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MPWT - Defect Work

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General Directorate of Techniques

Road Infrastructure Department

for Repairing
Defects of Roads

Table of Contents
No. Job Code
1 1100 Pothole repair- Asphalt Concrete (AC) by Plant Hot Mix (m2) ............. 1
2 1101 Pothole repair- Asphalt Concrete (AC) by Site Mix (m2) ...................... 3
3 1131 Crack filling 1 layer 12mm aggregate with CRS-2 (m2) ......................... 5
4 1132 Crack filling 2 layers 19mm then 12mm aggregate with CRS-2 (m2) …. 7
5 1140 Repaired paved shoulders (m2) ............................................................ 9
6 1150 Shape correction (Ruts/Settlement) (m2) ............................................. 11
7 1161 Pothole repair- mixed stone based- DBST (m2) .................................... 13
8 1162 Pothole repair-cement mixed based-DBST (m2) .................................. 15
9 1163 Pothole repair-mixed gravel CRS2 & cement based – DBST (m2) ........ 17
10 1164 Pothole repair – Excel Patch (m2) ………………………………........................ 19
11 1160-3 Temporary road restore to facilitate traffic- laterite (m3) .................... 21
12 1160-C3 Temporary road restore to facilitate traffic- mixed gravel (m3) ........... 23
13 1180 Reinforced concrete road – thickness 200mm (m2) ............................. 25
14 1200 Grading Shoulders (km) ......................................................................... 27
15 1201 Adding laterite to road shoulder (m3) …………........................................ 29
16 1250 Grading Laterite (km) ……....................................................................... 31
17 1260 Heavy grading laterite road (km) ........................................................... 33
18 2100 Channel cleaning by labour (m) ............................................................. 35
19 2110 Channel Cleaning by machine (m) ......................................................... 37
20 2150 Excavate channels by machine (m) ....................................................... 39
21 4800 Clearing rock falling (m3) ...................................................................... 41
22 3100 Cleaning culvert transversal (nos.) ........................................................ 43
23 3110 Cleaning culvert longitudinal (m) .......................................................... 45
24 3130 Repair culvert transversal (nos.) ............................................................ 47
25 3141 Repair pipe culvert longitudinal (m) ...................................................... 49
26 3142 Repair box culvert longitudinal (concrete) (m) ...................................... 51
27 3150 Install pipe culvert (m) ........................................................................... 53
28 3200 Minor Bridge Repair (person.hour) …………………….…………………………….. 55
29 4150 Vegetation control (Shrub, Plant and Tree) (km) .................................. 57
30 4200 Sand bag work -slope protection (bag) ................................................. 59
31 4400 Grass planting on the slope (m2) ……….................................................. 61
32 4500 Adding soil to the slope (m3) ................................................................ 63
33 4610 Access road (public to national road) by AC (m2) ................................. 65
34 4620 Access road (public to national road) by DBST (m2) ............................. 67
35 4630 Access road (public to national road) by macadam (m2) …………........... 69
36 4700 Dragon hole filling (m3) ......................................................................... 71
37 5100 Traffic lanes painting (Thermoplastic) (m) ……....................................... 73
38 5200 Clean and paint traffic sign (nos.) .......................................................... 75
39 5230 Traffic sign repair (nos.) ......................................................................... 77
40 5250 New traffic sign installation (nos.) ......................................................... 79
41 6100 Cleaning and painting safety pole (nos.) ............................................... 81
42 6150 Safety poles installation (nos.) .............................................................. 83
43 7100 Cleaning & painting kilometer post (nos.) ............................................. 85
44 7130 Repairing kilometers post (nos.) ............................................................ 86
45 7150 Kilometer post installation (nos.) …………............................................... 87
46 7200 Replacing safety guardrail (steel) (m) .................................................... 89
Job Code 1100
Pothole repair- Asphalt Concrete
(AC) by Plant Hot Mix (m2)
Description: Pothole are bowl shaped holes in the pavement
surface. Average potholes depth is around 6 – 10 cm, the more
severe case is bigger than 10 cm. Average pothole size is around
10cm ~ 100cm.
Possible Cause:
• Infiltration of water
• The bowl has broken into small piece of the lumps without
prompt repairs.
• Incorrect compaction or grading of road surface
• Road crack left unrepaired (Develop from Alligator Cracks)
• Break away of material under the action of traffic.
• Final stage in the development of a depression.
Work method:
1. Mark out the pothole area in a rectangular shape
2. Used cutter machine and manual excavation
3. Remove debris from potholes
4. Excavate to remove all bad materials until firm material is
5. Backfilling the hole with M30 aggregate as base material
6. CSS-1 (Equivalent prime coat 0.8 ~ 1.2 L /m2)
7. Apply Asphalt Concrete (AC) by Plant Hot Mix.
8. Compact the patch area with vibrating roller, vibrating plate
or a rammer.
9. Traffic can resume immediately after final compaction
Manpower • 1 operator of hand roller compactor or
vibrating plate compactor (rammer)
• 2 safety officers at both end of work site
• Approximately total of 10 men on the site
Tool and • Concrete cutting machine
Equipment • Wheel barrow
• Mechanical broom/shovels
• Concrete Mixer (200 Lits.)
• Tamping rammer (60Kg) or vibrating plate
(60Kg) and Hand Roller Compacter (500Kg)

• Safety sign, cones, vest
Material • Marking chalk or spray
• M30 aggregates
• CSS-1
• Plant Hot Mixed Asphalt Concrete (AC)
Quality • Check all loose material are being removed
Control before filling pothole
• Surface of pothole should be slightly higher
than the road by 1cm
Productivity • Approximately 50-100 m2 per day

Job Code 1101
Pothole repair- Asphalt Concrete (AC)
by Plant Hot Mix (m2)
Description: Pothole are bowl shaped holes in the pavement
surface. Average potholes depth is around 6 – 10 cm, the more
severe case is bigger than 10 cm. Average pothole size is around
10cm ~ 100cm.
Possible Cause:
• Infiltration of water
• The bowl has broken into small piece of the lumps without
prompt repairs.
• Incorrect compaction or grading of road surface
• Road crack left unrepaired (Develop from Alligator Cracks)
• Break away of material under the action of traffic.
• Final stage in the development of a depression.
Work method:
1. Mark out the pothole area in a rectangular shape
2. Used cutter machine and manual excavation
3. Remove debris from potholes
4. Excavate to remove all bad materials until firm material is
5. Backfilling the hole with M30 aggregate as base material
6. CSS-1 (Equivalent prime coat 0.8 ~ 1.2 L /m2)
7. Apply Asphalt Concrete (AC) by Site Mix.
Site Mixed AC Method is shown as follows
• 19 mm + 12 mm aggregate + sand is input in the mixer after
weighing its ratio
• Mixed for a few minutes then add CRS-2 + water and continue
mixing for about 3 minutes
• The AC is then ready to use
• AC must be used within 2-3 hours after mixing
8. Compact the patch area with vibrating roller, vibrating plate
or a rammer.
9. Traffic can resume 2 hours after final compaction
For example, in the case of 500 Kg AC mixed, we have:
1. Aggregate 12 mm = 30.5% → A12= 100 x 30.5% = 30.5 kg
2. Aggregate 18 mm = 20.34% → A19= 100 x 20.34% = 20.34 kg
3. Stone Powder = 28.14% → D= 100 x 28.14% = 28.14 kg
4. Sand = 9.08% → S = 100 x 9.08% = 9.08 kg
5. Cement = 6.56% → C= 100 x 2.72% = 2.72 kg
6. Asphalt (CRS-2) = 6.56% → B= 100 x 6.56% = 6.56 kg
7. Water = 2.66% → W= 100 x 2.66% = 2.66 kg
Total = 500 Kg
Manpower • 1 operator of hand roller compactor or
vibrating plate compactor (rammer)
• 2 safety officers at both end of work site
• Approximately total of 10 to 12 men on the
Tool and • Concrete cutting machine
Equipment • Wheel barrow
• Mechanical broom/shovels
• Concrete Mixer (200 Lits.)
• Tamping rammer (60Kg) or vibrating plate
(60Kg) and Hand Roller Compacter (500Kg)
• Safety sign, cones, vest
Material • Marking chalk or spray
• M30 aggregates
• CSS-1
• Cement + Aggregate + Sand + CRS-2
Quality • Check all loose material are being removed
Control before filling pothole
• Surface of pothole should be slightly higher
than the road by 1cm
Productivity • Approximately 25 m2 (Site Mix AC)

Job Code 1131
Crack filling
1-layer 12mm aggregates with CRS 2
Description: Cracking are a series of interconnected cracks in an
asphalt layer forming a different kind of patterns. It can be in
many forms such as alligator cracks, transverse cracks and
longitudinal cracks.
Possible Cause:
• Poor quality materials and poor workmanship
• Insufficient Pavement structure thickness
• Illegal overloading vehicle using the road
• Inadequate base support
• Poor base drainage
• Aging roads (Pavement age)
Work method:
1. There are 4 types of remedies such as:
• Local sealing 1.5kg/m2 of bitumen emulsion+1kg/m2
of cut back bitumen)
• Filling in the cracks (filled in with a bituminous slurry)
• Treatment of isolated cracks (filled in with a hot cut
back bitumen)
• Patching (Dressing)
2. In the case of extensive cracking of the surface or pavement
structure, surface dressing will be necessary, however in this
repair, only one method is adopted
3. Sweeping the surface area clean by broom/mechanical
broom sweeper
4. Mark out the crack area to be repaired in box shape
5. Application of CRS-2 (0.5L/m2)
6. Apply thin layer of 12mm aggregate
7. Depending on the area of the cracks. If the area is small, it
should be compacted with vibrating plate. Large area uses
200kg hand roller compactor
Manpower • 1 operators
• 2 safety officers at both end
• 4 unskilled workers

• 2 skilled workers
*Approximately total of 6 to 8 men on the site
Tool and • Broom/ mechanical sweeper
Equipment • Wheel barrow
• Shovels
• Watering can
• 60kg Vibrating plate compactor
• 200kg hand roller compactor
• Safety sign, cones and vest
Material • Marking chalk or spray
• CRS-2 (tack coat)
• 12mm aggregates
Quality • Ensure that surface is cleaned before
Control application of CRS-2
Productivity • Approximately 75-100 m2 per day

Job Code 1132
Crack filling: 2 layers 19mm then
12mm aggregate with CRS-2 (m2)
Description: Cracking are a series of interconnected cracks in an
asphalt layer forming a different kind of patterns. It can be in
many forms such as alligator cracks, transverse cracks and
longitudinal cracks.
Possible Cause:
• Poor quality of materials and poor workmanship
• Insufficient Pavement structure thickness
• Illegal overloading vehicle using the road
• Inadequate base support
• Poor base drainage
• Aging roads (Pavement age)
Work method:
1. There are 4 types of remedies such as:
• Local sealing 1.5kg/m2 of bitumen emulsion+1kg/m2
of cut back bitumen)
• Filling in the cracks (filled in with a bituminous slurry)
• Treatment of isolated cracks (filled in with a hot cut
back bitumen)
• Patching (Dressing)
In the case of extensive cracking of the surface or pavement
structure, surface dressing will be necessary, however in this
repair, only one method is adopted
2. Sweeping the surface area clean by broom/mechanical
broom sweeper
3. Mark out the crack area to be repaired in rectangular shape
4. Application of CRS-2 (0.5L/m2)
5. Apply thin layer of 19mm aggregates
6. Compact with vibrator plate and apply another layer of CRS-
2 (0.3L/m2)
7. Apply 12mm aggregates
8. Depending on the area of the cracks. If the area is small, it
should be compacted with vibrator plate. Large area hand
roller compactor
Manpower • 2 operators (vibrating plate/ hand on roller
and mechanical sweeper)
• 2 safety officers at both end
• 4 unskilled workers
• 2 skilled workers
*Approximately total of 8 to 10 men on the site
Tool and • Broom/ mechanical sweeper
Equipment • Wheel barrow
• Shovels
• Watering can
• 60kg vibrating plate compactor
• 200kg hand on roller
• Safety sign, cones and vest
Material • Marking chalk or spray
• CRS-2 (tack coat)
• 19mm aggregates
• CRS-2 (tack cvvoat)
• 12mm aggregates
Quality • Ensure that surface is cleaned before
Control application of CRS-2
Productivity • Approximately 50-75 m2 per day

Crack Sealing Crack sealing

Compaction by roller

Job Code: 1140
Repaired paved shoulders (m2)
Description: Paved shoulder refers to the edge along the road
pavement. Some roads shoulders can be big or small depending
on the traffic, road design and specification.
Possible Cause:
• Wear of the shoulder (aging road)
• Soil erosion - Rain water may wash away the dirt foundation
of the shoulder
• Insufficient compacting of the edges of the bituminous
• Road width could be too narrow
Work method:
1. Mark out the area to be repaired- drawing rectangular
around the defect
2. Remove all unstable material of the depth and width of the
damaged edge
3. Align the paved shoulder from one end to the other (fill the
damaged edge)
4. If defects shallow (approximately 3cm), apply CRS-2 then
12mm aggregate and compact with hand on rollers
5. If defect is severe (approximately more than 5cm) apply
CRS-2, then 19mm, compacted with hand-on-roller then
apply CRS-2, 12mm aggregate
6. Compaction with vibrating smooth wheeled rollers
Manpower • 2 operators (vibrating plate/ hand on roller
and mechanical sweeper)
• 2 safety officers at both end
• 4 unskilled workers
• 2 skilled workers
*Approximately total of 8 to 10 men on the site
Tool and • Broom/ mechanical sweeper
Equipment • Wheel barrow
• Shovel and pickaxes
• 200kg hand on roller
• Steel wheeled roller (6 tons Tandem Roller is
• Safety sign and cones
• Metal rakes
Material • Marking chalk/ spray
• 30mm aggregate
• CRS-2
• 19mm aggregate
• CRS2
• 12mm aggregate
• Pegs and strings
Quality • Ensure that defect area clear of water before
Control commencing job
• Good quality of materials are being used
Productivity • Repairing of carriageway edge
approximately 100-150 m2 per day
depending on the manpower, traffic
condition and location.

Job Code: 1150
Shape correction (Ruts/Settlement)
Description: Ruts is a depression in the wheel paths. Pavement
surface uplift may occur along the side of rut, however in many
instances, ruts are noticeable only after a rainfall, when the
wheel paths are filled with water.
Possible Cause:
• Insufficient foundation or pavement strength for the traffic
being carried
• Inadequate stability of the bituminous surfacing material
• Settlement of the foundation soil.
Work method:
1. Marking out the area to be repaired by string line to flat
2. Clean area to be repaired by using mechanical broom or
hand broom.
3. Spreading aggregate 4cm × 6cm on the area
4. Compaction using rammer or vibrating plate compactor
5. After spraying CRS-2 (1L/m2) and spread aggregate 19mm.
6. Compaction using rammer or vibrating plate compactor.
7. Resealing binder-CRS2 (0.4L/m2) over the surface using a
spray lance or a watering can
8. Distribution of aggregate 12mm scattered by shovel from
the truck or trailer
9. Compaction using rammer or vibrating plate compactor
Manpower • 1 operator of rammer or vibrating plate
• 2 safety officers at both end of work site
• Approximately total of 12 men on the site
*Approximately total of 8 to 10 men on the site
Tool and • Concrete cutting machine
Equipment • Wheel barrow
• Mechanical broom or hand broom
• Shovels
• Rammer (60 Kg) or vibrating plate
• Safety sign, cones, vest
Material • Aggregate 4cm x 6cm
• Aggregate 19mm
• CRS-2
• Aggregate 12mm
Quality • Surface of ruts should be 10 mm maximum
Control higher than the original road level.
Productivity • Approximately 75-125 m2per day

Job Code: 1161
Pothole repair-mixed stone based-
Description: Potholes are bowl shaped holes in the pavement
surface. The bowl has broken into small piece of the lumps
without prompt repairs. Average pothole depth is around 6-10
cm. Average pothole size is around 10 – 100 cm.
Possible Cause:
• Poor quality DBST surfacing mix
• Incorrect compaction of the mix during construction
• Infiltration of water
• Break away of material under the action of traffic
• Final stage in the development of depression
Work method:
1. Mark out the pothole area in a rectangular shape
2. Use cutter machine and manual excavation
3. Excavate to remove all bad materials until firm material is
4. Backfill the hole with aggregate (M30)
5. Compaction using rammer or vibrating plate compactor.
6. Reseal binder-CSS1 (1L/m2) over the surface and spreading
7. Spay CRS-2
8. Spreading aggregate 19mm on the area (t = 2-3 cm)
9. Compaction using rammer or vibrating plate compactor.
10. Spray CRS2 (0.4L/m2) over the surface
11. Spreading aggregate 12mm on the area (t = 1-2 cm)
12. Compaction using rammer or vibrating plate compactor
Manpower • 1 operator of rammer or vibrating plate
• 2 safety officers at both end of work site
*Approximately total of 8 to 10 men on the site
Tool and • Concrete cutting machine
Equipment • Pickaxes
• Wheel barrow
• Mechanical broom or hand broom
• Shovels

• 60 Kg rammer or vibrating plate compactor
• Safety sign, cones, vest
Material • Aggregate M30
• CSS-1
• Sand
• CRS-2
• Aggregate 19mm
• Aggregate 12mm
Quality • Surface of pothole should be 1 cm maximum
Control higher than the original road level.
• Check that all loose/poor material is
removed before filling the potholes
Productivity • Approximately 50-100 m2 per day

Job Code: 1162
Pothole repair-cement mixed based-
DBST (m2)
Description: Potholes are bowl shaped holes in the pavement
surface. The bowl has broken into small piece of the lumps
without prompt repairs. Average pothole depth is around 6-10
cm. Average pothole size is around 10 – 100 cm.
Possible Cause:
• Poor quality DBST surfacing mix
• Incorrect compaction of the mix during construction
• Infiltration of water
• Break away of material under the action of traffic
• Final stage in the development of depression
Work method:
1. Mark out the pothole area in a rectangular shape
2. Use cutter machine and manual excavation
3. Excavate to remove all bad materials until firm material is
4. Backfill the hole with Soil cement material
(cement 80Kg/m3, soil 1600Kg/m3)
5. Compaction using rammer or vibrating plate compactor.
6. Reseal binder-CSS1 over the surface and spreading sand
7. Spray CRS-2
8. Spreading aggregate 19mm on the area (t = 2-3 cm)
9. Compaction using rammer or vibrating plate compactor.
10. Spray CRS2 over the surface
11. Spreading aggregate 12mm on the area (t = 1-2 cm)
12. Compaction using rammer or vibrating plate compactor
Manpower • 1 operator of rammer or vibrating plate
• 2 safety officers at both end of work site
*Approximately total of 8 to 10 men on the site
Tool and • Concrete cutting machine
Equipment • Pickaxes
• Wheel barrow
• Mechanical broom or hand broom
• Shovels

• 60 Kg rammer or vibrating plate compactor
• Safety sign, cones, vest
Material • Aggregate M30
• CSS-1
• Sand
• CRS-2
• Aggregate 19mm
• Aggregate 12mm
Quality • Surface of pothole should be 1 cm maximum
Control higher than the original road level.
• Check that all loose/poor material is
removed before filling the potholes
Productivity • Approximately 50-100 m2 per day

Job Code: 1163
Pothole repair-mixed gravel CRS2 &
cement base – DBST (m2)
Description: Potholes are bowl shaped holes in the pavement
surface. The bowl has broken into small piece of the lumps
without prompt repairs. Average pothole depth is around 6-10
cm. Average pothole size is around 10 – 100 cm.
Possible Cause:
• Poor quality DBST surfacing mix
• Incorrect compaction of the mix during construction
• Infiltration of water
• Break away of material under the action of traffic
• Final stage in the development of depression
Work method:
1. Mark out the pothole area in a rectangular shape
2. Use cutter machine and manual excavation
3. Excavate to remove all bad materials until firm material is
4. Backfill the hole with mixed gravel max(1000Kg/m3), sand
(182kg/m3), CRS2(130L/m3), and cement(54Kg/m3)
5. Compaction using rammer or vibrating plate compactor.
6. Reseal binder-CSS1 over the surface and spreading sand
7. Spray CRS-2
8. Spreading aggregate 19mm on the area (t = 2-3 cm)
9. Compaction using rammer or vibrating plate compactor.
10. Spray CRS2 over the surface
11. Spreading aggregate 12mm on the area (t = 1-2 cm)
12. Compaction using rammer or vibrating plate compactor
Manpower • 1 operator of rammer or vibrating plate
• 2 safety officers at both end of work site
Approximately total of 10 to 12 men on the site
Tool and • Concrete cutting machine
Equipment • Pickaxes
• Wheel barrow
• Mechanical broom or hand broom
• Shovels

• 60 Kg rammer or vibrating plate compactor
• Safety sign, cones, vest
Material • Aggregate M30
• CSS-1
• Sand
• CRS-2
• Aggregate 19mm
• Aggregate 12mm
Quality • Surface of pothole should be 1 cm maximum
Control higher than the original road level.
• Check that all loose/poor material is
removed before filling the potholes
Productivity • Approximately 25-50 m2 per day

For example, in the case of 100 Kg, we have:

1. M30 = 86% → M30 = 100 x 86% = 86 kg
2. Cement = 2.5% → C = 100 x 2.5% = 2.5 kg
3. Asphalt (CRS-2) = 5% → B = 100 x 5% = 5 kg
4. Water = 6.5% → W = 100 x 6.5% = 6.5 kg

Job Code: 1164
Pothole repair – Cold Mix AC (m2)
Description: Urgent patching Application to pothole (maximum
diameter 1.0 m, depth 50 mm ~ 100 m)
Possible Cause:
• Poor quality DBST surfacing mix
• Incorrect compaction of the mix during construction
• Infiltration of water
• Break away of material under the action of traffic
• Final stage in the development of depression
Work method:
In this explainary of application of cold AC Mix, EXCEL are being
1. Sweep the pothole.
Clear and remove sands and soil from edge of the pothole
by brushing
2. If pothole more than 5 cm depth, coarse material should be
fill prior EXCEL patch
3. Loosen EXCEL
Before open the bag, loosen EXCEL in the bag.
4. EXCEL in the pothole.
Put Excel into the pothole. 40% surplus is recommended for
even compaction. (see Figure) (1-2cm)
5. Level surface.
Level surface of the Excel patching with trowel and shovel
6. Spread Sand on an EXCEL.
Spread sand even on the surface of Excel
7. Compaction by foot or car tires/ vibrating plate compactor,
compacting steel plate “elephant leg”
Compact surface by foot or tire of vehicle
8. Spread sand onto the EXCEL to reduce friction of EXCEL and
car tires
Manpower • 1-2 unskilled worker
Tool and • Square Shovel, Broom, Water (+1 pickup for
Equipment mobilization.
• Pickaxe
Material • EXCEL, base course material, sand (for
Quality • To confirm the Excel surface after
Control compaction is smooth and higher than
existing road surface. (no water allowed stay)
Productivity • Approximately 25-75 m2 per day

1. sweep the pothole 2. loosen an EXCEL 3. insert an EXCEL

in the pothole

4. smooth a surface 5. sprinkle sand 6. compaction by foot

40% surplus from EXCEL


approximately Existing
3cm in depth pavement

ROADBED Road bed


Job Code: 1160-3
Temporary road restore to facilitate
traffic-laterite (m3)
Description: In order to facilitate with the busy traffic, some
roads are needed to be repaired immediately with quick solution
such as Laterite. However, this solution is only applicable for
short-term period only.
Possible Cause:
• Insufficient Pavement structure thickness
• Illegal overloading vehicle use the road
• Inadequate base support
• Poor quality of materials are being used
Work method:
1. Identify/mark the defect area
2. If water is present, remove the excess water
3. Scrape the defect area with excavator
4. Fill the defect area with laterite
5. Level the laterite with motor grader and compact with
rubber tire roller.

* Laterite should be filled and compact with rubber tire

roller layer by layer- maximum thickness is 150mm
• Well compacted soil could prevent soil settlement,
reduce seepage and increase load bearing capacity
• The road should be camber to fall away from the crown
at a rate of 4-6cm for each meter from the center of the
Manpower • 3 operators (excavator/ rubber tires roller/
motor grader.
• 2 Drivers (dump truck, water tanker).
• 2 safety officers at both end
• 2 unskilled workers
• 1 skilled workers
* Approximately total of 10 men on the site
Tool and • Water tank 4kL
Equipment • Excavator (0.05-0.1m3 bucket)
• Dump truck (6 ton)
• Motor grader at least 135hp
• Shovels
• Safety sign, cones and vest
• Rubber tire roller is preferred 8ton.
• Camber 4-6%
Material • White powder or spray
• Laterite
Quality • Work area should be clear of debris before
Control dumping laterite.
• Compaction must be done layer by layer
• The road should be cambered to fall away
from the crown at a rate 4-6cm for each one
meter from the center of the road
Productivit • Approximately 300 m2 per day

Job Code: 1160-C3
Temporary road restore to facilitate
traffic- mixed gravel (m3)
Description: In order to facilitate traffic, some roads are needed
to be repaired with quick solution such as mixed gravel. Some
materials that are chosen mainly due to availability of material,
location and time constraint.
Possible Cause:
• Insufficient Pavement structure thickness
• Illegal overloading vehicle use the road Infiltration of water
• Inadequate base support
• Poor quality of materials are being used
• Poor drainage system
Work method:
1. Identify and locate the defect area
2. Scarify or Excavate the defect areas to remove poor/bad
3. Laterites (for foundation) are then dumped at intervals for
approximately 200m of work then grade/ spread by motor
grader and compact with roller compactor. Please note that
if there is no detour route for traffic, work should only be
done one side at a time.
4. Gravels are then dumped at intervals for approximately
200m of work then grade/ spread by motor grader and
compact with roller compactor. Please note that if there is
no detour route for traffic, work should only be done one
side at a time.
- Grading are to be done at gradient approximately 3-5%
to ensure water flow
- Compaction are to be done from side to the center of
road and run over about 8 times.
Manpower • 3 operators (excavator/ Tire roller/ Motor
• 6 drivers (Dump truck)
• 2 safety officers at both end
• 2 unskilled workers
• 1 water tank operator

Tool and • (0,05m3 - 0,1m3 bucket size)
Equipment • 6 tons Dump truck
• Motor grader at least 135 hp
• Shovels
• Safety sign, cones and vest
• 8 tons steel wheeled roller
• Camber 4-6%
Material • White powder or spray
• Mixed gravels.
Quality • Work area should be clear of debris before
Control dumping mixed gravel
• The road should be cambered to fall away
from the crown at rate 4 – 6cm for each one
meter from the center of the road
Productivity • Approximately 400 m2 per day


Job Code: 1180
Reinforced concrete road- thickness
200 mm (m2)
Description: Cast in place reinforced concrete provides good
distribution of loads to foundation, good resistance to wear,
does not erode and lasts long time with little maintenance if
design properly.
Possible Cause:
• Heavy loading trucks/ vehicle using the roads
• Insufficient Pavement structure thickness
• Inadequate base support
• Heavy traffic area
Work method:
1. Grading the Base course with motor grader to allow an
uniform thickness of concrete
2. Base course has to be free of water and debris such as leaves
and mud
3. Fill and compact any ruts that caused by traffic
4. Placement of reinforced bars with spacing between 100-
150mm depending on the road category
5. Use Concrete cubes to support the reinforce bars so that it
is in the center of the slab thickness
6. Always spray appropriate water before casting concrete as
to prevent water in concrete from being sucked by base

Standard Specification
1. Concrete flexural strength: 4.5 MPa
(Ref. concrete compressive strength 36 MPa)
2. Minimum reinforcement bar density: 3kg/m2
3. Longitudinal Joint: same width of carriage way, maximum
4. Expansion joint: standard pitch 200m.
5. Contraction joint: standard pitch 8m
6. Slump 6.5 (71.5) cm
Manpower • 2 skilled workers to inspect the reinforced
bar and concrete cube.
• 7 unskilled workers
• 2 safety officers at both end of road to ease
the traffic
Tool and • Concrete mixing plant
Equipment • Slip form paving machine
• Crane needed if reinforced bars are ready
• Vibrators for Concrete
• Wheel barrows
• Shovels
• Safety sign, cones and vest
• Pneumatic tires rollers
Material • Cements
• Sand
• Aggregate
• Reinforced bars
• Bar ties
• Concrete cubes
• Base Course
Quality • Ensure that Base Course is wet before
Control casting
Productivity • Approximately 150 m2 per day

Job Code: 1200
Grading shoulders (km)
Description: Shoulder grading involves the shaping and
stabilizing of unpaved roadway shoulder areas to eliminate the
drop-off between the roadways and the shoulder to allow water
to drain away from the road surface.
Possible Cause:
• Ruts are allowed to form and remain on the shoulder, water
can enter and damage the edge of the pavement.
Work method:
1. Safety precautions and sign are set up prior to commencing
of work
2. Set out the guide pegs for grader to follow between 20 to 50
3. Laterite for foundation are then randomly dump to be filled
and graded by motor grader. After grading, roller compactor
is used to compact the shoulder.
4. Motor grader are used to create the slope at the edge of
shoulder to enable rainwater flow out of the shoulder.
5. Material of the same standard as the existing road shoulder
are to be used to paved shoulder
a. Cross sectional gradient; 2%(AC), 3%(DBST), 3-5%
b. Longitudinal gradient; 1-7%
Manpower • 1 Site Supervisor
• 1 to 2 Grader Operators
• 1 Headperson +1 labourer for setting out
• 2 to 3 labourers per grader to support
Tool and • Motor grader at least 135 HP
Equipment • Tape Measure, 30 m
• 1 Mason Hammer
• Wooden Pegs
• AC- or DBST -Template with Spirit Level
Material •
Quality • Check camber at regular intervals using AC or
Control DBST template

Productivity • approximately 0.5 to 2 Km per day,
depending on the existing condition.

Job Code: 1201
Adding laterite to road
shoulder(road) (m3)
Description: Shoulder drop off could potentially be very
dangerous to the commuters. Road shoulder should be slightly
lower than paved surface that it enables water surface to runoff
Possible Cause:
• Ruts are allowed to form and remain on the shoulder, water
can enter and damage the edge of the pavement.
• Soil erosion due to the rain
Work method:
1. Carefully install safety cones and signs at both end of
construction work
2. Roughly estimate the strategic points for dump truck to
dump laterite
3. Using grader to grade the laterite to designed level
4. Water tank then sprayed onto the laterite for compaction
5. Additional laterite can be added and water can be sprayed
to meet the design height
6. Roller compactor then used to compact the shoulder
7. Road shoulder should have gradient of 3-4% to enable water
to drain from the roadway
8. At the end of the work, wet laterite that stay on the paved
road should be manually sweep out of the pavement to the
Manpower • 1 Site Supervisor
• 1 Grader Operator
• 1 roller compactor operator
• 2 dump truck drivers
• 2 safety officers
• 2 to 3 unskilled workers
Tool and • Motor grader at least 135 HP
Equipment • Roller compactor
• Dump truck(5m3)
• Water truck and tank
• Wooden Pegs
• AC- or DBST -Template with Spirit Level
Material • Laterite
Quality • Check camber at regular intervals using AC
Control or DBST template
Productivity •

Job Code: 1250
Grading laterite (km)
Description: The first objective of maintenance is to keep the
road in such a condition that it sheds water quickly. If the road
does not shed water, the surface will become soft, and ruts and
potholes will quickly appear. Earth roads soon become
impassable. Maintenance is needed to restore a good camber on
the road to enable water to drain off quickly. This is best
achieved by regular grading. Grading and reshaping laterite
roads to eliminate edge ruts, ridges, corrugation, high shoulders
and to restore good drainage characteristics.
Possible Cause:
• Loss of shape (Cambere • Corrugations
at Transersal) • Erosion gullies
• Rusts • Blocks ditches
• Pot-hole
Work method:
1. Before work starts, warning signs must be placed at each
end of the work area to ensure safety.
2. Filling of large potholes should be carried out in advance of
the grading.
3. Areas of standing water should be drained. This penetration
will ease the work and make the resulting surface last
1. Set out shoulder carriageway line using pegs and strings at
10 or 20m intervals.
2. Blade the material toward the centre of the road starting
from both edges to specified camber.
3. Check gradient with camber board.
4. Well graded and shaped road without ruts, ridges,
corrugations and are flush with road surface with slope 4 to
5 percent.
The grader works on one side of the road at a time and works in
passes of about 200m long to convenient and safe turning
points. It will normally require 4 passes to reshape the road.
Manpower • 1 motor grader driver
• 2 unskilled workers
Tool and • Motor Grader
Equipment • Single drum vibrating roller
• Light towed grader with tractor
• Shovels and Pickaxes
• Wheel barrows
Material • Laterite
Quality • The width of the carriageway including the
Control shoulders to be checked using tape measure
at every 100m with maximum tolerance
+50mm or -20mm
• The camber to be checked using a camber
board at every 50m with and to have a
maximum tolerance of +/-1%
Productivity • Approximately 0.5-2 km per day

Job Code: 1260
Heavy grading laterite Road (km)
Description: The first objective of maintenance is to keep the
road in such a condition that it sheds water quickly. If the road
does not shed water, the surface will become soft, and ruts and
potholes will quickly appear. Earth roads soon become
impassable. Maintenance is needed to restore a good camber on
the road to enable water to drain off quickly. This is best
achieved by regular grading. Grading and reshaping laterite
roads to eliminate edge ruts, ridges, corrugation and high
shoulders. This activity includes the application of small
amounts of additional earth and includes the use of water and
compaction equipment to restore the road surface and reduce
road roughness.
Possible Cause:
• Loss of shape (Cambere • Corrugations
at Transersal) • Erosion gullies
• Rusts • Blocks ditches
• Pot-hole
Work method:
1. Before work starts, warning signs must be placed at each
end of the work area to ensure safety.
2. Filling of large potholes should be carried out in advance of
the grading.
3. Areas of standing water should be drained. This penetration
will ease the work and make the resulting surface last longer.
1. Set out shoulder carriageway line using pegs and strings at
10 or 20m intervals.
2. Blade the material toward the center of the road starting
from both edges to specified camber.
3. Check gradient with camber board.
4. A well graded and shaped road without ruts, corrugations
and add more material to raise up level of road surface and
-Grading and good compaction road base -Adding laterite
for keeping road life -Grading laterite by keeping slope from
4-5 percent and watering with good compaction.
The grader works on one side of the road at a time and works in
passes of about 200m long to convenient and safe turning
points. It will normally require 4 passes to reshape the road.
Manpower • 1 motor grader driver
• 2 unskilled workers
Tool and • Motor Grader
Equipment • Light towed grader with tractor
• Shovels and Pickaxes
• Wheel barrows
Material • Laterite
Quality • The width of the carriageway including the
Control shoulders to be checked using tape measure
at every 100m with maximum tolerance
+50mm or -20mm
• The camber to be checked using a camber
board at every 50m with and to have a
maximum tolerance of +/-1%
Productivity • Approximately 1km per day

Job Code: 2100
Channel cleaning by labour (m)
Description: Roadside channel is usually defined as open
channel parallel to highway embankment and within the limits
of the highway right of way. It is either in the U-shaped or V-
shape cross section. Its main function is to collect surface run
off and draining the subsurface water from the base of roadway.
Possible Cause:
• Soil erosion
• Growth of weeds, brush and trees in drainage channel
• Blockage by debris
• Sedimentation of soil which stop the water from flowing due
to flat slop
Work method:
1. The object is to remove all soil, high vegetation, material and
objects from the ditch which could possibly interfere with
water flow or cause an eventual blockage of the ditch. This
can include for example, rocks, loose silt and sand, weeds,
trees, bushes, including their roots, etc. Dispose of these
materials well away from the roadside so that water flow
will not be impeded and they will not fall or wash back into
the drain.
On unlined ditches, a short grass cover can help to stabilise
the invert and sides of the drain. Therefore, where side drain
is established to the correct depth and profile with grass
cover and no erosion, it is advisable to merely cut the grass
short. This will leave the roots in place to bind the surface
2. The drain may be extended with a flat outfall to reduce the
speed of the water when leaving the ditch. The gradient
should ideally be between 2% and 5%,
The drain could be realigned to follow the contour lines
more closely, until a location is reached where it may safely
Manpower • 2 cordless grass cutter operators
• 6 unskilled workers (4 in the channel and 2
on the roadside)
• 1 dump truck operator
Tool and • Cordless grass trimmer
Equipment • Dump trucks
• Wheel barrows
• Shovels & pickaxes
• Safety sign, cones and vest
Material • As this is a light maintenance job by labor, it
does not require any materials.
Quality • Ensure that debris is entirely removed out of
Control the channel
Productivity • Approximately 50-100 meter per day (10

Job Code: 2110
Channel cleaning by machine (m)
Description: Roadside channel is usually defined as open
channel parallel to highway embankment and within the limits
of the highway right of way. It is either in the U-shaped or V-
shape cross section. Its main function is to collect surface run
off water and draining the subsurface water from the base of
Possible Cause:
• Soil erosion
• Growth of weeds, brush and trees in drainage channel
• Blockage by debris
• Sedimentation of soil which stop the water from flowing due
to flat slop
Work method:
1. When the Motor grader can operate beyond the ditch.
Reverse the operations shown previously:
• Grade the inside slope, withdrawing material to the
bottom of the ditch. Repeat as necessary to achieve the
desired depth of ditch,
• Remove the withdraw material to the top of the outside
• Move withdraw away from ditch edge and spread the
material so that it will not wash back into the ditch,
• On completion, the ditch should have a depth of the
design, which can be checked with a ranging rod and
• If necessary the grade of the ditch invert can be checked
using the methods as described in labor method
2. When the Motor grader can operate only on the shoulder
and in the ditch, but not beyond the ditch:
• Start by grading the outside slope of the ditch,
windrowing the soil to the bottom of the ditch between
the rear wheels. (This can be repeated to obtain the
desired depth of ditch),
• The second pass cleans the invert of the ditch by
removing the windrow to the top of the ditch at road
• The third pass is required to move the withdraw
material away from the shoulder ditch edge.
Manpower • 1 motor grader operator
• 4 unskilled workers
• 2 dump truck operators
• 2 safety officers at both end
Tool and • Dump trucks
Equipment • Wheel barrows
• Shovels
• Safety sign, cones and vest
• Motor grader
Material • Not required.
Quality • Ensure that depth, width and alignment of
Control the channel are correct
Productivity • Approximately 100-300 meter per day

Job Code: 2150
Excavate channel by machine (m)
Description: Roadside channel main function is to collect surface
run off water from road and channel to accumulated run off
water to acceptable outlet points. Also, its secondary function is
to drain subsurface water from the base of roadway to prevent
loss of support of pavement.
Possible Cause:
• Ditch gradient is too flat
• Ditch cross-section is too small
• Flooded road
• Roadsides higher than the pavement which unable to drain
away water
Work method:
1. Determined the length and width of channel to be excavated
2. All safety measure has been placed to notify commuters
3. Excavate the channel to the specify width and depth
4. Dump truck are used to discard the waste excavate by the
5. Wheel barrow and shovel can be used in case dirt are spilt
during excavating
• Please note that the dirt being removed by excavator
should be dumped to an area in which this dirt can be
use later on.
• After each day of work, road should be cleaned to
provide a safe and cleaned ride for commuter
Manpower • 1 excavator operator
• 4 unskilled workers
• 2-4 dump truck operators
• 2 safety officers at both end
Tool and • Long reach Excavator
Equipment • Dump trucks
• Wheel barrows
• Shovels
• Safety sign, cones and vest
Material • Not required.

Quality • Ensure that depth, width and alignment of
Control the channel are correct
Productivity • Approximately 100 meters per day

Before excavation

After excavation

Job Code: 4800
Clearing rock falling (m3)
Description: Clearing Rock falling is a hazardous activity and
should be planned and executed carefully. The slip material
should be excavated so that, at all times, the slip and
embankment or cutting face are stable.
Possible Cause:
• The slope was too steep for its height
• Water penetrating the slope from above
• Ground water pressure of flow
Work method:
1. Excavate all slipped rock or stone to carriageway, shoulder
and ditch by loader or by hand,
2. Big rock need to be broken into small pieces by using
hammer or explosion
3. Load onto trucks and remove to suitable dump sites,
4. Remove last layer of slipped soil from the shoulder or
carriageway by hand,
5. Clear the ditch and regrade or reshape if necessary,
6. If the area requires to be protected from further slipping,
the most suitable method can only be determined from site
Manpower • 1 to 2 masons
• 5 to 10 workmen
• 2 traffic controllers
Tool and • Safety sign, • Broom
Equipment cones, vest • Wheelbarrow
• Rake • Backhoe (0.6 m3: in
• Shovels the case of more
• Sledgehammer than 50 m3)
• Hand rammers
Material •
Quality • To confirm all slip, material need to be
Control removed from the area
Productivity • Approximately 1-3 m3 per day (by hand)
• Approximately 10 m3 per day (by Backhoe)

Job Code: 3100
Cleaning culvert transversal (nos.)
Description: During raining season, dirt washed from the
driveway, wastes from the commuters and residents nearby and
vegetation caused blockage to the culvert. As the sedimentation
such as Sanding and Silting getting higher and higher, without
care and maintenance, these could block the water flow and
cause flooding and eventually heavy damage to the road.
Possible Cause:
• Invert slope too flat.
• Soil erosion during rainy season accumulate inner culvert as
• Wastes caused by the commuters and resident nearby.
• Vegetation grows in the culvert.
• Culvert constructed too low.
Work method:
In order to function properly, a culvert must retain the full
opening over its complete length.
1. Using a shovel, slowly remove the sediment along the
2. In case of the culvert smaller than person workable these
culverts can be cleaned by pulling a cable or rope through,
to which is attached a bucket to remove the sediments.
3. Alternatively, long handled shovel and spike can be used if
culvert completely block.
4. When the culvert is cleaned out, check for cracks in the
along culverts (use torch if necessary)
5. Sedimented material and debris from the culvert must be
spread or dumped where they cannot cause as obstruction
to water flow, preferably on the downstream side of the
culvert/waste collection area and well away from the water
Manpower • 1 excavator operator
• 2 dump truck drivers
• 6 unskilled workers for cleaning
• 2 Safety Guards

Tool and • Pick axe and shovels
Equipment • Wheel barrow
• Long handled shovel + spike
• Pressure water
• Safety sign, cones, vest
Material • As this is a cleaning activity, material is not
Quality • Check sedimentation and vegetation have
Control been fully removed
Productivity • Approximately 20-30 meters long culvert
daily (Ø 1.0 m culvert)

Job Code: 3110
Cleaning culvert longitudinal (m)
Description: During raining season, severe erosion from the
driveway, wastes from the commuters and residents nearby and
vegetation caused blockage to the culvert. As the floating debris
and the sedimentation such as sanding and silting are getting
higher and higher, without care and maintenance, these could
block the water flow and cause heavy damage to the road.
Possible Cause:
• Invert slope too flat
• Soil erosion during rainy season
• Wastes caused by the commuters and residents nearby
Work method:
Floating debris (tree branches, bushes, etc.) carried by water
may completely block the culvert inlet.
1. Using a shovel, slowly remove the sediment at the inlet and
outlet area.
2. If the sedimentation and debris are unable to removed due
to too much quantity and compacted, back hoe or Shovel
(Excavator) machine are available for them.
3. 2 Dump trucks are more useful for continuous removal of
sedimentation with one Excavator.
4. Sedimented material and debris from the culvert must be
spread or dumped where they cannot cause an obstruction
to water flow preferably on the downstream side of the
culvert, well away from the water course.

The culvert must be always clean without any debris.

Minimum allowance of silting depth: 20cm

Manpower • 1 excavator operator

• 2 dump truck drivers
• 4 unskilled workers for cleaning
• 2 safety guards
Tool and • Hand shovel
Equipment • Back hoe and shovel machine (Excavator)
• Wheel barrow
• Dump truck
• Pressure water
• Safety sign, cones, vest
Material • Material is not required due to cleaning
Quality • Visual inspection to check that the culvert,
Control inlet and outlet are cleaned and maintained
to the correct standard dimensions.
• Check longitudinal profile of outlet using
strings and line-level.
Productivity • Approximately 20-30 m cleaning per day (Ø 1

Job Code: 3130
Repair culvert transversal (nos.)
Description: Culvert should be repair regularly depending the
area, traffic flow and flood condition of the area. Prior to repair,
engineers should be able to identify damages to the culvert such
• Horizontal and vertical deflection of pipe.
• Size and location of voids visible through separated joints
and holes in the culvert.
• Sounding the culvert interior with a hammer to listen for
“hollow” sounding area.
• Culvert flow capacity is not sufficient so that overflow
• Misalignment of pipe level and settlement at pipe joints.
Possible Cause:
• Settlement of soil below culvert.
• Dead or live load on culvert exceeding the design capacity
(insufficient design)
• Culverts installation are too low due to road alignment
• Improper installation or insufficient compaction
• Water flow outside of pipe brings scouring due to clogging
• Increased in soil or groundwater elevation (during rainy
Work method:
1. Identify the defect causes
2. Clean the culvert and divert flow prior to repair so that work
place can be kept in dry condition
3. After removing sedimentation, check the condition in the
culvert for:
• Size and location of void in the joints and cracks
• Misalignment of pipe joints
• Sounding the culvert with hammer for hollow sound and
repair then due to the result
4. Reconstruct culvert at correct level and fall
• It is advisable to raise the level of culvert by
re-excavation and relaying
• Culverts of less than 60 cm opening are extremely
difficult to desilt and the preferred minimum diameter
size for ease of maintenance is 1 meter.
Manpower • 1 excavator operation (excavator or crane)
• 1 dump truck driver
• 2 skilled workers
• 8 unskilled workers
Tool and • Hoe and shovels
Equipment • Crane 12 t
• Excavator
• Dump truck
• Pressure water
• Wire brush
• Safety sign, cones, vest
Material • Straight bitumen
• Cement, Sand, Gravel
• Larger pipe culverts (Ø>1.0m)
Quality • Check sedimentation and vegetation have
Control been fully removed
Productivity • Reconstruction Culvert: 6 m/12
(Relaying or change of precast pipe culvert)

Job Code: 3141
Repair pipe culvert longitudinal (m)
Description: There are variety of problem that could occur to
culverts as follows;
1. The stream bed is washed away and a pool or ravine
2. The culvert downstream headwalls, wingwalls, even a
section of the culvert and road embankment can collapse.
3. Inlet invert level is too low.
4. Outlet invert level is too high.
5. Cracks in concrete and masonry.
Possible Cause:
• Culvert invert has been constructed too steep so that the
water flows too fast
• Culvert design gradient not sufficient
• Soil erosion during rainy season
• Wastes caused by the commuters and residents nearby
• Vegetation grow in the culvert
Work method:
1. Using a hoe/shovel, slowly remove the sediment within the
2. Determine the causes of deterioration
• Outlet
- Apron shall be connected with Skirt (toe) to prevent
the water from seeping into the bottom of culvert
- Joints between Culvert and Wingwall or Apron shall
be checked to be connected water tight
3. Implement repair works as follows
• Fill eroded area with stone blocks of about 30 cm size to
produce a rough energy dissipater. In dry season, the
blocks can be grouted with mix (1 cement: 4 sands:8
• Head wall/apron repair (damage by erosion or
- Remove settlement or damage section of them
- Compact the underlying soil
- Rebuild the headwall or apron using similar material
to the original
- Grout up all joints with mortar (1 cement:4sand)
Manpower • 2 skilled workers
• 1 dump truck drivers
• 4 unskilled workers for cleaning
Tool and • Hoe and shovels • Pressure water
Equipment • Wheel barrow • Safety sign, cones,
• Hammer vest
• Dump truck
Material • Cement, Sand, Gravel
• Stone (30 cm size)
Quality • Ensure that no void is present within the
Control joint, to prevent potential soil erosion
through the leak.
• Sufficient skirt (toe) depth of the outlet.
Productivity • Approximately 30 m per day

Job Code: 3142
Repair box culvert longitudinal
1. Culvert should be repair regularly depending the area, traffic
flow and flood condition of the area. Prior to repair,
engineers should be able to identify damages to the culvert
such as:
2. Horizontal and vertical deflection of pipe
3. Size and location of voids visible through separated joints
and holes in the culvert
4. Sounding the culvert interior with a hammer to listen for
“hollow” sounding area
5. Culvert flow capacity is not sufficient so that over flow
6. Misalignment of box level and settlement at box joints
Possible Cause:
• Settlement of soil below culvert
• Culvert installation are too low due to road alignment
• Dead or live load on culvert exceeding the design capacity
(insufficient design)
• Improper installation or insufficient compaction
• Water flow outside of culvert brings scouring due to
• Increased in soil or groundwater elevation (during rainy
Work method:

1. Inspection
Identify the defect causes
• Culvert
• Wingwall
• Joints

2. Cleaning
Clean the culvert and divert flow prior to repair so that work
place can be kept in dry condition

3. Sealing
Any cracks found on the surface of culvert should be sealed
by mortal

Manpower • 1 excavator operator

• 2 dump truck drivers
• 4 unskilled workers for cleaning
Tool and • Hoe and shovels
Equipment • Wheel barrow
• Excavator
• Dump truck
• Pressure water
• Safety sign, cones, vest
Material •
Quality • Check sedimentation and vegetation have
Control been fully removed
Productivity • Depend on damages

Job Code: 3150
Install pipe culvert (m)
Description: Culvert are commonly used for channel relief and
pass water under road to collection point. They need to be
properly size, installed and protected from erosion. Concrete
culvert are to be used
Possible Cause:
Work method:
1. Determine the design elevation level of the culvert
2. Excavate with long hand excavator to the design depth
3. Install the concrete base according to the above level, align
the joint and settlement of the pipe with crane carefully
4. After checking the correctness of the pipe alignment and
invest level, pipe should be fixed with stone wedges and
mortar at joint
5. Backfill material should be a moist, well graded granular.
Uniform fine sand is discouraged as it is non-cohesive and
very susceptible to scour.

Foundation Type
120°concrete foundation
Overburden >50cm or pavement thickness

Minimum 15cm

360° concrete foundation

Overburden < 50cm or pavement thickness

Minimum 15cm

Manpower • 1 motor grader operator
• 4 unskilled workers
• 2 dump truck operators
• 2 safety officers at both end
Tool and • Dump trucks
Equipment • Wheel barrows
• Shovels
• Safety sign, cones and vest
• Motor grader
Material • Not required.
Quality • Ensure that depth, width and alignment of
Control the channel are correct
Productivity • Approximately 100-300 meter per day

Job Code: 3200
Minor Bridge repair (person.hour)
Description: The minor repair and cleaning of bridges using
handtools. Includes the replacement or repair of wooden bridge
decks, repair of hand rails, cleaning of drainage openings, repair
of curbs, repair of bridges approaches and guard rails and repair
of signs and other bridge appurtenances.
Possible Cause:
• Accumulation of dirt and soil on bridge deck and guard rails
• Stone, soil, dirt in joints and around bearings
• Rubbish, soils clogged in the drainage outlet
• Debris accumulate under the bridge
• Loose or missing nailed/bolted connectors (steel bridge)
Work method:
1. Safety measures and signs are set up at both end of work
2. Debris/Rubbish are manually pick up by shovels
3. Clogged Wastewater drainage are poked by metal rod to
allow water flow out of the bridge
4. Pressured water is used to clean the dirt and in some case,
repaints may be needed
5. Debris/rubbish under the bridge need to be excavate by
excavator and deliver by dump trucks to the dump sites
6. Wooden bridge should be repair or replace by metal
7. Steel bridge often after operation sometime, bolts and nuts
are loosen and lost. Therefore tighten, replace are needed
and some case wielding to ensure safety of the bridge.
Manpower • 2 operators
• 2-3 unskilled workers
Tool and • Pressured spray • Paint brushes
Equipment water • Wire brushes
• Shovel • Hammers
• Wheel barrows • Brooms
• Excavators
• Dump trucks
Material • Bridge paints

Quality • Ensure that all dirt is removed completely
Control and paint to be left dry then open for traffic.
Productivity • Cleaning: Approximately 8
person.hour/small bridge

Job Code: 4150
Vegetation control (Shrub, Plant and
tree) (km)
Description: Vegetation along the road shoulder can be very
helpful in preventing soil erosion and providing a pleasant ride
for the users. However, if vegetation left not taken care off, if
could potentially cause blockage of view for the users, reducing
the width of road which lead to motorbikes using vehicle roads
and collapsing or falling of trees that can cause accident to the
Possible Cause:
• No routine maintenances were implemented
• Raining season which cause the vegetation to growth
• Unplanned growth of vegetation
Work method:
1. Identify the amount of work to be done
2. Install safety cones and signs
3. Grass cutting machine then used to cut grass along the road
4. For small tree trunks, workers can manually chop off the
tree with axe
5. Larger trunk would need to use chain saws
6. Once the leaves, grass has been cut, workers can manually
pick up the waste, dump into the dumping truck- wheel
barrow should be used to transport
(1) Vegetation Free Zone: 0cm: carriage way
(2) Inner Zone: <15cm
(3) Outer Zone: <30cm
Manpower • 1 Site Supervisor
• 1 chain saw operator
• 3 grass cutting machine operator
• 2-4 unskilled workers
Tool and • Chain saw
Equipment • Grass cutting machine
• Axes
• Wheelbarrow
• Dump truck

• Safety sign and cones
Material •
Quality • Ensure that the cut leaves and trunk are
Control remove from site to prevent fires.
Productivity • Approximately 1km to 5km per day

Outer zone vegetation Innerzone vegetation

Inner zone vegetation

Job Code: 4200
Sand bag work- slope protection(bag)
Description: Sand bag work is an inexpensive temporary barrier
or wall. It can be constructed by stacking sand-filled sandbags
align with the slope and each bag is firmly stack on each other.
This method is a temporary solution. We use the sand bag for
protecting flood, flow across the road, wave to hit the slope and
to fill big hole for traffic move quickly.
Possible Cause:
• Temporary solution to protect slope
• Slope become saturated with water, its strength and
stability will decrease
• Steep geometric condition
Work method:
1. Fill sandbag half-full of sands
2. Fold the top of the sandbag down and place on its folded
3. Place each sandbag on one layer first before starting next
4. Using pyramid sandbag placement
• Please note that if sand bag work wants to have a longer
lasting protection, sand can be mixed with cement.
Note: In the case of emergency road flooding, sandbag can be
used to block the water along the road to prevent severe
damage to access road.
Manpower • It is a team work job- 1 team=2 non-skilled
workers (1 holding bag, 1 shovel)
• 5 teams
• 5 non-skilled workers
• 1 dump truck driver
Tool and • Shovels
Equipment • Wheelbarrow
• Dump truck
• Safety sign and cones
• Sand bags (size and thickness of bag and

Material • Sand-bags
• Sand
• Cement (if required)
Quality • Ensure that the sand-bag place on it folded
Control top and triangular form
Productivity • Approximately 200 sand bags per day

Job Code: 4400
Grass planting on the slope(m2)
Description: Grass planting not only help in protection soil
erosion, it can also enhance the looks of the slope. Grass will
anchor the soil in place even during rains or winds.
Possible Cause:
• Green solution in protecting the slope
• Saturated soil will cause land slide
• Steep geometric condition
Work method:
1. Carefully select the strategic grass type
2. Gently dragging a rake over the soil area
3. Sprinkle of grass seed (ensure that only select seeds that
does not wash away after planting)

Manpower • 5-8 unskilled workers
• 1 site manager
Tool and • Shovels
Equipment • Wheelbarrow
• Rake
• Buckets
• Safety sign and cones
Material • Fertilize soil
• Grass seed
• Fertilizer (if required)
Quality • Ensure that the soil is raked before sprinkle
Control the seed
Productivity • Approximately 100 m2 per day

Job Code: 4500
Adding soil to the slope(m3)
Description: Road sub base is very important in determining the
life of road. Without proper base and underground water way,
this could lead the erosion of the base and sub base which
caused dragon hole.
Possible Cause:
• Due to dispersive soil
• Road side drainage is not functioning well
• Sub base compaction of road were not compacted to
• Incorrect use Sub base material
• Natural disaster
• Embankment of roadside is not done properly
Work method:
1. Determine the dragon hole and outlet points (if presented)
2. Cleaning &Grubbing
Remove all spoil material such as root of trees, rubbish etc.
above the ground surface.
3. Removal of Topsoil (thickness approx. 10cm). Keep on the
end of the slope to reused as the Soddy material after slope
4. Scarily top soil (approximately 10cm)
5. Excavation & Hauling
6. Mixing soil and additives*
7. Slope filling
8. Covering of Topsoil
9. Final Inspection
* Cement and Fly ash are available as additives.
Portion of additives are as follows
Cement: 1-3 % of soil in weight
Fly ash: >7 % of soil in weight
Manpower • 1 vibrating compaction plate operator
• 4 unskilled workers
Tool and • shovels
Equipment • Wheel barrow

• Vibrating compactor
• Safety sign, cones, vest
• Backhoe
Material • Mixed soil
• Laterite
• Sand
• Cement of Fly ash as additives
Quality • To confirm material use is good quality.
Productivity • Approximately 100 m3 per daily

Job Code: 4610
Access road (public to national road) by
AC (m2)
Description: When vehicles are crossing from public laterite
road to AC pavement road, the connection shoulder edge of
main road may be effected. Access road (public to national road)
by AC is to keep the smooth connection between two roads.
Possible Cause:
• Vehicles crossing
Work method:
1. Marking out the connection area to pave (5m Length and
Width-depending on crossing road width)
2. Clean out and excavate the area
3. Removal of the 45cm depth of the existing road material by
back hoe
4. Leveling by back hoe
5. Compacted original Level by Steel Wheel Roller
6. Spread the laterite as sub base by hand and compacted by
Steel Wheel Roller (t =25 cm)
7. Spread the Base Course Material and compacted by Steel
Wheel Roller (t =15 cm)
8. Spay Bitumen Emulsion-CSS1 over the surface using
9. Apply Asphalt concrete(AC) (t =5 cm)
10. Compaction using Steel Wheel Roller and Rubber Tire Roller.
Manpower • 1 operator of roller
• 2 safety officers at both end of work site
• Approximately total of 12 men on the site
Tool and • Pickaxes
Equipment • Shovels
• Steel Wheel Roller (more than 3 ton)
• Back hoe (0.1 m3)
• Safety sign, cones, vest
• Rubber Tire Roller (8 ton)
Material • Laterite
• Aggregate M30
• CSS-1
• Asphalt Concrete

Quality • To confirm the Patching surface is good
Control quality before letting vehicles run over.
Productivity • Approximately 50m2/day

Job Code: 4620
Access road (public to national road) by
Description: When vehicles are crossing from public laterite
road to DBST pavement road, the connection shoulder edge of
main road may be effected. Access road (public to national road)
by DBST is to keep the smooth connection between two roads.
Possible Cause:
• Vehicles crossing
Work method:
1. Marking out the connection area to pave (5m Length and
Width-depending on crossing road width)
2. Clean out and excavate the area
3. Removal of the 45cm depth of the existing road material by
back hoe
4. Leveling by back hoe
5. Compacted original Level by Steel Wheel Roller
6. Spread the laterite as sub base by hand and compacted by
Steel Wheel Roller (t =25 cm)
7. Spread the Base Course Material and compacted by Steel
Wheel Roller (t =15cm)
8. Resealing binder-CSS1 over the surface using a spray lance
and sand spreading
9. Spray CRS-2
10. Spread aggregate 19mm on the area (DBST = 3 cm)
11. Compaction using a Tire Roller or Steel Wheel Roller
12. Spray CRS2 over the surface
13. Spreading aggregate 12mm on the area (DBST =2 cm)
14. Compaction using a Tire Roller or Steel Wheel Roller
Manpower • 2 operators of Roller and Back hoe
• 2 safety officers at both end of work site
• Approximately total of 12 men on the site
Tool and • Pickaxes
Equipment • Shovels
• Back hoe (0.05~0.1 m3 bucket)
• Safety sign, cones, vest
• Steel Wheel Roller (more than 3 ton)
• Tire Roller (8 ton)
Material • Laterite
• Aggregate M30
• CSS-1
• Sand
• CRS-2
• Max 19 mm Aggregate
• Max 12 mm Aggregate
Quality • To confirm the surface is good quality before
Control letting vehicles run over.
Productivity • Approximately 50 m2/day

Job Code: 4630
Access road (public to national road) by
Description: When vehicles are crossing from public laterite
road to Macadam pavement road, the connection shoulder edge
of main road may be effected. Access road (public to national
road) by Macadam is to keep the smooth connection between
two roads.
Possible Cause:
• Vehicles crossing
Work method:
1. Marking out the connection area to pave (5m Length and
Width-depending on crossing road width)
2. Clean out and excavate the area
3. Removed of the 20cm depth of the existing material
4. Spreading aggregate 4cm x 6cm on the area
5. Compaction using rubber tire roller
6. Spreading aggregate 19mm into gap of aggregate
4cm x 6cm above.
7. Compaction using tire Steel Wheel Roller
Manpower • 1 operator of roller
• 2 safety officers at both end of work site
• Approximately total of 12 men on the site
Tool and • Pickaxes
Equipment • Shovels
• Rubber Tire Roller (8 ton)
• Safety sign, cones, vest
• Steel Wheel Roller (more than 3 ton)
Material • Aggregate 4cm x 6cm
• Sand
• CRS-2
• Aggregate 19mm
Quality • To confirm the Patching surface is good
Control quality before letting vehicles run over.
Productivity • Approximately 150 to 250m2/day

Job Code: 4700
Dragon hole filling (m3)
Description: Road sub base is very important in determining the
life of road. Without proper base and underground water way,
this could lead the erosion of the base and sub base which
caused dragon hole.
Possible Cause:
• Due to dispersive soil
• Road side drainage is not functioning well
• Sub base compaction of road were not compacted to
• Incorrect use Sub base material
• Natural disaster
• Embankment of roadside is not done properly
Work method:
1. Determine dragon holes and outlet points
2. Cleaning and grubbing
3. Remove all bad materials such as root of trees, rubbish etc.
4. Mixing of refills soils with additive(Cements)
5. Fill in the outlets/dragon holes
6. Covering of topsoil
7. Final inspection
Manpower • 1 vibrating compaction plate operator
• 4 unskilled workers
Tool and • shovels
Equipment • Wheel barrow
• Vibrating compactor
• Safety sign, cones, vest
• Backhoe
Material • Mixed soil
• Laterite
• Sand
• Cement of Fly ash as additives
Quality • To confirm material use is good quality.
Productivity • Approximately 30 to 70 m3 per daily

Job Code: 5100
Traffic lanes painting (Thermoplastic)
Description: Road painting are used on paved roadways to
provide guidance and information for drivers and pedestrians.
Therefore, it is important to always re-paint the road marking as
soon as the road mark is no longer visible. For the best practice,
it should have a schedule painting (e.g. yearly).
Possible Cause:
• Quality of the paint were not to the standard
• Heavy traffic flow area (reduce the life of road mark)
• Quality of asphalt that caused cracks to the marking
• Accident that could scrap off the painting
• Weathering
Work method:
1. No painting work should start until all warning and speed
reduction signs and the flagmen are in position as indicated
in the temporary sign and the flagmen are in position as
indicated in the temporary signposting plan. Ensure that the
workforce can work safely.
2. The road surface must be dry,
3. Clean existing road markings where required using a stiff
brush. No dirt, dust or other contamination should be left
on the surface to be painted.
4. Apply the paint sparingly after thoroughly mixing and
adjusting the stencil to the line edges. Thick paint lines tend
to crack on drying. Paint only within the limits of the existing
markings, otherwise the edges will look ragged. If a spill
occurs, clean pavement surface immediately.
5. The road marking paint should dry in about 10-15 minutes
(depending on paint type and weather conditions). Do not
remove any cones or allow traffic to run over the freshly
painted lines before the paint is dry enough for traffic.
6. Ensure that the warning cones are correctly spaced and
located along the line being painted. Cones displaced by
traffic should be reset in position without delay.
7. Observe the progress of the work and move the flagmen and
warning signs as soon as the paint has dried over a
sufficiently long section of road.
8. The work must be organized so that all painted areas will be
traffic-dry by the time cones and signs have to be removed
at the end of the day’s work.
9. Remove any unwanted markings using a blowlamp and
scraper. Do not over heat the bitumen road surface.
Minimum thickness of the line: 1.5mm
Normal width of line: 15 cm
Manpower • 2 unskilled workers
• 2 skilled workers (mixing the paint)
• 1 truck driver
Tool and • Broom/ mechanical broom
Equipment • Nylon string
• Measuring tape
• Safety sign, cones, vest
• Handliner
• burner
Material • pigment
• binders
• solvent
• thermoplastic paint
• glass beads
Quality • Road to be cleaned before paint
Productivity • Approximately 75 to 100 m2 per day

Job Code: 5200
Clean and paint traffic sign (nos.)
Description: Traffic sign are signs erected at the side or above
roads to give instruction or provide information to road users. It
is vital in providing road users information of the coming road
and traffic ahead of them. Some of the sign such as narrow road,
city area, speed limit, bumpy road, merging lane and many
more. Therefor it is essential to keep them clean, clear and
visible to road users.
Possible Cause:
• Vandalism
• Traffic raises dust clouds during dry weather or splashes
during wet weather on to signs and posts.
• Bird droppings
• Aging sign boards
Work method:
1. If it is heavy traffic, two men at
both end needed to be there to
direct traffic. If low traffic, not
necessary, only safety cone and
sign are required.
2. Clean signs, reflectors, guide-
posts etc. at least twice a year or
more often if local conditions
3. Wash the surface using a cloth,
water and detergent solution.
Take care not to scratch the
surface or damage a reflective
paint surface.
4. After washing, remove all traces
of detergent with a cloth, and
soft brush, and rinse with water.
5. Clean the back of the sign at the
same time using water and a
cloth. Use a hand brush to
remove dirt from corners and
6. Where signs or reflectors are
contaminated with bitumen or
oil steaks, use kerosene for
cleaning and then wash down
with water.
7. If surface paint is flaky, use a wire brush to remove all loose
paint and rust.
8. Clean surface area to be repainted using water and cloth,
and then allow surface to dry thoroughly.
9. Use sandpaper on existing paint to provide a key for the new
paint. Brush the surface clean.
10. As soon as the surface is dry, apply a prime coat evenly to all
areas where old paint is damaged or removed. Allow to dry.
11. Apply the finishing coat (Use only paints of approved type
and color).
Manpower • 2 unskilled workers
• 1 truck driver
Tool and • Ladder
Equipment • Safety sign, cones, vest
• Truck (2 ton)
• Wire brush
• Sand paper
Material • Cleaning agent
• Paint
• Kerosene
Quality • Road to be cleaned before paint
Productivity • Approximately 20 to 40 sign boards per day

Job Code: 5230
Traffic sign repair (nos.)
Description: Traffic sign are signs erected at the side or above
roads to give instruction or provide information to road users. It
is vital in providing road users information of the coming road
and traffic ahead of them. Some of the sign such as narrow road,
city area, speed limit, bumpy road, merging lane and many
more. Therefore, it is essential to keep the signs to its full
function with regular repair.
Possible Cause:
• Tilting of road signs due to poor foundation such as soil
• Rusty sign boards
• Road accidents
Work method:
1. Surface to be painted are to be cleaned free of rust, dirt and
all other contamination.
2. Use only clean soft brushes or rollers.
3. Painting should only be carried out during dry weather. Do
not paint on a wet surface or during rain.
4. Paints mush be thoroughly mixed before application. If
thinners are to be used, follow manufacturer’s instructions,
take precautions against fire.
5. When reflectors are set into or mounted on surfaces to be
painted, cover these completely with paper or tape for
protection during painting.
6. Road sides sign can be repaired by using ladder as it is
typically about 3 matters.
7. Overhead road sign, crane needed to be used to hoist
workers up. If it is heavy traffic, two men at both end needed
to be there to direct traffic. If low traffic, not necessary, only
safety cone and sign are required.
8. Repairing work may involve work such as welding, cutting,
manual excavating and casting of concrete for foundation of

Manpower • 1 skilled
• 1 unskilled workers
• 1 truck driver
Tool and • Ladder or crane
Equipment • Welding machine
• Pickaxe
• Safety sign, cones, vest
• Soft brushes or Roller for paint
• Truck (2 ton)
Material • Bolts and nuts
• Sign poles
• Concrete- sand, cement, aggregate
• Paints
• Thinner
• Tape
Quality • Road to be cleaned before paint
Productivity • Approximately 10 to 30 sign boards per day

Job Code: 5250
Channel cleaning by machine (m)
Description: Traffic sign are signs erected at the side or above
roads to give instruction or provide information to road users. It
is vital in providing road users information of the coming road
and traffic ahead of them. Some of the sign such as narrow road,
city area, speed limit, bumpy road, merging lane and many
more. Therefore, it is essential to install traffic sign at strategic
location for the full benefit for the road users.
Possible Cause:
• Narrow or dangerous roads
• Unforeseen obstacles that road users should be aware of
• Inform road users about directions and unexpected turns
• One direction road
Work method:
1. Identify the strategic location that need to let road users
know of speed limits, unexpected turns, one direction road
and many more.
2. Determine if road sign should be by the road side or above.
3. Manually excavate with pickaxe and shovel to a depth of at
least 800mm with diameter of 250mm
4. Insert the pole center to the hole till bottom. Please note
that even though the pole rest at bottom, that length of the
traffic sign pole should be design tall enough above ground
that is visible to road user. (base of traffic sign should be
about 2.2 meter above ground)
5. Steel posts should be case into a concrete footing (h =800
mm, Ø 250 mm)

Manpower • 1 skilled
• 2 unskilled workers
• 1 truck driver
Tool and • Ladder
Equipment • Welding machine
• Pickaxe and shovels
• Safety sign, cones, vest
• Concrete Mixer (200L)
Material • Bolts and nuts
• Sign poles and Boards
• Concrete- sand, cement, aggregate
Quality • Foundation of pole should be about 800 mm
Control depth
Productivity • Approximately 5 to 10 traffic signs per day

Job Code: 6100
Cleaning and painting safety pole (nos.)
Description: Safety poles keep vehicles within their roadway and
prevent vehicles from colliding with dangerous obstacles such as
boulders, walls or large storm drains. They are also installed at
the roadside to prevent errant vehicles from traversing steep
(non-recoverable) slopes or entering deep water.
Possible Cause:
• Vandalism
• Dusty roads area
• Aging
Work method:
1. Wash the surface using a cloth, water and detergent
solution. Take care not to scratch the surface or damage a
reflective paint surface,
2. After washing, remove all traces of detergent with a cloth,
and soft brush, and rinse with water,
1. Wash thoroughly all dirt, soil, dust etc. from surfaces and
allow to dry
2. Apply one coat of water-based, cement or latex paint of
specified colour to visible surfaces,
3. Poles can be painted with the same type of paint of a
specified contrasting colour.
Manpower • 3 unskilled workers
• 1 truck driver
Tool and • Soft brush for cleaning
Equipment • Safety sign, cones, vest
• Brush for paint
Material • Cleaning agent
• Paint
Quality • Safety Poles need to be cleaned before paint
Productivity • Approximately 100-300 meter per day

Job Code: 6150
Safety poles installation (nos.)
Description: Safety poles keep vehicles within their roadway and
prevent vehicles from colliding with dangerous obstacles such as
boulders, walls or large storm drains. They are also installed at
the roadside to prevent errant vehicles from traversing steep
(non-recoverable) slopes or entering deep water.
Possible Cause:
• Vehicle accident
Work method:
1. Remove the broken pole
2. Manually excavate the pole hole with pickaxe and shovel to
a depth of at least 50cm
3. Place new pole in the excavation, check position, height and
alignment. The post must be kept vertical and in alignment
during backfilling,
4. Place the backfill in layers not exceeding 10 cm loose soil.
Compact the loose soil with a hand rammer. Repeat until the
soil backfill is level with the ground surface.
Manpower • 1 skilled
• 2 unskilled workers
• 1 truck driver
Tool and • Pickaxe and shovels
Equipment • Safety sign, cones, vest
• Hand rammer
Material • Safety Poles
Quality • Foundation of pole should be about 50cm
Control depth
Productivity • Approximately 10 to 30 Poles per day

Job Code: 7100

Cleaning & painting kilometer


Description: Kilometer Posts are necessary to inform road users

of their location, and to identify and locate maintenance works.
Possible Cause:
• Vandalism
• Dusty roads area
• Aging
Work method:
1. Remove the broken pole (if
there is any)
2. Manually excavate the pole
hole with pickaxe and shovel
to a depth of at least 50cm
3. Place new post in the
excavation, check position,
height and alignment. The
post must be kept vertical
and in alignment during
4. Place the backfill in layers not exceeding 10 cm loose soil.
Compact the loose soil with a hand rammer. Repeat until the
soil backfill is level with the ground surface,
Manpower • 4 unskilled workers
• 1 truck driver
• 1 crane truck driver
Tool and • Safety sign, cones, vest
Equipment • Crane truck
Material • Kilo post
Quality • Ensured that the height and facing of the kilo
Control post is correct
Productivity • Approximately 7 to 20 Posts per day

Job Code: 7130

Repairing kilometers post (nos.)

Description: Kilometer Posts are necessary to inform road users

of their location, and to identify and locate maintenance works.
Possible Cause:
• Tilting of Kilometer Post due to poor foundation such as soil
• Road accidents
Work method:
1. Identify Kilometer Post
need to be repaired
2. They are normally
relocated in a simple
excavation which is then
backfilled with soil.
3. The location is normally
determined and staked
out by the road surveyor.
4. Some Kilometer Post may be required to be more stable and
therefore set on a concrete foundation.
Manpower • 1 skilled
• 3 unskilled workers
• 1 truck driver
Tool and • Safety sign, cones, vest
Material • Concrete- sand, cement, aggregate
Quality • Road Kilometer Post to be more stable and
Control right location.
Productivity • Approximately 6 to 15 Kilometer Posts per

Job Code: 7150

Kilometer post installation (nos.)

Description: Kilometer Posts are necessary to inform road users

of their location, and to identify and locate maintenance works.
Possible Cause:
• Vehicle accident
Work method:
1. Excavate the foundation at the location fixed by the surveyor
and deep enough for stability (usually half the depth of the
kilometer-post) and wide enough to allow for compaction of
the backfill with available hand rammers,
2. Level off foundation base and compact with the hand
3. Centre the kilometer-post in the foundation excavation,
check plumb and correct orientation,
4. Backfill evenly around the kilometer-post base in loose
layers not exceeding 10 cm, compact with the hand rammer
5. As soon as the compacted backfill has reached a level
slightly higher than the surrounding ground, smooth-off the
soil surface and remove surplus soil
Manpower • 2 unskilled workers
• 1 truck driver
Tool and • Safety sign
Equipment • Cones
• vest Safety sign
• cones, vest
Material • Kilometer Post
Quality • Kilometer Post to be cleaned before paint
Productivity • Approximately 7 to 20 Kilometer Posts per

Job Code: 7200
Replacing safety guardrail(steel) (m)
Description: Guardrail barrier Systems for road safety are widely
used for highway safety and fixed on the side of the roads
especially on curves and slopes for preventing vehicles from
riding out from roads.
Possible Cause:
• Vehicle accident
Work method:
1. Unbolt damaged guardrail panels and posts and remove.
2. Manually excavate the post hole with pickaxe and shovel to
a depth of at least 1m with diameter of 350mm
3. Place the post in the excavation, check position, height and
alignment. The post must be kept vertical and in alignment
during backfilling,
4. Steel posts should be cast into a concrete footing as shown
(a), allow the concrete to set
5. Assemble the new guardrails
6. Tighten all bolts and nuts.
Manpower • 1 skilled
• 2 unskilled workers
• 1 truck driver
Tool and • Pickaxe and shovels
Equipment • Safety sign, cones, vest
• Concrete Mixer (200 L)
Material • Bolts and nuts
• Steel posts
• Guardrail panel
• Concrete- sand, cement, aggregate
Quality • Foundation of pole should be about 1m
Control depth
Productivity • Approximately 5 to 10 Guardrail posts with
panels per day

Name List of People Involved with
Guideline for Routine Maintenance

Prepared by

1. Mr. Chhim Phalla Director,

Road Infrastructure Department

2. Mr. You Dara Deputy Director,

Road Infrastructure Department

3. Mr. Sitthy Panhavuth Deputy Chief Office,

Road Infrastructure Department

4. Mr. Hay Chandara Deputy Chief Office,

Road Infrastructure Department

5. Mr. Veth Piseth Deputy Chief Office,

Road Infrastructure Department

6. Mr. Nin Menakak Deputy Chief Office,

Road Infrastructure Department

7. Mr. Eam Sovisoth Deputy Chief Office,

Road Infrastructure Department

Technical Contribution from

1. Mr. Koichi OGAWA JICA Chief Advisor

2. Mr. Yozo MIZOTA JICA Expert

3. Mr. Takashi NAKAJIMA JICA Expert

4. Mr. Hiroaki OHTAKE JICA Expert

Edit and Comments from Routine Maintenance Working Group

1. H.E Touch Chankosal Secretary of State,

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

2. H.E Lim Sidenine Secretary of State,

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

3. H.E Yit Bunna Under Secretary of State,

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

4. H.E. Nou Vaddhanak General Directorate of Techniques

5. H.E. Heng Rathpiseth General Directorate of Public Works

6. Mr. Nay Chamnang Deputy General Directorate of


7. Mr. Chhim Phalla Director,

Road Infrastructure Department

8. Mr. Khuon Kompheak Chief Officer,

Road Infrastructure Department

9. Mr. Sun Chan Chief Officer,

Road Infrastructure Department

10. Mr. Kem Socheat Chief Officer,

Road Infrastructure Department

11. Directors and Deputy Directors of 25 Provincial and Municipal Public

Works and Transport

General Directorate of Techniques

Road Infrastructure Department

for Repairing
Defects of Bridges


Code: 1-0001 Concrete Crack Repair ……………………………… 1

Code: 1-0002 Concrete Defect repair ………………………………. 3

Code: 1-0003 Carbon Fiber Cloth (CFC) Reinforcement method ... 5

Code: 1-0004 Reinforcement by Steel Plate (Concrete structure) … 7

Code: 2-0001 Steel Corrosion Repair ………………………………. 9

Code: 2-0002 Reinforcement by Steel Plate (Steel structure) ……… 11


Code: 1 - 00001 Item: Concrete Crack Repair

• Concrete cracks are filled with epoxy resin injection
• This method for concrete crack repairing is relatively less
expensive than other methodologies.
Work Method
• This repair work is carried out by dividing three days

Material • Epoxy resin
• Sealant (Sealing)
• Syringes set
• Thinner
• Chalk
• Clay
Tool (Main) • Platform scale
• Trowel
• Wire brush
• Air blower
• Stopwatch
• Plastic cup
• Plastic plate
Safety Signs • Scaffolding
and Devices • Glove
• Site Cleaning tool
Expensed • Repair material (Epoxy resin, Sealant,
Syringes set Thinner etc.)
• Labor cost
• Site inspection cost
• Transport worker and material cost
• Equipment hire
• Safety cost
Remarks • This method for concrete crack repairing is
relatively less expensive than other
Reference: C-1 Concrete crack


Code: 1 - 00002 Item: Concrete Defect Repair

• After the degradation part of the concrete is removed by
chipping, new concrete part is restored.
Work Method
• After the degradation part of the concrete is removed by
chipping, new concrete part is restored.
• In practice, it is carried out survey before the repair work
because of check peeling and the floating of the concrete by
hitting test or visual survey.
• Since the high durability of the repair material is required,
the polymer cement mortar material is usually used.

Material • Polymer cement mortar
• Primer
Tool • Generator
(Main) • Disc sander
• Hydraulics breaker
• Mortar mixer
• Trowel
• Plastic plate
Safety Signs • Scaffolding
and Devices • Glove
• Site Cleaning tool
Expensed • Repair material (Polymer cement mortar,
Primer etc.)
• Rental Fee
• Labor cost
• Site inspection cost
• Transport worker and material cost
• Equipment hire

Item: Carbon Fiber Cloth (CFC)
Code: 1 - 00003
Reinforcement method
• This method is applied to the concrete structure of
insufficient strength such as construction defect, design
defect, strength lack due to overloaded vehicles.
Work Method
• Reinforced by carbon fiber cloth
• If concrete deficit is large, it is
used in conjunction with the
‘Concrete Defect repair method’.
• The carbon fiber sheet adheres to
the existing concrete member,
combines for reinforced between
the fibers by synthetic resin

Material • Carbon fiber Cloth (CFC)
• Primer
• Smoothing agent
• Impregnating resin
Tool (Main) • Generator
• Disc sander
• Trowel
• Plastic plate
Safety Signs • Scaffolding
and Devices • Glove
• Site Cleaning tool
Expensed • Repair material (Carbon fiber cloth, Primer
• Rental Fee
• Labor cost
• Site inspection cost
• Transport worker and material cost
• Equipment hire
Remarks • This method isn’t needed heavy equipment.
Reference: C-2 Carbon Fiber Cloth (CFC)
Reinforcement Method

Item: Reinforcement by Steel Plate
Code: 1 - 00004
(Concrete structure)
• This method is applied to concrete slab of insufficient
strength such as construction defect, design defect, strength
lack due to overloaded vehicles.
Work Method
• Reinforced by steel plate
• To be spliced steel plate, dead load of the slab is increased.
If this method is applied, the bearing and the pier must be
confirmed whether the reinforcement is necessary. For this
reason, it is necessary to prepare the design document of the
repair bridge.

To confirm whether the

reinforcement is necessary

Material • Steel Plate
• Anchor bolt
• Painting
• Grout (cement between tile squares)
• Epoxy resin
Tool • Generator
(Main) • Drilling machine
• Electric hoist
• Disc sander
Safety Signs • Scaffolding
and Devices • Glove
• Site Cleaning tool
Expensed • Repair material (Steel plate, Anchor bolt etc.)
• Rental Fee
• Labor cost
• Site inspection cost
• Design coat
• Transport worker and material cost
• Equipment hire
• Safety cost
Remarks • This method must be confirmed whether the
reinforcement of bearing or pier is necessary.


Code: 2 - 00001 Item: Steel Corrosion Repair

• Corroded parts are repainted.
Work Method
• The corrosion part is re-
painted after cleaning to
see surface of the iron by
disc sander
• Re-paint in a 5 layer
(include zinc rich coating)

Material • Paint (undercoating, second coating, final
• Thinner
Tool (Main) • Generator
• Disc sander
• Brush
• Roller
Safety Signs • Scaffolding
and Devices • Glove
• Site Cleaning tool
Expensed • Repair material (Paint, Thinner etc.)
• Rental Fee
• Labor cost
• Site inspection cost
• Transport worker and material cost
• Equipment hire

Item: Reinforcement by Steel Plate (Steel
Code: 2 - 00002
• This method is applied to reinforce the loss part by corrosion.
• This method is applied to reinforce of insufficient structure
such as design defect, strength lack due to overloaded
Work Method
• The rust part is removed the by disc sander.
• The deficit part is reinforced by spliced plate. It is designed
to determine the size or spliced method of the spliced plate.
For this reason, it is necessary to prepare the design
document of the repair bridge.
• If the existing spliced plate need to be removed, it is
necessary to carefully consider the removal method.

Material • Steel Plate
• High strength bolt
• Painting
• Thinner
Tool • Generator
(Main) • Impact wrench
• Drilling machine
• Electric hoist
• Disc sander
• Brush *Roller
Safety Signs • Scaffolding
and Devices • Glove
• Site Cleaning tool
Expensed • Repair material (Steel plate, High strength
bolt etc.)
• Rental Fee
• Labor cost
• Site inspection cost
• Design coat
• Transport worker and material cost
• Equipment hire
• Safety cost
Remarks • This method must be designed to determine
the size or spliced method of the spliced
• If the existing spliced plate need to be
removed, it is necessary to carefully consider
the removal method.

Name List of People Involved with

Guideline for Bridge Inspection and Repairing

Prepared by

1. Mr. Chhim Phalla Director,

Road Infrastructure Department

2. Mr. You Dara Deputy Director,

Road Infrastructure Department

3. Mr. Sitthy Panhavuth Deputy Chief Office,

Road Infrastructure Department

4. Mr. Nin Menakak Deputy Chief Office,

Road Infrastructure Department

5. Mr. Eam Sovisoth Deputy Chief Office,

Road Infrastructure Department

6. Mr. Long Davuth Officer,

Road Infrastructure Department

7. Mr. Chhouk Sochea Officer,

Road Infrastructure Department

8. Mr. Nut Sovanneth Officer,

Road Infrastructure Department

Technical Contribution from

1. Mr. Koichi OGAWA JICA Chief Advisor

2. Mr. Yozo MIZOTA JICA Expert

3. Mr. Masatoshi WATANABE JICA Expert

4. Mr. Ken TOKUMASU JICA Expert

5. Mr. Shiegeaki TSUKAMOTO JICA Expert

Edit and Comments from Routine Maintenance Working Group

1. H.E Touch Chankosal Secretary of State,

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

2. H.E Lim Sidenine Secretary of State,

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

3. H.E Yit Bunna Under Secretary of State,

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

4. H.E. Nou Vaddhanak General Directorate of Techniques

5. H.E. Heng Rathpiseth General Directorate of Public Works

6. Mr. Nay Chamnang Deputy General Directorate of


7. Mr. Chhim Phalla Director,

Road Infrastructure Department

8. Mr. Khuon Kompheak Chief Officer,

Road Infrastructure Department

9. Mr. Sun Chan Chief Officer,

Road Infrastructure Department

10. Mr. Kem Socheat Chief Officer,

Road Infrastructure Department

11. Directors and Deputy Directors of 25 Provincial and Municipal Public

Works and Transport

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