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Secrets of D9

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Interpretation of navamsa chart 1. The spiritual essence of a horoscope lies in its Navamsa chart.

The subdivisions of a planetary sign (the sign inhabited by a given planet) have a dire ct collocation with various phases of his life which in turn has a direct bearin g on his spiritual character. Certain underlying principles guide the interpreta tion of Navamsa. 2. The nine fold divisions are guided by different lords. The lords of firs t, fourth and seventh Navamsa are of divine significance. 3. The lords of second, fifth and eighth denote spiritual reputation and ki ndness; 4. 5. whereas the lords of third, sixth and ninth are demonic in significance.

6. Pushkaramasha is the most auspicious element of a Navamsa. Each zodiac ras hi or sign has two Pushkara Navamsa. 7. Thus with a sum total of twelve rashis or signs, there are twenty four P ushkara Navamshas. The peculiarity of this lies in the fact that they are own ed by beneficial planets. Consequently, such planets during their tenure ship be stow on the concerned individual abundance of wealth, riches and progress. Thi s is particularly true of Jupiter. The concerned planet in pushkara blesses the native with wealth and good prospects. 8. The fifth house of Navamsa chart indicates the spiritual self of a perso n. One needs to have a look at the placement of Sun and its friendly planets to find out to what extent the efforts of one s good will and action may bear frui ts. 9. On the other hand, the rising Ascendant Or Lagna, its lord and the third house have direct connection with the elements of patience and endurance.10. S imilarly, the rising lord, the seventh house and its lord, Venus and its friendl y bodies have a direct bearing on ones better half. 11. The third house and is lords are associated with overseas settlement and di sease. The combined features of the third, seventh, ninth and the twelfth house together with the respective placement of their lords signify overseas travel. 12. Likewise the lagna its lord, the sixth lord and Ketu are linked with diseases whereas Rahu and its transit have a link with the curability of diseases. The planet of the ascending sign and its lord should not ideally occupy the si xth, eighth and twelfth places in a Navamsa. The given locations make for their afflictions leading to anxieties and trouble during their tenureship. 1. Planets weakly positioned in natal chart but heightened in Navamsa are suppo sed to produce favorable results. The reverse is also true. Planets or aspects d enoted by those planets should be equal in strength in both the natal and Navams a chart so as to produce the desired result. Navamsa predictions 2. Planets strengthened in Navamsa chart are supposed to be thrice more po werful than that in natal chart. 3. A planet occupying the same place in birth as well as that of the Navams a chart is supposed to be very powerful.

4. Thus prediction should always be made in context of the Navamsa, birth c hart and that showing the transitory phases of various planets. 5. The chart is particularly helpful in spheres of marriage, mental matchin g with one s spouse. It also helps to predict the time of marriage and how delays can be overcome. 1. Analysis of a given Navamsa chart testifies to the general prospects and dispositions of one s life. The ascendant sign and its respective lord bare testi mony to the native s colour shape, general nature and the overall mental makeup. 2. Moon s Navamsa and that of its ascendant lord usually determine a native s p hysical look. Effects of Navamsa 3. Transitory effects of Moon in the context of one s birth chart and that o f his Navamsa has profound bearing on his nature. The entire set of Navamsa has its prolific bearing on individual s physical features and that of his innate disp osition.

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