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Reading Divisional Varga Charts

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Reading Divisional Varga Charts (7 general steps) +

their importance in Rectification + Prediction (Dasas for

D24/Education and D11/Death)
The following is a summary of some points taken from the recommended
threads at the end of this post. The 7 steps are factors to consider in looking
for a confluence of influences in divisional or harmonic charts. The difficulty
of synthesizing an interpretation is often in determining the priority of
influence and, it is often good to remember that what applies in one divisional
might vary in another.


1. Check the divisional lord of lagnas in Rasi

The strength of the divisional lord in rasi will determine the strength of the
divisional. It is preferable that the lagna lords of divisionals (eg. D8 & D30)are
weak in rasi whilst the divisionals of harmonics to do with benefic houses in
Rasi are strong in charts such as D9, D20 & D24. (eg. a 5th or 9th lord benefic
strong in Rasi). Even better if such a lord rules over many "good" divisionals.
The same applies for "bad" divisionals.

Remember that the lagna in divisional represents the native in relation to the
significations of the respective divisional charts. The lord's aspect on the
Ascendant also strengthens the divisional.

2. Check trines in divisionals

In benefic divisionals (eg. D9), trinal planets generally increase the fortune of
harmonic significations, whilst dusthana houses (6,8 & 12) reduce respective
fortune .

In "difficult" divisionals (eg. D30), trinal planets reduce evil, whilst planets in
(6, 8 & 12) increase "evils".

Of course, this is modified by planets in friendly or unfriendly signs as well as

lordship within the divisional and rasi chart.

(Note exceptions such as for vipreet yogas, which might improve over time.
Also, that 8th and 12th houses may have more significance and benefits in
some divisional charts like the D20, which is an octave of the 4th and 8th
house and moksha/spirituality houses in general ie. including the 12th)

3. Consider Jamini Chara Karakas with respect to relationships

Note that D1-D12 is related more to the level of manifestation in the Rasi
(Sun) and fine-tune these before going to the deeper divisionals.

In addition, most these charts (D3-siblings, D7-children, D9-spouse, D12-

parents) relate more to relationships that preserve us, and here, Jaimini Chara
karakas have relevance; especially the Navamsa which most particular relates
to relationships in general as well as the Atmakaraka/Karakamsa (the "King of
the Chart" or Soul).

4. Deeper divisional chart - D13 onwards

Note D13-24 relates more to the inner psychological/psychic and mind issues
of the person (Moon & 4th house "octave" ramifications)

D16 = harmonic of the 4th house (16-12 or 4x4)

D20 = harmonic of the 8th house (20-12 or 4x5)with 5th house octave (house
of ishta devata)

D24 = harmonic of the 12th house (24-12 or 4x6) with 6th house octave
(education, growth of knowledge, siddhis and perfections)

D25-D36 relates to issues of deeper subconscious mind and the planet karaka
Mars (& Saturn) to do with strengths and overcoming evils.

ie. D27 (3x9) = harmonic of the 3rd, D30 (6x5) = harmonic of the 6th

D37-48 (D40 & D45) relates to Mercury (and parental lineage) whilst D49-60
relates to Jupiter (own past lineage/lives)

In fact, harmonic divisional charts can go as far as D72 (Asta Navamsa), D81
(Nava Navamsa), D108 Nadiamsa (Astorraramsa), D144 (Dvadasa
Dvadasmsa), D150 (Nadiamsa) and D300 (Ardha Nadiamsa) charts. These
operate at an ethereal level, dealing with esoteric matters.

It may be based on 9 cycles of 12 = 108, with Sun (1st cycle), Moon (2nd), Mars
(3rd), Mercury (4th), Jupiter (5th), Venus (6th), Saturn (7th), Rahu (8th) and
Kethu (9th). Often the numerical harmonic relates the house and karaka
within a cycle. eg. D24 = 24-12 = 12 house and 4x6 = 4th house (and houses 6
away) and karakas Moon & Mercury

5. Consider modification of the Bhavat Bhavam rule for

significators to do with karakas with respect to indications of
Eg. D4 divisional for house and properties, consider 4th from Mars for fixed
properties, 4th from Venus for conveyances, 4th from Mercury etc ...

Also the classic Bhavat Bhavam rule applies from the relevant
"octave" house in the divisional houses

Eg. Look for education in D24 (4x6) with bhavat bhavam from the 4th house:
6th from 4th relates to the 9th and higher education; whilst 6th from the 9th
to the 2nd and Masters level of education; whilst 6th to the 2nd to the 7th and
Phd level of education

With this logic, the same should apply to D20 & D16 which are octaves of the
4th house too.

D20 for spirituality (4x5): 5th house as well as 5th from 4th relates to the 8th
house; 5th from the 8th house relates to the 12th (meditational devotional

D16 for peace and movement of the mind, transportation on vehicles (4x4):
4th from 4th ie. the angular houses (7th, 10th & 1st houses)

This principle of octaves helps differentiate the varying significance of houses

between divisional charts and both of the above factors may be combined for
synthesizing interpretation.

ie. 4th from karaka Mercury as well as 4th house in D24 ti fine-tune
indications for basic level of education from Rasi

6. Consider now an independent analysis of divisional charts:-

ie. their 12 houses, lordships, aspects, yogas, bhadaka, ARGALA etc..

7. Consider relevant rasi lords in divisional (as well as divisional

lords in Rasi and Navamsa for more subtle analysis)

Note relevant house lords perculiar to relevant divisional as well as the house

Eg. For D7 and D9

Children => Lord of 5th rasi in D7 along with Jupiter and PK
Sexual relations/procreativity => Lord of 7th rasi in D7 along with Venus OR
Marriage => lord of 7th rasi in D9 along with D9's 7th house, Venus and Dk
- these factors used along with bhavat bhavam principles as given in point 5
(above)ie. 7th from Venus

NOTE: Remember that Navamsa is important in determining the strength of

planets and should be used to along with rasi to determine the outcome of a
divisional assessment. And, a qualitative analysis of strength of planets in rasi
and divisionals are just as important , if not more important, than soley
relying on quantative measures such as Vimshopak and Shadbala.


Examining divisional charts are essential to a detailed analysis of all aspects of

a persons life. Whilst the Rasi chart may show the level of potential
manifestation; and the Navamsa the actualisation of that potential; the
divisionals reveal in which exact areas these aspects of a persons life take

For example, the 4th house, its lord and karakas can reveal many potential
indicators, but it is the their placement in the the D24 chart that will separate
the 4th house aspect of education from other indicators such as mother, home,
treasures, comforts and vehicles.

Personally, I examine specifics in the divisionals (ie. relevant karaka and

houses) and then look back at the Rasi (& Navamsa)for the level of
manifestation based on yogas, angular positions etc... I give priority to the
factors mentioned in point 5 above (harmonic modificatation on the bhavat
bhavam rule) ie. looking at relevant houses in relevant harmonic as well as
bhavat bhavam and general positions from the relevant karaka.

In fact, the karaka planet holds the key as its general significations stay the
same despite changes in house ownership between charts. But confluences
within and between charts and their houses can be vital in revealing it's
operation and co-operation with the area of life being targeted for
interpretation. This includes how lords of relevant house inter-act between

For example, looking for education in D24 chart, and relevant houses there. ie.
4th house (high school), 9th house (degree), 2nd house (Masters) & 7th house
(Phd level) as well as Ascendant lord, trinal positions, friendly signs, angular
positions, mahapurusha, neechabhanga, vipreet and other yogas, aspects,
argala, bhadaka house etc... as well as looking at its co-ordination with karaka
Mercury (and Jupiter for higher education) before looking to the Rasi and
Navamsa for level and area of manifestation (including 4th, 9th, 2nd & 9th
Rasi lord in D24 depending on the level of education).

Thus, if one is looking specifically at the high school level of education the 4th
house would be more relevant, but if looking at he degree level the 9th house
(6 away from the 4th house) and its bhavat bhavam principle (9th away)
would be more applicable as well as the influence of Jupiter.

In conclusion, fine-tuning down to specifics requires the correct use of

divisionals with the relevant application of houses, karkas and bhavat bhavam
rule (based on harmonic octaves).

Good Threads on Divisionals

D16 & Vehicle Accidents as well as activities enjoy doing

D20 & Spirituality

Example of D24 for Education:-

D30 for Disease & Evils

Note on Rectification:

Note that divisional charts are very important in rectification of the birth time.

Whilst the Ascendant in the Rasi changes about every 2 hours (12 x 2 = 24
hours), the divisionals are used to find the exact time within an Ascendant
(within 2 hours). By examining a "confluence" between the D16 (accidents),
D20 (spirituality), D24 (education, knowledge and siddhis) & D30 (diseases)
charts along with D9 (general strength, luck and marriage/relationships), the
exact position of the degree of the Rasi Ascendant can be gauged.

The deeper divisionals (ie. D16-D30) represent upto a 4 minute change in the
birth time whilst the D9, just over a 13 minute band of time. Therefore, 9
Navamsa signs make up a sign (2 hours). By altering the Navamsa, the deeper
divisional charts (such as the D30) Ascendant will also alter up to 3 signs. And,
through relevant questions as well as observation, we can gather which of
these Divisional charts are more relevant to the persons life and therefore,
more clearly identify how the planets change in the houses of that divisional to
match and make sense of the "event" or observations from the information

Also note that, like the rectification of Ascendants in the Rasi chart, it is
important to not only consider the characteristics of the Ascendant and its
lord, but also the changes of the planets in houses relative to the change of an
Ascendant. In a harmonic, which is an octave of the Rasi, these house
positions become more significant. ie. D24 (4x6) means that 4th, 9th, 2nd and
12th houses gain importance. Therefore, if education, academia or knowledge
features prominently in the person's life, not only should this divisional
become significant, but these harmonic octave houses. Having found a
probable Ascendant in a significant divisional, this can be used as the compass
to rectify the other divisionals as well as start to "see" the confluence between
the other divisional (especially the Navamsa + Ak position). Of course, this
should also be confirmed by then looking back into the Rasi chart. And
remember that Drekanna D3 chart can help home in on the Navamsa by being
a 3 Navamsa x 40 minute division of a rasi. Lastly, use the dasa bhukti lord to
correlate the confluence with actual reported events of the persons life.

Another example of D24 chart & education:

ie. interpretation using Argala as well as usual integration planetary aspect,

rasi aspect, bhavat bhavam rule, lordship, friendship & yogas.

NOTE the rules of Argala formation via link

EXAMPLE: DOB: 14th September 1970, 23:40 pm. Singapore

(using Lahiri Ayanamsa)

Degree in physiotherapy in 1993-96.

In rasi chart, Sun, Mercury, Mars and Kethu in Leo in the 4th; Venus
(Ascendant lord) & Jupiter in the 6th in Libra; Moon with Rahu in the 10th;
and Saturn (Atmakaraka) in Aries in the 12 house.

In D9 chart, Kethu in Ascendant Gemini; Saturn (Ak), Sun & Rahu in 7th
Sagitarius; Jupiter & Venus in 8th Capricorn; Moon in Pisces 10th; Mars in
Leo 9th.

In D24 chart, Moon in the Ascendant in Virgo; Mercury in the 7th Pisces;
Jupiter in the 9th Taurus; Venus & Sun in 10th Gemini; Saturn & Mars in
Cancer 11th.

Vimsottari Dasa. During 1993-96 - running Saturn Mahadasa with Satun

sub (94), Mercury sub (95) Kethu sub (96)


The education in the field of health and bio-mechanics can be seen,

respectively, from the combinations in the 6th (Venus in own sign with 8th
lord Jupiter) and 4th (Sun, Mars & Mercury) houses of the rasi chart. Also
note that the Mercury is in the Navamsa of Scorpio and aspected by
vargotomma Mars in Leo (4th house rasi) and in both charts aspected by
Jupiter (rasi & planetary aspects). This adds to the mechanical abilities
revealed in the rasi chart. Mars is also trine to Mercury in the D24 chart.

Prior to degree level of education, difficulties in education can be seen

from the malefic and separative influences in the 4th house (Mars 12th lord
and Kethu) as well as the Mercury in D24 in 7th "bhadaka" house in
debilitation with the nodes. However, education was at top schools and
institutions due to the Raja yoga 5th lord Mercury in the 4th with owner Sun
in Leo. Also, in the D24 chart, Sun is 4th from Mercury as well as aspecting the
4th house. Education was always overseas or at international schools,
indicated by Mercury in the 7th house with the nodes in the D24 chart.

Jupiter dasa was running. Jupiter, lord of 8th and 11th, is in the 6th with lagna
lord. In the D24, it has the papa argala from Mars and Saturn, despite being in
the 9th (& the 4th lord of education), and countered by the Mercury
(virodargala) 11th from it.

Degree level education began during the Saturn Mahadasa and Sub period.
This was full of initial problems and inner tests due to the Rasi chart Saturn
being the retrograde Atmakaraka (malefic), bhadakish and in debilitation in
the 12th as 9th lord (past life karmas). However, it has neechabhanga yoga,
with (Aries exaltation) planet Sun and lord Mars in the 4th rasi house and
both angular to Moon and Ascendant. Saturn is also 9th from the Sun (which
is in 4th house as 4th lord) and karaka Mercury. In the 12th, this gave the
degree level of education overseas (Saturn in Sagitarius Navamsa = Australia).
In addition, karaka for higher education (Jupiter) is aspecting from the 6th as
well as being 9th from the Moon with Venus in own sign Libra.

In the D24 chart, Jupiter is the 4th lord and is in the 9th from Ascendant and
Moon. This confirms success in gaining the degree. Despite being 7th lord
bhadakish (for mutable Ascendants), it has the positive argala of Venus (rasi
lagnesh) from the 10th (its house 9th lord in the 10th - a raja yoga)and is with
the rasi 4th lord & amk Sun (in AL Gemini in D24). Sun and Venus are 4th
from Mercury. Also, Mercury in Pisces aspects its own 10th house Gemini.
Thus, the D24 reveals that after overcoming some obstructions (bhadaka),
success was assured (Jupiter in the 9th).

Note that all planets in D24 chart (except Mars) aspect the Moon & Ascendant
(especially from Mercury, as Ascendant lord). However, the field of education
always has some obstacles due to the Saturn (Dasa lord) and Mars having a
papa argal on the Moon and Ascendant, but countered to some extent by the
Jupiter in the 9th on all 3 planets; Saturn (Dasa & 9th rasi lord), Moon and
Mercury. Jupiter also aspects the dasa lord Saturn in the Rasi chart. Overall,
education improved during and by the end of the degree level of education due
to the strength of the position of the Jupiter in the D24 and aspects in D1 Rasi.
Also, that by passing from Jupiter dasa to Saturn dasa, the Jupiter's influence
(aspect) over the Saturn became more effective for success.

But, perhaps, Phd level seems unlikely with the afflictions to the Mercury in
the 7th house in the D24, especially during the Saturn dasa. But, with much
continued effort and struggle (Saturn dasa lord and Mars are in the 11th
upachaya house and argala to the Ascendant and Moon, with secondary argala
to the Mercury),it may be possible when Mercury dasa begins running at 39
years old. This is because Mercury's debilitation does have neechabhanga
rajayoga, due to the exaltation planet Venus being angular to Ascendant and
Moon. It also has a punya argala from Jupiter in the 9th which in turn
(Jupiter) has a punya argala from the Moon in the Ascendant. Note Moon
aspects the Mercury.

Another strong confluence throughout the D1, D9 and D24 chart is the Moon
Mercury relationship. Both are in opposition and angular houses in the D1 &
D24 charts (but with nodal involvement) and trinal relationships in Navamsa.
Note Moon is 7th (Phd level of eduction) from Mercury in both Rasi and D24.
Also, that D24 is a harmonic of the 4th house and both karakas Moon &
Mercury confluence by aspect.

The Navamsa relationship and benefic aspects of Jupiter in the 3 charts

counter-acts and raise the nodal involvement to help learning; Moon, Mercury
and Jupiter being the important planets for intelligence. But note that Jupiter
is debilitated in the 8th Navamsa despite being parivatana with its lord
Saturn(Ak) in Sagitarrius. However, Mercury in D24, despite debilitation,
aspects its exaltation sign Virgo Ascendant with the Moon positioned there.

Mercury (Shadbala 0.98 average))

Also, overall, the chart has a very strong Mercury due to the planet being lord
of the Navamsa and D24 charts; the 5th lord from Ascendant & Moon in the
rasi chart and angular to both the Ascendant and Moon as well as conjoined
the Sun in the 4th forming a Buddha Aditya Yoga and Raja Yoga (5th and 4th
in the 4th Leo)and aspected by a full Moon. In addition, the Mercury has
confluences and benefic aspects in the Navamsa. However, it has problems in
the D24 but ones that should be overcome due to the Neechabhanga Rajayoga
and aspect on Ascendant and Moon in Virgo.

Planets 4th, 9th, 2nd and 7th (6th away) from Mercury in Rasi and D24 should
also be considered. ie. Moon 7th from Mercury in D1 Rasi & D24 with Jupiter
aspects in both and, which for D24, the aspect is from the 9th house.

Jupiter (Shadbala 0.88 - low)

For karaka Jupiter placement for a Master's level of education. Lord Venus for
Libra and Taurus in Rasi & D24 respectively; Venus also 2nd to Jupiter in D24
with Sun. It is lord of 2nd house for D24. Jupiter is also 2nd lord from the
Moon in Rasi and placed in the 9th house with Venus.

However, the Jupiter is limited in its ability to help. Despite being 9th from
the Moon in Rasi and with Ascendant lord Venus and aspecting all the
occupied signs in the chart, it is debilitated in the 8th in Navamsa (through
parivatana with Ak Saturn) and in the 6th in Rasi. It is also bhadakish in D24.
Therefore, in terms of higher education and specialisation, Jupiter might
assist on degree level education (and maybe Master's level), but which might
not, on the other hand, support for further specialisation (after all)to Phd level
despite the Neechanbhnaga Raja Yoga of Mercury in the 7th house D24 as well
as Moon 7th away in Rasi and D24.

Looking back at the Rasi chart

There are no planets in these houses (9th, 2nd & 7th) in the rasi chart, and the
2nd (Mercury) and 7th lord (Mars)with the 5th lord are in the 4th rasi of
education (in general) which might help manifest opportunities, but their
placements in D24 might be too difficult for the weak Jupiter to support
success in the endeavor. However, the great benefics Jupiter and Venus do
aspect the Saturn in the 12th (9th lord of higher education and 9 away from
the 4th house). Note all the planets aspect each other by Rasi aspect and full
Moon the 4th house from the 10th and gives a positive argala to the Saturn in
the 12th house.

Super-imposing D24 Chart on D1 Chart

As in Tulya Navamsa Rasi, instead of the D9 chart, I have super-imposed D24

chart onto the D1 chart to reveal any more patterns. In this case, Ascendant
and Moon (body-mind) in Virgo falls in the 5th house of the Rasi chart with
Mercury in the 11th (Pisces AL) and Jupiter in the Ascendant (Taurus). Thus,
the D24 lord Mercury (karaka for education) gets strengthened by 5th house
lordship in the D1 chart.


This person never progressed onto Masters or Phd level of education in

physiotherapy. The strength of the 4th house and karakas gave a very good
secondary education whilst the Saturn 9th away in Rasi and the Jupiter in the
9th house of the D24 chart gave education up to a degree level in the sciences,
health and bio-mechanics, physiotherapy. However, now he is running
Mercury Mahadasa, this could be a good time to further specialisation as it
aspects the D24 Ascendant and has neechabhanga yoga by its placement in the
7th house. Also, the Saturn Atmakaraka Mahadasa is over and Saturn and
Mars are conjoined in the D24 chart and had an aspect and argala on the
Ascendant and Moon. Therefore, the hard work and obstacles should be less
now for educational endeavors.

For purposes of checking time (rectification)

D20 Chart

Ascendant & Venus in Sagitarius, Mercury in Aries, Sun & Nodes in Gemini
Mars in Virgo, Saturn (Ak) Jupiter (Divisional lord) and Moon in Scorpio

The above chart confirms Mercury as Ishta Devatta (5th lord in Rasi & 12th
from Ak in Navamsa). Also there is a parivatana between 5th (Mars) and 10th
lord (Mercury) with 12th house planets involved; being in Scorpio; 4th lord
Jupiter & 8th lord Moon with Ak Saturn. This confirms the spirituality of the
chart with much time spent in ashrams in the past; practicing intense (Mars)
meditation (12th practice). Note that Jupiter dasa was running during this
period. He first saw his Guru at the age of 12 years old during Jupiter Dasa
Sun Bhukti. Jupiter is the lord of the D20 chart. In the Rasi, it is 9th from the
Moon with Ascendant lord Venus in own house Libra. Mystical death
experiences occurred in Kethu bhukti during both Jupiter and Saturn
Mahadasa (Nirvikalpa Samdhi) periods. Note that Sun is in Sambandha with
Kethu in Rasi (in own house Leo), Navamsa (with Ak and opposite lagna and
kethu), D20 & D24 charts and placed in angular houses. Also, Ak Saturn and
Amk Sun are in Sun's Nakshtras whilst, in rasi, Sun is conjoined Kethu, which
is in its own Nakshatra Magha.

D30 Chart

Ascendant Pisces, Mercury Gemini, Saturn & Sun Libra, Jupiter Venus Moon
Mars Sagitarius, Nodes Aquarius

Jupiter is the 8th lord in the rasi chart and is the lagna lord in the D30 and
placed in the 10th house with 6th rasi lord Venus; as well as 3rd and 12th lord
Moon and Mars. In the relevant 10th house in D30; this reveals potential
weaknesses of the akasha (ether ruled by Jupiter and dominating this chart).

Saturn (12th Rasi lord in the 8th Libra in D30) with a debilitated Sun reveals
congential weakness from the past life sins. The lord of the 8th in D30, Venus,
in the 10th aspected by Saturn reveals mental weaknesses that lead to the
worsening of congenital weaknesses.

In this case, Jupiter and Venus are also conjoined in Libra in the Rasi and
aspected by Saturn from Aries. Therefore, this chart reveals the dangers of lust
and the potential for reproductive weaknesses if the individual is not carfeul to
over come and cure his weaknesses. Note that Mars is lord of 7th & 12th in the
Rasi chart and placed in Leo in the 4th house, 7th from the Moon and with
Kethu. In Navamsa, Mars is vargotoma and aspects the Venus and Jupiter 2nd
from the Karakamsa and exchanging with the AK Saturn in the 7th house. This
adds to the excessively, passionate nature of the chart.

Lucky for this individual, he has Mercury in its own sign in the 4th (the house
of cure). His Ishta is Mercury and thus, the Gods Grace and awareness can
help him to prevent this.

D9 Navamsa

Lastly, this individual is very sure that the time of birth was carefully recorded
at the time of birth. So there is little need to rectify what proves to be an
accurate birth chart and divisionals. Interestingly, his Navamsa is definately
correct, confirmed by him having a Hindu marriage in 2005 during his Saturn
Dasa and Rahu sub period.

His Navamsa 7th house has Saturn (Ak) with Rahu and Sun there. His wife
was much older (Saturn), from a foreign country and a divorcee(Rahu) and a
very strong personality (Sun). The marriage did not last long due to the lord of
the 7th (Jupiter, also the dara karaka) placed in the 8th house. In the rasi, the
7th lord Mars is also in the 4th (Kuja dosha) with Kethu. The dara karaka
Jupiter is with Venus (as in the Rasi chart) making the wife, a stage actress
(Rahu Venus influences).

From the above chart, the confluence between the D24 and other divisionals
help confirm the time of birth as accurate. However, any comments that would
add clarity to the above interpretation would be appreciated.



DASA for D 11 (DEATH)

Use the above sample chart to further analyse:-

A) DASAS & Other predictive methods to hone in on 2 major relevant events

in the same significant month/day of the native's life in the ASSOCIATED
CONTEXT OF THE D24 CHART and indications for "education, knowledge &

B) DEATH and its possible timings based on the jyotish rules; ie. DASAS,
transits and other predictive for measures for identifying death in the context
of the D11 CHART


A) D24 CHART(education, knowledge & siddhis) using DASA analysis

Case History

In the month of December 1996, the final exam results to degree. On the same
evening, the sudden relief as well as culmination of some years of spiritual
practice and study resulted in a spontaneous spiritual experience ending in a
Samadhi experience. Using the details of the chart, try to determine the
predictive factors to validate the "story" and then use transits and finer
predictive tools to identify the exact day in which both "D24 events" took

Exercise One


CHART = December 1996


OCCURRED ON THE SAME DAY = Day in December 1996

Simultaneous (D 24) Events - that occurred on same day

1. Bsc. degree completed

(final exam results received)

2. Spiritual "Samadhi" experience(s)

(with subsequent temporary siddhis)


(ie. for D1 & D24 charts)

Star based systems

i) VIMSOTTARI "star" dasa variations, ii) ASHTOTTARI Dasa (108 years) -

useful to compare against Vimsotarri dasa, iii) YOGINI Dasa

Sign based Dasa systems

iv) NARAYANA Dasa, v) KALACHAKRA Dasa, vi) CHARA Dasa, vii) STHIRA
Dasa, viii) NIRYANA SHOOLA Dasa, ix) DRIG DASA for spiritual progress, x)
SUDASA for wealth and money (not relevant here for indiciators chosen)

These 2 different main systems have different karakas, rules, yogas and dasa
systems which should not be mixed up for interpretation and prediction.


Planet Age Period (naisargika natural dasa division

Maturation of planets

Transits and Planetary Returns/Aspects (note Arudha padas as well as

transits from Nakshatras)


Ashtaavarga system & values (used with transits).

Progressional techniques (eg. Varshphal)


Exercise Two

Having completed exercise one, use the predictive tools skilled to now forecast
death for the sample chart. The following are some of the factors/indicators to
remember (noting the difference dasa systems/rules used by Parasara vs

1. Timing of Death


i. BALARISTA & AYUDAYA (rules for birth & 3 progressive stages of

life).Noting a)Ascendant lord & 8th house lord b)Ascendant & Moon
c)Ascendant & Hora Lagna as well as Kakshya Vriddhi (increase in term of
life) Kakshya Hrasa (decrease in term of life)

Note: strength of Moon is important in Balaristra assessment and if Ascendant

lord is stronger than 8th lord for longer life.

ii. 8TH HOUSE & LORD & MARS for longevity (as in Ayurdaya rules).

iii. USE OF 8th and 3rd FROM ARUDHA LAGNA

Maheswara Planet

v. SHIVA STHIRA KARKAKAS used for death.

vi. MARAKAS (2nd & 7th) lords for death (ie. 12th from house of life - 8th &

vii. NATURAL PLANETARY KARAKAS (Saturn - aging & Kethu - death)

viii. DASAS TO CONSIDER - Vimshottari (Parasara) & Shoola (Jaimini) dasa

(specific dasa for death). Timing death is to be done with the method of three
pairs, (Niryana & Pitru)shoola dasa, shoola chakra, navatara. Also note Sthira
dasa and Phalita Dasas (Chara Dasa, Dasa Varsha, Chara Paryaya Dasa, Sthira
Parya Dasa, Trikona Dasa etc.... noting Jaimini vs Parasara methods)

Note: The rasis containing the 2nd and 7th houses are called maraka sthanas
(killer stations). When we use rasi-ruled dasas that can show death, dasas of
these rasis can bring death. Lords of the 2nd and 7th houses are called maraka
grahas (killer planets). When we use planet-ruled dasas that can show death,
dasas of these planets can bring death.
Note Rudra planets:- 8th lord of the Ascendant & 8th lord of 7th from
Ascendant. Stronger of the two is called the Prani Rudra (life killer). The
weaker if associated with or aspected by any malefic becomes the Aprani

ix. DEATH INFLICTING DASA SIGNS - a) 5th & 9th signs of Ascendant or its
7th house b) 5th & 9th of Rudra planets c) Dasa signs occupied by Prani Rudra
if he is a malefic d) Dasa sign occupied by Aprani Rudra e) Dasa sign occupied
or aspected y Mars and the Moon f) Dasas sign aspected by Saturn and Rahu
g) Dasas sign aspected or occupied by the Moon placed in Aries or Scorpio h)
Dasa sign occupied by Moon associated with Malefics

x. TRANSITS used considering 64th NAVAMSA (& it lord) & 22nd

DREKANNA (& its lord) for exact timing of death along with relevant

xi. ARUDHA PADA of the 8th House - Saturns transit of the Arudha of the 8th

xii. DIVISIONALS - RUDRAMASA (D11 - death) and TRIAMSA (D30 -


Other considerations:- Amshayu, Pindayu and Nisargayu (Vimshoitarri


2. After life

Consider Navamsa and 12th from Ak (KK)

3. Future (next) life

Navamsa Chart



(to be elaborated upon)

Some notes for now ...



Using Vimsottari Dasa (briefly examined earlier with D24 chart)

Saturn Mahadasa, Kethu Bhukti (as used in D24 Chart earlier) looking at
lordship, houses, aspects, relationship to each other, position in D9, D20 &
D24 Charts.

Note SATURN is lord of 9th and 10th (Yogakaraka and Atmakaraka planet),
bhadakish, in the 12th house debilitated and retrograde, but has a strong
neechanga yoga (Sun & Mars). Venus also (Ascendant lord) and Jupiter aspect
it, opposite it in the 6th.

As the Atmakaraka planet, especially consider Saturn's position in Navamsa

(Karakamsa) as well as Rasi Chart (Karakamsa). Note planetary positions
relative to these as well as Moon and Arudha Lagna. Do the same for Kethu.

For analysing positions from AK, KK & AL, see post on Atmakaraka & Jaimini

As mentioned above in the D20 interpretation, KETHU has a strong

Sambanda with the Sun. It has a strong placement throughout the chart(s) and
fiery conjunction in the 4th house in opposition to the Moon in the 10th.
Kethu's conjunction with the Sun is more than 20 degrees and raises the
strength of Sun in own sign Leo. Kethu as the "flag" can reveal achievement of
Sun qualities and leadership potential.


(to Pratyantar Dasha - Sukshmantar Dasha - Prana Dasha)

Saturn and Kethu are enemies but in a trinal relationship with lord of Aries
(where Saturn is placed in the 12th), being Mars who is in conjunction with
Kethu in the 4th (moksha houses)....pratyantar lord = Sun?

Consider Saturn (12th house) as first house and read chart from there; do the
same for Kethu.

Note planetary period, ashtavaarga, transits (& Gochara + Vedha obstructions)

of Saturn & Kethu (ie. both in Pisces) and Jupiter in Sag (from Ascendant,
Moon and natal position) in December 1996 ... against the D1, (D9 & D20) &
D24 charts. Consider transits from Nakshatras too. Remember transits modify
the effect of dasas and should be examined within their context.(bhukti lord
with slower moving planets ie. Saturn, Jupiter and Kethu).

Other specific/relevant dasa systems and predictive tools...

Ashtottari, Yogini, Narayan, Kalachakra, Drig dasa, transits etc...


Length of life

Ayudaya principles for stage of life reached (ie. now 40 years old)

Planetary cause of death

eg. karakas of death (Saturn & Kethu); Maraka planets from Ascendant... 2nd
lord Mercury, 7th lord Mars; lord of 64th Navamsa and 22nd Drekanna (also
Mars and Mercury respectively). Mars and Mercury in the 4th house Leo with
Kethu and Sun; 6th from AL ... death from heart attack? When..?... consider
Vimsotarri and Shoola Dasa as well as note Mars Mercury transits to the 8th
house...? But type (context) of death often requires examination of Ardha

Type of death

ie. 8th lord Jupiter in 6th house (Libra) with 6th lord, and 8th from Arudha
lagna with lord of Arudha lagna Jupiter. Karakamsa in the 8th Sagitarius –
also ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter in 8th Navamsa debilitated in parivatana with

Examine Rudramsa D11 & Triamsa D30 (in context of above)

D11 CHART ...

Examine this chart for death using ...transits, dasa lord, arudha padas etc.


As mentioned earlier in this post, Jupiter lord of Triamsa and in the 10th own
house Sagitarius aspected by Saturn (& Sun) in 8th Libra. Note Libra is the 6th
sign in the Rasi Chart with 8th lord there with Lagna lord Venus

Note Dasas & Transits for determining time of death

In context of the above, analyse Vimsottari (Parasara) with Shoola (Jaimini)

dasa and compare against transits of 64th Navamsa & 22nd Drekkana lords


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