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Digital Burner Controller: Product Handbook

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• Employs a plug-in mounting method
• Uses a microprocessor to improve performance
• Status and fault indication by indicator LEDs
• A 4-wire firing rate switching circuit controls an air
damper motor or other auxiliary equipment during
start-up of the burner.
• Safe start check before and during pre-purge
• Dual flame amplifier for UV, IR or flame rod sensor
• Automatic recycle once per 24h of uninterrupted
heat demand.
• Frontal jack plug (Ø 3.5mm) to read the flame
signal with a microampere meter.

1. APPLICATION • An electrical sub base lock (reset and safety limit

terminals are swapped) to avoid that a Standard
The Honeywell DBC2000 is a microprocessor-based model is used systems wired for an Enhanced or
integrated burner controller for automatically fired Ultimate model. The DBC2000 cannot start then.
gas, oil or combination fuel industrial single burner
power burner applications. The DBC2000 system
• Safety shutdown occurs on
consists of the relay module and wiring subbase. - malfunction of the burner controller
The DBC2000 Standard Model provides the - failure to ignite the pilot burner or main burner
minimum requirements to control an industrial - loss of flame during run period
burner system, such as automatic burner
- opening of air flow switch during pre-purge, start-
sequencing, flame supervision, system status
indication, system or self-diagnostics and up, run and post-purge period
troubleshooting. The DBC2000 Enhanced Model - flame signal detection during standby or pre-
includes an integrated Valve Proofing System, purge period
whilst the Ultimate model includes bus
communication on top of this.
• Integrated Valve Proofing System (Enhanced and
Ultimate models only)
The DBC2000 is programmed to provide a level of
safety, functional capability and features beyond • Remote bus communication (Ultimate model only)
the capacity of conventional controls.

1. Application 1
2. Features 1
3. Specifications 2
Important note:
4. Dimensions 5
Subject to changes without notice.
5. Installation and wiring 6
Please check our web site 6. Operation 12 7. Trouble shooting 14
for the most recent version of this document. 8. Approvals and Maintenance 23
All rights reserved. Appendix: VPS calculation and diagrams 25

1 ENS7003R16 KO65 2013

Table 1: Model Selection Guide

Model Description / Application Supply voltage

DBC2000E10xx (*) Standard model

115V or 230V
DBC2000E20xx (*) Enhanced model
(see detailed specs on page 4)
DBC2000E30xx (*) Ultimate model (future release)
The Enhanced Model includes a Valve Proofing System.
The Ultimate model includes both remote bus communication and a Valve Proofing System.
(*) xx depends on supply voltage and timings. For exact model number, please refer to product selection matrix ot
technical catalogue on

Table 2: Sequence timing Standard Model

Waiting for Waiting for Pre- Pilot- Main Main Post-
Ignition failure
AFS HF purge only trial stabilization purge
300s (max) 300s (max) 35s1) 3s 5s 3s2) 4s2) 15s3) 1s (max)
Default pre-purge time is 35s. Other timings on request, by OS number selection.
Set to 0s. when DBI function is enabled (terminal 22 jumpered to line voltage).
Set to 0s. when “no post-purge” feature is enabled (terminal 12 jumpered to line voltage).
Sequence at flame failure: immediate lock out

Table 2a: Sequence timing Enhanced and Ultimate Models

Waiting for Waiting for Pre- Pilot- Main Main Post-
Ignition failure
AFS HF purge only trial stabilization purge
300s (max) 300s (max) 35s1) 3s 5s 3s2) 4s2) 15s3) 1s (max)
Default pre-purge time is 35s. Other timings on request, by OS number selection.
Set to 0s. when DBI function is enabled using the DIP-switches on the front, at the bottom left corner (Fig 4-5).
Set to 0s. when “no post-purge” feature is enabled using the DIP-switches on the front, at the bottom left corner (Fig 4-5).
Sequence at flame failure: immediate lock out

Table 3: Contact ratings

Terminal Load Contact rating

3 Blower / Fan 3A @ cosφ=0.6

4 Ignition transformer 3A @ cosφ=0.6
5 Intermittent pilot or main (DBI) valves 3A @ cosφ=0.6
6 Interrupted pilot 3A @ cosφ=0.6
7 Main (PI) valves 3A @ cosφ=0.6
12 Main (PI) valve 2 (ENH/ULT models only) 3A @ cosφ=0.6
8, 9, 10, 11 Control motor 0.5A @ cosφ=0.6
21 Alarm 0.5A @ cosφ=0.6
Total load (based on set): Max 8A (Internal Fuse : 10A)
Total load (based on terminal 4,5,6,7): Max 5A (Internal Fuse : 6.3A)

2 ENS7003R16 KO65 2013

Table 4: Flame detection systems

Detector Max. lead wire Standard stable flame

Flame detector model no.
type lengths current on jack plug
UV detector C7027A, C7035A, C7044A < 100m 4µA (min)
14µA (max)
Flame rod Flame rod or rectifying optical sensors, < 15m 14µA (min)*
C7012A,G (UV) or IRD1020.1 (IR) 4µA (max)*
* When using a flame rod, the current on the flame jack plug is inverted. See also Fig 4-2.

Flame detector leads are colour coded. The blue lead wire must be connected to the F terminal (T23) and the
white lead wire to the G terminal (T24). The UV sensing tube is polarity sensitive. Reversing the lead wires
even momentarily will destroy the UV sensing tube.

3 ENS7003R16 KO65 2013

Mains input: Supply voltage
220 to 240Vac -15% +10% 50/60Hz or CAUTION
110 to 120Vac -15% +10% 50/60Hz Although the voltage on the jack plug is of low
voltage, it is not considered to be safe when touching
Allowable ambient Temperature & Humidity
the wires connected to the jack plug, in case of a
-10 °C; +60°C
malfunction of the device. Therefore avoid touching
90% RH max. at 40°C (non-condensing)
the lead wires to avoid an electrical shock.
Classification to EN298 (Chapter 4)
Reset switch
Where: When the DBC2000 is in Lockout condition* press
F = Fan assisted the internal or remote reset button one time to reset
B = Interrupted and Intermittent pilot capable the DBC2000 and stop the alarm. The reset button
L (1st) = non-volatile lockout after flame loss must be held for a minimum of 3 seconds.
L (2 ) = non-volatile lockout after flame loss final stage If the heat demand is still present, the DBC2000 will
X = Fixed timings per model number perform the start sequence normally when the fault
N = Intermittent operation (non-self-check) condition has been resolved. Otherwise the lockout
will repeat.
If during the lockout condition the DBC2000 is de-
CE certification to EN298:2003 (gas, UV & flame rod)
energized and power is reapplied afterwards, the
CE certification to EN230:2005 (oil, UV only)
DBC2000 will remain in lock out (non-volatile lock
EN746-2 compliant out).
AGA certified A remote reset push button switch can be connected
GOST-R listed between terminals 15 and 19 (Standard Model) or
Power consumption between terminals 15 and 18 (Enhanced and
Ultimate Models). The functionality of the remote
reset is the same as the red push button on the front
Protection class of the device, with one exception; the remote reset
IP40 may occur only 5 times during 15 minutes of
operation, whilst the internal reset button is
Mounting unlimited.
Plug-in mounting method using sub-base
Dimensions * Remark:
103mm x 103mm x 124mm (W x D x H) incl. sub base Lockout condition refers to the state the DBC2000 is
in after a safety shut-down occurs and the lockout
Status indicator LEDs
timing (20 Seconds), plus the post purge timing (15
- Standby Seconds - if enabled) have been completed. For
- Purge safety reasons the reset button is disabled
- Ignition immediately after a safety shut-down until both of
these above timings are completed.
- Pilot The lockout timing is fixed at 20 seconds for all
- Main models, to allow time for the air dampers to return to
the start position, and to allow a safety time between
- Modulate ignition attempts, for applications without pre- and
- Flame On
- Alarm Note: The Alarm and LED’s will indicate the fault
immediately, but cannot be reset until the unit has
The LEDs will shortly blink as soon as power is applied to the
progressed to the Lockout Condition.
DBC2000 and then as soon as there is a heat demand,
indicate the burner sequence.
The LEDs are also used to indicate faults. For example, if a Remote communication
loss of flame signal occurs during RUN, the LEDs for Alarm, - Under construction
Flame and Main will blink the fault code.
Jack plug
The flame signal can be measured using the jack plug (Ø
3.5mm) on the front, using a microampere meter. The
measuring device must be capable of reading microamperes
between 2 and 15~20 µA.

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Fig. 1: External Dimensions (in mm)

Fig. 2: Mounting dimensions of sub-base and terminal layout

5 ENS7003R16 KO65 2013

CAUTION 7. For on-off gas-fired systems, some authorities
who have jurisdiction prohibit the wiring of any
INSTALLATION limit or operating contacts in series between the
When Installing this Product… flame safeguard control and the main fuel
1. Read these instructions carefully. Failure to follow
them could damage the product or cause a 8. Two UV flame detectors can be connected in
hazardous condition. parallel.
2. Check the ratings given in the instructions and 9. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate
marked on the product to make sure the product radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
is suitable for the application. used in accordance with the instructions, can
cause interference with radio communications. It
3. Installer must be a trained, experienced, flame
has been tested and found to comply with the
safeguard service technician.
limits for a Class B computing device of Part 15 of
4. After installation is completed, check out the FCC rules, which are designed to provide
product operation as provided in these reasonable protection against such interference
instructions. when operated in an industrial or commercial
environment. Operation of this equipment in a
WARNING residential area can cause interference, in which
Fire or Explosion Hazard. case, the users, at their own expense, may be
Can cause property damage, required to take whatever measures are required
to correct this interference.
severe injury, or death.
10. This digital apparatus complies with the
Carefully follow safety requirements when installing a
requirements as stated in the EN298 standard.
burner control.
11. Do not install the Burner Controller under any
circumstances in the following locations.
① Where chemicals or corrosive gases are
Electrical Shock Hazard or Equipment/
present, such as ammonia, sulfur, chlorine,
Control Damage. ethylene compounds, acids, etc.
Disconnect power supply before beginning installation, ② Install the relay module where the relative
to avoid electrical shock or equipment damage.. humidity never reaches the saturation point.
The relay module is designed to operate in a
IMPORTANT maximum 85% relative humidity continuous,
noncondensing, moisture environment.
1. Wiring connections for the relay modules are
Condensing moisture can cause a safety
unique; refer to Fig. 3-2 or the appropriate
shutdown or damage the device.
Specifications for individual subbase wiring.
③ Where temperatures exceed the maximum
2. Wiring must comply with all applicable codes, specification for this device.
ordinances and regulations.
④ Where excessive continuous vibration exists.
3. Wiring must comply with NEC Class 1
12. Do not bundle power wiring and high voltage
(Line Voltage) wiring.
ignition cable with the flame detector wiring, or run
4. Loads connected to the DBC2000E must not them in parallel within the same conduit. High
exceed those listed on the relay module label or the voltage cables must be kept separated at least 10
Specifications; see Table 3. cm from the Burner Controller.
5. Limits and interlocks must be rated to 13. Use proper grounding work in accordance with
simultaneously carry and break current to the the engineering standards for electrical equipment
ignition transformer and fuel valve(s).
14. Connect the high voltage cable of the ignition
6. All external timers must be listed or component transformer properly to the ignition electrode. A
recognized by authorities who have proper poor connection can cause an electrical shock or
jurisdiction. damage the equipment. Additionally the ignition
transformer must be properly grounded according
the standards.

6 ENS7003R16 KO65 2013

REMOVE THE RELAY MODULE FROM ITS 3. When using Interrupted Pilot, connect the pilot
valve to Terminal 6. Connect the main valves to
SUB BASE AND FIX THE SUB BASE Terminal 7 (Enhanced and Ultimate models:
1. Loosen the M3 fixing screw as shown in Fig. 1 by connect main valve 1 to Terminal 7 and main valve
about eight turns using a Philips head screwdriver. 2 to Terminal 12 for the VPS function)
2. Take the subbase and cover with both hands and 4. When using direct ignition (DBI), jumper Terminals
unfold them gently. Fold the relay module 15 and 22. And connect the Main(DBI) valves to
upwards, the turning point is on the top. Do not Terminal 5.
apply excessive force, otherwise damage may 5. When not using purge position interlock, jumper
occur. Terminals 15 and 16.
3. Punch out the needed conduit knockout holes for 6. When not using start position interlock, jumper
the wiring as shown in Figs 1 and 2, and install the Terminals 13 and 17.
wiring conduit(s).
7. When not purge and start position interlocks,
4. Using the fixing screws, mount the subbase in the jumper Terminals 15 and 16 as well as Terminals
specified position. 13 and 17 simultaneously.
8. Connect the safety switch circuit (lockout
Avoid to overtighten the fixation screw on the
interlocks) between Terminals 15 and 18. The
front of the device, to avoid damaging the
safety switch circuit must be closed always,
(Phillips) head of the screw.
otherwise a lockout occurs immediately.
9. For non-floating mains power grids (Neutral to
WIRING THE RELAY MODULE BOTTOM Ground), connect the Line-L to Terminal 1 and the
TERMINALS Line-N to Terminal 2. Use a correct fuse: 10A fast
blow maximum.
1. For applications with a UV detector, remove the 10. Check all wiring circuits and assure that the
jumper terminal located at the terminal block on correct fuse is installed. Check the correct voltage.
the bottom of the relay module.
11. Finally plug the relay module on to its sub base
2. For applications using remote communication, and fix it with the M3 fixing screw. Do not overtight
connect communication cable to “BUS” terminal the screw.
located at the terminal block on the bottom of the
relay module. In addition, set the communication 12. When using a surge absorber, connect it between
address uring the rotary switches at the bottom of Terminal 2 and application ground.
the relay module. 13. Connect the mains supply voltage using 0.75mm2
or larger lead wire.
14. Never connect blank stripped wires to the wiring
WIRING THE SUB BASE sub base. Loose wire strands may cause short
1. Fig. 2 shows the layout of the terminals on the circuits to electrically safe contacts which may
subbase, and Figs. 3-1 to 3-3 show examples of cause an electrical shock hazard.
connections to external equipment. Regarding the
wiring to the flame detector, refer to Fig. 4.
2. When using Intermittent Pilot, connect the pilot Always use cable lugs to attach the wires to the
valve to Terminal 5. Connect the main valves to sub base.
Terminal 7 (Enhanced and Ultimate models: See Fig 2-1 for do’s and don’ts about wiring.
connect main valve 1 to Terminal 7 and main valve
2 to Terminal 12 for the VPS function)

Fig. 2-1: Wiring the sub base terminals

7 ENS7003R16 KO65 2013

Note: terminals 18 and 19 are swapped for the Standard and Enhanced/Ultimate models.
This is to prevent that a Standard model can be used by mistake in a system that is wired for an Enhanced or Ultimate model.
Fig. 3-1: Terminal layout

Fig. 3-2: Example of wiring to external equipment (see fig 3-3 for more)

8 ENS7003R16 KO65 2013

Fig. 3-3: More examples of wiring to external equipment

Fig. 4-1: Wiring a flame detector

There is line voltage on flame sensor inputs. Don’t touch the lead wires of the UV detector or the flame sensing
electrode to avoid an electrical shock.

9 ENS7003R16 KO65 2013

Flame signal monitoring

Fig. 4-2: Real flame current versus reading on frontal jack plug.

The flame signal strength on the flame current jack plug is only for reference and can vary between different
DBC2000 devices.
When measuring the flame signal current directly in the flame sensor wiring whilst:
1. Using a flame rod, the (multi-)meter will show the real flame current in µA.
2. Using a UV sensor (C7027, C7035 or C7044), the current in the sensor lead wires will be in the range of
20…25mA (inverted values).

Fig. 4-3: Measuring flame signal with multi meter (µA range selection) using a jack plug.

STD & ENH Models (flame detector select only) ULT Model (bus connector and address switches)

Fig. 4-4: Position of flame sensor selection jumpers and bus connector on the back of the DBC2000.

10 ENS7003R16 KO65 2013

1. Post-purge or no post-purge STD model:
To enable DBI mode, apply line voltage to
Post-purge mode (default for all DBC2000E terminal 22 on the wiring base. Practically this
models): before going to standby after heat means that a jumper is placed between terminals
demand has ended, the DBC2000E performs a 1 (L) and 22.
15s post-purge cycle to ventilate the burner
chamber, with the blower switched on and the ENH/ULT models:
firing rate in low position to save energy. To enable DBI mode, make the correct DIP-switch
setting on the front of the DBC2000E.
No post-purge mode (selectable option): the SW2 = DBI/PI select. Factory set to PI (SW2=off).
DBC2000E goes to standby with the blower See fig. 4-5 to locate the DIP switches.
switched off immediately after heat demand ends
and the firing rate goes to low position. 3. Valve Proofing System – VPS
(ENH/ULT models only)
STD model:
To enable no post-purge, apply line voltage to Connect a gas pressure switch (such as the
terminal 12 on the wiring base. Practically this C6097A2210) to terminal 22 on the wiring base
means that a jumper is placed between terminals (N.O. contact).
1 (L) and 12. Rule of thumb: adjust the pressure switch to 0.5x
the inlet pressure.
ENH/ULT models:
To enable no-post-purge, make the correct DIP- Table 5: VPS function:
switch setting on the front of the DBC2000E. VPS enabled VPS is being performed
SW1 = POSTPURGE select. SW3 = on
Factory set to post-purge (SW1=off). VPS disabled VPS is not used (default)
See fig. 4-5 to locate the DIP switches. SW3 = off
VPS pre-config The VPS test cycle is
2. Pilot Ignition (PI) or Direct main SW4 = on performed during pre-purge
Burner Ignition (DBI) SW5 = off cycle, right after the heat
demand has started.
PI mode (default): the main burner is ignited VPS post-config The VPS test cycle is
indirectly by using an interrupted or intermittent SW4 = off performed right after the heat
pilot flame. After the pilot is ignited and SW5 = on demand has ended.
stabelized, the DBC2000E goes for a second trial VPS both config The VPS test cycle is
of ignition (2 safety and main stabilization are SW4 = on performed before and after
3s) to ignite the main burner. SW5 = on the heat demand cycle.

DBI mode (selectable option): the intermittent Table 6: VPS timing:

pilot ignition cycle is used to ignite the main VPS test time SW6=on
burner directly via the spark igniter. The second 25s SW7=on
trial for ignition has become redundant in this VPS test time SW6=on
mode. In DBI mode the 2 safety and main 20s SW7=off
stabilization times are 0s and DBC2000E goes VPS test time SW6=off
straight into running/modulate after pilot 15s SW7=on
stabilization. VPS test time SW6=off
10s (default) SW7=off

SW1: Post-purge use (default: off = post-purge enabled)

SW2: DBI/PI select (default: off = PI enabled)
SW3: VPS use (default: off = disabled)
Note for DIP switches:
SW4: VPS pre-config (default: off = disabled)
on = upwards
SW5: VPS post-config (default: off = disabled)
off = downwards
SW6: VPS test time (default: off = see timing table)
SW7: VPS test time (default: off = see timing table)
SW8: Not used (for future use)

Fig 4-5 Configuration DIP switches (VPS) on the front of the DBC2000E (ENH/ULT only)

11 ENS7003R16 KO65 2013

Table 7: Normal operation sequence
Inputs Operation of DBC2000 and device Indicator LED *

HEAT DEMAND SW OFF The power supply voltage is applied across Terminal 1 and
2. When no flame signal is present, the combustion airflow
AIR FLOW SW OFF switch is opened (T14=OFF) and safety lockout circuit is
SAFETY LIMIT SW ON closed (ON), it is possible to start.

HEAT DEMAND SW ON The blower is energized (T3). Firing rate goes to PURGE
START Pos SW ON position. Air flow switch closes (T14=ON) as soon as air flow
is present.
AIR FLOW SW ON The pre-purge timer starts counting as soon as PURGE
START Pos SW OFF interlock is closed (T16=ON).
After the completion of pre-purge timing, firing rate goes to
START position.
The ignition wait timer starts counting as soon as the START
position interlock is closed (T17=ON).
After completion of the ignition wait timing, the Ignition ●○●○○○○○
START Pos SW ON sequence starts. The Ignition transformer is energized. The
Intermittent and Interrupted pilot valve outputs are energized
(T5 and T6). ●○●○○○●○
When a flame is detected after the ignition trial has ended
FLAME ON ●○○●○○●○
(Safety1), the pilot stabilization time starts.
After completion of the pilot-stabilization time, the Main
valves are energized (T7=ON). Note: Enhanced Model: also
(T12=ON). ●○○○●○●○

The Main trial for ignition takes place (Safety2).

After completion of the main trial time, Interrupted pilot valve
is deenergized (T5=OFF). The Main stabilization time starts.
After completion of the main stabilization time, the firing rate
goes to modulation position and releases control to an ●○○○○●●○
external modulation device.
The intermittent pilot valve and main valves are deenergized
(T6=OFF and T7=OFF). Note: Enhanced Model: also
HEAT DEMAND SW OFF (T12=OFF). Firing rate moves to PURGE position. ●●○○○○○○

The post-purge timing takes place.

After the completion of the postpurge time, the blower is
deenergized and firing rate moves to START position.
AIR FLOW SW OFF After the air flow switch goes OFF, DBC2000E returns to the
SAFETY LIMIT SW ON STANDBY condition, waiting for the next heat demand.

* For LED indication, ○ means ‘off’, ● means ‘illuminated’.

* The LEDs are arranged in the following order: Standby, Purge, Ignition, Pilot, Main, Modulate, Flame and Alarm at the left front
side of the DBC2000.

12 ENS7003R16 KO65 2013

13 ENS7003R16 KO65 2013

If a critical error related to safety operation (such as a loss of flame, opening of the air flow switch during the
ignition trial and run sequence) is detected, the DBC2000 instantly goes into lock-out and goes to pre-purge status.
If a non critical error is detected (such as opening of the air flow switch during post-purge), DBC2000 holds the
sequence during the lock-out time, allowing time for the error to rectify, and then goes into lock- out.
For all types of errors, the status LEDs indicate the status information to the operator.
Fig. 6 to Fig. 13 show the sequence of DBC2000 in case of some error. And Table 8 shows the status of LEDs for
each error.

The product handbook (ENS7003) shows the different scenarios for possible failures.

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Table 8: Error condition and LED status

Indicator LED
Sequence Error condition
status (*1)
Safety limits opened at any time (no voltage present at T18 (STD model) or
All T19 (ENH/ULT model)

Air flow switch remains ON (closed) for more than 5 minutes, or START position ●◐○○○○○◐
interlock switch remains OFF(opened) for more than 5 minutes.
Standby (*2)
Flame signal is present ●○○○○○◐◐

Blower motor is energized ●◐○◐◐○○◐

Air flow switch remains OFF for more than 5 minutes after the heat demand has ●◐○○○○○◐
PURGE position interlock switch remains OFF for more than 5 minutes after the heat ●◐◐◐○○○◐
demand started.
Both PURGE and START position interlocks ON at the same time during prepurge ●◐◐◐○○○◐
START position interlock remains OFF more than 5 minutes after pre-purge has ●◐◐◐○○○◐
Air flow switch goes ON within 5 minutes after the heat demand started, but air flow ●◐○○○○○◐
switch goes OFF again.
Flame signal is present. ●◐○○○○◐◐

Air flow switch goes OFF ●◐○○○○○◐

Ignition Standby
Flame signal is present ●◐○○○○◐◐

Air flow switch goes OFF ●◐◐○○○○◐

Pilot Ignition
Ignition failure (flame signal is not present after ignition-trial). ●○◐○○○○◐

Air flow switch goes OFF ●◐○◐○○○◐

Pilot only
No flame signal ●○○◐○○◐◐

Air flow switch goes OFF ●◐○○◐○○◐

Main ignition
No flame signal ●○○○◐○◐◐

Air flow switch goes OFF ●◐○○◐○○◐

Main ignition
Stabilization No flame signal ●○○○◐○◐◐

Air flow switch goes OFF ●◐○○○◐○◐

No flame signal ●○○○○◐◐◐

No power is supplied to Terminal 3 because of internal relay contact failure. ●◐○◐◐○○◐

Post-purge Flame signal is present for more than 10 seconds after heat demand has ended. ●○○○○○◐◐

Air flow switch keeps ON more than 5 minutes after post-purge. ●◐○○○○○◐
1. Line voltage out of specs for more than 2 seconds
2. Line frequency out of range for more than 2 seconds
All 3. Excessive noise on power line or in the area
4. Internal device problem: CPU clock out of sync
*1 : For LED indication, ○ means ‘off’, ● means ‘illuminated’, ◐means ‘blinking’.
The LEDs are arranged in the following order: Standby, Purge, Ignition, Pilot, Main, Modulate, Flame and Alarm at the left
front side of the DBC2000.

*2 : If an error occurs during Standby, the DBC2000 will not lock-out but LEDs indicate the current error status.
In this case, the DBC2000 cannot start before the error is resolved.

22 ENS7003R16 KO65 2013

8. Approvals and Maintenance

Declaration of Conformity
Honeywell Technologies Sàrl
Z.A. La Pièce 16
1180 Rolle

declares under it’s sole responsibility that the following product family of burner controllers:

DBC2000 E 1xxx / DBC2000 E 2xxx

to which this statement relates, is:

• in conformity with the essential requirements of the Gas Appliance Directive 2009/142/EC

based on EN 298

and in conformity with the type as described in the EC type-examination certificate issued
by DVGW CERT GmbH in Bonn with pin number 0085CM0138

• in conformity with the essential requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC

based on EN 60730-2-5

• in conformity with the essential requirements of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC on immunity

based on EN 298 immunity requirements

Conformity with the essential requirements of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC on emission can only be
determined in the application.

This product is under surveillance at KIWA Nederland BV.

Emmen, October 2011

Signed for and on behalf of Honeywell Technologies Sàrl,


Manager Standards & Approvals

23 ENS7003R16 KO65 2013

Maintenance and service
The designed lifetime* of this product is 10 years, based on date code, or 1.000.000 cycles under normal
conditions, according to:
a) the standard EN 298
b) the table on designed lifetime as stated on the Afecor website

We cannot assume that the product can be safely used beyond the mentioned designed lifetime. This lifetime is
based on use of the control according manufacturer’s instructions.
Regular inspection of the control by authorized personnel in accordance with guidelines of the appliance
manufacturer is required.
After reaching the designed lifetime the product has to be replaced by authorized personnel.

Note: * Warranty as opposed to designed lifetime is described in the delivery terms.

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APPENDIX: Calculations for VPS
General Example 2
The maximum allowable leak-rate (according EN676 and
EN746-2) is 0,1% of the maximum burner capacity. The test
time necessary to detect a failing valve is a function of:
- Inlet pressure
- Test volume
- Burner capacity
When the volume between two safety valves is bigger it takes
more time (in case of a leaking valve) to change the status of
the gas pressure switch (GPS).
The switching point of the GPS is set to 50% of the maximum NOTE: to allow a 3-valve configuration, an external SPDT
inlet pressure. The test period Tp is calculated from the relay needs to be added, when used incombination with VPS.
inletpressure Pi, the test volume Vp (see Table a.) and See schematic drawing below.
maximum burner capacity Qm. In a formula:

2 x Pi x Vp
Tp = --------------- [s]

Pi = inlet pressure [mbar]

Vp = test volume, see also Table a [dm ]
Qm = burner capacity [dm /h]
Tp = test time [s]

The total volume Vp has to be calculated with all volumes
between the tested valves: internal volumes of valves and all

Calculation examples Calculation of the minimum test time (per valve) in a DN80
Example 1 flanged pipe train, where a 1” bypass valve is used.
Pi = 150 mbar
Qm = 100 dm /h
Gas valves used: DN80 size with 1 meter pipe (L1).
Bypass valve: 1” valve with 0.5 meter pipe (L2).
To be calculated: Tp [s]
Calculation of the minimum test time (per valve) in a 2” Calculation:
threaded pipe train. From Table a. :
Pi = 150 mbar DN80 @ L1=1m  Vp1 = 6.9 dm
Qm = 60 dm /h
3 1” @ L2=0.5m  Vp2 = 0.44 dm3
Gas valves used: 2” size with 0.5 meter pipe. There is only 1” bypass valve, that reduces the total volume
To be calculated: Tp [s] by 0.5x the volume @ L=0m  Vp3 = 0.19 dm
Calculation: 3
From Table a. : Vp = Vp1 + Vp2 – (0.5 x Vp3) = 7.245 dm
2“ @ L=0.5m  Vp = 2.3 dm
2 x 150 x 7.15
2 x 150 x 2.3 Tp = ------------------ [s]
Tp = ---------------- [s] 100
Using the formula above, the minimum test time Tp = 21.735s
Using the formula above, the minimum test time Tp = 11.5s The DBC2000E2 must be set to 25s test time (see page 11).
The DBC2000E2 must be set to 15s test time (see page 11).

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Table a.
Volumes in dm3 for gas valves like Honeywell VE-series (Vp) with pipe length L (including V1 and V2). For combi blocks, like
VQ-M series and direct linked valves, use the values shown under L=0m.

Length between valves [m]

per extra
Diameter 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 meter
¼” 0.06 0.1 0.14 0.18 0.22 0.08
½” 0.06 0.15 0.24 0.33 0.42 0.18
¾” 0.12 0.28 0.43 0.59 0.74 0.31
1” 0.19 0.44 0.68 0.93 1.2 0.49
1¼” 0.69 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.3 0.8
1½” 0.71 1.4 2.0 2.7 3.3 1.3
2” 1.3 2.3 3.3 4.2 5.2 2.0
2½” 2.7 4.4 6.0 7.7 9.3 3.3
3” 2.9 5.4 7.9 10 13 5
DN65 3.2 4.9 7.5 8.2 9.8 3.3
DN80 4.4 6.9 9.4 12 14 5.0
DN100 6.5 10.5 14.4 18 22 7.9
Threaded connections: sizes in inches.
Flanged connections: sizes in DN
If L = 0m it means that valves are directly linked without pipe connections. Also applicable for combi-blocks (VQ-M series).

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Honeywell Industrial Combustion

Luchthavenlaan 16
1800 Vilvoorde

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