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Compilation Cosmic Initiations

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Compilation Cosmic Initiations (8 Pages)

(DINAII 419) Some of the more obvious meanings of this seventh hint it might profit us to consider. Its significance
is, however, something which will be revealed as a result of initiation; you can see, therefore, that a close study and
a vital comprehension of Hint VI must normally precede any true understanding of this final hint which I have here
given you. There are—needless to say—nine esoteric interpretations of this hint, corresponding to the nine
initiations. This sentence both in its individual, tonic and orchestral sounding
forth, carries information and illumination even to the planetary Logos when it is uttered
during any cosmic initiation that the planetary Logos may be taking—and which He is Now
This hint is working out today in the consciousness of humanity as a whole; the reason for this is that the
perfected [Page 419] Personality of Sanat Kumara—focussed at present in His creative
throat centre, Humanity—is reverberating to the orchestral effect of the formula which embodies this hint from the
cosmic angle. To this I need not further refer, for you could not understand. Nor do I to any great extent, brother of
mine, being but an initiate of the fifth degree. The reason lying behind all this is that the planetary Logos in
this particular world cycle is undergoing an initiation which will shift His focus into the hierarchical
centre, into that centre of energy which we call the Hierarchy; from that point of attained focus He will submit to the
cosmic initiation for which His planetary work—creative and magnetic—has prepared Him. As He, in His Own
essential nature, makes progress, every phase of His manifesting body, His expressive Personality, is involved, with
the emphasis of the conditioning energies working out through the two centres at this time pre-
eminently active; i.e., the centre which we call the race of men, Humanity, in which the energy of intelligence is
focussed and critically active, and the centre where the love of God is demonstrated, the Hierarchy. In these two
centres a great activity is on the move and a vital expansion or moving outward is taking place.

(WM 390) We need to remember that just as in particular incarnations, men are focussed or
polarised in various bodies—sometimes the astral and sometimes the mental—
so at this time one might infer that our planetary Logos Himself is focussed in His mental body. He, it
has been said, is striving towards the fourth cosmic initiation, which makes possible our
attainment of the fourth Initiation, for He carries us forward with Him, and, on our particular level,
we achieve as cells in His Body.
(RI 421) The Path the Logos Himself is on
It should be remembered as this peculiarly abstruse subject is approached that the
Solar Logos is as far
removed (in the evolutionary sense) from our planetary Logos as the latter is
from the point of attainment of an accepted disciple (stage of Accepted Disciple
is usually latter part of 2nd initiation). Yet the two are linked by a subjective unity and similarity of
objective. At certain points upon the Way of the Higher Evolution Their two lines of energy meet and blend. Our
Solar Logos also plays a peculiarly interesting part in the development of our entire planetary life. For the sake of
clarity, yet at the same time speaking symbolically, Sanat Kumara might be regarded as a
personal disciple of the Solar Logos, with all that that indicates of cosmic responsibility.

(RI 391) The fifth and sixth initiations are to the Master what the first and second are to the
initiations of the threshold and not true initiations from the cosmic angle. The first true
initiation upon the Higher Way is called the Initiation of Resurrection; this has no reference to the
fifth initiation. (this refers to the 7th planetary initiation)

(EA 268) herein also lies the distinction between the sacred and the non sacred planets.
The Lords of the planets (the ray Lives or planetary Logoi) are also, on Their own level, unequally developed and
some of them are further advanced upon the cosmic path of spiritual unfoldment than are others; Those Who are
definitely upon the Cosmic Path of Discipleship are regarded as informing
Sacred planets, whilst those who are upon the Cosmic probationary Path are expressing
themselves through non-sacred planets.

(WM 390) our planetary Logos Himself is focussed in His mental Body. He, it has been said, is striving
towards the fourth cosmic initiation, which makes possible our attainment of the fourth Initiation.

(CF 605) In the 5th

Mahamanvantara (or Solar System) The Solar Logos achieves
His fifth major initiation.

(CF 590) This achieved, our Logos has triumphed, and measured up to the sixth Cosmic initiation, just as
he should measure up in this system (this Solar System/Mahamanvantara)to the fourth.

Our planetary logos is to take his 4th initiation in during this 4th Chain, the 4th
Chain presumably corresponding to his heart chakra.
(CF 384) The planetary Logos of our midway through His career upon the cosmic
Path of Initiation, and consequently is to take the fourth Initiation in this Chain (the
4th)...this globe...through it our planetary Logos is undergoing...the Crucifixion.

(CF 387) This caused an acceleration of vibration, and enabled the Heavenly Man of our scheme to take a
minor initiation, and to set about His preparations for a major initiation.

(CF 725) At the initiation of a planetary logos, an avatar may appear in His scheme on the
seventh globe from The cosmic centre or star which is ensouled by the particular Rishi Who (in the
constellation of the Great Bear) Is his cosmic prototype.

(CF 726) The number if initiations taken by a planetary Logos in this system vary
from two to four.

(CF 291) In each

round (through a chain of gobes) one subplane of the cosmic
astral plane is brought under control, and the consciousness of the Heavenly Man expands to
include one subplane more.

"The Logos of a non-sacred planet...has taken three cosmic initiations." (EA 504)
"The Logos of a sacred planet... has taken five cosmic initiations." (EA 504)
(EOH 568). It is a cycle
also in which the planetary Logos, having successfully taken
initiation ...which our planet will become [Page 568] a sacred planet.

(CF 374) The Logos

of our scheme, Sanat Kumara, will take a major initiation in
the middle of the fifth round, but is preparing for a minor one at this time.
Our planetary logos has not yet taken his 3rd initiation because if he had he
would not be astrally polarised as he is now-mental polarisation takes place
between the 2nd and 3rd initiations, periods of mental focussing begin to take
place several incarnations (for the Planetary Logos several Solar Systems)
before this.
(CF 570) Our Logos Himself, the heart of His system, is on the cosmic astral
plane; he is polarised there. Just as the units of the fourth Creative Hierarchy, the human, are evolving
through the use of physical bodies, but are polarised at this time in their astral vehicles, so we
have seen that the objective solar system forms the physical body of the Logos, though His polarity is in His
astral body. It is significant that in this greater manvantara, the Logos is to take the
fourth cosmic Initiation. A hint which may enlighten lies in the correspondence which exists between
this statement and the [Page 571] fourth root-race development, and this, the fourth or astral round.81
in each chain the planetary Logos takes a different
(CF 380) The fact therefore, that
initiation, affecting different centres; and so bringing into manifestation different entities.
(CF 384) It might be here stated in connection with the planetary
Logos of our scheme that:
b. He is midway through His career upon the cosmic Path of Initiation, and consequently is to take the
fourth Initiation in this chain.
The Solar Logos has for objective nine initiations, the third cosmic Initiation
being his goal.
Our planetary Logos has for objective seven initiations, the second cosmic
Initiation being his goal.
Man has for objective five initiations, the first cosmic Initiation being his goal.

(CF 390) "the Judgment" [Page 390] in the coming fifth round. When that time comes
our planetary Logos will have attained the initiation which is His present goal; the fifth
round of the Venusian scheme will be closing, and the Venus scheme will begin to
pass into

(CF 647) At
each initiation of the great Being Who is manifesting through our
planet, one of these petals becomes unfolded on etheric levels, so that at individualisation, the
four became active, and His selfconscious activity was brought right down on to the physical plane. The analogy
can be seen typified at His great Initiation which took place in the fourth round and the
third rootrace; the correspondence between the third kingdom and the fourth, and their production of the esoteric
seven is one of the lines of study for the occultist.

Miscellaneous Connected Refs

(CF 422) The time for the sounding of the final mantric phrase by ordered active groups lies ahead in the sixth
and seventh rounds, and will not reach its full vibration in this solar system at
all. "I am That" will peal forth fully consummated in this system of duality, for the third initiation sees the initiate
comprehending its mantric force. Nevertheless, initiates of the sixth and seventh Initiations
will not preponderate in this system. After the fifth round and the passing into
temporary obscuration of two fifths of the human family, the remaining units will
achieve an approximate standing as follows:

(CF 390) middle of the third root-race of this round and continues until the
period called "the Judgment" [Page 390] in the coming fifth round. When that time
comes our planetary Logos will have attained the initiation which is His present goal; the
fifth round of the Venusian scheme will be closing, and the Venus scheme will
begin to pass into obscuration, preparatory to transferring her life to the synthesising planet with which she is
connected; Mercury will be reaching the apotheosis of achievement, and with Mars
and the Earth,
will form a systemic triangle. We are speaking here of schemes and not of chains.

(CF 369) Therefore, the Heavenly

Men of Venus and Jupiter are magnetically linked with the
Heavenly Man of our scheme. The relationship of the Logos of Jupiter and His influence
will not be realised nor felt until the sixth [Page 371] round is in full force,
though during the sixth root-race His vibration will be acknowledged and sensed; in the middle of the fifth
round the Logos of Mercury will, with the Logos of the Venus scheme, and of
our Earth, form a temporary triangle of force. We have here information given that has only
been hinted at hitherto but for which, in this fifth subrace and in this fourth round, the world is now ready; it holds
the solution of the mystery of this round.

(CF 327) g. This fourth ether in this fourth round and on this fourth chain has to be completely
mastered and controlled by the Human Hierarchy, the fourth creative. Every unit of the human
family has to attain this mastery before the end of this round.
h. It is the sphere wherein the initiations of the threshold are undergone, and the fivefold initiations of the physical
plane are entered upon.

(CF 277) b. In connection with a Heavenly Man it might be considered as the cycle which we call a
round in which the life of the Heavenly Man cycles through all the seven
c. In connection with the solar Logos it is the complete revolution of the solar system around
its cosmic centre.
(CF 297) e. The three higher centres, or the Heavenly Men Who correspond to the head,
the heart and
the throat of the solar Logos, have Their etheric analogies on the three higher
etheric levels of the cosmic physical plane, just as the Heavenly Man Who
embodies the logoic solar plexus finds His manifesting source on the fourth etheric.

(CF 740) length of the life of a scheme; to which a period of pralaya succeeds that has its beginning towards the end
of the seventh
round in any scheme or of the fifth if the Law of Persistence of a
scheme is working out through cycles of five
(CF 744) two
of the schemes cover their cyclic periods in five rounds, while others
have seven; one scheme has but three rounds, but a mystery is hidden here: on the inner
round one planet has nine cycles
(CF 1164) Each of these planetary schemes can be seen as a lotus having seven major
petals, of which each chain forms one petal, but having also subsidiary petals of a secondary colour
(CF 719) In the next round, (the 5th) during the fourth root race, and for a very
brief period, a fresh cycle will reach its zenith, and will again open the door of
individualisation in order to permit the entry of certain very advanced Egos ...concerned with the
unfoldment of the sixth petal of the logoic egoic Lotus, They could only "come in"
in the middle of the fifth round... have been on the planet Vulcan....could not at this time,
and in this round, incarnate without disaster.

(CF 647)At each initiation of the great Being Who is manifesting through our
planet, one of these petals becomes unfolded ...His great Initiation which took
place in the fourth round and the third rootrace
(CF 706) The planetary chains embody centres, and as they are awakened and come under stimulation, they swing
into physical incarnation certain types of manasaputras. The type dominated by the fifth
chain energy is little known as it is yet in process of evolution within another scheme, the fifth, so it is waste
of our time to consider it. It is connected with the unfoldment of the fifth egoic petal of a
planetary Logos on His Own plane and consequently with the activity of the fifth spirilla. When the hour
strikes, these units of energy will "come in" from another scheme on a stream of cosmic energy
which will swing through a particular systemic triangle, just as when the egos came in this

Our planetary logos is working on the 4th and 5th subplanes of the astral plane-
these correspond to the 4th and 5th Chains.
(CF 291) In each round one subplane of the cosmic astral plane is brought under
control, and the consciousness of the Heavenly Man expands to include one
subplane more. The planetary Lord of Venus has dominated and controlled the
five subplanes and is working on the sixth. Our planetary Logos is engaged in a similar work on
the fourth and fifth. The work, as in all cycles, overlaps and it might be explained thus:

He is perfecting the control of the fourth subplane on the cosmic astral plane, and
has nearly completed it. He is beginning to work at the control of the fifth subplane—a
control which will be perfected in the fifth round.

He is sensing and responding to the vibration of the sixth subplane, but is not as yet
fully conscious on that subplane.

(CF 499) b. Synthesis. We have seen that during the coming races and subraces certain very definite development
may be looked for in connection with manasic unfoldment; and it is worth while to note particularly that as far as the
evolution of manas in this round is concerned its highest efflorescence may be
looked for during the next five hundred years.
(OM) The fifth round will be the round of supreme mental development, and will carry its evolving Monads to
heights undreamed of now.

(OM 182) In the 5th round of this chain we will see the culmination of the fifth principle.

(IHS:35) again be opened during the next great cycle, or "round" as it is called in some
books, but as this is several million years away from us at this time,

The process of stimulation of the human Egos employed on three of the planets of our
system at this time. It is instituted during every fourth round, and its peculiar interest
lies in the fact that the emphasis for the fourth Creative Hierarchy in every fourth chain
and globe during the fourth round is laid upon the fourth initiation,

(HIS 96) The three planetary schemes wherein the great experiment of initiation is being
tried are the Earth, Venus, and one other.... A similar process has but lately been instituted on
another planetary scheme, and when, in the next round, (the 5th) our Earth attains a
point in evolution analogous to that of the Venusian scheme at the time its influence was
felt by us, then we shall aid in the stimulation of still another group of planetary Egos; we
shall assist in the institution of a similar procedure among the sons of men in another scheme.

(IHS 96) the three great planetary schemes, Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn, the method of
initiation will not be employed. all those who, in any scheme, achieve the needed expansions of
consciousness (such as will be achieved by the majority of the human family prior to
the middle of the next great cycle, or round), will be considered "saved," whilst the remainder
will be held to be failures, and will be held over for further development during later periods, or will be
transferred to those planetary schemes which from the point of view of time are not so far
advanced as our Earth scheme. These three major schemes are the absorbers and synthesisers of the
energy of the others.
Four yet remain hid, though the fourth is emerging ...The other three
(OM 51)
fundamentals will emerge during the next three rounds. This round will see
the apprehension of the fourth fundamental.
In system two, the present system, the keynote may not be disclosed. It is one of the
secrets of the sixth Initiation, and must not he revealed.
solar Logos, on the cosmic planes, works at the problem of cosmic mind; that He
functions in His physical solar system, is polarised in His cosmic astral, or emotional body,
and is developing [Page 53] cosmic mind
System I........corresponds to the physical body.
System II.......corresponds to the emotional body.
System III......corresponds to the mental body.

This round marks the height of the second method, that through love or
wisdom. It is the fourth round, that wherein the emotional reaches a high point
of vibration,
(CF 291) b. To attain to the consciousness of the solar Logos, within Whose body They
form the centres. It entails the attainment by a Heavenly Man of a group consciousness
of a sevenfold nature, or the achievement of accurate vibratory relationship with the other Heavenly Men
Who form the other centres. It carries with it the capacity to have full conscious control on the
seven planes of the solar system, and covers that period of development which is undergone in
a planetary chain during the fourth, fifth, and sixth rounds. It should be borne in mind
that a paralleling recognition should here be given to the fact that the solar Logos holds an analogous position in the
body of a cosmic Entity to that held by a Heavenly Man in the body of a solar Logos.

c. To attain to the consciousness of a greater centre on cosmic levels. This covers

the period of the
seventh round, and gives to a Heavenly Man (when these rounds are viewed in the light of
the Eternal Now, and not from the standpoint of time and of space) the consciousness of [Page
291] the cosmic astral, or the second lowest plane of the cosmic planes. A great
deal of the problem to be seen slowly working out at this time to a solution is due to the fact that the control of the
Heavenly Man, Whose body our scheme may be, is as yet but partial, and His cosmic experience is as yet but
imperfect. This necessarily affects the cells in His body in the same way that lack of astral control in the
case of a human being, affects his vehicle. It might here be pointed out that the evolution of the Heavenly Men is
unequal, and that
our planetary Logos has not the control, for instance, that the
Heavenly Man of the Venus chain has achieved. (CF 291) In each round one
subplane of the cosmic astral plane is brought under control, and the
consciousness of the Heavenly Man expands to include one subplane more. The
planetary Lord of Venus has dominated and controlled the five subplanes and is working on
the sixth. Our planetary Logos is engaged in a similar work on the fourth and fifth. The work, as in all
cycles, overlaps and it might be explained thus:
He is perfecting the control of the fourth subplane on the cosmic astral plane, and
has nearly completed it. He is beginning to work at the control of the fifth subplane—a
control which will be perfected in the fifth round.

He is sensing and responding to the vibration of the sixth subplane, but is not as yet
fully conscious on that subplane.

(CF 299) just as the Logos

has (in the non-sacred planets) the correspondence to the
permanent atoms in the human being,
(CF 685) This life vibration emanates from the soul of the mother (the correspondence to the Pleroma or universal
soul) and is coincident with the awakening of the third spirilla in the permanent physical atom of the infant. It must
be borne in mind that just as in each round all the preceding stages are rapidly
recapitulated, and just as in the prenatal period the foetus recapitulates during the formative process the
history of the preceding kingdoms, so in the solar system a similar procedure can be seen.

(CF 1164) These centres, with no dense physical globe, constitute what has
sometimes been called "the inner round" and transmit their force through those greater centres
which have been spoken of in occult books as having a connection with the inner round.

(CF 1175) It is not possible at this stage to convey to students the information as to the nature of each
planetary school. They exist in five great groups:

1. The exoteric
non-sacred planets, called in occult parlance "the outer round"
or outer circle of initiates. Of these our earth is one, but being aligned in a peculiar fashion with certain
spheres on the inner round, a dual opportunity exists for mankind, which facilitates, whilst it complicates, the
evolutionary process.

2. The sacred
planets, called sometimes (when this Law of the Schools is under
consideration) the "seven grades of psychic knowledge" or the "seven divisions of the field of knowledge."
(CF 1257) The symbol of this Path (Path III Training for Planetary Logoi) (and the only one it is possible to make
exoteric) is a radiant Cross of coloured light; it [Page 1257] has the long limb formed of the seven colours of the
solar spectrum, and the transverse limb is composed of twelve gradations of colours as yet unknown to man. In the
centre of the Cross is to be seen a five-pointed star in a deep indigo shade, and behind it is a blazing sun of a warm
dark blue. Above the whole are certain Sensa characters, depicted in gold, and conveying to the initiated adept the
name of one or other of the planetary Schools in which this particular line of
study is undertaken. There are, as has been already said, seven such schools and
candidates for this Path from our planetary scheme are transferred to the
inner round and from thence to the Jupiter scheme.
(EPI 318) the next or sixth race, marks the point of achievement of the Monads of
Love, Who arrive at the expression of Love-Wisdom. The final race marks the point of
achievement for the Monads of Will, just as the present Aryan race marks, and will mark, the
achievement of the Monads of Intelligence. This warrants thought. It is a relative achievement, for this
is the fourth round, but there is necessarily a "highwater mark," if I might so call it,
for each round.
(EA 409) 3. The great
sweep of the sun around the greater zodiac (a period of
250,000 years, or a complete round)
(WM 543) It is perhaps as well, [Page 544] for their destiny is tied up with the future race, the sixth, and
their end and the cessation of their activities will come about in that far distant aeon which is technically
called the Sixth Round. The final break or division between the so-called black
and white forces, for this particular world cycle, will take place during the period of the
sixth root race in the present round. Towards the close of the sixth root race,
before the emergence of the seventh, we shall have the true Armageddon about which so much has
been taught. A small cycle, corresponding to this final battle and cleavage, will
appear during the sixth subrace which is now in process of formation.
(IHS 156) After he has taken the highest initiation possible on this planet, he is, for the first
time, responsive to energy emanating from the outer cosmic Centre. This last stage of
expansion is rare indeed, and only one hundred and eleven human beings, during the planetary
history, have passed on to this state of awareness.

(IHS 162) ...Our Scheme

is not a Sacred Scheme, and few, if any, or our humanity achieve the
eighth and ninth initiations. To do so, they must first pass to another scheme for a lengthy
period of service and instruction.

(IHS 163) The higher two initiations (6th and 7th planetary) are not compulsory.

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