Electrofusion Type Polyethylene Fittings For Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Pipe and Tubing
Electrofusion Type Polyethylene Fittings For Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Pipe and Tubing
Electrofusion Type Polyethylene Fittings For Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Pipe and Tubing
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F 1055 – 98e1
4.2 Rework Material—Clean rework polyethylene material 5.5 Joint Integrity Tests—(Couplings and Saddle Type
of the same resin, free of any wire or contaminants generated Joints)—The joint made on the specimen shall meet the
from the fitting manufacturer’s own production, may be used requirements in 9.4 and 9.5 of this specification, when tested in
by the same manufacturer, as long as the fittings produced accordance with 9.4.
conform to the requirements of this specification.
4.3 Heating Mechanism—The heat mechanism shall be of 6. Dimensions, Mass, and Permissible Variations
materials not detrimental to the performance of the fitting or 6.1 Dimension and tolerances of electrofusion fittings must
the pipe to which it is intended to be joined. be such that heat fusion is possible to outside diameter (OD)
controlled PE pipes such as those listed in Specifications
5. Performance Requirements D 2447, D 2513, D 2737, D 3035, and F 714, such that the
joints will satisfy the performance requirements in Section 5.
5.1 The following requirements are for electrofusion joints 6.2 Because of the varying designs for electrofusion fittings,
that have been joined using the manufacturer’s recommended the actual spread of dimensions may be quite different from
joining procedures. These requirements must be met by each manufacturer to manufacturer. A table of dimensions and
electrofusion joint design, on each size and type of pipe tolerances encompassing these differences would be meaning-
material for which the manufacturer recommends use of his less and without value and, therefore, is omitted from this
fitting. Any revisions to the electrofusion joint design or specification.
processing by the manufacturer after the initial testing requires 6.3 The manufacturer shall furnish to the user the electrical
retesting to ensure these requirements can still be met. Fittings resistance, critical dimensions, and tolerances of his fittings.
intended for use in the distribution of natural gas or liquid This information must include at least the following dimen-
petroleum gas shall also meet the requirements of Specification sions and tolerances:
D 2513. 6.3.1 Coupling inside diameter,
5.1.1 It is not required that each configuration of a fitting be 6.3.2 Temperature joining limits, and
tested to meet all of these qualifications (that is, 2 in. main 6.3.3 Operating pressure of the fitting.
saddle joint with multiple outlet configurations offered) as long NOTE 2—There are other items that fall beyond the scope of this
as the electrofusion joint design is not altered in the configu- specification which would be of interest to the user for proper application
ration differences. of the fittings and is recommended as additional information to be
furnished. A few of these are: (1) maximum pipe out of round allowed at
NOTE 1—It is permissible when accomplishing these tests, to do so on joint area; (2) minimum/maximum pipe SDR capability of the fitting, and
the highest and lowest dimension ratio of the same pipe material. If in (3) for saddles intended for use on a live main, the maximum allowable
those tests all performance requirements are met, all dimension ratios line pressure when making the joint.
between those tested may be considered as having met the requirements.
These tests do not have to cover the full range of dimension ratios 7. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
available, only the dimension ratio range on which the manufacturer 7.1 The manufacture of these fittings shall be in accordance
recommends his fitting be used.
with good commercial practice so as to produce fittings
5.2 Pressure Requirements: meeting the requirements of this specification.
5.2.1 Minimum Hydraulic Burst Pressure— The minimum 7.2 The fittings shall be homogeneous throughout, except
hydraulic burst pressure of the test specimen shall not be less where a heating coil or electrical connectors are incorporated,
than that required to produce 2520 psi (17.4 MPa) fiber stress and free of cracks, holes, foreign inclusions, or injurious
in the pipe being used in the test when tested in accordance defects such as gouges, dents, cuts, etc. The fittings shall be as
with 9.1. The test equipment, procedures, and failures defini- uniform as commercially practicable in opacity, density, and
tions shall be as specified in Test Method D 1599. other physical properties. Any heating coils, connecting cables,
connectors, and related electrical power source shall be de-
5.2.2 Sustained Pressure—The fitting and fused joint shall
signed to prevent electrical shock to the user.
not fail when tested in accordance with 9.2.
5.3 Tensile Strength Requirements (Coupling Type Joints 8. Specimen Preparation
Only)—The fitting or the pipe to fitting joint made on pipe shall 8.1 Conditioning:
not fail when tested in accordance with 9.3. Specimens shall be 8.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, condition the specimens
subjected to a tensile stress that causes the pipe to yield to an (pipe and fittings) prior to joining at the minimum pipe
elongation no less than 25 % or causes the pipe to break temperature allowable for fusion as recommended by the
outside the joint area. Tensile tests must be made on specimens manufacturer, for not less than 16 h and make the fusion joint
as joined, not on straps cut from the specimen. Yielding must at that temperature for those tests where conditioning is
be measured only in the pipe, independent of the fitting or joint. required.
5.4 Impact Resistance (Saddle Type Joints Only)—The joint 8.1.2 Unless otherwise specified, condition the specimens
made on the specimen shall not fail when impacted with a force (pipe and fittings) prior to joining at the maximum pipe
sufficient to break the body or other portion of the specimen. temperature allowable for fusion as recommended by the
Tests of 500 ft·lbf or higher impact with no failures noted shall manufacturer, for not less than 16 h and make the fusion joint
be considered as a “pass” impact test. The device for testing at that temperature for those tests where conditioning is
and the methods shall be as defined in Practice F 905. required.
F 1055 – 98e1
8.2 Test Conditions—Conduct the tests at the Standard 9.2.4 Failure of any one of the four specimens shall consti-
Laboratory Temperature of 23 6 2°C (73.4 6 3.6°F) unless tute failure of the test. Failure of one of the four specimens
otherwise specified. tested is cause for retest of four additional specimens, joined at
8.3 Preparation of Specimens for Testing: the failed-specimens-joining temperature. Failure of any of
8.3.1 Prepare test specimens so that the minimum length of these four additional specimens constitutes a failure of the test.
unreinforced pipe on one side of any fitting is equal to three 9.3 Tensile Strength Test:
times the diameter of the pipe, but in no case less than 12 in. 9.3.1 Select four fittings at random and prepare specimens
(304 mm). It is permissible to test multiple fittings together in accordance with Section 8 with the exception that it is
provided they are separated by a minimum distance equal to permissible, on pipe sizes above 4 in. (102 mm) IPS, if limits
three times the diameter of the pipe, but in no case less than 12 of tensile machine will not allow 25 % elongation with pipe
in. (304 mm). specimens of three-pipe diameters, to test with free pipe
8.3.2 Fuse all fitting outlets with the appropriate size pipe in lengths of 20 in. (304-mm) minimum. From the four speci-
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended procedures. mens, condition two specimens each in accordance with 8.1.1
8.3.3 All saddle fusion joint specimens conditioned as in and 8.1.2.
8.1.2 and destined for quick burst testing as in 9.1 and 9.3.2 Test the specimens using the apparatus of Test Method
sustained pressure testing as in 9.2, are to be joined with the D 638. Test at a pull rate of 0.20 in. (5.0 mm) per min, 625 %.
pipe at no less than maximum allowable operating pressure of 9.3.3 Failure of the fitting or joint as defined in 5.3, shall
the pipe system or fitting, whichever is lowest, when being constitute specimen failure.
prepared for those tests. The pipe should be left under pressure 9.3.4 Failure of any one of the four specimens shall consti-
for a time period not less than recommended by the manufac- tute failure of the test. Failure of one of the four specimens
turer for cooling in the field prior to disturbing the joint. Saddle tested is cause for retest of four additional specimens, joined at
joint specimens destined for mechanical/destructive type tests the failed specimens joining temperature. Failure of any of
such as impact as in 5.4 or crush tests as in 9.4, or specimens these four additional specimens constitutes a failure of the test.
conditioned for cold temperature joining as in 8.1.1, may be 9.4 Joint Integrity Tests—Illustrations of joint crush tests for
made on unpressured pipe specimens. socket type joints and saddles are offered in 9.4.1 and 9.4.2 as
test methods that are useful as an evaluation of bonding
9. Test Methods strength between the pipe and fitting. Alternately, the fusion
evaluation test (FET) offered in 9.4.3 and 9.4.4 may be used in
9.1 Minimum Hydraulic Burst Pressure Test:
lieu of the crush test. Similar test evaluations as specified in the
9.1.1 Select four fittings at random and prepare specimens
contract or purchase order and as agreed upon by the purchaser
in accordance with Section 8. From the four specimens,
and manufacturer are of equal value in performing such
condition two specimens each in accordance with 8.1.1 and
evaluations and may be substituted with such agreement.
9.4.1 Joint Crush Test:
9.1.2 Test the specimens in accordance with Test Method Select four fittings at random and prepare specimens
D 1599. in accordance with Section 8. From the four specimens,
9.1.3 Failure of the fitting or joint shall constitute specimen condition two specimens each in accordance with 8.1.1 and
failure. 8.1.2 (Note 3).
9.1.4 Failure of any one of the four specimens shall consti-
tute failure of the test. Failure of one of the four specimens NOTE 3—It is permissible to utilize in joint integrity testing, specimens
from the quick-burst tests conducted in 9.1 after visually determining that
tested is cause for retest of four additional specimens, joined at
neither the joint area nor the pipe segment to be crushed was a part of the
the failed specimens joining temperature. Failure of any of failure mode in the quick-burst test.
these four additional specimens constitutes a failure of the test.
9.2 Sustained Pressure Test: Slit socket joints longitudinally as illustrated in
9.2.1 Select four fittings at random and prepare specimens Fig. 1 as near the centerline of the pipe as practical. Pipe
in accordance with Section 8 of this specification. From the lengths extending out of the socket may be cut back to a
four specimens, condition two specimens each in accordance minimum of 3 in. (76 mm) for ease of placing in a vise.
with 8.1.1 and 8.1.2. Place each specimen half in a vise such that the
outermost wire of coil is within 1.250 6 0.125 in. (32 6 3 mm)
9.2.2 Test the specimens in accordance with Test Method
of vise jaws, with the jaws closing only on the pipe portion of
D 1598. All tests shall be conducted at 80 6 2°C. The
the specimen (Fig. 2).
assemblies are to be subjected to pipe fiber stresses of 580 psi
(4.0 mPa) for 1000 h or 670 psi (4.6 mPa) for 170 h. Joint
specimens shall not fail within these time periods. Any failures
within these time periods must be of the pipe, independent of
the fitting or joint and must be of a“ brittle” type pipe failure,
not “ductile.” If ductile pipe failures occur, reduce the pressure
of the test and repeat until 170- or 1000-h results or pipe brittle
failures are achieved.
9.2.3 Failure of the fitting or joint shall constitute specimen
failure. FIG. 1 Preparation of Coupling Specimen for Crush Test
F 1055 – 98e1
F 1055 – 98e1
cut back to about 1 in. from the fitting edge. Cut FET FIG. 6 Saddle Fitting Crush Test After Crush
specimens approximately 1⁄16 in. wide from each joint half. A
minimum of four FET strips shall be cut from one half of the in the pipe, fitting, or the wire insulation material is acceptable
socket and spaced approximately 90° apart. as long as the bond interface remains intact. Grip an FET specimen in a vise or clamping device Failure of any one of the four joints shall constitute
as shown in Fig. 8 so that the bond line between the pipe and failure of the test and is cause for retest using four additional
fitting is at least 1⁄16 in. from the edges of the clamping device. fittings joined at the same conditions as the failed joint
Flex the specimen four times 90° in both directions. Pliers may specimens. Failure of any of these four additional joint
be used in lieu of a vise as long as the entire length of the specimens constitutes a failure in the test.
fusion is flexed. 9.4.4 Fusion Evaluation Test of Saddle Type Joints (Not Separation of the specimen along the bond line Full-Wrap Design):
constitutes failure of the specimen. Some minor separation at Select four fittings at random and prepare specimens
the outer limits of the fusion heat source may be seen or there in accordance with Section 8. From the four specimens,
may be voids between wires. This does not constitute failure as condition two specimens each in accordance with 8.1.1 and
long as the voids do not exceed the limits of 9.5. Ductile failure 8.1.2.
F 1055 – 98e1
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F 1055 – 98e1
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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