.68 0.90 0.10 0.51 m³
vi) Gabion Works U/S & D/S
i) u/s protection 6 2.00 1.00 0.50 6.00
ii) for cascade of d/s
for appron portion 6 2 1 0.5 6.00
for side wall 6 2 1 0.5 6.00
Total 66.99 468.93 m³

Random Rubble Masonry, Providing and laying of

2 Stone Masonry Work in Cement Mortar 1:4 in cu.m.
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications., [2602, 2603, 2607]
i) Head Wall 1 3.00 1.15 3.15 10.87 m³
deduction for pipe -1 0.70 0.95 - 0.67 m³
ii) Inlet Wall 1 3.00 0.73 1.83 3.98 m³
deduction for pipe -1 0.50 0.95 - 0.48 m³
iii) Hill side wall 1 3.00 0.73 1.83 3.98 m³
iv) Side walls 2 1.50 0.70 1.83 3.84 m³
v) Parapet 2 3.00 0.40 0.40 0.96 m³
Total 22.48 157.36 m³

Providing and laying of hand pack Stone soling with

150 to 200 mm thick stones and packing with smaller
3 stone on prepared surface including required cu.m.
subgrade preparation works as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.[1006]
i) Catchpit soling 1 3.71 3.71 0.15 2.06 m³
ii) Below Head Wall 1 3.00 1.80 0.15 0.81 m³
iii) Below hume pipe 1 5.68 1.10 0.15 0.94
Total 3.80 26.60 m³
Providing and laying of Plain/Reinforced Cement
4 Concrete in Foundation complete as per Drawing and cu.m.
Technical Specifications, PCC Grade M 15 including
i) Catchpit 1 3.71 3.71 0.10 1.37 m³
ii) Below Head Wall 1 3.00 1.80 0.10 0.54 m³
iii) Below hume pipe 1 5.68 1.1 0.10 0.62 m³

Prepared By: Checked By: Approved By:

Length Breadth Height Total
Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units (m) (m) (m) Qnty.
Total 2.53 17.71 m³
Providing and Laying Reinforced cement concrete NP3
5 Flush jointed pipe for culverts including fixing with
cement mortar 1:2 as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications., 900 mm internal dia.,[701] 1 7.50 7.50 52.50 RM

Providing and Assembling mechanical woven Gabion

boxes /mattresses, placing in position including
6 stretching; forming compartments; tying the sides and
diaphragms with binding wire in each mesh; tying with
bracing wires and tie wires; and tying down the lid
complete as per specification & providing and filling
stone in gabion boxes all complete as per drawing and
technical specifications. [2400]
i) u/s protection 6 2.00 1.00 1.00 12.00
ii) for cascade of d/s
for appron portion 6 2.00 1.00 1.00 12.00
for side wall 6 2.00 1.00 1.00 12.00
Total 36.00 252.00 m³

Providing and laying of Filter media with granular

Material/stone crushed aggregates to a thickness of
not less than 600 mm with smaller size towards the
soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided
over the entire surface behind abutment, wing wall and
return wall to the full height compacted to a firm
condition complete as per drawing and Technical
Specification.-Spec. cl. No: 909,910

i) Head Wall 1 3.00 0.20 3.15 1.89 m³

deduction for pipe -1 0.95 0.20 - 0.19 m³
ii) Inlet Wall 1 3.00 0.20 1.83 1.10 m³
deduction for pipe -1 0.95 0.20 - 0.19 m³
iii) Hill side wall 1 3.00 0.20 1.83 1.10 m³
iv) Side walls 2 1.50 0.20 1.83 1.10 m³
4.79 33.53 m³

Prepared By: Checked By: Approved By:

Page 1 of 75

Bagmati Province
Office of Godawari Municipality
Bajrabarahi, Godawari

Rate Analysis FY: 2077/078

Description of works: Providing and laying of Filter media with granular Material/stone crushed aggregates to a thickness of not less than 200 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and
provided over the entire surface behind abutment, wing wall and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawing and Technical Specification.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 909,910

Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)

Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.12 Unskilled md 10.000 750.00 7500.00 Filter material 12 cum 1666.54545454545 19998.5454545455 0.00
skilled md 1.000 1030.00 1030.00 water 1000 Lit 0.5192 519.2
Sub total of A = 8530.00 Sub total of B = 20517.75 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 29047.75 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 4357.16 Unit Rate = 3340.49

Description of works: Providing and fixing of Non reflective warning, Regulatory and informatory sign board of 2 mm thick MS sheet with back support frame fixed on heavy 50 mm tube or Channel section of
75mmx40mmx6mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M10/40 grade cement concrete 30cmx30cm, 30cm as per drawing and Technical Specification/DoR Unit : 1 no.
Spec. cl. No: 1501
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
15.1 Skilled md 1.000 1030.00 1030.00 Painting angle iron post two coats Sqm 3.510 126.58 444.27 Tractor with trolley hr 3 1110 3330
Unskilled md 2.000 750.00 1500.00 M10 grade m3 0.110 10985.46 1208.40
Mild steel angle iron 75 x 40 x 6 mm, 3. m long
@ 6.8 kg/m Aluminum sheeting fixed with 6768.72
encapsulated lens type reflective sheeting of
size including lettering and signs as applicable Kg 85.68 79.00
Add 2% of cost of angle iron towards cost of
drilling holes, nuts, bolts etc.
Excavation for foundation Cum 0.21 118.69 24.92
60 cm height equilateral triangle sqm 0.44 2183.87 960.90
Sub total of A = 2530.00 Sub total of B = 9542.58 Sub total of C = 3330.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 15402.58 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 2310.39 Unit Rate = 4428.24

Description of works: Providing and Fixing Reinforcedcement concrete M15 grade kilometer Post including painting and printing as per Standard Drawing-2070 and Technical Specifications. position
a) One kilometer post Unit : 1 no.
Spec. cl. No: 1506
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
15.11.ii Skilled md 2.000 1030.00 2060.00 M15/40 RCC m3 1.400 12940.77 18117.07 Tractor trolley hr 3 1110 3330
Unskilled md 7.000 750.00 5250.00 M10/40 PCC m3 2.380 10985.46 26145.39
Excavation for foundation m3 2.380 118.69 282.48
Painting two coats on concrete surface m2 11.900 126.58 1506.24
Lettering on km post cm-letter 1680.000 2.00 3360.00
Reinforcement bar
kg 82.880 79.00
Sub total of A = 7310.00 Sub total of B = 55958.70 Sub total of C = 3330.00

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Page 2 of 75

Rate Analysis FY: 2077/078

Sub total of A +B + C = 66598.70 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 9989.81 Unit Rate = 5470.61

Description of works: Providing and Fixing Reinforcedcement concrete M15 grade kilometer Post including painting and printing as per Standard Drawing-2070 and Technical Specifications. position
a) Five kilometer post Unit : 1 no.
Spec. cl. No: 1506
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
15.11.i Skilled md 1.000 1030.00 1030.00 M15/40 RCC m3 1.200 12940.77 15528.92 Tractor trolley hr 3 1110 3330
Unskilled md 6.000 750.00 4500.00 M10/40 PCC m3 1.200 10985.46 13182.55
Excavation for foundation m3 1.200 118.69 142.42
Painting two coats on concrete surface m2 10.200 126.58 1291.06
Lettering on km post cm-letter 1800.000 2.00 3600.00
Reinforcement bar kg 63.600 79.00 5024.40
Sub total of A = 5530.00 Sub total of B = 38769.35 Sub total of C = 3330.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 47629.35 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 7144.40 Unit Rate = 9128.96

Description of works:
Providing and installation of 150mm*150mm 1.5m long delineators (roadwayindicators, hazard markers,object markers),80-100 cm high above ground level,painted black and white in 20cm
widestrips,buried or pressed into the ground and conforming to the drawings and Technical Specifications. Unit : 1 no.
Spec. cl. No: 1507
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
15.12 Skilled md 1.000 1030.00 1030.00 M15 grade concrete m3 1.010 12940.77 13070.17 Tractor trolley hr 3 1110 3330
Unskilled md 7.000 750.00 5250.00 Excavation of foundation m3 0.470 118.69 55.78
Enamel paint Sqm 14.400 126.58 1822.68
Reinforcement bar kg 112.800 79.00 8911.20
Sub total of A = 6280.00 Sub total of B = 23859.83 Sub total of C = 3330.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 33469.83 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 5020.47 Unit Rate = 1283.01

Description of works: Providing and laying Plum concrete (Boulder mixed concrete) with 60% M 15/40 concrete and 40% boulders/stones as per Drawing and Specification using concrete mixer and vibrator including
providing and fixing in position of formwork before concreting and removing of formwork after completion of work all complete as directed by Engineer. Unit : 1 m3 2421
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
24.21-A-I Skilled md 3.00 1030.00 3090.00 cement t 1.700 16500.00 28050.00 Concrete mixer ( 0.28 / 0.20 m3 ) hr. 6.00 767.02 4602.12
Unskilled md 30.00 750.00 22500.00 Aggregates 20-40(mm) m3 3.450 2778.30 9585.13 Concrete vibrator hr. 6.00 100 600.00
Aggregates 10-20 (mm) m3 1.560 2963.52 4623.09
Aggregates 5-10(mm) m3 0.720 2787.12 2006.72
sand m3 3.000 2896.32 8688.96
Boulder/Stone m3 4.400 2540.16 11176.70
Sub total of A = 25590.00 Sub total of B = 64130.60 Sub total of C = 5202.12
Sub total of A +B + C = 94922.72 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 14238.41 Unit Rate = 10916.11

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

RA No. : 88
Description of item : Carrying out the routine maintenance of the existing road during Defect Liability Period.

Norms Specification
Labour (A) Materials (B)
activity Clause
Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity

DoR 107 Unskilled md 1.000 750.00 750.00

Sub - total (A) 750.00 Sub - total (B)

NB: As per DoR Maintenace Norms

RA No. : 89
Description of item : Carrying out the routine maintenance of the existing road during the construction Period

Norms Specification
Labour (A) Materials (B)
activity Clause
Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity

DoR 107 Unskilled md 1.000 750.00 750.00

Sub - total (A) 750.00 Sub - total (B)

NB: As per DoR Maintenace Norms
Unit: 3.00 km/day
Materials (B) Equipment (C)
Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount

tools 12 % of labour cost 0.00

0.00 Sub total (c) 0.00

Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs. 750.00
Contractor's Overhead @ 15 % of (A+B+C) = NRs. 112.50
Total Item Rate = NRs. 862.50
Say NRs. per 3km/day X= 862.50
NRs. Per1km/Day Y=X/3= 287.50
Say NRs. per 1km/month Z=Y*30= 8625.00

Unit: 2.00 km/day

Materials (B) Equipment (C)
Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount

tools 12 % of labour cost 0.00

0.00 Sub total (c) 0.00

Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs. 750.00
Contractor's Overhead @ 15 % of (A+B+C) = NRs. 112.50
Total Item Rate = NRs. 862.50
Say NRs. per 2km/day X= 862.50
NRs. Per1km/Day Y=X/2= 431.25
Say NRs. per 1km/month Z=Y*30= 12937.50
1) District rate : Materials
Collection Transportation Total Rate
S.N. Description Unit District Rate (D) Royalty ( R ) Remarks
Rate (C) Rate ( Tp ) ( C + R + Tp)
1 Gravel (Quarry Materials)
1.a ( 5 - 70 mm ) m3 1,300.00 1545.00 366.55 1666.55
1.b ( 5 - 40 mm) m3 2317.50 366.55 2684.05
1.c ( 5 - 20 mm) m3 3090.00 366.55 3456.55
1.d ( 5 - 10 mm) m3 4635.00 366.55 5001.55
1.f River bed gravel/khanki m3 1,350.00 1350.00
1.g Crusher Run Sub base material m3 2,500.00 2,500.00
2 Broken Aggregates
2.a ( 70 - 100 mm) m3 1600.00 1158.75 366.55 1525.30
2.b ( 40 - 70 mm) m3 1,600.00 1545.00 366.55 1911.55
2.c ( 20 - 40 mm) m3 2,778.30 2317.50 366.55 2778.30
2.d ( 10 - 20 mm) m3 2,900.00 3090.00 366.55 2963.52
2.e ( 5 - 10 mm) m3 1,925.00 4635.00 366.55 2787.12
2.f Crusher Run base material m3 2,900.00 366.55 3,266.55
3 Sand m3 1,925.00 1158.75 1374.55 2896.32
4 Brick nos. 13.00 0.81 13.81
5 Wood
5.a wood Local m3 41,000.00 41,000.00
5.b Sal wood m3 180,000.00 67.20 180,067.20
6 Stone dust m3 1,800.00 366.55 2,166.55
7 Rubble m3 1,950.00 1081.50 366.55 2540.16
8 Cement mt. 16,500.00 16,500.00
Admixture Ltr 350.00 350.00
Epoxy Ltr 2000.00 2000.00
9 Water Ltr 0.50 0.00 0.02 0.52
10 Bitumen 80/100 Ltr 87.00 0.48 87.48
Emulsion Kg 77 0.48 77.48
11 Reinforcement (Tor Steel)
11.a 8 mm dia mt. 81,000.00 511.60 81,511.60
11.b 10 - 25 mm dia mt. 81,000.00 511.60 81,511.60
11.c 28 - 32 mm dia mt. 81,000.00 511.60 81,511.60
11.d 4.75 - 7 mm dia mt. 81,000.00 511.60 81,511.60
12 Binding Wire Kg 99.00 0.51 99.51
13 G.I Wire heavy coated m2
13.a 8 gauge Kg 110.00 0.51 110.51
13.b 10 gauge Kg 110.00 0.51 110.51
13.c 12 gauge Kg 110.00 0.51 110.51
14 RCC Hume Pipes
14.a 300mm diameter m 3,990.00 484.56 4,474.56
14.b 450mm diameter m 5,850.00 484.56 6,334.56
14.c 600 mm diameter m 7,840.00 802.72 8,642.72
14.d 750 mm diameter m 11,280.00 802.72 12,082.72
14.e 900 mm diameter m 14,470.00 917.40 15,387.40
14.f 1200 mm diameter m 18,000.00 917.40 18,917.40
15 Jute Kg 90.00 90.00
16 Nails Kg 115.00 0.51 115.51
17 Ply wood
17.a plywood 3 mm m2 200.00 0.20 200.20
17.b plywood 4 mm m2 245.00 0.27 245.27
17.c plywood 6 mm m2 360.00 0.40 360.40
17.d plywood 8 mm m 2
- 0.54 0.54
17.e plywood 10 mm m2 970.00 0.67 970.67
17.f plywood 12 mm m2 1,025.00 0.81 1,025.81
17.g plywood 20 mm m2 1.34 1.34
18 Thermoplastic Road Paint Ltr 250.00 250.00
Glass Beads kg 245.00 245.00
19 Enamel Paint Ltr 457.00 457.00
20 Cement Paint Kg 57.00 57.00
Cement Primer Kg 313.00 313.00
Wood Primer Kg 313.00 313.00
21 Gum/Fevicol Kg 131.00 131.00
22 Snow cem Kg 57.00 57.00
23 Primer Ltr 313.00 313.00

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

24 Steel Plate(2 mm ) m2 2183.87 2183.87 15.7
25 Steel tube(50 mm dia GI) Rm 370.00 370.00
26 GI Pipe Medium Class
26.a 40mm m 565.00 565.00
26.b 50 mm m 790.00 790.00
26.c 80 mm m 1,008.00 1,008.00
26.d 100 mm m 1,910.00 1,910.00
HDPE 110mm (4 kg/cm2, 1.703 kg/m) m 468.33 275
27.a 468.33

27.b HDPE 200mm m 2750.28 2750.28

28 Elastomeric Bearing pad 0.00
Free Type nos. 23,107.00 23,107.00
Fix end dowel type nos. 49,032.00 49,032.00
29 Geotextile m2 110.00 110.00
30 Expansion joint 9,650.00 9,650.00
32 Steel Structure mt. 175,000.00 57.60 175,057.60
33 Earth m3 250 60.08 260.33 320.41
34 Tarfelt m2 178.00 178.00
35 Bond stone m3 1950.00 1931.25 1931.25
36 machine made gabions Sqm 250.00 250.00
3x1x1 Box 8.19
2x1x1 Box 5.63
1.5x1x1 Box 4.09
37 Antistripping agent Additives Kg 320.00 320.00
38 Gelatine Kg 330.00 330.00
39 Detonator nos. 330.00 330.00
40 Fuse Wire m 330.00 330.00
41 Soil Cum 100 100
42 Tendon Sheath m 360.00 360.00
43 Tendon wire mt. 148,820.00 511.6 149,331.60
44 Anchorage block with cap nos. 9,950.00 9,950.00
46 MS Sheet Kg 139.10 0.5116 139.61
47 Ms Channel Kg 83.19 0.5116 83.70
48 CGI Sheet Kg 168.48 0.5116 168.98986087

2) District Rate : Labour

S.N. Description Unit District Rate Remarks
1 Skilled md 1030.00
2 Semiskilled md 845.00
3 Unskilled (Labour) md 750.00
4 Blaster md 955.00
5 Light driver md
6 Heavy driver md
7 Supervisor md
8 Road Length Worker md

3) District Rate : Fuel and Lubricant

S.N. Description Unit District Rate Lead Total
1 Diesel Ltr 88.50 1.23 89.73
2 Kerosene Ltr 85.40 1.23 86.63
3 Petrol Ltr 96.00 1.23 97.23

4) DOR's Equipment Hire Rate

n ,lubricants
Operator's DOR Hire and
S.N. Description Unit Allowance Fuel Total rate
rate maintainanac
e(@ 10% of
fuel cost)

1 Excavator (upto 150 HP) Hr 3570.00 0 3570.00

2 Loader Wheel (upto 2.2m3) Hr 2957.00 0 2957.00
3 Truck ( 3 tonnes) Hr 300.00 0 300.00
4 Truck/Tipper ( 5 tonnes) Hr 1454.00 0 1454.00
5 Truck ( 8 tonnes) Hr 800.00 0 800.00
6 Grader ( 75 HP) Hr 3618.00 0 3618.00
7 Pump 10cm dia Hr 44.00 0 44.00
8 Vibrating Roller ( 8 - 10 ton) Hr 2413.00 0 2413.00

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

9 3 Wheel roller Hr 1608.00 0 1608.00
10 Water bowser Hr 550.00 0 550.00
11 Bitumen Boiler Hr 858.00 0 858.00
12 Sprayer Emulsion Hr 881.00 0 881.00
13 Air compressor Hr 1459.00 0 1459.00
14 Hand Sprayer Hr 250.00 0 250.00
15 Aggregate Spreader Hr 300.00 0 300.00
16 Pneumatic Tyred Roller Hr 3319.00 0 3319.00
17 Concrete mixer Hr 767.02 0 767.02
18 Vibrating needle Hr 100.00 0 100.00
19 Blasting machine Hr 1400.00 0 1400.00
20 Generator Hr 931.00 0 931.00
21 Bitumen Distributor Hr 4377.00 0 4377.00
22 Chip Spreader Hr 4444.00 0 4444.00
23 Tractor Hr 1110.00 0 1110.00
24 Asphalt plant Hr 14122.00 0 14122.00
25 Asphalt mixer Hr 1000.00 0 1000.00
26 Asphalt paver Hr 4775.00 0 4775.00
27 Compressor & Rock Drill Hr 580.00 0 580.00
28 Dozer Hr 5891.00 5891.00
29 Tractor with ripper Hr 1142.00 0 1142.00
30 Mechanical Broom Hr 2020.00 0 2020.00
31 Batch mix HEMP Hr 14122.00 0 14122.00
32 Road Marking Machine Hr 1004.00 0 1004.00
33 Crane hr 3102.00 0 3102.00
34 Stone Crusher hr 750.00 0 750.00

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Transportation Analysis of Construction Materials :

Mountainous Region Terai region Labour Loading Labour unLoading Load time unload time
Total Travel
Material Type Unit Earthen Gravel Blacktop Transportation Remarks
Earthen Gravel Blacktop Time (T) Unskilled Skilled Unskilled Skilled Truck /tipper Crane Loader hr Truck/tipper Crane Cost per unit

1) Excavated earth work

a) Soil Material m3 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.00 0.00 260.33
b) Rock Material m3 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.11 0.06 0.06 0.00 0.00 312.69
2) Sand m3 0.00 21.00 67.00 20.00 1.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1374.55

3) Gravel, river shingle, broken stone aggregates, and bats. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

a) Gravel m 3
0.00 21.00 0.00 0.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 366.55
Aggregate for concrete 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
b) River shingle m 3
0.00 21.00 0.00 0.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 366.55
c) Broken stone aggregates m3 0.00 21.00 0.00 0.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 366.55
d) Brick bats m3 0.00 21.00 0.00 0.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 366.55
4) Boulder, Cobbles, quarry stone m3 0.00 21.00 0.00 0.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 366.55
5) Dressed Stone m3 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.06 0.06 0.00 0.00 382.51
6) Bricks 1000 nos 21.00 0.46 0.19 0.38 807.17
7) Cement t 21.00 0.25 0.20 0.00 0.20 0.00 511.60
8) Reinforcement Steel and gabion wire t 21.00 0.25 0.20 0.00 0.20 0.00 511.60
9) Bitumen 1000 lit 21.00 0.32 0.15 0.00 0.15 0.00 484.50
10) GI, CI, Pipe and fittings t 21.00 0.00 0.46 366.55
11) Timber for temporary works m3 21.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 67.20
12) Fabricated Structural Timber m3 21.00 0.00 0.08 67.20
13) Fabricated Structural Steel t 21.00 52.00 0.72 576.00
14) RCC Precast Element t 21.00 0.00 0.08 67.20

15) Equiptment & accessoriesetc. requiring careful handling truck 21.00 0.00 0.08 67.20

16) RCC hume pipe 21.00 0.00 0.08 67.20

a) 900/1200/1000 mm dia m 21.00 0.42 0.13 0.03 0.07 0.01 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.03 0.03 917.40
b) 600 mm dia m 21.00 0.32 0.08 0.02 0.04 0.20 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.02 802.72
c) 450mm dia m 21.00 0.32 0.05 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.01 484.56
c) 300mm dia m 21.00 0.32 0.05 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.01 484.56
0.00 0.00
17) Water 1000 lit 5.00 0.02 19.20
18) Diesel 1000 lit 21.00 41.00 28.00 1.25 0.15 0.00 0.15 0.00 1228.50
19) Petrol 1000 lit 21.00 41.00 28.00 1.25 0.15 0.00 0.15 0.00 1228.50
20 Kerosene 1000 lit 21.00 41.00 28.00 1.25 0.15 0.00 0.15 0.00 1228.50

Fuel =Total Travel Time (T)*Fuel Coefficient

Truck, Hr.=Truck Coefficient *(Total Travel Time (T)+Load / Unload Time)
Total Transportation Cost per unit = Labour, md. * Labour Rate + Fuel, Ltr.* Fuel Rate + Truck, Hr.* Truck Rate

Prepared By Checked By Recommended By Approved By

Bagmati Province
Office of Godawari Municipality
Bajrabarahi, Godawari

Chart for collection of materials

S.N. Description Unit Activity no Amount Remarks
Type Unit Qty. Rate
1 Collection and seiving gravel including stacking within 10m. Hauling distance. 8.1
a ( 5 - 70 mm size)
m3 Unskilled md 2 750 1545.00

b ( 5 - 40 mm size)
m3 Unskilled md 3 750 2317.50

c ( 5 - 20 mm size)
m3 Unskilled md 4 750 3090.00

d ( 5 - 08 mm size)
m3 Unskilled md 6 750 4635.00

( 40 - 70 mm size)
m3 Unskilled md 4 750 3090.00

( 70 - 100 mm size)
m3 Unskilled md 3 750 2317.50

Collection of rubble of required size, hauling distance10m. and stacking.

2 m3 8.2 Unskilled md 1.4 750 1081.50

3 Collection and seiving sand within 10m. hauling distance. 8.3

a ( Quarry output less than 33%)
m3 Unskilled md 4 750 3090.00

b ( Quarry output 33 - 66 %)
m3 Unskilled md 3 750 2317.50

c ( Quarry output more than 66%)

m3 Unskilled md 1.5 750 1158.75

Collection, quarring and seiving sand in local river.

4 m3 8.3.D Unskilled md 1.5 750 1158.75

Washing broken stone, gravel and sand.

5 m3 8.4.A Unskilled md 0.5 750 386.25

Washing rubble
6 m3 8.4.B Unskilled md 0.2 750 154.50

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Bagmati Province
Office of Godawari Municipality
Bajrabarahi, Godawari
7 Breaking stones including Collection, seiving and stacking within 10m. 8.5
a ( 70 - 100 mm size)
m3 Unskilled md 1.5 750 1158.75

b ( 40 - 70 mm size)
m3 Unskilled md 2 750 1545.00

c ( 20 - 40 mm size)
m3 Unskilled md 3 750 2317.50

d ( 10 - 20 mm size)
m3 Unskilled md 4 750 3090.00

e ( 5 - 10 mm size)
m3 Unskilled md 6 750 4635.00

Making rubbles of required size including breaking with distance 10m. and stacking.
8 m3 8.02.03 Unskilled md 2.5 750 1931.25

9 Transportation of water by manpower including loading, hauling, unloading and stacking. 1000 lit 8.03.17 Unskilled md 0.47 750 363.08

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

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