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Astm D4161 (2001)

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#Tb Designation: D 4161 01 -

Standard Specification for

“Fiberglass” (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin)
Pipe Joints Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals’92
This standard is issued under the k e d designation D 4161: the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (E) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapprovai.

1. Scope 4. Types of Joints

1.1 This specification covers axially unrestrained bell-and- 4.1 This specification covers two types of axially unre-
spigot gasket joints including couplings required for machine- strained joints based on effecting soundness of the joint
made “fiberglass” (glass-fiber-reinforced thermosetting-resin) through compression of an elastomeric seal or ring:
pipe systems, 8 in. (200 mm) through 144 in. (3700 mm), using 4.1.1 Bell-and-spigot or coupling joint with the gasket
flexible elastomeric seals to obtain soundness. The pipe sys- placed in the bell in circumferential compression. An elasto-
tems may be pressure (typically up to 250 psi) or nonpressure meric gasket joint design featuring a continuous elastomeric
systems for water or for chemicals or gases that are not ring gasket placed in an annular space provided in the bell or
deleterious to the materials specified in this specification. This socket of the pipe or fitting. The spigot end of the pipe or fitting
specification covers materials, dimensions, test requirements, is forced into the bell, thereby compressing the gasket radially
and methods of test. to form a positive seal.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded 4.1.2 Bell-and-spigot or coupling joint with the gasket
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are provided placed on the spigot in circumferential tension: A push on joint
for information purposes only. design featuring a continuous elastomeric ring gasket placed in
an annular space provided on the spigot end of the pipe or
NOTE1-There is a similar but technically different I S 0 Standard (IS0
8639). fitting. The spigot is forced into the bell of the pipe or fitting,
thereby compressing the gasket radially to form a positive seal.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the N a 2-A coupling joint of these types is a loose double-bell sleeve
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- used to connect pipes which have spigots at both ends (see Fig. 1). All
references to bells in this specification are applicable to the sleeve
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- coupling as well as to the integrai bell of a bell-and-spigot gasket joint.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
5. Materiais and Manufacture
2. Referenced Documents
5.1 The gasket shall be a continuous elastomeric ring of
2.1 ASTM Standards: circular or other geometric cross section and shall meet the
D 883 Terminology Relating to Plastics3 requirementsof Specification F 477, unless otherwise specified
D 1600 Terminology for Abbreviated Terms Relating to in this specification. When a splice is used in the manufacture
Plastics3 of the gasket, no more than two splices shall be made in any
F 412 Terminology Relating to Plastic Piping Systems4 one gasket.
F 477 Specification for Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for 5.1.1 The chemical composition of the gasket shall be
Joining Plastic Pipe4 compatible with the type of environment to which it will be
3. Terminology subjected. Selection of the gasket composition shall be in
accordance with a purchaser and seller agreement.
3.1 Dejnitions:
3.1.1 General-Definitions and abbreviations are in accor- NOTE3-Consult the gasket manufacturer for advice as to the suitabil-
dance with Terminology D 883 or Terminology F 412, and ity of specific mbber compounds for the intended service and joint
configurations. Items such as cold set when the joint is deflected under
Terminology D 1600 unless otherwise indicated. low-temperature conditions and maximum and minimum stretch in the
gasket may be dependent upon the specific chemical compounds used.
‘This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20 on 5.2 Materials in the bell and spigot of the joint shall meet
Plastics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.23 on Reinforced
Plastic Piping Systems and Chemical Equipment. the requirements of the applicable ASTM specification for the
Current edition approved June 10, 2001. Published September 2001. Originally pipe or fitting of which the joint is a part.
published as D 4161 - 82. Last previous edition D 4161 - 96.
An IS0 equivalency statement was added. 6. Requirements
Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 08.01.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.04. 6.1 Joint Su$aces-All surfaces of the joint upon or against

Copyright OASTM. 1M) Barr Harbor Drive, West Conchohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States.

COPYRIGHT ASTM International
Licensed by Information Handling Services
Eíasfomeric (Co*plina spigot, if the groove is in the bell. When the design volume of the gasket is less than
75 % of the volume of the annular space in which the gasket is
confined, the dimensions and tolerances of the gasket, bell, and
spigot shall be such that, when the outer surface of the spigot
and the inner surface of the bell come into contact at some
point in their periphes; the deformation in the gasket shall not
exceed 40 % at the point of contact nor be less than 15 % at any
point. If the design volume of the gasket is 75 % or more of the
volume of the annular space, the deformation of the gasket, as
prescribed above, shall not exceed 50 96 nor be less than 15 %.
The cross-sectional area of annular space shall be calculated
for average bell diameter, average spigot diameter, average
width of groove at surface of spigot, and average depth of
groove. The volume of the annular space shall be calculated at
the centerline of the groove and considering the centroid of the
FIG. 1 Typical Coupling Joint Detail cross-sectional area to be at the midpoint between the surface
of the groove on which the gasket is seated and the surface of
which the gasket may bear shall be smooth and free of cracks, the bell, if the groove is on the spigot, or the surface of the
fractures, or other imperfections that would adversely affect the spigot, if the groove is in the bell.
performance of the joint.
NOTE&It is recognized that a relationship exists between the water-
6.2 Joint Geometry-The design of the joint shall include a
tightness of a joint, the gasket deformation, and the ratio of gasket volume
means to retain the gasket and prevent it from being uninten- to space volume. For high-pressure applications, it may be necessary to
tionally displaced, either during assembly of the joint or during provide a very high-volume ratio to obtain a sound joint. Some manufac-
operation of the completed pipe system. turers also have developed satisfactory joints with very littie gasket
6.3 Dimensions and Tolerances-The provisions of deformation, but meet the requirements of Section 6 by utilizing a very
apply only to a joining system utilizing a gasket of circular high-volume ratio.
cross section retained in a rectangular groove. Manufacturers When determining the maximum percent deforma-
may submit to the purchaser detailed designs for joints utilizing tion of the gasket, the minimum depth of groove and the
gaskets or grooves, or both, of other geometric shape or for stretched gasket diameter shall be used and calculations made
joints not meeting the criteria of 6.3.1. Joints not meeting the at the centerline of the groove. When determining the mini-
requirements of this section shall meet the test requirements of mum percent deformation of the gasket, the maximum bell
Section 7; such joints shall be acceptable, provided the design diameter, the minimum spigot diameter, the maximum depth of
is approved by the purchaser prior to manufacture and provided groove, and the stretched gasket diameter shall be used and
the test pipe complies with the specified test requirements. Test calculations made at the centerline of the groove. For gasket
results may be extended to other diameters with the same joint deformation calculations, if the gasket is placed on the spigot
configuration, gasket shape and gasket composition provided in circumferential tension, the stretched gasket diameter shall
substantially similar gasket compressions and gasket hardness be determined as being the design diameter of the gasket
are maintained. Gasket dimensions may be increased or de- divided by the square root of (1 + x ) where x equals the design
creased provided joint geometry is also appropriately propor- percent of gasket stretch divided by 100. If the gasket is placed
tioned so that critical relationships like gasket confinement are in the bell in circumferential compression, the design diameter
equal or supenor to the tested joint. Design submissions shall of the gasket shall be used.
include joint geometry, tolerances, gasket characteristics, pro- The taper on all sealing surfaces of the bell and
posed plant tests, and such other information as required by the spigot on which the elastomeric gasket may bear after closure
purchaser to evaluate the joint design for field performance. of the joint and at any degree of partial closure, except within
6.3.1 Joints Using Circular Gasket Cross Sections: the gasket groove, shall form an angle of not more than 2" with The volume of the annular space provided for the the longitudinal axis of the pipe. If the joint design does not
gasket, with the engaged joint at normal joint closure in incorporate a mechanical locking feature, the joint shall be
concentric position, and neglecting ellipticity of the bell and designed and manufactured in such a way that at the position
spigot, shall not be less than the design volume of the gasket of normal joint closure, the parallel surfaces upon which the
furnished. For a rectangular gasket groove, the cross-sectional gasket may bear after closure will extend not less than 0.75 in.
area of annular space shall be calculated for minimum bell (20 mm) away from the edges of the gasket groove.
inside diameter, maximum spigot outside diameter, minimum Circular Gaskets:
width of groove at surface of spigot, and minimum depth of In a joint in which the gasket is placed in the bell
groove. The volume of the annular space shall be calculated at in circumferential compression, the circumferential length of
the centerline of the groove and considering the centroid of the the gasket shall be such that, when inserted into the gasket
cross-sectional area to be at the midpoint between the surface groove, the amount of circumferential compression will be less
of the groove on which the gasket is seated and the surface of than 4 %. In larger pipe diameters, an adhesive may be required
the bell, if the groove is on the spigot, or the surface of the to hold the gasket in place prior to installation.

COPYRIGHT ASTM International
Licensed by Information Handling Services
4161 in an elastomeric joint in which the gasket is
placed on the spigot in circumferential tension, the circumfer-
ential length of the gasket shall be such that, when installed in
the gasket groove, the amount of stretch shall not exceed 30 %. Compute the amount of compression or stretch by
comparing the circumferential length of the centroid of the
relaxed gasket with the circumferential length of the centroid
Il- . .
Joint An&

of the compressed or stretched gasket after installation in the

bell or on the spigot. Each gasket shall be manufactured to provide the
volume of elastomer required by the pipe manufacturer's joint
design, with a tolerance of 2 1 % for gaskets of 1.0-in.
(25-mm) diameter and larger. The allowable percentage toler- Pipe Size Joint Angle
ance shall vary linearly between 4 3 % and I 1 96 for gasket
5 20 in. 3"
diameters between 0.5 and 1.0 in. (13 and 25 mm). s20 in. 5 33 in. 2"
6.3.2 The tolerances permitted in the construction of the >33 in. 5 60 in. 10
joint shall be those stated in the pipe manufacturer's design as
N m 1-Joint opening shall not exceed the maximum unsmssed limit
6.3.3 Drawings-The manufacturer shall furnish drawings permitted by dimensional clearance between spigot and bell.
of the joint and gasket, including dimensions and tolerances, if FIG. 2 Typical Bell-and-Spigot Gasket Joint Detail
requested by the purchaser.

7. Laboratory Performance Requirements N m 5-This test is a laboratory performance test of joint integrity and
is not indicative of allowable angular deflections in field installations. In
7.1 General: actual installations, deflections greater than the manufacturer's recom-
7.1.1 The gasket shall be the sole element depended upon to mended maximum should be avoided, and elbows, bends, or special
make the joint leakproof. The assembled joints shall pass the fittings should be used in such cases.
performance tests listed in this section. The tests shall be 7.3 Pipes in Laterally Offset Position (Shear Loading)-
performed with components selected to provide minimum Using a pipe and joint system as described in 7.1.2, the test
compression in the gasket. The internal hydrostatic pressures sections shall be deflected while the pipe units are in a
required in 7.2 and 7.3 shall be two times the rated pressure, if horizontal position, as shown in Fig. 3, by applying a perpen-
the pipe is manufactured for pressure service, or 29 psi (200 dicular load. The load shall be 100 lb/in. (17.5 kN/m) in
E a ) , if the pipe is manufactured for nonpressure service. diameter. The load shall be uniformly applied over an arc of not
7.1.2 Laboratory hydrostatic pressure tests on joints shall be more than 120" along a longitudinal distance equal to one pipe
made on an assembly of two sections of pipe properly diameter or 12 in. (300 mm), whichever is the smaller, at the
connected in accordance with the joint design. Suitable bulk- unsupported spigot end of the pipe immediately adjacent to the
heads may be provided within the pipe adjacent to and on bell of the assembled joint. The pipe in the test shall be
either side of the joint, or the outer ends of the two jointed pipe supported on adequate blocks placed immediately behind or on
sections may be bulkheaded. Restraints may be provided at the the bells, as indicated in Fig. 3. Bands may be required to
joint to resist transverse thrust. No coatings, fillings, or secure the pipe to the blocks. There shall be no leakage when
packings shall be placed prior to the hydrostatic tests. the appropriate internal hydrostatic test pressure is applied for
7.2 Pipes in Angularly Dejected Position-Using a pipe 10 min after application of the load.
and joint system as described in 7.1.2, the test sections shall be 7.4 Vacuum or External Pressure Test-The assembledjoint
deflected angularly, as shown in Fig. 2, and subjected to the shall withstand an external pressure of 11.6-psi (80-kPa) gage
appropriate internal hydrostatic test pressure for 10 min with- or an internal vacuum of -11.6-psi (-80-Wa) gage while in the
out leakage. The angle defined by the joint openings given in angularly deflected position, as in 7.2, and in the laterally offset
Fig. 2 is the angle between the axis of the two joined pipes. position, as in 7.3. Allow the pressure to stabilize for 30 min,
7.2.1 Joints intended for use of pressures greater than 250 then seal off for a minimum of 10 min. The maximum
psi may have lower allowable angular deflections than those permissible pressure increase inside of the pipe during the
given in Fig. 2 by manufacturer purchaser agreement. The seal-off period shall be O. 1 psi (0.7 Wa). Some grades of pipe
joints shall be tested at the manufacturers maximum allowed may not have the capability in the pipe wall of withstanding the
angular deflection. above vacuum or external pressure. In such cases, the joint
7.2.2 Determine the joint opening by scribing a circumfer- design may be considered as meeting these criteria if a pipe and
ential index mark on the outside of the pipe a sufficient distance joint system, incorporating a geometrically identical joint and
from the spigot end to be visible when the pipe is joined. heavier-walled pipe, meets the criteria satisfactorily.
Measure the maximum and minimum distance from the end of
the bell to the mark. The difference equals the joint opening. 8. Retesting
Fig. 2 illustrates a typical joint in closed and deflected positions 8.1 If any failure occurs during performance of the tests
and the index mark. specified in Section 7, the joint may be retested to establish

COPYRIGHT ASTM International
Licensed by Information Handling Services
PCrpuidicuhr Load (f)
End Closure 12 in(soomm) or one Pipe Diameter wide

i (Both ends) x 1200 Saddle.

Full Rodius with min. (emm) hard rubber
pad- TypiCOl.

Support Support Support

NOIE 1-The load shall be applied perpendicular to the axis of the pipe. It may be applied vertically, as shown in this figure, or at any other
circumferential orientation.
FIG. 3 Shear Loading-Test Setup

conformity in accordance with agreement between the pur- meric seals; flexible gasket; glass-fiber-reinforced;pipe joints;
chaser and the manufacturer. specification; thermosetting resin
9. Keywords
9.1 angular deflection; bell and spigot; coupling; elasto-


Committee D20 has identified the location of selected changes to this standards since the last issue (D
4161-96) that may impact the use of this standard.

( I ) Modified IS0 equivalence statement. (3) Added 7.2.1 relating to high pressure points.
(2) Revised numbering of 6.3 to clarify. (Only applies to
circular gaskets.)

TheAmerican Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserfed in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibiliv.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technicalcommittee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapprovedor withdrawn. Your commentsare invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrightedby ASTM, 1O0 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,United Sfates.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
610-#2-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website ( w a s t r n .org).

COPYRIGHT ASTM International
Licensed by Information Handling Services

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