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Mg550-Engine Electrical

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Engine Electrical System Engine
Engine Electrical System
Description Value
Bolt-Alternator to alternator upper bracket 40–50Nm
Bolt-Alternator to alternator lower bracket 40–50Nm
Nut-Battery lead to alternator 5–7Nm
Bolt-Alternator upper bracket to cylinder head 22–28Nm
Stud-Alternator upper bracket to cylinder head 8–11Nm
Nut-Alternator upper bracket to cylinder head 22–28Nm
Bolt-Alternator lower bracket to cylinder block 40–50Nm
Bolt-A/C compressor to installation bracket 22–28Nm
Bolt-drive belt tensioner to cylinder head 20–23Nm
Bolt-Starter motor 40–50Nm
Nut-Battery lead to starter motor 6–10Nm
Bolts-Battery box (carrier) fixing bracket to transmission LH 7–10Nm
hydraulic pressure suspension and bracket
Bolt-Battery box (carrier) to fixing bracket 19–25Nm
Screw-Belt tensioner 22–28Nm

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Engine Engine Electrical System

Description and Operation

Component Layout
ENGINE ELECTRICAL System View Starting and
Charging Component Location

1. Alternator 2. Starter motor

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Engine Electrical System Engine
Control Diagram
Starting and Charging Control Diagram

1. Alternator 7. Body Control ModuleBCM

2. ECM 8. Main fusible linkFL1 150A
3. Starter motor 9. Ignition switch supply fuse 220A
4. Battery 10. ECM supply fuse 5 (10A)
5. Instrument pack 11. Main relay
6. Handset and dock

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Engine Engine Electrical System

Description the stator and is mounted on bearings for smooth running and
General to support the rotor due to the high side loading applied by
the drive belt tension. The rectifier, located at the rear of the
The starting system on the vehicle comprises a 12V starter
alternator comprises eight semi-conductor diodes mounted on
motor. The starter motor converts electrical energy into
a heat sink to dissipate heat. Three diodes are on the positive
mechanical energy.
side and three on the negative side with the two remaining
Starter Motor diodes being neutral.
The starter motor is located at the LH rear of the engine
The integrated circuit regulator is also located at the rear of
and is secured to threaded holes in the gearbox casing with
the alternator.
two flanged bolts. A 1.2kW starter motor is fitted to vehicles
with manual transmission. The mechanical energy of the pinion
turns the flywheel; the low gear ratio between the two allows Warning: Battery fluid (electrolyte) contains sulphuric
sufficient torque to start the engine. acid. It may cause severe burns if it gets on your skin or
in your eyes. Wear protective clothing and a face shield.
Each starter motor is of pre-engaged type and comprises of
If electrolyte gets on your skin or clothes, immediately
a series wound motor, an overrunning clutch and an integral
rinse it off with water. If electrolyte gets in your eyes,
solenoid. Both are of conventional layout with the motor
immediately flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes
in-line with the pinion and the solenoid mounted above. A
and seek medical help.
single connector on the starter motor provides the connection
to the immobilisation module. A 25 mm cable connects the Caution: When removing the battery, ensure that the
battery positive terminal directly to the starter motor via a alarm is disarmed and that the ignition is switched off.
copper threaded stud and is secured with a nut. Always disconnect the negative terminal first and then
Alternator the positive terminal. When refitting the battery, always
fit the positive terminal first followed by the negative
All models are fitted with a 120 Amp alternator located at
the RH front of the engine secured to two aluminium brackets
with two bolts and flanged nuts. A drive pulley is attached Caution: If the battery is removed for repair, make sure
to one end of the rotor and is driven by a polyvee belt from that the battery fitting belt does not cover the ventilation
the crankshaft. Belt tension is maintained by a friction damped hole on top of the battery.
tensioner. The instrument pack incorporates a charge warning Caution: If the battery is discharged it must be removed
light which illuminates when there is no output or a low output from the vehicle for recharging. A constant current
from the alternator. charger must be used to recharge the battery. A fast
The alternator comprises of a stator, a rotor, a rectifier pack charger MUST not be used or permanent damage to the
and a regulator. The alternator provides the connections for battery may occur.
the charge warning light, ignition supply andECMcharge signal. Caution: An alarm can be fitted on the vehicle system
The alternator is connected to the battery using a 12 mm cable, which has its own internal battery. This alarm does
via a fuse link, and is connected to earth via its mountings. not rely on the vehicle battery. If the vehicle battery is
The stator comprises of a stator core and a stator coil disconnected using the incorrect process this alarm will
which are supported by frames at each end. The stator is sound.
manufactured from laminated soft iron plates with slots to All vehicles are fitted with a 12V, 60A/h, maintenance free,
accommodate the stator coil and is secured to the alternator lead/sulphuric-acid battery located on the LH side of the engine
casing. The stator has three sets of coils made from heavy compartment, housed on a pressed steel carrier fixed to the
gauge, enamelled copper wire. gearbox mount, secured with a fabric strap and enclosed in a
The three coil windings are connected in a 'star connection', felt cover. The battery terminals are of the post type using
where one end of each winding is connected to the other two. clamp type connections.
The output current is supplied from the opposite end of each The battery has both positive and negative plates with grids
winding. The stator core allows the magnetic flux produced expanded from a strip leadcalcium alloy. This technology
by the rotor poles to flow across the stator coil. provides improved durability of the mechanical integrity of the
The rotor comprises of a field winding, wound around an iron plate packs and reduces electrolyte loss when compared to
core and mounted on a shaft. The iron core has extensions previous technologies.
at each end which form North and South poles as current
flows through the field winding. The rotor is located inside

V 2.0 240
Engine Electrical System Engine
The battery is fully sealed, although the two lids each have
a vent to allow for thermal expansion and to vent oxygen
and hydrogen gasses which are produced should the battery
become over-charged.

The battery incorporates an integral, temperature

compensated hydrometer to provide a visual indication as to
the relative density and level of the electrolyte. The indicator
shows different colors to show battery condition as follows:

• GREEN - shows that the battery is charged and in a

serviceable condition.
• DARK (turning to black) - shows that the battery is a low
state of charge and requires recharging.
• CLEAR or YELLOW - the battery is no longer
serviceable and must be replaced.

Caution: If the indicator shows CLEAR or YELLOW the

battery has an internal fault. Do not attempt to charge
or jump start the car with the battery in this condition.

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Engine Engine Electrical System

Operation When the engine is started the rotor rotates within the
Starter Motor stator, generating 3-phase Alternating Current AC . The AC
produced is unsuitable for use by the vehicle's electrical system
When the handset is docked, the immobilisation unit, located
and passes through the rectifier semiconductor diodes. The
within the instrument pack, compares the code stored within
diodes only allow flow of current one way ensuring that the
the handset with that stored in the unit. If these codes match,
output current is 'rectified'. The diodes in the rectifier also
a signal is sent, via theBCMto the starter relay located in the
prevent current flow from the battery to the alternator when
engine compartment fusebox. The starter relay energises the
the alternator output voltage is less than the battery voltage.
starter solenoid. The solenoid windings become energised
driving the pinion into engagement with the ring gear on the The regulator has power transistors, connected to the earth
flywheel. The pinion is forced into mesh on the flywheel ring side of the field, which rapidly switch on and off acting as a field
gear via an engaging lever. If the gears do not fully mesh, switching device. This regulates the voltage output according
a flexible linkage allows the solenoid to close the contacts to the voltage sensed internally to prevent overcharging and
connecting the motor to the battery feed. This allows a high damage to the vehicle's electrical components. The output
current to flow to the motor which creeps the gears into is limited to approximately 14.2V and is protected by a surge
mesh. The pinion rotates via a unidirectional clutch turning protection diode. This value will allow the alternator to vary
the starter ring gear on the flywheel/drive plate. the output voltage depending on the state of charge of the
battery and charge the battery quickly when in a low state
Once the engine has started, the pinion speed will exceed the
of charge, for example operating the starter motor and will
motor speed. If the handset is held in the crank position,
reduce the charging rate to zero as the battery reaches a fully
the unidirectional clutch will slip protecting the motor. When
charged state preventing overcharging. The regulator provides
the handset is released, the solenoid deenergises, the switch
an alternator load signal to theECM. The signal is a 12 volts
contacts are opened and the spring force withdraws the pinion
digital Pulse Wave ModulatedPWMfrequency where the duty
from the flywheel ring gear.
cycle varies from 0 - 100% according to alternator load allowing
To allow the starter motor to draw the maximum current theECMto adjust idle speed under varying electrical loads.
when cranking the engine, certain loads are powered down
The regulator also has a charge warning light output which
when the handset is moved to the CRANK position. The
controls the warning light operation. If the alternator output
headlamp main beam, Heated Rear Window HRW and
falls to below the battery voltage the charge warning light
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning HVAC blower
is illuminated. Output voltage rises rapidly as the rotational
motor all powered down. When cranking is complete the
speed of the rotor increases, increasing the potential difference
loads are re-enabled individually to limit the current draw
on the output side of the diodes. As the voltage increases the
from the battery.
charge warning light is extinguished when the alternator output
The loads are re-enabled after the following time delays: voltage equals the battery voltage. At this point the alternator
• HVACblower after 1 second generates enough current from the field diodes to self excite
and charging of the battery will start.
• HRWafter 1.5 seconds
If cranking takes more than 45 seconds, the starter motor is
disengaged and all loads are re-enabled immediately. The alternator could fail, or provide an incorrect signal, in the
following ways:
• Internal regulator failure
The alternator uses a self excited system in which a number of
diodes supply the rotor with a portion of the current generated • Diode pack failure
by the alternator. The alternator cannot supply the initial • Stator winding open circuit
current required to start the charging process. • Stator winding short circuit to earth
This initial current is provided by a battery feed from the • Field winding short circuit
ignition switch and excites the field windings to start the • Field winding open circuit
charging process. When the ignition is switched on, battery • Mechanical defect
voltage is also supplied through the charge warning light and
• External wiring short circuit
is connected to earth via the alternator field windings, causing
the warning light to illuminate and supplying the alternator • External wiring open circuit
with the initial current.

V 2.0 242
Engine Electrical System Engine
Service Procedures Alternator
Belt - PAS Pump Remove
Remove 1. Disconnect battery earth lead.
1. Remove undertray. 2. Remove drive belt.
Undertray - Assembly Drive Belt
2. Disconnect battery earth lead. 3. Remove nut securing battery cable to alternator and
3. Fit a spanner to hexagon on belt tensioner and rotate remove cable.
fully clockwise to release tension on drive belt.

4. Disconnect multiplug from alternator.

4. To hold tensioner in this position, fit a pin, not 5. Remove nut and bolt securing alternator to top support
exceeding 3 mm diameter, through centre of hexagon bracket.
into tensioner backplate.
5. Remove drive belt.
1. Ensure PAS pump belt pulleys are clean and damage
2. Fit drive belt. Ensure belt is located correctly in pulley
3. Hold tensioner with a spanner, remove retaining pin
and lower tensioner pulley onto drive belt.
4. Connect battery earth lead.
5. Fit undertray.

Undertray - Assembly 6. Remove bolt securing alternator to lower support

bracket and collect washer.
7. Position A/C pipe and battery cable aside to access
8. Remove alternator from vehicle.
1. Position alternator to lower bracket, fit nuts but do
not tighten at this stage.
2. Fit bolt securing alternator to top bracket and tighten
to 40–50Nm.
3. Tighten lower nut to 40–50Nm.
4. Position battery cable to alternator, fit and tighten nut
to 5–7Nm.
5. Connect multiplug to alternator.

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Engine Engine Electrical System

6. Fit drive belt. Bracket - Alternator - Upper

Drive Belt
1. Remove alternator.
7. Connect battery earth lead.
2. Remove nut securing heatshield to alternator upper
support bracket

3. Remove bolt and stud securing upper support bracket

to cylinder head and remove bracket.
1. Fit upper support bracket and tighten bolt to22–28Nm
and stud to 8–11Nm.
2. Fit nut securing heatshield to upper support bracket
and tighten to 22–28Nm.
3. Fit alternator.


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Engine Electrical System Engine
Bracket - Alternator - Lower bracket to cylinder block and remove bracket.
1. Remove alternator.

2. Remove bolt securing tensioner to alternator lower
support bracket and remove tensioner.

1. Fit alternator lower support bracket to cylinder block,
fit 4 bolts and tighten to 40–50Nm.
2. Fit alternator heatshield to alternator, fit bolt and
3. Fit compressor and tighten 3 bolts to 22–28Nm.
3. Remove 3 bolts securing A/C compressor tensioner
4. Fit tensioner and tighten bolt to 20–23Nm.
to alternator lower support bracket and release
5. Refit alternator.
compressor and tie aside.

4. Remove bolt securing heat shield to alternator lower

support bracket and remove heat insulation plate.

5. Remove 4 bolts securing alternator lower support

V 2.0 245
Engine Engine Electrical System

Drive Belt Starter Motor

Remove Remove
1. RemovePAS pump belt. 1. Disconnect battery earth lead.

Belt - PAS Pump 2. Disconnect Lucar from starter solenoid.

2. Fit a 13mm spanner to hexagon on belt tensioner and
rotate fully clockwise to release tension on drive belt.

3. Remove nut and disconnect battery lead from starter

3. To hold tensioner in this position, fit a pin, not 4. Remove 2 bolts securing starter motor and remove
exceeding 3 mm diameter, through centre of hexagon starter motor.
into tensioner backplate. Refit
4. Remove drive belt and discard. 1. Clean mating faces of starter motor and transmission.
Refit Clean dowel and dowel hole.
1. Ensure belt pulleys are clean and damage free. 2. Fit starter motor, fit and tighten bolts to 40–50Nm.
2. Fit new drive belt to belt pulleys. 3. Fit battery cable to starter solenoid and tighten nut
3. Hold tensioner with a 13 mm spanner, remove retaining to 6 - 10 Nm.6–10Nm.
pin and lower tensioner pulley onto drive belt. 4. Connect Lucar to starter solenoid.
4. FitPAS pump belt. 5. Connect battery earth lead.

Belt - PAS Pump

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Engine Electrical System Engine
Battery Carrier and Support Bracket
1. Disconnect the battery leads, earth lead first.
2. Release battery cover.
3. Remove bolt securing battery fixing clamp and remove

S 124003
1. Position battery carrier fixing bracket to LH
transmission mounting bracket, fit bolts and tighten to
2. Position battery carrier to carrier bracket, fit bolts and
tighten to 19–25Nm.
3. SecureECM to battery carrier.
4. Remove battery.
4. Fit harness andECM multiplugs to battery carrier and
5. Release clips securing harness and harness multiplugs secure with clips.
to battery carrier.
5. Position battery (with assistance if necessary) to
6. RemoveECM from battery carrier. carrier. Fit fixing clamp, washer and bolt and tighten
7. Remove 4 bolts securing battery carrier to carrier to 19–25Nm.
bracket. Remove battery carrier. 6. Wipe clean battery terminals and smear with petroleum
7. Fit battery cover.
8. Connect battery leads, positive lead first.

8. Remove 2 bolts securing battery carrier bracket to

LH transmission mounting bracket. Remove carrier

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Engine Engine Electrical System

Tensioner - Alternator Drive Belt

1. Remove drive belt.

Drive Belt
2. Remove bolt securing tensioner to alternator lower
support bracket and remove tensioner.

1. Position tensioner, fit bolt and tighten to 22–28Nm.
2. Fit drive belt.
Drive Belt

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