Ideal Solns, Colig Props
Ideal Solns, Colig Props
Ideal Solns, Colig Props
0 Umix P 0
Let A = solute, B = solvent
Umix = 0
If A is nonvolatile, then
There is a lowering in vapor pressure
would be the mole fraction of benzene 2. The vapor pressures of ethanol and
in the vapor state? methanol are 44.5 and 88.7 mm Hg
9. One mole of benzene (component A) is respectively. An ideal solution is formed at
mixed with 2 moles of toluene (component the same temperature by mixing 60 g of
B). At 60 0C the vapor pressures of benzene ethanol and 40 g of methanol. Calculate the
and toluene are 51.3 and 18.5 kPa, total vapor pressure of solution and mole
respectively. Draw the vapor pressure- fraction of methanol in the vapor phase.
composition diagram for the system. 3. What mass of solute (MW = 60) is required
10. The vapor pressure of 2 pure liquids A and B to dissolve in 180 g of water to reduce the
that form an ideal solution are 300 and 800 vapor pressure to 4/5 that of pure water?
torr respectively at temperature T. A mixture 4. Find the molality of a solution containing a
of the vapors of A and B for which the mole non-volatile solute if the vapor pressure is 2 %
fraction of A is 0.25 is slowly compressed at below the vapor pressure of pure water.
temperature T. Calculate 5. Solutions of 2 volatile liquids A and B obey
a. the composition of the first drop of Raoult’s law. At a certain temperature, it is
the condensate found that when the total pressure above a
b. the total vapor pressure when this given solution is 400 mm Hg, the mole fraction
drop is formed of A in the vapor is 0.45 and in the liquid, 0.65.
c. composition of the solution whose What are the vapor pressures of the 2 pure
normal BP is T liquids at the given temperature?
d. the pressure when only the last 6. Calculate the vapor pressure lowering of a
bubble of vapor remains 0.10 m aqueous solution of non-volatile non-
e. composition of the last bubble electrolyte at 75 0C.
11. The vapor pressure of pure acetone at 55.1 7. A mixture of 2 immiscible liquids nitrobenzene
C is 632.8 mm and that of CHCl3 is 741.8 mm. and water boiling at 99 0C has a partial vapor
Assuming that they form ideal solution over pressure of water equal to 733 mm and that of
the entire range of composition, plot total nitrobenzene 27 mm. Calculate the ratio of
pressure versus mole fraction of acetone. the weights of nitrobenzene to that of water
The actual data observed for different in the distillate.
composition of mixture is given below:
Lever Rule
If A-A and B-B attractions are less than A-
nv x x B attractions,
B vapor pressure lower than that predicted
nL x yB
by Raoult’s Law.
PA x A PA0 ; PB xB PB0
Hmix < 0
Vmix < 0
at some intermediate composition of the
Line connecting two points on the graph is solution, the vapor pressure is minimum
and the BP is maximum. This
called a tie line.
composition refers to maximum-boiling
Positive Deviations from Raoult’s law azeotrope.
No boiling will start until temperature Ta is Example of this type is water (A) – ethanol (B)
reached. The composition of the vapor phase system. if a solution of composition between A
at this stage will a’ that is, it is richer in the an C such as a, is distilled, the vapor coming off
component B. The residue then become will have the composition a’ and will be richer in
richer in A shifting the composition towards B and the residue will become richer in B, and the
A, say equal to b. If this liquid mixture is residue will become richer in A and the
heated, it will boil only when the composition of the residue will shift towards A till
temperature becomes equal to Tb. The vapor eventually a residue of pure A will be obtained.
will have the composition b’ which is richer in
The liquid obtained on condensing the vapors
B, and consequently the composition of the
(corresponding to composition a’), if distilled will
residue will be further enriched in A. Thus if
give vapor richer in B. If the condensation of
the process of heating the residue is
vapors and the distillation of the liquid is
continued, the BP of the solution will rise
obtained, ultimately the vapors of composition C
from the initial BP Ta towards the BP TA. of
will be obtained. if these vapors are condensed
the pure liquid A. Moreover, every time, the
and the solution distilled, the distillate obtained
residue becomes richer in A than the original
will have the same composition as the solution.
solution. this means that if the process is
Hence no further separation is possible by
continued for sufficiently long time, a final
distillation. Thus in case of solutions of type ii, a
residue of pure A can be obtained.
solution of composition between A and C on
If the vapors obtained in the first stage are fractional distillation gives residue of pure A and
condensed we shall get a liquid mixture a final distillate of composition C. No pure B can
corresponding to composition a’. If this liquid be recovered.
mixture is distilled, it will boil when when the Consider now the distillation of a solution having
temperature becomes Ta’. The composition a composition between C and B, say
of the vapor coming off will correspond to corresponding to the point b. The vapor coming
the point a’’, that is the vapors become richer off will be richer in A and so the residue will be
in B than the original solution this means richer in B. Hence on repeated distillations
that if the process of condensing the vapor ultimately pure B can be obtained from the
and redistilling the liquid mixture is residue and the final distillate will be of
continued, ultimately a distillate of pure B is composition C. No pure A can be recovered.
Type iii
For type 1 solution therefore, a complete
separation of the components is possible by
distillation. The less volatile being left as the
residue and the more volatile component
being obtained as the distillate
Type ii.
70 0.21 0.42
70 0.86 0.66
75 0.96 0.83
80 1.00 1.0
Immiscible Liquids
Vapor pressure of each component
independent of the other
Nernst’ Equation
If a 3 rd substance is added to a 2-phase
system of immiscible liquids, it will distribute
This can be used to determine the MW of a itself between the two solvents until at
liquid from that of a known one equilibrium, the ratio of the activities of the
substance in the two layers is constant at a
given temperature.
Steam Distillation
used in the lab or in the industry for the aA
purification of organic liquids. aB
process is generally applied under the K = distribution or partition coefficient of
following conditions: solute between 2 solvents
a. organic liquid to be purified should be
When solutions are dilute, a = molarity,
immiscible with water
b. it should have high MW CA
c. it should have a high vapor pressure at CB
about 1000C Note: K depends on the nature of solute and
d. impurities present should be solvents, temperature, and manner
nonvolatile Nernst Law is written
Set up CA CB
whether as or as
To 0.1 L of water containing 0.4 M SO2, 0.1 L of
CHCl3 was added. Calculate the moles of SO2
present in the two immiscible solvents water
and chloroform after equilibrium is reached.
Exercise For SO2,
1. A mixture of water and aniline boils at a CH2O
temperature of 98.5 0C at pressure of 760 mm. CCHCl3
The vapor pressure of water at this
temperature is 717 mm. Find the composition
(as % mass) of the distillate.
2. An organic liquid was subjected to steam
distillation. The liquid in the flask boiled at
900C. The external pressure (atmospheric)
was found to be 734.4 mm Hg. The vapor
pressure of water at this temperature is 526
mm. In the distillate, the ratio of the masses
of liquid to water is found to be 2.47.
Calculate the MW of the liquid.
3. Naphthalene may be steam distilled at 99.3 0C
under atmospheric pressure. What weight of
steam will be required to carry 2 kg of
naphthalene into the distillate at atmospheric
Problem Set
k A A B WA
Hfus Tf
R Tf
0 2
ebullioscopic constant
Tf x2
R 0 2
T Hfus
R Tb0 MW1 R Tb0 MW1
where: Tf0 and Hfus are properties Kb =
of component 1 (the solvent) H vap Svap
while x 2 is the mole fraction Note:
of component 2 (the solute) kb is high for large molecular weights
Recall: x2 Colligative Constants of some Solvents
n1 n2
For dilute solutions, Solvent BP, Kb, FP, 0C Kf ,
n n n C C0/m 0
x2 2 = 2 2 MW1 Acetic acid 118.3 3.07 16.6 3.57
n1 W1 W1
MW1 Benzene 80.2 2.53 5.45 5.07
Camphor - - 178.4 37.7
If m molality of solute, x2 m MW1 CS2 46.2 2.34 - 111.5 3.83
0 2 CCl4 76.5 5.03 - 23 30.00
R Tf MW1
Chloroform 61.2 3.63 - 63.5 4.70
Tf m kf m
H fus Cyclohexane 80.7 2.69 6.5 20
Diethyl ether 34.5 2.02 -116.2 1.79
2 - 117.3
R Tf0 MW1 R Tf0 MW1 Ethanol 78.5 1.22 1.99
kf Naphthalene - - 80.2 6.8
H fus S fus Water 100 0.512 0 1.86
kf is called the molal freezing point or
cryoscopic constant
kf is large for solvents of high molar mass
Osmotic Pressure
Freezing point depression is large if the
solvent has large molecular weight.
the movement of a solvent through a semi-
permeable membrane from low solute
From the definition of molality,
concentration to high solute concentration
MW2 W2
m Tf mkf kf
W1 W1 MW2
Solve for the molar mass of the solute:
kf W2
Tf W1
Note: Freezing point depression can be used to
determine the molar mass of solutes