Bridges - Initial Design
Bridges - Initial Design
Bridges - Initial Design
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Determining factors
In order to develop a viable concept for a bridge crossing and to choose a preliminary configuration and dimensions,
the designer must consider a number of inter-related factors:
Constraints of the crossing site: e.g. highways, railway lines, rivers, canals or other water courses; deep or
steep sided valleys; environmentally sensitive sites requiring minimal disturbance. Ground conditions can also
be a constraint not just for the bridge foundations but the approach embankments as well.
Service life. The bridge is normally designed for 120 years service life, but items such as a steelwork corrosion
protection system, deck joints and bearings will need to be maintained or replaced during the service life of the
structure. Concrete in substructure elements and deck slabs will also require maintenance.
Costs of material and components. Steelwork is prefabricated in factory conditions but the costs of doing so
depend on the components used (rolled sections or plates, for example) the complexity of the structure and the
size of the elements. Concrete slabs can be cast in situ or formed partly from precast components.
How the bridge can be assembled and completed on site. Is it a greenfield site?; is construction only possible
in limited possessions?; what plant can be got to the site?
Structural form
For medium span highway bridges built in the UK in recent years, by far the most common form has been the deck
type steel-and-concrete composite bridge. With bridges of this type the structural steelwork system generally
comprises fabricated 'I' section plate girders, and these support a concrete deck slab at top flange level. The
discussion of considerations at the concept design stage relates principally to that type of bridge and also to other
forms of steel bridge construction.
The forms of construction covered below are thus principally multi-girder decks and ladder decks although the general
guidance will be equally applicable to deck type bridges utilising box girders (open and closed top boxes in place of 'I'
girders) and to half-through bridges.
Span length
The designer has to determine the span lengths and number of spans for the bridge from consideration of the
alignment, the topography of the site, the physical dimensions of the obstacle (or obstacles, including services that
may be too expensive to relocate) to be crossed, the required clearance envelopes, the available locations for the
bridge abutments and intermediate piers (if more than one span), the appearance and any particular requirements that
the client may impose. Whilst straight bridges crossing square are the ideal, bridge layouts may need to be skewed
and/or curved. For highway bridges refer to TD 27/05[2] for cross sections and headrooms.
Any pier within 4.5m of the edge of the carriageway has to be designed for impact loads (as given by the National
Annex to BS EN 1991-1-7[3]) but abutments do not normally have to be considered.
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Nowadays for single span bridges, except for the shortest spans, steel composite decks compete with prestressed
concrete Y-beam decks and generally will prove more economical at the upper end of the Y-beam span range. For two
or more spans continuous decks are the norm and steel composite decks, because of their superior buildability, should
win over Y beam decks. When optimising span lengths in multi-span bridges, shorter spans (typically 25m to 30m) will
be more economical. However where piers are costly (for example when very tall piers or deep piled foundations are
needed), or the environmental sensitivity of the site requires minimal disturbance, longer spans with fewer foundations
are likely to be more economical.
For bridges with three or more spans, the optimum length of the end span is usually from 0.7 to 0.85 of the adjacent
internal span length. With very short end spans, uplift can occur at the abutments. Where more than one arrangement
of spans could provide a viable crossing, the cost, buildability and appearance of the alternative options are evaluated
to obtain the preferred solution. This evaluation will include the costs of the substructure and foundations.
Arrangements A, B, C and D shown right are all possible layouts for crossing a dual carriageway. Arrangement A
might be considered the best for a greenfield site as it provides the shortest spans and the shortest overall deck
length. A high wall type abutment can be more expensive than an additional side span (B) or a longer span (C),
particularly with integral construction. Where construction depth is at a premium B would be preferable to C. When
crossing over an existing motorway or dual carriageway, it is often difficult to construct a pier between the
carriageways because the works have to be carried out under traffic management, so arrangement D would be
Integral construction
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For highway bridges, integral construction must be considered and designers should follow the advice given in PD
6694-1[4]. Nowadays the Technical Approval Authorities expect bridge decks up to 60m in length and with skews (at
the abutments) not exceeding 30° to be integral with the abutments unless there are valid reasons, such as potential
mining subsidence, for them not to be so. Note that 60m is not a limit on maximum length for integral bridges,
Highways England have accepted integral bridges with lengths greater than 100m.
BA 57/01[5] identifies leaking deck joints as the biggest problem. Because of this BA 42/96[6] required bridges to be
continuous over intermediate supports - but note that BA 42/96[6] did not require the piers to be “integral” with the deck
(N.B. BA 42/96[6] has now been withdrawn). Continuous spans will invariably be more economical in steel weight than
simply supported spans of the same length. With non-integral construction provision of an abutment gallery as BA
57/01[5], Figure 3.8 is expensive and can impact on construction programme. Hence integral bridges will almost
always be more economical than non-integral, especially when whole life costing is taken into account as user delay
costs associated with deck joint maintenance/replacement are high.
Whichever the system, the structural steelwork will usually be fabricated plate girders of 'I' section. However boxes
may be used for appearance reasons (often a look-alike replacement has to be provided for an original design that
was a prestressed concrete box), or where the deck is tightly curved in plan.
As ladder deck bridges have only two main girders, the question of structural redundancy might be raised in the choice
of ladder deck configuration – if some accidental event were to damage one girder so severely that it could no longer
carry even the dead loads, the bridge would collapse. There is no data on the likelihood of accidental events that could
cause such damage, for either ladder deck or multi-girder decks, and it is therefore not possible to make any
quantitative assessment of reliability for either type. The girder sections of ladder deck bridges are generally larger
than those of multi-girder decks and they are also restrained at close spacing by the cross girders; designers therefore
consider this configuration to be sufficiently robust.
The thickness of the composite concrete deck slab on deck type bridges typically will be 250mm. An in-situ slab of this
thickness, cast either on timber formwork or permanent formwork, will span around 3.5m, hence girder spacing (main
girders in multi-girder decks, cross girders in ladder deck systems) will typically be at 3.5m centres, or a little more as
the slab spans between the flange outstands. Generally contractors like to use permanent formwork (Omnia planks
are the market leader) rather than conventional timber formwork. Use of proprietary parapet cantilever formwork
systems is now widespread for the deck slab cantilevers. Cantilever length is usually not more than half the girder
spacing on multi-girder decks, typically 1.5m. The designer needs to consider how the steelwork system and deck
slab are arranged geometrically to accommodate crossfall and superelevation, and whether to split dual carriageway
underbridge decks down the middle. TD 19/06[7] has specific requirements for designing a divided structure with a
longitudinal gap between the two bridge decks.
When determining the form of the substructure, particularly the type of pier, it should be borne in mind that it is
preferable to put the bearings directly under the main girder. The tops of piers and columns should provide sufficient
space for jacks to be inserted for bearing replacement, and additional jacking stiffeners should be provided in
corresponding positions adjacent to the main bearing stiffeners. Ladder deck steelwork systems and multi-girder
systems with integral crossheads reduce the number of intermediate support columns and bearings. However integral
crossheads are expensive to fabricate and complicate erection, so their use should be avoided unless there are
particular constraints due to limited space or appearance. When used considerable thought needs to be given as to
how to detail the steelwork to accommodate the crossfall and the longitudinal gradient of the carriageway.
Sirhowy River Bridge – Form chosen at tender stage to avoid falsework at height over the river.
(Image courtesy of Rob Watkins)
Girder spacing is controlled by the spanning ability of the concrete deck slab. For a 250mm deck slab this leads to a
maximum span for the slab of about 4m. This spacing is consistent with the maximum span of permanent formwork,
typically about 3.8m. Deck slab cantilevers at the edge of the deck will control the position of the outer main girders. A
cantilever of 1.5m is common and can work economically with a 250mm deck slab. With these primary dimensional
constraints identified, the main steel grid can be defined to suit the particular geometry and dimensions of the bridge.
For a multi-girder bridge, an even number of main girders should be selected, such that the limits on cantilever length
and girder spacing are observed, Longer cantilevers] can be achieved with care and may be preferable for aesthetics:
the edge cantilever should ideally be similar to the depth of the outer girder.
For ladder decks, the spacing of the main girder is dictated by the chosen length of cantilever, with a maximum
spacing of about 18m. Cross girders are generally spaced at between 3.5m and 3.8m but the spacing will need to be
adjusted at the ends and intermediate supports of skew bridges. Steel cantilevers can be added to support longer
cantilevers on ladder decks if required and can also be used to avoid cantilever falsework. They do, however, have
cost implications.
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Steel cantilevers used to support precast concrete permanent formwork for a ladder deck
(Image courtesy of Costain)
In almost all cases, steel grade S355 (to BS EN 10025[8]) will offer the most economic solutions and bridge steelwork
contractors have extensive experience of processes to fabricate steelwork of that grade.
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The main girders can be proportioned according to the following rules of thumb, which are based upon a typical
highway bridge of two or more spans carrying a single carriageway over a dual 2 or dual 3 lane highway. Large
bridges will need to have their sizes adjusted upwards in a proportional manner, e.g. wide ladder decks will require
proportionally wider and thicker flanges.
Girder Depth Span/20 to Span/30 For wide ladder decks and simply
supported spans, ratios should be
kept to 20.
Top flange width Minimum width 350 mm Minimum width to facilitate shear
studs, splices and precast
Top flange In sagging zones: 21 mm for 350 mm This is based upon an 8:1 outstand
thickness minimum flange thickness. ratio for EN1993-1-1[9] table 5.2 for
grade 355 steel for a class 2
In hogging zones thickness increases
Generous depth girders could expect to Preliminary analysis best to
see 40 to 50 mm of top flange at hogging ascertain top flange thickness in
zones. hogging zones.
Bottom flange Mid span sagging or hogging at supports. This is the most difficult dimension
thickness to estimate without analysis.
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Webs Minimum web = 15 mm in mid span zones, This is a practical minimum for
increasing to 20 mm or 25 mm at supports. robustness during construction.
Web to flange Smaller girders: 6 mm at midspan. Up to 8 Weld sizes are expressed as either
welds or 10 mm at supports. leg length or throat length; one run
of weld laid down each side of the
Larger spans, ladder decks: 8mm at
midspan; up to 10 mm at supports.
6 mm (leg length) is a practical
minimum weld size.
Fabricators will sometimes propose
partial penetration fillet welds as an
alternative which provide the same
Shear Studs Use 19mm diameter by 150 mm high The spacing needs to be
studs. coordinated with the detailing of the
transverse reinforcement.
Plate thicknesses may be chosen to the nearest millimetre (or perhaps rounded up to the nearest 5mm at this stage,
leaving a more precise selection to be made at the detailed design stage). Plate widths would normally be refined to
the nearest 50mm.
An early estimation of the sizes of steel sections in a medium-span composite highway bridge can be made by using
Preliminary steel bridge design charts.
The design charts cover both ladder deck and multi-girder forms of construction and account for the differences
between inner and outer girders in multi-girder bridges. They also cover both elastic and plastic design of sections.
The charts are fully consistent with Eurocode loading, as implemented by the National Annex to BS EN 1991-2[10], and
design resistances given in accordance with the relevant Parts of Eurocode 3 and Eurocode 4.
A user manual is also provided that outlines the assumptions behind the design charts and explains how to use them.
The design charts may either be used manually, or alternatively an accompanying spreadsheet tool may be used that
automates the process and interpolates between charts.
Top flange width Minimum width 300 mm can apply to Minimum width to facilitate shear
typical single carriageway bridges. studs, splices and precast
Bottom flange Mid span sagging. This is the most difficult dimension
thickness to estimate without analysis.
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One important aspect of structural behaviour for cross girders is the bending moment at the ends where they connect
to the main girder. Although a substantial connection may be needed to transfer shear force, the moment generated at
the ends of the cross girders is generated only by the torsional stiffness of the main girder. Since these are typically 'I'
beams, the torsional stiffness and hence cross girder end moments are small in most cases.
Basic rules for provision of bracing at preliminary design stage are given below.
Main girders will require bracing to stabilise the girders against lateral torsional buckling both during the construction
concreting phase and to stabilise the bottom flange during service near supports.
At the supports the steelwork must transfer any horizontal actions on the bridge deck to the supports. Such loads are
significant and consequently require more substantial bracing against lateral sway.
In multi-girder decks, bracing between pairs of girders is often provided using a system of torsional bracing. This can
comprise either cross bracing made up from angles, or channel sections. Channels will often need to be 300 to
430mm deep. Larger sections and sections in weather resistant steel can be economically fabricated from plate.
Bracings are often provided at about 5 m to 1 m centres, with a minimum of 3 or 4 bracings along the length of the
girder span.
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Plan bracing of the top flanges is a very efficient way of controlling lateral torsional buckling: especially useful for
simply supported single spans. It is, however, not always the steelwork contractor’s preferred method of bracing as
there can be issues with accessibility for final painting and clashes with deck formwork if connections are not carefully
detailed. In the example illustrated below, the plan bracing was detailed to be clear of the deck construction and was
designed to be removed after construction, to avoid future maintenance.
Ladder decks
During the concreting stage, the cross girders of ladder decks provide torsional restraint to the main girder flanges.
At the in-service stage, restraint is provided to the bottom flanges near supports (where they are in compression)
either by U-frame action (deck slab plus web stiffeners) or by adding “knee braces” from the cross girders down to the
bottom of the web. The choice will depend upon the relative depths of the main and cross girders, but it should be
noted that knee bracing is relatively expensive to fabricate.
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Cross girders providing torsional Knee bracing at supports (prior to Narrow ladder deck torsional bracing
bracing erection) M6 Toll Bridge 450
M6 Toll Bridge 443 M6 Toll Bridge 334
For wide ladder decks with long cross girders, it will be more economical brace the cross girders than to increase the
flange thickness. This can be achieved by pairing the cross girders with channel bracing at midspan.
Some basic rules for provision of stiffeners at preliminary design stage are given below.
Stiffeners are required along the main girders for the following:
For ladder decks, the provision for the third requirement above usually deals adequately with the provisions for the
first, so that once the bracings and cross girder arrangements are resolved, the resulting web stiffening is normally
Thin webs on multi-girder decks could need additional stiffeners in between bracing positions. However, UK
fabricators will normally advise that it more cost effective to make the web thicker than to add further web stiffeners, if
the provisions the third requirement do not provide sufficient control to satisfy the first.
UK practice is to use transverse (vertical) web stiffeners. Continental Europe often uses more extensive stiffening
including longitudinal (horizontal) stiffeners. Normally, longitudinal (horizontal) stiffeners would not be considered
economical in everyday highway bridge construction. (They may become appropriate for long span bridges, such as
cable stayed bridges, to help control compression buckling of the web.)
Transverse web stiffeners should be provided at the position of each cross girder or bracing.
Transverse web stiffeners at supports are usually referred to as bearing stiffeners. Additional stiffeners should be
provided at positions for jacking for bearing replacement.
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Intermediate web stiffeners can commonly be proportioned as flat plates 250mm by 25mm or 200mm by 20mm thick:
generally be proportioned in the ratio 10:1 width to thickness. This is convenient for the size of the top flange and for
detailing bolted splice connections.
Where the stiffener is part of a U frame providing support to the bottom flange against buckling, then they may need to
be larger.
Bearing stiffeners are usually thicker than intermediate web stiffeners as they need to resist additional lateral forces to
be transmitted to supports. Bearing stiffeners will normally be between 30 and 50 mm thick.
Deck slab
The most common way of constructing the deck slab is to use precast concrete permanent participating formwork.
Other formwork includes glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) and traditional timber plywood, the latter being commonly
used for irregular areas such as corners of skew bridges and cantilevers.
Precast concrete permanent formwork Plywood formwork and traditional falsework system for
M6 Toll, Bridge 295 edge cantilever construction
Porth Bypass, Rheola Bridge
Occasionally, a precast concrete cantilever system may be preferred to avoid falsework below the bridge deck level.
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A650 Bingley relief Road, Cottingley Viaduct A650 Bingley relief Road, Cottingley Viaduct
There are many aspects of the deck slab that affect the durability of the bridge: (concrete grade, cover, details to shed
water away from critical areas). Durability and buildability should be considered at the preliminary stage - see CIRIA
Report 155[14] and Report C543[15]. The combination of concrete grade and cover is important and careful
reinforcement detailing is required to ensure that the correct covers are maintained. The top of the bridge deck has a
waterproofing membrane applied.
Articulation is the way in which the bridge is arranged to deal with movements that occur as a result of actions on the
bridge arising from:
Traffic loading (vehicles, trains, people)
Self weight
Bearings are typically used to make the connection between bridge and supports, to accommodate rotations and
movements arising from these effects, unless an integral support is provided.
Articulation needs to be considered at the preliminary design stage in order to determine where restraint forces will be
provided, thus influencing design of support bracing systems and the substructure.
Method of construction
The designer of a steel bridge has to determine the method of construction as this must be taken into account in the
design of the steelwork. It is also incumbent upon the designer to indicate in the contract documents (usually on the
drawings) the construction sequence assumed in the design, both for the erection of the steelwork and for the
concreting of the deck slab. The principal options for bridge erection are:
Erection by crane
Lifting large preassembled sections.
The most common method of erecting bridge girders is direct erection by mobile crane lifting the girders (termed
erection pieces) from the ground onto the bridge substructure. Typically, girders for single span bridges will be placed
either singly or in braced pairs spanning full length between the end supports. For multiple spans the girders are
erected (again either singly or in braced pairs) in a span and cantilever sequence involving erection pieces that
cantilever over the piers to the point of contraflexure in the next span as shown below.
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There are physical limitations on the length of girder pieces that can be fabricated and transported to site. Under
normal circumstances in the UK the maximum length for transport by road is 30m without a movement order but
steelwork contractors are quite familiar with this procedure and girders up to 50m long have been transported by road
When determining the most appropriate structural arrangement and associated erection method, the designer will be
carry out hazard assessments and determine mitigation measures as required under the CDM regulations[1]. Guidance
on the designer’s responsibilities and common hazards in bridge construction is given in CIRIA publication C604[16].
Guidance is also available in BCSA 38/05.
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1. ↑ 1.01.1 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM) 2015
2. ↑ Design Manual for Roads and Bridges. TD 27/05, Cross-sections and headrooms
3. ↑ NA+A1:2014 to BS EN 1991-1-7:2006+A1:2014. UK National Annex to Eurocode 1. Actions on structures.
Accidental actions. BSI
4. ↑ PD 6694-1:2011, Recommendations for the design of structures subject to traffic loading to BS EN
1997-1:2004. BSI
5. ↑ 5.05.1 Design Manual for Roads and Bridges. BA 57/01, Design for durability
6. ↑ Design Manual for Roads and Bridges. BA 42/96, Design of integral bridges - Now withdrawn
7. ↑ Design Manual for Roads and Bridges. TD 19/06, Requirement for road restraint systems
8. ↑ BS EN 10025: 2004 Hot rolled products of structural steels (in 6 Parts). BSI
9. ↑ BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. General rules and rules for
buildings, BSI
10. ↑ NA to BS EN 1991-2:2003, UK National Annex to Eurocode 1. Actions on structures. Traffic loads on
bridges. BSI
11. ↑ BS EN 206:2013+A1:2016 Concrete. Specification, performance, production and conformity. BSI
12. ↑ BS EN 10080:2005 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete. Weldable reinforcing steel. General. BSI
13. ↑ BS 4449:2005+A3:2016 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete. Weldable reinforcing steel. Bar, coil and
decoiled product. Specification. BSI
14. ↑ Ray, S.S; Barr, J.; Clark, L. (1996) Bridge detailing guide. (Report R155). CIRIA
15. ↑ Souby, M. (2001) Bridges – design for improved durability. (Report C543). CIRIA
16. ↑ CDM Regulations–work sector guidance for designers. (Report C604 Second Edition) 2004. CIRIA
Iles, D.C. (2010) Composite highway bridge design. (P356 including corrigendum, 2014). SCI
Hendy, C.R.; Iles, D.C. (2015) Steel Bridge Group: Guidance Notes on best practice in steel bridge
construction (6th Issue). (P185). SCI
Guidance Note 1.05, Structural arrangement
Guidance Note 2.01, Main girder make-up
BCSA Guide to the erection of steel bridges (38/05). BCSA
Steel Bridges: A practical approach to design for efficient fabrication and construction. (51/10). BCSA
Chapter 1: Design conception
Preliminary steel bridge design charts:
Chart finder
Spreadsheet tool
User manual
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See also
Multi-girder composite bridges
Ladder deck composite bridges
Integral bridges
Material selection and product specification
Weathering steel
Bracing systems
Connections in bridges
Bridge articulation and bearing specification
Plan curvature in bridges
Skew bridges
Design for steel bridge construction
External links
Highways England DMRB (Design Manual for Roads and Bridges)
Highways England MCDHW (Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works)
The Steel Bridge Group (SBG)