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Lahiri Maha Say A

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Yogavatar Lahiri Mahasaya

Kriyayoga is Truth Kriyayoga is The Study of Vedas (Vedpaath) I am always with those who practice Kriyayoga.
That is why Lahiri Mahasaya pointed the actual way by which each deluded man could bring out his potential Godhood into distinct consciousness, and reclaim his hidden Godhood, becoming one with Him.
Extracted from Inner Culture, March 1937 by Paramhansa Yogananda

What Is a Divine Incarnation?

Incarnations of God are not souls who are dropped as perfect beings from heaven, imported into the world by God, but are those beings who by effort and meditation have removed all ignorance, knowing themselves in the earthly incarnation as perfect external manifestations of the potentially perfect images of God. One who truly knows God becomes God Himself. The sunlight equally shines on the charcoal and the diamond lying side by side under the open sky during a clear day. In spite of the impartiality of the sun, the diamond, by its own transparency, reflects the light of the sun more than the charcoal. Thus, in spite of Gods impartiality, wise men reflect His light more than the ignorant. Prophets use their heaven-given independence to tune their free will with Gods wisdom-guided will. Ignorant people use their free will to allow themselves to be controlled and misguided by their whims, moods, prenatal habits, and instincts.

Hastening Evolution
Sunlight and food change the human body, brain, and mind every seven years (there is a twelve-year cycle also), provided there is no physical sickness. It takes one million solar years to evolve the healthy human body, brain, and mind so that they are able to manifest Cosmic Consciousness. Since the human body cannot last so long, Lahiri Mahasaya devised the Kriya technique, which so changes the brain-cells, spine, and body that they can express Cosmic Consciousness in three, six, or twelve years (in determined, advanced students) and in twenty-four to forty-eight years (in ordinary students). Christ gave techniques of salvation to Yogavatar Lahiri Mahasayaji St. John and the disciples, promising to send to them the Comforter, about which "I will appear before you on demand..." people understand little. Lahiri Mahasayas teaching is the Second Coming of Christ, not through a "Meditate Unceasingly that you mere claim, but in actuality. His Kriya quickly behold yourself as the technique of meditation expands the cup of Infinite Essence, free from every concentration so that it can be large enough form of misery..." to hold the ocean of Christ-consciousness following any moral (but God-obliterating) action (consciousness that was present in the life of that Spirit is revealed. By inner soul-touching Jesus). Lahiri Mahasayas technique can reveal devotion and not by holy-rolling, musclecontorting,insincere devotion, or blind devotion, to each soul that God belongs to him by divine birthright and has not to be evolutionarily one can know God. Lahiri thus deserves the title Yogavatar, one of attained. But actual step-by-step meditation the greatest incarnations of God which descended is necessary in order to destroy self-created in flesh. From flesh he ascended to complete delusion. The prodigal son walked away from realization of Spirit by step-by-step methods of God. Each of his retracing footsteps back to realization. All human beings are His children, in God consists of a mental technique which whom God is potentially present in His fullness. actually enables him to return.

Meaning of Yogavatar
Lahiri is the family title of Brahmins to which Yogavatar Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya belonged. Mahasaya signifies high soul. Yogavatar means the awakened incarnation of God, (Avatar) one who came to earth to demonstrate the technique which would enable students to accomplish the scientific union (yoga) of soul and Spirit by their own effort. I give Lahiri the title of Yogavatar because in him and through him the highest form of Yoga, or step-by-step scientific union with God, has been handed down to the world. God can be known through inner wisdom, not booklearning, and through royal Yogic union of soul and Spirit by different methods of consciouslypursued meditation, not blind meditation. It is by God-manifesting karma (action) and not by

Day after day the sublime guru

initiated one or two devotees into Kriyayoga. In addition to these spiritual duties and to the responsibilities of his business and family life, the great Office at school master took an enthusiastic interest in education. He organised many study groups and played an active role in the growth of a large high school in the Bengalitola section of Banaras...
(Quoted from Autobiography of A Yogi By Paramhansa Yogananda)

The school at Bengolitola was established in 1854. Lahiri Mahasayaji had then approached the local British persons to help with funding to build the school. The school was opened with the aim to promote educating girls... Shown here are pictures taken in March 2003
15 HejJejer-28 HejJejer, 2003 * DeKeC[ Yeejle mevosMe 9

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