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Assessing Customers Satisfaction of Urban Public Transport Service Delivery in Selected Cities of SNNPRS, Ethiopia

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International Journal of African and Asian Studies www.iiste.

ISSN 2409-6938 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JAAS
Vol.53, 2019

Assessing Customers Satisfaction of Urban Public Transport

Service Delivery in Selected Cities of SNNPRS, Ethiopia
Degwale Gebeyehu Belay
Lecturer in the Department of Governance and Development Studies, Bahir Dar University

Akalewold Fedilu Mohammed Robera Regassa Kenei

Lecturer in the School of Governance and Development Studies, Hawassa University

The study is aimed at measuring the level of customers’ satisfaction in urban public transport service in three
cities of Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s Regional State (SNNPRS) of Ethiopia, namely; Hawassa,
Hosana and Sodo. The SERQUAL model which comprises five dimensions of service quality such as; tangibility,
reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy has been used to measure the level of customers’ satisfaction.
The study was conducted based on cross-sectional survey design. A convenient sampling method was also
applied to select the sample population. Accordingly, relevant data for the study were collected from 300 urban
public transport users. The findings of the study revealed that, the level of transport need for popular mobility is
61% whereas the overall percentage of customers’ satisfaction is 37%. Again, the finding showed that, Bajaj or
rickshaw motors is the most preferred and widely used mode of urban public transport by 70%. Generally, the
urban public transport service is neither reliable nor tangible or responsive to the customers in all the study areas.
This paper is based on an original research which opens eyes for policy makers to increase quality of urban
public transport service to its customers. Hence, it helps to identify areas of gaps which need interventions to
improve transport quality in urban areas.
Keywords: Transport service, urban public transport, Transport Service, Customers’ satisfaction.
DOI: 10.7176/JAAS/53-01
Publication date:March 31st 2019

1. Introduction
The role of transport service in urban life is innumerable. It plays an importnat role in the day to day life of urban
people. It is an engine of the socio-economic and political transformation of cities (Demdime, 2012). Moreover,
it provides mobility of the people, goods, access to employment, education, shopping, health and entertainment
opportunities. Quality urban public transport can also play an important role in reducing an increasing use of
private motorized mode of transport. By doing so, urban transport service doubles the value and quality of urban
life. However, this fact is so when there is only effective or satisfactory urban public transport services is
delevered to the people or transport users. But, as it is indicated by Sanjay (2016), effective or satisfactory urban
public transport service provisions have never been an easy task to many cities of developing countries.
Sustainable urban public transport needs to satisfy the demands of transport users. Since the demand of
customers is always increasing, service providers should apply their ultimate potential to make their customers
satisfied. However, in the absence of quality urban transport services and competition in the sector, customers’
satisfaction is compromised. This would again affect the rights of customers’ to get quality services they deem to
get. To increase public transport service, the service should be designed and performed in a way it
accommodates the levels of service sought by customers (Beirão and Cabral, 2007). As indicated in Fellsson and
Friman (2012), customers perceive the quality of public transport based on different factors i.e. reliability,
frequency, travel time and fare level, comfort and cleanliness, network coverage/distance to stop, and safety
issues. Similarly Palmer and Cole (1995), stated that transportation service users want to consume a comfortable
service in agreed time and in a convenient place. They further stated that ―Service producers have to be
increasingly sure that they are producing the right services, in the right way, in the right places, at the right time,
for the right price. Jonson and Clark (2005) also stated that customer satisfaction is the result of customer’s
comparison of their perception of service delivery with their prior expectations. According to them, to satisfy
customers, service providers are required to deliver a service that fulfill customers requirement. To this end,
customer satisfaction level is rated as poor if their perception of the actual service is below their expectations
(Baron and Harris, 2003).
Transport users (customers) are stakeholders in urban public transport governance and their satisfaction is a
priority area in the management of transports system. Moreover, service quality is a critical prerequisite factor
that determines the satisfaction of transport users. In the context of public transport research, ‘service quality is a
measure of how well the service level delivered matches with customer expectations’ (Transportation Research
Board, 2004). Delivering quality service means conforming to customer expectations on a consistent basis
(Berry, 1983). As stated by deOna et al. (2012), service quality is measured primarily from the customer’s

International Journal of African and Asian Studies
ISSN 2409-6938 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JAAS
Vol.53, 2019

perspective since customers are the only judges of service quality. Hence, transport users will have favorable
perception of service quality if the service provided matches or exceeds their expectations. However, their
perception will be unfavorable if the service quality is below the expectations.
According to Berry et al (1985), the most acknowledged and applied model in diversity of industries is the
SERQUAL (service quality) model. This model proposed five dimensions that can be used to measure quality of
services. Nasution (2010) presented these determinants sequentially based on its importance as reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibility.
A study conducted by Ladhari, (2009) suggested that the SERVQUAL model is a good scale to measure
service quality in different sectors. Hence, this study is conducted with the objective of measuring the level of
customer satisfaction in urban public transport service provision in the three study areas of Southern Nations,
Nationalities, and People’s Region (SNNPRS) by using the SERVQUAL model which takes customers
expectation and their perception of the service into account.

2. Method
This study was conducted in Hawassa City, Sodo and Hosana Towns of SNNPRS, Ethiopia. In this study, a cross
sectional survey design was applied and 300 transport users were selected of which 100 are selected from each
study area. To select the sample population, convenient sampling technique was applied. We have visited
different routes at different times of travel in all study areas. Respondents were selected randomly by informing
them about the objective of the research and getting their full consent. Since the objective of this study is to
measure the level of transport users’ satisfaction on urban public transport service provision, a quantitative
research approach was used.
Relevant data for the study was collected from both primary and secondary source of data. The primary data
was collected through semi-structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was prepared based on international
standard measurements of service quality (See Table 1.). On these ground, respondents were asked to rate their
satisfaction on the qualities of service they get from urban public transport service. The questionnaire was
prepared in English and translated in to Amharic language in which all respondents can understand. On the other
hand, secondary data was also collected from published and unpublished secondary sources of information such
as articles, reports and web-sources.
Table1: Dimensions and variables to measure service quality
Dimension Attribute
Reliability Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately, punctuality, frequency of
public transport to meet requirements of users
Responsiveness Willingness to help customer or respond to their demand and provide prompt service
Assurance Knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to instill trust and confidence in
Empathy Caring, individualized attention the firm provide its customer, address customer concern and
Tangibility Physical facilities, equipment, and appearance of personnel
Source: Literature review, 2017
Depending on the above variables, in this study, attempt has been made to measure the quality of services
provided and level of customers satisfaction on urban public transport service in the study area. Accordingly,
urban public transport is differently used from the way other writers have been used. Urban public transport is
more broadly used to incorporate all major modes of public transportation such as buses, taxis and auto
rickshows or three wheeler vehicles irrespective of ownership structure or regulatory basis, while in many
instances it is used to refer to mass transport or city bus transportations, which is among the least developed
transport sector in many cities and towns of developing countries (Kumar and Barrett, 2008). Hence, in this
study, our analysis of customer satisfaction on urban public transport lays on transport users who use the
different modes of urban public transport service.
The process of data collection involved two steps. The first step was about the selection of potentially busy
routes or points. The second step was about selection of respondents. For the above two steps separate sampling
techniques; purposive and convenient sampling technique were used. Purposive sampling technique was used to
identify potentially busy routes, points/terminals and pick times where significant number of transport users may
be found. On the other hand, convenient sampling technique was used to select individual respondents to
administer the questionnaire. Finally, the collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics i.e. percentage
and frequency.

3. Results
3.1. Socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents
As depicted in table 2, out of the total respondents consulted from all the three study areas, nearly 80% of them

International Journal of African and Asian Studies
ISSN 2409-6938 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JAAS
Vol.53, 2019

were males and the remaining 20% were females. From all the three study areas, while the highest percentage of
female respondent which accounts to 45% was from Hawassa city, the lowest percentage which only accounts to
4% was from Sodo town. On the other hand, the reverse of this percentage signals where the highest as well as
the lowest percentage of the male respondents were consulted from, which was 96% and 55%, Sodo and
Hawassa city respectively.
The fact bearing careful attention regarding the gender composition of the above figure is that, since the
consultation of the respondents was partly out of convenience and proximity to the researchers, it doesn’t tell us
the gender difference of transport use and has no any implication on the broader gender dimension of urban
transport usage. Rather, it might tell us the views expressed in this study dominantly represent the males’ views
and orientation of urban transport service.
With regard to the age composition of the respondents, the table showed that, in all the three study areas,
66% or highest number of them were between the age categories of 18-24. Even though, the critical lowest
number (0.3%) of them is between 55-64 age category, the moderate lowest number (18.33%) of them were
between 35-54 age.
With regard to the occupation of the respondents, the table showed that, the employees represent the largest
number (48.7%) of the respondents followed by student (26.7%). This implies that, about 75% of the
respondents were students and employees. While the ‘Others’ and ‘House Wife’ were among the lowest number
of the respondents at 1.7% and 1% respectively, and nearly equal percentage (11%) of the respondents were job
seekers and private workers.
Table 2: Gender, age, and occupational status of respondents
Characteristics City/Town Total
Hawassa Hosana Sodo
Fr. % Fr. % Fr. % Fr. %
Gender Male 55 0.55 88 0.88 96 0.96 239 79.7
Female 45 0.55 12 0.12 4 0.04 61 20.3
Total 100 100.0 100 100.0 100 100.0 300 100.10
18-24 34 34.0 39 39.0 46 46.0 119 66.3
25-34 51 51.0 36 36.0 38 38.0 125 41.67
35-54 15 15.0 25 25.0 15 15.0 55 18.33
Age 55-64 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.0 1 0.3
Student 37 37.0 13 13.0 30 30.0 80 26.7
Job seeker 2 2.0 4 4.0 26 26.0 32 10.7
Employee 59 59.0 57 57.0 30 30.0 146 48.7
Private work 2 2.0 20 20.0 11 11.0 33 11.0
Housewife 0 0.0 2 2.0 1 1.0 3 1.0
Occupation Retired 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.0 1 0.3
Other 0 0.0 4 4.0 1 1.0 5 1.7
Source: Fieldwork, 2017
There is no question about the necessity of urban transport at all. In all of the three study areas, there has
been significant number of peoples demanding frequently on a daily base. As depicted in the Table 3, the overall
frequency of transport usage on a daily base, in all areas, was accounted at 42% followed by both 1-2 and 3-4
days per week which equally count 19%. With regard to specific city and towns’ case, nearly 49% of the
respondents frequently used transport on a daily base from Hawassa city followed by 42% and 35% from Hosana
and Sodo towns respectively.
Comparatively, though, Sodo town exhibited the lowest frequency of transport usage on a daily base (35%),
on an aggregate level of the three top frequency of transport usage (Every day, 1-2 days per week and 3-4 days
per week), it exhibited highest frequency of transport usage at 85% followed by 78% and 68% of Hawassa city
and Hosana town respectively.
With regard to preferred mode of urban transport most often used, the finding of the study showed that,
while Bajaj was the most preferred mode of transport (70%) followed by Mini Bus (22%), City bus (5.3%) and
Damas (3%) were rated as the least preferred mode of public transport respectively in all the three study areas.
One of the biggest challenges to take this result for grant and make conclusive generalization was the existing
number of these modes as well as the functionality of few of them. In Hosana and Sodo towns for instance, the
city buses were not functioning. Besides, Damas and minibus are few in number in Hosana town while they are
not found in Sodo town.
Concerning with specific city and towns’ case, Bajaj still outweighs the other modes of transport. Be it as it
may, the finding showed that, the highest percentage of Bajaj mode was used in Hosana town (74%) followed by

International Journal of African and Asian Studies
ISSN 2409-6938 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JAAS
Vol.53, 2019

Sodo town (73%). In Hawassa city, Bajaj accounts to 62% followed by 32% of Mini Bus taxi. This shows that,
the availability of other modes of transport (i.e. City bus, Damas, Mini-bus) can reduce the choice of Bajaj as the
dominant preferred mode of urban public transport.
Table 3: Urban transport use and preferred mode of urban transport
City/Town Total
Hawassa Hosana Sodo
Items Fr. % Fr. % Fr. % Fr. %
Every day 49 49.0 42 42.0 35 35.0 126 42.0

1-2 days per week 18 18.0 14 14.0 25 25.0 57 19.0

3-4 days per week 11 11.0 22 22.0 25 25.0 58 19.3

Frequency of 4-5 days per week 8 8.0 14 14.0 10 10.0 32 10.7

transport usage 6-7 days per week 14 14.0 8 8.0 5 5.0 27 9.0
per week
City Bus 6 6.0 2 2.0 8 16 5.3
Preferred Mini Bus 32 32.0 20 20.0 14 14.0 66 22.0
Mode of
Transport Damas 0 0.0 4 4.0 5 5.0 9 3.0

Bajaj 62 62.0 74 74.0 73 73.0 209 70.0

Source: Fieldwork, 2017

The study also found out that Bajaj is the preferred dominant mode of transport since it is easily available
and saves time [it loads only three passengers]; comfortable, no suffocation and crowed; no need of waiting
more time to get passenger, and it can travel to any roots compared to other modes. Besides these attractive
characteristics of Bajaj, short supply of other modes is also another important factor. Respondents replied that
taxis and city buses are not adequately available in cities.

3.2. Reliability of Urban Public Transport Services

The finding of the study showed that, the access and availability of urban public transport in all the three study
areas were negligible. As indicated in Table 4, out of the total respondents, 28.7% of them responded that public
transport is available in the city/towns. From the three study areas, Hawassa city exhibited the lowest percentage
of public transport availability (16%) while Hosana town signals the better rate of public transport availability
Similarly, accessibility of public transport upon demand was also rated at the lowest level in all study areas.
The finding indicated that, though accessibility upon demand was slightly better than availability within the
city/towns at 40%, when it is seen from what it would have been; still the accessibility of public transport upon
demand was minimal and limited.
Other important issues related to the availability of public transport were the issue of the average distance
travelled to get into taxi/bus stops and the minimum waiting time to get transport service. While the average
distance traveled to get into taxi/bus stops was reasonably fair and good enough, the minimum waiting time to
get transport service, on the other hand, was by far daunting and too long. As shown in Table 4, the average
walking distance to get into public transport was labeled as medium distance (51.3%) followed by ‘near
distance’ and ‘very near distance’ which was 27.7% and 25% respectively. However, regarding the issue of
minimum waiting time to get into transport service, almost about 62.3% of the respondents replied that waiting
for taxi/bus to get transport service took them more than 21-30 minutes and above.

International Journal of African and Asian Studies
ISSN 2409-6938 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JAAS
Vol.53, 2019

Table 4: Reliability and availability of transport service

Item City/Town Total
Hawassa Hosana Sodo
Fr. % Fr. % Fr. % Fr. %
Availability of public Yes 16 16.0 36 36.0 34 34.0 86 28.7
transport in the No 84 84.0 64 64.0 66 66.0 214 77.3
Accessibility upon Yes 33 33.0 42 42.0 45 45.0 120 40.0
demand No 67 67.0 58 58.0 55 55.0 180 60.0
Average walking Very near distance 9 9.0 10 10.0 6 6 25 25.0
distance to get public Near distance 26 26.0 29 29.0 28 28 83 27.7
transport Medium distance 49 49.0 51 51.0 54 54 154 51.3
Far distance 5 5.0 4 4.0 9 9 18 6.0
Very far distance 11 11.0 6 6.0 3 3 20 6.7
Waiting Periods 1-10minutes 5 7.5 12 20.7 10 18.2 27 15.0
11-20 minutes 18 26.9 9 15.5 14 25.5 41 22.8
21-30 Minutes 25 37.3 10 17.2 7 12.7 42 23.3
More than 30
19 28.4 27 46.6 24 43.6 70 39.0
Source: Fieldwork, 2017

3.3. Assurance of Urban Public Transport Service

Assurance in the provision of urban public transport service is crucial. Public transport service devoid of security
and customer handling as well as trustworthiness and good ethical qualities or technical expertise of operators
affects the social development of the people and also exploits them economically. For this reason, effective
urban public transport service requires these things to function well or/and to provide maximum possible service
to the city dwellers.
Cognizant of this, the finding of the study showed that, the degree of security provided was relatively better
and roughly labeled at 65% in all study areas. However, the degree of security is more problematic in Hawassa
city (42%) followed by Hosana (36%) and Sodo town (26%). Contrary to this, the degree of drivers’
trustworthiness to the users, and possessions of desired ethical qualities and technical expertise on the job, was
very lower which is rated as 20% and 26 % respectively. This figure shows that, drivers and boarding staff are
dubious and disrespectful to the users while providing transport service to the public. Compared to the three
study areas, drivers are less trustworthy in Hosana town (16%) followed by Sodo (19%) and Hawassa (24%).
Likely drivers ethical qualities and technical expertise to help customers is lower in Hosana (18%), followed by
Hawassa (29%), and Sodo (30%).

3.4. Empathy
Table, 5 Transport assurance and degree of security
Items City/Town Total
Hawassa Hosana Sodo
% % % %
Very high 6.0 3.0 5.0 4.7
High 11.0 12.0 13.0 12.0
Medium 41.0 49.0 56.0 48.7
Degree of security during Public Transport Service Low 21.0 19.0 11.0 17.0
Delivery Very Low 21.0 17.0 15.0 17.7
Do drivers & staffs help you to develop some degree of trust upon Yes 24.0 16.0 19.0 19.7
them? No 76.0 84.0 81.0 80.3
Do drivers & staffs possess the Yes 29.0 18.0 30.0 25.7
desired ethical qualities and technical expertise No 71.0 82.0 70.0 74.3
Source: Fieldwork, 2017
As indicated in Table 6, significant number of respondents replied that drivers and staffs had poor customer
handling services. Accordingly, from the three study areas, 48.3% of respondents replied that customer handling
and provision of satisfactory service by drivers and staffs is poor. Another significant number of respondents
(41.7%), replied that they do have a medium level of satisfaction. It is only 10% of respondents who replied that
there is high level of customer handling and provision of satisfactory urban public transport service. Looking at

International Journal of African and Asian Studies
ISSN 2409-6938 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JAAS
Vol.53, 2019

the disaggregated data, Customers from Hosana (54%) are not satisfied with the degree of empathy of drivers
and staffs followed by customers from Hawassa (48%).
Table 6: Empathy of Urban Public Transport Service Providers
City/Town Total
Hawassa Hosana Sodo
Items % % % %
Very high 5.0 2.00 3 3.3
Degree of drivers’ & staffs’ High 8.0 5.0 7 6.7
customer handling & provision Medium 39.0 39.0 47 41.7
of Low 23.0 21.0 23 22.3
Satisfactory service Very Low 25.0 33.0 20 26.0
Source: Fieldwork, 2017

3.5. Tangibility of Urban Public Transport Services

In this study, while analyzing the degree of passengers’ satisfaction with urban public transport service, focus
was made on seven different variables of tangibility as shown under Table 7. These variables of public transport
tangibility constitute the overall physical conditions of vehicles and individuals’ hygiene of vehicle operators
and other boarding staffs. The result of the study shows that, the overall physical conditions of vehicles and
individuals’ hygiene of operators and other boarding staffs have a considerable negative effect on the degree of
passengers’ satisfaction with urban public transport in the study areas. Accordingly, the aggregate percentage of
the overall variables included under tangibility is rated at 23.4 %. The table also shows that loading
corresponding to vehicles seats, and individuals’ hygiene of operators and boarding staffs is very low which is
founded at 7.7 % and 18% respectively. Contrary to this, sound disturbance and seats comfort inside the vehicle
to some degree met the expectation of passengers at 45.7 % and 40 % respectively in all the study areas.
However, there is still low satisfaction of customers with regard to ventilation (23 %), cleanness of vehicles
(25 %), and enough space for legs (28 %).
Specifically, of all the three areas, the relative highest percentage of passengers’ satisfaction is found in
Hawassa and Sodo which is equally rated at 28%. On the other hand, Hosana experienced the lowest percentage
of passengers’ satisfaction (23.9 %).
Table 7: Tangibility of urban Public Transport
Variables City/Town Total
Hawassa Hosana Sodo
Fr. % Fr. % Fr. % Fr. %
Yes 17 17.0 17 17.0 20 20.0 54 18.0
Drivers and staffs No 83 83.0 83 83.0 80 80.0 246 82.0
keep their hygiene well
Yes 5 5.0 4 4.0 14 14.0 23 7.7
corresponds to Seats No 95 95.5 96 96.0 86 86.0 277 92.3
Seats are Yes 41 41.0 34 34.0 44 44.0 119 39.7
Comfortable No
59 59.0 66 66.0 56 56.0 181 60.3
inside the vehicle
Enough space is Yes 44 44.0 13 13.0 28 28.0 85 28.3
there for legs No 56 56.0 87 87.0 72 72.0 215 71.7
Vehicles are Yes 23 23.0 26 26.0 26 26.0 75 25.0
Clean No 77 77.0 74 74.0 74 74.0 225 75.0
Ventilation (air Yes 15 15.0 27 27.0 26 26.0 68 22.7
circulation) is No
85 85.0 73 73.0 74 74.0 232 77.3
Sound Yes 48 48.0 54 54.0 61 61.0 163 54.3
Disturbance No
52 52.0 46 46.0 39 39.0 137 45.7
within vehicles
Source: Fieldwork, 2017

International Journal of African and Asian Studies
ISSN 2409-6938 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JAAS
Vol.53, 2019

3.6. Responsiveness of Operators towards transport Users

As indicated in Table 8, the degree of operators’ responsiveness and cooperation to passengers is low in all study
areas. Accordingly, the lowest level of operators’ responsiveness is observed on the element of providing
services as per transport rule which is rated at 24.7% followed by 26.7% of operators’ notification while tariff
change is made. Likely, only 31% of respondents replied that operators respect traffic rules. Besides, only 33%
of respondents replied that operators are cooperatives to transport users. With regard to specific city and towns,
even though the difference is insignificant, satisfaction of customers on operators’ responsiveness is better in
Sodo town at (29%) followed by Hawassa (22%). The lowest operators’ degree of responsiveness and
cooperation is found in Hosana town at 21%.
Table 8: Operators Responsiveness to transport users
Variables City/Town Total
Hawassa Hosana Sodo
Response Fr. % Fr. % Fr. % Fr. %
Operators are Yes 38 38.0 23 23.0 40 40.0 101 33.7
Cooperative No 62 62.0 77 77.0 60 60.0 199 66.3
Operators notify Yes 16 16.0 30 30.0 34 34.0 80 26.7
tariff changes when
Made No 84 84.0 70 70.0 66 66.0 220 73.3
Operators respect all
traffic rules Yes 12 12.0 9 9.0 10 10.0 31 10.3

88 88.0 91 91.0 90 90.0 269 89.7

Operators Yes 22 22.0 21 21.0 31 31.0 74 24.7

Provide Effective
service as per the rules No 78 78.0 79 79.0 69 69.0 226 75.3
Source: Fieldwork, 2017

3.7. Overall satisfaction level of urban public transport users

The statistical distribution of respondents’ on overall satisfaction with the existing urban public transport
services in the study area is presented under Table 9. Accordingly, a close observation to the overall average
percentage of reliability dimension of urban transport in all the study areas is around 45.8%. But specifically,
Hosana town has a better result of transport service reliability by 50.8% followed by Sodo at 50.2%. A close
observation to summary of variables of measuring assurance also shown that, the average level of customer
satisfaction is 36.5%. Hosana town has registered the lowest result at 32.6%.Moreover, the cumulative average
response about empathy shows that, the level of customer satisfaction is 51.7%. Still Hosana town has the lowest
level of customers’ satisfaction by 46%. Besides, the overall average response regarding tangibility dimension is
26.7%. The result is very lower in Hosana town by 23.8%. In addition, the overall average response about
responsiveness is 23.9% in all the study areas. It is the lowest of all five dimensions used to measure customers’
satisfaction. The lowest result is still registered in Hosana town.
Generally, the finding of the study showed that, the overall average rating of the five dimension of
customers’ satisfaction is 36.92%. This is a very critical level. This being the case, Sodo town has the better level
of customer's satisfaction by 40.26%. But, Hosana town has the lowest level of customer's satisfaction by 34.8%.
Table 9: Overall customer satisfaction on public transport service
Dimensions Hawassa Hosana Sodo Total
Reliability 41.85 50.8 50.17 45.8
Assurance 37 32.6 41 36.5
Empathy 52 46 57 51.7
Tangibility 28.14 23.85 24.42 26.7
Responsiveness 22 20.75 28.75 23.9
Total 36.19 34.8 40.26 36.92
Source: Fieldwork, 2017

4. Conclusion
Customer satisfaction in all the study areas is insignificant. Not only customers’ satisfaction but also the
existence of urban public transport service is insufficient particularly with respect to the existing demand for the
service. There is highest rate of popular mobility in all areas. But the available transport service is below the

International Journal of African and Asian Studies
ISSN 2409-6938 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JAAS
Vol.53, 2019

level of required demand. The level of the existing urban transport service is at infant stage and mostly
The availability of larger sized city buses, capable of transporting large number of transport users at once
are minimal and none existent in some areas. Dominantly, Bajaj or rickshaw motor taxis are available for public
transport service. This made the level of customers’ satisfaction in urban public transport service below 50%.
Urban public transport service is neither reliable nor tangible or responsive to the customers in all the study
areas. Even though, the three study areas are found at different level of socio-economic and political
development, in terms of the level of customers’ satisfaction, there is no significant difference among them. But,
relatively speaking, Sodo town has a better level of customers’ satisfaction on urban public transport services
followed by Hawassa City. Contrarily, Hosana town has the lowest level of customers’ satisfaction in urban
transport service.

We would like to express your heartfelt gratitude to participants of this study who were cooperative to provide
genuine data. We are also thankful to Transport Bureau of SNNPRS and Institute of Policy and Development
Research of Hawassa University who provided a financial grant to conduct this study.

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About the Authors

Robera Regassa Kenei is a Lecturer in the School of Governance and Development Studies, Hawassa University,
Ethiopia. He holds BED degree in Civics and Ethical Studies from Mekele University. He also holds MA degree
in International Relations from Addis Ababa University. Robera has research interest on areas of human rights,
conflict studies, service delivery, gender, peace and development, and youth empowerment.

International Journal of African and Asian Studies
ISSN 2409-6938 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JAAS
Vol.53, 2019

Akalewold Fedilu Mohammed is a Lecturer in the School of Governance and Development Studies, Hawassa
University. He obtained his BA degree in Governance and Development Studies and MA degree in Governance
and Development Studies, specialization in ‘Development Management’ from the School of Governance and
Development Studies, Hawassa University, Ethiopia. Akalewold’s research interests focus on politics and
governance, development project, public policy, poverty, community empowerment, children and people’s work,
and gender.

Degwale Gebeyehu Belay is a Lecturer in the Department of Governance and Development Studies, Bahir Dar
University, Ethiopia. He holds a BA degree in Public Administration and Development Management, and MA
degree in ‘Regional and Local Development Studies’ from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. He also holds an
MA degree in Development Studies (Major in ‘Social Policy for Development’, specialization in ‘Children and
Youth Studies’) from the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam, the
Netherlands. Degwale’s research interest lies with issues of children and young people’s work, employment, and
migration; and public policy.

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